Tensors: Geometry and Applications

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Tensors: Geometry and Applications

J.M. Landsberg

Preface xi
0.1. Usage xi
0.2. Overview xii
0.3. Clash of cultures xvii
0.4. Further reading xviii
0.5. Conventions, acknowledgments xix

Part 1. Motivation from applications, multilinear algebra and

elementary results

Chapter 1. Introduction 3
1.1. The complexity of matrix multiplication 5
1.2. Definitions from multilinear algebra 6
1.3. Tensor decomposition 11
1.4. P v. NP and algebraic variants 17
1.5. Algebraic Statistics and tensor networks 21
1.6. Geometry and representation theory 24

Chapter 2. Multilinear algebra 27

2.1. Rust removal exercises 28
2.2. Groups and representations 30
2.3. Tensor products 32
2.4. The rank and border rank of a tensor 35
2.5. Examples of invariant tensors 39

vi Contents

2.6. Symmetric and skew-symmetric tensors 40

2.7. Polynomials on the space of matrices 48
2.8. Decomposition of V 3 52
2.9. Appendix: Basic definitions from algebra 55
2.10. Appendix: Jordan and rational canonical form 57
2.11. Appendix: Wiring diagrams 58
Chapter 3. Elementary results on rank and border rank 67
3.1. Ranks of tensors 68
3.2. Symmetric rank 70
3.3. Uniqueness of CP decompositions 72
3.4. First tests of border rank: flattenings 74
3.5. Symmetric border rank 76
3.6. Partially symmetric tensor rank and border rank 79
3.7. Two useful techniques for determining border rank 79
3.8. Strassens equations and variants 81
3.9. Equations for small secant varieties 86
3.10. Equations for symmetric border rank 88
3.11. Tensors in C2 Cb Cc 92

Part 2. Geometry and Representation Theory

Chapter 4. Algebraic geometry for spaces of tensors 97
4.1. Diagnostic test for those familiar with algebraic geometry 98
4.2. First definitions 98
4.3. Examples of algebraic varieties 101
4.4. Defining equations of Veronese re-embeddings 105
4.5. Grassmannians 106
4.6. Tangent and cotangent spaces to varieties 107
4.7. G-varieties and homogeneous varieties 110
4.8. Exercises on Jordan normal form and geometry 111
4.9. Further information regarding algebraic varieties 111
Chapter 5. Secant varieties 117
5.1. Joins and secant varieties 118
5.2. Geometry of rank and border rank 120
5.3. Terracinis lemma and first consequences 122
Contents vii

5.4. The polynomial Waring problem 125

5.5. Dimensions of secant varieties of Segre Varieties 127
5.6. Ideas of proofs of dimensions of secant varieties of triple Segre
products 130
5.7. BRPP and conjectures of Strassen and Comon 132
Chapter 6. Exploiting symmetry: Representation theory for spaces of
tensors 137
6.1. Schurs lemma 138
6.2. Finite groups 139
6.3. Representations of the permutation group Sd 140
6.4. Decomposing V d as a GL(V ) module with the aid of Sd 144
6.5. Decomposing S (A1 An ) as a G = GL(A1 )
GL(An )-module 149
6.6. Characters 151
6.7. The Littlewood-Richardson rule 153
6.8. Weights and weight spaces: a generalization of eigenvalues
and eigenspaces 157
6.9. Homogeneous varieties 164
6.10. Ideals of homogeneous varieties 167
6.11. Symmetric functions 170
Chapter 7. Tests for border rank: Equations for secant varieties 173
7.1. Subspace varieties and multi-linear rank 174
7.2. Additional auxiliary varieties 177
7.3. Flattenings 179
7.4. Inheritance 184
7.5. Prolongation and multi-prolongation 186
7.6. Strassens equations, applications and generalizations 192
7.7. Equations for 4 (Seg(PA PB PC)) 198
7.8. Young flattenings 201
Chapter 8. Additional varieties useful for spaces of tensors 207
8.1. Tangential varieties 208
8.2. Dual varieties 211
8.3. The Pascal determinant 214
8.4. Differential invariants of projective varieties 215
8.5. Stratifications of PV via dual varieties 219
viii Contents

8.6. The Chow variety of zero cycles and its equations 221
8.7. The Fano variety of lines on a variety 225
Chapter 9. Rank 229
9.1. Remarks on rank for arbitrary varieties 229
9.2. Bounds on symmetric rank 231
9.3. Examples of classes of polynomials and their ranks 235
Chapter 10. Normal forms for small tensors 243
10.1. Vector spaces with a finite number of orbits 244
10.2. Vector spaces where the orbits can be explicitly parametrized 246
10.3. Points in C2 Cb Cc 249
10.4. Ranks and border ranks of elements of S 3 C3 255
10.5. Tensors in C3 C3 C3 257
10.6. Normal forms for C2 S 2 W 258
10.7. Exercises on normal forms for general points on small secant
varieties 259
10.8. Limits of secant planes 259
10.9. Limits for Veronese varieties 261
10.10. Ranks and normal forms in 3 (Seg(PA1 PAn )) 264

Part 3. Applications
Chapter 11. The complexity of matrix multiplication 271
11.1. Real world issues 272
11.2. Failure of the border rank version of Strassens conjecture 273
11.3. Finite group approach to upper bounds 277
11.4. R(M3,3,3 ) 23 279
11.5. Blasers 2 -Theorem 279
11.6. The Brockett-Dobkin Theorem 281
11.7. Multiplicative complexity 283
Chapter 12. Tensor decomposition 285
12.1. Cumulants 286
12.2. Blind deconvolution of DS-CMDA signals 289
12.3. Uniqueness results coming from algebraic geometry 295
12.4. Exact decomposition algorithms 297
12.5. Kruskals Theorem and its proof 301
Contents ix

Chapter 13. P v. NP 307

13.1. Introduction to complexity 308
13.2. Polynomials arising in complexity theory, graph theory, and
statistics 311
13.3. Definitions of VP, VNP and other algebraic complexity
classes 313
13.4. Complexity of permn and detn 318
13.5. Immanants and their symmetries 325
13.6. Geometric Complexity Theory approach to VPws v. VNP 329
13.7. Other complexity classes via polynomials 336
13.8. Vectors of minors and homogeneous varieties 337
13.9. Holographic algorithms and spinors 344
Chapter 14. Varieties of tensors in phylogenetics and quantum
mechanics 353
14.1. Tensor network states 353
14.2. Algebraic Statistics and phylogenetics 359

Part 4. Advanced topics

Chapter 15. Overview of the proof of the Alexander-Hirschowitz
theorem 369
15.1. The semi-classical cases 370
15.2. The Alexander-Hirschowitz idea for dealing with the
remaining cases 373
Chapter 16. Representation theory 377
16.1. Basic definitions 377
16.2. Casimir eigenvalues and Kostants theorem 381
16.3. Cohomology of homogeneous vector bundles 385
16.4. Equations and Inheritance in a more general context 389
Chapter 17. Weymans method 391
17.1. Ideals and coordinate rings of projective varieties 392
17.2. Koszul sequences 393
17.3. The Kempf-Weyman method 396
17.4. Subspace varieties 400
Hints and Answers to Selected Exercises 405
Bibliography 411
x Contents

Index 429

Tensors are ubiquitous in the sciences. One reason for their ubiquity is
that they provide a useful way to organize data. Geometry is a powerful
tool for extracting information from data sets, and a beautiful subject in its
own right. This book has three intended uses: as a classroom textbook, a
reference work for researchers, and a research manuscript.

0.1. Usage
Classroom uses. Here are several possible courses one could give from this

(1) The first part of this text is suitable for an advanced course in multi-
linear algebra - it provides a solid foundation for the study of tensors
and contains numerous applications, exercises, and examples. Such
a course would cover Chapters 1,2,3 and parts of Chapters 4,5,6.
(2) For a graduate course on the geometry of tensors not assuming al-
gebraic geometry, one can cover Chapters 1,2,4,5,6,7 and 8 skipping
2.9-12, 4.6, 5.7, 6.7 (except Pieri), 7.6 and 8.6-8.
(3) For a graduate course on the geometry of tensors assuming alge-
braic geometry and with more emphasis on theory, one can follow
the above outline only skimming Chapters 2 and 4 (but perhaps
add 2.12) and add selected later topics.
(4) I have also given a one semester class on the complexity of ma-
trix multiplication using selected material from earlier chapters and
then focusing on Chapter 11.

xii Preface

(5) Similarly I have used chapter 13 as a basis of a semester long class

on P v. NP, assuming some algebraic geometry. Here Chapter 8
is important.
(6) I have also given several intensive short classes on various topics.
A short class for statisticians, focusing on cumulants and tensor
decomposition is scheduled for the near future.

Reference uses. I have compiled information on tensors in table format

(e.g. regarding border rank, maximal rank, typical rank etc.) for easy
reference. In particular, Chapter 3 contains most what is known on rank
and border rank, stated in elementary terms. Up until now there had been
no reference for even the classical results regarding tensors. (Caveat: I do
not include results relying on a metric or Hermitian metric.)

Research uses. I have tried to state all the results and definitions from
geometry and representation theory needed to study tensors. When proofs
are not included, references for them are given. The text includes the state
of the art regarding ranks and border ranks of tensors, and explains for
the first time many results and problems coming from outside mathematics
in geometric language. For example, a very short proof of the well-known
Kruskal theorem is presented, illustrating that it hinges upon a basic geomet-
ric fact about point sets in projective space. Many other natural subvarieties
of spaces of tensors are discussed in detail. Numerous open problems are
presented throughout the text.
Many of the topics covered in this book are currently very active areas
of research. However, there is no reasonable reference for all the wonderful
and useful mathematics that is already known. My goal has been to fill this
gap in the literature.

0.2. Overview
The book is divided into four parts: I. First applications, multilinear algebra,
and overview of results, II. Geometry and Representation theory, III. More
applications and IV. Advanced topics.

Chapter 1: Motivating problems. I begin with a discussion of the com-

plexity of matrix multiplication, which naturally leads to a discussion of
basic notions regarding tensors (bilinear maps, rank, border rank) and the
central question of determining equations that describe the set of tensors of
border rank at most r. The ubiquitous problem of tensor decomposition is
illustrated with two examples: fluorescence spectroscopy in chemistry and
cumulants in statistics. A brief discussion of P v. NP and its variants is
presented as a prelude to Chapter 13, where the study of symmetric tensors
0.2. Overview xiii

plays an especially important role. Tensor product states arising in quantum

information theory and algebraic statistics are then introduced as they are
typical of applications where one studies subvarieties of spaces of tensors. I
conclude by briefly mentioning how the geometry and representation theory
that occupies much of the first part of the book will be useful for future
research on the motivating problems.
This chapter should be accessible to anyone who is scientifically literate.

Chapter 2: Multilinear algebra. The purpose of this chapter is to in-

troduce the language of tensors. While many researchers using tensors often
think of tensors as n-dimensional a1 an -tables, I emphasize coordinate-
free definitions. The coordinate-free descriptions make it easier for one to
take advantage of symmetries and to apply theorems. Chapter 2 includes:
numerous exercises where familiar notions from linear algebra are presented
in an invariant context, a discussion of rank and border rank, and first steps
towards explaining how to decompose spaces of tensors. Three appendices
are included. The first includes basic definitions from algebra for reference,
the second reviews Jordon and rational canonical forms. The third describes
wiring diagrams, a pictorial tool for understanding the invariance properties
of tensors and as a tool for aiding calculations.
This chapter should be accessible to anyone who has had a first course
in linear algebra. It may be used as the basis of a course in multi-linear

Chapter 3: Elementary results on rank and border rank. Rank and

border rank are the most important properties of tensors for applications.
In this chapter I report on the state of the art. When the proofs are elemen-
tary and instructional, they are included as well, otherwise they are proven
later in the text. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a reference for

Chapter 4: Algebraic geometry for spaces of tensors. A central

task to be accomplished in many of the motivating problems is to test if a
tensor has membership in a given set (e.g., if a tensor has rank r). Some of
these sets are defined as the zero sets of collections of polynomials, i.e., as
algebraic varieties, while others can be expanded to be varieties by taking
their Zariski closure (e.g., the set of tensors of border rank at most r is the
Zariski closure of the set of tensors of rank at most r). I present only the
essentials of projective geometry here, in order to quickly arrive at the study
of groups and their modules essential to this book. Other topics in algebraic
geometry are introduced as needed.
xiv Preface

This chapter may be difficult for those unfamiliar with algebraic ge-
ometry - it is terse as numerous excellent references are available (e.g.
[154, 284]). Its purpose is primarily to establish language. Its prerequisite
is Chapter 2.

Chapter 5: Secant varieties. The notion of border rank for tensors has
a vast and beautiful generalization in the context of algebraic geometry, to
that of secant varieties of projective varieties. Many results on border rank
are more easily proved in this larger geometric context, and it is easier to
develop intuition regarding the border ranks of tensors when one examines
properties of secant varieties in general.
The prerequisite for this chapter is Chapter 4.

Chapter 6: Exploiting symmetry: Representation theory for spaces

of tensors. Representation theory provides a language for taking advan-
tage of symmetries. Consider the space M atnm of n m matrices: one is
usually interested in the properties of a matrix up to changes of bases (that
is, the underlying properties of the linear map it encodes). This is an exam-
ple of a vector space with a group acting on it. Consider polynomials on the
space of matrices. The minors are the most important polynomials. Now
consider the space of n1 n2 nk -way arrays (i.e., a space of tensors)
with k > 2. What are the spaces of important polynomials? Representation
theory helps to give an answer.
Chapter 6 discusses representations of the group of permutations on d
elements, denoted Sd , and of the group of invertible n n matrices, denoted
GLn C, and applies it to the study of homogeneous varieties. The material
presented in this chapter is standard and excellent texts already exist (e.g.,
[264, 132, 140]). I focus on the aspects of representation theory useful for
applications and its implementation.
The prerequisite for this chapter is Chapter 2.

Chapter 7: Tests for border rank: Equations for secant varieties.

This chapter discusses the equations secant varieties in general and gives a
detailed study of the equations of secant varieties of the varieties of rank one
tensors and symmetric tensors, i.e., the varieties of tensors, and symmetric
tensors of border rank at most r. These are the most important objects for
tensor decomposition so an effort is made to present the state of the art and
to give as many different perspectives as possible.
The prerequisite to Chapter 7 is Chapter 6.

Chapter 8: Additional varieties useful for spaces of tensors. In

addition to secant varieties, there are general classes of varieties, such as
0.2. Overview xv

tangential varieties, dual varieties, and the Fano varieties of lines that gen-
eralize certain attributes of tensors to a more general geometric situation.
In the special cases of tensors, these varieties play a role in classifying nor-
mal forms and the study of rank. For example, dual varieties play a role in
distinguishing the different typical ranks that can occur for tensors over the
real numbers. They should also be useful for future applications. Chapter 8
discusses these as well as the Chow variety of polynomials that decompose
to a product of linear factors. I also present differential-geometric tools for
studying these varieties.
Chapter 8 can mostly be read immediately after Chapter 4.

Chapter 9: Rank. It is more natural in algebraic geometry to discuss

border rank than rank because it relates to projective varieties. Yet, for
applications sometimes one needs to determine the ranks of tensors. I first
regard rank in a more general geometric context, and then specialize to the
cases of interest for applications. Very little is known about the possible
ranks of tensors, and what little is known is mostly in cases where there are
normal forms, which is presented in Chapter 10. The main discussion in
this chapter regards the ranks of symmetric tensors, because more is known
about them. Included are the Comas-Seguir theorem classifying ranks of
symmetric tensors in two variables as well as results on maximum possible
rank. Results presented in this chapter indicate there is beautiful geometry
associated to rank that is only beginning to be discovered.
Chapter 9 can be read immediately after Chapter 5.

Chapter 10: Normal forms for small tensors. The chapter describes
the spaces of tensors admitting normal forms, and the normal forms of ten-
sors in those spaces, as well as normal forms for points in small secant
The chapter can be read on a basic level after reading Chapter 2, but
the proofs and geometric descriptions of the various orbit closures require
material from other chapters.

The next four chapters deal with applications.

Chapter 11: The complexity of matrix multiplication. This chapter

brings the reader up to date on what is known regarding the complexity of
matrix multiplication, including new proofs of many standard results.
Much of the chapter needs only Chapter 2, but parts require results from
Chapters 5 and 6.
xvi Preface

Chapter 12: Tensor decomposition. In many applications one would

like to express a given tensor as a sum of rank one tensors, or some class
of simple tensors. In this chapter I focus on examples coming from signal
processing and discuss two such: blind source separation and deconvolution
of DS-CMDA signals. The blind source separation problem is similar to
many questions arising in statistics, so I explain the larger context of the
study of cumulants.
Often in applications one would like unique expressions for tensors as a
sum of rank one tensors. I bring the reader up to date on what is known
regarding when a unique expression is possible. A geometric proof of the
often cited Kruskal uniqueness condition for tensors is given. The proof is
short and isolates the basic geometric statement that underlies the result.
The chapter can be read after reading Chapters 2 and 3.

Chapter 13: P versus NP. This chapter includes an introduction to

several algebraic versions of P and NP, as well as a discussion of Valiants
holographic algorithms. It concludes with a discussion of the GCT program
of Mulmuley and Sohoni, which requires a knowledge of algebraic geometry
and representation theory, although the rest of the chapter is elementary
and only requires Chapter 2.

