The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: A Research Note

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J. Child Psychol. Psychiat. Vol, 38. No, 5, pp.

581-586, 1997
Cambridge University Press
1997 Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Printed in Great Britain, All rights reserved
0021-9630/97 $15.00 + 0,00

The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: A Research Note

Robert Goodman
Institute of Psychiatry, London, U.K.

A novel behavioural screening questionnaire, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire

(SDQ), was administered along with Rutter questionnaires to parents and teachers of 403
children drawn from dental and psychiatric clinics. Scores derived from the SDQ and Rutter
questionnaires were highly correlated; parent-teacher correlations for the two sets of
measures were comparable or favoured the SDQ. The two sets of measures did not differ in
their ability to discriminate between psychiatric and dental clinic attenders. These
preliminary findings suggest that the SDQ functions as well as the Rutter questionnaires
while offering the following additional advantages: a focus on strengths as well as difficulties;
better coverage of inattention, peer relationships, and prosocial behaviour; a shorter format;
and a single form suitable for both parents and teachers, perhaps thereby increasing
parent-teacher correlations.

Keywords: Questionnaire, child behaviour, psychopathology, strengths.

Abbreviations: CBCL: Child Behavior Checklist; ROC: Receiver Operating Characteristic;

SDQ: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.

Introduction impulsivity-reflectiveness, having friends, being vic-

timised, and acting prosociallyare poorly covered.
This paper describes a brief behavioural screening Finally, whereas one version of the Achenbach ques-
questionnaire that provides balanced coverage of children tionnaire is designed for completion by young people
and young people's behaviours, emotions, and relation- themselves (Achenbach, 1991b), there is no equivalent
ships. The value of this novel Strengths and Difficulties Rutter questionnaire for self-completion.
Questionnaire (SDQ) is evaluated against the benchmark A previous research note (Goodman, 1994) described
set by the Rutter parent and teacher questionnaires. The an expanded Rutter parent questionnaire that incor-
SDQ has been designed to meet the needs of researchers, porated all of the original Rutter items as well as many
clinicians, and educationalists. additional items, mostly on children's strengths. The
The Rutter questionnaires are long-established and inclusion of these additional items did not appear to
highly respected behavioural screening questionnaires attenuate the valuable properties of the original Rutter
that have proved valid and reliable in many contexts questionnaire as a behaviour screening instrument,
(Elander & Rutter, 1996). Though substantially shorter though the extra items presumably did make the
and therefore quicker to complete than the Child questionnaire somewhat more time-consuming to com-
Behavior Checklist (CBCL; Achenbach, 1991a), the plete. Factor analyses suggested that among children
Rutter parent questionnaire seem no less useful for many of normal intelligence the expanded questionnaire was
purposes (Berg, Lucas, & McGuire, 1992; Elander & tapping five distinct dimensions; conduct problems,
Rutter, 1995; Fombonne, 1989). Developed three decades emotional symptoms, hyperactivity, peer problems, and
ago, the Rutter questionnaires have generally worn well, prosocial behaviour.
though they do show their age in some ways. Thus all Using these findings as a guide, the SDQ was designed
items are about undesirable traits whereas the recent to meet the following specifications; it should fit easily on
trend, particularly in education, has been to emphasise one side of paper; it should be applicable to children and
children's strengths and not just their deficits. In addition, young people ranging from 4 to 16 years; the same
the range of behavioural items covered by the Rutter version should be completed by parents and teachers; a
questionnaires is now somewhat dated. Thus nail-biting similar version should be available for self-report; both
and thumb-sucking are included whereas many areas strengths and difficulties should be well represented; and
of contemporary interestincluding concentration, there should be equal numbers of items on each of five
relevant dimensions, namely conduct problems, emotion-
al symptoms, hyperactivity, peer relationships, and pro-
Requests for reprints, or sample questi^pnnaires (available
in many languages), to: Dr. R. Goodman, Department of
social behaviour. This paper compares informant-
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, De completed SDQs with Rutter parent and teacher
Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AF, U.K. questionnaires.


