01 Essay

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CH#1 Three Line Introduction samples

1. Many people think that regions affect successful person.

What is your opinion about accomplished persons influence on the native region he belongs to?
Undeniably person's vicinity plays a vital role in moldings him into his success. Accomplished person have great
influence on their native region, as many youngsters can relate to him and want to imitate his blueprint of success.
This essay will discuss how successful person can impact their native people.
2. Nowadays, the mass media including TV, radio and newspaper have become the essential part of our lives.
What is your opinion?
Mass media plays a pivotal role in our life. Many people and businesses rely on these mediums for their day to day
transactions. On the flip-side it also bombards us with too much or unwanted information. This essay will shed a
light on various aspects of this issue.
3. Companys top level authorities should get their employees in decision making process. Discuss
Decision making is a crucial step in a success of a company. Whether to involve employees in this process is a moot
point. I advocate that top management shoulddeploy their juniors to make decisions although some may object that
it is risky.
Feedback: Second sentence can be written as: The moot question is that whether involvement of employees is
required for the decision making process. Third sentence: If u advocate, then don't write what other side thinks... Just
build up the essay on what uthink.
4. Discuss the roles of governments, companies and individuals to combat climate change.
Since last few decades climate change is afflicting our planet severely. It's is the duty of the government, companies,
and individuals to reduce carbon emission to save the planet. This essay will outline the role of each party in
combatting climate change.
5. Nowadays, the mass media including TV, radio and newspaper have become the essential part of our lives.
What is your opinion?
Mass media plays a pivotal role in our life. Many people and businesses rely on these mediums for their day to day
transactions. On the flip-side it also bombards us with too much or unwanted information. This essay will shed a
light on various
aspects of this issue.
Feedback: You have to clearly mention The flipside (What are you going to cover in that para)
6. The environment we live in is in danger due to various problems. What are the underlying
Who is responsible to combat this? What measures?
No one can overlay the fact that the planet we live in is at serious threat. Increasing number of natural calamities like
Tsunami, earthquakes, floods and hurricanes have given us repeated warning signals. This essay will outline few
causes and measures that must be implemented by responsible authorities.
7. Pros and Cons of extreme /adventure sports.
Advancing technology and science has invented new sports, never imagined before with the risks that never existed
before. Undoubtedly the feel of a thrill comes at a price and on few occasions it can be death. This essay will discuss
the positive and negative aspects of these adventure sports.
Feedback: Tryto avoid technology and science. It can also be written
Adventure sports were there before as well but only limited to defense purposes. With the advancement in
technology these sports are now accessible by a common man.
8. Some people think law changes our behavior. Discuss.
Law is the only way to have control over the public. People usefully behave in a way that is in accordance with the
law so it is true that law changes our behavior. This is essay will discuss few reasons with examples to prove the
validity of this statement.
9. In education system, assessment through formal written examination still valid. Discuss
Without a doubt formal written examination is used widely as assessment criteria. Advancement in technology has
open doors for alternate ways to assess educational skills and abilities. This essay will discuss the validity of
formal examsas assessment criteria.
Feedback: In the question they never asked you about the alternative ways of assessment
Second line can be written as: The moot question as to whether the formal written assessment is reasonable is an
interesting issue upon which opinion varies greatly.
10. Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. Whats your opinion? Good or bad?
Without a doubt, mall culture is spreading its wings in most urban areas by replacing small shops. As a consumer
its much convenient for us as we can shop for most of our requirement under one roof. In this essay we will look at
some pros and cons of thistrend.
Feedback: Second sentence must include what is asked in the question. That tells the reader if u have understood the
question or not and the third sentence must inform what u will write in the essay. Tip: Just paraphrase the question.
It can also be written as: The question whether this boom of mall's trend is positive or negative is a complex issue,
upon which opinion varies greatly.
11. Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they hardly have time for their personal
life. Discuss.
Modern lifestyle has brought some drastic changes in a way we function as compared to our traditional lifestyle.
People are spending most of their day at workand can hardly spare some time for personal life. I am of the opinion
that work andpersonal life must be balanced. Herein we will discuss few reasons and solutions ofthis issue.
Feedback: Tip: Try to write as many academic words as u can.
Third sentence can start as: This essay will outline the compelling reasons
12. It is usually foolish to get married before completing your studies and getting established in a good job?
Do you agree ordisagree"
Getting married before finishing studies and getting employed can be arduous at times. Although some may object
that it's good to have a helping hand, I would stilladvocate that getting married later is much better as one can focus
on his career.
Feedback: Although some people may believe in getting married prior to settle their career.
13. Talk about pros/cons in this era of daily inventions.
It is undeniable that inventions have shrunk the boundaries of the world we live in. In this modern era everyday there
is some new invention in some part of the world. Although these inventions are meant to solve problems, many have
proven to be dangerous. This essay will talk about its positive and negative impacts.
14. Imitating celebrities in sports and movies good or bad?
It's a human nature to imitate the famous around us. These sports and movie stars being portrayed as personalities
with admirable jazzy lifestyle, most youngsters want to imitate them. Whether it is good or bad is a moot question
upon which the opinion varies.
Without a doubt, human nature has been blessed to imitate the famous around them. The moot question as to whether
imitating sports persons or a celebrity is an interesting issue, upon which opinion varies greatly. This essay will
outline the compelling reasons to show the positive and negative sides of portraying assportsperson or celebrities.
15. "In a war of ideas, it is people who get killed. Does a common man
suffer from a groups ideology?
Express your opinion, and support the same with reasons and examples.
Man being a social animal usually prefers to belong to a group. Sometime personal ideas may vary from that of the
group. The question whether group's ideology afflicts a common man is a complex issue, upon which opinion varies
greatly. This essay will outline will outline few reasons to answer the question.
16. Any recent invention that you think proved beneficial or detrimental to society.
Inventions are usually intended to benefit society. A recent invention of Whats-app has proven to be a boon to
humanity as it has erased the boundaries in the field of communication. This essay will describe few examples with
reasons to answer the question.
17. In the past 100 years, there have been many inventions such as antibiotics, airplanes and computers.
Which do you think is the most important of them? Why?
Without a doubt last century has witnessed numerous inventions compared to any other era. Computers, in my
opinion are the biggest invention amongst all, as it has touched mostly each and every one of us in some or the other
way. Herein we will discuss compelling reasons to explain its importance.
18. Information revolution has changed the way of mass communications and had some negative and positive
effects on individual lives as well as on society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Since last couple of decades there has been a drastic change in mass
communication due to information revolution. It has impacted individual's life variedly as the cost of
communication has dropped substantially on the contrary it has also augmented immoral activities. Herein we will
outline compelling views to discuss its effects.
It is undeniable that advancement in information age has changed the mass communication ways. The moot
question as to whether the information revolution has changed the individual's life in both positive and negative way
is an interesting issue upon which opinion varies greatly. This essay will outline the compelling reasons to show the
positive and negative effects of abundance ways of communications.
19. In the past 100 years, there have been many inventions such as antibiotics, airplanes and computers.
Which do you think is the most important of them? Why?
Without a doubt last century has witnessed numerous inventions compared to any other era. Computers, in my
opinion are the biggest invention amongst all, as it has touched mostly each and every one of us in some or the other
way. Herein we will discuss compelling reasons to explain its importance.
20. The claim that animals have rights has been the subject of much debate since the 1970s. Are zoos helping or
hurting our animals? Should zoos be banned? Do you agree or disagree?
Since last half century Veganism and animal rights is making headlines. With the advancement of technology many
shocking videos have been coming out on animal cruelty and many are becoming aware of animal rights. In this
essay we will advocate for banning of zoos as there are alternate ways to see the animals.
Since last half century Veganism and animal rights is making headlines. With the advancement of technology many
shocking videos have been coming out on animal cruelty and many are becoming aware of animal rights. I advocate
that Zoos are hurting animal more than helping them. This essay will compile the reasons how animals are getting
hurt in Zoos and Zoos should be managed properly rather than put an embargo on them.
21. The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn,
unlearn, and relearn. Agree or Disagree?
The advancement of the contemporary era has literally changed the definition of literacy. With rapid changes in
technology it has become necessary to adapt new stills and dump the obsolete. This essay will discuss compelling
reasons to accord with the rubric statement.
22. The only thing that interferes with my leaning is my education- Einstein. What does he mean by that?
And do you think he is correct?
As Fred Durst has said, "it's amazing what you learn, when you have never been taught". In the given statement
Einstein was conveying the message that, formal
education can be a hindrance to one's learning as it imposes a generic view on things around us. In my opinion
lessons we learn from life outweigh the teachings of systematic education. Herein, we will discuss few reasons to
express our opinion on the subject matter.
2nd statement: Einstein was alluding to potential hindrances rooted in education.
23. "Marketing strategy for some companies is offers and discounts, for some it is reputation. Should consumer
goods companies concentrate special discounts and offers to promote their products or they should focus on
reputation? What do you think is more important?
Many FMCG firms face the problem of choosing between short-term strategies versus long term goals. The moot
question is whether to opt for short term discounting strategy or to invest in building reputation is a complex issue,
upon which opinions may vary. I believe that the benefits company can enjoy from elevated reputation outweigh
those from offers and discount which will be discussedin this essay
24. Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Discuss the positive and negative
impacts of this change
Communication has drifted to a whole new direction and treading expeditiously towards next level. Albeit it has
been regarded as a boon to humanity, conversely it has also afflicted many people in way that was never thought
before. Herein we will shed a light on both aspects of the issue.
Or herein, this essay will outline the compelling
25. You are given climate as the field of study. Which area will you prefer? Explain why you picked up the
particular area for your study.
This question sounds bit obscure, I think this topic is incorrectly written. What do you think? I can't fathom this
question. Anyways, I'll try.
Climate is a vast area of study. I would focus on 'Climate Change' as an area of study. The reason being, we
need to be concerned about drastic environmental changes that are claiming many lives since last couple of
26. Modern lifestyle has made it harder for people to live a healthy and active lifestyle.
What are the causes of thissituation?
Suggest what can be done by the government and large organizations to improve it. It is undeniable that, modern
lifestyle has made is made it tough to maintain healthy and fit lifestyle. Nuclear families and artificially created
wants has made it necessary for people to work against the clock. Herein we will discuss compelling reasons &
possible solutions to improve the situation.
CH#2 PTE Essays
Mass Media
Mass media plays a pivotal role in our life. Many people and businesses rely on these mediums for their
day to day transactions. On the flip-side it also bombards us with too much or unwanted information.
This essay will shed a light on various aspects of this issue.Newspapers, radio, television, and the
Internetincluding e- mail and blogsare significantly influential on our society, especially in
affirming attitudes and opinions that are already established. The news media focus the publics
attention on certain personalities and issues, leading many people to form opinions about them
Mass media sets the news agenda, which shapes the public's views on what is newsworthy and
important. It is a system used by advertisement agencies and media outlets, such as television channels
and radio stations to "convince" their audiences to do or act in a certain way. It appeals to the
vulnerability of the desired target. For instance famous person or persons who are recognized, admired
by whole communities. These individuals have the "Power" to convince their followers or fans into
taking any kind of action or decision. Therefore, these famous people usually are linked or work for
some media outlet and are used, to influence the community accordingly.
The media has changed significantly in the past years. Because of the availability of television and
radio all populations and classes have been exposed to various types of media. The Internet has
provided an even newer media resource. The majority of people live in a very fast paced society. They
have very little time for reading and exploring the truth of information. The producers of media
publication are aware of this and use the media to influence public choice and opinion. The problem
lies in that many people are gullible and society as a whole is easily influenced by the media
representations. The media also responds to public demand and provides the information that the public
A positive aspect of the medias bias has been that it has facilitated change in peoples perception of
races in a positive manner, exposed people to other cultures, made people aware of environmental
needs, and the needs of people far
away. While there can also be negative implications the media also has to reflect the publics point of
view. With the growing representation of Hispanics, African Americans, and other minority groups, the
media is under pressure to present them in a more positive light.
Climate Change/Global Warming
Since last few decades climate change is afflicting our planet severely. What really is the proper role for
individuals and institutions in addressing climate change? An immediate and natural response may be
that everyone should do their part. Yes it's is the duty of the government, companies, and individuals to
reduce carbon emission to save the planet. This essay will outline the role of each party in combating
climate change.
First as individual, we must significantly reduce the amount of heat-trapping emission we are putting
into the atmosphere. For example use of public transport
instead of car or bike to commute to office regularly by which we can save our own money and reduction
in carbon dioxide emission.
Second the institutions or the company decisions affecting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, for
example, decisions by companies about how to produce electricity, as well as thousands of other goods
and services with less carbon emission.
Third and last to fully address the threat of global warming, we must demand action from our elected
leaders to support and implement a comprehensive set of climate solutions: such as, expand the use of
renewable energy and transform our energy system to a cleaner one. Place limits on the amount of
carbon that polluters are allowed to emit. Build a clean energy economy by investing in efficient energy
technologies, industries, and approaches. For example, increasing in solar energy plants and decrease in
thermal power generation. Reduce tropical deforestation and its associated global warming emissions.
Finally to conclude it is everybody responsibility to control the global warming to give better future to
our next generation.
Do you think consumers should avoid over packaged products or is it the responsibility of producers?
(Discussion Essay)
A matter of considerable controversy at present is the issue of whether it is the responsibility of
consumers to avoid the over-packaged products. Some people maintain that the producers are the ones
who should be held responsible for this matter. Both sides of this contentious issue will be put under
scrutiny in this essay, and my opinion as to which holds more weight will be given.
To begin with, I will now consider what I hold to be the causes of this phenomenon. Packaging ensures
that people can buy and use products when they want them, in good condition and with little wastage.
However, it is undeniable that some goods have too much packaging. Moreover, the packaged goods
industry is highly competitive, and packaging manufacturers are under pressure to come up with new
and better packaging solutions to compete in their market. The more resources the packaging needs, the
higher the cost of the products and eventually, consumers willhave to bear that extra cost.
From consumers perspective, the packaging does not really matter for most buyers as what they care
about is the quality and the price of the products. From a personal experience, I am not really
concerned how the packaging actually looks as long as the item that I am purchasing is what I need. In
addition, it is worth pointing out that the packaging will be a waste of money and investment no matter
how good or how thick it is if the quality of the product does not meet the requirement ofthe consumers.
Taking these points into consideration, from a personal perspective, I am inclined to believe that
manufacturers are more responsible to avoid over-packaging the goods as it would be wasting the
consumers money for no practical benefits.
Many people think that regions affect successful person. What is your opinion about native region and
accomplished persons influence on the region he belongs to
Whether one's success is very much dependent on his or her native regions is a debatable topic. This
essay will express complete disagreement with this statement and will offer reasons for this viewpoint.
To begin with, a variety of reasons can be offered to explain why I am not in favour of this. Foremost
among these, I believe that achieving success in life depends on many factors such as determination,
discipline, clear visions of your goals and ambitions, motivation and most importantly hard work.
Moreover, support from friends and family around you would also play an important part in your
journey to success. Although there is no doubt that being in a good and cohesive environment is
beneficial, a person who is disciplined and determined to achieve his goals will find ways to his success
no matter where they are.
Firstly to accomplish anything in life required immense hard work and commitment. Success means
earning respectable position, monetary gains and secured future.
Industrious as a key has a lion's share in achieving success and remarkable position in the society.
Moreover, people those who have marked themselves as examples for others have burnt the midnight oil
for reaching at desired positions. To illustrate, people like, Bill Gates, Ratan Tata, APJ Abdul Kalam and
list goes other eminent personalities are the perfect cases of successful leaders in their respective fields.
To wrap up, the connection between people belong to native regions and accomplished forks have a very
small or trivial effect in overall success stories of any person. Basic fundamentals will remain static and
identical to earn respectable position in this universe.
Companys top level authorities should get their employees in decision making process. Discuss
Decision making is a crucial step in the success of a company. The moot question is that whether
involvement of employees is required for the decision makingprocess.
The solid foundation of any successful company is its people. Employees represent a source of
knowledge and ideas, but oftentimes that resource remains untapped. Involving employees in the
decision-making process not only empowers them to contribute to the success of an organization, but
also saves the company time and money. It also increases productivity and reduces outsourcing.
Improving Morale-Actively engaging workers in the decision-making process increases overall
company morale. Employees understand that their ideas are an important contribution to the company,
and give them the power to influence the innovative outcome of their work, leading to increased job
satisfaction and a positive attitude.
Internal Resources-Using employees in the decision-making process, rather than outsourcing, saves
money, time, and offers the company long-term reliable assistance from those who know the corporation
Teamwork-Participation in the decision-making process gives each employee the opportunity to voice
their opinions, and to share their knowledge with others. While
this improves the relationship between manager and employee, it also encourages a strong sense of
teamwork among workers.
Innovations and ideas is something which has brought us to this technologically developed world.
Perhaps, it has been accepted by all by now. Organization can only flourish well where its employees are
given the freedom to innovate and rewarded for the same. Top level management should be smart
enough to judge its plausibility of implementation, as the final decision has to be taken by them.
Some people think law changes our behaviour. Discuss.
Everyone knows that laws are the rules laid by the government on the citizens of their respective
country. It helps in smooth functioning of the nation by governing the behaviour of people. It is
disagreed that laws can change behaviour of a person. It can only assist in creating a disciplined
environment for the society and controlling the crime to some extend but not eliminating it.
Firstly, imposing laws has created a sense of fear among people of getting punished. For instance,
damaging the historical monuments, books, paintings, sculptures or other form of art is considered a
crime and is punishable under vandalism law. This example shows that a person with moral
responsibility will take care of others assets but a person who is not worried about the consequences
will deface them. Thus, we can say that humans action can be regulated by laws but cannot be
changed completely.