Chapter 14: Varieties of tensors in phylogenetics and quantum me-

chanics. This chapter discusses two different applications with very similar
underlying mathematics. In both cases one is interested in isolating sub-
sets (subvarieties) of spaces of tensors with certain attributes coming from
physics or statistics. It turns out the resulting varieties for phylogenetics
and tensor network states are strikingly similar, both in their geometry, and
in the methods they were derived (via auxiliary graphs).
Much of this chapter only needs Chapter 2 as a prerequisite.
The final three chapters deal with more advanced topics.

Chapter 15: Outline of the proof of the Alexander-Hirschowitz

theorem. The dimensions of the varieties of symmetric tensors of border
rank at most r were determined by Alexander and Hirschowitz. A brief
outline of a streamlined proof appearing in [255] is given here.
This chapter is intended for someone who has already had a basic course
in algebraic geometry.

Chapter 16: Representation theory. This chapter includes a brief de-

scription of the rudiments of the representation theory of complex simple Lie
groups and algebras. There are many excellent references for this subject so
I present just enough of the theory for our purposes: the proof of Kostants
0.3. Clash of cultures xvii

theorem that the ideals of homogeneous varieties are generated in degree

two, the statement of the Bott-Borel-Weil theorem, and the presentation of
the inheritance principle of Chapter 6 in a more general context.
This chapter is intended for someone who has already had a first course
in representation theory.

Chapter 17: Weymans method. The study of secant varieties of triple

Segre products naturally leads to the Kempf-Weyman method for determin-
ing ideals and singularities of G-varieties. This chapter contains an expo-
sition of the rudiments of the method, intended primarily to serve as an
introduction to the book [328].
The prerequisites for this chapter include Chapter 16 and a first course
in algebraic geometry.

0.3. Clash of cultures

In the course of preparing this book I have been fortunate to have had
many discussions with computer scientists, applied mathematicians, engi-
neers, physicists, and chemists. Often the beginnings of these conversations
were very stressful to all involved. I have kept these difficulties in mind, at-
tempting to write both to geometers and researchers in these various areas.
Tensor practitioners want practical results. To quote Rasmus Bro (per-
sonal communication): Practical means that a user of a given chemical
instrument in a hospital lab can push a button and right after get a result.
My goal is to initiate enough communication between geometers and sci-
entists so that such practical results will be realized. While both groups are
interested in such communication, there are language and even philosophical
barriers to be overcome. The purpose of this paragraph is to alert geometers
and scientists to some of the potential difficulties in communication.
To quote G. Folland [123] For them [scientists], mathematics is the
discipline of manipulating symbols according to certain sophisticated rules,
and the external reality to which those symbols refer lies not in an abstract
universe of sets but in the real-world phenomena that they are studying.
But mathematicians, as Folland observed, are Platonists, we think the
things we are manipulating on paper have a higher existence. To quote
Plato [262]: Let us take any common instance; there are beds and tables in
the world plenty of them, are there not?
Yes. But there are only two ideas or forms of them one the idea of a
bed, the other of a table.
True. And the maker of either of them makes a bed or he makes a table
for our use, in accordance with the idea that is our way of speaking in
xviii Preface

this and similar instances but no artificer makes the ideas themselves: how
could he?
And what of the maker of the bed? Were you not saying that he too
makes, not the idea which, according to our view, is the essence of the bed,
but only a particular bed?
Yes, I did. Then if he does not make that which exists he cannot make
true existence, but only some semblance of existence; and if any one were
to say that the work of the maker of the bed, or of any other workman, has
real existence, he could hardly be supposed to be speaking the truth.
This difference of cultures is particularly pronounced when discussing
tensors: for some practitioners these are just multi-way arrays that one is
allowed to perform certain manipulations on. For geometers these are spaces
equipped with certain group actions. To emphasize the geometric aspects
of tensors, geometers prefer to work invariantly: to paraphrase W. Fulton:
Dont use coordinates unless someone holds a pickle to your head1

0.4. Further reading

For gaining a basic grasp of representation theory as used in this book,
one could consult [140, 132, 264, 167]. The styles of these books vary
significantly and the readers taste will determine which she or he prefers.
To go further with representation theory [184] is useful, especially for the
presentation of the Weyl character formula. An excellent (and pictorial!)
presentation of the implementation of the Bott-Borel-Weil theorem is in
For basic algebraic geometry as in Chapter 4, [154, 284] are useful. For
the more advanced commutative algebra needed in the later chapters [116]
is written with geometry in mind. The standard and only reference for the
Kempf-Weyman method is [328].
1This modification of the actual quote in tribute to my first geometry teacher, Vincent
Gracchi. A problem in our 9-th grade geometry textbook asked us to determine if a 3-foot long
rifle could be packed in a box of certain dimensions and Mr. Gracchi asked us all to cross out the
word rifle and substitute the word pickle because he did not like guns. A big 5q + 5q to Mr.
Gracchi for introducing his students to geometry!
0.5. Conventions, acknowledgments xix

The standard reference for what was known in algebraic complexity the-
ory up to 1997 is [53].

0.5. Conventions, acknowledgments

0.5.1. Notations. This subsection is included for quick reference. All no-
tations are defined properly the first time they are used in the text.
Vector spaces are usually denoted A, B, C, V, W , and Aj and the dimen-
sions are usually the corresponding bold letters a, b, c etc... If v1 , . . . , vp V ,
hv1 , . . . , vp i denotes the span of v1 , . . . , vp . If e1 , . . . , ev is a basis of V ,
e1 , . . . , ev denotes the dual basis of V . GL(V ) denotes the general linear
group of invertible linear maps V V and gl(V ) its Lie algebra. If G
denotes a Lie or algebraic group, g denotes its associated Lie algebra.
If X PV is an algebraic set, then X V is the cone over it, its inverse
image plus 0 under : V \0 PV . If v V , [v] PV denotes (v). The
linear span of a set X PV is denoted hXi V .
For a variety X, Xsmooth denotes its smooth points and Xsing denotes its
singular points. Xgeneral denotes the set of general points of X. Sometimes
I abuse language and refer to a point as a general point with respect to
other data. For example, if L G(k, V ) and one is studying the pair (X, L)
where X PV is a subvariety, I will call L a general point if L is in general
position with respect to X.
k VV denotes the k-th exterior power of the vector space V , the symbols
and denote exterior product. S k V is the k-th symmetric power. The
tensor product of v, w V is denoted vw V 2 , and symmetric product
has no marking, e.g., vw = 12 (vw + wv). If p S d V is a homogeneous
polynomial of degree d, write pk,dk S k V S dk V for its partial polar-
ization and p for p considered as a d-multilinear form V V C.
When needed, is used for the symmetric product of spaces, e.g., given a
subspace W S q V , W S p V S q+p V .
Sd denotes the group of permutations on d elements. To a partition
= (p1 , . . . , pr ) of d, i.e., a set of integers p1 p2 pr , pi Z+ , such
that p1 + + pr = d, [] denotes the associated irreducible Sd module and
S V denotes the associated irreducible GL(V )-module. I write || = d, and
() = r.

0.5.2. Layout. All theorems, propositions, remarks, examples, etc., are

numbered together within each section; for example, Theorem 1.3.2 is the
second numbered item in Section 1.3. Equations are numbered sequentially
within each Chapter. I have included hints for selected exercises, those
marked with the symbol at the end, which is meant to be suggestive of a
life preserver.
xx Preface

0.5.3. Acknowledgments. This project started as a collaboration with

Jason Morton, who contributed significantly to the writing and editing of
chapters 2,4,5 and 6. The book has greatly benefitted from his input. The
first draft of this book arose out of a series of lectures B. Sturmfels invited
me to give for his working group at UC Berkeley in spring 2006. I then gave
a graduate class at Texas A&M University in fall 2007 on the complexity of
matrix multiplication and a class on complexity theory in spring 2009. J.
Morton and I gave lectures from the notes at a summer graduate workshop
at MSRI in July 2008, as well as several lectures at a follow-up research
workshop at AIM in July 2008. I also gave a GNSAGA lecture series in Flo-
rence, Italy in June 2009 on secant varieties, a short course on the geometry
of tensors June 2010 in Nordfjordeid, Norway, and a one semester graduate
class on the same subject at Texas A&M, Fall 2010. It is a pleasure to thank
the students in these classes as well as my hosts B. Sturmfels, MSRI, AIM,
G. Ottaviani and K. Ranestad. Much of the material in this book comes
from joint work with L. Manivel, G. Ottaviani, and J. Weyman. It is a
pleasure to thank these three collaborators for significant help at each step
along the way. Other material comes from joint work with the (at the time)
post-docs J. Buczynski, J. Morton, S. Norine, and Z. Teitler, who have also
significantly helped with the book. I also thank my students and post-docs
A. Boralevi, L. Nguyen, L. Oeding, Y. Qi, D. The, M. Yang, and K. Ye for
their useful comments and questions, as well as R. Bardeli, M. Blaser, P.
Burgisser, E. Briand, J-Y Cai, P. Comon, L. De Lathauwer, M. Dillon, M.
Eastwood, J. von zur Gathen, J. Grochow, C. Hammond, L-H Lim, and G.
Paouris for useful comments and patiently answering my questions. It would
not have been possible to write this book without such wonderful help. I
was very fortunate to have careful and thoughtful anonymous referees who
made numerous outstanding suggestions for improving the manuscript for
which I am truly grateful. Finally I thank my family for their help, support
and understanding.
Part 1

Motivation from
multilinear algebra and
elementary results
Chapter 1


The workhorse of scientific computation is matrix multiplication. In many

applications one would like to multiply large matrices, ten thousand by ten
thousand or even larger. The standard algorithm for multiplying n n
matrices uses on the order of n3 arithmetic operations, whereas addition
of matrices only uses n2 . For a 10, 000 10, 000 matrix this means 1012
arithmetic operations for multiplication compared with 108 for addition.
Wouldnt it be great if all matrix operations were as easy as addition? As
pie in the sky as this wish sounds, it might not be far from reality. After
reviewing the standard algorithm for comparison, 1.1 begins with Strassens
algorithm for multiplying 2 2 matrices using seven multiplications. As
shocking as this algorithm may be already, it has an even more stunning
consequence: n n matrices can by multiplied by performing on the order
of n2.81 arithmetic operations. This algorithm is implemented in practice
for multiplication of large matrices. More recent advances have brought the
number of operations needed even closer to the n2 of addition.

To better understand Strassens algorithm, and to investigate if it can

be improved, it helps to introduce the language of tensors, which is done in
1.2. In particular, the rank and border rank of a tensor are the standard
measures of its complexity.

The problem of determining the complexity of matrix multiplication can

be rephrased as the problem of decomposing a particular tensor (the matrix
multiplication operator) according to its rank. Tensor decomposition arises
in numerous application areas: locating the area causing epileptic seizures
in a brain, determining the compounds in a solution using flourescence spec-
troscopy, and data mining, to name a few. In each case, researchers compile

4 1. Introduction

data into a multi-way array and isolate essential features of the data by
decomposing the corresponding tensor into a sum of rank one tensors. Chap-
ter 12 discusses several examples of tensor decomposition arising in wireless
communication. In 1.3, I provide two examples of tensor decomposition:
flourescence spectroscopy in chemistry, and blind source separation. Blind
source separation (BSS) was proposed in 1982 as a way to study how, in
vertebrates, the brain detects motion from electrical signals sent by ten-
dons (see [95, p. 3]). Since then numerous researchers have applied BSS in
many fields, in particular engineers in signal processing. A key ingredient of
BSS comes from statistics, the cumulants defined in 12.1 and also discussed
briefly in 1.3. P. Comon utilized cumulants in [93], initiating independent
component analysis (ICA), which has led to an explosion of research in signal

In a letter addressed to von Neumann from 1956, see [289, Appendix],

Godel attempted to describe the apparent difference between intuition and
systematic problem solving. His ideas, and those of others at the time,
evolved to become the complexity classes NP (modeling intuition, or theo-
rem proving) and P (modeling problems that could be solved systematically
in a reasonable amount of time, like proof checking). See Chapter 14 for
a brief history and explanation of these classes. Determining if these two
classes are indeed distinct has been considered a central question in theo-
retical computer science since the 1970s. It is now also considered a central
question in mathematics. I discuss several mathematical aspects of this
problem in Chapter 13. In 1.4, I briefly discuss an algebraic variant due to
L. Valiant: determine whether or not the permanent of a matrix of size m
can be computed as the determinant of a matrix of size mc for some constant
c. (It is known that a determinant of size on the order of m2 2m will work,
see Chapter 13.)

A new approach to statistics via algebraic geometry has been proposed

in the past 10 years. This algebraic statistics [261, 257] associates geomet-
ric objects (algebraic varieties) to sets of tables having specified statistical
attributes. In a similar vein, since the 1980s, in physics, especially quan-
tum information theory, geometric subsets of the Hilbert space describing
all possible quantum states of a crystal lattice have been studied. These
subsets are meant to model the states that are physically reasonable. These
so-called tensor network states go under many names in the literature (see
1.5.2) and have surprising connections to both algebraic statistics and com-
plexity theory. Chapter 14 discusses these two topics in detail. They are
introduced briefly in 1.5.
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the reader to the problems
mentioned above and to motivate the study of the geometry of tensors that
1.1. The complexity of matrix multiplication 5

underlies them. I conclude the introduction in 1.6 by mentioning several

key ideas and techniques from geometry and representation theory that are
essential for the study of tensors.

1.1. The complexity of matrix multiplication

1.1.1. The standard algorithm. Let A, B be 2 2 matrices
 1 1  1 1
a1 a2 b b
A= , B = 21 22 .
a21 a22 b1 b2
The usual algorithm to calculate the matrix product C = AB is
c11 = a11 b11 + a12 b21 ,
c12 = a11 b12 + a12 b22 ,
c21 = a21 b11 + a22 b21 ,
c22 = a21 b12 + a22 b22 .
It requires 8 multiplications and 4 additions to execute, and applied to n n
matrices, it uses n3 multiplications and n3 n2 additions.

1.1.2. Strassens algorithm for multiplying 2 2 matrices using

only seven scalar multiplications [296]. Set
(1.1.1) I = (a11 + a22 )(b11 + b22 ),
II = (a21 + a22 )b11 ,
III = a11 (b12 b22 )
IV = a22 (b11 + b21 )
V = (a11 + a12 )b22
V I = (a11 + a21 )(b11 + b12 ),
V II = (a12 a22 )(b21 + b22 ),
Exercise Show that if C = AB, then
c11 = I + IV V + V II,
c21 = II + IV,
c12 = III + V,
c22 = I + III II + V I.
Remark According to P. Burgisser (personal communication),
Strassen was actually attempting to prove such an algorithm did not ex-
ist when he arrived at it by process of elimination. In fact he initially was
working over Z2 (where a systematic study was feasible), and then realized
6 1. Introduction

that by carefully choosing signs the algorithm works over an arbitrary field.
We will see in 5.2.2 why the algorithm could have been anticipated using
elementary algebraic geometry.
Remark In fact there is a nine parameter family of algorithms
for multiplying 2 2 matrices using just seven scalar multiplications. See

1.1.3. Fast multiplication of n n matrices. In Strassens algorithm,

the entries of the matrices need not be scalars - they could themselves be
matrices. Let A, B be 4 4 matrices, and write
 1 1  1 1
a1 a2 b b
A= , B = 21 22 .
a21 a22 b1 b2
where aij , bij are 2 2 matrices. One may apply Strassens algorithm to
get the blocks of C = AB in terms of the blocks of A, B performing 7
multiplications of 2 2 matrices. Since one can apply Strassens algorithm
to each block, one can multiply 4 4 matrices using 72 = 49 multiplications
instead of the usual 43 = 64. If A, B are 2k 2k matrices, one may multiply
them using 7k multiplications instead of the usual 8k .
The total number of arithmetic operations for matrix multiplication is
bounded by the number of multiplications, so counting multiplications is a
reasonable measure of complexity. For more on how to measure complexity
see Chapter 11.
Even if n is not a power of two, one can still save multiplications by
enlarging the matrices with blocks of zeros to obtain matrices whose size
is a power of two. Asymptotically, one can multiply n n matrices using
approximately nlog2 (7) n2.81 arithmetic operations. To see this, let n = 2k
and write 7k = (2k )a so klog2 7 = aklog2 2 so a = log2 7.
Definition The exponent of matrix multiplication is
:= inf{h R | M atnn may be multiplied using O(nh ) arithmetic operations}

Strassens algorithm shows log2 (7) < 2.81. Determining is a

central open problem in complexity theory. The current world record is
< 2.38, see [100]. I present several approaches to this problem in Chapter
Strassens algorithm is actually implemented in practice when large ma-
trices must be multiplied. See 11.1 for a brief discussion.

