Mineral and Industrial Gases Safety Rules 2010.

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EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISLAMABAD, MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2010 PART II Statutory Notifications (S.R.O.) GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF INDUSTRIES AND PRODUCTION (Department of Explosives) NOTIFICATION Islamabad, the 20" December, 2010 S.R.O. 1138 (1)/2010.—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 4, sub-section (2) of section 5, sub-section (2) of section 14, sections 21 and 22 and sub-section (1) of section 29 of the Petroleum Act, 1934 (XXX of 1934), the Federal Government is pleased to make the following rules, the same having been previously published vide its Notification’ No. S.R.O. 998(1)/2010, dated the 13” October, 2010, as required under sub-section (2) of section 29 of the said Act, namely:— (3431) [3090 (2010)/Ex. Gaz.) Price : Rs. 93.50 3432. THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 [Part ll 1 CHAPTER | PRELIMINARY Short title and commencement.—(1) These rules may be called the Mineral and Industrial Gases Safety Rules, 2010. (2) They shall come into force at once. 22. Definitions —In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,— o (ii) (ii) (iv) (vy) (wi) (ii) (viii) ay (x) i) “Act” means the Petroleum Act, 1934 (XXX of 1934); “Appendix” means the Appendix to these rules; “approved” means a drawing, design, specification or code approved by the Chief Inspector; “A § A A 21.1” means American Recommended Practice Manual for Computation of Strength and Thickness of Cast Iron Pipes; “A S A Code” means American Standard Code for Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping System (A S A B 31- 1-8-1955); * “authority” means The Chief Inspector of Explosives in Pakistan or his authorized officer or representative duly notified: “Auto LPG” means liquefied petroleum gas meant for automotive fuel; “pottle-type holder” means any bottle-container or a group of interconnected bottle containers installed at one location and used for the sole purpose of storing gas; “pottling plant” means @ premises where cylinders are filled with compressed gas: “Chief Inspector™ mean the Chief Inspector of Explosives in Pakistan; “Company” means a gas transmission or distribution company or corporation; Parr il] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA. DECEMBER 20, 2010 3433 (xii) (xii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii) (xviii) “competent person” means a person or an or tanization recognized by the Chief Inspector, for such gases and for such period as may be specified as competent for carrying out tests, examination, inspection and certification. for installation and transport vehicles as stipulated in these rules, if such a person or organization possess the qualification, experience and other requirements as set out in Appendix-II to these rules and is recognized as per procedure laid down in rule 12, provided that the Chief Inspector may relax the requirements of qualifications respect of a competent person if such a person is exceptionally experienced and knowledgeable, but not the requirements in respect of the facilities at his command; “composite cylinder” means a cylinder made of resin impregnated continuous filament wound over a metallic or a non-metallic liner, Composite cylinders using non-metallic liners are referred to as all-composite cylinders; “Conservator” in relation to a port includes any person acting under the authority of the officer or body of person appointed to be Conservator of that port; “Compressed gas” means any permanent gas, liquefiable gas of gas dissolved in liquid, under pressure or gas mixture which in a closed pressure vessel or gas cylinder exervises a pressure exceeding two atmosphere (gauge) at the maximum working temperature and includes Hydrogen Fluoride. In case of vessel without insulation or refrigeration, the maximum working temperature shall be considered as 55°C; “compressor station” means an installation for raising pressure in gas transmission and distribution lines as well as for compressing gas/gas vessels in gas holders, vessels or gas cylinders meant for storing gas; “corrosion” means all forms of wastage, and includes oxidation, scaling, mechanical abrasion and corrosion; “CNG daughter station” means CNG facilities not connected to natural gas pipeline. Such CNG dispensing station receives CNG through mobile cascade; 3434 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010_ {PART II (xix) “CNG mother station” means CNG facilities connected with natural gas pipeline and having a compressor meant primarily to fill mobile cascades of daughter station. Such stations may also have stationery cascade for CNG dispensing to vehicles; (xx) “CNG online station" means CNG facilities connected with natural gas pipeline and having a compressor primarily to fill stationary cascades for dispensing CNG to vehicles; (xxi) “critical temperature” means the temperature above which gas cannot be liquefied by the application of pressure alone; (xxii) “cube box” means a durable receptacle designed to give access to a buried valve (curb shut-off) installed in a service line; (xxiii) “Deputy Chief Inspector of Explosives” includes Inspector of Explosives and Assistant Inspector of Explosives; (xxiv) “design pressure” means the pressure used in the design calculations of a vessel for the purpose of determining the minimum thickness of the various component parts of the vessels; (xxv) “dissolved acetylene cylinder” means a cylinder having a valve and with or without safety devices, containing & porous mass, a solvent for the storage of dissolved acetylene and at least sufficient acetylene to saturate the solvent at atmospheric pressure and at a temperature of +15 °c. Explanation.-Acetone or any other solvent used shall not be capabie of chemical reaction with the acetylene gas or with the porous mass or with the metal of the cylinder or valve, (xxvi) “dissolved gas” means a gas which under pressure is dissolved in a fluid solvent appropriate to the particular gas as for example, acetylene in acetone or ammonia in water: “dispenser” means an equipment installed in liquefied petroleum gas dispensing station, meant for dispensing liquefied petroleum gas as automotive fuel to motor vehicles: (xx Parti) THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 3435 (xxviii) (xxix) 0000), (xxxi) (xxii) (xxiii) (xxiv) (xxxv) (xxxvi) “district authority” means— District Nazim, District Coordination Officer: District magistrate, Political Agent or Commissioner, as the case may be; “distribution main or supply main” means pipe instalied in a community to convey gas through a Pressure Regulating Station from a transmission line to a feeder main ora service line or a large volume consumer; “domestic house line” means pipe which connect a consumer's gas equipments to his gas meter: “feeder main” means pipe for conveying gas through a Pressure Regulating Station from supply main to Consumers meters by means ofa Service line; “filt point” means the point of the inlet pipe connection of a vessel where hose is connected for filling the compressed gas into the vessel; “filling pressure” means the maximum permissible gauge pressure, converted to + 15 °C, at which a gas cylinder for permanent gas or gas dissolved under pressure can be filled; “filling ratio” means the ratio of the weight of a liquefiable gas introduced in the cylinder to the weight of the water the cylinders will hold at 15 °C; “flammable compressed gas” means gas 13 percent or less of which when mixed with air forms a flammable mixture or whose flammable range with air is greater than 12 percent; “flammable gas” means any gas which, if either a mixture of 15 per cent or less (by volume) with air forms a flammable mixture or the flammability range with air is greater (han twelve per cent regardless of the lower limit and these limits shall be determined ‘at atmospheric temperature and pressure; Explanation —“flammability range” means the difference between the minimum and maximum percentages by volume of the gas in mixture with air that forms a flammable mixture; 3430 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 _[PaRLI! (xxxvii) “flammability range” means the difference between the minimum and maximum percentage by volume of the gas in mixture with air that forms a flammable mixture at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature; (xxxviii) “Form” means a Form set forth in a Schedule; (xxxix) “gas” means natural gas used as industrial or domestic fuel: (xl) “gas cylinder” or “cylinder” means any closed metal container having a volume execeding 500 ml but not exceeding 1000 litres intended for the storage and transport ‘of compressed gas, including any liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) container/compressed natural gas (CNG) cylinder fitted to a motor vehicle as its fuel tank but not inchiding any other such container also fitted to a special transport or under-carriage and includes a composite cylinder; (xi) “gas free” in relation to a pressure vessel means the concentration of flammable or toxic gases or both if such pressure vessel is within the safe limits specified for persons to enter and carry out hot work in such vessels; (xlii) “gas service” means pipeline that connects a gas feeder main or a pipeline with a consumer's meter; (xliii) ° “high pressure” means a gas pressure in a piping system exceeding 150 pounds per square inch gauge: (xliv) “high pressure liquefiable gas” means a liquefiable, gas having a critical temperature between ~ 10 °C and + 70°C; (xlv) “high pressure piping system” means pipes and components in a. system including meters, valves, flanges, gauges fittings, special assemblies, etc., designed to withstand high pressure depending upon its constructional specifications with least hazard to public safety; (xvi) “nydrostatic stretch test” means subjecting the cylinder to a hydrostatic: pressure equal to the test pressure of the cylinder and recording the permanent stretch undergone by the cylinder; Part Ul] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010-3437 (xlvii) (xviii) (xlix) ay (li) (ily (hii) (liv) (lv) (Ivi) (vii) “hydrostatic test” means the, test to which a cylinder is subjected to a hydrostatic pressure equal to the test pressure of the cylinder; “import” means bringing into Pakistan by land, sea or air: “inert gas” means a gas which is resistant to chemical action under normally encountered conditions; “inspecting Authority” means a person having qualifications and wide experience in the filed of design, manufacture and testing of gas cylinders and recognized by the Chief Inspector of Explosives as authority for inspection and certification of gas cylinder; “installation” means any premises wherein any place has been specially prepared for the manufacture (filling) or storage of compressed gas in gas cylinder and pressure vessel: “Inspector” means a Officer authorized by the Central Government under sub-section (1) of section 13 of the Act; “inspector of explosive” includes Deputy Chief Inspector of Explosive, Inspector of Explosive and Assistant Inspector of Explosive: “licensing authority” means the Chief Inspector of Explosives; “liquefiable gas” means a gas that may be liquefied by pressure at -10 °C but will be completely vaporized when in equilibrium with normal atmospheric pressure (760 mm. Hg) at 17.5°C which value shall be increased to 30°C for toxic gases; “liquefied petroleum gas” means any material, which comprises predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons or mixture of them with vapour pressure not exceeding 16.87 ke/em2 (gauge) at 65° C:- Propane (C3H8), propylene (C3H6), butane (C4H10), (n-butane and iso- butane) and butylene (C48). “liquefiable gas” means any gas that may be liquetied vy pressure above-10 °C, but will be completely vaporized 3438 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010_[Pagt Hl when in equilibrium with normal atmospheric pressure (760 mm Hg) at 30°C; (iviii) “liquefied petroleum gas” included hydrocarbon gases in liquefied state at normal ambient temperature by the application of pressure, and conforming, to Pakistan Standard Quality Control Authority's specifications: (lix) fied petroleum gas dispensing station” means a premises used for storing and dispensing liquefied petroleum gas as automotive fuel to the motor vehicles; (x) “low pressure” means gas pressure in a piping system not exceeding 150 pounds per square inch gauge; (xi) “low pressure liquefiable gas” means a liquefiable gas having critical temperature higher than +70°C; (Ixii) “low pressure piping system” means pipes and components in 2 community including meters, valves, flanges, gauges, fittings, special assemblies, etc., specific only to with stand low pressure with least hazard to public safety (ixiti) “manufacture of gas” means filling of a eylinder with any compressed gas and also includes transfer of compressed gas from one cylinder to any other cylinder; (xiv) “oxidizing gas” means a gas which gives up Oxygen readily or removes hydrogen from a compound or attracts negative electrons; (xy) “Petroleum service station” means a premises used for storage of petroleum for the purpose of fuelling motor vehicles, and licensed in Form “K" of the Petroleum Rules, 1937; (xvi) “Permanent gas” means a gas whose critical temperature is below -10 °C that is to say a gas which cannot be liquefied under any pressure at a temperature above -10 °C; (Ixvii) “Poisonous (toxic) gas” a gas which has a maximum allowable concentration in air for human respiration not exceeding 100 mg/m3 at 15°C and 1 kgfcm2 absolute pressure: Pant Il]_THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 3439. (Ixviti) (xix) (xx) (xxi) (boai), (Ixxiii) {Ixxiv) (xxv) “pressure vessel” means any closed metal container of whatever shape, intended for the storage and transport of any compressed gas which is subjected to internal pressure and whose water capacity exceeds one thousand liters and includes inter connecting parts and components thereof upto the first point of connection to the connected piping and fittings, but does not include containers wherein steam or other vapour is or is intended to be generated or water or other liquid is or is intended to be heated by the application of fire or the products of combustion or by electrical means. heat exchangers, evaporators, air receivers, steam type digesters, steam type sterilizers, autoclaves, reactors, calorifiers, pressure piping components such as separators or strainers and vessels containing a liquid under a blanket of compressed inert gas; “pipe” means a tubular item produced for sale as such; “pipe-type holder” means any pipe-container or a group of interconnected pipe-containers installed at one location and Used for the sole purpose of storing gas; “pressure expressed in passing” means pressure in pounds per square inch above atmospheric pressure ie, gauge pressure; “private rights of way” means rights of way not located on public roads, streets, highways or railroads; “protected works” means building or places in which persons dwell or assemble or where any combustible material is stored and includes docks, wharves, public roads and streets, public foot-paths and public parks, but do not elude any building or place which forms part of an installation: “regulator station” means an installation incorporating a number of valves, regulators and vents, if any. for the purpose of controlling gas pressure in a gas transmission of distribution system; “relief valve” means a valve so designed and installed on a Pipeline as to relieve any excess gas pressure in the line by venting the gas out into the atmosphere: 3440 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20. 