In addition, in our day to day life, we follow rules without even realizing them. Traffic law is an example
of this. Today, most of us follow the traffic signals out of habit. We stop at a red light, start an indicator
before a turn and wear seat belt when we are on road. Thus, we can say that laws embed some changes in
human behaviour to some extent. However, we are still facing road-accidents which clearly show that
rules and regulations have controlled the behaviour of mankind without altering them completely.
In conclusion, we can say that rules and regulations can help in controlling the behaviour that is
dangerous. Laws not only help in checking the reckless nature of people but are necessary for the
development of society.
Pros and Cons of extreme/adventure sports. Or Dangerous activities like extreme skiing, bungee jumping
etc. and whether u support them or not. The popularity of extreme sports has continued to grow over the
last decade. These activities are undertaken at high speed, high altitude, and high degree of physical
exertion. It is agreed that no amount of words are adequate to convey the thrill of skiing, deep sea diving,
bungee jumping, water rafting or any other adventure sport. This argument can be proven by looking at
how these kinds of sports teach self- reliance, teamwork and let everyone leave their comfort zone.
Firstly, the risk-taking sports help in development of self-confidence and independence. For instance, by
successfully facing up the challenge of adventurous sports like rock-climbing, young people overcome
their fears and apprehensions along the way and develop a feeling of unusual accomplishment. This
makes it clear that climbing mountain, instead of an indoor game, helps in developing the balance, using
more muscle groups, and taking on a journey in an uncontrolled environment that stimulates brain with
countless variables. Thus, achieving your goals in an unpredictable weather, recognizing the thrill of
beating storm and making it back home safely result in enhancement of overall personality of an
adventurous person.
Moreover, many people are reluctant to try new things like mountain biking, scuba diving, white river
rafting, Para-gliding etc., thinking that they do not possess the skills or have an ability to enjoy it.
Encouraging people to try new activities results in building up team spirit, promoting positive attitude
and making them come out of their comfort zone. Thus, we can say that by trying out dangerous sports,
one can get rid-off the negative feeling and develop a feeling of working as a team.
Looking at the above, we can say that adventure sports have many impressive benefits including
problem solving, improved communication skills, self-confidence and team work. However, it is
recommended that these sports should be tried under proper guidance and supervision of a guard Against
While every sport has a danger, extreme sports athletes are at a high risk of serious injuries. For
example, back-country snowboarders are known for riding on an unpredictable terrain where
avalanches are common. Since these off-piste riders do not ride on a groomed slope, hazards such as
large boulders and fallen trees can be easily hidden under large deposits of newly fallen snow. As can
be seen from this example, even a smallest misstep can plummet big wave surfers more than 30 feet
below the breaking ocean waves. Thus, we can say that adventurous people are prepared to gamble
their safety in search of adrenaline rush.
In education system, assessment through formal written examination still valid?
Without a doubt formal written examination is used widely as assessment criteria in most of the
educational institutes for decades. The moot question as to whether the formal written assessment is
Evaluation method of a students performance has always been an area of contention around the world.
Many believe that this can be done by continual assessment of their assignments and project work. On
the other hand, people are also in favour of formal examination. I believe the latter is more appropriate
option. This can be proved by analysing the fact that the homework and projects done at home can be
copied and also memory of a student can be tested only through a formal assessment.
Firstly, the work book assignments submitted by the students are not always done by them. A study by
education department of India proved that many parents help their children in completion of
assignments. Not only this, the projects are also copied in order to submit the same on time. Thus, we
can say that it is not a reliable method to judge student capabilities.
Secondly, the examination that is taken in education institutes make students learn the concept and also
memorize the same that they have studied in their class.
Moreover, these are conducted in the presence of invigilator. That restricts students to take any external
help. This shows how much grasping power does an individual have. Therefore, this can be considered
as a more reliable method of testing ones ability.
To conclude, looking at the discussion it is clear that advantages of formal testing outweighs the
advantages of testing by assignments and projects. I believe the method should be implied across the
globe and it can be predicted that many countries will adopt this way of assessment because of its
Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. Your opinion? Good or bad
This is a true fact to consider that present world has become a global village. Therefore, people are
motivated to buy their necessities from competitive market. As a result, a great number of shopping
malls has established in past two decades in almost all cities of the world. The question whether this
boom of mall's trend is positive or negative is a complex issue, upon which opinion varies greatly.
There are reasons for people to believe that large shopping malls are important to be established as
multi stories shopping malls come with a large number of stores and other facilities under one roof.
First and foremost time saving from shopping from such multi-complex buildings could be significant
factor. It may be defined as majority of them prefer to go to the shopping malls rather than the single
stores because varieties of options are available in one complex. For example, clothes, groceries, banks,
pharmacies, cinemas, food courts, and restaurants etc. are all available under a single roof and people
get better environment from such establishment.
There are some groups who are in favour of single shops and opine that this trend should be continued.
They have their reasons as well. In spite of views discussed above regarding why large shopping malls
are ideal to the modern society. Parking problems could be substantial reason behind the opponent's
viewpoint. There including excursive crowding in the shopping complex, especially on weekends and
holidays. As a result shoppers have to spend a long time in the parking bays rather than the shopping in
small shops. The prices in large shopping malls are often unreasonable and people end up purchasing
more than they actually need. The large shopping malls are not often convenient for lower and middle
class population. In last, undoubtedly, whether shopping in a large shopping complex or single small
shops could be matter of discussion; however, as far as I am concerned, big shopping malls have
immense benefits to the modern society that outweigh the options and conveniences offered by the small
In the fast-paced of life, urban citizens like to buy daily items in big supermarket chains rather than
shopping in small stores and local markets. It is argued that chief among causes this, are convenience
and hygienic environments. Yet there remains some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of
shopping at the chains has been positive or negative. I personally believe that the drawbacks of this
tendency far outweigh its benefits. This argument will be analysed how buying products in the
supermarkets can lead to lose local identity and the price will be controlled by chains
First of all, it is an undeniable fact that the huge supermarket chains are seriously eroding the features
of the local district. For instance, in Hong Kong, a lot of small unique retail stores were closed down
due to big multiple shops that can afford to pay high rent. Therefore, all the shops will become
homogenous and lose the local characteristics. Admittedly, although I certainly agree that this kind of
market is convenient, it has severely violated the regional identity.
Secondly and even more importantly, the supermarkets will monopolize the market and control the price
due to less and weak competitors. To illustrate, they can set up exorbitant price of their products because
customers only can buy it from them.
Thus it creates an unbalanced market and also deprives consumers right to search for more affordable
alternatives. It is obvious from this that this development has indeed been bad.
Following this look at how losing the local identity and dominate prices by the supermarket, it is
proven that shopping in the large markets is an unfavourable development. Also, I believe that it
seems highly advisable for residents to consume in local markets.
Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they hardly have time for their personal
life. Discuss. WORK LIFE BALANCE
Long working hours are the norm these days and that is hardly surprising. In this competitive job
scenario people are forced to work harder and harder. When people spend more hours working, they get
less time for themselves. This is not necessarily a positive development because it can lead to health
problems as well as thedisruption of families and personal relationships.
For one thing, there is absolutely nothing to prove that long working hours improve productivity. In fact,
when people work longer than they should, what happens is that their productivity decreases. They fail
to concentrate and take longer to finish jobs. Traveling far for work doesnt help either. In many major
cities people often have to travel several hours to reach their work place. When at last, they reach home
braving the traffic and a hard-working day, they have little energy left in them. In addition, studies have
proved that people who spend long hours in the office are also more likely to develop major health
problems like heart disease anddementia.
We have already seen that long working hours doesnt necessarily translate into improved productivity.
Another problem with this set up is the effect it has on a persons family and social life. When people
spend long hours in the office, they get little time to spend with their dear ones. Parents, who work long
hours, often fail to take proper care of their young children. This can be quite a problem in families
where both parents work. When children are deprived of the attention they deserve, it will affect their
emotional well-being. It can also have a negative impact on their academic performance. In extreme
cases, failure to strike a balance between work and life can lead to the breakup of families.
As explained above, long working hours are in nobodys interest. They dont improve an individuals
productivity. In fact, they make them less productive. Whats more, when people spend more time in the
office, their family life suffers. In other words proper work-life balance is absolutely essential to lead a
contented life. It is hoped that companies arrange their working hours in such a way that employees also
get some time for themselves
It is usually foolish to get married before completing your studies and getting established in a good job? Do
you agree or disagree".
Getting married before finishing studies and getting employed can be arduous at times. Although some
people may believe in getting married prior to settle their career, I would still advocate that getting
married later is much better as one canfocus on his career.
There are numerous disadvantages to getting married while still a student. It can create a greater problem
when you are dependent on parents to support you. There is the probability of more tension on the part of
both sets of parents. Expecting your parents to continue paying your tuition as though you were still a
child once you have chosen to take on the very adult responsibility of marriage can also createtension.
Another reason to wait is the time constraint on enrolled newlyweds. Balancing time at home, adjusting
to a new life and spending time on academics is a daunting task, regardless of how organized you are.
Married college students are often left with not enough time to do housework, study or have couple time.
Little time is left for each other so theres less time to work on personal growth and the marriage. The
college marriage often results in restriction of college experiences, participation in college functions and
of relationships of college friends.
Not only that, but she also finds that marriage affects academics. There is often a drop in grades due to
added responsibilities or having to take on a full time job. The distractions that marriage brings are
endless and normal, but if yours current schedule and goals make marriage too much to handle on top of
your college life, then the smartest decision may be taking care of your college career before saying your
Sometimes the engaged couple isnt actually ready to decide what they want out of marriage yet.
College is a time of growth and maturing. Getting married too soon can cut growth and maturation
short. Most students need some time to be self- supporting, living on your own and making decisions as
you mature. An early marriage can prevent students from ever getting that time to mature.
Talk about pros/cons of this era as it is full of daily inventions
In today's world, where just about everything is more convenient and accessible due to advances in
technology across almost all sectors, it may seem as though it's a misnomer to even mention any
disadvantages of technological advances. However, despite how far technology has taken humans and
no matter how convenient it may make things, there are some disadvantages accompanying this level of
Technology advances show people a more efficient way to do things, and these processes get results. For
example, education has been greatly advanced by the technological advances of computers. Students are
able to learn on a global scale without ever leaving their classrooms. Agricultural processes that once
required dozens upon dozens of human workers can now be automated, thanks to advances in
technology, which means cost-efficiency for farmers. Medical discoveries occur at a much more rapid
rate, thanks to machines and computers that aid in the research process and allow for more intense
educational research into medical matters. This results in cost savings for business owners, allowing
them to invest in growth in other areas of the business, which contributes on a positive level to the
economy as a whole. The more advanced society becomes technologically, the more people begin to
depend on computers and other forms of technology for everyday existence. This means that when a
machine breaks or a COMPUTER CRASHES , humans become almost disabled until the problem is
resolved. This kind of dependency on technology puts people at a distinct disadvantage, because they
become less self- reliant.
At the same time, human workers retain less value, which is a disadvantage of technological advances.
Because machines automate processes and do the work of 10 people with one computer, companies find
they don't need to employ as many people to get the job done. As machines and computers become even
more advanced and efficient, this will continue to be a growing disadvantage of technology and an issue
that has a global impact.
Imitating celebrities in sports and movies good or bad?
Hero worship is in our blood. In this day and age, media and sports personalities are the heroes. They are
everywhere on the billboards, in the newspapers, on TV and internet. This omnipresence has earned
them widespread fame and millions of fans who try to imitate everything that they do. Is this a positive
development? Lets examine.
Imitating film and sports personalities is nothing unusual but unfortunately it isnt always good. A
large number of our celebrities dont set good examples. Many of them are known for their extravagant
and wasteful lifestyles. They dont mind spending millions of dollars on shopping. They wear
expensive designer garments and drive super luxury cars. They earn millions of dollars every year so it
doesnt really matter to them. Unfortunately, they inspire middle class people, who can hardly afford
this, to adopt the same life style. Wafer thin models promote unhealthy eating habits. Anorexia has
become a major health issue these days.
Models and film stars who look nearly perfect because of Photoshop effects have given rise to a
generation obsessed with looking perfect. Even extramarital relationships are now considered perfectly
acceptable because several celebrities have multiple partners.
Celebrities are human beings too and they have their own weaknesses. Just because they happen to
excel in a particular field, we cant expect them to be paragons of virtue. They are influential people and
it would be great if they can be good role models, but the truth is that that is where most of them fail.
On the other hand, we do have something to learn from these famous people. They are achievers. Many
of them had humble beginnings. Still, they rose to fame because of their determination and hard work.
We can also achieve the same if we make a sincere attempt.
After analysing the situation, it is not hard to see that admiring and imitating film and sports personalities
who do not set a good example is bad. Simply admiring them is alright. The problem begins when you
try to imitate everything that they do.
Any recent invention that you think proved beneficial or detrimental to society
In the past 100 years, there have been many inventions such as antibiotics, airplanes and computers. What
do you think is the most important of them? Why? Greatest invention in the last 100 years, medicine,
science ortechnology?
It is evident how life has changed since technology has been introduced in the human life. When we
think about technology mostly the first thing that comes to our mind is the image of a computer.
Technological advancements such as computers have been designed and created with the only purpose to
help humans and make their lives easier. Computers have become indispensable in any workplace
where they are basically considered a compliment for people to help them on developing their
activities. In fact, computers are the greatest invention of all time because they have multi-tasking
features that can minimize your work, they can display and let you manipulate stored information, and
they are used in almost all fields for any purpose.
First of all computers have multi-tasking features that can minimize the work you have to do. For
example, computers avoid you having to calculate any result on doing math, the only thing you must do
is to type the information needed and your work is done. Secondly, computers can display and let you
manipulate stored information. In other words, you dont need to use paper in order to store any
information on shelves. You dont even have to rewrite a whole paper because you did a mistake or you
have to add more information to the written form. You can have as many files as you can in your
computer and organize them the way you like it without having to use any extra material or space.
Finally, computers are used in almost all fields for any purpose such as entertainment, education, and
any type of job. For example, you can use computers to play videogames, watch movies, listen to music
or chat on the internet for entertainment. In education or any job you can use them for videoconferences,
PowerPoint presentations or just using their basic features discussed in the first point. Therefore
computers are the greatest invention of all time because they reduce your time consumption on your
activities, you can save your information and edit it anytime, and they let you do almost everything you
need. Computers havebecome the most powerful tool ever created.
Information revolution has changed the way of mass communications and had some negative and positive
effects on individual lives as well as on society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 yers.
Disucss pros and cons impacts.
Information Technology has not only brought the world closer together. Therefore, we can not only share
information quickly and efficiently, but we can also bring down barriers of linguistic and geographic
boundaries. The world has developed into a global village due to the help of information technology
allowing to shares ideas and information with each other. Communication has also become cheaper,
quicker, and more efficient. We can now communicate with anyone around the globe by simply text
messaging them or sending them an email for an almost instantaneous response. The internet has also
opened up face to face direct communication from different parts of the world thanks to the helps of
video conferencing.
Bridging the cultural gap - Information technology has helped to bridge the cultural gap by helping
people from different cultures to communicate with one another, and allow for the exchange of views
and ideas, thus increasing awareness and reducing prejudice.
However, while information technology may have streamlined the business process it has also crated
job redundancies, downsizing and outsourcing. This means that a lot of lower and middle level jobs have
been done away with causing more people to become unemployed.
Privacy - Though information technology may have made communication quicker, easier and more
convenient, it has also bought along privacy issues. Due to website and email hacking, people are now
worried about their once private information becoming public knowledge.
Lack of job security - Industry experts believe that the internet has made job security a big issue as since
technology keeps on changing with each day. This means that one has to be in a constant learning mode,
if he or she wishes for their job to be secure.
Dominant culture - While information technology may have made the world a global village, it has also
contributed to one culture dominating another weaker one. For example it is now argued that US
influences how most young teenagers all over the world now act, dress and behave. Languages too have
become overshadowed, with English becoming the primary mode of communication for business and
everything else.
Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children. Is it more positive for their future aspect or
have some adverse effects. Agree or disagree?
There are several benefits of learning new language in the early age for children. It promotes better
understanding of psychology and diversity and good for their brain development.
Learning a second language does not cause language confusion, language delay or cognitive deficit,
which have been concerns in the past. In fact, according to the recent study in US children who learn a
second language can maintain attention despite outside stimuli better than children who know only one
language. Children will develop selective and conscious cognitive processes to achieve goals in the face
of distraction and plays a key role in academic readiness and success in school settings.
In other words, cognitive advantages follow from becoming bilingual. These cognitive advantages can
contribute to a child's future academic
success. Bilingualism delays Alzheimers disease by as much as five. Being bilingual can lead to
improved listening skills, since the brain has to work harder to distinguish different types of sounds in
two or more languages. Babies brought up in a bilingual environment have stronger working memories
than those brought up with only one language. This means they are better at mental calculation, reading
and many other vital skills. Better multi-tasking-Bilingual people can switch from one task to another
more quickly. They show more cognitive flexibility and find it easier to adapt to unexpected
circumstances. Learning a new language can literally change the way you see the world. Learning
Japanese, for example, which has basic terms for light and dark blue, may help you perceive the colour
in different ways

