UCC1 Instructions

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(UCC-1 instructions to AFV a court case)

This is a brief description on how one might fill out the UCC-1 for
purposes of Accepting for Value a case and evidencing Secured Party's
said acceptance in exchange for valuable consideration on a Court

NOTE 1: This procedure should be used AFTER Form 1099A has been
completed on the case (pre or post conviction) listing the STRAWPARTY
as Lender and the COURT as the borrower. For Pre Conviction, my
opinion would be to mark Box 5 "No" and Post Conviction, where one
has "paid" or is continuing to "pay" their debt to society, my opinion
would be to mark Box 5 "Yes" if I plan to OID or LTC the time spent
incarcerated up to the point of filing and/or release This is still up for
debate and discussion.

NOTE 2: Download the Case AFV Notice to DA and serve via Notary.
Once the Return Receipt/Green Card comes back, make a copy of this
and the AFV Notice and place behind the AFV UCC1/UCC1Ad going to
the Secretary of State. Complete the AFV to the DA through
Default/Notary Certificate of Non-Response BEFORE proceeding with
the UCC-3 Assignment to the COURT.

NOTE 3: This filing can be used in reverse for those who have/are
filing using the STRAWPARTY as the Secured Party and the living
man/woman as the Debtor. You'll just have to re-arrange the language
to reflect who the Parties are. Know WHY you're filing before you

(Box B - "Send Acknowledgment To:")

Place STRAWPARTY name and address here (All Caps Info)

(Box 1 - Debtor's Name) (All Caps)

Box 1a - Place STRAWPARTY name here

Box 1c - Place STRAWPARTY address here. Country=USA
Box 1d - Place SS# here
Box 1e - Type "ENS LEGIS/TRUST" here
Box 1f - Type Corp. STATE here, i.e., CA, AL, FL
Box 1g - Place Birth Certificate # here (Not Bond #)

(Box 3 - Secured Party's Name)

Box 3b - Place Living Man/Woman name here (Use Hyphenated First-
Middle name as "First Name" and of the Last name family as the "Last
Name," i.e., Chuck-Eugene of the Farley family).
Box 3c - Place SP/C address here, i.e., c/o Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail
near: 123 Main Street, city of Los Angeles, California rep. (Ca. rep.)
"EXEMPT" or "DMSM A010.1.2d- EXEMPT" for the zip. Country= uSA

(Box 4 - Collateral Description)

Box 4 - Type this language: Secured Party Accepts Account/Case No.

08CR-12345-A (Put your case #/#'s here) and all related credit due on
account, orders, bonds, insurance, re-insurance, securities,
instruments, transfer orders, products, fixtures, chattel paper, debts,
obligations and any other hypothecated real or personal property.
Debtor herein consents and pledges this related 'property,' in
exchange for valuable consideration of a security interest in the chattel
or intangible represented by an indespinsible instrument, the
instrument being created by bailment and/or dishonor, for the purpose
of securing the payment of the debt or the performance of some other
duty, for accord and satisfaction in the sum certain amount of
$50,000,000.00 USD ($Case value here - Go to the moon!). Consult
directly with the Debtor for ascertaining, in detail, the financial
relationship and contractual obligations associated with this
commercial transaction. Adjustment of this filing is in accordance with
UCC §§1-103, 1-104, 10-104, and HJR-192, Public Law 73-10. For
additional collateral description, see UCC1Ad Box 16.

(Box 5 - Alternative Designation)

(X) Check Bailee/Balior

(Box 8 - Optional Filer Reference Data)

Type this in: Secured Party/Creditor's Acceptance of Account/Case

#08CR-12345-A (Put your case # here).

Note: This box is very important! What you put here is reflected in
your acknowledgment receipt for hardcopy filings and UCC-11 Search
Reports. Make it count!

Next - You MUST do a UCC-1Ad and add attachments behind it!

The attachments would be: 1) Accounting/Invoice Page on the
Account, 2) Court Documents AFV, 3) Copy of IRS copy of
1099A (See UCC-1Ad instructions for court Cases).

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