Research Paradigm

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Research Paradigm

Input Process Output


1. Survey about
the possible
entrance and
exit patterns
that are
convenient at
1. Identified the
all times.
possible entrance
1. Possible entrance- 2. Survey about
and exit patterns
exit patterns is the experiences
that are
convenient at all and their
convenient at all
times. walking inside
2. Problems the Otto Hahn
2. Identified the
experienced by the building.
experiences and
3. Interview each Safety manual for
students while their walking inside
student the correct routes
walking inside the the Otto Hahn
president for of each student.
Otto Hahn building. building.
3. Comparison and the comparison
3. Identified the
contrast of the and contrast of
comparison and
issues countered the issues
contrast of the
on each floor of the countered on
issues countered
Otto Hahn building. each floor of
on each floor of the
the Otto Hahn
Otto Hahn building.

Survey method-
Questionnaire will be
distributed by the
researchers to the

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