Peer Problems Scale. "Rather solitary, tends to play

Materials and Methods alone"; "'Has at least one good friend"; ''Generally liked by
Sampling other children"; "Picked on or bullied by other children"; and
"Gets on better with adults than with other children".
Questionnaires were obtained on 403 children aged 4-16 Prosocial Scale. " Considerate of other people's feelings ";
years attending one of two London child psychiatric clinics or "Shares readily with other children (treats, toys, pencils, etc.)";
the children's department of a London dental hospital. The "Helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill"; "Kind to
parents of children attending these clinics were recruited into younger children"; and "Often volunteers to help others
the study until a planned total of roughly 150-250 children had (parents, teachers, other children)".
been attained for both dental and psychiatric samples. In the Each item can be marked "not true", "somewhat true" or
dental clinic and one of the psychiatric clinics (Clinic A), "certainly true". For all of the items except the five printed
parents who had given informed consent were asked to complete above in italics, the item is scored 0 for "not true", 1 for
two behavioural screening questionnaires while awaiting their " somewhat true", and 2 for "certainly true". For the five items
clinic appointment. Participating parents were subsequently printed above in italics, the item is scored 2 for " not true ", 1 for
asked for permission for their child's teacher to be approached "somewhat true", and 0 for "certainly true". The score for
on a similar basis. The other psychiatric clinic (Clinic B) each ofthe five scales is generated by summing the scores for the
routinely used questionnaires prior to the first assessment, five items that make up that scale, thereby generating a scale
sending them to all parents and, when permission was obtained, score ranging from 0 to 10. The scores for hyperactivity,
to teachers as well. In this clinic, parents were routinely sent emotional symptoms, conduct problems, and peer problems
both behavioural screening questionnaires and asked if they can be summed to generate a total difficulties score ranging
would be willing for their answers (and the teacher's answers) to from 0 to 40; the prosocial score is not incorporated in the
be used not only for clinical purposes but also for research.
reverse direction into the total difficulties score since the absence
Some of the parents from Clinic B did not complete
of prosocial behaviours is conceptually different from the
questionnaires themselves but did give permission for teacher
presence of psychological difficulties.
questionnaires to be used for research. The proportion of
refusals was not systematically recorded since, as explained The Rutter A(2) and the SDQ were both completed by the
later, the statistical analyses did not require the samples to be parents of 346 children: 158 dental clinic attenders and 188
representative. psychiatric clinic attenders. The Rutter B(2) and the SDQ were
both completed by the teachers of 185 children: 39 dental clinic
attenders and 146 psychiatric clinic attenders. Most of the
teacher reports were on psychiatric clinic attenders because the
Methods parents of children attending Child Psychiatric Clinic B
generally agreed to the clinic sending questionnaires to teachers
Respondents were administered a Rutter questionnaire and a
for clinical as well as research purposes; parents of children
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in randomised
attending the dental clinic or Child Psychiatric Clinic A were
order. Parents were given the Rutter A(2) Questionnaire and
less likely to give permission for teacher questionnaires to be
teachers the Rutter B(2) Questionnaire; both were scored in the
obtained solely for research purposes.
standard way to generate scores for total deviance, conduct
problems, emotional symptoms, and hyperactivity (Rutter,
1967; Rutter, Tizard, & Whitmore, 1970; Schachar, Rutter, &
Smith, 1981). Statistical Analysis
The informant-rated version ofthe SDQ was administered to
both parents and teachers. This version of the SDQ is As in previous studies comparing the validity of different
reproduced in full in Appendix A for information only. The screening questionnaires (e.g. Berg et a l , 1992), analyses of
SDQ asks about 25 attributes, 10 of which would generally be Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves were used to
thought of as strengths, 14 of which would generally be thought establish how well each questionnaire was able to distinguish
of as difficulties, and one of which" gets on better with adults between high- and low-risk samples, determining the area under
than with other children"is neutral. Though no SDQ item is the curve for each questionnaire (Hanley & McNeil, 1982). For
identically worded to any Rutter item, five items are similarly this purpose, the only underlying assumption is that children
worded. The initial choice of items was guided by the factor recruited from the two psychiatric clinics were substantially
loadings and frequency distributions that had previously been more likely to have psychiatric disorders than children recruited
obtained on an expanded Rutter parent questionnaire (Good- from the dental clinic. There is no assumption that all subjects
man, 1994); items were subsequently modified and amalga- recruited from the psychiatric clinics had psychiatric disorders,
mated on the basis of a succession of informal trials as well as nor that all subjects recruited from the dental clinic were free
advice from colleagues. The 25 SDQ items are divided between from psychiatric disorder. Equally, there is no assumption that
5 scales of 5 items each, as shown below. the psychiatric sample was representative of all children between
Hyperactivity Scale. " Restless, overactive, cannot stay still 4 and 16 who attend psychiatric clinics, nor that the dental
for long"; "Constantly fidgeting or squirming"; "Easily sample was representative of all children attending dental
distracted, concentration wanders"; ''Thinks things out before clinics, let alone of all children aged between 4 and 16. Since the
ROC curves for the SDQ and Rutter questionnaires were
acting"'; and ""Sees tasks through to the end, good attention
derived from the same set of patients, the statistical comparison
of the areas under these ROC curves allowed for the paired
Emotional Symptoms Scale. "Often complains of head-
nature ofthe data (Hanley & McNeil, 1982). Comparison ofthe
aches, stomach-ache or sickness"; "Many worries, often seems parent-teacher correlations of the SDQ and Rutter
worried"; "Often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful"; questionnaires also allowed for the paired nature of the data,
"Nervous or clingy in new situations, easily loses confidence"; using structural equation modelling (EQS, BMDP Statistical
and "Many fears, easily scared". Software) and examining whether constraining the two corre-
Conduct Problems Scale. "Often has temper tantrums or lations to be the same resulted in a significantly poorer fit.
hot tempers"; ""Generally obedient, usually does what adults Though appropriate for tests of comparative validity and cross-
request''; "Often fights with other children or bullies them"; situation correlation, the case-control sampling used in this
"Often lies or cheats"; and "Steals from home, school or study does not generate sensitivity or specificity estimates that
could securely be generalised to representative epidemiological Sensitivity
or clinical samples; such estimates will subsequently be derived 1 -1
from other studies in progress. _:_^:-.;-'* '