1.2. Definitions from multilinear algebra

1.2.1. Linear maps. In this book I generally work over the complex num-
bers C. The definitions below are thus presented for complex vector spaces,
1.2. Definitions from multilinear algebra 7

however the identical definitions hold for real vector spaces (just adjusting
the ground field where necessary). Let Cn denote the vector space of n-tuples
of complex numbers, i.e., if v Cn , write the vector v as v = (v1 , . . . , vn )
with vj C. The vector space structure of Cn means that for v, w Cn and
C, v + w = (v1 + w1 , . . . , vn + wn ) Cn and v = (v1 , . . . , vn ) Cn .
A map f : Cn Cm is linear if f (v + w) = f (v) + f (w) for all v, w Cn
and C. In this book vector spaces will generally be denoted by capital
letters A, B, C, V, W , with the convention dim A = a, dim B = b etc.. I will
generally reserve the notation Cn for an n-dimensional vector space equipped
with a basis as above. The reason for making this distinction is that the
geometry of many of the phenomena we will study is more transparent if
one does not make choices of bases.
If A is a vector space, let A := {f : A C | f is linear} denote
the dual vector space. If A and b B, one can define a linear map
b : A B by a 7 (a)b. Such a linear map has rank one. The rank of a
linear map f : A B is the smallest
Prr such that there exist 1 , . . . , r A
and b1 , . . . , br B such that f = i=1 i bi . (See Exercise 2.1.(4) for the
equivalence of this definition with other definitions of rank.)
If C2 and C3 are equipped with bases (e1 , e2 ), (f1 , f2 , f3 ) respectively,
and A : C2 C3 is a linear map given with respect to this basis by a matrix
1 1
a1 a2
a21 a22 ,
a31 a32
then A may be written as the tensor
A = a11 e1 f1 + a12 e2 f1 + a21 e2 f1 + a22 e2 f2 + a31 e1 f3 + a32 e2 f3
and there exists an expression A = 1 b1 + 2 b2 because A has rank at
most two.
Find such an expression explicitly when the matrix of A
1 2
is 1 0.
3 1
1.2.2. Bilinear maps. Matrix multiplication is an example of a bilinear
map, that is, a map f : A B C where A, B, C are vector spaces and
for each fixed element b B, f (, b) : A C is linear and similarly for each
fixed element of A. Matrix multiplication of square matrices is a bilinear
2 2 2
(1.2.1) Mn,n,n : Cn Cn Cn .
If A , B and c C, the map c : A B C defined by
(a, b) 7 (a)(b)c is a bilinear map. For any bilinear map T : A B C,
8 1. Introduction

one can represent it as a sum

(1.2.2) T (a, b) = i (a) i (b)ci

for some r, where i A , i B , and ci C.

Definition For a bilinear map T : AB C, the minimal number
r over all such presentations (1.2.2) is called the rank of T and denoted R(T ).

This notion of rank was first defined by F. Hitchcock in 1927 [161].

1.2.3. Aside: Differences between linear and multilinear algebra.

Basic results from linear algebra are that rank equals row rank equals
column rank, i.e., for a linear map f : A B, rank(f ) = dim f (A) =
dim f T (B ). Moreover the maximum possible rank is min{dim A, dim B}
and that for most linear maps A B the maximum rank occurs. Finally,
if rank(f ) > 1, the expression of f as a sum of rank one linear maps is never
unique, there are parameters of ways of doing so.
We will see that all these basic results fail in multi-linear algebra. Al-
ready for bilinear maps, f : A B C, the rank of f is generally different
from dim f (A B), the maximum possible rank is generally greater than
max{dim A, dim B, dim C}, and that most bilinear maps have rank less
than the maximum possible. Finally, in many cases of interest, the expres-
sion of f as a sum of rank one linear maps is unique, which turns out to be
crucial for applications to signal processing and medical imaging.

1.2.4. Rank and algorithms. If T has rank r it can be executed by

performing r scalar multiplications (and O(r) additions). Thus the rank of
a bilinear map gives a measure of its complexity.
In summary, R(Mn,n,n ) measures the number of multiplications needed
to compute the product of two n n matrices and gives a measure of its
complexity. Strassens algorithm shows R(M2,2,2 ) 7. S. Winograd [329]
proved R(M2,2,2 ) = 7. The exponent of matrix multiplication may be
rephrased as
= limn logn (R(Mn,n,n ))
Already for 3 3 matrices, all that is known is 19 R(M3,3,3 ) 23
[29, 196]. The best asymptotic lower bound is 25 m2 3m R(Mm,m,m )
[28]. See Chapter 11 for details.
The rank of a bilinear map and the related notions of symmetric rank,
border rank, and symmetric border rank will be central to this book so I
introduce these additional notions now.
1.2. Definitions from multilinear algebra 9

1.2.5. Symmetric rank of a polynomial. Given a quadratic polynomial

p(x) = ax2 + bx + c, algorithms to write p as a sum of two squares p =
(x + )2 + (x + )2 date back at least to ancient Babylon 5,000 years ago
[183, Chap 1].
In this book it will be more convenient to deal with homogeneous polyno-
mials. It is easy to convert from polynomials to homogeneous polynomials,
one simply adds an extra variable, say y, and if the highest degree mono-
mial appearing in a polynomial is d, one multiplies each monomial in the
expression by the appropriate power of y so that the monomial has degree
d. For example, the above polynomial becomes p(x, y) = ax2 + bxy + cy 2 =
(x + y)2 + (x + y)2 . See 2.6.5 for more details.
A related notion to the rank of a bilinear map is the symmetric rank of
a homogeneous polynomial. If P is homogeneous of degree d in n variables,
it may always be written as a sum of d-th powers. Define the symmetric
rank of P , RS (P ) to be the smallest r such that P is expressible as the sum
of r d-th powers.
For example, a general homogeneous polynomial of degree 3 in two vari-
ables, P = ax3 + bx2 y + cxy 2 + ey 3 , where a, b, c, e are constants, will be the
sum of two cubes (see Exercise

1.2.6. Border rank and symmetric border rank. Related to the no-
tions of rank and symmetric rank, and of equal importance for applications,
are that of border rank and symmetric border rank defined below, respectively
denoted R(T ), RS (P ). Here is an informal example to illustrate symmetric
border rank.
Example While a general homogeneous polynomial of degree three
in two variables is a sum of two cubes, it is not true that every cubic poly-
nomial is either a cube or the sum of two cubes. For an example, consider
P = x3 + 3x2 y.
P is not the sum of two cubes. (To see this, write P = (sx + ty)3 + (ux +
vy)3 for some constants s, t, u, v, equate coefficients and show there is no
solution.) However, it is the limit as 0 of polynomials P that are sums
of two cubes, namely
P := (( 1)x3 + (x + y)3 ).

This example dates back at least to Terracini nearly 100 years ago. Its
geometry is discussed in Example
Definition The symmetric border rank of a homogeneous poly-
nomial P , RS (P ), is the smallest r such that there exists a sequence of
polynomials P , each of rank r, such that P is the limit of the P as tends
10 1. Introduction

to zero. Similarly, the border rank R(T ) of a bilinear map T : A B C,

is the smallest r such that there exists a sequence of bilinear maps T , each
of rank r, such that T is the limit of the T as tends to zero.

Thus the polynomial P of Example has symmetric border rank

two and symmetric rank three.
The border rank bounds the rank as follows: if T can be approximated
by a sequence T where one has to divide by q to obtain the limit (i.e., take
q derivatives in the limit), then R(T ) q 2 R(T ), see [53, p. 379-380] for a
more precise explanation. A similar phenomenon holds for the symmetric
border rank.
By the remark above, the exponent of matrix multiplication may be
rephrased as
= limn logn (R(Mn,n,n )).

In [198] it was shown that R(M2,2,2 ) = 7. For 3 3 matrices, all that

is known is 14 R(M3,3,3 ) 21, and for n n matrices, 3n2 + n2 1
R(Mn,n,n ) [217]. See Chapter 11 for details.
The advantage of border rank over rank is that the set of bilinear maps
of border rank at most r can be described as the zero set of a collection of
polynomials, as discussed in the next paragraph.

1.2.7. Our first spaces of tensors and varieties inside them. Let
A B denote the vector space of linear maps A B. The set of linear
maps of rank at most r will be denoted r = r,A B . This set is the zero
set of a collection of homogeneous polynomials on the vector space A B.
Explicitly, if we choose bases and identify A B with the space of a b
matrices, r is the set of matrices whose (r + 1) (r + 1) minors are all zero.
In particular there is a simple test to see if a linear map has rank at most r.
A subset of a vector space defined as the zero set of a collection of
homogeneous polynomials is called an algebraic variety.
Now let A B C denote the vector space of bilinear maps AB C.
This is our first example of a space of tensors, defined in Chapter 2, beyond
the familiar space of linear maps. Expressed with respect to bases, a bilinear
map is a three dimensional matrix or array.
The set of bilinear maps of rank at most r is not an algebraic variety,
i.e., it is not the zero set of a collection of polynomials. However the set
of bilinear maps of border rank at most r is and algebraic variety. The
set of bilinear maps f : A B C of border rank at most r will be
denoted r = r,A B C . It is the zero set of a collection of homogeneous
polynomials on the vector space A B C.
1.3. Tensor decomposition 11

In principle, to test for membership of a bilinear map T in r , one could

simply evaluate the defining equations of r on T and see if they are zero.
However, unlike the case of linear maps, defining equations for r,A B C
are not known in general. Chapter 7 discusses what is known about them.
More generally, if A1 , . . . , An are vector spaces, one can consider the
multi-linear maps A1 An C, the set of all such forms a vector
space, which is a space of tensors and is denoted A1 An . The rank of
an element of A1 An is defined similarly to the definitions above, see
2.4.1. In bases one obtains the set of a1 an -way arrays. Adopting a
coordinate-free perspective on these arrays will make it easier to isolate the
properties of tensors of importance.

1.3. Tensor decomposition

One of the most ubiquitous applications of tensors is to tensor decomposition.
In this book I will use the term CP decomposition for the decomposition of
a tensor into a sum of rank one tensors. Other terminology used (and an
explantion of the origin of the term CP) is given in the introduction to
Chapter 13.
We already saw an example of this problem in 1.1, where we wanted
to write a bilinear map f : A B C as a sum of maps of the form
(v, w) 7 (v)(w)c where A , B , c C.
In applications, one collects data arranged in a multi-dimensional array
T . Usually the science indicates that this array, considered as a tensor,
should be close to a tensor of small rank, say r. The problems researchers
face are to i) find the correct value of r and/or ii) to find a tensor of rank r
that is close to T . 1.3.1 is an example arising in chemistry, taken from
the book [1].
A central problem in signal processing is source separation. An often
used metaphor to explain the problem is the cocktail party problem where
a collection of people in a room is speaking. Several receivers are set up,
recording the conversations. What they actually record is not the individual
conversations, but all of them mixed together and the goal is to recover
what each individual is saying. Remarkably, this unmixing can often be
accomplished using a CP decomposition. This problem relates to larger
questions in statistics and is discussed in detail in Chapter 12, and briefly
in 1.3.2.

1.3.1. Tensor decomposition and fluorescence spectroscopy. I sam-

ples of solutions are analyzed, each contains different chemicals diluted at
different concentrations. The first goal is to determine the number r of dif-
ferent chemicals present. In [1, 10.2] there are four such, dihydroxybenzene,
12 1. Introduction

Figure 1.3.1. temporary picture until get party

tryptophan, phenylalanine and DOPA. Each sample, say sample number i, is

successively excited by light at J different wavelengths. For every excitation
wavelength one measures the emitted spectrum. Say the intensity of the
fluorescent light emitted is measured at K different wavelengths. Hence for
every i, one obtains a J K table of excitation-emission matrices.
Thus the data one is handed is an I J K array. In bases, if {ei }
P basis of C , {hj } a basis of C , and {gk } a basis of C , then T =
is a
ijk Tijk ei hj gk . A first goal is to determine r such that

T af bf cf
f =1
where each f represents a substance. Writing af = ai,f ei , then ai,f is
the concentration of the f -th substance in the i-th sample, and similarly
using the given bases of RJ and RK , ck,f is the fraction of photons the f -th
substance emits at wavelength k, and bj,f is the intensity of the incident
light at excitation wavelength j multiplied by the absorption at wavelength
There will be noise in the data, so T will actually be of generic rank, but
there will be a very low rank tensor T that closely approximates it. (For all
complex spaces of tensors, there is a rank that occurs with probability one
which is called the generic rank, see Definition There is no metric
naturally associated to the data, so the meaning of approximation is not
clear. In [1], one proceeds as follows to find r. First of all, r is assumed to
be very small (at most 7 in their exposition). Then for each r0 , 1 r0 7,
one assumes r0 = r and applies a numerical algorithm that attempts to
find the r0 components (i.e. rank one tensors) that T would be the sum
of. The values of r0 for which the algorithm does not converge quickly are
thrown out. (The authors remark that this procedure is not mathematically
justified, but seems to work well in practice. In the example, these discarded
values of r0 are too large.) Then, for the remaining values of r0 , one looks
at the resulting tensors to see if they are reasonable physically. This enables
1.3. Tensor decomposition 13

them to remove values of r0 that are too small. In the example, they are
left with r0 = 4, 5.
Now assume r has been determined. Since the value of r is relatively
small, up to trivialities, the expression of T as the sum of r rank one elements
will be unique, see 3.3. Thus, by performing the decomposition of T , one
recovers the concentration of each of the r substances in each solution by
determining the vectors af as well as the individual excitation and emission
spectra by determining the vectors bf .

1.3.2. Cumulants. In statistics one collects data in large quantities that

are stored in a multi-dimensional array, and attempts to extract information
from the data. An important sequence of quantities to extract from data
sets are cumulants, the main topic of the book [229]. This subsection is an
introduction to cumulants, which is continued in Chapter 12.
Let RvR have a probability measure d, i.e., a reasonably nice measure
such that Rv d = 1. A measurable function f : Rv R is called a random
variable in the statistics literature. (The reason for this name is that if
we pick a random point x Rv , according to the probability measure
, f determines
R a random value f (x).) For a random variable f , write
E{f } := Rv f (x)d. E{f } is called the expectation or the mean of the
function f .
For example, consider a distribution of mass in space with coordinates
x1 , x2 , x3 and the density given by a probability measure . (Each coordinate
function may j
R bej considered a random variable.) Then the integrals m :=
E{x } := R3 x d give the coordinates of the center of mass (called the
More generally, define the moments of random variables xj :
ii ,...,ip i1 ip
mx := E{x x } = xi1 xip d.
Remark In practice, the integrals are approximated by discrete
statistical data taken from samples.

A first measure of the dependence of functions xj is given by the quan-

ij ij ij i j i j j
= x := m m m = x x d ( x d)( xj d).
Rv Rv Rv
called second order cumulants or the covariance matrix.
One says that the functions xj are statistically independent at order two
x = 0 for all i 6= j. To study statistical independence, it is better not
to consider the ij x individually, but to form a symmetric matrix 2,x =
2 (x) S 2 Rv . If the measurements depend on r < v independent events,
14 1. Introduction

the rank of this matrix will be r. (In practice, the matrix will be close to a
matrix of rank r.) The matrix 2 (x) is called a covariance matrix. One can
define higher order cumulants to obtain further measurements of statistical
independence. For example, consider
(1.3.1) ijk = mijk (mi mjk + mj mik + mk mij ) + 2mi mj mk .
We may form a third order symmetric tensor from these quantities, and
similarly for higher orders.
Cumulants of a set of random variables (i.e. functions on a space with
a probability measure) give an indication of their mutual statistical depen-
dence, and higher-order cumulants of a single random variable are some
measure of its non-Gaussianity.
Definition In probability, two events A, B are independent if
P r(A B) = P r(A)P r(B), where P r(A) denotes the probability of the
event A. If x is a random variable, one can compute P r(x a). Two ran-
dom variables x, y are statistically independent if P r({x a} {y b}) =
P r({x a})P r({y b}) for all a, b R+ . The statistical independence of
random variables x1 , . . . , xm is defined similarly.

An important property of cumulants, explained in 12.1, is:

If the xi are determined by r statistically independent quantities, then
RS (p (x)) r (with equality generally holding) for all p 2.
We will apply this observation in the next subsection.

1.3.3. Blind source separation. A typical application of blind source

separation (BSS) is as follows: Big Brother would like to determine the
location of pirate radio transmissions in Happyville. To accomplish this,
antennae are set up at several locations to receive the radio signals. How
can one determine the location of the sources from the signals received at
the antennae?
Let y j (t) denote the measurements at the antennae at time t. Assume
there is a relation of the form
1 1 1 1
y (t) a1 ar v (t)
.. .. 1 .. r ..
(1.3.2) . = . x (t) + + . x (t) + .
y m (t) am
1 amr v m (t)
which we write in vector notation as
(1.3.3) y = Ax + v.
Here A is a fixed m r matrix, v = v(t) Rm is a vector valued function
representing the noise, and x(t) = (x1 (t), . . . , xr (t))T represents the statis-
tically independent functions of t that correspond to the locations of the
1.3. Tensor decomposition 15

sources. (T denotes transpose.) The v i (t) are assumed (i.) to be indepen-

dent random variables which are independent of the xj (t), (ii.) E{v i } = 0,
and (iii.) the moments E{v i1 v ip } are bounded by a small constant.
One would like to recover x(t), plus the matrix A, from knowledge of the
function y(t) alone. Note that the xj are like eigenvectors, in the sense that
they are only well defined up to scale and permutation, so recover means
modulo this ambiguity. And recover actually means recover approximate
samplings of x from samplings of y.
At first this task appears impossible. However, note that if we have
such an equation as (1.3.3), then we can compare the quantities ij st
y with x
because, by the linearity of the integral
i j st
ij ij
y = As At x + v

By the assumption of statistical independence, st st ss st

x = x , where is the
Kronecker delta, and v is small, so we ignore it to obtain a system of m

linear equations for mr+r unknowns. If we assume m > r (this case is called
an overdetermined mixture), this count is promising. However, although a
rank r symmetric m m matrix may be written as a sum of rank one
symmetric matrices, that sum is never unique. (An algebraic geometer would
recognize this fact as the statement that the secant varieties of quadratic
Veronese varieties are degenerate.)
Thus we turn to the order three symmetric tensor (cubic polynomial)
3 (y), and attempt to decompose it into a sum of r cubes in order to recover
the matrix A. Here the situation is much better: as long as the rank is less
then generic, with probability one there will be a unique decomposition (ex-
cept in S 3 C5 where one needs two less than generic), see Theorem
Once one has the matrix A, one can recover the xj at the sampled times.
What is even more amazing is that this algorithm will work in principle even
if the number of sources is greater than the number of functions sampled,
i.e., if r > m (this is called an underdetermined mixture) - see 12.1.