2010_ {Pani tl (Ixxvi) (xxvii) (ixxvitt) (Ixxix) (xxx) (xxxi) (texxii) “safety relief device” means an automatic pressure relieving device actuated by the pressure upstream of the valve and characterized by fully opened pop action, intended to prevent the rupture of a pressure vessel under certain conditions of exposure; “Schedule” means the Schedule to these rules: “source of ignition” means naked lights, fires, exposed incandescent materials, electric welding ares, lamps, other than those specially approved for use in flammable atmosphere, or a spark or flame produced by any means; “service tine” means pipes, which connect a feeder main or supply main to a consumer's meter: “shut-off valves” means a valve designed and installed on a gas pipeline to stop the flow of gas and when required: “tare weight” in relation to ~ (a) acetylene cylinder means the weight of the cylinder together with any fittings. permanently attached and includes the weight of valve any safety device, porous mass, requisite quantity of solvent for dissolving acetylene, and the weight of acetylene gas saturating the solvent al atmospheric pressure and temperature of 15°C: (b) liquefiable gas cylinder means the weight of the cylinder together with any fittings permanently attached thereto and includes the weight of valve; and (c) permanent gas cylinder means the weight of the cylinder together with any fittings permanently attached thereto and excludes the weight of valve: “tank truck loading or unloading gantry” or “hard stand” means the position of parking of tank truck or mobile pressure vessel for loading or unloading of compressed gas into or from it: PagT It] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 3441 (ixxxiii) “test pressure” means the internal pressure required for the hydrostatic test or hydrostatic stretch test of the cylinder. as follows:— (a) for permanent and high pressure liquefiable gases, it the cylinder should be calculated from the following: 200. 1.Re Ph 1.25 (Do-t) Where Ph = ‘Test pressure in kgf/em* Do = Outside diameter of the cylinder in mm. t = Minimum calculated wail thickness of shell in mm. Re = —_ Minimum specified yield strength of the material of cylinder in kgf/mm’, it is limited to 75 per cent of the minimum value of the tensile strength in the case of normalized cylinder and 85 per cent of the minimum value of the tensile strength for quenched and tempered cylinder, provided that the value of test pressure shall not exceed 80 percent of the yield strength; and () for low pressure liquefiable yas - One and a half times (IXxxiv) (Ixxxy) (xxxvi) (boxxvii) the saturated vapour pressure of the gas at 65°C ; “transport” means the transport of a pressure vessels/ gas cylinders filled with any compressed gas trom one place to another but does not include movement of the vessel from one place to another in the same premises; “transmission line or transmission main” means pipes installed in a system for the purpose of transmitting gas from source of supply to distribution or supply mains or to large volume customers or pipes installed to interconnect two or more transmission; “yelticle” means 2 mechanically propelled carriage designed to transport by land compressed gas in a pressure vessel mounted thereon, and shall not include a vessel forming the barrel of a rail tank wagon: “vessel” means a pressure vessel: 3442 ‘THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 [Part ll «water capacity” means the volume of water in litres, a (xxxviii cylinder will hold at 15 °C: (ixxxix) “Working pressure for low pressure liquefiable gas” means the saturated vapour pressure at 650C; (xe) “working pressure for permanent gas” means the internal pressure of the gas the cylinder at a temperature of 15 °C; (xci) “yield strength” means the stress corresponding to a permanent strain of 0.2 per cent of the original gauge length in a tensile test. For practical purpose it may be taken as a stress at which elongation first occurs in the test piece without the increase of load in a tensile test;-and (xcii) +3" Party Inspector” means a professional organization recognized by the Chief Inspector of Explosives for certifying pressure vessels and their fittings after carrying out stage wise inspection during fabrication, as stipulated in the rules so as to ensure that the pressure vessels are designed and constructed in accordance with ASME, Pressure Vessel Code, section VIII div I or any other equivalent standard approved by the Chief Inspector, if the constituent members of the organization possess the qualifications and experience and other requirements as set out in Appendix-II to these rules and the recognition is granted as per procedure laid in rule 12. 3, Restriction on filling and manufacture—{1) No person shall manufacture and fill any compressed gas in any vessel or transport any vessel filled with any compressed gas unless such vessel has been manufactured im accordance with a type or standard or code as specified under rule 36. (2) No person should manufacture any vessel approved under sub-rule (1) without the prior approval of the Chief Inspector. (3) Any person seeking approval of the Chief Inspector under sub-rule (2) shall submit to him,— (a) _ the particulars specified in Appendix- I to these rules; and (o) a serutiny fee of rupees five thousands in the manner specified under rule 11. Parti) THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA, DECEMBER 20, 20103443 (4) No person shall import any vessel without prior approval of the Chief Inspector. (5) Any person seeking the approval of the Chief Inspector under sub- rule (4) shall submit to k: (a) a test and inspection certificate of the vessel from the manufacturer or the inspecting agency of the country of origin; and (b) the design details of the vessel, its fittings and particulars of specifications of the materials used in construction thereof. 4. Restriction on delivery and dispateh.—(1) No person shall deliver or dispatch any compressed gas filled in a vessel to any person other than the holder of a storage license issued under these rules or to a port authority or a railway administration. (2) No compressed gas delivered or dispatched under sub-rule (1) shall exceed the quantity which the person to whom it is delivered or dispatched is authorized to store under the licence held by him. 5. Repair to pressure vessels—(1) No person shall carry out any repairs, additions or alterations to any vessel unless; the proposed repairs, additions or alternations and the method of execution have been approved by the Chicf Inspector. Any such repairs, additions or alterations approved by the Chief Inspector shall be carried out in the marmer and by practices acceptable under the design code referred to in rule 36: Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to the replacement of any of the fitments of the vessel, which does not involve any heating. (2) Before any repairs, additions or alterations are carried out to any vessel; the same shall be completely emptied and purged with an inert gas. (3) Complete record of repairs, additions or alterations referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be maintained and made available to Chief Inspector and his permnission shall be obtained before decommissioning the vessel. (4) Due safety precautions shall be taken during repair to pressure vessels. (5)__ Persons having adequate knowledge, experience, and skill shail be appointed for tepairing to pressure vessels 6. Purging of pressure vessels used for flammable gases.—(1) Belore using any new vessel or belore the refilling of any existing vessel which 3444. THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 [Part ll has been made gas-free, air contained therein shall be purged by an inert gas or by the gas for which the vessel is to be used. (2) Ifthe vessel is purged by means of a flammable gas, the flammable mixture so formed shall be vented from the vessel only after taking adequate precautions to prevent its ignition. 7. Prohibition of employment of children and intoxicated persons.—No person under the age of eighteen years or who is in a state of intoxication shall be employed for the loading, unloading or transport of any vessel containing compressed gas, or in any premises licensed under these rules. 8. Prohibition of smoking, fires, lights, ete—No person shall smoke and no matches, fires, lights or articles or substance, capable of causing ignition of any flammable gas shall be allowed, at any time in proximity to a place where any compressed gas is stored, handled or transported in a vessel 9, Supervision and operation within the licensed premises —The operation of the licensed premises shall be under the supervision of persons having knowledge of the equipments being used in the premises and who is/are trained in handling the compressed gas, and other operators shall be conversant with the hazards associated with the compressed gas and fire fighting operation, 10. Special precautions against accidents—{1) No person shall commit or attempt to commit any act which may tend to cause a fire or explosion in or about any place where any compressed gas is stored, handled or transported in a vessel. (2) All empty vessels which had contained, any flammable or toxic gases, shall, except when they are opened for the purposes of filling or cleaning, or for rendering the gas free, but kept securely closed until they have been cleaned or freed the gas, as the case may be. (3) Every person storing compressed gas in a vessel and every person in charge of, or engaged in the storage, handling and transport of such gas in Is, shall at all times— (i) comply with the provisions of these rules and the conditions of any licence issued there under: (ii) observe all precautions for the prevention of accident by fire or explosion; and (iti) prevent any person from committing any aot referred in sub- role (1). Part Il] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA. DECEMBER 20, 2010 3445 Ul. Procedure for payment of fees. — All fees payable under these rules shall be paid im any National/State Bank of Pakistan through treasury challan under correct head of account of Department of Explosives. 12. Procedure for grant and revocation of recognition to competent person and 3" Party inspector—(1) Anybody intending to be vecognized as competent person or’3" party inspector shall submit to the Chief Jnspector an application in the from prescribed in Appendix-ll. The Chief Inspector shall register such application and within a period of sixty days of the date of receipt of the application, either after having satisfied himself with regard to competence and professional ethies recognize the applicant as a competent ot 3" party inspector as the case may be, oF reject the application specifying the reason therefore (2) The Chief Inspector may, after giving an opportunity to, the 3" party inspector or competent person of being heard, revoke the recognition — (a) if he has reason to believe that a 3“ party inspector or competent person has violated any condition stipulated in the letter of recognition or has carried out a test, examination and inspection o7 has acted, in a manner inconsistent with the intent or the purpose of these rules; or (b) for any other reason to be recorded in writing. CHAPTER I CONSTRUCTION, FITMENT AND EXAMINATION PART-L MAINTENANCE OF PIPE LINES ON RAILWAYS LANDS. 13. Pipeline casings—When a pipeline crosses a Railways track it shall do so as nearly as possible at right angles to it and efficient stecl casing shall be installed around the pipeline as required by rule 53. 14. Shut-off valves near crossings—Where wartanted by special Jocal conditions, emergency shut-off valves shall be installed at suitable location ‘on each side of the crossing beyond the safety distance as mutually agreed to by Railway and the company. 3446 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 _[Part Ul 15. Patrol—Arrangements shall be made by the company for patrolling all pipelines on railways lands or within the safety distarice from the railways protected works at least once a week. 16. Report of leakage.—When a leak is detected within 50 feet of a railways track, in addition to fulfilling the requirements of clause (b) of rule 60, the company shall communicate the news of the leak and particulars of its location in Railways mileage to the nearest Railway Station by the quickest possible means and they shall do everything possible to ensure that no smoking, cooking or any other works involving use of fire or spark takes place within a distance of 50 feet. 17. Duties of the Railway Station Staff on receiving report of the leak. —On receipt of the report of the leak the Station Master shall take up the following steps immediately:— (a) he shall inform the station situated on the other side of the leak and suspend all traffic on the section of the leak, He shall not resume trafic until he receives in writing, a certificate from the company"s authorized representative that there is no danger to the passage of trains; and (b) he shall send a report about the leak by telegraph and quickest means to the General Manager and Government Inspector of Pakistan Railways and all other officials who are advised in case of an ‘A’ class accident (as defined in the general and Subsidiary Rules for the railway) and also to the Chief Inspector. 