Cost Based Pricing Formulas

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Formulas Used in Cost and Economics in Pricing Strategy

Week 1

Markup Percentage
markup percent = (selling price - cost)/cost

margin = selling price - cost

Margin Percent
margin percent = (selling price - cost)/selling price

Selling price
selling price = cost/ (1 - margin %)

Use this formula when you have a target margin.

profit=quantity * (price - cost)

This is an example of a profit function with the quantity expressed as a functional form
Profit = (15 - 3P) * (price - cost)

Functional form
Q = f(p)

Week 2

Cost-plus Pricing

Cost + markup = selling price

Target-cost Pricing

Target cost = market price - target margin

Unit Margin

Unit margin = margin/unit quantity

Consumption-adjusted margins

(unit margin) * (1 + % consumption expansion)

Break-even analysis

(1 + % consumption expansion) * (margin per unit on larger size) = smaller size unit margin

Week 3

Linear Regression

~Q = a + b * Pi

~Q = Predicted quantity sales

a = intercept
b = slope
Pi = price

Multiple Regression

~Q = a + b1*Pi1 + b2*Pi2

~Q = Estimate or forecast of unit sales

a = intercept
b1 = slope of variable 1
Pi1 = price of variable 1
b2 = slope of variable 2
Pi2 = price of variable 2

Linear Model or Demand Model

Q = dependent variable of quantity sold

X1 = my own price
X2 = price of a related good
X3 = measure of disposable income
X4 = trend variable
e1 = error term

Price Elasticity

Definition of price elasticity E = %Q/%P can also be written as E = Q/P * P1/Q


E = elasticity
= change
Q = quantity
P = price

Cross-Price Elasticity

Definition of cross-price elasticity EC = %Q/%P can also be written as EC = Q/PO * PO/Q

EC = cross-price elasticity
= change
Q = quantity
PO = competitor price

Income Elasticity

EI = Q/I * I/Q

EI = income elasticity
= change
Q = quantity
I = income

Price Optimization Using Demand Information

= (P - MC)Q

= price
MC = marginal cost
Q = quantity sold

Week 4

$GP (contribution per period from active customers)

Contribution = Sales Price - Variable Costs

Simple CLV Model

t=0 $GP - $R

t=1 r $GP - r $R

t=2 r2 $GP - r2 $R

t=3 r3 $GP - r3 $R


$GP = contribution per period from active customers

$R = retention spending per period per active customer
r = retention rate
d = discount rate per period

Measurement of CLV

CLV = present value of contribution margin - present value of marketing cost

M = amount of money you make per customer per period
r = retention rate
i = discount rate per period
n = number of periods to forecast

3-year CLV

CLV = M + Year 2 retention rate * (M/Year 2 discount rate) + (Year 3 retention rate*Year 2 retention
rate) * (M/Year 3 discount rate)

Marginal Cost

Marginal cost = change in cost/change in quantity

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