Lesson Plan 6 TH Grade
Lesson Plan 6 TH Grade
Lesson Plan 6 TH Grade
GRADE: 6 th
LEVEL: pre-intermediate
UNIT: Number 8 Girls screamed and wept
TYPE OF LESSON: Teaching grammar
METHODS: conversation, explanation, dialogue, exercise
SKILLS: listening, reading, speaking, writing
CLASSROOM INTERACTIONS: individual work, pair work
TEACHING AIDS: blackboard, worksheets, posters, coloured chalk.
AIMS: - to be capable to identify a Past Simple form
- to be capable to put verbs into their Past from
- to compose sentences with verbs in the Past Tense
- to be capable to form correct questions with the given verbs
4. Announcing the T. writes on the blackboard the name Ss listen to the teacher and write Blackboard To make Ss.
name of the lesson of the lesson: Girls screamed and on their notebooks the title of the aware about the
and the objectives wept. unit. time of the verb
T. announces the pupils that they will that they will
learn the Past Simple of irregular verbs. learn.
5. Introducing the T. makes a short revision and explains Ss answer the Ts questions and Blackboard To be capable to
new lesson the children that verbs are divided into listen, carefully, to the Ts identify a Past
two:- regular verbs and irregular verbs. explanations about Past Tense Simple form
Regular verbs only receive an ed Simple.
ending for Past Tense Simple. They note on their notebook the
Irregular verbs have a special form for verbs and the advers of time,
that tense, and the Teacher writes on the written on the blackboard.
blackboard, the Past form of some of the
most usual verbs like:
Be was
Have had
Make made
Come came
Drink drank
Sit sat
Go went
Buy bought
Write wrote
Tell told
Read read
Take took
Run ran
Sing sang
Do - did