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The document discusses standards and guidelines for designing railway tunnels in Switzerland.

It is about standards and guidelines for designing railway tunnels based on the Swiss Standards Association.

Topics covered include structural design, construction works, operating and safety equipment, environment, and management.

si a

SIA 197/1:2004 Civil Engineering

Schweizer Norm
Norme suisse
Norma svizzera

505 197/1

Replaces, together with the SIA 197 and SIA 197/2,

Sections 1 and 2 of the SIA 198, Edition 1993

Projet de tunnels Tunnels ferroviaires

Progettazione di gallerie Gallerie ferroviarie
Projektierung Tunnel Bahntunnel

Design of Tunnels
Railway Tunnels

Published by
Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects
P.O. Box, CH-8039 Zurich

Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich Price group: 28

2010-04 1st Edition

2 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich


Page Page

Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 Operating and safety equipment . . 23

9.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
0 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 9.2 LV and HV supply for railway,
0.1 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 earthing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
0.2 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 9.3 Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
0.3 General contract conditions . . . . . . . . . . 5 9.4 Equipment for escape routes and
0.4 Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 emergency exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
9.5 Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9.6 Safety equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
9.7 Communications equipment . . . . . . . 27
2 Basic principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9.8 Fire-fighting equipment . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3 Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Appendices
A Design working life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 B Fire load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.1 Basic principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 C Reference Systems for surveying
4.2 Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 the tunnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.3 Design procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 D Kinematic envelopes for new
4.4 Safety planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 railway tunnels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
E Standard cross-section of tunnel . . 35
5 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 F Determination of utilisable
construction space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6 Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 G Design process
Tunnel structure and railway
7 Structural design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
7.1 Basic principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 H Guidelines and other documents . . 41
7.2 Structural analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
7.3 Dimensioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Acceptance and coming into force . . . . . . . . . 44
7.4 Accidental actions and corrosion . . . . . 9
7.5 Special construction works . . . . . . . . . . 10
7.6 Execution checks and monitoring . . . . . 10

8 Construction works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
8.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
8.2 Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
8.3 Tunnel cross-section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
8.4 Lining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
8.5 Track, walkways and cable ducts . . . . . . 13
8.6 Waterproofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
8.7 Drainage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
8.8 Additional structural elements
for safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
8.9 Tunnel portals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
8.10 Ancillary plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 3


The previous Standard SIA 198 Underground Construction (1993) mainly dealt with construction procedures;
little consideration was given to design.
The present Standards:
SIA 197 Design of Tunnels Basic Principles
SIA 197/1 Design of Tunnels Railway Tunnels
SIA 197/2 Design of Tunnels Highway Tunnels
fill this gap. They are intended for design engineers. They will also be of interest to clients (owners and operators)
and those involved in site supervision and construction work.
SIA 197 presents the basic principles to be taken into consideration in the design of traffic tunnels, irrespective
of the actual purpose (railway or highway). This includes the various aspects of health and safety and environ-
mental impact. It also includes the requirements for the design of a structure to be constructed underground
according to the SIA Structural Standards. The special features that need be considered in the case of highway
and rail tunnels are covered in the two specialist Standards SIA 197/1 and SIA 197/2.
In order to simplify application, the three Standards have the same structure up to the titles at the 3rd level. This
does, however, frequently lead to the omission of text with only a cross-reference to the other Standard(s).
The requirements for the construction of underground structures are dealt with as before in SIA 198 Underground
Structures Construction.
Committee for SIA 197

4 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich


0.1 Limitations
0.1.1 SIA 197/1 Design of Tunnels Railway Tunnels lays down the specific rules for the design of railway
tunnels (rail tunnels). These are valid in addition to the provisions of SIA 197.
SIA 197/1 applies to tunnels for standard and narrow gauge, cogwheel and funicular railways.

0.1.2 SIA 197 Design of Tunnels Basic Principles lays down the basic principles for the design of transport
tunnels. Operational aspects (use, operation and maintenance) are dealt with only insofar as they are
of significance for the design.

0.1.3 The clauses relating to tunnel layout (infrastructure concept) in SIA 197 and 197/1 apply irrespective
of whether the tunnel is constructed by a mined or cut-and-cover construction method.

0.1.4 SIA 198 Underground Structures Execution contains the requirements for the construction materials
and the principle regulations for construction (lining of underground structures).

0.1.5 SIA 197, 197/1 and 198 may be applied for changes to existing railway tunnels, where appropriate.

0.2 References
See SIA 197.

0.3 General contract conditions

See SIA 197.

0.4 Exceptions
See SIA 197.

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 5

1.1 SIA 197/1 uses the same technical terms as defined in SIA 197.

1.2 Technical terms not defined in SIA 197 are explained in SIA 197/1 at their first occurrence.

See SIA 197.

See SIA 197.

6 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich


4.1 Basic principles

See SIA 197.

4.2 Hazards
See SIA 197.

4.3 Design procedure

See SIA 197.

4.4 Safety planning

4.4.1 General Safety in railway tunnels depends on the following groups of influential factors:
Railway traffic (train frequency, percentage of freight trains, train speeds, number of persons and
percentage of seats filled in passenger trains, type of goods transported).
Infrastructure (tunnel system, tunnel length, structures, operating and safety equipment, length of
emergency escape routes).
Tunnel operations (operation and servicing of the operating and safety equipment, the reaction of
the emergency services when incidents occur).
Condition of the vehicles (rolling stock, track condition monitoring plant and inspection of trains
on the line and on the rolling stock). An important principle in safety planning is to prevent accidents by the adoption of safety measures
over the whole network. Due to space restrictions in tunnels, the possibilities of escape (self-rescue) and outside help from
emergency services (rescue by others) are restricted. Therefore structural and operational measures
are needed with the following priorities:
A train can leave the tunnel as quickly as possible,
the persons involved can rescue themselves if the train cannot leave the tunnel. The main measures to aid self-rescue are emergency escape routes and depending on the situation
emergency exits into protected areas, ventilation, etc. The emergency services shall be involved early in safety planning, since the use of these emergency
services, depending on the rescue concept, may necessitate special infrastructure measures e.g.,
access to the portals, the profile-free earthing of the contact wire, emergency lighting, ventilation,
drainage measures and fire-fighting plant. The procedures set out in the Safety Planning Appendix H [2] and [4] shall also be taken into consid-

4.4.2 Procedure, safety analysis and measures

See SIA 197, Sections 4.4.2 to 4.4.6.

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 7

See SIA 197.

See SIA 197 and Appendix A.

8 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich


7.1 Basic principles

See SIA 197.

7.2 Structural analysis

See SIA 197.

7.3 Dimensioning
See SIA 197.

7.4 Accidental actions and corrosion

7.4.1 Fire The essential parts of the structure shall be designed for a specified fire rating. The temperaturetime
curve required for the design shall be specified in the Safety Plan and documented in the Safety Report.
Information for determining the temperaturetime curve can be found in Appendix B.
Refer to the design procedures set out in SIA 261, Clause 15, and SIA 262, Clause 4.3.10. Critical elements of the structure in connection with a fire incident are:
the tunnel arch or the roof and walls, if there is considerable danger to persons and goods in the
vicinity of the affected tunnel in the case of failure or due to heat transfer (above, next to or below
the tunnel),
the structural elements of adjacent service and rescue tunnels. The structural elements and fastenings for plant in the tunnel shall be designed such that they do not
fail in the initial phase of a fire. This initial phase is defined by a temperature of 450 C over a period
of thirty minutes (limiting case for protected persons, see also Appendix B, Clause B.3.1).

7.4.2 Explosion The tunnel shall be assigned to Category 1 (see SIA 261, Clause 17). Any assignment made to a higher category in consideration of a specific danger shall be recorded in
the Required Duty Agreement. The parameters used in design detailing shall be specified in the Safety Plan. The required design checks shall be part of the Safety Plan. The results shall be described in the Safety
Report. Effective protective measures shall be taken if there is any permanent occurrence of natural gas.

