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Authorised Version No.

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances
Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Authorised Version incorporating amendments as at

21 October 2016

Section Page
1 Short title and commencement 1
Part IIntroductory and transitional 2
2 Repeals and revocations 2
3 Savings 3
4 Definitions 5
4A Act does not apply to certain processed products 28
5 Meaning of possession 29
6 Meaning of corresponding law 29
7 Act not to derogate from provisions of certain other Acts 31
8 References in other Acts 31
9 Revocation of proclamation etc. 32
11 Act to bind the Crown 32
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances 34
Division 1Classification 34
12 Poisons Code 34
12A The Poisons List 34
12B Requirements for labelling and other matters 36
12C What if the Poisons Code conflicts with the Act or
regulations? 36
12D Incorporation of the Poisons Standard 37
12E Amendment of Code 37
12F Status of the Poisons Code 39
12G Procedure for preparation of the Poisons Code 40
12H Tabling before Parliament 40
12I Availability of Code 41
12J What if documents are not notified or made available? 42
12K Commencement of Poisons Code and incorporated
materials 42
12L Evidence 43

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Division 2Authorized persons 44

13 Persons authorized to have possession etc. of poisons or
controlled substances 44
13A Chinese medicine practitioners and herbal dispensers must
establish therapeutic need 50
14 Restrictions on authorisations for certain health
practitioners 51
14A Minister to approve scope of prescribing rights or supply
of poisons 53
Division 3Poisons Advisory Committee 55
15 Establishment and membership of Poisons Advisory
Committee 55
15A Terms and conditions of appointment 56
15B Resignation and removal 57
15C Vacancies 57
15D Quorum and proceedings 58
15E Co-opted members 58
16 Sub-committees 59
17 Functions of the Committee 59
18 Officers of committee 60
Division 4Licences, permits and warrants 60
18A Definitions 60
19 Issue of licences, permits and warrants 61
20 What a licence, permit or warrant can authorise 63
21 Duration of a licence, permit or warrant 65
22 Renewal of licences and permits 65
22A Amendment 66
22B Inspection 66
22C Suspension or cancellation 66
Division 5Public health emergencies 67
22D When a public health emergency order may be made 67
22E Matters to be specified in a public health emergency order 68
22F What a public health emergency order authorises 68
22G Extending, amending and revoking orders 69
22H Orders under this Division to be published in Government
Gazette 69
Division 8Manufacture and sale of poisons or controlled
substances 70
23 Manufacture, sale and supply of poisons or controlled
substances by wholesale 70
24 Wholesaling of certain poisons 70
26 Retailing of poisons or controlled substances 71

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27 Sale of poisons or controlled substances by persons other

than manufacturers etc. 71
27A Offences concerning labelling and other matters 72
28 House to house sale of poisons or controlled substances
prohibited 74
29 Sale of substances in unauthorised containers 74
30 Vending machines for poisons or controlled substances 75
Division 10Drugs of dependence, Schedule 8 poisons, Schedule 9
poisons and Schedule 4 poisons 77
Subdivision 1Introductory matters and records 77
31 Definitions 77
31A Division does not apply to medicinal cannabis 78
32 Record keeping in relation to sale or supply of drugs of
addiction 78
Subdivision 2Notification of drug-dependent person 79
33 Notification of drug-dependent person 79
Subdivision 3Schedule 9 poisons 80
33A Application for permit to administer, supply or prescribe
Schedule 9 poisons 80
33B Schedule 9 permit 80
33C Offence not to comply with Schedule 9 permit 81
33D Offence to administer Schedule 9 poisons without permit 81
Subdivision 4Schedule 8 poisons 82
34 Requirement to apply for Schedule 8 permit 82
34A Schedule 8 permit 83
34B Offence to administer etc. Schedule 8 poisons to drug-
dependent person 83
34C Offence to administer etc. Schedule 8 poisons to person
who is not a drug-dependent person 84
34D Exception to Schedule 8 permit requirementspecified
medical conditions 85
34E Exceptions to Schedule 8 permit requirementmultiple
practitioners at medical clinic 86
34F Exception to Schedule 8 permit requirementpatients in
prisons, aged care services and hospitals 87
35 Offence not to comply with Schedule 8 permit 88
Subdivision 5General 88
35A Secretary may specify medical conditions 88
35B Composite forms 89
36 Obligations of pharmacists in relation to dispensing of
drugs 89

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36A Forgery 90
36B Unauthorized possession etc. of poison or controlled
substance etc. 90
Division 10AAdministration of medication in aged care services 91
36C Effect of this Division 91
36D Definitions 92
36E Administration of drugs of dependence, Schedule 9
poisons, Schedule 8 poisons and Schedule 4 poisons
in aged care services 92
36F Registered nurse to have regard to code or guideline 93
Division 11Appeals 93
37 Appeals 93
Division 12Sale of poisons book 94
38 Record of sale of poisons 94
38A Authorised possession of certain poisons 94
40 Sale or supply of poisons or controlled substances to
persons under age 94
Division 13Authorized officers 95
41 Secretary may authorize person to carry out functions of
authorized officer 95
42 Inspections 96
43 Duties of officers in relation to seized substances 97
44 Persons who are liable for contravention of Act 98
Division 13AAuthorised police employees and other authorised
persons 101
44A Chief Commissioner may authorise person to carry out
functions of authorised police employee 101
44B Powers, duties and functions of authorised police
employee 102
44C Other authorised persons 102
Division 14Offences 103
45 Time within which charge-sheet to be filed 103
46 Offences 104
47 Maximum sentence etc. 104
48 Offence to receive certain moneys etc. 105
49 Obtaining licence by fraud 105
50 Immunity of authorized officers and authorised police
employees 105

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Division 15Poison baits 106

52 Setting of poison baits 106
53 Regulations 109
Division 16Poisons in roads and waterways 109
54 Special regulations 109
Division 17Prohibition of poisons or controlled substances 110
55 Prohibiting sale or supply of poisons or controlled
substances 110
Part IIIManufacture of heroin 112
56 Manufacture of heroin etc. 112
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention
powers relating to volatile substances 116
Division 1Deleterious substances 116
57 Definitions 116
58 Sale of deleterious substances 117
59 Matters to which this Part does not apply 118
60 Evidence 118
Division 2Volatile substances 119
60A Purpose of Division 119
60B Police or protective services officer to take into account the
best interests of person under 18 years of age 120
60BA Protective services officer may exercise police powers
under this Division 120
60C Where can police powers under this Division be exercised? 121
60D Police may use reasonable force 121
60E Police may search person under 18 years of age without
warrant 122
60F Search of person irrespective of age without warrant 122
60G Before search, police to identify self 123
60H Before search, police to give information and request
production of substance or item 124
60I Request for explanation before seizure of volatile
substances and items used to inhale volatile substances 125
60J Seizure of volatile substances and items used to inhale
when explanation given 125
60K Seizure of volatile substances and items used to inhale
when no explanation given 126
60L Apprehension and detention 126
60M How long may a person be detained and where? 128
60N Return of seized or produced volatile substances and items
used to inhale volatile substances 129

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60O Disposal or making safe of volatile substances and items

used to inhale volatile substances 130
60P Forfeiture to Crown 131
60Q Records concerning searches, seizure, receipt or disposal
of property, apprehensions and detentions 132
60R Person may request record 133
60S Chief Commissioner to report on actions under this
Division 134
60T Regulations 136
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis 137
Division 1Authorities for low-THC cannabis 137
61 Definitions 137
61A Part does not apply to medicinal cannabis 139
62 Application for authority to cultivate and process low-THC
cannabis 139
63 Secretary must investigate application 140
64 Matters to be considered in determining applications 141
65 Determination of applications 142
66 Terms and conditions of authorities 142
67 Renewal of authorities 143
68 Authority not transferable 144
69 Amendment of authorities 144
69A Suspension or cancellation 144
69B Review by VCAT 145
69C Offence to fail to comply with authority 146
69D Catchment and Land Protection Act does not apply 146
Division 2Inspection and enforcement 146
69E Inspectors under this Part 146
69F General powers of inspectors 147
69G Inspector may order harvest or treatment 148
69H Inspector has power to detain or seize 149
69I What happens if an inspector detains or seizes plants, crops
or products? 149
69J Appeal to Secretary if disposal or destruction ordered 150
69K Offences relating to inspector's exercise of power 151
69L Inspector may possess cannabis for purposes of this Part 151
Division 3Regulations under this Part 151
69M Regulations 151
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process
poppy straw 154
Division 1Preliminary 154
69N Definitions 154

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69NA Meaning of associate 158

69NB Matters to be considered in determining a fit and proper
person 160
Division 2Poppy cultivation licence 164
69O Application for poppy cultivation licence 164
69OA Secretary must investigate application 165
69OB Determining an application 166
69OC Terms and conditions of a poppy cultivation licence 167
69OD Poppy cultivation licence is not transferable 169
69OE Employee of licensed grower authorised to undertake
activities under licence 169
69OF Employee identification certificate issued by licensed
grower 170
69OG Application for renewal of licence 170
69OH Secretary must investigate renewal application 171
69OI Determining a renewal application 172
Division 3Poppy processing licence 173
69P Application for poppy processing licence 173
69PA Secretary must investigate application 175
69PB Determining an application 176
69PC Terms and conditions of a poppy processing licence 176
69PD Poppy processing licence is not transferable 178
69PE Employee of licensed processor authorised to undertake
activities under licence 178
69PF Employee identification certificate issued by licensed
processor 179
69PG Application for renewal of licence 179
69PH Secretary must investigate renewal application 180
69PI Determining a renewal application 181
Division 4General provisions applying to a poppy cultivation
licence or poppy processing licence 182
69Q Amendment of licences 182
69QA Suspension or cancellation of licences 183
Division 5Inspection and enforcement 185
69R Inspectors under this Part 185
69RA Inspectors identification certificate 185
69RB General powers of inspector 186
69RC Procedure on seizing a document, thing or taking a sample 187
69RD Power to use electronic equipment at premises 188
69RE Power to copy information on electronic storage devices 189
69RF Inspector must not damage equipment 189
69RG Inspector may possess alkaloid poppies or poppy straw 189

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69RH Inspector has power to detain or seize alkaloid poppies or

poppy straw 190
69RI Procedure on detaining or seizing alkaloid poppies or
poppy straw 190
69RJ Secretary has power to dispose or deal with seized alkaloid
poppies or poppy straw 191
69RK Retention and return of seized alkaloid poppies or poppy
straw 192
69RL Magistrates' Court may extend 3 month period 193
69RM Forfeiture, harvest and destruction of alkaloid poppies or
poppy straw 194
69RN Recovery of costs 195
69RO Inspector may access ratepayer information 195
69RP Protection against self-incrimination 196
69RQ Power to issue infringement notices 196
69RR Infringement penalty 196
Division 6Offences 196
69S Offence to fail to report the amendment or cancellation of
a contract 196
69SA Offence to fail to report amendment or cancellation 197
69SB Offence to fail to report on any change of details of the
licensed grower or the licensed processor 197
69SC Offence to fail to surrender licence on suspension or
cancellation 198
69SD Offence to contravene a licence 199
69SE Offence to fail to prohibit access to premises 199
69SF Offence to fail to carry and produce identification
certificate 201
69SG Offence to employ disqualified persons under licence 201
69SH Offence for disqualified person to be employed by licensed
grower or licensed processor 202
69SI Employee must comply with terms and conditions of
licence 202
69SJ Criminal liability of licensed grower or licensed
processorfailure to exercise due diligence 203
69SK Offence to fail to provide an identification certificate for
employees 205
69SL Offence to hinder or obstruct inspector 205
69SM Offence to remove detained or seized alkaloid poppies or
poppy straw 206
Division 7Alkaloid poppy register 206
69T Alkaloid poppy register 206
69TA Request to register a contract 207
69TB Access to the alkaloid poppy register restricted 207

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69TC Person with access to alkaloid poppy register not to

disclose personal information from it 208
69TD Delegation 208
Division 8Review by VCAT 209
69U Refusal of licence or renewal of licence on grounds of
protected information 209
69UA Review by VCAT 210
69UB VCAT to inquire on grounds for refusal 211
69UC Appointment of special counsel 211
69UD Procedure for hearingprotected information 212
69UE Decision of VCAT where protected information exists 213
69UF General provisions for hearing matters involving protected
information 215
Division 9Regulations 216
69V Regulations 216
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters 219
70 Definitions 219
71 Trafficking in a drug or drugs of dependencelarge
commercial quantity 231
71AA Trafficking in a drug or drugs of dependencecommercial
quantity 232
71AB Trafficking in a drug of dependence to a child 232
71AC Trafficking in a drug of dependence 233
71AD Use of violence or threats to cause trafficking in drug of
dependence 233
71A Possession of substance, material, documents or equipment
for trafficking in a drug of dependence 234
71B Supply of drug of dependence to a child 235
71C Possession of tablet press 236
71D Possession of precursor chemicals 237
71E Possession of document containing information about
trafficking or cultivating a drug of dependence 237
71F Publication of document containing instructions 238
72 Cultivation of narcotic plantslarge commercial quantity 239
72A Cultivation of narcotic plantscommercial quantity 239
72B Cultivation of narcotic plants 239
72C Defence to prosecution for offences involving cultivation 240
72D Permitting use of premises for trafficking or cultivation of
drug of dependence 240
73 Possession of a drug of dependence 241
74 Introduction of a drug of dependence into the body of
another person 243
75 Use of drug of dependence 243
76 Adjourned bonds to be given in certain cases 244

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77 Forging prescriptions and orders for drugs of dependence 249

78 Obtaining drugs of dependence etc. by false representation 249
79 Conspiring 250
80 Inciting etc. 251
Part VACocaine kits 254
Division 1Cocaine kits 254
80A What is a cocaine kit? 254
80B Offence to display a cocaine kit in a retail outlet 254
80C Offence to sell a cocaine kit 255
Division 2Enforcement 255
80D Seizure of cocaine kits 255
80E Retention and return of seized cocaine kits 255
80F Magistrates' Court may extend 3 month period 256
80G Forfeiture and destruction of seized cocaine kits 257
80H Court may order forfeiture to the Crown 257
Part VABIce pipes 258
80HA Definition 258
80HB Offence to display an ice pipe in a retail outlet 258
80HC Offence to sell or supply an ice pipe 259
80HD Seizure of ice pipes 259
80HE Retention and return of seized ice pipes 259
80HF Magistrates' Court may extend 3 month period 260
80HG Forfeiture and destruction of seized ice pipe 260
80HH Court may order forfeiture to the Crown 261
Part VBPrecursor chemicals and apparatus 262
Division 1Preliminary 262
80I Application of Part 262
Division 2Category 1 precursor chemicals 262
80J Supply of category 1 precursor chemicals 262
80K Storage of category 1 precursor chemicals 263
Division 3Category 2 precursor chemicals and category 3
precursor apparatus 264
80L Supply of category 2 precursor chemicals 264
80M Supply of category 3 precursor apparatus 265
Division 4Transaction records 265
80N End user declarations to be kept 265
80O Record of supplycategory 1 precursor chemical 266
80P Record of supplycategory 2 precursor chemical 267
80Q Record of supply of category 3 precursor apparatus 268

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80R Police may inspect records 268

80S Offence not to produce records 270
Part VCCannabis water pipes and hookahs 271
Division 1Display, sale and supply 271
80T Definitions 271
80TA Part not to apply in relation to pharmacist dealing with
medicinal cannabis vaporiser 272
80U Offence to display cannabis water pipe, bong component
or bong kit in retail outlet 273
80V Offence to sell cannabis water pipe, bong component or
bong kit 273
80W Offence to supply cannabis water pipe, bong component or
bong kit in course of carrying out commercial activity 274
80X Display for sale of hookahs in retail outlet 274
Division 2Enforcement 275
80Y Power to issue infringement notices 275
80Z Infringement penalty 275
80ZA Seizure of cannabis water pipes, bong components or bong
kits 276
80ZB Retention and return of seized items 276
80ZC Magistrates' Court may extend 3 month period 278
80ZD Forfeiture and destruction of seized items 279
80ZE Court may order forfeiture to the Crown 280
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture 281
81 Warrant to search premises 281
81A Notice that seized thing or document is being held for
purposes of Confiscation Act 1997 287
81B Application for tainted property to be held or retained
return of warrant to court 288
81C Court may make direction 288
81D Notice of direction under section 81C 289
81E Effect of directions under sections 81(1A) and 81C 289
82 Search without warrant 290
83 Forfeiture of drug of dependence or substance before
conviction 291
90 Appeals 293
91 Destruction of drugs of dependencehealth and safety
interests 295
92 Delegated police officers 297
93 Certificate and report to be provided to Chief
Commissioner of Police 297
94 Request for copies 298
95 IBAC Commissioner to inspect and report 299

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96 Annual reports 300

Part VIADeclared testing facilities 302
97 Declared testing facilities 302
98 Supply of things to declared testing facility 302
Part VIIProceedings 304
102 Identity of seller of substances 304
103 Offences by corporations 304
104 Burden of proof 305
Part IXEvidentiary 306
118 List of licences and permits 306
119 Evidentiary 307
120 Analyst's etc. certificates 308
121 Evidentiary effect of certain statements 311
122 Proof that a substance is poison etc. 311
122A Evidence of market value of drugs of dependence 312
123 General offence 313
Part XIRegulations 314
129 Regulations 314
129A Regulationsmedicinal cannabis 317
130 Construction of section 129 319
131 Regulations as to regulated poisons 320
132 General regulations 321
132AA Regulations prescribing drugs of dependence 327
132A Regulations may incorporate other documents 328
132B Scope of regulations 328
133 Strict compliance with prescribed forms not necessary 329
133A Exemption from regulatory impact statement procedure 329
Part XIITransitional provisions 331
134 References 331
135 Instruments to continue 333
135A Transitional provisionsDrugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances (Amendment) Act 1994 333
136 Continuity of Poisons Advisory Committee 334
137 Transitional provisionsDrugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances (Amendment) Act 2001 334
138 Refund of licence fee in relation to Schedule 5 poisons and
Schedule 6 poisons 334
139 Transitional provisions relating to licencesDrugs,
Poisons and Controlled Substances and Therapeutic Goods
(Victoria) Acts (Amendment) Act 2004 335
140 Transitional provisionsDrugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances (Amendment) Act 2006 336

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141 Drug Rehabilitation and Research Fund 339

142 Transitional provisionsDrugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Amendment Act 2008 340
143 Transitional provisionCriminal Procedure Amendment
Act 2012 341
144 Transitional provisionsDrugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Amendment Act 2016 341
Schedules 343
Schedule TenSearch warrant 344
Schedule Eleven 348
Schedule TwelveStatements of strength of preparations 361

Endnotes 363
1 General information 363
2 Table of Amendments 365
3 Amendments Not in Operation 381
4 Explanatory details 382

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Authorised Version No. 110
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances
Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Authorised Version incorporating amendments as at

21 October 2016

An Act to re-enact with Amendments the Law relating to

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances, to amend the Health
Act 1958 and the Crimes Act 1958 and for other purposes.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty by

and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council
and the Legislative Assembly of Victoria in this present
Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as
follows (that is to say):

1 Short title and commencement

(1) This Act may be cited as the Drugs, Poisons and
Controlled Substances Act 1981.
(2) The several provisions of this Act shall come into
operation on a day or on the respective days to be
fixed by proclamation or successive proclamations
of the Governor in Council published in the
Government Gazette.
* * * * * S. 1(3)
amended by
No. 10002
ss 5(2)(a), 6(2),
7(2), 11(2),
repealed by
No. 101/1986
s. 55(1)(a).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

Part IIntroductory and transitional

2 Repeals and revocations
(1) The Acts and enactments mentioned in the table to
this subsection, to the extent to which they are
therein expressed to be repealed are hereby
repealed accordingly.
Extent of
Number Amendment or
of Act Title of Act Repeal
6889 Poisons Act 1962 So much as has not
already been
7065 Statute Law Revision Items in Schedule
Act 1963 relating to the
Poisons Act 1962.
7588 Poisons (Amendment) The whole.
Act 1967
7703 Abolition of Item in Schedule
Bailiwicks Act 1968 relating to the
Poisons Act 1962.
8181 Statute Law Revision Item in Schedule
Act 1971 relating to the
Poisons Act 1962.
8233 Poisons (Amendment) The whole.
Act 1971
8247 Crimes (Powers of Item in Schedule
Arrest) Act 1972 relating to the
Poisons Act 1962.
8266 Poisons (Amendment) The whole.
Act 1972
8287 Dentists Act 1972 Section 45(2).
8424 Medical Practitioners Section 12.
(Amendment) Act
8456 Poisons (Fees) Act The whole.
8961 Poisons (Drugs of The whole.
Addiction) Act 1977

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

Extent of
Number Amendment or
of Act Title of Act Repeal
9023 Health Commission Item 16 of Part A of
Act 1977 Schedule One.
9294 Poisons (Amendment) The whole.
Act 1979
9427 Statute Law Revision Item in Third
Act 1980 Schedule relating to
the Poisons Act
9576 Crimes (Classification Item in the
of Offences) Act 1981 Schedule relating to
the Poisons Act

(2) All proclamations made under the Poisons Act

1962 and amending any of the Schedules to that
Act are revoked.
3 Savings
* * * * * S. 3(1)
repealed by
No. 42/1993
s. 34.

(2) On and from the commencement of this section in

any order, proclamation, regulation, licence,
permit, warrant, authority, Order in Council or
other instrument or document made, issued or
given under the Poisons Act 1962 before the
commencement of this section and deemed to
have been made, issued or given under this Act or
continued in force under this Act
(a) a reference to a pharmaceutical chemist shall
be deemed and taken to be a reference to a

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

S. 3(2)(b) * * * * *
repealed by
No. 42/1993
s. 34.

S. 3(3) * * * * *
repealed by
No. 10087
s. 3(1)(Sch. 1
item 39).

S. 3(4) (4) Subject to subsection (2), nothing in this Act shall

amended by
No. 10087 affect the continuity of status, operation or effect
s. 3(1)(Sch. 1 of any permit issued under section 11 of the
item 39).
Poisons Act 1962 before the commencement of
this section and in force immediately before that
commencement, and that permit shall, on and
from the date of commencement of this section, be
deemed to have been issued under the provisions
of this Act that corresponds to section 11 of the
Poisons Act 1962.
S. 3(5)(6) * * * * *
repealed by
No. 42/1993
s. 34.

(7) Except as is in this Act expressly or by necessary

implication provided
(a) all persons, things and circumstances
appointed or created by or under the Poisons
Act 1962 or existing or continuing under that
Act immediately before the commencement
of this section shall under and subject to this
Act continue to have the same status,
operation and effect as they respectively
would have had if that Act had not been
repealed; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

(b) in particular and without limiting the

generality of paragraph (a), the repeal of the
Poisons Act 1962 shall not disturb the
continuity of status, operation or effect of
any order, proclamation, regulation,
recommendation, certificate, proceeding,
appointment, notification, writ, summons,
award, judgment, decree, fee, suspension,
revocation, renewal, enquiry, registration,
document, panel, submission, remuneration,
approval, disapproval, refusal, decision,
report, investigation, requirement, forfeiture,
direction, analysis, examination, liability or
right made, effected, issued, granted, given,
instituted, imposed, accrued, incurred or
acquired or existing or continuing by or
under the repealed Act before the
commencement of this section.
* * * * * S. 3(8)
repealed by
No. 42/1993
s. 34.

4 Definitions
(1) In this Act unless inconsistent with the context or
aged care service has the same meaning as it has S. 4(1) def. of
aged care
in the Aged Care Act 1997 of the service
Commonwealth; inserted by
No. 17/2006
s. 3.

analogue, of a drug specified in column 1 of S. 4(1) def. of

Part 1 or column 1 of Part 3 of Schedule inserted by
Eleven, means a substance, however No. 9/2014
s. 3(2).
obtained, that is
(a) a structural modification of the drug
obtained in one or more of the
following ways

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

(i) by the replacement of one or more

of its functional groups with
(ii) by the replacement of up to 2 ring
structures with any other ring
(iii) by the addition of hydrogen atoms
to one or more unsaturated bonds;
(b) a homologue of the drug; or
(c) a derivative or isomer of a substance
referred to in paragraph (a) or (b)
but does not include a substance that is itself
specified in column 1 of Part 1 or column 1
of Part 3 of Schedule Eleven;
S. 4(1) def. of approved medicinal cannabis product has the
medicinal same meaning as it has in the Access to
cannabis Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016;
inserted by
No. 20/2016
s. 101(1).

S. 4(1) def. of authorised police employee means

(a) a Victoria Police employee authorised
inserted by under section 44A; or
No. 52/2006
s. 4, (b) a Victoria Police employee who is a
amended by
No. 37/2014 member of a class of Victoria Police
s. 10(Sch. employee authorised under
item 47.1(b)).
section 44A;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

* * * * * S. 4(1) def. of
inserted by
No. 18/2000
s. 96(1),
amended by
Nos 11/2002
s. 3(Sch. 1
item 16.1),
s. 150(Sch. 2
item 2.1(a)),
repealed by
No. 97/2005
s. 178(1),
new def. of
inserted by
No. 97/2005
s. 178(2),
repealed by
No. 13/2010
s. 35(1)(a).

authorized officer means a person authorized by S. 4(1) def. of

the Secretary under section 41 and any police officer
officer; amended by
Nos 10262
s. 4, 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1),
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.1(c)).

automatic machine means any machine or S. 4(1) def. of

mechanical device used or capable of being machine
used for the purpose of selling or supplying amended by
No. 9/1998
goods without the personal manipulation or s. 10(a)(i).
attention of the seller or supplier or his
employee or other agent at the time of the
sale or supply;
baseline sentence, in relation to an offence, has S. 4(1) def. of
the same meaning as in the Sentencing Act sentence
1991; inserted by
No. 52/2014
s. 17.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

S. 4(1) def. of category 1 precursor chemical means a substance

category 1 prescribed as a category 1 precursor
chemical chemical and
inserted by
No. 55/2009
s. 7.

(a) includes
(i) any form of that substance,
whether natural or synthetic; and
(ii) if specified in the regulations for
that category 1 precursor
chemical, the salts, derivatives and
isomers of that substance and any
salt of those derivatives and
(b) despite the definition of substance in
this section, does not include that
substance when contained in or mixed
with another substance;
S. 4(1) def. of category 2 precursor chemical means a substance
category 2
precursor prescribed as a category 2 precursor
chemical chemical and
inserted by
No. 55/2009
s. 7.
(a) includes
(i) any form of that substance,
whether natural or synthetic; and
(ii) if specified in the regulations for
that category 2 precursor
chemical, the salts, derivatives and
isomers of that substance and any
salt of those derivatives and
(b) despite the definition of substance in
this section, does not include that
substance when contained in or mixed
with another substance;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

category 3 precursor apparatus means an item or S. 4(1) def. of

class of item prescribed as a category 3 category 3
precursor apparatus; apparatus
inserted by
No. 55/2009
s. 7.

certificate of health and safety destruction or S. 4(1) def. of

certificate of
disposal means a certificate given by an health and
analyst or a botanist under section 91(1)(c); safety
destruction or
inserted by
No. 52/2006
s. 4.

* * * * * S. 4(1) def. of
Chief General
inserted by
No. 10262 s. 4,
substituted by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(b),
repealed by
No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).

* * * * * S. 4(1) def. of
repealed by
No. 10262 s. 4.

Committee means the Poisons Advisory

Committee constituted under Division 3 of
Part II;
* * * * * S. 4(1) def. of
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(c),
repealed by
No. 75/2014
s. 10(2)(a).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

compound in relation to a poison or controlled

substance means a medicament prepared in
accordance with a formula and being a
combination of
(a) a poison or controlled substance; and
(b) any other substance or substances
in such a way that the poison or controlled
substance cannot be readily separated from
the other substance or substances, and to
compound and derivative expressions have
corresponding meanings;
S. 4(1) def. of * * * * *
repealed by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(a).

S. 4(1) def. of date of supply, in Part VB, means the date a

date of supply
inserted by category 1 precursor chemical, a category 2
No. 55/2009 precursor chemical or a category 3 precursor
s. 7.
apparatus, as the case requires, leaves the
premises of the person who supplied it;
S. 4(1) def. of declared testing facility means a facility declared
testing facility by the Chief Commissioner of Police under
inserted by section 97;
No. 9/2014
s. 4.

S. 4(1) def. of delegated police officer means

police officer
inserted by
(a) a person to whom a function under
No. 52/2006 section 91 has been delegated under
s. 4.
section 92; or
(b) a person who is a member of a class to
which a function under section 91 has
been delegated under section 92;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

dentist means a person registered under the Health S. 4(1) def. of

Practitioner Regulation National Law dentist
substituted by
(a) to practise in the dental profession as a No. 26/1999
dentist (other than as a student); and item 2),
repealed by
(b) in the dentists division of that No. 97/2005
s. 178(1),
profession; new def. of
inserted by
No. 97/2005
s. 178(2),
substituted by
No. 13/2010
s. 35(1)(b).

* * * * * S. 4(1) def. of
drug of
repealed by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(a).

drug of dependence means a substance that is S. 4(1) def. of

drug of
(a) a drug substituted by
No. 10002
(i) specified in column 1 of Part 1 of s. 2(a),
Schedule Eleven; or amended by
No. 101/1986
(ii) included in a class of drug s. 58(1)(a),
substituted by
specified in column 1 of Part 1 of No. 48/1997
Schedule Eleven; or s. 36(1)(a),
amended by
Nos 9/1998
(b) any fresh or dried parts of any plant s. 10(a)(ii),
specified in column 1 of Part 2 of 74/2004
s. 6(1)(a)(c),
Schedule Eleven; or 41/2011 s. 4,
9/2014 s. 3(1).
(ba) prescribed as a drug of dependence in
accordance with section 132AA
whether specified as included in Part 1,
Part 2 or Part 3 of Schedule Eleven; or
(c) a drug
(i) specified in column 1 of Part 3 of
Schedule Eleven; or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

(ii) included in a class of drug

specified in column 1 of Part 3 of
Schedule Eleven
and includes
(d) any form of a drug specified in
column 1 of Part 1 or column 1 of
Part 3 of Schedule Eleven, whether
natural or synthetic, and the salts,
analogues, derivatives and isomers of
that drug and any salt of those
analogues, derivatives and isomers; and
(e) any
(i) drug specified in, or drug included
in a class of drug specified in
column 1 of Part 1 or column 1 of
Part 3 of Schedule Eleven,
whether natural or synthetic; or
(ii) salts, analogues, derivatives or
isomers of a drug specified in
column 1 of Part 1 or column 1 of
Part 3 of Schedule Eleven; or
(iii) salt of any analogue, derivative
or isomer mentioned in
subparagraph (ii)
contained in or mixed with another
S. 4(1) def. of end user declaration means a declaration required
end user
declaration for the purposes of section 80J, 80L or 80M,
inserted by as the case requires;
No. 55/2009
s. 7.

S. 4(1) def. of functional group, of a drug, means any of the

group following where attached to an oxygen,
inserted by nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorous or carbon
No. 9/2014
s. 3(2). atom of the drug

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

(a) an aryl, alkoxy, cyclic diether,

carbonyl, acyl, carboxylic acid,
acyloxy, alkylamino or dialkylamino
group with up to 6 carbon atoms in any
alkyl residue;
(b) an alkyl, alkenyl or alkynyl group with
up to 6 carbon atoms in the group;
(c) a hydroxy, nitro or amino group;
(d) a hydrogen atom;
(e) a halogen;
* * * * * S. 4(1) def. of
repealed by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(a).

heroin means diacetyl morphine (also known as

diamorphine) and its salts;
* * * * * S. 4(1) def. of
industrial and
repealed by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(a).

label S. 4(1) def. of

amended by
(a) in section 27A, means a statement in No. 42/1993
writing on a container of a poison or s. 35(d).
controlled substance; and
(b) in any other case
includes any tag brand mark or statement in
writing on or attached to or used in
connexion with any container or package
containing any poison or controlled
substance; and labelled has a corresponding

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

S. 4(1) def. of licence means a valid and unexpired licence under

licence any Part of this Act or under the regulations;
amended by
No. 10002
s. 5(2)(b).

licensee means the person named in a licence;

manufacture includes the process of refining,
manipulating and mixing any poison or
controlled substance (including a poison or
controlled substance in the raw state); and
"manufacturer" has a corresponding
S. 4(1) def. of * * * * *
repealed by
No. 23/1994
s. 118(Sch. 1
item 17.1(a)).

S. 4(1) def. of medicinal cannabis has the same meaning as it

cannabis has in the Access to Medicinal Cannabis
inserted by Act 2016;
No. 20/2016
s. 101(1).

S. 4(1) def. of medicinal cannabis cultivation licence means a

cannabis cultivation licence within the meaning of the
cultivation Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016;
inserted by
No. 20/2016
s. 101(1).

S. 4(1) def. of medicinal cannabis manufacturing licence

cannabis means a manufacturing licence within
manufac- the meaning of the Access to Medicinal
turing licence
inserted by Cannabis Act 2016;
No. 20/2016
s. 101(1).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

medicinal cannabis product has the same S. 4(1) def. of

meaning as it has in the Access to medicinal
Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016; product
inserted by
No. 20/2016
s. 101(1).

* * * * * S. 4(1) def. of
repealed by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(a).

mobile facility means a trailer or vehicle suitably S. 4(1) def. of

mobile facility
fitted out or containing equipment and inserted by
apparatus for the manufacture, sale and No. 75/2014
s. 4.
supply of a perishable pest animal bait that is
a Schedule 7 poison to which a mobile
facility licence relates;
mobile facility licence means a licence issued S. 4(1) def. of
mobile facility
under section 19(6); licence
inserted by
No. 75/2014
s. 4.

mobile facility location means a location where S. 4(1) def. of

mobile facility
the manufacture, sale or supply of a location
perishable pest animal bait that is a inserted by
No. 75/2014
Schedule 7 poison authorised under a mobile s. 4.
facility licence is carried out;
* * * * * S. 4(1) def. of
narcotic plant
repealed by
No. 10002
s. 2(b).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

S. 4(1) def. of nurse practitioner means a nurse whose

nurse registration is endorsed by the Nursing and
inserted by Midwifery Board of Australia under
No. 94/2000 section 95 of the Health Practitioner
s. 48,
repealed by Regulation National Law;
No. 97/2005
s. 178(1),
new def. of
inserted by
No. 97/2005
s. 178(2),
substituted by
No. 13/2010
s. 35(1)(c).

Order in Council means an Order made by the

Governor in Council published in the
Government Gazette;
S. 4(1) def. of patient medicinal cannabis access authorisation
medicinal has the same meaning as it has in the Access
cannabis to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016;
inserted by
No. 20/2016
s. 101(1).

