Effect of Plain Flap Over The Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoil NACA 66-015

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Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456 2165

Effect of Plain Flap Over the Aerodynamic

Characteristics of Airfoil NACA 66-015
Imanbir Singh
[email protected]

Abstract :- Effect of plain flap on the distribution over the A. The Selected Airfoil
symmetrical aerofoil NACA 66-015. Flap is a sub-control
surface that enhances the lift of the aircraft. This paper The aerofoil is NACA66015 where the first number
includes placing of NACA 66-015 aerofoil with trailing represents the design co-efficient of lift i.e.
edge flaps at a constant Reynolds number. Measurement
of coefficient of pressure (Cp) over the aerofoil at different 3
6 = 0.9 . (1)
angle of attacks, different flap settings have been done. An 20
investigation on performance of aerofoil with flap has been
done to understand the pressure distribution over and the second number represents the position of maximum
below the wing. Laser illuminated smoke visualization camber in terms of cord length.
have been used to identify flow separation point. It was
observed that the stall angle increased and performance of 6 = 0.3 . (1.2)
the wing was more enhanced as the angle of attack 20
increased. ANSYS FLUENT analysis to validate which is at 30% of the cord length, the third number
experimental results. represents that it has a normal camber line which means it is a
symmetrical airfoil, the fourth and fifth number represents that
I. INTRODUCTION it has maximum thickness of 15% of the cord.
An airfoil or aerofoil is the shape of a wing, blade (of a
propeller, rotor, or turbine), or sail (as seen in cross-section).
An airfoil-shaped body moved through a fluid produces an
aerodynamic force. The component of this force perpendicular
to the direction of motion is called lift. The component parallel
to the direction of motion is called drag. Subsonic flight
airfoils have a characteristic shape with a rounded leading
edge, followed by a sharp trailing edge, often with a
symmetric curvature of upper and lower surfaces. Foils of
similar function designed with water as the working fluid are
called hydrofoils.

The lift on an airfoil is primarily the result of its angle of

attack and shape. When oriented at a suitable angle, the airfoil
deflects the oncoming air (for fixed-wing aircraft, a downward Fig 1.1. wing section with aerofoil NACA 66015
force), resulting in a force on the airfoil in the direction
opposite to the deflection. This force is known as aerodynamic
force and can be resolved into two components: lift and drag.
Most foil shapes require a positive angle of attack to generate
Flaps are a type of high-lift device used to increase the lift of
lift, but cambered airfoils can generate lift at zero angle of
an aircraft wing at a given airspeed. Flaps are usually mounted
attack. This "turning" of the air in the vicinity of the airfoil
on the wing trailing edges of a fixed-wing aircraft. Flaps are
creates curved streamlines, resulting in lower pressure on one
used to lower the minimum speed at which the aircraft can be
side and higher pressure on the other. This pressure difference
safely flown, and to increase the angle of descent for landing.
is accompanied by a velocity difference, via Bernoullis
Flaps also cause an increase in drag, so they are retracted
principle, so the resulting flow field about the airfoil has a
when not needed. Extending the wing flaps increases the
higher average velocity on the upper surface than on the lower
camber or curvature of the wing, raising the maximum lift
surface. The lift force can be related directly to the average
coefficient or the upper limit to the lift a wing can generate.
top/bottom velocity difference without computing the pressure
This allows the aircraft to generate the required lift at a lower
by using the concept of circulation and the Kutta- Joukowski
speed, reducing the stalling speed of the aircraft, and therefore
also the minimum speed at which the aircraft will safely

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Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456 2165

maintain flight. The increase in camber also increases the where,

wing drag, which can be beneficial during approach and Cp = co-efficient of pressure
landing, because it slows the aircraft. In some aircraft P = pressure value at that particular port in bar
configurations, a useful side effect of flap deployment is a Pa = ambient pressure value in bar
decrease in aircraft pitch angle, which lowers the nose thereby = density of the air in 3
improving the pilot's view of the runway over the nose of the V = Velocity of the air in m/s
aircraft during landing. In other configurations, however,
depending on the type of flap and the location of the wing, 2. Since the pressure distribution over an air-foil without flaps
flaps can cause the nose to rise (pitch-up), obscuring the pilot's is an important characteristic to be understood an attempt was
view of the runway. made to explore the pressure distribution over a wing with
flaps. So, this attempt lead us to the study of the airfoil with
In our case it is a plain flap with 15 degrees of allowance both flaps and what changes occur when the flaps are introduced.
in positive and negative direction. The effect of the flap is
studied with the help of the graphs which will show us the lift 3. For this, variation of pressure over an air-foil (cross section
difference that would be encountered when we change the of a wing) NACA 66015, which is unexplored was studied.
flaps and will tell us the arrangements of the flaps which
would be beneficial for us and which would increase the drag II. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND APPARATUS
of the airfoil.
A. Introduction

Construction of a wind tunnel airfoil model with a trailing

edge flap was performed. The model is instrumented in order
to measure pressure heads. It is used to calculate coefficient of
pressure (Cp). The related description of the equipment used
in this experiment is provided in the following sections.