18. Additional precautions for trains approaching a pipeline crossing on any section of a pipeline— (a) Permanent indication boards shall be fixed at a distance of half 2 mile from the pipe crossing in both directions on the single line and the direction from which trains approach on the double line. These boards shall be 4x4" and shall have white ground and a horizontal black band running right across i. The boards should be placed on the lefi-hand side of the track at a distance of 10 feet clear from the center line of the track and will be so erected that the lower edge of the boards will be 6 feet above rail level; and (b) the driver of a train passing an indication board as required in clause (a) shall be on the lookout for any danger signals and shall stop the train if any such signal is shown. Part Il]_THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 3447 PART-II WELDING AND TESTING 19. Welding of’ pipeline—Welding, when necessary, shall be performed under specification prescribed in the A $ A - Code, 20._ Welding tests—If there is any specific reason to question 2 welder’s efficiency of if the welder was not engaged in a particular process of welding for a period of at least six months, he shall be tested to judge his qualifications. A record of qualified welders shall be maintained showing the test results, with dates. 21. Precautions in welding.—Welding should not, normally, be done in bad weather conditions especially in an atmosphere preponderant in moisture and blowing sand or dust or in high wind. Windshield shall be used when welding is to be done in such citcurnstances. 22. Inspection of welding—Weld shall be tested by radiographic methods ot other non-destructive methods as mentioned in the A S A ~ Code and at least 10 percent of the welds on hightpressure straight pipeline and 100 percent of the welds at end near bends, water way crossings, rail and road crossings, and barrage crossing in high-pressure pipes shall be tested. 23. Pressure test before commission—When a pipeline is to be operated at pressure exceeding 50 psig, it shall be tested for strength before commissioning after completion or aftet any major reconstruction at not less than 25% in excess of the designed operating pressure. 24. Leak test.— (a) Before commissionitig a pipeline and after completion of pressure test thereof, leakage tests shall be performed in accordance with the up-to-date methods known and apptoved by the Chief Inspector. (b) for the tests in clause (a), intemal pressure shall be maintained constant for at least 24 hours for high pressure pipeline and examination for leakage shall be continued repeatedly to ensure complete absence of any leakage. The line shall be completed, as far as practicable, with valves, meters, and gauges and other related components at the time of pressure and leakage tests. 3448 ‘THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010_(Parv I 25. Notices to the Chief Inspector. —At least five days notice shall be given to the Chief Inspector before commencement of'a leak test or pressure test on a high-pressure pipeline: Provided that such notice shall not be necessary in the ease of a pipeline already placed in operation and warranting immediate continuity of service. 26. Notice to the Local Administration. —The company shall give notice of their transmission pipeline test to the Chief Inspector and the Local ‘Administrative head who shall arrange for adequate police assistance as may be required by the company. 27. Avoiding explosions or uncontrolled fires.— (a) Such operations as gas or electric welding and cutting with torches shall not be performed on pipelines or main or auxiliary equipments unless they are completely full of gas or air free from any combustible mixture. Any mixture of gas and air at any point shall be prevented in transmission and supply mains, (b) __ welding or acetylene cutting shall not be done on pipeline main or auxiliary apparatus containing air unless suitable precautions have been taken to prevent entry of gas into the same or the pipe on the main is purged of air with a non-combustible or inert gas; and (©) __ when a high pressure pipeline full of air is placed in service the air shall be purged by introducing a suitable quantity of inert gas into the pipe ahead of the combustible service gas and allowing 1a moderately rapid and steady flow of the service gas along the line. PART-IiL EXAMINATION AND TESTING OF CYLINDERS 28. Periodicity of examination and testing of cylinders—(1) No person shall fill any eylinder with any compressed gas unless the cylinder has been examined and subjected to hydrostatic test or hydrostatic stretch test, as the case may be, and other tests set forth in Schedule TIT within such period as approved in writing by the Chief Inspector of Explosive. Part il] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 3449 (2) Any testing station desiring to obtain Tecognition for periodical testing and examination of cylinders shall provide the facilities set forth in Schedule IIT and shall submit to Chief Inspector of Explosives the particulars of the facilities provided. 29. Condemning of cylinders—(1) Any cylinder which fails to pass periodic examination o test or which loses in its tare weight by over 5 per cent or which for any other defect is found to be unsafe for use or after expiry of the service life of the cylinder, shall not be filled with any compressed gas and shall be destroyed by flattening it as a whole or after being cut into pieces in such a manner that the pieces cannot again be joined together by welding or otherwise to form a cylinder, under intimation to the owner of the cylinder. (2) All markings on the cylinder shall be defaced before it is destroyed by the representative of Chief Inspector of Explosives. (3) History sheets or records of such cylinders shall be closed and kept on record for a period of one year. Reports of the details of such closed history cards or records shall be sent to the Chief Inspector of Explosives, in writing, on the Ist of January, April, July and October every year. (4) A cylinder, which has been used for the generation of any gas or for any purpose other than storage, transportation and use of compressed gas shall be deemed to have been condemned and unsuitable for such use as a cylinder within the meaning of these rules. PART-IV DISSOLVED ACETYLENE GAS CYLINDERS 30. Additional requirements for dissolved acetylene gas cylinders.- Dissolved acetylene gas cylinder shall comply with following additional provisions, namely: (i) the porous substance shall fill as completely as possible the cylinder into which the acetylene is compressed; (ii) _ the porosity of the substance shall not exceed 92 per cent and in no case shall be less than 75 per cent; » (iii) any solvent used shall not be capable of chemical reaction with the acetylene gas or with the porous substance or with the metal of the cylinder; 3450 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 [Part Il | tiv) wy) (vi) (vii) (viii) {ix) if acetone is used as a solvent, the quantity of acetone including the gas’ in solution shall be such that the cylinder meets the requirements of additional tests: the valves of the cylinders shall not contain more than 70 per cent copper in their composition; the pressure in the cylinder shall not exceed 16 kgf/cm’? at a temperature of 15°C; every cylinder shall before being filled with porous mass be tested by hydrostatic pressure to a pressure of not less than 60 kgflem’ This pressure may be reduced to 53 kgf/cm’ if the cylinder is fitted with fusible plug. No. cylinder which shows a permanent stretch in excess of 7% per cent of the total stretch suffered during hydrostatic stretch test shall be allowed; the safety relief devices if fitted, shall operate at a pressure of 53 kgficm? or at a temperature of 100°C + 4°C/-2°C; and every cylinder shalt have permanently and conspicuously marked upon it or upon a brass plate soldered to it the name of the manufacturer and the words “Acetylene properly compressed into porous substance” and shall bear the following markings, namely:— (a) serial number and identification of manufacturer; (>) number of the standard; (c) test pressure; (d) the date of hydrostatic stretch test with code mark of the place where the test was carried out; (e) date of filling of porous mass; (1) water capacity: (#) a symbol to indicate the nature of heat treatment; (h) identification of porous mass and porosity percentage; (i) tare weight (inclusive of valve); Part] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 3451 (__ inspectors’s official mark; and (k) maximum gas capacity. 31. Restriction on. filling of dissolved acetylene in cylinders.—No person shall charge with acetylene any cylinder unless he is in possession of full particulars and the previous history of such cylinder and has otherwise assured himself that the cylinder complies with the requirements of these rules. 32. Examination of dissolved acetylene cylinders before filling — Whenever a cylinder is charged with acetylene, it shall be subjected to a thorough visual examination, if the history of the cylinder shows that it has not been subjected to such an examination within the previous two years and at the same time the valves shall be removed and the conditions of the porous substance at the neck of the cylinder ascertained: Provided that this period of periodical examination shall be one year in case the cylinders are filled with loose porous mass. 33. Licence for compression of acetylene.—The compression of the acetylene gas into a cylinder shall be carried out only in such premises as are licensed by the Chief Inspector of Explosive,, or Inspector of explosives. 34. Record of dissolved acetylene cylinders.—(1) Each firm charging acetylene in cylinders shall keep 2 record of every cylinder charged by it and this record shall give the following information, namely:— (a) for each charge, — (i) the date of charging of the cylinder; (ii) the empty cylinder weight without gas; (iii) the weight of solvent charged before gas charging; and (iv) full weight of the cylinder; (b) the dates upon which solvent has been added; and (c) the dates upon which the cylinder has been thoroughly examined as provided rule 32, the results of each such examination and the name of the person carrying out such examination, and in the case of cylinders first issued by the firm, the tare weight of the cylinder including porous substance and acetone or other solvent, the nature of the solvent and the maximum. pressure allowed in the cylinder. 3452 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010_[Pant Il (2) The record shall be open for inspection of the Chief Inspector of Explosives or the Inspector of Explosives. 35, Labelling of dissolved acetylene cylinders.—A warning label attached to every dissolved acetylene cylinder shall, in addition to the particulars given in sub-rule (2) of rule 135 bear the following additional particulars, namely:= (a) date of last filling of gas in the cylinder; (b) weight of gas filled; (©) full cylinder weight; and {d) the name of the company filling the gas on the last date of the filling. Part-V CONSTRUCTION AND FITMENTS OF PRESSURE VESSELS 36. Design code—{1) Vessels shall be designed, constructed and tested in accordance with ASME Pressure Vessel Code section VIII, Div-I as amended from time to time, or such other standard or code approved by the Chief Inspector, (2) A test and inspection certificate issued by the manufacturer of the vessel duly countersigned by a 3 party inspector that the vessel meets with the requirements of the standard or code as referred to in sub-rule (1), shall be furnished to the Chief Inspector. 37. Design pressure—The design pressure of a vessel shall not be less than - (a) The vapor pressure of the gas in vessel at 55°C, if the vessel is meant for the storage of liquefiable gas: Provided that if the vessel is insulated, the vapor pressure of the gas in the vessel shall correspond to the maximum temperature that is likely to be attained by the gas in the vessel. (b) The developed pressure of the gas in the vessel at 55°C. if the vessel is meant for the storage of @ pétimchent gas . PART Ul] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 20103453 38. Design of vessels for gases at low temperature — (1) Refrigerated vessels.— (i) Vessels to be used for storage of refrigerated gases shail be designed in accordance with low temperature requirements under the Design Code as referred to in sub-rule (1) of rule 36; and (ii) the capacity of the reffigeration system shall be adequate to maintain the gas in the vessel at a temperature so that its vapor pressure does not exceed the design pressure of the vessel and shall also remain below the pressure-setting of the relief valve on the vessel. (2) Insulated vessels — (i) The shell of the vessel and its manhole nozzle shall be insulated with a material approved by the Chief Inspector. The entire insulation shall be covered with a metal jacket of a thickness not less than 3 mm, nominal and flashed around all opening so as to be weather-tight; and (ii) The insulation shall be of sufficient thickness so that the thermal conductance at 15°C (expressed in calories or sq. cm. per hour per degree centigrade temperature differential) does not exceed the limit prescribed by the Chief Inspector. 39. Filling capacity and filling pressure—(1) The maximum quantity of liquefiable gas filled into any vessel shall be limited to the filling density of the gas and shall be such that the vessel shall not be liquid-full due to expansion of the contents with rise of the temperature to 55°C. (2) No vessel shall be filled with any permanent gas in excess of its design Pressure. 