S. 4(1) def. of pharmacist means a person registered under the

substituted by Health Practitioner Regulation National
No. 80/2004 Law to practise in the pharmacy profession
s. 150(Sch. 2
item 2.1(b)), (other than as a student);
repealed by
No. 97/2005
s. 178(1),
new def. of
inserted by
No. 97/2005
s. 178(2),
substituted by
No. 13/2010
s. 35(1)(d).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

poison or controlled substance means S. 4(1) def. of

poison or
(a) a Schedule 1 poison; or controlled
(b) a Schedule 2 poison; or substituted by
No. 42/1993
(c) a Schedule 3 poison; or s. 35(e),
amended by
(d) a Schedule 4 poison; or No. 20/2016
s. 101(2)(a)(b).
(e) a Schedule 5 poison; or
(f) a Schedule 6 poison; or
(g) a Schedule 7 poison; or
(h) a Schedule 8 poison; or
(i) a Schedule 9 poison; or
(j) a regulated poison other than a
Schedule 7 poison; or
(k) medicinal cannabis;
Poisons Code means the Poisons Code prepared S. 4(1) def. of
Poisons Code
under section 12 as amended or substituted inserted by
and in force from time to time; No. 42/1993
s. 35(f),
amended by
No. 68/1996
s. 9.

Poisons List means the Poisons List in the S. 4(1) def. of

Poisons List
Poisons Code; inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(f).

Poisons Standard means the current Poisons S. 4(1) def. of

Standard within the meaning of the Standard
Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 of the inserted by
No. 75/2014
Commonwealth; s. 10(1).

police officer has the same meaning as in the S. 4(1) def. of

police officer
Victoria Police Act 2013; inserted by
No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.1(a)).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

S. 4(1) def. of * * * * *
repealed by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(a).

S. 4(1) def. of practitioner medicinal cannabis authorisation

medicinal has the same meaning as it has in the Access
cannabis to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016;
inserted by
No. 20/2016
s. 101(1).

prescribed means prescribed by this Act or the

proclamation means proclamation of the
Governor in Council;
S. 4(1) def. of protective services officer has the same meaning
services as in the Victoria Police Act 2013;
inserted by
No. 43/2011
s. 18,
substituted by
No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.1(d)).

S. 4(1) def. of public health emergency order means an order

public health
emergency made under section 22D and includes an
order order extended, amended or varied under
inserted by
No. 17/2008 section 22G;
s. 4.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

registered Chinese herbal dispenser means a S. 4(1) def. of

person registered under the Health registered
Practitioner Regulation National Law to herbal
practise in the Chinese medicine profession dispenser
inserted by
in the division of Chinese herbal dispenser; No. 18/2000
s. 96(1),
repealed by
No. 97/2005
s. 178(1),
new def. of
inserted by
No. 97/2005
s. 178(2),
substituted by
No. 27/2012
s. 9(a).

registered Chinese medicine practitioner means a S. 4(1) def. of

person registered under the Health Chinese
Practitioner Regulation National Law to medicine
practise in the Chinese medicine profession inserted by
in the division of Chinese herbal medicine No. 18/2000
s. 96(1),
practitioner; repealed by
No. 97/2005
s. 178(1),
new def. of
inserted by
No. 97/2005
s. 178(2),
substituted by
No. 27/2012
s. 9(b).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

S. 4(1) def. of registered medical practitioner means a person

registered registered under the Health Practitioner
practitioner Regulation National Law to practise in the
inserted by medical profession (other than as a student);
No. 23/1994
s. 118(Sch. 1
item 17.1(b)),
repealed by
No. 97/2005
s. 178(1),
new def. of
inserted by
No. 97/2005
s. 178(2),
substituted by
No. 13/2010
s. 35(1)(e).

S. 4(1) def. of registered midwife means a person registered

midwife under the Health Practitioner Regulation
inserted by National Law
No. 14/2012
s. 4.
(a) to practise in the nursing and midwifery
profession as a midwife (other than as a
nurse or student); and
(b) in the register of midwives kept for that
S. 4(1) def. of registered nurse means a person registered under
nurse the Health Practitioner Regulation National
inserted by Law
No. 13/2010
s. 35(2).
(a) to practise in the nursing and midwifery
profession as a nurse (other than as a
midwife or as a student); and
(b) in the registered nurses division of that

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

registered optometrist means a person registered S. 4(1) def. of

under the Health Practitioner Regulation registered
National Law to practise in the optometry inserted by
profession (other than as a student); No. 56/1996
s. 100(1),
repealed by
No. 97/2005
s. 178(1),
new def. of
inserted by
No. 97/2005
s. 178(2),
substituted by
No. 13/2010
s. 35(1)(e),
amended by
No. 29/2011
s. 3(Sch. 1
item 30).

registered podiatrist means a person registered S. 4(1) def. of

under the Health Practitioner Regulation podiatrist
National Law to practise in the podiatry inserted by
No. 97/2005
profession (other than as a student); s. 178(2),
substituted by
No. 13/2010
s. 35(1)(e).

regulated poison means S. 4(1) def. of

(a) a Schedule 7 poison; or inserted by
No. 42/1993
(b) a substance included in the Poisons s. 35(g).
Code in the list of substances that are
not for general sale by retail;
Regulations means Regulations made under this
Act or any corresponding previous
* * * * * S. 4(1) def. of
repealed by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(a).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

S. 4(1) def. of Schedule 1 Poison means a substance in

Schedule 1 Schedule 1 in the Poisons List;
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(h).

S. 4(1) def. of Schedule 2 Poison means a substance in

Schedule 2
Poison Schedule 2 of the Poisons Standard;
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(h),
amended by
Nos 74/2004
s. 6(2)(a),
s. 10(2)(b).

S. 4(1) def. of Schedule 3 Poison means a substance in

Schedule 3
Poison Schedule 3 of the Poisons Standard;
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(h),
amended by
Nos 74/2004
s. 6(2)(b),
s. 10(2)(c).

S. 4(1) def. of Schedule 4 Poison means a substance in

Schedule 4
Poison Schedule 4 of the Poisons Standard;
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(h),
amended by
Nos 74/2004
s. 6(2)(c),
s. 10(2)(d).

S. 4(1) def. of Schedule 5 Poison means a substance in

Schedule 5
Poison Schedule 5 of the Poisons Standard;
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(h),
amended by
Nos 74/2004
s. 6(2)(d),
s. 10(2)(e).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

Schedule 6 Poison means a substance in S. 4(1) def. of

Schedule 6 of the Poisons Standard; Schedule 6
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(h),
amended by
Nos 74/2004
s. 6(2)(e),
s. 10(2)(f).

Schedule 7 Poison means a substance in S. 4(1) def. of

Schedule 7
Schedule 7 of the Poisons Standard; Poison
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(h),
amended by
Nos 74/2004
s. 6(2)(f),
s. 10(2)(g).

Schedule 8 Poison means a substance in S. 4(1) def. of

Schedule 8
Schedule 8 of the Poisons Standard other Poison
than medicinal cannabis; inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(h),
amended by
Nos 74/2004
s. 6(2)(g),
s. 10(2)(h),
s. 101(2)(c).

Schedule 9 Poison means a substance in S. 4(1) def. of

Schedule 9
Schedule 9 of the Poisons Standard Poison
other than medicinal cannabis; inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(h),
amended by
Nos 74/2004
s. 6(2)(h),
s. 10(2)(i),
s. 101(2)(d).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

S. 4(1) def. of Secretary has the same meaning as in section 3(1)

Secretary of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act
inserted by
No. 46/1998 2008;
s. 7(Sch. 1),
amended by
No. 46/2008
s. 275(1).

sell means sell, whether by

(a) wholesale or retail or otherwise, barter,
exchange, deal in, agree to sell, offer or
expose for sale, keep or have in
possession for sale, send forward,
deliver or receive for or for the purpose
of sale or in the course of sale; and
(b) authorize, direct, allow, cause, suffer,
permit or attempt any of the acts or
things mentioned in paragraph (a)
and sale and each of the other derivatives of
sell have corresponding meanings;
S. 4(1) def of serious risk to public health means a material risk
serious risk to
public health that substantial injury or prejudice to the
inserted by health of human beings has occurred or may
No. 17/2008
s. 4. occur having regard to
(a) the number of persons likely to be
(b) the location, immediacy and
seriousness of the threat to the health of
(c) the nature, scale and effects of the
harm, illness or injury that may
S. 4(1) def. of * * * * *
repealed by
No. 42/1993
s. 35(a).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

substance includes material, preparation, extract S. 4(1) def. of

and admixture; substance
amended by
No. 48/1997
s. 36(1)(b).

sufficient proof of identity of receiver, for the S. 4(1) def. of

purposes of Part VB, means proof of identity proof of
provided by one of the following identity of
inserted by
(a) a driver licence issued under the Road No. 55/2009
Safety Act 1986, or a licence issued in s. 7.
another State or a Territory that is the
equivalent of a driver licence, that
displays a photograph of the person; or
(b) an Australian passport or a foreign
passport; or
(c) a proof of age card issued under the
Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 or a
card issued in another State or a
Territory that is the equivalent of a
proof of age card;
supply means
(a) supply, provide, give or deliver,
whether or not for fee, reward or
consideration or in expectation of fee,
reward or consideration;
(b) agree or offer for the purpose of supply
as defined in paragraph (a), expose for
the purpose of supply as so defined,
keep or have in possession for the
purpose of supply as so defined, send
forward or receive for the purpose of
supply as so defined; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

(c) authorize, direct, cause, allow, suffer,

permit or attempt to do any of the acts
or things mentioned in paragraph (a)
or paragraph (b)
and the derivatives of supply shall have
corresponding meanings;
S. 4(1) def. of therapeutic use means use in or in connection
use with
inserted by
No. 42/1993 (a) the preventing, diagnosing, curing or
s. 35(i).
alleviating of a disease, ailment, defect
or injury in human beings or animals;
(b) influencing, inhibiting, or modifying of
a physiological process in human
beings or animals; or
(c) the testing of the susceptibility of
human beings or animals to a disease or
S. 4(1) def. of veterinary practitioner means a veterinary
practitioner practitioner registered under the Veterinary
inserted by Practice Act 1997;
No. 58/1997
s. 96(Sch.
item 3.1).

S. 4(1) def. of * * * * *
repealed by
No. 58/1997
s. 96(Sch.
item 3.1).

S. 4(1) def. of Victoria Police employee has the same meaning

Victoria Police
employee as in the Victoria Police Act 2013;
inserted by
No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.1(a)).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

wholesale means
(a) sale or supply for the purposes of
(b) sale or supply to a person for the
purposes of supply by that person to
another person; and
(c) sale or supply for the purposes of use in
connexion with a trade, business,
profession or industry;
wholesale dealer means a person who sells or
supplies by wholesale.
(2) A reference in this Act to manufacture does not
include a reference to the process of refining,
manipulating and mixing a poison or controlled
substance, where the process is carried out by a
pharmacist in the lawful practise of his profession
(a) premises used for sale by retail and S. 4(2)(a)
substituted by
registered under Part 3 of the Pharmacy No. 80/2004
Regulation Act 2010; or s. 150(Sch. 2
item 2.2),
amended by
Nos 97/2005
s. 182(Sch. 4
item 16.1(a)),
s. 119(a).

(b) premises used for sale by retail in S. 4(2)(b)

substituted by
circumstances approved under Part 3 of the No. 80/2004
Pharmacy Regulation Act 2010; or s. 150(Sch. 2
item 2.2),
amended by
Nos 97/2005
s. 182(Sch. 4
item 16.1(b)),
s. 119(b).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

S. 4(2)(c) (c) a pharmacy department approved under

inserted by Part 3 of that Act
No. 80/2004
s. 150(Sch. 2
item 2.2),
amended by
Nos 97/2005
s. 182(Sch. 4
item 16.1(c)),
s. 119(c).

in which the pharmacist manufactures

preparations of poisons or controlled substances
for sale or distribution only from those premises
or from such other premises as may be owned and
operated by that pharmacist selling by retail.
S. 4(3) (3) A reference in this Act to manufacture does not
inserted by
No. 10002 include a reference to the process of refining,
s. 8(2), manipulating and mixing a Schedule 1 poison,
repealed by
No. 48/1997 where the process is carried out by a registered
s. 36(2), Chinese medicine practitioner, a registered
new s. 4(3)
inserted by Chinese herbal dispenser or an authorised
No. 18/2000 practitioner in the lawful practice of his or her
s. 96(2).
profession for the purposes of use, sale or supply
by that practitioner or dispenser.
S. 4A 4A Act does not apply to certain processed products
inserted by
No. 54/1997
s. 4.
(1) This Act does not apply to
(a) a processed fibre product made from
cannabis if the product
(i) does not contain more than 01 per cent
of tetrahydrocannabinol; and
(ii) does not contain whole cannabis seeds;
(iii) is in a form not suitable for ingestion,
smoking or inhaling purposes; or

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

(b) a processed product made from cannabis

seeds if the product
(i) does not contain more than 0001 per
cent of tetrahydrocannabinol; and
(ii) does not contain whole cannabis seeds.
(2) In this section
cannabis means a plant or any part of a plant of
the genus Cannabis L, whether fresh or
processed means treated by mechanical, chemical
or other artificial means but does not
(a) harvesting; or
(b) the natural process of decay.
5 Meaning of possession S. 5
amended by
No. 10002
Without restricting the meaning of the word s. 3(a)(b).
possession, any substance shall be deemed for the
purposes of this Act to be in the possession of a
person so long as it is upon any land or premises
occupied by him or is used, enjoyed or controlled
by him in any place whatsoever, unless the person
satisfies the court to the contrary.
6 Meaning of corresponding law
(1) In this Act the expression corresponding law
means any law stated in a certificate purporting to
be issued by or on behalf of the Government of
(a) any British possession (including any
territory which is under Her Majesty's
protection or which is governed under a
trusteeship agreement by the Government of
any part of Her Majesty's dominions) outside
Victoria; or

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

(b) any foreign country (including any

protectorate thereof or any territory which is
governed under a trusteeship agreement by
the Government thereof)
to be a law providing for the control and
regulation in that possession or country of the
manufacture sale use export or import of drugs in
accordance with the provisions of
(i) the International Opium Convention signed
at The Hague on the twenty-third day of
January One thousand nine hundred and
twelve; or
(ii) the Convention which is referred to as the
Geneva Convention in the preamble to the
Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
known as the Dangerous Drugs Act 1925 and
as having been signed on behalf of His
Majesty on the nineteenth day of February
One thousand nine hundred and twenty-five;
(iii) the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs,
1961 signed at New York on the thirtieth day
of March One thousand nine hundred and
(2) Any statement in a certificate mentioned in
subsection (1) as to the effect of the law
mentioned in the certificate or any statement in a
certificate mentioned in subsection (1) that any
facts constitute an offence against that law shall
be conclusive.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
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Part IIntroductory and transitional

7 Act not to derogate from provisions of certain other S. 7

Acts amended by
Nos 12/1987
This Act shall be read and construed as being in s. 36(5)(a),
aid and not in derogation of the Public Health s. 181(2),
and Wellbeing Act 2008, the Wildlife Act 1975, 23/1994
s. 118(Sch. 1
the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998, the item 17.2),
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, 46/1992
s. 78(1)
the Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016, (a)(b) (as
the Veterinary Practice Act 1997, the Severe amended by
Nos 73/1994
Substance Dependence Treatment Act 2010, s. 56(1)(a)),
the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals 74/2000
s. 3(Sch. 1
(Control of Use) Act 1992 and the Agricultural item 38.1
and Veterinary Chemicals (Victoria) Act 1994. (a)(b)), 80/2004
s. 150(Sch. 2
item 2.3),
s. 182(Sch. 4
item 16.2),
s. 275(2),
13/2010 s. 36,
43/2010 s. 45,
27/2012 s. 10,
20/2016 s. 102.

8 References in other Acts

In any Act other than this Act and in any rule
regulation or by-law made under any Act other
than this Act
* * * * * S. 8(a)
repealed by
No. 42/1993
s. 36.

(b) a reference to a dangerous drug within the

meaning of the Poisons Act 1958 which was
by virtue of section 3(3) of the Poisons Act
1962 deemed to have been a reference to a
specified drug within the meaning of the
Poisons Act 1962 shall, notwithstanding
anything in section 3(3) of that Act, be
deemed to be a reference to a drug of

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No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

dependence within the meaning of section 4

of this Act.
9 Revocation of proclamation etc.
(1) An Order in Council made for the purposes of this
Act may be amended varied or revoked by Order
in Council.
S. 9(2) * * * * *
amended by
No. 10002
s. 16(a)(b),
repealed by
No. 42/1993
s. 37(a).

S. 9(3) (3) A proclamation made for the purposes of this

amended by
No. 42/1993 Act
s. 37(b).
(a) shall be published in the Government
Gazette; and
(b) may be amended varied or revoked by
proclamation published in the Government
S. 10 * * * * *
repealed by
No. 10002
s. 5(2)(c).

11 Act to bind the Crown

(1) This Act shall bind the Crown in right of the State
of Victoria and, so far as the legislative power of
the Parliament permits, shall also bind the Crown
in all its other capacities.
(2) Insofar as the Crown in any relevant capacity is
bound by this Act, a reference in this Act to a
person includes a reference to the Crown in that

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No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIntroductory and transitional

* * * * * S. 11(3)
repealed by
No. 101/1986
s. 55(1)(b).

* * * * * S. 11(4)
repealed by
No. 10002
s. 5(2)(c).

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Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

Division 1Classification
S. 12 12 Poisons Code
substituted by
No. 42/1993 (1) The Minister may prepare a Poisons Code.
s. 38.

(2) The Poisons Code must contain

(a) a Poisons List; and
S. 12(2)(b) (b) any provisions (including appendices) of the
amended by
No. 75/2014 Poisons Standard concerning the labelling,
s. 11(a). storing, packaging or advertising of poisons
or controlled substances that the Minister
considers are in a form suitable for inclusion
in the Code; and
S. 12(2)(c) (c) any provisions (including appendices) of the
amended by
No. 75/2014 Poisons Standard relating to the
s. 11(b). interpretation of provisions included in the
Code under paragraph (a) or (b).
S. 12A 12A The Poisons List
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 38.

S. 12A(1) (1) The Poisons List may contain

amended by
No. 74/2004
s. 7(1)(a).

S. 12A(1)(a) (a) a list of substances that are of plant, animal

substituted by
No. 74/2004 or mineral origin that in the public interest
s. 7(1)(b), should be available only from a person
amended by
Nos 97/2005 registered by the Chinese Medicine Board of
s. 182(Sch. 4 Australia under the Health Practitioner
item 16.3),
27/2012 s. 11. Regulation National Law or authorised under
another Act, being Schedule 1 poisons; and

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Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(b) a list of any of the substances in Schedule 1 S. 12A(1)(b)

of the Poisons List or Schedules 2 to 9 of the amended by
Nos 74/2004
Poisons Standard or the Appendices to the s. 7(1)(c),
Poisons Standard that are not for general sale 75/2014
s. 12(1).
by retail but can only be supplied to persons
specifically authorised by this Act or the
Regulations, or with a permit or warrant
under this Act, to obtain them; and
(c) a list of exemptions from Schedule 1 of the S. 12A(1)(c)
amended by
Poisons List or Schedules 2 to 9 of the Nos 74/2004
Poisons Standard. s. 7(1)(d),
s. 12(2).

* * * * * S. 12A(2)
repealed by
No. 74/2004
s. 7(2).

(3) The Poisons List may specify

* * * * * S. 12A(3)(a)
repealed by
No. 74/2004
s. 7(3).

(b) any substance in the list of substances that S. 12A(3)(b)

amended by
are not for general sale by retail by No. 75/2014
incorporating by reference any provisions s. 12(3)(a).

(including appendices) in the Poisons

Standard relating to that matter, and any
provision of that standard relating to the
interpretation of any part of the standard so
incorporated; and
(c) any substances in the list of exemptions by S. 12A(3)(c)
amended by
incorporating by reference any provisions No. 75/2014
(including appendices) in the Poisons s. 12(3)(b).

Standard relating to substances that are

wholly or partially exempted from the

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

S. 12A(4) (4) In this Act, a reference to a particular substance in

substituted by Schedule 1 of the Poisons List or to a particular
No. 74/2004
s. 7(4), substance in Schedules 2 to 9 of the Poisons
amended by Standard excludes that substance to the extent that
No. 75/2014
s. 12(4). it is included in the list of exemptions under
subsection (1)(c).
S. 12A Table * * * * *
amended by
Nos 23/1994
s. 118(Sch. 1
item 17.3),
s. 7(Sch. 1),
18/2000 s. 97,
repealed by
No. 74/2004
s. 7(5).

S. 12B 12B Requirements for labelling and other matters

inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 38,
Without limiting section 12(2)(b), in determining
amended by for the purposes of that provision whether a
No. 75/2014
s. 13.
provision of the Poisons Standard is suitable for
inclusion in the Poisons Code, the matters which
the Minister may take into account include but are
not limited to
(a) whether the provision applies to the State or
an individual;
(b) whether the provision is in the form of a
recommendation or suggestion, rather than
an obligation;
(c) whether the provision is in terms sufficiently
certain to enable it to be understood and
complied with.
S. 12C 12C What if the Poisons Code conflicts with the Act or
inserted by
No. 42/1993 regulations?
s. 38.
If there is an inconsistency between the Poisons
Code and a provision of this Act or the
regulations, the provision of this Act or the
regulations prevails.

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12D Incorporation of the Poisons Standard S. 12D

inserted by
No. 75/2014
s. 14(1).
S. 12D
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 38.

(1) Any part of the Poisons Standard to be S. 12D(1)

amended by
incorporated by reference in the Poisons Code No. 75/2014
may be so incorporated as in force at a particular s. 14(2).

time or from time to time.

(2) To the extent that it is incorporated by reference in S. 12D(2)
amended by
the Poisons Code, the Poisons Standard forms part No. 75/2014
of that Code. s. 14(3).

(3) Subject to subsection (4), if any part of the S. 12D(3)

amended by
Poisons Standard, as in force from time to time, is No. 75/2014
incorporated by reference in the Poisons Code the s. 14(4).

part so incorporated must be taken to include that

part as amended, varied, remade or superseded
from time to time.
(4) If part of the Poisons Standard, as in force from S. 12D(4)
amended by
time to time, is incorporated by reference in the No. 75/2014
Poisons Code and that part is amended, varied, s. 14(5).

remade or superseded, then until the date fixed

under section 12K as the date on which the new
matter takes effect the matter so incorporated must
be taken not to have been so amended, varied,
remade or superseded.
12E Amendment of Code S. 12E
inserted by
No. 42/1993
(1) The Minister may at any time amend the Poisons s. 38.
(a) to correct
(i) a clerical error or an error arising from
an accidental slip or omission; or

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

S. 12E(1)(a)(ii) (ii) an evident material mistake in the

amended by description of the Poisons Standard or a
No. 75/2014
s. 15(1)(a). provision of that standard; or

S. 12E(1)(b) (b) if the Code incorporates a part of the Poisons

amended by
No. 75/2014 Standard as in force at a particular date
s. 15(1)(b).
(i) to change that date; or
S. 12E(1)(b)(ii) (ii) to provide that the part of the Poisons
amended by
No. 75/2014 Standard is incorporated as in force
s. 15(1)(c). from time to time; or
S. 12E(1)(c) (c) if part of the Poisons Standard is
amended by
No. 75/2014 incorporated as in force from time to time to
s. 15(1)(d). provide that the part is incorporated as in
force at a particular time; or
S. 12E(1)(d) (d) to alter the heading to Schedule 1 in the
amended by
Nos 74/2004 Poisons List so that it corresponds more
s. 8(1), closely with the heading of the appropriate
s. 15(1)(e). Schedule in the Poisons Standard; or
S. 12E(1)(e) * * * * *
repealed by
No. 75/2014
s. 15(1)(f).

S. 12E(1A) (1A) To ensure consistency with the Poisons Standard,

inserted by
No. 68/1996 the Minister may at any time
s. 10(1),
amended by (a) amend the Poisons Code; or
No. 75/2014
s. 15(2). (b) revoke and substitute the Poisons Code.
S. 12E(1B) (1B) The Minister may, at any time, amend the Poisons
inserted by
No. 18/2000 Code to
s. 98.
(a) specify the substances to be included in
Schedule 1 in the Poisons List; and
(b) amend, revoke, substitute or insert
substances in Schedule 1 in the Poisons List.

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No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(1C) The Minister may, at any time, amend the Poisons S. 12E(1C)
Code to inserted by
No. 74/2004
(a) specify the substances to be included in the s. 8(2).

Poisons List in the list of substances that are

not for general sale by retail but can only be
supplied to persons specifically authorised
by this Act or the Regulations, or with a
permit or warrant under this Act, to obtain
them; and
(b) amend, revoke, substitute or insert
substances in the list referred to in
paragraph (a).
(1D) The Minister may, at any time, amend the Poisons S. 12E(1D)
inserted by
Code to No. 74/2004
s. 8(2).

(a) specify the substances to be included in the S. 12E(1D)(a)

amended by
Poisons List in the list of exemptions from No. 75/2014
Schedule 1 of the Poisons List or s. 15(3).

Schedules 2 to 9 of the Poisons Standard;

(b) amend, revoke, substitute or insert
substances in the list of exemptions referred
to in paragraph (a).
(2) The provisions of this Act applying to the S. 12E(2)
amended by
preparation, notification, tabling and availability No. 68/1996
of the Poisons Code apply to an amendment to or s. 10(2).

revocation and substitution of that Code.

12F Status of the Poisons Code S. 12F
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 38.

(1) The Poisons Code is not a statutory rule for the S. 12F(1)
amended by
purposes of the Subordinate Legislation No. 9/1998
Act 1994. s. 10(b).

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(2) The Poisons Code is a subordinate instrument for

the purposes of the Interpretation of Legislation
Act 1984 except section 32 of that Act.
S. 12F(3) * * * * *
repealed by
No. 68/1996
s. 11.

S. 12G 12G Procedure for preparation of the Poisons Code

inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 38.
(1) As soon as possible after preparing the Poisons
Code, the Minister must publish notice of its
preparation in a daily newspaper circulating
generally throughout Victoria.
(2) The Minister may do anything else he or she
considers appropriate to bring the preparation of
the Code to the attention of the public.
(3) After complying with subsections (1) and (2) the
Minister must publish notices of the preparation of
the Code in the Government Gazette.
(4) A notice under this section must
(a) give a brief and general description of the
content of the Code; and
(b) fix a date, being a date on or after the date of
publication of the notice in the Government
Gazette, on which the Code takes effect; and
(c) state where and when the Code is available
for inspection by members of the public; and
(d) give details of where, when and from whom
a copy of the Code can be obtained.
S. 12H 12H Tabling before Parliament
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 38.
(1) The Minister must cause a copy of the Poisons
Code prepared under section 12 and of the notice
of its preparation to be laid before the Legislative
Council and the Legislative Assembly on or
before the 7th sitting day of that House after the

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No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

date of publication of that notice in the

Government Gazette.
(2) If the Poisons Code incorporates by reference a S. 12H(2)
amended by
part of the Poisons Standard, the Minister must No. 75/2014
include that incorporated material in the material s. 16(1).

tabled under subsection (1).

(3) If the Poisons Code incorporates by reference a S. 12H(3)
amended by
part of the Poisons Standard as in force from time No. 75/2014
to time, and that part is amended, varied, remade s. 16(2).

or superseded, the Minister must, as the case

(a) cause a copy of the amendment or variation;
(b) cause a copy of any matter superseding or
remaking the earlier matter
to be laid before the Legislative Council and the
Legislative Assembly on or before the 7th sitting
day of that House after the date of publication in
the Government Gazette of notice that the
amendment, variation, remaking or superseding of
that matter has taken effect.
12I Availability of Code S. 12I
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 38.

(1) The Minister must ensure that the documents S. 12I(1)

amended by
listed in subsection (2) are kept available at the No. 46/1998
principal office of the Secretary and at any other s. 7(Sch. 1)

appropriate public office specified by the Minister

by notice published in the Government Gazette,
during normal office hours, for inspection by
members of the public, without charge.
(2) The documents are
(a) the Poisons Code as amended or substituted S. 12I(2)(a)
amended by
and in force from time to time; No. 68/1996
s. 12.

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Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(b) any matter incorporated by reference in the

Poisons Code and, if the Code incorporates
matter as in force from time to time, that
matter as amended, varied, remade or
superseded and in force for the time being;
(c) if any matter is incorporated in the Code as
in force from time to time, a copy of each
amendment or variation of the matter;
(d) a copy of any amendment to the Code;
(e) a copy of each notice published in the
Government Gazette under section 12G.
S. 12J 12J What if documents are not notified or made
inserted by
No. 42/1993 available?
s. 38.
(1) A failure to comply with section 12G, 12H or 12I
does not affect the validity, operation or effect of
the Poisons Code or any matter incorporated in it.
(2) Despite subsection (1), a person must not be
convicted of an offence against this Act or the
regulations, based on any provision in the Poisons
Code if, at the time of the commission of the
offence, there was, in relation to that provision, a
contravention of section 12G or 12I.
(3) Despite subsection (1), a person is not
prejudicially affected or made subject to any
liability under this Act or the regulations based on
any provision in the Poisons Code, if it is proved
that, at the relevant time, in relation to that
provision there was a contravention of
section 12G or 12I.
S. 12K 12K Commencement of Poisons Code and incorporated
inserted by
No. 42/1993 materials
s. 38.
(1) The Poisons Code or an amendment to that Code
takes effect on the date fixed for that purpose by
notice under section 12G.

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Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(2) If the Poisons Code incorporates by reference a S. 12K(2)

part of the Poisons Standard as in force from time amended by
No. 75/2014
to time, and that part is amended, varied, s. 17.
superseded or remade, the amendment, variation
or superseding or remaking material takes effect
on the date fixed for that purpose by notice
published in the Government Gazette.
(3) On the date of commencement of material
incorporated by reference in the Poisons Code that
remakes or supersedes any earlier matter, that
earlier matter ceases to have effect to the extent
that it is part of the Code.
12L Evidence S. 12L
inserted by
No. 42/1993
A document certified in writing purporting to be s. 38,
signed by the Secretary and purporting to be amended by
No. 46/1998
(a) a copy of or an extract from the Poisons s. 7(Sch. 1).
Code; or
(b) a copy of or an extract from any matter
incorporated by reference in the Poisons
Code; or
(c) a copy of an amendment of the Poisons
Code; or
(d) a copy of or an extract from any matter
amending, varying, remaking or superseding
any matter incorporated by reference in the
Poisons Code
is evidence and, in the absence of evidence to the
contrary, is proof of the matters stated in the
* * * * * S. 12M
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 38,
repealed by
No. 74/2004
s. 9.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
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Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

Division 2Authorized persons

13 Persons authorized to have possession etc. of poisons
or controlled substances
S. 13(1) (1) Subject to this Act and the regulations and, in
amended by
No. 20/2016 relation to medicinal cannabis, the Access to
s. 103. Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 and the
regulations under that Act
S. 13(1)(a) (a) any registered medical practitioner,
amended by
Nos 10002 pharmacist, veterinary practitioner or dentist
s. 4(a)(b), is hereby authorized to obtain and have in his
s. 118(Sch. 1 possession and to use, sell or supply any
item 17.4), poison or controlled substance (other than a
s. 96(Sch. Schedule 1 poison) or drug of dependence in
item 3.2), the lawful practice of his profession as a
s. 99(1). registered medical practitioner, pharmacist,
veterinary practitioner or dentist (as the case
may be); and
S. 13(1)(b) (b) any authorized officer is hereby authorized
amended by
Nos 10002 to obtain and have in his possession and to
s. 4(b), sell or supply any poison or controlled
s. 100(2). substance or drug of dependence in the
exercise or performance of any power,
function or duty conferred or imposed upon
him by this Act or the regulations; and
S. 13(1)(baa) (baa) any person employed or engaged by a
inserted by
No. 9/2014 declared testing facility is hereby authorised
s. 5. to possess a drug of dependence, a poison or
controlled substance or any other thing that
has been supplied to the declared testing
facility under section 98 to the extent that the
possession is required for the purpose for
which the drug of dependence, poison or
controlled substance or thing has been
supplied to the facility; and

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
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Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(bab) any person who is authorised under S. 13(1)(bab)

section 44C is hereby authorised to obtain inserted by
No. 9/2014
and possess a drug of dependence, a poison s. 5.
or controlled substance or any other thing in
accordance with that authorisation; and
(ba) any nurse practitioner is hereby authorised to S. 13(1)(ba)
inserted by
obtain and have in his or her possession and No. 94/2000
to use, sell or supply any Schedule 2, 3, 4 s. 49(1),
amended by
or 8 poison approved by the Minister in No. 97/2005
relation to the relevant category of nurse s. 179(1)(a),
substituted by
practitioner in the lawful practice of his or No. 13/2010
her profession as a nurse practitioner; and s. 37(1)(a).

(bb) any registered nurse whose registration is S. 13(1)(bb)

inserted by
endorsed under section 94 of the Health No. 13/2010
Practitioner Regulation National Law is s. 37(1)(a).

hereby authorised to obtain and have in his

or her possession and to use, sell or supply
any Schedule 2, 3, 4 or 8 poison approved by
the Minister in relation to the relevant
category of nurse in the lawful practice of his
or her profession as a registered nurse; and
(bc) any registered midwife whose registration is S. 13(1)(bc)
inserted by
endorsed under section 94 of the Health No. 14/2012
Practitioner Regulation National Law is s. 5(1).

hereby authorised to obtain and have in his

or her possession and to use, sell or supply
any Schedule 2, 3, 4 or 8 poison approved by
the Minister and specified in the
endorsement in the lawful practice of his or
her profession as a registered midwife; and
(c) any registered optometrist whose registration S. 13(1)(c)
inserted by
is endorsed under section 94 of the Health No. 56/1996
Practitioner Regulation National Law is s. 100(2),
amended by
hereby authorised to obtain and have in his Nos 18/2000
or her possession and to use, sell or supply s. 99(2),
any Schedule 2, 3 or 4 poison for opthalmic s. 179(1)(b),
use that is approved by the Minister and 13/2010
s. 37(1)(b).

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Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

specified in the endorsement in the lawful

practice of his or her profession as a
registered optometrist; and
S. 13(1)(ca) (ca) any registered podiatrist whose registration is
inserted by
No. 97/2005 endorsed under section 94 of the Health
s. 179(2), Practitioner Regulation National Law is
amended by
No. 13/2010 hereby authorised to obtain and have in his
s. 37(1)(c). or her possession and to use, sell or supply
any Schedule 2, 3 or 4 poison approved by
the Minister and specified in the
endorsement in the lawful practice of his or
her profession as a registered podiatrist; and
S. 13(1)(d) (d) any registered Chinese medicine practitioner
inserted by
No. 18/2000 whose registration is endorsed under
s. 99(2), section 94 of the Health Practitioner
amended by
Nos 97/2005 Regulation National Law is hereby
s. 179(1)(c), authorised to obtain and have in his or her
s. 12(1). possession and to use, sell or supply any
Schedule 1 poison that is approved by the
Minister in accordance with the endorsement
in the lawful practice of his or her profession
as a registered Chinese medicine
practitioner; and
S. 13(1)(e) (e) any registered Chinese herbal dispenser
inserted by
No. 18/2000 whose registration is endorsed under
s. 99(2), section 94 of the Health Practitioner
amended by
Nos 97/2005 Regulation National Law is hereby
s. 179(1)(c), authorised to obtain and have in his or her
s. 12(2). possession and to use, sell or supply any
Schedule 1 poison that is approved by the
Minister in accordance with the endorsement
in the lawful practice of his or her profession
as a registered Chinese herbal dispenser.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(2) Subsection (1)(a) or (b) shall not be construed as S. 13(2)

authorizing a registered medical practitioner, amended by
Nos 10002
veterinary practitioner or dentist to sell or supply s. 4(b),
any poison or controlled substance (other than a 42/1993
s. 39(1),
Schedule 5 poison, a Schedule 6 poison or a 23/1994
Schedule 7 poison that is not a Schedule 7 poison s. 118(Sch. 1
item 17.4),
that is included in the Poisons Code in the list of 58/1997
substances that are not for general sale by retail) s. 96(Sch.
item 3.2),
or drug of dependence by retail in an open shop 56/1996
unless he is licensed under this Act to do so. s. 100(3),
9/1998 s. 5(1).