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 9

7.4.3 Earthquake
See SIA 197.

7.4.4 Corrosion Consideration shall be given to the corrosive atmosphere in tunnels in the design of structural ele-
ments and plant:
High relative humidity and increased temperatures in long tunnels. (The critical relative humidity
of 75% for the corrosion of metals is exceeded in most tunnels.)
Effect of chlorides from groundwater or brought into the tunnel on sections where highway vehicles
are loaded onto Roll-on Roll-off rail ferries. (It should be noted that even low relative humidity
situations can be critical as railway tunnels are not generally regularly cleaned.)
Effect of highly mineralised groundwater (e.g., deep groundwater). The following points shall be taken into consideration to prevent corrosion affecting the structure:
Appropriate design of surfaces and edges of tunnel furnishings (soft shaped construction), to avoid
the accumulation of dirt and salt deposits.
Avoidance of galvanic action (e.g., contact of fastenings with the reinforcement of the lining).
Provision of additional coating for galvanised metal components (e.g., duplex method) and de-
signed to be replaceable.
Clarification of the suitability of light metal components on a case-by-case basis.
Use of corrosion-resistant, high alloy steel for fastenings (e.g., Material No. 1.4529, X1NiCrMoCuN
with 6% Mo according to EN 10088). Special attention shall be taken with respect to the choice of the materials due to the possible diffusion
of water, salts and heat through the lining and the accumulation of salt due to evaporation (internal
damage to the concrete, spalling, detachment of coatings, etc.). It may be necessary to use special materials (high alloy or coated steel) for the reinforcement in the
case of high condensation (due to the flow of warm humid air over cold parts of the structure at the
portals or the tops of shafts). Any consequences for the earthing concept shall be taken into consid-
eration. The design of the protection of the structure and of plant in contact with the soil shall be in accordance
with the Guidelines of the SGK Corrosion Committee Appendix H [11] and [12].

7.5 Special construction works

See SIA 197.

7.6 Execution checks and monitoring

See SIA 197.

10 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich


8.1 General
8.1.1 Basic Design Principles The Basis of design and design specifications are:

the specified superstructure characteristics,
the Railway Operations Plan, in conjunction with the Maintenance Plan,
the basic Safety Specifications,
the track topology,
the design speed,
the kinematic envelope (see Appendix D),
other service criteria.
These shall be specified in the Service Criteria Agreement (see SIA 260). The design shall be in accordance with requirements for railway operations, health and safety
planning and environmental impact for each project phase. A possible procedure is shown in Appen-
dix G.

8.1.2 Choice of tunnel system The following basic considerations and criteria shall be included in the choice of the tunnel system:
the Railway Operations Plan, in conjunction with the Maintenance Plan
the safety analysis and the state-of-the-art in safety technology
the length of tunnel and the travel time of train in tunnel
the ground conditions
the longitudinal gradient and the construction concept
the climate and the ventilation
the environment
economic aspects. The following tunnel systems are possible:

single-track tunnels,
double and multiple track tunnels,
system with two or more tunnels, single or multiple track,
with additional service, ventilation, rescue or access tunnels if deemed necessary.

8.2 Alignment
8.2.1 The track geometry shall be determined on the basis of the specified superstructure characteristics.
The geometrical boundary conditions for the track geometry are specified in the Construction
Requirements of the Railways Regulation (AB-EBV).

8.2.2 The design longitudinal profile of the track is usually fixed along the axis of the track.

8.2.3 The maximum permissible gradient in the tunnel depends on the Railway Operations Plan and the
superstructure concept. The aerodynamic drag of the trains in the tunnel shall be taken into consid-

8.2.4 The distance between parallel tunnels shall be determined taking the space requirements for any
service, ventilation, rescue or access tunnels into consideration.

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 11

8.3 Tunnel cross-section
8.3.1 General The Operating Provisions AB-EBV shall be taken into consideration in the design of the cross-section
and the excavation profile of the tunnel. An axis system comprising a vertical tunnel axis and a horizontal reference plane shall be specified
for the tunnel lining. All tunnel lining dimensions shall refer to this axis system. The geometrical reference to the alignment of the track or tracks shall be defined throughout. This
shall relate to the design top of rail level (TOR, nominal position) and horizontal alignment. The cross-section survey reference systems for the tunnel are specified in Appendix C.

8.3.2 Design cross-section The elements comprising the tunnels standard cross-section are specified in Appendix E. The design
cross-section is determined by the space requirements of these elements. The kinematic envelope including the space for the pantograph shall be defined in the Service Criteria
Agreement (based on the requirements of AB-EBV). A heave clearance reserve shall be specified for
future track maintenance for ballast track or with a possible track correction for a slab track system
(see Appendix D). All dimensional data shall refer to the design position of the top of rail level (TOR) and the design po-
sition of the track in the horizontal direction according to the route alignment and setting-out surveys. The utilisable construction space t shall be fixed and documented in the Basis of Design. The size of
t together with a (tolerance clearance) and b (construction clearance for future measures) shall be
determined in general according to Appendix F. Installations such as niches for plant, fixings for the contact line, etc. may protrude into the utilisable
construction space t. However, the tolerance clearance a shall be kept free. The space required beneath the running surface shall be determined by the construction space
required for the superstructure, the drainage system, the cable routes and if deemed necessary by
measures for vibration protection as well as construction requirements.

8.3.3 Deviations from design value (construction errors)

See SIA 197 and Appendix F.

8.3.4 Aerodynamics The comfort of the passengers at high speeds (pressure fluctuations) and traction energy consumption
in the case of long tunnels determines the aerodynamic cross-section area A. This shall be taken into
consideration in the design of the tunnel cross-section. The tunnel cross-section shall be designed in accordance with the pressure-comfort criteria according
to the conditions laid down by the Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer (UIC). The comfort criteria
shall be specified in the Service Criteria Agreement. The aerodynamic cross-section area A shall be measured from the top of rail level (TOR) exclusive of
the construction clearance for future measures b. The aerodynamic cross-section area A for tunnels with operating speeds of 180 km/h and higher shall
be determined in accordance with Appendix H [3].

12 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich The values for A given in [3] for v = 180 km/h can be determined approximately with the following
A1 v11.5
= for lower operating speeds. (1)
A2 v21.5 There are usually no restrictions on A for operating speeds less than 140 km/h. A reduction of the aerodynamic cross-section area A according to Clauses or can be
achieved through the use of pressure relief ducts or other measures to absorb the pressure fluctua-
tions. Numerical simulations or equivalent verifications shall be carried out to optimise the aero-
dynamic cross-section. The assumptions for speeds, the relevant aerodynamic characteristics of
the trains and the pressure insulation of the vehicles shall take future rolling stock into consideration. The same effective aerodynamic cross-section shall be taken into consideration for sections of tunnel
constructed by mined or cut-and-cover construction methods. The transition region shall in any case
be designed such that the pressure fluctuations are not unreasonable with regard to user comfort. The effects on the traction energy consumption and ventilation shall be checked for tunnels of several
kilometres length or more, taking into consideration the surface roughness of the lining of the free
cross-section area A of tunnels, shafts and cross-passages.

8.4 Lining
8.4.1 The surface properties of the lining shall meet the requirements of aerodynamics, maintenance and
noise protection.

8.4.2 In frost-endangered sections of the tunnel, frost-resistant concrete shall be used. The length of the
frost-endangered section measured from the portal shall be determined on a case-by-case basis and
specified in the Basis of Design.

8.4.3 The possible occurrence of strongly mineralised and/or aggressive groundwater shall be clarified prior
to specifying the material properties. Protective measures shall be implemented, e.g., impregnation
or coating of segments or a double-shell lining with sealing, if deemed necessary.

8.4.4 The requirements with respect to chloride resistance (de-icing salt) shall be verified for sections of
tunnel used for Roll-on Roll-off ferries, particularly in the vicinity of the vehicle loading points.

8.4.5 The dimensioning and constructional details of the tunnel lining shall take into consideration the
requirements of the railway technical equipment and operating and safety equipment (e.g., trans-
mission of forces from the contact line, methods of fixing the equipment).

8.5 Track, walkways and cable ducts

8.5.1 Track General The track (superstructure and substructure or supporting structure) shall be designed in accordance
with the requirements of AB-EBV and Railways Regulations [6], [7], [8], [9] (see Appendix H), etc. The superstructure and substructure shall be designed in general for loads according to AB-EBV. The substructure shall be protected against wetting and uplift forces by a permanently effective
drainage system.