Reported correlations are Pearson product-moment corre-

lations, but the pattern of findings was not changed when
Spearman correlations were used instead. Intraclass
correlationswhich are often appropriate for reliability 0.8- /
estimateswere not used to measure parent-teacher agreement
even though this agreement could be construed as an index of
inter-rater reliability. Parents and teachers make ratings based
on different sources of information, whereas measures of inter- 0.6-
rater reliability are more appropriately derived from inde-
pendent ratings based on the same source of information. /
Furthermore, employing intraclass correlations would have
involved mixing parent- and teacher-derived scores, and this 0.4-
would have been inappropriate since mean scores differed
systematically between parent and teacher ratingsa difference
allowed for when interpreting these scores (Rutter, 1967; Rutter
et al., 1970; and see Appendix B).
Results ID Rutter
Age and Gender 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
The mean age {SD) ofthe dental sample was 10.8 years 1-Specificity
(3.1) while that ofthe psychiatric sample was 9.8 years Pigure 2. ROC curves for teacher-rated questionnaires.
(3.3), a significant difference [t (401) = 3.00, /? < .01]. As
expected, the proportion of males was higher in the
psychiatric sample (63%, 153/244) than in the dental
sample (53%, 85/159) [continuity-adjusted/ (1) = 3.03, Discriminating between Psychiatric and
p < .05, 1-tailed]. The results reported here are for the Nonpsychiatric Samples
sample as a whole, though closely similar results were
obtained when ROC and correlational analyses were The ability of the two questionnaires to distinguish
repeated separately for boys and girls, and separately for between dental and psychiatric cases is reflected in the
children aged 4-10 and 11-16. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves shown
in Figs. 1 and 2 for parent and teacher reports re-
spectively. The ROC curves for the Rutter questionnaires
are based on total deviance scores, whereas the SDQ
curves are based on total difficulties scores. The com-
parable ability of the two measures to discriminate
between the two samples is evident from the extent to
which the two curves almost superimpose on one another.
Quantitatively, this comparability can be judged from the
area under each ofthe curves, which is a measure of how
well that measure discriminates between the two samples;
the area under the curve would be 1.0 for a measure that
discriminated perfectly, and .5 for a measure that dis-
criminated with no better than chance accuracy. For
0.6 parent reports, the area under the curve (95 % confidence
interval) was .87 (.83-.91) for the SDQ as compared with
.87 (.83-.91) for the Rutter A(2) parent questionnairea
nonsignificant difference (z = .13, p = .9). For teacher
0.4- reports, the corresponding values were .85 (.78-.93) for
the SDQ as compared with .84 (.76-.93) for the Rutter
B(2) teacher questionnairea nonsignificant difference
(2 = .41,;; = .7).

