NUML - e - Prospectus

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Mission 01 Department of Pakistan Studies & History 60

Message from the Chairman 03 Department of Peace & Conflict Studies (PCS) 62
Message from the Rector 05 Faculty of Languages 63
Administrative Setup 07 Department of Arabic Language 65
About the City 10 Department of Bahasa Indonesia 68

Studying at NUML 12 Department of Bengali Language 69

Department of Chinese Language 70
10 Reasons to Join NUML 14
Department of Hindi Language 72
NUML Offers 19
Department of Japanese Language 73
Growth & Expansion 22
Department of Korean Language 75
Faculties - Departments - Languages 23
Department of Pakistani Languages 76
Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science 24
Department of Persian Language 77
Department of Engineering (Software & Electrical) 25
Department of Urdu Language 80
Department of Computer Science 28
Department of French Language 82
Faculty of Management Sciences 30
Department of German Language 85
Department of Management Sciences 31 Department of Italian Language 87
Department of Economics 37 Department of Russian Language 88
Faculty of English Studies 39 Department Spanish Language 89
Department of English Graduate Studies 40 Department of Turkish Language 90
Department of English Undergraduate Studies 43 Collaborations / Linkages 91
Department of English Functional Courses 45 Higher Studies & Research Programmes 99
Faculty of Social Sciences 48 Quality Enhancement Cell 103
Department of Education 49 NUML Information Communication Technology (ICT) 104
Department of Governance & Public Policy 52 Important Notes 106
Department of International Relations 54 Regional Campuses 108
Department of Islamic Studies 56 Tuition Fee & Allied Charges Pakistani Students
Department of Mass Communication 58 Tuition Fee & Allied Charges Foreign National


Contribute to socio-economic development by means of

creating and disseminating world class knowledge of modern
languages and other branches of learning to the general public
/ armed forces of Pakistan and other allied countries without
discrimination of age, gender, race, class, colour or creed.

Message from The Chairman

Board of Governors

The National University of Modern Languages was created primarily

as a language institute but has since then expanded to become the
premier language university, in the region. As NIML and NUML, the
institution has contributed positively in the dissemination of
knowledge in various disciplines, producing eminent professionals
not only in languages but also in various contemporary fields. Over
the years NUML has branched out into numerous disciplines like
Information Technology, Management Sciences, Engineering and
Social Sciences.

As Chairman Board of Governors, it is my proud privilege to assist in

the policy and decision making process of an institution that has risen
from a small language institute to being amongst the most highly
reputed institutions in the region. It is my earnest desire to see the
university attaining the highest of excellence in imparting knowledge
and preparing students to become honourable and respectable
members of society, who can contribute positively to making this
world a better place for our future generations.

General Raheel Sharif, NI(M)

Chief of Army Staff



RECTOR Bashir Ahmed
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50, Brig Dr. Riasat Ali, SI(M)
Ext: 208 (Retd)
[email protected] Tele: +92 51 9257646-50,
Brig Muhammad Saeed Akhtar Malik (Retd) Ext: 246
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50, Ext: 303 [email protected]
Email: [email protected]


S. Tufail Khalil
Major General Tele: +92 51 9257646-50,
Masood Hasan, HI (M) (Retired) STUDENTS
Ext: 206
[email protected]
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50, Ext: 200
Email: [email protected]
Taj Muhammad

Tele: +92 51 9257646-50,

[email protected]
Brig Muhammad Tariq Qureshi, SI (M) (Retd) Engineer
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50, Ext: 400 Col Ch. Fazal Hussain,
DIRECTOR GENERAL Email: [email protected] SI (M) (Retd)
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50,
Ext: 255
[email protected]


Fazal-e-Raziq Syed Ali Raza

Brig Azam Jamal, SI (M) ACADEMICS Tele: +92 51 9257646-50, Tele: +92 51 9257646-50,
Ext: 207 Ext: 350
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50, Ext: 300 Col Syed Jawaid Ahmed (Retd)
[email protected] [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50, Ext: 205
Email: [email protected]

Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan, which was built The Twin Cities also boast some of the finest medical
during the sixties to replace Karachi as the capital. It is the facilities not only in the country, but also in South Asia. The
10th largest city in the country, having adjacent city of hospitals like Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences
Rawalpindi as its twin. The combined metropolitan area of (PIMS), Combined Military Hospital (CMH), Armed Forces

ABOUT Islamabad and Rawalpindi is the third largest in Pakistan

with a population of over 4.5 million inhabitants.
Institute of Cardiology (AFIC), Federal Government
Services Hospital and CDA Hospital are providing
THE excellent and state of the art medical services. Rescue
and emergency services like Rescue 15 and Rescue 1122
CITY provide prompt response in any emergency.
Islamabad the Beautiful

Islamabad also serves as a centre for the local as well as

foreign tourists. Routes to all the world renowned tourist
resorts, like Murree, Valley of Kashmir, Swat, Chitral,
Abbottabad and Northern Areas, the ultimate heaven for
the mountaineers, originate from Islamabad. It offers a
wide variety of travel options and provides excellent
transport facilities, including car rentals. The Benazir
Bhutto International Airport is situated at an accessible
distance from NUML for international and domestic flights.
Islamabad has been meticulously planned by some of the A large number of finest 3,4 and 5 star hotels offer some of
renowned town planners, who organized it into different the most comfortable boarding and lodging facilities in the
sectors and zones. Regarded as the most developed city country. The innumerable restaurants and food stalls, with
in Pakistan, Islamabad has been categorised as one of landscaped outdoor seating areas, offer mouth watering
the Global Cities. Combining a rich history, the confluence Pakistani cuisines.
of many civilizations, and temperate climate, Islamabad is
one of the most beautiful cities in South Asia. Wide green
tree-lined streets make it spectacular as well as easily
accessible from all directions. The city brims with lively
activities, nice and beautiful places to visit, cultural and
heritage sites and contains a wealth of entertainment.

Islamabad has the highest literacy rate in Pakistan and is

home to some of the top ranked universities. The City also
houses some of the excellent public and private sector
schools, colleges, professional institutions and
innumerable libraries, which make it a hub of conventional
as well as professional education.

An Unforgettable Experience

Located in the shade of lush green and NUML

beautiful Margalla hills, main campus (an aerial view)
NUML, offers a dynamic academic
environment with a friendly and supportive
faculty. All the central facilities and services
are located here.

NUML is fast attaining a reputation for

excellence in research and teaching in all
the major disciplines. There is a wealth of
academic and social facilities offered on or
close to the campus, providing excellent
opportunities for studying, research,
enterprise, learning, teaching, socialising
and recreation.

It is the ultimate experience which you shall

cherish in years to come.

The only Language 3
University-NUML has an
outstanding reputation as the Academic Excellence
only language university where NUML has highest standards of
more than 25 foreign as well as imparting quality education. Our
national / regional languages are faculty members, duly supported
10 being taught by a faculty
comprising a fine mix of
by the efficient administration,
are committed to achieving
Pakistani and native teachers,
REASONS who are highly qualified and
academic excellence. The
teaching methodology is based
skilled in the art of language
TO teaching. Learning a new foreign
o n l a te s t a n d i n n o v a ti v e
techniques which are research
/ regional language not only
JOIN develops awareness about other
oriented. We aim to equip our
students with academic tools
cultures but also helps in
NUML enhancing linguistic competency
which enable them to compete
with their contemporaries in the
to increase prospects for a better job market.
1.The only 2 World Class Reputation Positive Placement - NUML claims an outstanding post
Language University Students from all over the world graduation employment record achieved by its students,
come here to learn. Our some of whom are serving on key positions in top class public
2.World Class Reputation international students not only as well as private sector organizations. A degree from NUML
ensures better prospects of getting an employment on
bring along the diversity and
3.Academic Excellence competitive basis. You may visit NUML website at
taste of their cultures but also to select an appropriate discipline which
become our ambassadors all matches your desires and aspirations.
4.Positive Placement
around the globe. NUML has a
5.Ideal Location large group of International
alumni, some of whom are
6.Transport & serving at prestigious positions
in their respective countries. This
unique opportunity to interact
7.Student Satisfaction
with foreign students allows
8.Friendly Faculty Pakistani students to develop
friendship which for many
9.Library & IT Facilities becomes beneficial in the long
10.Caring Student Services

Ideal Location - The
Student Satisfaction 7
NUML places a very high
central location of Main value on ensuring
Campus, right at the juncture
students and parental
of Rawalpindi and the
satisfaction. Our gra-
picturesque city of Islamabad,
duates have always
makes NUML an ideal place
10 for great study experience. shown a very high degree 10
NUML is approachable from of trust in the system of
REASONS all directions at all times during education and numerous REASONS
the day. Although NUML is student services. All our
TO quite self sufficient to meet the ex-students fondly TO
curricular as well as extra 6 remember their institution
JOIN curricular needs of its Transport & and cherish the good time
students, nevertheless it has
NUML all the civic amenities, such as
Accommodation spent here.
hospitals, eating places and NUML has a large fleet of
commercial areas, located at well maintained buses & 8 Friendly Faculty - NUML has
convenient distances. NUML coasters which ply on all a collection of very well qualified
also has regional campuses at the major routes, in and faculty which has a fine mix of
Lahore, Faisalabad, Hyder- around the Twin Cities, Pakistani as well as foreign
abad, Karachi, Multan, to fetch students from teachers. Our teachers remain
Peshawar and Quetta, which even far and off places. current and up-to-date in their
At nominal charges subjects and meticulously plan
cater for the needs of students
students can utilise this their day to day lectures and
who cannot travel to
service which always run class activities. The NUML
on schedule. NUML also faculty is not only student
offers reasonable on friendly and open, but also
campus hostel facilities socially quite amenable. They
to the students coming make use of the latest and
from far flung areas on innovative teaching techniques
affordable charges. This and methods, which revolve
facility is usually offered around assignments, project
works and a system of
on first come-first-serve
continuous assessment and
basis, however NUML
examinations. NUML regularly
administration reserves
organises Teacher Training
the right to accept or
Courses to ensure that all its
reject any application
faculty members remain
after interviewing the
equipped with the latest
desirous applicant.
teaching tools and skills.

Library & IT Facilities Campus Libraries

NUML has an excellent
All NUML Campuses offer access to up-to-date libraries
Library, which offers a which have latest books, magazines, papers and multiple
welcoming and flexible space learning resources. The Central Library, located at the
for individual and group Main Campus has a great collection of relevant books and
studies. Access to latest offers a chance to explore a world of knowledge. Home to
books, magazines, papers over 1,25,000 books, research journals, magazines and NUML
10 and multiple learning newspapers, the Library provides a unique space to study
resources and IT is an either individually or as part of a group. The Library Staff is OFFERS
REASONS essential part of university
always available to run introductory tours for the new
comers. You just need your University ID Card to start Access to Top Class
studies. At NUML this using the Library.
TO requirement is given highest Facilities
priority. The facilities at NUML IT (Information Technology)
JOIN are extensive and accessible. Laboratories
There are more than 100
NUML computers in the IT library Information Technology, today is an essential part of
university studies. At NUML, this requirement is given
which can be accessed from
morning till evening. The Wi-Fi highest priority. The IT facilities in NUML are extensive and
networking allows remote 10 accessible. There are more than 100 computers in the IT
Labs which can be accessed from morning till evening.
internet access to students Caring Student The Wi-Fi networking allows remote internet access to
carrying laptops, from any Services - NUML students carrying laptops, from any place within the
place within the campus. boasts some of the campus. Students enjoy an uninterrupted access to a
Students enjoy an un- excellent student range of networked software packages, database
interrupted access to a range support services. For systems and online research tools.
of networked software details about some of the
packages, database systems essential facilities Language Laboratories
and online research tools. available to meet day to
day needs, refer to the Good communication skills are indispensable for the
next page. success of any professional. To improve these skills one
has to practice and master the art of reading, writing,
listening and speaking, because good communication
means an ability to grasp the meanings of spoken words
and then respond with accurate words in clear
pronunciation. The language labs play an important role in
this process. NUML has state of the art language Labs
which serve as technological aids for learning new
languages. These labs with their advanced facilities are
designed to help the students to learn a language with
proficiency to communicate. Our language experts put the
students on the international platform, help them to keep
pace with the changing linguistic trends and support their
long-term needs and development, while maintaining the
highest quality standards.

The UN Library In-door Gymnasium

The United Nations System, in Pakistan, has established a UN NUML has a well equipped
Reference Library in NUML. The Library contains UN publications and gymnasium, which is a
publications from different R&D organizations and NGOs. Reference place of attraction for all.
books like dictionaries of different languages, encyclopedias, atlases,
statistical year books and census reports etc are available for
referencing. The Library is a rich source of up-to-date statistical data
pertaining to global, regional and national subjects including agriculture,
NUML children and youth culture, drugs and narcotics, economics and social NUML
development, education and literacy, energy, environment, health,
OFFERS industry and trade, population, water issues, science and technology OFFERS
and gender issues etc. The Library is also provided with a good collection
Access to Top Class of weekly magazines and journals. On Campus Medical Care Access to Top Class
Facilities Facilities
Media Laboratory NUML has a good on
campus medical facility,
Media Laboratory has been established in NUML on 31 October, 2012 which is looked after by a
with the collaboration of Huda Development Organization and qualified doctor. It has the
Entrepreneur Global Trust (EGT). The laboratory was inaugurated by Mr. capacity to treat minor
Tayo Fagberno, Chief Executive of the Huda Development Organization. ailments and render first aid
It is equipped with state-of-the-art technological tools that will play a vital in emergency situations.
role in polishing practical skills of Mass Communication students.
Students can get first hand practical training in direction, production,
editing and designing through this facility.
NUML has two excellent cafeterias which provide delicious snacks and
meals at affordable prices.

Campus Radio FM 104.6

NUML established its own FM Radio Station in 2006. Managed by the
Department of Mass Communication, the Radio provides an alternative
non-formal forum to elevate students' competence and communication
skills in their respective fields.

A beautiful mosque, built
right at the centre of the
campus, calls the dutiful to
fulfill their religious and
moral obligations.

Growth & Expansion

National University of Modern Languages was initially set up as a

language institute in 1970, where students from Armed Forces and
international community came to learn languages. This was the only
institute in Asia which taught so many languages at a time by a unique
combination of local and foreign faculty members. Besides learning new
languages, the Institute also served as a platform to assimilate different
NUML cultures.

On 29 March, 2000, the National Institute of Modern Languages (NIML)

OFFERS was upgraded to an autonomous university. Besides languages other
important disciplines, such as Management Sciences, IT, Engineering,
Access to Top Class Mass Communication, Economics, Education, International Relations, FACULTIES
Facilities Conflict & Peace Studies, Islamic Studies, Pakistan Studies, History,
Governance & Public Policy were also introduced.
NUML has always valued collaboration and cooperation with friendly
countries which are quite active and forthcoming in sponsoring the
promotion of their respective languages. This interaction has been a LANGUAGES
great source of developing our academic relations with these countries.

Our academic relations with China, Iran, Turkey, Korea and France have
been specially fruitful for the growth of NUML. This has resulted in the
establishment of Confucius Institute, Iranology Centre and King Sejong

NUML is also developing collaboration with some of the renowned

national and international institutions/ universities, which can be viewed
on page 91 under the heading of Collaborations / Linkages.

FACULTY OF Department of Engineering was established in 2006. The Department Department

ENGINEERING offers programmes in BE Electrical Engineering and BS Software
Engineering. The programmes are devised to produce quality of
& engineers. The students are prepared to address the ever growing Engineering
COMPUTER challenging demands of industrial market, both locally and
internationally. Software Engineering
SCIENCE Electrical Engineering
Our Electrical Engineering Program is focused on Telecommunications.
The curriculum has been formulated on the lines of Higher Education
Commission and Pakistan Engineering Council. The programme is
accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council. It equips students with
modern communication engineering techniques to remain current with
the technological advancements. Starting from a foundation in
Mathematical Modeling, Digital Logic Design, Electronics, Digital Signal
Processing, Wireless & Mobile Communication and Control System
Engineering, it encompasses theory as well as practical applications.
The state of the art labs stocked with the latest equipment and machines

Department of Engineering provide first hand practical experience to the potential engineers.

The salient feature of our success is the regular updating of the

Brig curriculum and lab facilities to prepare the graduates to face the Lt Col (R)
Dr Muhammad Akbar challenges of latest trends in the modern engineering environment. Jamil Ahmad Zia
Department of Computer Students are encouraged to take on final year projects keeping the Head
industrial requirement in view, in order to enhance industrial base in the
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50 Science country. The graduating students are facilitated for doing internship in Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
Ext: 219 different firms during summer break. Ext: 278
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
The BS Software Engineering programme started in 2006. Its diversified
curriculum and qualified faculty have made it an attraction for the
students. The programme is designed to meet the enormous unfulfilled
needs of professional software engineers in the industry.

The programme is a blend of software and hardware skills essential for

success in the diverse computing environment. The programme begins
with foundation in Introduction to Computing, Multivariable Calculus
Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures and Algorithm, Visual
Programming and Distributed Computing. Emphasis is laid on practical
application of software in computer-based engineering system.
Computer labs are well equipped with latest machines and software
tools. These are regularly upgraded to keep the students abreast with
fast changing computing environment.

Department FACULTY BE Electrical Engineering Total Cr Hrs = 137 Department

of of
Duration : 8 Semesters
Engineering 1. Dr. Muhammad Akbar : PhD Dean / Professor
4 years (Minimum) Engineering
2. Col. Jamil Ahmad Zia : MS HoD / Assistant Prof 7 Years (Maximum)
3. Dr. M. Hanif Zauq : PhD Assistant Prof a. Fsc Pre-Engineering (Physics, Mathematics
Admission Criteria :
4. Mr. Jamshed Rizvi : MS Assistant Prof and Chemistry) with 60% marks or equivalent
5. Mr. Sheraz Alam Khan : MS Assistant Prof from a foreign university.
6. Mr. Farhan Sohail : MS Assistant Prof
7. Mr. Naveed Ahmed : MS Assistant Prof b. DAE with 60% aggregate marks in the
8. Mr. Hasan Hamayun : MSc Assistant Prof relevant discipline.
9. Mr. Raheel Zafar : MSc Lecturer c. 60% marks in matriculation exams are
: MS mandatory.
10. Mr. Omer Hayat Lecturer
11. Mr. Zohaib Ahmed : MS Lecturer
12. Mr. Irfan Rafique : MS Lecturer
13. Ms. Nargis Fatima : MS Lecturer BS Software Engineering Total Cr Hrs = 135
14. Ms. Sumera nazir : MS Lecturer
15. Ms. Fatima Khalique : MS Lecturer Duration : 8 Semesters
: MPhil 4 years (Minimum)
16. Mr. Sohail Ahmed Dayo Lecturer
7 Years (Maximum)
17. Mr. Jawad ur Rehman : MSc Senior Instructor
Admission Criteria : a. FSc with any combination of Maths, Physics,
18. Mr. Asad Hussain : BSEE Senior Instructor
Chemistry, Stats, and Computer Science/
19. Mr. Faraz Ahmed : BSEE Senior Instructor Computer Studies with 50% marks.
20. Ms. Zahra Aleem : BSCS Senior Instructor
b. DAE holders with 60% marks in relevant
21. Mr. Muhammad Zafarullah : BEEE Program Coordinator discipline.
22. Mr. Muzzamil Ghaffar : BSEE Lab Engineer
23. Ms. Maria Bano : BEEE Lab Engineer Courses Offered:
24. Mr. Khurram : BSEE Lab Engineer

BE Electrical Engineering
25. Mr. M.Fahad Shinwari : BSEE Lab Engineer

BS Software Engineering

BSCS [ Morning ] Department of

Department of Department of Computer Science is one of the vibrant departments of
the University. Well experienced, qualified and dedicated faculty is the Duration : 8 Semesters Computer Science
Computer Science backbone of CS department. We are well aware of the tools, techniques 4 Years (Minimum)
and technologies required for a good computer scientist. Our objective is Admission criteria : a. Intermediate with any of the following
to empower our students with latest technical knowledge in order to fulfill combinations with 50% marks:
the demands of the industry. Our graduated students have a very good - Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or F
absorption ratio in national as well as in international market.