In under developed countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be said the opposite as well. In recent
decades, low cost airfare has made international travel easier and many countries have, therefore,
developed their tourism industries into key sectors of their economies. While it is clear tourism brings
obvious benefits to the countries that host tourists, it is also true to say it may bring disadvantages as
Undoubtedly, there are significant benefits that tourism brings to a country. First, a thriving tourist
industry implies an increasing need for a variety of services such as hotels, transport, restaurants, and
entertainment. This result in a considerable number of jobs being created for people who lack a college
education and also the development of the infrastructure needed to accommodate visitors. Moreover,
tourism is a "green" industry that, unlike factories, generates a low level of pollution. In fact, because
beautiful natural landscapes are often places that tourists come to see, a country will often be sure to
maintain the landscape in order to keep it attractive for tourists.
Despite the benefits, there are aspects of tourism that may prove harmful to a country. For instance, a
country may suffer from the loss of their traditional culture. This is caused by people in a country
changing their lifestyle, customs, and language in order to more effectively serve visitors or because
they become influenced by foreign countries. This can cause stress in a traditional society and could
even lead to animosity towards tourists. In addition, because tourists often carry expensive objects like
cameras and are unaware of their surroundings, they make good targets for theft. Crime also increases
as a result of the increases in drugs and prostitution that caters to some vacationers.
In summary, global tourism is greatly beneficial to an economy and environment of a country. However,
it can be detrimental in several ways. To my way of thinking, a country should seek to develop its
tourism industry because it can bring steady jobs to many people without their need for higher education
and without the risk of environmental damages.
The only thing that interfere with my leaning is my education- Einstein. What does he mean by that? And
do you think he is correct?
Education is an effort of the senior people to transfer their knowledge to the younger members of
society. In traditional education system, the educational system was too small and the content of
education was related to religion, philosophy, metaphysics and scriptural subjects. This is the reason
why Einstein considered education to be the biggest barrier in his learning. This essay will analyse
both sides of the argument.
According to Einstein, students learn through a formally designed education pattern restricting their
thought process. Also, there are some rigid rules like age of admission, content and duration of course,
procedures of examination, selection of elective subject, etc. which are designed by government or
designated agency such as school. The students are taught and given the answers to the questions and
these questions come in the examination to test their retention power. Thus, students are not encouraged
to think out of the box and search for solution themselves. They all are expected to provide the same
answer which is in books.
This example shows why Einstein believed that formal education hinders the process of learning.
However, in my opinion, education in schools is important for children as it provides disciplined
environment, proper guidance from teacher, extracurricular activities to develop basic skills like reading
and writing. In addition, modern day education is aided with a variety of technology, computers,
projectors, internet, and many more. There is much to learn and more to assimilate. For instance, internet
provides vast knowledge and students should be allowed to search the answers to their problems
themselves. This will help them in coming up with different solutions and succeeding in life. Thus, we
can say that education plays a vital role in the initiallearning phase.
Looking at both sides of the argument, we conclude that the current education system is the
building block of learning through proper teachers guidance and using new technology such as internet.
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn,
unlearn, and relearn. Agree or Disagree?
'The illiterate of the twenty-first century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who
cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.' - Alvin Toffler
In present situation of the world we should not stop learning things. For example, a freelance web
developer cant possibly land a high-paying contract if he cant write a good proposal letter. A
successful developer should not only proficient in designing schematics and code, but also he should
know how to market himself through writing and by promoting on the internet.
If a person believe that jack of all trades and master of none then it is totally wrong in current society.
The truth is that jacks of all trades are valued more highly right now than people with a very specialized
skill set. Additionally it is foolish to think that it is impossible to become master in many trades which is
a is just anexcuse to be lazy.
Some people fear in experimenting because theres always the risk of failing. They would rather sit
comfortably with their proven methods than venture further into the unknown, but it will not work well
in the current speed of technology advances. The death of learning comes when a person starts to
believe that everything has already been learned. This conceitedness closes the mind to learning new
things. Its like believing that the bottle is already full, and therefore must be capped shut, when its still
halfway filled.
Do you believe yourself to be the master of your own trade, that focusing on just one skill is for the best
since its been working flawlessly for several years now? And that learning another skill is just a
distraction, or perhaps you dont have time for it? If your answer is yes to at least one of those questions,
then yes, you are an illiterate of the 21st century. If your answer is no then you are not an illiterate of the
21st century. Nowadays learning newer skills is a win-win situation in highly competitive job and
commerce market.
Value added by travel in Education. Is travel a necessary component of education or not ? Will scholar
sitting at home have more knowledge?
Travel to study is over rated, we have brilliant scholars who studied locally. Is travel really required for
higher studies?
The development of society is going towards a globalised world where education is an essential
foundation for personal, social and economic success. International studies are becoming a new trend for
young people as a way to expand their education beyond their traditional education style. It is agreed
that adding a foreign qualification has become an integral part of higher studies. This argument is proven
by looking at how it widens peoples perspective and helps them with better career opportunities.
Studying abroad helps people increase their awareness about different cultures of the world.
This will contribute in creating individuals with a broader understanding of issues concerning todays
society rather than limiting them in a scope of home education system. For example, universities have a
large community of students both from the local area and all around the globe. The diverse academic
community enhances the quality of learning by providing wider spectrum of opinions and expertise.
This example clearly shows that international education enhances outlook and sharpens self-awareness.
Therefore, we can say that traveling is an important element of education.
Moreover, acquiring a globally recognized qualification or degree opens the doors for
international job market. The students gain more knowledge and expertise when abroad and apply them
to situations requiring international interactions. Also, employers look for the graduates with
international experience either by studying or working abroad. Thus, we can say that international
studies add value to a students education.
In summary, it can be said that travelling to foreign countries for higher studies is a key to
succeed in this globalised planet.
"Marketing strategy for big companies should be placed on offer and discounts, and in what ways
this can impact on their reputation Have you noticed how our shopping culture has changed in
the last decade? Everyone, and I mean everyone, seems to be slashing their prices.
Why Offer a Discount? Answer is to increase the customer base of the organizations they offer
discounts. Take Groupon for example, someone might get a deal for his or her local restaurant, and he
thinks that "Hey I never been to this restaurant lets try today". Bam! The restaurant got a new customer
through their door. There are even multi-million dollar businesses that have built their organizations
around the concept of discounting.
Eventually, discounting can actually hurt organization business in the long run. If a company is giving
discounts it shows that they have lack of confidence on their product, people expect same price every
time it is a bad precedent, and they are making their product lower perceived value, customer think that
the product is not trustworthiness which will lead to the cut down in the company profit.
What should organizations do instead of giving discounting? They should focus on value of the product,
know the target audience, and show confidence in their products. It will prove that what they are selling
works. The perfect example for this kind of organization is the Apple Company. I have not seen Apple
giving discounts ingeneral way.
The space travel is fantastic these day and they are very fascinate towards its but there are many
environmental problems in our planet we should resolve the problems or travel space and spend a lot of
money Nowadays, there are many countries spend a large mountain of money in the outer space
traveling. Recently, there are some people think governments should spend as much money as possible
exploring outer space, whoever, some people think governments should spend those money on our basic
needs on earth. I strongly agree with this opinion because our planet needs more attention to its
environmentproblems, and many people still starving to death in many parts in our world.
First of all, our planet needs more researches to solve the environment problems. For example, the air
pollution increasing day after day on the earth this is causing the whole in the ozone layer. This
pollution decays from the badly consumption of the human being. I think this problem deserve more care
and attention from the governments instead of spend money in outer space traveling they should offer
a constant budget to fund such these researches because the outcomes of them will benefit all the
human kind and helping to prevent problems in the future.
Secondly, governments should spend much money to support and help the people who starving to death
in many areas in our plants. We can see and read in many media resources about the hunger in different
areas. The question now is; how could the governments help those people? I think the answer is very
simple, by spending more money in supporting the hunger people with food, and helping them to find
their food resources. It interested to travel exploring outr space, but just in case we can find a solution
to our planets problems especially the hunger issue.
Because, it does not make any sense spending billions of money in such these trips and try to find
another places in the universe, and the people in the earth cant find the enough food to live in.

Finally, I think governments should spend a large mount of money in environment researches and apply
the results of them to make benefits to the human kind. Also, the governments should spend more
money in helping the hunger people in different places in the world. In case we can find a solution to
our planet's problem we can think about discovering the outer places and arrange the traveling to their.
In a war of ideas, it is people who get killed. Does a common man suffer from a groups ideology?
Express your opinion, and support the same with reasons and examples
Throughout history, the thinking of a group of people is impacting the lives of thousands of civilians.
Whether it is considered on a political or social level, a set of decisions of a group explains how a society
should work. It is completely agreed that in the conflict of interest between different countries or
different groups within same country, it is the innocent people who sacrifice their lives. It can be seen
from the incidents of World War II and September 11 attacks in United States of America. First of all,
during World War II, a group of countries namely US, UK and China united and attacked Japan with
explosive atomic bombs destroying the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing more than one lakh
civilians. This is a clear example of the decision laid by a few countries against Japan to surrender to its
Allies. Though, these countries achieved victory in their mission but Japanese people are still suffering
from the radioactive radiation effect which resulted in blindness and mental disorders. Thus, we can
say that political ideologies of a group can drastically harm society.
In addition, September 11 attacks on US by a group of 19 militants, associated with Islamic extremist
group, hijacked four airplanes and killed around 3,000 people by colliding airplanes into symbolic US
landmark. This example clearly shows how the decision and planning of these terrorist activists took
lives of thousands of innocent people. Looking at the above examples, we can say that it is common man
who is suffering from the social, economic and political interests of a few people. It is hoped that in
future, the major decisions concerning every citizen or the civilians of another country, would be taken
considering its consequences.
Nowadays TV has become an essential part of life. Medium to spread news
& awareness and for some it acts like a companion. What is your opinion about this?
The invention of Television around two decades back opened wide frontiers for transmission of visual
communication and awareness. Since then the research and development on this has never paused, and
today we have 3D and curved televisions available as well. In fact, it will be hard to find any domestic
family without watching TV as a part of their daily life. It has helped in making the world a smaller place
to live in by making all sorts of shows, latest news update andinformation in all areas via a wide range of
Television provides a wide range to channels to choose from on tourism, travel, foods, lifestyle, news,
general knowledge, movies, music, reality show and many more. In fact, the information is so useful that
many people plan their holiday based on a show on tourism, they try to cook new items by following the
recipe shown, become aware of all sorts of happenings in the world and least to mention the craze about
sports event. For many, TV is almost indispensible as they believe it to be a friend which is always there
when needed.
Television is a great time waster. We no longer have enough time for hobbies, other outside amusements
like theatres, movies, sports got ignored. People have grown addicted to television, often neglecting the
necessary and more important things like meals, sleep, and even work. The more the viewer watches
television, the lazier they become. The TV glues them to the set instead of allowing them to go out.
Television prevents people from communicating with each other which had caused the harm to the
relationship between family members. Families sit and watch television at dinner instead of talking with
each other.
Finally, it is our duty to limit anything in too excess. The benefits which TV has brought into our daily
lives cannot be denied.
Parents should be held legally responsible for their childrens acts. What is your opinion? Support it with
personal examples....
Lately there seems to be a great number of young adults making the news for causing harm to others.
Unthinkable acts are being initiated by kids such as setting fellow students on fire, sexually assaulting
an intoxicated and unconscious student, attacking and beating homeless people, and excessive group
bullying leading tosuicide.
I think we can all agree that this type of wrongful conduct is inexcusable. The question being asked is
whether or not the parents of these young adults can be held liable for the negligent and intentional acts
of their children. In my opinion, yes parents should be held legally for the act of their children. For
example if the young adults causes any damages to the people property because of reckless driving and
injuring others parents should held financially liable. It is fine if it is damage to property, what if the act of
child causes physical damage to person or loss of life?. It is parents responsibility to take care about
their children. They should keep watching his/her acts and tell them what is wrong and what is right. If
they are neglected this and do not look after the children then they should be definitely held legally for
their negligence.
In my capacity as a father to two children, I feel the bottom line is that parents musttake a keen interest in
the upbringing of their children. Teaching our children the difference between right and wrong is our
responsibility and should not be delegated to some else. When it comes to raising children, we all need
to walk our talk and teach by example.
You are given climate as the field of study. Which area will you prefer? Explain why you picked up the
particular area for your study?
All over the world today, it can be observed that the issue of climate change has grown in importance
over the past few decades. Therefore, if I were given climate as my field of study, I would like to study
the underlying causes of this devastatingglobal phenomenon and possible solutions to tackle this.
To begin with, a variety of reasons can be offered to explain why I would choose this particular area of
study. Foremost among these is the fact that we have been experiencing the hottest 15 years on record in
the last two decades. Linked to this is the fact that millions are at risk of drought, chronic water
shortages, bushfire, coastal flooding and hazardous air pollution. As the above-mentioned points make it
clear, it can hardly be denied that the issues of climate change must be addressed with a sense of
But what really is the proper role for individuals and institutions in addressing climate change? An
immediate and natural response may be that everyone should do their part. As individuals, we can help
by taking action to reduce our personal carbon emissions. But to fully address the threat of global
warming, we must demand action from our elected leaders to support and implement a comprehensive
set of climate solutions such as transforming our energy system to a cleaner one, placing limits on the
amount of carbon that polluters are allowed to emit, reducing tropical deforestation and its associated
global warming emissions.
In conclusion, It is my considered opinion that if we were to put in place some of the solutions
mentioned, we would at least be on our way to solving this problem.
Therefore, I would like to play my part to contribute to the solution of climatechange.
Do you think English will remain to be a global language despite globalization?
There are so many benefits of learning English and they can be found in many sides such as in
international business community, technology field, education, and in the social life.
In international business environment, English holds an important role to make the business goes well.
English is very useful when company build cooperation with another international company from
different country. To become the winner of the hard competition in business world, businessman must be
able to understand and use English well. Besides that, a company prefers to hire an employee who has a
good skill in language, especially English. However, by understanding English will improve the
prospect for employment in business environment and help the businessman able to handle the business
problem efficiently
English takes a large part in the growth of technology. Almost every electronic devices use English
especially computing and internet. That is because most of scientists write in English although some of
them use English as their second language. English is not only use in the hardware but it is used in the
software also. Every command in the computer is in English and to operate it people should understand
English first. In the internet, there is a lot of information written in English such as e-mail, blog, and
social network. It shows that learning English gives many benefits to the advance of technology.
In education, the international student should have capability to speak, read, and write in English. A
student can access any information in the books, internet, and magazine with the help of English.
Successful academic career depend on how deep the understanding of student in English because in
international standard education English is the primary language which used in learning process.
Besides that, if the students know English well, they also will be able to read and understand the great
work in literature that related with their study which written in English. In this case, English can be
assuming as the root of the international education.
As a social creature, people will continuously interact with the other in various social lives. In this case
English become unifier of the difference in language. People will be easier to express their idea about
something or exchange information in English to the other people from different country. English is the
tool for digging information deeper and deeper again to know what actually happen in the world. If
people have a good capability to speak in English, it will be widening their knowledge because they will
be able to understand more information than those who are not good in English
Some people think placing advertisements in schools is a great resource for public schools that need
additional funding, but others think it exploits children by treating them as a captive audience for corporate
Choose which position you most agree with and discuss why you chose that position. Support your point of
view with details from your own experiences, observations or reading.
Advertisements have been an inseparable part of any corporate businesses to attract potential customers
to expand their businesses. On the contrary, in my opinion placing advertisements inside public schools
in order to lure juvenile mind is certainly not a good idea to promote commercial business.
To begin with, schools are the home for immature children where they come to learn academic as well as
moral lessons. These children can be tempted to do any activities easily therefore putting advertisements
inside schools may impact pejoratively on such students. For example, a child might break his hands and
legs by imitating and reproducing the action pose shown on the violent blockbuster movie
advertisements. Moreover, many advertisements nowadays displays sexually motivated explicit
materials and other adult themes which would captivate young mind to delineate juvenile delinquency
indulging into an anti-social behaviour such as raping, smoking, vandalism and other heinous crimes.
Further, these children might tempt to spend hefty sum of money to buy the mendaciously advertised
unfruitful products which not only hampers their academic activities but also largely effects on their
brain development and ethical behaviour.
On the contrary, advertisements are good source of funding for the public schools who always find
themselves hard to manage their financial cash flow. Corporate houses often pay a huge sum of money
when they place advertisements inside schools as young school children can easily be motivated to go
after their products. Besides, many advertisements targeted to kids such as Toothpaste, Shower gel and
Detol are espousing to bring awareness on children to wash their hands before eating foods and after
using toilets or brushing teeth early in the morning and before going to bed.
Therefore, to recapitulate, advertisements are efficient and effortless source of money for the public
schools however schools management must act prudently to monitor continuously students behaviour
and choose suitable advertisements toput inside schools so that children do not go astray.

