Spatial Filtering in A Broadband In-Home OFDM Radio-Over-Fiber Network

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6, MARCH 15, 2014 575

Spatial Filtering in a Broadband In-Home OFDM

Radio-Over-Fiber Network
Z. Cao, F. Li, A. C. F. Reniers, C. W. Oh, H. P. A. van den Boom, E. Tangdiongga, and A. M. J. Koonen

Abstract The spatial filtering in an orthogonal frequency divi-

sion multiplexing (OFDM) radio-over-fiber network is proposed
to boost its capacity using broadband optical true time delay
enabled microwave beam steering. The observed suppression
ratio of the spatial filtering is 19.4 dB. The optical delivery
and directional wireless transmission of 3.975 Gb/s OFDM data
on a 19-GHz microwave carrier is studied. The observed beam
directing-induced bit error ratio improvement is more than four
orders of magnitude.
Index Terms Spatial filtering, optical true time delay,
microwave beam steering, radio over fiber.


T HE CURRENT explosion of communication traffic

volume is driven by an insatiable appetite for high-speed
internet connectivity and video-based content delivery to
Fig. 1. Principle of array factor and beam steering: (a) illustration of array
factor derivation; (b) beam steering enabled by phase shift (or delay).
wireless and mobile terminal users, especially for in-home
networks. Many studies are carried out to exploit wireless operational frequency and/or phase tuning resolution. Moti-
capacity. To exhaust more capacity in the frequency domain, vated by these facts, an OFDM radio-over-fibre (OFDM-
the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) RoF) network is proposed with the optical true time delay
technology is widely investigated due to its highest spec- microwave beam-steering (OTTD-MBS). The radio-over-fibre
tral efficiency. In the spatial domain, spatial multiplexing, (RoF) technique is highly appreciated for ultra broadband
spatial isolation (pico/femto-cells), and spatial filtering (beam- distributed pico-cell in-home networks with simplified archi-
steering) attract lots of attention due to their abilities to tectures [3][7]. By reusing the RoF link, the OTTD-MBS
boost capacity immensely. Unlike spatial multiplexing which can be realized with a few additional components. Previously,
requires complex digital signal processing, both spatial isola- most OTTD schemes are reported for radar applications rather
tion and beam-steering (BS) can separate the signals at the than telecom applications [8][11]. To our best knowledge, the
same frequency with minimum interference. Spatial isolation proposed system is the first application of OTTD-MBS in an
requires many wireless access points and its successful deploy- in-home OFDM-RoF network.
ment depends on simplified network architectures. For beam-
steering, phased array antennas (PAAs) are widely considered II. O PERATION P RINCIPLE OF B ROADBAND A PERTURE
as the best candidate for microwave beam-steering due to its A NTENNA A RRAY
fast steering and compactness [1]. However, a severe limitation
is often caused by the use of phase shifters to steer the As shown in Fig. 1(a), the OTTD-MBS PAA includes a
beam, which results in beam deformations (squint) in the group of individual radiators (antennas), which are oriented
measured antenna pattern. The use of true time delay (TTD) in the linear spatial configuration. With equal magnitudes and
technology potentially eliminates this bandwidth restriction, as progressive phases, its far field pattern can be expressed as:
it provides a theoretically frequency independent time delay on E( ) = AF( ) Pe ( ) (1)
each channel of the array [2]. Standard TTD technology typ-
ically consists of digitally switched transmission line sections where Pe ( ) and AF( ) are the far field pattern of ele-
wherein weight, loss and cost increase rapidly with increased ment antennas, and the array factor, correspondingly. We will
explore the properties of Pe ( ) and AF( ) in the following.
Manuscript received November 5, 2013; revised January 3, 2014; accepted 1) Bandwidth and far field pattern (FFP) of aperture anten-
January 5, 2014. Date of publication January 9, 2014; date of current version nas.
February 24, 2014. This work was supported by The Netherlands Organization The aperture antennas (AA) are used as element antennas
for Scientific Research (NWO) under the project grant Smart Optical-Wireless
In-home Communication Infrastructure (SOWICI).
in our experiment. As a kind of mature and well studied
Z. Cao, A. C. F. Reniers, C. W. Oh, H. P. A. van den Boom, structures, AAs exhibit the flat response feature for its pass-
E. Tangdiongga, and A. M. J. Koonen are with the COBRA Institute, Eind- band. According to its datasheet, the AA used in our exper-
hoven University of Technology, NL 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands iment keeps a flat response from 14.2 to 26.5 GHz. The
(e-mail: [email protected]). transmission bandwidth is measured as shown in Fig. 2 using
F. Li is with Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available a vector network analyzer (VNA). Since the frequency range
online at of the employed VNA is from 130 MHz to 20 GHz, the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LPT.2014.2298615 frequency response beyond 20 GHz is not presented. Based
1041-1135 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