- Mathematics, Statistics, Computer or




- Mathematics, Physics, Computer
Taught courses cover most of the areas of Computer Science,


b. DAE with 60% aggregate marks in the

Information Technology, Telecommunications and Management.

relevant discipline. NA

Students are provided the opportunity to assimilate course contents

along with the practical experience. Our students have asserted their
worth by winning many national level software competitions. We believe
that our students are the ambassadors not only for the University but for MCS [ Morning & Afternoon ]
the country, and it has been certified several times as they have obtained
the positions of the best scientists, researchers and professionals in the Duration : 4 Semesters
field of Computer Science. 2 Years (Minimum)
Admission criteria : a. Graduation with any of the following subjects
Our students are qualified professionals who work as software with 50% marks:
developers, network administrators, database designers and web - Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Computer
masters etc in Pakistan and abroad. We are further striving to bring - Chemistry or Economics
novelty and uniqueness in our taught courses and will continue to
improve ourselves, so that we further refine our students.

MSCS [ Morning, Afternoon, Evening & Weekend ]

Duration : 4 Semesters
Sajjad Haider 2 Years (Minimum)
Head Admission criteria : a. BS(CS) / BS(SE) / BS(IT) 4 years degree
Tele: +92-51-9257646-50
FACULTY (min. 130 credit hours)
Courses offered:
Ext. 265
Email: [email protected] 1. Dr. Muhammad Akbar : PhD Dean / Professor with at least 2nd Division / CGPA 2.5 / 4.00 BSCS
2. Sajjad Haider : MS HoD MCS
Computer MCS / MIT 2 years degree
3. Dr. Fazli Subhan : PhD Assistant Professor (16 year education) MSCS
4. Raza Parwez : MS Assistant Professor with at least 2nd Division / CGPA 2.5 / 4.00
5. Waris Ali : MS Assistant Professor b. GAT-General
c. Departmental test & interview.
6. Naveed Alam : MS Lecturer
7. Moyeezullah Ghouri : MS Lecturer
8. Ataullah Ghafoor : MS Lecturer
9. Rana Abdul Sami : MS Lecturer
10. Irfan Raza : MS Lecturer
11. Nouman Malik : MS Lecturer
12. Ehsan ul Haq : MS Lecturer
13. Waqas Hassan : MS Lecturer
14. Sara Mazhar : MCS Lecturer
15. Sajid Munir : MCS Lecturer
16. Rabia Masood : MCS Lecturer
17. Abdul Kaleem : BSCS Lecturer
18. Ayesha Aziz : MS Lecturer
19. Zainab Malik : MS Lecturer
20. Unsa Masood : MS Lecturer
21. Sohail Ahmed : M.Phil. Lecturer
22. Fouzia Jamal : MA Lecturer

FACULTY OF Department of Management Sciences was established in 2002. It is Department of

serving with the objective of providing quality education in the field of
Business, Marketing, Finance, Banking, Hotel Management, HRM/HRD Management
MANAGEMENT etc, duly catering to the dynamic needs of the corporate world. The Sciences
faculty is continuously working to develop sound theoretical knowledge
SCIENCES of subjects while experimenting and exploring ways and means to teach
the application of that knowledge to the real world business and
marketing situations. The faculty is striving to produce quality teachers,
researchers and policy makers. The Department is, by all means,
comparable to that of top standard national institutions.

At NUML Business Administration programs are designed to help

students, wishing to progress to the strategic management level in

Department of developing right kind of careers. These programs are structured to
provide a firm foundation in core management disciplines and to develop
Management Sciences the tactical as well as strategic level expertise so very essential for
business managers and administrators.

Department of Economics All the members of dynamic faculty are experts in blending academic
theory with practice to ensure that the acquired knowledge is readily
transferred to the workplace. All programmes conform to the latest Mr Nadeem Talib
trends in teaching methodology.
Vision: Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
To become a center for excellence modeling innovative solutions and Ext: 302
coping contemporary issues of business world. Email: [email protected]

To produce, advance and disseminate knowledge at the highest
international academic levels that meet the needs of the management
and business community, as well as students and society at large. To be
recognized internationally as one of the leading business school.

Increasing awareness of the ethical dimensions of business activities.
Develop student coining strategies to cope with real-time
business problems.
Opportunities for students to develop an appreciation for the
life-long learning process needed to meet immediate as well
as future demands.
Improve creative and cognitive skills of the business
Providing platform for students to apply their skills and
knowledge in public sector organization, corporate and not-
for-profit organizations through business projects.


of 1. Dr. Naveed Akhtar PhD A / Dean 44. Mr. Aijaz Mustafa Hashmi MS/PhD Scholar Lecturer
Management 2. Mr.Nadeem Talib MS/ PhD Scholar Head 45. Ms. Hina Ali MS Lecturer
Assistant Prof
3. Dr. Hina Rehman PhD 46. Ms. Fareeha Riaz MSc Lecturer
Sciences Sciences
4. Mr. Muhammad Haroon MS Assistant Prof 47. Ms. Ada Nabi Mir MA Lecturer
5. Mrs Salma Rehman MA Eng Assistant Prof 48. Mr. Fahad Muqaddas MS Lecturer
6. Dr. Rashid Ahmed Khan PhD Visiting Prof 49. Mr. Zeeshan Muzaffar MS Lecturer
7. Dr. Sajid Hussain Awan PhD Visiting Prof 50. Ms. Hina Shahab MS Lecturer
8. Mr. Hassan Kazmi ACMA Visiting Prof 51. Mrs. Aliya Jalil MBA Lecturer
9. Mr. Basharat Ahmed MBA Visiting Prof
52. Mr. Hanif Shahzad Malik MSC/MBA Lecturer
10. Mr. Zubair Mumtaz MS Lecturer
53. Ms. Noureen Akhtar MS Lecturer
11. Ms. Fouzia Mubarik MS/PhD Scholar Lecturer
54. Ms. Rauza MS Lecturer
12. Ms. Tehmina Rehan MSC/MBA Lecturer
55. Mr. Pervez Akhtar MS/PhD Scholar Lecturer
13. Syed Ali Azfer MS Lecturer
56. Mr. Abdul Waheed Khan MS Lecturer
14. Mr. Naseer A. Rajput MS Lecturer
57. Ms. Nadia Haseeb MBA Lecturer
15. Mr. Waqas Qayyum MPhil Lecturer
58. Ms. Aliya Khan MBA Lecturer
16. Mr. Zaheer Abbas Kazmi MS Lecturer
Lecturer 59. Ms. Ayesha Shahryar Babar MBA Lecturer
17 Mrs. Erum Adnan Qazi MS
Lecturer 60. Ms. Hafsah Zahoor MS Lecturer
18. Ms. Afsheen Abrar MS
Lecturer 61. Mr. M. Iqbal Yasi MS Lecturer
19. Mr. Faid Gul MS
Lecturer 62. Col M. Bukhsh Sial MS Lecturer
20. Ms. Shehla Akhtar MS/PhD Scholar
Lecturer 63. Ms. Shafaq Ashraf MA Eng Lecturer
21. Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed MS/PhD Scholar
Lecturer 64. Ms Bushra Qurrat ul Ain MSC Lecturer
22. Mr. Waris Ali MS/PhD Scholar
Lecturer 65. Ms Nuzhat Maqbool MS Lecturer
23. Mr. Hassan Raza MS/PhD Scholar
Lecturer 66. Mr Raja Manzar Abbas MS Lecturer
24. Mr. Abdul Ghafoor MS
Lecturer 67. Maria Andleeb MS Lecturer
25. Mr. Abdul Rehman MS
Lecturer 68. Ms Irum Jabeen MS Lecturer
26. Mr. Gulfam Khalid MS
Lecturer 69. Ms. Sadia Saeed MS S. Instructor
27. Mr. Jawad Javaid MS
Lecturer 70. Ms. Shanza Khan MS
28. Ms. Seher Zulfiqar MS S. Instructor
Lecturer MSc
29. Mr Zakia Aslam MS 71. Ms. Tabinda Khawar S. Instructor
Lecturer MS
30. Mr. Adnan Iftikhar MBA(UK) 72. Ms. As ma Kiran S. Instructor
Lecturer MS
31. Mr. Ghulam Asghar LLB 73. Mr. Muhammad Arshad Visiting Lecturer
Lecturer Mphil
32. Mr. Najum Janjua LLB /MBA 74. Ms. Farhat Nasim Visiting Lecturer
75. Mr. Hafiz Allah Yar PhD Visiting Lecturer
33. Ms. Qurat ul Ain MBA Lecturer
76. Dr. Summayya PhD Visiting Lecturer
34. Ms. Beenish Javed MS Lecturer
77. Mr. Adnan Ali Khan MBA Sr. Prog Coordinator
35. Ms. Ambreen Channa MS Lecturer
78. Mr. Asim Shah MS/CMA Program Coordinator
36. Ms. Eesha Ghani MBA Lecturer
79. Mr. Nisbat Ali MS Program Coordinator
37. Mrs. Saira Faisal MBA Lecturer
38. Mr. Asad Saleem MS Lecturer
39. Mr. M. Jahangir MS Lecturer
40. Ms. Rabia Azeem MPhil Lecturer
41. Ms.Sarah Badar ul Huda MS Lecturer
42. Ms. Valerie Kakar MPhil Lecturer
43. Mr. Asif Rasool MA Eng Lecturer

Department MSBA (Morning & Evening) Total Cr Hrs = 30 BS Accounting & Finance (Morning & Evening) Total Cr Hrs = 130 Department
of of
Duration : 3 Semesters (MSBA) Duration : 8 Semesters
Management Management
Sciences Admission Criteria : MBA, MPA, M.Com, ACMA, ACA (old) Admission Criteria : FSc/ICS/I.Com with 45% marks/ A-Level with Sciences
or BBA (Hons), B.Com - 4 years program from 50% marks and having studied any one of the
HEC recognized University with at least 2nd subject viz: Math, Physics, Statistics,
division. Qualifying GRE International/NTS Economics, Computer Sciences or Commerce.
devised GAT - General test with score as per
HEC policy at the time of admission

MBA (Morning & Evening) Total Cr Hrs = 90 BBA Honors (Morning & Evening) Total Cr Hrs = 130

Duration : 7 Semesters (MBA) Duration : 8 Semesters

Admission Criteria : BBA/B.Com (2 years program) with 2nd division Admission Criteria : FSc/ICS/I.Com with 45% marks/ A-Level with
or BA/BSc with 2nd Division and preferably 50% marks and having studied any one of the
having studied any one of the subjects subject viz: Math, Physics, Statistics,
viz: Math, Physics, Statistics, Economic, Economics, Computer Sciences or equivalent.
Computer Sciences or Commerce. All HECs
conditions apply NTS/GAT score at least 50%.
BBS (Morning & Evening)
MBA (Morning & Evening) Total Cr Hrs = 66
Duration : 4 Semesters
Duration : 5 Semesters (MBA)
Admission Criteria : BBA/B.Com 2 years program or BA/BS with
Admission Criteria : BE, MBBS, MSc (Natural Sciences) or MA 2nd division and preferably having studied any
with 2nd division and preferably having studied one of the subject viz: Math, Physics, Statistics,
any one of the subjects viz: Math, Physics, Economics, Computer Sciences or Commerce.
Economics, Computer Sciences or Commerce
at graduation level. All HECs conditions apply.
NTS/GAT score at least 50%.
Diploma Business Administration (Morning & Evening)
Total Cr Hrs = 30
MBA Executive (Morning & Evening) Total Cr Hrs = 66
Courses Offered: Courses Offered:
Duration : 2 Semesters

MBA/MSBA (Mor/Evn) Duration : 4 Semesters (MBA)
MBA/MSBA (Mor/Evn)
Admission Criteria : BBA/B.Com 2 years program or BA/BSc with

BS Accounting Admission Criteria : BBA/B.Com (2 Years Program) with 2nd division 2nd division and preferably having studied any
BS Accounting
& Finance (Mor/Evn) or BA/BSc with 2nd division preferably having one of the subject viz: Math, Physics, Statistics, & Finance (Mor/Evn)
studied at least one of the subjects viz: Math, Economics, Computer Sciences or Commerce.

BBA Honors (Mor/Evn) Physics, Statistics, Economics, Computer
BBA Honors (Mor/Evn)
Sciences or Commerce with minimum 4 years of

BBS (Mor/Evn)
BBS (Mor/Evn)
managerial level job experience. All HECs

Diploma Business conditions apply. Certificate Business Administration (Morning & Evening)
Diploma Business
Administration (Mor/Evn) Total Cr Hrs = 15 Administration (Mor/Evn)
MS (Weekend - Sat./Sun.) (Morning Only) Total Cr Hrs = 30

Certificate Business Duration : 6 Months (1 Semester)
Certificate Business
Administration (Mor/Evn) Duration : 3 Semesters (MS) Administration (Mor/Evn)
Admission Criteria : BBA/B.Com 2 years program or BA/BSc with 2nd

Admission Criteria : Old MBA, MPA, M.Com, ACMA, B.Com (4 years) division and preferably having studied any one
(Management Sciences) (Management Sciences)
BBA (4 Years). All HECs conditions apply of the subject viz: Math, Physics, Statistics,
NTS/GAT score at least 50%.
Economics, Computer Sciences or Commerce

Department PhD (Management Sciences) Department

The Department of Economics at National University of Modern
of Languages (NUML) has been working since 2003. of
Duration : 3 - 7 Years Program
Management Economics
Sciences Admission Criteria : PhD is a 3-7 year program (with no provision for The National University of Modern Languages (NUML) was established
in 2000 and its first programme (M.Sc Economics) was launched in fall
extension in time). Students with MS or MPhil in
2003. The classes of the pioneer batch of M.Sc Economics started on
the relevant discipline and graduates or Islamic 11th August 2003 and 27 students were enrolled. Now more than three
schools (accredited by HEC and given hundred students are registered in the degree courses of BS Economics
equivalence or 18 years of schooling) are eligible & Finance (Morning Session), M.Sc Economics (Morning & Evening
Session) degree programmes. MPhil & PhD in Economics have been
for admission with minimum 2nd division or launched under the administrative control of Faculty of Higher Studies.
equivalent marks. They must have GAT (subject)
score (as prescribed by HEC) at the time of Activities of Department
admission. Applicants must have done at least A strong base of research is the hallmark of any higher education
30 credit hours of course work with 6 credit hours institution (HEI) in general and its educational departments in particular.
Department of Economics has a well trained faculty that contributes in
of research work with minimum of 3.0 CGPA
research in different areas of economics like public finance, economic
in MPhil coursework. Appearance in university development, monetary economics, international economics and the
Entrance Test and securing at least 60% marks research publications of the faculty are published in renowned national Ms Saima Shafique
are compulsory. Short listed applicants shall and international journals (accredited) by HEC. The details can be found Head
in the link of Faculty, Department of Economics.
appear for interview. Selected applicants must Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
fulfill other academic requirements for admission Ext: 253
From time to time, department arranges seminars and lectures of Email: [email protected]
in the program as per HEC requirement. renowned scholars on current economic issues for grooming and
updating knowledge base of the students.

1. Ms. Saima Shafique : MPhil HoD/AP
2. Dr. M. Azam Khan : PhD Professor
Courses Offered: 3. Dr. Sabahat Subhan : PhD Assistant Prof
4. Dr. Amtul Hafeez : PhD Assistant Prof

MBA/MSBA (Mor/Evn) 5. Mr. Mansoor Ali Zaidi : MPhil, LLB Lecturer

BS Accounting 6. Mr. Saqib Ali : MPhil Lecturer

& Finance (Mor/Evn) 7. Ms Naveeda Amir : MSc Lecturer
8. Ms Azra Nasir : MPhil Lecturer

BBA Honors (Mor/Evn)

9. Ms. Noor Fatima : MS Lecturer

BBS (Mor/Evn) 10. Ms Shabana Kausar : MPhil Lecturer

Diploma Business 11. Ms. Zakia Batool : MPhil Lecturer

Administration (Mor/Evn) 12. Ms. Saba Bukhari : MSc Lecturer
13. Mr. ShafiUllah Qureshi : MA (USA) Lecturer

Certificate Business
Administration (Mor/Evn) 14. Mr. Hassan Qureshi : MSc (UK) Lecturer

(Management Sciences)

Department FACULTY
of M.Sc Economics (Morning & Evening) OF
Economics ENGLISH
Duration : 4 Semesters
Admission criteria : Graduation with Stats, Maths, Economics BA,
BSc/B.Com at least 2nd division.

Department of
BS (Hons) Economics and Finance English Graduate Studies
Duration : 8 Semesters

Department of
Admission criteria : Intermediate with Stats, Maths, Eco, I-Com/ English Undergraduate Studies
ICS/FSc, at least 2nd division.

Department of
English Functional Courses

Courses Offered:

M.Sc Economics (Mor/Eve)

BS Economics & Finance


Faculty of English Studies started as Department of English (Graduate

Department Studies) in 1996. It offered Masters Degree in English Literature and FACULTY Department
Linguistics. The programme is a blend of 50% Literature and 50%
of English Linguistics, which is one of the most popular choices among students. 1. Dr. Muhammad Saeed Shiekh : PhD HoD / Prof of English
Graduate Studies Subjects like Phonetics and Phonology, General and Historical 2. Ms. Ambrina Qayyum : MA Eng Assistant Prof Graduate Studies
Linguistics, Grammar, Syntax along with study of different genres of
3. Mr. Ejaz Mirza : MPhil Assistant Prof
literature make this programme unique.
4. Mr. Ather Rashid : MPhil Assistant Prof
MA ELT is the second Masters Programme which is offered by the 5. Brig (R) Saleem Akhter : MA Eng Visiting Faculty
Department. It is a state-of-the-art Teacher Training Program and is
popular among budding teachers. Micro Teaching or peer teaching is a 6. Col (R) Muzzafar Ali Khan : MA Eng Visiting Faculty
compulsory component of the ELT Program which simulates practical 7. Prof. Muzaffar Qureshi : MA Eng Visiting Faculty
teaching in the classroom. Group activities form an essential part of the 8. Prof. Bilal Subhani : MA Eng Visiting Faculty
course and it ensures positive contribution to the teaching / learning
process. The department also offers Post Graduate Diploma in TEFL in 9. Dr. Muhammad Uzair : PhD Lecturer
the evening session. 10. Ms. Shehr Bano Zaidi : MPhil Lecturer
11. Ms. Shazia Rose : MA Eng Lecturer
The department has begun to offer two undergraduate programs BSML
(Hons) and B.S (Hons) in English as well. Both programs are broad- 12. Ms. Bushra Khan : MPhil Lecturer
based and are designed and customized according to the resources and 13. Mr. Faisal Malik (on Leave) : MA Eng Lecturer
expertise of NUML, being the only public sector University for languages
Prof. Dr. 14. Ms. Attiya Saman (on Leave) : MA Eng Lecturer
in Pakistan.
Muhammad Saeed Shiekh 15. Ms. Huma Rashid : MA Eng Lecturer
Head The department is striving to provide quality education in the field of 16. Ms. Faiza Younis : MA Eng Lecturer
English studies. All programmes are conducted in accordance with the
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50 latest teaching methodology and as per HEC rules and regulations. All 17. Ms. Sumaria Ashraf : MPhil Lecturer
Ext: 213 members of our faculty are well qualified and ensure that their 18. Ms. Shahida Ibrahim : MA Eng Lecturer
knowledge is readily transferred to their students. : MA Eng
19. Ms. Jaweria Mobeen Lecturer
20. Ms. Rabia Tabassum : MA Eng Lecturer
21. Ms. Rubina Farooq : MA Eng Lecturer
22. Mr. Ayyaz Mehmood : MA Eng Lecturer
23. Ms. Irum Saleem : MA Eng Lecturer
24. Mr. Yasir Arafat (on Leave) : MA Eng Lecturer
25. Mr. Arshad Ali : MA Eng Lecturer
26. Ms. Uzma Mumtaz : MA Eng Lecturer
27. Ms. Ayesha Makhdoom : MA Eng Sr. Instructor
28. Ms. Tayyaba Abbas : MA Eng Sr. Instructor
29. Ms. Khadeeja Mushtaq : MA Eng Cont. Lecturer
30. Ms. Sana Tariq : MA Eng Cont. Lecturer
31. Ms. Rabia Shamim : MA Eng Cont. Lecturer
32. Ms. Sobia Zafar : MA Eng Lecturer
33. Dr. Hazrat Umar : PhD Lecturer

NUML has the singular distinction of being the only modern languages
Department M.A English Literature & Linguistics (Mor & Eve) university in the country. Besides 27 modern languages, a number of Department
of English other disciplines, including social and natural sciences as well as of English
Duration : 4 Semesters engineering, are being offered to the students. The curriculum and
Graduate Studies methodology of teaching, devised for various disciplines, aims at Undergraduate
Admission Criteria : Bachelors Degree with 2nd or 3rd div plus enabling the students to understand, analyze, criticize, describe, explain Studies
English Advanced Diploma (NUML) with at etc. the world around them by applying the knowledge furnished to them
least 65% marks. Applicants must have
at the university. The Department of English is one of the oldest and main
studied English as compulsory subject at
graduation level. Preferene will be given to departments of the university. To ensure management and conduct of
those who have studied Elective English teaching-learning process and other allied academic activities in an
at graduation level. orderly manner, the Department has been divided into three
subdivisions, namely; Department of English (Functional Courses),
Department of English (Graduate Studies) and Department of English
(Undergraduate Studies). Each one of these subdivisions are
M.A English Language Teaching (Mor & Eve) functioning independently, having separate head of department, faculty,
administrative staff and curriculum. Department of English
Duration : 4 Semesters (Undergraduate Studies) offers two 4-year courses, viz; Bachelor of
Studies (English Honours) and Bachelor of Studies (Modern
Admission Criteria : Bachelors Degree with 2nd or 3rd div plus Languages), to the undergraduates. Both of these courses are unique
English Advanced Diploma from (NUML) with Brig (R)
blends of subjects as well as contents, encompassing modern
at least 65% marks. Applicants must have Muhammad Asif, SI(M)
studied English as compulsory subject language(s), linguistics, literature and communication skills, besides a
at graduation level. number of other science and arts subjects. Basing on exceptionally rich
contents as well quality of teaching staff, it can be safely assumed that Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
Applicants already in possession of Ext: 354
MA Degree in English Literature and accredited the students undergoing these courses are really privileged to have Email: [email protected]
PGD of one year's duration in TEFL/TESL been provided with a rare opportunity to equip themselves with requisite
or ELT/English Advanced Diploma in Literature knowledge base they essentially require to further their knowledge and
& equivalent are eligible for exemption scholarship as linguists and researchers.
from the first two semesters.

