Bibliografía Raza

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Unidade I: Conceitos
Sociologia Americana
Omi, Michael and Howard Winant. 1986. Racial formation in the United States: from the
1960s to the 1980s. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Bobo, Lawrence. 1999. Prejudice as Group Position: Microfoundations of a Sociological
Approach to Racism and Race Relations. Journal of Social Issues 55:445-472.
Bobo, Lawrence, James Klugel, and Ryan Smith. 1997. Laissez-Faire Racism: The
Crystallization of a Kinder, Gentler, Anti-Black Ideology. Pp. 15-36 in Racial
Attitudes in the 1990s: Continuity and Change, edited by S. A. Tuch and J. K.
Martin. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Fraser, Nancy. 2000. Rethinking Recognition: Overcoming Displacement and Reification
in Cultural Politics. New Left Review:107-120.
Kretsedemas, Philip. 2008. Redefining Race in North America. Current Sociology
Pager, Devah. 2006. Medir a Discriminao. Tempo Social 18:65-88.
Morning, Ann. 2011. The Nature of Race: How Scientists Think and Teach about Human
Difference. Berkeley and Los Angeles, California: University of California Press.
Wimmer, Andreas. 2008. The Making and Unmaking of Ethnic Boundaries: A Multilevel
Process Theory. American Journal of Sociology 113:970-1022.
Sociologia Europia
Goldberg, David Theo. The semantics of race. Ethnic and Racial Studies 15.4 (1992):
Goldberg, David Theo. 2006. Racial Europeanization. Ethnic and Racial Studies 29:331-
Banton, Michael. 2012. The colour line and the colour scale in the twentieth century.
Ethnic and Racial Studies 35:1109-1131.
Gilroy, Paul. 1993. The Black Atlantic: modernity and double consciousness. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Wieviorka, Michel. 1995. The arena of racism. London ; Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage
Crticas e Debates
Bourdieu, Pierre and Loc Wacquant. 1999. On the Cunning of Imperialist Reason.
Theory, Culture, and Society 16:41-58. & Replies in Theory, Culture, and Society 20
Pinho, Patricia. 2005. Descentrando os Estados Unidos nos Estudos sobre Negritude no
Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Cincias Sociais 20:37-50.
Guimares, Antonio Srgio. 2003. Como Trabalhar com raa em sociologia. Educao
e Pesquisa 29:93-107.
Costa, Srgio. 2001. A mestiagem e seus contrrios etnicidade e nacionalidade no
Brasil contemporneo. Tempo Social 13:143-158.
Unidade II Formaes Raciais em comparao
Sociologia Macro-Histrica
Fredrickson, George M. 1997. The comparative imagination : on the history of racism,
nationalism, and social movements. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Marx, Anthony. 1998. Making Race and Nation: A Comparison of South Africa, the United
States and Brazil. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Winant, Howard. 2001. The World is a Ghetto: Race and Democracy Since World War II.
New York: Basic Books.
Patterson, Orlando. 2005. The Four Modes of Ethnic-Somatic Stratification. Pp. xvi, 643
p. in Ethnicity, social mobility, and public policy : comparing the USA and UK, edited
by G. C. Loury, T. Modood, and S. M. Teles. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Hanchard, Michael and Erin Aeran Chung. 2004. From Race Relations to Comparative
Racial Politics: A Survey of Cross-National Scholarship on Race in the Social
Sciences. Du Bois Review 1:319-343.
Pieterse, Jan Nederveen. 1996. Varieties of Ethnic Politics and Ethnic Discourses. in The
Politics of Difference: Ethnic Premises in a World of Power, edited by Wilmsen and
McAllister. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Cooper, David. 1996. Race, Ideology, and the Perils of Comparative History. The
American Historical Review 101:1122-1138.
Estados Unidos
Nobles, Melissa. 2000. Shades of citizenship : race and the census in modern politics.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Carter, Prudence. 2012. Stubborn Roots: Race, Culture and Inequality in US and South
African Schools. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Daniel, G. Reginald. 2006. Race and multiraciality in Brazil and the United States :
converging paths? University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Roth, Wendy. 2006. Caribbean Race adn American Dream: How Migration Shapes
Dominicans and Puerto Ricans Racial identities and its impact on Socioeconomic
Mobility. PhD Thesis, Sociology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
frica do Sul
Seidman, Gay. 1994. Manufacturing Militance: Workers Movements in Brazil and South
Africa, 1970-1985. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Seekings, Jeremy and Nicoli Nattrass. 2005. Class, race, and inequality in South Africa.
New Haven: Yale University Press.
Fry, Peter. 2000. Cultures of difference: the aftermath of Portuguese and British colonial
policies in Southern Africa. Social Anthropology 8:117-144.
Amrica Latina
Graham, Richard, Thomas E. Skidmore, Aline Helg, and Alan Knight. 1990. The Idea of race in Latin America,
1870-1940. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Wade, Peter. 1997. Race and ethnicity in Latin America. Chicago, Ill.: Pluto Press.