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 13 The different stiffnesses of the substructure at the transition from open-air sections of the railway line
to the tunnel shall be taken into consideration and compensated accordingly (as with bridges). The choice of superstructure, whether ballast or ballastless track, is influenced by

the length of tunnel,
the type of lining and substructure (invert),
the drainage system,
the maintenance requirements. The design of ballastless track shall be considered for tunnels greater than 1 km in length and where
the invert is stable. More detailed investigations (structural analyses) shall be carried out if differential
deformations cannot be excluded. The design of the superstructure shall be determined on the basis
of value engineering, taking the design life into consideration. The type of superstructure shall be determined on the basis of the expected deformations of the
substructure during the design life. The track cant (transverse gradient) shall be determined according to the following principles:
the running surface of the track is generally rotated about the axes of each individual track.
If, for a two-track or multiple-track tunnel, the possibility has to be held open for the future instal-
lation of a crossover, then a solution involving the rotation of the running surface about the double-
track axis is required.
The tunnel axis (construction axis) offset from the track axis or the double-track axis toward the in-
ner side of the arch to optimise the tunnel cross-section (see Appendix C). Ballast track bed Standard gauge railways

The nominal values for constructional space requirements for superstructure are:
height between the running surface top of rail level (TOR) and the underside of the sleepers (ties):
0.40 m.
thickness of ballast bed between underside of sleepers and subgrade:
to be specified in accordance with current regulations in Appendix H [9].
width of ballast bed for a double-track tunnel: 0 1.75 m from track axis.
width of ballast bed for a single-track tunnel: 0 3.90 m for total width. Narrow gauge (1.00 m) railways

The nominal values for constructional space requirements for superstructure are:
height between the running surface top of rail level (TOR) and the underside of the sleepers:
for concrete sleepers 0.38 m, for timber sleepers 0.32 m.
thickness of ballast bed between underside of sleepers and subgrade: in general 0 0.30 m.
width of ballast bed for a double-track tunnel: 0 1.60 m from track axis.
width of ballast bed for a single-track tunnel: 0 3.40 m for total width. Other types of railways

The construction space requirements shall be determined analogously. Ballastless track The maintenance requirements (methods and time requirements) and the construction parameters
(e.g., stipulations for resetting the track) are important in determining the type of construction. The construction space requirements for ballastless track depend on choice of track construction and
the properties of the track-supporting structure or invert.

14 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich Standard gauge railways
The following construction space requirements shall be kept free for the superstructure (nominal val-
ues for the common types of construction in Switzerland with sleeper blocks embedded in concrete):
height between the reference level TOR and subgrade:
without track-bearing slab (e.g., solid foundation slab or possibly with stable rock): 0.50 to 0.55 m
with track-bearing slab (e.g., gravel invert fill): 0.50 to 0.55 m in addition the thickness of the track-
bearing slab 0.20 to 0.35 m
width of the track-bearing slab from the track axis: 0 1.65 m.
The height between the surface of the poured concrete and the running surface is normally 0.25 to
0.35 m for ballastless track with sleeper blocks embedded in concrete. Other types of railways

The construction space requirements shall be determined analogously. The construction space requirement for track includes the required space for the rails, the sleepers
together with the surrounding concrete. The following shall also be taken into consideration in the determination of the construction space
requirement for track support:
the space required for canting in the curves,
the space for construction measures to resist noise and vibration,
the space for construction measures in the transition region between the ballastless track and the
ballast track bed,
the space to accommodate production tolerances for the substructure, including any deformations
before the construction of the track. A concept for the track correction shall be prepared if geologically induced deformation cannot be
ruled out. The space required for track correction shall be taken into consideration in the design cross-
section. The transitions between the ballastless track and the ballast bed are usually located 60 to 100 m inside
the tunnel. The length shall be specified in the track specification.

8.5.2 Kerbs, walkways The kerb serves as the lateral completion of the track structure and in general also houses cable ducts
and drainage pipes. The walkway usually lies on the kerb. It also serves as an access route for maintenance services and
as an emergency escape route in case of an incident. The width of the walkway from its edge to the wall of the tunnel (design cross-section) shall be at least
1.20 m. The utilisable construction space t may be reckoned part of the width. If the walkway is located
at the same height as the ballast or the track-bearing slab, part of the track can be considered in the
width. The height of the walkway above the running surface shall be specified in the Service Criteria Agree-
ment. The requirements of track maintenance (track maintenance plant) in the Railway Operating Plan
(e.g., accessibility of the lower parts of the vehicles, reinstating derailed locomotives onto the rails)
and rescue (emergency escape route) shall be taken into consideration. The surface of the walkway shall be flat and free of obstacles. The clearance above the walkway shall be at least 2.20 m. Groundwater running down the sides of the tunnel wall shall be collected on the wall side of the walk-
way and drained away (narrow open drainage channels are normally sufficient for this purpose).

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 15

8.5.3 Cable routes Cables required for railway operations are part of the railway technical equipment. They shall be
installed in accordance with the Regulations for Railway Electrical Equipment (VEAB). Cables, which do not serve railway operations (e.g., 50-Hz transit cables parallel or transverse to the
railway tracks), shall be installed according to the Regulations for Transmission Lines (LeV). The cable ducts running alongside the track are produced for continuous cable systems with stan-
dardised ducts. The installation of cable ducts shall be in accordance with Appendix H [10]. No re-inforcement or other electrically transmitting parts, which form a magnetic short circuit (ring),
shall be placed around the cable ducts in the case of single-wire power cables. Cables crossing under the track shall be arranged in the equipment niches and, if deemed necessary,
regularly spaced between them. Additional cable crossings shall be provided at technical rooms and
on both sides of crossover points. The conditions for the power cables (HV and LV) and communication cables for safety and telecom-
munications plant shall be taken into consideration for the cable crossings. The laying of cable ducts
for crossings of HV cables shall be in accordance with Appendix H [10]. The depth of the cable crossings shall be chosen such that the standard thickness of ballast is not
reduced and there are no discontinuities in the substructure.

8.5.4 Protection against vibration and structure-borne noise The construction measures for vibration protection and structure-borne noise protection (secondary
airborne noise) shall be specified in the preliminary design. The objective of the design shall be to reduce vibration and especially their propagation in the ground
by decoupling the vibration of the track from the ground by installing intermediate elastic layers.
Vibration insulators can only be installed in the following parts of the superstructure:
where the rails are fixed (intermediate elastic layers and plates)
under the sleepers (underside of sleepers)
under a track support slab or the ballast (mats under the ballast)
under a track trough or a track support slab (classical mass-spring system). The effectiveness of the planned measures shall be verified using suitable prediction methods
(experimental and numerical investigations). The objective of the design shall be to provide a complete separation of the base of the superstructure
from the adjacent tunnel lining to reduce the transmission of vibration to the surface, above all in the
vicinity of adjacent surface structures.

8.6 Waterproofing
8.6.1 Actions
See SIA 197.

8.6.2 Waterproofing requirements The following minimum Waterproofing Classes shall apply for railway tunnels and associated plant
rooms (see SIA 197):

16 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich

Tunnel roof arch above the track, covering at least the width of the vehicles
(reference line according to AB-EBV) Waterproofing Class 2
Portal vicinity (whole cross-section) and other frost-endangered zones Waterproofing Class 2
Niches and plant rooms Waterproofing Class 1
Other areas Waterproofing Class 3. Higher waterproofing requirements may be necessary to fulfil the required climatic conditions in long
tunnels. The waterproofing requirements for ventilation tunnels shall be decided on a case-by-case basis. Tunnels situated within the groundwater shall be designed so that leaking water or water flowing from
the portals cannot penetrate the ballast bed (ice formation with danger of instable track position).

8.6.3 Waterproofing concept, flexible and rigid waterproofing systems, additional measures
See SIA 197, Sections 8.6.3 to 8.6.6.

8.7 Drainage
8.7.1 General Groundwater (clean water) and operational water (dirty water) shall be discharged either in separated
or mixed drainage systems. The discharge system (separated or mixed drainage system) and the
necessary drainage system outside the tunnel portals shall be specified according to the safety
objectives and the relevant legal requirements. The choice of the system depends on

the amount of water present (groundwater and operational water),
potential incidents,
the possibilities of treatment and discharge of operations water as well as its retention in an emer-
gency. The drainage system shall be designed so that maintenance work (inspection, cleaning and mainte-
nance) is possible within the periods of time planned in the Maintenance Plan. The basis for the given
periods shall be the required availability of the tunnel for railway operations laid down in the Service
Criteria Agreement. The following safety aspects shall be observed with respect to track drainage:
Ballastless Track:
smooth surface with a sufficiently large cross fall, allowing dangerous substances to drain away
avoidance of non-draining surfaces, so that the vaporising period of fluids released during an
accident is as short as possible.
Ballast track bed:
enclosed, flat and impermeable subgrade (e.g., concrete, asphalt surfacing) with adequate fall.

8.7.2 Sintering
See SIA 197.

8.7.3 Collecting the water (drainage)

See SIA 197.

