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Msdict Viewer: User'S Guide

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User’s Guide

MSDict Viewer

For Symbian OS

MSDict Viewer • 1
© Copyright Mobile Systems, Inc. 2004-2005

All rights reserved. This manual and the programs referred to herein are copyrighted
works of Mobile Systems, Inc.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice.

Mobile Systems, Inc. accepts no liability for loss or consequential loss from misuse or
any defect or failure of the programs howsoever arising.

© 2000-2005 Mobile Systems, Inc. MSDict and MSDict logo are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Mobile Systems, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All
rights reserved.

MSDict Viewer • 2
Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................3

LICENSE AND DISTRIBUTION ................................................................................................ 4
RESTRICTIONS ...................................................................................................................... 4
NO WARRANTIES .................................................................................................................. 4
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY .................................................................................................... 5
GETTING STARTED .................................................................................................6
WELCOME TO MSDICT ......................................................................................................... 6
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 6
INSTALLATION AND UNINSTALLATION ................................................................................ 7
Installing MSDict Using cable connection to your Desktop PC ..................................... 7
Uninstallation.................................................................................................................. 8
Installation of Additional Dictionary Databases for MSDict Viewer ............................. 8
REGISTRATION ...................................................................................................................... 8
USING MSDICT........................................................................................................10
WORD LISTS ....................................................................................................................... 10
Controls and Navigation ............................................................................................... 10
Search............................................................................................................................ 11
Filtered Queries ............................................................................................................ 11
Changing the Active Dictionary .................................................................................... 12
WORD ARTICLES ................................................................................................................ 13
Visualization of Word Articles ...................................................................................... 13
The Word Entry Toolbar ............................................................................................... 14
History Lists .................................................................................................................. 14
The MSDict Menu Group .............................................................................................. 15
DICTIONARY ADMINISTRATION......................................................................16
ADDING DICTIONARY DATABASES TO MSDICT VIEWER .................................................. 16

MSDict Viewer • 3
License Agreement

*** Please read this entire agreement ***

This End-User License Agreement (the "Agreement") is a legal agreement between

you ("Licensee"), the end-user, and Mobile Systems, Inc. ("Mobile Systems") for the
use of the MSDict Viewer software product ("SOFTWARE"). By using this Software
or any part of it, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you
do not agree to the terms of this Agreement do not install this Software.

License and Distribution

The evaluation copy of this Software is free of charge for a limited period of time.
You must pay the license fee and register your copy to continue to use the Software
and remove the nag screen. Until you purchase and register the product you will not
be able to access the additional databases provided by Mobile Systems Inc.

The evaluation copy is fully functional except for the time limitation for which you
can use the software. You're allowed to make as many copies of this evaluation
version (in UNMODIFIED form) as you wish to distribute.

You may not, nor permit anyone else, to de-compile, reverse engineer, disassemble,
modify, or create derivative works based on the SOFTWARE or the documentation in
whole or in part. You may not use the SOFTWARE for any commercial purpose or
public display, performance, sale or rental. You may not use the SOFTWARE to
perform any unauthorized transfer of information (e.g. transfer of files in violation of
a copyright) or for any illegal purpose.

No Warranties
This SOFTWARE and any related documentation is provided "as is" without
warranty of any kind.

MSDict Viewer • 4
Mobile Systems, Inc. specifically disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied,
including but not limited to implied warranties of fitness for any particular purpose
and of merchantability.

Limitation of Liability
In no event will Mobile Systems, Inc. be liable to you for any damages, including but
not limited to any loss of data, lost profits, lost savings, commercial damage or other
incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this
program directly or indirectly, or for any claim by any other party.

MSDict Viewer • 5
Getting Started

Welcome to MSDict
MSDict is a specially designed dictionary integrator and utilizer for Symbian UIQ
smart phones. MSDict provides you with the best possible features for a dictionary
program, which includes fast searches, strong database compression, and stylish and
intuitive user-friendly interface.

MSDict works with database files, called dictionaries. MSDict allows several
dictionaries to be installed at a time.