Latest Essay Topics for PTE: about this?

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products or it is responsibility of producer to decisions. Discuss
avoid extra packaging of products?" Give your 6. Successful sports stars and glamorous film
views or any relevant example with your own stars are a role model for youngsters. Do u
experience. support it or not? (Agree/Disagree)
2. Many people think regions affect successful 7. Company Top level Authorities should or should
persons. What is your opinion about native not take employees suggestions or ideas to take any
regions and accomplished person influence on decisions. Discuss
the regions they belong to?
8. In education system, assessment through written
3. The environment we are living in is in formal examinations is valid or not.
danger due to various problems...so who do
u think should be responsible to solve it? Is 9. Large shopping malls are replacing small shops.
it the governments, organization or each What is your opinion about this? Discuss with
individual? appropriate examples.
4. Nowadays TV has become an essential part of life. 10. Talk about the pros/ cons of this era as is full of
Medium to spread news & awareness and for some daily inventions
it acts like a companion. What is your opinion
11. Any new technological development in the recent 33. Information revolution has changed the ways of
years is a boon or curse for the society in general mass communication and had some negative and
12. It is argue that getting married before positive effects on individuals lives as well as on
finishing school or getting a job is not a society. To what extent you are agreed or disagree?
good choice. To what extent do you agree 34. Learning a new language at an early age is
or disagree? helpful for children. Is it more positive for their
future aspect or have some adverse effects. Do
13. Parents should be held legally responsible for their
u agree or disagree? Give examples from your
childrens acts. What is your opinion? Support it with
personal examples....
14. Marketing strategy for big companies should be
35. In under developed countries, tourism has
disadvantages and can be said the opposite as
placed on offer and discounts, and in what ways
this can impact on their reputation.
15. What is the best invention of last 100 years,
36. Communication has changed significantly in the
last 10 years. Discuss the positive and negative
computer, antibiotics, airplane, and explain why.
impacts of this change.
16. Dangerous activities like extreme skiing,
37. Education is the biggest barrier in my learning
bungee jumping etc. And whether u support
- Einstein. What do you mean by this? And do
them or not
you think Einstein was correct in saying that.
17. Do you think that place where the person grew has an
38. Positive and Negative effects of today's
influence on his accomplishments? Explain with
18. Climate change and about the roles that Government, 39. Discuss both sides of Space travel vs. Current
Corporate and Individuals can play to improve it. crucial problems faced by human?
19. Nowadays TV has become an essential part of life.
40. Do you think English will remain to be a global
Medium to spread news & awareness and for some it
language despite globalization?
acts like a companion. What is your opinion about
this? 41. Some people think placing advertisements in
20. Company Top level Authorities should or should not schools is a great resource for public schools that
take employees suggestions or ideas to take any need additional funding, but others think it exploits
decisions. Discuss children by treating them as a captive audience for
21. Some people believe laws change human behavior. corporate sponsors. Choose which position you
Do you agree with it? most agree with and discuss why you chose that
position. Support your point of view with details
22. Illiterate of the future would not be one who does from your own experiences, observations or
not know to read, but people who do not know reading.
how to learn 42. Television has many useful functions to play in
23. Positive and negative effects of the information everyone's life, for some its relaxation, for some it
revolution through mass media. is companion. Discuss your viewpoint and
support your answer with examples and
24. Pros and cons of adventures sports. discussion point.
25. Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. What 43. You are given climate as the field of study. Which
is your opinion about this? Discuss with appropriate area will you prefer? Explain why you picked up the
examples. particular area for your study?
26. Talk about the pros/ cons of this era as is full of 44. People pursue dangerous activities like sky
daily inventions diving, motorcycle sports, white-water river
rafting etc. Do you support? If yes, why and if
27. Dangerous activities like extreme skiing, bungee not, why?
jumping etc. And weather u supports them or not 45. .'In future illiterate will not be those who
28. It is argued that getting married before cannot read, but those who do not learn' - By
finishing school or getting a job is not a good some writer. Discuss what do you understand
choice. To what extent do you agree or by this statement and state your reason.
disagree? Don't get afraid of these many questions because many of
29. Imitating celebrities in sports and movies is good them are same with different question. May be overall 30
or bad different essay types.

30. 30. Any recent Invention that you think proved

beneficial or detrimental to society.

31. In the past 100 years, there are many inventions

such as antibiotics, airplanes and computers. What
do you think is the most important invent for the
past 100 years? Why?
32. Do you think that formal written examinations
are a good way to assess knowledge at school?
Essay Topics with Easy Points To remember:

Extreme Sports:
Skydiving - Bungee Jumping - Risky Pursuits - Multi billion dollar global industry - Extremely Popular - Extreme injuries - B/w 2000 & 2011 4
million injuries - It all about excitement & thrill
- All in the name of personal glory - If things go wrong - Heavy price - Humans aren't supposed to fly - Overcome it by better equipment.

Buy & Use when they want them - Good condition - Little Wastage - Many think too much packing - Example snacks - Eaten while moving on
roads, etc. - (make your own example of over packing) - Highly competitive - All under pressure to come up with new ideas & solutions - No
business want to spend more on packaging - Overboard on packaging - Like trays, inside box, include a plastic container with cardboard wrap
around it - Ex: Mc Donald's - Encourage us to eat while walking -Throw it on the streets.
Home Town:

To find happiness & success- Pay attention - Control over type of environment - Goals can't achieve if in wrong environment - Influence our
selves - By people we surround ourselves - Ex: Social network over own behavior (else make your own example) - Hang around people who are
obese and unhealthy - Become same as them - If hang with people lazy - Become same as like them - Places we spend most of time - Will
motivates and inspires us - ex: ( make your own) - We should not distracting from it.
Climate Change / Global Warming:
Carbon-dioxide (co2) mission - By companies and consumers - effectively address global warming -Reduce the amount of heat trapping
emissions Putting into atmosphere -Treat to global warming as individual - Demand the elected leaders to support on it - Expand renewable
energy sources - Clean system - Reduce deforestation - Less cleansing Oxygen - Wildlife protect - Global warming reduce with good methods
- Pollution control - Loss of Bio-diversity - Alarming at an unnecessary rate - try to reduce it.
Television playing an Important role in our lives - Cheap one - Improves the science and technology - Know about the politics, New things to
the people - Good for house wife's,old people, no work - Isolate each other - More life like - Vivid & real - Keep's family together - Tells
news, whether report, disaster like flood,winds etc..
Time waster - No time for activities for children - Neglecting every thing like sleep, meals,work
- Becoming lazier - Tv while eating instead of talking each other - loss of relationship.
Decision Making (Employee's Opinion):
Empower to success the organisation - Saves money - Increases the productivity of Organisation
- Reduce outsourcing - Improving morals (Positive attitude) - Long term reliable with company - Team work (helps) - Relationship become
stronger in group environment - Particular area of employee at job know the In's and Out's of the problem - Freedom to the employee's -
innovative things comes out from different minds
Suggestion may be of his personal interest - may harm the company - Solution to this is final decision has to taken by the higher authority only
(weather good or bad to company).
Deforestation - Less cleansing of Oxygen - Wildlife - Global warming - Pollution Control - Alarming at an unnecessary rate (reduce it) - Loss
of Bio-diversity.
Written Assessment or Formal Assessment (How exams valid):
Participate fully in today's society & contribute to economy - learning, thinking, communicating each other -Central to the process of effective
teaching & learning of writing - convey thoughts,ideas - Formative assessments assess & gauge us - Strengthen - Further development -
Feedback to improve in future -Manage abilities - Some times written assessments creates working under pressure - children become ill on the
day of exam unable to write exam - It cannot test complete book - stressful sometimes.
Shopping Mall's:
Big business - Multi stores at one place - Collection of retail stores & restaurants - Parking free - Holiday with family convenient place - All
housed at one place - it include all type of items - Groceries, Cloths, Shoes, Reading books, Food court, Cinemas, Entertainment, Games etc.. -
Chit chat with friends and can enjoy shopping
Crowd in weekends and offer seasons - Parking also creates problem - Tempting special offers - Make us unnecessary things to buy.
Work-Life Balance:

No time to relax & recharge (energy) - Performance levels suffers - Maintain healthy environment - Balance work & personal responsibilities -
Like today's most important to look after children, housework, volunteering, spouse & Elder parents care - Disadvantages like - Stress - Long
work hours - Healthy risks - Increase smoking, alcohol consumption - Weight gain
- depression - Physical & Mental issues - Solution to these - Wellness programs running - Gym's with benefit packages in the companies -
Fitness centers with trainers - Yoga - Picnic visits - Self-Management - Control ourselves.
Law Changes Human Behavior:
Law control the behavior of society - law can only prohibit people's evil behavior by government force - Ensure peace & stability of society -
Moral judgement by avoid punishment - rules are necessary - laws are different in societies - Formed by authorities - LAW CAN CONTROL
BUT CANNOT CHANGE BEHAVIOR - Fear it creates if any illegal done - Punished - laws should change according to the human nature -
Limit the people activities - cannot shape minds & hearts
- And one should think, why high crime rate? - even their are laws.
Marriage Before Studies:
Numerous dis-advantages - Greater problem when dependent on parents - Tension - Paying tuition fee - Time constraint on newly weds -
Balance time at home, adjust new-life, academics - Organize every thing - Often left with no time - Less time on personal growth - College life
restrict parties,functions,relationships - Drop in grades,goals - Cut's the growth & maturation - So - Most need self-Support - Living own -
Making decisions - Marriage Prevent all.
Pros/Cons of this Era-Daily Inventions:
More convenient & accessible - Technology advancement - Education advanced greatly - Ex: Computers - Global learning - Agriculture has
equipped more with machines - Less labor - Medical achievements - positive level in economy.
More being depend on computers - WHEN MACHINE BREAKS/CRASHES - ALMOST DISABLED UNTIL IT SOLVED - Ex: (make your
own) - Put's people distinct - Become less self-reliant - Human workers has less value - Unemployment (10 workers = 1 Computer) - makes us
Imitating Celebrities in Sports & Movies:
Now a days - Extremely influenced to live teenagers - positive role models and deadly negative influences also - Celebrities most expensive
things post on internet - Like cloths,bags etc.. -

Public attention - Negative effects - Like drive after drunk - Drug abuse/addition - alcohol drinking - eating disorders - Low self-esteem,
confidence - More & more stories and pictures on internet - illicit activities like partying drinking - Risky behavior - death also - Teen girls flips
through favorite fashion magazine - inducted with pic's & articles - may damage their behavior - Some Guide in Positive also - Ex; (make your
own) - Right direction - So prohibit unhealthy images in public.

Recent Inventions Proved Beneficial:

First it sticks in our mind Computer - make lives easier - Tell activities - Multitasking - Minimize work and deduce - Manipulate store
information like writing - No need of paper to store - Rewrite - Helpful in all fields - like Education, Entertainment, Job, Video games, Movies,
Songs, Chat with friends on internet - Paper presentations etc...
Communication Pros/Cons-Impacts:
Make world together - Share information quickly & efficiently - Global village to Industrial Technology - Cheaper - Text messages,
Email any where free - Video conferences - Bridge cultural gap (Difficult cultures to communicate)
Job redundancies - Downsizing lower & middle level jobs - PRIVACY TO INFORMATION - Lack of job security - As technology keeps on
changing - Update every time - Dominate culture of English.
Learning a New Language at Early Age:
Promotes better understanding, psychology, diversity - Bilingual helps to understand the structure of language - In depth view of other culture -
Saves time a lot - No worrying of mistakes of language - Something out of ordinary - More creative - better performance solving skills -
Critical thinking - flexibility of mind setting - multi-tasking - Improves listening skills - Brain works harder - Those environment people have
stronger working memories - better reading, calculating & other vital skills - switch one task to another easily.
Under Developed Countries Tourism:
Recently, low cost fair international travel - development in tourism as key to economy - Increase variety of services - Like hotels,
transport,restaurants, Entertainment - Number of jobs increases - Development infrastructure - Green industry - low pollution - beautiful nature

landscapes - Local cuisine become popular & advertises. -- Dis-advantages - harmful to country - Like loss of culture - changes in lifestyle,
costumes, Language - Carry expensive objects like cameras, bags etc.. - Target for thieves - crime rate increases - increase in drug consumption
-- Conclusion - Greatly beneficial to economy - Jobs increases without need of higher education - No risk to the environment - Pollution
"The Only thing that Interface with Learning is My Education "
- Einstein


"My education is the Hindrance of the process of my Learning"

- Einstein
Formal education tends to limit the thinking of subject - Ex: Law of gravity - taught in school - Most engineers taught that something must be
done THIS way - So no simple solution to complex problems -- Einstein recognize - education also limits - Research has done - Only interface
with my learning is education - Self Educate -- Could you imagine if education would have been so high level to teach Einstein to that level he
was Urging for! -- Education does not guarantee to give correct knowledge - Education has high priority today's world - Education has
changed - Ex: Medical field has many changed else many have died - Einstein would have fit now a days but back in old days - So he saying,
he being taught 6th grade education in highest college at time - And he wasted higher education,
Illiterate of 21st Century.... Learn, Relearn, Unlearn:
It was stated by "Alvin Toffler" - World's best education system - Learn: Has not been given respect by all prayers - Unlearning & Relearning
do not mean one should forget, learn it again - Unlearning: Happen when you open to new prospective of things you already know - Relearning:
Happen when you accept a new perspective and appreciate your knowledge - Overcome misunderstanding, misconception - Britain prime
minister "Tony Blair"statement is 'Education Education Education' - Education is about molding the future of our nation and of each individual.
Recent Technology Boon or Curse:
Changes the way we live - Ex: Mobile's - Information accessible to large number of people - Travelling - Ex: cars, trains, plains - Travel faster
- (refer to Era-Daily Invention Topic).
English will Remain as Dominant:

Countries like England, Canada, America, Australia use English - Most books, thesis paper, internet articles - Written in English - Translate to
English - most software and application - written in English - Foreign music, movies, books & style - as a single city (world) - Advertisements
in English - Hoardings, Boards, Economic Transactions etc... in English - Future trend more trade.
Advertisements in Schools:
Changes takes place - Commercialism - Budget short falls - Funds crunches - Huge Budgets cuts
- Income increases - Better faculty, Motivated teachers - Advance view - Better equipment & intelligent decision making - Important
infrastructure & standard - Negative of advertisement is Immature to think of children - may mislead them.
Above mentioned point's are helpful to analyse and built a good essay. Make sure of building an essay before attempting the exam. Hope it's
useful to you all. There are Positive, Negative, and Concluding points.
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Thank you..!!
CH#3 Tips

Tips for Personal Introduction: text.

If you can't remember whole sentence at-least give
Your interests importance to Keywords.
Your plans for future study Tips for Describe Image:
Why you want to study abroad
Many of them feel it difficult, but it is not that much difficult. Just
Why you choose this test follow the below tips.
Use the words like To illustate..., It depicts to show
Why you need to learn English that...,
Speak at least 3topics or more of above mentioned with in Speak about Highest and Lowest figures or keypoints.
30sec. Over all in speaking section most important is youre ( Most Important)
Fluency, Speak with good voice.
Here it goes the Speaking section; First item type is Read
Aloud. In describing image use the words - on the left hand side, on
Tips for Read Aloud: the right hand side, next to, above, below or bottom, at the
top, foreground, background. Just keep on practicing with
Fluency is your first priority these words.
For graphs you can use - 'X-axis on graphs shows....
Scan for hard words and Spell it clearly before it range......', and 'Y-axis on graph shows.... range....'
starts recording.
Use the words like over, about, under... to point out the
Rising and falling tone for some words is important. values on axis. If you use those words no need to be exact
Be aware of Plurals, don't spell wrongly.
Don't keep silent, speak something about the image
No long disconnection of sentences.(i.e. Gap to each you see.
Uneven words, Irregular Phrasing Tips for Retell Lecture:

Beware of Inappropriate stress and incorrect Note the keyword by understanding the context of the
pronunciation to some words. topic, so you can give your best.
Before it starts recording, read once the total sentence. For name you can use titles. ex: Dr. James Alexandra
says.... so you can say just ' dr says...'.
Don't be too fast (in recording cannot understand) and
too slow. If possible try to catch 3-5 sentences it's enough to
re-tell the lecture.
Time for this section is more sufficient.
Don't keep silence more than 3sec. While taking notes just omit vowel and note keywords
it saves the time. (practice it)
And last tip is your tone must be NATURAL.
Use phrases like 'The lecture provides brief information
Tips for Repeat Sentences: about....' or 'According to the speaker , he said.....' etc... to
elaborate the given lecture.
Fluency is most important, whatever you speak also.
Close your eyes and listen to keep concentration on
listening. Don't keep silent, speak something relates to lecture.

No long pauses, Clear voice. Tips for Short Answer Questions:

Be careful of adding new text or omitting Listened

If you don't no the answer, just repeat the words in Below is some questions and answers, whatever I
the question. have collected.

Don't forget the articles a,an,the before some words.