SDQ-Rutter Correlations
Table 1 shows the correlations between SDQ and
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Rutter scores. The correlations were only marginally
1-Specificity lower when the analyses were repeated for the dental and
Pigure 1. ROC curves for parent-rated questionnaires. psychiatric samples separately. No cross-measure corre-

Table 1
Inter-measure Correlation for Each Type of Rater
SDQ-Rutter correlation

Parent report Teacher report

A^= 185
Total Deviance/Difficulties score .88 .92
Conduct Problems score .88 .91
Emotional Symptoms score .78 .87
Hyperactivity score .82 .90

Table 2 used identical items for parents and teachers whereas the
Inter-rater Correlations for Each Type of Measure Rutter questionnaires were somewhat different for
Parent-Teacher parents and teachers. The ROC analyses showed that the
correlation two measures had equivalent predictive validity, as
(N == 128) judged by their ability to distinguish between psychiatric
and nonpsychiatric samples. Of course, discriminating
SDQ Rutter between psychiatric and dental clinic attenders is a
relatively easy task, but the high correlation between
Total Deviance/Difficulties score .62* .52
Conduct Problems score .65 .57
SDQ and Rutter scores within each clinic group suggests
Emotional Symptoms score .41 .47 that the two measures are also likely to be comparably
Hyperactivity score .54 .55 discriminating in more demanding screening tasks, such
Peer Problems score .59 as detecting nonreferred cases of child mental health
Prosocial Behaviour score .37 problems in the community; further empirical studies
would be needed to confirm this. Since previous studies
* Correlation significantly higher than the comparable
Rutter correlation (p < .02); all other comparisons non-
have shown that CBCL and Rutter parent questionnaire
significant. scores are highly correlated (Berg et al., 1992; Fombonne,
1989), and that these two sets of questionnaires are of
comparable predictive vahdity (Berg et al., 1992), it is
likely that the SDQ and CBCL will also be highly
correlated and have comparable validity; direct com-
lations can be presented on two SDQ scoresthe peer parisons are currently under way.
problems score and the prosocial behaviour scoresince
they have no Rutter counterpart. The SDQ and Rutter questionnaires can each be used
to generate separate scores for conduct problems,
emotional symptoms, and hyperactivity. For each of
these three scores, there was a high correlation between
Parent-Teacher Correlations the SDQ score and the Rutter score; and parent-teacher
correlations were comparable for the two sets of
Table 2 presents the correlation coefficients between measures. Despite its brevity, the SDQ also generated
teacher- and parent-derived scores when both are using two scores that have no Rutter counterparts; a peer
the SDQ or when both are using Rutter questionnaires. problems score and a prosocial behaviour score.
For comparable scores, the cross-situation correlations The performance of the SDQ could potentially have
of the SDQ and Rutter measures were generally similar, been undermined by three of its design features; inclusion
apart from the higher SDQ correlation for total score of strengths as well as difficulties; use of an identical
\X^ (1) = 5.90, p < .02]. Though the correlations were questionnaire for both parents and teachers; and a
lower when the analyses were repeated for the dental and compact presentation on just one side of paper. The
psychiatric samples separately, these correlations were equivalence of the SDQ and Rutter scores suggests that
generally comparable for the SDQ and Rutter measures, these three features have not had an adverse effect. This
apart from a higher SDQ correlation for total score in the should encourage researchers and clinicians who are
psychiatric sample [x^ (1) = 4.05, p < .05). contemplating incorporating similar features into other
Rutter questionnaires are routinely used to categorise
Discussion children as likely psychiatric "cases" or "non-cases"
according to whether their total deviance score is equal to
Given the well-established validity and reliability ofthe or greater than a standard cut-off; 13 on the Rutter
Rutter questionnaires (Elander & Rutter, 1996), the high parent questionnaire and 9 on the Rutter teacher ques-
correlation between the total scores generated by the tionnaire (Rutter, 1967; Rutter et al., 1970). Using a
SDQ and Rutter questionnaires is evidence for the single cut-off for all studies has both advantages and
concurrent validity of the SDQ. Parent-teacher corre- disadvantages. The advantages are simplicity and equiv-
lations were either equivalent for the two measures or alence across studies. The main disadvantage is that
slightly favoured the SDQ, perhaps because the SDQ "caseness" does not have a comparable meaning in

