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Original article

Prevalence of wasting among under 6-month-old

infants in developing countries and implications of
new case definitions using WHO growth standards:
a secondary data analysis
Marko Kerac,1 Hannah Blencowe,2 Carlos Grijalva-Eternod,1 Marie McGrath,3
Jeremy Shoham,3 Tim J Cole,4 Andrew Seal1

Supplementary appendix 1 ABSTRACT

is published online only. To Objectives To determine wasting prevalence among What is already known on this topic
view this file please visit the
journal online (http://adc.bmj.
infants aged under 6 months and describe the effects of
com/content/96/11.toc). new case definitions based on WHO growth standards.
1Centre Design Secondary data analysis of demographic and Infants aged under 6 months are often
for International
Health and Development, health survey datasets. excluded from nutrition surveys and
UCL Institute of Child Health, Setting 21 developing countries. marginalised in malnutrition treatment
London, UK Population 15 534 infants under 6 months and programmes.
2London School of Hygiene and
147 694 children aged 6 to under 60 months (median In a May 2009 joint statement, the WHO and
Tropical Medicine, London, UK UNICEF recommended a transition to WHO
3Emergency Nutrition 5072 individuals/country, range 171045 398). Wasting
Network, Oxford, UK was defined as weight-for-height z-score <2, moderate growth standards to identify wasting but only
4 MRC Centre of Epidemiology
wasting as 3 to <2 z-scores, severe wasting as reviewed the implications for children aged
for Child Health, UCL Institute z-score <3. from 6 to under 60 months.
of Child Health, London, UK
Results Using National Center for Health Statistics
Correspondence to (NCHS) growth references, the nationwide prevalence
Dr Marko Kerac, UCL Institute of wasting in infant under-6-month ranges from 1.1% to What this study adds
of Child Health,30 Guilford 15% (median 3.7%, IQR 1.86.5%; ~3 million wasted
Street, London WC1N 1EH, UK; infants <6 months worldwide). Prevalence is more than
[email protected]
doubled using WHO standards: 2.034% (median 15%, In developing countries, large numbers of
Accepted 29 November 2010 IQR 6.217%; ~8.5 million wasted infants <6 months infants under 6 months are wasted; we
Published Online First worldwide). Prevalence differences using WHO estimate that 0.8 million are severely wasted
2 February 2011 standards are more marked for infants under 6 months worldwide and 2.2 million moderately wasted
than children, with the greatest increase being for (diagnosed using NCHS growth references)
severe wasting (indicated by a regression line slope of Using WHO standards to diagnose wasting
3.5 for infants <6 months vs 1.7 for children). Moderate results in a large prevalence increase: an extra
infant-6-month wasting is also greater using WHO, 3 million infants under 6 months severely
whereas moderate child wasting is 0.9 times the NCHS wasted and an extra 2.5 million moderately
prevalence. wasted worldwide.
Conclusions Whether defined by NCHS references or
WHO standards, wasting among infants under 6 months programmes to plan, monitor and evaluate treat-
is prevalent in many of the developing countries exam- ment services for infants under 6 months.
ined in this study. Use of WHO standards to define wast- New case de nitions based on WHO growth
ing results in a greater disease burden, particularly for standards are relevant to diagnosing infant under-
severe wasting. Policy makers, programme managers 6-month wasting. WHO standards aim to be
and clinicians in child health and nutrition programmes internationally applicable, describing how infants
should consider resource and risk/benefit implications of and children should grow when free of disease
changing case definitions. and when their care follows healthy practices
such as breastfeeding and non-smoking. 5 A 2009
WHO/UNICEF joint statement endorsed their
Childhood wasting (acute malnutrition) is a use for identication of severe acute malnutri-
global public health problem1 with serious con- tion in infants and children.6 They are now being
sequences for both individuals and societies. 2 rolled out internationally and are beginning to
While community-based treatment strategies replace the previously dominant National Center
are making important progress tackling wasting for Health Statistics (NCHS) growth references.7
in children aged from 6 to less than 60 months1, 3 However, despite being highlighted as an urgent
(henceforth children), wasted infants aged issue by the expert consultation preceding the
under 6 months are often sidelined.4 A major fac- WHO/UNICEF statement, 8 implications for
This paper is freely available tor exacerbating the challenges for infants under infants under 6 months were not discussed.
online under the BMJ Journals 6 months is a paucity of disease prevalence data.4 We aim therefore: (1) To examine the preva-
unlocked scheme, see http:// This is important for policy makers, managers lence of infant under-6-month wasting in devel- and clinicians delivering health and nutrition oping countries. (2) To examine how reported

