Fire System : Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression and Inerting

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Cement Plant Bulletin #0160

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Fire System;

co2 Coal Grinding,


Storage Systems

The coal grinding, handling, and storage systems found in

such applications as the indirect firing of kilns in cement and lime
plants present a very popular application for the use of low pres-
sure carbon dioxide. Such a system is illustrated on the accom-
panying drawing. The coal is fed from the silo to the coal mill
where it is ground. The powdered coal is picked up by a hot air
stream and conveyed through a duct to a cyclone, where the
heavier coal particles drop out, while the lighter, airborne parti-
cles are conveyed by ducts to a dust collector. Small coal
particles are recovered at this point.

The coal collected from the cyclone and dust collector is

held in surge bins before going to a weighing system, and then
to a coal pump, which conveys it to the point of use.

Protection involves protecting against smoldering fires in

accumulated coal and open fires in other parts of the system.

Pro tee tion of Coal Stored in Sites/floppers/Bins

Coal is subject to spontaneous heating when stored in silos,

hoppers, or bins. The local application of carbon dioxide vapor
can be used to extinguish smoldering fires that can develop in
coal storage systems.

The CO, vapor is gently introduced into the coal from the
side of containment and forced through the coal in a radial flow
out from the points of application. The number of application
points is determined by the size of the silo, hopper, or bin. As
additional CO, is introduced, it pushes the CO, vapor ahead of it
4801 Southwick Drive
between the voids of the coal pieces - some CO, is adsorbed by
Third Floor
the coal - until it reaches the fire. The air space above the coal
Matteson, IL 60443
is also usually inerted.
Telephone: 708/748-l 503
Fax: 7081748-2847
D 1996 CHEMETRON FIRE SYSTEMS, all rights reserved. (9196)
Fire System; co2 Application Bulktin

Cement Plant Bulletin #0160 Page 2

When the CO, vapor reaches the hot spot, it quickly by the relatively rapid introduction of
reduces the oxygen, which is supporting the CO,. The design of this portion of the fire pro-
burning, to near zero. The generation of new tection is covered by NFPA Standard No. 12
heat from combustion is then reduced, while Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Sysfems.
heat is lost by conduction to surrounding mate-
rials, resulting in cooling of the hot spot and fire For the mill, ducts, and upper part of the cy-
control. The coal outlet at the bottom of the clone, a 65% CO, concentration is used (see
silo, hopper, or bin must be closed. Otherwise, Table 2-4.2.1 of NFPA Standard No.12 on page
fresh air enters at this point and rises through 3) with a 30% to 34% concentration achieved in
the coal by a chimney effect, feeding the fire. the first 1 - 2 minutes. For the dust collector, a
75% CO, concentration is required meeting the
In practice, it has been found that the coal same application rate requirement. [Dust col-
valves are never completely gas tight. There- lector protection is covered by Cement Plant
fore, the CO, vapor application rate must be in- Bulletin #0165, Bag Houses (Bag Type Dust
creased to a high enough level to overcome CO, Collectors).]
loss out and air entry in through the valve at the
same time. Fire control in a few hours is usual- Its not practical to apply the CO, as vapor at
ly considered appropriate. the rates required to extinguish open burning.
While vapor application is practical for the lower
The controls used for the CO, vapor applica- application rates for inerting the coal storage, it
tion must have the capability to increase or de- is not practical for f7ooding the other parts of the
crease the flow rate to ensure fire control with a system. At higher application rates, the CO, is
reasonable amount of CO,. discharged as liquid, where the dry ice particles
sublime to vapor giving the required concentra-
The control of spontaneous heating in a coal tion of CO, in air.
grinding, storage, and processing system by
CO, vapor is extended to the coal accumulation
in the bottoms of the cyclones and dust collec- Mill inerting
tors, and in the screw conveyor enclosures.
For some systems, it is appropriate to inert
the coal mill on start up or shutdown. This is
NOTE: It should be noted that CO, liquid
done by the application of a predetermined
cannot be discharged into the coal. When
amount of CO, through a separate valve and
the liquid expands to atmospheric pressure,
discharge line - liquid CO, is used. The quan-
small particles of dry ice are formed which
tity of CO, for inerting, as well as the inerting
will plug any application point buried in the
procedure, is established by the mill manufac-
turer, the operator, and Chemetron working

Protection Against Open Burning Fires

S ys terns Con trots
Portions of a coal grinding, storage, and pro-
cessing system are possible sources of open To protect the coal system from an open
burning fires. These fires must be controlled burning fire, heat operated fire detectors that
CHEmErRon co 2 Application Bulletin
Fire Systems

