My Learning Day03 Hrishikesh Uemf16009

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My learning from the 3rd day of EGI sessions are as follows:

I learnt about Self- awareness.

Got a brief idea about:
o Perceived self
o Real self
o Ideal self
I learnt about how our self awareness helps us in this world
I got to know about Fears and the different types of fear exists within us:

o Fear of growing up
o Fear of success or excelling
o Fear of knowing
I got to know about different self awareness competencies exist within us and also
about self confidence.
We enacted a role play of a brand manager and product manager, from it I could know
about different feelings and perceptions exists in an organization among individuals.
I also learnt about how to form a story from a random collection of words in a given
stipulated period of time as a group keeping in interest of other group members.
The above activity was energetic & entertaining one as we got involved in giving our
best for it.
From the above activity I also learnt about how our processes got narrowed due to
change in time lines at the very last moment but we fared very well.
We were assigned the FIRO-B and FIRO-F activities to be performed. I was honest in
giving numbers to the different situations stated in it.
I got to know about our expressed & wanted needs w.r.t to inclusion, control and
affection for FIRO-B. In case of FIRO-F it was w.r.t to importance, confidence &
The interpretation of the scores secured helped me in analyzing myself whether the
scores are well in sync with my real self. This helped in analyzing the gap and steps to be
taken for my further improvement.
I also got a chance to analyze and give score to my group members and to some extent I
performed very well for those whom I knew in detail.
At the end of the day I wrote notes to Myself and the different activities which I will
stop, start & continue doing to help me in achieving the man which I would like to
become in future.

Submitted By:

Hrishikesh Mahapatra
Roll no: Uemf16009

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