Most helpful and repeated in the PTE-A Exams: 34. cardiologists - heart
1. Paying at the counter after shopping check out 35. event placed in time order - a timeline
2. First story of the basement/building basement 36. sea water different from fresh water - Salt
3. Fed up Negative feeling 37. University courses - orally or written assessment
4. Who do you call in case of leaking pipeline plumber 38. washing clothes - in the bathroom
5. Microscope is used to see Micro-organism 39. protect motor bike rider's - Helmet
6. Transfer quickly from computer to computer virus, 40. leap year - 366 days
41. fitness - more exercise
7. Democratic government people vote
42. Europe is home to - United kingdom
8. What do you get when you buy something receipt
43. arrival at hotel - reception or check-in
9. Agriculture based country farming economy
44. job title building designer - architecture
10. Stars or planet astronomy
45. watches a sport event - spectator
11. Dead remains of plants fossils
46. climb to roof - ladder
12. Business and advertising PR means public relation
47. don't feel like eating - appetite
13. What do you need to see thing which are far away
Binoculars 48. improve health n fitness - diet and more physical exercise
14. Magnify minimal objects - microscope 49. What is the name of ground military forces? Army
15. Who to visit if you have fear of crowd psychologist 50. What is someone that cant see called? Blind
16. Means of travelling in developed countries public 51. What do you call the middle of something? Center
transport 52. Whose job is it to treat people that are ill or have an
17. Washing clothes laundry injury at a hospital? Doctor

18. Who is more playing football men 53. What is the process of teaching and learning called?
19. Living things Biology 54. What kind of book is written by a person about their own
20. Month between September and November October life? Autobiography

21. Thing most people use in their home Bed 55. What is the red liquid that flows through a body? Blood
22. Main difference between a wrist watch and a clock 56. What is the payment of a students education by an
Size organization called? scholarship

23. Where we store meat Freezer 57. What is piece of paper with official information written on
it? document
24. Most important document while driving Driving
license 58. What is the name of a building where you can borrow
books? library
25. Where we can buy floor Supermarket
59. Who is a person that makes bread, cakes and pastries?
26. For X-ray radiology baker
27. Volume of water liters 60. What organ controls your speech, feelings, body
movement and thoughts? brain
28. Hand joint with arm wrist
61. What piece of equipment shows a person what direction
29. wall clock and hand watch - their relative sizes they are traveling? compass
30. City Urban area 62. What is a series of events that happen in your mind while
31. When moon covers sun -solar eclipse you are sleeping? dream

32. Orbits the sun - Planet 63. What is that person belongs to an organization called?
33. Football in-charge - referee
64. Who cuts mens hair? barber
65. What is it called when two or more people are speaking to 19. Last game in sporting competition that decide champ? the
each other? conversation final

66. What is a violent conflict between two or more countries? at? weather
20. What is the general term for painting at country side or
67. What do you call the number of people living in a specific natural view? landscape
area? population
21. Found in office (a printer and other two options)? a printer
68. What do you call a person that cant hear? deaf 22. There are two types of sporting contests: one is amateur; and
69. What is the day that someone is born? birthday other is

70. What plan shows how much money is available and how it 23. Where would you find the whale (tropical forest, ocean)?
will be spent? budget ocean

71. What is the name of a system of government in which 24. Coat had a stain on it where would they take? a dry cleaners
the people elect their leaders? democracy
25. What are the things that hens lay called? eggs
72. What planet do we live on? earth 26. The people who use the police to obey the rules and
73. What is the job of someone that looks after your teeth and protect the public from criminals are called? Police
gums? dentist 27. On what geographical location would someone be living
if their country is surrounded by water on all side? an island
74. What is the time period before noon is called? ante
28. What general part of the day is known as dawn? a sunrise

75. What is the time after noon called? post meridian 29. [Part of the Day: DawnTwilightSunrise, Morning,
Daylight / midday-afternoon, Evening, SunsetTwilightDusk,
76. What organ do cardiologists specialize in? Heart Night]
From Mc Millen: 30. What are the people that plant food, raise crop are
commonly known as? farmers
1. Which section of news paper gives the editor an opinion?
editorial 31. If a button has come off a shirt, what would someone most
likely use to put it back on? a needle and thread
2. what instrument used to examine very small thing 32. What appliance do people use to keep their food cool and
microscope preventing from spoiling? fridge
3. What is the destructive program that spread from comp 33. To crossover from one side of the wide river to another
to comp a virus without using boat, what is usually required? a bridge
4. what term used for animals that gives birth to mammals 34. What is a painting of a persons head is called? a portrait
5. System of government where people vote for people 35. Where do we find urban area in a city or country side? in a
democracy city

6. piece of paper that you bought an item a receipt 36. What we call it, when moon completely blocks out the light
from the sun? a solar eclipse / an eclipse
7. What you call the document that tells your qualification and 37. What point of the compass is directly opposite east?
work exp? CV, curriculum vitae, resume west
8. How would you describe economy largely based on
farming? agricultural, rural 38. Where does u pay for your purchases at the super
market? (at the) till / checkout
9. What is the study of stars and planet called? astronomy
39. What does u call an apartment that is beyond ground
10. In business and davit what is PR stand for? public level (a basement apartment or a penthouse apartment)?
relations a basement apartment
11. What emergency service called at see? coastguard 40. What features do pianos and computers have in
common? a keyboard
12. Name a month fall bet April and June? May
41. If you are feeling fed up it is positive or negative
13. what word describe moving a website from internet to your feeling? a negative feeling
comp downloading / download
42. I am fed up with being put down and made to feel
14. What is called a picture doctor take to see inside body? an stupid]
43. What we call a period of ten years? a decade
15. What crime has someone stealing from shop committed?
shoplifting 44. A specialist who repairs leaking water pipes is called a
16. If someone feeling ill they will say they are feeling under the plumber

17. [under the weather Feel sick, poor health, tired or exhausted] 45. A famous canal links the meditation sea with the
Indian Ocean, is it the Curran or Suez Canal? the Suez
18. Who is person in-charge of a football match? the referee canal
46. Where would you keep the meat you wish to keep 3. Which kind of punishment for a crime is the less severe,
frozen at home? in a freezer an imprisonment or community service? community service

47. What is the most imp doc you would have to show if
4. How many sides are there in a bilateral
agreement? two
you would to hire a car? a driving license
48. Where would you go to work out on a trade mill? 5. Which is the longest: a decade, a millennium or a
a gym / gymnasium century? a millennium

49. What piece of equipment would you use to go diving in a sea, 6. A manufacturing process releases noxious gases. What is
an aquaplane or an aqualung? the most important safety measure for workers at this plant
ensuring good ventilation, or appropriate footwear? (ensuring
an aqualung [ aqualung a portable breathing apparatus for good) ventilation
divers ; aquaplane a board for riding on water, pulled by a 7. A list of events placed in time order is usually
speedboat] described as what? a chronology / a timeline
50. Where would you most likely go to buy some flowers (a 8. If a figure is hexagonal, how many sides does it have? six
bakery, a florist or a super market)?
9. What key mineral makes sea water different from fresh
a supermarket water? salt
51. which hospital dept you go for x-ray (radiology or 10. In the animal kingdom, is the purpose of camouflage
cardio) a radiology to attract a mate, to find food or to hide? (its) (the
purpose is) (to) hide
52. Where would you go to see an exhibition of sculptures?
to an art gallery / to a museum 1. Summarize Spoken Text

53. Would you measure volume of water in liters or 2. Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers
kilos? liters
3. Fill in the blanks
54. Whats the joint called where your hand is connected to 4. Highlight correct summary
your arm? the (or your) wrist
Offline Practice PTE-A Exam: 5. Multiple-choice, choose single answer

1. What organ do cardiologists specialize in? (the) 6. Select Missing word

heart / hearts
7. Highlight incorrect words
2. If telescopes are used to locate distant
objects, what instrument is employed to magnify 8. Write from Dictation
minuscule objects? (electron) microscope /

Tips for Summarize Spoken Text:

Make a note while listening the text, vomit the vowels and practice you can save a lot of time.
Use the words, "The speaker says...."

Concentrate on topic sentences and most repeated words.

Time manage- 3min plan, 5min write, 2min check (Spellings, Grammar).
Tips for Multiple & Single answer choices:

Multiple answers types have the Negative marking.

Most of the time answers rate of speech are fast so be careful and listen.

Answers are mostly paraphrased.

Most of the answers you can find at ending of listening so listen until it finish.

Most of the time, Pay close attention to the frequency words (always, often , sometimes, never many, all, never, only.. etc) eliminate those
options and find the correct answer.
Effectively heard word may not be correct word because it may be frequency word as above point.

Tips for Fill in the Blanks:

Note the answers in erasable notepad given by them and later fill the answers.

Check the spellings, Plurals.

Answers may be high rate of speech and sometimes.

Tips for Highlight Correct Summary:

Note keywords in question.

Skim the options with in given time.

Answers are paraphrased.

Catch the end of words and listen the ending of topic, you can catch the correct answer.

Concentrate on repeated words.

Tips for Missing words (Beep sound):

Understand the context of the listening so you can answer the correct option.
Tips for Write from Dictation:

Close your eyes and hear the text, so you can concentrate and remember it.

Proof read for Spellings and Grammar mistakes.

If you follow these tips you can score maximum marks in this Section.
If you like my article, please do leave a comment or like it. I feel happy that my effort has been appreciated.

Thank you!

1. Multiple-choice, choose single answer

2. Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers
3. Re-order paragraphs
4. Reading: Fill in the blanks
5. Reading & Writing: Fill in the blanks
Tips for Multiple-choice, single and multiple answers:

Focus on keywords in question and search in the text and then look in options.
Most of the time, Pay close attention to the frequency words (always, often , sometimes, never many, all, never, only.. etc) eliminate those
options and find the correct answer.
ex: According to the text, which of the following are true of English attitudes towards intellectuals?
1 They never join forces with those in authority.
2 Most people would not be able to name an intellectual.
3 In general, the English do not admire respect intellectuals.
4 Even some English intellectuals do not like to be called intellectuals. 5 They are not clear about what an
intellectual is or does.
Answer: 3,4
Note: It is not applicable always, Use this trick only when the time is not sufficient to answer.
Look for main reason/text and concentrate on repeated words to find the correct answer.
Negative marking is applicable for multiple answers.
Time manage: max 90sec each question in single answer type and max 2min for each question in multiple answers.
Tips for Re-order Paragraphs:

Look at Proper Nouns-Common nouns-Pronoun-Articles Usage-Time Phrases(depends) order to form the sentences.
Consider the clue words ex: a) The king.......
b) ........... King Rama.........
The order here it comes is, b-a. Because in the sentence 'a' it says kings follows.... but in sentence 'b' it introduces about the king name.
Frame the order of sentences using the Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Repeated words, Time phrases, etc...
Concentrate on pronouns he,she,him,her,they,them,these, those, etc.. these sentences will never come in first.
Repeated words - the hint here is, most of the time word one sentences if the same word in other sentences come in an order.
Adjectives - the hint here is, ex: better comes after good. so first is good-better.
Time manage - try to answer the question with in 4min.
Tips for Fill in the Blanks:
Concentrate on parts of speech before and after the blank, it helps in finding the missing word.
Select the word, which is mostly collocates with words beside it.
Skim for the main idea of the text.
Most of the time, missing word synonym will be in the text, it helps in finding answer.
Time manage - 2min for each question approx.
Note: Follow the above tips you can score maximum marks in the PTE Exam. And the item types may not be in order in the Exam.


Words for use inimages
For start- shows , depicts , illustrates , represents , elucidates , throws light on

Maximum- lion share part , major , prodigious , paramount supreme, topmost

Minimum- least, modicum , merest , slightest , smallest

Average- moderate , mediocre , middle of the road , intermediate

Increasing-booming , enlarging , up surging , burgeoning , inclining ,sprouting

Decreasing sink , decline , diminish , curb , deteriorate

Constant- uniform , regular , stable , steady . unfluctuating , unflappable

Fluctuating-oscilate , wary . , sling , yoyo , hem and haw

Peak- pinnacle , tip , crown , bump

Ground level- sod , loam , dust , arena

Conclusion to wrap , end of the line

Prepositions: from/between 1990 to/and 2010 Movements up: increased, rose, grew, went up
Movements down: decreased, declined, dropped, went down Adjectives: slight, gradual, sharp, sudden, steady
Adverbs: slightly, gradually, sharply, suddenly, steadily
No movement: remained steady/stable, was unchanged, stabilized
Tips for describe images
# Identify the graph
# Use six different words for shows
( illustrates,manifests,elucidates,explicitly states,represents,depicts)
# Rephrase the tag line .
# The data is calibrated in units( millions).
# In the stipulated time of ( given period of time ) of 1990-2010.
# Trends to be highlighted in a concrete and meticulous way. All the best
Question:Scientists are constantly exploring other planets rather than solving problems of their own
planet.Do you think they should explore or try to evade the problems of earth.
Evidently,human species have always demonstrated an insatiable questto discover something new. Space exploration is perfect selection to
epitomize this quest. However, are my of people entirely condemn the idea of spending heaps of amounts on such endeavour. This essay would
discuss this issue in detail.
Vividly, commencement of space exploration,since 1960s, have brought countless advantages to humanity, wireless
communications through mobile, radio, internet are outcome of space exploration only by using satellites. It is irrefutable that the
planet earth , already teeming with humanity, will be overcrowded and the dearth of space on this planet is imminent. Therefore,
billions of dollars are being spent to search life-like signs on other planets of Galaxy. Already the efforts have started paying off as
scientists have found life sustaining elements , water and breathable air,on Mars. Some of the predictions are even made to make
leisure trips for people to other planets.
On the contrary, a group totally opposes such kind of spendings as they reckon that planet earth needs attention to make it secure
and worth-living. Firstly, some people are facing problems like malnourishment and have die due to insufficient food and health
care services. Moreover, significant chunk of population is deprived of education due to lack of funds to support. Thus,
wasting money on making trips to other planets just to collect few pebbles from there makes no sense. The money spent on such
ventures has no direct outcome as it takes a number of decades to make any discovery, whereas, money spent on education and
health gives direct result of improved wellbeing.
After pondering over a great deal of thought of both sides, I opine that a right balance needs to be sought as both the aspects are
of paramount value and need attention and funding.
1. Repeat Sentence: Try to do your level best on this. I think this part carry the maximum points. Need paramount
concentration on it. I closed my eyesand imagine the speaker & topics, this helped me.
2. Describe Image: Dont ever try to describe full content. Summary, Highest/minimum information, conclusion (if
possible). Must ignore any pause but dont speak fast and ensure your word is clear to understand. Try to use this words;
Gradually, Steep rise, increase, fluctuating, remain stable/steady, surge, the largest group of people, the least common answer,
southeast corner of the room/map/layout and so on.
3. Retell Lecture: Again content is not important but ensure you can speak 40 seconds. Ignore aah, hmm and other
paused sound as much as possible; just speak normal voice with fluency.
4. Question/Answer: Try to listen the question properly. Sometimes they give some image or graph and ask question from it. If
not sure the answer then repeat the question or mention both the option when try to choose one. I guess this section content less
marks. I know some person in this forum who did not answer 3~4 questions but secure 90 in speaking.
Last not the least, try to practice speaking in noisy environment such as put the BBC on in TV then practice your speaking. I
found that exam hall was noisy and everyone is shouting during speaking.
One more thing, grammar is not important in speaking (need comment from expert). Hence, main focus should be fluency and
I think, this part is the most easiest one at-least compare with IELTS whosuffers 0 .5 mark there :-)
All the topics are repeated, so it is easy to get the idea before sitting for exam. However, must practice typing with those known
topics within given time frame.
Ensure proper grammar and vocabulary. I have to use some predetermine vocabulary lists in my exam.. Some of them are as
Bolster, impeccable, indispensable, parochial attitude, fathom, laudable effort, crux, unbridled/bridled, formidable, inundate,
inevitably, jeopardize, emancipation, itinerary, overwhelming, tremendously and so one.
All these words are easy to fit any sentence and increase your vocabulary marks and use connecting words like furthermore,
moreover, hence, in addition, besides, nevertheless, nonetheless, although, even though , while, Indeed, in fact, finally, Lastly, In
conclusion etc..
Last not the least, ensure there will be no spelling mistakes. But again I amnot the expert, this is my personal strategy.
This section is definitely hard compare with IELTS at least for me. My grammar understanding is very poor which was also
difficult to improve within a very short time specially the phrasal verb, collocation. At the same time, I got little assistance to
improve my marks in this section from others.Hence, I made some strategy with some personal observation.
1) I ensured that my 10/11 questions from fill in the blanks and read & writing questions should correct.
2) I Skipped the Multiple choose questions as it was killing my times. Furthermore, it also contain negative marking if
answer choose is wrong.
3) Utilize time in single multiple choose and reorder paragraph. However, my reorder paragraph was very tough compare with my
previous exam. Hence, Iwas nervous to clear the target score. Anyway, I survive..
Now, it was my strategies based on my weakness and strongest points. You can also prepare for yourself according to your need
if you are facing hurdle in this section.
In my opinion it is easy to get point in this section and dont need to make any special strategy for it . However, in my own
observation, Highlight Correct Summary, Highlight incorrect words, write from dictation secure more marks(may be I am
wrong as well) and ensure spelling marks in writefrom dictation section.
On the whole, I believe, concentration is very vital in PTE-A exam, be confident about yourself and dont lose hope or
disoriented until the exam isfinished.
The structure of this exam is totally diffferent compare with IELTS. Therefore, if you decide to give PTE then try your level best
with preparation before fueling money. Nevertheless, may be you will not cross the branch mark (All module 65/79) in your first
attempt and you need to face the same obstacle again for another attempt like me.
Another Experience
Thanks to my GOD that I passed this exam. Ielts made me think that my Enlgish is not good enough and too much failure made
me somehow hopeless, but I needed and tried and with my first pte attempt I got +65. My best mark in IELTS was:
L8 R8.5 S7.5 W6.5
I took it in Brisbane, Navitas centre and the results released in less than 24hours.
The price is similar to IELTS, but if you put PTE2015 (capital without space) in promotion code during the registration, it will give
you 10% off.
I read almost 160 page of this thread and my advices are not far from the others, just emphasizing them, so in order to get
good marks I encourageyou to read them as much as you can.
read aloud: At first you might think it is an easy task, but if you try some sentences, youll see you cannot read it clearly, fluently
and without disturbing pauses. Pronunciation and fluency is really important, and you have read like a news reader on TV. Watch
your tone, intonation, rises and falls.
Practice as much as you can and youll be alright.
Describe image: Note that your response time is only 40 seconds, and the information shared on the screen is usually too much, so
there isnt enough time to tell them all and it is not wise to do so. Start with an introduction and speak fluently and clearly in 30 -
35 secs. It is ok if you cannot cover all the info, only focus on extreme figures. This is similar to IELTS academic writing task 1.
Sentences like below are good:
The graph provides informationabout The map illustrates
the trend has a significant increase sharp fall
remained unchanged
Retell lecture:
focus on the lecture. No need to write down everything the lecturer says. Just take a note about the topic and important categories
and stuff. With only 40 seconds describe it fluently and clearly:
the lecture is about the lecturer stated that
Answer short question:
It is about your general knowledge, and you have to practice to become good. The only hard part is when the question is read too
My speaking part was the lowest because I didnt stick to upper rulescompletely!
its easy, get the whole idea and convert it into one sentence. Write essay:
Its like Ielts writing task 2. Spelling and grammar is important. Check word by word and proofread your work. Be aware of time.
have various parts and since the exam is ACADEMIC, youll see many new words. The use of collocations is really important and
common. Watch your time and practice a lot. Do not stuck in one question and if you miss one do not panic and stay focused.
Its really important to concentrate and focus the entire time. About sources:
definitely buy the gold kit to prepare yourself and become familiar with exam. They are harder than the real exam.
offline practice test
practice test plus
and check the Google docs about the exam essay questions. They really help. Actually my essay question was among those
questions and I had practiced it.
The last thing about the exam is that, at the first part of each part it introduces the whole part, and then goes through the parts
without warning, so you have to be prepared and careful cause timer is counting down quickly.
I definitely suggest you to switch to PTE or TOEFL.
Practice as much as you can and youll see the results. Because with practicing you see that you areimproving.
For speaking take care ofthese:
1. Get to the test center early (if possible be the first person) and ask the administrator to give you a corner seat, so youll have
only one neighbor and hence is relatively more peaceful.
2. Sit upright and take a deep breath before you start, that will help. Speak clearly and loudly (dont shout though ). And
dont think you are disturbing other test takers by speaking loudly, that should be the last thing on your mind. One way to check
your decibel levels is to observe the decibel meterwhile taking the practice tests. Try to hit the high greens and low reds.
3. Mind the read aloud items, you can maximize your speaking score by reading word by word, pronouncing each one
clearly however if you dont take care of word stress and rising and falling intonation patterns your reading score will suffer.
4. For describe image and re-tell lecture it is absolutely important to speak the full 40 secs. Its okay, for a couple of items, to not
finish your sentence completely before the recording stops, but you should always speak for the full allotted time. Fluency over
content, avoid aah and hmm, you can saylet me see, let me refer my notes etc.
5. For describe image, have strategies for different types of images. What is your strategy for a bar graph, a line graph, a pie
chart and a table? Once you decide strategy for each type, use google images to practice that strategy.
6. Answer short questions is the easiest of the lot, just mind the pronunciation.
7. Repeat sentence was the most difficult for me. But with a right strategy
you can ace it. For example if you have to repeat The directors office has moved to the second floor of the administration
building, while listening to the audio you can quickly jot down the first letter of each word. In this case that would be T D O H M
T T S F O T A B. You may not be able to finish it by the time the audio clip ends but you can take an extra second to complete it,
remember you have 3 seconds before which you have start your response.
You need some practice to ace this strategy so dont try it directly in the exam. Practice it a lot and get comfortable with the
strategy before the test.