Cement Plant Bulletin #0160 Page 3

initiate an automatic discharge of the required For the inerting of the coal mill, a button is
amount of CO, are installed. Manual releases used to start the discharge, but a built-in timing
are available to initiate a discharge in case it is cycle automatically stops the discharge when
detected by plant personnel before the automa- a predetermined amount of CO, is applied.
tic detectors have operated.
Special nozzles are used to introduce the
For the coal inerting, the systems are manu- CO, into the coal, while covered orifice nozzles
ally operated. The heat required to vaporize are used in the balance of the system. Check
the CO, (it is stored as a liquid under pressure) valves prevent coal from entering the piping.
is added by an external vaporizer, and the CO,
vapor application is usually initiated by the
operation of an ON pushbutton and stopped by
an OFF button.

NFPA Standard No. 72 - Table 2-4.2.7

CO, Flooding Factors for Specific Hazards

Design Flooding Factors

Concentration Specified Fire Hazard
Ft.3/ ik3/ Lb. CO,/ Kg. CO4
% Lb. CO, Kg. CO, Ft.3 lVL3

50 10 0.62 0.100 1.60 Dry electrical hazards in

general. (Spaces 0 - 2000
cubic feet)

50 12 0.75 0.083 1.33 Dry electrical hazards in

(200 lb. (91 kg. general. (Spaces greater
minimum) minimum) than 2000 cubic feet)

65 8 0.50 0.125 2.00 Record (bulk paper)

storage, ducts, and
mechanically ventilated
covered trenches.

75 6 0.38 0.166 2.66 Fur storage vaults, dust

Fire Svstems co2 Application Bulktin
Cernent Plant Bulletin #O 160 Page 4





Low Pressure CO, Protection System for

Coal Grinding, Handling, & Storage Systems
Cement Plant Bulletin #0165

Fire Systemi

co2 (Bag Type Dust Collectors)

Bag Houses

The very nature and operation of dust collectors and fume

control systems present possible fire and explosion problems.
Effective fire protection against these hazards means more than
just saving the collector and its components. In these days of
strict environmental regulations and air quality standards, whats
at stake is the continuing operation of vital production and pro-
cess lines where dust collectors are required. A dust collector
that is damaged by fire or explosion, and that cannot meet the air
pollution guidelines, could cause a lengthy plant shutdown. With
production rates soaring to $60,000 an hour in an average ce-
ment plant, for example, you can see that a lengthy production
shutdown could be very costly. Therefore, the nature and cause
of dust collector fires, and the protection of production facilities
from such fires, deserves serious consideration.

This bulletin was cross referenced in Cement Plant Bulletin

#0160, Coal Grinding, Handing, and Storage Systems. While
dust collectors on coal systems are more likely to be protected
with carbon dioxide than those used on some other processes,
coal handling is certainly not the only application for CO, dust
collector fire protection.

The bags in dust collectors are usually thought of as com-

bustible when either cotton, nylon, polyester, polypropylene, or
acrylic is used, and noncombustible when fiberglass, nomex, or
teflon is used. The CO, protected dust collectors are those
operating at lower temperatures, usually with combustible dusts
and combustible bags.

Its prudent to design dust collectors to prevent sparking at

screw conveyors or airlocks, and to use a bag grounding system
4801 Southwick Drive to help eliminate ignition sources where highly combustible dusts
Third Floor are collected.
Matteson, IL 60443
Telephone: 708/748-l 503
Fax: 7081748-2847
0 1996 CHEMETRON FIRE SYSTEMS, all rights reserved. (S/96)
Fire Svstemi co2 Application Bull&in