(2AA) Subsection (1)(ba) shall not be construed as S. 13(2AA)

inserted by
authorising a nurse practitioner referred to in that No. 94/2000
paragraph to sell or supply any Schedule 2, 3, 4 s. 49(2).

or 8 poison by retail in an open shop unless the

nurse practitioner is licensed under this Act to do
(2AAB) Subsection (1)(bb) shall not be construed as S. 13(2AAB)
inserted by
authorising a registered nurse referred to in that No. 13/2010
paragraph to sell or supply any Schedule 2, 3, 4 s. 37(2).

or 8 poison by retail in an open shop unless the

registered nurse is licensed under this Act to do
(2AAC) Subsection (1)(bc) shall not be construed as S. 13(2AAC)
inserted by
authorising a registered midwife referred to in that No. 14/2012
paragraph to sell or supply any Schedule 2, 3, 4 s. 5(2).

or 8 poison by retail in an open shop unless the

registered midwife is licensed under this Act to do
(2A) Subsection (1)(c) shall not be construed as S. 13(2A)
inserted by
authorising a registered optometrist referred to in No. 56/1996
that paragraph to sell or supply any Schedule 2, 3 s. 100(4),
amended by
or 4 poison by retail in an open shop unless the No. 97/2005
optometrist is licensed under this Act to do so. s. 179(1)(d).

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

S. 13(2AB) (2AB) Subsection (1)(ca) shall not be construed as

inserted by authorising a registered podiatrist referred to in
No. 97/2005
s. 179(3). that paragraph to sell or supply any Schedule 2, 3
or 4 poison by retail in an open shop unless the
podiatrist is licensed under this Act to do so.
S. 13(2B) * * * * *
inserted by
No. 56/1996
s. 100(4),
amended by
No. 74/2004
s. 10(a)(c),
repealed by
No. 75/2014
s. 18.

S. 13(3) (3) Where a pharmacist sells or supplies by wholesale

amended by
No. 10002 to another pharmacist a poison or controlled
s. 4(b). substance or drug of dependence for use by the
other pharmacist in the lawful practice of his
profession as a pharmacist, the sale or supply shall
for the purposes of subsection (1) be regarded as a
sale or supply in the lawful practice of his
profession by the first-mentioned pharmacist.
S. 13(3A) (3A) If a registered Chinese herbal dispenser sells or
inserted by
No. 18/2000 supplies by wholesale a Schedule 1 poison to any
s. 99(3), other registered Chinese herbal dispenser in
amended by
No. 97/2005 accordance with an endorsement of that other
s. 179(1)(e), dispenser's registration under section 94 of the
substituted by
No. 13/2010 Health Practitioner Regulation National Law for
s. 37(3), use by the other registered Chinese herbal
amended by
No. 27/2012 dispenser in the lawful practice of his or her
s. 12(3). profession as a registered Chinese herbal
dispenser, the sale or supply shall, for the
purposes of subsection (1), be regarded as a sale
or supply in the lawful practice of his or her
profession by the first-mentioned registered
Chinese herbal dispenser.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(4) A person is authorised to sell or supply by retail, S. 13(4)

subject to and in accordance with the inserted by
No. 42/1993
regulations s. 39(2),
substituted by
(a) any Schedule 5 poison; or No. 9/1998
s. 5(2).
(b) any Schedule 6 poison; or
(c) any Schedule 7 poison that is not a
Schedule 7 poison that is included in the
Poisons Code in the list of substances that
are not for general sale by retail.
(4A) A person is authorised to sell or supply by S. 13(4A)
inserted by
wholesale, subject to and in accordance with the No. 74/2004
regulations s. 3.

(a) any Schedule 5 poison; or

(b) any Schedule 6 poison.
(4B) A person is authorised to manufacture and sell or S. 13(4B)
inserted by
supply by retail, subject to and in accordance with No. 74/2004
the regulations s. 3.

(a) any Schedule 5 poison; or

(b) any Schedule 6 poison.
(4C) A person is authorised to manufacture and sell or S. 13(4C)
inserted by
supply by wholesale, subject to and in accordance No. 74/2004
with the regulations s. 3.

(a) any Schedule 5 poison; or

(b) any Schedule 6 poison.
(5) Despite subsection (1)(a), a registered medical S. 13(5)
inserted by
practitioner or pharmacist who is also a registered No. 18/2000
Chinese medicine practitioner or registered s. 99(4),
substituted by
Chinese herbal dispenser with an endorsement No. 13/2010
with respect to Schedule 1 poisons is authorised to s. 37(4),
amended by
obtain and have in his or her possession and to No. 27/2012
use, sell or supply Schedule 1 poisons in s. 12(4)(5).

accordance with that endorsement in the lawful

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

practice of his or her profession as a registered

medical practitioner or pharmacist.
S. 13(6) (6) A person who is licensed to carry on a pharmacy
inserted by
No. 80/2004 business or pharmacy depot under Part 3 of the
s. 150(Sch. 2 Pharmacy Regulation Act 2010 is authorized to
item 2.4),
amended by sell or supply by retail, subject to and in
Nos 97/2005 accordance with this Act and regulations, any
s. 179(1)(f),
39/2010 s. 120. poison or controlled substance or drug of
dependence if the sale or supply is under the
supervision of a registered pharmacist who is
employed or engaged by that person to provide
pharmacy services for that pharmacy business or
pharmacy depot.
S. 13A 13A Chinese medicine practitioners and herbal
inserted by
No. 18/2000 dispensers must establish therapeutic need
s. 100.

S. 13A(1) (1) A registered Chinese medicine practitioner must

amended by
No. 13/2010 not administer, prescribe, sell or supply a
s. 38(a). Schedule 1 poison unless
(a) the poison is for the therapeutic use of a
person who has consulted the practitioner;
(b) the practitioner has taken all reasonable steps
to ensure that the person has a therapeutic
need for the Schedule 1 poison.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
S. 13A(2) (2) A registered Chinese herbal dispenser must not
amended by
No. 13/2010 sell or supply a Schedule 1 poison to a person
s. 38(a). unless
S. 13A(2)(a) (a) the sale or supply is on production of and in
amended by
No. 13/2010 accordance with the original written
s. 38(a). prescription or order of a registered Chinese
medicine practitioner; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(b) the dispenser has taken reasonable steps to S. 13A(2)(b)

ensure that the prescription or order is in amended by
No. 13/2010
accordance with any endorsement of the s. 38(b).
registration of the registered Chinese
medicine practitioner.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
14 Restrictions on authorisations for certain health S. 14
practitioners inserted by
No. 13/2010
s. 39(1).
S. 14
amended by
Nos 10002
s. 4(a)(c),
s. 118(Sch. 1
item 17.5(a)
(d)), 18/2000
s. 101 (ILA
s. 39B(1)).

(1) If, under the Health Practitioner Regulation S. 14(1)

amended by
National Law, the Medical Board of Australia has Nos 97/2005
imposed in relation to the practice of a registered s. 179(4)(a),
medical practitioner conditions, limitations or s. 39(2).
restrictions including a condition, limitation or
restriction prohibiting the prescription of any drug
or substance or class of drugs or substances, being
a poison or controlled substance or drug of
dependence or poisons or controlled substances or
drugs of dependence that registered medical
practitioner for the purpose of this Act and the
regulations shall be deemed to be not authorized
to obtain and have in his possession or to use sell
or supply in the lawful practice of his profession
the poison or controlled substance or drug of
dependence or the poisons or controlled
substances or drugs of dependence to which the
condition, limitation or restriction relates.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

S. 14(2) (2) If the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia acting

inserted by under the Health Practitioner Regulation National
No. 18/2000
s. 101, Law has imposed in relation to the practice of a
amended by practitioner registered under that Act a condition,
Nos 97/2005
s. 179(4)(b), limitation or restriction prohibiting the
27/2012 s. 13. prescription, ordering or dispensing of any
Schedule 1 poison, that registered practitioner for
the purposes of this Act and the regulations is
deemed to be not authorised to obtain and have in
his or her possession or to use sell or supply in the
lawful practice of his or her profession the
Schedule 1 poison to which the condition,
limitation or restriction relates.
S. 14(3) (3) If the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia
inserted by
No. 67/2003 acting under the Health Practitioner Regulation
s. 3, National Law has imposed in relation to the
amended by
Nos 97/2005 practice of a nurse practitioner, registered nurse or
s. 179(4)(c), registered midwife conditions, limitations or
s. 39(3), restrictions including a condition, limitation or
14/2012 s. 6. restriction prohibiting the prescription of any drug
or substance or class of drugs or substances, being
a poison or controlled substance or drug of
dependence or poisons or controlled substances or
drugs of dependence that nurse practitioner,
registered nurse or registered midwife for the
purposes of this Act and the regulations is deemed
to be not authorized to obtain and have in his or
her possession or to use sell or supply in the
lawful practice of his or her profession the poison
or controlled substance or drug of dependence or
the poisons or controlled substances or drugs of
dependence to which the condition, limitation or
restriction relates.
S. 14(4) (4) If the Optometry Board of Australia acting under
inserted by
No. 97/2005 the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law
s. 179(5), has imposed in relation to the practice of an
amended by
No. 13/2010 optometrist registered under that Act a condition,
s. 39(4). limitation or restriction prohibiting the

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

prescription, ordering or dispensing of any

Schedule 2, 3 or 4 poison, that optometrist for the
purposes of this Act and the regulations is deemed
to be not authorised to obtain and have in his or
her possession or to use sell or supply in the
lawful practice of his or her profession the
Schedule 2, 3 or 4 poison to which the condition,
limitation or restriction relates.
(5) If the Podiatry Board of Australia acting under the S. 14(5)
inserted by
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law has No. 97/2005
imposed in relation to the practice of a podiatrist s. 179(5),
amended by
registered under that Act a condition, limitation or No. 13/2010
restriction prohibiting the prescription, ordering or s. 39(5).

dispensing of any Schedule 2, 3 or 4 poison, that

podiatrist for the purposes of this Act and the
regulations is deemed to be not authorised to
obtain and have in his or her possession or to use
sell or supply in the lawful practice of his or her
profession the Schedule 2, 3 or 4 poison to which
the condition, limitation or restriction relates.
14A Minister to approve scope of prescribing rights or S. 14A
supply of poisons amended by
No. 13/2010
s. 40(1).
S. 14A
inserted by
No. 97/2005
s. 180 (as
amended by
No. 25/2007
s. 29).

(1) The Minister may, by notice published in the S. 14A(1)

amended by
Government Gazette, approve any Schedule 1, 2, Nos 13/2010
3, 4 or 8 poison (as the case requires) for the s. 40(2),
purposes of an authorisation referred to in s. 7(1).
section 13(1)(ba), (bb), (bc), (c), (ca), (d) or (e).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

S. 14A(1A) (1A) Without limiting subsection (1), for the purposes

inserted by of an authorisation under section 13(1)(bb) or
No. 13/2010
s. 40(3), (bc), the Minister may approve
amended by
No. 14/2012 (a) the health services or class of health services
s. 7(2)(a). in which the poison or class of poison is to
be used, sold or supplied; and
S. 14A(1A)(b) (b) the clinical circumstances in which a
amended by
No. 14/2012 registered nurse or registered midwife or
s. 7(2)(b). class of registered nurse or registered
midwife may use, sell or supply any
Schedule 2, 3, 4 or 8 poison or class of
Schedule 2, 3, 4 or 8 poison.
S. 14A(2) (2) An approval under subsection (1) or (1A) may
substituted by
No. 13/2010
s. 40(4).
(a) be expressed generally for all poisons in a
specified Schedule; or
(b) be limited to a particular class, list or type of
poison in a specified Schedule; or
(c) be limited by reference to a specified form of
the poison; or
(d) be limited by reference to the purpose for
which the poison is to be used, sold or
supplied; or
(e) be limited by reference to any other matter
specified in the approval; or
(f) apply, adopt or incorporate any matter
contained in any document, code, standard,
rule, specification or method, formulated,
issued, prescribed or published by any other
person whether
(i) wholly or partially or as amended by
the approval; or
(ii) as formulated, issued, prescribed or
published at the time the approval is
made or at any time before then; or

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(iii) as formulated, issued, prescribed or

published from time to time.
(3) Without limiting the Minister's powers under S. 14A(3)
amended by
subsection (1) or (1A), the Minister may grant or Nos 13/2010
refuse to grant an approval under this section on s. 40(5),
27/2012 s. 14.
the application of the relevant National Health
Practitioner Board established by the Health
Practitioner Regulation National Law.
(4) The Minister may amend or revoke an approval S. 14A(4)
amended by
under this section. No. 13/2010
s. 40(6).

(5) An approval made under this section takes effect S. 14A(5)

inserted by
on the date of publication of the notice in the No. 13/2010
Government Gazette or on such later date as is s. 40(7).

specified in the notice.

Division 3Poisons Advisory Committee

15 Establishment and membership of Poisons Advisory S. 15
Committee amended by
Nos 10002
(1) There is established a committee to be called the ss 4(d), 16(c),
10262 s. 4,
"Poisons Advisory Committee". 42/1993
s. 40(1)(a)(b),
(2) The Committee consists of up to 9 members 23/1994
s. 118(Sch. 1
appointed by the Minister of whom items
17.7), 46/1992
s. 78(2)(a) (as
amended by
No. 73/1994
s. 56(1)(b))(b)
(as amended
by No.
s. 56(1)(c)),
substituted by
No. 68/1996
s. 13.

(a) one is to be the Secretary or his or her S. 15(2)(a)

amended by
nominee who is also to be the chairperson; No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(b) 2 are to be registered medical practitioners of

(i) one must have expertise in clinical
pharmacology; and
(ii) one must have expertise in the
treatment of drug dependence;
(c) 2 are to be pharmacists of whom
(i) one must have expertise in community
pharmacy; and
(ii) one must have expertise in hospital
(d) 2 are to be persons with expertise in the
pharmaceutical industry of whom
(i) one is to be from the manufacturing
sector of that industry; and
(ii) one is to be from the wholesaling sector
of that industry;
(e) one is to be a person with expertise in the
manufacturing and distribution of poisons for
non-therapeutic use;
(f) one is to be the nominee of the Chief
Commissioner of Police.
(3) If the Chief Commissioner of Police fails to
nominate a person under subsection (2)(f) within
1 month of receiving a request in writing from the
Minister to do so, the Minister may appoint a
person the Minister considers suitable to that
S. 15A 15A Terms and conditions of appointment
inserted by
No. 68/1996
s. 13.
(1) A member of the Committee holds office for a
period not exceeding 3 years and is eligible for

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(2) The instrument of appointment of a member of the

Committee may specify terms and conditions of
(3) A member of the Committee, other than a member S. 15A(3)
amended by
who is an employee of the public service, is No. 46/1998
entitled to receive the fees, travelling and other s. 7(Sch. 1).

allowances from time to time fixed by the

Minister in respect of that member.
(4) The Public Administration Act 2004 (other than S. 15A(4)
amended by
Part 3 of that Act) applies to a member of the No. 46/1998
Committee in respect of the office of member. s. 7(Sch. 1),
substituted by
Nos 108/2004
s. 117(1)
(Sch. 3
item 60.1),
s. 26(Sch.
item 29).

15B Resignation and removal S. 15B

inserted by
No. 68/1996
(1) A member of the Committee may resign that s. 13.
office by writing signed by the member and
addressed to the Minister.
(2) The Minister may at any time remove a member
of the Committee from office.
15C Vacancies S. 15C
inserted by
No. 68/1996
(1) The Minister may fill a vacancy in the office of s. 13.
member of the Committee however arising.
(2) An act or decision of the Committee is not invalid
only because of
(a) a vacancy in its membership; or
(b) a defect or irregularity in the appointment of
any of its members.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

S. 15D 15D Quorum and proceedings

inserted by
No. 68/1996 (1) A quorum of the Committee consists of at least
s. 13. 5 members other than co-opted members of the
(2) The chairperson must preside at a meeting of the
Committee at which he or she is present.
(3) If the chairperson is not present at a meeting, the
members present may elect a member to preside at
the meeting.
(4) The person presiding at a meeting has a
deliberative vote and, in the case of an equality of
votes, a second or casting vote.
(5) The Committee must meet at least 3 times each
year at the places and times appointed by the
Minister or the chairperson.
(6) Subject to this Act, the Committee may regulate
its own proceedings.
S. 15E 15E Co-opted members
inserted by
No. 68/1996
s. 13.
(1) To assist in the consideration of a particular
matter or issue, the Committee may co-opt any
person as a member of the Committee.
(2) A person co-opted under this section
(a) may only attend meetings relating to and
vote on the matters or issues in relation to
which he or she is co-opted; and
(b) may be removed at any time by the
S. 15E(3) (3) A person co-opted as a member of the Committee
amended by
No. 46/1998 other than a person who is an employee of the
s. 7(Sch. 1). public service, is entitled to receive the fees,
travelling and other allowances from time to time
fixed by the Minister.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

16 Sub-committees S. 16
amended by
(1) The Committee may establish any sub-committees Nos 10262
that it thinks necessary for the purposes of this s. 4, 42/1993
s. 40(2)(a)(b),
Act. substituted by
No. 68/1996
(2) The Committee may co-opt any person with s. 13.
expertise in any relevant field for the purposes of
a sub-committee.
(3) A person co-opted under this section
(a) may only attend meetings relating to and
vote on the matters or issues in relation to
which he or she is co-opted; and
(b) may be removed at any time by the
(4) A person co-opted to a sub-committee other than a S. 16(4)
amended by
person who is an employee of the public service, No. 46/1998
is entitled to receive the fees, travelling and other s. 7(Sch. 1).

allowances from time to time fixed by the

17 Functions of the Committee S. 17
amended by
Nos 10262
(1) The functions of the Committee are s. 4, 12/1994
s. 8,
substituted by
No. 68/1996
s. 13.

(a) to advise the Minister and the Secretary, S. 17(1)(a)

amended by
having regard to the interests of protecting No. 46/1998
and promoting public health, on s. 7(Sch. 1).

(i) the availability and presentation of

drugs and poisons; and
(ii) responses to issues relating to drugs and
poisons; and
(b) to advise the Minister or the Secretary on S. 17(1)(b)
amended by
any matter referred to the Committee by the No. 46/1998
Minister or the Secretary, as the case may be. s. 7(Sch. 1).

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
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Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(2) The Committee must consult with a nominee of

the Minister administering the Agricultural and
Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Act
1992 on any issue relating to agricultural and
veterinary chemicals.
S. 18 18 Officers of committee
amended by
No. 68/1996
s. 14,
A secretary to the committee and any employees
substituted by that it is necessary and expedient to employ for
No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1),
carrying out the objects and purposes of this Act
amended by may be employed under Part 3 of the Public
No. 108/2004
s. 117(1)
Administration Act 2004.
(Sch. 3
item 60.2).

Pt 2 Div. 4
(Heading and Division 4Licences, permits and warrants
s. 19)
amended by
Nos 10002
s. 16(d)(g),
10262 s. 4,
s. 41(1)(a)
substituted as
Pt 2 Div. 4
(Heading and
ss 1922C) by
No. 12/1994
s. 9.

S. 18A 18A Definitions

inserted by
No. 74/2004
s. 11.
In this Division
licence means a licence issued under this
permit means a permit issued under this Division;
warrant means a warrant issued under this

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

19 Issue of licences, permits and warrants S. 19

substituted by
No. 12/1994
s. 9.

(1) A person may apply in writing to the Secretary for S. 19(1)

amended by
the issue of a licence, permit or warrant. No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).

(2) An application for a licence, permit or warrant

must be accompanied by the appropriate
prescribed fee.
(3) Subject to this Act and the regulations, the S. 19(3)
amended by
Secretary may, in his or her discretion No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).
(a) refuse to issue a licence, permit or warrant;
(b) issue to a fit and proper person a licence, S.19(3)(b)
amended by
permit or warrant subject to such terms, No. 46/1998
conditions, limitations and restrictions as the s. 7(Sch.).
Secretary may determine.
(3A) Without limiting subsection (3), a licence, permit S. 19(3A)
inserted by
or warrant may be subject to a condition requiring No. 75/2014
the holder to s. 5(1).

(a) comply with any document, code, standard,

guideline, rule, method or specification
formulated, issued, prepared, prescribed or
published by any person or body; or
(b) hold any other licence, permit or warrant
issued under any law of Victoria or under
any law of the Commonwealth.
(4) Unless a licence is a mobile facility licence, a S. 19(4)
amended by
licence, permit or warrant under this Division Nos 74/2004
relates only to the premises described in it, and no s. 12, 75/2014
s. 5(2).
licence, permit or warrant relating to premises in
more than one locality can be issued.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

S. 19(5) (5) A licence, permit or warrant cannot be issued

amended by unless the Secretary is satisfied that the applicant's
Nos 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1), premises or mobile facility (as the case requires)
75/2014 are suitable, sanitary and adequately equipped for
s. 5(3).
the manufacture, sale, supply or use of the poisons
or controlled substances to which the licence,
permit or warrant relates.
S. 19(6) (6) The Secretary may issue a licence to a person in
inserted by
No. 75/2014 respect of a mobile facility.
s. 5(4).

S. 19(7) (7) A mobile facility licence

inserted by
No. 75/2014
s. 5(4).
(a) relates to the mobile facility during the
period the mobile facility is located at a
mobile facility location; and
(b) is personal to the licence holder and is not
transferable to another person; and
(c) in addition to any conditions imposed under
subsection (3) or (3A), is subject to the
following conditions
(i) that the licence holder ensures each
mobile facility is parked at a permanent
fixed address specified in the licence
during any period that the mobile
facility is not travelling to or from, or
located at, a mobile facility location;
(ii) that the mobile facility is registered
under the Road Safety Act 1986 and
identified by a number plate bearing a
registration number; and
(d) may be issued in respect of one or more
mobile facilities if those mobile facilities are
usually parked at the permanent fixed
address specified in the licence.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

20 What a licence, permit or warrant can authorise New s. 20

inserted by
No. 12/1994
s. 9.

(1) Subject to subsection (2), a licence authorises a S. 20(1)

amended by
person to do all or any of the following No. 75/2014
s. 6(1).
(a) manufacture and sell or supply by wholesale
any Schedule 8 poison or Schedule 9 poison
other than heroin;
(b) manufacture and sell or supply by wholesale S. 20(1)(b)
substituted by
any Schedule 2 poison, Schedule 3 poison, No. 74/2004
Schedule 4 poison or Schedule 7 poison; s. 4(1).

(c) manufacture and sell or supply by retail any S. 20(1)(c)

amended by
Schedule 7 poison (other than a Schedule 7 No. 74/2004
poison included in the Poisons Code in the s. 4(2).

list of substances that are not for general sale

by retail);
(d) sell or supply by wholesale any Schedule 8
poison or Schedule 9 poison other than
(e) sell or supply by wholesale any Schedule 2 S. 20(1)(e)
substituted by
poison, Schedule 3 poison, Schedule 4 No. 74/2004
poison or Schedule 7 poison; s. 4(3).

(f) sell or supply by retail any Schedule 2 S. 20(1)(f)

substituted by
poison. No. 9/1998
s. 4(1)(a),
amended by
No. 75/2014
s. 6(2).

* * * * * S. 20(1)(g)
repealed by
No. 9/1998
s. 4(1)(b).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

S. 20(2) (2) A mobile facility licence authorises a person to do

repealed by all or any of the following
No. 9/1998
s. 4(2), new (a) to manufacture and sell or supply by
s. 20(2)
inserted by wholesale any perishable pest animal bait
No. 75/2014 that is a Schedule 7 poison (other than a
s. 6(3).
Schedule 7 poison included in the Poisons
Code in the list of substances that are not for
general sale by retail) at a mobile facility
location to which the mobile facility licence
(b) to manufacture and sell or supply by retail
any perishable pest animal bait that is a
Schedule 7 poison (other than a Schedule 7
poison included in the Poisons Code in the
list of substances that are not for general sale
by retail) at a mobile facility location to
which the mobile facility licence relates.
S. 20(3) (3) A permit authorises a person to purchase or
amended by
No. 20/2016 otherwise obtain poisons or controlled substances,
s. 104. other than medicinal cannabis, for use for
industrial, educational, advisory or research
purposes or for the provision of health services.
S. 20(3A) (3A) A person who is the holder of a permit issued
inserted by
No. 74/2004 under subsection (3) authorising the person to
s. 13. purchase or otherwise obtain poisons or controlled
substances for the provision of health services is
authorised to sell or supply any poison or
controlled substance to which that permit relates
without obtaining a further licence to do so under
this section if that sale or supply
S. 20(3A)(a) (a) is carried out by a person who is authorised
amended by
Nos 97/2005 under section 13(1)(a), (ba), (bb), (bc), (c)
s. 179(6) (as or (ca) to sell or supply that poison or
amended by
No. 29/2006 controlled substance in the lawful practice of
s. 3(Sch. 1 his or her profession; and
item 14.5)),
s. 6(4).

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(b) is for the purposes of the provision of health

(4) A warrant authorises a person to purchase or
otherwise obtain or use any regulated poison in
accordance with the warrant.
(5) A person who sells or supplies by wholesale or S. 20(5)
inserted by
manufactures and sells or supplies by wholesale No. 18/2000
any Schedule 1 poison is authorised to do so s. 102.

without obtaining a licence under this section.

21 Duration of a licence, permit or warrant New s. 21
inserted by
No. 12/1994
(1) A permit or a licence lasts 12 months from its date s. 9.
of issue.
(2) Despite subsection (1), a licence or permit may be
issued for a shorter period to enable that licence or
permit and other licences or permits held by that
person to expire simultaneously.
(3) A warrant lasts until it is cancelled or suspended.
22 Renewal of licences and permits New s. 22
inserted by
No. 12/1994
(1) An application for renewal s. 9.
(a) may be made up to one month before the
expiry of the current licence or permit; and
(b) must be in writing and accompanied by the
appropriate prescribed fee.
(2) Subject to this Act and the regulations, on S. 22(2)
amended by
application under subsection (1), the Secretary, in No. 46/1998
his or her discretion, may renew a licence or s. 7(Sch. 1).

(3) A renewed licence or permit lasts for 12 months
from the date of expiry of the previous licence or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(4) Despite subsection (3), a licence or permit may be

renewed for a shorter period to enable that licence
or permit and other licences or permits held by
that person to expire simultaneously.
S. 22A 22A Amendment
inserted by
No. 12/1994
s. 9.
(1) Applications for amendment of licences, permits
or warrants must be accompanied by the
appropriate prescribed fee.
S. 22A(2) (2) The Secretary may, in his or her discretion, amend
amended by
No. 46/1998 any particulars, including the terms, conditions,
s. 7(Sch. 1). limitations or restrictions of a licence, permit or
warrant if the amendment is
(a) in the interests of health and safety; or
(b) in the public interest; or
(c) at the request of the holder of the licence,
permit or warrant.
S. 22B 22B Inspection
inserted by
No. 12/1994
s. 9,
Before issuing, renewing or amending a licence,
amended by permit or warrant the Secretary may require the
Nos 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1),
premises or the mobile facility to which the
75/2014 s. 7. licence, permit or warrant relates to be inspected
(as the case requires) under this Act.
S. 22C 22C Suspension or cancellation
inserted by
No. 12/1994
s. 9.

S. 22C(1) (1) The Secretary may suspend or cancel a licence,

amended by
No. 46/1998 permit or warrant if
s. 7(Sch. 1).
(a) the holder has not complied with the terms,
conditions, limitations or restrictions of the
licence, permit or warrant; or
(b) the holder proves not to be a fit and proper
person; or

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(c) the holder has been convicted of an offence

against this Act or the regulations; or
(d) the holder requests suspension or
cancellation; or
(e) the holder ceases to carry on business at the S. 22C(1)(e)
amended by
premises or the mobile facility (as the case No. 75/2014
requires). s. 8.

(2) If a licence, permit or warrant is suspended or S. 22C(2)

amended by
cancelled under subsection (1), it ceases to have No. 46/1998
effect and any document issued to the former s. 7(Sch. 1).

holder of the licence, permit or warrant must be

surrendered to the Secretary on demand.
Pt 2 Div. 5
Division 5Public health emergencies (Heading and
s. 20)
amended by
Nos 10262
s. 4, 42/1993
s. 42(1)(2),
repealed by
No. 12/1994
s. 9,
new Pt 2
Div. 5
(Heading and
ss 22D22H)
inserted by
No. 17/2008
s. 5.

22D When a public health emergency order may be S. 22D

inserted by
made No. 17/2008
s. 5.
The Secretary may make a public health
emergency order if the Secretary believes it is
necessary to do so to respond to, or prevent, a
public health emergency or a serious risk to public
A public health emergency order may be made in response to, or
for the purposes of preventing, an influenza pandemic or the
effects of a bioterrorism incident.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

S. 22E 22E Matters to be specified in a public health emergency

inserted by order
No. 17/2008
s. 5. A public health emergency order must specify
(a) the public health emergency or serious risk
to public health to which the order relates;
(b) if the public health emergency or serious risk
to public health has occurred, the location or
a description of the location where the public
is affected; and
(c) the persons or class of persons who may
obtain and possess, use, sell or supply the
poison or controlled substance or class of
poison or controlled substance specified in
the order; and
(d) the poisons or controlled substances or class
of poison or controlled substance to which
the order relates; and
(e) the date on which the order comes into force;
(f) the period during which the order is in force,
not exceeding 6 months.
S. 22F 22F What a public health emergency order authorises
inserted by
No. 17/2008
s. 5.
(1) A public health emergency order authorises a
person or class of person specified in the order to
obtain and possess, use, sell or supply a specified
poison or controlled substance or class of poison
or controlled substance in accordance with the
(2) A public health emergency order authorises a
person to whom a specified poison or controlled
substance or class of poison or controlled
substance has been sold or supplied in accordance
with the order to possess and use that poison or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

controlled substance for the purpose for which it

was sold or supplied.
22G Extending, amending and revoking orders S. 22G
inserted by
No. 17/2008
(1) The Secretary may, by subsequent order s. 5.
(a) extend or further extend the period for which
a public health emergency order is in force
for a period not exceeding 6 months;
(b) otherwise amend or vary a public health
emergency order.
(2) The Secretary may revoke a public health
emergency order by subsequent order.
22H Orders under this Division to be published in S. 22H
inserted by
Government Gazette No. 17/2008
s. 5.
(1) An order made under this Division must be
published in the Government Gazette.
(2) An order made under this Division comes into
force on the date specified in the order or, if no
date is specified, on the date of its publication in
the Government Gazette.
* * * * * Pt 2 Div. 6
(Heading and
s. 21)
amended by
Nos 10002
s. 16(h), 10262
s. 4,
repealed by
No. 12/1994
s. 9.

* * * * * Pt 2 Div. 7
(Heading and
s. 22)
amended by
Nos 10002
s. 16(i)(i)(iii),
10262 s. 4,
s. 43(a)(d),
repealed by
No. 12/1994
s. 9.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

Division 8Manufacture and sale of poisons or

controlled substances
S. 23 23 Manufacture, sale and supply of poisons or
amended by controlled substances by wholesale
No. 10002
s. 16(j),
substituted by
No. 12/1994
s. 11.

S. 23(1) (1) A person must not manufacture and sell or supply

amended by
No. 20/2016 by wholesale any poison or controlled substance
s. 105(1). unless he or she is authorised by or licensed under
this Act or by or under the Access to Medicinal
Cannabis Act 2016 to do so.
S. 23(2) (2) A person must not sell or supply by wholesale
amended by
No. 20/2016 any poison or controlled substance unless he or
s. 105(2). she is authorised by or licensed under this Act or
by or under the Access to Medicinal Cannabis
Act 2016 to do so.
S. 24 24 Wholesaling of certain poisons
amended by
No. 10002
s. 16(k),
A person must not sell or supply by wholesale
substituted by any poison or controlled substance (other than
No. 42/1993
s. 44,
a Schedule 1 poison, a Schedule 5 poison, a
amended by Schedule 6 poison or a Schedule 7 poison that
Nos 12/1994
s. 12, 18/2000
is not a Schedule 7 poison that is included in
s. 103, 20/2016 the Poisons Code in the list of substances that
s. 106.
are not for general sale by retail) to any person
who is not expressly authorised by this Act
or the Regulations, or by a licence, permit or
warrant under this Act or by or under the Access
to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016, to obtain that
substance by wholesale.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

* * * * * S. 25
amended by
No. 10002
s. 16(l) (as
amended by
No. 25/1990
s. 4(2)(b)),
repealed by
No. 42/1993
s. 45(1).

26 Retailing of poisons or controlled substances S. 26

amended by
Nos 10002
s. 16(m),
s. 45(2),
substituted by
No. 12/1994
s. 13.

(1) A wholesale dealer must not sell or supply S. 26(1)

amended by
by retail any poison or controlled substance Nos 9/1998
(other than a Schedule 5 poison, a Schedule 6 s. 5(3),
poison or a Schedule 7 poison that is not a s. 107(1).
Schedule 7 poison that is included in the
Poisons Code in the list of substances that are
not for general sale by retail) unless he or she
is authorised by or licensed under this Act or
by or under the Access to Medicinal Cannabis
Act 2016 to do so.
(2) A person must not manufacture and sell or supply S. 26(2)
amended by
by retail any poison or controlled substance unless No. 20/2016
he or she is authorised by or licensed under this s. 107(2).

Act or by or under the Access to Medicinal

Cannabis Act 2016 to do so.
27 Sale of poisons or controlled substances by persons S. 27
amended by
other than manufacturers etc. Nos 10002
s. 16(m),
A person (not being a manufacturer or wholesale 42/1993
s. 45(3),
dealer) shall not sell or supply any poison or 9/1998 s. 5(4),
controlled substance (other than a Schedule 5 20/2016 s. 108.
poison, a Schedule 6 poison or a Schedule 7
poison that is not a Schedule 7 poison that is

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

included in the Poisons Code in the list of

substances that are not for general sale by retail)
unless he is authorized by or licensed under this
Act or by or under the Access to Medicinal
Cannabis Act 2016 so to do.
S. 27A 27A Offences concerning labelling and other matters
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 46.