40, Markings on pressure vessels—Every vessel shall have a metal plate permanently fixed to it showing the following particulars which shall be visible from the ground level, namely:— (J) manufacturer's name and identification marks; (ii) _ the standard or code to which the vessel is constructed; (iii) _ official stamp of the Inspector; (iv) design pressure in Kg/Cm*; 3454 (THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA. DECEMBER 20, 2010_(PART I (v) date of initial hydrostatic test and the subsequent test; (vi) hydrostatic test pressure in Kg/Cm’; (vii) water capacity in liters; (viii) gas capacity, if filled with liquefiable gas; and (ix) name or chemical symbol of the gas for which the vessel is to be used. 41, Painting of vessels—Vessels shall be adequately painted externally to prevent corrosion and shall have a reflecting surface. 42. Fittings. — (1) General— (i) Fittings-—Bach vessel shall be provided with each of the following fittings all of which should be suitable for use with the gas at pressures not less than the design pressure of the vessel to which they are fitted and for temperatures appropriate to the characteristics of the gas and operating conditions, namely:— (a) _ pressure relief valve connected to the vapour space; (b) drains; (c) contents gauge or maximum level indicator; (é) pressure gauge connected to the vapour space; and (e) means of measuring the temperature of the contents of the vessel; and (ii) Vessel connections.—Connections of vessels shall be designed and attached to the vessels in accordance with the design code referred to in rule 36. All static vessels for storage of corrosive, flammable or toxic gas in liquefied state shall not have more than one pipe connection to the bottom for inlet or outlet, apart from the Grainage. The drainage pipe, if provided, shall be extended beyond the shadow of the vessel and provided with two shut-off valves. No drainage pipe shall be provided direct from spherical vessel. The bottom inlet or outlet pipe for spherical vessel shall be integrally welded to the vessel and extended upto three meters beyond the Part il] _THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 _ 3455 shadow of the vessel, at the end of which, combination of manual and remote operated valve shall be provided; (2) Pressure relief — (i) every vessel shall be provided with at least one or more pressure relieving devices in accordance with the provisions of the design code referred to in rule 36; (i) _ the relief valves shall be spring loaded and shall be set-to-discharge and reach full flow conditions as required by the design code referred to in rule 36; (iii) _ weight loaded relief valves shall not be permitted; (iv) the relief valves shall be so designed that they cannot be inadvertently loaded beyond the set pressure; (v) the design of the valves shall be such that the breakage of any part will not obstruct free discharge of the liquid under pressure; (vi) safety relief vaives on any vessel shalt be set to start-to-discharge ala pressure not in excess of 110 per cent of the design pressure of the vessel and shall have a total relieving capacity sufficient to prevent the maximum pressure in the vessel of more than 120 per cent of the design pressure; (vii) each safety relief valve shall be plainly and permanently marked with the pressure in Kg/Cm? at which it is set to discharge, with the actual rate of discharge of the device in cubic meters per minute of the gas at 150°C and at atmospheric pressure, and with manufacturer's name. The rated discharge capacity of the device shall be determined at a pressure of 120 per cent of the design pressure of the vessel; (viii) connections of safety relief devices shall be of sufficient size to provide the required rate of discharge through the safety relief valves; (ix) safety relief valves shall be so arranged that the possibility of tampering is minimized and if the pressure setting or adjustment is extemal, the safety relief valve shall be provided with suitable means of sealing adjustment: (x) each safety relief valve shall be provided with shut-off valve between it and the vessel. The arrangement of the shut-off valve 3456 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010_[PaRT Il (xi) (xii) (xiii) installed between the safety relief valve and the vesse! shal] be so designed as to afford full required capacity flow through at least one of the safety relief valves: safety relief valves shall have direct communication with the vapour space of the vessel: for vessels other than those mounted on the vehicles of over 4500 liters water capacity, relief valves shall be fitted with extended vent pipes adequately supported and having outlets at least 2 meters above the top of the vessel and at least 3.5 meters above the ground level and the vent pipes shall be fitted with loose-fitting rain caps: and relief valves shall be tested by a Competent Person for correct ‘operation not less than once in a year and a record of such test shall be maintained. The test certificate shall be issued in the prescribed proforma. Relief valves shall be tested for correct operation not less than once in a year and a record of such test shall be maintained. (3) Shut-off and emergency shut-off valves—All liquid and vapour connections on vessels, except those for relief valves, plugged openings, and those where the connection is not greater than 1.4 mm diameter opening shell have shut-off valves located as close to the vessel as practicable: Provided that the emergency shut-off valves is not required in cases where the connection to a vessel is not greater than 3 mm diameter for liquid and 8 mm diameter for vapour, or for vessels meant for storage of non-corrosive, non- flammable or non-toxic gas. 4) (i) Gi) ii) Liquid level gauging device — A vessel used for liquefiable gas or dissolved gas shall be equipped with a liquid level gauging device to afford ready determination of the amount of liquid in the vessel at any time: all liquid level indicators shall be suitable for operation at the design pressure of the vessel; every vessel shall, in addition, be equipped with a fixed maximum evel indicating device depending upon the liquefiable gas or dissolved gas filled in the vessel; and Part Il] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA. DECEMBER 20, 2010 3457. (iv) gauging devices that require bleeding of the contents of the vessel such as a rotary tube, fixed tube and slip tube shall be designed in such a manner that the same cannot be completely withdrawn in nortial gauging operations. (5) Pressure gauge.—Every vessel shall be provided with at least one pressure gauge. 43. Periodic testing of pressure vessels in service —(1) All vessels shall be hydraulically tested by a competent person at a pressure marked on the vessel at intervals of not more than 10 years after the date of first test, provided that in the case of vessels, containing corrosive or toxic gases, the periodic test shall be done at an interval of two years. In case of vessels which are so designed, constructed or supported that they cannot be safely filled with water or liquids for hydraulic testing or which are used in services where traces of water cannot be tolerated, the Chief Inspector may permit pneumatic testing along with non- destructive tests instead of hydraulic testing, as per procedure laid down in vessel fabrication code; after satisfying himself about the adequacy of the safety precautions undertaken. (2) The competent person carrying out the (est as required under sub- rule (1) shall issue a certificate of test in prescribed proforma 44. Precautions to be observed in carrying out hydraulic test.— In carrying out the hydraulic test referred to in rule 43, the following precautions shail be observed, namely:— (i) before the test is carried out, each pressure vessel shall be thoroughly cleaned and examined externally. and as far as practicable, intemally also tor surface defects, corrosion and foreign matter. During the process of cleaning and removal of sludge, if any, all due precautions shall be taken against fire or explosion, if such sludge is of pyropheric nature or contains spontaneously combustible chemicals; (ii) as soon as the test is completed, the vessel shall be thoroughly dried internally and shall be clearly stamped with the marks and figures indicating the person by whom the test has been carried out and the date of test and a record shall be kept of all such tests: and (iii) any vessel which fails to pass the hydraulic test or which for any other reason is found to be unsafe for use shall be destroyed or rendered unsuitable in the presence of an officer deputed or nominated by the Department of Explosives 3458 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010_ [Pari ll CHAPTER UI IMPORTATION, STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION Parr-l . TRANSMISSION, STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION OF GAS SPECIFICATION FOR PIPING SYSTEMS 45. Inselecting cast iron pit gas pipe used for gas piping, the following ‘Table-1 which bears a relation between pipe diameters, working pressure, wall thickness and laying condition, shall be followed:- TABLET Working | 3-12 Feevol Cover Feet or cover Feet or Cover Pressure Laying Condition Laying Condition Laying Condition A Bc BC pd ap Part Il] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA. DECEMBER 20, 2010 3459 re] wormg | sla Fesrotcover Feerot Cover Trecotcaver Pressure Laying Condition Laying Condition Laying Condition Be apc ofa cb Figures in decimals indicate wall thickness in inches Note: Laying Condition A Flat botiom tench, without blocks, untamed backfill. Laying Condition B_—Flat_bottom trench, without blocks, tamed backfill. Laying Condition C Flat bottom trench, untamed backfill Laying Condition D Flat bottom trench, tamed backfill 46. In selecting cast iron pipe (centrifugally cast in metal moulds or sand lined moulds) for gas piping the following Table-i bearing relation between pipe diameter, working pressure, wall thickness and laying condition, shall be followed: — 3460 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 {Part It TABLE Il Freeror cover B Feet or cover To Fectorcover Laying Condition Laying Condition Laying Comition Ag » Part ll] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA. DECEMBER 20, 2010 3461 ‘Ske ] Working | 3 Feet of Cover T Fen ul Cover BFectarcover in| Pressure J Laying Condition Laying Condition Laying Conition hes | intsig f Apc oP Ae cp a 50 8 Sa Psa SOS Figures in decimals indicate wail thickness in inches Note: Laying Condition A Laying Condition B Laying Condition © Laying Condition D Flat bottom trench, without blocks, untamed backfill. Flat bottom trench, without blocks, tamed. backfill. Pipe laid on block, untamed backfill. Pipe laid on block, tamed backfill. 47. Basic equation to determine wall thickness.—For relation between pressures and thickness of cast iron pipes beyond the scope of the tables annexed to rules 45 and 46, reference shall be made to A'S A A 22.1 latest edi 3462 _ THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010_[Part ll 48, Scope of practice—Every transmission, distribution or service line as well as storage main shall be designed, constructed, installed and operated'to meet the requirements of these rules and in ease any specific aspect cannot be met by the provisions of these rules, it shall be so done within the limits prescribed in the A S A code subject to approval by the Chief Inspector 49. Minimum cover.—Underground feeder mains shall be installed with a minimum cover of 30 inches unless prevented by other underground structures, to protect the pipe from external Toad or other damaging factors. Service and house lines shall, wherever possible, have a minimam cover of 18 inches. 50. Casing.—Where cover, as required by rule 49, cannot be provided and the pipe is not designed to withstand normal damaging factors it shalt be strongly cased or bridged. 51. Support—Cast iron pipes installed in unstable soils shall be provided with strong reinforced supports. 52. Clearance from underground structure.—There shall be a clearance of 6 inches for transmission line, 2 inches for supply and feeder main and service line from any other underground structure not in any way related to the pipeline or gas main, Such clearance will not be necessary in ease of house line including factories, Where the clearance under this rule is not available, reasonable precautions shall be taken to protect the pipe by insulation of the pipe, installation of casing, etc. 53, Casing of pipeline passing railway tracks, streets and highways.—Eflicient steel pipe casing shall be provided — (a) where any pipeline passes across railway track open to passenger traffic; (b) where a high pressure pipeline passes across a street, a highway or a railway track not open to passenger traffic; (c) such casing shall comply with the following requirements-— (4) the casing shall extend on either side of the railway track up to a point not less than 5° trom the toe of the railway embankment subject to a minimum of 25° measured at right angles to the center-line of the outside track if the pipeline is a low pressure one, and not less than 10° and 50° respectively in the pipeline is a high pressure one. The PARTI THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 20103463 casing shall be installed with even bearing throughout its Iength and shall slope towards one end; and (ii) in case of roads and streets the casing shail extend up to 5* form the toe of the embankment subject to minimum of 10° form the outer of edge of the road or the street: (d) The casing shall be provided with an air tight seal at its ends and shall be ventilated to the open air by means of vent pipes which shall ‘rot be less than 2 feet in height from the ground level. Hach vent pipe shall be less than 2 inches in internal diameter and shall be connected to the bottom of the easing at the lower end and to the top of the casing at the higher end, The top end of each vent pipe shall be deflected downwards and provided with an explosion proof cap; (©) Inside diameter of the casing shall be at least 2 inches greater that the outside diameter of the carrier pipe; and (1) The depth fiom the ground level to the top of easing at its closet Point shall not be less than 5 feet in ease of high-pressure pipes and 3 feet in case of low pressure pipes and the casing, shall be capable of safely withstanding the superimposed external load 54. Protection from damages and hazards— (1) Where pipelines have to be installed under conditions susceptible to natural hazards such ae Tood, unstable soils, land slides likely to cause serious movement or damage to the line, reasonable precautions shall be taken to protect them, by — () _ increasing wall thickness; Gi) _ constructing revetments; Gil) installing anchors; and (iv) preventing soil erosion, (2) Where the exposed pipeline might hold subject to accidental disruption from external source it shall be protected by suitable barricades, $5. Support for buried piping— Uniform and adequate support in the trenches especially for high-pressure pipelines shall be provided to prevent unequal settlements, 56. Removal of leaks before commission.