Metcom T E - en
Metcom T E - en
Metcom T E - en
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 General
The universal communications device Metcom T E.. is supposed for remote inquiry of measurement data of any
kind, especially however for telecounting applications.
2 Requirements
The universal communications device Metcon T E.. can be used in any 10 Mbit-TP Ethernet.
For the Metcom T E.. communication modules produced by internationally renowned companies are used. These
companies update their software packages regularly and add or change features. The software releases are
continuously checked by the development department, but no responsibility for this software releases can be take
over except of warranty granted by the module producer.
3 Montages and connections (see chapter 9 Terminal Assignment)
The device Metcom T X.. is equipped with a built-in, low-loss switched power supply, which enables it to operate
on a wide-range AC or DC supply voltage:
AC: 85 V - 240 V or DC: 60 V - 375 V
The installation must be done in a way, that even in the case of cable break no dangerous voltages are applied to
touchable parts of the device including the antenna. This can be accomplished e.g. by using cable ties and
appropriate shortening of the cables.
Wrong connection made with Metcom T E.. may destroy the device.
Therefore attention has to be taken, that
only the clamps shown in the terminal assignment diagram are connected.
devices with the same type designation may have different designations for the clamps. Please connect the
device as shown in the delivered circuit diagram (in terminal cover).
the device must be supplied with the voltage given on the nameplate only.
Open the device in voltage free state only!
Capacitors inside may be loaded to dangerous voltage even after the device is disconnected from mains. Be
careful when touching parts inside!
The RTS/CTS jumper must be set if a bus interface (e.g. 20mA/CS, M-Bus, RS485) or a three wired RS232
(GND, TxD, RxD) is used (see Figure 4: Terminal assignment).
4 Installation Hints
Delivered devices are either programmed according to order or with standard parameters if nothing was specified.
Before installation the Metcom can be configured for the given application using a PC and a parametering adapter
(see chapter 7 Programming the device).
5 Display and control panel (Figure 1) differently according to appliance-implementation
Pos. Function
1 RUN-LED for power on and logoff / logon
blinks by logoff
2 RI-LED: Ring Indication
lights, when the modem rings
3 DCD-LED: Data Carrier Detect
lights, when the modem has built a data link to remote station
4 RxD-LED: Receive Data
lights, when data is transferred from modem to target device
5 TxD-LED: Transmit Data
lights, when data is transferred from target device to modem
6 Technical Data
7 Sealed device cover screw
8 Sealed terminal cover screw
6 Interface
The interface for connecting the target device can be specified by plugging the appropriate interface module. The
following module types are available now:
1 Interface: RS232 (uses signals RxD, TxD, CTS, RTS, GND): terminal standard or RJ45 - option
2 Interface (terminal):
20mA/CS (current loop) active (supplies current) for max. 6 to 8 meters
or 20mA/CS (current loop) passive
or M-Bus interface module, active (can supply 25 slaves/meter max.)
or RS485 (2 wires)
Only one of multiple built-in interfaces (optional) can be active at the same time. The others serve in this case for
level conversion.
Communication is possible with many standard protocols, like SCTM, LSV1, DLMS, IEC1107, IEC60870, Modbus
(transparent reading) etc.
7 Programming the device
Before installing the modem it has to be programmed in order to meet the demands. The baud rate and data
format for connecting to the target device and the transmission mode and transmission rates must be adjusted.
On delivery the following default parameters are active (if not differently mentioned, see terminal cover):
ATS0=1 This parameter setting determines the number of rings (here 1) before automatic answering
AT&D0 This parameter determines how the modem responds when circuit DTR is changed from ON
to OFF during data mode. With setting 0 the modem ignores DTR
AT&K0 No data flow control
ATE0 No local echo
ATQ0 V0 Result is presented as number
AT#PORT=1234 Standard port number = 1234; change only via a terminal program
If you want to change this parameters, you need a PC with parameterization software (e.g. UniModSet) or terminal
software (e.g. Windows HyperTerminal etc.). Moreover experiences with the Hayes AT modem command set are
very recommended. To establish connection between PC and modem you have to use a converter (converter
box) in order to adapt the interfaces. Alternatively you can use a parametering adapter, which can be plugged into
the RJ45 interface from Metcom T E (RS232). This adapter can be ordered as accessory:
7.1 Programming with the software UniModSet
Then select in menu Settings - Interface the serial port (e.g. COM1) and send (write) the chosen device
configuration to Metcom T E.. Additionally you can receive (read) the configuration from a connected
Metcom T E.. In menu File you can save (File save as...) the actual configuration or load (File load) an older.