1008 Arch Dis Child 2011;96:10081013. doi:10.1136/adc.2010.191882

Original article

prevalence will change when WHO standards, rather than a humanitarian emergency; over 30% a famine/humanitarian
NCHS references, are used to de ne cases. catastrophe. We emphasise that the IPC cut-offs for acute mal-
To contextualise our ndings, we compared infant nutrition are not normally applied to single age groups, and that
under-6-month wasting with that in older children (from 6 to anthropometric indicators, on their own, are not normally used
under 60 months) from the same populations. to classify emergency situations. They serve here to demon-
strate the extent of differences between infants under 6 months
METHODS and children, and the NCHS and WHO growth norms.
Study design, setting and population Second, we differentiated between severe and moderate
We performed secondary analysis of 21 demographic and wasting, predicting WHO-based prevalence from NCHS-
health survey (DHS) datasets. DHS are large national sur- based prevalence using univariable linear regression.
veys, standardised across and within countries ( http://www. Third, to illustrate the implications for treatment pro- ). grammes, we estimated the numbers of individuals affected.
We selected 21 countries from a reference population of Population statistics were from the 2004 United Nations
36 that account for the majority of the global malnutrition population database.9,15 We assumed that infants under
disease burden 9 and that had available DHS anthropometry 6 months were 1/10th of the total 0 to under 60 months
data collected in the past 10 years. We registered our pro- population.16 We accounted for differences in population
ject via size by calculating a population weighting for each coun-
instructions.cfm. try. Assuming that our 21-country sample was represen-
tative, we extrapolated the pooled, weighted prevalence
estimate to the population in all developing countries. The
Variables and data handling objective was to illustrate the magnitude of NCHS/WHO
Current de nitions of wasting10 are summarised in table 1. changes rather than to derive de nitive statistics. We lacked
We calculated NCHS z-scores from weight, height/length, the information to calculate useful con dence intervals.
age and sex variables using Emergency Nutrition Assessment To assess our estimate validity, we compared our gures
for software for standardised monitoring and assessment of against other published data.
relief and transitions (SMART).11 Extreme values are more Finally, to improve understanding of why wasting preva-
likely to represent measurement or database errors than an lence changes, we used published NCHS17 and WHO18 tables
individual who is truly very small or very large. Following to plot WHZ 3 and 2 cut-off curves.
commonly used nutrition survey criteria,12 we thus excluded
individuals with: weight-for-height z-score (WHZ) (NCHS)
<4 or >+ 6; or weight-for-age z-score (WAZ) (NCHS) < 6 or RESULTS
>+ 6; or height-for-age z-score (HAZ) (NCHS) < 6 or >+ 6; In our 21-country sample, 15 534 infants under 6 months and
or incompatible combinations of HAZ and WHZ: (HAZ >3.09 147 694 children aged from 6 to under 60 months had a valid
and WHZ <3.09) or (HAZ <3.09 and WHZ >3.09). We calcu- WHZ (NCHS). Survey details are shown in supplementary
lated WHZ (WHO) for these same individuals. appendix 1 (available online only).
Figure 1 shows wasting prevalence by country and by age
group. The prevalence of wasting in infants under 6 months
Sample size is related to the prevalence of child wasting: r2 =0.66 (using
The DHS survey size is large enough for robust national NCHS), r2 =0.84 (using WHO). Prevalence is lowest using
prevalence estimates.13 To determine whether our sample NCHS-based case de nitions: 1.115%, (median 3.7%, IQR
of 21 countries was reective of all developing countries, we 1.86.5%). Seven of the 21 countries have acceptably low
compared our ndings against other published data. (<3%) wasting. WHO-based prevalence is higher: 2.034%
(median 15%, IQR 6.217%). Only one country remains in the
Data analysis acceptable category. Among children (gure 1b) NCHS/WHO
Using SPSS version 16 and Excel 2003 we performed three differences are minimal.
analyses. Figure 2 separates severe and moderate wasting. Highlighted
First we looked at country-level wasting prevalence using by the steeper slope of the regression line, WHO standards
the international integrated food security phase classica- result in more diagnoses of severe wasting, particularly
tion (IPC).14 This is used to determine the severity of an emer- among infants under 6 months. Moderate infant wasting also
gency and guide the need for interventions: more than 3% to increases when using WHO standards. In contrast, moderate
under 10% wasting prevalence reects moderately food inse- child wasting decreases.
curity; 1015% an acute food and livelihood crisis; over 15% Table 2 shows regression equations for gure 2. Regression
slopes indicate the magnitude of change in wasting prevalence
Table 1 Case definitions of wasting using NCHS growth references when case de nitions change from NCHS to WHO: severe
and WHO growth standards6 wasting in infants under 6 months is 3.5 times greater and
severe child wasting 1.7 times greater. Moderate wasting in
Weight-for-height z-score*
infants under 6 months is also greater with WHO standards.
NCHS WHO In contrast, moderate child wasting decreases with WHO.
Wasting <2 <2 Table 3 presents wasting in terms of the numbers affected.
Moderate 3 to <2 3 to <2 Rounded gures emphasise that these are estimates and assume
Severe <3 <3 that our sample is representative of all developing countries.
(eg, z-score 1 = 1 SD below mean)
Finally, gure 3 shows WHO and NCHS WHZ 3 and WHZ
*z-scores represent SD below the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) or 2 cut-off curves for boys. Girls curves are similar and are
WHO population mean (eg, z-score -1 = 1 standard deviation below mean). not shown. The gap between WHZ (WHO) and WHZ (NCHS)