— (1) Each high pressure Pipeline shall be tested for leaks by hydrostatic means or by air under suitable pressure; and 4464. THE GAZETTE OF PARISTAN, EXTRA. DECEMBER 20, 2010 (Pant w (2) Each low-pressure pipeline by suitable air compression before being placed into operation unless exempted by the Chief Inspector under special circumstances. If the tests indicate that a leak exists, the same shall be located and eliminated. 57. Detection of leaks by means of meters—Arrangement shall be made for detecting leaks on all high-pressure pipeline by means of meters retailed at suitable distances apart from recording pressure and rate of low of eas. Any appreciable difference in the readings belween two contiguous sets of, ‘neters will indicate presence of a leakage in the section between two sets meters, 58, Repair and maintenance squads—The company shall keep adequate repair and maintenance squads in all sections of the transmission and distribution lines to undertake repair work within the shortest possible time. The period of tum out of the repair squad should not exceed one hour after the receipt of the report of the leak at the Sectional Hendquarters or the system Headquarters. 59. Other methods of detection of leaks.—{1) Approved apparatus and techniques, which are available, shall ‘be used for the detection of leaks. (2) The following are some of the methods suggested: — (a) By observing vegetation.- Vegetation withers away due to suffocation caused by the gas issuing from the leakage; (b) holes are bored at regular intervals in the surface soil along and over the suspected section of the pipeline and the atmosphere in the holes in tested by means of a direct reading gas detector such as Pool’s Explosimeter; (c) by smelling the odorized gas issuing from a pipeline; (a) atmosphere in water meter, boxes, street vaults, cracks in pavements, pockets under pavement, I tested. for gas by means of direct reading gas detector such as mentioned in clause (b}: and (e) by checking the measwed gas entering into a section under examination against the measured gas leaving the same section. “Any appreciable difference will indicate the presence of leaks. 60. Patrolmen.—(1) The company shall appoint patrolmen for the detection of leaks. All transmission and supply line shall be patrolled once @ week, Faults, if any, will require immediate attention Part Il] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 3465 (2). The patrolmen, on detection of a leak, shall communicate its whereabouts at once to the company who shall in the event of serious ruplure, report to the nearest Police Station by the quickest means of communications. e.g. radio contact, telegraph or telephone. The company shall arrange to post men in the vicinity of the leak and generally do everything possible to warn and prevent unauthorized persons from going into the dangerous zone. Provision of ule 16 also shall be complied with in case of leaks occurring within SO feet of a railway track. 61, Telegraph and telephone lines.—A radio communication system or a (elegraph or telephone line shall be provided along each high-pressure line with connections at frequent intervals, 62. Odorizing gas -in pipelines—(1) Ali gases distributed to consumers shall have an odor to make it detectable by the public or the employees of the company in case of any leakage. The odor shall be so intense and distinctive as to make slight traces of the gas readily detectable. The equipment used for odorization shall be so efficient as to ensure uniform odorization even under varying conditions. These equipments are to be installed in such a manner as not to create any nuisance to the neighborhood (2) The company shall maintain a record of its odorization operations and shall make arrangements for inspection of the equipment at least once a week. (3) The company shall obtain the approval of the Chief Inspector regarding the type of odorant used, the ratio of the odorant to the gas and the location of the odorization station. 63. Pipeline specification, to obtain the approval of the Chief Inspector —The company shall, at least 30 days prior to any major construction or reconstruction of a high-pressure pipeline, forward the detailed specifications thereof along with the figure of maximum operating pressure to the Chief Inspector for his approval. 64, Progress of work to be reported to the Chief Inspector.—Afier oblaining approval of such specifications as mentioned in rules 63, the company shall keep the Chief inspector informed about the Progress of the relevant construction work by means of fortnightly reports 65. Certificate of pipeline safety and report.—Betore a gas pipeline intended to be operated at a high pressure is brought into commission a certificate of a qualified engineer shall be furnished to the Chief Inspector to the effect that the pipeline has been constructed in accordance with te specifications approved by the Chief Inspector and installed in such a manner as 3466 __ THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 _[PateT 1 to ensure safety. A report of the results of all relevant tests performed on the pipeline shall also be furnished. 66. Pipeline to be operated at pressure within the approved limits —The company shal! not operate any pipeline at pressure in excess of that approved by the Chief Inspector 67. Safety distance—All high-pressure pipelines shall observe a safety distance of 50 feet from any protected works 68. Encroachment of safety distances—(1) No person shall cause encroachment of the safety distance specified in rule 67 by such construction as embodied in rule 65 (2) The company shall bring to the notice of Chief Inspector any contravention of the sub-rule (a) at any place along the pipelines, 69. Action on .receipt of a report as per preceding rule—After examination of the reported contravention of rule 68, the Chief Inspector shall advise the District Authority concemed to take steps for prosecuting under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 23 of the Act, against the person or persons contravening the rule. 70. Relaxation of safety distance.—The Chief Inspector may relax the safety distances in any particular case when necessitated by special circumstances, PART-IL STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION 71. Bottle type and pipe type gasholders—{1) Bottle type holder shall not be located except on lands under exclusive possession and control of the company whereas pipe type holders may be installed in streets, highways or in private rights-of-way not under the exclusive control of the company. (2) Both bottle and pipe type holders shall be designed, installed and tested in accordance with the provisions of these rules applicable to a pipeline operated at the same maximum pressure, installed in the same location and having the same diameter size. (3) The site of bottle type gasholders when installed above ground shall be surrounded with fencing to prevent entry of unauthorized persons. Parti} THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 ___3467 (4) Minimum clearance between bottle type holder and the fenced enclosure will be as follows depending on pressure:- Maximum Minimum operating pressure clearance Less than 1000 psig 25 feet 1000 psig or more 100 Feet (5) Both pipe-type and bottle type holders shall be installed underground with the top of each not less than 24 inches below the ground surface when the requirements of sub-rules (3) and (4) cannot be met, 72. License for storage—(1) Save as provided in sub-rule (2), no one shall store any gas except under a license granted under these rules. (2) Storage of gas in pipe-type gasholder or any type of underground gas well, other than natural underground structures shall be considered as storage of Mineral Gas and shall be licensed in Form *A’: Provided that no license will be necessary for a vessel or an aggregate of vessels having total internal volume not exceeding 100 cubic feet irrespective of any approved pressure to which they are subjected. 73. Control of gas pressure in a distribution system—(1) Each distribution system obtaining its gas supply from a source which is at a higher pressure than the maximum operating pressure for the system shall be provided with efficient pressure regulating devices designed to withstand the pressure under which they will operate or the higher pressure of the source to which they may be subjected. (2) In addition to the pressure regulating devices mentioned in sub-rule (1), one of the following suitable types of protective devices to prevent accidental over pressuring of distribution system should normally be provided, namely:~ (i) relief Valves; (ii) a monitoring regulator installed in series with primary pressure regulator; (il) a series regulator installed upstream from the primary regulator, or (iv) an automatic shut-off device installed in series with primary pressure regulator BER 20, 2010 [Part ll 3468 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA, DEC. 74. Maximum allowable operating pressure in Distribution System.—This is the maximum pressure to which a distribution system may be subjected in accordance with the requirements of A$ A ~ Code and it shall not exceed (a) the pressure for which the weakest element of the system has been designed; (b) One psig if the system is neither equipment with any pressure regulating devices nor any over pressure protective devices, which meet the requirements of the A S A ~ Code; and (c) 150 psig when the system is equipped with service regulators and other protective devices. ‘75, Maximum allowable operating pressure in a domestic house line—This pressure shall not exceed, - (a) _ pressure above which the operation of any connected and properly adjusted low pressure gas burning equipment becomes unfit; or (b) a pressure of | psig, 76. Conversion of a low-pressure system into a high pressure system.—Before conversion the following steps shall be taken, namely: - (a) replacement of the parts of the system found to be inadequate for higher operating pressure intended; {b) Installation of service regulator on each service and test and ensure it functions properly; {c) Isolation of the system from adjacent low-pressure system by means of regulators; and (a) Afler a system is converted the pressure shall be increased step by step with a sufficient time gap to check the effect of the previous increase before the next increase is made 77. Control and limiting of Gas Pressure delivered to domestic and small commercial consumers from a Distribution System.—{1) If the actual operating pressure of a distribution’system does not exceed 60 psig, a service regulator having the following characteristics shall be used, namely-— Parr ll} THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010___3469 (i) a pressure regulator capable of reducing distribution line pressure to pressure recommended for domestic appliances; (ii) a single port valve with orifice diameter recommended by the manufacturer for the maximum gas pressure in the regulator inlet pipe; Giii) pipe connections to the regulator shall not exceed 2 inches in diameters; and (iv) if the service regulator does not meet the above requirements, suitable protective devices such as a monitoring regulator, a relict valves ot an automatic shut-off valve shall be installed to prevent accident over pressuring of the consumer's appliances if the services regulator fails. (2) If the actual operating pressure of distribution system exceeds 60 psig, a service regulator of the type described in sub-rule (a) above and a primary regulator located upstream of the service regulator shall be provided to regulate and limit the pressure of the gas delivered to consumers. The primary regulator, which is usually set to operate a pressure from 5 to 10 psig on the inlet of the service regulator, shall never be set to operate a pressure higher than 60 psig. A protective device such as a relief valve or an automatic shut-olf shall be installed in between the primary regulator and the service regulator to maintain the pressure on the inlet of the service regulator within the maximum limit of 60 psig in case the primary regulator fails. 78. Location of meters and regulators.—(1) Consumers’ meters and regulators may be installed either inside or outside of buildings depending upon local conditions except that primary upstream regulator as required under sub- rule (2) of rule 77 shall be located outside the building. (2) When installed within a building a service regulator or meter shall be located in any easily accessible position near the point of service entrance where the meter also shall be located if possible. The regulator shall be vented to the outside. ' (3) Meters ot regulators shall not be installed in bed rooms, bathrooms, kitchens under combustible stair cases in unvemilated or inaccessible places and they shall be at least 3 feet away and invisible from any source of heat or ignition such as hearth, furnace, electric heater or open flame of any sort. 79. Inspection of service regulators—The Company shall make a systematic program for periodic testing and inspecting of individual service regulators and vents attached thereto to ensure their proper operating and safe condition 3470 __THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 [Part I PART-II IMPORTATION OF CYLINDERS 80. Licence for import of gas cylinders, —No person shall import any cylinder filled or intended to be filled with any compressed gas except under and in accordance with the conditions of a licence granted under these rules. 81. Declaration by the master of ship or ship’s agent.