S. 27A(1) (1) A person must not sell or supply a poison or

substituted by
No. 74/2004 controlled substance with a label that does not
s. 14(1). comply with the requirements of
(a) in the case of a Schedule 1 poison, the
Poisons Code; or
S. 27A(1)(b) (b) in the case of any other poison or controlled
amended by
No. 75/2014 substance, the Poisons Standard.
s. 19(1).

Penalty: 20 penalty units.

S. 27A(1A) (1A) A person must not sell or supply a poison or
inserted by
No. 74/2004 controlled substance in a container that does not
s. 14(1). comply with the requirements of
(a) in the case of a Schedule 1 poison, the
Poisons Code; or
S. 27A(1A)(b) (b) in the case of any other poison or controlled
amended by
No. 75/2014 substance, the Poisons Standard.
s. 19(2).

Penalty: 20 penalty units.

S. 27A(2) (2) A person must not sell or supply a Schedule 1
amended by
No. 74/2004 poison
s. 14(2).
(a) which the person has stored or packaged
otherwise than in accordance with the
Poisons Code; or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(b) which the person knows to have been stored

or packaged otherwise than in accordance
with the Poisons Code.
Penalty: 20 penalty units.
(2A) A person must not sell or supply a poison or S. 27A(2A)
inserted by
controlled substance (other than a Schedule 1 No. 74/2004
poison) s. 14(3).

(a) which the person has stored or packaged S. 27A(2A)(a)

amended by
otherwise than in accordance with the No. 75/2014
Poisons Standard; or s. 19(3).

(b) which the person knows to have been stored S. 27A(2A)(b)

amended by
or packaged otherwise than in accordance No. 75/2014
with the Poisons Standard. s. 19(3).

Penalty: 20 penalty units.

(3) A person must not advertise for sale or supply a S. 27A(3)
amended by
Schedule 1 poison otherwise than in accordance No. 74/2004
with the Poisons Code. s. 14(4).

Penalty: 20 penalty units.

(3A) A person must not advertise for sale or supply a S. 27A(3A)
inserted by
poison or controlled substance (other than a No. 74/2004
Schedule 1 poison) otherwise than in accordance s. 14(5),
amended by
with the Poisons Standard. No. 75/2014
s. 19(4).

Penalty: 20 penalty units.

(4) Nothing in this section applies to a Schedule 1 S. 27A(4)
inserted by
poison that is sold or supplied by a registered No. 18/2000
Chinese medicine practitioner or registered s. 104,
amended by
Chinese herbal dispenser in accordance with the No. 97/2005
endorsement of that person's registration under the s. 182(Sch. 4
item 16.4),
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law. substituted by
No. 13/2010
s. 41,
amended by
No. 27/2012
s. 15.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

S. 27A(5) (5) This section does not apply in relation to

inserted by medicinal cannabis, approved medicinal cannabis
No. 20/2016
s. 109. products or other medicinal cannabis products.
28 House to house sale of poisons or controlled
substances prohibited
(1) A person shall not
(a) sell or supply in any street or from house to
house; or
(b) hawk or peddle, or distribute or cause to be
distributed as samples, in any street or public
place or from house to house
any poison or controlled substance.
S. 28(2) (2) A person shall not purchase or accept or offer to
amended by
No. 10002 purchase or accept any poison or controlled
s. 14(a). substance offered for sale or hawked or peddled
pursuant to subsection (1).
Penalty: Two years imprisonment or 50 penalty
29 Sale of substances in unauthorised containers
(1) A person shall not sell or supply any drug or
medicine which is for internal use or any food
drink or condiment in a container
(a) of the like description to that prescribed by
the regulations for a container in which any
poison or controlled substance intended for
external use may be sold; or
(b) of such a description as not to be readily
distinguishable by sight and touch or by
either sight or touch from a container in
which a poison or controlled substance
intended for external use may be sold.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(2) Nothing in this section shall affect any other S. 29(2)

requirements of this Act, the Poisons Standard, the amended by
Nos 42/1993
Poisons Code or the regulations with respect to s. 47(1),
the containers in which drugs or medicines which 74/2004
s. 14(6),
are or contain poisons or controlled substances 75/2014 s. 20.
may be sold.
(3) Nothing in this section affects any other S. 29(3)
inserted by
requirements of this Act or the regulations or No. 20/2016
the Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 s. 110.

or the regulations under that Act with respect

to the containers in which approved medicinal
cannabis products which are, or contain, poisons
or controlled substances may be sold.
30 Vending machines for poisons or controlled
(1) A person shall not
(a) whether on or about the person's premises or S. 30(1)(a)
amended by
elsewhere No. 20/2016
s. 111.

(i) install any automatic machine for the

sale or supply of any poison or
controlled substance; or
(ii) sell or supply any poison or controlled
substance by means of any automatic
(b) allow permit or suffer any such automatic S. 30(1)(b)
amended by
machine for the sale or supply of any poison No. 20/2016
or controlled substance to be installed on the s. 111.

person's premises;
(c) place or allow permit or suffer to be placed S. 30(1)(c)
amended by
any poison or controlled substance in any No. 20/2016
automatic machine on the person's premises s. 111.

or under the person's control; or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(d) allow permit or suffer any person to purchase

or be supplied with or otherwise obtain any
poison or controlled substance by means of
any automatic machine on the premises or
under the control of the first-mentioned
S. 30(2) (2) Any person who commits any contravention of
amended by
No. 10002 or fails to comply with any provisions of this
s. 14(b)(i)(iii). section shall be guilty of an offence against this
Act and shall for every such offence be liable to
a penalty of not more than 10 penalty units or
to imprisonment for a term of not more than
six months, and to a further penalty of not less
than 1 penalty unit and not more than 2 penalty
units for each day on which any offence under this
section is continued after conviction by any court.
(3) Any automatic machine in respect of which any
person is convicted of any offence against the
provisions of this section may in the discretion of
the court before which proceedings are taken for
such offence be forfeited to Her Majesty.
Pt 2 Div. 9 * * * * *
(Heading and
s. 31)
amended by
Nos 10262
s. 4, 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1),
repealed by
No. 9/1998
s. 6.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

Division 10Drugs of dependence, Schedule 8 Pt 2 Div. 10

poisons, Schedule 9 poisons and Schedule 4 poisons substituted by
No. 10002
s. 5(2)(e),
amended by
No. 42/1993
s. 47(2).

Pt 2 Div. 10
Subdivision 1Introductory matters and records Subdiv. 1
(Heading and
new s. 31)
inserted by
No. 17/2008
s. 6.

31 Definitions New s. 31
inserted by
No. 17/2008
(1) In this Division s. 6.
hospital means
(a) a public hospital within meaning of the
Health Services Act 1988;
(b) a denominational hospital within the
meaning of that Act;
(c) a private hospital within the meaning of
that Act
but does not include a day procedure centre
within the meaning of that Act;
multiple-practitioner clinic means a clinic where
more than one registered medical practitioner
or nurse practitioner practises or is
notification of drug-dependent person means
notification required under section 33;
prison has the same meaning as it has in the
Corrections Act 1986;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

Schedule 8 permit means a permit to administer,

supply or prescribe a Schedule 8 poison
issued by the Secretary under section 34A;
Schedule 9 permit means a permit to administer,
supply or prescribe a Schedule 9 poison
issued by the Secretary under section 33B.
(2) For the purposes of this Division, a registered
medical practitioner or a nurse practitioner
administers, supplies or prescribes a Schedule 8
poison to a patient for a continuous period if the
(a) actually administers, supplies or prescribes
that Schedule 8 poison for that period; or
(b) supplies a quantity or quantities of a
Schedule 8 poison to the patient and instructs
the patient to take the drug for that period; or
(c) prescribes for the patient a quantity or
quantities of a Schedule 8 poison which, if
taken in accordance with the prescription,
would be taken for that period.
S. 31A 31A Division does not apply to medicinal cannabis
inserted by
No. 20/2016
s. 112.
This Division does not apply to medicinal
S. 32 32 Record keeping in relation to sale or supply of drugs
amended by
No. 42/1993 of addiction
s. 47(3),
substituted by (1) A person who is licensed under this Part to
No. 74/2004
s. 15.
manufacture, sell, supply or distribute any
Schedule 8 poison or Schedule 9 poison must
record or cause to be recorded, in accordance with
subsection (2)
(a) details of any Schedule 8 poison or
Schedule 9 poison obtained by the person;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(b) quantities of those poisons used, sold,

supplied or otherwise disposed of; and
(c) such other particulars as are prescribed.
Penalty: 60 penalty units.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the record kept
must be recorded
(a) by printing or writing in a legible form in the
English language; or
(b) in an electronic form that is readily
convertible into legible print in the English
Pt 2 Div. 10
Subdivision 2Notification of drug-dependent Subdiv. 2
person inserted by
No. 17/2008
s. 7.

33 Notification of drug-dependent person S. 33

amended by
Nos 10002
(1) A registered medical practitioner who has reason s. 4(e)(f) (as
to believe that one of his or her patients is a drug- amended by
No. 10087
dependent person must give a notification of drug- s. 3(1)(Sch. 1
dependent person to the Secretary if item 40)),
(g)(i), 10262
(a) the patient requests or seeks prescription of a s. 4, 42/1993
s. 47(4),
Schedule 9 poison; or 12/1994
s. 4(1),
(b) the practitioner intends to treat or is treating 23/1994
the patient with a Schedule 9 poison. s. 118(Sch. 1
item 17.8),
9/1998 s. 7,
(2) A registered medical practitioner must give a 46/1998
notification of drug-dependent person required s. 7(Sch. 1),
under subsection (1) as soon as practicable. s. 50(1)(2),
substituted by
Penalty: 100 penalty units. No. 17/2008
s. 7.
(3) A registered medical practitioner or a nurse
practitioner who has reason to believe that one of
his or her patients is a drug-dependent person
must give a notification of drug-dependent person
to the Secretary if

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(a) the patient requests or seeks prescription of a

Schedule 8 poison or a Schedule 4 poison
which is also a drug of dependence; or
(b) the practitioner intends to treat or is treating
the patient with a Schedule 8 poison or a
Schedule 4 poison which is also a drug of
(4) A registered medical practitioner or a nurse
practitioner (as the case requires) must give a
notification of drug-dependent person required
under subsection (3) as soon as practicable.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
(5) A notification of drug-dependent person must be
in the prescribed form.
Pt 2 Div. 10
Subdiv. 3 Subdivision 3Schedule 9 poisons
(Heading and
ss 33A33D)
inserted by
No. 17/2008
s. 7.

S. 33A 33A Application for permit to administer, supply or

inserted by
No. 17/2008 prescribe Schedule 9 poisons
s. 7.
(1) A registered medical practitioner who considers it
is necessary to administer, supply or prescribe a
Schedule 9 poison to or for one of his or her
patients must apply to the Secretary for a
Schedule 9 permit before administering, supplying
or prescribing the Schedule 9 poison.
(2) An application for a Schedule 9 permit must be in
the prescribed form.
S. 33B 33B Schedule 9 permit
inserted by
No. 17/2008
s. 7.
(1) On receiving an application under section 33A,
the Secretary may issue a permit to a registered
medical practitioner authorising the registered

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

medical practitioner to administer, supply or

prescribe a Schedule 9 poison to or for a person.
(2) A Schedule 9 permit
(a) must be in the prescribed form; and
(b) may contain any terms and conditions that
the Secretary considers appropriate for the
administration, supply or prescription of the
Schedule 9 poison.
(3) The Secretary may at any time amend, suspend or
revoke a Schedule 9 permit and any permit which
is suspended or revoked ceases to have effect.
33C Offence not to comply with Schedule 9 permit S. 33C
inserted by
No. 17/2008
A registered medical practitioner issued with a s. 7.
Schedule 9 permit must not administer, supply or
prescribe a Schedule 9 poison to or for one of his
or her patients
(a) other than for the period specified in the
permit for that administration, supply or
prescription; or
(b) in excess of the quantity specified in the
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
33D Offence to administer Schedule 9 poisons without S. 33D
inserted by
permit No. 17/2008
s. 7.
A registered medical practitioner must not at any
time administer, supply or prescribe a Schedule 9
poison to or for a person unless the practitioner
(a) holds a Schedule 9 permit for that
administration, supply or prescription to or
for that person; or
(b) is otherwise authorised by or under this Act
to do so.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

Pt 2 Div. 10 Subdivision 4Schedule 8 poisons

Subdiv. 4
inserted by
No. 17/2008
s. 8.

S. 34 34 Requirement to apply for Schedule 8 permit

amended by
Nos 10002
s. 4(f) (as
(1) A registered medical practitioner or a nurse
amended by practitioner who considers it is necessary to
No. 10087
s. 3(1)(Sch. 1
administer, supply or prescribe a Schedule 8
item 40)), (j), poison to or for one of his or her patients who is a
10262 s. 4,
drug-dependent person must apply to the
s. 47(5), Secretary for a Schedule 8 permit.
s. 4(2), (2) Subject to subsection (3), a registered medical
s. 118(Sch. 1 practitioner or a nurse practitioner who considers
item 17.9), it is necessary to administer, supply or prescribe a
s. 7(Sch. 1), Schedule 8 poison for a continuous period greater
94/2000 than 8 weeks to or for one of his or her patients
s. 50(3),
substituted by who is not a drug-dependent person must apply to
No. 17/2008 the Secretary for a Schedule 8 permit.
s. 8.
(3) A registered medical practitioner or a nurse
practitioner must apply to the Secretary for a
Schedule 8 permit if
(a) the practitioner
(i) has reason to believe that one of his or
her patients who is not a drug-
dependent person has been, or is
currently being, administered, supplied
or prescribed a Schedule 8 poison by
one or more other practitioners; and
(ii) considers it is necessary to administer,
supply or prescribe a Schedule 8 poison
to or for that patient; and

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(b) the total period of administration, supply or

prescription of a Schedule 8 poison to that
patient would be a continuous period greater
than 8 weeks, taking into account any period
of administration, supply or prescription
referred to in paragraph (a)(i) together with
the period of administration, supply or
prescription of a Schedule 8 poison to or for
that patient by the practitioner.
(4) An application for a Schedule 8 permit must be in
the prescribed form.
34A Schedule 8 permit S. 34A
inserted by
No. 17/2008
(1) On receiving an application under section 34, the s. 8.
Secretary may issue a permit to a registered
medical practitioner or a nurse practitioner
authorising the practitioner
(a) to administer, supply or prescribe a
Schedule 8 poison to or for a drug-dependent
person; or
(b) to administer, supply or prescribe a
Schedule 8 poison to or for a person other
than a drug-dependent person for a
continuous period greater than 8 weeks.
(2) A Schedule 8 permit must be in the prescribed
(3) The Secretary may at any time amend, suspend or
revoke a Schedule 8 permit and any permit which
is suspended or revoked ceases to have effect.
34B Offence to administer etc. Schedule 8 poisons to S. 34B
inserted by
drug-dependent person No. 17/2008
s. 8.
A registered medical practitioner or a nurse
practitioner must not at any time administer,
supply or prescribe a Schedule 8 poison to or for a
person he or she has reason to believe to be a
drug-dependent person unless the practitioner

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(a) holds a Schedule 8 permit for that

administration, supply or prescription to or
for that person; or
(b) is otherwise authorised by or under this Act
to do so.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
S. 34C 34C Offence to administer etc. Schedule 8 poisons to
inserted by
No. 17/2008 person who is not a drug-dependent person
s. 8.
(1) A registered medical practitioner or a nurse
practitioner must not administer, supply or
prescribe a Schedule 8 poison to or for a person
who is not a drug-dependent person for a
continuous period greater than 8 weeks unless the
(a) holds a Schedule 8 permit for that
administration, supply or prescription to or
for that person; or
(b) is otherwise authorised by or under this Act
to do so.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), unless otherwise
authorised by or under this Act to do so, a
registered medical practitioner or a nurse
practitioner must not administer, supply or
prescribe a Schedule 8 poison to or for a person
who is not a drug-dependent person without a
Schedule 8 permit if the total period of
administration, supply or prescription of the
Schedule 8 poison to or for that person would be a
continuous period greater than 8 weeks, taking
into account the total of
(a) any period of administration, supply or
prescription of a Schedule 8 poison to or for
that person that the practitioner has reason to
believe has been, or is currently being,

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

administered, supplied or prescribed by one

or more other practitioners; and
(b) the period of administration, supply or
prescription of a Schedule 8 poison to or for
that patient by the practitioner.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
(3) A registered medical practitioner or a nurse
practitioner who has applied for a Schedule 8
permit under section 34(3) is authorised to
administer, supply or prescribe a Schedule 8
poison to or for a person who is not a drug-
dependent person in respect of whom the
application relates without a Schedule 8 permit for
the purposes of ensuring continuity of that
person's treatment until
(a) the Schedule 8 permit is issued; or
(b) the Secretary refuses to issue the permit.
34D Exception to Schedule 8 permit requirement S. 34D
inserted by
specified medical conditions No. 17/2008
s. 8.
Despite section 34C(1), a registered medical
practitioner or a nurse practitioner is authorised to
administer, supply or prescribe a Schedule 8
poison to or for a person who is not a drug-
dependent person during a continuous period
greater than 8 weeks without a Schedule 8 permit
(a) the administration, supply or prescription of
that Schedule 8 poison is to treat that person
for a medical condition in the circumstances
(if any) specified by the Secretary in
accordance with section 35A; and
(b) the registered medical practitioner or the
nurse practitioner has given written notice of
that administration, supply or prescription to
the Secretary.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

S. 34E 34E Exceptions to Schedule 8 permit requirement

inserted by multiple practitioners at medical clinic
No. 17/2008
s. 8. (1) Despite section 34B, a registered medical
practitioner or a nurse practitioner at a multiple-
practitioner clinic is authorised to administer,
supply or prescribe a Schedule 8 poison to or for a
drug-dependent person without a Schedule 8
permit if
(a) the treatment is provided at the multiple-
practitioner clinic; and
(b) a Schedule 8 permit has been issued to
another registered medical practitioner or
another nurse practitioner at that multiple-
practitioner clinic to administer, supply or
prescribe the Schedule 8 poison to or for that
drug-dependent person; and
(c) the administration, supply or prescription of
the Schedule 8 poison is carried out in
accordance with that permit.
(2) Despite section 34C(1), a registered medical
practitioner or a nurse practitioner at a multiple-
practitioner clinic is authorised to administer,
supply or prescribe a Schedule 8 poison to or for a
person who is not a drug-dependent person during
a continuous period greater than 8 weeks without
a Schedule 8 permit if
(a) the treatment is provided at the multiple-
practitioner clinic; and
(b) a Schedule 8 permit has been issued to
another registered medical practitioner or
another nurse practitioner at that multiple-
practitioner clinic to administer, supply or
prescribe the Schedule 8 poison to or for that
person; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(c) the administration, supply or prescription of

the Schedule 8 poison is carried out in
accordance with that permit.
(3) Despite section 34C(2), a registered medical
practitioner or a nurse practitioner at a multiple
practitioner clinic is authorised to administer,
supply or prescribe a Schedule 8 poison to or for a
person who is not a drug-dependent person
without a Schedule 8 permit in the circumstances
set out in section 34C(2) if
(a) the treatment is provided at the multiple-
practitioner clinic; and
(b) a Schedule 8 permit has been issued to
another registered medical practitioner or
another nurse practitioner at that multiple-
practitioner clinic to administer, supply or
prescribe the Schedule 8 poison to or for that
person; and
(c) the administration, supply or prescription of
the Schedule 8 poison is carried out in
accordance with that permit.
34F Exception to Schedule 8 permit requirement S. 34F
inserted by
patients in prisons, aged care services and hospitals No. 17/2008
s. 8.
Despite sections 34B and 34C, a registered
medical practitioner or a nurse practitioner is
authorised to administer, supply or prescribe a
Schedule 8 poison to or for a person without a
Schedule 8 permit if that person is
(a) a prisoner being treated in a prison for the
period in prison and a period not exceeding
7 days after that prisoner's release from
custody; or
(b) a resident being treated in an aged care
service; or
(c) an in-patient being treated in a hospital.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

S. 35 35 Offence not to comply with Schedule 8 permit

amended by
Nos 10002 A registered medical practitioner or a nurse
s. 4(f) (as practitioner must not administer, supply or
amended by
No. 10087 prescribe a Schedule 8 poison to or for one of his
s. 3(1)(Sch. 1 or her patients in respect of whom a Schedule 8
item 40)), (j),
10262 s 4, permit has been issued
s. 47(6), (a) other than for the period specified in the
s. 4(3),
permit for that administration, supply or
23/1994 prescription; or
s. 118(Sch. 1
item 17.10), (b) in excess of the quantity specified in the
9/1998 s. 8,
46/1998 permit.
s. 7(Sch. 1),
94/2000 s. 51, Penalty: 100 penalty units.
s. 13(1),
74/2004 s. 16,
substituted by
No. 17/2008
s. 9.

Pt 2 Div. 10
Subdiv. 5 Subdivision 5General
inserted by
No. 17/2008
s. 10.

S. 35A 35A Secretary may specify medical conditions

inserted by
No. 9/1998
s. 9.

S. 35A(1) (1) The Secretary, by notice published in the

amended by
No. 67/2003 Government Gazette, may specify
s. 13(1).

S. 35A(1)(a) (a) any medical condition to be a medical

amended by
No. 17/2008 condition for the purposes of section 34D;
s. 11. and
(b) the circumstances (if any) applicable to that
medical condition for the purposes of that

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(2) The Secretary, by notice published in the S. 35A(2)

Government Gazette amended by
No. 67/2003
(a) may amend a notice made under s. 13(1).

subsection (1) by
(i) adding or removing a medical condition
or amending the name of a medical
condition; or
(ii) adding or removing the circumstances
which apply to a medical condition or
amending the circumstances which
apply to a medical condition; or
(b) may revoke a notice made under
subsection (1).
35B Composite forms S. 35B
inserted by
No. 17/2008
For the purposes of this Division s. 12.
(a) the regulations may prescribe a composite
form which incorporates all or any of the
prescribed forms required by sections 33,
33A and 34; and
(b) a composite form is to be taken to be the
prescribed form under each of the sections
referred to in the form.
36 Obligations of pharmacists in relation to dispensing S. 36
amended by
of drugs Nos 10002
s. 4(k), 10262
Every pharmacist who is called upon to dispense s. 4, 42/1993
s. 47(7),
for any person greater quantities of or more 46/1998
frequently than appears to be reasonably s. 7(Sch. 1).
necessary any drug of dependence Schedule 8
poison, Schedule 9 poison or Schedule 4 poison
shall forthwith report the matter to the Secretary.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

S. 36A 36A Forgery

inserted by
No. 10002 A person shall not forge or fraudulently alter or
s. 5(1), utter knowing it to be forged or fraudulently
amended by
No. 42/1993 altered, a prescription or order for a Schedule 8
s. 47(8). poison, Schedule 9 poison or Schedule 4 poison
(not being a drug of dependence).
Penalty: 10 penalty units.
S. 36B 36B Unauthorized possession etc. of poison or controlled
inserted by
No. 10002 substance etc.
s. 5(1).
(1) A person shall not knowingly by false
representation, whether oral or in writing or by
S. 36B(1)(a) (a) obtain a Schedule 8 poison, Schedule 9
amended by
No. 42/1993 poison or Schedule 4 poison from a person
s. 47(9). authorized by or licensed under this Act or
the regulations to possess, manufacture, sell
or supply the Schedule 8 poison, Schedule 9
poison or Schedule 4 poison;
S. 36B(1)(b) (b) obtain a prescription or order for a
amended by
Nos 42/1993 Schedule 8 poison, Schedule 9 poison or
s. 47(9), Schedule 4 poison from a registered medical
s. 118(Sch. 1 practitioner, registered optometrist, dentist,
item 17.11), pharmacist or veterinary practitioner or a
s. 96(Sch. person authorized by this Act or the
item 3.3), regulations to issue or possess the
s. 100(5). prescription or order;
S. 36B(1)(c) (c) cause or induce a registered medical
amended by
Nos 42/1993 practitioner to administer a Schedule 8
s. 47(9), poison, Schedule 9 poison or Schedule 4
s. 118(Sch. 1 poison to him by injection or otherwise; or
item 17.11).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(d) cause or induce a pharmacist or a person S. 36B(1)(d)

authorized by this Act or the regulations to amended by
No. 42/1993
supply a Schedule 8 poison, Schedule 9 s. 47(9).
poison or Schedule 4 poison, to dispense a
prescription or order for that Schedule 8
poison, Schedule 9 poison or Schedule 4
poison, if the first-mentioned person knows
the prescription or order to have been
obtained in contravention of this Act or the
Penalty: 10 penalty units.
(2) A person shall not have in his possession a S. 36B(2)
amended by
Schedule 8 poison, Schedule 9 poison or No. 42/1993
Schedule 4 poison unless he is authorized by or s. 47(9).

licensed under this Act or the regulations to do so.

Penalty: 10 penalty units.
(3) In this section a reference to a Schedule 8 poison, S. 36B(3)
amended by
Schedule 9 poison or Schedule 4 poison does not No. 42/1993
include a reference to a drug of dependence. s. 47(9).

Pt 2 Div. 10A
Division 10AAdministration of medication (Heading and
in aged care services ss 36C36F)
inserted by
No. 17/2006
s. 4.

36C Effect of this Division S. 36C

inserted by
No. 17/2006
Nothing in this Division affects any other s. 4,
requirement in this Act or the Regulations in amended by
No. 20/2016
respect of the administration of a drug of s. 113.
dependence, a Schedule 9 poison, a Schedule 8
poison or a Schedule 4 poison or, in relation to
medicinal cannabis, this Act, the Regulations, the
Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the
regulations under that Act.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

S. 36D 36D Definitions

inserted by
No. 17/2006 In this Division
s. 4.
approved provider has the same meaning as it has
in the Aged Care Act 1997 of the
S. 36D def. of high level residential care has the same meaning
high level
residential as it has in the Aged Care Act 1997 of the
care Commonwealth.
amended by
No. 13/2010
s. 42(1).

S. 36D def. of * * * * *
repealed by
No. 13/2010
s. 42(2).

S. 36D def. of * * * * *
Nurses Board
of Victoria
repealed by
No. 13/2010
s. 42(2).

S. 36E 36E Administration of drugs of dependence, Schedule 9

inserted by
No. 17/2006 poisons, Schedule 8 poisons and Schedule 4 poisons
s. 4, in aged care services
amended by
Nos 13/2010
s. 43, 20/2016
A person who is an approved provider of an
s. 114(1). aged care service must ensure that a registered
nurse manages the administration of any drug of
dependence (including any medicinal cannabis
product), Schedule 9 poison, Schedule 8 poison
or Schedule 4 poison to a resident in an aged care
(a) who is receiving high level residential care;

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(b) for whom that drug or poison has been S. 36E(b)

supplied on prescription or, in the case of a amended by
No. 20/2016
medicinal cannabis product, supplied under a s. 114(2).
patient medicinal cannabis access
authorisation for that resident.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
120 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
600 penalty units.
36F Registered nurse to have regard to code or guideline S. 36F
inserted by
No. 17/2006
A registered nurse who manages the s. 4,
administration of any drug of dependence, substituted by
No. 13/2010
Schedule 9 poison, Schedule 8 poison or s. 44.
Schedule 4 poison to a resident in an aged care
service in accordance with this Division must do
so in accordance with the relevant code or
guideline (if any) issued by the Nursing and
Midwifery Board of Australia under the Health
Practitioner Regulation National Law.

Division 11Appeals
37 Appeals
(1) Any person who feels aggrieved by any refusal of S. 37(1)
amended by
the Secretary to issue or renew any licence or Nos 10262
permit or by any order of the Secretary cancelling s. 4, 16/1986
s. 30, 57/1989
suspending or revoking any licence or permit may s. 3(Sch.
appeal therefrom to the Magistrates' Court within item 59.1),
six months after the refusal cancellation s. 7(Sch. 1).
suspension or revocation.
(2) The Court shall entertain inquire into and decide S. 37(2)
amended by
upon the appeal and its decision shall, save as Nos 16/1986
provided by the Administrative Law Act 1978, s. 30, 57/1989
s. 3(Sch. item
be final and conclusive. 59.2(a)(c)).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

Division 12Sale of poisons book

S. 38 38 Record of sale of poisons
substituted by
Nos 42/1993 A person who sells or supplies by retail any
s. 48, 12/1994 Schedule 7 poison must keep an accurate record
s. 14,
amended by of the sale or supply, setting out the following
No. 18/2000 details
s. 105(a).
(a) the name and address of the person who
purchases or obtains the poison or controlled
(b) the date of sale or supply;
(c) the name and quantity of the poison or
controlled substance purchased or obtained.
S. 38A 38A Authorised possession of certain poisons
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 48,
A person who purchases or obtains a poison or
amended by controlled substance to which section 38 applies
No. 12/1994
s. 16(1).
and which is supplied to the person in accordance
with that section and section 40 is authorised by
this Act to purchase or obtain and to possess the
poison or controlled substance so supplied.
S. 39 * * * * *
repealed by
No. 12/1994
s. 16(2).

S. 40 40 Sale or supply of poisons or controlled substances to

amended by
No. 42/1993 persons under age
s. 49,
substituted by A person shall not sell or supply any Schedule 7
No. 12/1994
s. 15,
poison to a person who is under the age of
amended by 18 years.
No. 18/2000
s. 105(b).

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

Division 13Authorized officers

41 Secretary may authorize person to carry out
functions of authorized officer
(1) For the purposes of this Act, the Secretary may in S. 41(1)
amended by
writing authorize either generally or in any Nos 10262
particular case, any of the following persons to s. 4, 42/1993
s. 50(1),
exercise and perform the powers, duties and 46/1998
functions of an authorised officer under this Act s. 7(Sch. 1).

and the regulations

(a) any employee in the public service; S. 41(1)(a)
substituted by
No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).

* * * * * S. 41(1)(b)
repealed by
No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).

(c) any officer or employee of a public statutory

(d) any member of staff of a municipal council.
(2) An authority under subsection (1) may be
expressed to be in force for a period specified in
the authority or may be given for an indefinite
(3) The Secretary may in writing revoke or vary an S. 41(3)
amended by
authority given under subsection (1). Nos 10262
s. 4, 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).

(4) A person may be an authorized officer for the S. 41(4)

amended by
purposes of this Act in conjunction with being Nos 10262
employed in the public service or a public s. 4, 42/1993
s. 50(2),
statutory authority or a member of staff of a 46/1998
municipal council. s. 7(Sch. 1).

* * * * * S. 41(5)
repealed by
No. 10002
s. 5(2)(c).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

42 Inspections
S. 42(1) (1) For the purpose of ascertaining whether the
amended by
No. 20/2016 provisions of this Act and the regulations or the
s. 115(1). Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 and
the regulations under that Act (other than any
provision that relates to a medicinal cannabis
cultivation licence or a medicinal cannabis
manufacturing licence) are being complied with
any authorized officer may with such assistance
as he thinks necessary at any reasonable time
(a) enter upon any premises occupied by any
person licensed or otherwise authorized by
or under this Act to have in his possession
any poison or controlled substance;
S. 42(1)(ab) (ab) enter upon any premises (other than
inserted by
No. 20/2016 residential premises) occupied by any
s. 115(2). person authorised by or under the Access
to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the
regulations under that Act (other than
any provision that relates to a medicinal
cannabis manufacturing licence) to have in
that person's possession medicinal cannabis,
or any medicinal cannabis product;
(b) examine any room or part of such premises
and any goods or records therein;
(c) take an account of any poisons or controlled
substances therein;
(d) on payment or tender of a reasonable price
demand select and obtain any sample of any
poison or controlled substance which is in or
on those premises;
S. 42(1)(e) (e) seize any poison or controlled substance
amended by
No. 20/2016 or any other substance or any document
s. 115(3). which is in or on those premises with
respect to which he has reasonable grounds
for believing there has been a contravention

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

of this Act or the Access to Medicinal

Cannabis Act 2016 (other than any
provision that relates to a medicinal
cannabis cultivation licence or a medicinal
cannabis manufacturing licence); and
(f) detain or remove to some suitable place any
poison or controlled substance or other
substance or document so seized.
(2) Every person who
(a) refuses or fails to admit any authorized
officer demanding to enter in pursuance of
the provisions of this section;
(b) refuses to permit any authorized officer to
select or obtain any sample in pursuance of
the provisions of this section; or
(c) obstructs or delays any authorized officer in
the discharge of his duty or causes or permits
any authorized officer to be so obstructed or
shall be guilty of an offence against this Act.
43 Duties of officers in relation to seized substances
(1) Where any poison or controlled substance or other
substance or document is seized by an authorized
officer pursuant to this Part, the authorized officer
shall forthwith
(a) give notice of the seizure in the prescribed
form to the person apparently in charge
thereof; or
(b) if there is no person apparently in charge
thereof, give notice of the seizure to any
person appearing to be the consignor or
owner thereof by any name and address
attached thereto or to any package containing
the poison or controlled substance or the
other substance or document if the address is

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

a place in Victoria and otherwise to the

importer or consignee or his agent.
S. 43(2) (2) Any person claiming any poison or controlled
amended by
No. 57/1989 substance or other substance or document seized
s. 3(Sch. under this part may within 96 hours after the
item 59.3).
seizure complain of the seizure by giving notice
verified by statutory declaration of the complaint
in the prescribed form to the registrar at the proper
venue of the Magistrates' Court and a copy of the
notice and the statutory declaration to the
authorized officer responsible for the seizure.
S. 43(3) (3) The complaint shall be determined by the
amended by
No. 57/1989 Magistrates' Court which (after hearing the
s. 3(Sch. evidence) may either confirm or disallow the
item 59.4).
seizure wholly or in part and make an order
(4) If no complaint is made or if the seizure is
confirmed each poison or controlled substance or
other substance or document shall thereupon
become the property of the Crown and may be
destroyed or disposed of as the Minister directs.
S. 43(5) (5) This section applies to medicinal cannabis unless
inserted by
No. 20/2016 the medicinal cannabis is seized under Part 11 of
s. 116. the Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016.
44 Persons who are liable for contravention of Act
(1) Where there is sold or supplied to any authorized
officer in an unopened package any poison or
controlled substance in connexion with the sale or
supply of which there is a contravention of or
failure to comply with any of the provisions of
this Act or the regulations each of the following
persons shall, in addition to the person who
actually sold or supplied the package to the
authorized officer, be liable in respect of the
contravention or failure, namely

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(a) if there is a label on or attached to the

packageany person who appears from the
label to have manufactured or prepared the
poison or controlled substance or to have
imported the poison or controlled substance
into Victoria or to have enclosed or caused
the poison or controlled substance to be
enclosed in the package or to have been the
wholesale dealer in the poison or controlled
substance; or
(b) if there is no label on or attached to the
package or if there is a label on or attached
to the package but the label does not disclose
any of the particulars referred to in
paragraph (a) any person who has previously
sold or supplied the unopened package.
(2) Any person to whom the provisions of
subsection (1) applies shall be deemed to have
sold or supplied the unopened package to the
authorized officer as on the day and at the place
where he purchased the package and shall be
liable to the same penalty as if he had actually
sold or supplied the unopened package to the
authorized officer on that day and at that place.
(3) It shall be a good defence to any prosecution
brought under the provisions of this section if the
person charged shows
(a) that the contravention or non-compliance is
due to the act or default of some subsequent
seller or supplier;
(b) that the contravention or non-compliance is
due to deterioration or other causes beyond
the control of the person so charged;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(c) where there is a label on or attached to the

package, that he did not in fact attach the
label or cause the label to be attached or
enclose the poison or controlled substance in
the package or cause the poison or controlled
substance to be enclosed; or
(d) where there is no label on the package or
attached thereto that he purchased or
obtained the poison or controlled substance
already enclosed in a package from some
other person and sold or supplied the
package in the condition in which he
received it.
(4) Nothing in this section shall affect the liability of
any person selling or supplying an unopened
package containing a poison or controlled
substance to an authorized officer with respect to
any contravention or non-compliance due to his
default or to other causes within his control; and
the conviction of any person under the foregoing
provisions of this section shall not exonerate the
person selling or supplying the unopened package
or any other person from liability with respect to
that contravention or non-compliance.
(5) Without affecting the generality of the application
of this or any other provision of this Act to firms
or their members, where a firm appears from a
label on or attached to a package containing a
poison or controlled substance to have imported
manufactured or prepared the poison or controlled
substance or to have been the wholesale dealer in
the poison or controlled substance or to have
enclosed the poison or controlled substance in a

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(a) proceedings under this section may be taken S. 44(5)(a)

(whether in the Magistrates' Court or amended by
No. 57/1989
otherwise) and penalties recovered s. 3(Sch.
accordingly against any member or members item 59.5).
of the firm; and
(b) this section shall be read and construed and
have effect as if the name or names of the
member or members of the firm had
appeared on the label.
(6) This section does not apply to medicinal cannabis. S. 44(6)
inserted by
No. 20/2016
s. 117.