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 17

8.7.4 Discharge of water (separate drainage pipes to drain the side walls and groundwater) Drain pipes intended for inspection by maintenance personnel shall have an minimum inside diameter
of 600 mm. The spacing between flushing manholes shall not exceed 100 m. The spacing between inspection
manholes shall be specified in the Maintenance Plan, consistent with the means planned for mainte-
nance. The manholes for drainpipes for the side walls shall be located in the kerbs or in the entrances to the
niches, near to the manholes for the groundwater drainpipes. The manholes for the drainpipes in single-track tunnels shall be located at the side of the track or as
a specific structure in the middle of the track, for double or multiple-track tunnels in general in the
middle between two tracks. The manholes shall be located such that inspection, cleaning and maintenance of the drainpipes are
possible in a simple and economic way. The access openings of inspection manholes shall have a
minimum diameter or a length and width of 600 mm. The following minimum dimensions for manholes shall apply for seepage drainpipes (nominal
length in direction of flow L 0 0.80 m
width B 0 0.45 m
The depth of the sand trap beneath the collector pipe shall be at least 0.10 m. The potential use of a
drainage channel instead of the sand and mud trap shall be considered where severe sintering is
expected. The following minimum dimensions for manholes of the drains shall apply (nominal values):
length in direction of flow L 0 1.50 m
width B 0 0.60 m
The depth of the sand trap beneath the collector pipe shall be determined on the basis of the amount
of incoming water, the transported sand and the type of invert of the manhole. A sand trap can be
dispensed with in favour of a drainage channel where the volume of water is large (e.g., > 40 l/s) or
there is an adequate flow velocity. The manhole outlets shall be designed for turbulent-free discharge.

8.7.5 Discharge in front of the portal

See SIA 197.

8.7.6 Requirements for the discharge of operational water The requirements for explosion protection shall be taken into consideration for the drainage of traffic
space (operational water) in the case of tunnels through which hazardous goods are transported e.g.:
siphon intakes, which prevent the return of explosive gases into the traffic space and ignition from
the traffic space into the drainpipes,
watertight, secured shaft covers, to avoid hazards (blowing away of covers), which could arise due
to explosions in the drainage system. The manholes for side wall seepage drainpipes and groundwater drainpipes shall be provided with
a watertight cover when used in conjunction with a separated drainage system. Aerodynamic actions due to railway operations shall be taken into consideration:
danger of manhole covers lifting off,
danger of siphons blowing out. The permanent fittings, apparatus and manhole covers shall be made from corrosion-resistant

18 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich

8.8 Additional structural elements for safety
8.8.1 General The most important additional structural elements for safety purposes include
safety niches (safety of operations personnel in the tunnel),
emergency escape routes within the railway tunnel, emergency exits, protected areas, access to
the portals (safety in an emergency). The safety niches for the protection of personnel shall in general be situated at regular intervals in all
tunnels (see Railway Regulations, Art. 28). No additional structural elements for safety in an emergency are required in the case of tunnels with
a length of less than 1 km, in general. The walkway serves as an emergency escape route. Additional structural elements for safety in an emergency shall be provided in tunnels with a length
longer than 1 km. The required measures shall be implemented over the whole length of consecutive tunnels unless
the accessible area between the two consecutive tunnels is greater than the length of a train. The tun-
nels cannot be considered as separate and independent tunnels. The planning of emergency-stopping places shall be considered if the emergency-running properties
of the locomotives are inadequate to drive a train that is on fire out of the tunnel. This normally applies
for standard gauge operating sectors of the railway line where tunnel length exceeds 20 km. Deviations are permissible if

the same safety is reached by other means and this is verified or
the compliance with individual requirements would be disproportionate in particular cases. The design shall also comply with requirements of the UIC Code 779-9 and UNECE Recommendations
into consideration, see Appendix H [2] and [4].

8.8.2 Safety niches Safety niches for personnel shall be provided to protect personnel working in the tunnel from the
effects of railway traffic (AB-EBV, Art. 28, Section 1). The niches shall, in general, be designed with the following minimum dimensions:
in the standard case: 2.2 / 2.5 / 1.5 m (height / length / depth)
alternatively: 2.2 / 1.5 / 2.0 m (height / length / depth), if a long niche is unfavourable for structural
or geotechnical reasons.
(length = internal dimension of the niche in the direction of tunnel, depth = internal dimension of the niche perpendicular to the
wall of the tunnel.) Box niches in front of the tunnel wall are also possible instead of niches in the tunnel wall, provided
there is sufficient space. The adequacy of the protective function shall to be verified. A reduction in the entrance width to the niche shall be investigated for operating speeds in excess of
140 km/h. The minimum dimensions of the niche entrance shall be: width = 0.70 m, height = 2.00 m.

8.8.3 Emergency escape routes Emergency escape route within a railway tunnel shall generally be provided by the walkway according
to Section 8.5.2. Single track tunnels shall be designed with at least one emergency escape route along one side of
the tunnel, if possible on the outside of the curve, but without having to change sides.

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 19 Double and multi-track tunnels shall be designed with an emergency escape route on both sides. The clearance of the emergency escape route shall be at least 1.00 m wide and 2.20 m high and free
of obstacles. The surface of the emergency escape route shall in general be above the running surface in order to
simplify alighting from the train in an emergency. The requirements of track maintenance (e.g., pos-
sibility of use and access of machines for track maintenance) and ability to cope with emergencies
shall be given due consideration in specifying the height and the spacing from the track axis (e.g.,
accessibility of the lower part of vehicles). Emergency escape routes shall be provided with a handrail, lighting and signage for tunnels with
a length in excess of 1 km (see Section 9.4).

8.8.4 Emergency exits Emergency exits form the connection between the railway tunnel and a protected area. If deemed
necessary, an airlock shall be provided at the transition between the emergency exit and the protected
area. Emergency exits leading into the open air shall be provided at least every 1,000 m. Emergency exits through cross-passages into a parallel tunnel, service or rescue adit or another tunnel
shall be provided at intervals of no more than 500 m. Pedestrian cross-passages shall be at least 2.00 m wide and 2.20 m high. The cross-passages shall be
sealed off from the traffic space.
The doors to cross-passages shall be at least 1.00 m wide and 2.00 m high and shall be easy to use.
Double doors shall allow opening in the direction of escape. The mode of operation for sliding doors,
if used, shall be clear to the user.
Access to the cross-passage shall be possible for maintenance work over the whole width. The penetration of combustion gases and smoke shall be prevented as far as possible by suitable
measures or be of limited duration in the case of emergency exits. The effects of natural air currents
and heavy gas shall be taken into consideration. The fire rating of the airtight closures (emergency exit doors) at the exits shall be specified in the
safety plan. The doors shall be operable at least until the completion of the self-rescue. The airtight closures shall be designed for the dynamic pressures (overpressure and underpressure)
resulting from passing trains.

8.8.5 Protected areas The emergency escape routes shall always end in protected areas. Such areas are
adits and shafts leading into the open-air,
parallel running tunnels, service and rescue tunnels,
emergency-stopping places,
areas outside the tunnel in the open-air,
sections of the tunnel, which are protected from smoke and gases if deemed necessary.
Protected areas shall be accessible from outside. The penetration of smoke and dangerous gases into protected areas shall be prevented by means of
suitable measures.

20 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich

8.8.6 Rescue adits and shafts The Safety Plan (see 4.4.1) shall determine the necessity for rescue adits and shafts in connection with
the choice of the tunnel system. The dimensions and equipment requirements shall be specified in the Safety Plan.

8.8.7 Emergency-stopping point The emergency-stopping point in the tunnel serves as a place for passengers to alight from the train
and consists of a platform and access to a protected area. The protected area near the emergency-stopping point shall be designed to have a slightly higher
pressure compared to that in the tunnel to effectively prevent the penetration of combustion gases
and smoke. The protected area shall be provided with communication and first aid equipment. The length of the platform shall correspond to the maximum length of a passenger train. The width
shall permit the rapid evacuation of the train and ensure a quick transfer to the protected area. The platform height for standard gauge railways is normally 0.55 m above the running surface. The
platform height for other types of railway shall be suitable for the rolling stock. The position of the edge of the platform (height, distance to track axis) shall be consistent with the
Maintenance Plan. The design shall ensure the removal of smoke in the platform area. The concept shall be specified in
the Basis of Design.

8.8.8 Access to the portals The tunnel portals and the rescue adit shall be generally accessible for rescue vehicles using the access
roads. Access roads shall be situated on both sides of the track and provide turning possibilities. The design of the access roads, spaces and equipment shall be defined in the rescue plan. The pos-
sibility of providing landing pads for rescue helicopters near to the portals shall also be investigated. Permanent equipment shall be provided for earthing the contact line at the portal, leaving the kine-
matic envelope free for the passage of rescue trains or other vehicles. The route away from the portal to the Meeting Point shall be designed to prevent escaping persons
from falling (provision of emergency lighting, signage).

8.9 Tunnel portals

8.9.1 Road crossings above the portal require protective installations at the side of the road (e.g., guard
rails, perimeter walls, protective barriers against falling loads with an avalanche net construction),
which prevent road vehicles or loads from falling onto the railway line. The design shall take the BAV
Guidelines into consideration; see Appendix H [1].