Further it is possible to set the Ethernet (LAN) parameter.
Experienced users can alter the device configuration with the internal terminal program using AT commands.
7.2 Programming with the terminal software
First you have to set your terminal program to the fixed, local data rate and data format of the Metcom T E..
(default values: 9600 Baud, 7,E,1). Use one of the AT commands (e.g. ATS0?, ATI, AT&V) in order to check
whether the modem answers. If you see the answer on the screen, the interface is working correctly.
Note: Simply typing AT does not result in an answer, because the modem can by default programmed not to send
messages and echoes (parameters ATQ1 and ATE0).
Following some examples of AT commands (the answers depend upon the respective firmware version):
7.3 Dial
The modem lifts up and dials in accordance with the dialling string given by the ATD command, e.g.:
(1234:=port number)
7.4 Disconnect
After the escape sequence +++ the modem hangs up.
8 Technical Data
Housing: Wall-mounted housing
Degree of protection: IP42 (IEC)
Weight 0,6 kg
Temperature range: Conditions of storage and transport: -40C to +90C
Operating conditions: -40C to +85C
Dimensions: W = 171,6 mm
H = 117 mm
D = 66 mm
Protection class: 2
Supply voltage: AC: 85 V 265 V
DC: 60 V 375 V
Power consumption: 4 VA max. (depends upon supply voltage, kind of interface module and operating
status of transmission unit)
Interfaces: Fix: RS232 (supports signals RxD, TxD, RTS, CTS, GND, DTR, DCD, DSR)
Pluggable modules; available are:
- 20mA/CS (current loop) active, (can supply 6 to 8 meters max.)
- 20mA/CS (current loop) passive
- M-BUS active (can supply 25 slaves/meters max.)
- RS485 (2 wires)
Display: LEDs: RUN, RI, DCD, RxD, TxD
Transmission rate remote 10 Mbits/s (IEEE802.3)
modem to Metcom:
Ethernet connection: 10 Base-T
Protocols: ARP, ICMP, TCP/IP, UDP/IP
Transmission rate Metcom 300 to 19200 Baud
to connected device:
Transmission mode: 7E1, 8N1, 8E1, ...
Software-Interface: Hayes Standard-AT
Extent of delivery: - Metcom T E.. including interface module as ordered
- Operation manual
Accessories: - Adapter for parametering
- RJ45 connector
- Additional interface modules
- Software UniModSet
9 Terminal Assignment
When connecting the delivered circuit diagram or the diagram in the terminal cover must be obeyed! The
abbreviations in the circuit diagram are explained in the legend.
N Neutral
L Phase
32 Additional feature: 20mA-Interface active (-) Metcom T E2
33 Additional feature: 20mA-Interface active (+)
32 Additional feature: 20mA-Interface passive (+) Metcom T E3
33 Additional feature: 20mA-Interface passive (-)
32 Additional feature: M-BUS-Interface active Metcom T E4
33 Additional feature: M-BUS-Interface active
32 Additional feature: RS485-Interface (A) Metcom T E6
33 Additional feature: RS485-Interface (B)
81 RS232-Interface GND
82 RS232-Interface TxD
83 RS232-Interface RxD
84 RS232-Interface RTS
85 RS232-Interface CTS
The RTS/CTS jumper can be set if a bus interface (e.g. 20mA, M-Bus, RS485) or a three wired RS232 (GND,
TxD, RxD) is used.
RJ45 plug:
1 RS232-Interface RxD
2 RS232-Interface DSR
3 RS232-Interface CTS
4 RS232-Interface TxD
5 RS232-Interface DCD
6 RS232-Interface RTS
7 RS232-Interface DTR
8 RS232-Interface GND
10 Dimensions
03.2011 Subject to change without notice! Br Industrie-Elektronik GmbH
Rathsbergstr. 23
D-90411 Nrnberg