—(1) The master of every ship carying cylinders filled with compressed gas for importation into Pakistan, or the agent for such ship, shall give, the Conservator of the Port not less than 48 hours’ notice of its intended arrival at the port (2) The master of every ship carrying such cylinders shall deliver to the pilot, before entering any port, a written declaration under his signature in Form GC-01, provided that if the agent for such ship delivers to the Conservator of the port a written declaration referred to in sub-rule (1) under his signature, no such declaration shall be made by the master of the ship. (3) Every declaration delivered to a pilot under sub-rule (2) shall be made over by him without delay to the Conservator of the Port and all declarations received by the Conservator of the Port shall be forwarded by him, with all convenient despatch, to the Collector of Customs of the Port, 82. Production of licence for import—Every person desiring to import cylinders filled with any compressed gas or intended to be so filled shall produce personally or through his agent, before the Collector of Customs his licence for the import of such gas cylinders. 83. Permission of the Collector of Customs.—(1) No imported cylinder shall be landed except with the permission of the Collector of Customs, (2) If the Collector Customs is satisfied that the gas cylinders can lawfully be imported, he shall permit it to be kinded, (3) Nothing in this rule shall affect the power of the Collector of Customs to detain the gas cylinders under any other Taw for the time being in force. 84. Importation by land—No gas cylinder filled with any compressed gas, shall be imported by land save with the previous sanction in cach case, of the Federal Government and under such conditions and restrictions as il may impose. Part} THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 20103471 85. Importation by air—No cylinder filled with any compressed gas shall be imported by air save with the previous sanction in each case of the Director General of Civil Aviation. PART-IV STORAGE 86. General—(1) All vessels meant for storage of compressed gas shall be installed entirely aboveground; that is to say, no part of the vessel shall be buried below the ground level. (2) Vessels and first stage regulating equipment shall be located in the open. (3) Vessels shall not be installed one above the other, (4) Vessels within a group shall be so located that their longitudinal axes are parallel to each other, (5) No vessel shall be located within the bonded area of petroleum or other flammable liquid storages. (6) Sufficient space shall be provided between two vessels to permit fire-fighting operations. (7) Two or more vessels installed in batteries shall be so installed that the top surface of the vessels are on the same plane. (8) Vessels with their dished ends facing each other shall have sereen walls in between them. (9) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (1) to (8) above, vessels for storage of liquefied petroleum gas can be placed underground or covered by earth in such manner and subject to following conditions, namely:— (the underground vessels shall be placed within concrete or brick masonry pit with a gap of 1.0 meter between the walls of the pit and the vessel as well as in between the vessels; (ii) the underground vessels shali be installed on a firm foundation and firmly secured to the foundation so as to prevent movement of floatation; (ili) the underground vessels or above ground vessels covered by (mound) shall be — 3472. THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 (Pag IL (a) designed to withstand external pressure due to load of the earth cover; (b) provided with external anti-corrosive coating or cathodic protection to prevent corrosion; (c} covered by earth, sand or any other non-corrosive material free from abrasive particles likely to damage the ariti- corrosive coating of the vessel-the thickness of the covering material above the top surface of the vessel shall not be less than 0.5 meter; (d) having the discharge level of the safety relief valves at least 2 meters above the top surface of the vessel, but in any case not less than 3 meters from the ground level; and (e) fitted with the necessary piping, fittings, valves and other mounting on top of vessel in such a manner that they can be operated and maintained without disturbing the earth cover In case of above ground vessel with earth cover (mound), liquid outlet pipe at the bottom may be allowed provided the control valve and emergency valve of this line is just outside the earth cover for the purpose of operation and maintenance from outside; (iv) the above-ground vessels to be covered by earth (mound) shall be installed on concrete foundation or compacted sand; and (v) unless inherently resistant to erosion, the earth cover (mound) of above ground vessel shall be provided with mechanisms to prevent erosion of covering soil (mound). (10) Above-ground vessel for storage of corrosive, flammable or toxic gas in liquefied state shall be provided with enclosure wall all around the ground, The minimum distance between vessel and enclosure wall shall be the diameter of the vessel or five meters, whichever 1s less, The ground stiall be graded to form a slope away from pumps, compressors or other equipments. The height of the enclosure wall shall be thirty centimeters on the upper side and gradually increasing to maximum sixty centimeters on the lower side, at the end of which a shallow sump for collection of the spilled liquid, if any, shall be provided, The minimum separation distance between the vessel and the sump shall be— (a) diameter of the vessel, in case of vessels with water capacity not exceeding forty thousand liters; and Parttlj THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA. DECEMBER 20, 2010 3473 (b) fifteen meters, if the water capacity of the vessels exceeds forty thousand liters. 87. Locations of pressure vessels—(1) Each vessel shall be located with respect to the nearest building or group of buildings or line of adjoining Property which may be built on and with respect to other vessels and facilities in accordance with the distances specified in the Tables | to 5 below: TABLE 1 Minimum safety distances for corrosive, toxic or permanent flammable gases St. | Water capacity of vessetin liters). | Minimum distance from | Minimum distance No. building or group of between pressure buildings o line of vessels adjoining propert o 2 2) @ i”) Norabave 2000 Simeters Teter 1 _[ Above 2000 but not above 10,000 Tmeters Teter inv | "Above 10,000 but not above 13 meters TS meres 20,000 ww | Above 30,000 bat nat above 20 meee Tales 40,000 ¥ | Above 40,000 BO meters Tineters TABLE 2 Minimum safety distances for non-corrosive, non-flammable or non-toxic gases St] Water caparity of vesselin liters). | Minimum distance fram | Minimum distance No building or group of between pressure buildings or line of vessels adjoining property. a a a w i | Norabove 2000 Timeless Thieier | Above 2000 but not above 10,000 Sieters Trieier | Above 10,000 but nor above 73 meters TS meiere 20.000 iv "| Above 20,000 bul not above 10 meters Imeters, 40,000 T_T Above 0,000 nets ier ‘THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA, DECEMBER 20, 2010_[PART I 3474 TABLE 3 Minimum safety distances for liquefied flammable gases Sr. | Water capacity of | Minimum distance from Minimum distance No. | vessel building or group of between pressure Aint liters) buildings or line of adjoining vessels. property. ‘Above | Underground or | Above | Underground or ground | aboveground | ground | aboveground vessels, | vessels covered | vessels. | vessels covered with, (in with earth(mound). | meters) | carth(mound) in (in meters) (in meters) meters) ay (2) @B) (4) () (6) 7 | Notabove 368 3 3 T T meters meters meter meter ii] Above 568 but 3 3 1 T not above 1137 meters meters meter meter iii_| Above 1138 but 3 3 15 1 not meters meters meters meter above 2273 iw | Above 2274 but 76 3 2 meters 1 not meters meters meter above 9092 Vv] Above9093 but 15 5 Dmeters 15 not meters meters meter above 136380 wi | Above 136381 but [23 15 Dieters or Wath of the not meters meters sum of diameter of above 318220 adjacent vessel or 4 vii] Above 31822 1but 30 15 diameter of the two adjacent not meters meters vessels, whichever is greater above 409140 2meters or W4th of the viii | Above 409141 but [38 is sum of diameter of not meters meters, adjacent vessel or 4 above 545520 diameter of the two adjacent ix | Above 545521 but 61 15 vessels, whichever is not meters meters greater. above 909200 [Above 90920Tbut | OF is not above 4546000 xi_} above 4546000 122 15 meters meters Parr il) THI /AZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 3478 TABLE 4 Minimum Safety distances (in meters) between facilities associated with storage of liquefied flammable gas in petroleum refinery, gas processing plants, storage terminals and bottling plants. (A) FOR TOTAL STORAGE ABOVE 100 TONNES Se] Frome | Storage | Property] Shedeior | Tak] Tam] Pomp Fre No Vessel. | inet Witisg | Truck) Wagon | compressor | Water butlings | storage, | teading’ | Ganiy. | Shed Pang not | vacation | untoading room sssocited | of sant. with | egtinders. sovage sod persion uy 2 fe ) e oo. ow ®) i | Storage Table | Tabled | 30 30 50 | ISmees | 00 Vessel 3 meters | meters | meters meters | Propeny Table | 30 30 50 | 30 meters ~ Sinefouildings | 3 meters | meters | meters rat associated ‘with storage and operation ai] Sheds tor Ww 30 1s 0 30 is o filling meters | meters | meters | mecers | meters | meters | meiers storage, evacuation of Cylinders, ww | Tank Tek | 30 30 30 30 30 30 i loading? meters | meters | meters | meters | meters | meters | meters “Unloading ontry v | Tank Wagon [50 9 30 30 30 30 oo gantry meters | meters | meters | owters | meieis | meters | meters vi | Pumpreampe [ts 30 1s 30 30 ~ ro essorshed meters | meters | meters | meters | meters eters vat | Fie Water rr) = o o 0 oo Pump rom | meters meters | meters | meters | meters 3476 ___ THE. GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA, DECEMBER 20. 2010 _{Part It (B) FOR TOTAL STORAGE NOT ABOVE 100 TONNES ay FromiFo | Sarage | Fropeny ine? | Sheds Tor Tank Taek] Fre War vessel, | buiidingsaoe | Paling storage, | wading? Pap socited | evactationo! | anloadny rou, with stomge | evlindens ‘snry stu operation. Tw, Ti Gy om Tr w T Sore Veet | Tabies | Fane? Tabet 1B Tics v Proper rey 15 linens eters svete net atwocited with storage and operation w ‘Sheds foring | Table? TS 5 wr stom. eters melts eters vaers fvaceation of Chloders w ‘Tank Task TF TE iF 7 loadiny? eters eters vets eters Unloading r v Fe Water w 30 iw Pua 000 eters eters veto TABLE 5 Minimum Safety distances (in meters) between facilities associated with storage and dispensing of liquefied petroleum gas in Liquefied Petroleum Gas dispensing station as automotive fuel to motor vehicles. S| tote | cpa Somes [Fil painr ol Tro] Pepeny | BPI Serve Sa Ne Vessels. LPG storage | Dispenser. 9 Ame sesicland ipeot | dispensing eave of Heroe | “puns Tank Tack tauks vading hare sad tH a o a a ow wm w tahovegmind/ | (aboveground rounded | eessth nt estes exceeding csceeding | 20.00 fiers "sae ) proper records of such conversions shall be maintained by the gas filler for examination of Chief Inspector of Explosives, or Inspector of Explosives as and when needed. (2) Any person desiring for conversion approval shall submit to Chief Inspector of Explosives, the following, namely:~ (i) documentary evidence indicating that the cylinders have been purchased by him; (ii) an authenticated copy of letter permitting filling of the eylinders in the past; (iii) a statement in duplicate, showing manufacturer’s serial numbers of the cylinders in ascending order; and (iv) a certificate to the effect that the cylinder had not been converted to any other gas service in the past; PART-II FILLING AND POSSESSION 155. Licence for filling and possession —{1) No person shall fill any cylinder, vessel, and container with compressed gas and no cylinder, vessel and container filled with compressed gas shall be possessed by anyone except under and in accordance with the conditions of « licence granted under these rules. (2) The licensee shall be responsible, for all operations connected with the filling and possession of cylinders, vessels and containers in the lensed premises. Parti] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA. DECEMBER 20, 2010 3507 156. No licence needed for filling and possession in certain cases — Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 155, no licence shall be necessary for— (a) possession of any cylinder filled with a compressed gas by a carrier (b) or other person for the purpose of transport in accordance with the provisions of these rules; and possession of cylinders filled with— (i) liquefied petroteum gas when the (otal quantity of gas does not exceed one hundred kg at a time; (ii) any other flammable but non-toxic gas when the total number of cylinders containing such gas does not exceed twenty-five or the total weight of gas does not exceed two-hundred kg., whichever is less, at a time; (iii) any non-flammable non-toxic gas when the total number of such eylinders does not exceed two-hundred al a time: (iv) any toxic gas when the total quantity of such cylinders does not exceed five ata time; and (¥) acetylene gas contained in cylinders in dissolved state when the total quantity of such cylinder does not exceed fifty at a time, 157. Restriction on filling —No person shall fill any cylinder, vessels, and container with any compressed gas unless such a cylinder vessels, and container and their valve or other fittings— (a) are of approved type and standard and has been specifically approved for filling by the Chief Inspector of Explosives; (b) have passed the examination and test specified in rule 28; and (c) conform to the provisions of rules 130, 131, 132, 133 and 134. 158. Working pressure and filling ratios—(1) The working or intemal pressure in any cylinder and container charged with a permanent gas shall not exceed two-third of the test pressure. Q) Cylinders charged with liquefiable gases shall not be filled in excess of the filling ratios for low pressure liqueflable gases and for high pressure liquefiable gases. 