Pt 2 Div. 13A
Division 13AAuthorised police employees (Heading)
amended by
and other authorised persons No. 9/2014
s. 6.

Pt 2 Div. 13A
(Heading and
ss 44A, 44B)
inserted by
No. 52/2006
s. 5.

44A Chief Commissioner may authorise person to carry S. 44A

inserted by
out functions of authorised police employee No. 52/2006
s. 5.

(1) For the purposes of this Act, the Chief S. 44A(1)

substituted by
Commissioner of Police may in writing authorise, No. 37/2014
either generally or in a particular case, a Victoria s. 10(Sch.
item 47.2).
Police employee or a class of Victoria Police
employee to perform the powers, duties and
functions of an authorised police employee under
this Division.
(2) An authority under subsection (1)
(a) may be expressed to be in force for a period
specified in the authority;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(b) may be expressed to be in force for an

indefinite period;
(c) may apply generally or in a particular case.
(3) The Chief Commissioner of Police may in writing
revoke or vary an authority under subsection (1).
S. 44B 44B Powers, duties and functions of authorised police
inserted by
No. 52/2006 employee
s. 5.
For the purpose of assisting an authorized officer
in the performance of the authorized officer's
powers, duties and functions under this Act or the
regulations, an authorised police employee may
do all or any of the following in relation to any
Schedule 9 poison, Schedule 8 poison or
Schedule 4 poison or any drug of dependence
(a) receive, handle or store the poison or drug;
(b) transfer, transport or deliver the poison or
(c) examine or analyse the poison or drug;
(d) destroy the poison or drug.
S. 44C 44C Other authorised persons
inserted by
No. 9/2014
s. 7.
(1) The Chief Commissioner of Police may authorise
a person or a class of person to obtain and possess
a substance or thing specified in section 98(1) for
one or both of the following purposes
(a) supplying the substance or thing to a
declared testing facility in accordance with
an authorisation under section 98; or
(b) returning the substance or item to Victoria
Police from a declared testing facility.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(2) To the extent necessary to carry out the specified

purpose, an authorisation under subsection (1)
authorises a person to
(a) receive, handle or store the substance or
(b) transfer, transport or deliver the substance or
(3) An authorisation under subsection (1) must be in
(4) An authorisation under subsection (1) may
(a) be expressed to apply generally or to a
specified substance or thing; and
(b) be expressed to be in force
(i) for a period specified in the authority;
(ii) for an indefinite period; and
(c) be subject to any conditions specified in the

Division 14Offences
45 Time within which charge-sheet to be filed S. 45
A charge-sheet charging an offence against any of inserted by
the provisions of this Act or the regulations (not No. 68/2009
s. 97(Sch.
being an indictable offence, whether or not that item 47.1).
offence is capable of being determined S. 45
amended by
summarily) shall be filed within three years from Nos 57/1989
the time when the matter of the charge occurs and s. 3(Sch. item
not afterwards. 68/2009
s. 97(Sch.
item 47.2).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

46 Offences
Except insofar as it is otherwise by this Act
expressly enacted every person who
(a) contravenes or fails to comply with any of
the provisions of this Part;
(b) contravenes or fails to comply with any
condition limitation or restriction to which
any licence warrant or permit issued under
this Part is subject;
(c) purchases or obtains any poison or controlled
substance and gives false information in
answer to inquiries required by or under this
Act to be made by the seller or supplier; or
(d) signs his name as a witness to the sale or
supply of a poison or controlled substance to
a person unknown to him
shall be guilty of an offence against this Act.
S. 47 47 Maximum sentence etc.
amended by
No. 10002
ss 5(2)(d),
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this
14(c). Act a person shall not on conviction for any
offence of contravening or failing to comply with
the regulations relating to
(a) the keeping of books; or
(b) the issuing or dispensing of prescriptions
containing substances or preparations to
which this Part applies
be sentenced to imprisonment or to pay a penalty
of more than 5 penalty units if the court dealing
with the case is satisfied that the offence was
committed through inadvertence and was not
preparatory to or committed in the course of or in
connexion with the commission or intended
commission of any other offence against this Act.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

48 Offence to receive certain moneys etc.

Where for or in connexion with the manufacture
sale or supply of a poison or controlled substance
in contravention of this Act a person is proved to
have in his possession or to have received money
or any other valuable thing the person shall be
deemed to have sold or supplied that poison or
controlled substance in contravention of this Act
unless the court hearing the matter is satisfied to
the contrary.
49 Obtaining licence by fraud S. 49
amended by
No. 54/1997
Any person who for the purpose of obtaining for s. 6(a).
himself or for any other person the issue grant or
renewal of a licence warrant or permit under this
Act or an authority under Part IVA of this Act
makes any declaration or statement which is false
in any material particular or knowingly utters
produces or makes use of a declaration or
statement which is false in any material particular
or a document which contains a declaration or
statement that is false in any material particular
shall be guilty of an offence against this Act.
50 Immunity of authorized officers and authorised S. 50
police employees inserted by
No. 52/2006
No authorized officer or authorised police s. 6(1).
employee shall be in any way liable to any penalty S. 50
amended by
in respect of anything done by him or her in the No. 52/2006
exercise of any power or in the performance of s. 6(2).
any duty conferred or imposed upon him or her
pursuant to the provisions of this Act and the
* * * * * S. 51
repealed by
No. 16/2004
s. 53.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

Division 15Poison baits

52 Setting of poison baits
(1) A person shall not set lay put or place or
knowingly be a party to the setting laying putting
or placing of a poison or controlled substance or
any fluid or edible matter (not being sown seed or
grain) which contains a poison or controlled
substance in or upon any road or street or any land
S. 52(2) (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to
amended by
No. 52/1994
s. 97(Sch. 3
item 7.6).

S. 52(2)(a) (a) the Secretary within the meaning of the

amended by
No. 41/1987 Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987
s. 103(Sch. 4 or any person acting on behalf of the
item 12.1),
substituted by Secretary with respect to the use of poisons
No. 52/1994 or controlled substances for eradicating or
s. 97(Sch. 3
item 7.1), controlling on any land pest animals or
amended by noxious weeds within the meaning of the
No. 76/1998
s. 7. Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994;
S. 52(2)(b) (b) the use of a poison or controlled substance or
amended by
No. 52/1994 fluid or edible matter (not being sown seed
s. 97(Sch. 3 or grain) which contains a poison or
item 7.2).
controlled substance by a person in or upon
any land or premises owned or occupied by
him for the purpose of destroying rats, mice
or other small vermin commonly found in
houses or pest animals within the meaning of
the Catchment and Land Protection Act
1994 (not being wildlife within the meaning
of the Wildlife Act 1975) or for disinfecting
sterilizing or cleansing purposes or for the
purpose of manuring or fertilizing the land;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(c) the use by an owner or occupier of land of a

poison or controlled substance on or adjacent
to his land for the purpose of killing or
destroying any wildlife within the meaning
of the Wildlife Act 1975
* * * * * S. 52(2)(c)(i)
repealed by
No. 52/1994
s. 97(Sch. 3
item 7.3).

(ii) which is noxious wildlife within the

meaning of the Wildlife Act 1975; or
(iii) under and in accordance with an
authority or Order in Council published
issued or granted under the Wildlife
Act 1975;
(d) the use by the council of a municipality S. 52(2)(d)
amended by
(including the Corporation of the City of No. 21/1986
Melbourne and the Corporation of the City s. 4.

of Geelong) or by a local authority within the

meaning of the Public Contracts Act 1958
as in force immediately before the
commencement of the Public Contracts
(Repeal) Act 1986 or by any body of
persons corporate or unincorporate declared
by the Governor in Council by Order
published in the Government Gazette to be a
body of persons to which this subsection
applies of a poison or controlled substance in
or upon any road street drain channel or land
whatsoever for the purpose of
(i) destroying rats mice or other vermin S. 52(2)(d)(i)
amended by
(not being wildlife within the meaning No. 52/1994
of the Wildlife Act 1975) commonly s. 97(Sch. 3
item 7.4).
found in houses or pest animals within
the meaning of the Catchment and
Land Protection Act 1994;
(ii) disinfecting sterilizing or cleansing;
Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

(iii) manuring or fertilizing;

S. 52(2)(d)(iv) (iv) killing or destroying wildlife within the
amended by
No. 52/1994 meaning of the Wildlife Act 1975,
s. 97(Sch. 3 being wildlife the killing or destruction
item 7.5).
of which is authorized by or under that
Act or that is noxious wildlife within
the meaning of that Act; or
(v) killing or destroying wildlife within the
meaning of the Wildlife Act 1975, if
the council acts under and in
accordance with an authority issued or
granted under that Act;
(e) the use of a poison or controlled substance
for the purpose of carrying out a power
authority function or duty conferred or
imposed by or under an Act or in accordance
with a licence permit warrant or other
authority issued or granted under this Act or
any other Act;
S. 52(2)(f) (f) the use of a poison or controlled substance
amended by
No. 13/2010 for agricultural, pastoral or horticultural
s. 48(a). purposes (being a poison or controlled
substance to which the Agricultural and
Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use)
Act 1992 applies) for agricultural, pastoral or
horticultural purposes
if and only if the person who or the body of
persons which uses a poison or controlled
substance of fluid or edible matter in any of the
circumstances mentioned in paragraph (a), (b), (c),
(d) or (e) takes or causes to be taken all reasonable
precautions to prevent access to the poison or
controlled substance or the fluid or edible matter
by any domestic animal and, if the poison or
controlled substance is in a poison bait and is used
for eradicating or controlling pest animals within
the meaning of the Catchment and Land

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

Protection Act 1994, complies with any

applicable regulations under that Act.
(3) In this section a reference to a domestic animal is S. 52(3)
amended by
a reference to any cattle or any dog cat or fowl or No. 57/2012
any other animal of any other kind or species s. 4(1).

whatever (whether a quadruped or not) which is

tame or which has been or is being sufficiently
tamed to serve some purpose for the use of man.
(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), cattle includes S. 52(4)
inserted by
any horse, mare, gelding, colt, filly, foal, bull, No. 57/2012
cow, ox, steer, heifer, calf, ram, ewe, sheep, lamb, s. 4(2).

ass, mule, goat or pig.

53 Regulations
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act the
Governor in Council may make regulations
prohibiting the use, either absolutely or except
under such circumstances or conditions or by such
persons as may be prescribed, of any poison or
controlled substance for the purpose of killing or
destroying any animal or bird or for any other
purpose whatsoever likely to cause death or harm
to any animal or bird.
Pt 2 Div. 16
Division 16Poisons in roads and waterways (Heading)
amended by
No. 81/1989
s. 3(Sch.
item 10.1).

54 Special regulations
(1) Where in the interests of public safety it is S. 54(1)
amended by
expedient to provide for prohibiting controlling or Nos 10002
regulating the putting or discharging or otherwise s. 14(d),
disposing of poisons or controlled substances or s. 3(Sch.
preparations thereof in on or into any road, street, item 10.2).

channel, sewer, drain or waterway, the Governor

in Council may make regulations for such
purposes accordingly and may by those

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

regulations impose penalties of not more than

50 penalty units for any breach of those
(2) This section shall be read and construed as in aid
of and not in derogation from any other Acts or
enactments relating to the subject-matter of
subsection (1).

Division 17Prohibition of poisons or

controlled substances
55 Prohibiting sale or supply of poisons or controlled
S. 55(1) (1) Where the Minister is of the opinion that it is
amended by
Nos 10262 necessary to take urgent action in the interest of
s. 4, 46/1998 the health or safety of the public, he may, after
s. 7(Sch. 1).
consulting with the Secretary, recommend to the
Governor in Council that the sale or supply use or
a specified use or uses of a poison or controlled
(a) should, subject to such terms and conditions
as are specified in the recommendation, be
(i) prohibited; or
(ii) restricted
in the whole or any part of Victoria; or
(b) should, subject to such terms and conditions
as are specified in the recommendation, be
prohibited in part of Victoria and restricted
in another part of Victoria
for a period not exceeding three months.
(2) Where a recommendation is made to the Governor
in Council under subsection (1), the Governor in
Council may, by Order published in the
Government Gazette prohibit or restrict the sale or
supply or use of the poison or controlled

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIPoisons and controlled substances

substance in accordance with the

(3) The Governor in Council may, on the S. 55(3)
amended by
recommendation of the Minister after consulting Nos 10262
with the Secretary, by Order published in the s. 4, 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).
Government Gazette
(a) extend, or further extend, the period during
which a prohibition or restriction under an
Order made under subsection (2) is in force
for a period not exceeding three months; and
(b) otherwise amend or revoke an Order made
under subsection (2).
(4) Notice of an Order made under subsection (2) or
subsection (3) shall be published in a daily
newspaper and a rural weekly newspaper
circulating throughout Victoria.
(5) A person who contravenes or fails to comply with S. 55(5)
amended by
an Order including an Order that is amended No. 10002
under subsection (3) or with the terms and s. 14(d).

conditions (if any) to which the Order is subject is

guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty of not
more than 50 penalty units.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIIManufacture of heroin

Part IIIManufacture of heroin

56 Manufacture of heroin etc.
S. 56(1) (1) On the recommendation of the Minister, made
amended by
Nos 10262 after consulting with the Secretary, the Governor
s. 4, 46/1998 in Council may licence a fit and proper person to
s. 7(Sch. 1).
manufacture and sell or supply heroin by
(2) Where a licence is in force under subsection (1),
no other licence shall be in force under that
subsection for any period during which the first-
mentioned licence is in force.
S. 56(3) (3) On the recommendation of the Minister, made
amended by
Nos 10262 after consulting with the Secretary, the Governor
s. 4, 46/1998 in Council may licence a fit and proper person to
s. 7(Sch. 1).
formulate heroin.
(4) For the purposes of this section, a person
formulates heroin if he prepares or does any act
for the purpose of or in the course of preparing
heroin in a form suitable for human therapeutic
(5) Where a licence is in force under subsection (3)
no other licence under that subsection shall be in
force for any period during which the first-
mentioned licence is in force.
S. 56(6) (6) The Governor in Council may on the
amended by
Nos 10262 recommendation of the Minister, made after
s. 4, 46/1998 consulting with the Secretary, grant or refuse
s. 7(Sch. 1).
to grant a licence under subsection (1) or
subsection (3).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIIManufacture of heroin

(7) A licence under subsection (1) or subsection (3)

(a) shall remain in force for such period as is
specified in the licence;
(b) shall be subject to such conditions,
limitations and restrictions (if any) as the
Governor in Council on the recommendation
of the Minister determines and specifies in
the licence;
(c) shall specify
(i) the premises at which heroin may be
manufactured or formulated by the
(ii) the quantity or quantities of heroin
which may be manufactured or
formulated by the licensee; and
(iii) the premises at which the licensee may
store or keep heroin or any ingredient
used in the manufacture of heroin for
the purposes of manufacture or sale or
supply by wholesale or for formulation
under the licence; and
(d) may at any time be revoked or suspended by
the Governor in Council on the
recommendation of the Minister.
(8) A licence under subsection (1) or subsection (3)
shall authorize the manufacture and sale or supply
of heroin by wholesale or the formulation of
heroin (as the case may be) only at the premises
and in the quantities specified in the licence, and
authorize the storage or keeping of heroin or any
ingredient used in the manufacture of heroin for
the purposes of manufacture and sale or supply by
wholesale or formulation only at the premises
specified in the licence.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIIManufacture of heroin

S. 56(9) (9) The Secretary may by instrument permit a

amended by registered medical practitioner or pharmacist to
Nos 10262
s. 4, 23/1994 purchase or otherwise obtain from a person in
s. 118(Sch. 1 respect of whom a licence is in force under
item 17.12),
46/1998 subsection (1) or subsection (3) such quantities of
s. 7(Sch. 1). heroin as are specified in the permit and to use the
heroin so obtained for such medicinal purposes as
are specified in the permit.
S. 56(10) (10) The Secretary may by instrument permit a fit and
amended by
Nos 10262 proper person to purchase or otherwise obtain
s. 4, 46/1998 from a person in respect of whom a licence is in
s. 7(Sch. 1).
force under subsection (1) or subsection (3) such
quantity or quantities of heroin as are specified in
the permit and to use the heroin so obtained for
such educational experimental or research
purposes and at such university or other institution
as are specified in the permit.
S. 56(11) (11) On application in that behalf the Secretary may in
amended by
Nos 10262 the Secretary's discretion grant or refuse to grant a
s. 4, 46/1998 permit under subsection (9) or subsection (10).
s. 7(Sch. 1),
s. 4(Sch. 2
item 4.1).

(12) A permit under subsection (9) or

subsection (10)
(a) shall remain in force for such period as is
specified in the permit;
S. 56(12)(b) (b) shall be subject to such conditions,
amended by
Nos 10262 limitations and restrictions (if any) as the
s. 4, 46/1998 Secretary determines and specifies in the
s. 7(Sch. 1).
permit; and
(c) shall specify the quantity or quantities of
heroin that may be obtained under the permit
and the purposes for which the heroin so
obtained may be used by the person to whom
the permit is granted.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IIIManufacture of heroin

(13) The provisions of sections 22A, 22C, 37(1) S. 56(13)

and 37(2) shall not apply to any licence granted amended by
No. 12/1994
under this section. s. 17(1).

(14) A person who S. 56(14)

amended by
No. 10002
(a) being the holder of an appropriate licence s. 14(e).
under subsection (1) or subsection (3)sells
or supplies heroin to a person other than a
person permitted under this section to
purchase or obtain heroin or otherwise than
in accordance with any permit granted under
this section;
(b) being the holder of an appropriate licence
under subsection (1) or subsection (3)
manufactures or formulates heroin otherwise
than in accordance with the licence; or
(c) being the holder of a permit under this
sectionuses, supplies or administers heroin
otherwise than in accordance with the
shall be guilty of an indictable offence and liable
to imprisonment for a term of not more than five
years or to a penalty of not more than 250 penalty
units or to both such penalty and imprisonment.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

Pt 4 (Heading
and ss 5762)
Part IVDeleterious substances and search,
substituted as
Pt 4 (Heading
seizure and detention powers relating to
and ss 5760)
by No. 10002
volatile substances
s. 6(1)(a)(b).
Pt 4 (Heading)
amended by
No. 55/2003
ss 3(1).

Pt 4 Div. 1
(Heading) Division 1Deleterious substances
inserted by
No. 55/2003
s. 3(2).

S. 57 57 Definitions
substituted by
No. 10002
s. 6(1)(b).
(1) In this Part
deleterious substances means
(a) methylated spirits; or
(b) volatile substances;
methylated spirits means
(a) any spirit which has been methylated or
denatured under the provisions of the
Commonwealth Act known as the
Spirits Act 1906 as amended and in
force for the time being or the
regulations under that Act;
(b) methyl alcohol and wood spirit;
(c) any other spirit to which any
methylating substance has been added;
(d) any potable liquid with which
methylated spirits as defined in
paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) is mixed;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

volatile substance means

(a) plastic solvent, adhesive cement,
cleaning agent, glue, dope, nail polish
remover, lighter fluid, gasoline, or any
other volatile product derived from
petroleum, paint thinner, lacquer
thinner, aerosol propellent or
anaesthetic gas; or
(b) any substance declared pursuant to
subsection (2) by the Governor in
Council to be a volatile substance.
(2) The Governor in Council may by Order published
in the Government Gazette declare a substance to
be a volatile substance for the purposes of this
(3) The Governor in Council may by Order published
in the Government Gazette vary or revoke an
Order under subsection (2).
58 Sale of deleterious substances S. 58
substituted by
No. 10002
(1) Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Act s. 6(1)(b).
or the regulations, a person shall not sell a
deleterious substance to another person if the first-
mentioned person knows or reasonably ought to
have known or has reasonable cause to believe
that the other person intends
(a) to use the substance by drinking, inhaling,
administering or otherwise introducing it into
his body; or
(b) to sell or supply the substance to a third
person for use by that third person in a
manner mentioned in paragraph (a).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) is guilty

of an offence under this Act and shall be liable
(a) where the offence relates to methylated
to a penalty of not more than 5 penalty units
or imprisonment for a term of not more than
one month or both that penalty and
(b) where the offence relates to a volatile
to a penalty of not more than 50 penalty units
or imprisonment for a term of not more than
two years or both that penalty and
S. 59 59 Matters to which this Part does not apply
substituted by
No. 10002
s. 6(1)(b).
This Part does not apply to
(a) the sale of deleterious substances for a
purpose authorized by or under this Act or
for a prescribed purpose or for a purpose
authorized by or under any other Act or the
regulations made under the other Act; or
(b) the sale of deleterious substances for the
purpose of use by another person, being a
use which is authorized by or under this Act
or is a prescribed use or is a use authorized
by or under another Act or the regulations
made under that other Act.
S. 60 60 Evidence
substituted by
No. 10002
s. 6(1)(b).
(1) In proceedings for an offence against section 58
production of evidence that
(a) on any article or substance;
(b) on any package or other container in which
there is an article or substance; or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

(c) on any label or thing affixed, attached or

connected to an article or substance or a
package or container in which there is an
article or substance
there is a statement that the particular article or
substance is or contains a volatile substance is
prima facie evidence that the particular article or
substance is or contains a volatile substance.
(2) In proceedings for an offence against section 58
production of evidence that an article contains or a
substance is a residue or vapour of a volatile
substance is prima facie evidence that the article
or substance is or contains a volatile substance.
Pt 4 Div. 2
Division 2Volatile substances (Heading and
ss 60A60T)
inserted by
No. 55/2003
s. 4.

60A Purpose of Division S. 60A

inserted by
No. 55/2003
(1) The purpose of this Division is to protect the s. 4.
health and welfare of persons under 18 years of
(2) Nothing in this Division makes it an offence or is
to be taken to create an offence
(a) for a person to possess or have in the
person's control a volatile substance or an
item used to inhale a volatile substance; or
(b) for a person to inhale a volatile substance.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

S. 60B 60B Police or protective services officer to take into

(Heading) account the best interests of person under 18 years
amended by
No. 43/2011 of age
s. 19(1).
S. 60B
In the exercise of any powers under this Division
inserted by in relation to a person under 18 years of age, a
No. 55/2003
s. 4,
police officer or a protective services officer must
amended by take into account the best interests of the person.
Nos 43/2011
s. 19(2),
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.3).

S. 60BA 60BA Protective services officer may exercise police

inserted by
No. 43/2011 powers under this Division
s. 20.

S. 60BA(1) (1) Subject to subsection (3), a protective services

amended by
No. 37/2014 officer on duty at a designated place may exercise
s. 10(Sch. all the powers and has all the responsibilities
item 47.4(a)).
given to or imposed on a police officer under this
Division other than section 60M(4) and (5).
S. 60BA(2) (2) Any reference in this Division to an action taken
amended by
No. 37/2014 by a police officer includes any action taken by a
s. 10(Sch. protective services officer exercising the powers
item 47.4(a)).
of a police officer in reliance on subsection (1).
(3) A protective services officer may only exercise
the powers under this Division in relation to a
person who is at, or in the vicinity of, a designated
(4) Subsection (5) applies if a protective services
(a) has detained a person who is under 18 years
of age under section 60L; and
(b) after taking all reasonable steps, has been
unable to release the person into the care of a
suitable person in accordance with
section 60M(3).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

(5) The protective services officer

(a) may release the detained person; or
(b) subject to section 60M(2), may continue to S. 60BA(5)(b)
amended by
detain the person until the person can be No. 37/2014
handed into the custody of a police officer. s. 10(Sch.
item 47.4(a)).

(6) In taking an action under subsection (5), a

protective services officer must take the action
which he or she reasonably believes is the most
appropriate in the circumstances.
(7) In this section S. 60BA(7)
substituted by
No. 37/2014
designated place has the same meaning as in the s. 10(Sch.
Victoria Police Act 2013. item 47.4(b)).

60C Where can police powers under this Division be S. 60C

inserted by
exercised? No. 55/2003
s. 4.

(1) A police officer may only exercise the powers S. 60C(1)

amended by
under this Division in relation to a person who No. 37/2014
is s. 10(Sch.
item 47.5(a)).
(a) in a public place; or
(b) on private premises, if consent to enter the S. 60C(1)(b)
amended by
premises is given to the police officer No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
(i) by the occupier of those premises; or item 47.5(b)).

(ii) where there is no occupier of those

premises, the owner of the premises.
(2) In this section, public place has the same meaning
as it has in the Summary Offences Act 1966.
60D Police may use reasonable force S. 60D
inserted by
No. 55/2003
A police officer may use such force as is s. 4,
reasonably necessary when amended by
No. 37/2014
(a) conducting a search under section 60E s. 10(Sch.
item 47.6).
or 60F;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

(b) seizing a volatile substance or an item used

to inhale a volatile substance under
section 60J or 60K;
(c) apprehending and detaining a person under
section 60L.
S. 60E 60E Police may search person under 18 years of age
inserted by
No. 55/2003 without warrant
s. 4,
amended by Subject to sections 60G and 60H, a police officer,
No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
without warrant, may search a person and any
item 47.7). vehicle, package or thing in that person's
possession or under his or her control for a
volatile substance or an item used to inhale a
volatile substance if the police officer has
reasonable grounds for suspecting that the
(a) is under 18 years of age; and
(b) has in his or her possession or under his or
her control a volatile substance or an item
used to inhale a volatile substance; and
(c) is inhaling or will inhale a volatile substance.
S. 60F 60F Search of person irrespective of age without
inserted by
No. 55/2003 warrant
s. 4.

S. 60F(1) (1) Subject to sections 60G and 60H, a police officer,

amended by
No. 37/2014 without warrant, may search a person and any
s. 10(Sch. vehicle, package or thing in that person's
item 47.8(a)).
possession or under his or her control for a
volatile substance or an item used to inhale a
volatile substance if the police officer has
reasonable grounds for suspecting that the person
intends to provide
(a) a volatile substance to a person under
18 years of age to inhale; or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

(b) an item to a person under 18 years of age to

use to inhale a volatile substance.
(2) A police officer may search a person under S. 60F(2)
amended by
subsection (1) irrespective of the age of the No. 37/2014
person. s. 10(Sch.
item 47.8(b)).

60G Before search, police to identify self S. 60G

inserted by
No. 55/2003
s. 4.

(1) Subject to subsection (2), before a police officer S. 60G(1)

amended by
commences a search of a person under No. 37/2014
section 60E or 60F, the police officer must s. 10(Sch.

(a) inform the person of the police officer's S. 60G(1)(a)

amended by
name, rank and place of duty; and No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.

(b) if requested by the person, provide the

information referred to in paragraph (a) in
writing; and
(c) produce the police officer's identification for S. 60G(1)(c)
amended by
inspection by the person, unless the police No. 37/2014
officer is in uniform. s. 10(Sch.

(2) A police officer is not required to comply with S. 60G(2)

amended by
subsection (1) if the police officer believes on No. 37/2014
reasonable grounds that s. 10(Sch.
item 47.9(b)).
(a) the person is unable to understand the
information because of the effects of
inhaling a volatile substance; or
(b) it is otherwise impracticable to do so.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

S. 60H 60H Before search, police to give information and

inserted by request production of substance or item
No. 55/2003
s. 4.

S. 60H(1) (1) Subject to subsection (2), before a police officer

amended by
No. 37/2014 commences a search of a person under
s. 10(Sch. section 60E or 60F, the police officer must
item 47.10(a)).

S. 60H(1)(a) (a) inform the person that, although it is not an

amended by
No. 37/2014 offence to possess a volatile substance or an
s. 10(Sch. item used to inhale a volatile substance or to
47.10(a)(ii)). inhale a volatile substance, in certain
circumstances and using reasonable force,
the police officer may
(i) search a person for a volatile substance;
(ii) seize a volatile substance or item used
to inhale a volatile substance that is in a
person's possession or under a person's
control; and
S. 60H(1)(b) (b) request the person to produce to the police
amended by
No. 37/2014 officer any volatile substance or item used to
s. 10(Sch. inhale a volatile substance that is in the
47.10(a)(ii)). person's possession or under the person's
S. 60H(2) (2) A police officer is not required to comply with
amended by
No. 37/2014 subsection (1) if the police officer believes on
s. 10(Sch. reasonable grounds that
item 47.10(b)).
(a) the person is unable to understand the
information and request because of the
effects of inhaling a volatile substance; or
(b) it is otherwise impracticable to do so.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

60I Request for explanation before seizure of volatile S. 60I

substances and items used to inhale volatile inserted by
No. 55/2003
substances s. 4.

(1) Subject to subsection (2), if, during the course of S. 60I(1)

amended by
conducting a search of a person under section 60E No. 37/2014
or 60F, a police officer detects a volatile substance s. 10(Sch.
item 47.11(a)).
or item used to inhale a volatile substance, the
police officer must ask the person why he or she is
carrying or possessing that volatile substance or
(2) A police officer is not required to comply with S. 60I(2)
amended by
subsection (1) if the police officer believes on No. 37/2014
reasonable grounds that s. 10(Sch.
item 47.11(b)).
(a) the person is unable to understand the
request for the explanation referred to in that
subsection because of the effects of inhaling
a volatile substance; or
(b) it is otherwise impracticable to do so.
60J Seizure of volatile substances and items used to S. 60J
inserted by
inhale when explanation given No. 55/2003
s. 4,
A police officer may seize a volatile substance or amended by
No. 37/2014
an item used to inhale a volatile substance that is s. 10(Sch.
detected during the course of conducting a search item 47.12).
under section 60E or 60F if, on hearing the
explanation requested under section 60I, the
police officer has reasonable grounds for
suspecting that the person
(a) is under 18 years of age and is inhaling or
will inhale a volatile substance; or
(b) intends to provide the volatile substance
detected to a person under 18 years of age to
inhale; or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

(c) intends to provide the item detected to a

person under 18 years of age to use to inhale
a volatile substance.
S. 60K 60K Seizure of volatile substances and items used to
inserted by
No. 55/2003 inhale when no explanation given
s. 4,
amended by A police officer may seize a volatile substance or
No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
an item used to inhale a volatile substance that is
item 47.13(a)). detected during the course of conducting a search
under section 60E or 60F if
(a) no explanation referred to in section 60I has
been given; and
S. 60K(b) (b) the police officer has reasonable grounds for
amended by
No. 37/2014 suspecting that the person
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.13(b)). (i) is under 18 years of age and is inhaling
or will inhale a volatile substance; or
(ii) intends to provide the volatile
substance detected to a person under
18 years of age to inhale; or
(iii) intends to provide the item detected to a
person under 18 years of age to use to
inhale a volatile substance.
S. 60L 60L Apprehension and detention
inserted by
No. 55/2003
s. 4.

S. 60L(1) (1) A police officer may apprehend and detain a

amended by
No. 37/2014 person if the police officer has reasonable grounds
s. 10(Sch. for believing that the person
item 47.14(a)).
(a) is under 18 years of age; and
(b) is inhaling a volatile substance or has
recently inhaled a volatile substance; and
(c) is likely by act or neglect to cause immediate
serious bodily harm to himself or herself or
to some other person.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

(2) A police officer may apprehend and detain a S. 60L(2)

person under subsection (1) irrespective of amended by
No. 37/2014
whether s. 10(Sch.
item 47.14(b)).
(a) the person was searched under section 60E
or 60F; or
(b) any volatile substance or item used to inhale
a volatile substance
(i) was seized as a result of such a search;
(ii) was produced in accordance with a S. 60L(2)(b)(ii)
amended by
request under section 60H(1)(b) and No. 37/2014
received by a police officer. s. 10(Sch.
item 47.14(b)).

(3) Subject to subsection (4), on apprehending and S. 60L(3)

amended by
detaining a person under subsection (1) or as soon No. 37/2014
as practicable thereafter, a police officer must s. 10(Sch.
item 47.14(b)).
inform the person that
(a) the person is not under arrest in relation to
any alleged offence; and
(b) the person is apprehended and detained with
the intention of preventing the person
causing immediate serious bodily harm to
himself or herself or to some other person.
(4) A police officer is not required to comply with S. 60L(4)
amended by
subsection (3) if the police officer believes on No. 37/2014
reasonable grounds that s. 10(Sch.
item 47.14(c)).
(a) the person is unable to understand the
information referred to in that subsection
because of the effects of inhaling a volatile
substance; or
(b) it is otherwise impracticable to do so.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

S. 60M 60M How long may a person be detained and where?

inserted by
No. 55/2003
s. 4.

S. 60M(1) (1) A person who has been apprehended and detained

amended by
No. 37/2014 under section 60L must be released immediately
s. 10(Sch. upon it becoming known to a police officer that
item 47.15(a)).
the person is not under 18 years of age.
S. 60M(2) (2) A person who has been apprehended and detained
amended by
No. 37/2014 under section 60L and who is under 18 years of
s. 10(Sch. age may only be detained for as long as a police
item 47.15(a)).
officer has reasonable grounds for believing that
the person
(a) has recently inhaled a volatile substance; and
(b) is likely by act or neglect to cause immediate
serious bodily harm to himself or herself or
to some other person.
S. 60M(3) (3) Subject to subsection (2), as soon as practicable
amended by
No. 37/2014 after apprehending and detaining under
s. 10(Sch. section 60L a person who is under 18 years of age,
47.15(b)(i)). a police officer must release the person into the
care of a suitable person who
S. 60M(3)(a) (a) the police officer reasonably believes is
amended by
No. 37/2014 capable of taking care of the detained person;
s. 10(Sch. and

(b) consents to taking care of the detained

Depending on the circumstances of each case, a suitable
person may include the detained person's parent, guardian or
another adult family member or an employee of an
appropriate health or welfare agency.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

(4) If a police officer, after taking all reasonable S. 60M(4)

steps, has been unable to release the detained amended by
No. 37/2014
person into the care of a suitable person in s. 10(Sch.
accordance with subsection (3), the police item 47.15(c)).
(a) may release the detained person; or
(b) subject to subsection (2), may continue to
detain that person.
(5) In taking an action under subsection (4), a police S. 60M(5)
amended by
officer must take the action which he or she No. 37/2014
reasonably believes is the most appropriate in the s. 10(Sch.
item 47.15(c)).
(6) A police officer must not detain a person under S. 60M(6)
amended by
section 60L in No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
(a) a police gaol within the meaning of the item 47.15(c)).
Corrections Act 1986; or
(b) a police cell or lock-up.
(7) A police officer must not interview or question a S. 60M(7)
amended by
person who is apprehended and detained under No. 37/2014
section 60L in relation to any offence or alleged s. 10(Sch.
item 47.15(c)).
60N Return of seized or produced volatile substances S. 60N
inserted by
and items used to inhale volatile substances No. 55/2003
s. 4.