Post Graduate Diploma TEFL (Evening) 1. Brig (R) Muhammad Asif, SI(M) : M.A English HoD
Courses Offered:
M.A Edu Administration
Duration : 2 Semesters

M.A English Literature & 2. Mr. Qazi Iqbal : MA English Visiting Prof
Linguistics (Mor/Evn) Admission Criteria : Graduation. 3. Mr. Abdul Rehman Abid : MA English Visiting Prof

M.A English Language 4. Mr. Arshad Mahmood : PhD English Asstt Prof
Teaching (Mor/Evn) 5. Mr. Habib ur Rehman : MPhil Asstt Prof

Post Graduate Diploma 6. Ms. Uzma Ahmed : MPhil Asstt Prof
TEFL (Evening) 7. Ms. Attiya Yonis : MPhil Asstt Prof

Department Department of English Language Courses (FC) was established in Department
8. Ms. Munazza Mehmood : MPhil (In Progress) Lecturer 1974, as part of National Institute of Modern Languages. This
of English Department is one of the oldest and largest in NUML. It is serving with the of English
9. Ms. Ayesha Rabbi : MPhil (In Progress) Lecturer
Undergraduate 10. Ms. Ayesha Waqar : MPhil Lecturer
mission to provide quality instructions to local and foreign students who Functional
require English for their professional, academic or personal needs. For
Studies (UGS) 11. Ms. Javeria Ashfaq : MA English Lecturer these students the Department offers one semester foundation, diploma Courses
and certificate courses, both in the morning and evening sessions.
12. Mr. Jamil Asghar : PhD English Lecturer
13. Muntazir Mehdi : MPhil Lecturer Students come with highly diversified language backgrounds and
learning abilities. The Department works hard to help them in acquiring
14. Ms. Nadia Akram : MA English Lecturer the English language with equal proficiency in listening, speaking,
15. Ms. Khadeeja Javeed : MA English Lecturer reading and writing skills. We pride ourselves in adequately equipping
16. Ms. Wajeeha Shah : MA English Lecturer our students with improved communicative skills.
17. Ms. Sadia Hoori : MA English Lecturer The courses run by the Department are activity based where students
18. Mr. Kuhrram Shehzad : MS English Lecturer are taught English with the help of audio and visual aids, flash cards,
news papers and magazines etc. Development of speaking skills and
19. Ms. Atiya Shehnaz : MA English Lecturer
ability to communicate effectively is achieved through extensive practice
20. Ms. Shaista Zeb : MA English Lecturer in public speaking, where all the students are encouraged to participate
21. Ms. Bushra Ashraf : MPhil (In Progress) Lecturer without any hesitation.
22. Ms. Aliya Hammed : MPhil (In Progress) Lecturer Communicative teaching methodology and techniques are being used Ms Sajida Tahir
23. Ms. Atia Saman : MA English Lecturer to make learning and teaching a lot of fun. Our well qualified teachers are Head
24. Ms. Bibi Aruma : MA English Lecturer devoted to their profession. They are there to help / facilitate the students Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
and encourage them to participate in other co-curricular and healthy Ext: 212
25. Ms. Aqsa Iqbal : MA English Lecturer activities such as speech contests, debates, quizzes, general Email: [email protected]
26. Ms. Adeela Musaddar : MA English C. Lecturer knowledge, games and sports.
27. Ms. Noreen Naz : MA English C. Lecturer
28. Ms. Uzma Moin : MA English C. Lecturer
29. Ms. Sidra Sarfraz : MA English C. Lecturer
30. Mr. Azhar Habib : MPhil C. Lecturer
31. Mr. Muhammad Yousaf : MPhil C. Lecturer
32. Syyeda Farihatulain Rizvi : MPhil (In Progress) S. Instructor
33. Ms. Tazeem Imran : MA (Pak Studies) C. Lecturer
34. Zainab Yousaf : MS-IT V. Lecturer

Courses Offered:
BS Honours English (Mor & Eve)

BS Honours English
Duration : 8 Semesters

BSML Honours English Admission Criteria : Intermediate with 45% marks or A-Level
with 50% marks or equivalent.

BSML Honours English (Mor & Eve)

Duration : 8 Semesters
Admission Criteria : Intermediate with 45% marks
Major Language (6 semesters) in Arabic, Chinese, English,
(Elective) : French, German, Persian and Urdu
(for foreign nationals only).
Minor Language (2 semesters) in Arabic, Chinese, English,
(Elective) : French, German, Italian, Persian, Spanish,
Turkish and Urdu (for foreign nationals only).

Department FACULTY 41. Mr. Abdur Rehman : MA Cont. Lecturer

42. Mr. Mansoor Qayyum : MA/MA ELT/MCS Cont. Lecturer
of English 1. Ms. Sajida Tahir : MA/MA TEFL Head of English
43. Ms. Ghazal Anwar : MA Cont. Lecturer
Functional 2. Lt. Col Nazir Alam : MA Visiting Prof Functional
: MPhil 44. Ms. Amina Doreen : BAA Cont. Lecturer
Courses 3. Mr. Mohammad Niaz Asstt. Prof Courses
4. Dr. Naz Khan : PhD Lecturer 45. Ms. Rabia Sarwat : MA Cont. Lecturer
5. Mrs. Nusrat Nasir : MA Lecturer 46. Ms. Rabab Rizvi : MA Cont. Lecturer
6. Ms. Najma Qayyum : MA Lecturer 47. Ms. Saima Yasin : MPhil Cont. Lecturer
7. Ms. Sadaf Nasim : MA/MA TEFL Lecturer 48. Ms. Amina Siddique : MA Cont. Lecturer
8. Ms. Salma Qayyum : MA Lecturer
9. Ms. Uzma Riasat : MA Lecturer
Advanced Diploma Language (Morning & Afternoon)
10. Ms. Farhat Jabeen : MA Lecturer
11. Ms. Asma Ayub : MA Lecturer Duration : 2 Semesters
12. Mr. Bilal Hussain : MA Lecturer
Admission Criteria : Graduation
13. Ms. Ammara Sumbal : MA Lecturer
14. Ms. Slavia Razzaq : MA Lecturer
15. Ms. Mehwish Zaraf : MA/MA ELT Lecturer Diploma Course in English (Morning & Afternoon)
16. Mr. Taimur Malik : MA Lecturer
Duration : 1 Semester
17. Ms. Irum Shehzadi : MA Lecturer
18. Ms. Fatima Hussain : MA Lecturer Admission Criteria : Intermediate or Matriculation with Certificate
19. Mr. Bashir Ahmed : MA Lecturer Course in English Language from NUML.
Courses Offered:
20. Mrs. Sajida Naveed : MA Lecturer
21. Ms. Atifa Gul : MA Sr. Instructor Certificate Course in English (Morning & Afternoon)
Advanced Diploma
22. Ms. Farah Hashmi : MPhil Sr. Instructor Language (Mor/Afternoon)
Duration : 1 Semester
23. Mr. Aqleem Ejaz : MA/MA ELT Cont. Lecturer
Diploma Course in
24. Ms. Faiza Zeb : MA Cont. Lecturer Admission Criteria : Matriculation English (Mor/Afternoon)
25. Mr. Gohar Ali : MA Cont. Lecturer

Certificate Course in
26. Ms. Farhat Batool : MA Cont. Lecturer English (Mor/Afternoon)
Foundation Course in English (Morning & Afternoon)
27. Ms. Yubah Bilal : MA Visiting Lecturer
28. Ms. Sidra Raheez Qamar : MA Cont. Lecturer Duration : 1 Semester
Foundation Course in
English (Mor/Afternoonn)
29. Ms. Amina Ghazanfar : MPhil Cont. Lecturer
Admission Criteria : Matriculation
30. Ms. Shumaila Nasreen : MA Cont. Lecturer
IELTS (Evening)
31. Mr. Tanvir Khatana : MA Cont. Lecturer
Speaking Proficiency
32. Ms. Kishwar Sultana : MA Cont. Lecturer Course (Evening)
33. Mr. Hamid Naveed : MA/PGD TEFL Cont. Lecturer Duration : 3 Months
34. Mr. M. Arif Hashmi : MA/MA ELT Cont. Lecturer
35. Ms. Nighat Fahim : MA Cont. Lecturer Admission Criteria : Matriculation

36. Ms. Afsheen Kahifa : MA Cont. Lecturer

37. Ms. Tayyaba Tabassum : MA Cont. Lecturer Speaking Proficiency Course (Eve)
38. Ms. Iqra Arif : MA Cont. Lecturer Duration : 3 Months
39. Ms. Quratul Ain Mughal : MA Cont. Lecturer
40. Mr. Ahmed Mehmood : MA Cont. Lecturer Admission Criteria : Adult learners older than 16
Sipra years of age.

FACULTY Department of Education has provided professionally skilled teachers at

OF secondary level who have risen to high institution. The first batch of 5 of
PhD scholars has made its mark. All of them are actively engaged in Education
SOCIAL University level teaching. The Department is proud to attract sufficient
number of new scholars for M.Phil and PhD every year. So far 32 Ph.D
SCIENCES and 9 M.Phil have been awarded degree. The Department has 09 Ph.D

Department of teachers. Till today 150 scholars have registered and have shown
Education remarkable improvement in their theoretical knowledge and research

Department of B.Ed and M.Ed students get immediate employment at elementary or
secondary levels. M.A education degree is useful to become lecturer in
Pak Studies & History colleges where subject of education is offered. M.A in Educational
Planning and Management is a professional leadership degree and is
needed at college and school levels for managerial employment .

Department of
Introduction of MSc Psychology programme has fulfilled the aspiration of
Governance & educational leaders with a flair for educational psychology to acquire
Public Policy better understanding of human psyche and learning theories.
Prof. Dr. Brig (R)
The department of education is offering M.Phil and Ph.D programme. Allah Bakhsh Malik

Department of For details please visit the following link. Head
International Relations
Tele: +92 51 9257646
Ext: 248
Email: [email protected]

Department of
Islamic Studies

Department of
Mass Communication

Department of
Peace & Conflict Studies

Department FACULTY Department

M.A in EPM (Mor & Eve)
of of
1. Brig. (R) Dr. Allah Bakhsh Malik : PhD HoD / Prof
Education Duration : 4 Semesters Education
2. Lt Col (R) Ghulam Muhammad : MA Visiting Prof
3. Dr. Sufiana Khatoon : PhD Assistant Prof Admission Criteria : B.A / B.Sc 2nd Div
4. Dr. Khush Bakhat Hina : PhD Assistant Prof
5. Ms. Saira Nudrat : MPhil Assistant Prof M.A in Education (Mor & Eve)
6. Dr. Hukam Dad : PhD Lecturer
7. Ms. Rakhshanda Hashmi : M Ed Lecturer Duration : 4 Semesters
8. Dr. Maryam Din : PhD Lecturer Admission Criteria : B.A / B.Sc 2nd Div
9. Dr. Shazia Zamir : PhD Lecturer
10. Ms. Rubana Saed : M Ed Lecturer
M.Sc Psychology (Mor & Eve)
11. Ms. Sundus Kshmiri : MSc Lecturer
12. Ms. Samra Afzal : MA Lecturer Duration : 4 Semesters
13. Ms. Qurat Ul Ain : MA Lecturer
Admission Criteria : B.A 2nd Div Psy as Major Subject
14. Ms. Uzma Yaqoob : M Ed Lecturer
15. Ms. Wajiha Aurangzeb : MA Lecturer
16. Ms. Samina Sulman : MA Lecturer Master of Education (M.Ed) (Mor & Eve)
17. Ms. Uzma Mazhar : MA Senior Instructor
Duration : 2 Semesters
18. Ms. Beenish Imtiaz : MA Senior Instructor
19. Ms Mehwish Pervaiz : MA Senior Instructor Admission Criteria : B.Ed 2nd Div
20. Ms. Misbah Yasmeen : MA Cont. Lecturer
21. Ms. Fouzia Bibi : MA Cont. Lecturer Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) (Mor & Eve)
22. Ms. Saira Jabeen Malik : M Ed Cont. Lecturer
23. Ms. Hina Shaukat : MA Cont. Lecturer Duration : 2 Semesters Courses Offered:
24. Ms. Najma Kousar : MPhil Cont. Lecturer Admission Criteria : nd
B.A / B.Sc (2 Div)
25. Ms. Iram Hayat : MPhil Cont. Lecturer

M.A Education
26. Ms. Humaira Naseer : MSc Cont. Lecturer Associate Degree in Education (ADE) (Mor & Eve)
27. Ms. Tayyaba Safdar : MS Cont. Lecturer
M.Sc Psychology
28. Ms. Sadaf Riaz : MS Cont. Lecturer Duration : 4 Semesters

Master of Education (M.Ed)
Admission Criteria : nd
F.A / F.Sc 2 Div
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)

Associate Degree
in Education (ADE)
B.Ed (Hons) (Mor & Eve)
B.Ed (Hons)

Duration : 8 Semesters

Admission Criteria : F.A / F.Sc 2nd Div

BS.Ed (Mor & Eve)

Duration : 8 Semesters

Admission Criteria : F.A / F.Sc 2nd Div


Department of Department of Governance & Public Policy studies is one of FACULTY Department of
Governance & the most important departments of the university as it teaches Governance &
'Governance' the study and application of which is of foremost 1. Maj Gen
Public Policy importance for our country at this critical juncture. The department was Syed Usman Shah, HI(M) : MSc HoD / Professor
Public Policy
established in Aug 2006 and since then members of the department
have been committed to excellence in teaching, research, and 2. Maj Gen
promoting the ideals of governance. Ovais Mushtaq, HI(M) : MSc, MS Professor
MSc Governance and Public Policy is a two-years (4 3. Prof. M. Owais Qureshi : MA Professor
semesters) full-time degree programme which combines teaching in 4. Col (R) Hakim Khan : MA / LLB Professor
policy and administrative disciplines with major focus on Governance.
This interdisciplinary programme is designed for talented and 5. Col (R) Naseem Anwar : MBA / ME Lecturer
motivated students aiming for executive positions in government 6. Mr. Shah Din : MPhil Lecturer
agencies or non-profit organizations, on the local, regional, national, and
7. Col Basharat Ali : MPhil Lecturer
international level. During the course of two years, students learn to
comprehend the theoretical underpinnings of governmental processes. 8. Mrs. Kakeshan Rizwan : MSc Lecturer
They develop their critical, analytical and practical abilities on socio-
9. Mr. Shahid Habib : MSc, (PhD Scholar) Lecturer
political aspects of governance models, through practical training. For
this purpose curriculum combines a wide range of subjects like, 10. Mrs. Saadia Hashmi : MPhil Senior Instructor
Governance Theories and Practices, Public Policy, Social 11. Syed Waqas Ali Kausar : MSc, (PhD Scholar) Senior Instructor
Accountability, State and Administrative Law, Multilevel Governance,
Maj Gen (R) Global Governance, Financial & Corporate Governance, Quantitative
Syed Usman Shah and Qualitative Analysis. Keeping the significance of managing
Head disasters and their interrelationship with governance, Disaster
Management is taught as subject wherein students are exposed to on
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50 ground situations through institutional linkages with NDMA/ERRA/
Ext: 330 PDMA etc.
Email: [email protected] The programme's strong practice-oriented approach provides M.Sc Governance & Public Policy (Mor/Eve) Total Cr Hrs = 60
a great opportunity to students of governance in competitive exams of Duration : 4 Semesters
Civil Superior Services (CSS) wherein subject like Governance, Public
Administration, and Public Policy as part of curriculum give the Admission Criteria : BA/ BSc/ B. Com or equivalent with Courses Offered:
advantage to prospective candidates in their preparations. 2nd Division from a recognized University
Research is the forte of students of governance through which

M.Sc in
they equip themselves with the theoretical tools and empirical evidence Diploma in Governance (Mor/Eve) Total Cr Hrs = 15 Governance &
necessary for an in-depth understanding and conducting research for Public Policy
the betterment of the society. Students become eligible for award of the Duration : 1 Semester
degree if they undertake field research which hones their skills in
practical governance. Admission Criteria : BA/ BSc/ B. Com or equivalent with
Diploma in
A large proportion of our graduates have been successful in 2nd Division from a recognized University Governance
securing decent employment in public and private sectors.
Employees already in service in governmental organizations Diploma in Public Policy (Mor/Eve) Total Cr Hrs = 15
Diploma in
are encouraged to take evening courses to sharpen their skills for better Public Policy
understanding of the scope of their work for assuming higher Duration : 1 Semester
Admission Criteria : BA/ BSc/ B. Com or equivalent with
Diploma in
All those avid and ardent candidates, craving for in-depth
2nd Division from a recognized University Public Administration
knowledge on Governance and its socio-political dimensions are
welcome to join us in MSc G&PP wherein the department aims at
educating all ages/ genders to steer the governance affairs methodically Diploma in Public Administration (Mor/Eve) Total Cr Hrs = 15
with an analytical mind aiming at maximizing results.
Duration : 1 Semester
Admission Criteria : BA/ BSc/ B. Com or equivalent with
2nd Division from a recognized University

Department of The Department of International Relations was established in 2003. It Department of

International M.Sc IR (Mor/Eve)
is a vibrant and fast growing entity of the Faculty of Social Sciences. With International
Relations an aim to provide comprehension of inter-state relations, the department Duration : 2 Years (4 Semesters) Relations
has drawn the courses upon such diverse fields as Political Philosophy,
History, International Law, Economics, Geography, Political Studies, Admission Criteria : a. Bachelors with any of the Social Science
Sociology, Anthropology, Social Psychology, Feminist/Gender Studies, subjects; candidates having studied the
relevant subject, particularly Political
Area Studies and Cultural Studies. It involves a diverse range of issues,
Science/IR, will be preferred
including globalization, state sovereignty, international security,
b. Minimum 2nd division in all the academic records
ecological sustainability, nuclear proliferation, global economic
c. Passing the written test and interview.
governance, terrorism, organized crime, human security, foreign
interventionism and human rights.

