Cerebellopontine Angle Tumours

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Cerebellopontine Angle Tumours

Ahmad M Alamadi FRCS (Glasg), John A Rutka FRCS(C)

Cerebellopontine angle (CPA) tumours can be divided into extra-axial tumours, intra-
axial tumours, extradural tumours and petrous apex lesions6.
Extra-axial tumors can be divided into those common and rare. Acoustic tumours or
more precisely vestibular schwannomas (VS) are by far the most common extra-axial
tumour. Other common extra-axial tumours include meningiomas and cysts of the
posterior fossa (epidermoid, arachnoid, etc). Rare extra-axial tumours include other
cranial nerve neuromas (V, VII, IX, X, XI, XII) and vascular malformations
(aneurysms, malformations).
Intra-axial tumours include parenchymal lesions such as astrocytomas,
ependymomas, papillomas, haemangioblastomas and metastases.
Extradural tumours include glomus tumours and bone lesions.
Petrous apex lesions include cholesterol granulomas, epidermoid cysts, mucoceles
and aneurysms of the carotid artery.

The CPA is a triangular area bounded by the temporal bone anterolaterally, pons
medially, cerebellar hemisphere anteriorly, tentorium cerebelli superiorly and lower
cranial nerves inferiorly.
Its contents include the anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA) and 7th and 8th
cranial nerves. These nerves emerge from junction of pons and midbrain and course
through the CPA to reach the internal acoustic meatus (IAM).
The IAM extends from porus to the medial wall of the vestibule. The lateral wall of
the meatus is divided by two crests. The horizontal (crista transversalis) and vertical
(falciform or Bills Bar) crests divide the meatus into four compartments. The larger
anterior compartment contains facial nerve superiorly and cochlear nerve inferiorly.
The posterior compartment contains the superior vestibular nerve superiorly and
inferior vestibular nerve inferiorly. The inferior vestibular nerve supplies the saccule
and through a separate nerve (the singular nerve) the ampula of the posterior
semicircular canal.
Arterial and venous relations in the CPA are variable. The AICA for example can
loop into the meatus. The jugular bulb if high can interfere with surgical access.

Acoustic Neuroma (Vestibular Schwannoma)

Vestibular Schwannoma (VS) represent more than 90% of all CPA tumours and more
than 10% of all primary brain tumours. VSs are oncologically benign typically slow
growing tumours.
Until recently little was known about the etiology of the VS until advances in genetics
showed a defect on chromosome 22q to be responsible for development of sporadic
and bilateral (as seen in Neurofibromatosis type II) tumours.
Grossly the tumour is usually firm and has a distinct capsule with good plane between
it and the surrounding structures. The inside the tumor is often much softer than its
capsule and might contain cysts and areas of necrosis. Spontaneous bleeding inside
the tumour can lead to a sudden dangerous increase in the size.
The site of origin is thought to arise from the glial neurilemmal junction.
Histologically VSs can be divided into two main types by their appearance; Antoni
A and B. Both of which can be present in the same tumour. In Antoni A the cells have
an orderly arrangement into whorls while in Antoni B the cells have a disorderly
appearance mixed with areas of degeneration.

Clinical presentation
This usually depends on the size of the tumour and its location. At the early stage a
VS in the CPA may be completely asymptomatic. There might be unilateral tinnitus
or an asymmetrical sensorineural hearing loss. In a few patients a sudden
sensorineural hearing loss occurs possibly due to a vascular event. Due to slow
tumour growth, vertigo and imbalance is very uncommon as the normal side usually
compensates for the gradually progressive loss. Very few patients present with acute
vertigo. When this occurs it is most likely due to a vascular event in the labyrinth.
Although the facial nerve is often significantly stretched by the tumour, facial
weakness is relatively uncommon as the motor neurons appear more resilient than
sensory nerves. If there is significant facial weakness one should be alerted to the
possibility of a facial nerve schwannoma. When the tumour exceeds 3cm it might
involve the trigeminal nerve resulting in a depressed corneal reflex and later frank
facial numbness or pain on the ipsilateral side of the face..
With continued growth the cerebellum and the brain stem are compressed which leads
to problems with balance and coordination. Ataxia and an intentional tremor might
develop. The patient will have the tendency to fall to the side of the lesion. When a
critical stage is reached the patient starts developing severe headaches with
hydrocephalus and raised intracranial pressure.