is the propagation constant of the radiated microwave carrier,

and can be expressed as: = 2/, where is the wavelength
of the radiated microwave carrier. denotes the scan angle and
d denotes the distance between two radiators. Thus main lobe
of the beam (maximum of AF( )) in space can be controlled
by adjusting the progressive phase shift of the excitation
signals to each individual element. The main lobe of AF( ) can
be achieved when the phase shifts are equal to the propagation
induced phase delays, namely = d sin . An intuitive
understanding is that the beam directs to one destination where
all signals from different radiators arrive with the same phase
(or at the same time for true time delay). As an example
shown in Fig. 1 (b), we simulate the pattern of the phased array
Fig. 2. The measured transmission curve vs. frequency for aperture antenna
used in the experiment. antenna with two radiators (ideal omni directional antennas)
with different phase shifts in between. The wavelength in the
simulation is 15.8 mm (19 GHz) and the distance between the
elements is 7.9 mm. We can see from the results that the main
lobes of the beam change when the phase shift changes.


Fig. 4 shows the proof-of-concept experimental setup for the
proposed OTTD-MBS in an OFDM-RoF system. A 3-dBm
optical carrier at 1556.96 nm is generated from a commer-
cial semiconductor laser diode with its spectrum shown in
Fig. 4(a). The laser is modulated with a 19-GHz sinusoidal
signal via a Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZ-a) biased at its
linear range to generate an optical mm-wave. The 19-GHz
Fig. 3. (a) 3-D far field pattern (FEP) of aperture antenna; (b) 2-D FEP (Y-Z carrier is chosen because of the facility availability in our
plane), (c) 2-D FEP (X-Z plane) of aperture antenna. lab. The 3.975 Gbps OFDM data with 2 GHz single sideband
bandwidth is modulated on the generated optical mm-wave via
on the response curve, we can find the flatness is within 4-dB MZ-b. The 4Gbps OFDM signal is generated from a Tektronix
in its pass band. In the antenna array, the mutual coupling AWG 7122B at the sample rate of 6 GSa/s. The size of
is measured less than -30-dB, which results low cross-talk IFFT is 256 and the numbers of subcarriers used for data,
and accurate beam-steering. Moreover, the aperture antennas pilots and high frequency guard band (HFGB) are 192, 8, and
are semi-omni-directional, which is suitable for large coverage 56, respectively. Note that the HFGB is used to suppress the
applications. The simulated far field pattern (FFP) of an AA out-of-band spectrum of the OFDM signal. Consequently the
used in our experiment is depicted in Fig. 3. The simulated spectrum occupation is 4 GHz for double sideband modulation.
frequency is 19 GHz. The 3-D FFP of AA is depicted in The subcarriers are arranged to satisfy the Hermitian symmetry
Fig. 3 (a) and the different colors present different antenna for the real-valued IFFT output. The period of an OFDM
gains (dBi). It covers the whole hemisphere with a small symbol is 48 ns and thus the symbol rate for each subcarrier
deviation. The antenna array is oriented in the x-axis of the is 2083 MSps. QPSK is employed for the data subcarrier
element antennas and thus we are interested in the 2-D FFP modulation. The cyclic prefix is 1/8 of an OFDM period,
of the x-z plane as shown in Fig. 3(c). Its gain difference which corresponds to 32 samples in every OFDM symbol. One
of the element AA will introduce the gain imbalance to training symbol is inserted in front of 160 data OFDM symbols
the array synthesized FFA according to Eq.1. As shown in for the symbol synchronization and channel estimation. The
Fig. 3(c), the 3-dB angle width of the 2-D FFA in x-z plane net bit rate of OFDM signal is 3.975 Gbps. The bit rate can
is 80 (40 40). It means that the maximum 3-dB go up to 8Gbps within the same spectrum occupation if IQ
received power difference occurs in a range of 80. This is modulation is employed. In the receiver, after synchronization,
acceptable for in-home scenarios. The gain difference induced FFT operations are performed to demodulate and equalize
received power imbalance will be observed experimentally in the received signal using the channel response extracted from
the following. training sequence and pilots. After de-mapping, the received
2) Array Factor and Beam-steering. data is retrieved for bit error ratio (BER) counting in an offline
As shown in Fig. 1 (a), the array factor can be expressed MatLab program.
as: An erbium-doped amplifier (OA) is used to compensate
insertion losses of the Mach-Zehnder modulators in the

transmitter. Please note that the OA can be omitted if an
AF( ) = In exp( jnd sin ) (2)
integrated transmitter is used. The resulting optical spectrum
is shown in Fig. 4(b). The optical signal is coupled to >50-m
where In =exp(jn) denotes progressive radian phase shifts single mode fibre (SMF) before being split into two paths via
of each radiators. In the OTTD-MBS system, can be further an optical splitter. We used short length fibres to make the
expressed as: = t/Tc , where t is the delay controlled by the setup appropriate for in-home networks. One path (Path-1) is
OTTD scheme, and Tc is the period of the carrier frequency. directly connected to an optical receiver (PD-1) and the other