(1) A police officer who S. 60N(1)

amended by
No. 37/2014
(a) receives a volatile substance or an item used s. 10(Sch.
to inhale a volatile substance which is item 47.16).
produced in accordance with a request under
section 60H(1)(b); or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

(b) seizes a volatile substance or an item used to

inhale a volatile substance under section 60J
or 60K
must, as soon as practicable after receiving or
seizing the volatile substance or an item used to
inhale a volatile substance, inform the person
from whom the volatile substance or item was
received or seized of his or her right to have it
S. 60N(2) (2) A person from whom a volatile substance or item
amended by
No. 37/2014 used to inhale a volatile substance was received
s. 10(Sch. when it was produced in accordance with a
item 47.16).
request under section 60H(1)(b) may apply at the
place of duty of the police officer who received
the volatile substance or item for its return within
7 days after it was so received.
S. 60N(3) (3) A person from whom a volatile substance or item
amended by
No. 37/2014 used to inhale a volatile substance was seized
s. 10(Sch. under section 60J or 60K may apply at the place
item 47.16).
of duty of the police officer who seized the
volatile substance or item for its return within
7 days after it was seized.
S. 60N(4) (4) A volatile substance or an item used to inhale a
amended by
No. 37/2014 volatile substance that is received by a police
s. 10(Sch. officer when it was produced in accordance with a
item 47.16).
request under section 60H(1)(b) or seized under
section 60J or 60K may only be returned to a
person under 18 years of age if the person is
accompanied by a parent or guardian when
collecting the volatile substance or item.
S. 60O 60O Disposal or making safe of volatile substances and
inserted by
No. 55/2003 items used to inhale volatile substances
s. 4.
Despite section 60N, a volatile substance or an
item used to inhale a volatile substance received
when it was produced in accordance with a
request under section 60H(1)(b) or seized under

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

section 60J or 60K may be disposed of or made

safe (as the case requires) if
(a) the police officer who received or seized the S. 60O(a)
amended by
volatile substance or item believes that the No. 37/2014
disposal or making safe of that substance or s. 10(Sch.
item 47.17(a)).
item is necessary because of the risk to
health or safety in removing it from the place
of receipt or seizure; or
(b) the police officer in charge of the place of S. 60O(b)
amended by
duty of the police officer who received or No. 37/2014
seized a volatile substance or an item used to s. 10(Sch.
item 47.17).
inhale a volatile substance believes that the
disposal or making safe of that substance or
item is necessary because of the risk to
health or safety in storing it.
60P Forfeiture to Crown S. 60P
inserted by
No. 55/2003
(1) A seized volatile substance or an item used to s. 4.
inhale a volatile substance that is not returned to
the person from whom it was seized within 7 days
after being so seized is forfeited to the Crown.
(2) A volatile substance or an item used to inhale a S. 60P(2)
amended by
volatile substance received by a police officer No. 37/2014
when it was produced in accordance with a s. 10(Sch.
item 47.18).
request under section 60H(1)(b) that is not
returned to the person from whom it was received
within 7 days after being so received is forfeited
to the Crown.
(3) If any volatile substance or item used to inhale a
volatile substance is forfeited to the Crown under
subsection (1) or (2)
(a) the Minister may direct that it be disposed of
in any manner that the Minister thinks fit;
(b) if it is sold, the proceeds of the sale must be
paid into the Consolidated Fund.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

S. 60Q 60Q Records concerning searches, seizure, receipt or

inserted by disposal of property, apprehensions and detentions
No. 55/2003
s. 4.

S. 60Q(1) (1) A police officer who conducts a search under

amended by
No. 37/2014 section 60E must make a written record of the
s. 10(Sch. search containing the prescribed particulars.
item 47.18).

S. 60Q(2) (2) A police officer who conducts a search under

amended by
No. 37/2014 section 60F must make a written record of the
s. 10(Sch. search containing the prescribed particulars.
item 47.18).

S. 60Q(3) (3) A police officer who receives a volatile substance

amended by
No. 37/2014 or an item used to inhale a volatile substance
s. 10(Sch. which is produced in accordance with a request
item 47.18).
under section 60H(1)(b) must make a written
record of the receipt containing the prescribed
S. 60Q(4) (4) A police officer who seizes a volatile substance or
amended by
No. 37/2014 an item used to inhale a volatile substance under
s. 10(Sch. section 60J or 60K must make a written record of
item 47.18).
the seizure containing the prescribed particulars.
S. 60Q(5) (5) A police officer who apprehends and detains a
amended by
No. 37/2014 person under section 60L must make a written
s. 10(Sch. record of the apprehension and detention
item 47.18).
containing the prescribed particulars.
S. 60Q(6) (6) A police officer who disposes of or makes safe a
amended by
No. 37/2014 volatile substance or an item used to inhale a
s. 10(Sch. volatile substance under section 60O must make a
item 47.18).
written record of the disposal or making safe of
the substance or item containing the prescribed

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

(7) A record required to be made by this section must

be made as soon as practicable
(a) in the case of a search, after the completion
of the search; or
(b) in the case of a volatile substance or an item
used to inhale a volatile substance received
when it was produced in accordance with a
request under section 60H(1)(b), after the
substance or item was so received; or
(c) in the case of a seizure of a volatile
substance or an item used to inhale a volatile
substance under section 60J or 60K, after the
substance or item was seized; or
(d) in the case of an apprehension and detention
under section 60L, after the person who was
apprehended and detained is released in
accordance with section 60M; or
(e) in the case of the disposal or making safe of
a volatile substance or an item used to inhale
a volatile substance under section 60O, after
the substance or item was disposed of or
made safe.
60R Person may request record S. 60R
inserted by
No. 55/2003
(1) A person who is subjected to a search under s. 4.
section 60E or 60F is entitled, on request and
without charge, to a copy of the record of the
search if the request is made not later than 1 year
after the date of the search.
(2) A person who produced a volatile substance or an S. 60R(2)
amended by
item used to inhale a volatile substance in No. 37/2014
accordance with a request under section 60H(1)(b) s. 10(Sch.
item 47.19(a)).
to a police officer who received it is entitled, on
request and without charge, to a copy of the
record of the receipt if the request is made not
later than 1 year after the date of the production in

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

accordance with the request under

section 60H(1)(b).
(3) A person from whom a volatile substance or an
item used to inhale a volatile substance was seized
under section 60J or 60K is entitled, on request
and without charge, to a copy of the record of the
seizure if the request is made not later than 1 year
after the date of the seizure.
(4) A person who is apprehended and detained under
section 60L is entitled, on request and without
charge, to a copy of the record of the
apprehension and detention if the request is made
not later than 1 year after the date of apprehension
and detention.
(5) A person whose property was disposed of or made
safe under section 60O is entitled, on request and
without charge, to a copy of the record of the
disposal or making safe if the request is made not
later than 1 year after the date of the disposal or
making safe.
S. 60R(6) (6) A request under subsection (1), (2), (3), (4) or (5)
amended by
No. 37/2014 is to be made to the police officer in charge of the
s. 10(Sch. place of duty of the police officer who searched
item 47.19(b)).
the person, received the substance or item
produced in accordance with the request under
section 60H(1)(b), seized the substance or item,
apprehended and detained the person or disposed
of or made safe the substance or item (as the case
S. 60S 60S Chief Commissioner to report on actions under this
inserted by
No. 55/2003 Division
s. 4.
(1) The Chief Commissioner of Police must provide
to the Minister for inclusion in the annual report
of operations under Part 7 of the Financial
Management Act 1994 a report containing

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

(a) the number of searches without warrant

under section 60E conducted during that
financial year; and
(b) the number of searches without warrant
under section 60F conducted during that
financial year; and
(c) information about the number and type of
volatile substances and items used to inhale a
volatile substance seized as a result of
conducting those searches; and
(d) information about the number and type of S. 60S(1)(d)
amended by
volatile substances and items used to inhale a No. 37/2014
volatile substance received by police officers s. 10(Sch.
item 47.20).
when produced in accordance with a request
under section 60H(1)(b); and
(e) information about the number and type of
volatile substances and items used to inhale a
volatile substance returned to persons under
section 60N; and
(f) information about the number and type of
volatile substances and items used to inhale a
volatile substance disposed of or made safe
under section 60O; and
(g) information about the number and type of
volatile substances and items used to inhale a
volatile substance forfeited to the Crown
under section 60P; and
(h) the number of persons apprehended and
detained without warrant under section 60L
during that financial year.
(2) A report provided under this section is not
required to specify the exact type of each volatile
substance or item used to inhale a volatile
substance referred to in the report.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVDeleterious substances and search, seizure and detention powers
relating to volatile substances

S. 60T 60T Regulations

inserted by
No. 55/2003 (1) For the purposes of this Part, the Governor in
s. 4. Council may make regulations for or with respect
(a) the manner in which searches and seizures
under this Division are to be carried out; and
(b) particulars to be included in records made
under section 60Q; and
(c) any other matter or thing necessary or
convenient to be prescribed for the purposes
of this Part.
(2) Regulations made under this Part may
(a) be of general or limited application;
(b) differ according to differences in time, place
or circumstance;
(c) confer powers or discretions or impose
duties on any person.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC Pt 4A

(Heading and
cannabis ss 6169M)
inserted by
No. 54/1997
Division 1Authorities for low-THC cannabis s. 5 (as
amended by
No. 52/1998
s. 311(Sch. 1
item 22)).

61 Definitions New s. 61
inserted by
No. 54/1997
(1) In this Part s. 5.
authority means an authority issued under
section 65;
cannabis means a plant or any part of a plant of
the genus Cannabis L, whether fresh or
inspector means S. 61(1) def. of
amended by
(a) a person authorised as an inspector No. 37/2014
under section 69E; or s. 10(Sch.
item 47.21).
(b) a police officer;
low-THC cannabis means cannabis, the leaves
and flowering heads of which do not contain
more than 035 per cent of
Secretary means the Secretary to the Department S. 61(1) def. of
of Environment and Primary Industries; substituted by
No. 56/2003
s. 11(Sch.
item 7.1),
amended by
No. 70/2013
s. 4(Sch. 2
item 12).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

serious offence means an indictable offence

involving dishonesty, fraud or cultivation or
trafficking in drugs of dependence where the
maximum penalty exceeds 3 months
(2) For the purposes of section 64, a person is an
associate of an applicant for an authority if the
(a) holds or will hold any relevant financial
interest, or is or will be entitled to exercise
any relevant power (whether in right of the
person or on behalf of any other person) in
the business of the applicant to which the
authority relates, and by virtue of that
interest or power, is able or will be able to
exercise a significant influence over or with
respect to the management or operation of
the business to which the authority relates; or
(b) holds or will hold any relevant position,
whether in right of the person or on behalf of
any other person in the business of the
applicant to which the authority relates; or
(c) is a relative of the applicant.
(3) In subsection (2)
relative means spouse (including de facto spouse),
parent, child or sibling (whether of the full or
half blood);
relevant financial interest, in relation to a
business, means
(a) any share in the capital of the business;
(b) any entitlement to receive any income
derived from the business;

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

relevant position, in relation to a business, means

the position of director, manager or other
executive position or secretary, however that
position is designated;
relevant power means any power, whether
exercisable by voting or otherwise and
whether exercisable alone or in association
with others
(a) to participate in any directorial,
managerial or executive decision; or
(b) to elect or appoint any person to any
relevant position.
61A Part does not apply to medicinal cannabis S. 61A
inserted by
No. 20/2016
This Part does not apply to medicinal cannabis. s. 118.

62 Application for authority to cultivate and process New s. 62

inserted by
low-THC cannabis No. 54/1997
s. 5.
(1) A person may apply to the Secretary for an
authority authorising that person, for commercial
or research purposes relating to non-therapeutic
(a) to possess, process, sell or supply cannabis
seed which has been harvested from low-
THC cannabis; or
(b) to cultivate and possess cannabis from seed
which has been harvested from low-THC
cannabis; or
(c) to possess, process, sell or supply cannabis
(i) is substantially free of leaves and
flowering heads; and
(ii) does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol
in excess of 01 per cent.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

(2) An application under subsection (1) must

(a) be in writing; and
(b) be accompanied by the prescribed
application fee.
(3) An application under subsection (1) must contain
or be accompanied by evidence to the satisfaction
of the Secretary that
(a) the applicant is a fit and proper person to be
given an authority;
(b) the applicant intends to undertake bona fide
research or commercial activity relating to
the non-therapeutic use of cannabis under the
authority including
(i) in the case of research, evidence that
the research would be conducted by a
person with appropriate scientific
training using appropriate
methodology; or
(ii) in the case of commercial activity,
evidence of the commercial activity to
be carried out.
(4) An applicant must provide any other information
about the applicant or the application which the
Secretary reasonably requires.
New s. 63 63 Secretary must investigate application
inserted by
No. 54/1997
s. 5.
(1) On receiving an application under section 62, the
Secretary must cause to be carried out all
investigations and inquiries that the Secretary
considers necessary to properly determine the
(2) The Secretary may refer a copy of an application
and any supporting documentation to the Chief
Commissioner of Police.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

(3) The Chief Commissioner of Police must inquire

into and report to the Secretary on any matters
concerning the application that the Secretary
64 Matters to be considered in determining New s. 64
inserted by
applications No. 54/1997
s. 5.
(1) In order to prevent criminal activity in the
cultivation and processing of low-THC cannabis,
the Secretary must not issue an authority to an
applicant unless the Secretary is satisfied that
(a) the applicant or any associate of the
applicant has within the 10 years preceding
the application not been found guilty of a
serious offence; and
(b) the applicant and each associate of the
applicant is a suitable person to be concerned
in or associated with the cultivation,
processing, sale or supply of low-THC
cannabis; and
(c) the applicant's property or premises will be
suitable for the cultivation, processing, sale
or supply of low-THC cannabis in relation to
location, facilities and proposed security
(2) In particular, the Secretary may consider
(a) the applicant and each associate of the
applicant is of good repute, having regard to
character, honesty and integrity;
(b) in the case of an applicant that is not a
natural person, the applicant has a
satisfactory ownership, trust or corporate
(c) the applicant is of sound and stable financial

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

(d) the applicant has any business association

with any person or body who or which, in
the opinion of the Secretary, is not of good
repute, having regard to character, honesty
and integrity;
(e) each director, partner, trustee, executive
officer and secretary and any other person
determined by the Secretary to be associated
or connected with the ownership,
administration or management of the
operations or business of the applicant is a
suitable person to act in that capacity.
New s. 65 65 Determination of applications
inserted by
No. 54/1997
s. 5.
(1) After considering an application and any
investigation under section 63, the Secretary must
determine an application by
(a) issuing an authority; or
(b) refusing to issue an authority.
(2) The Secretary must notify the applicant in writing
of the decision under subsection (1).
New s. 66 66 Terms and conditions of authorities
inserted by
No. 54/1997
s. 5.
(1) An authority is issued for the term, not exceeding
3 years, specified in the authority unless it is
sooner suspended or cancelled.
(2) An authority relates only to the premises or site
described in it.
(3) An authority is subject to the terms, conditions,
limitations and restrictions specified in it
including, but not limited to, terms, conditions,
limitations and restrictions relating to
(a) the premises or site at which the activities
authorised by the authority may be carried

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

(b) the source of seed for sowing, including the

authentication of the varietal identity and
tetrahydrocannabinol content of the crop
from which the seed was harvested;
(c) the implementation and maintenance of
satisfactory security and surveillance
measures to restrict access of unauthorised
persons to crops and harvested material;
(d) the keeping of records and other documents;
(e) the provision of information, records or other
documents to the Secretary relating to
(i) the activities carried out under the
authority; or
(ii) a change in the position of director,
manager, secretary or other executive
position, however designated or the
structure of the business to which the
authority relates; or
(iii) any other matter that the Secretary
reasonably requires;
(f) the disposal of harvested material and crop
(g) inspection, supervision and surveillance of
seed, plants, crops, harvested material and
products by inspectors.
67 Renewal of authorities New s. 67
inserted by
No. 54/1997
(1) An application for renewal of an authority s. 5.
(a) may be made up to one month before the
expiry of the current authority; and
(b) must be in writing and accompanied by the
prescribed fee.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

(2) On receiving an application under subsection (1),

the Secretary, in the Secretary's discretion, may
renew the authority.
(3) A renewed authority lasts for the same period as
the previous authority.
New s. 68 68 Authority not transferable
inserted by
No. 54/1997
s. 5.
An authority is not transferable to another person.

New s. 69 69 Amendment of authorities

inserted by
No. 54/1997
s. 5.
(1) The Secretary may, in the Secretary's discretion
(a) amend any terms, conditions, limitations or
restrictions to which the authority is subject;
(b) impose new terms, conditions, limitations or
restrictions on an authority.
(2) An amendment under subsection (1) must be
notified in writing to the holder of the authority.
S. 69A 69A Suspension or cancellation
inserted by
No. 54/1997
s. 5.
(1) The Secretary may, by notice in writing to the
holder of an authority, suspend or cancel an
authority if
(a) the holder requests suspension or
cancellation; or
(b) the holder has not complied with the terms,
conditions, limitations or restrictions of the
authority; or
(c) the holder has failed to comply with this Act
or regulations; or
(d) the Secretary is satisfied that the holder is no
longer a fit and proper person to hold the
authority; or

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

(e) the Secretary is satisfied that the holder

obtained the authority by fraud,
misrepresentation or concealment of facts; or
(f) the holder ceases to carry on the research or
commercial activity to which the authority
(2) If an authority is suspended or cancelled under
subsection (1), it ceases to be of effect and any
document issued to the former holder must be
surrendered to the Secretary on demand.
69B Review by VCAT S. 69B
inserted by
No. 54/1997
(1) A person may apply to the Victorian Civil and s. 5 (as
Administrative Tribunal for review of a decision amended by
No. 52/1998
of the Secretary s. 311 (Sch. 1
item 22)).
(a) to refuse to issue an authority to that person;
(b) to refuse to renew an authority held by that
person; or
(c) to suspend, cancel or amend an authority
held by that person.
(2) An application for review under subsection (1)
must be made within 28 days after the later of
(a) the day on which the decision is made;
(b) if, under the Victorian Civil and
Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, the
person requests a statement of reasons for the
decision, the day on which the statement of
reasons is given to the person or the person is
informed under section 46(5) of that Act that
a statement of reasons will not be given.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

S. 69C 69C Offence to fail to comply with authority

inserted by
No. 54/1997 A person who is the holder of an authority under
s. 5. this Part must comply with the terms, conditions,
limitations or restrictions to which that authority is
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
S. 69D 69D Catchment and Land Protection Act does not apply
inserted by
No. 54/1997
s. 5.
Despite anything to the contrary in the
Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994,
Part 8 of that Act does not apply to the processing,
cultivation, possession, sale or supply of low-THC
cannabis in accordance with an authority under
this Part.

Division 2Inspection and enforcement

S. 69E 69E Inspectors under this Part
inserted by
No. 54/1997 (1) The Secretary, by instrument, may authorise the
s. 5. following persons to be inspectors for the
purposes of all or any of the provisions of this
S. 69E(1)(a) (a) any person employed under Part 3 of the
substituted by
No. 12/1999 Public Administration Act 2004; or
s. 4(Sch. 2
item 4.2),
amended by
No. 108/2004
s. 117(1)
(Sch. 3
item 60.2).

(b) any other appropriately qualified person.

(2) The Secretary may determine the terms and
conditions of authorisation of inspectors.
(3) The Secretary may, in writing, revoke the
authorisation of an inspector at any time.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

(4) The terms and conditions of authorisation may

contain general directions as to how the
inspector's powers may be exercised.
(5) The Secretary must issue an identification S. 69E(5)
amended by
certificate to each inspector (other than an No. 37/2014
inspector who is a police officer) which sets out s. 10(Sch.
item 47.22).
the provisions of this Part for which the inspector
is authorised to be an inspector.
(6) An inspector, in the course of performing his or
her functions under this Part, must produce his or
her identification certificate to any person who
requests its production.
(7) In this Division, a reference to an identification S. 69E(7)
amended by
certificate in relation to an inspector who is a No. 37/2014
police officer is a reference to written evidence of s. 10(Sch.
item 47.22).
the fact that he or she is a police officer.
69F General powers of inspectors S. 69F
inserted by
No. 54/1997
(1) For the purposes of determining compliance with s. 5.
this Part or an authority, an inspector may, with
such assistance as he or she thinks necessary, at
any reasonable time
(a) enter and inspect any place, other than
premises used as a residence, occupied by
any person who is the holder of an authority;
(b) inspect, count, examine or mark for
identification any product, plant or crop in
the place;
(c) require a person to produce any document
that the inspector reasonably requires for
ascertaining whether this Part or an authority
is being complied with and
(i) examine the document; and
(ii) make copies of it or take extracts from
it; and

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

(iii) remove the document for as long as is

reasonably necessary to make copies or
take extracts;
(d) take or remove for examination samples of
or from, or specimens of, any plant of a crop
or product to determine
(i) the tetrahydrocannabinol content of that
plant, crop or product; and
(ii) that the plant, crop or product has been
cultivated or processed in accordance
with the authority or that its possession
is in accordance with the authority;
(e) submit any sample or specimen taken in
accordance with this Part to a laboratory or
place approved by the Secretary for
examination and testing.
(2) An inspector may not exercise any powers under
this Part if the inspector fails, on request, to
produce his or her identification certificate for
inspection by the occupier of the place or the
person in charge or apparent control of the place.
S. 69G 69G Inspector may order harvest or treatment
inserted by
No. 54/1997
s. 5.
(1) If an inspector is satisfied on reasonable grounds
that any plant or crop contravenes this Part or an
authority, the inspector may order the harvest of
the plant or crop and the treatment of that
harvested material.
(2) An order under subsection (1) must
(a) be in writing; and
(b) include a statement of the reasons for
ordering the harvest and treatment; and
(c) be given to the holder of the authority.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

69H Inspector has power to detain or seize S. 69H

inserted by
If an inspector believes that any plant, crop or No. 54/1997
product contravenes this Part or an authority, the s. 5.

inspector may detain or seize the plant, crop or

product and deal with it in accordance with
section 69I.
69I What happens if an inspector detains or seizes S. 69I
inserted by
plants, crops or products? No. 54/1997
s. 5.
(1) If an inspector detains or seizes any plant, crop or
product, the inspector must immediately
(a) give notice in writing of the detention or
seizure including a statement of the reasons
for detaining or seizing the plant, crop or
product to the holder of the authority; and
(b) take or send to a laboratory or place
approved by the Secretary for examination
and testing, the plant, crop or product or a
sample of the plant, crop or product.
(2) A person must not remove the whole or any part
of a plant, crop or product detained or seized
while the detention or seizure notice remains in
force, except on the written authority or written
direction of an inspector or the Secretary.
Penalty: 50 penalty units.
(3) If the results of the examination or test of the
samples taken or sent in accordance with
subsection (1)(b) show that the plant, crop or
product was not in contravention of this Part or
the authority, the inspector must immediately
release or return the plant, crop or product to the
holder of the authority.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

(4) If the results of the examination or test of the

samples taken or sent in accordance with
subsection (1)(b) show that the plant, crop or
product was in contravention of this Part or the
authority, the inspector must
(a) inform the holder of the authority or the
person in whose possession the plant, crop or
product was found (as the case may be) in
writing of the results; and
(b) arrange for or order the harvest, disposal or
destruction of the plant, crop or product.
(5) If an arrangement or order is made for the disposal
or destruction of a plant, crop or product under
subsection (4)(b), the inspector must give notice
of that arrangement or order before that disposal
or destruction takes place.
(6) A notice under subsection (5) must
(a) be in writing; and
(b) include a statement of the reasons for
arranging or ordering the disposal or
destruction; and
(c) fix a time for the disposal or destruction; and
(d) be given to the holder of the authority.
S. 69I(7) (7) Nothing in this section limits the power of a police
amended by
No. 37/2014 officer to take legal proceedings in respect of any
s. 10(Sch. plant, crop or product found not to comply with
item 47.22).
this Part or an authority.
S. 69J 69J Appeal to Secretary if disposal or destruction
inserted by
No. 54/1997 ordered
s. 5.
(1) Within 48 hours of receiving a notice under
section 69I(5), the holder of an authority may
lodge an appeal in writing against the disposal or
destruction with the Secretary.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

(2) Within 3 business days after an appeal is lodged

under subsection (1), the Secretary must
determine the appeal by
(a) cancelling the arrangement or order made by
the inspector under section 69I; or
(b) confirming the arrangement or order made
by the inspector under section 69I.
(3) The Secretary must notify the holder of the
authority in writing of the determination made
under subsection (2).
69K Offences relating to inspector's exercise of power S. 69K
inserted by
No. 54/1997
(1) A person must not, without reasonable excuse, s. 5.
hinder or obstruct an inspector in the exercise of a
power under this Part.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
(2) A person must not, without reasonable excuse, fail
to comply with the direction, requirement or order
of an inspector.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
69L Inspector may possess cannabis for purposes of this S. 69L
inserted by
Part No. 54/1997
s. 5.
An inspector is authorised to have cannabis in his
or her possession in the exercise or performance
of any power, function or duty conferred on him
or her by this Part or the regulations made under
this Part.

Division 3Regulations under this Part

69M Regulations S. 69M
inserted by
(1) The Governor in Council may make regulations No. 54/1997
for or with respect to s. 5.

(a) fees for applications and renewals for the

purposes of this Part;

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

(b) authorising and requiring inspectors to

impose fees and charges of such amounts or
rates as are prescribed or determined in the
manner prescribed for
(i) sampling and testing cannabis plants
and crops grown or products produced
in accordance with this Part as required
under an authority or to determine the
tetrahydrocannabinol content of those
plants, crops or products;
(ii) supervising the harvesting, disposal or
destruction of cannabis plants, crops or
(iii) carrying out inspections, supervision or
surveillance of cannabis plants or crops
grown or products produced in
accordance with this Part to ensure that
the terms, conditions, limitations and
restrictions of an authority are being
complied with;
(iv) providing any other service in respect
of cannabis plants or crops grown or
products produced in accordance with
this Part;
(c) generally prescribing any other matter or
thing required or permitted by this Part to be
prescribed or necessary to be prescribed to
give effect to this Part.
(2) Regulations made under this Part may
(a) be of general or limited application;
(b) differ according to differences in time, place
or circumstance;
(c) provide for different fees for different
activities or classes of activity or different
cases or classes of cases;

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVAAuthorities for low-THC cannabis

(d) provide for specific, minimum or maximum

or minimum and maximum fees;
(e) provide for the waiver or reduction of fees;
(g) in the case of applications for the issue or
renewal of authorities, specify fees that
reflect the cost of administration of, and the
provision of inspection and other services in
connection with this Part;
(h) leave any matter to be approved or
determined by the Secretary or an inspector.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

Pt 4B
(Heading and
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid
ss 69N69V)
inserted by
poppies and process poppy straw
No. 13/2014
s. 4. Division 1Preliminary
S. 69N 69N Definitions
inserted by
No. 13/2014 In this Part
s. 4.
alkaloid poppy means a plant or any part of a
plant whether fresh or dried of
(a) Papaver bracteatum Lindley; or
(b) Papaver somniferum L.;
alkaloid poppy register means the register
established under section 69T;
associate has the same meaning given in
section 69NA;
Commonwealth licence to export means a licence
to export narcotic substances which relates to
the export of poppy straw under the Customs
Act 1901 of the Commonwealth;
Commonwealth licence to manufacture means a
licence to manufacture narcotic drugs which
relates to the manufacturing of opiates from
alkaloid poppies under the Narcotic Drugs
Act 1967 of the Commonwealth;
cultivate in relation to an alkaloid poppy has the
same meaning as it has in section 70;
detention or seizure receipt means a receipt given
in accordance with section 69RC or 69RI;
disqualified person means
(a) a person who is under the age of
17 years unless the person is an
apprentice or trainee undertaking an
approved training scheme within the

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

meaning of the Education and

Training Reform Act 2006; or
(b) a person against whom a finding of
guilt in respect of a serious offence was
made by a court (whether in or outside
Victoria) in the 10 years preceding the
date an application is made under this
Part; or
(c) a person against whom a finding of
guilt for an offence under this Act or an
offence under a corresponding law of
another jurisdiction was made by a
court (whether in or outside Victoria) in
the 5 years preceding the date an
application is made under this Part; or
(d) a person who belongs to a prescribed
class of persons;
employee, in relation to a licensed grower or a
licensed processor, includes a person who
(a) employed under a contract of
employment; or
(b) employed under a contract of training;
(c) engaged under any other contract to
perform a specified task authorised
under a poppy cultivation licence or a
poppy processing licence;
employee identification certificate means a
certificate issued to an employee by a
licensed grower under section 69OF or by a
licensed processor under section 69PF;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

harvest and destruction order means an order

made under section 69RM(3);
S. 69N def. of inspector means a person authorised under
amended by section 69R and any police officer;
No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.23(a)).

inspector identification certificate means a

certificate issued to an inspector under
section 69RA;
licence holder means
(a) a licensed grower; or
(b) a licensed processor;
licensed grower means the holder of a poppy
cultivation licence;
licensed processor means the holder of a poppy
processing licence;
poppy cultivation licence means a licence issued
under section 69OB(2);
poppy processing licence means a licence issued
under section 69PB(2);
poppy straw means the upper parts of an alkaloid
poppy, including the stem and capsule,
harvested after mowing;
process, in relation to poppy straw, means
(a) to prepare or treat poppy straw in any
manner other than refinement,
concentration, extraction or reaction
unless the refinement, concentration,
extraction or reaction is for chemical
analysis for non-therapeutic use; or
(b) to store poppy straw;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

protected information means any information, S. 69N def. of

document or thing the production or protected
inspection of which amended by
No. 37/2014
(a) is likely to reveal the identity of a s. 10(Sch.
person or a police officer who provided item 47.23(b)).

any information that formed the basis

of a decision of the Chief
Commissioner of Police to oppose the
issuing or renewal of a poppy
cultivation licence or a poppy
processing licence; or
(b) is likely to reveal the identity of a
person whose name appears in any
evidence given or information provided
to a police officer in the course of any
investigation; or
(c) is likely to reveal the identity of a
person who is or has been the subject of
an investigation conducted by a police
officer; or
(d) is likely to reveal an investigation
method used by police officers; or
(e) is likely to jeopardise the safety of a
person or police officer referred to in
paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or
(f) is likely to put at risk an ongoing
investigation by a police officer; or
(g) is otherwise not in the public interest;
risk management plan means a plan that forms
part of a poppy cultivation licence or a
poppy processing licence;
Secretary means the Department Head (within the
meaning of the Public Administration Act
2004) of the Department of Environment and
Primary Industries;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

seized material means any alkaloid poppies,

poppy straw or material derived from
alkaloid poppies or poppy straw seized by an
inspector under section 69RH;
serious offence means
(a) an indictable offence involving
dishonesty, fraud or assault; or
(b) an indictable offence involving
possession, or cultivation of, or
trafficking in, a drug of dependence; or
(c) any other indictable offence under this
Act; or
(d) an indictable offence under the law of
another jurisdiction involving
(i) dishonesty, fraud or assault; or
(ii) possession, or cultivation of, or
trafficking in, a drug of
specified premises means premises to which a
licence under this Part applies.
S. 69NA 69NA Meaning of associate
inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) For the purposes of this Part, a person who is of or
above the age of 18 years is an associate of an
applicant for a poppy cultivation licence or a
poppy processing licence or a licence holder if the
(a) holds any relevant financial interest, or is
entitled to exercise any relevant power
(whether in right of the person or on behalf
of any other person) in the business of the
applicant or the licence holder to which the
licence relates, and by virtue of that interest
or power, is able to exercise a significant
influence over or with respect to the

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

management or operation of the business to

which the licence relates; or
(b) holds any relevant position, whether in right
of the person or on behalf of any other
person in the business of the applicant or the
licence holder to which the licence relates; or
(c) is a relative of the applicant or the licence
(2) In subsection (1)
relative means a person who is
(a) a spouse of the applicant or the licence
holder by marriage;
(b) a domestic partner
(i) in a registered relationship within
the meaning of the Relationships
Act 2008 with the applicant or the
licence holder; or
(ii) of the applicant or the licence
holder to whom he or she is not
married but with whom the
applicant or the licence holder is
living as a couple on a genuine
domestic basis (irrespective of
gender) and in determining
whether the persons are domestic
partners of each other, all of the
circumstances of their relationship
are to be taken into account,
including any one or more of the
matters referred to in section 35(2)
of the Relationships Act 2008 as
may be relevant in a particular
(c) a parent;
(d) a step parent;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(e) a sibling or step-sibling;

(f) a child, stepchild or adopted child;
relevant financial interest in relation to a business
(a) any share in the capital of the business;
(b) any entitlement to receive any income
derived from the business;
relevant position in relation to the business of an
applicant for a poppy cultivation licence or a
poppy processing licence or a licence holder
(a) the position of director, partner, trustee,
manager or other executive position or
secretary, however that position is
designated; and
(b) any other person determined by the
Secretary to be associated or connected
with the ownership, administration or
management of the operations or
business of the applicant;
relevant power means any power, whether
exercisable by voting or otherwise and
whether exercisable alone or in association
with others
(a) to participate in any directorial,
managerial or executive decision; or
(b) to elect or appoint any person to any
relevant position.
S. 69NB 69NB Matters to be considered in determining a fit and
inserted by
No. 13/2014 proper person
s. 4.
(1) For the purpose of preventing criminal activity in
the cultivation of alkaloid poppies and the
processing of poppy straw, the Secretary must not

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

issue a licence under this Part to an applicant

unless the Secretary is satisfied that
(a) the applicant or any associate of the
applicant has not been found guilty in respect
of a serious offence (whether in or outside
Victoria) during the 10 years preceding the
date of making the application under this
Part; and
(b) the applicant and each associate of the
applicant is a suitable person to be concerned
in or associated with the cultivation of
alkaloid poppies or the processing of poppy
straw, as the case requires; and
(c) the applicant's property or premises will be
suitable for the cultivation of alkaloid
poppies or the processing of poppy straw, as
the case requires, in relation to location,
facilities and proposed security
arrangements; and
(d) the applicant meets the prescribed
requirements (if any).
(2) For the purpose of preventing criminal activity in
the cultivation of alkaloid poppies and the
processing of poppy straw, the Secretary must
(a) renew a poppy cultivation licence of a
licensed grower unless the Secretary is
satisfied that
(i) the licensed grower or any associate of
the licensed grower has not been found
guilty in respect of a serious offence
(whether in or outside Victoria) during
the 3 years preceding the date of
making the application for renewal
under this Part; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(ii) the licensed grower and each associate

of the licensed grower is a suitable
person to be concerned in or associated
with the cultivation of alkaloid poppies;
(iii) the licensed grower's property or
premises are suitable for the cultivation
of alkaloid poppies, in relation to
location, facilities and proposed
security arrangements; and
(iv) the licensed grower meets the
prescribed requirements (if any); or
(b) renew a poppy processing licence of a
licensed processor unless the Secretary is
satisfied that
(i) the licensed processor or any associate
of the licensed processor has not been
found guilty in respect of a serious
offence (whether in or outside Victoria)
during the 12 months preceding the
date of making the application for
renewal under this Part; and
(ii) the licensed processor and each
associate of the licensed processor is a
suitable person to be concerned in or
associated with the processing of poppy
straw; and
(iii) the licensed processor's property or
premises are suitable for the processing
of poppy straw in relation to location,
facilities and proposed security
arrangements; and
(iv) the licensed processor meets the
prescribed requirements (if any).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(3) Without limiting subsection (1) or (2), the

Secretary may consider whether
(a) the applicant, the licensed grower or the
licensed processor and each associate of the
applicant, the licensed grower or the licensed
processor is of good repute, having regard to
character, honesty and integrity; and
(b) the applicant, the licensed grower or the
licensed processor or any associate of the
applicant, the licensed grower or the licensed
processor has a history of non-compliance
with the Act; and
(c) in the case of an application for a licence, the
applicant or any associate of the applicant
has within the 10 years preceding the date of
making the application been found guilty by
a court (whether in or outside Victoria) of
any offence; and
(d) in the case of an application for the renewal
of a poppy cultivation licence, the licensed
grower or any associate of the licensed
grower has within the 3 years preceding the
date of making the application for renewal
been found guilty by a court (whether in or
outside Victoria) of any offence; and
(e) in the case of an application for the renewal
of a poppy processing licence, the licensed
processor or any associate of the licensed
processor has within the 12 months
preceding the date of making the application
for renewal been found guilty by a court
(whether in or outside Victoria) of any
offence; and
(f) in the case of an applicant, a licensed grower
or a licensed processor that is not a natural
person, the applicant, the licensed grower or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

the licensed processor has a satisfactory

ownership, trust or corporate structure; and
(g) the applicant, the licensed grower or the
licensed processor is of sound and stable
financial background; and
(h) the financial circumstances of the applicant,
the licensed grower or the licensed processor
may significantly limit the person's capacity
to meet the person's obligations in
conducting activities under the licence in
compliance with the terms and conditions
applying to the relevant licence.