different studies simply because those studies have the following additional advantages: a compact format;
employed the same cut-off. Comparability is particularly a focus on strengths as well as difficulties; better coverage
likely to be lost when high- and low-risk samples are of inattention, peer relationships, and prosocial behav-
contrasted. A worked example may be helpful. Study X iour; and a single form suitable for both parents and
involves 100 children from a high-risk population with a teachers, perhaps thereby increasing parent-teacher
true rate of psychiatric disorder of 50 %; if the screening correlations.
questionnaire has a sensitivity of .8 and a specificity of .8
when using the standard cut-off, the questionnaire will AcknowledgementsI am very grateful for the willing co-
identify 40 true positives and 10 false positives. Study Y operation of parents and teachers, and for the invaluable
involves 100 children from a low-risk population with a assistance of E)r. Hilary Richards and the staff of the three
true rate of disorder of 10%; even with the same London clinics that participated in the study: the Department
sensitivity and specificity, the questionnaire will identify 8 of Paediatric Dentistry of King's Dental Institute, Camberwell
Child Guidance Centre, and the Department of Child and
true positives and 18 false positives. Despite using the Adolescent Psychiatry, Hounslow.
same questionnaire and the same cut-off, a comparison of
"cases" from studies X and Y will primarily be a References
comparison of true positives from study X with false
positives from study Y. Achenbach, T. M. (1991a). Manual for the Child Behavior
Checklist 14-18 and 1991 Profile. Burlington, VT: University
Given these problems, the best strategy for researchers of Vermont Department of Psychiatry.
may be to choose cut-offs according to the likely disorder Achenbach, T. M. (1991b). Manual for the Youth Self-Report
rate in the sample being studied, and according to the and 1991 Profile. Burlington, v f : University of Vermont
relative importance for that study of false positives and Department of Psychiatry.
false negatives. It may also be appropriate to adjust cut- Berg, I., Lucas, C , & McGuire, R. (1992). Measurement of
offs for age and gender. Ongoing clinical and epidemio- behaviour difficulties in children using standard scales
logical studies using the SDQ should provide the basis for administered to mothers by computer: Reliability and val-
cut-offs adjusted for these sample characteristics. In idity. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1, 14-23.
addition, planned trials should establish if the predictive Elander, J., & Rutter, M. (1996). Use and development ofthe
validity of the SDQ can further be improved by an Rutter Parents' and Teachers' Scales. International Journal of
Methods in Psychiatric Research, 6, 63-78.
algorithm that combines SDQ scores with scores from an
Fombonne, E. (1989). The Child Behavior Checklist and the
additional and even briefer screening instrument that Rutter Parental Questionnaire: A comparison between two
elicits the respondent's view on whether the child has screening instruments. Psychological Medicine, 19, 111-1S5.
significant emotional or behavioural difficulties, and on Goodman, R. (1994). A modified version ofthe Rutter parent
the extent to which these difficulties result in social questionnaire including items on children's strengths: A
impairment or distress for the child, or burden for others. research note. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
Until these various studies are completed, SDQ users can 35, 1483-1494.
use the provisional cut-off scores shown in Appendix B, Hanley, J. A., & McNeil, B. J. (1982). The meaning and use of
which are derived partly from the samples used for this the area under a receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
study and partly from other ongoing epidemiological curve. Radiology, 143, 29-36.
surveys using the SDQ. The "borderline" cut-offs can be Hanley, J. A., & McNeil, B. J. (1983). A method of comparing
used for studies of high-risk samples where false positives the areas under receiver operating characteristic curves
are not a major concern; the " abnormal" cut-offs can be derived from the same cases. Radiology, 148, 839-843.
Rutter, M. (1967). A children's behaviour questionnaire for
used for studies of low-risk samples where it is more completion by teachers: Preliminary findings. Journal oj
important to reduce the rate of false positives. Child Psychology and Psvehiatry, 8, 1-11.
Rutter, M., Tizard. J., & Whitmore, K. (1970). Education,
health and behaviour. London: Longman.
Schachar, R., Rutter, M., & Smith, A. (1981). The charac-
Conclusion teristics of situationally and pervasively hyperactive children:
Implications for syndrome definition. Journal of Child Psy-
These initial findings suggest that the SDQ may chology and Psychiatry, 22, 375-392.
function as well as the Rutter questionnaires (and, by
inference, the Achenbach questionnaires) while offering Accepted manuscript received 26 September 1996