Example (BSS was inspired by nature). How does our central
nervous system detect where a muscle is and how it is moving? The muscles
send electrical signals through two types of transmitters in the tendons,
called primary and secondary, as the first type sends stronger signals. There
are two things to be recovered, the function p(t) of angular position and
v(t) = dp
dt of angular speed. (These are to be measured at any given instant
so your central nervous system cant simply take a derivative.) One might
think one type of transmitter sends information about v(t) and the other
about p(t), but the opposite was observed, there is some kind of mixing: say
the signals sent are respectively given by functions f1 (t), f2 (t). Then it was
16 1. Introduction

observed there is a matrix A, such that

f1 (t) a11 a12 v(t)
f2 (t) a21 a22 p(t)
and the central nervous system somehow decodes p(t), v(t) from f1 (t), f2 (t).
This observation is what led to the birth of blind source separation, see [95,

Figure 1.3.2. placeholder until muscle arrives

1.3.4. Other uses of tensor decomposition. Tensor decomposition oc-

curs in numerous areas, here are just a few:
An early use of tensor decomposition was in the area of psycho-
metrics, which sought to use it to help evaluate intelligence and
other personality characteristics. Early work in the area includes
[306, 69, 155].
In geophysics; for example the interpretation of magnetotelluric
data for one-dimensional and two-dimensional regional structures,
see, e.g., [330] and the references therein.
In interpreting magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), see, e.g. [280,
122], and the references therein. One such use is in determining the
location in the brain that is causing epileptic seizures in a patient.
Another is the diagnosis and management of stroke.

Figure 1.3.3. When locating sources of epileptic seizures in order to

remove them, unique up to finite decomposition is not enough.
1.4. P v. NP and algebraic variants 17

In data-mining, see, e.g., [216].

In numerical analysis, thanks to the convergence of Fourier series
in L2 (Rn ), one has L2 (Rn ) = L2 (R) L2 (R), and one often
approximates a function of n variables by a finite sum of prod-
ucts of functions of one variable, generalizing classical separation
of variables. See, e.g., [152] and the references therein.

1.3.5. Practical issues in tensor decomposition. Four issues to deal

with are existence, uniqueness, executing the decomposition and noise. I now
discuss each briefly. In this subsection I use tensor for tensors, symmetric
tensors, and partially symmetric tensors, rank for rank and symmetric
rank etc..
Existence. In many tensor decomposition problems, the first issue to resolve
is to determine the rank of the tensor T one is handed. In cases where one has
explicit equations for the tensors of border rank r, if T solves the equations,
then with probability one, it is of rank at most r. (For symmetric tensors
of small border rank, it is always of rank at most r, see Theorem
Uniqueness. In the problems coming from spectroscopy and signal process-
ing, one is also concerned with uniqueness of the decomposition. If the rank
is sufficiently small, uniqueness is assured with probability one, see 3.3.3.
Moreover there are explicit tests one can perform on any given tensor to be
assured of uniqueness, see 3.3.2.
Performing the decomposition. In certain situations there are algorithms
that exactly decompose a tensor, see, e.g., 3.5.3 - these generally are a
consequence of having equations that test for border rank. In most situations
one uses numerical algorithms, which is an area of active research outside the
scope of this book. See [94, 185] for surveys of decomposition algorithms.
Noise. In order to talk about noise in data, one must have a distance func-
tion. The properties of tensors discussed in this book are defined indepen-
dent of any distance function, and there are no natural distance functions
on spaces of tensors (but rather classes of such). For this reason I do not
discuss noise or approximation in this book. In specific applications there
are often distance functions that are natural based on the science, but often
in the literature such functions are chosen by convenience. R. Bro (personal
communication) remarks that assuming that the noise has a certain behavior
(iid and Gaussian) can determine a distance function.

1.4. P v. NP and algebraic variants

1.4.1. Computing the determinant of a matrix. Given an n n ma-
trix, how do you compute its determinant? Perhaps in your first linear
18 1. Introduction

algebra class you learned the Laplace expansion - given a 2 2 matrix

a b
c d
its determinant is ad bc, then given an n n matrix X = (xij ),
det(xij ) = x11 1,1 x12 1,2 + + (1)n1 x1n 1,n
where i,j is the determinant of the (n 1) (n 1) matrix obtained by
deleting the i-th row and j-th column of X. This algorithm works fine for
3 3 and 4 4 matrices, but by the time one gets to 10 10 matrices, it
becomes a bit of a mess.
Aside Lets pause for a moment to think about exactly what we are
computing, i.e., the meaning of det(X). The first thing we learn is that X
is invertible if and only if its determinant is nonzero. To go deeper, we first
need to remind ourselves of the meaning of an n n matrix X: what does it
represent? It may represent many different things - a table of data, a bilinear
form, a map between two different vector spaces of the same dimension, but
one gets the most meaning of the determinant when X represents a linear
map from a vector space to itself. Then, det(X) represents the product of
the eigenvalues of the linear map, or equivalently, the measure of the change
in oriented volume the linear map effects on n-dimensional parallelpipeds
with one vertex at the origin. These interpretations will be important for
what follows, see, e.g., 13.4.2 but for now we continue our computational
point of view.

The standard formula for the determinant is

(1.4.1) det(X) = sgn()x1(1) xn(n)

where Sn is the group of all permutations on n elements and sgn() is the

sign of the permutation : {1, . . . , n} {1, . . . , n}. The formula is a sum
of n! terms, so for a 10 10 matrix, one would have to perform 9(10!) 107
multiplications and 10! 1 additions to compute the determinant.
The standard method for computing the determinant of large matrices
is Gaussian elimination. Recall that if X is an upper triangular matrix,
its determinant is easy to compute: it is just the product of the diagonal
entries. On the other hand, det(gX) = det(g) det(X), so multiplying X by
a matrix with determinant one will not change its determinant. To perform
Gaussian elimination one chooses a sequence of matrices with determinant
one to multiply X by until one obtains an upper triangular matrix whose
determinant is then easy to compute. Matrix multiplication, even of arbi-
trary matrices, uses on the order of n3 scalar multiplications (actually less,
as discussed in 1.1), but even executed navely, one uses approximately n4
1.4. P v. NP and algebraic variants 19

multiplications. Thus for a 10 10 matrix one has 104 for Gaussian elimi-
nation applied navely versus 107 for (1.4.1) applied navely. This difference
in complexity is discussed in detail in Chapter 13.
The determinant of a matrix is unchanged by the following operations:

X 7 gXh
X 7 gX T h

where g, h are n n matrices with det(g) det(h) = 1. In 1897 Frobenius

[129] proved these are exactly the symmetries of the determinant. On the
other hand, a random homogeneous polynomial of degree n in n2 variables
will have hardly any symmetries, and one might attribute the facility of
computing the determinant to this large group of symmetries.
We can make this more precise as follows: first note that polynomials
with small formulas, such as f (xij ) = x11 x22 xnn are easy to compute.
Let b M atnn denote the subset of upper triangular matrices, and
G(detn ) the symmetry group of the determinant. Observe that detn |b is
just the polynomial f above, and that G(detn ) can move any matrix into
b relatively cheaply. This gives a geometric proof that the determinant is
easy to compute.
One can ask: what other polynomials are easy to compute? More pre-
cisely, what polynomials with no known small formulas are easy to compute?
An example of one such is given in 13.5.3.

1.4.2. The permanent and counting perfect matchings. The mar-

riage problem: n people are attending a party where the host has n different
flavors of ice cream for his guests. Not every guest likes every flavor. We can
make a bipartite graph, a graph with one set of nodes the set of guests, and
another set of nodes the set of flavors, and then draw an edge joining any
two nodes that are compatible. A perfect matching is possible if everyone
can get a suitable dessert. The host is curious as to how many different
perfect matchings are possible.

111 11
11 11
111 00
11 00

111 00
11 000
000 11
00 111
111 00
11 000

Figure 1.4.1. Andrei Zelevinskys favorite bipartite graph: top

nodes are A, B, C, bottom are a, b, c. Amy is allergic to chocolate,
Bob insists on banana, Carol is happy with banana or chocolate.
Only Amy likes apricot.
20 1. Introduction

Given a bipartite graph on (n, n) vertices one can check if the graph has
a complete matching in polynomial time [153]. However there is no known
polynomial time algorithm to count the number of perfect matchings.
Problems such as the marriage problem appear to require a number of
arithmetic operations that grows exponentially with the size of the data in
order to solve them, however a proposed solution can be verified by per-
forming a number of arithmetic operations that grows polynomialy with the
size of the data. Such problems are said to be of class NP. (See Chapter
13 for precise definitions.)
Form an incidence matrix X = (xij ) for a bipartite graph by letting
the upper index correspond to one set of nodes and the lower index the
other. One then places a 1 in the (i, j)-th slot if there is an edge joining the
corresponding nodes and a zero if there is not.
Define the permanent of an n n matrix X = (xij ) by
(1.4.2) permn (X) := x1(1) x2(2) xn(n) ,

and observe the similarities with (1.4.1).

Exercise Verify directly that the permanent of the incidence ma-
trix for the following graph indeed equals its number of perfect matchings.

Exercise Show that if X is an incidence matrix for an (n, n)-

bipartite graph , that the number of perfect matchings of is given by the

1.4.3. Algebraic variants of P v. NP. Matrix multiplication, and thus

computing the determinant of a matrix, can be computed by performing a
number of arithmetic operations that is polynomial in the size of the data.
(If the data size is of order m = n2 then one needs roughly m 2 = n3
operations, or roughly n4 if one wants an algorithm without divisions or
decisions, see 13.4.2.) Roughly speaking, such problems are said to be of
class P, or are computable in polynomial time.
L. Valiant [307] had the following idea: Let P (x1 , . . . , xv ) be a ho-
mogeneous polynomial of degree m in v variables. We say P is an affine
projection of a determinant of size n if there exists an affine linear function
f : Cv M atn (C) such that P = det f . Write dc(P ) for the smallest n
1.5. Algebraic Statistics and tensor networks 21

such that P may be realized as the affine projection of a determinant of size

Comparing the two formulas, the difference between the permanent and
the determinant is just a matter of a few minus signs. For example, one
can convert the permanent of a 2 2 matrix to a determinant by simply
changing the sign of one of the off diagonal entries. Initially there was hope
that one could do something similar in general, but these hopes were quickly
dashed. The next idea was to write the permanent of an m m matrix as
the determinant of a larger matrix.
Using the sequence (detn ), Valiant defined an algebraic analog of the
class P, denoted VPws , as follows: a sequence of polynomials (pm ) where
pm is a homogeneous polynomial of degree d(m) in v(m) variables, with
d(m), v(m) polynomial functions of m, is in the class VPws if dc(pm ) =
O(mc ) for some constant c. (For an explanation of the cryptic notation
VPws , see 13.3.3.)
Conjecture (Valiant). The function dc(permm ) grows faster than
any polynomial in m, i.e., (permm )
/ VPws .
How can one determine dc(P )? I discuss geometric approaches towards
this question in Chapter 13. One, that goes back to Valiant and has been
used in [324, 232, 231] involves studying the local differential geometry of
the two sequences of zero sets of the polynomials detn and permm . Another,
due to Mulmuley and Sohoni [241] involves studying the algebraic varieties
in the vector spaces of homogenous polynomials obtained by taking the orbit
closures of the polynomials detn and permm in the space of homogeneous
polynomials of degree n (resp. m) in n2 (resp. m2 ) variables. This approach
is based in algebraic geometry and representation theory.

1.5. Algebraic Statistics and tensor networks

1.5.1. Algebraic statistical models. As mentioned above, in statistics
one is handed data, often in the form of a multi-dimensional array, and is
asked to extract meaningful information from the data. Recently the field
of algebraic statistics has arisen.
Instead of asking What is the meaningful information to be extracted
from this data? one asks How can I partition the set of all arrays of a given
size into subsets of data sets sharing similar attributes?
Consider a weighted 6 sided die, for 1 j P6, let pj denote the prob-
ability that j is thrown, so 0 pj 1 and j pj = 1. We record the
information in a vector p R . Now say we had a second die, say 20 sided,
with probabilities qs , 0 qs 1 and q1 + + q20 = 1. Now if we throw
the dice together, assuming the events are independent, the probability of
22 1. Introduction

throwing i for the first and s for the second is simply pi qs . We may form a
6 20 matrix x = (xi,s ) = (pi qs ) recording all
Pthe possible throws with their
probabilities. Note xi,s 0 for all i, s and i,s xi,s = 1. The matrix x has
an additional property: x has rank one.
Were the events not independent we would notPhave this additional
constraint. Consider the set {T R6 R20 | Ti,s 0, i,s Ti,s = 1}. This is
the set of all discrete probability distributions on R6 R20 , and the set of the
previous paragraph is this set intersected with the set of rank one matrices.
Now say some gamblers were cheating with sets of dice, each with
different probabilities. They watch to see how bets are made and then
choose one of the sets accordingly. Now we have probabilities pi,u , qs,u , and
a 6 20 array zi,s,u with rank(z) = 1, in the sense that if we consider z
as a bilinear map, it has rank one.
Say that we cannot observe the betting. Then, to obtain the probabilities
of what we can observe, we must sum over all the P possibilities. We end
up with an element of R6 R20 , with entries ri,s = u pi,u qi,u . That is, we
obtain a 6 20 matrix of probabilities of rank (at most) , i.e., an element of
,R6R20 . The set of all such distributions is the set of matrices of R6 R20
of rank at most intersected with P D6,20 .
This is an example of a Bayesian network . In general, one associates a
graph to a collection of random variables having various conditional depen-
dencies and then from such a graph, one defines sets (varieties) of distribu-
tions. More generally an algebraic statistical model is the intersection of the
probability distributions with a closed subset defined by some dependence
relations. Algebraic statistical models are discussed in Chapter 14.
A situation discussed in detail in Chapter 14 are algebraic statistical
models arising in phylogeny: Given a collection of species, say humans,
monkeys, gorillas, orangutans, and ...., all of which are assumed to have
evolved from some common ancestor, ideally we might like to reconstruct the
corresponding evolutionary tree from sampling DNA. Assuming we can only
measure the DNA of existing species, this will not be completely possible,
but it might be possible to, e.g., determine which pairs are most closely
One might imagine, given the numerous possibilities for evolutionary
trees, that there would be a horrific amount of varieties to find equations
for. A major result of E. Allmann and J. Rhodes states that this is not the
Theorem [10, 9] Equations for the algebraic statistical model
associated to any bifurcating evolutionary tree can be determined explicitly
from equations for 4,C4 C4 C4 .
1.5. Algebraic Statistics and tensor networks 23

Figure 1.5.1. Evolutionary tree, extinct ancestor gave rise to 4 species

See 14.2.3 for a more precise statement. Moreover, motivated by The-

orem (and the promise of a hand smoked alaskan salmon), equations
for 4,C4 C4 C4 were recently found by S. Friedland, see 3.9.3 for the equa-
tions and salmon discussion.
The geometry of this field has been well developed and exposed by ge-
ometers [257, 165]. I include a discussion in Chapter 14.

1.5.2. Tensor network states. Tensors describe states of quantum me-

chanical systems. If a system has n particles, its state is an element of
V1 Vn where Vj is a Hilbert space associated to the j-th particle. In
many-body physics, in particular solid state physics, one wants to simulate
quantum states of thousands of particles, often arranged on a regular lattice
(e.g., atoms in a crystal). Due to the exponential growth of the dimension
of V1 Vn with n, any nave method of representing these tensors is
intractable on a computer. Tensor network states were defined to reduce
the complexity of the spaces involved by restricting to a subset of tensors
that is physically reasonable, in the sense that the corresponding spaces of
tensors are only locally entangled because interactions (entanglement) in
the physical world appear to just happen locally.
Such spaces have been studied since the 1980s. These spaces are associ-
ated to graphs, and go under different names: tensor network states, finitely
correlated states (FCS), valence-bond solids (VBS), matrix product states
(MPS), projected entangled pairs states (PEPS), and multi-scale entangle-
ment renormalization ansatz states (MERA), see, e.g., [276, 121, 170,
120, 318, 87] and the references therein. I will use the term tensor network
The topology of the tensor network is often modeled to mimic the phys-
ical arrangement of the particles and their interactions.
24 1. Introduction

Just as phylogenetic trees, and more generally Bayes models, use graphs
to construct varieties in spaces of tensors that are useful for the problem at
hand, in physics one uses graphs to construct varieties in spaces of tensors
that model the feasible states. The precise recipe is given in 14.1, where
I also discuss geometric interpretations of the tensor network states arising
from chains, trees and loops. The last one is important for physics; large
loops are referred to as 1-D systems with periodic boundary conditions
in the physics literature and are the prime objects people use in practical
simulations today.
To entice the reader uninterested in physics, but perhaps interested in
complexity, here is a sample result:
Proposition [213] Tensor networks associated to graphs that are
triangles consist of matrix multiplication (up to relabeling) and its degener-
See Proposition for a more precise statement. Proposition
leads to a surprising connection between the study of tensor network states
and the geometric complexity theory program mentioned above and dis-
cussed in 13.6.