3908 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010_[PARTII 159. No Objection Certifieate—(1) An applicant for a new license shall apply to the Disttict Authority with two copies of site plan showing the location of the premises proposed (o be licensed under these rules for a certificate to the effect that there is no objection to the applicant's receiving a licence for storage of compressed gas in pressure vessel at the site proposed, and the District Authority shall, if he sees no objection, grant such certificate to the applicant who shall forward it to the Chief Inspector with his application. (2). Every certificate issued by the District Authority under sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied by a copy of the plan of the proposed site duly endorsed by him under official seal. (3) The Chief Inspector may refer an application not accompanied by a certificate granted under sub-rule (1) to the District Authority for his observation. (4) Ifthe District Authority, either on a reference being made to him or otherwise, intimates to the Chief Inspector that any licence which has been applied for should not, in his opinion, granted, such licence shal! not be issued without the sanction of the Federal Government. (5) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (1) to (4), No Objection Certificate shall not be required for grant of licence in form GC-04, GC-05, GC-06 and PV-II. (©) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (1) to (4) above, all licenses granted or renewed under the said tules prior to the date on which the above provisions come in force, shall be deemed to have been granted or renewed under these rules. (7) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (1) to (4) above, an applicant for a new licence in Form *B-1", for a CNG dispensing station shall apply to the T.M.O with two copies of site plan showing the location of the premises proposed to be licensed under these rules for a certificate to the effect that there is no objection to the applicant's receiving a licence for a CNG dispensing station at the site proposed, and the T.M.O, Civil Defense Authority and Sui Gas Company if satisfied, shall grant no objection certificate to the applicant who shall forward it to Chief Inspector of Explosive, or Inspector of Explosives with his application. (8) Every certificate issued by the T.M.O under sub-rule (1) above shall be accompanied by a copy of the plan of the proposed site duly endorsed by him under official seal. Part Il]_THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 3509 (9) The Chief inspector of explosives or Inspector of Explosives may refer an application not accompanied by a certificate granted under sub-rule (1) to the T.M.O for his observation. (10) Ifthe T.M.O, either on a reference being made to him or otherwise, intimates to the Chief Inspector of Explosive, or Inspector of Explosives that any licence which has been applied for should not, in his opinion, granted, such licence shall not be issued without the sanction of the Central Government. 160. Prior approval of specifications and plans of premises proposed to be licensed —(1) Every person desiring to obtain a licence to fill and store any compressed gas in any cylinder, container shall submit to the Chief Inspector of Explosives, or Inspector of Explosives authorized by Chief Inspector of Explosives, specifications and plans drawn to scale in triplicate clearly indicating, — (i) the manner in which the provisions prescribed in these rules will be complied with; (ii) the premises proposed to be licensed, the area of which shall be distinctly coloured or otherwise marked; and (iii) the surrounding area lying within one-hundred meters of the edge of all facilities which are proposed to be licensed (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), every person desiring to obtain permission for construction and approval for storage of compressed gas in Form of licence N and O set forth in Schedule I , for storage of compressed gas shall submit following particular to the Chief Inspector— (i) valid permission from Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority for establishment of liquefied petroleum gas storage installation; (ii) application Form PV- [ or PV -Il which is the case may be, duly filled and signed; (iii) attested copy of valid registered document which proves that applicant has the rights to use the proposed piece of land; (iv) original copy of treasury receipt duly paid as per Schedule I as license fee; (vy) No Objection Certificate issued by concemed District Authority along with site plan duly attested by him; 3510 ‘THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 [Parr Il (vi) complete profile of company or applicant: and (vii) specifications and plans drawn to scale in triplicate clearly indicating — (a) the manner in which the provisions prescribed in these rules shall be complied with; (b) the premises proposed to be licensed, the area of which shall be distinctly colored or otherwise marked; (c)_ the surrounding area lying within 100 meters of the edge of all facilities which are proposed to be licensed; and (2) _ the position, capacity, materials of construction and ground and clevation views of all vessels, all valves and fittings, filling and discharge pumps and fire-fighting facilities where provided and all other facilities forming part of the premises proposed to be licensed. (3) If the Chief Inspector, of Explosives, or Inspector of Explosives afier scrutiny of the specifications and plans and after making such inquiries as considered necessaty, satisfied that compressed gas will be filled and stored in the premises proposed to be licensed, according to the provisions of these rules, be shall return to the applicant one copy of each of the specifications and plans signed by him conveying his sanction subject to such conditions as may be specified (4) Prior approval specified in sub-rules (1) and (2) is not mandatory for installation of non-toxic non-flammable gases and an applicant for such installation is at liberty to install the facilities in accordance with provisions 6f these rules without obtaining prior approval from Chief Inspector of Explosive, or Inspector of Explosive 161. License for transport of compressed gas.—(1) No compressed gas filled in a cylinder, vessel and container shail be transported by a vehicle except under and in accordance with the conditions of a license granted under these rules. (2) Nothing in this rule shall apply to the transport of compressed gas filled ina vessel by a Railway Administration. 162. Application for grant of licence.—A person wishing to obtain or renew a licence under these rules shall submit an application, in writing, to the Chief Inspector of Explosive, or Inspector of Explosive, namely — Part Il] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 3511 (a) in Form ‘GC-02" for a licence in form GC-04 , prescribed in sub- rule (1) of rule 164; (b) in Form *GC-03", for a licence in form GC-05 and GC-06 and B-I for prescribed in sub-rule (2) of rule 164; and (©) in Form ‘PV-II’, for a licence in form R sub-rule (2) of rule 162 and 168. 163. Grant of licence—(1) A licence under these rules may be granted by the Chief Inspector of Explosive, or Inspector of Explosive on payment of the fees specified. (2) A licence under sub-rule (1) shall be granted if the provisions of these rules are complied with by the applicant. (3) Every licence granted under these rules shall be subject to the conditions specified therein. 164. Period for which licenses may be granted or renewed—(1) A licence in Form ‘GC-04" for the import of cylinders filled or intended to be filled with compressed gas may be granted for such period as the Chief inspector of explosive may deem necessary subject to a maximum of one year. (2) All licenses granted in forms set forth in schedule I other than licence in form ‘GC-04" renewed under rules shall remain in force till the 31" day of December of the year up to which the licence is granted or renewed . (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (2), the Chief inspector of explosives or Inspector of Explosives authorized by Chief Inspector of Explosives, where he is satisfied that a licence is required for a specific work which is not likely to last up to the 31° day of December of the year up to which the licence is granted or renewed may grant or renew a licence for such a period as is necessary. 165. Particulars of licence.—{I) Every license granted under these rules shall be subject to the conditions specified therein and shall contain all the particulars which are contained in the form specified under these rules. (2) One copy of the plan or plans for the licensed premises, signed in token of approval by the Chief Inspector, shall be attached to the licence which shall form part of such licence and an identical copy shall be filed for record in the office of the Chief Inspector. (3) Every licensed premise under these rules shall have prominently ‘marked thereon the number of the license held for it. 3512___ THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 {PART IL (4) The emergency telephone numbers of local fire service, police and the principal marketing company or supplier of the compressed gas, and emergency instructions shall be conspicuously displayed in the licensed premises 166, Power of licensing authority to alter conditions.—Notwil ithstand- ing anything contained in rule 165, the Chief Inspector may omit, alter or add to any of the conditions specified in the Form ofa licence. 167. Prior approval necessary for alteration in the licensed premises.—(1) No alteration shall be carried out in the licensed premises until the plan showing such alteration has been approved in writing by the Chief Inspector. (2) A person wishing to carry out any alteration in the licensed premises shall submit to the Chief Inspector — (i) three copies of a properly drawn plan of the licensed premises showing in distinct color or colors, the proposed alteration and the reasons therefor; and Gi) amendment fee equivalent to licence fee paid. (3) If the Chief Inspector after scrutiny of the plan showing the proposed alteration and after making such enquiries as he deems fit, is satisfied that the proposed alteration may be carried out, he shali return to the licensee one copy of the plan signed by him and conveying his sanction subject to such condition or conditions as he may specify (4) The holder of a licence shall apply to the Chief Inspector for the amendment of the licence as soon as the sanctioned alteration has been carried out. 168. Amendment of license——{1) Any license granted under these rules may be amended by the Chief Inspector. . (2) The fee for amendment of a license shall be equal to license fee. (3) A licensee who desires to have his license amended shall submit to the Chief Inspector ~ (i) an application duly filled in and signed in Form PV- I or in Form PV- II, as the case may be; Part ll] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 3513, (ii) where any alteration in the licensed premises has been carried out, three copies of the properly drawn plan showing the alteration sanctioned by the Chief Inspector; (iti) fee for the amendment of the licence as specified in sub-rule (2); and (iv) a certificate of safety, if required under these rules. 169. Renewal of license—{1) A license granted under these rules may be renewed by the Chief Inspector. (2) Every license granted under these rules, may be renewable for one year where there has been no contravention of the Act or the rules framed there under or of any conditions of the license so renewed. (3) Where a licence which has been renewed for more than one year is surrendered before its expiry, the renewal fee paid for the unexpired portion of the license shail be refunded to the licensee, provided that no refund of renewal fee shall be made for any financial year during which the Chief Inspector receives the renewed license for surrender. (4) Every application for renewal of the license shall be made in application form prescribed in Schedule II, as the case may be, and shall be accompanied by the prescribed license fee (5) Every application for the renewal of a ficense shall be made so as to reach the licensing authority at least thirty days before the date on which it expires, and if the application is so made, the license shall be deemed to be in force until such date as the Chief Inspector renews the license or until an intimation that the renewal of the license is refused has been communicated to the applicant. (6) Where the renewal of a license is refused, the fee paid for the renewal shall be refunded to the licensee after deducting there from the proportionate fee for the period beginning from the date from which the license was to be renewed up to the date on which renewal thereof is refused. (7)_ The same fee shail be charged for the renewal of a license for each year as for the grant thereof, provided that if the application with accompaniments required under sub-rule (4) is not received within the time specified in sub-rule (5), the license shall be renewed only on payment of a fee amounting to twice the fee ordinarily payable. 3514 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010_{PART I (8) No license shall be renewed if the application for renewal be received by the Chief Inspector after the date of its expiry. 170. Refusal of licence—(1) The Chief Inspector refusing to grant, amend, renew or transfer a license, shall record his reasons for such refusal in writing. (2) Acopy of the order containing the reasons for such refusal shall be given to the applicant on payment of a fee of rupees five hundred paid in the manner specified in rule 11. 171. Suspension and cancellation of license—{1) Every license granted under these rules shall be liable to be suspended or cancelled, by an order of the chief Inspector for any contravention of the provisions of the Act or these rules or of any condition contained in such license, or by an order of the Federal Government if at any time the continuance of the licence in the hands of the licensee is deemed objectionable: . Provided that— (i) _ before suspending or canceling a license under this rule, the holder of the license shall be given an opportunity of being heard; (ii) the maximum period of suspension shal] not exceed three months; and (iii) the suspension of a licence shall not debar the holder of the license from applying for its renewal in accordance with the provisions of rule 169. (2) Notwithstanding anything in sub-rule (1), an opportunity of being heard may not be given to the holder of a license before his license is suspended or cancelled in case— (i) where the licence is suspended by the Chief Inspector as an interim measure for the violation of the provisions of the Act or these rules, or of any condition contained in such license or in his opinion such violation is likely to cause imminent danger to the public: Provided that where a license is so suspended, the Chief Inspector shall give the holder of the license an opportunity of being heard before the order of suspension is confirmed; or (ii) where the license is suspended or cancelled by the Federal Government, if that Government considers that in the public ParT Il) THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA, DECEMBER 20, 2010 3515 interest or in the interest of the security of the country such opportunity should not be given. (3) The Chief Inspector or the Federal Government suspending or canceling a license under sub-rule (1), shall record his or its reasons for so doing in writing. 