1. Skim the entire passage to get an idea of its general content. You should be able to answer the question What is the
passage mainly about?
2. Scan the entire passage for key words and phrases. Words and phrases that are repeated throughout the passage are
usually important. Make a note of these.
3. If there are multiple paragraphs, the first paragraph will typically be an introduction to the topic, and will often include a
brief description of what will be discussed.
4. The last paragraph will typically close with a conclusion
5. Each paragraph will have its own topic sentence expressing the main idea. Typically, the topic sentence is the first
sentence of the paragraph (Rest of things are supporting arguments)
6. The task of summarizing a multi-paragraph passage is sometimes made easier by briefly summarizing each
paragraph first, and then combining these summaries into a single summary.Make a brief summary of each paragraph as you
finish reading it. You do not need full sentences at this point.
7. Keep your summary to a maximum of 30 words. The response box has an indicator that will tell you how many words
you have written. If you are getting close to your word limit, but still need to write more, edit your sentence to remove
unnecessary words, especially adjectives. These can often be omitted.
8. use punctuations like comman,colon,apastrophe, ETC. You have to use the full stop in the end of the sentence.
Hello this is very difficult item amongst all in PTE A. You should practice a lot to get good scores. Moreover, this is the highest
weight-age marks compared all other items. Follow below cited examples , it may help you.
1. First understands/grasp the given paragraphs and what is for ? by using SKIM and SCAN processes.
2. Identify the topic /main sentence. Mainly consists of key words, person names, technical names, book names, research
names, .etc
3. Topic sentence is stand alone (SA). Independent sentence. it is not dependent on any other sentences given there.
4. Main /topic sentence does not starts with any contradict phrases like (however, but, although) and addition phrases
like (Also, moreover, furthermore, besides.. etc)
5. Follow the pronoun rule it does have terms like he , she, they , those and which is referred or depended by some other
6. After identify the main paragraph, need to check the relationship of remaining paragraph.
another set of tips
Parajumbles are jumbled paragraphs. Basically, you are given a paragraph but the sentences are not in the right order. Its up to
you to untie this knot and rearrange the sentences so that they logically make sense. Normally instructions for this type of
questions will read Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent
So go throughthese
Transition words make the shift from one idea to another very smooth. They
organize and connect the sentences logically. Observing the transition words found in a sentence can often give you a clue about
the sentence that will come before/after that particular sentence.
Given below are some commonly used transition words:
also, again, as well as, besides, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, similarly, consequently, hence, otherwise,
subsequently, therefore, thus, as a rule, generally, for instance, for example, for one thing, above all, aside from, barring, besides,
in other words, in short, instead, likewise, on one hand, on the other hand, rather, similarly, yet, but, however, still, nevertheless,
first of all, to begin with, at the same time, for now, for the time being, in time, later on, meanwhile, next, then, soon, the
meantime, later, while, earlier, simultaneously, afterward, in conclusion, with this in mind, after all, all in all to sum-up.
A. But in the industrial era destroying the enemys productive capacity means bombing the factories which are located
in the cities.
B. So in the agrarian era, if you need to destroy the enemys productive capacity, what you want to do is bum his fields, or if
youre really vicious, salt them.
C. Now in the information era, destroying the enemys productive capacity means destroying the information infrastructure.
D. How do you do battle with your enemy?
E. The idea is to destroy the enemys productive capacity, and depending upon the economic foundation, that productive
capacity is different in each case F. With regard to defense, the purpose of the military is to defend the nation and be prepared to
do battle with its enemy.
EXPLANATION FOR THE ANSWER transition word but in the first sentence. It signifies that the sentence is expressing an
idea contrary to an ideaexpressed in some previous sentence. Now we need to find that previous sentence. If we further look at the
beginning of the first sentence, it says but in the industrial era which suggests that the contrariness is withrespect to eras.
Looking further, we see that sentence B and C are also starting with statement about eras. But the transition word at the start of C
is now which expresses present era and hence it cannot chronologically come before any
other past era. That is, if information era is the present era, talk about any other era will come before this. So sentence B is the
correct sentence to come before the first sentence.
Likewise, sentence C is the correct sentence to come after the first sentence (sentence C is continuing the idea). Therefore, we
have the link BAC.
We see that option 1, 3 and 4 all have the link BAC. Furthermore, all the three options have the link EBAC. Therefore, we only
need to arrange D and
F. The sentence F states that The purpose isto battle with the enemy and D questions how do you battle with the enemy?
Therefore, D will come . FDEBAC is the correct arrangement.
Personal pronouns are he, she, it, him, her, they, you, your etc. Remember that personal pronouns always refer to a person, place or
thing etc.
Therefore, if a sentence contains a personal pronoun without mentioning the person, place or object it is referring to, the person,
place or object must have come in the previous sentence .
A. Although there are large regional variations, it is not infrequent to find a large number of people sitting here and there and
doing nothing.
B. Once in office, they receive friends and relatives who feel free to call any time without prior appointment.
C. While working, one is struck by the slow and clumsy actions and reactions, indifferent attitudes, procedure rather than
outcome orientation, and the lack of consideration for others.
D. Even those who are employed often come late to the office and leave early unless they are forced to be punctual.
E. Work is not intrinsically valued inIndia.
F. Quite often people visit ailing friends and relatives or go out of their way to help them in their personal matters even during
office hours.Look at the personal pronoun they in sentence B: Once in office, they receive friends and relatives who feel free to
call any time without prior appointment. This they must be referring to some people. The reference to some people only comes in
sentences A, D, and F. Therefore, one of the sentences will come before sentence B. Lets see the link AB,DB, and FB;
Link AB- Although there are large regional variations, it is not infrequent to find a large number of people sitting here and there
and doing nothing. Once
in office, they receive friends and relatives who feel free to call any time without prior appointment.
Link DB- Even those who are employed often come late to the office and leave early unless they are forced to be punctual. Once
in office, they receive friends and relatives who feel free to call any time without prior appointment. Link FB- Quite often people
visit ailing friends and relatives or go out of their way to help them in their personal matters even during office hours. Once in
office, they receive friends and relatives who feel free to call any time without prior appointment.
Which of these links makes sense? Only link DB seems coherent. Now, we examine the options with link DB. We see that
options 1 and 3 have link DB in them. Also, both the options have link ADBF. Therefore, ADBF is a link. Now we only need to
place sentences E and C. We can do that by reading the sentences in the order given in options 1 and 3.
In link EC, sentence E is talking about work not being valued whereas sentence C is talking about people being clumsy,
indifferent, inconsiderate etc. Sentence C is NOT talking about value of work. It is talking about peoples behavior. Therefore,
EC cannot be a logical flow.
The demonstrative pronouns are this, that, these, and those. Thisand that are used to refer to singular nouns or noun
phrases and theseand those are used to refer to plural nouns and noun phrases. Whenever a sentence contains a demonstrative
pronoun without mentioning the noun or the noun phrase, it means that the previous sentence must be mentioning that noun or
noun phrase. Finding that noun or noun phrase helps us connect two sentences.
A. Michael Hofman, a poet and translator, accepts this sorry fact without approval or complaint.
B. But thanklessness and impossibility do not daunt him.
C. He acknowledges too in fact he returns to the point often that best translators of poetry always fail at some level.
D. Hofman feels passionately about his work, and this is clear from his writings.
E. In terms of the gap between worth and rewards, translators come somewhere near nurses and street-cleaners.
Again an easy one. Notice the demonstrative pronoun this in sentence A: Michael Hofman, a poet and translator, accepts this
sorry fact without approval or complaint. Also note that sentence A is introducing Michael Hofman (Michael Hofman, a poet and
translator,) and will thereby come before every sentence containing the personal pronoun he or him. So which sorry fact is
sentence A referring to? It can only be the fact found in sentence
E. Also, other sentences contain he or him.
Therefore, EA is a link. Link EA is contained in option 1, 3 and 4. But in 4, sentence D is coming before sentence A, and this
cannot happen because sentence A should be before any other sentence referring to Hofman as sentence A is introducing Hofman.
Therefore, we are left with options 1 and
3. The difference between options 1 and 3 is the order of sentence D and B.Link DB- Hofman feels passionately about his work,
and this is clear from his writings. But thanklessness and impossibility do not daunt him.
In PJ we encounter full and short names sometimes acronyms of some term or institution.
Ex-World Trade Organization WTO Dr. Manmohan Singh Dr.
Singh Karl Marx Marx
President George W. Bush President bush or the presidentEXAMPLE WITHTHIS
The rule is that if both full form as well as short form is present in different sentences, then the sentence containing full form will
come before the sentence containing short form.
1. If you are used to having your stimulation come in from outside, your mind never develops its own habits of thinking and
2. Marx thought that religion was the opiate, because it soothed peoples pain and suffering and prevented them from
rising in rebellion
3. If Karl Marx was alive today, he would say that television is the opiate of
the people.
4. Television and similar entertainments are even more of an opiate because of their addictive tendencies.
5- TIME SEQUENCE APPROACH-Either dates or time sequence indicating words: Be aware of the time indication either
by giving years or by using time indicating words. Arrange the sentences using their proper time sequence. Here are a few time
sequence indicating words -Before after later EXAMPLE FOR THIS
1. Then two astronomersthe German, Johannes Kepler, and the Italian, Galileo Galilei-started publicly to support the
Copernican theory, despite the fact that the orbits it predicted did not quite match the ones observed.
2. His idea was that the sun was stationary at the centre and that the earth and the planets move in circular orbits around the
3. A simple model was proposed in 1514 by a Polish priest, Nicholas Copernicus.
4. Nearly a century passed before this idea was taken serious
SOLUTION EXPLANATION The 3rd sentence talks about the time event and other time vents follow it in a chronological order.
Articles can be divided into two categories
1. Definite (the) and
2. Indefinite (a and an).
When the author uses a / an he wants to make a general statement wants to introduce the noun followed by a/an for the first
time but when he uses the he wants to refer back to some previously discussed noun. It means having the is very unlikely in
the opening sentence. If a/an and the both are used for the same noun then the sentence containing the will come after the
sentence containing a/an.
it will come in the immediate sentence containing the respective noun.
i. e. A sequence can be likethis Noun
PronounPronounor like
Noun Pronoun
.. no pronoun Noun
i.e. the pronoun sequence will continue till it is halted by a break (i.e. a sentence containing no pronoun) then if necessary it will
start with the noun again. We cant write pronoun after a break. It is not a correct form of writing.
7. All the paragraphs should have a relation with others and try to identify that.

8. Follow general steps like years wise Stages of life : Birth , school/education ,marriage,children, death- Stages of
a butterfly .. etc
9. Itis very important you need write the correct sequence order. How many you write correct sequences you would be
awarded like that.
10. After finish the test , review your answer and check the meaning in flow . correct or not
There are various types of charts. In the following example we show the numbers of pets in Year 7 of a school.


pie chart

bar chart


line graph

The pie chart is about
The bar chart deals with
The line graph (clearly) shows
The slices of the pie chart compare the
The chart is divided into parts.
It highlights
has the largest (number of)
has the second largest (number of)
is as big as
is twice as big as
is bigger than
more than per cent
only one third
less than half
The number increases/goes up/grows by
The number decreases/goes down/sinks by
The number does not change/remains stable
I was really surprised/shocked by the
So we can say
Mind the correct use of tenses when describung a chart. If the charts deals with facts in the present (as in our example), use
the Simple Present, if the facts are the past, then use the Simple Past. If there is a connection between the past and the
present, use thePresent Perfect.
HOW TODESCRIBEACHART With the following example we would like to show you how charts are described. Mind
the three parts and do not repeat the global message in the conclusion.
We have chosen the pie chart because we think it shows the number of pets in Year 7 best.

Here you say what the diagram is about. Mind the title of it and do not forget to include the source.
The pie chart is about the pets in Year 7. The chart is divided into 5 parts. It is taken from
The largest number of pets are in form 7GI. There are 16 pets.
The second largest number of pets are in form 7HK. There are 8 pets. So there are more than twice as many pets in form
The chart shows that there are only 2 pets in form 7CS and 3 in form 7VR.
So we can say that the most pets of Year 7 are in form 7GI and the least in form 7CS. There are more than 50 per cent of all the pets
in one form form 7GI.
This graph shows the growth of the population in Canada from 1978 to 2009. It is taken from the website about Statistics in
There are three graphs in the chart. The green graph shows the total growth of the population, the black one deals with the
migrated people in Canada and the blue graph shows the natural increase of the population. In 1988/89 there was an enourmous
growth. In the following years the total growth went down to about 250,000 in 1998/99. From that time on the Canadian
population has been gradually growing again although the natural increase slows down. So we can say that the growth of the
population in Canada is based on migration.