System Requirements
Any Symbian UIQ running device.

Compatible devices:

• Sony Ericsson P910

• Sony Ericsson P800 / P802

• Sony Ericsson P900 / P908

• BenQ P31

• BenQ P30

• Motorola A1000 Communicator

• Motorola A925 Communicator

• Motorola A920 Communicator

• Arima ASP805

MSDict Viewer • 6
Installation and Uninstallation

Installing MSDict Using cable connection to your Desktop

1. Download MSDict (.zip) or (.sit) file for desired dictionary.
2. Extract the zip or sit (for Mac OS) archive file to desired folder on your
desktop PC. The archive file contains:
o Installation sys file for the dictionary reader and the selected
dictionary database(s)
o User’s guide for the MSDict dictionary reader
o User documentation for the dictionary database
3. Connect your mobile device to the PC.
4. Double-click the file with SIS file extension to initiate the installation of
the program to handheld device.

Please note, that to be able to install the software, you should have installed the
PC Suite software that is distributed with your mobile phone. For more
details, please read the user documentation that comes with the device.

5. The MSDict Viewer program is always installed in the main memory of

your PDA that appears as device C:. However, the installation will give you
the opportunity to select location where to install the dictionary databases –
C: (the main memory) or D: (available memory card).
6. A progress bar will show up, which will notify you when the upload the
mobile device is complete.

You can also copy the extracted SIS file directly on your mobile device and
run the installation setup from there. The SIS file can be copied to the
handheld device through the file manager program on your desktop computer
after the Sony Ericsson PC Suite is installed. During the installation, make sure
that you install dictionary databases either on c:\systems\APPS\MSDict or on

SIS files directly uploaded on the mobile device may be transferred to other
handheld devices through Bluetooth.

MSDict Viewer • 7
To delete a dictionary or the MSDict Viewer program from your mobile
1. Open the application launcher on your PDA.
2. Open the applications menu and select Uninstall.
3. Select MSDict (or the dictionary database that you want to delete) and then
tap the Uninstall button.

Installation of Additional Dictionary Databases for MSDict

MSDict Viewer allows the use of multiple dictionary databases. If you have a copy of
MSDict already installed on your PDA, follow these steps to install additional

1. Download the dictionary database and extract the archive zip or sit file in a
temporary folder on your desktop computer.

2. Extract the archive zip or sit file. The archive file contains a file with SYS
extension, which is the dictionary itself, and a user’s guide in PDF format

3. Connect your mobile device to your desktop PC.

4. Double-click the dictionary database SYS file and wait until the transfer is

5. Start MSDict Viewer on your PDA.

6. Tap the dictionary list menu trigger from the right-up corner of MSDict screen
and select Search from the popup menu that will appear. The program will
search both the in main memory and on inserted memory cards and will add
the new dictionary to the dictionary list.

MSDict and each of the commercial dictionaries that it utilizes is a downloadable
shareware product available for free evaluation period or registration at our home site:

MSDict Viewer • 8
www.mobi-systems.com. The trial period is 15 days, after which you should register
the product to keep using it.

To register your copy of the software, order the product at http://www.mobi-

systems.com. A license key for the software will be sent to the e-mail address
specified during your order shortly.

The Unlock Key is a numeric combination of 2x5 symbols (for example: 32454-
11562), which you will receive after the successful completion of your online order.

To license your copy of MSDict or additionally installed dictionary:

1. Start the software from the applications launcher. The registration form will

2. Select Options and then Register from the popup menu that will appear.

3. Type in your Unlock Key in the provided space.

4. Tap on OK to confirm or Cancel to abort the entry.

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Please note that any additionally installed commercial dictionaries will require
separate key that may not be included in your license.

Using MSDict
When you start MSDict Viewer for the first time, the program will try to automatically
locate all installed dictionary databases on your device and make active the first
dictionary found.

Word Lists
When a dictionary is opened, MSDict Word List form will appear, which is a list of all
entries in the dictionary sorted in alphabetical order.

Controls and Navigation

You can move up and down the dictionary items and pages through the buttons in the
scroll bar located in the right part of the Word List.