Clinical Examination
A relevant examination should include an examination of the ear and assessment of
hearing, cranial nerve, oculomotor and cerebellar function.
Ear examination should include otoscopy. Although this is most often normal it will
help exclude other causes of hearing loss. Tuning fork tests will confirm the side of a
sensorineural loss.
Cranial nerves should be examined with special attention to the trigeminal, facial and
lower cranial nerves. The eyes should be examined for signs of nystagmus.
Cerebellar examination should include finger to nose testing for intention tremor, the
Rombergs and Unterbergers tests with eyes closed and finally tandem gait testing
with eyes open and closed. The patient often tends to fall or list to the side of lesion.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with gadolinium enhancement is the
investigation of choice when available. Even small intracanalicular tumours (< 4mm)
can be identified. The lateral extension of a tumour can be assessed by this method as
this might affect surgical planning for the consideration of a hearing preservation
Alternatively high resolution computerized tomography (CT) with contrast can pick
up slightly larger tumours approximately 1-1.5 cms in size. Brain stem evoked
response audiometry (BSERA) can be a useful tool in diagnosis of vestibular
schwannomas. The brain stem response is recorded as the ears are exposed to clicking
noises. The wave patterns seen can be compared with the normal side. Should there
be a significant interaural delay or abnormal waveform morphology this would be
highly suggestive for a retrocochlear lesion. Unfortunately this test does not have a
high sensitivity and specificity especially for small tumours. Another problem with
this test is its difficulty in obtaining good electrical responses should the hearing loss
be more than 70 decibels at 2 kHz.
Although caloric testing does not have a great diagnostic value it is an important
preoperative investigation to assess any balance loss especially on the contralateral

This falls into three main categories: conservative management, radiotherapy and
microsurgical removal.
With the advent of highly sensitive imaging such as MRI scanning several authors
have reported a valuable role for the conservative management of small tumours
should hearing preservation not be of concern2. In one study Walsh et al showed that
of 72 patients managed conservatively over three years the average growth rate was
approximately 1.4mm/year. Over 80% grew less than 2mm/year. In another study
Nedzelski et al showed the average growth to be 1.1 mm/year. In this same study it
was suggested that some form of active management should be considered when the
growth rate is greater than 2mm/year.
Conservative management in general has a role to play for small tumours, tumour
involvement in an only hearing ear, advanced age, poor general health and in
Neurofibromatosis type II 2. A MRI should be performed at six months then on a
yearly basis. The advantage of conservative management is avoidance of all the
complications associated with active treatment. The disadvantage would be the risk of
rapid growth making the surgical result poorer as far as hearing preservation and
facial nerve function is concerned.
Stereotactic (gamma knife or LINAC) radiosurgery is becoming a popular method for
management of small to medium size tumours in some centers. The main advantage
of radiosurgery is that the preservation of facial nerve function is almost 100% with a
13-Gy tumour margin dose3. Hearing (not necessarily useful or aidable) can be
preserved only in about 60% of the patients. The main concern about radiosurgery
focuses on the possibility of a delayed malignant transformation which has been
reported in 1 in 1000 cases over 5-30 years3. Other complications include treatment
failure (2-7%), trigeminal neuropathy (3-8%), and a communicating hydrocephalus
(5%) (From protein deposition in the arachnoid granulations) which requires
shunting. There is definitely a place however for radiosurgery especially in elderly
patients with small to moderate size tumours.
Microsurgical removal can be achieved by translabyrinthine, retrosigmoid
(suboccipital) and middle fossa approaches. All surgical approaches have associated
complications. Despite advances in microsurgical techniques and intraoperative
monitoring the mortality rate has been reported between 0.5-3 percent 1. Other
complications include facial nerve palsy depending on the size of tumour, meningitis
3-8%, CSF leak 10-15% and rarely lower cranial nerve palsies 1.

Translabyrinthine Approach
This is the most widely used approach for VS removal and represents the most direct
route to the CPA. The advantages of this approach are a wide exposure of the CPA
and the contents of the IAM, it has the highest rate of facial nerve preservation overall
and there is the least amount of retraction required on the cerebellum during tumour
removal. The disadvantage of this approach however is the expected total loss of
hearing and balance on the operated side.

Retrosigmoid (suboccipital) Approach

This approach offers the possibility for the preservation of hearing and gives a wide
exposure for tumour removal. There is however the disadvantage of cerebellar
retraction, the facial nerve is not identified typically at the fundus and there is
intradural drilling within the CPA.

Middle Fossa Approach

In this approach there is the potential for hearing preservation. It is useful for small
tumours only as there is considerable temporal lobe retraction required at times.


Von Recklinghausen was first to describe this syndrome. However it was not until
recently with advances in genetics that two distinct syndromes were described.