1. Total 10 to 12 SAQ will be there , it is the last item in the reading section.
2. You need to answer with word or couple of words (2 /3) or one phrase
3. Do not repeat the answers. For instance, what is the month comes between October and December Only once you
need tell like November. Do not repeat like November November
4. Be active through out this item/question and speak in to the microphone when it will turned ON.
5. You need to have general knowledge and current affairs , idea bout maps, little technical knowledge as well
6. It is a easiest part in speaking section, so so well and get full marks.
7. In recent times , it consists of questions like they will give one image and asked the questions in that. So, be
ready for any type of questions. Normally, these image types questions come 3 to 4 nos. However in some cases


Describe image:
1. This item having second highest weight-age after re-tell lecture. So be focus on this, to achieve good scores in
Speaking module.
2. There are 6 to 7 different types of things will get for this item type. Like describe bar-graph, line-graph, pie-chart, block-
diagram, table, photo, picture, to name but a few.
3. You will get around 6 to 8 items. Including all different types of images as cited above.
4. Need to use different vocabulary words in this. For example you need follow below phrases to describe-
This bar-graph depicts the Australia population for 1950 to 2000. It noticeably showed from 1950 to 1970 the growth of people is
steady. However, from 1970 to 1990 fall down and touches the lowest value 35 Billions. In and all, at last , it again taken off and
reached the maximum value of 56 Billions.
Other starting phrases are: This pie-chart illustrates..
This block diagram shows
This picture / photo demonstrates This line-graph denotes..
5. Do not use much pillar words like (hmmmm, uhhh, etc) and not take long pauses.
6. Try to speak full time (40seconds)
7. Content is not much important,, however it also one of the important factor. Main focus should be on pronunciation and oral
fluency. Do not follow any separate pronunciation , use neutral pronunciation>
8. Try to identify main/key/essential points given in the diagram and describe those points.


Skim the entire passage to get an idea of its general content. You should be able to answer the question What
is the passage mainly about?
1. Scan the entire passage for key words and phrases. Words and phrases that are repeated throughout the passage are
usually important. Make a note of these.
2. If there are multiple paragraphs, the first paragraph will typically be an introduction to the topic, and will often include a
brief description of what will be discussed.
3. The last paragraph will typically close with a conclusion
4. Each paragraph will have its own topic sentence expressing the main idea. Typically, the topic sentence is the first
sentence of the paragraph (Rest of things are supporting arguments)
5. The task of summarizing a multi-paragraph passage is sometimes made easier by briefly summarizing each
paragraph first, and then combining these summaries into a single summary.Make a brief summary of each paragraph as you
finish reading it. You do not need full sentences at this point.
6. Keep your summary to a maximum of 30 words. The response box has an indicator that will tell you how many words
you have written. If you are
getting close to your word limit, but still need to write more, edit your sentence to remove unnecessary words, especially
adjectives. These can often be omitted.
7. use punctuations like comman,colon,apastrophe, ETC. You have to use the full stop in the end of the sentence.
Following is the strategy that I can suggest.
1. Familiarity with computer based test.
As it is computer based, time bound exam, having a better typing speed will help. I am a software developer and can
touch type, this was one of the reason I could finish exam in two hours. So in case you have slow typing speed try to
improve it a bit.
2. Get to know each question type in all sections.
You can get information on what to expect in each question type under each section on youtube or on ptepractice.com
(Paid). You can also learn what are the best way to solve each question type. This is a must for good score. E.g. reorder
paragraph can be solved better using instructions given in youtube video and they are (I heard) worth 20 points each.
3. Try to give a sample exam on web
ptepractice.com sample paper will cost you 35$ ( ~2300INR ) and it will be exact replica of original test. You will get
scores for it and will know what sections to improve (Eg. I had low score in written discourse and so read more on how
to structure a good essay). Much better than giving exam twice.
4. Make notes on each type of questions (Very important)
I had made a list of all question types and marked them easy/medium/hard during my preparation. I had marked re tell
lecture/repeat sentence hard, but slowly learned which questions should be made quick notes for (Re tell lecture) and
which one should only be solved based on memory (repeat sentences). In the end I had reached all question types marked
as Easy.
Believe me 3 second rule and even otherwise repeat sentence looks tough but after practice it is one of the easy ones.
5. Make note of flow of exam.
This one is included in fourth point as well. Along with notes on each question, make notes section wise, try to learn
which question follows which one. Describe image is followed by Retell lecture and is quite a change as Retell lecture
sometime come with a image causing confusion. This will keep you well prepared, though I am not sure if this same
flow is always followed
Find out about T method of note taking. I think it is available on youtube.
Do not pause in the middle. Have enough jotted down that you dont have to pause. That is my whole idea of jotting down a lot.
Use words like furthermore, in addition to that, nevertheless , However , Moreover , On one side. on the other
side , Evidently ,To put it in a nutshell (for conculsion) and other phrases that sound right to start a sentence with. Use these
when you finish one sentence and moving to the other. It helps to keep the flow.
CH#4 Answer Short Questions

An older unmarried woman- Spinster Vocabulary

Sleep enjoyed in the afternoon- The right answer is jargon
-nap The one who has no money. Pauper
-siesta Beggar
The right answer is siesta The right answer is pauper
Language which is confused and unintelligible Jargon A man whose wife is dead Widow
Widower Something that is quickly and easily set on fire and burned
The right answer is widower Flammable
A place where dead bodies are kept Cemetery Inflammable
Mortuary The right answer is inflammable
The right answer is mortuary That cannot be satisfies- insatiable That kills insects
One whose business is to find out criminals Detectives Insecticide Pesticide
Police The right answer is insecticide
The right answer is detective The one who is unable to pay his debts Indebt
The government runs by the dictator. Autocracy Insolvent
Democracy The right answer is insolvent
The right answer is autocracy Something that is not applicable Irrelevant
One who prepares plans for buildings The right answer is architect A one who travels from place to place- itinerant Anything which is
A great lover of books related to youth and young juvenile
The right answer is bibliophile An animal of Australia with great leaping power- kangaroo
A place where fishes are kept The right answer is aquarium One who know many languages Linguist
One who tests eyesight and sells spectacles The right answer is Bilingual
optician The right answer is linguist
The science of animal life Biology The eclipse of moon Solar
Zoology Lunar
The right answer is zoology The right answer is lunar
14.one who kills animals and sells their flesh 49. Animals which give milk
-butcher Reptiles
-barber Mammals
The right answer is butcher The right answer is mammals Handwritten book- manuscript
A disease which spreads by contact The right answer is contagious A person who die for his country- Martyr
disease Soldier
A man who thinks only for himself The right answer is egoistic The right answer is martyr
An animal living both on land in water The Right answer is One for whom the money is the most important thing Materialistic
amphibian A cinema show which is held in the afternoons- matinee Morning
A building for keeping and feeding horses in Stable prayer in church-matinee
Kennel Belonging to the middle ages- medieval
The right answer is stable Very particular about very small details- meticulous
A string of beads used for counting prayers Rosary Someone who moves from one place to another Migratory
Garland Immigrant
The right answer is rosary The right answer is migratory
A government publication relating to order, notification, etc. Gazette A person who does not believe in the institution of marriages
Journal Magazine Bachelor
The right answer is gazette Misogamist
Art and science dealing with language Grammar The right answer is misogamist A person who hates woman
Literature Misogamist
The right answer is grammar Misogynist
A vehicle to carry dead bodies hearse A grass eating animal The right answer misogynist
Carnivorous Herbivorous A government by a king or a queen Monarchy
The right answer is herbivorous Mobocracy
Things of different nature Homogenous Heterogeneous The right answer is monarchy
The right answer is heterogeneous The practice of having one wife or husband
The point where the earth and sky seem to meet. Horizon -polygamy
Quarter Hemisphere -monogamy
The right answer is horizon -the right answer is monogamy
Someone who is fond of entertaining guests Host Medicine which induces sleep Narcotic
Hospitable One who is a new comer- neophyte
The right answer is hospitable Person publically authorized to draw up or attest contracts etc- notary
A serpent with many heads- hydra One who is new to a trade or profession- novice
One who pretends to be what he is not- hypocrite Worship of idols- Article of food rich in nutrition.- nutritive Having a lot of fat in ones
idolatry body- obesity
A handwriting that cannot be read- illegible A notice of death in a newspaper- obituary
A sound that cannot be heard Audile A thing no longer in use Obsolete
Inaudible Out of date All of above
The right answer is inaudible The right answer is all of the above A study of ocean- oceanography
Incapable of being burnt Incombustible 70. All powerful, possessing complete power and authority-
Something that cannot be believed- incredible Something that cannot omnipotent
be cured- incurable Something that cannot be avoided- inevitable 71. A one who is presents everywhere- omnipresent
Something that cannot be explained- explicable The act of killing an 72. A one who knows everything- omniscient
infant 73. An animal that eats any kind of food
Infanticide Homicide Omnivorous
The right answer is infanticide Carnivorous
Not limited by person or number Herbivorous
-infinite Finite The right answer is omnivorous
The right answer is infinite 74. One who look at the bright side of the thing
Optimist The correct answer is pugnacity
Pessimist 104. One who is particular about the purity of ones language-
The right answer is optimist purist?
75. A person without mother and father- orphan 105. The study of ancient societies
76. A place where orphans live- orphanage a. Anthropology
77. One who believe in traditional values- orthodox b. Archaeology
78. A supposed cure for all diseases or problems- panacea c. History
79. Study of disease d. Ethnology
Pathology Answer: archeology
Biology A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power
The right answer is pathology HYPERLINK
80. Killer of ones own father a.Expert
Patricide b. Intellectual
Homicide c. Snob
The right answer is patricide d. Literate
81. Properties inherited from ones father- patrimony Answer: intellectual
82. One who loves his/ her country? What is the list of the business or subjects to be considered at a
Patriot meeting called-
-terrorist Answer: agenda
The right answer is patriot One who possesses many talent is referred as: Answer: versatile
83. Payment made in consideration of past service pension A person who is above hundred years centenarian A cinema which
84. One who looks on the dark side of things? is held in the afternoon matinee A flesh eating plant carnivores
-pessimist A game in which no one wins draw
Optimist A life history written by oneself autobiography
The correct answer is pessimist A person who always thinks of himself self centered /egoist A
85. Lover of mankind-philanthropist person with evil reputation notorious
86. Study of stamp collection A paper written by hand is known as- Handicraft
Philately Manuscript Handiwork Thesis
-numismatics Answer: manuscript detailed plan of journey- travelogue
The correct answer is philately Travel kit Schedule Itinerary Answer: itinerary
87. Study of words and their roots- philology The environment related to organisms is called as- Answer-ecology
88. The study of sound A thing that is fit to be eaten Answer-edible
A) Phonetics An exact copy- Answer- facsimile
B) Acoustics Anything that leads to death Answer fatal
C) all of the above Correct answer is (c) A person who eats too much Glutton
89. The study of the body- physiology Reveler Omnivore
90. One who leads others- pioneer? None of the above Answer- glutton
91. One who copies from other writers? Likely to break apart easily- Hard
-plagiarist Harsh Brittle Breakable
Cheater Answer- brittle
-deceiver A person living in a foreign country- Native
The correct answer is plagiarist Abroader Remote Foreigner
92. A government by the rich Answer- foreigner Perceptible to ear- Audible
-democracy Laudable Praiseable Adorable Answer-audible
-plutocracy One who does not make mistakes Answer- infallible
-autocracy One who goes on foot Answer-pedestrian
The correct answer id= plutocracy The science which treats with life Answer- biology
93. The practice of having many wives- polygamy What are the words called which have the same meaning- Answer-
94. One who know many languages synonym
Polyglot A person living at the same time as another- Historical
-linguistic Contemporary Time-fellow Chum
-Multilanguage Answer contemporary Through which light cannot pass Dull
The correct answer is polyglot Dark Obscure Opaque
95. A figure with many angles or sides-polygon Answer: opaque
96. A place where ships seek shelter- port A man dances to the tunes of his wife- Answer- henpecked
97. A book published after the death of its author An instrument for viewing object at a distance Answer: telescope
-postscript Cure of all diseases Answer: panacea
-posthumous Custom of many husbands Polygamy
-post publish Monogamy Polyandry Answer: polygamy
The correct answer is posthumous What is fear of water called- Acrophobia
98. Medical examination of a dead body-postmortem Hydrophobia Orthophobia Gynophobia
99. A short message added on to the end of a letter after the Answer: hydrophobia
signature- postscript A woman whose husband is dead Answer: widow
100. Water fit for drinking-potable That which is against law Answer: illegal
101. An animal that preys on other animals-predator Things of same nature Homogenous Heterogeneous Answer:
102. To form an opinion against anybody baselessly- prejudice homogenous
103. Tendency to quarrel A list of names. Books Answer: catalogue
-hot tempered A pleasant song used for causing children to sleep Answer: lullaby
-Pugnacity-argumentative A school for small children Answer: kindergarten
A coworker in the same institution is a colleague or a peer Answer: the right answer is 2011
colleague 163. Whom is prince William married to?
An assembly of hearers at a conference or concert Answer: audience duchess of Cambridge
A shed for motor cars Answer: garage duchess of Bristol
A medicine that prevents infection by killing germs Answer: 164. What is the name of prince Williams son?
antiseptic prince George
Arena is a prince alexander
A place for indoor games A place for hockey the right answer is prince George
A place for wrestling A place for racing Answer: c 165. What is the name of Saif Ali khan?
What is a dormitory? Inner part of the city Mansoor Ali khan
Sleeping room in an institution Akbar Khan
Exercise room in an institution Answer: b the right answer is Mansoor Ali khan
149. Grand central terminal, Park Avenue, new york is the 166. Who won big boss 9?
worlds largest:- Karisma Tanna
-largest railway station Gautam Gulati
-highest railway station the right answer is Gautam Gulati
-longest railway station 167. Big boss is inspired from which international reality show?
None of the above Big brother
The right answer is the largest railway station Big don
150. Entomology is the science that studies The right answer is big brother?
Behavior of human beings 167. Which is the national bird of India?
Insects peacock
The origin and history of technical and scientific terms. parrot
The formation of rocks the right answer is peacock
-the correct answer is insects 168. Which is the national flower of India?
151. How many bones do a human being has? lotus
206 -rose
-208 the right answer is lotus
the right answer is 206 169. Which is the national animal of India?
152. How many intestines does a human being has? lion
1 tiger
-2 the right answer is tiger
the right answer is 2 170. Which is the national fruit of India?
153. What is baby called when in the womb of mother? apple
foetus -mango
154. How many players are there in football team? banana
-11 the right answer is mango
-12 171. Which is the national anthem?
-13 Jana Gana Mana
the right answer is 11 172. Which is the national song?
155. Who is the president of India? Vande Mantram
Pranab Mukherjee 173. Who wrote national anthem?
-Narendra Modi Rabindra Nath Tagore?
the right answer is Pranab Mukherjee 174. Number 13 is lucky in which religion?
156. Who was the first lady president? -Hinduism
Pratibha Patil Sikhism
Indra Gandhi the right answer is Sikhism
the right answer is Pratibha Patil 175. Number 13 is unlucky in which religion?
157. Who is the chief minister of Punjab? Sikhism
Sukhvir Badal Christian
Prakash Singh Badal The right answer is Christian
the right answer is Prakash Singh Badal 176. What is reincarnation?
158. Who is the education minister? the re- birth of same soul in another body
Smriti Irani the re- birth of same soul in same body
159. Who won the national award for best actress in 2015? the re- birth of same soul in another body.
Kangana Ranaut 177. Who invented zero?
160. Which movie has won the best movie award in 2015? -Arya Bhatt
Mary Kom 178. In which century was the computer invented?
161. Who is the first wife of Saif Ali khan? 19th century
amrita Singh 18th century
162. Who won miss universe in 2015? the right answer is 19th century
Paulina Vega 179. Who invented computer?
Nia Sanchez -Charles Babbage
Diana Harkusha 180 who is the main founder of Facebook?
the right answer is Paulina Vega. Mark Zuckerberg
162. When did prince William get married? William Zuckerberg
in 2010 the right answer is mark Zuckerberg
in 2011 181. Who is the richest person in the world?
in 2012 bill gates
182 Who overtook reliance company? Bhutan Japan India
-Dilip s. Shangvi Answer: Bhutan
Mukesh Ambani Which country has hosted common wealth games maximum number
the right answer is Dilip S. Shangvi of time?
183. The suit which prime minister narendra modi wore during Canada
his meeting with us president barrack obama was bought by:- New Zealand England Scotland
Lalaji bhai Patel One word substitutes:
Babaji patel Which one is a domesticated animal: cat, camel or tiger Answer: cat
-the right answer is Lalaji bhai patel What is not a font style? Bold
184. How much was that suit sold for? Regular Superscript Italic
4.31 crore Answer: superscript
-4.71 crore Control + x is a short used for? Answer: cut
the right answer is 4.31 crore. The bones around your chest that protect organs such as the heart are
185. What is the national game of India? called what?
hockey Answer: ribs
cricket The two holes in your nose are called? Answer: nostrils
the right answer is hockey The meet of cow is known as beef or pork Answer: beef
186. Is Narendra Modi married? Are humans omnivore, herbivore or carnivore? Answer: omnivore
yes What is the sweet substance made by bees? Answer: honey
-no What is the capital of Italy- Rome or Tokyo? Answer: Rome
the right answer is yes Trying to predict the weather is known as weather Answer:
187. What classes does the primary level include? forecasting
up to 5 What is the average temperature of the human body? Answer: 98.6 f
-up to 7 or 37 c
the right answer is up to 5 Is India a country or a state? Answer: country
188. What does red color in the bar graph given below depicts:- The place where fishes are kept is known as Answer: aquarium
for career Archery is the national sport of which country- Afghanistan
for interest Bhutan Japan
the right answer is for interest India
189. Which country goes through maximum fluctuations Answer: Bhutan
Australia Which country has hosted common wealth games maximum number
-Canada of time?
European community Canada
the right answer is Canada New Zealand England Scotland
190. Which pie chart has the maximum processed food? What instrument is used to measure angles in geometry? Answer:
China protractor
India- word Which size of the newspaper is smaller? Tabloid or broadsheet
the right answer is china Answer: tabloid
191. Which of the area includes town centre? How many milligrams in a gram? Answer:1000
in the north 227. What is the largest cat in the world? The tiger
in the south 1 What two colors are mixed to create the color purple- white and black
in the south 2 or red and blue?
the right answer is s2 Red and blue
192. In the given pie chart; what does maroon colour indicate:- With which device the earthquakes are recorded? Answer:
eating and drinking seismograph
grooming Which is the second largest country in land- area? Answer: Canada
travelling What is the most common blood type in humans o or b+? Answer:
the right answer is eating and drinking 193. o
How much hours they have spent on travelling Which word does the e in e-mail stand for? Answer: electronic
Which one is a domesticated animal: cat, camel or tiger Answer: cat Which is the currency of Dubai? Answer: dirhams
What is not a font style? Bold Which is the largest planet in the solar system Jupiter or mars?
Regular Superscript Italic Answer: Jupiter
Answer: superscript Which is largest kilobyte, gigabyte or megabyte? Answer: gigabyte
Control + x are a short used for? Answer: cut In the amount of alcohol you get, which is the most expensive- beer,
The bones around your chest that protect organs such as the heart are whiskey or wine?
called what? Answer: beer
Answer: ribs Which is the largest living bird? Answer: ostrich
The two holes in your nose are called? Answer: nostrils The song jangan man was originally composed in
The meet of cow is known as beef or pork Answer: beef -Bengali Hindi Urdu Sanskrit
Are humans omnivore, herbivore or carnivore? Answer: omnivore Answer: a ( Bengali)
What is the sweet substance made by bees? Answer: honey The national animal of India is the: a. Tigerb. Lionc. Peacockd.
What is the capital of Italy- Rome or Tokyo? Answer: Rome Leopard Answer: tiger
Trying to predict the weather is known as weather Answer: The national fruit of India is the a. Mangob. Lotus fruitc. Guavad.
forecasting Papaya Answer: a ( mango)
What is the average temperature of the human body? Answer: 98.6 f Ram had 342 coins in his collection. How would you write 342? A.
or 37 c Three four two
Is India a country or a state? Answer: country B.
The place where fishes are kept is known as Answer: aquarium Three forty two
Archery is the national sport of which country- Afghanistan C.
Three hundred forty two (a) c. Rajagopalachari(b) dr. Rajendra Prasad(c) panditjawaharlala
D. Nehru(d) lord Mountbatten
Three hundred four two Answer: c Answer: b
Who is the president of USA? 289. What are doctors and lawyers called what they do?
A. Answer: practice
Manmohan Singh 290. How many players are involved in the football? Answer: 11
B. Haseena shiekh 291. Who takes care of the sheep? Answer: shepherd
C. Barack Obama Answer: Barack Obama 292. Which month has 28 days? Answer: all
In what season do apples most commonly mature? Ans : autumn 293. Which is the highest mountain in the world? Answer:
Which is the largest fish in the world? Answer: whale shark mount Everest
.which is the tallest animal on the earth-giraffe or zebra? 294. What is the female gender of peacock? Answer: peahen
Answer: giraffe 295. In the following question choose one word that best
square is to cube as circle is to - Round describes the meaning of the given word.
Ball Pie Sphere Ghastly A)terrible
Answer: a B) pleasant
What do most children ride on to go to school? C) pretty
A) school bus b) car c) taxi d) motorcycle Answer : a D) sanction Answer: a
282 . What farm animal gives us milk to drink? Answer: 297 choose the correct spelling word from options given below
cow/buffalo A) pesenger
283 in America, what do people call it when children go out to B) pessenger
play during a break at school? C) passenger
Answer: recess D) pasenger Answer: c
285. If you wanted to dig a hole, which of the following would 297. What is the antonym of content? Answer: dissatisfied
you be most likely to use? 298. What is the antonym of anxiety?
A)spade b) spanner c)hammer d) hoe Answer: spade A) scare
286. On a clock, if the big hand is on 12 and the little hand is on B) calmness
3 what time would it be? C) leisure
A) 12 0clock b) 3 o clock c) 5 o clock d) 9 oclock Answer: b D) apprehension Answer: b
287. What vehicle runs on a track and blows a whistle? 299. What is the cry of lion called? Answer: roar
A) car b) train c) airplane d) helicopter Answer: b 300. What does this picture describe?
288. Who was Indias first president? Answer: sports