Cement Plant Bulletin #0 165 Page 2

In addition to being used for collection of a Source of Fire Hazards in Dus f Collectors
variety of dusts, bag type dust collectors come
in a variety of physical arrangements. We have Dust collection systems present two possible
illustrated just one such arrangement on the fire problems. One is the rapid burning of sus-
accompanying drawing. The drawing shows an pended combustible dust particles, which can
arrangement where the dust collects on the create explosive pressures and destroy the dust
outside of the bags and, when removed, falls control system, and possibly create secondary
into the hopper below. The dust can be dis- fires or explosions outside the dust collector.
lodged from the bags by reverse air flow, a This explosion potential is NOT dealt with by
pulse of compressed air, or by shaking the bags any installed CO, fire protection. It requires the
(not shown on the drawing). use of a collector housing designed to contain
an internal explosion, a unit with proper explo-
It is not prudent to allow combustible dust to sion vent panels directed safely away, or the
accumulate in the bottom hopper; therefore, an installation of an explosion suppression system.
automatic screw conveyor is often employed to (See NFPA Standards No. 68 and No. 69.)
remove same. In the case of coal dust, the col-
lected dust is returned to the coal storage silos. The other fire problem is the ignition of the
dust collector bags and accumulated dust by
For systems where an accumulation of com- material which has been heated or ignited else-
bustible dust, such as coal dust, can take place where and drawn into the dust collector equip-
in the hopper, provision for inerting the hopper ment. Maintenance and repair procedures also
(any enclosed screw conveyors) with CO, vapor have been known to start dust collector fires.
is good design. This was illustrated in Cement
Plant Bulletin #0160. Carbon dioxide systems have been used for
many years to extinguish such fires. This has
For large bag houses, the dirty air inlet is been recognized by the National Fire Protection
manifolded to provide multiple inlets to evenly Association Standard No. 12, Carbon Dioxide
distribute the dust (shown on the attached Extinguishing Systems. (See Table on page
drawing.) 4.1

In some installations, the clean air is exhaust- Carbon dioxide discharged on one side of the
ed to atmosphere. In others, heated air may be bags easily passes through to the portion of the
reused elsewhere to increase thermal efficiency enclosure on the other side since it is a true
and the cleaned air is returned to the building. three-dimensional agent. Plus, carbon dioxide
system detection devices generally are more
The air supply duct needs to be dampered to sensitive than water system sprinkler heads.
isolate the collector in case of a fire. Dampers This means earlier actuation of the CO, system,
in the exhaust may or may not be used for this less fire damage to the dust collector, and shor-
purpose as discussed below. ter shutdown of the production or process line
than if sprinklers are the primary protection.
The fan is shut down on fire detection.
Fire Systemi co2 Application Bulktin

Cement Plant Bulletin #0165 Page 3

Among the reasons for using CO, over water burning fire increases, the fire is starved of oxy-
as primary protection are: gen; the combustion rate drops to a point where
new heat generated from combustion is less
n Desire to hold fire damage and clean up to than the natural heat loss from the burning ma-
an absolute minimum to allow restoration terial to the surrounding material or air.
of operation as soon as possible. This
involves the use of faster detection and a At this point, actual fire extinguishment starts
clean agent (CO,). and continues to an inevitable, total extinguish-
ment; this period is known as the soaking time.
n The three-dimensional characteristic of The higher the concentration of carbon dioxide,
CO,, which allows it to easily penetrate all the shorter the required soaking time. The
parts of the bag house. length of the required soaking period should be
discussed with the authority having jurisdiction.
n Lack of water at sites remote from plant
and municipal facilities. Carbon dioxide systems are designed to flood
dust collectors with a carbon dioxide concentra-
n Faster fire suppression. tion of 75% by volume. A fire suppressing con-
centration of 30% is normally achieved in the
n The potential problem of the weight of the first minute or two of agent discharge. Continu-
water discharge, in the event of an extend- ation of the discharge reaches the 75% level in
ed water application. less than seven minutes. This is the concentra-
tion of carbon dioxide found necessary to en-
sure extinguishment of a deep-seated fire in the
CO2Concentration Levels collector in a minimal time period. (The higher
the CO, concentration, the shorter the required
Carbon dioxide concentration levels are de- soaking period.)
signed to be sufficient to extinguish stubborn,
deep-seated fires. Dust collectors often contain
material that is prone to deep-seated burning. Dust Colfec tor S ys tern fsola tion
In combustion of this type, the hot burning mass
becomes buried in the combustible, leaving its A fire in a dust collector is initially subject to
ash and the unburned material to insulate it. As a lot of air movement. Proper carbon dioxide
an extinguisher, water will penetrate directly into extinguishment requires shut down of the fresh
the mass and cool the hot spot; whereas a car- air supply and the elimination of carbon dioxide
bon dioxide/air mixture must extinguish the fire loss following the discharge. This is accom-
by circulating through the mass. This takes plished by shutting down the fans and closing
some time, even though open burning has been the fire dampers which isolate the system. Fan
suppressed. shutdown is preferably done at the start of the
carbon dioxide discharge - on fire detection.
The carbon dioxide actually works with the Dampers are released to self-close by pressure
combustion process to contain and fully extin- operated releases which are part of the CO,
guish these troublesome fires. As the percent- system piping.
age of carbon dioxide in the air supporting the
Fire System; co 2 Application Bulktin