1.6. Geometry and representation theory

So far we have seen the following
A key to determining the complexity of matrix multiplication will
2 2 2
be to find explicit equations for the set of tensors in Cn Cn Cn
of border rank at most r in the range 23 n2 r n2.38 .
For flourescence spectroscopy and other applications, one needs to
determine the ranks of tensors (of small rank) in RI RJ RK and
to decompose them. Equations will be useful both for determin-
ing what the rank of an approximating tensor should be and for
developing explicit algorithms for tensor decomposition.
To study cumulants and blind source separation, one is interested
in the analogous questions for symmetric tensor rank.
In other applications discussed in this book, such as the GCT pro-
gram for the Mulmuley-Sohoni variant of P v. NP, and in algebraic
statistics, a central goal is to find the equations for other algebraic
varieties arising in spaces of tensors.
To find equations we will exploit the symmetries of the relevant vari-
eties. We will also seek geometric descriptions of the varieties. For example,
Example admits the simple interpretation that the limit of the se-
quence of secant lines is a tangent line as illustrated in Figure 2.4.5. This
1.6. Geometry and representation theory 25

interpretation is explained in detail in Chapter 5, and exploited many times

in later chapters.


Figure 1.6.1. Unlabeled points are various P s lying on secant

lines to the curve of perfect cubes

Given a multidimensional array in Ra Rb Rc , its rank and border rank

will be unchanged if one changes bases in Ra , Rb , Rc . Another way to say
this is that the properties of rank and border rank are invariant under the
action of the group of changes of bases G := GLa GLb GLc . When one
looks for the defining equations of r , the space of equations will also be
invariant under the action of G. Representation theory provides a way to
organize all polynomials into sums of subspaces invariant under the action
of G. It is an essential tool for the study of equations.
Chapter 2

Multilinear algebra

This chapter approaches multilinear algebra from a geometric perspective.

If X = (ais ) is a matrix, one is not so much interested in the collection
of numbers that make up X, but what X represents and what qualitative
information can be extracted from the entries of X. For this reason and
others, in 2.3 an invariant definition of tensors is given and its utility is
explained, especially in terms of groups acting on spaces of tensors. Before
that, the chapter begins in 2.1 with a collection of exercises to review facts
from linear algebra that will be important in what follows. For those readers
needing a reminder of the basic definitions in linear algebra, they are given
in an appendix 2.9. Basic definitions regarding group actions that will be
needed throughout are stated in 2.2. In 2.4, rank and border rank of ten-
sors are defined, Strassens algorithm is revisited, and basic results about
rank are established. A more geometric perspective on the matrix multipli-
cation operator in terms of contractions is given in 2.5. Among subspaces
of spaces of tensors, the symmetric and skew-symmetric tensors discussed
in 2.6 are distinguished, not only because they are the first subspaces one
generally encounters, but all other natural subspaces may be built out of
symmetrizations and skew-symmetrizations. As a warm up for the detailled
discussions of polynomials that appear later in the book, polynomials on
the space of matrices are discussed in 2.7. In 2.8, V 3 is decomposed as
a GL(V )-module, which serves as an introduction to Chapter 6.
There are three appendices to this chapter. As mentioned above, in
2.9 basic definitions are recalled for the readers convenience. 2.10 reviews
Jordan and rational canonical forms. Wiring diagrams, a useful pictorial
tool for studying tensors are introduced in 2.11.

28 2. Multilinear algebra

I work over the field C. Unless otherwise noted, Aj , A, B, C, V , and

W are finite dimensional complex vector spaces respectively of dimensions
aj , a, b, c, v, and w. V denotes The dual vector space to V (see 1.2.1) is
denoted V .

2.1. Rust removal exercises

For V , let := {v V | (v) = 0} and for w V , let hwi denote the
span of w.
Definition Let V , and w W . Consider the linear map
w : V W defined by v 7 (v)w. A linear map of this form is said to
be of rank one.

Observe that
ker(w) = ,
Image(w) = hwi.
(1) Show that if one chooses bases of V and W , the matrix representing
w has rank one.
(2) Show that every rank one n m matrix is the product of a col-
umn vector with a row vector. To what extent is this presentation
(3) Show that a nonzero matrix has rank one if and only if all its 2 2
minors are zero.
(4) Show that the following definitions of the rank of a linear map
f : V W are equivalent
(a) dim f (V )
(b) dim V dim(ker(f ))
(c) The smallest r such that f is the sum of r rank one linear
(d) The smallest r such that any matrix representing f has all size
r + 1 minors zero.
(e) There exist
 of bases in V and W such that the matrix
Idr 0
of f is where the blocks in the previous expression
0 0
come from writing dim V = r + (dim V r) and dim W =
r + (dim W r) and Idr is the r r identity matrix.
(5) Given a linear subspace U V , define U V , the annihilator of
U , by U := { V | (u) = 0 u U }. Show that (U ) = U .
(6) Show that for a linear map f : V W , that ker f = (Image f T ) .
(See for the definition of the transpose f T : W V .)
2.1. Rust removal exercises 29

This is sometimes referred to as the fundamental theorem of linear

algebra. It implies rank(f ) = rank(f T ), i.e., that for a matrix, row
rank equals column rank, as was already seen in Exercise (4) above.

(7) Let V denote the vector space of 2 2 matrices. Take a basis

1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
v1 = , v2 = , v3 = , v4 =
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Fix a, b, c, d C and let
a b
A= .
c d
Write out a 4 4 matrix expressing the linear map
LA : V V
X 7 AX
that corresponds to left multiplication by A. Write the analogous
matrix for right multiplication. For which matrices A are the two
induced linear maps the same?
(8) Given a 2 2 matrix A, write out a 4 4 matrix expressing the
linear map
ad(A) : V V
X 7 AX XA.
What is the largest possible rank of this linear map?
(9) Let A be a 3 3 matrix and write out a 9 9 matrix representing
the linear map LA : M at33 M at33 .
(10) Choose new bases such that the matrices of Exercises 7 and 9 be-
come block diagonal (i.e., the only non-zero entries occur in 2 2
(resp. 3 3) blocks centered about the diagonal). What will the
n n case look like?
(11) A vector space V admits a direct sum decomposition V = U
W if U, W V are linear subspaces and if for all v V there
exists unique u U and w W such that v = u + w. Show
that that a necessary and sufficient condition to have a direct sum
decomposition V = U W is that dim U + dim W dim V and
U W = (0). Similarly, show that another necessary and sufficient
condition to have a direct sum decomposition V = U W is that
dim U + dim W dim V and span{U, W } = V .
(12) Let S 2 Cn denote the vector space of symmetric n n matrices.
Calculate dim S 2 Cn . Let 2 Cn denote the vector space of skew
30 2. Multilinear algebra

symmetric n n matrices. Calculate its dimension, and show that

there is a direct sum decomposition
M atnn = S 2 (Cn ) 2 (Cn ).
(13) Let v1 , . . . , vv be a basis of V , let i V be defined by i (vj ) = ji .
(Recall that a linear map is uniquely specified by prescribing the
image of a basis.) Show that 1 , . . . , v is a basis for V , called the
dual basis to v1 , . . . , vn . In particular, dim V = v.
(14) Define, in a coordinate-free way, an injective linear map V (V ) .
(Note that the map would not necessarily be surjective if V were
an infinite-dimensional vector space.)
(15) A filtration of a vector space is a sequence of subspaces 0 V1
V2 V . Show that a filtration of V naturally induces a
filtration of V .
(16) Show that by fixing a basis of V , one obtains an identification of
the group of invertible endomorphisms of V , denoted GL(V ), and
the set of bases of V .

2.2. Groups and representations

A significant part of our study will be to exploit symmetry to better under-
stand tensors. The set of symmetries of any object forms a group, and the
realization of a group as a group of symmetries is called a representation of a
group. The most important group in our study will be GL(V ), the group of
invertible linear maps V V , which forms a group under the composition
of mappings.

2.2.1. The group GL(V ). If one fixes a reference basis, GL(V ) is the
group of changes of bases of V . If we use our reference basis to identify V
with Cv equipped with its standard basis, GL(V ) may be identified with
the set of invertible v v matrices. I sometimes write GL(V ) = GLv or
GLv C if V is v-dimensional and comes equipped with a basis. I emphasize
GL(V ) as a group rather than the invertible v v matrices because it not
only acts on V , but on many other spaces constructed from V .
Definition Let W be a vector space, let G be a group, and let
: G GL(W ) be a group homomorphism (see (In particular,
(G) is a subgroup of GL(W ).) A group homomorphism : G GL(W )
is called a (linear) representation of G. One says G acts on W , or that W
is a G-module.

For g GL(V ) and v V , write g v, or g(v) for the action. Write

for the composition of maps.
2.2. Groups and representations 31

Example Here are some actions: g GL(V ) acts on

(1) V by 7 g1 .
(2) End(V ) by f 7 g f .
(3) A second action on End(V ) is by f 7 g f g1 .
(4) The vector space of homogeneous polynomials of degree d on V for
each d by P 7 g P ,where g P (v) = P (g1 v). Note that this
agrees with (1) when d = 1.
2 a b
(5) Let V = C so the standard action of GL(V ) on C2 is,
c d
x a b x
7 . Then GL2 also acts on C3 by
y c d y

x a ac x
y 7 2ab ad + bc 2cd y .
z b2 bd d2 z
The geometry of this action is explained by Exercise 2.6.23
These examples give group homomorphisms GL(V ) GL(V ), GL(V )
GL(End(V )) (two different ones) and GL(V ) GL(S d V ), where S d V
denotes the vector space of homogeneous polynomials of degree d on V .
Exercise Verify that each of the above examples are indeed ac-
tions, e.g., show (g1 g2 ) = g1 (g2 ).
Exercise Let  dim 
V = 2, choose a basis of V so that g GL(V )
a b
may be written g = . Write out the 4 4 matrices for examples
c d and

2.2.2. Modules and submodules. If W is a G-module and there is a

linear subspace U W such that g u U for all g G and u U , then
one says U is a G-submodule of W .
Exercise Using Exercise show that both actions on End(V )
have nontrivial submodules, in the first case (when dim V = 2) one can find
two-dimensional subspaces preserved by GL(V ) and in the second there is a
unique one dimensional subspace and an unique three dimensional subspace
preserved by GL(V ).

A module is irreducible if it contains no nonzero proper submodules.

For example, the action restricted to the trace free linear maps
is irreducible.
If Z W is a subset and a group G acts on W , one says Z is invariant
under the action of G if g z Z for all z Z and g G.
32 2. Multilinear algebra

2.2.3. Exercises.
(1) Let Sn denote the group of permutations of {1, . . . , n} (see Defini-
tion Endow Cn with a basis. Show that the action of Sn
on Cn defined by permuting basis elements, i.e., given Sn and
a basis e1 , . . . , en , ej = e(j) , is not irreducible.
(2) Show that the action of GLn on Cn is irreducible.
(3) Show that the map GLp GLq GLpq given by (A, B) acting on
a p q matrix X by X 7 AXB 1 is a linear representation.
(4) Show that the action of the group of invertible upper triangular
matrices on Cn is not irreducible.
(5) Let Z denote the set of rank one p q matrices inside the vector
space of p q matrices. Show Z is invariant under the action of
GLp GLq GLpq .

2.3. Tensor products

In physics, engineering and other areas, tensors are often defined to be multi-
dimensional arrays. Even a linear map is often defined in terms of a matrix
that represents it in a given choice of basis. In what follows I give more
invariant definitions, and with a good reason.
Consider for example the space of v v matrices, first as representing
the space of linear maps V W , where w = v. Then given f : V W ,
one can always make changes of bases in V and W such that the matrix of
f is of the form  
Ik 0
0 0
where the blocking is (k, v k) (k, v k), so there are only v different
such maps up to equivalence. On the other hand, if the space of v v
matrices represents the linear maps V V , then one can only have Jordan
(or rational) canonical form, i.e., there are parameters worth of distinct
matrices up to equivalence.
Because it will be essential to keep track of group actions in our study,
I give basis-free definitions of linear maps and tensors.

2.3.1. Definitions.
Notation 2.3.1: Let V W denote the vector space of linear maps V W .
With this notation, V W denotes the linear maps V W .

The space V W may be thought of in four different ways: as the

space of linear maps V W , as the space of linear maps W V (using
the isomorphism determined by taking transpose), as the dual vector space
2.3. Tensor products 33

to V W , by Exercise 2.3.2.(3) below, and as the space of bilinear maps

V W C. If one chooses bases and represents f V W by a v w
matrix X = (fsi ), the first action is multiplication by a column vector v 7
Xv, the second by right multiplication by a row P vector 7 X, the third
by, given an w v matrix Y = (gis ), taking i,s fsi gis , and the fourth by
(v, ) 7 fsi vi s .
Exercise Show that the rank one elements in V W span V W .
More precisely, given bases (vi ) of V and (ws ) of W , show that the vw
vectors vi ws provide a basis of V W .
Exercise Let v1 , . . . , vn be a basis of V with dual basis 1 , . . . , n .
Write down an expression for a linear map as a sum of rank one maps
f : V V such that each vi is an eigenvector with eigenvalue i , that is
f (vi ) = i vi for some i C. In particular, write down an expression for
the identity map (case all i = 1).
Definition Let V1 , . . . , Vk be vector spaces. A function
(2.3.1) f : V1 . . . Vk C
is multilinear if it is linear in each factor V . The space of such multilinear
functions is denoted V1 V2 Vk , and called the tensor product of the
vector spaces V1 , . . . , Vk . Elements T V1 Vk are called tensors.
The integer k is sometimes called the order of T . The sequence of natural
numbers (v1 , . . . , vk ) is sometimes called the dimensions of T .

More generally, a function

(2.3.2) f : V1 . . . Vk W
is multilinear if it is linear in each factor V . The space of such multilinear
functions is denoted V1 V2 . . . Vk W , and called the tensor product of
V1 , . . . , Vk , W .
If f : V1 V2 W is bilinear, define the left kernel
Lker(f ) = {v V1 | f (v1 , v2 ) = 0 v2 V2 }
and similarly for the right kernel Rker(f ). For multi-linear maps one anal-
ogously defines the i-th kernel.
When studying tensors in V1 Vn , introduce the notation Vj :=
V1 Vj1 Vj+1 Vn . Given T V1 Vn , write T (Vj ) Vj
for the image of the linear map Vj Vj .

Definition Define the multilinear rank (sometimes called the du-
plex rank or Tucker rank ) of T V1 Vn to be the n-tuple of natural
numbers Rmultlin (T ) := (dim T (V1 ), . . . , dim T (Vn )).
34 2. Multilinear algebra

The number dim(T (Vj )) is sometimes called the mode j rank of T .

Write V k := V V where there are k copies of V in the tensor

Remark Some researchers like to picture tensors given in bases

in terms of slices. Let A have basis a1 , . . . , aa and similarly for B, C, let
T ABC, so in bases T = T i,s,uai bs cu . Then one forms an a
b c rectangular solid table whose entries are the T isu . This solid is then
decomposed into modes or slices, e.g., consider T as a collection of a matrices
of size b c: (T 1,s,u ), . . . , (T a,s,u ), which might be referred to as horizontal
slices (e.g. [185, p. 458]), or a collection of b matrices (T i,1,u ), . . . , (T i,b,u )
called lateral slices, or a collection of c matrices called frontal slices. When
two indices are fixed, the resulting vector in the third space is called a fiber.

Figure 2.3.1. Placeholder for pictures to be furnished by Kolda

2.3.2. Exercises.
(1) Write out the slices of the 2 2 matrix multiplication operator
M ABC = (U V )(V W )(W U ) with respect to the
basis a1 = u1 v1 , a2 = u1 v2 , a3 = u2 v1 , a4 = u2 v2 of A and
the analogous bases for B, C.
(2) Verify that the space of multilinear functions (2.3.2) is a vector
(3) Given V , W , allow V W to act on V W by,
for v V, w W , (vw) = (v)(w) and extending linearly.
Show that this identification defines an isomorphism V W =
(V W ) .
(4) Show that V C V .
(5) Show that for each I {1, . . . , k} with complementary index set
I c , that there are canonical identifications of V1 Vk with the
space of multi-linear maps Vi1 Vi|I| Vic Vic .
1 k|I|
2.4. The rank and border rank of a tensor 35

(6) A bilinear map f : U V C is called a perfect pairing if Lker(f ) =

Rker(f ) = 0. Show that if f is a perfect pairing it determines an
identification U V .
(7) Show that the map tr : V V C given by (, v) 7 (v) is
bilinear and thus is well defined as a linear map V V C. For
f V V , show that tr(f ) agrees with the usual notion of the
trace of a linear map, that is, the sum of the eigenvalues or the
sum of the entries on the diagonal in any matrix expression of f .
(8) Show that tr V V , when considered as a map V V is the
identity map, i.e., that tr and IdV are the same tensors. Write out
this tensor with respect to any choice of basis of V and dual basis
of V .
(9) A linear map p : V V is a projection if p2 = p. Show that if p is
a projection, then trace(p) = dim(image(p)).
(10) Show that a basis of V induces a basis of V d for each d.
(11) Determine dim(V1 Vk ), in terms of dim Vi .

2.4. The rank and border rank of a tensor

2.4.1. The rank of a tensor. Given 1 V1 , . . . , k Vk , define an
element 1 k V1 V2 Vk by
(2.4.1) 1 k (u1 , . . . , uk ) = 1 (u1 ) k (uk ).
Definition An element of V1 V2 Vk is said to have rank
one if it may be written as in (2.4.1).