Division 2Poppy cultivation licence

S. 69O 69O Application for poppy cultivation licence
inserted by
No. 13/2014 (1) A person may apply for a poppy cultivation
s. 4. licence which authorises a person for commercial
purposes relating to therapeutic use
(a) to cultivate or possess alkaloid poppies; and
(b) to sell or supply poppy straw to a licensed
processor at premises specified in the
(2) A person may apply for a poppy cultivation
licence for research purposes relating to non-
therapeutic use
(a) to cultivate or possess alkaloid poppies; and
(b) to conduct measurements, analyses and
extractions, including extraction of alkaloids
from alkaloid poppies for chemical analyses
at specified premises; and
(c) to supply alkaloid poppies or poppy straw to
a licensed processor.
(3) An application under subsection (1) or (2) must
(a) be in writing; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(b) be accompanied by a copy of the proposed

risk management plan; and
(c) be accompanied by the relevant prescribed
application fee (if any); and
(d) be accompanied by any other prescribed
(4) An application under subsection (1) or (2) must
contain or be accompanied by evidence to the
satisfaction of the Secretary that the applicant
(a) is a fit and proper person to be given a
licence; and
(b) in the case of an application under
subsection (1), intends to undertake a bona
fide commercial activity relating to the
therapeutic use of alkaloid poppies under the
licence and includes evidence of the
commercial activity to be carried out; or
(c) in the case of an application under
subsection (2), intends to undertake a
research activity relating to the
non-therapeutic use of alkaloid poppies
under the licence and includes evidence that
the research activity would be conducted by
a person with appropriate scientific training
using an appropriate methodology.
(5) An application under subsection (1) or (2) must
contain any other information about the applicant
or the application which the Secretary reasonably
requires to assist in assessing the application.
69OA Secretary must investigate application S. 69OA
inserted by
No. 13/2014
(1) On receiving an application under section 69O the s. 4.
(a) must carry out all investigations and
inquiries that the Secretary considers
necessary to determine the application; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(b) may conduct an inspection of the premises

that are to be specified in the relevant
licence; and
(c) may require that an applicant or any
associate of the applicant submit to the
Secretary a recent police record check of the
applicant or any associate of the applicant.
(2) The Secretary must provide a copy of an
application made under section 69O and any
accompanying documents to the Chief
Commissioner of Police.
(3) The Chief Commissioner of Police must
(a) inquire into and report to the Secretary on
any matters concerning the application that
he or she believes are appropriate or
reasonably necessary; and
(b) inquire into and report to the Secretary on
any matters concerning the application that
the Secretary requests; and
(c) within 28 days of receiving the application
from the Secretary, notify the Secretary in
writing of the Chief Commissioner of
Police's decision to support or oppose the
issuing of a licence and provide the reasons
for the decision.
(4) If the Secretary is notified under subsection (3)(c)
that the Chief Commissioner of Police opposes the
issuing of a poppy cultivation licence, the
Secretary must not issue the licence.
S. 69OB 69OB Determining an application
inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) After considering an application and any
investigation under section 69OA, the Secretary
must determine the application within 60 days of
receiving the application.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(2) The Secretary may issue a poppy cultivation

licence to an applicant under section 69O(1)
or (2).
(3) The Secretary may refuse to issue a poppy
cultivation licence to an applicant under
section 69O(1) or (2).
(4) The Secretary must
(a) notify the applicant in writing of the decision
under subsection (2); and
(b) if the Secretary refuses an application under
subsection (3), provide reasons for the
69OC Terms and conditions of a poppy cultivation licence S. 69OC
inserted by
No. 13/2014
(1) A poppy cultivation licence is issued for the term, s. 4.
not exceeding 3 years, specified in the licence
unless it is sooner suspended or cancelled.
(2) A poppy cultivation licence relates only to the
specified premises described in it.
(3) A poppy cultivation licence is subject to the
condition that the licensed grower must only
employ persons that are suitable to carry out
activities under the licence.
(4) A poppy cultivation licence is subject to the
condition that a licensed grower must comply with
the risk management plan under the licence.
(5) A poppy cultivation licence is subject to the
prescribed terms, conditions, limitations and
restrictions (if any).
(6) A poppy cultivation licence is subject to the terms,
conditions, limitations and restrictions specified in
it including, but not limited to, terms, conditions,
limitations and restrictions relating to the

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(a) the species, subspecies or varieties of

alkaloid poppy to be cultivated; or
(b) the specified premises at which activities
authorised under the licence may be carried
out; or
(c) the implementation and maintenance of
satisfactory security and surveillance
measures to restrict access of unauthorised
persons to crops and harvested material; or
(d) the keeping of records and other documents;
(e) the provision of information, records or other
documents to the Secretary relating to
(i) the activities carried out under the
licence; or
(ii) a change in the position of director,
manager, secretary or other executive
position, however designated, or the
structure of the business to which the
licence relates; or
(iii) any other matter that the Secretary
reasonably requires in relation to the
licence or the licensed activity; or
(f) the disposal of harvested material and crop
residue; or
(g) the inspection, sampling, supervision and
surveillance of seed of alkaloid poppies,
alkaloid poppies and poppy straw by an
inspector; or
(h) the destruction of alkaloid poppies, poppy
straw and any material derived from alkaloid

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(7) A poppy cultivation licence issued under

section 69O(1) is subject to the condition that
unless otherwise with the approval of the
Secretary, the licensed grower whilst carrying out
an activity under the licence must have a contract
with a licensed processor for the processing of
alkaloid poppies cultivated under the licence that
is registered in the alkaloid poppy register.
69OD Poppy cultivation licence is not transferable S. 69OD
inserted by
No. 13/2014
A poppy cultivation licence is not transferable to s. 4.
another person.
69OE Employee of licensed grower authorised to S. 69OE
inserted by
undertake activities under licence No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) For the purposes of this Act, an employee of a
licensed grower who holds a poppy cultivation
licence for commercial purposes relating to
therapeutic use, is authorised to carry out any
activity under the licence involving the cultivation
or possession of alkaloid poppies or the sale or
supply of poppy straw to a licensed processor
required of the employee in the course of his or
her employment.
(2) For the purposes of this Act, an employee of a
licensed grower who holds a poppy cultivation
licence for research purposes relating to non-
therapeutic use, is authorised to carry out any
activity under the licence, including the following,
that is required of the employee in the course of
his or her employment
(a) to cultivate or possess alkaloid poppies; and
(b) to conduct measurements, analyses and
extractions including extraction of alkaloids
from alkaloid poppies for chemical analyses
at specified premises; and
(c) to supply alkaloid poppies or poppy straw to
a licensed processor.
Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(3) An employee must only undertake an activity

authorised under subsection (1) or (2) in relation
to his or her employment.
S. 69OF 69OF Employee identification certificate issued by
inserted by
No. 13/2014 licensed grower
s. 4.
(1) The licensed grower must issue an employee
identification certificate to each employee that is
employed to carry out activities in the business
conducted by a licensed grower under a poppy
cultivation licence.
(2) The employee identification certificate must
contain the following information
(a) the employee's name;
(b) a clear photograph of the employee;
(c) the employee's date of birth;
(d) the expiry date of the employee
identification certificate;
(e) the poppy cultivation licence under which
the employee is authorised to carry out
activities required of the employee in the
course of his or her employment;
(f) the prescribed information (if any).
S. 69OG 69OG Application for renewal of licence
inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) A licensed grower may apply to the Secretary for
the renewal of a poppy cultivation licence.
(2) A renewal application must be made to the
Secretary at least 2 months before the poppy
cultivation licence is due to expire.
(3) A renewal application must
(a) be in writing; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(b) be accompanied by any information relevant

to whether or not the licensed grower is a fit
and proper person; and
(c) be accompanied by the current risk
management plan under the poppy
cultivation licence; and
(d) be accompanied by the relevant prescribed
renewal fee (if any); and
(e) be accompanied by any other information the
Secretary reasonably requires to assess the
application; and
(f) contain any prescribed particulars.
(4) A poppy cultivation licence may be renewed more
than once.
69OH Secretary must investigate renewal application S. 69OH
inserted by
No. 13/2014
(1) On receipt of a renewal application under s. 4.
section 69OG the Secretary
(a) must carry out any investigation or inquiry
necessary to determine the renewal
application; and
(b) may conduct an inspection of the specified
premises of the poppy cultivation licence;
(c) may require that an applicant or any
associate of the applicant submit to the
Secretary a recent police record check of the
applicant or any associate of the applicant.
(2) The Secretary must provide a copy of a renewal
application made under section 69OG and any
accompanying documents to the Chief
Commissioner of Police.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(3) The Chief Commissioner of Police must

(a) inquire into and report to the Secretary on
any matters concerning the application that
the Chief Commissioner of Police believes
are appropriate or reasonably necessary; and
(b) inquire into and report to the Secretary on
any matters concerning the renewal
application that the Secretary requests; and
(c) within 28 days of receiving the application
from the Secretary notify the Secretary in
writing of the Chief Commissioner of
Police's decision to support or oppose the
renewal of a licence and provide the reasons
for the decision.
(4) If the Secretary is notified under subsection (3)(c)
that the Chief Commissioner of Police opposes the
renewal of a poppy cultivation licence the
Secretary must not renew the relevant licence.
S. 69OI 69OI Determining a renewal application
inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) After considering a renewal application and any
investigation under section 69OH, the Secretary
must determine the renewal application within
60 days of receiving it.
(2) The Secretary may renew a poppy cultivation
licence for a period not exceeding 3 years.
(3) The Secretary may refuse to renew a poppy
cultivation licence of a licensed grower.
(4) A renewed poppy cultivation licence expires on
the date specified by the Secretary, unless the
licence is cancelled or suspended prior to the
(5) The Secretary must
(a) notify the applicant in writing of the decision
under subsection (2); and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(b) if the Secretary refuses to renew the poppy

cultivation licence under subsection (3),
provide reasons for the decision.

Division 3Poppy processing licence

69P Application for poppy processing licence S. 69P
inserted by
(1) A person may apply to the Secretary for a poppy No. 13/2014
processing licence which authorises a person for s. 4.

commercial purposes relating to therapeutic use

(a) to receive poppy straw from a licensed
grower or from a licensed processor or a
person authorised to possess and supply
alkaloid poppies in another jurisdiction; and
(b) to process and possess poppy straw at
premises specified in the licence; and
(c) to transport, sell or supply poppy straw to a
person who possesses a Commonwealth
licence to manufacture; and
(d) to transport, sell or supply poppy straw if the
applicant possesses a Commonwealth licence
to export; and
(e) to transport, sell or supply poppy straw to a
person who possesses a Commonwealth
licence to export.
(2) A person may apply to the Secretary for a poppy
processing licence which authorises a person for
research purposes relating to non-therapeutic
(a) to receive or process poppy straw at premises
specified in the licence; and
(b) to possess, transport, sell or supply poppy
straw to a licensed processor.
(3) An application under subsection (1) or (2) must
(a) be in writing; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(b) be accompanied by a copy of the proposed

risk management plan; and
(c) be accompanied by the relevant prescribed
application fee (if any); and
(d) be accompanied by any other prescribed
particulars; and
(e) in the case of an application under
subsection (1), be accompanied by a copy of
a Commonwealth licence to manufacture or
a Commonwealth licence to export, as the
case requires.
(4) An application under subsection (1) or (2) must
contain or be accompanied by evidence to the
satisfaction of the Secretary that the applicant
(a) is a fit and proper person to be issued a
licence; and
(b) in the case of an application under
subsection (1), intends to undertake a bona
fide commercial activity relating to the
therapeutic use of poppy straw including
evidence of the commercial activity to be
carried out; and
(c) in the case of an application under
subsection (2), intends to undertake a
research activity relating to the non-
therapeutic use of poppy straw under the
licence including evidence that the research
activity would be conducted by a person with
appropriate scientific training using
appropriate methodology.
(5) An application under subsection (1) or (2) must
contain any other information about the applicant
or the application which the Secretary reasonably
requires to assist in assessing the application.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

69PA Secretary must investigate application S. 69PA

inserted by
(1) On receiving an application under section 69P, the No. 13/2014
Secretary s. 4.

(a) must carry out all investigations and

inquiries that the Secretary considers
necessary to determine the application; and
(b) may conduct an inspection of the premises
that are to be specified in the relevant
licence; and
(c) may require that an applicant or any
associate of the applicant submit to the
Secretary a recent police record check of the
applicant or any associate of the applicant.
(2) The Secretary must provide a copy of an
application made under section 69P and any
accompanying documents to the Chief
Commissioner of Police.
(3) The Chief Commissioner of Police must
(a) inquire into and report to the Secretary on
any matters concerning the application that
the Chief Commissioner of Police believes
are appropriate or reasonably necessary; and
(b) inquire into and report to the Secretary on
any matters concerning the application that
the Secretary requests; and
(c) within 28 days of receiving the application
from the Secretary, notify the Secretary in
writing of the Chief Commissioner of
Police's decision to support or oppose the
issuing of a licence and provide the reasons
for the decision.
(4) If the Secretary is notified under subsection (3)(c)
that the Chief Commissioner of Police opposes the
issuing of a poppy processing licence, the
Secretary must not issue the licence.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

S. 69PB 69PB Determining an application

inserted by
No. 13/2014 (1) After considering an application and any
s. 4. investigation under section 69PA, the Secretary
must determine the application within 60 days of
receiving the application.
(2) The Secretary may issue a poppy processing
licence to an applicant under section 69P(1) or (2).
(3) The Secretary may refuse to issue a poppy
processing licence to an applicant under
section 69P(1) or (2).
(4) The Secretary must
(a) notify the applicant in writing of the decision
under subsection (2); and
(b) if the Secretary refuses an application under
subsection (3), provide reasons for the
S. 69PC 69PC Terms and conditions of a poppy processing licence
inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) A poppy processing licence is issued for the term,
not exceeding 12 months, specified in the licence
unless it is sooner suspended or cancelled.
(2) A poppy processing licence relates only to the
premises specified in it.
(3) A poppy processing licence must specify the
maximum quantity of alkaloid poppies that may
be processed by a licensed processor.
(4) A poppy processing licence is subject to the
condition that a licensed processor must comply
with the risk management plan under the licence.
(5) A poppy processing licence is subject to the
condition that the licensed processor must only
employ persons that are suitable to carry out
activities under the licence.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(6) A poppy processing licence is subject to the

prescribed terms, conditions, limitations and
restrictions (if any).
(7) A poppy processing licence is subject to the terms,
conditions, limitations and restrictions that are
specified in it including, but not limited to, terms,
conditions, limitations and restrictions relating to
the following
(a) the specified premises at which the activities
authorised by the licence may be carried out;
(b) the implementation and maintenance of
satisfactory security and surveillance
measures to restrict access of unauthorised
persons to poppy straw; or
(c) the keeping of records and other documents;
(d) the provision of information, records or other
documents to the Secretary relating to
(i) the activities carried out under the
licence; or
(ii) a change in the position of director,
manager, secretary or other executive
position, however designated, or the
structure of the business to which the
licence relates; or
(iii) any other matter that the Secretary
reasonably requires in relation to the
licence or the licensed activity; or
(e) the disposal of poppy straw; or
(f) the inspection, supervision and surveillance
of poppy straw by an inspector.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(8) A poppy processing licence referred to in

section 69P(1) is subject to the condition that the
licensed processor must hold a current
Commonwealth licence to manufacture or a
current Commonwealth licence to export whilst
undertaking an activity authorised by the licence.
S. 69PD 69PD Poppy processing licence is not transferable
inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 4.
A poppy processing licence is not transferable to
another person.
S. 69PE 69PE Employee of licensed processor authorised to
inserted by
No. 13/2014 undertake activities under licence
s. 4.
(1) For the purposes of this Act, an employee of a
licensed processor who holds a poppy processing
licence for commercial purposes relating to
therapeutic use, is authorised to carry out any of
the following activities under the licence that is
required of the employee in the course of his or
her employment
(a) to receive poppy straw from a licensed
grower or a person authorised to possess
alkaloid poppies in another jurisdiction; and
(b) to process and possess poppy straw at
specified premises; and
(c) to transport, sell or supply poppy straw to a
person who possesses a Commonwealth
licence to manufacture; and
(d) to export poppy straw if the applicant
possesses a Commonwealth licence to
(2) For the purposes of this Act, an employee of a
licensed processor who holds a poppy processing
licence for research purposes relating to non-
therapeutic use, is authorised to carry out any
activity under the licence involving the
processing, possession, transportation of poppy

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

straw or the sale or supply of poppy straw to a

licensed processor that is required of the employee
in the course of his or her employment.
(3) An employee must only undertake an activity
authorised under subsection (1) or (2) in relation
to his or her employment.
69PF Employee identification certificate issued by S. 69PF
inserted by
licensed processor No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) The licensed processor must issue an employee
identification certificate to each employee that is
employed to carry out activities in the business
conducted by a licensed processor under a poppy
processing licence.
(2) The employee identification certificate must
contain the following information
(a) the employee's name;
(b) a clear photograph of the employee;
(c) the employee's date of birth;
(d) the expiry date of the employee
identification certificate;
(e) the poppy processing licence under which
the employee is authorised to carry out
activities required of the employee in the
course of his or her employment;
(f) the prescribed information (if any).
69PG Application for renewal of licence S. 69PG
inserted by
No. 13/2014
(1) A licensed processor may apply to the Secretary s. 4.
for the renewal of a poppy processing licence.
(2) A renewal application must be made to the
Secretary at least 2 months before the poppy
processing licence is due to expire.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(3) A renewal application must

(a) be in writing; and
(b) be accompanied by any information relevant
to whether or not the licensed processor is a
fit and proper person; and
(c) be accompanied by the current risk
management plan under the poppy
processing licence; and
(d) be accompanied by a copy of the licensed
processor's current Commonwealth licence
to manufacture or current Commonwealth
licence to export; and
(e) be accompanied by the relevant prescribed
renewal fee (if any); and
(f) be accompanied by any other information the
Secretary reasonably requires to assess the
application; and
(g) contain any prescribed particulars.
(4) A poppy processing licence may be renewed more
than once.
S. 69PH 69PH Secretary must investigate renewal application
inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) On receipt of a renewal application under
section 69PG, the Secretary
(a) must carry out any investigation or inquiry
necessary to determine the renewal
application; and
(b) may conduct an inspection of the specified
premises of the poppy processing licence;
(c) may require that an applicant or any
associate of the applicant submit to the
Secretary a recent police record check of the
applicant or any associate of the applicant.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(2) The Secretary must provide a copy of a renewal

application made under section 69PG and any
accompanying documents to the Chief
Commissioner of Police.
(3) The Chief Commissioner of Police must
(a) inquire into and report to the Secretary on
any matters concerning the application that
the Chief Commissioner of Police believes
are appropriate or reasonably necessary; and
(b) inquire into and report to the Secretary on
any matters concerning the renewal
application that the Secretary requests; and
(c) within 28 days of receiving the application
from the Secretary, notify the Secretary in
writing of the Chief Commissioner of
Police's decision to support or oppose the
renewal of a licence and provide the reasons
for the decision.
(4) If the Secretary is notified under subsection (3)(c)
that the Chief Commissioner of Police opposes the
renewal of a poppy processing licence the
Secretary must not renew the licence.
69PI Determining a renewal application S. 69PI
inserted by
No. 13/2014
(1) After considering a renewal application and any s. 4.
investigation under section 69PH, the Secretary
must determine the renewal application within
60 days of receiving it.
(2) The Secretary may renew a poppy processing
licence for a period not exceeding 12 months.
(3) The Secretary may refuse to renew a poppy
processing licence of a licensed processor.
(4) A renewed poppy processing licence expires on
the date specified by the Secretary unless the
licence is cancelled or suspended prior to the

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(5) The Secretary must

(a) notify the applicant in writing of the decision
under subsection (2); and
(b) if the Secretary refuses to renew the poppy
processing licence under subsection (3),
provide reasons for the decision.

Division 4General provisions applying to a poppy

cultivation licence or poppy processing licence
S. 69Q 69Q Amendment of licences
inserted by
No. 13/2014 (1) The Secretary may
s. 4.
(a) amend an existing term, condition, limitation
or restriction to which a poppy cultivation
licence or poppy processing licence is
subject; or
(b) impose a new term, condition, limitation or
restriction on the poppy cultivation licence
or the poppy processing licence.
(2) The Secretary may exercise a power under
subsection (1)
(a) on the application of the licensed grower or
the licensed processor; or
(b) in the Secretary's discretion.
(3) The Secretary must determine an application
made under subsection (2)(a) within 28 days of
receiving the application.
(4) The Secretary must notify the licensed grower or
the licensed processor, in writing within
7 business days, if an amendment to a licence is
made under subsection (1)(a) or (b).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(5) An application by a licensed grower or a licensed

processor made under subsection (2)(a) must
(a) be in writing; and
(b) be accompanied by the relevant prescribed
fee (if any); and
(c) be accompanied by any prescribed
69QA Suspension or cancellation of licences S. 69QA
inserted by
No. 13/2014
(1) The Secretary, by notice in writing to the licensed s. 4.
grower or the licensed processor, may suspend or
cancel the relevant licence if
(a) the licensed grower or the licensed processor
requests suspension or cancellation; or
(b) the licensed grower or the licensed processor
has not complied with the terms, conditions,
limitations or restrictions of the licence; or
(c) the licensed grower or the licensed processor
has failed to comply with this Part or the
regulations applying under this Part; or
(d) the Secretary is satisfied that the licensed
grower or the licensed processor or any
associate of the licensed grower or the
licensed processor is no longer a fit and
proper person to be concerned with or
associated with, as the case requires
(i) the cultivation of alkaloid poppies; or
(ii) the processing of poppy straw; or
(e) the Secretary is satisfied that the specified
(i) of the licensed grower are no longer
suitable for the cultivation of alkaloid
poppies; or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(ii) of the licensed processor are no longer

suitable for the processing of poppy
straw; or
(f) the Secretary is satisfied that the licensed
grower or the licensed processor obtained the
relevant licence by fraud, misrepresentation
or concealment of facts; or
(g) the Chief Commissioner of Police requests
suspension or cancellation on the basis of
protected information concerning the
licensed grower or the licensed processor; or
(h) the licensed grower or the licensed processor
ceases to carry on the research or
commercial activity to which the relevant
licence relates.
(2) If a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy
processing licence is suspended or cancelled
under subsection (1) the Secretary must
(a) notify the Chief Commissioner of Police
regarding the suspension or cancellation; and
(b) in the case of a poppy cultivation licence,
notify a licensed processor who has a
registered contract with the licensed grower
within 7 business days of the suspension or
cancellation taking effect; or
(c) in the case of a poppy processing licence,
notify the licensed grower who has a contract
registered in the alkaloid poppy register with
the licensed processor within 7 business days
of the suspension or cancellation taking
(3) A poppy cultivation licence or a poppy processing
licence ceases to have effect on the suspension or
cancellation of the licence under this section.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

Division 5Inspection and enforcement

69R Inspectors under this Part S. 69R
inserted by
(1) The Secretary, by instrument, may authorise the No. 13/2014
following persons to be inspectors for the s. 4.

purposes of all or any specified provisions of this

(a) any person employed under Part 3 of the
Public Administration Act 2004; or
(b) any other appropriately qualified person.
(2) The Secretary may determine the terms and
conditions of authorisation of any inspector.
(3) The terms and conditions of authorisation of an
inspector may contain general directions as to how
the inspector's powers may be exercised.
(4) The Secretary, in writing, may vary or revoke the
authorisation of an inspector at any time.
69RA Inspectors identification certificate S. 69RA
inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 4.

(1) The Secretary must issue an identification S. 69RA(1)

amended by
certificate to each inspector (other than an No. 37/2014
inspector who is a police officer) which sets out s. 10(Sch.
item 47.24).
the provisions of this Part for which the inspector
is authorised to be an inspector.
(2) In the course of performing his or her functions
under this Part, an inspector must produce his or
her identification certificate to any person who
requests its production.
(3) In this Part, a reference to an identification S. 69RA(3)
amended by
certificate in relation to an inspector who is a No. 37/2014
police officer is a reference to written evidence of s. 10(Sch.
item 47.24).
the fact that he or she is a police officer.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

S. 69RB 69RB General powers of inspector

inserted by
No. 13/2014 (1) For the purposes of determining compliance with
s. 4. this Part or a licence issued under this Part, an
inspector, with any assistance he or she thinks
necessary, at any reasonable time may do all or
any of the following
(a) enter and inspect any place, other than
premises used as a residence, occupied by
any person who is the licensed grower or the
licensed processor; and
(b) inspect, count, examine or mark for
identification any alkaloid poppy or poppy
straw in the place; and
(c) intercept, inspect and examine any vehicle or
machine which an inspector reasonably
believes is being used for the harvest of
alkaloid poppies and transport of poppy
straw; and
(d) require a person to produce any document
that the inspector reasonably requires for
ascertaining whether this Part or a poppy
cultivation licence or a poppy processing
licence is being complied with
(i) to examine the document; and
(ii) to make copies of it or take extracts
from it; and
(iii) to remove the document for as long as
is reasonably necessary to make copies
or take extracts; and
(e) take or remove for examination samples of
or from, or specimens of, soil, any alkaloid
poppy or poppy straw or any other plant or
crop to determine

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(i) whether the alkaloid poppy or poppy

straw has been cultivated or processed
in accordance with the relevant licence;
(ii) that its possession is in accordance with
the relevant licence; and
(f) submit any sample or specimen taken in
accordance with this Part to a laboratory or
place approved by the Secretary for
examination and testing.
(2) An inspector must not exercise any powers under
this Part if the inspector fails to produce his or her
identification certificate for inspection on request
by the occupier of the place or the person in
charge or apparent control of the place.
69RC Procedure on seizing a document, thing or taking a S. 69RC
inserted by
sample No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) Subject to section 69RI, if an inspector seizes a
document or thing or takes a sample of, or from, a
thing at the premises occupied by the licensed
grower or the licensed processor, the inspector
must give a detention or seizure receipt for the
document or thing or sample to the licensed
grower or the licensed processor from whom it
was taken.
(2) If an inspector is unable to give a detention or
seizure receipt to the relevant licensed grower or
licensed processor in respect of a document or
thing or sample seized, the inspector must
(a) leave the detention or seizure receipt with, or
post it to, the licensed grower or the licensed
processor that occupies the premises from
which the document or thing or sample was
seized; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(b) if a document is seized, leave a copy of the

document, if practicable, with, or post it to,
the licensed grower or the licensed processor
that occupies the premises from which the
document was seized.
(3) A detention or seizure receipt must
(a) identify the seized document, thing or
sample taken; and
(b) state the name of the inspector who seized
the document, thing or took the sample; and
(c) state the reason why the document or thing
was seized or the sample was taken.
(4) If an inspector proposes to take a sample under
section 69RB(1)(e) the inspector must
(a) divide the sample into 3 parts; and
(b) give one part to the licensed grower or the
licensed processor, as the case requires, and
retain one part for examination and one part
untouched for future comparison.
S. 69RD 69RD Power to use electronic equipment at premises
inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) This section applies if
(a) while acting under section 69RB, an
inspector finds a thing at the premises that is
or includes a disk, tape or other device for
the storage of information; and
(b) there is at the premises equipment that may
be used with the disk, tape or other storage
device; and
(c) the inspector believes, on reasonable
grounds, that information stored in the disk,
tape or other storage device may be relevant
to determine whether this Part has been

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(2) An inspector may operate or may require the

licensed grower or the licensed processor or an
employee of the licensed grower or the licensed
processor to operate the equipment to access the
69RE Power to copy information on electronic storage S. 69RE
inserted by
devices No. 13/2014
s. 4.
If an inspector finds that a disk, tape or other
storage device at the premises contains
information that the inspector believes, on
reasonable grounds, stores information that is
relevant to determine whether this Part has been
complied with, the inspector may
(a) put the information in a documentary form
and seize the documents so produced; or
(b) copy the information to another disk, tape or
other storage device and remove that disk,
tape or storage device from the premises.
69RF Inspector must not damage equipment S. 69RF
inserted by
No. 13/2014
An inspector must not operate equipment for a s. 4.
purpose set out in section 69RD or 69RE unless
the inspector believes, on reasonable grounds, that
the operation can be carried out without damage
to the equipment.
69RG Inspector may possess alkaloid poppies or poppy S. 69RG
inserted by
straw No. 13/2014
s. 4.
For the purposes of this Act, an inspector is
authorised to have alkaloid poppies or poppy
straw in his or her possession in the exercise or
performance of any power, function or duty
conferred on him or her by this Part or the
regulations made under this Part.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

S. 69RH 69RH Inspector has power to detain or seize alkaloid

inserted by poppies or poppy straw
No. 13/2014
s. 4. An inspector may detain or seize any alkaloid
poppies, poppy straw or material derived from
alkaloid poppies or poppy straw and deal with it in
accordance with section 69RI if the inspector
believes on reasonable grounds that
(a) in the case of a poppy cultivation licence, the
licensed grower has contravened this Part or
the poppy cultivation licence; or
(b) in the case of a poppy processing licence, the
licensed processor has contravened this Part
or the poppy processing licence; or
(c) the relevant licence has been suspended or
cancelled under this Part.
S. 69RI 69RI Procedure on detaining or seizing alkaloid poppies
inserted by
No. 13/2014 or poppy straw
s. 4.
(1) If an inspector detains or seizes any seized
material under section 69RH, the inspector must
(a) make a written record of the detention or
seizure; and
(b) give a detention or seizure receipt to the
licensed grower or the licensed processor, as
the case requires, that
(i) identifies the seized material taken; and
(ii) states the name of the inspector who
detained or seized the seized material;
(iii) states the reasons for the detention or
seizure; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(c) in the case of an inspector who is not a S. 69RI(1)(c)

police officer, send a copy of the detention or amended by
No. 37/2014
seizure receipt to the Secretary; and s. 10(Sch.
item 47.24).