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Page scrollers

page up page down

To open a word article, double tap the word in the Word List form.

The Word List toolbar provides access to special functions utilizing words searches
and the easy navigation in the dictionary.

- search query field

- search button

- filter button

- rubber button

To search for a particular word or word form, you simply need to type it into the
search query field and tap . You can enter your query by using the standard built-in
keyboard of your PDA.

In case you want to make another search you can start over by tapping the rubber
button, which will clear the current contents of the search query field. Alternatively,
you can use backspace from the keyboard.

Filtered Queries
In some particular cases you may need to make a filtered query, which will list a
group of word entries, satisfying predefined condition.

There are two different modes of filtering:

• “Single-tap” filtering– dictionary items are dynamically being filtered to match

the already entered letters on every new letter. Thus, you don’t have to type in

MSDict Viewer • 11
the whole word you are searching for, but can select it from the filtered words
list as soon as it appears in the list.
• Filtering after tapping the - a whole word or filter condition is being typed.
Tapping button executes the query and gives the result word group. * is
used to substitute unknown letter or group of letters.

For example, if you type “dictio” and tap you will receive a list of words,
beginning with the defined string (e.g. diction, dictionary, etc.). All the other words

will be trimmed from the word list. You can also use * as a mask. For example, if

you type “dic*ry” and tap you will get a list of all words in database, the first
three letters of which are “dic” and the last two are “ry” (i.e. dictionary).

Changing the Active Dictionary

As already noted, MSDict Viewer allows several dictionaries to be installed at a time,
and they can be switched between according to the particular needs of the user. This
can be done by using the popup menu opened through the trigger in the top-right
corner of the screen. The popup menu lists all installed dictionaries on the handheld
device and the only thing you need to do to change the dictionary is to select the one
you require.

To change the active dictionary, you should open the dictionary list popup menu and
select the desired dictionary from the list.

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Word Articles

Visualization of Word Articles

When you select a word entry from the Word List, or if a word search returns exact
match to the word you typed, you will be redirected to the corresponding Word
Article. Different colors and font styles are used to highlight the objects in an article.
The visualization of word article depends on the particular dictionary being used and
the structure of its word articles.

Use the scroll-bar at the right side of the screen to move up and down in the word

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The Word Entry Toolbar

previous button Moves one word ahead in the history list of visited words

next button Returns a word back in the history list of visited words

list button Returns to the words list view

History Lists
For each work session in MSDict Viewer and for the currently used dictionary, the
program will dynamically save the words visited and create history list whose entries
can be easily accessed in the session. To view the history list and return to a particular
word, tap the trigger next to the search query field. A popup menu will appear
enumerating the words in the order you have visited them. Select a word from the
popup menu to re-visualize its article.

Alternatively, you can move back and forward in the history list through the and

icons in the word article toolbar

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The MSDict Menu Group
The MSDict menu group is designed to stimulate the new words learning process
especially for learners of the English language. The MSDict menu can be called
through the standard “Menu” and contains the following items:

• Word of the day - a random word, taken from the dictionary, which is
updated daily in this section. No matter how many times you tap on
this menu item, you will get the same word until the new day comes.
• Random word - word randomly picked up from the currently active

MSDict Viewer • 15
Dictionary Administration
MSDict has been designed to automatically detect the location of any dictionary
databases on your mobile device, no matter whether they are on the device itself or on
a memory card. Initially, this process could take some time to complete, but once the
databases are located you don’t have to search them again unless a new dictionary is

Adding Dictionary Databases to MSDict

The search for dictionary databases will be forced automatically when you start
MSDict for the first time. Then the program will try to find all the available
dictionaries on your Palm devices and will put them into the popup Dictionary List at
the upper-right corner of your MSDict application screen.

If you install a new dictionary and it does not appear in the Dictionary List, you may
force a manual search for dictionaries by using the Search procedure, available in the
bottom of Dictionary List popup menu.

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Dictionary search will start, after which all available dictionary databases in both the
main memory of your mobile device or on inserted memory card will be added to the
Dictionary List.

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