Stepan, Nancy. 1991. The hour of eugenics: race, gender, and nation in Latin America. Ithaca: Cornell
University Press.
Appelbaum, Nancy P., Anne S. Macpherson, and Karin Alejandra Rosemblatt. 2003. Race and Nation in
Modern Latin America. Chapell Hill NC: The university of North
Carolina Press.
Sawyer, Mark Q. 2006. Racial Politics in Post-Revolutionary Cuba. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Sidanius, Jim, Yesilernis Pena, and Mark Q. Sawyer. 2001. Inclusionary Discrimination: Pigmentocracy and
Patriotism in the Dominican Republic. Political Psychology
Unidade III Brasil
Estudos Clssicos
Boxer, C. R. 1963. Race relations in the Portuguese colonial empire, 1415-1825. Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
Fernandes, Florestan. 1965. A integracao do negro na sociedade de classes. Sao Paulo,: Dominus Editora.
Costa Pinto. [1952] 1995. O Negro no Rio de Janeiro: relaes de raa numa sociedade em mudana. Rio de
Janeiro: UFRJ.
Nogueira, Oracy and Maria Laura Viveiros de Castro Cavalcanti. 1998. Preconceito de marca : as relacoes
raciais em Itapetininga. So Paulo, SP, Brasil: EDUSP.
Degler, Carl N. 1971. Neither Black nor White: Slavery and Race Relations in Brazil and the United States. New
York: Macmillan.
Hasenbalg, Carlos Alfredo. 1979. Discriminao e desigualdades raciais no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Graal.
Silva, Nelson do Valle. 1979. White-Non-white income differentials: Brazil. PhD Thesis, Sociology, Michigan,
Ann Arbour.
Valle e Silva, Nelson. 1994. Uma nota sobre raa social no Brasil. Estudos Afro-Asiticos 26:67-80.
Valle e Silva, Nelson. 1996. Morenidade: modo de usar. Estudos Afro-Asiticos 30:79-95.
Telles, Edward Eric. 2004. Race in another America : the significance of skin color in Brazil. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.
Sociologia Histrica e Pensamento Social
Skidmore, Thomas. 1976. Preto no branco: raa e nacionalidade no pensamento brasileiro. So Paulo: Paz e
Schwartz, Lilia. 1993. O espetculo das raas: cientistas, instituies e questo racial no Brasil (1870-1930).
So Paulo: Companhia das Letras.
Skidmore, Thomas. 1990. Racial Ideas and Social Policy in Brazil, 1870-1940. Pp. 7-36 in The Idea of Race in
Latin America, 1870-1940, edited by R. Graham. Austin:
University of Texas Press.
Etnografias Exemplares
Twine, France Winddance. 1998. Racism in a racial democracy : the maintenance of white supremacy in Brazil.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.
Sansone, Livio. 2003. Blackness without Ethnicity: Constructing Race in Brazil. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Sheriff, Robin E. 2001. Dreaming equality : color, race, and racism in urban Brazil. New Brunswick, N.J.:
Rutgers University Press.
French, Jan Hoffman. 2009. Legalizing Identities. Chapel Hill North Carolina University Press.
Vran, Jean-Franois. 2010. Nao Mestia: As polticas tnico-raciais vistas da periferia de Manaus.
Dilemas: Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social
Estratificao Social
Paixo, Marcelo and Luiz Carvano. 2008. Relatrio Anual das Desigualdades Raciaisno
Brasil; 2007-2008. Rio de Janeiro: Garamond.
Paixo, Marcelo, Irene Rosseto, Fabiana Montovanele, and Luiz Carvano. 2011. Relatrio
anual das desigualdades raciais no Brasil; 2009-2010. Rio de Janeiro: Garamond.
Ribeiro, Carlos Antonio Costa and Nelson do Valle Silva. 2009. Cor, Educao e
Casamento: Tendncias da Seletividade Marital no Brasil, 1960 a 2000. Dados
Lima, Marcia. 2001. Servio de branco, servio de preto: um estudo sobre cor e trabalho
no Brasil urbano. Sociology, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de
Campante, Filipe, Anna Crespo, and Phillippe Leite. 2004. Desigualdade Salarial entre
Racas no Mercado de Trabalho Urbano Brasileiro: Aspectos Regionais. Revista
Brasileira de Economia 58:185-210.
Figueiredo, Angela. 2002. Novas elites de cor : estudo sobre os profissionais liberais
negros de Salvador. So Paulo, SP, Brasil: Annablume.
Schwartzman, Luisa. 2007. Does Money Whiten? Intergenerational Changes in Racial
Classification in Brazil. American Sociological Review 72:940-964.
Opinio Pblica
Loveman, Mara, Jeronimo Muniz, and Stanley Bailey. 2012. Brazil in black and white?
Race categories, the census, and the study of inequality. Ethnic and Racial Studies
Bailey, Stan. 2009. Legacies of Race: Identities, Attitudes and Politics in Brazil. Stanford,
California: Stanford.

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