B. Apparatus

Wind Tunnel

The Wind Tunnel used is a subsonic, an open-circuit blow

down low-speed tunnel. A schematic drawing is shown in
Figure 2.1, for inlet flow turbulence control one honeycomb
Fig.1.2. airfoil with the plain flap in positive direction and five nylon flow conditioning screens are included in the
settling chamber. The test section is 45cm x 30cm , having a
C. Undertaking working area with an easily removable glass wall in the side
for convenient tunnel access and visualization. The top wall is
1. Measurement of coefficient of pressure (Cp) over the airfoil also made of Plexiglas to accommodate light sources for use
at different angle of attacks, different flap settings have been in flow visualization.
done in the wind tunnel.
2. Plotting of graphs for all possible angle of attacks with Aerofoil Model
combination of flap angles are done.
3 Laser illuminated smoke method and oil visualization was The model section is a symmetrical aerofoil NACA 66-015
done on the model. with trailing edge flap. The chord length is 15cm resulting in
an airfoil maximum thickness of 2.25cm. The airfoil has 24
D. Why this Work Undertaken pressure ports which is connected to tubes. These tubes are
connected to a pressure scanner and it is used to measure the
1.The aerodynamic performance of an air-foil can be best pressure at different ports.
understood by the variation of pressure over it as the pressure
difference can be directly related to the lift generated or the lift
difference in the field. This distribution is expressed in terms
of the pressure coefficient.

= (1.3)
1 2

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Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456 2165

Pressure Scanner

A digital manometer pressure scanner with 64 ports is used for

the project. The pressure ports of the airfoil is connected to a
digital pressure scanner which gives pressure head readings
and also the ho and h. These readings are used to calculate
the Cp value, which later plotted.

Fig 2.1 subsonic wind tunnel

Fig 2.4. pressure scanner

C. Experiment

1. Place the NACA 66-015 aerofoil in the subsonic wind


Fig 2.2. NACA 66-015 Aerofoil 2. Connect all the pressure ports on the aerofoil to the pressure
3. Take wind-off readings while the tunnel is switched off
4. Switch on the tunnel with velocity of 10 m/s
5. Take pressure head readings at various angle of attacks and
flap angles.
6. Using the formula, calculate the coefficient of pressure (Cp)
and plot respective graphs and analyses stall angle.


A. Calculation of CP

The wind tunnel experiment gave us the value of the pressure

head denoted by h. The CP value can be calculated by the

Fig 2.3. pressure port on aerofoil

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Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456 2165

= . (1.4)

h = is the static pressure head at the point at which pressure
coefficient is being evaluated.
h = is the static pressure head in the free stream.
ho = is the stagnation pressure head in the free stream.

The values of h and ho were evaluated at the beginning of

every experiment. The h value was then measured at each port
on the aerofoil and then the Cp value was calculated for the
particular angle of attack and flap angle.

Tabulation of The CP Values

The values of Cp for each angle of attack and the respective

flap angle was entered in MS Excel. Fig 3.2 angle of attack 6
This tabulation was helpful in order to plot the graphs between
Cp and the location of port.
The table involves the values of Cpl , Cpu at each deflection
of angle of attack and the flap angle and the location of port.
The following figures shows the values of Cp after
calculations. In these tables the value of flap angle has been
changed when the aerofoil was kept at a fixed angle of attack.

Fig 3.3. angle of attack 9

Fig 3.4 angle of attack 12

Fig 3.1 angle of attack 3

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Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456 2165

Fig 3.6 angle of attack 18

Fig 3.5 angle of attack 15

Table. 3.1 Result of the following values in terms of graphs were plotted and analyzed

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ISSN No: - 2456 2165

Table. 3.2 The graphs when the angle of attack is changed in the positive direction (upward direction)

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ISSN No: - 2456 2165


A. Introduction

Flow visualization or flow visualization in fluid dynamics is

used to make the flow patterns visible, in order to get
qualitative or quantitative information on them. Unlike other
techniques, which are limited to measuring flow conditions at
discrete points within the flow field, flow visualization
techniques are capable of yielding a qualitative macroscopic
picture of the overall flow field.

B. Experimental

The experiments were performed in a subsonic type wind Fig. 4.1 Angle of attack 9 with flap at fivedegrees
tunnel. Hot-wire anemometry (HWA) measurements across
the test section of the wind tunnel showed a uniform free-
stream and a turbulence.