The department offers M.Sc, M.Phil and PhD in International Relations,

Brig Dr Muhammad Javed
Head each embodying research work of varying degree across a broad range
of subjects. National and international, along with internal
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
Ext: 260
seminars/conferences are held regularly to further foster academic
Email: [email protected] faculties of the students. The department has an independent Computer
Lab with internet facility and its own Library, which serve as important
sources for an academic environment conducive to research. It is
located in Ghazali Block in the main campus of NUML, Islamabad.
Courses Offered:

1. Brig Dr. Muhammad Javed : PhD HoD
2. Dr. Muhammad Riaz Shad : PhD Assistant Prof
3. Mrs. Sarwat Rauf : MPhil Assistant Prof
4. Ms. Pashmina Mughal : MPhil Assistant Prof
5. Dr. Kusum Saba : PhD Assistant Prof
6. Mr. G.H. Abid Sipra : MPhil Lecturer
7. Mr. Rashid Khan : MSc Lecturer
8. Mr. Ghazanfar Ali Garewal : MS Lecturer
9. Ms. Tabinda Zehra : MPhil Senior Instructor
10. Mrs. Saadia Ishtiaq : MSc Senior Instructor
11. Mr. Attiq-ur-Rehman : MPhil Senior Instructor

Department The Department of Islamic Studies is one of the pioneer teaching units at FACULTY Department
of NUML and has a leading role in achieving the objectives for which this of
international seat of Islamic learning was established. 1. Dr. Syed Abdul Ghaffar Bukhari : PhD HoD
Islamic Studies Islamic Studies
It is a matter of great pleasure to state that the department of Islamic 2. Dr. Attaullah Faizi : PhD V / Associate Prof
Studies is contributing substantially within its capacity to the enhancement 3. Dr. Noor Hayat : PhD Asstt. Prof
of true Islamic teachings of Quran and Hadith through producing a sizable
number of Islamic Scholars- both male and female. 4. Dr. Aasia Rashid : PhD Cont. Lecturer
It is also trying its level best to create a regular culture of research at all 5. Dr. Sumyyah Rafique : PhD Lecturer
levels of degree courses of M.A, M.Phil., Ph.D. Our sole purpose as a 6. Mrs. Afia Medhi : MPhil Lecturer
faculty is to do utmost to elevate quality education through creative 7. Dr.Hafiz Allah Yar : PhD Lecturer
research a top most academic achievement in Islam.
8. Mr. Wahidullah Ayub : MPhil Cont. Lecturer
The main objectives of the Department in brief are:
9. Ms. Irum Sultana : MA Cont. Lecturer
1. To produce competent scholars who are well versed in basic Islamic
disciplines and capable of guiding the Muslim Ummah in molding its life in 10. Ms. Saira Jabeen Malik : MA Cont. Lecturer
accordance with the teachings of Islam. 11. Mr. Junaid Afzal : MA Cont. Teaching
2. To produce scholars who have a clear perception of the contemporary Assistant
Muslim society and of the dangers threatening its very existence and future
survival. They are also expected to be capable of drawing up plans to deal
Dr effectively with the designs of the enemies of Muslim Ummah to annihilate
Syed Abdul Ghaffar Bukhari Islam as an ideology and to obstruct the efforts of the Muslims to
Head restructure their social life according to Islamic principles and values. M.A Islamic Studies (Mor & Eve)
3. To enlighten the students on the modern methods and techniques of Duration : 4 Semesters
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50 Da'wah and train them in the application of audio-visual equipment for
Ext: 254 effective education of the Muslim masses about the fundamental moral Admission Criteria : Graduation with 2nd division with Islamic Studies
Email: [email protected]
and spiritual teachings of Islam. as an Elective Subject..
4. To familiarize the Muslim youth with contemporary ideologies and
philosophies threatening the very existence of Islamic communities and to
Undergraduate Level
train them to combat their influence in the Muslim world.
As a compulsory subject at various departments, i.e. BBA , BS
5. To educate the students about the modern sociological and
psychological theories that would enable them to understand the Mass Com, BS Eng, BSML, BETE, BSCS (Morning & Evening) is
psychology of the masses and the socioeconomic environments taught by the faculty members.
surrounding them.

Summer Courses Courses Offered:

Duration : 12 to 13 week Ph.D

Admission Criteria : M.A Islamic Studies Degree holder from any HEC M.Phil
Recognized University M.A Islamic Studies
Summer courses
(Field of Specialization
in Serra, Hadith,
History etc)

Department The spectacular growth of mass media in Pakistan requires a continuing 16. Raja Umar Siddique : MPhil Cont Lecturer Department
stream of professional skills in print, electronic and new media. The 17. Ms. Quratulain Saleem : MSc Cont Lecturer
of Department of Mass Communication at NUML is working to prepare of
18. Ms. Saima Niazi : MA Cont Lecturer
Mass professionals for these fields to meet the challenges of what has often Mass
been described as the new information society. Apart from providing the 19. Mr. Majid Khan : MA Cont Lecturer
Communication necessary academic background, including opportunities for carrying Communication
20. Ms. Sobia Javed : MSc Cont Lecturer
out new researches, the department aims to equip its students with a
professional expertise necessary to come up to the new challenges. The 21. Mr. Tariq Mehmood : MSc Cont Lecturer
courses offered, therefore, have both academic and practical content. 22. Mr. Taimur Shamil : MSc Cont Lecturer
They are revised from time to time keeping in view the latest 23. Mr. Muhammad Idris : MA Cont Lecturer
24. Mr. Adnan Ramzan : MA Cont Lecturer
The department has forty four full-time and adjunct teaching staff which
comprises a fine blend of distinguished professionals and young, 25. Ms. Ayesha Siddiqua : MPhil Cont Lecturer
upcoming academics. We have a set of inquisitive and enterprising 26. Ms. Noor-ul-Ain : MS Cont Lecturer
students who are eager to learn, and to put to the best use, the skills 27. Ms. Sadaf Asif : MSc Cont. Sr. Instructor
acquired here in their professional careers as mass media practitioners.
There is a professional, dynamic curriculum ready for them to support 28. Ms. Rubina Nayab : MSc Cont. Instructor
their ambitions. Here we nurture and produce graduates who would 29. Mr. Amir Qureshi : MA Visiting Lecturer
contribute to national growth through creative, innovative and
professional use of the mass media. 30. Mr. Abdul Haleem : MPhil Visiting Lecturer
31. Mr. Haroon Elahi Toor : MPhil Visiting Lecturer
Mufti Jamiluddin Ahmad The Department of Mass Communication was established in August
2003 at the University. It offers M.Sc and BS (Hons.) programmes both in 32. Hafiz Allah Yar : MPhil Visiting Lecturer
the morning and evening sessions. The department also has introduced 33. Ms. Saba Bukhari : MSc Visiting Lecturer
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50 a special sequence of short courses in print and electronic media.
Ext: 352 Up until now, 30 batches have qualified from the department. More than
Email: [email protected] 530 students are currently studying for various courses. To enhance the M.Sc Mass Communication (Mor & Eve)
effectiveness of the programmes, learning a foreign language in the
fourth semester has been introduced. Presently, the students are having Duration : 4 Semesters
courses in Arabic, Chinese, French and German. Admission Criteria : Graduation with 2nd Division
Campus Radio (NUML Call FM 104.6) has been working since 2006
under the Department of Mass Communication. The Department has a
Computer Lab and Electronic Media Lab to help students enhance their B.S Mass Communication (Mor & Eve)
skills in the respective fields.
Duration : 8 Semesters Courses Offered:

FACULTY Admission Criteria : F.A / F.Sc with 2nd Division

1. Mufti Jamiluddin Ahmad : MPhil HoD
Mass Communication
2. Lt. Col (R) Syed Munawar Ali : MPhil Cont. Professor
3. Mr. Mateen Haider : MSc Cont. Professor B.S
Mass Communication
4. Col (R) Mansoor Rashid : MA Cont. Professor
5. Ms. Ghousia Shabir : MSc Lecturer
6. Mr. Mudassir Mukhtar : MPhil Lecturer
7. Ms. Addeba Akhtar : MA Lecturer
8. Ms. Attia Zulfiqar : MPhil Lecturer
9. Ms. Nosheen Yousaf : MA Lecturer
10. Ms. Amna Zulfiqar : MSc Cont. Lecturer
11. Mr. Aqeel Ahmed : MSc Cont. Lecturer
12. Mr. Babar Iqbal : MA Cont. Lecturer
13. Mr. Muhammad Kahif : MA Cont. Lecturer
14. Mr. Qasim Mahmood : MS Cont. Lecturer
15. Raja Kamran : MPhil Cont. Lecturer

Department Department of Pakistan Studies was established in 2003. Since Department

the establishment of the Department of Pakistan Studies at the
of National University of Modern Languages in 2003, nearly 15 MSc Pakistan Studies (Mor & Eve) of
Pak Studies batches have graduated and serving in the fields of teaching and Pak Studies
private sector successfully. Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
and History and History
Session starts: February/September
Pakistan Studies, unlike other disciplines, is an inter-disciplinary
subject and encompasses many fields of knowledge. The aim of Admission criteria: Graduation with 2nd division
Pakistan Studies is to introduce students to a comprehensive and
conceptual interdisciplinary knowledge about Pakistan. The
M.A History (Evening Only)
programme covers all major dimensions of the interdisciplinary
approach of studying the areas and region. It provides better
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
understanding of the factors leading to the creation of Pakistan
while appreciating various aspects of its history, ideology, culture, Session starts: February/September
geography, politics, economy, its strategic location and
significance, part being played by it in regional and international Admission criteria: Graduation with 2nd division
affairs. The analytical approach based on reasoning as well as
empirical realities of the issues, are the methods of investigation. Orientation to CSS Graduation (2nd Div)
Summer Course
Curriculum of Pakistan Studies has also been designed to
inculcate a sense of gratitude to Almighty Allah for blessing
Brig (R) Muslims of the Indo-Pak subcontinent with an independent and
sovereign state and understanding the importance of national Pakistan Studies as a subject In:
Wasiq Ahmad Khan
Head integration cohesion and patriotism. Pakistan Studys
Management Sciences
comprehensive syllabus is ideal for preparation for the
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50 competitive exams (CSS) covering nearly all the compulsory and BS Mass Communication
Ext: 351 various optional subjects. BS Economics
Email: [email protected]
The department is also teaching the compulsory course of BS English
Pakistan Studies at Graduate level in the faculties of IT and
Engineering, Management Sciences, English Studies and Social
Science etc.

Courses Offered:
1. Brig (R) Wasiq Ahmed Khan : HoD
2. Ms. Qamar-un-Nisa : Asstt Professor
M.Sc Pak Studies
3. S. Hamid Mahmood Bukhari : Asstt Professor
4. Dr. M. Shoaib Malik : Lecturer
5. Dr. Fazal Rabbi : Lecturer w
M.A History
6. Ms. Munazza Mubarik : Lecturer (Evening)
7. Mr. Gul Muhammad : Lecturer
8. Ms. Farhat Nasim : Lecturer
9. Ms. Asifa Zafar : Lecturer
10. Maj Khalil Ahmad : Asstt Professor

It was the vision of Rector, NUML to introduce a new discipline of Peace

Department of and Conflict Studies in the University. He discussed the idea with FACULTY
Peace and Dr. Z. A. Qureshi, Head of Department, International Relations and

Conflict Studies
consequently, the discipline of Peace and Conflict Studies was
introduced from Fall Semester 2012 within the framework of the
Department of International Relations. LANGUAGES
However, when the discipline matured with the students reaching to the
4th Semester in Spring Semester of 2014, the Management took a
decision to establish a full-fledged new Department of Peace and
Conflict Studies on 4th April 2014. The Faculty was allocated from within
the Faculty of the Department of International Relations, Peace and
Conflict Studies. Dr. Z. A. Qureshi was appointed the first Head of
Department, Peace and Conflict Studies.
The new department is a vibrant and an important entity of the overall
Faculty of Social Sciences.
The Peace and Conflict Studies is a trans-disciplinary discipline looking
into the myriad reasons for various forms of conflicts and achieving
peace in this turbulent world.
With an aim to provide comprehension on Peace and Conflict Studies, ORIENTAL LANGUAGES
the department has drawn the courses in such diverse fields as peace
studies, traditional and non-traditional security, international law,
political economy of peace and conflict era, geography, sociology,
Dr Z A Qureshi anthropology, social psychology, feminist/gender studies, area studies
Head and cultural studies etc. etc.

Tele: +92 51 9257646-50 FACULTY

Ext: 258 : PhD
Email: [email protected]
1. Dr. Z. A. Qureshi HoD
2. Mr. Sanaullah Khan : MPhil Assistant Prof
3. Mr. Ashfaq Ahmad Malik : MPhil Assistant Prof
4. Mr. Qamar Abbas : MPhil Lecturer
5. Mrs. Aliya Naseer : MSc Lecturer
6. Mrs. Mariam Haider : MSc Lecturer
7. Ambassador Fauzia Noreen : MA Eng Visiting Faculty
8. Brig Fraz Ahmad Khan : MSC Visiting Faculty
9. Mr. Muhammad Aslam Khokhar : MA Visiting Faculty
Courses Offered: 10. Col Muhammad Ahsan : MPhil Visiting Faculty
11. Mr. Rehan Zafar : MPhil Visiting Faculty
M.Sc PCS (Morning/Evening)
Duration : 4 Semesters
Admission Criteria : a. B. A./B. Sc. degree in Political Science,
International Relations or any other
discipline of Social Sciences
b. Minimum 2nd division, 3rd division
holders are not acceptable.
c. Candidates will have to clear the written
test as well as the interview.
d. Candidates whose final result for
Graduation Examinations has not been
declared are entitled to apply for admission
and could seek provisional admission
on clearing the written test and interview
subject to provision of their final results
of graduation.
e. Minimum and maximum duration of the
program - 02 to 04 years.

Arabic is the first language of approximately two hundred and six million Department
FACULTY people in the Middle East and North Africa. Being the language of Quran,
OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES it is also an important language for a multitude of non-Arab Muslims of
living around the world. Arabic is therefore a second language to almost Arabic Language
LANGUAGES two hundred and forty six million people. All these numbers make Arabic
as one of the most widespread of the living Semitic languages, having
various dialectic varieties. The understanding of Arabic language allows
greater understanding of Islam, as a universal religion.
Department of Arabic Language
With a view to promoting and understanding this important language, the

Department of Bahasa Indonesia Department of Arabic, at NUML, was established in 1973. Up till now the
Department has the credit of teaching and training a significantly large

Department of Bengali Language number of local and foreign students.

Department of Chinese Language The Department offers programmes with well-integrated curriculum at
Functional Courses like Certificate, Diploma (Morning & Evening),

Department of Hindi Language Interpretership level, short courses for Armed Forces, undergraduate
leval BSML&BS Arabic four years and postgraduate levels (MA two

Department of Japanese Language years, M.Phil and PhD), combining modules of study on Arabic language
and literature. Whether you are interested in learning Arabic for basic

Department of Korean Language communication skills, or in order to use it effectively in business,
education, law, health, media, translation or community work, we have Dr Syed Ali Anwar
appropriate Arabic courses for beginners as well as for advanced Arabic Dean

Department of Pakistani Languages students.
Tele: +92 51 9257643

Department of Persian Language Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
Ext: 210

Department of Urdu Language Email: [email protected]


Department of French Language

Department of German Language

Department of Italian Language

Department of Russian Language

Department of Spanish Language

Department of Turkish Language

Department Diploma in Interpretership (Morning) Department
Duration : 3 Semesters
of 1. Dr. S. Ali Anwar : PhD Professor / Dean of
Arabic Language 2. Mr. Abdus Salam : MA Assistant Prof Admission Criteria : Intermediate with Diploma Course in Arabic Language
3. Dr. Fadhila Daud : PhD Assistant Prof Arabic language.
4. Dr. Nasreen Tahir : PhD Assistant Prof
5. Dr. Asma-ul-Husna : PhD Assistant Prof Diploma Course (Morning)
6. Mr. M. Abu Bakar Bhutta : MA Lecturer Duration : 1 Semester
7. Mr. Rana Amanullah : MA Lecturer Admission Criteria : Intermediate/Matriculation with Certificate
8. Mrs. Kausar Arshad : MA Lecturer Course in Arabic Language
9. Dr. Salma Shahida : PhD Lecturer
10. Mr. Tahir Mahmood : MA Lecturer Certificate Course (Morning)
11. Mr. Qasam Azzam Bhutta : MA Lecturer Duration : 1 Semester
12. Dr. Kafait Ullah Hamdani : PhD Lecturer Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent.
13. Mr. Abdullah M. Bilal : MA Lecturer
14. Dr. Lubna Farah : PhD Lecturer Special Certificate-I (Evening)
15. Dr. Noor Zaman : PhD Lecturer Duration : Courses Offered:
1 Semester
16. Mr. Arshid Mahmood : MA Lecturer
Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent.
17. Dr. H. Mohammad Badshah : PhD Lecturer

18. Mr Naeem Ashraf : MA Lecturer
: MA Special Certificate-II (Evening)
M.A Arabic
19. Mr. Yasir Ali Lecturer
20 Mr. Muhammad Ismail : MA Lecturer Duration : 1 Semester
BS Arabic
21. Ms. Sana Ayesha : MA Lecturer Admission Criteria :
Diploma in Interpretership
Matriculation with special Certificate-I in
22. Mr. Hayatullah Khan : MA Lecturer Arabic from NUML.
Diploma Course
23. Maj Noor Ahmad Khan : MA Lecturer

Certificate Course
Special Diploma Course (Evening)
Ph.D Arabic
Special Certificate - I
Duration : 1 Semester
Duration : 4 to 7 Years
Special Certificate - II
Admission Criteria : Intermediate/ Matriculation with Certificate
Admission Criteria : M. Phil Arabic from any Course in Arabic Language.
Special Diploma Course
HEC Recognized University
GAT (Subject) score as given by HEC
Arabic Typing &
Arabic Typing & Computer Course (Evening) Computer Course
M.Phil Arabic
Duration : 3 Months
Summer Course in
Duration : 2 to 4 Years Arabic Language
Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Certificate Course
Admission Criteria : MA Arabic Degree holder from any
Short Course in
in Arabic Language. Arabic Language
HEC Recognized University
GAT (General) score as given by HEC
Summer Course in Arabic Language
M.A Arabic (Morning)
Duration : 5 Weeks
Duration : 4 Semesters Admission Criteria : Matriculation.
Admission Criteria : Graduation with 2nd division with Arabic as an
Elective subject or Diploma in Arabic from NUML. Short Courses in Arabic Language
BS Arabic (Morning)
Duration : 13 Weeks
Duration : 8 Semesters
Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Certificate Course
Admission Criteria : FA/FSc with at least 45% marks. in Arabic Language.

Department Bengali language, at NUML, is relatively new as it commenced in 2006. Department

of Department of Bahasa Indonesia is working with the aim to train those Bengali courses have been designed to build fluency in both spoken and
students who are planning to pursue careers in countries where this written language. of
Bahasa Bengali
language is spoken. Department has developed its educational Bengali language is spoken in Bangladesh and the neighbouring Indian
Indonesia state of West Bengal. It is the national and official language of Language
programs according to a model of professionalism that brings together Bangladesh. It reflects the rich literary traditions and diverse culture of
theoretical understanding with its practical manifestations. people of Bangladesh.