Cement Plant Bulletin #0165 Page 4

NFPA Standard No. 12 - Table 2-4.2. I

CO, Floodina Factors for Specific Hazards

Design Flooding Factors I

Concentration Specified Fire Hazard
Ft.3/ M.3/ Lb. CO,/ Kg. CO,/
% M.
Lb. CO, Kg. CO, Ft.3

50 10 0.62 0.100 1.60 Dry electrical hazards in

general. (Spaces 0 - 2000
cubic feet)

50 12 0.75 0.083 1.33 Dry electrical hazards in

(200 lb. (91 kg. general. (Spaces greater
minimum) minimum) than 2000 cubic feet)

65 8 0.50 0.125 2.00 Record (bulk paper)

storage, ducts, and
mechanically ventilated
covered trenches.

75 0.38 0.166 2.66 Fur storage vaults, dust

I collectors.

When only part of the air system can be shut sure in the housing and require pressure venting
down and the equipment to be protected is to prevent distortion or blow out of the vent pan-
isolated by dampers, it must be assumed that els. Certain ducts through which only a little
the dampers will not be 100% effective. Air carbon dioxide would be lost following a dis-
pressure on the dampers will cause them to charge may be left undampered to act as pres-
leak. Therefore, if you do not have a static sure vents. This is most often the clean air
condition for CO, flooding, all air pushed (or exhaust damper off the top of the collector.
sucked) past the dampers must be inerted for
the entire soaking period to provide proper pro- Good fire protection requires that the entire
tection. This complicates fire system design. hazard be protected. Any equipment that can
The Chemetron Fire Systems Applications En- lead the fire into an unprotected area or extend
gineering group should be consulted for help in the fire outside the protected area must be pro-
determining the additional quantity of carbon tected. Therefore, an analysis of the dust sys-
dioxide required in this case. tem is necessary to determine if protection of
ducts and/or cyclones may also be necessary.
If a dust collector is isolated by an air tight (We have already discussed added protection of
enclosure after shutdown, the internal discharge accumulated dust.)
of carbon dioxide could increase internal pres-
Fire System; co2 Application Bulktin
Cement Plant Bulletin #0165 Page 5

Placement of Discharge Nozzles On the drawing accompanying this bulletin,

and Fire De tee tors we show a rectangular shell. For certain appli-
cations involving coal type dust collectors, it
The volumes of most bag-type dust collectors should be noted that these often must be de-
protected by carbon dioxide fire suppression signed to withstand an internal pressure of 50
systems are not large enough to require a large psi in case of explosion. These units would be
number of discharge nozzles to distribute the round, with a heavy wall thickness and incorpo-
CO,. So the tendency to use just a few nozzles rate other special design features.
increases the discharge rate per nozzle, and
thus the discharge velocity. This may stir up the In any design of coal handling system bag
dust, and under a fire condition, this could lead houses, the risk of bag damage is high from fire
to a dust explosion. To reduce turbulence near or explosion.
each individual discharge nozzle, more nozzles
should be used and concern given to the nozzle In an article in Pit & Quarry, October 1981,
design used. Care should be exercised in noz- titled fxplosion Containment Specs Mandate
zle placement as well. New Design Thinking, the author states:

Dust collectors pose unusual problems when Although any explosion within the bag
it comes to fire detection. The very nature of house will most likely wreck the bags, a
the environment in which fire detection is need- CO, flooding system is well worth the ini-
ed causes problems for optical or combustion tial capita/ investment. Reason: It quells
product smoke detectors. The high cost related internal fires quickly, reducing structural
to the use of flame detectors - due to the lens damage from overheating and permits
cleaning system used and their need for main- quicker access following explosion. . .A
tenance - limits their use. CO, system can save enough in lost time
and lost production to pay for itself the
We have found rate-compensated heat de- first time an explosion occurs.
tectors to be reliable, adequately sensitive,
maintenance free, and easy to test. The detec- With the variety of systems and equipment
tor wiring enclosure is mounted outside the duct configurations used, Chemetron invites inquiries
with the element protruding into the collector or as to recommended CO, system design require-
duct. A flexible connector allows the element, ments for any dust collection system under
with its box, to be pulled out and away from the study.
duct for testing.

Blower and Exhaust Systems for dust remov-

al are covered by NFPA Standard No. 91.








Fire Protection for Bag-Type Dust Collector

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