8.9.2 A safety rail preventing people from falling over shall be provided if the roof area of the tunnel is

8.9.3 The Requirements for the Protection against Dangers due to HV (Prevention of Physical Contact), the
AB-VEAB, Art. 15, shall be taken into consideration.

8.9.4 The possibility of a tunnel boom (sonic boom) at the portal shall be taken into consideration for
operating sectors of high-speed railway lines. Suitable precautions shall be taken, if deemed neces-

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 21

8.10 Ancillary plant
8.10.1 Plant niches Plant niches serve to house equipment outside the design cross-section. A basic grid shall be specified
in the Service Criteria Agreement for the spacing of the niches. The following dimensions for the niches shall apply, nominal values of:
floor area 12.00 m2
height above floor level of niche 0 2.50 m
These dimensions take the usual arrangement of equipment cabinets and cable installations into
consideration. The required dimensions shall be specified for each structure corresponding to the
requirements of railway technology and of the Maintenance Plan. A height of at least 0.50 m shall be provided if cable laying requires a hollow floor. The niches shall be designed in such a way that they create no interference to operations (e.g., off-
loading of equipment cabinets from a rail vehicle and moving them to their position). The entrance area of the niches shall fulfil the requirements for safety niches. The climatic requirements such as waterproofing, the maximum admissible temperature and relative
humidity as well as the dust seal shall be specified in the Service Criteria Agreement. Air-conditioned
containers or separate rooms (Section 8.10.2) shall be provided, if deemed necessary.

8.10.2 Plant rooms Additional plant rooms may be necessary for safety plant, contact line plant, electric power supply
for the railway, ventilation plant and other technical railway plant. The climatic requirements, such as watertightness, maximum admissible temperature, relative
humidity and dust seals, shall be specified in the Service Criteria Agreement. The rooms shall be
air-conditioned if deemed necessary. The doors and enclosure walls shall be designed for the dynamic pressures (overpressure and
underpressure) resulting from passing trains. Rooms with hollow floors shall be drained (condensation water).

22 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich


9.1 General
9.1.1 Operating plant
Operating plant is divided into the following categories
Plant for operating the tunnel, such as LV power supply, tunnel lighting, ventilation plant, commu-
nications equipment, and in some cases the tunnel operations control centre, and the
plant for operating the railway, such as equipment for HV traction power supply for the railway,
contact line, safety equipment, communications equipment.

9.1.2 Safety equipment

Safety equipment serves to safeguard operational and maintenance personnel during operations as
well as the safety of passengers and operators personnel in the case of an accident. It can include:
emergency lighting, equipment for the emergency escape routes and emergency exits, fire-fighting
equipment, and in some cases a rescue control centre, etc.
The Requirements of UIC Codex 779-9 and UNECE Recommendations in Appendix H [2] and [4] shall
also be taken into consideration with respect to safety equipment.

9.1.3 Reliable system components with low-maintenance characteristics shall be used. The climatic condi-
tions in the tunnel shall be taken into consideration in their selection.

9.1.4 Operating and safety equipment are described in the following only insofar as they are of importance
for the design of the tunnel.

9.2 LV power supply, HV traction power supply for the railway,

9.2.1 Power supply The type and performance of the power supply, the required cable routes, rooms and plant shall be
specified in the Electrical Plant Requirements. Power distribution panels shall be provided for maintenance purposes. The number, type, perfor-
mance and location shall be derived from the Maintenance Plan. The functionality of the safety equipment, such as emergency lighting, communications equipment,
etc., shall be guaranteed up to the completion of self-rescue in the case of an incident (e.g., fire). Failure
of individual system components caused by the incident (e.g., individual lights) shall not affect the
overall system. A redundant emergency power supply shall be provided for safety equipment either from both portals,
other access points or from a standby power supply, if deemed necessary. The necessity and the
requirements shall be specified in the Safety Plan. The requirements of the Regulation on LV Power Plant (NIV) and the Regulation for Electrical Plant
for the Railways (VEAB), where the local network and the railway network meet, shall be taken into
consideration regarding protection against electrical hazards.

9.2.2 Power supply for the railway, contact line equipment The space requirement for the contact line shall be specified in the Tunnel Concept (Structure and
Plant). The space requirement for the contact line of the traction vehicles shall be given in the Service
Criteria Agreement.

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 23 Space shall be provided for the following equipment in the tunnel cross-section for electric railways:
Inclined overhead contact line (contact wire, catenary, wire-tensioning devices, feeder) or contact
Earth wire or current return conductor (at least one cable per track)
Earthing between the earthing wire or current return conductor and rails
Power supply support structure for the contact line and the earthing or current return conductor
Space for the pantograph of the traction vehicle. Additional space may be needed for the contact line

in the vicinity of points (switches),
at the locations of wire-tensioning devices,
at the feeder points of the contact line sections (the subdivision of the contact line into sections
shall be adapted to the Operating, Maintenance and Rescue Plans for the operating sector of the
railway line). Between electrically live and earthed parts there shall be a safe electrical distance be according to the
Construction Requirements of the Railways Regulation (AB-EBV). The construction clearance for future measures b may be used for the power supply support structure
carrying the contact line and the wire-tensioning devices. The design of the contact protection against coming into contact with electrically live parts and for
the safety marking shall be in accordance with the Construction Requirements of the Regulation for
Electrical Plant for Railways (VEAB). Section breaks and neutral sections of track shall be located outside the tunnel, if possible. The design shall be in accordance with The Regulation for Protection against Non-ionising Radiation
(NISV). Sensitive third party facilities may be affected in the case of a shallow earth cover. The forces from the contact line acting on the lining during erection, in operation and in case of inci-
dents shall be taken into consideration in the design of the lining.

9.2.3 Earthing The earthing scheme shall take the design of the lining and internal finishes into consideration, and
vice-versa. The earthing scheme shall take the project-specific conditions affecting structures and plant (e.g.,
connecting point of different earthing systems, DC, substations in the vicinity) into consideration. The earthing measures are specified in Regulations VEAB, AB-VEAB in Appendix H [11] and [12]. The following principles shall apply in the case of railways using AC:
The propagation resistance of the traction current return conductor system (part of the rail earthing)
to the surrounding rock mass must be sufficiently low.
The conductivity in the direction of the tunnel axis must be sufficiently high.
Potential equalisation is to be provided perpendicular to the tunnel axis.
In case of influence by railways using DC close to the tunnel special measures are to be considered
(insulating the earthings, protection against corrosion). The following principles shall apply in the case of railways using DC:
The railway earthing and the structure earthing shall in general be insulated from each other.
Protection measures against dangerous contact voltages shall be implemented.

24 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich

9.3 Lighting
9.3.1 Tunnel lighting (general) No tunnel lighting is generally necessary for rail traffic. The maintenance services provide their own
mobile lighting for maintenance. Emergency lighting (see Section 9.3.2) shall be installed which can be connected to the mobile lighting
and switched on at any working area in the tunnel for tunnels longer than 1 km in the case of an incident.
It is to be designed for use as orientation lighting by the operators and maintenance personnel. Tunnel lighting may be necessary in long tunnels if the Maintenance Plan envisages working during
railway traffic operation. This is usually combined with a permanent warning system (PWA), which
has to be activated on entering the corresponding tunnel-operating sector and simultaneously
switches on the tunnel lighting.
The lights shall be arranged so that the entrances to the safety niches are visible. Different conditions may be stipulated if the Maintenance Plan permits temporary closure to opera-
tions for a complete tunnel-operating sector. The specification of the tunnel lighting shall be coordinated with the requirements for the rescue of

9.3.2 Emergency lighting Emergency lighting shall be provided in the form of individual lights at regular intervals or as contin-
uous strip lights mounted on the tunnel wall. The lights shall be placed in general at the height of the
handrail or just beneath it. They shall be designed not to dazzle and adequately light up the emergency
escape route and emergency exits. Local damage to the emergency lighting shall not lead to a wide-scale failure of the lighting. The emer-
gency lighting shall therefore be subdivided into lighting sectors no greater than 500 m in length.

9.4 Equipment of escape routes and emergency exits

9.4.1 The handrail shall be placed at a suitable height. The handrail shall be taken around all obstacles (e.g.,
contact line, fastenings or protruding structural elements). The handrail shall be interrupted at niches
and doors.

9.4.2 The lighting for the emergency escape route and the emergency exits shall be installed according to
Section 9.3.2.

9.4.3 Signs denoting the emergency escape route with direction and distance information shall be placed
at intervals of 100 m. Between these, the escape direction to the nearest tunnel portal or emergency
exit can be shown by arrows. The signs and markings shall be placed near lighting.

9.5 Ventilation
9.5.1 Purpose The required climatic conditions and adequate air quality shall be ensured by ventilation for normal
railway traffic operations and work in the tunnel. The main objectives are:
the health and safety of the users and the operating and maintenance personnel (limit values as
defined in Appendix H [5]),
to ensure the functionality and the required availability of the railway and tunnel-operating equip-
ment and the safety equipment.