Prof Prof
Dr Mrs Naseema Khatoon FACULTY 1. Col. M. Kamal ud Din (R) : Coordinator
Dr Mrs Naseema Khatoon
Administrative Head Administrative Head
1. Ms. Farah Mayuni : MA Lecturer 2. Rumaiya Jasmin Fatima : Lecturer
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50 Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
2. Mr. Mus'abIbnu Mujahid : BSc Instructor
Ext: 216 Ext: 216
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
BS Honours Course (Morning)
Diploma Course (Morning) Duration : 8 Semesters
Duration : 2 Semesters
Admission Criteria : Intermediate with Advanced Diploma
Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Certificate course in Bengali Language from NUML.
in Indonesian Language Advanced Diploma (Morning)
Duration : 2 Semesters
Certificate Course (Morning)
Admission Criteria : Matriculation / Intermediate with
Duration : 1 Semester Diploma Course in Bengali Language.
Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent
Diploma Course (Morning)
Duration : 1 Semester

Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Certificate Course

in Bengali Language.

Certificate Course (Evening) Courses Offered:

Duration : 1 Semester
BS Honours
Courses Offered:

Advanced Diploma
Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent.
Diploma Course

Diploma Course
Crash Bengali Course (Evening)
Certificate Course

Certificate Course
Crash Bengali Course
Duration : 6 Weeks

Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent.


Department FACULTY Department

of Department of Chinese language, at NUML, was established in 1970, 1. Mr. He Xinghan : MPhil HoD of
with a view to promoting the understanding of Chinese language and
Chinese Language culture by enhancing the ability of the students in its use.
2. Mrs. Misbah Rashid : MPhil Assistant Professor Chinese Language
3. Mrs. Rukhsana Hassan : MPhil Assistant Professor
To fulfil its aim, the Department helps the students to acquire the 4. Mrs. Ji Lili : MA Assistant Professor
necessary knowledge and skills in Chinese for expediting their progress
toward excellence in the language. 5. Mr. Zafar Naveed : MA Lecturer
6. Mrs. Rashida Mustafa : MA Senior Instructor
Department combines study of Chinese language, literature, history, 7. Mr. Aziz-ur-Rehman : MA Senior Instructor
culture, philosophy, and translation in courses offered primarily for
undergraduate and postgraduate students. Our language enhancement 8. Ms. Humaira Sabir : MA Senior Instructor
programmes provides practical Chinese Language courses for a host of 9. Mr. Jia Zhenghua : MA Contract Lecturer
students by a mix of Pakistani and Chinese teachers.
10. Mrs. Tahira Naveed : MA Undergoing Contract Lecturer
Chinese language, originally the indigenous language spoken in China, 11. Mrs. Haichun Maeder : MA Contract Lecturer
is used by approximately one-fifth of the world's population. Chinese is 12. Ms. Sadaf Jabbar : MA & MSc HD Contract Lecturer
distinguished by its high level of internal diversity and variety. Standard
Chinese language is the official language of the Peoples Republic of 13. Mrs. Xing Xuan Graduate Contract Lecturer
He Xinghan
China. It is one of the four official languages of Singapore and one of the 14. Mrs. Zheng Li Fang MA Contract Lecturer
Head six official languages of the UN. 15. Mrs. Nayyar Nawaz BSML Contract Lecturer
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
Ext: 211, 234
Email: [email protected]
M.A Chinese (Morning) Courses Offered:

Duration : 2 Semesters (1 Year) for Students with

B.A Hons Degree, 4 Semesters (2 Years)
with B.A Degree.

Admission Criteria : B.A Hons or B.A with 2nd division with

Diploma in
Chinese as an elective subject or Interpretership
Diploma in Chinese Language

Diploma Course
BSML (Morning)

Certificate Course
Duration : 4 Semesters
Admission Criteria : Intermediate with Diploma Course
in Chinese Language.

Diploma in Interpretership (Morning)

Duration : 3 Semesters

Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Certificate Course

in Chinese Language.

Diploma Course (Morning)

Duration : 2 Semesters

Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Certificate Course

in Chinese Language.

Certificate Course (Mor/Eve)

Duration : 1 Semester

Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent


Department Department of Hindi was established in June 1973 to train students in Department of Japanese Language, at NUML, was established in 1981. Department
Hindi Language. NUML is one of the few universities in the country which It initially served the purpose of training the Armed Forces personnel and
of offer the facility of teaching this unique language from foundation to Ph.D officials of various government departments to enable them to carry out of
Hindi level. their official and diplomatic duties in Japan. The Department is now Japanese
attracting students from all walks of life, specially those interested in
Language One of the most spoken and understood language of the world, Hindi is studying in Japan, working in Pakistani tourism industry, or have plans to Language
the national and official language of India. Predominantly used in do job / business with Japanese firms and companies.
Northern India. Hindi traces its origin from Sanskrit, the mother of all Dr Anwer Mahmood
European languages, the language in which Vedas were created. Hindi, The Department develops the reading, writing and oral communication A / Head
Hindu Hindustan was a popular slogan of the Hindu majority during the
skills through well planned communication programmes and up-to-date
freedom struggle against the British Raj. Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
teaching aids like language labs, video and audio lessons and an
Ext: 211, 309
assortment of reading material. Email: [email protected]
FACULTY The Japan Foundation under the aegis of the Embassy of Japan, also
1. Dr Mrs Naseema Khatoon : PhD HoD/Professor select three students every year for short terms gratis visits to Japan.
2. Mrs Shahin Zafar : MA Lecturer The Department presently offers certificate, diploma and interpreter-
3. Mrs Shaheem Riaz : MA Instructor ship courses, and is committed to excellence in teaching, while
4. Mrs Zubaida Hassan : MA Instructor remaining responsive in the multicultural and multilingual context.
Every year in December the Japan Foundation with help of Japanese
Dr Mrs Naseema Khatoon MA (Mor)
Embassy conducts international recognized Japanese Proficiency Tests
Head Duration : 4 Semesters (JLPT) in our Japanese Language Department. A large number of
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50 internal and external candidates appear in various levels of the JLPTs.
Ext: 216
Admission Criteria : Graduation in 2nd division with
Email: [email protected] Hindi as elective subject or The Japanese Department organizes every year a speech contest in
Diploma in Hindi from NUML Japanese language at the University Campus. In addition to that our
students also participate in Japanese language speech contests in other
BA (Hons) (Mor) countries of the region, e.g. India, Nepal, Sri Lanka etc.
Duration : 8 Semesters

Admission Criteria : Intermediate / equivalent

qualification in Hindi

Diploma in Interpretership (Mor)

Courses Offered:
Duration : 3 Semesters

MA Admission Criteria : Matriculation / Intermediate with

BA (Hons) Diploma in Hindi Language

Diploma in Diploma Course (Mor)
Duration : 1 Semester

Diploma Course Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Certificate in

Certificate Course Hindi Language

Special Course Certificate Course (Mor)
Duration : 1 Semester
Admission Criteria : Matriculation
Special Course (Mor / Eve)

Duration : 1 Semester
Admission Criteria : Matriculation

Department FACULTY Department of Korean Languages is a new entrant in the group of Department
of 1. Dr. Anwer Mahmood : PhD HoD/Professor languages being taught at NUML. It was established in 2006, with the of
2. Ms. Kzumi Kawasaki Volunteer Instructor active support of The Korea Foundation and Korean embassy at
Japanese : Korean Language
3. Ms. Kato Yu Volunteer Instructor Islamabad. Having a faculty of Pakistani and native Korean teachers, the
Language :
department offers Korean language courses both in the morning and
4. Ms. Syed Majid Ali JLPT-2 Instructor / Coodinator
: evening. Morning courses include Certificate, Diploma and Advance
5. Ms. Shaheena Mustafa JLPT-3 Instructor
6. Ms. Rafia Fatima : Instructor Diploma. While special courses for employment seekers are offered in
7. Mr. Sharif Ahmed : JLPT-3 Instructor Islamabad King Sejong Institute (IKSI) in the evening.

Diploma in Interpretership (Morning)
1. Dr. Atif Faraz : PhD Head/Asst. Prof
Duration : 3 Semesters
2. Dr. Piao Haiyan : PhD Asst. Professor
Admission Criteria : Intermediate with Diploma Course 3. Ahtisham Hussain : Master Lecturer
in Japanese Language
4. Mehmoona Tahira : Master Lecturer
: Graduation Dr Atif Faraz
5. Aamir Ali Lecturer
Diploma Course (Morning)
Tele: +92 51 9242946
Duration : 2 Semesters Advanced Diploma (Morning)
Email: [email protected]
Courses Offered:
Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Certificate in Duration : 2 Semesters

Diploma in Japanese Language
Admission Criteria : Matriculation / Intermediate with Diploma
course in Korean Language or equivalent

Diploma Course Certificate Course (Mor / Eve)
Diploma Course (Morning)

Certificate Course Duration : 1 Semester
Duration : 1 Semester
Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent
Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Certificate course in
Korean Language or equivalent

Certificate Course (Morning) Courses Offered:

Duration : 1 Semester

Advanced Diploma
Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent

Diploma Course

Certificate Course

Department Pakistan is a multi lingual country where a large number of regional Persian Department was established in 1970. Persian is one of the
languages, with numerous dialects, are spoken. Some of the major most important Languages of the world. It has been the official language Department
of regional languages of Pakistan are Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Balochi, of the Sub- Continent up to Mughal rule in this area. Learning Persian of
Pakistani Kashmiri and Shina. language helps to keep ourselves fully acquainted with the history of
Sub-Continent, Culture and literary heritage of our fore- Persian Studies
Languages FACULTY fathers. Our national language, Urdu has more than 60% Persian
words. Learning Persian language not only helps us in strengthening
1. Dr. Habib Nawaz : PhD HoD Urdu language and literature but also in fully understanding Allama
Iqbal's poetry.
2. M. Farooq : MPhil Lecturer
3. Charagh Wadar : MPhil Lecturer Persian is second only to Arabic as the fountain of Islamic culture.
4. Tehsin Ullah : MA Lecturer Readers, the world over, treasure the poems of Roomi and Saadi, the
great mystical poets of the Sufi tradition and also of the famous works of
5 Tariq Rahim MA Lecturer Persian literature such as Shahnama of Firdoosi, Rubaiyat of Omar
6. Qaiser Zaman MA Lecturer Khayam, and Divan of Hafiz Shirazi etc. Moreover, Persian bears a
precious treasure of ethics and moral values. It is also the key to the
7. Abdul Rauf MPhil Lecturer
beauties of medieval Persian culture, architecture, music and painting.
8. Dr. Talib Bukhari PhD Lecturer
Consequence upon the geo-political developments in the region,
M.A External in Pakistani Languages Persian has gained strategic importance. Modern Persian (also called
Dari) is spoken by almost 100 million speakers not just in Iran, but also in Dr
Dr Habib Nawaz Duration : 4 Semesters Mahr Noor Mohammad khan
Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Central Asian Countries. These Countries
Head Admission Criteria : B.A / BSc have rich energy & natural resources. Knowledge of Persian will not only Head
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50 help us to develop our relations with these countries but will also be a
B.S (honors) in Pakistani languages source for any one to pursue a variety of exciting careers in government, Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
Ext: 301
Duration : Ext: 211, 309
Email: [email protected] 8 Semesters international business and education. Email: [email protected]
Admission Criteria : FA/FSc with Diploma in
respective languages
Diploma in Interpreter-ship in Pakistani Languages (Mor / Eve)
1. Dr Mahr Noor Mohammad Khan : PhD HoD/Professor
Duration : 3 Semesters
2. Dr. Muhammad Sarfaraz Zafar : PhD Associate Prof
Admission Criteria : Intermediate with diploma in
respective languages 3. Dr. Mrs Tahira Parveen : PhD Associate Prof
4. Dr. Fereshteh Ahangari : PhD Associate Prof
Advanced Diploma in Pakistani Languages (Mor/ Eve) 5. Dr. Rashida Hassan : PhD Assistant Prof
Courses Offered: Duration : 2 Semesters 6. Dr. Shagufta Yasin Abbasi : PhD Assistant Prof
Admission Criteria : Matric / Intermediate with Diploma

MA External 7. Mrs. Razia Akbar : MA Assistant Prof
in respective languages
8. Mrs. Rehana Parveen : MA Assistant Prof

B.S Honors
Diploma in Pakistani Languages (Mor / Eve) 9. Dr. Fayyaz Gondal : PhD Lecturer
Diploma Course
in Interpreter-ship Duration : 1 Semester 10. Dr. Mohammad Safeer : PhD Lecturer
Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Certificate in 11. Dr. Amber Yasmin : PhD Lecturer

Advanced Diploma
respective Languages 12. Mrs. Humaira Shahbaz : MPhil Dari Lecturer

Diploma Course
Certificate in Pakistani Languages (Mor / Eve) 13. Mr. Muhammad Fiaz Satti : MPhil Lecturer

Certificate Course 14. Mr. Lal Mohammad Mangal : MA Senior Instructor
Duration : 1 Semester
Admission Criteria : Matriculation or Equivalent

Department M.A Persian (Mor/ Eve) Diploma Course in Afghan Persian (Dari) (Mor / Eve) Department
of Duration : 4 Semester Duration : 1 Semester of
Persian Studies Admission Criteria : Graduation with 2nd division with Persian Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Certificate in Persian Studies
as an Elective Subject or Diploma in Afghan Persian (Dari) from NUML
Persian Language from NUML /
Iranian Cultural Centre

Certificate Course in Afghan Persian (Dari) (Mor / Eve)

M.A Persian with Specialization in Translation (Mor / Eve) Duration : 1 Semester
Duration : 4 Semester
Admission Criteria : Matriculation with 2nd Division
Admission Criteria : Graduation with 2 division with Persian
as an Elective Subject or Diploma in
Persian Language from NUML /
Iranian Cultural Centre
Diploma Course in Tajik Language (Mor / Eve)
Duration : 1 Semester
Interpretership Course in Persian (Mor / Eve) Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Certificate in
Duration : 3 Semester Tajik Language from NUML

Courses Offered: Admission Criteria : Intermediate with Diploma in

PhD Persian Persian from NUML

Certificate Course in Tajik Language (Mor / Eve)

MPhil Persian

M.A Persian Duration : 1 Semester Courses Offered:

M.A Persian BSML Persian (Mor)

with Specialization in Translation
Admission Criteria : Matriculation with 2nd Division
PhD Persian
Duration : 8 Semester

Interpretership - Persian
MPhil Persian

BSML Persian Admission Criteria : Intermediate with 2nd Division

M.A Persian

Diploma - Persian
M.A Persian
with Specialization in Translation

Certificate - Persian

Interpretership - Persian

Interpretership - Dari

BSML Persian

Diploma - Dari Diploma Course in Persian (Mor / Eve)

Diploma - Persian

Certificate - Dari Duration : 1 Semester

Certificate - Persian

Diploma - Tajik
Admission Criteria :
Interpretership - Dari

Certificate - Tajik Matriculation with Certificate Persian

from NUML/Iranian Cultural Center.
Diploma - Dari

Certificate - Dari

Diploma - Tajik

Certificate - Tajik
Certificate Course in Persian (Mor / Eve)
Duration : 1 Semester
Admission Criteria : Matriculation 2nd division

Interpretership Course in Afghan Persian (Dari) (Mor / Eve)

Duration : 3 Semester
Admission Criteria : Intermediate with Diploma in
Afghan Persian (Dari) from NUML

Department Urdu is the representative language of the people of the sub-continent Pre. MA For Foreigners in Urdu (Morning) Department
of and the national language of Pakistan. It has a rich source of Muslim Duration : 2 Semesters of
culture and literature and has a precious intellectual heritage.
Urdu Admission Criteria : B.A or Equivalent
Urdu department was established in NUML in November, 1974. Initially
Language its courses were designed and started for foreigners only. In 1994 Language
affiliation was made with the Quaid-e-Azam University and MA (Urdu) B.S.M.L in Urdu (Morning)
classes were also introduced for Pakistani as well foreign students. After
getting the independent status of the University M.Phil and Ph.D classes Duration : 8 Semesters
were also introduced. In addition BA (Urdu) and BSML, BS Urdu were
Admission Criteria : FA or Equivalent
also started with four years duration.
In June 2002 1st edition of Urdu research journal Daryaft appeared and
since then Ten editions have been published. The second research B.S in Urdu (Morning)
journal Takhliqui Adab was started in March 2000. Both the journals are Duration : 8 Semesters
included in the list of approved research journals of HEC and
International database and indexing agencies i.e. MLA directory of Admission Criteria : FA or Equivalent
periodicals, Urlichweb and Proquest. These journals are also available
online at NUMLs Website.
Advanced Diploma Course in Urdu (Morning)
Duration : 3 Semesters
: PhD HoD Admission Criteria : Matric or Diploma from NUML
Dr Rubina Shahnaz 1. Dr. Rubina Shahnaz Courses Offered:
Head 2. Dr. Fouzia Aslam : PhD Assistant Prof
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50 3. Dr. Abid Hussain Sial : PhD Assistant Prof Diploma Course in Urdu (Morning)
MA for Foreigners
Ext: 224
Email: [email protected] 4. Dr. Bushra Perveen : PhD Assistant Prof Duration : 1 Semester
MA in Urdu
5. Dr. Ambareen T. Shakir : PhD Assistant Prof Admission Criteria : Matric or Certificate Course from NUML
Pre. MA for Foreigners
6. Dr. Shafique Shafique : PhD Assistant Prof
7. Dr. Naeem Mazhar : PhD Assistant Prof
Special Diploma in Urdu (Evening)
8. Dr. Sobia Saleem : PhD Lecturer
Duration : 1 Semester
9. Ms. Nadia Ashraf : MA Lecturer
Admission Criteria : Matric or Certificate course from NUML
Advanced Diploma
10. Ms. Samina Siddqui : MPhil Lecturer
11. Ms. Anjum Mobeen : MA Lecturer
Diploma Course
12. Mr. Zafar Ahmed : MA Lecturer Certificate Course in Urdu (Morning / Evening) Special Diploma
13. Ms. Nazia Malik : MPhil Lecturer in Urdu
Duration : 1 Semester
14. Dr. Saima Nazir : PhD Lecturer
Certificate Course
15. Ms. Nazia Younas : MA Lecturer Admission Criteria : Foundation or Urdu Reading & Writing

Special Certificate
16. Dr. Rukshanda Murad : PhD Lecturer in Urdu
Special Certificate in Urdu (Evening)
17. Ms. Zahida Saeed : MA Contract Lecturer

Foundation Course
Duration : 1 Semester

Summer Course
Admission Criteria : Matric or Equivalent in Urdu
M.A in Urdu (Morning / Evening)
Duration : 4 Semesters Foundation Course in Urdu (Mor)
Duration : 1 Semester
Admission Criteria : B.A or Equivalent
Admission Criteria : Matric or Equivalent
MA For Foreigners in Urdu (Morning)
Summer Course in Urdu (Morning)
Duration : 4 Semesters
Duration : 5 Weeks
Admission Criteria : 14 Year of Education
Admission Criteria : Matric or Equivalent