Fig. 4. Experimental setup for proposed OTTD-MBS scheme in a RoF system.

path (Path-2) has an optical tunable delay line (OTDL) and a

cascaded optical receiver (PD-2). PD-1/2 are the same type,
and each has 15 and 20 GHz for 3- and 6-dB bandwidth. The
outputs of PD-1/2 are separately connected to two aperture
antennas (Tx-1 and Tx-2 are separated by 23.4 mm) to transmit
the data signals wirelessly. To receive the wireless signals,
three aperture antennas, Rx-L/M/R, are used and located at
a forward distance of 202 mm. The distance between the
Rx antennas is 101 mm and therefore the receiving angle of
Rx-L/R is 26.4 as shown in Fig. 4. In a practical system,
the antenna array and the optical tunable delay will be
fixed at the ceil center of a room. The microwave beam
is then steering to the mobile user by tuning the optical
tunable delay. Compact optical tunable delay schemes based
on integrated photonic circuits can provide a solution for
future practical applications. Inside our project, such an
integrated chip is designed based on silicon on insulate (SOI)
platform. Its fast tuning of optical delay, stable performance
and compact footprint are expected. The feasibility of the
CMOS compatible integrated optical tunable delay can be
hopefully demonstrated after its measurement. A photo of
the antennas is shown in Fig. 4(c). The received wireless
signal is then analyzed to obtain the bit-error-ratio (BER)
which is illustrated in the block analysis in Fig. 4(d). The
signal is amplified by an electrical amplifier (EA), and then Fig. 5. Power curves of Rx-L/M/R: (a) simulation, and (b) experiment.
down converted by an electrical mixer and a 19-GHz local
oscillator. After a 3-GHz low-pass filter and a low noise Tx-1/2 are both turned on. For the element antennas with
amplifier (LNA), the signal is retrieved for BER analysis. balanced power, the combination introduces 3-dB gain for
The received RF power of Rx-M is measured without data amplitudes and thus 6-dBm for power.
modulation as shown in Fig. 4(e). The wavelength of the The simulated and measured received RF power curves
19-GHz RF carrier (mm ) is 15.8 mm. The RF power is for Rx-L/M/R, are shown in Fig. 5 as a function of delays.
measured by a RF spectrum analyzer with 100-kHz resolution. The simulation is carried out using a phased array antenna
The power levels are -59.7 and -17.7-dBm for 7.9 and 0 mm design tool of MatLab. Both the array factor and the pattern
delay of the OTDL between Tx-1 and Tx-2, respectively. The of elements (aperture antennas) are taken into account. The
null of the beam will be steered to the center (Rx-M) when measurements are carried out starting with a delay from
radian phase difference (0.5 mm ) occurs between the RF 6 to 26 mm with 2-mm steps. The positive delay is defined as
carriers of Tx-1/2. The beam main lobe is steered to the center the delay for Tx-1. The maximum received powers of Rx-L/R
when 0 phase difference (0 mm ) is obtained. The mm-wave are lower than the maximum power of Rx-M mainly caused
signals received at Rx-M are depicted in Fig. 4(f) with 0 mm by the power non-uniformity of the aperture antennas as we
delay. The vertical scale for three cases (either Tx-1 or 2 is discussed in Section II. The power curves are periodic due
turned on, or both are turned on) is identical. The amplitudes to the periodicity of the phase shift. As we have expected,
from Tx-1/2 are linearly combined shown in Fig. 4(f) when the power increases to a maximum when delays are close to

Fig. 8. Welch power spectral density for the down converted OFDM of (a)
Fig. 6. Constellations of the received OFDM signal at Rx-L/M/R for 10mm Rx-L with 10 mm offset and (b) Rx-R with 10mm offset.
and 10mm delay.

the imperfect and finite signals As shown in Fig. 8, the

OTTD-MBS does not introduce any notable frequency fad-
ing to the received OFDM signal compared with Fig. 3(c).
Its feature of a flat transmission exhibits its capability for
advanced modulation formats like OFDM.

To the best of our knowledge, the broadband optical true
time delay for microwave-beam steering (OTTD-MBS) with
advanced OFDM modulation is proposed and experimentally
demonstrated in an in-home radio-over-fibre network for the
first time 3.975 Gbps wireless transmission is successfully
demonstrated with 4 orders of magnitude bit error ratio
Fig. 7. BER curves at Rx-M/R for 10 mm delay. improvement. Combining the spectrum efficiency of OFDM,
the spatial filtering feature of OTTD-MBS, and the simple
an integer multiple of mm . The peaks of Rx-L/R are sym- architecture to implement pico-cell networks, the proposed
metric around Rx-Ms peak, due to the geometric symmetry. system can be an interesting solution for future broadband
The measured peaks and nulls match with the simulated results in-home networks.
very well. The contrast from peak to null is 19.4 and 29.3 dB
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