The experiments were performed to determine the smoke

fluid, voltage and lighting arrangement to produce the best
result for smoke-wire apparatus. Since the apparatus would be
in the tunnel, an oil delivery system had to be designed for
continuous operation. An oil reservoir was placed on the top
of the nozzle-settling chamber, which was the same height as
the test section roof. A tube was used to supply air from the air
supply gauge while another tube was used to transport smoke
fluid to the heating wire inside the test section. The principal
of oil delivery system was based on the gravitational potential
energy. There were lighting arrangements suggested to
produce clearer images for image recording. The main
problem in recording the smoke lines was reflection of image Fig. 4.2 Angle of attack 15 with flap at 15degrees
in the Perspex of the test section wall.

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ISSN No: - 2456 2165

velocity, forced convection effect becomes dominant and the

wire needs more energy to surpass the smoke fluid boiling
point. Loss in energy due to resistance is balanced with the
heat generation. Assuming the temperature coefficient is
small, total resistance is only dependent on length of the wire,
resistivity of the material, and the wire cross-sectional are
small. Copper wire releases more heat compared to stainless
steel. Due to low in electrical resistance, steel wires release
less heat to be absorbed by the smoke fluids. Smaller diameter
of copper wire has higher resistance, lower in heat loss
through convection and generates higher boiling rate. Since
copper dissipates the highest amount of heat, it is very suitable
as a heating element. Since both the two- and three-coiled
copper wires can generate good quality smoke lines using the
paraffin smoke liquid, further experiment was performed to
capture the smoke generated from those wire designs. From
the results, two-coiled copper wire design was chosen for this
smoke-wire apparatus since it generates clear, uniform white
dense smoke and easy attachment of the liquid to the wire.
The photograph of the smoke generated, as shown in above
confirms this. Evolution of the vortex structure is clearly
shown. The application of top and side lighting arrangements
gives sufficient illumination and reduce reflection of image in
the Perspex of the test section wall for photographic purposes
using digital camera. Higher heat capacity and higher latent
heat of vaporization cause water needs more heat to surpass
boiling point for generating smoke. - Palm oil No smoke is
generated by using two- and three-coiled copper wires. Diesel
Light smoke is generated by using three-coiled copper wire.
Clear and uniform smoke is generated by using two coiled
copper wire but in short duration. The odor of diesel is spread
in the lab. Gasoline Clear and uniform smoke is generated.
The odor of gasoline is spread in the lab. Corn oil No smoke is
generated by using two- and three-coiled wires. Paraffin Clear
and uniform smoke is generated by using two- and three-
coiled wires at voltage. No odor is generated due to the smoke.
So here we clearly can see that as the angle of attack increased
from 9 to 12 there is a huge difference in lift and as we
increase the flap angle he stall can be delayed

Fig.4.3 Angle of attack 12 with flap at 10 degrees V. COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS

C. Results and Discussion A. Computational Analysis For Our Project

The computational analysis of our project is achieved with the

The fluid, which has higher boiling flow rate, will certainly help of the computational fluid dynamics which is achieved
give better smoke wire visibility at high speed. It was found with the help of ANSYS FLUENT 15.0.
that the paraffin produced better results than other smoke
fluids. Clear, uniform and long duration smoke lines were In this software we input our designed model in our case the
generated by using two- and three-coiled copper wires at wind airfoil as a replica of the model. This is designed with the help
tunnel velocity of 10 m/s respectively. Moreover, paraffin is a of CATIA designing software, then it is imported in the ansys
non-irritant, nonflammable and non-hazardous liquid. software.
Gasoline could also be used but it is a highly flammable
liquid. The best voltage to use with these wires depends on the The below table 5.1 gives the observation of the changes
tunnel velocity, but is generally around 10 to 12 V. At high happening when the flap is changed at angle of attack 9.

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The below table 5.2 gives the observation of the changes happening when the flap angles are changed at the angle of attack 12.

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Table 5.3Below is table for angle of attack 15.

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ISSN No: - 2456 2165

From these tables we can easily observe that the there is a As the flaps are deflected at the negative direction, with the
great stall produced as we go from angle of attack 9 to 12 and positive deflection in angle of attack, the pressure gradient
due to the effects of flaps our lift is getting delayed curve around the aerofoil suggested the change in the behavior
of the fluid flow across the aerofoil cross section.
It was observed that the pressure at the leading edge decreases
The aerofoil without flap gives us a stable and optimum as we increase the angle of attack. At the trailing edge the
amount of lift at both upper and lower surface of the aerofoil, pressure at the lower surface shows drastic changes.
this is the best orientation for an aerofoil to cruise.

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ISSN No: - 2456 2165

Larger the deflection in flap, more the flow is trapped beneath

the airfoil, leading to decrease of flow velocities and build-up
of the pressure below the airfoil. Simultaneously, the
increasing adverse pressure gradient with flap deflection
yields a larger flow separation behind the flap.

The flow separation starts at the angle of attack 9 and gets

completely stalled by 15 and 18 angles. Though this paper
wont be that much effective in the advancement of
aerodynamics but this paper can be o great significance to a
person or group who wants to experiment with some similar
airfoil and wants to use it to innovate something else.


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