Department French is one the most important languages of today's world. It is spoken
M.A French (Morning Only) Department
of by more than 200 million people in five continents. It is a major language Duration: 2 years (4 Semesters) of
of United Nations and official language of more than 30 countries. The
French Language Department of French at NUML is its oldest department, established in Session starts: February/September French Language
1969. This department runs courses from basic to master's level and Admission criteria: Graduation with 2nd division
even to M. Phil and Ph.D. The programmes run in the Department of with French as an elective
French at NUML aim at bringing the students closer to people who use subject of Diploma in French
this language by providing the sound knowledge of French language,
culture and literary information of the areas where this language is Language.
spoken. As the students of junior levels learn the use of French in
everyday life, the students of senior levels explore the literary and Diploma in Interpreter-ship (Morning)
linguistic beauty of this language by thoroughly studying fiction, poetry,
drama and criticism. We always keep in mind the professional uses of Duration: 18 Months (3 semesters)
French in modern world. This department runs special short courses for
the fields of International Relations, Secretarial Services, Hotel Session starts: February/September
Services, Tourism, Banking and many more. Admission criteria: Intermediate with Diploma Course
The Department of French at NUML is proud of having
in French Language
produced the teachers of French for all the institutions of Pakistan where
it is taught as a subject. A scholar of a foreign language is also expected
Ms Amina Niazi to be a translator. Being aware of this objective, our master's programme Diploma Course (Morning)
Head includes the specialization in the subjects of Didactics of French and
written and oral Translations. The department has a foreign qualified Duration: 1 Semester
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50 faculty dedicated to the propagation of French language in Pakistan. To Session starts: February/September
Ext: 257, 261 fulfill the requirements of knowledge seekers in other parts of our
Email: [email protected] country, this department has its existence in regional campuses also. Admission criteria: Matriculation with Certificate
The Department of French and the central library of NUML Course in French Language
have a fine collection of French books and magazines. The students
have access to internet also in order to keep themselves abreast of the Special Diploma Course (Evening)
fast moving world. The department enjoys a close collaboration with the
Embassy of France in Pakistan. The cultural service of the French
Duration: 1 Semester
embassy provides books and other reading material as well as the
services of French experts for in-service training of faculty. NUML Session starts: February/September Courses Offered:
organizes seminars and short training courses for the teachers of French
of NUML and other institutions of Pakistan. To encourage the creative Admission criteria: Matriculation with Special
M.A in French
minds, the Department of French organizes co-curricular activities also Certificate-II in French Language
like speech contests, spelling-bee contests, songs contests. It
Certificate in
celebrates the International day of Francophony in March every year. French
Certificate Course (Morning)
Duration: 1 Semester
Diploma in
FACULTY Session starts: February/September
1. Ms. Amina Niazi : MPhil HoD
Special Certificate -I
Admission criteria: Matriculation
2. Mr. Faiq Hussain Jafri : MPhil Assistant Prof
Special Certificate -II
3. Ms. Zill-e-Zehra : MA Assistant Prof Special Certificate-I (Evening)
4. Ms. Sameena Aslam : MA Lecturer Duration: 1 Semester
5. Ms. Humaira Sadaf : MA Lecturer Session starts: February/September
6. Mr. Aamir Zaheer : MA Lecturer Admission criteria: Matriculation or equivalent
7. Ms. Sumera Shamsi : MA Lecturer
8. Ms. Farhat Ansari : MA Lecturer Special Certificate-II (Evening)
9. Mr. Hasan Fayyaz : Diploma-in- Lecturer Duration: 1 Semester
10. Mr. Faisal Shehryar : MA Lecturer Session starts: February/September
11. Ms. Uzma Batool : BSML (Hons) Lecturer Admission criteria: Matriculation with Special
Certificate-I in French from NUML

German is one of the most important languages in business, culture,

Department French for Specific Purposes science, communication and intellectual life. More than one hundred Department
of Tourism million Europeans in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium and of
Eastern France speak German. It is among ten most spoken languages
French Language Duration: 1 Semester in the world. German Language
Session starts: February/September
In 1970, recognizing the importance of the language, the Department of
Admission criteria: Matriculation with Certificate Course German Language was established at NUML with the collaboration of
in French Language Goethe Institute, to impart language training to the Armed Forces
personnel, officials of Government Ministries and other local students.
Hotel Management Since then the Department has trained thousands of students and
Duration: 1 Semester enjoys good reputation in Pakistan and abroad for its high quality
language training. In fact it is the only department in the country which is
Session starts: February/September offering full-time intensive courses of German language ranging from
Admission criteria: Matriculation with Certificate beginners to advance level, and degree courses from undergraduate to
Course in French Language postgraduate level.

Business The German Department is collaborating academically with German

institutions like German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Goethe-
Duration: 1 Semester Institut, Federal Language Institute of German Armed Forces etc. Since
2013 the Goethe-Institut is conducting its internationally recognized Dr Anwer Mahmood
Session starts: February/September
exams from A1 to C2 levels at the NUML Main Campus. Internal & Head
Admission criteria: Matriculation with Certificate external candidates are eligible to appear in these exams.
Courses Offered: Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
Course in French Language

M.A in French Ext: 211, 261

Spoken French FACULTY Email: [email protected]

Diploma in Interpetership Duration: 1 Semester

1. Dr. Anwer Mahmood : PhD HoD/Professor

Diploma Course Session starts: February/September 2. Mr. Muhammad Bashir Ahmed : MPhil Assistant Prof
Admission criteria: Matriculation with Certificate 3. Mr. Khalid Bilal Ahmad Khan : MA Assistant Prof

Special Diploma
Course in French Language
4. Ms. Tausif Amira : MA Assistant Prof

Certificate Course International Relations 5. Ms. Sahar Afrin : MA Lecturer

Special Certificate I-II Duration: 1 Semester 6. Ms. Meshaim Niazi : MA Lecturer

Session starts: February/September 7. Ms. Naureen Fraz Rawat : MA Lecturer

French for Tourism : MA Lecturer

Admission criteria: Matriculation with Certificate 8. Ms. Franziska Schiffner

Hotel Management Course in French Language 9. Mr Muhammad Munawar : MA Senior Instructor

Business French

Spoken French

French for IR

M.A German (Morning) The Italian language department was established in 2002 and its main
Department objective is to facilitate the learning of Italian language and culture. Department
Duration : 1 Year (2 Semesters) for students with
of BS (Honors) in German of
German Language 2 Years (4 Semesters) for students with B.A Italian Language
Admission Criteria : Bachelor's Degree in 2nd div with Diploma in
FACULTY and Culture
German language or Bachelor's Degree in 1. Ms. Amina Niazi MPhil (French) A/Head
2nd div with German as an elective subject
2. Mrs. Azra Shamim MA (Education) Lecturer
or Bachelors in Modern languages with German Ms Amina Niazi
as elective subject 3. Ms. Roberta Pansera MPhil (LAW) Lecturer
4. Mrs. Surreya Naheed BA B.Ed Instructor Head
BS German (Morning)
Duration : 8 Semesters Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
Ext: 298
Admission Criteria : Intermediate with at least 45% Marks BSML Italian (Morning) Email: [email protected]
Courses Offered: Duration : 2 Semesters
Certificate Course (Morning)
Admission Criteria : Intermediate

M.A German
Duration : 1 Semester

B.S German Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent
Diploma in Italian (Morning)

Certificate Course Special Certificate Course - I (Evening) Duration : 1 Semester

Special Certificate - I Duration : 1 Semester Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Certificate in Italian from
NUML or equivalent.
Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent

Special Certificate - II
Special Certificate Course -II (Evening) Certificate in Italian (Morning)

Diploma Course
Duration : 1 Semester Duration : 1 Semester

Special Diploma- I
Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent
Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Special Certificate-I

Special Diploma- II in German Language

Diploma in Diploma Course (Morning) Special Certificate - I Italian (Evening)

Duration : 1 Semester Duration : 1 Semester
Courses Offered:
Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent
Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Certificate in
German Language

Special Diploma Course - I (Evening) Special Short Course (Evening)

Certificate in Italian

Duration : 1 Semester Duration : 2 Months

Diploma in Italian
Admission Criteria : Matriculation
Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Special Certificate-II Special Certificate-I
in German Language in Italian

Special Diploma - II (Evening) Special Short Course

in Italian
Duration : 1 Semester

Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Special Diploma-I in

German Language

Diploma in Interpretership (Morning)

Duration : 3 Semesters

Admission Criteria : Intermediate with Diploma Course in

German Language

Department Department of Russian Language was established in 1973. Department

Department not only provides instructions in one of the worlds most The Spanish language department NUML was first founded in 1983 of
important languages, but also aims to give students a thorough and was reestablished in 2002 after a gap of many years. Since then it is
Russian understanding in one of the most interesting and significant cultures in Spanish
the world today. Our faculty members are committed to conveying to the one of the few places in the entire South Asia that offers a wide range of Language
Language students the vibrancy of a language that is quite rich and exotic to learn. basic and advance level language courses and the opportunity of
The teaching faculty consists of Pakistani teachers who are learning Spanish language from native speakers.
not only well qualified but also speak the language as native speakers. Dr Asma Naveed
Some of the Russian native speakers, residing in Pakistan are also The faculty of Spanish department comprises of native
involved in the teaching Programmes. A / Head
speakers of the language from different Spanish speaking countries
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
including Spain, Argentina, Bolivia and Peru, a Bengali teacher who has Ext: 221
lived for 15 years in Argentina, as well as a Pakistani teacher who is a Email: [email protected]
graduate of the same department.
1. Dr. As ma Naveed : PhD Head
2. Sonia Iskanova : MSc Lecturer The department provides a multi cultural platform for cultural

3. Elena Sumina : MSc Lecturer interaction since it not only receives students from all parts of Pakistan
4. Yevgeniya Buch : BA Teaching Assistant but also from Afghanistan, China, Indonesia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and
Dr Asma Naveed
Head Diploma in Interpreter-Ship (Morning) It is the official language of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile,

Tele: +92 51 9257646-50 Duration : 3 Semesters Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
Ext: 221 Guatemala, Equatorial Guinea, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama,
Email: [email protected] Admission Criteria : Intermediate with Diploma Course
in Russian Language. Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, El Salvador, Uruguay and
Diploma Course (Morning)
Duration : 2 Semesters It is the 2nd most spoken language in USA.
Admission Criteria : Matriculation with Certificate course in It is the 3rd most spoken language in the world
Russian Language. after English and Chinese.

Certificate Course (Morning) It is the 2nd most spoken language in the world
Duration : 1 Semester in terms of native speakers.
Courses Offered:
Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent It is the 2nd most used language for international
Diploma in communication after English.
Interpretership Special Certificate Course - I (Evening)

Diploma Course Duration : 1 Semester It is one of the official languages of United Nations
and other international organizations.

Certificate Course Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent

Special Short Basic Course (Evening)
Certificate Course - I
Duration : 8 Weeks

Short Basic Course FACULTY
Admission Criteria : Matriculation.
1. Ms. Mercedes Checa : Intermediate Coordinator
2. Ms. RajkumariTroyaTriveni : Graduation Lecturer
3. Ms. Susana Eloisa Monteyro : MPhil Lecturer
4. Ms. Katherine Regina Vasquez : Masters Lecturer
5. Ms. Shireen Fatima : MPhil In Progress Instructor
6. Ms. Silvia Bertha : Masters Teaching Assistant

Department Post Graduate Diploma (Mor) Department of Turkish Language was established in 1974 at NUML with Department
an aim to teach Turkish Language to foreigners. The department has
of Duration : 2 Semesters focused on two goals; one is to teach functional Turkish Language of
Spanish Admission Criteria : Graduation with advanced diploma or
comprising general culture, history and general information about Turkey to Turkish
foreigners especially Pakistanis; which is among the languages to be learnt
Language 4 semesters in Spanish language as a global requirement for communication in terms of economy, politics, Language
culture and arts. Second is to train Turkish Language teachers through BS,
Advanced Diploma (Mor) MS & PhD programmes at NUML which is a language university along with
the exchange programmes at Turkey and to hand over Turkish Department
Duration : 2 Semesters
to highly qualified (PhD holders) Pakistani teachers to meet the futuristic
Admission Criteria : Intermediate with diploma or 2 semesters professional requirements related to all walks of life.
in Spanish language
BSML Minor Language (Mor) 1. Dr. Rifat OYMAK : PhD HoD / Associate Professor
Duration : 2 Semesters 2. brahim AKSOYALP : BA Assistant Professor
Admission Criteria : Intermediate or equivalent with 3. Dr. Abda HANEEF : PhD Lecturer
admission in BSML 4. Adnan MEK : MS Research Assistant
5. Imtiaz BEGUM : MA Lecturer
BSML Major Language (Mor) : MA Instructor
6. Shaista HAMEED Dr Rifat Oymak
Duration : 6 Semesters Head
Admission Criteria : Intermediate or equivalent with admission Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
MA Turkish (Mor) Ext: 222
in BSML and 2 semesters of any other Email: [email protected]
minor language Duration :
Admission Criteria : BS / BA / Interpretership from NUML
Diploma Course (Mor)
Courses Offered:
Duration : 1 Semester BSML Minor Language (Mor)
Duration : 2 Semesters
Courses Offered: Admission Criteria : Matriculation with certificate or 1 semester
MS / MPhil
Admission Criteria : FA / FSc / Intermediate
in Spanish language

Post Graduate Diploma

Certificate Course (Mor) BS (Mor)

Advanced Diploma
Diploma in Interpretership
Duration : 1 Semester Duration : 8 Semesters

BSML Minor Language Admission Criteria : FA / FSc / Intermediate

Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent

BSML Major Language

Diploma in Interpretership (Mor / Eve)

Diploma Course Duration : 3 Semesters

Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent

Certificate Course
Diploma Course (Mor)
Duration : 1 Semester
Admission Criteria : Matriculation with certificate
in Turkish Language.

Certificate Course (Mor / Eve)

Duration : 1 Semester
Admission Criteria : Matriculation or equivalent

Confucius was a Chinese thinker and philosopher, who emphasized
personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationship, IRANOLOGY CENTRE
justice and sincerity. In China these values gained prominence over
other doctrines and philosophies. Confucius thoughts were developed
into a philosophy known as Confucianism.

The programme to establish Confucius Institutes, worldwide, was

started in 2004 with its headquarters at Beijing. These institutes work as
non-profit public organizations with the aim to promote Chinese
language and culture and to support native Chinese teaching
internationally. These institutes can also be compared with other
language and culture promotion organizations such as Frances
Alliance Francaise and Germanys Goethe Institute. The institute
operate in co-operation with local affiliate colleges and universities
around the world.

Confucius Institute at NUML was established in 2005 to promote

Zhang Daojian Chinese language and culture in Pakistan. Owing to the hard work of its
Vice President Directors, Dr Chen Weiheng, Dr. Fu Ji Wei, Dr.Ge Lisheng, NUML
Confucius Institute is presently one of the best out of 380 institutes
Tele: +92 51 9257646-50
Ext: 292
across the globe. The standing committee of Central Committee of
Email: [email protected] Communist party of China (CCCPC) political bureau awarded the
honour in a ceremony held at Beijing, China.

In 2011, NUML Confucius Institute gave 100 Summer Camp

Scholarships for school students, who visited China for 4 weeks and
interacted with students of other nationalities.

The Institute is also pioneering provision of Chinese language teachers

and trainers to primary, high schools and colleges in Pakistan. For this
purpose it has held teachers training workshops, aimed at the use of
Chinese language teaching resources to help Chinese language
teachers and trainers.

Confucius Institute also organises various seminars, culture and extra-

curricular activities. Organising Cultural Activities, Reception &
Opening Ceremony of Chinese Culture Experience Centre and
Chinese Bridge Competition are part of the programme to boost
students interest for understanding the language and promoting
Chinese Culture.

NUML has established Iranology Centre in the department

of Persian Language and Literature. The centre aims to
provide a platform of research for students and teachers of
the Persian Language.



Islamabad King Sejong Institute (IKSI) was established at National University of Modern
Languages Islamabad back in 2012. King Sejong Institute Foundation is operating over 110
institutions worldwide but its the first in Pakistan. Therefore, NUML has become the only university
in the whole country to have an active Department of Korean as well as KSI. Establishment of KSI
will prove to be highly beneficial in the future bilateral relations between Pakistan and Korea. It will
enhance the chances of employment of Pakistanis in Korea as KSI will be offering a course
mandatory for employment in Korea. Furthermore, passers of IKSI will have a chance to take the
Korean language test without having to go through the lucky draw system. IKSI is the only institution
in the world having such an exemption and it has motivated the students a great deal as it is
prominent from the increasing enrolments. IKSI classes are operated in the afternoon shift.
To arrange effective and efficient classes of Korean Language for locals
To promote Korean language and culture in Pakistan
To enhance bilateral ties of both countries through Korean language and culture education
To enhance employment opportunities of Pakistanis in Korea
1. Dr. Atif Faraz PhD Director
2. Ahtisham Hussain Master Lecturer
3. Mehmoona Tahira Master Lecturer
4. Hafiz Waseem Iqbal Graduation Lecturer
5. Aamir Ali Graduation Lecturer
6. Syed Naveed Akhtar Graduation Lecturer

Certificate Course (Evening) Diploma Course

Duration: 3 Months Duration: 3 Months
NUML has established Iranology Centre in the department Fee: Rs. 7,000 (whole semester) Fee: Rs. 7,000 (whole semester)
of Persian Language and Literature. The centre aims to Teaching Hours: 144 hrs Teaching Hours: 144 hrs
provide a platform of research for students and teachers of Timing: 1530 - 1830 (Mon - Thu) Timing: 1530 - 1830 (Mon - Thu)
the Persian Language. Admission Criteria: Matriculation or equivalent Admission Criteria: Matriculation with Certificate course in
Korean Language or equivalent


27. UNT- NUML Partnership Program, University of North Texas, Denton, USA
Mr. Yuan Jianmin, is a distinguished personality of China and is known as mobile ambassador of 28. Xinjiang Folk Art School, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China
Pakistan in China. He is the first overseas professor who has been appointed as Visiting Professor 29. English Access Microscholarship Program NUML 2013-14
of NUML for a period of three years. The honour was announced in a gathering on 07 November 30. International Islamic University
2012. Mr. Yuan Jianmin holds many appointments of importance in his country and is also Visiting 31. Ninxa Institute For Islamic Studies China
Professor of several Chinese and Central Asian Universities. 32. Tongxin Arabic School in Ningxia, China
33. Cumming Islamic Institute
34. Ningxia Institute of Science and Technology (Chinese University)
35. Higher Institute for Arabic Language Kaiunan, China
36. Ningxia Academy of Social Sciences of China
37. Khazar University, Baku, Azerbaijan
38. Institute of Business and Finance, Lahore
39. Sardar Bahadur Khan Women's University, Quetta
40. Mevlana Exchange Program Protocol
41. Honam University, South Korea
42. Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey
43. Beijing Language and Culture University
44. Co-Establishment of the Sub-Center of the Cooperative Innovation Center
for China's Neighboring Languages and Cultures
45. Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Baiyun, Guangzhou, China
46. Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Baiyun, Guangzhou, China
47. Ningxia Institute of Science and Technology, Yinchuan, Ningxia, China and NUML
48. Tajik National University , Dushanbe, Tajikistan
COLLABORATIONS / LINKAGES 49. National Institute of Electronics (NIE) Ministry of Science and Technology
To match its rapid growth and expansion NUML has been building cooperation with some of the
renowned foreign institutions for the overall benefit of its students and faculty members. NUML
has valid agreements of cooperation with following Universities and Institutions:-


2. Business Administration Institute (IAE) National Network, France
3. University of Huddersfield, UK NUML is member of the Francophone University Agency - Middle East Chapter. This international
4. University for Foreigners Perugia, Italy forum is a kaleidoscope of French universities or universities offering French as foreign language
5. Alliance Francaise d' Islamabad (AFI) and provides access to international conferences and seminars. It also provides assistance for
6. Deutsche Welle (OW), Germany publishing research work and holding seminars.
7. Special Language Teaching Program Government of UAE Through its Embassy in
8. Government of Spain Through its Embassy in Islamabad and representation of
Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI) for Introduction of Spanish NUML's Rector is one of the few non-francophone Rectors who is a member of this prestigious
Language Teaching. organization. The organization that works under the aegis of AUF comprises 43 Rectors/VCs of
9. Ningxia University, China 12 francophone universities. The aim of this association is to promote debate, reflection and
10. International Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO), France action on governance in universities and major problems faced in the field of higher learning and
11. Confucius Institute-Beijing Language and Culture University research.
12. Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea
13. "Campus Outreach Program" Under South Asian Federation of Stock Exchange PARTNERSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS, USA
(SAFE's) "Financial Literacy Initiative" In Pakistan
14. Iranology Centre A three years partnership with University of North Texas (UNT), USA, for the enhancement of
15. Lillie1 University - Science and Technologies (France) English Linguistics, Literature and Teaching Programme has been finalized. Under this programme,
16. Human Resource Development Service of Korea faculty from UNT will be visiting NUML and hold work-shops in curriculum development and faculty
17. Fatih University ,Istanbul, Turkey training. In addition to this, thirty five faculty members & eighteen students of MPhil / PhD English will
18. Universite De Franche-Comte (Besancon- France) be visiting UNT for various durations for their research. UNT has established a Resource / Writing
19. University of Franche - Comte (France) Centre and provided data bases to NUML libraries with latest facilities. So for 23 faculty members
20. Eurasian National University (ENU), Republic of Kazakhstan and 12 graduate students have completed their research fellowships at UNT.
21. Romanian Institute of European-Asian Studies, Bucharest, Romania
22. Azerbaijan State Economics University
23. Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages
24. The Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and Industry
25. Suleyman University, Istanbul, Turkey