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 25 The climate and air quality requirements are defined by
the properties and the agreed availability of the tunnel, the railway and tunnel-operating equipment
and the safety equipment,
the properties of the rolling stock,
the health and safety requirements of the operating and maintenance personnel. The climate and air quality can be determined using the following parameters:
Concentration of hazardous substances
Dust concentration (fine particles PM10)
Visibility (fog, smoke, dust). The following objectives shall be achieved in the case of an incident:

The emergency escape and rescue routes shall be kept free of smoke, combustion fumes or other
gases as far as possible by quickly controlling their spread (sufficient visibility, limited toxicity and
The protected areas shall be kept free from the penetration of smoke, combustion fumes and other
Adequate air quality must be ensured in the protected areas.

9.5.2 Ventilation system Tunnels can be ventilated by

natural ventilation,
the piston effect of trains passing through,
a ventilation system without air removal in case of incident,
a ventilation system with air removal in case of incident.
Natural ventilation normally suffices if helped by the piston effect of passing trains. The choice of ventilation system depends on

the climate and air quality requirements,
the protection objectives in the case of an incident,
the tunnel system, especially the tunnel length and the longitudinal profile (in the case of large
differences in elevation between the portals or shaft exits),
the composition of the traffic (percentages of passenger and freight traffic),
the possible hazard scenarios with the number of trains and persons that could be in the tunnel
and the distance of the trains in the tunnel from the scene of the incident (depends on traffic control
and safety equipment),
other factors e.g., any permanent gas inflow from the rock mass. The ventilation concept influences the type of tunnel construction e.g.:
size of standard cross-section
position and design of the portals
ventilation shafts and adits (number, diameter, length)
ventilation control rooms (number, position, size).
The design (ventilation and structural works) concept shall therefore be integral and be designed in
close cooperation with the technical experts involved in the project. The most important factor in the design of the ventilation is the critical fire scenarios. These shall be
defined at an early stage of the design and refined in the later design phases. The recirculation of smoke or hazardous substances into the tunnel, into other tunnels bores or into
service and rescue tunnels and adits shall be prevented. The recirculation of warm, damp air into the tunnel shall be limited (especially for long tunnels with
several running, service and rescue tunnels). Traffic routes and other facilities in the vicinity of portals or ventilation shafts shall not be affected by
air escaping from the tunnel (e.g., through the formation of fog or ice).

26 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich

9.6 Safety equipment
9.6.1 The safety equipment for railway traffic operations is not specific to the tunnel, but shall be designed
for the whole operating sector of the railway line.

9.6.2 The special requirements that are placed on the tunnel structure by the equipment and operation of
the elements of the safety system in the tunnel (e.g., space requirements, temperature, humidity) shall
be specified in the basis of design.

9.6.3 Standard gauge railways

The space available for signals primarily lies at the side, outside the kinematic envelope, and located
above a height of 2.60 m above the running surface up to the construction space for the contact line.
Other equipment may only be located there as long as the installation of the signals and their visibility
is not impaired.

9.6.4 Other types of railways

The space available for signals shall be specified in the Service Criteria Agreement. Other equipment
may only be located there as long as the installation of the signals and their visibility is not impaired.

9.6.5 The use of steel re-inforcement in the track support slab, especially of steel-fibre-re-inforced concrete,
is only possible in a limited way if audio-frequency track-electric circuits are used. The reinforcement,
depending on the execution, may interfere with the functionality of the system to notify that the track
is free (e.g., axle counters or audio-frequency track-electric circuits).

9.6.6 The design of the track support slab and the safety equipment are to be coordinated. The conclusions
of the investigation shall be recorded in the basis of design.

9.7 Communications equipment

9.7.1 The tunnels shall be equipped with communication systems that have to be adapted to the Operating
and Rescue Plans.
Radio: train radio system, construction walkie-talkie and radio system for rescue services.
Telephone: connection to railway telephone or public telephone network in the plant niches,
mobile telephone.

9.7.2 Adequate communications equipment shall be provided in the case of an incident. It shall be specified
in the Safety Plan.

9.7.3 The space requirements for this equipment (apparatus, connections, emitting cable, antennas) shall
be provided in the plant niches and in the tunnel cross-section. The distances between the niches shall
be adapted to the maximum possible amplifier spacing. The fixing space for the sender cable or the
antennas of the radio equipment shall be allocated permanently.

9.7.4 The complete transmission of important data to the train at any time and a train radio with high reli-
ability are assumed.

9.8 Fire-fighting equipment

9.8.1 The planned fire-fighting plant shall be based on the rescue plan and discussed and agreed with the
rescue services.

9.8.2 The use of fire-fighting and rescue trains (LRZ) or a fire-fighting water system for extinguishing fires
shall generally be provided in the case of tunnels of over 1 km in length.

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 27

9.8.3 Supplies of fire-fighting water and fire-fighting equipment (e.g., fire hydrants, fire extinguishers) shall
normally be provided at the portals and, if deemed necessary, at emergency-stopping places. Addi-
tional facilities shall be planned for the provision of fire-fighting water where the use of a rescue train
(LRZ) is not planned.

9.8.4 The individual locations for the provision of fire-fighting water shall be designed for the following
supply quantity:
Individual supply locations at least 20 l/s
Filling stations for fire-fighting and rescue trains 80 l/s (standard value).
The required number of supply points in use at any one time shall be specified in the rescue plan.

9.8.5 The pressure at the supply points may not fall below 0.6 MPa. The static pressure should not exceed
1.5 MPa.

9.8.6 The minimum quantity and reserves of fire-fighting water shall be specified in the rescue plan.

9.8.7 Fire-fighting water reservoirs shall be equipped with a standard overflow and an indicator of the water
level with an alarm device in case the water level falls below a critical value.

28 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich


A.1 Remarks
The following are nominal values only.
The structural maintenance of the structure and the servicing of the operating and safety equipment
to the required level are preconditions.
Lower values for the design life shall be assumed for economic analyses.

A.2 Structure and plant

Table 1 Design life (assumed working life) for structures and plant components

Design life
Structural and plant components Years 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Lining (unreinforced concrete) X X X

Lining, niches, chambers (re-inforced concrete) X X X

Waterproofing X X X

Track support slab X X X

Ballast track bed X X X

Cable ducts X X X

Drainpipes, manholes X X X

Pieces of equipment (fittings, covers) X X X

Hydrant pipe, fire-fighting equipment X X X

Metal load-bearing structures X X X

Metal doors, etc. (structure gauge) X X X

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 29

APPENDIX B FIRE LOAD (informative)

B.1 Initial situation

A fire may develop quickly, within a few minutes. This produces heat (very high temperatures) and
smoke (with toxic gases).
Heat and smoke can quickly make it unbearable for unprotected persons. Protected persons (fire
service personnel with protective clothing and breathing masks) can endure these effects longer. The
bearing capacity of structures is sufficient, in general, to withstand the effect of a serious fire much
The fire resistance of the structural elements shall correspond to the anticipated hazard. The require-
ments shall be specified for the individual structural elements.

B.2 Basic principles for protection in the event of fire

The protection objectives in the event of fire result from the following principles:
Persons, who are in the tunnel when the fire breaks out, should be able to save themselves.
Intervention by the rescue services shall take place under safe conditions.
Excessive damage to property shall be prevented by suitable measures.

B.3 Limit values of exposure for protected persons

The limit values of exposure for fire service personnel are a temperature of 400 to 450 C and a heat
radiation of 5 kW/m2.

B.4 Thermal loads

B.4.1 The potential thermal load and the temperatures reached have been determined for various boundary
conditions by means of tests in tunnels. The temperature development was determined as tempera-
ture versus time curves for different types of rolling stock (e.g., EUREKA tests; for documentation, see
references in Sections B.6, [1] and [2]).

B.4.2 The existing fire energy, the duration of the fire and the maximum temperature occurring during the
fire depend in particular on the type of rolling stock using the tunnel, the type of freight, the ventilation
concept and the possible resulting fire scenarios.
A fire can develop very quickly after breaking out. Temperatures of up to 1,200 C can develop within
a short time (5 to 10 minutes), depending on the fire scenario. Such temperatures were measured in
insitu fire tests in the Ofenegg tunnel (1965) in Switzerland, in the Zwenberg tunnel (1975) in Austria
and in the Memorial tunnel (19931995) in the USA.

B.5 Design curves (temperaturetime curve)

B.5.1 Examples of well-known design curves are shown in Figure 1. The design curves are practically the
same in the initial stage. The temperature rises quickly during the first few minutes. This rise is decisive
for the development of heat and smoke and for the duration during which it is still possible for persons
to stay in the tunnel. The further progress is important for the structure and other structural elements
of the tunnel, if special risks exist.