Appendix A: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire

For each item, please mark the box for Not True, Somewhat True or Certainly True. It would help us if you answered all items as
best you ean even if you are not absolutely certain or the item seems daftl Please give your answers on the basis of the child's
behaviour over the last six months or this school year.

Childs Name Male/Female

Date of Birth.
Not Somewhat Certainly
True True True
Considerate of other people's feelings D D
Restless, overactive. cannot stay still for long n D
Often complains of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness D D
Shares readily with other children (treats, toys, pencils etc) D D
Often has temper tantrums or hot tempers D D
Rather solitary, tends to play alone n
Generally obedient, usually does what adults request D
Many worries, often seems worried D D
Helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill n
Constantly fidgeting or squirming D D
Has at least one good friend D
Often fights with other children or bullies them
Often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful n D
Generally liked by other children D D
Easily distracted, concentration wanders D D
Nervous or clingy in new situations, easily loses confidence n
Kind to younger children n D D
Often lies or cheats D D
Picked on or bullied by other children D
Often volunteers to help others (parents, teachers, other children) n n D
Thinks things out before acting D D
Steals from home, school or elsewhere n
Gets on better with adults than with other children D n D
Many fears, easily scared D n
Sees tasks through to the end. good attention span D n
Signature Date

Parent/Teacher/Other (please specify:)

Thank you very much for your help
Robert Goodman, 1977

Appendix B: Provisional Banding of SDQ Scores

These bands, which are not adjusted for age or gender, have been chosen so that roughly 80% of children in the community are
normal, 10 % are borderline, and 10 % are abnormal.
Normal Borderline Abnormal
Parent completed
Total Difficulties Score 0-13 14^16 17-40
Emotional Symptoms Score 0-3 4 5-10
Conduct Problems Score 0-2 3 4^10
Hyperactivity Score 0-5 6 7-10
Peer Problems Score 0-2 3 4-10
Prosocial Behaviour Score 6-10 5 0- 4
Teacher completed
Total Difficulties Score 0-11 12-15 l^-*0
Emotional Symptoms Score 0-4 5 6-10
Conduct Problems Score 0-2 3 4^10
Hyperactivity Score 0-5 6 7-10
Peer Problems Score 0-3 4 5-10
Prosocial Behaviour Score 6-10 5 0- 4

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