Mission of NUML Writing Resource Center (NWRC) is to support the development of research-
based writing projects for all members of NUML's academic community. NWRC has been
established under University of North Texas (UNT), USA and National University of Modern
Languages (NUML), Islamabad, partnership program (UNT-NUML) with the assistance of English
Department of UNT faculty. A huge amount for creation of this facility has been spent which has
twelve workstations with latest all in one desktop computers having necessary writing software. In
addition, the Center has the facilities for video conferencing and sets of contemporary rhetoric and
composition books provided by English Department of UNT. UNT faculty has also trained 19
members of NUML faculty in contemporary techniques of mentoring students in their writing and
Yunus Emre Institute has been established in affiliation with Yunus Emre Foundation. Yunus Emre research.
Institute is providing all kind of facilities for the promotion of education and training activities to
achieve the aims regarding the scientific research about the Turkish culture, history, language and
Turcology project protocol signed on September 20, 2011 by TIKA has been transferred to the
Yunus Emre Institute. From the date of signing of a Protocol the Turcology project has been
launched in the following universities of the countries:

Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium,

Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Algeria,
China, Estonia, Morocco, Georgia, Croatia,
India, Iraq, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia,
Lithuania, Macedonia, Pakistan, Poland,
Serbia, Slovakia, Sudan, Russia / Tataristan,
Russian Federation / Bashkortostan Republic,
Ukraine, Crimea Autonomous Republic,
Jordan, Yemen. Turkish course instructors are
appointed from Turkey in the 49 Turkish
Language and Literature / Turcology
universities of 35 countries. YEE is encour- The term research based is deceptive because it would seem to connote that only advanced
aging the local academicians to take the graduate students and faculty are welcome to use this facility .However, the approach to writing
responsibility for promotion of Turkish Language. In this connection YEE is providing support in instruction fostered by the NWRC views all students and faculty as researchers. This means that
terms of training material including books. the center's tutors are available not only to advanced students and faculty in the English
department, but to all students and faculty in other disciplines also.
Yunus Emre Institute has recently provided 2000 books to Turkish Department of NUML with an aim
to establish a departmental library to facilitate the Turkish Department students in their study and
research. Mentors at the NWRC implement a student-centered instructional approach that stresses the
value of attending to one's writing process. This approach asks students and faculty to participate
Yunus Emre Institute, Turkey Scholarships and TKA have joined hands to provide Turkish in a one-on-one conversation with mentors about their successes and struggles as writers.
Scholarships for higher studies i.e. Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate Programs as well as Summer Through these conversations, students and faculty will develop critical strategies that will lead to
Courses at Turkey. the production of more successful writing projects. This process-oriented approach will
revolutionize writing instructions at NUML. Mentors in NWRC will record the working of each
Important links session on a NWRC Report and file it under the last name of the writer, these reports will ensure
that when writers return to the Center, faculty members will be adequately prepared to pick up
Yunus Emre Institute where others had left off in the writing process. In addition, it will allow the NWRC administrators to
ensure that each meeting between mentors and writers meets the standards for quality established by the research presented during the training session. Finally these reports may serve
Turkey Scholarships
as sources for conducting primary research on how NWRC mentors have improved the literate
development of the NUML academic community, thus it will align the NWRC with NUML's goal to
Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) sponsor faculty research and thereby bolster its reputation as a first-rate institution of higher education.

Higher Studies & Research Programmes Broad Areas of Research - Linguistics - Stylistics - Phonetics & Phonology- Literature
- Philosophy and Logic - Exegeses - Literary Criticism
Higher Studies & Research programme represents university's
current thinking for its own higher research degrees such as MPhil and Faculty 1. Prof. Dr. Syed Ali Anwar (HEC approved)
/ or PhD. It works with other departments, disciplines and faculties to 2. Dr. Fadhilah Daud
establish and maintain high standards of academic excellence and 3. Dr. Kafayatullah Hamdani (HEC approved)
scholarship. With interdisciplinary education as one of the primary foci 4. Dr. Nasreen Tahir
within its plans, it is dedicated to create a supportive and generative 5. Dr. Lubna Farah (HEC approved)
6. Dr. Salma Shahida (HEC approved)
site for engaging faculty and students around research and theory
7. Dr. Asma-ul-Husna (HEC approved)
across the various units, and in the process of intellectual
8. Dr. Noor Zaman
advancement, make ways to increase faculty development and 9. Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Badshah
participation, develop and support diverse knowledge, new trends in
Prof Dr Shazra Munnawer
Dean FHS
research and innovative methodologies in line with HEC requirements Economics:
and international standards. Broad Areas of Research - Econometrics - Macroeconomics - Microeconomics - Managerial
Economics - Development Economics
It is an integrated program set up on the international pattern of 'Doctoral Schools' & is run in close
liaison with other Deans / Heads of disciplines in which the program is offered. This system helps in Faculty 1. Dr. Muhammad Azam (HEC approved)
better management and a smoother functioning of the programme. The MS programme in 2. Dr. Karamat Ali
3. Dr. Sabahat Subhan
Management Sciences, being more hard core in nature, is nevertheless handled by
3. Dr. Amtul Hafeez
the Faculty of Management Sciences. The Faculty has a Student Advisory Committee, a Plagiarism 4. Ms. Saima Shafique
Committee and a Comprehensive Examination Committee.
Being the only language university of the country, NUML offers MPhil / PhD program in some of the Broad Areas of Research - EPM - Paradigm of Education - Philosophy of Education
rare languages like Chinese, French, German and Hindi. It has the distinction of awarding two PhD - Educational Psychology - Curriculum Development, Methdology
degrees in Russian language, a PhD degree in HRD to a Turk national, a PhD degree in English to an
Iranian nationals, half a dozen degrees in Arabic to Chinese nationals. and has Chinese, Jordanian, Faculty 1. Dr. Allah Bakhsh (HEC approved)
Iranian and Polish students on its rolls. Highly qualified foreign and indigenous faculty including
2. Dr. Sufiana Khatoon (HEC approved)
experienced adjunct faculty is associated with the programme. 3. Dr. Kush Bakht Hina
4. Dr. Hukam Dad Malik (HEC approved)
Eligibility Criteria 5. Dr. Marium Din
6. Dr. Shazia Zamir
PhD : a. Arabic, Economics, Education, English Literature, English Linguistics,
French, German, Internal Relations, Islamic Studies, Persian and Urdu.
b. Scholarships are awarded to the students of Persian on need basis. English Literature and Linguistics:
Duration: 5-7 Years (with no provision for extension in time) Broad Areas of Research - Post Colonial Literature - Afro-American Literature
Session Starts : February/September in Literature - South Asian Literature - American Literature
Admission Criteria: a. MPhil degree with research (18 years of education) in relevant discipline - American-Indian Literature - Latin-American Literature
from HEC recognized University with at least 3.0 out of 4.0 CGPA under - Translation Studies - Shakespeare Studies - British Literature
semester or 1st division in annual system.
b. Qualifying GRE in International / NTS / University devised GAT - Subject Broad Areas of Research in Linguistics:
tests with score as per HEC policy at the time of admission. - Stylistics - Gender Studies - Contrastive Linguistics
Broad Areas of Research
c. Qualifying NUMLs enterance test / interview. - Sociolinguistics - Cognitive Linguistics - Psycholinguistics
d. All HEC conditions apply.
in Linguistics
- General and Applied Linguistics
MPhil: a. Arabic, Economics, Education, English Literature, English Linguistics, 1. Dr. Shaheena Ayub Bhatti
French, German, Hindi, Islamic Studies, International Relations, 2. Dr. Nighat Ahmad
Pakistan Studies, Persian and Urdu. 3. Dr. Nighat Sultana
b. Scholarships are awarded to the students of Persian on need basis. 4. Dr. Naz Sultana
Duration: 2-4 Years (with no provision for extension in time) 5. Dr. Farheen Ahmad Hashim
6. Dr. Muhammad Uzair
Session Starts: February/September
7. Dr. Muhammad Saeed Sheikh
Admission Criteria: a. Masters degree (16 years of education) in relevant discipline from HEC 8. Dr. Mian Khurram Shahzad
recognized University with at least 2nd division. 9. Dr. Hazrat Umar
b. Qualifying GAT-General Tests with score as per HEC policy at the time of 10. Dr. Arshad Mehmood
admission. 11. Dr. Jamil Asghar

French: Pakistan Studies:

Broad Areas of Research - Translation Studies -lingualism - Intercultural Studies - Political System - Governance - Political Sociology
Broad Areas of Research
- Comparative Studies - French Literature and Linguistics - Society and Culture - Defence and Security - Economy
- Francophone Literature - Literary Criticism - Stylistics
- Constitution - Socio-Political & Socio-Cultural Development
Faculty 1. Prof. Dr. Shazra Munnawer (HEC approved) - History & Geography - Foreign Relations - Languages & Literature
2. Mr. Faiq Hussain Jafri - Islam and Pakistan - Thinkers & Philosophers
3. Ms. Amina Niazi
Faculty 1. Brig (R) Wasiq Ahmed Khan
2. Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Malik
German: 3. Dr. Fazle Rabbi
Broad Areas of Research - Contrastive Linguistics - Sociolinguistics 4. Syed Hamid Mehmood Bukhari
- German Literature and Linguistics 5. Ms. Qamar-un-Nisa

Faculty 1. Dr. Anwer Mehmood (HEC approved)

2. Mr. Muhammad Bashir Ahmad
- Literary Criticism - Stylistics - Linguistics & Literature
Broad Areas of Research
- Mystical Persian Literature - Classical Persian Literature,
Hindi: - Modern Persian Literature, Iqbal Studies
Broad Areas of Research - Literary Criticism - Translation Studies, Literature, Linguistics Faculty 1. Dr. Mahr Noor Muhammad Khan
Faculty 1. Dr. Naseema Khatoon 2. Dr. Muhammad Sarfraz Zafar
2. Ms. Shamim Riaz 3. Dr. Tahira Parveen (HEC approved)
4. Dr. Freshteh Ahangari
5. Dr. Rashida Hassan
International Relations:
Broad Areas of Research 6. Dr. Shaghufta Yasin Abbasi
- Middle Eastern Studies - Foreign Affairs - Foreign Politics
-Human Rights - International Politics - Contemporary Global Issues 7. Dr. Muhammad Fiaz Gondal
8. Dr. Muhammad Safeer
Faculty 1. Dr. Muhammad Javed
2. Dr. Muhammad Riaz Shad
3. Dr. Kussum Saba
4. Mr. Muzzafar Khan Zafar
5. Ms. Pashmina Mughal
Broad Areas of Research - Translation Studies - Literature & Linguistics - Stylistics
6. Ms. Sarwat Rauf
- Comparative Studies

Faculty 1. Dr. Rubina Shanaz (HEC approved)

Islamic Studies: 2. Dr. Fauzia Aslam (HEC approved)
- Philosophy and Logic - Islamic Economy & Financial System
Broad Areas of Research 3. Dr. Hafiz Naeem Mazhar (HEC approved)
- Governance & IR in Islam - Globalization & its Impact on Muslim Society
4. Dr. Shafique Anjum (HEC approved)
- Maqasid-e-Shariat - Islamic Jurisprudence
5. Dr. Abid Hussain Sial (HEC approved)
Faculty 1. Dr. A. G. Bukhari (HEC approved) 6. Dr. Ambreen Tabassum Shakir (HEC approved)
2. Dr. Noor Hayat 7. Dr. Sobia Saleem
3. Dr. Attaullah Faizi (HEC approved)
8. Dr. Rukhshanda Murad
4. Dr. Summayyah Rafique
5. Dr. Aasia Rasheed 9. Dr. Saima Niazir
6. Mrs. Afia Mehdi 10. Dr. Bushra Parveen

Quality Enhancement Cell NUML Information Communication Technology

Quality Enhancement Cell deals with issues related to quality

assurance framework of the university as a high class institution of
teaching and research with programs, processes and
performance at par with international standards. Quality
Enhancement Cell is an essential component of NUML's
administrative and academic structure. It is linked with the Quality Pillar IV

Assurance Agency of the HEC of Pakistan, for implementation of

quality enhancement policies. It monitors the academic/
administrative programs/ functions to ensure that the
Dr Mian Khurram S Azam internationally accepted standards are met and maintained.
Acting Head National University of Modern Languages is an Institutional Syed Ali Raza
Member of Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN). Director IT
QEC is dedicated to maintaining an academically rich, quality-directed, research based and
Information Communication Technology is playing a pivotal role in today's academics.In order to
scholarship promoting environment in the University. It works with the faculties, departments,
meet the challenges of 21st Century in Higher Education, it is mandatory to empower the academics
disciplines, administration and management to establish and ensure excellence and high quality.
with technology. To transform the traditional teaching methodology to modern concept, NUML is
We are determined to maintain quality assurance processes that reflect our vision/mission and to
committed to develop an ideal ICT model. Based on that model R&D over e-communication is
ensure that internationally accepted standards are met and maintained.
vibrantly growing inside NUML where modern teaching methodologies are producing more
NUML Journal of Critical Inquiry opportunities for NUML students to challenge the global educational challenges by utilizing state of
the art technology. NUML ICT was established in 2005 with the mandate to develop e-Academia
NUML's Journal of Critical Inquiry (JCI) ISSN 2222-5706 is a continuation of NUML Research and aggressively working with the ideal ICT model for an HEI. NUML, being the part of Pakistan
Magazine with revised and improved parameters, approved by Higher Education Commission of Education & Research Network (, fast speed internet with 48Mbps dedicated
Pakistan. Journal of Critical Inquiry aims at investigating and bringing forth innovative research bandwidth enable the University's faculty/student to take part in any electronic research. Campus
based concepts and practices in the domains of Language, Literature, Linguistics, Applied wide wired and wireless hotspots maximize the accessibility of fast speed internet round the clock
Linguistics and Education at national and international level. The contributions are duly abstracted not only inside the campus but faculty/students are also benefited in their hostel rooms.Fast speed
and indexed by Pro-Quest, CSA Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts Database (USA). network of about 1200 active nodes at different computer laboratories enhanced the computational
NUML's JCI is also listed in Pro-Quest Academic Research Library and has signed agreements and research capability of students whereas every department is inter-linked with secure network.
with Pro-Quest and Ebscohost for international distribution, abstracting and indexing services.
JCI encourages the authors to be creative and also attempts to motivate and guide the readers to Campus wide wired and wireless hotspots maximize the accessibility of fast speed internet round
be inquisitive, creative and critical in approach. QEC facilitates coordination with international the clock not only inside the campus but faculty/students are also benefited in their hostel
abstracting and indexing agencies. rooms.Fast speed network of about 1200 active nodes at different computer laboratories enhanced
the computational and research capability of students whereas every department is inter-linked
Anti-plagiarism Unit with secure network.
Quality Enhancement Cell developed NUML's Anti-plagiarism policy based on the guidelines Specialized video conference rooms empower the university
received from Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. Anti-plagiarism Unit of QEC is to interact with any scholar/university across the world with
responsible for plagiarism check of theses and papers for national and international conferences. no time constraint whereas full fledge video conference
We strictly adhere to zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism and for that Turnitin software as a facility is in use of faculty to conduct their curriculum based
text matching online tool is used to ensure originality in research and to protect intellectual online lectures/seminars/workshops, PhD Thesis Defence
copyrights of scholars and researchers. The Turnitin reports are mandatory for assignments/team and extra curriculum activities, like online debate and quiz
papers/project reports/ theses and papers for national and international conferences. Plagiarism competition over video conference network. E-
Standing Committee is constituted to deal with cases of plagiarism and recommend punitive communication with international e-learning network of
actions. Global Development Learning Centers (GDLN) and
UNESCO Connect Asia also provides the opportunities for e-
learning over video conference network. Similarly state of the
art technology is installed in University Central Auditorium
FACULTY whereas video linkage is also possible however NUML
Writing Resource Center is one of the unique R&D center
1. Dr. Mian Khurram Shahzad Azam : PhD Acting Head established by deploying state of the art technologies which
2. Dr. Farheen Ahmad Hashmi : PhD not only provide the opportunities to students for their
Asstt Prof (Editor JCI)
research work in ideal environment but also provide the
3. Mr. Adnan Rashid : MPhil Lecturer-Focal Person (Anti- opportunity to interact with any online resource through video
Plagiarism Unit) linkage on their desktop.

Enhanced digital library accessibility to faculty and students even at their desktop whereas IMPORTANT NOTES
university has state of the art technology based computer labs at different departments where
students do their research in peaceful environment.
Provisional Admission
Similarly e-learning program of NUML is the proud launch in the higher education sector through
which students can easily learn any language through learning management system (LMS). Initially
Students who have appeared in FA/FSc and copy of domicile & Character Certificate should
Chinese Language is targeted however other modern languages are in the future targets.
BA/BSc examination are eligible to apply. Such reach the University before last date.
students should provide a certificate from the
Besides the same Online QEC System empowers the management of NUML to see the feedback of
head of institution mentioning that he/she has
students for academia quality in NUML and on basis of which they try to improve however licensed c. STUDENTS MUST BRING ALONG
appeared in the exam and is likely to pass with
software culture is developing aggressively in NUML by giving the free license software to students
free of cost under the HEC- Microsoft Alliance education project.
Campus Management System, e-Learning and Global Research e-opportunities are in the NUML INTERVIEW WILL NOT BE CONDUCTED
ICT Strategic Plan 2013 - 2018 however single sign in policy for faculty/students and virtual Discipline WITHOUT ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS.
communication network for NUML and its campuses is in execution phase.
All students will adhere to discipline rules as d. It is the responsibility of candidates to check
enforced from time to time. Punctuality is the dates of final interview and their final
expected from all NUML students. Politics, selection for admission from NUML website
ethnic and sectarian activities are strictly
forbidden. / Academics Branch / Notice Board of
University. No intimation will be sent to any
individual by the University.
Admission Requirement
ICT Team Composition
Director IT Syed Ali Raza a. Incomplete application forms without
Manager WAN & Managed Services Mr. Raza Pervez requisite documents will not be entertained e. Fee-Refund Policy
Deputy Director MIS Mr. Farrukh Nazir (documents must be attested from Following national level Fee-Refund Policy will
Manager Video Conference Mr. Ehsan Ul Haq Gazetted Officer). To collect the admit be implemented.
Campus Network Administrator Mr. Sajid Javed card from Academics Branch is the %age of Tuition Fee Timeline For Semester /
Software Programmer Mr. Muhammad Waqar Shafique responsibility of the applicant. No one
Web Master Syeda Hadisa Nayab Rizvi Trimester System
will be allowed to sit in the entrance test
Sr. Electronic Supervisor Mr. Fazal e Malik Full (100%) Fee Up to 7th day of commen-
Qaiser Nadeem without Admit Card. Students who have
Network Support Assistant Refund cement of classes
IT Support Staff Asif Mehmood, Yasir Ahmed, appeared in their annual Board / University
Muzammil Shah, Azkar Subhani, Examinations must attach with the Half 50% Fee From 8th - 15th day of
Fazal-e-Hasan application form, a letter of Refund commencement of classes
recommendation from the Head of the
No Fee (0%) From 16th day of commen-
Institution last attended regarding passing
Refund cement of classes
the examination with at least 50% marks
and provide a copy of Roll No Slip of the
Examination in which they have appeared. f. Change of shift from Evening to Morning
is not allowed.
b. Online Application Form can be submitted
through NUML website g. To appear in the end-term / final examination
attendance of 75% lectures is mandatory.
(Processing fee will be charged). Print out
of online Application Form along with duly h. Admission to all Masters Courses will be
paid challan (in original) accompanied by all confirmed on provision of original
attested educational documents, two Bachelor's degree result and Character
Certificate from the institution last attended.
passport size photographs, copy of CNIC,
It will be the responsibility of applicant to

provide Migration Certificate (in original) for Disclaimer Regional Campuses

Masters Courses for registration within a National University of Modern Languages has Regional Campuses in major cities of all provinces.
This prospectus is informational and should not
period of 30 days after admission. Final These Campuses offer programs in Social Sciences, Management Science and selected
be taken as binding on the University. Each languages. For further information about courses and programs students can contact respective
admission will be subject to the payment of
prescribed fee by the selected candidates in aspect of the educational setup, admission campuses at following addresses.
advance for the whole semester procedure, fee structure of discipline requires
immediately after selection as per schedule continuing review by the competent authority.
The University therefore reserves the right to Brig. Abdul Waheed (Retd)
change / amend any rules and regulations Regional Director, Faisalabad Campus
j. Limited hostel facilities are available for Male 1 km Novelty, Bridge , Samanabad Road,
& Female students coming from distant applicable to students whenever appropriate or Faisalabad: Canal bank, Faisalabad -38070
areas admitted in one year's programme. necessary. Tell: 041-2565001 Fax: 041-2565002
Such students shall submit their Email: [email protected]
applications along with application form. All
dues are to be deposited in selected
branches of Askari Commercial Bank in Dr. Karim Dad Pitafi
Rawalpindi / Islamabad. Regional Director, Hyderabad Campus
Hyderabad: A-11, G.O.R Colony Hyderabad
k. Transport facility on specific routes in Email: [email protected]
Rawalpindi / Islamabad is available on
Dr. Muhammad Saleem Khan
Regional Director, Karachi Campus
Street-3, block 'K'
Karachi: North Nazimabad, Karachi
Dress Code Attendance Tell: 0213-6721027,28,29 - Fax: 0213-6721030
Email:[email protected]
In order to maintain academic dignity and Minimum attendance criteria for BE Electrical
institutional sanctity students are required to (Telecom) is 75% and for the rest of the
wear decent dress. Informal dress is not students is 70%. Students will not be allowed to Brig. Muhammad Akram Khan (Retd)
allowed. Students shall avoid. take the examination if they fail to maintain the Regional Director, Lahore Campus
minimum requirement. Block-3, 2nd floor, Aiwane- Iqbal,
a. Wearing tights or see-through shirts. Lahore: Egerton Road, Lahore
Wearing of NUML ID card is mandatory while Tell: 042-99204588 - Fax: 042-36316856
b. Wearing shorts or sleeveless shirts. at campus for all students, faculty and staff Email:[email protected]
c. Wearing T-Shirts / shirts without collar e.g
round neck and V-neck. Brig. Abdul Razzak (Retd)
Regional Director, Multan Campus
d. Dress bearing languages or art which Chowk Bahadurpur, Bosan Road, Multan
appears to be provocative or indecent and Multan: Tell: 061-92390609-4746222-4746333
is likely to offend others. Fax: 061-4745333
Email: [email protected]
e. Wearing shabby or torn clothing.