30 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich

B.5.2 The following temperaturetime curves are examples of possible design curves for tunnels and tunnel
components according to SIA 197, Section
ISO 834
Dutch design curve RWS (Rijkswaterstaat)
Modified hydrocarbon curve HCinc
German regulation ZTV-Tunnel.
The modified hydrocarbon curve is the curve given in Eurocode EC1 increased by the factor
1,300/1,100. The design curve in EC1 only reaches a maximum temperature of 1,100 C.

Figure 1 Dimensioning curves



Temperature (C)

800 ZT




0 30 60 90 120 150
Time after fire breaks out (min)

The choice of the design curve and the corresponding duration of the action depends on:
the type of traffic (e.g., only passenger traffic or also freight traffic) and thus from the possible ther-
mal loads,
the consequences of damage caused by the fire (e.g., instability of an important structural compo-
The fire scenarios to be considered in the design and the associated design curves shall be specified
in the Safety Plan.

B.5.3 The structural elements and the fastenings for equipment in the tunnel shall be designed such that
they do not fail in the first phase of a fire. This phase is specified by a temperature of 450 C with a
duration of half an hour (limit loading for protected persons).

B.6 References
[1] Fires in Transport Tunnels, Report on Full-scale Tests, EUREKA EU 499 Firetun Projekt, May 1995
[2] Proceedings of the International Conference on Fires in Tunnels, October 1011, Swedish National
Testing and Research Institute, Boras, Sweden, 1994

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 31


Figure 2 Reference Systems

x, y: For the y values of the track

vertical reference system installations a range of height
for the track installations has to be kept free which
includes the heave clearance
HC for the track

gles to track
of track
Centre line
(at right an

Tunnel axis (vertical)

Design track axis in national

survey coordinates and levels

Reference height (TOR) horizontal

Running su
Horizontal reference plane for tunnel lining
(defined e.g., by point of intersection
subgrade/tunnel axis).

Calculated and derived

from tunnel axis

32 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich


D.1 The kinematic envelope to be used with the space requirements for the pantograph and the contact
line shall be specified in the Service Criteria Agreement. The basis for this can be found in the corre-
sponding Construction Requirements of the Railways Regulation (AB-EBV) and the requirements of
this set of Standards.

D.2 The vertical dimensions for tunnels with a ballast track bed shall include a heave clearance HC for
future track maintenance. The amount of heave clearance shall be specified in the Service Criteria

D.3 The vertical dimensions for tunnels with ballastless track shall include a heave clearance HC for future
track correction if deformations of the tunnel invert are expected (dependent on the geological
conditions). The amount of this heave clearance shall be specified in the Service Criteria Agreement.

D.4 The electrical safety distance be shall be specified on the basis of the Construction Requirements of
the Railway Regulation, if deemed necessary, taking into consideration future changes in the railway
power supply.

D.5 The project-specific tunnel data and dimensions of the kinematic envelope are shown in Figures 3 and
4. They shall be applied analogously in the case of other kinematic envelopes.

Figure 3 Kinematic envelope for standard gauge railways project-specific tunnel data and dimen-
The dimensions [ ] shall be specified
according to AB-EBV, together with the
other dimensions of the pantograph and
contact line space requirements and the
limitations in the lower region.

* The nominal height of the contact wire

in the tunnel is generally hf = 5.20 m + HC.

b be
Track centre line (track axis)
hf = [ * ] + HC
[ ] + HC
[ ] + HC
[ ] + HC
[ ] + HC

Reference level Area for walkway

Running surface

Figure 3 shows, as an example, the kinematic envelope EBV 4, reference line EBV O4 and UIC GC,
with space for pantograph EBV S3 and the corresponding space for the contact line.

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 33

Figure 4 Kinematic envelope for multi-track railways data and dimensions specific to the tunnel

The dimensions [ ] shall be specified ac-

cording to AB-EBV, together with the other
dimensions of the pantograph and contact
line spaces and the limitations in the lower

BK be


Centre line of track (track axis)

hfo + HC
hf + HC
] + HC
] + HC

] + HC

] + HC

Reference level Area for walkway

Running surface

Figure 4 shows, as an example, the kinematic envelope EBV B, reference line B.

34 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich


E.1 Basic principles

E.1.1 The space requirements and the elements that determine the size and shape of the tunnel shall be
specified in the standard cross-section of the tunnel. This forms the design basis for the tunnel cross-

E.1.2 In the upper region these are

the kinematic envelope (see Appendix D),
the limits of the standard structure gauge, which includes within the shape of the tunnel cross-
section the traffic space, the safety space and the space for equipment (design section without the
space for construction measures t),
the utilisable construction space t, including the tolerance clearance a and the construction clear-
ance for future measures b,
the design cross-section intended for the tunnel; it includes the limits to the kinematic envelope
and the utilisable construction space t.

E.1.3 In the lower region these are

the construction space requirements for track support,
the construction space requirements for kerb and walkway.

E.2 Figures

E.2.1 Figures 5, 6 and 7 show the space requirements and elements that have to be specified.

E.2.2 In addition, the following space requirements shall be considered for:

cable routes,
drainage system,
the additional structural elements required for safety, if deemed necessary,
the operating and safety equipment,
and the required free aerodynamic cross-section.

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 35

Figure 5 Standard cross-section for double-track tunnel with arch lining

y y Theoretical tunnel cross-section
Envelope of minimum clearance
Space for equipment (contact line
support structure and anchoring)

Space for tolerances a

a> Space for constructional measures b
Space available for
constructional purposes t
(space for tolerances a and for later
constructional measures b)
Safe space for
railway personnel
and passengers

Hand rail,
on both sides


Side bench with Reference height Running

top of rail surface
walkway, integrated x x
cable duct and pipe
block, on both sides

Height of walkway kerb above the running

surface according to Section 8.5.2
Construction space for the superstructure,
dimensions according to Section 8.5.1

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich

Figure 6 Standard cross-section for single-track tunnel with arch lining

Theoretical tunnel cross-section

y Envelope of minimum clearance
Space for equipment (contact line
support structure and anchoring)
Space for tolerances a

Space for constructional measures b

Space available for

constructional purposes t


SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich

(space for tolerances a and for later
constructional measures b)

Safe space for

railway personnel
and passengers

Hand rail,
on one side

Side bench with

Running Reference height
walkway, integrated surface top of rail
cable duct and pipe block x

Height of walkway kerb above the running

Construction space for the superstructure, surface according to Section 8.5.2
dimensions according to Section 8.5.1

Figure 7 Standard cross-section of tunnel of rectangular form
Theoretical tunnel cross-section
Envelope of minimum clearance
Space available for constructional
purposes t
(space for tolerances a and for later
constructional measures b)

Hand rail

1,20 * Side bench with walkway,

integrated cable duct and
TOR Reference height pipe block
top of rail

Construction space for the track Height of walkway kerb above the running
superstructure, dimensions surface according to Section 8.5.2
according to Section 8.5.1

Table 2 Standard values of height h of the limit of the standard structure gauge

Speed v v 9 160 km/h v > 160 km/h

Distance from substation u and u > 5 km or u 9 5 km

general case 0 6.20 m 0 6.50 m

Height h
in the vicinity of Track Crossovers 0 6.40 m 0 6.70 m
or Contact Line anchorages

E.2.3 The kerb shall be accessible and designed as a walkway free of obstacles. In the case of single-track
tunnels with a walkway on one side only, at least Area 2 according to AB-EBV shall be kept free for
the service route and the complete window space.

38 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich


F.1 The utilisable construction space t comprises the tolerance clearance a (if any) and the construction
clearance for future measures b. It shall be determined by the relationship (1). Systematic errors are
not considered. These can be avoided or kept to a minimum by means of suitable quality assurance

t = a 2 + b 2 (1)

F.2 The following dimensions shall be assumed for the utilisable construction space t until the final choice
of construction method is determined:
Employing tunnel-boring machine or shield machine (TBM or SM drive) techniques
Double-shell lining t = 0.30 m
Single-shell lining t = 0.35 m
Employing drill and blast or machine-assisted techniques
(with the possibility of modifying the cross-section) t = 0.20 m
For cut-and-cover tunnels t = 0.20 m

F.3 The tolerance clearance a (if any) takes into consideration errors during construction due to surveying
and construction inaccuracies (deviations from the design size, shape and position). The values of the
variance of the individual, stochastically independent tolerances ai are combined using the Gaussian
law of error propagation to calculate a according to the formula (2).
The individual maximum tolerances ai shall be specified in the design for the various possible influ-
Error in basic surveying g (in particular the breakthrough error shall be taken into consideration)
Setting out error f
Guaranteed maximum error in the excavation of the tunnel v
Guaranteed maximum deviation of the drive (TBM, Shield Machine) s
Placement inaccuracy / deformation of the formwork or placement in the case of a single layer of
lining segments d.

a = g 2 + f 2 + v 2 + s 2 + d 2 (2)

F.4 The construction clearance for future measures b shall be reserved for measures, which may be
necessary during operations (e.g., for strengthening of the lining, waterproofing, groundwater drain-
age, sound-proofing of the lining and equipment).
The extent of space b depends on the type of tunnel lining (and whether alterations to the finished
structure are possible or not).
Nominal values for b:
for lining with unreinforced concrete 0.10 m
for lining with re-inforced concrete 0.15 m
for single layer of lining segments 0.20 m.