172. Procedure on expiration, suspension or cancellation of licence-—-A person licensed to store compressed gas shall, on the expiration, suspension or cancellation of his licence, forthwith give notice to the Chief Inspector of the nature and quantity of compressed gas in his possession and shall comply with any directions which the Chief Inspector may give in regard to its disposal 173. Appeals—(1) An appeal shall lie with Federal Government against any order passed by the Chief Inspector refusing to grant, amend or renew a licence or canceling or suspending a licence, (2) Every appeal shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by a copy of the order appealed against and shall be presented within sixty days of the order passed. 174, Procedure on death or disability of licensee—{1) If a licensee dies or becomes insolvent or is mentally incapable or is otherwise disabled, the person carrying on the business of such licensee shall not be liable to any penalty or confiscation under the Act or these rules for exercising the powers granted to the licensee during such time as may reasonably be required to allow him to make an application for a new license in his own name for the un-expired portion of the original license in respect of the year in which the licensee dies or becomes insolvent or mentally incapable or is otherwise disabled, provided that nothing in this sub-rule shall be deemed to authorize the exercise of any power under this sub-rule by any person after the expiry of the period of the license. (2) A fee equal to the license fee shall be charged for a new license for the un-expired portion of the original license granted to any person applying for it under this rule, 175. Loss of license—When a license granted under these rules is lost or accidentally destroyed, a duplicate may be granted on the submission of a copy of the plan or plans identical with those attached to the license and on payment of a fee equal to the license fee paid in the manner specified in rule 11 176. Production of license on demand.—(1) Every person holding or acting under a license granted under these rules shall produce it, or an 3516 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA, DECEMBER 20, 2010 [Part I] authenticated copy of it, at the place to which the license applies, when called upon to do so by any of the officers specified in rule 188 (2) Copies of any license may, for the purpose of this rule, be authenticated by the authority which granted the license— (a) onpayment of a fee of rupees five hundred in the manner specified in rule 11 for each authenticated copy; and (b) on the submission of a copy or copies of the plans identical with the approved plan or plans attached to the license. 177. Transfer of license for storage.—(1) The holder of a license for the storage of compressed gas may, at any time before the expiry of the license, apply for permission to transfer his license to another person. (2) Such application shall be made to the licensing authority, who shall, if he approves the transfer, enter upon the license, under his signature, an endorsement to the effect that the license has been transferred to the person named. (3) A fee equal to the license fee shall be charged on each such application. (4) The person to whom the license is so transferred shall enjoy the same power and be subject to the same obligations under the license as the original holder. 178. Compliance of instruction of licensing authority.-If the licensing authority calls upon the holder of the license by a notice in writing to execute any repairs in the licensed premises which are, in the opinion of such authority, necessary for the safety of the premises, the holder of the license shall execute the repairs within such periods as may be specified in the notice. 179. Procedure on reports of infringement.—The District Authority shall inform the Chief Inspector of the action taken by him on any reports of infringement of the Act or of these rules which the Chief Inspector may make to him. 180. Executive control over authorities.—Every authority, other than the Federal Government, acting under this Chapter shall perform its duties subject to the control of the Federal Government: Provided that nothing in this rule shall be deemed to affect the powers of executive control of the Chief Inspector over the officers subordinate to him. Part ll] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA, DECEMBER 20, 2010__3S17 181. Licence fee and other than licence fee—(1) Licence fee and fees other than licence fee are specified. The fees are liable to be revised from time to time by an order issued by the Federal Government. (2) All fees payable under these rules shall be paid through a Treasury Receipt in any Bank branch of National Bank and State Bank of Pakistan under the head of account of this department. CHAPTER-V MISCELLANEOUS 182. Record of maintenance—The Company shall maintain all records as required by these rules and specified by the Chief Inspector and shall preserve them for a period of at least 5 years for scrutiny by the Chief Inspector as and when required. 183. Report of aceident.—Any accident happening on 2 pipeline involving loss of life or setious injury to any person or severe damage to property shall be immediately reported to the Chief Inspector and to the nearest Police Station by the quickest means of communication by a responsible officer of the company whose name, address and telephone number will be furnished with the report. 184. General power to exempt by Federal Government—The Federal Government may, on the recommendation of the Chief Inspector in exceptional cases, grant by order in writing exemption to any person or persons from any of the provisions of these rules under such conditions if any, as may be specified in the order. 185. Indemnity—Any action taken or any proceedings commenced before the commencement of these rules under any of the provisions of the Petroleum Rules, 1937, as then in force, relating to natural gas shall be deemed to have been done, taken or commenced under the corresponding provision of these rules as if they were in force at the time when such thing, action or proceeding as done, taken or commenced. 186. Power to exempt by Chief Inspector.—If the Chief Inspector of Explosives is satisfied that in respect of any cylinder or any mode of conveyance, any of the requirements of these rules may be safely suspended or modified, he may, by written order, authorise such suspension or modification for such period and under such condition as he may think fit and such order may be revoked at any time 3518 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 [PARTI 187, Special powers to exempt by Federal Government—The Federal Government may, on the recommendation of the Chief Inspector, in exceptional cases, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing, exempt storage and transportation of any compressed gas in any vessel from all or any of the provisions of these rules an such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order. 188. Notice of accident—The notice of an accident, required to be given under section 27 of the Act, shall be given to the Chief Inspector of Explosives by fax or through any other electronic means followed within twenty-four hours by a letter giving particulars of the occurrence, in addition to the persons mentioned in section 27. 189, Inquiry into accidents.—(1) Whenever a Magistrate holds an inquiry under section 28 of the A¢t, he shall adjourn such an inquiry unless the Chief Inspector or an officer nominated by him is present to watch the proceeding or he has received written information from the Chief Inspector that he does not wish to send a representative. (2) The Magistrate shall, at least fourteen days before holding the adjourned inquiry send to the Chief Inspector notice in writing of the time and place of holding the adjourned inquiry. - (3) All expenses incurred in or about in inquiry. or investigation under this rule shall be deemed to be part of the expenses of the Department of Explosives in carrying the Act into execution, : 190. Inquiry into more serious accidents—(1) Whenever an inquiry is held under the Act, the persons holding such inquiry shall hold the same in open court in such manner and under such conditions as they may think most effectual for ascertaining the causes and circumstances of the accident, and enabling them to make the report under this rule: Provided that where the Federal Government so directs the inquiry may be held in camera. 2) Persons attending as witnesses before the Court under sub-rule (1) shall be allowed such expenses as are paid to witnesses attending before a civil court subordinate to the High Court having jurisdiction inthe place where the inquiry is held and in case of any dispute as to the amount to be allowed, the question shall be referred to the local Magistrate who, on a request being made to the Court, shall ascertain and certify the proper amount of such expenses. Part Il] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., DECEMBER 20, 2010 3519 (3) All expenses incurred in or about in inquiry or investigation under this rule shall be deemed to be part of the expenses of the Department of Explosives in carrying the Act into execution. 191. Repeal—The Mineral Gas Safety Rules, 1960, are hereby repealed. SCHEDULE I [see rule 129(3), 160(2)] Se] Form of | Purpose for which ‘Rathoniy Fees Rupees No. | Licence graced, empowered to grant licence. ipa Ticense for storage of | Chief Inspector of 300000 mineral gas for Explosives or distribution Inspector of Explosives authorized by him in his behal, 2] GE-04 [To impor cylinder | Chief Inspector of | For the first 100 nus. | 3000.00 filled or intended to be | Explosives cylinders or part filled with compressed thereof eas. Exceeding 100 nos. } 1000.00 but no exceeding 500 nos, cylinders of cylinders. or part thereof, 3.] GEO | To illcompressed gas | Chief Inspector of | For each wype of gas | 5000.00 in cylinders Explosives or | filled inthe plant, Inspector of | namely (a) toxic (b) Explosives nontoxic and on- authorized by him in | flammable, (c) non this behalf. ‘oxic end’ flammable, {@) dissolved ucetylene ‘es, (e) non-toxic and. flammable liquefiable gas other than LPG oF (f liquefied petroleum ‘gas, as the case may be, | GC06 | (a) Tostore Chick laspector of |) For toxie and | 1000.00 compressed gas in Explosives or | flammable gases cylinders in storage | inspector of | (permanent 35 well as shed attiched tothe | Explosives liquetied, filling premises: authorized by him in | Exceeding 100 nos. | 2000.00, this behalf. but fo exceeding 500 (b) To store nos. cylinders, ‘compressed gas in Inspector of | Exceeding 500 nos. of cylinders in storage | Explosives cylinders, Rs, 1000 shed other than for “every additional attached to the filling 500 nos, of cylinders premises. or part thereof. 3520_ THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA. DECEMBER 20, 2010_{PART II Se] For of | Purpose for which “Authority Fees Rupees, No. | Licence granted. empowered to grant licence i) For nontoxic and | 1000.00 snon-flaramable liquefied) Note exceeding $00 nos. of cyfinders | 1000.00 exceeding 500 nos. of cylinders or part thereof. (ii) for Liquefied | 2000.00 petroleum gases. Exceeding 100 Kg, but | 4000.00 not exceeding 500 kg. Exceeding 500 Kg, but | $000.00 not exceeding 2000 kg. Exceeding 2000 Ke. ‘but not exceeding $000 ig Exceeding $000 Kg. bout not exceeding 10,000, Exceeding 10,000 Kg. | 1000.00 for Rs, 10Q0/- every suditonal $000 Ke. oF part thereof. (oi) For acetylene gas contained in cylinders in dissolved state: Not exceeding 200 cylinders. Exceading 200 Nos. of cylinders Rs, 500/- for ‘every ditional 200 nos. of cylinders of pas threo. s.[ Bt | To manufacture! store’ | The Chief Inspector Rs. sale & dispense | or an Inspector of 20,0007. compressed saturn | Explosives outho- ‘gas in connection with | rized by the Chief Alispensing unit for | Inspector of Explo- fueling motor convey- | sives inthis behalf. ances only 6 [s License to transport | The Chief Inspector 10,0007. compressed natural | or an Inspector of ‘get in bolk on land by | Explosives mechanical propelled | authorized by the vehicle. Chief tospector of Explosives inthis boohatf Part l]_THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA. DECEMBER 20, 2010 3521 Se] Formof | Purpose bwhich Tahoriy Fees Rapes. No | tence granted empowered t grant cence 7h To store and sale | The Chiet inspector Te liguefed petroleum | or an Inspector of 20,0001 48s in a tank oF tanks | Explosives dispense Iuelied | authorized by the petroleum gas in | Chief inspector ‘of connection with | Explosives in this Sispensing unit for | behait fucling ‘otor conveyances * fo “Toimporthioriale | The Chie? nopector Re Viguefiedperolesm | or an Inspector of: 25,000/ gar ninstallaion | Explosives (Plants) for filling in authorized by the cylinder. Chief inspector “of Explosives in ths teh. a Te Leese wvanepon —) The Chet Iepecior & liquefied pevelown | or an_ Inspector of s.00- garinbulton Land by | Explosives Irechanically authorized by the propelled vehicle, | Chiet spectro Explosives inthis behal. SCHEDULE TT [see rule 96,129(4), 164(2) and 169(4)] FORM GC-01 [See rule 81 (2)] Declaration to be made by the Master of a ship carrying cylinder filled with compressed gas before entering a port or by the ship’s agent. ‘Name of ship, [ Deserition of | True chernical name | Total quantity carved] Quantity tobe landed at | Remarks filed and natute of the gas inthe ship. port cylinders. | te. whether flammable [No.of | Kger| Noot | Kg Or corresiveor toxic. | Cylinders | M?of | Cytinders | MP of gas sas Date the day of 20 Signature of Master / Agent of Ship With Official Stamp)

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