f. Wearing jogging or exercise clothing Col. Mushtaq Hussain (Retd)

during classes. Regional Director Peshawar, Campus
North West Education Complex, Old Jamrud Road
Peshawar: Opposite BISE, Peshawar , KPK.
g. Putting on excessive makeup or wearing
expensive jewelry. Tel: 091-9218381 - Fax: 091-9218380
Email: [email protected]
h. Wearing untidy, gaudy or immodest dress
in classrooms, cafeteria and university Prof. Muhammad Usman Kasi
offices. Regional Director, Quetta Campus
j. Wearing unprofessional attire at formal Bungalow# 71-A, Jinnah Town
occasions, events and interviews. Quetta: Street No.2, Samungli Road, Quetta.
Tell: 081-2870212 - Fax :081-2870212
Email: [email protected]
(Effective from February 2014)
1st Semester
Cert / Dip Business
Foundation/ Admn / Dip Mag & BS G&PP BSML / MA & MSc
Certificate / MA & MSc IELTS /
Certificate / News Jour / Dip TV & Adv Dip / B.Ed / BBA / BS Eco & Fin / Isl St / G & PP / Pak
Diploma Eng MCS / Eng / ELT / Short
Diploma Radio Jour / Diploma PGD / BS Ed / BS Acct BS English / MA Arabic / St / His / Edu / EPM
Head Title & Other BSCS / B.Com MBA / IR / Eco / Russian MS / M.Phil & Ph.D
Chinese & International Affairs Interpreter BA Ed / BEEE & Fin / BS Mass Comm Persian / / Early Childhood
of Course Languages / BS SE / (2 yrs) BBS Mass Comm / Course (Effective from Aug 2009)
Korean (DIA) / Pres & Int ship Associate BS / Urdu Edu / Psy / M.Ed /
Arabic Cptr BS TS M.Com /
Languages Skills / Dip Courses Degree in Comm BS Languges MA Lang etc / PGD /
Typ & Comp C&PS
Governance / Dip Edu etc Dip Edu Psy
Tafseer / Hadith
1. One Time Charges Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Heads Rs.
Admission Fee 1500 2200 - 2400 2730 7100 5600 5355 3200 5355 5355 5880 3100 3200 - a. Admission Fee 3000
Registration Fee 700 1000 - 1250 1570 4000 3500 3675 2100 3675 3675 3675 2000 2100 - b. Registration Fee 7000
Library Security Refundable 1000 1000 - 2500 2000 5000 5000 5000 3000 5000 5000 5000 3000 3000 - c. Examination fee (Once) 14000
Total 3200 4200 - 6150 6300 16100 14100 14030 8300 14030 14030 14555 8100 8300 - d. Library Security (Refundable) 5000
2. Per Semester Charges
Per Semester Charges
Tuition Fee 3500 5120 15000 7695 7695 38325 31710 26175 15690 16475 31690 15930 9400 10680 11550 e. Tuition Fee (during Course Work) 24000
f. Research, Supervision, Guidance & Lib Fee
Examinations Fee 900 1575 - 2100 2100 3000 3000 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2000 2100 - (during research work)
Development Fund 800 2100 - 2100 2100 3000 3000 3150 2100 2100 3150 3150 3000 3150 - g. University Fund 3000
Audio Visual Aids (AVA) Fund 400 735 - 735 735 - - - 840 840 - 840 800 840 - h. Magazine Fund 300
Library Subscription 300 315 - 840 840 800 800 840 840 840 840 840 800 840 - j. Medical Fund 200
Medical Facility 400 400 - 400 400 400 400 400 - 400 400 400 400 400 - Total One Time Charges (S# a + b + c+ d + e + g + h + j) 56500
Computer Lab - - - - - 4000 3000 1050 - - 1050 - - - - Fee During Course Work (per Semester)
(S. No. e + g+ h + j)
Sports Funds 500 500 - 500 500 500 500 500 - 500 500 500 500 500 -
Fee During Research Work (per Semester)
Total: Per Semester: 6800 10745 15000 14370 14370 50025 42410 34215 21570 23255 39730 23760 16900 18510 11550 ( S. No. f + g + h + j)
Evaluation of Thesis Charges from Foreign
Experts @ US$ 400 per evaluator (at the time of
Total: 1st Time Charges 10000 14945 15000 20520 20670 66125 56510 48245 29870 37285 53760 38315 25000 26810 11550 submission of PhD Thesis) - Applicable only for
US$ 800
new intake from session Aug 2009.
3. Miscellaneous
a. Transport Charges: Rs. 8500/- per Semester (Rs.1700/- per month) If availed
b. Hostel (Room Rent dormitory) Charges: (If availed)
(1) Hostel No. 1 (Girls Hostel) @ Rs. 4000/- per month per student (2) Hostel Nos. 3 & 4 (Boys Hostels) @ Rs. 4500/- per month per student.
4. Main details pertaining to dues :-
a. All dues are payable in advance for one academic term/semester. Once a student starts attending the programme, there is no provision of refund / part adjustment of the amount paid. However, Library Security is refundable.
b. Students attending English Language Courses will be charged Rs. 1100/- to 4500/-as cost of prescribed books and cassettes. For courses in all other languages textbooks and relevant material will be issued on cost basis,
ranging from Rs. 400/- to 5000/-
c. All Semesters dues must be paid with in 15 days of start of semester. No Student will be allowed to sit in the classes without payment of complete dues.
Note: a. Medical and Sports charges are not applicable at Regional Campuses.
b. Library charges may not apply where facility is not available.
c. 5 - 10% increase in fee will be done annually.
Col (R) Syed Jawaid Ahmad
Director Academics
02 June 2014
Director Academics
Col Syed Jawaid Ahmad (R)
c. All Semesters' dues must be paid with in 15 days of start of semester. No Student will be allowed to sit in the classes without payment of complete dues.
ranging from Rs. 400/- to 5000/-.
b. Students attending English Language Courses will be charged Rs. 1100/- to 4500/-as cost of prescribed books and casettes. For courses in all other languages textbooks and relevant material will be issued on cost basis,
a. All dues are payable in advance for one academic term/semester. Once a student starts attending the programme, there is no provision of refund / part adjustment of the amount paid. However, Library Security is refundable.
4. Main details pertaining to dues :-
(1) Hostel No. 1 (Girls Hostel) @ US$ 70 per month per student (2) Hostel No. 3 & 4 (Boys Hostels) @ US$ 80 per month per student
b. Hostel Charges: (if availed)
a. Transport Charges: @ US$. 25 per month (if availed)
intake from session Aug 2009 3. Miscellaneous (if availed)
PhD Thesis) - Applicable only for new Note: All dues will be charged in Pak Rupees at Prevailing exchange rate.
800 evaluator (at the time of submission of
Foreign Experts @ US$ 400 per 440 1190 1275 1975 1975 1720 1725 1000 1014 930 845 Total 1st Time Charges:
Evaluation of Thesis Charges from
( S No. f + g + j)
970 - 810 865 1545 1545 1290 1295 725 804 720 665 Semester Charges :
Fee During Research Work
- 0 0 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 Lab Charges
(per Semester) (S No. e + g+ j)
920 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Medical Facility
Fee During Course Work
(S.No. a + b + c+ d + e + g + j) - 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Sports Fund
Total One Time Charges - 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Audio Visual Aids (AVA) Fund
20 j. Medical Fund - 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 70 University Development Fund
- h. Magazine Fund 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 70 Library Subscription
150 g. University Fund - 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 70 Examination Fee
Lib Fee (during research work) 440
800 450 505 1185 1085 930 835 365 444 360 355 Tuition Fee
f. Research, Supervision, Guidance &
(during Course Work)
750 2. Per Semester Charges
e. Tuition Fee
Per Semester Charges - 380 410 430 430 430 430 275 210 210 180 Total:
200 d. Library Security (Refundable) -
580 c. Examination fee (Once) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 Library Sceurity Refundable
350 b. Registration Fee - 60 60 80 80 80 80 50 40 40 20 Registration Fee
175 a. Admission Fee - 220 250 250 250 250 250 125 120 120 110 Admission Fee
US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ 1. One Time Charges
M.Ed / PGD Edu Mgt
Radio Jour
Persian, Urdu & etc Dip Disaster
Dip TV &
Studies, Iqbaliat, Languages Mass Comm /
Policy Course News Jour / ship BS(TS)
(Effective from Aug 2009) Courses Korean, Pak BS Eco & Fin / BS
MSc Gov & Public Russian MCS / Dip Mag & Interpreter Skills BS(SE) /
MS / M.Phil & Ph.D Master Islamic Studies, BS Urdu / Sciences / BS of Course
MBA / M.Com / Short Typ & Comp PGD / Pres & Int BE(TE) /
Other History, Hindi, BS Eng / BSc Gov Org Title
TOEFL / Arabic Cptr Adv Dip / BS Ed / BSCS /
French, German, BSML, BBA /
IELTS / / Dip Lang / B.Ed /
Arabic, Chinese, MSc P&CS / Head
Found/ Cert
Master Courses
(Effective from 1st Janury 2009)
(Effective from February 2014)
1st Semester
Cert / Dip Business
Foundation/ Admn / Dip Mag & BS G&PP BSML / MA & MSc
Certificate / MA & MSc IELTS /
Certificate / News Jour / Dip TV & Adv Dip / B.Ed / BBA / BS Eco & Fin / Isl St / G & PP / Pak
Diploma Eng MCS / Eng / ELT / Short
Diploma Radio Jour / Diploma PGD / BS Ed / BS Acct BS English / MA Arabic / St / His / Edu / EPM
Head Title & Other BSCS / B.Com MBA / IR / Eco / Russian MS / M.Phil & Ph.D
Chinese & International Affairs Interpreter BA Ed / BEEE & Fin / BS Mass Comm Persian / / Early Childhood
of Course Languages / BS SE / (2 yrs) BBS Mass Comm / Course (Effective from Aug 2009)
Korean (DIA) / Pres & Int ship Associate BS / Urdu Edu / Psy / M.Ed /
Arabic Cptr BS TS M.Com /
Languages Skills / Dip Courses Degree in Comm BS Languges MA Lang etc / PGD /
Typ & Comp C&PS
Governance / Dip Edu etc Dip Edu Psy
Tafseer / Hadith
1. One Time Charges Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Heads Rs.
Admission Fee 1500 2200 - 2400 2730 7100 5600 5355 3200 5355 5355 5880 3100 3200 - a. Admission Fee 3000
Registration Fee 700 1000 - 1250 1570 4000 3500 3675 2100 3675 3675 3675 2000 2100 - b. Registration Fee 7000
Library Security Refundable 1000 1000 - 2500 2000 5000 5000 5000 3000 5000 5000 5000 3000 3000 - c. Examination fee (Once) 14000
Total 3200 4200 - 6150 6300 16100 14100 14030 8300 14030 14030 14555 8100 8300 - d. Library Security (Refundable) 5000
2. Per Semester Charges
Per Semester Charges
Tuition Fee 3500 5120 15000 7695 7695 38325 31710 26175 15690 16475 31690 15930 9400 10680 11550 e. Tuition Fee (during Course Work) 24000
f. Research, Supervision, Guidance & Lib Fee
Examinations Fee 900 1575 - 2100 2100 3000 3000 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2000 2100 - (during research work)
Development Fund 800 2100 - 2100 2100 3000 3000 3150 2100 2100 3150 3150 3000 3150 - g. University Fund 3000
Audio Visual Aids (AVA) Fund 400 735 - 735 735 - - - 840 840 - 840 800 840 - h. Magazine Fund 300
Library Subscription 300 315 - 840 840 800 800 840 840 840 840 840 800 840 - j. Medical Fund 200
Medical Facility 400 400 - 400 400 400 400 400 - 400 400 400 400 400 - Total One Time Charges (S# a + b + c+ d + e + g + h + j) 56500
Computer Lab - - - - - 4000 3000 1050 - - 1050 - - - - Fee During Course Work (per Semester)
(S. No. e + g+ h + j)
Sports Funds 500 500 - 500 500 500 500 500 - 500 500 500 500 500 -
Fee During Research Work (per Semester)
Total: Per Semester: 6800 10745 15000 14370 14370 50025 42410 34215 21570 23255 39730 23760 16900 18510 11550 ( S. No. f + g + h + j)
Evaluation of Thesis Charges from Foreign
Experts @ US$ 400 per evaluator (at the time of
Total: 1st Time Charges 10000 14945 15000 20520 20670 66125 56510 48245 29870 37285 53760 38315 25000 26810 11550 submission of PhD Thesis) - Applicable only for
US$ 800
new intake from session Aug 2009.
3. Miscellaneous
a. Transport Charges: Rs. 8500/- per Semester (Rs.1700/- per month) If availed
b. Hostel (Room Rent dormitory) Charges: (If availed)
(1) Hostel No. 1 (Girls Hostel) @ Rs. 4000/- per month per student (2) Hostel Nos. 3 & 4 (Boys Hostels) @ Rs. 4500/- per month per student.
4. Main details pertaining to dues :-
a. All dues are payable in advance for one academic term/semester. Once a student starts attending the programme, there is no provision of refund / part adjustment of the amount paid. However, Library Security is refundable.
b. Students attending English Language Courses will be charged Rs. 1100/- to 4500/-as cost of prescribed books and cassettes. For courses in all other languages textbooks and relevant material will be issued on cost basis,
ranging from Rs. 400/- to 5000/-
c. All Semesters dues must be paid with in 15 days of start of semester. No Student will be allowed to sit in the classes without payment of complete dues.
Note: a. Medical and Sports charges are not applicable at Regional Campuses.
b. Library charges may not apply where facility is not available.
c. 5 - 10% increase in fee will be done annually.
Col (R) Syed Jawaid Ahmad
Director Academics
02 June 2014
Director Academics
Col Syed Jawaid Ahmad (R)
c. All Semesters' dues must be paid with in 15 days of start of semester. No Student will be allowed to sit in the classes without payment of complete dues.
ranging from Rs. 400/- to 5000/-.
b. Students attending English Language Courses will be charged Rs. 1100/- to 4500/-as cost of prescribed books and casettes. For courses in all other languages textbooks and relevant material will be issued on cost basis,
a. All dues are payable in advance for one academic term/semester. Once a student starts attending the programme, there is no provision of refund / part adjustment of the amount paid. However, Library Security is refundable.
4. Main details pertaining to dues :-
(1) Hostel No. 1 (Girls Hostel) @ US$ 70 per month per student (2) Hostel No. 3 & 4 (Boys Hostels) @ US$ 80 per month per student
b. Hostel Charges: (if availed)
a. Transport Charges: @ US$. 25 per month (if availed)
intake from session Aug 2009 3. Miscellaneous (if availed)
PhD Thesis) - Applicable only for new Note: All dues will be charged in Pak Rupees at Prevailing exchange rate.
800 evaluator (at the time of submission of
Foreign Experts @ US$ 400 per 440 1190 1275 1975 1975 1720 1725 1000 1014 930 845 Total 1st Time Charges:
Evaluation of Thesis Charges from
( S No. f + g + j)
970 - 810 865 1545 1545 1290 1295 725 804 720 665 Semester Charges :
Fee During Research Work
- 0 0 0 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 Lab Charges
(per Semester) (S No. e + g+ j)
920 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Medical Facility
Fee During Course Work
(S.No. a + b + c+ d + e + g + j) - 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Sports Fund
Total One Time Charges - 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Audio Visual Aids (AVA) Fund
20 j. Medical Fund - 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 70 University Development Fund
- h. Magazine Fund 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 70 Library Subscription
150 g. University Fund - 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 70 Examination Fee
Lib Fee (during research work) 440
800 450 505 1185 1085 930 835 365 444 360 355 Tuition Fee
f. Research, Supervision, Guidance &
(during Course Work)
750 2. Per Semester Charges
e. Tuition Fee
Per Semester Charges - 380 410 430 430 430 430 275 210 210 180 Total:
200 d. Library Security (Refundable) -
580 c. Examination fee (Once) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 Library Sceurity Refundable
350 b. Registration Fee - 60 60 80 80 80 80 50 40 40 20 Registration Fee
175 a. Admission Fee - 220 250 250 250 250 250 125 120 120 110 Admission Fee
US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ 1. One Time Charges
M.Ed / PGD Edu Mgt
Radio Jour
Persian, Urdu & etc Dip Disaster
Dip TV &
Studies, Iqbaliat, Languages Mass Comm /
Policy Course News Jour / ship BS(TS)
(Effective from Aug 2009) Courses Korean, Pak BS Eco & Fin / BS
MSc Gov & Public Russian MCS / Dip Mag & Interpreter Skills BS(SE) /
MS / M.Phil & Ph.D Master Islamic Studies, BS Urdu / Sciences / BS of Course
MBA / M.Com / Short Typ & Comp PGD / Pres & Int BE(TE) /
Other History, Hindi, BS Eng / BSc Gov Org Title
TOEFL / Arabic Cptr Adv Dip / BS Ed / BSCS /
French, German, BSML, BBA /
IELTS / / Dip Lang / B.Ed /
Arabic, Chinese, MSc P&CS / Head
Found/ Cert
Master Courses
(Effective from 1st Janury 2009)

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