Note that the property of having rank one is independent of any choices
of basis. (The vectors in each space used to form the rank one tensor will
usually not be basis vectors, but linear combinations of them.)
Definition Define the rank of a tensor T VP
1 V2 . . . Vk , de-
noted R(T ), to be the minimal number r such that T = ru=1 Zu with each
Zu rank one.

Note that the rank of a tensor is unchanged if one makes changes of

bases in the vector spaces Vi . Rank is sometimes called outer product rank
in the tensor literature.

2.4.2. Exercises on ranks of tensors. In what follows, A, B, and C are

vector spaces with bases respectively a1 , . . . , aa , b1 , . . . , bb , and c1 , . . . , cc .
(1) Show that V1 V2 . . . Vk is spanned by its rank one vectors.
(2) Compute the ranks of the following tensors T1 = a1 b1 c1 +
a1 b2 c1 , T2 = a1 b1 c1 +a2 b2 c1 , T3 = a1 b1 c1 +a2 b2 c2 .
36 2. Multilinear algebra

(3) Show that for T2 above, dim(T2 (C )) 6= dim(T2 (B )).

(4) For T ABC, show that R(T ) dim T (A ).
(5) Show that for all T V1 Vk , R(T ) j (dim Vj ).
(6) Show that if T A1 An , then the multilinear rank (b1 , . . . , bn )
of T satisfies bi min(ai , j6=i aj ) and that equality holds for
generic tensors, in the sense that equality will hold for most small
perturbations of any tensor.

By Exercise 2.4.2.(3), one sees that numbers that coincided for linear
maps fail to coincide for tensors, i.e., the analog of the fundamental theorem
of linear algebra is false for tensors.

2.4.3. GL(V ) acts on V d . The group GL(V ) acts on V d . The action

on rank one elements is, for g GL(V ) and v1 vd V d ,

(2.4.2) g (v1 vd ) = (g v1 ) (g vd )

and the action on V d is obtained by extending this action linearly.

Similarly, GL(V1 ) GL(Vk ) acts on V1 Vk .
1. Let dim V = 2 and give V basis e1 , e2 and dual basis 1 , 2 . Let
g GL(V ) be g = 1 (e1 + e2 ) + 2 e2 . Compute g (e1 e1 e2 +
e1 e2 e2 ).
2. For fixed g GL(V ), show that the map V d V d given on
rank one elements by (2.4.2) is well defined (i.e., independent of
our choice of basis).
3. Let V = C2 and let d = 3. The action of GL(V ) on V 3 determines
an embedding GL(V ) GL(C8 ) = GL(V 3 ). Fix a basis of V , and
write an 8 8 matrix expressing the image of GL(V ) in GL8 with
respect to the induced basis (as in Exercise
2.4.4. Strassens algorithm revisited. The standard algorithm for the
multiplication of 2 2 matrices may be expressed in terms of tensors as
follows. Let V1 , V2 , V3 each denote the space of 2 2 matrices. Give V1
the standard basis aij for the matrix with a 1 in the (i, j)-th slot and zeros
elsewhere and let ij denote the dual basis element of V1 . Similarly for
V2 , V3 . Then the standard algorithm is:

M2,2,2 =11 11 c11 + 12 12 c11 + 21 11 c21 + 22 12 c21

+ 11 21 c12 + 12 22 c12 + 21 21 c22 + 22 22 c22 .
2.4. The rank and border rank of a tensor 37

Strassens algorithm is
M2,2,2 =(11 + 22 )(11 + 22 )(c11 + c22 )
+ (21 + 22 )11 (c21 c22 )
+ 11 (21 22 )(c12 + c22 )
(2.4.4) + 22 (11 + 12 )(c21 + c11 )
+ (11 + 12 )22 (c11 + c12 )
+ (11 + 21 )(11 + 21 )c22
+ (12 22 )(12 + 22 )c11 .
Exercise Verify that (2.4.4) and (2.4.3) are indeed the same ten-

Remark To present Strassens algorithm this way, solve for the
coefficients of the vector equation set each Roman numeral in (1.1.1) to a
linear combination of the cij and set the sum of the terms equal to (2.4.3).

Strassens algorithm for matrix multiplication using seven multiplica-

tions is far from unique. Let t R be a constant. One also has
M2,2,2 =(11 + 22 + t21 )(11 t12 + 22 )(c11 + c22 )
+ (21 + 22 + t21 )(11 t12 )(c21 c22 )
+ 11 (21 t22 22 )(c12 + c22 )
(2.4.5) + (22 + t21 )(11 + t12 + 12 )(c21 + c11 )
+ (11 + 12 + t11 )22 (c11 + c12 )
+ (11 + 21 )(11 t12 + 21 t22 )c22
+ (12 + t11 22 t21 )(12 + 22 )c11 .
In fact there is a nine parameter family of algorithms for M2,2,2 each using
seven multiplications. The geometry of this family is explained in 2.5.
An expression of a bilinear map T V1 V2 V3 as a sum of rank one
elements may be thought of as an algorithm for executing it. The number of
rank one elements in the expression is the number of multiplications needed
to execute the algorithm. The rank of the tensor T therefore gives an upper
bound on the number of multiplications needed to execute the corresponding
bilinear map using a best possible algorithm.

2.4.5. Border rank of a tensor. Chapter 4 is dedicated to the study of

algebraic varieties, which are the zero sets of polynomials. In particular, if a
sequence of points is in the zero set of a collection of polynomials, any limit
38 2. Multilinear algebra

point for the sequence must be in the zero set. In our study of tensors of a
given rank r, we will also study limits of such tensors.
Consider the tensor
(2.4.6) T = a1 b1 c1 + a1 b1 c2 + a1 b2 c1 + a2 b1 c1 .
One can show that the rank of T is three, but T can be approximated as
closely as one likes by tensors of rank two, as consider:
(2.4.7) T () = [( 1)a1 b1 c1 + (a1 + a2 )(b1 + b2 )(c1 + c2 )]

Definition A tensor T has border rank r if it is a limit of tensors
of rank r but is not a limit of tensors of rank s for any s < r. Let R(T )
denote the border rank of T .

Note that R(T ) R(T ).

For example, the sequence (2.4.7) shows that T of (2.4.6) has border
rank at most two, and it is not hard to see that its border rank is exactly
The border rank admits an elegant geometric interpretation which I
discuss in detail in 5.1. Intuitively, T () is a point on the line spanned by
the two tensors a1 b1 c1 and z() := (a1 + a2 )(b1 + b2 )(c1 + c2 ) inside
the set of rank one tensors. Draw z() as a curve, for 6= 0, T () is a point
on the secant line through z(0) and z(), and in the limit, one obtains a
point on the tangent line to z(0) = a1 b1 c1

a1 b1 c1

Figure 2.4.1. Unlabeled points are various T s lying on secant

lines to the curve

An especially important question is: What is the border rank of the

matrix multiplication operator? All that is known is that R(M22 ) = 7,
that 14 R(M33 ) 21, and 25 m2 3m R(Mmm ) m2.38 , see Chapter
2.5. Examples of invariant tensors 39

2.5. Examples of invariant tensors

Certain tensors, viewed as multilinear maps, commute with the action of the
group of changes of bases, i.e., as tensors, they are invariant with respect to
the group action. Matrix multiplication is one such, as I explain below.

2.5.1. Contractions of tensors. There is a natural bilinear map

Con : (V1 Vk )(Vk U1 Um ) V1 Vk1 U1 Um
given by (v1 vk , b1 bm ) (vk )v1 vk1 b1 bm ,
is called a contraction. One can view the contraction operator Con as an
element of
(V1 Vk ) (Vk U1 Um ) (V1 Vk1 U1 Um ).

If T V1 Vk and S U1 Um , and for some fixed i, j there

is an identification Vi Uj , one may contract T S to obtain an element of
Vi Uj which is sometimes called the (i, j)-mode product of T and S.
Exercise Show that if f : V V is a linear map, i.e., f V V ,
then the trace of f corresponds to Con above.

In other words (recalling the convention that repeated indices are to be

summed over) Exercise says:
Con, Id, and trace are all the same tensors. If (ai ) is a basis of A with
dual basis (i ), then they all correspond to the tensor i ai .

2.5.2. Matrix multiplication as a tensor. Let A, B, and C be vector

spaces of dimensions a, b, c, and consider the matrix multiplication operator
Ma,b,c that composes a linear map from A to B with a linear map from B
to C to obtain a linear map from A to C. Let V1 = A B, V2 = B C,
V3 = A C, so Ma,b,c V1 V2 V3 . On rank one elements:
(2.5.1) Ma,b,c : (A B) (B C) A C
(b) (c) 7 (b)c
and Ma,b,c is defined on all elements by extending the definition on rank
one elements bi-linearly. In other words, as a tensor,

Ma,b,c = IdA IdB IdC (A B) (B C) (A C)

and it is clear from the expression (2.4.3), that it may be viewed as any of
the three possible contractions. In other words, as a bilinear map A B
B C A C, or as a bilinear map AC B C AB or AC
A B C B. When A = B = C, this gives rise to a symmetry under
40 2. Multilinear algebra

the action of the group of permutations on three elements S3 which is often

exploited in the study of the operator.
Exercise Show that Ma,b,c viewed as a trilinear form in bases takes
a triple of matrices (X, Y, Z) to trace(XY Z), and hence is invariant under
changes in bases in A, B and C. The nine parameter family of algorithms for
M2,2,2 is the action of SL(A)SL(B)SL(C) on the expression. (The action
of the scalars times the identity will not effect the expression meaningfully
as we identify vw = v(w) for a scalar .)
Remark The above exercise gives rise a nine parameter family of
expressions for M2,2,2 as a sum of seven rank one tensors. One could ask if
there are any other expressions for M2,2,2 as a sum of seven rank one tensors.
In [105] it is shown that there are no other such expressions.

2.5.3. Another GL(V )-invariant tensor. Recall from above that as ten-
sors Con, tr and IdV are the same. In Chapter 6 we will see IdV and its
scalar multiples are the only GL(V )-invariant tensors in V V . The space
V V V V = End(V V ), in addition to the identity map IdV V , has
another GL(V )-invariant tensor. As a linear map it is simply
(2.5.2) : V V V V
ab 7 ba.

2.6. Symmetric and skew-symmetric tensors

2.6.1. The spaces S 2 V and 2 V . Recall the map (2.5.2), : V V
V V . (Note that here we look at it on the dual space.) Consider V 2 =
V V with basis {vi vj , 1 i, j n}. The subspaces defined by
S 2 V := span{vi vj + vj vi , 1 i, j n}
= span{vv |v V }
= {X V V | X(, ) = X(, ) , V }
= {X V V | X = X}

2 V := span{vi vj vj vi , 1 i, j n}
= span{vw wv |v, w V },
= {X V V | X(, ) = X(, ) , V }
= {X V V | X = X}
are respectively the spaces of symmetric and skew-symmetric 2-tensors of V .
In the fourth lines we are considering X as a map V V C. The second
description of these spaces implies that if T S 2 V and g GL(V ), then
2.6. Symmetric and skew-symmetric tensors 41

(using (2.4.2)) g T S 2 V and similarly for 2 V . That is, they are invariant
under linear changes of coordinates, i.e., they are GL(V )-submodules of V 2 .
For v1 , v2 V , define v1 v2 := 21 (v1 v2 + v2 v1 ) S 2 V and v1 v2 :=
1 2
2 (v1 v2 v2 v1 ) V .

2.6.2. Exercises.
(1) Show that the four descriptions of S 2 V all agree. Do the same for
the four descriptions of 2 V .
(2) Show that
(2.6.1) V V = S 2 V 2 V.
By the remarks above, this direct sum decomposition is invariant
under the action of GL(V ), c.f., Exercise 2.1.12. One says V 2
decomposes as a GL(V ) module to 2 V S 2 V .
(3) Show that the action of GL2 on C3 of Example is the
action induced on S 2 C2 from the action on C2 C2 .
(4) Show that no proper linear subspace of S 2 V is invariant under the
action of GL(V ); i.e., S 2 V is an irreducible submodule of V 2 .
(5) Show that 2 V is an irreducible GL(V )-submodule of V 2 .
(6) Define maps

(2.6.2) S : V 2 V 2
X 7 (X + X )

(2.6.3) : V 2 V 2
X 7 (X X )
Show S (V 2 ) = S 2 V and (V 2 ) = 2 V .
(7) What is ker S ?
Notational Warning. Above I used as composition. It is also used
in the literature to denote symmetric product as defined below. To avoid
confusion I reserve for composition of maps with the exception of taking
the symmetric product of spaces, e.g., S d V S V = S d+ V .

2.6.3. Symmetric tensors S d V . Let S : V d V d be the map defined

on rank one elements by
1 X
S (v1 vd ) = v(1) v(d)
42 2. Multilinear algebra

where Sd denotes the group of permutations of d elements.

1. Show that S agrees with (2.6.2) when d = 2.
2. Show that S (S (X)) = S (X), i.e., that S is a projection opera-
tor (c.f. Exercise
Introduce the notation v1 v2 vd := S (v1 v2 vd ).

Definition Define

S d V := S (V d )

the d-th symmetric power of V .


S d V = {X V d | S (X) = X}
(2.6.4) = {X V d | X = X Sd }.

Exercise Show that in bases, if u S p Cr , v S q Cr , the symmetric

tensor product uv S p+q Cr is
1 X
(uv)i1 ,...,ip+q = uI v J
(p + q)!

where the summation is over I = i1 , . . . , ip with i1 ip and analo-

gously for J.
Exercise Show that S d V V d is invariant under the action of
GL(V ).
Exercise Show that if e1 , . . . , ev is a basis of V , then ej1 ej2 ejd ,
for 1  j1 jd v is a basis of S d V . Conclude that dim S d Cv =
d .

2.6.4. S k V as the space of homogeneous polynomials of degree k

on V . The space S k V was defined as the space of symmetric k-linear forms
on V . It may also be considered as the space of homogeneous polynomials
of degree k on V . Namely given a multi-linear form Q, the map x 7
Q(x, . . . , x) is a polynomial mapping of degree k. The process of passing
from a homogeneous polynomial to a multi-linear form is called polarization.
For example, if Q is a homogeneous polynomial of degree two on V , define
the bilinear form Q by the equation
Q(x, y) = [Q(x + y) Q(x) Q(y)].
2.6. Symmetric and skew-symmetric tensors 43

For general symmetric multilinear forms, the polarization identity is

1 X k|I|
(2.6.5) Q(x1 , . . . , xk ) = (1) Q xi .
I[k],I6= iI

Here [k] = {1, . . . , k}. Since Q and Q are really the same object, I generally
will not distinguish them by different notation.
Example For a cubic polynomial in two variables P (s, t), one
obtains the cubic form
P ((s1 , t1 ), (s2 , t2 ), (s3 , t3 )) = [P (s1 + s2 + s3 , t1 + t2 + t3 )
P (s1 + s2 , t1 + t2 ) P (s1 + s3 , t1 + t3 ) P (s2 + s3 , t2 + t3 )
+ P (s1 , t1 ) + P (s2 , t2 ) + P (s3 , t3 )

so for, e.g., P = s2 t on obtains P = 13 (s1 s2 t3 + s1 s3 t2 + s2 s3 t1 ).

From this perspective, the contraction map is

(2.6.6) V S d V S d1 V
(, P ) 7 P (, )
if one fixes , this is just the partial derivative of P in the direction of .
Exercise Prove the above assertion by choosing coordinates and
taking = x1 .

2.6.5. Polynomials and homogeneous polynomials. In this book I

generally restrict the study of polynomials to homogeneous polynomials -
this is no loss of generality, as there is a bijective map

S d Cm {polynomials of degree at most d in m 1 variables}

by setting xm = 1, i.e., let I = (ii , . . . , im ) be a multi-index and write

|I| = i1 + + im ,
im1 im im1
ai1 ,...,im xi11 xm1 xm 7 ai1 ,...,im xi11 xm1 .
|I|=d |I|=d

2.6.6. Symmetric tensor rank.

Definition Given S d V , define the symmetric tensor rank of
, RS (), to be the smallest r such that = v1d + + vrd for some vj V .
Define the symmetric tensor border rank of , RS () to be the smallest r
such that is a limit of symmetric tensors of symmetric tensor rank r.
Exercise Show that for any S d Cn , RS () n+d1

d .
44 2. Multilinear algebra

There is a natural inclusion S d V S s V S ds V given by partial polar-

ization. Write s,ds S s V S ds V for the image of S d V . Thinking of
S s V S ds V as a space of linear maps S s V S ds V , s,ds (1 s ) =
(1 , . . . , s , , . . . , ).
Exercise Show that if RS () k, then rank(s,ds ) k for all s.

Remark Exercise provides a test for symmetric tensor bor-
der rank that dates back to Macaulay [221].

Exercise Considering S d V V d , show that, for S d V V d ,

RS () R() and RS () R(). P. Comon has conjectured that equality
holds, see [99, 4.1] and 5.7.2.

More generally one can define the partially symmetric rank of partially
symmetric tensors. We will not dwell much on this since this notion will be
superceded by the notion of X-rank in Chapter 5. The term INDSCAL is
used for the partially symmetric rank of elements of S 2 W V .

2.6.7. Alternating tensors. Define a map

(2.6.7) : V k V k
1 X
(2.6.8) v1 vk 7 v1 vk := (sgn())v(1) v(k)

where sgn() = 1 denotes the sign of the permutation (see Remark Denote the image by k V , called the space of alternating k-tensors
and note that it agrees with our previous definition of 2 V when k = 2.
In particular

k V = {X V k | X = sgn()X Sk }.

