Economics-Think-Tac-Toe-Visual Lit With Voki

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In order to extend your learning of economic systems, complete three activities (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) to win tic-tac-toe.
You only have to do one activity per square. All activities or links to your activities must be posted in drop box no later than _________.
Level Economic Systems Specialization & Trade Economic Growth Factors &
Knowledge/ Write a one page journal entry that explains how Using VOKI, summarize the 3 trade barriers (tariffs, Create 4 Frayer Models using: Human
Comprehension market, command and traditional economies embargos and quotas) in 6-8 sentences. Explain Capital, Capital goods, and Entrepreneurship
operate. why a nation would impose a trade barrier. and Investment.

Create a triple Venn diagram and Create a triple Venn diagram and compare/contrast Use the words above and create a
compare/contrast the three economic systems. the three trade barriers. Decide which one works synonym/antonym list for each of them.
Decide which works best and why. best and why.

Application/ Write 2 diary entries about a trip to the store. One Use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the Graph the literacy rates and GDP of ten (10)
Analysis entry should be from the perspective of someone three types of trade barriers. Look for ways they European nations. Determine the correlation
living in a country with a market economy. The are alike and different. Write 2-3 paragraphs to between a nations GDP and literacy rate
second diary entry should reflect the experiences explain your comparisons. Create a comic or VOKI to explain.
of someone living in a country with a command
economy (one paragraph each). Survey two students in your class to learn their Create a simple plan for opening your own
opinions about specialization and trade. Create business. Your business plan should include
two VOKIs that reveals your survey findings. your business name, a short written
Using GLOGSTER, create a collage that shows description of the goods or service your will
your understanding of the four economic systems provide and a list of all the human and capital
Command, Mixed, Market, and Traditional. goods needed to run your business.

Pick a living entrepreneur that created a

product we use daily. Create a comic that
includes a short biography of the
entrepreneur and a description of their
Synthesis/ Create a lesson to teach 6th grade students about Write a news report that tells why the United States Create an original game using the facts that
Evaluation the Economics Systems. Your lesson must would likely impose a trade barrier such as an you learned while studying factors that
include a visual aid for each economic system. embargo on a nation that sponsored terrorism. influence growth.

Compose a rap, song, poem, cheer with at least Write a song, rap, poem or cheer demonstrating Forecast how a nations GDP would change
15 lines that discusses the three economic your understanding of the 3 trade barriers. Be sure over the next 10 years if a nation fails to
systems. to include the words: trade barrier, quota, tariff, and invest in education (human capital).

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