F.5 Further tolerances (e.g., deformations due to rock pressure) shall be considered separately in the
design of the cross-section. The tolerance can be divided up into a fixed part (this shall be added to
the utilisable construction space t) and part, which may occur (this shall be introduced into the formula
(2) for calculating a). This subdivision shall be agreed upon and laid down in the basis of design.

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 39


Table 3 Design process

Tunnel lining Environmental Impact Safety Railway equipment Process

Project phases Assessment Project phases
Preliminary study Preliminary investigation, Short report, schedule of Conceptual study Preparation, concession
Schedule of responsibilities for responsibilities for risk analysis Requirements and preliminary application
Environmental Impact design for environmentally relevant
Assessment Report (EIAR) design elements
EIAR 1st stage and schedule Initial evaluation of risks, Conceptual study Concession application
of responsibilities for EIAR involvement of rescue services for further design elements
2nd stage
Preliminary design Verification of concepts, detailed
conceptual studies
Authority design EIAR 2nd stage, emphasis on en- Health and safety report Preliminary design Preparation for construction
vironmental effects of the design with partial emphasis on Binding statements for the con- permit
and the tunnel construction the structure struction permit application
Modifications from con- Consultation about EIAR with Checking of the compatibility of rail- Issue of construction
struction permit application risk report (Risk Register) way equipment and tunnel structure permit
consultation procedure as Appendix after project modification resulting
from construction permit process
Tender documents Ecological accompaniment of Issue of tender for tunnel
the design for tendering structure
Complete design documen- Ecological monitoring of the Continuation of work on the Complete design documentation, Issue of construction permit,
tation / detailed design complete design documentation health and safety report detailed design detailed design
Tender documents Tender for railway equip-
(depending on the organisation of ment (possibly already at
the project, possibly at the prelim- an earlier stage)
inary design stage)
Complete design for con- Ecological monitoring of con- Preparation of operational Verification of the compatibility of Acceptance of tunnel
struction / Construction struction phase measures to reduce risks, im- railway equipment and tunnel struc- structure
plementation of the concepts, ture after the adaptation of the
introduction of health and complete design for construction Technical acceptances by
Commissioning safety measures Complete design for construction/ BAV (Transport Ministry),
Construction, Commissioning Commissioning
Operation Verification of success of ecolog- Training of personnel. Operation Guarantee acceptances
(use, maintenance) ical measures, imposed opera- Continuous adaptation of safety (use, maintenance)

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich

tional requirements (contracts, measures

The guidelines and documents referred to in this set of Standards are listed below.

[1] BAV-Richtlinie Nr. 1 zu Art. 27 EBV Bauten an, ber und unter der Bahn;
Bundesamt fr Verkehr, Bern

[2] UIC-Kodex 779-9 Sicherheit in Eisenbahntunneln; Union Internationale des Chemins de fer, Paris

[3] UIC-Kodex 779-11 Bemessung des Tunnelquerschnitts unter Bercksichtigung der aero-
dynamischen Effekte; Union Internationale des Chemins de fer, Paris

[4] Recommendations of the Multidisciplinary Group of Experts on Safety in Tunnels (Rail);

United Nations Economic and Social Council, Economic Commission for Europe UNECE

[5] Medizinische Prophylaxe bei Untertagarbeiten im feucht-warmen Klima,

SUVA Infoschrift 2869/26.D; SUVA, Luzern

[6] Geometrische Gestaltung der Fahrbahn fr Normalspur, R 220.46; SBB AG, Bern

[7] Handbuch fr den Bau und Unterhalt der Fahrbahn, R 220.4; SBB AG, Bern

[8] Handbuch fr den Bau und die Instandhaltung der Fahrbahn, R 30.1; Rhtische Bahn, Chur

[9] Unterbau und Schotter, Vorschriften fr Neubau und Erneuerung, R 211.1; SBB AG, Bern

[10] Richtlinien fr die Verlegung von Kabelschutzrohren aus Kunststoffen, Richtlinie 2.10;
Verband Schweizerischer Elektrizittsunternehmungen (VSE), Zrich

[11] Richtlinien zum Korrosionsschutz von erdverlegten metallischen Anlagen, Richtlinie C2;
Korrosionskommission der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fr Korrosionsschutz (SGK), Zrich

[12] Richtlinien zum Schutz gegen Korrosion durch Streustrme von Gleichstromanlagen, Richtlinie C3;
Korrosionskommission der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fr Korrosionsschutz (SGK), Zrich

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 41

42 SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich
Represented organizations in the commission SIA 197 and in the Working group SIA 197/1
ASTRA Federal Roads Office
BAV Federal Office of Transport
BUWAL Federal Office for the Environment
EPFL Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne
MGB Matterhorn Gotthard Railway
RKKF Fire Services Coordination Switzerland
SBB Swiss Federal Railways

SIA 197/1, Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich 43

Members of the commission SIA 197 Design of Tunnels

Representative of
President Dr. Franois Vuilleumier, ing. civ. dipl. EPF/SIA, Brig Consultant engineer

Members Dr. Ernst Berger, dipl. Bauing. ETH/SIA, Mhlethurnen BUWAL

Erwin Beusch, dipl. Bauing. ETH/SIA, Ennetbaden Employer
Alfred Brgger, dipl. Bauing. ETH/SIA, Chne-Bougeries Contractor
Andreas Hofer, dipl. Bauing. ETH, Bern ASTRA
Martin Knzig, dipl. Bauing. ETH/SIA, Bern BAV
Pierre Michel, Ing. civ. dipl. EPF/SIA, Vex Consultant engineer
Alex Sala, dipl. Bauing. FH. Regensdorf Consultant engineer
Peter Testoni, dipl. Bauing. ETH/SIA, Wabern BAV
Peter Theiler, dipl. Bauing. ETH/SIA, Lucerne Contractor
Willy Ritz, Ing. HTL, Kastanienbaum Contractor
Dr. Hans-Jakob Ziegler, Geologist, Bern Consultant engineer

Members of the Working group SIA 197/1 Railway Tunnels

Representative of
President Martin Knzig, dipl. Bauing. ETH/SIA, Bern BAV

Members Josef Elmiger, dipl. Bauing. HTL, Langenthal Railways (SBB)

Dr. Peter Gerber, phil. nat. Physiker, Bern Consultant engineer
Andr Gerold, dipl. Bauing. ETH, Basel Consultant engineer
Dr. Jacques-Andr Hertig, Ing. civ. dipl. EPF, Lausanne University (EPFL)
Wolfgang Hppi, dipl. Elektroing. HTL, Bern BAV
Roland Jordi, dipl. Bauing. HTL/Dipl. Wirtschaftsing. FH, Bern Railways (SBB)
Ernst Mrki, dipl. Bauing. ETH/SIA, Bremgarten BE Consultant engineer
Peter Maurer, dipl. Maschinening. HTL, Brig Railways (MGB)
Hans Mundwiler, dipl. Elektroing. HTL, Zrich RKKF (Fire Service)
Claude Risch, Ing. civ. dipl. EPF, Lausanne Consultant engineer
Andreas Siegrist, dipl. Bauing. ETH/SIA, Thun Employer
Urs Wili, dipl. Elektroing. ETH/SIA, Bern Consultant engineer

Minutes Markus Meier, dipl. Bauing. HTL, Bern Consultant engineer

English translation sponsored by SWISS TUNNELING SOCIETY 2010 (www.swisstunnel.ch)

Acceptance and coming into force

The central committee for Standards and regulations accepted the present Standard SIA 197/1 on
26th August 2004.

It comes into force on 1st October 2004.

It replaces, together with the SIA 197 and SIA 197/2, Sections 1 and 2 of the SIA 198, Edition 1993.

Copyright 2004 by SIA Zurich

All rights are reserved, including that of printing extracts, partial or complete reproduction (photocopy, micro-
copy, CD-ROM), the storage in data-processing systems and that of translation.


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