Exercise Show that v1 vk = 0 if and only if v1 , . . . , vk are

linearly dependent.

2.6.8. Tensor, symmetric and exterior algebras.

Definition For a vector space V , define V := k0 V k , the

tensor algebra of V . The multiplication is given by defining the product
of v1 vs with w1 wt to be v1 vs w1 wt and extending

Definition Define the exterior algebra V = k k V and the

symmetric algebra S V := d S d V by defining the multiplications :=
() for s V , t V and := S () for S s V , S t V .
2.6. Symmetric and skew-symmetric tensors 45

Note the following (i) 1 V = S 1 V = V , (ii) the multiplication S s V

S tV S s+t V , when considering S k V as the space of homogeneous polyno-
mials on V , corresponds to the multiplication of polynomials and (iii) these
are both associative algebras with units respectively 1 S 0 V , 1 0 V .

2.6.9. Contractions preserve symmetric and skew-symmetric ten-

sors. Recall (2.5.1) the contraction

(2.6.9) V V k V k1
(, v1 vk ) 7 (v1 )v2 vk .

Here we could have just as well defined contractions on any of the factors.
This contraction preserves the subspaces of symmetric and skew-symmetric
tensors, as you verify in Exercise 2.6.10.(2.6.13).

Remark The first fundamental theorem of invariant theory (see,

e.g., [264, p. 388]) states that the only GL(V )-invariant operators are of
the form (2.6.9), and the only SL(V )-invariant operators are these and con-
tractions with the volume form. (Here SL(V ) is the group of invertible
endomorphisms of determinant one, see Exercises 2.6.12 and 2.6.13.)

For a pairing V V W W , I sometimes let T denote the con-

traction of V and T V W

2.6.10. Exercises.
(1) Show that the subspace k V V k is invariant under the action
of GL(V ).
(2) Show a basis of V induces a basis of k V . Using  this induced
basis, show that, if dim V = v, then dim k V = vk . In particular,
v V C, l V = 0 for l > v and, S 3 V 3 V 6= V 3 when v > 1.
(3) Calculate, for V , (v1 vk ) explicitly and show that it
indeed is an element of S k1 V , and similarly for (v1 vk ).
(4) Show that the composition ( ) ( ) : k V k2 V is the zero
(5) Show that if V = A B then there is an induced direct sum
decomposition k V = k A (k1 A1 B) (k2 A2 B)
k B as a GL(A) GL(B)-module.
(6) Show that a subspace A V determines a well defined induced
filtration of k V given by k A k1 A1 V k2 A2 V
k V . If PA := {g GL(V ) | g v A v A}, then each
filtrand is a PA -submodule.
46 2. Multilinear algebra

(7) Show that if V is equipped with a volume form, i.e. an nonzero ele-
ment v V , then one obtains an identification k V vk V .

(8) Show that V v1 V v V as GL(V )-modules.

2.6.11. Induced linear maps. Tensor product and the symmetric and
skew-symmetric constructions are functorial. This essentially means: given
a linear map f : V W there are induced linear maps f k : V k W k
given by f k (v1 vk ) = f (v1 ) f (vk ). These restrict to give well
defined maps f k : k V k W and f k : S k V S k W .
Definition Given a linear map f : V V , the induced map
f v : v V v V is called the determinant of f .
Example Let 2 2 2
  C have basis e1 , e2 . Say f : C C is represented
a b
by the matrix with respect to this basis, i.e., f (e1 ) = ae1 + be2 ,
c d
f (e2 ) = ce1 + de2 . Then
f (e1 e2 ) = (ae1 + be2 ) (ce1 + de2 )
= (ad bc)e1 e2

Sometimes one fixes a given element of v V and calls it the determinant

det. Which use of the word I am using should be clear from the context.
To see these induced maps explicitly, let 1 , . . . , v be a basis of V and
w1 , . . . , ww a basis of W . Write f = fjs j ws in this basis. Then
f 2 = fjs fkt j k ws wt
f 2 = (fjs fkt fks fjt )(j k )(ws wt )
f p = sgn()fis(1)
1 p
fi(p) i(1) i(p) ws1 wsp .

The GL(V )-module isomorphism from Exercise shows that a

linear map : v1 V v1 W , where dim V = dim W = v induces a lin-
ear map V v V W v W , i.e., a linear map W v W V v V .
If = f (v1) for some linear map f : V W , and f is invertible, then the
induced linear map is f 1 det(f ). If f is not invertible, then f (v1) has
rank one. If rank(f ) v 2, then f (v1) is zero. An advantage of f v1
over f 1 is that it is defined even if f is not invertible, which is exploited in
2.6. Symmetric and skew-symmetric tensors 47

2.6.12. Exercises on induced linear maps and the determinant.

(1) Verify that if f has rank v 1, then f (v1) has rank one, and if
rank(f ) v 2, then f (v1) is zero.
(2) Show more generally that if f has rank r, then rank(f s ) = rs .

(3) Show that the eigenvalues of f k are the k-th elementary symmetric
functions of the eigenvalues of f .
(4) Given f : V V , f v is a map from a one-dimensional vector
space to itself, and thus multiplication by some scalar. Show that
if one chooses a basis for V and represents f by a matrix, the scalar
representing f v is the determinant of the matrix representing f .
(5) Assume W = V and that V admits a basis of eigenvectors for f .
Show that k V admits a basis of eigenvectors for f k and find the
eigenvectors and eigenvalues for f k in terms of those for f . In
particular show that the k-th coefficient of the characteristic poly-
nomial of f is (1)k trace (f k ) where trace is defined in Exercise
(6) Let f : V W be invertible, with dim V = dim W = v. Verify
that f v1 = f 1 det(f ) as asserted above.
(7) Fix det v V . Let

(2.6.13) SL(V ) := {g GL(V ) | g det = det}.

Show that SL(V ) is a group, called the Special Linear group. Show
that if one fixes a basis of V 1 , . . . , v such that det = 1
v , and uses this basis and its dual to express linear maps
V V as v v matrices, that SL(V ) becomes the set of matrices
with determinant one (where one takes the usual determinant of
(8) Given n-dimensional vector spaces E, F , fix an element n E n F .
Since dim(n E n F ) = 1, is unique up to scale. Then given
a linear map f : V W , one may write f n = cf , for some con-
stant cf . Show that if one chooses bases e1 , . . . , en of E, f1 , . . . , fn
of F such that = e1 en f1 fn , and expresses f as
a matrix Mf with respect to these bases, then cf = det(Mf ).
(9) Note that determines a vector n En F by h , i = 1.
Recall that f : V W determines a linear map f T : W V .
Use to define detf T . Show detf = detf T .
(10) If E = F then a volume form is not needed to define detf . Show
that in this case detf is the product of the eigenvalues of f .
48 2. Multilinear algebra

2.6.13. The group Sd acts on V d . Let Sd denote the symmetric group

on d elements (see Definition Sd acts on V d by, for v1 , . . . , vd V ,
(v1 vd ) = v(1) v(d)
and extending linearly. Looking at symmetric tensors from this perspective
S d V = {T V d | T = T Sd }.
This description is slightly different from (2.6.4) as before elements of Sd
acted on V d and it was not explicitly mentioned that the elements were
part of an Sd action. In words:
S d V is the subspace of V d whose elements are invariant under the
action of Sd .
Exercise Show that if g GL(V ) and Sd , then, for all
T V d , g T = g T .

Because it will be important in Chapter 6, I record the result of Exercise
The actions of GL(V ) and Sd on V d commute with each other.

2.7. Polynomials on the space of matrices

Consider homogeneous polynomials on the space of a b matrices. We will
be interested in how the polynomials change under changes of bases in Ca
and Cb .
More invariantly, we will study our polynomials as GL(A) GL(B)-
modules. Let V = AB. We study the degree d homogeneous polynomials
on A B , S d V , as a G := GL(A) GL(B)-module.
Warning to the reader: I am identifying our base vector space of matrices
Ca Cb with A B , in order to minimize the use of s below.
Remark . In the examples that follow, the reader may wonder why I am
belaboring such familiar polynomials. The reason is that later on we will
encounter natural polynomials that are unfamiliar and will need ways of
writing them down explicitly from an invariant description.

2.7.1. Quadratic polynomials. While S 2 V is irreducible as a GL(V )-

module, if V = AB, one expects to be able to decompose it further as a
G = GL(A) GL(B)-module. One way to get an element of S 2 (AB) is
simply to multiply an element of S 2 A with an element of S 2 B, i.e., given
S 2 A, S 2 B, is defined by (x1 y1 , x2 y2 ) = (x1 , x2 )(y1 , y2 ),
where xj A , yj B . Clearly (x1 y1 , x2 y2 ) = (x2 y2 , x1 y1 ),
so is indeed an element of S 2 (AB).
2.7. Polynomials on the space of matrices 49

The space S 2 AS 2 B is a G-invariant subspace of S 2 (AB), i.e., if T

S 2 AS 2 B,
then g T S 2 AS 2 B for all g G. One may think of the
embedding S 2 AS 2 B S 2 (AB) as the result of the composition of the
S 2 AS 2 B AABB = (AB)2
with the projection S (see 2.6.3)
(AB)2 S 2 (AB).
Since S 2 A is an irreducible GL(A) module and S 2 B is an irreducible GL(B)-
module, S 2 AS 2 B is an irreducible G-module.
On the other hand dim S 2 V = ab+1 = (ab+1)ab/2 and dim(S 2 AS 2 B) =

a+1 b+1
2 2 = (ab+ a+ b+ 1)ab/4. So we have not found all possible elements
of S V .
To find the missing polynomials, consider 2 A, 2 B, and define
(x1 y1 , x2 y2 ) = (x1 , x2 )(y1 , y2 ). Observe that
(x2 y2 , x1 y1 ) = (x2 , x1 )(y2 , y1 )
= ((x1 , x2 ))((y1 , y2 ))
= (x1 y1 , x2 y2 ).

Thus S 2 (AB), and extending the map linearly yields an inclusion

2 A2 B S 2 (AB).
Now dim(2 A2 B) = (ab a b + 1)ab/4 so dim(2 A2 B) +
dim(S 2 AS 2 B) = S 2 (AB), and thus
S 2 (AB) = (2 A2 B) (S 2 AS 2 B)
is a decomposition of S 2 (AB) into GL(A) GL(B)-submodules, in fact
into GL(A) GL(B)-irreducible submodules.
Exercise Verify that the above decomposition is really a direct
sum, i.e., that (2 A2 B) and (S 2 AS 2 B) are disjoint.
Exercise Decompose 2 (AB) as a GL(A) GL(B)-module.

2.7.2. Two by two minors. I now describe the inclusion 2 A2 B

S 2 (AB) in bases. Let (ai ), (bs ) respectively be bases of A, B, and let
(ai bs ) denote the induced basis of AB and (i s ) the induced dual
basis for A B . Identify i s with the matrix having a one in the (i, s)-
entry and zeros elsewhere. Consider the following quadratic polynomial on
A BP , viewed as the space of a b matrices with coordinates xi,s , i.e.,

X = i,s xi,s ai bs corresponds to the matrix whose (i, s)-th entry is xi,s :

Pjk|tu (X) := xj,txk,u xk,t xj,u ,

50 2. Multilinear algebra

which is the two by two minor (jk|tu). As a tensor

Pjk|tu = (aj bt )(ak bu ) (ak bt )(aj bu )
= [aj bt ak bu + ak bu aj bt ak bt aj bu aj bu ak bt ].
Exercise Show that AB is canonically isomorphic to BA as a
GL(A) GL(B)-module. More generally, for all Sk , V(1) V(k)
is isomorphic to V1 Vk as a GL(V1 ) GL(Vk )-module.

Now use the canonical isomorphism of Exercise ABAB

Pjk|tu = [aj ak bt bu + ak aj bu bt ak aj bt bu aj ak bu bt ]
= [(aj ak ak aj )bt bu + (ak aj aj ak )bu bt ]
= (aj ak )bt bu + (ak aj )bu bt
= 2(aj ak )(bt bu ).
A two by two minor of a matrix, expressed as a tensor in S 2 (AB),
corresponds to an element of the subspace 2 A2 B S 2 (AB).
Compare this remark with (2.6.11).
Another perspective on the space of two by two minors is as follows: a
linear map x : A B has rank (at most) one if and only if the induced
linear map
x2 : 2 A 2 B
is zero. Now x2 2 A 2 B , and for any vector space U and its dual
U there is a perfect pairing U U C. Thus a way to test if x has rank
one is if x2 pairs with each element of 2 A2 B to be zero.
In contrast, consider the induced map x2 : S 2 A S 2 B . This map
is never identically zero if x is nonzero, so the set {x A B | (x) =
0 S 2 AS 2 B} is just the zero vector 0 A B .

2.7.3. Exercises on equations for the set of rank at most k 1

matrices. Let 1 , . . . , k A , 1 , . . . , k B and consider P := (1
k )( 1 k ) k A k B . By Exercise one may consider
P S k (AB) , i.e., as a homogeneous polynomial of degree k on AB.
(1) Show that 2 A2 B S 2 (AB) is exactly the span of the col-
lection of two by two minors (with respect to any choice of bases)
considered as quadratic polynomials on A B .
2.7. Polynomials on the space of matrices 51

(2) Show that k Ak B S k (AB), and that it corresponds to the

span of the collection of k k minors.
(3) Show that if T AB is of the form T = a1 b1 + + ak bk
where (a1 , . . . , ak ) and (b1 , . . . , bk ) are linearly independent sets of
vectors, then there exists P k A k B such that P (T ) 6= 0.
Conclude that the set of rank at most k 1 matrices is the common
zero locus of the polynomials in k A k B
(4) Given T AB, consider T : A B and the induced linear map
T k : k A k B, i.e. T k k Ak B. Show that the rank of
T is less than k if and only if T k is zero.
The perspectives of the last two exercises are related by noting the per-
fect pairing
(k Ak B) (k A k B ) C.

2.7.4. The Pfaffian. Let E be a vector space of dimension n = 2m and

let E n E be a volume form. Let x 2 E and consider xm n E.
Since dim(n E) = 1, there exists cx C such that xm = cx E . Define
Pf S m (2 E) by Pf(x) = m! cx . By its definition, Pf depends only on
a choice of volume form and thus is invariant under SL(E) = SL(E, )
(which, by definition, is the group preserving E ).
The Pfaffian is often used in connection with the orthogonal group be-
cause endomorphisms E E that are skew-symmetric arise often in
practice, where, in order to make sense of skew-symmetric one needs to
choose an isomorphism E E , which can be accomplished, e.g., with a
non-degenerate quadratic form Q S 2 E . It plays an important role in
differential geometry as it is the key to Cherns generalization of the Gauss-
Bonnet theorem, see e.g., [291, Chap. 13].
For example, if n = 4 and x = i,j xij ei ej , then

xx= xij xkl ei ej ek el = x(1)(2) x(3)(4) e1 e2 e3 e4 .
ijkl S4

In particular Pf(x) = x12 x34 x13 x24 + x14 x23 .

2.7.5. Exercises on the Pfaffian.

(1) Let x be a skew-symmetric matrix. If xij = 0 for i > j + 1, show
that Pf(x)
= x12 x34 x2m1,2m . Note that the eigenvalues of x
are 1xj,j+1.
(2) Using the previous exercise, show that if x is skew-symmetric,
Pf(x)2 = det(x).
52 2. Multilinear algebra

(3) Fix a basis e1 , . . . , en of E so x 2 E may be written as a skew-

symmetric matric x = (xij ). Show that in this basis
1 X (1) (2m1)
(2.7.1) Pf(xij ) = sgn()x(2) x(2m)
2n n!
1 X (1) (2m1)
(2.7.2) = n sgn()x(2) x(2m)

where P S2m consists of the permutations such that (2i

1) < (2i) for all 0 i m. Note that these expressions are
defined for arbitrary matrices and the SL(V ) invariance still holds
as S n (2 V ) is a SL(V )-submodule of S n (V V ).

2.8. Decomposition of V 3
When d > 2 there are subspaces of V d other than the completely symmetric
and skew-symmetric tensors that are invariant under changes of bases. These
spaces will be studied in detail in Chapter 6. In this section, as a preview,
I consider V 3 .
Change the previous notation of S : V 3 V 3 and : V 3 V 3
to 1 2 3 and 1 respectively.
Define the projections
1 : V V V 2 V V

v1 v2 v3 7 (v1 v2 v3 v2 v1 v3 )
1 3 : V V V V S 2 V
v1 v2 v3 7
(v1 v2 v3 + v3 v2 v1 )
which are also endomorphisms of V 3 . Composing them, gives
1 3 = 1 3 1 : V V V S 1 3 V
2 2 2

where S 1 3 V is defined as the image of 1 3 . The essential point here is:

2 2

The maps 1 3 , 1 3 , 1 all commute with the action of GL(V ) on V 3 .

2 2
Therefore the image of 1 3 is a GL(V )-submodule of V 3 . Similarly define
S 1 2 V as the image of 1 2 .
3 3
2.8. Decomposition of V 3 53

Warning: The image of 1 3 : 2 V V V 3 is no longer skew-

symmetric in its first two arguments. Similarly the image of 1 : V S 2 V
V 3 is not symmetric in its second and third argument.