Arch Dis Child 2011;96:10081013. doi:10.1136/adc.2010.191882 1009

Original article

Figure 1 Country prevalence of wasting (<2 weight-for-height z-score) as defined by National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) growth
references (striped) and WHO growth standards (shaded). Countries are ordered by increasing infant under-6-month wasting prevalence (NCHS).
Boxed comments (ie, Famine, Humanitarian emergency) refer to the integrated food security phase classification, IPC see Methods section.
(A) Wasting prevalence among infants aged from 0 to under 6 months. (B) Wasting prevalence among children aged from 6 to under 60 months.

growth curves is greatest for infants under 6 months; this Strengths

explains why NCHS/WHO changes are greatest in this age Whereas previous studies have reported an increase in
group. Differences are also greater for WHZ 3 than for 2 infant under-6-month wasting when using WHO growth
curves; this explains why severe wasting changes more than standards,19, 20 our ndings clearly illustrate the magnitude of
moderate wasting. change. Focusing on weight-for-height directly informs health
and nutrition programmes treating infant wasting: survey
DISCUSSION prevalence reects need and thus guides treatment service ini-
Principal findings tiation and scale-up.
Our data suggest that large numbers of infants under 6 months
in developing countries are wasted. Prevalence is greatest Limitations
when using WHO growth standards to de ne cases; severe DHS surveys do not record nutritional oedema. As this indepen-
infant wasting prevalence is 3.5 times greater than when dently de nes acute malnutrition,21 our results underestimate
using NCHS references (based on the regression line slope). the true caseload that treatment programmes should plan for.
By comparison, severe child wasting is 1.7 times greater We recognise possible biases: DHS surveys are not all done
using WHO standards. Moderate infant under-6-month at the same time of year; weight, age or height might be incor-
wasting is 1.4 times greater, whereas moderate child wasting rectly measured or reported. These biases would affect inter-
decreases. country comparisons and overall prevalence estimates. As the

1010 Arch Dis Child 2011;96:10081013. doi:10.1136/adc.2010.191882

Original article

Figure 2 Scatter plot of country prevalence of (A) severe and (B) moderate wasting (weight-for-height z-score <3 and 3 to <2
respectively), as diagnosed using either National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) or WHO growth norms. Regression and identity lines are
shown. Each country survey is represented by one filled and one unfilled circle.

Table 2 Univariable linear regression models predicting percentage wasting prevalence (WHO) from wasting prevalence (NCHS)
Regression slope 95% CI (slope) Constant (%) 95% CI (constant) Pearsons r Residual SD (%)

Severe infant wasting 3.54 (2.6 to 4.4) 2.3 (0.9 to 3.7) 0.88 2.1
Severe child wasting 1.68 (1.5 to 1.8) 0.1 (0.2 to 0.5) 0.98 0.4
Moderate infant wasting 1.43 (1.1 to 1.8) 2.0 (0.4 to 3.6) 0.89 1.9
Moderate child wasting 0.86 (0.8 to 0.9) 0.0 (0.4 to 0.4) 0.99 0.5

p Values for all rows are <0.001.

NCHS, National Center for Health Statistics.

