Beta His Tine Drug D Tudy
Beta His Tine Drug D Tudy
Beta His Tine Drug D Tudy
Name of Drug Dosage, Route, Mechanism of Action Indication Adverse Special Precautions Nursing
Freq., Timing Reactions Responsibility
Generic: Dosage: Betahistine is indicated Skin irritation, Caution is advised in the 1. Avoid contact of
Betahistine 8-16 mg for treatment of stomach treatment of patients oral solution or
dihydrochloride Mnire's syndrome, upsets, with peptic ulcer or a injection with skin
symptoms of which dizziness, fast history of peptic 2. Raise bed rails,
Route: may include vertigo, heartbeat, ulceration, because of institute safety
Brand: oral tinnitus, hearing loss headache, the occasional measures,
Serc and nausea. difficulty dyspepsia encountered supervise
Frequency: sleeping in patients on ambulation
3 x a day betahistine.
Clinical intolerance to
Betahistine may occur in
Timing: bronchial asthma
8 am, 1 pm, 6 pm patients (see section 4.5
Classifications: Contraindications: Side Effects: and 4.8) - These
patients should
Functional: Betahistine is Mild gastric therefore be monitored
Anti-emetics contraindicated in complaints and carefully during the
and Anti vertigo patients with skin rashes. treatment with
phaeochromocytoma. betahistine.
Also contraindicated to Caution is advised in
Chemical: patients with prescribing betahistine
hypersensitivity to any to patients with either
component of the urticaria, rashes or
product. allergic rhinitis, because
of the possibility of
aggravating these
Caution is advised in
patients with severe
Patients with rare
hereditary problems of
galactose intolerance,
the Lapp lactase
deficiency or glucose-
galactose malabsorption
should not take this