Neurofibromatosis type I (von Recklinghausens disease) is an autosomal dominant

disorder with an identifiable defect on chromosome 17q. It is characterized by caf-
au-lait skin lesions, skin neurofibromas, iris hamartomas (Lisch nodules), axillary or
inguinal freckling, sphenoid dysplasia and optic gliomas - two or more of these signs
are required for a clinical diagnosis. There is no increase in the incidence of acoustic
neuromas in these patients.
Neurofibromatosis type II (NF2) is also an autosomal dominant disorder with a
defect on chromosome 22q. It is characterized by either bilateral acoustic neuromas
or a family history of NF2 with one of the following lesions; unilateral acoustic
neuroma, meningioma, glioma, neuroma or a posterior capsular cataract. In NF2
patients develop acoustic neuromas at an early age due to defects in the tumour
suppressor gene. Two phenotypes have been described; the milder type with isolated
bilateral acoustic neuromas (Gardner and Frazier) and a more aggressive type with
multiple cranial nerve and spinal neuromas (Wishart).


Meningiomas are one of the most common benign intracranial tumours. They
represent 10-15% of all intracranial tumours and 3% of all cerebellopontine angle
(CPA) tumours. Meningiomas have been identified in 2.3% of autopsy studies9.
In the CPA they commonly arise from the posterior petrous bone, tentorium cerebelli,
clivus, cerebellar convexity and foramen magnum8. Meningiomas arising from
tentorium cerebelli comprise approximately 3-6% of all intracranial meningiomas.

They are generally divided into syncytial, transitional, fibrous, angioblastic and
sarcomatous types6.

CPA meningiomas have a very similar presentation to acoustic neuromas.
Audiovestibular symptoms include tinnitus, hearing loss and imbalance. Large
meningiomas can cause trigeminal symptoms and may lead to hydrocephalus.

Auditory investigations cannot distinguish acoustics from meningiomas. The best
imaging investigation is an MRI with gadolinium enhancement.
Factors which help to distinguish meningiomas on the MRI scan from acoustic
neuromas include its location (eccentric to porous), the bone/ tumour angle (obtuse
angle), its attachment (broad) and shape (hemispherical). Other features include
occasional hyperostosis of the adjacent bone and tumour calcification.

Asymptomatic tumours can be monitored with serial MRI scans although the growth
rate might change over time. The growth rate seems to be higher in younger
Microsurgical removal is the standard treatment. Similar approaches are used for
CPA meningiomas as for acoustic neuromas.

Arachnoid Cyst
An arachnoid cyst in the cerebellopontine angle may present with similar symptoms
as an acoustic neuroma. They represent about 1% of all intracranial masses and seem
to be 4xs as common in males. They consist of thin walled sacs filled with CSF. On
MRI scanning they look very similar to epidermoids. On T1 images they are iso-
intense to brain tissue and on T2, hyper-intense.

There is no need for complete excision of these lesions. Symptomatic cysts can be
drained via a retrolabyrinthine approach. Recurrences are not uncommon.

Primary Cholesteatomas (Epidermoids)

Primary cholesteatomas or epidermoids of the CPA are thought to originate from
mixed epithelial congenital nests in the temporal bone and CPA. They are slow
growing tumours and usually present late in the third or forth decade of life.


Primary epidermoids are epithelial lined sacs that enlarge with keratin production.
They invade surrounding tissue in areas of least resistance and as such have an
irregular surface.


CPA epidermoids can lead to similar audio-vestibular symptoms but they are more
likely to cause facial twitching and a progressive facial palsy.


Auditory investigations cannot distinguish these tumours from other CPA lesions.
Standard investigations include CT and MRI scans. On CT scanning cholesteatoma is
irregular, doesnt enhance and appears eccentric to the IAM.
On an MRI scan they have a similar signal to acoustic neuromas but do not enhance
and are more irregular. In this way they can be distinguished from arachnoid cysts
which have smooth surface.


Microsurgical removal is the standard treatment when required.

Facial nerve Neuroma (Schwannoma)
Schwannomas of the facial nerve can arise from any part of the facial nerve including
its origin in the CPA to its branches in the parotid gland. Facial nerve schwannomas
represents only about 1% of all CPA tumours11.


They are identical to vestibular schwannomas.


Depending on the site and size of a facial neuroma within the CPA these tumours
give rise to similar audio-vestibular symptoms as an acoustic neuroma. If there is
preoperative facial weakness or a history of recurrent facial paralysis then the
possibility of facial neuroma must be considered and discussed with the patient. In its
tympanic part it may give rise to a conductive loss while in peripheral cases it might
present with a parotid mass.


Auditory investigations cannot distinguish these tumours from other CPA lesions.
The impedance test however might show an absent ipsilateral reflex.
Electroneuronography (ENOG) can be useful when a preoperative suspicion exists
that a facial nerve schwannoma might be present. ENOG measures the muscle
response to a maximum electrical stimulation near stylomastoid foramen13.On MRI
scanning the findings are almost identical to acoustic neuromas. There might be
involvement however of the labyrinthine portion or enlargement of the fallopian canal
on the more distal located tumours. High resolution CT scan (1.0-1.5 mm cuts) can be
used to look at the bone surrounding the labyrinthine, geniculate ganglion, tympanic
and vertical segments of the nerve12.