Table 3 Approximate numbers of infants and children in all our sample being representative of other developing countries.
developing countries (millions) affected by severe and moderate A 2006 review quoted 13.1 million and 47.1 million as severely
wasting, as diagnosed using NCHS and WHO weight-for-height and moderately wasted, respectively, using NCHS. 22 These
z-score gures are based on a mix of surveys, some including others
excluding infants under 6 months. Our NCHS-based estimates
Infants Children Total
(infants under 6 months and children combined) are 9.3 million
0<6 months 6<60 months 0<60 months
severely and 40.7 million moderately wasted. A 2008 review
n=55.5 million n=500 million n=555.5 million using WHO standards quoted 19.3 million severely wasted.9
Severe wasting NCHS 0.8 8.5 9.3 Our gure is 19.8 million.
weight-for-height WHO 3.8 16 20
<3 z Implications for policy and practice
Moderate wasting NCHS 2.2 38 41 First, we recommend that nutrition surveys more routinely
weight-for-height WHO 4.7 34 38
3 to <2z include infants under 6 months. Our data help estimate infant
wasting prevalence, but specic settings are likely to have spe-
NCHS, National Center for Health Statistics. cic epidemiological patterns.
Second, we suggest that programmes should consider their
same raw anthropometric measurements (whether accurate or capacity to treat infants who are identied as wasted. This is
not) are used to calculate an individuals WHZ (NCHS) and particularly important before adopting WHO-based case de-
WHZ (WHO), the effect on NCHS/WHO changes is unlikely nitions. Many programmes already struggle to deal with the
to be marked. smaller number of NCHS-diagnosed wasted infants.4
Finally, we call for a review of the effects of diagnosing
Strengths and weaknesses in relation to other studies greater numbers of infants under 6 months as wasted. Current
The results extrapolated from our 21-country dataset are com- treatment guidelines focus on the anthropometry for diag-
parable to gures cited elsewhere.9, 22 This is consistent with nosing infant wasting.4 An increased survey prevalence thus

Arch Dis Child 2011;96:10081013. doi:10.1136/adc.2010.191882 1011

Original article

Figure 3 Difference in WHO and National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) 2 and 3 z-score cut-offs. Arrows on the figure show median
length/height at different ages for boys (using WHO growth standards).

equates to greater numbers eligible for treatment. This has of both severe and moderate infant under-6-month wasting.
possible risks: the evidence base underlying current treat- Policy makers and programme managers should consider the
ments for infants under 6 months is weak;4, 23 if clinically implications of this change. An international policy state-
well, exclusively breastfed infants under 6 months are labelled ment on infant under-6-month wasting would ll an impor-
as small (ie, below 3 or 2 WHZ), mothers might become tant gap because neither the 2009 statement on WHO growth
concerned 24, 25 and inappropriately introduce top-up foods standards6 nor the 2007 statement on the management of
or breastmilk substitutes. 26 This would have adverse con- wasting3 address this age group.
sequences given the well-documented protective effects of
exclusive breastfeeding.9, 27 Contributors MK, MM and AS conceptualised the study. MK drafted the initial
manuscript. HB and MK performed the main data analysis. CGE, JS, TJC and AS
contributed further analyses. All authors contributed to the development of the
Unanswered questions final manuscript.
The generalisability of our results could be con rmed by Acknowledgements The authors thank MEASURE DHS (Macro International
examining other datasets. Work is also needed to explore risk Inc, Calverton, USA) and all countries surveyed for DHS datasets. The authors also
factors for wasting in infants under 6 months and to deter- thank Melody Tondeur for helpful comments on an earlier draft of the paper. Full
mine which infants benet most from which treatments. DHS datasets used in this paper are available from ORS Macro, USA.
We were unable to explore why age-related differences in Funding This paper was written as part of the MAMI (Management of Acute
NCHS and WHO growth curves are so marked. We recogn- Malnutrition in Infants) project, funded by the UNICEF led Inter Agency Standing
Committee Nutrition Cluster (
ise that WHO standards represent an important advance on Default.aspx?tabid=74). MK, CG, MM and AS were all part-funded by MAMI. TJC
NCHS references. 28 We note their technical superiority and was funded by the Medical Research Council (grant number G0700961).
that they are based on a highly selected population of healthy, Competing interests None.
optimally fed infants with relatively low statistical variance. 29
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
However, this gold standard of growth could be difcult to
achieve for many infants in developing countries.
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