A long depression in the surface of the land that usually If you forget the way what will you buy to find your
contains a river is called? destination? Ans-A map
Ans-Valley If something is POST ,then what does Post mean? Ans-
What is 3/4th of percentage called as? Ans- 75% Post means after and Pre means before.
Circumference, radius, diameter form which geometrical In hospitals and other shops who gives medicine? Ans-
shape? Ans- Circle. Pharmacist
What does an optic person deal with? Ans- Spectacles If you face any heart related issue whom you will contact?
If u have pain in teeth whom do you consult? Ans- Dentist Ans- Cardiologist
Name the device of computer having name same to that of what do people wear, if they cant see very well? Ans-
an animal. spectacles
Ans- Mouse In which branch of science, periodic table comes? Ans-
How many years are in a decade? Ans-10 Years Chemistry
Whenever a person goes to an interview, would he be in an when something comes at hault , what does this mean ?
enthusiastic mood or sad mood? Ans-stop
Ans- Enthusiastic mood After secondary education, students can study in colleges as
What special document do most people carry during well as.? Ans-universities
international travels? Ans- Passport If a button has come out of shirt, what would someone most
What would you call one half of the percentage? Ans-0.005 likely use to put it back on ?
What do we call the alphabetical list, at the end of the book, Ans-Needle and thread
that tells you where to find specific information ? what general part of the day is known as dawn? Ans-
Ans-Index morning time
At what ceremony, the students receive their degree or what does king or queen wear on their head at official
diploma at end of their study ? ceremonies ? Ans-crown
Ans-Graduation day what are winter , spring ,summer and autumn? Ans-seasons
what is the chemical formula of water ? Or what is the name what is the sweet food produced by bees ? Ans-Honey.
of H2o? Ans-H2o or Water what do we call organs in our chest that we use to breathe ?
Which Animal is not a mammal? Butterfly, cow or Goat? Ans-lungs
Ans-Butterfly In English calendar, if March comes before April, then
How many years you study for an Undergraduate program? which month will come after April?
Ans- 3 years Ans- May

IMAGE Based Questions:- Browsing Internet

2) Male and female table and their designations are given.
1) Two girls are doing something on What is the name of female employee in the table?
laptop. What are they doing? Ans- Ans- Elizibath(Female)
3) A windmill is given in the picture. Name this Stations and departure and arrivals. What was the
device which is used to generate electricity? departure time of bus from a particular station.
Ans-Windmill 11) An image was given and girl was sitting and paper
was in the air. What is happening to the paper? Ans-
4) A telephone is circulated (Inside Circle). Scattering/ Its getting scattered.
What is the item which is circulated?
Ans- The Telephone 12) An image was given in which 2-3 people had
glasses(funnel shaped) in their hand.What are these
5) A table with 4 to 5 rows and columns with different people doing?
course names? How many courses the student took? Ans- Experiment.
6) A table is given with different years and months. 13) A paint in going on in background and a man is
What is the Preceding year of April? wearing gloves. Why is man wearing gloves?
Ans- Preceding means previous year Ans-He is doingpainting
7) An image showing a big indoor 14) A person was wearing goggles blue in
stadium. What is this building? Ans- An colour. What is this person wearing?
indoor stadium Ans- Goggles
8) Look at the table and find sales of which product were 15) People are doing something in space on moon.
increasing every month. 5-6 products were given and only
Where are these people? Ans- On the Moon.
sales of one product was increasing every month.
9) An image of sunrise is given. What is this image
16) A butterfly is shown in an
image.How does the butterfly fly?
showing? Dawn or Dusk? Ans- Dawn
Ans- With wings.
10) Data is table is given showing bus timing,

Short Answers Questions Dead remains of plants fossils

Business and advertsing public relation
Paying at the counter after shopping check out what do you need to see thing which are far away binoculars
First story of the basement/building basement Who to visit if you have fear of crowd psychologist
Fed up Negative feeling Means of travelling in developed countries public transport
Who do you call in case of leaking pipeline plumber Washing clothes laundry
Editorial section Writers opinion Who is more playing football men
Microscope is used to see Micro -organism /Living Living things Biology
things Transfer quickly from computer to computer virus Month between september and november October
Democratic government people vote Thing most people use in theor home Bed
what do you get when you buy something receipt Main difference between a wrist watch and a clock Size
Agriculture based country farming economy Where we store meat Freezer
Stars or planet astronomy Most important document while driving Driving licence

some helpful answer short questions which for the PTE-A

Exams: 15. Who to visit if you have fear of crowd
1. Paying at the counter after shopping check out
16. Means of travelling in developed countries
2. First story of the basement/building basement public transport
3. Fed up Negative feeling 17. Washing clothes laundry
4. Who do you call in case of leaking pipeline 18. Who is more playing football men
19. Living things Biology
5. Microscope is used to see Micro-organism
20. Month between September and November
6. Transfer quickly from computer to computer October
virus, Downloading
21. Thing most people use in their home Bed
7. Democratic government people vote
22. Main difference between a wrist watch and a
8. What do you get when you buy something receipt clock Size
9. Agriculture based country farmingeconomy 23. Where we store meat Freezer
10. Stars or planet astronomy 24. Most important document while driving
11. Dead remains of plants fossils Driving license

12. Business and advertising PR means public 25. Where we can buy floor Supermarket
relation 26. For X-ray radiology
13. What do you need to see thing which are far away 27. Volume of water liters
28. Hand joint with arm wrist
14. Magnify minimal objects microscope
29. wall clock and hand watch their relative sizes
30. City Urban area scholarship
31. When moon covers sun -solareclipse 57. What is piece of paper with official information
written on it? document
32. Orbits the sun Planet
58. What is the name of a building where you can
33. Football in-charge referee borrow books? library
34. cardiologists heart 59. Who is a person that makes bread, cakes and
35. event placed in time order a timeline pastries? baker

36. sea water different from fresh water Salt 60. What organ controls your speech,
feelings, body movement and thoughts?
37. University courses orally or writtenassessment brain
38. washing clothes in thebathroom 61. What piece of equipment shows a person
what direction they are traveling? compass
39. protect motor bike riders Helmet
62. What is a series of events that happen in
40. leap year 366 days your mind while you are sleeping? dream

41. fitness more exercise

63. What is that person belongs to an organization
called? member
42. Europe is home to United kingdom
64. Who cuts mens hair? barber
43. arrival at hotel reception or check-in
65. What is it called when two or more people are
44. job title building designer architecture speaking to each other? conversation

45. watches a sport event spectator

66. What is a violent conflict between two or
more countries? war
46. climb to roof ladder
67. What do you call the number of people
47. dont feel like eating appetite living in a specific area? population

48. improve health n fitness diet and more physical

68. What do you call a person that cant hear?
49. What is the name of ground military forces?
69. What is the day that someone is born?
50. What is someone that cant see called? Blind
70. What plan shows how much money is available and
how it will be spent?
51. What do you call the middle of something?
52. Whose job is it to treat people that are ill or have an
71. What is the name of a system of government in
which the people elect their leaders? democracy
injury at a hospital?
72. What planet do we live on? earth
73. What is the job of someone that looks after
53. What is the process of teaching and learning your teeth and gums? dentist
called? Education
74. What is the time period before noon is
54. What kind of book is written by a called? ante meridian

person about
their own life?
75. What is the time after noon called? post
55. What is the red liquid that flows through a body?
Blood 76. What organ do cardiologists specialize in?
56. What is the payment of a students education by an
organization called?

From McMillan:
5. System of government where people vote for
1. Which section of news paper gives the people democracy
editor an opinion? editorial
6. piece of paper that you bought an item a
2. what instrument used to examine very small receipt
thing microscope
7. What you call the document that tells your
3. What is the destructive program that spread from comp qualification and work exp? CV, curriculum vitae,
to comp a virus resume
4. what term used for animals that gives birth to 8. How would you describe economy largely based on
mammals farming? agricultural, rural
9. What is the study of stars and planet called? 32. What appliance do people use to keep their
astronomy food cool and preventing from spoiling? fridge
10. In business and davit what is PR stand for? 33. To crossover from one side of the wide river
public relations to another without using boat, what is usually
required? a bridge
11. What emergency service called at see? 34. What is a painting of a persons head is called?
coastguard a portrait
12. Name a month fall bet April and June? 35. Where do we find urban area in a city or
May country side? in a city
13. what word describe moving a website 36. What we call it, when moon completely blocks out
from internet to your comp downloading / the light from the sun?
14. What is called a picture doctor take to see a solar eclipse / an eclipse
inside body? an X-ray 37. What point of the compass is directly opposite
15. What crime has someone stealing from shop east? west
committed? shoplifting 38. Where does u pay for your purchases at the super
16. If someone feeling ill they will say they are feeling market? (at the) till / checkout
under the 39. What does u call an apartment that is beyond
what? weather ground level (a basement apartment or a penthouse
apartment)? a basement apartment
17. [under the weather Feel sick, poor health,
40. What features do pianos and computers have in
tired or exhausted]
common? a keyboard
18. Who is person in-charge of a football match?
41. If you are feeling fed up it is positive or
the referee
negative feeling? a negative feeling
19. Last game in sporting competition that decide 42. I am fed up with being put down and made to
champ? the final feel stupid]
20. What is the general term for painting at country 43. What we call a period of ten years? a decade
side or natural view? landscape
21. Found in office (a printer and other two
44. A specialist who repairs leaking water pipes is called a
? plumber
options)? a printer
22. There are two types of sporting contests: one is
45. A famous canal links the meditation sea with the
Indian Ocean, is it the Curran or Suez Canal? the
amateur; and other is
Suez canal
? professional
46. Where would you keep the meat you wish to keep
23. Where would you find the whale (tropical frozen at home? in a freezer
forest, ocean)? ocean 47. What is the most imp doc you would have to
show if you would to hire a car? a driving license
24. Coat had a stain on it where would they take?
a dry cleaners 48. Where would you go to work out on a trade mill?
a gym / gymnasium
25. What are the things that hens lay called?
eggs 49. What piece of equipment would you use to go
diving in a sea, an aquaplane or an aqualung? an
26. The people who use to obey the rules and aqualung [ aqualung a portable breathing apparatus
protect the public from criminals are called? for divers ; aquaplane a board for riding on water,
the police pulled by a speedboat]
27. On what geographical location would someone be 50. Where would you most likely go to buy some
living if their country is surrounded by water on all side? flowers (a bakery, a florist or a super market)? a
an island supermarket
28. What general part of the day is known as 51. which hospital dept you go for x-ray (radiology
dawn? a sunrise or cardio) a radiology

29. [Part of the Day: DawnTwilightSunrise, 52. Where would you go to see an exhibition of
Morning, Daylight / midday- afternoon, Evening, sculptures? to an art gallery
SunsetTwilightDusk, Night] / to a museum
30. What are the people that plant food, raise crop are
53. Would you measure volume of water in liters
commonly known as? or kilos? liters
farmers 54. Whats the joint called where your hand is
31. If a button has come off a shirt, what would connected to your arm? the (or your) wrist
someone most likely use to put it back on? a needle
and thread Offline Practice PTE-A Exam:
1. What organ do cardiologists specialize in? (the)
heart / hearts
2. If telescopes are used to locate distant
objects, what instrument is employed to
magnify minuscule objects? (electron)
microscope / microscopes
3. Which kind of punishment for a crime is the less
severe, an imprisonment or community service?
4. How many sides are there in a bilateral
agreement? two
5. Which is the longest: a decade, a millennium or a
century? a millennium
6. A manufacturing process releases noxious gases.
What is the most
important safety measure for workers at this plant
ensuring good ventilation, or appropriate footwear?
(ensuring good) ventilation
7. A list of events placed in time order is usually
described as what? a chronology / a timeline
8. If a figure is hexagonal, how many sides does
it have? six
9. What key mineral makes sea water different
from fresh water? salt
10. In the animal kingdom, is the purpose of camouflage
to attract a mate, to find food or to hide? (its) (the
purpose is) (to) hide
Where we can buy floor Supermarket
For X-ray radiology
Volume of water litres
Hand joint with arm wrist
Diving Sea aqua
Lung for earth/place aqua place Personal paiting of the face
portrait City urban area
When moon covers sun -solar eclipse

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