2.8.1. Exercises.
(1) Show that the sequence
S 1 2 V V 2 V 3 V

is exact.
(2) Show that S 1 2 V S 1 3 V = (0).
3 2
(3) Show that there is a direct sum decomposition:
(2.8.1) V 3 = S 3 V S 1 3 V 3 V S 1 2 V
2 3
= S1 2 3V S1 2V S1V S1 3V
3 2 2

(4) Let dim V = 2 with basis e1 , e2 . Calculate the images S 1 3 V and

S 1 2 V explicitly.
(5) Now consider S 3 1 V to be the image of 3 1 . Show it is also a
2 2
GL(V ) invariant subspace. Using the previous exercise, show that
when dim V = 2, that S 3 1 V S 1 3 V S 1 2 V .
2 2 3
(6) Now let dim V = 3 with basis e1 , e2 , e3 calculate the images S 1 3 V
and S 1 2 V explicitly. Show that S 3 1 V S 1 3 V S 1 2 V . More
3 2 2 3
generally, show that any of these spaces is contained in the span of
any two others.
(7) Explain why the previous exercise implies S 3 1 V S 1 3 V S 1 2 V
2 2 3
for V of arbitrary dimension.
(8) Consider the sequence of maps d : S p V q V S p1 V q+1 V
P f
given in coordinates by f u 7 xi
xi u. Show that d2 = 0
so we have an exact sequence of GL(V )-modules :
0 S d V S d1 V V S d2 V 2 V V d1 V d V 0.

2.8.2. Isotypic decompositions. Recall that if a linear map f : V V

has distinct eigenvalues, there is a canonical decomposition of V into a
direct sum of one dimensional eigenspaces. But if there are eigenvalues that
54 2. Multilinear algebra

occur with multiplicity, even if f is diagonalizable, there is no canonical

splitting into eigenlines. The same phenomenon is at work here. Although
our decomposition (2.8.1) is invariant under the action of GL(V ), it is not
canonical, i.e., independent of choices. The space S 1 3 V S 1 2 V is the
2 3
analog of an eigenspace for an eigenvalue with multiplicity two. In fact, I
claim that S 3 1 V, S 1 2 V, S 1 3 V are all isomorphic GL(V )-modules!
2 3 2
It is exactly that these modules are isomorphic which causes the decom-
position to be non-canonical.
Exercise Prove the claim.
Exercise Calculate dim S 1 2 V in terms of n = dim V by using
your knowledge of dim V 3 , dim S 3 V, dim 3 V and the fact that S 3 1 V, S 1 2 V
2 3
are isomorphic vector spaces.
Definition Let G be a group. G is said to be reductive if every
G-module V admits a decomposition into a direct sum of irreducible G-

For example GL(V ) is reductive but the group

1 t
N := |tC
0 1
is not.
Exercise Show that N is not reductive by showing that there is a
line L in C2 preserved by N , but no N -invariant complement to L exists.
Remark If one is working over finite fields, there are several dif-
ferent notions of reductive which coincide over C, see e.g. [113].
Definition Let G be reductive and let V be a G-module. Write
the decomposition of V into irreducible G-modules as
V = W1,1 W1,m1 W2,1 W2,m2 Wr,1 Wr,mr
where the Wi,1 , . . . , Wi,mi s are isomorphic G-modules and no Wi,j is iso-
morphic to a Wk,l for k 6= i. While this decomposition is invariant under
the action of G, it is not canonical. If Ui = Wi,1 Wi,mi , then the de-
composition V = i Ui is canonical and is called the isotypic decomposition
of V as a G-module. The Ui are called isotypic components. We say mj is
the multiplicity of the irreducible module Wj,1 in V
Definition Let S21 V denote the irreducible GL(V ) module iso-
morphic to each of S 1 2 V, S 1 3 V, S 2 3 V .
3 2 1
2.9. Appendix: Basic definitions from algebra 55

Exercise Show that for d > 3 the kernel of the last nonzero map
in Exercise 2.8.1(8) and the kernel of the second map give rise to different
generalizations of S21 V .

In Chapter 6, the GL(V ) modules in V d will be studied for all d. They

will be indexed by partitions of d. For example, the partitions of 3 give rise
to the three modules S3 V = S 3 V , S111 V = 3 V , and our new friend S21 V .

2.8.3. Exercises.
(1) Show that there is an invariant decomposition
S 3 (AB) = (S 3 AS 3 B) S (S 3 1 AS 3 1 B) 3 A3 B
2 2

as a GL(A) GL(B)-module.
(2) Decompose 3 (AB) as a GL(A) GL(B)-module.
(3) Let S 1 2 A denote the kernel of the map S 2 AA S 3 A, so it
represents a copy of the module S21 A in A3 .
Show that if R S 1 2 A, then R(u, v, w) = R(v, u, w) for all
u, v, w A and
(2.8.3) R(u, v, u) = R(u, u, v) u, v, A .

2.9. Appendix: Basic definitions from algebra

2.9.1. Linear algebra definitions. Vector spaces, dual spaces, linear maps
and bilinear maps are defined in 1.2.1.
Definition The dimension of a vector space V is the smallest
number v suchP that there exist e1 , . . . , ev V such that any x V may be
written x = ci ei for constants ci . Such a set of vectors {ej } is called a
basis of V .
Definition The rank of a linear map f : V W is dim(f (V )).
Definition Given a linear map f : V V , a nonzero vector v V
such that f (v) = v for some C is called an eigenvector.

If V has basis v1 , . . . , vv , let 1 , . . . , v be the basis of V such that

i (vj ) = ji . It is called the dual basis to (v1 , . . . , vv ). Let W have basis
w1 , . . . , ww . A linear map f : V W is determined by its action on a basis.
Write f (vj ) = fjs ws . Then the matrix representing f with respect to these
bases is (fjs ).
56 2. Multilinear algebra

Definition Given vector spaces U, V , and W , and linear maps

f : U V , and g : V W , one says the sequence
f g
0 U V W 0
is an exact sequence of vector spaces if f is injective, g is surjective, and
ker(g) = Image(f ).
Remark Regarding dual spaces, the spaces V and V can be
thought of as covariant and contravariant. There is no canonical isomor-
phism V = V . If V is endowed with a Hermitian inner product, there
is then a canonical identification of V with V , the complex conjugate.
However in this book I will work with projectively invariant properties so
Hermitian inner products will not play a role.
Definition Given f Hom(V, W ), define f T Hom(W , V ),
called the transpose or adjoint of f , by f T ()(v) = (f (v)).

2.9.2. Definitions regarding groups and rings.

Definition A group is a set G, with a pairing G G G, (a, b) 7
ab a preferred element (the identity) Id G, such that a(Id) = (Id)a = a
for all a G and such that for each a G there is an inverse element which
is both a left and right inverse.

For example, a vector space is a group with the operation +, and the
identity element 0.
One of the most important groups is the permutation group:
Definition (The group Sn ). Given a collection of n ordered objects,
the set of permutations of the objects forms a group, called the symmetric
group on n elements or the permutation group, and is denoted Sn .

An important fact about elements Sn is that they may be written as

a product of transpositions, e.g. (1, 2, 3) = (2, 3)(1, 2). This decomposition
is not unique, nor is the number of transpositions used in the expression
unique, but the parity is.
Definition For a permutation , define the sign of , sgn() to be
+1 if an even number of transpositions are used and 1 if an odd number
are used.
Definition Let G, H be groups. A map f : G H is called a
group homomorphism if f (g1 g2 ) = f (g1 )f (g2 ) for all g1 , g2 G.
Definition A ring is a set equipped with an additive group struc-
ture and a multiplicative operation such that the two operations are com-
2.10. Appendix: Jordan and rational canonical form 57

An ideal I R is a subset that is a group under addition, and strongly

closed under multiplication in the sense that if P I and Q R, then
P Q I.
Definition An algebra is a vector space V equipped with a multi-
plication compatible with the vector space structure, in other words, a ring
that is also a vector space.

2.10. Appendix: Jordan and rational canonical form

Most linear algebra texts cover Jordan canonical form of a linear map f :
V V so I just state the result:
Let f : V V be a linear map. If it has distinct eigenvalues it is
diagonalizable under the action of GL(V ). If not, one can decompose V
into generalized eigenspaces for f , i.e., say there are k distinct eigenvalues
1 , . . . , k . One may write
V = V1 Vk
where if the minimal polynomial of f is denoted f , one can write f =
a11 akk where j () = ( j ). Then gj := f |Vj j IdVj is nilpotent
on Vj and choosing bases with respect to generating vectors one obtains
(noncanonically) blocks of sizes sj1 = aj sj2 sjmj , where each block in
matrices looks like
j 1 0 0
0 j 1 .

.. .. ..
. . . 0

j 1
0 j
In the end one obtains a matrix representing f whose entries are zero
except on the diagonal, which have the eigenvalues, and some of the entries
above the diagonal, which are ones.
To obtain the rational canonical form from the Jordan form, in each Vj ,
first take a vector vj = vj,1 such that gj j (vj ) 6= 0, let w1 =
vj,1 . Let
W1 V be the subspace generated by successive images of w1 under f .
Note that the minimal polynomial of f restricted to W1 , call it 1 , is f .
From this one deduces that f restricted to W1 has the form

0 p0
.. ..
. .

. 0 pd2

1 pd1
58 2. Multilinear algebra

where 1 = f = p0 + p1 + + pd1 d1 + d .
Then in each Vj , in the complement of the subspace generated by the
images of vj,1 under gj , take a vector vj,2 such that the space hgjs vj,2 |
s Ni has maximal dimension. Now let w2 = vj,2 and consider the
corresponding space W2 . The minimal polynomial of f restricted to W2 ,
call it 2 , divides 1 , and one obtains a matrix of the same form as above
with respect to 2 representing f restricted to W2 . One continues in this
fashion. (For u > mj , the contribution of Vj to the vector generating wu
is zero.) The polynomials u are called the invariant divisors of f and are
independent of choices.
Note that u+1 divides u and that, ignoring 1 1 blocks, the maximum
number of Jordan blocks of size at least two associated to any eigenvalue of
f is the number of invariant divisors.
Rational canonical form is described in [133, VI.6], also see, e.g., [125,
7.4]. For a terse description of rational canonical form via the Jordan form,
see [248, Ex. 7.4.8].

2.11. Appendix: Wiring diagrams

Figure 2.11.1. Wiring diagrams from unpublished notes of Clifford 1881

Wiring diagrams may be used to represent many tensors and tensor op-
erations including contractions. Such diagrams date at least back to Clifford
and were used by Feynman and Penrose [260] in physics, Cvitanovic [102]
(who calls them birdtracks) to study representation theory via invariant ten-
sors, Kuperberg [195], Bar-Natan and Kontsevich [16], and Reshetikhin
and Turaev [271] in knot theory/quantum groups, Deligne [108] and Vogel
[322, 321] in their proposed categorical generalizations of Lie algebras, and
many others.
2.11. Appendix: Wiring diagrams 59

A wiring diagram is a diagram that encodes a tensor as described below.

A natural wiring diagram, or more precisely a G-natural wiring diagram is a
diagram that encodes a G-invariant tensor T Ad 1
1 A1
n An
n n ,

where G = GL(A1 ) GL(An ). Often such invariant tensors will be

viewed as natural operations on other tensors. For example tr = IdV
V V is a GL(V )-invariant tensor.
When a diagram is viewed as an operation, it is to be read top to bottom.
Strands going in and coming out represent vector spaces, and a group of
strands represents the tensor product of the vector spaces in the group. If
there are no strands going in (resp. coming out) we view this as inputing a
scalar (resp. outputing a scalar).
For example, encode a linear map f : A A by the diagram in Figure
2.11.2 (a). The space of tensors designated in a box at the top and bottom
of the figure indicate the input and output of the operator. More generally,
if a diagram contains a T with a circle around it with k strands with arrows
going out, and strands with arrows going in, then T V k V

Input: element of A AAA




Output: element of A AA

(a) (b)

Figure 2.11.2. Wiring diagram of (a) a map f : A A, i.e. of f

A A and (b) a tensor T (A )3 A2 .

Recalling that one may also view f A A as a map A A , or as

a bilinear map A A C, one may write the diagram in the three ways
depicted in Figure 2.11.3. Note that the tensor is the same in all four cases;
one just changes how one views it as an operator.
Of particular importance is the identity map Id : A A, the first of the
four diagrams in Figure 2.11.4. In these diagrams I indicate the identity by
omitting the letter f .
60 2. Multilinear algebra

Input: element of A A A C

O O 


O  O

Output: element of A C AA
A A A A C 7 f AA

Figure 2.11.3. Three views of the same tensor as maps.


 O O 

 O  O


IdA : A A IdA : A A Tr : AA C 7 Id AA

Figure 2.11.4. Id A A viewed as: a map A A, a map A A ,

a map A A C (i.e. a linear map maps to its trace), and a map
A : C A A ( 7 IdA )

If an arrow is present it points from a vector space to its dual. The

identity and dualizing operators are depicted in Figure 2.11.
2.11. Appendix: Wiring diagrams 61

Exercise Show that the following diagram represents the scalar

T r(f ), for a linear map f : V V . f


In particular, if f : V V is a projection, then the diagram represents
dim Image(f ). (Compare with Exercise 2.3.2.(9).)

2.11.1. A wiring diagram for the dimension of V . If we compose the

maps V : C V V of figure 2.11.4 and T rV : V V C, we obtain a
map T rV V : C C that is multiplication by some scalar.
Exercise Show that the scalar is dim V .

Thus the picture

Figure 2.11.5. Symbolic representation of dim V

should be interpreted as the scalar dim V . Similarly, since IdV d has trace
equal to (dim V )d , the union of d disjoint circles should be interpreted as
the scalar (dim V )d .
Below I will take formal sums of diagrams, and under such a formal sum
one adds scalars and tensors.
Recall the linear map
: V V V V
ab 7 ba.
It has the wiring diagram in Figure 2.11.6.
Exercise Show pictorially that trace = dim V by composing
the picture with with the picture for IdV V . (Of course one can also
62 2. Multilinear algebra




Figure 2.11.6. A wiring diagram for the map ab 7 ba.

obtain the result by considering the matrix of with respect to the basis
ei ej .)

In Chapter 6 I show that all GL(V )-natural wiring diagrams in V d V

are built from IdV and .

2.11.2. A wiring diagram for matrix multiplication. Matrix multi-

plication is depicted as a wiring diagram in Figure 2.11.7.

Input: element of (A B) (B C)

& ..
. ...
4 .
8 o
8 ..
.O ..


Output: element of A C

Figure 2.11.7. Matrix multiplication as an operator (A B)

(B C) A C.

Exercise Show that the diagram in Figure 2.11.7 agrees with the
matrix multiplication you know and love.

Encode the tensor S of 2.6.2 with the white box shorthand on the left
hand side. It is one half the formal sum of the wiring diagrams for and
IdV 2 , as on the right hand side of Figure 2.11.8.
Encode S : V d V d by a diagram as in Figure 2.11.10 with d
strands. This is d!1 times the formal sum of diagrams corresponding to all
permutations. Recall that since each permutation is a product of transposi-
2.11. Appendix: Wiring diagrams 63


:= 2( +   )

Figure 2.11.8. The wiring diagram 2
( + IdV 2 ).

2( +   )

n + n2

Figure 2.11.9. Symbolic representation of dim(S 2 V ).




Figure 2.11.10. The symmetrizing wiring diagram S for d = 5.

tions, a wiring diagram for any permutation can be written as a succession

of s acting on different pairs of factors, for example one can write the
diagram for the cyclic permutation on three factors as in Figure 2.11.11.

2.11.3. Exercises.
(1) Reprove that S : V 2 V 2 is a projection operator by showing
that the concatenation of two wiring diagrams for S yields the
diagram of S .
(2) Show that dim(S 2 V ) = n+1

2 pictorially by using the picture 2.11.9.
64 2. Multilinear algebra




Figure 2.11.11. The cyclic permutation on three factors.

(3) Define and give a wiring diagram for : V 2 V 2 , the projec-

tion operator to 2 V and use the diagram to compute the dimen-
sion of 2 V .
(4) Show that V 2 = S 2 V 2 V by showing that the diagram of IdV 2
is the sum of the diagrams for S 2 V and 2 V .
(5) Calculate the trace of the cyclic permutation on three factors V V V
V V V using wiring diagrams. Verify your answer by using bases.
(6) Show diagrammatically that V 3 6= 3 V S 3 V by showing that
the diagram for IdV 3 is not the sum of the diagrams for S and
(7) Use wiring diagrams to calculate dim S 3 V and dim 3 V .
The three maps 1 3 , 1 , and 1 3 are depicted visually in the three
2 2
wiring diagrams of Figure 2.11.12, which add new components represented
by the black and white boxes. Each of these diagrams, just as in the defini-
tions above, shows what to do with a rank one element of V V V , which
is extended linearly. The three vertical lines in each diagram correspond to
the three tensor factors of a rank one element v1 v2 v3 . A black box indi-
cates skew-symmetrization, and a white box symmetrization. The factor of
b! , where b is the number of wires passing through a box, is implicit.
1 2 , may be described by the wiring diagram in Figure 2.11.13.
Exercise Prove the direct sum decomposition (2.8.1) diagram-
Exercise Calculate dim S 1 2 V in terms of n = dim V by using
wiring diagrams.
2.11. Appendix: Wiring diagrams 65

2 2 3 2 3
1 1

Figure 2.11.12. The wiring diagrams for three projection operators

Figure 2.11.13. A wiring diagram for the projection map 12,3 .


1 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 2 3 2 1
3 2 2 1 1 3

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f )

Figure 2.11.14. 6 natural realizations of S21 V

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