Microsurgical removal is the standard treatment followed by primary anastomosis or

cable nerve grafting. Few authors have described enucleation with fascicle
preservation which supposedly provides better postoperative facial function11.

Glomus Tumours (Paragangliomas)

Glomus tumours arise from paraganglionic cells which are derived embryologically
from neural crest cells. They are typically divided into adrenal (pheochromocytomas)
and extra-adrenal. For extra-adrenal tumours, the carotid body tumour appears the
most common, with a higher incidence in the people living above 2000 meters14.
Jugulotympanic and vagal paragangliomas are the next most common and can extend
into the cerebellopontine angle and erode the skull base. Extra adrenal tumours are
rarely functional (i.e. producing catecholamines). Patients with headache, excessive
sweating, and palpitations however should be investigated for urine nor-epinephrine
metabolites (vanillylmandelic acid and metanephrine). Malignancy has been reported
in paragangliomas with distance metastasis. This is very rare and more often the
tumours are multicentric.


Microscopy shows a typical neoplastic collection of cells (Zellballen) with numerous

eosinophilic cytoplasmic granules and uniform round nuclei, surrounded by
sustentacular cells which do not contain granules15.


Symptoms depend primarily on the site of the tumour. Jugulotympanic and vagal
paragangliomas present with pulsatile tinnitus, a conductive hearing loss and often
lower cranial nerve palsies. Tumours involving the cerebellopontine angle may give
rise to similar symptoms as found in acoustic neuromas.


A CT scan will show destruction of bone in contrast to smooth expansion of the

jugular foramen in schwannomas.

The MRI scan shows a typical salt and pepper mixture of intensities on T1 and T2

Angiography may show a Lyres sign (splaying of carotid bifurcation) and is useful in
assessing the vascular supply of the tumour should pre-operative embolization be a

Temporary balloon occlusion of the carotid artery might be useful to estimate the
collateral circulation.


Surgery: Small glomus tympanicum tumours with all borders visible are usually
removed by a transcanal approach. If all the borders are not visible and the tumour is
still not involving the jugular bulb then a combined procedure with an extended facial
recess approach can be used.
Larger tumours involving the base of skull are approached by an infratemporal fossa
approach. Tumours with intracranial extension require a multidisciplinary team
approach for removal and reconstruction.
The key to successful surgery in these tumours is securing the facial nerve and the
internal carotid artery16. If the lower cranial nerves have been sacrificed then early
rehabilitation is very important. This might include tracheostomy, gastrostomy, eye
care and phonosurgery.

Radiotherapy: There is a great debate about role of radiotherapy in the management

of glomus tumours. It is generally agreed that it should not be used in the younger
patients because of the potential for malignant transformation.

Cholesterol Granuloma
Cholesterol granulomas are the most common lesions of the petrous apex. Their
etiology is not clear though various theories exist. The obstruction-vacuum
hypothesis implies that blockage of air cells with subsequent negative pressure will
lead to hyperemia and bleeding. An alternative theory proposed by Jackler and Cho
suggests that the blood originates from areas of exposed marrow17. In either case
blood products such as cholesterol, fibrin and hemosiderin will lead to a foreign body
granulomatous reaction. The new blood vessels will in turn cause more bleeding with
the cycle repeating itself, which results in expansion of the lesion.


Histology consists of a granulomatous reaction to the cholesterol crystals. Cholesterol

clefts are surrounded by giant cells, fibrosis and hemosiderin laden macrophages18.


Symptoms and signs depend on the location and size of the lesion. Retrocochlear
symptoms include hearing loss, tinnitus and dizziness. Involvement of the middle
fossa dura may cause headaches as well as trigeminal (V) and abducens (VI) nerve
palsies. Blockage of the eustachian tube can lead to serous otitis media. Small lesions
might be entirely asymptomatic.


The CT scan usually demonstrates a punched out lesion. The CT is important

especially for planning the surgical approach as it will clearly show the relation of the
lesion with the major vascular structures.

The MRI scan is important to distinguish cholesterol granulomas from other petrous
apex lesions i.e. cholesteatoma, chondroma, petrous apicitis, carotid aneurysm,
meningioma, schwannoma and metastatic tumours19. Cholesterol granulomas are
typically hyper intense on T1 and T2 images and do not enhance with gadolinium

Small asymptomatic tumours can be observed on serial MRI scans. Larger tumours
will need active surgical drainage. The surgical approach depends on the patients
hearing. In hearing preservation procedures the tumour can be drained via
infracochlear or infralabyrinthine approaches. If there is no serviceable hearing then a
translabyrinthine approach would be preferable.


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