(d) in the case of an inspector who is a police S. 69RI(1)(d)

amended by
officer, send a copy of the detention or No. 37/2014
seizure receipt to the Chief Commissioner of s. 10(Sch.
item 47.24).
Police and the Secretary.
(2) If an inspector detains or seizes any seized
material under section 69RH, the inspector, with
any assistance necessary, may take or send the
seized material to a place approved by the
Secretary for it to be examined, tested or stored.
(3) This section does not limit or prevent the exercise S. 69RI(3)
amended by
of any power by a police officer to commence a No. 37/2014
proceeding in respect of compliance with this Part s. 10(Sch.
item 47.24).
in relation to any seized material.
69RJ Secretary has power to dispose or deal with seized S. 69RJ
inserted by
alkaloid poppies or poppy straw No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) This section applies if
(a) the Secretary is satisfied on reasonable
grounds that this Part has been contravened;
(b) the relevant licensed grower or licensed
processor has surrendered the seized material
to the Secretary and agreed that the Secretary
may deal with the seized material.
(2) In dealing with seized material to which this
section applies, the Secretary may do any of the
(a) dispose of the seized material;
(b) direct the licensed grower or the licensed
processor (as the case requires) to dispose of
the seized material;

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(c) harvest and deal with the seized material as

(d) harvest and destroy the seized material;
(e) enter into an agreement with the licensed
grower or the licensed processor (as the case
requires), or any other person, to deal with
the seized material as required in all of the
(f) anything reasonably necessary to ensure the
security of the seized material.
S. 69RK 69RK Retention and return of seized alkaloid poppies or
inserted by
No. 13/2014 poppy straw
s. 4.
(1) If an inspector seizes any seized material under
section 69RH, subject to section 69RJ, the
Secretary with any assistance necessary must
(a) take reasonable steps to release or return the
seized material to the licensed grower or the
licensed processor from whom it was seized
or its lawful owner if the reason for its
detention or seizure no longer exists; or
(b) retain any seized material that is required for
evidence in a legal proceeding in a place
approved by the Secretary.
(2) If the seized material has not been returned to the
licensed grower or the licensed processor from
whom it was seized or its lawful owner within
3 months after it was seized, the Secretary must
take reasonable steps to return it to that licensed
grower or licensed processor or lawful owner
(as the case requires) unless
(a) proceedings for the purpose for which the
seized material was retained have
commenced within that 3 month period and
those proceedings (including any appeal)
have not been completed; or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(b) the Magistrates' Court makes an order under

section 69RL extending the period during
which the seized material may be retained.
69RL Magistrates' Court may extend 3 month period S. 69RL
inserted by
No. 13/2014
(1) The Secretary may apply to the Magistrates' Court s. 4.
for an extension (not exceeding 3 months) of the
period during which the seized material may be
(a) within 3 months after the seized material is
seized under section 69RH; or
(b) if an extension has been granted under this
section, before the end of the period of the
(2) The Magistrates' Court may make an order
extending the period that the seized material is to
be retained if satisfied that
(a) the making of the order is in the interests of
justice; and
(b) the total period of retention does not exceed
12 months; and
(c) retention of the seized material is necessary
for the purposes of an investigation into
whether a contravention of this Part has
(3) At least 7 days prior to the hearing of an
application under subsection (1), the Secretary
must give notice of the application to the licensed
grower or the licensed processor, as the case
requires, from whom the alkaloid poppies, poppy
straw or material derived from alkaloid poppies or
poppy straw were seized or its lawful owner
described in the application.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

S. 69RM 69RM Forfeiture, harvest and destruction of alkaloid

inserted by poppies or poppy straw
No. 13/2014
s. 4. (1) The Secretary may apply to the Magistrates' Court
for a harvest and destruction order if the
(a) is satisfied on reasonable grounds that a
licensed grower or a licensed processor has
contravened this Part; and
(b) has cancelled the relevant licence.
(2) The Magistrates' Court may make an order that
the seized material of the licensed grower or the
licensed processor, as the case requires, be
forfeited to the Crown and be dealt with in
accordance with a harvest and destruction order
made under subsection (3) if satisfied that
(a) the relevant seized material poses a risk to
public health and safety; and
(b) in all the circumstances it is appropriate to
make a harvest and destruction order in
regards to the relevant seized material.
(3) The Magistrates' Court may make any of
the following harvest and destruction orders
(as the case requires)
(a) an order that the relevant seized material be
(b) an order that the relevant seized material be
(c) an order that the relevant seized material be
harvested and destroyed.
(4) The Magistrates' Court may
(a) give any direction necessary to enable the
Secretary to carry out the harvest and
destruction order; and

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(b) authorise the Secretary to give any

appropriate direction to harvest or destroy
the seized material (as the case requires) to
which the order relates.
69RN Recovery of costs S. 69RN
inserted by
No. 13/2014
If the Secretary incurs any costs in carrying out a s. 4.
harvest and destruction order the Secretary may
recover those costs in any court of competent
jurisdiction as a debt due to the Crown.
69RO Inspector may access ratepayer information S. 69RO
inserted by
No. 13/2014
(1) For the purposes of exercising a power under this s. 4.
Part, an inspector may require a person having
custody of any records relating to ratepayers
(within the meaning of the Local Government
Act 1989) to provide the inspector with
(a) the name and address or other contact details
of a ratepayer
(i) who is a licensed grower or a licensed
processor; or
(ii) who is an applicant for a poppy
cultivation licence or a poppy
processing licence; or
(b) the address or description of any land in
respect of which the ratepayer is liable to pay
rates and charges under Part 8 of the Local
Government Act 1989 if the ratepayer
(i) is a licensed grower or a licensed
processor; or
(ii) is an applicant for a licence under this
(2) An inspector may make a record of any
information provided to the inspector under
subsection (1).

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(3) An inspector must not be charged a fee for

anything done, or required to be done, by the
inspector under this section.
S. 69RP 69RP Protection against self-incrimination
inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 4.
It is a reasonable excuse for a natural person to
refuse or fail to give information or do any other
thing that the person is required to do by or under
this Part, if the giving of the information or the
doing of that thing would tend to incriminate the
S. 69RQ 69RQ Power to issue infringement notices
inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) An inspector may serve an infringement notice on
a person who the inspector has reason to believe
has committed a prescribed offence.
(2) An offence referred to in subsection (1) for which
an infringement notice may be served is an
infringement offence within the meaning of the
Infringements Act 2006.
S. 69RR 69RR Infringement penalty
inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 4.
The infringement penalty for an offence against
this Part is the prescribed infringement penalty in
respect of that offence.

Division 6Offences
S. 69S 69S Offence to fail to report the amendment or
inserted by cancellation of a contract
No. 13/2014
s. 4. A licensed grower who holds a poppy cultivation
licence under section 69O(1) must report to the
Secretary within 3 business days any amendment
to a contract registered in the alkaloid poppy
register that does one or more of the following
(a) amends the duration of the contract;

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(b) amends the maximum quantity of alkaloid

poppies that may be cultivated under the
(c) amends the date the contract expires;
(d) cancels the contract.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
69SA Offence to fail to report amendment or cancellation S. 69SA
inserted by
No. 13/2014
A licensed processor must inform the Secretary s. 4.
within 10 business days if a Commonwealth
licence to manufacture or a Commonwealth
licence to export required for the current poppy
processing licence held by the licensed processor
is amended or cancelled.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
69SB Offence to fail to report on any change of details of S. 69SB
inserted by
the licensed grower or the licensed processor No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) A licensed grower or a licensed processor must
report any specified information referred to in
subsection (2) in respect of a poppy cultivation
licence or a poppy processing licence to the
Secretary within 7 business days.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), specified
information is
(a) any change to the details of the licensed
grower or the licensed processor that appears
on the poppy cultivation licence or the poppy
processing licence; or
(b) any associate other than those provided to
the Secretary in the application for a poppy
cultivation licence or a poppy processing
licence; or

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(c) the signing of a personal insolvency

agreement or any declaration of bankruptcy
that applies to the licence grower or the
licence processor; or
(d) any offence that the licensed grower or the
licensed processor has been found guilty of
by a court in Victoria or elsewhere, after the
date of the application for the poppy
cultivation licence or the poppy processing
licence (as the case requires) was sent to the
Secretary; or
(e) any serious offence that an associate of the
licensed grower or the licensed processor has
been found guilty of by a court in Victoria or
elsewhere, after the date of the application
for the poppy cultivation licence or the
poppy processing licence (as the case
requires) was sent to the Secretary; or
(f) any information that the name of an associate
of a licensed grower or a licensed processor
provided to the Secretary by the licensed
grower or the licensed processor, in a
successful application under this Part, has
been changed; or
(g) the entering by a licensed grower or a
licensed processor that is not a natural person
into voluntary administration, liquidation or
S. 69SC 69SC Offence to fail to surrender licence on suspension or
inserted by
No. 13/2014 cancellation
s. 4.
Within 14 days of the suspension or cancellation
of a poppy cultivation licence or a poppy
processing licence under section 69QA a person
must surrender to the Secretary

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(a) the relevant licence; and

(b) any related document issued to the person.
Penalty: 20 penalty units.
69SD Offence to contravene a licence S. 69SD
inserted by
No. 13/2014
(1) A licensed grower must not contravene a s. 4.
prescribed minor term, condition, limitation or
restriction to which the poppy cultivation licence
is subject.
Penalty: 20 penalty units.
(2) A licensed grower must not contravene the terms,
conditions, limitations or restrictions to which the
poppy cultivation licence is subject which is not a
prescribed minor term, condition, limitation or
Penalty: 100 penalty units or 12 months
imprisonment or both.
(3) A licensed processor must not contravene a
prescribed minor term, condition, limitation or
restriction to which the poppy processing licence
is subject.
Penalty: 20 penalty units.
(4) A licensed processor must not contravene the
terms, conditions, limitations or restrictions to
which the poppy processing licence is subject
which is not a prescribed minor term, condition,
limitation or restriction.
Penalty: 100 penalty units or 12 months
imprisonment or both.
69SE Offence to fail to prohibit access to premises S. 69SE
inserted by
No. 13/2014
(1) A licensed grower must not permit any other s. 4.
person to enter the area of land where alkaloid
poppies are being cultivated unless that other
person is

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(a) an employee of the licensed grower who is

employed to undertake an activity authorised
under the poppy cultivation licence; or
(b) a licensed processor; or
(c) a party to a contract registered in the alkaloid
poppy register with the relevant licensed
grower or an employee of the relevant
licensed processor.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
(2) A licensed processor must not permit any other
person to enter the specified premises unless that
other person is an employee of the licensed
processor who is employed
(a) to carry out an activity in the business
conducted by a licensed processor under the
poppy processing licence; or
(b) to undertake an activity authorised under the
poppy processing licence.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
(3) A licensed grower must not permit any other
person to enter the area of land where alkaloid
poppies are being cultivated unless that other
person is accompanied at all times
(a) by the licensed grower; or
(b) by an employee of the licensed grower who
is employed to undertake an activity
authorised under the poppy cultivation
licence; or
(c) by an inspector.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(4) A licensed processor must not permit any other

person to enter the specified premises unless the
other person is accompanied at all times
(a) by the licensed processor; or
(b) by an employee of the licensed processor
who is employed to undertake an activity
authorised under the poppy processing
licence; or
(c) by an inspector.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
69SF Offence to fail to carry and produce identification S. 69SF
inserted by
certificate No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) An employee of a licensed grower or a licensed
processor who has been issued with an employee
identification certificate must carry the certificate
with him or her during the performance of any
activity authorised under the relevant licence.
Penalty: 60 penalty units.
(2) An employee of a licensed grower or a licensed
processor must produce his or her employee
identification certificate on the request of an
Penalty: 60 penalty units.
69SG Offence to employ disqualified persons under S. 69SG
inserted by
licence No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) A licensed grower must not employ a disqualified
person in the business conducted under the poppy
cultivation licence.
Penalty: 60 penalty units.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(2) A licensed processor must not employ a

disqualified person in the business conducted
under the poppy processing licence.
Penalty: 60 penalty units.
S. 69SH 69SH Offence for disqualified person to be employed by
inserted by
No. 13/2014 licensed grower or licensed processor
s. 4.
(1) A disqualified person must not accept
employment to carry out activities in the business
conducted by a licensed grower under a poppy
cultivation licence.
Penalty: 60 penalty units.
(2) A disqualified person must not accept
employment to carry out activities in the business
conducted by a licensed processor under a poppy
processing licence.
Penalty: 60 penalty units.
S. 69SI 69SI Employee must comply with terms and conditions of
inserted by
No. 13/2014 licence
s. 4.
(1) A licensed grower must take reasonable steps to
prevent an employee of the licensed grower
contravening the terms, conditions, limitations or
restrictions of the poppy cultivation licence and
the applicable requirements of this Part in carrying
out an activity authorised by the licence.
Penalty: 60 penalty units.
(2) A licensed processor must take reasonable steps to
prevent an employee of the licensed processor
contravening the terms, conditions, limitations or
restrictions of the licence and the applicable
requirements of this Part in carrying out an
activity authorised by the licence.
Penalty: 60 penalty units.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(3) A licensed grower must take reasonable steps to

provide each employee of the licensed grower
carrying out an activity authorised under the
poppy cultivation licence with sufficient and
appropriate information, instruction, training and
supervision to be able to carry out that activity in
accordance with the licence.
Penalty: 60 penalty units.
(4) A licensed processor must take reasonable steps to
provide each employee of the licensed processor
carrying out an activity authorised under the
poppy processing licence with sufficient and
appropriate information, instruction, training and
supervision to be able to carry out that activity in
accordance with the licence.
Penalty: 60 penalty units.
(5) An employee must cooperate with the licensed
grower in relation to any direction given, or action
taken, by the licensed grower or by any person
authorised by the licensed grower, in order to
comply with subsection (1) or (3).
Penalty: 60 penalty units.
(6) An employee must cooperate with the licensed
processor in relation to any direction given, or
action taken, by the licensed processor or by any
person authorised by the licensed processor, in
order to comply with subsection (2) or (4).
Penalty: 60 penalty units.
69SJ Criminal liability of licensed grower or licensed S. 69SJ
inserted by
processorfailure to exercise due diligence No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) If an employee of a licensed grower or a licensed
processor commits an offence against this Part,
the relevant licensed grower or licensed processor
also commits an offence against this Part, if the
licensed grower or the licensed processor failed to

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

exercise due diligence to prevent the commission

of the offence by the employee.
(2) A licensed grower or a licensed processor referred
to in subsection (1) is liable to a penalty not
exceeding the maximum penalty that applies to
the offence against this Part committed by the
(3) In determining whether a licensed grower or a
licensed processor failed to exercise due diligence,
a court may have regard to
(a) whether or not the licensed grower or the
licensed processor permitted or authorised
the act or omission of the employee in the
course of his or her employment that
constituted the offence against this Part; and
(b) what steps the licensed grower or the
licensed processor took, or could reasonably
have taken, to prevent the commission of the
offence by the employee.
(4) Without limiting any other defence available to a
licensed grower or a licensed processor, the
relevant licensed grower or licensed processor
may rely on a defence that would be available to
the employee of the licensed grower or the
licensed processor if (as the case requires)
(a) the employee were charged with the offence
with which the licensed grower or the
licensed processor is charged; and
(b) in doing so, the licensed grower or the
licensed processor bears the same burden of
proof that the employee would bear.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(5) A licensed grower or a licensed processor may

commit an offence against this Part whether or not
the employee of the licensed grower or the
licensed processor, as the case requires, has been
prosecuted for, or found guilty of, an offence
against this Part.
69SK Offence to fail to provide an identification certificate S. 69SK
inserted by
for employees No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) A licensed grower must issue to each employee
authorised in respect of the poppy cultivation
licence an employee identification certificate that
contains the information required under
section 69OF(2).
Penalty: 60 penalty units.
(2) A licensed processor must issue to each employee
authorised in respect of the poppy processing
licence an employee identification certificate that
contains the information required under
section 69PF(2).
Penalty: 60 penalty units.
69SL Offence to hinder or obstruct inspector S. 69SL
inserted by
No. 13/2014
(1) A person must not, without reasonable excuse, s. 4.
hinder or obstruct an inspector in the exercise of a
power under this Part.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
(2) A person must not, without reasonable excuse, fail
to comply with any direction, requirement or
order of an inspector under this Part.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

S. 69SM 69SM Offence to remove detained or seized alkaloid

inserted by poppies or poppy straw
No. 13/2014
s. 4. A person must not, while a detention or seizure
notice remains in effect, remove the whole or any
part of an alkaloid poppy, poppy straw or material
derived from an alkaloid poppy or poppy straw to
which the notice relates, without the authorisation
of the Secretary or an inspector.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.

Division 7Alkaloid poppy register

S. 69T 69T Alkaloid poppy register
inserted by
No. 13/2014 (1) The Secretary must establish and maintain the
s. 4. alkaloid poppy register.
(2) The alkaloid poppy register is to contain the
following information in respect of each
registrable contract
(a) the name of each party to the contract;
(b) the location of the specified premises;
(c) the date the contract was entered into by the
(d) any other relevant information provided by
an applicant or licensed grower or licensed
processor to an inspector or the Secretary;
(e) the details of the relevant poppy cultivation
licence or poppy processing licence;
(f) any relevant information collected or
received by an inspector to determine the
compliance of a licensed grower or a
licensed processor with this Part;
(g) any other prescribed information.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

69TA Request to register a contract S. 69TA

inserted by
(1) The Secretary, if requested to do so by a licensed No. 13/2014
grower, may register a contract between the s. 4.

licensed grower and a licensed processor in the

alkaloid poppy register if the contract
(a) is a valid contract; and
(b) includes details of the specified premises and
area of land where it is proposed to cultivate
alkaloid poppies; and
(c) specifies the period of the contract; and
(d) includes any other prescribed particulars
(if any).
(2) If a licensed grower makes a request under
subsection (1), the Secretary must, within
7 days
(a) register the contract; or
(b) refuse to register the contract.
(3) On making a decision under subsection (2) the
Secretary must
(a) notify the licensed grower and the licensed
processor who are the parties to the contract
of that decision; and
(b) provide reasons for the decision if the
decision was a refusal under
subsection (2)(b).
69TB Access to the alkaloid poppy register restricted S. 69TB
inserted by
No. 13/2014
(1) The Secretary must ensure that the alkaloid poppy s. 4.
register, or any part of the alkaloid poppy register,
is only accessed by a prescribed person, or class
of prescribed person, who is authorised to do so
by the Secretary.

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Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(2) The Secretary must ensure that personal

information in the alkaloid poppy register is only
disclosed in accordance with this Act.
S. 69TC 69TC Person with access to alkaloid poppy register not to
inserted by
No. 13/2014 disclose personal information from it
s. 4.
(1) Unless a disclosure is authorised under this
section, a person authorised to have access to the
alkaloid poppy register or any part of the alkaloid
poppy register must not disclose to any person the
following information in the alkaloid poppy
(a) any personal information;
(b) the location of specified premises;
(c) commercial in confidence information.
Penalty: 100 penalty units or 12 months
imprisonment or both.
(2) The Secretary or a person authorised to have
access to the alkaloid poppy register or any part of
the alkaloid poppy register may disclose personal
information in the alkaloid poppy register to a
Department or public statutory authority
(a) for the purpose of law enforcement; or
(b) as required by or under any Act or law; or
(c) if the Secretary or a person authorised to
have access to the alkaloid poppy register
believes on reasonable grounds that to do so
is necessary to enable the proper
administration of the Act.
S. 69TD 69TD Delegation
inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 4.
The Secretary, by instrument, may delegate any
powers or functions of the Secretary under this
Part, other than this power of delegation, to a
person or class of persons employed under Part 3
of the Public Administration Act 2004.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

Division 8Review by VCAT

69U Refusal of licence or renewal of licence on grounds S. 69U
of protected information inserted by
No. 13/2014
(1) If the Chief Commissioner of Police opposes the s. 4.

issuing or renewal of a poppy cultivation licence

or a poppy processing licence wholly or partly on
the basis of protected information, to the extent
that the Chief Commissioner's reasons for that
decision relate to protected information
(a) the Chief Commissioner of Police must
inform the Secretary in writing; and
(b) the requirement under section 69OB(4)(b),
69OI(5)(b), 69PB(4)(b) or 69PI(5)(b) to
provide reasons for the decision do not
apply; and
(c) the Secretary and the applicant are not
entitled to be provided with those reasons.
(2) If a person is not entitled under subsection (1) to
some or all of the reasons for a decision under
section 69OA(3)(c), 69OH(3)(c), 69PA(3)(c)
or 69PH(3)(c)
(a) the Chief Commissioner of Police must
create a written record of the reasons for the
decision; and
(b) the Secretary must notify the applicant that
the application has been denied on the basis
of protected information; and
(c) the Secretary must inform the applicant
(i) the Chief Commissioner of Police has
created a written record of the reasons
for the decision that relate to the
protected information; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(ii) the reasons are not able to be disclosed

to the applicant; and
(iii) he or she is entitled to seek review of
the Secretary's decision by VCAT; and
(d) if the applicant seeks review of the decision
by VCAT, the Chief Commissioner of Police
must provide the reasons to VCAT.
(3) Section 8 of the Administrative Law Act 1978
does not apply to a decision to which this section
S. 69UA 69UA Review by VCAT
inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) A person may apply to VCAT for review of a
decision of the Secretary
(a) to refuse to issue a poppy cultivation licence
or a poppy processing licence to that person;
(b) to refuse to issue to that person or to renew a
poppy cultivation licence or a poppy
processing licence wholly or partly on the
basis of protected information; or
(c) to refuse to renew a poppy cultivation
licence or a poppy processing licence held by
that person; or
(d) to refuse to register a contract between a
licensed grower and a licensed processor in
the alkaloid poppy register; or
(e) to suspend, cancel or amend a poppy
cultivation licence or a poppy processing
licence held by that person.
(2) An application for review under subsection (1)
must be made within 28 days after the later of
(a) the day on which the decision is made; or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(b) if, under the Victorian Civil and

Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, the
person requests a statement of reasons for the
decision, the day on which the statement of
reasons is given to the person or the person is
informed under section 46(5) of that Act that
a statement of reasons will not be given.
69UB VCAT to inquire on grounds for refusal S. 69UB
inserted by
No. 13/2014
If VCAT receives an application for review under s. 4.
section 69UA(1)(a), (c) or (e), VCAT must
enquire of the Secretary whether the grounds for
the refusal, suspension, cancellation or
amendment were based on any protected
69UC Appointment of special counsel S. 69UC
inserted by
No. 13/2014
(1) VCAT must appoint a special counsel to represent s. 4.
the interests of the applicant
(a) if in response to a request under
section 69UB, the Secretary informs VCAT
in writing that a decision was based on
protected information; or
(b) on receipt of an application for review under
section 69UA(1)(b).
(2) A special counsel must be a barrister within the
meaning of the Legal Profession Act 2004 who,
in the opinion of VCAT, has the appropriate skills
and ability to represent the interests of the party at
the hearing.
(3) At any time before the special counsel attends the
hearing or obtains any confidential affidavit in
relation to the application for the purpose of
obtaining information or instructions from the
party or representative in relation to the
proceeding the special counsel may communicate

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(a) the party whose interests he or she is

representing; or
(b) any representative of that party.
(4) Subject to section 69UE(3), at any time after the
special counsel commences to attend the hearing
or obtains any confidential affidavit in relation to
the application, the special counsel
(a) must not take instructions from the party
whose interests he or she is representing, or
from any representative of that party; and
(b) must not communicate any other information
in relation to the hearing to that party or a
representative of that party without leave of
VCAT, except to communicate any order
made by VCAT at or in relation to the
(5) A special counsel may be required to sign a
confidentiality undertaking to VCAT.
S. 69UD 69UD Procedure for hearingprotected information
inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) If, in response to a request under section 69UB,
the Secretary informs VCAT in writing that the
decision was based on protected information or
the application for review was made under
section 69UA(1)(b), VCAT must, at the hearing of
the application, first determine whether or not the
information is protected information.
(2) For the purposes of making a determination under
subsection (1), VCAT may hold a hearing or any
part of it in private.
(3) If VCAT determines to hold a hearing
or part of a hearing in private under
subsection (2)
(a) only the Chief Commissioner of Police and
the special counsel are entitled to be present;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(b) each party that is entitled to be present has a

right to make submissions as to
(i) whether evidence supporting the
grounds for refusal to issue or to renew
the relevant licence, the cancellation or
the suspension of the relevant licence
amounts to protected information; and
(ii) the weight that should be given to that
evidence; and
(iii) the character of the applicant, being
evidence indicating whether the
applicant is a fit and proper person to
hold a poppy cultivation licence or a
poppy processing licence; and
(iv) whether, in all the circumstances, the
poppy cultivation licence or the poppy
processing licence should be renewed
or issued to the applicant.
(4) After hearing the evidence of the Chief
Commissioner of Police and the special counsel
under subsection (3), VCAT must decide whether
or not any of the evidence adduced amounts to
protected information.
(5) If VCAT decides that none of the evidence
adduced under subsection (3) amounts to
protected information, VCAT must admit the
applicant to the proceeding and subsection (3)
ceases to apply to the conduct of the hearing.
69UE Decision of VCAT where protected information S. 69UE
inserted by
exists No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) Without limiting any other power of VCAT
conferred by or under this Part or any other Act, if
VCAT decides that any of the evidence adduced
under section 69UD(3) is protected information,
that subsection continues to apply to the hearing

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

of the proceeding to the extent that it relates to

that protected information.
(2) In making a determination in a proceeding to
which subsection (1) applies, VCAT must
(a) what weight to give the protected
information and any other evidence adduced;
(b) whether, in all the circumstances, the poppy
cultivation licence or the poppy processing
licence should be issued to the applicant,
renewed or reinstated (as the case may be).
(3) If VCAT decides that any of the evidence adduced
under section 69UD(3) is protected information
(a) VCAT must take all steps and precautions to
prevent release of that information; and
(b) if the special counsel wishes to seek further
instructions from the applicant on one or
more occasions in relation to that protected
information, the special counsel may do so
only by submitting written questions for the
approval of VCAT after hearing any
submissions from the Chief Commissioner
of Police on their content.
(4) Despite section 117 of the Victorian Civil and
Administrative Tribunal Act 1998, any order
issued by VCAT in relation to a decision under
this section must only state
(a) whether the decision of the Secretary is
upheld or overturned; and
(b) if the poppy cultivation licence or the poppy
processing licence is not issued, reinstated or
renewed (as the case requires), that the
applicant or each relevant person in relation

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

to the application has failed to meet the fit

and proper person requirements.
(5) For the avoidance of doubt, VCAT may publish
reasons for its decision to the extent that those
reasons do not relate to protected information.
69UF General provisions for hearing matters involving S. 69UF
inserted by
protected information No. 13/2014
s. 4.
(1) For the purposes of a hearing to which
section 69UD or 69UE applies, VCAT must be
constituted by a presidential member.
(2) At any time before a final determination has been
made by VCAT on a matter to which
section 69UD or 69UE applies
(a) the Secretary may change his or her decision
and renew or issue or reinstate the poppy
cultivation licence or the poppy processing
licence; and
(b) if the poppy cultivation licence or the poppy
processing licence is renewed or issued or
reinstated (as the case requires), the
proceeding terminates immediately.
(3) The following provisions do not apply to a
proceeding for as long as section 69UD or 69UE
(a) Subdivision 1 of Division 3 of Part 3 and
sections 49 and 101 of the Victorian Civil
and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998;
(b) section 8 of the Administrative Law Act
(4) Subsection (3) does not apply to any extent that
the proceedings do not involve protected

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

Division 9Regulations
S. 69V 69V Regulations
inserted by
No. 13/2014 (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations
s. 4. for or with respect to the following
(a) the cultivation of alkaloid poppies;
(b) the processing of poppy straw;
(c) classes of persons that are disqualified
(d) prescribing fees or levies to recover any
compliance or administrative costs;
(e) prescribing terms, conditions, limitations and
restrictions to which licences issued under
this Part will be subject;
(f) particulars to be included in any application
for the issue, renewal or amendment of a
poppy cultivation licence or a poppy
processing licence;
(g) restricting, limiting or prohibiting premises,
vehicles or machines used or intended to be
used in connection with the cultivation and
destruction of alkaloid poppies or the
processing or destruction of poppy straw;
(h) limiting or prohibiting transport of poppy
straw, including in relation to specific
geographical areas or regions in Victoria;
(i) the distance required to separate alkaloid
poppies and poppy straw at a specified
premises from any other place;
(j) matters to be considered by the Secretary in
relation to the suitability of specified
premises for the cultivation of alkaloid
poppies or processing of poppy straw;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(k) fencing of specified premises and standard of

fencing required to separate alkaloid poppies
and poppy straw from a public place or any
other premises;
(l) requirements of signage at specified
premises and information to be displayed at a
specified premises, or on equipment or
vehicles used for or in connection with the
growing or harvesting of alkaloid poppies or
the processing of poppy straw;
(m) the manner in which searches, detentions and
seizures under this Part are to be carried out;
(n) records to be kept in relation to alkaloid
poppy cultivation or poppy straw processing;
(o) prescribing a penalty of not more than
100 penalty units for any contravention of or
failure to comply with the regulations made
under this Part.
(2) Regulations made under this Part may
(a) be of general or limited application;
(b) differ according to differences in time, place
or circumstances;
(c) apply to different classes of person and
(d) provide for different fees for different
activities or classes of activity or different
cases or classes of cases;
(e) provide for waiver or reduction of fees;
(f) in the case of applications for the issue or
renewal of licences, specify fees that reflect
the cost of administration of, and the
provision of, inspection services in
connection with this Part;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IVBLicences to cultivate alkaloid poppies and process poppy straw

(g) confer powers or discretions or impose

duties on the Secretary or an inspector;
(h) exempt specified persons or things or classes
of person or classes of thing from complying
with all or any of the regulations
(i) whether unconditionally or on specified
conditions; and
(ii) either wholly or to such an extent as is
specified; and
(iii) leave any matter to be required to be
undertaken in a manner approved by
the Secretary.
Pt 5 (Heading * * * * *
and ss 6369)
repealed by
No. 10002
s. 6(1)(c)(d).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

Part VDrugs of dependence and Pt 6

(Heading and
related matters ss 70101)
substituted as
Pt 5 (Heading
and ss 7080)
and Pt 6
(Heading and
ss 8190) by
No. 10002
s. 7(1).
Pt 5 (Heading)
amended by
No. 52/2006
s. 7.

70 Definitions S. 70
substituted by
No. 10002
s. 7(1).

(1) In this Part and Part VI, unless inconsistent with S. 70(1)
amended by
the context or subject-matter No. 101/1986
s. 55(1)(c).

aggregated commercial quantity, in relation to S. 70(1) def. of

2 or more drugs of dependence, means a commercial
quantity determined as follows quantity
inserted by
No. 61/2001
(a) the quantity of each drug of dependence s. 4(1),
involved in the alleged offence is amended by
No. 52/2006
determined as a fraction of s. 8(1)(4).
(i) in the case of a drug of
dependence which is a narcotic
plant, the commercial quantity
specified in column 2 of Part 2 of
Schedule Eleven in respect of that
drug of dependence; and
(ii) in relation to a drug of dependence
the name of which is specified in
column 1 of Part 3 of Schedule

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

(A) if that drug of dependence is

contained in or mixed with
another substance and the
quantity of that mixture of
drug of dependence and
other substance is not less
than the quantity specified
in column 2A of that Part
of that Schedule opposite to
the name of that drug of
dependence, means any
amount of that drug of
dependence; or
(B) in any other case, means the
quantity that is specified in
column 2 of that Part of that
Schedule opposite to the
name of that drug of
dependence; and
(b) the fractions determined under
paragraph (a) are added together; and
(c) the quantity is an aggregated
commercial quantity if the total of those
fractions when added together is equal
to or greater than the number "1";
Example 1
Drug of dependence not contained in or
mixed with other substance
Jack is in possession of 200 grams of heroin,
80 grams of amphetamine and 800 grams of
tetrahydrocannabinol. The individual
commercial quantities for each of those drugs
is 250 grams, 100 grams and 1 kilogram
respectively (as set out in column 2 of Part 3 of
Schedule Eleven), so each of these quantities is
not individually a commercial quantity for

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

To aggregate the individual quantities,

determine the quantities involved as fractions
of the specified commercial quantities:
/250 (heroin), 80/100 (amphetamine)and 800/1000
(tetrahydrocannabinol) ie 4/5 plus 4/5 plus 4/5.
The total of the fractions when added together
is 12/5 or 24 which is a number greater than 1.
This is a quantity which is not less than an
aggregated commercial quantity of 2 or more
drugs of dependence.
Example 2
Drug of dependence not contained in or
mixed with other substance Jill is in
possession of 80 cannabis plants and 800 grams
of tetrahydrocannabinol. The individual
commercial quantities for each of those drugs is
100 plants and 1 kilogram respectively (as set
out in column 2 of Part 2 of Schedule Eleven
and column 2 of Part 3 of Schedule Eleven), so
each of these quantities is not individually a
commercial quantity for trafficking.
To aggregate the individual quantities,
determine the quantities involved as fractions
of the specified commercial quantities:
/100 (cannabis plants) and
/1000 (tetrahydrocannabinol) ie 8/10 plus 8/10.
The total of the fractions when added together
is 16/10 or 16 which is a number greater than 1.
This is a quantity which is not less than an
aggregated commercial quantity of 2 or more
drugs of dependence.
Example 3
Drug of dependence contained in or mixed
with other substance
Fred is in possession of 400 grams of a
substance containing 240 grams of heroin,
400 grams of a substance containing 200 grams
of amphetamine and 8 kilograms of a substance
containing 900 grams of tetrahydracannabinol.
The individual commercial quantities for a
mixture of one of these drugs and another
substance (as set out in column 2A of Part 3 of
Schedule Eleven), comprise 500 grams for
heroin, 500 grams for amphetamine, and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

10 kilograms for tetrahydracannabinol, so each

of these quantities is not individually a
commercial quantity for trafficking.
To aggregate the individual quantities,
determine the quantities involved as fractions
of the specified commercial quantities 400/500
(quantity of mixture of substance and heroin),
/500 (quantity of mixture of substance and
amphetamine), 800/1000 (quantity of mixture of
substance and tetrahydrocannabinol) i.e. 4/5 plus
/5 plus 4/5. The total of these fractions is 12/5 or
24 which is a number greater than 1. This is a
quantity which is not less than an aggregated
commercial quantity of 2 or more drugs of
For narcotic plants, quantities are to be calculated on
the quantity specified for a drug of dependence in
column 2 of Part 2 of Schedule Eleven.
Quantities of drugs of dependence contained in or
mixed with another substance are to be calculated on
the quantities specified in column 2A of Part 3 of
Schedule Eleven.
In the case of a drug of dependence specified in
column 1 of Part 3 of Schedule Eleven, quantities are
to be calculated either on the quantity specified for
the drug of dependence in column 2 of Part 3 of
Schedule Eleven (if that drug is not contained in or
mixed with another substance) or on the quantity
specified for the drug of dependence in column 2A
of Part 3 of Schedule Eleven (if that drug is
contained in or mixed with another substance).
If a quantity is calculated on a quantity specified in
column 2 of Part 3 of Schedule Eleven in respect of a
drug of dependence, any other substance contained in
or mixed with that drug of dependence is not to be
included in the calculation.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

aggregated large commercial quantity, in relation S. 70(1) def. of

to 2 or more drugs of dependence, means a aggregated
quantity determined as follows commercial
(a) the quantity of each drug of dependence inserted by
involved in the alleged offence is No. 61/2001
s. 4(1),
determined as a fraction of amended by
No. 52/2006
(i) in the case of a drug of s. 8(5)(7).
dependence which is a narcotic
plant, the large commercial
quantity specified in column 1A
of Part 2 of Schedule Eleven in
respect of that drug of
dependence; and
(ii) in relation to a drug of dependence
the name of which is specified in
column 1 of Part 3 of
Schedule Eleven
(A) if that drug of dependence
is contained in or mixed
with another substance and
the quantity of that mixture
of drug of dependence and
other substance is not less
than the quantity specified
in column 1B of that Part of
that Schedule opposite to
the name of that drug of
dependence, means any
amount of that drug of
dependence; or
(B) in any other case, means
the quantity that is
specified in column 1A of
that Part of that Schedule
opposite to the name of that
drug of dependence; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

(b) the fractions determined under

paragraph (a) are added together; and
(c) the quantity is an aggregated large
commercial quantity if the total of those
fractions when added together is equal
to or greater than the number "1";
Example 1
Drug of dependence contained in or mixed with
other substance
Bill is in possession of 800 grams of a substance
containing 250 grams of amphetamine, 600 grams
of a substance containing 200 grams of heroin,
800 grams of a substance containing 100 grams
of methylamphetamine. The individual large
commercial quantities for a mixture of one of these
drugs and another substance (as set out in column 1B
of Part 3 of Schedule Eleven), comprise 1 kilogram
for amphetamine, 1 kilogram for heroin and
1 kilogram for methylamphetamine so each of these
quantities is not individually a large commercial
quantity for trafficking.
To aggregate the individual quantities, determine the
quantities involved as fractions of the specified large
commercial quantities 800/1000 (quantity of mixture of
substance and amphetamine), 600/1000 (quantity of
mixture of substances and heroin), 800/1000 (quantity of
mixture of substance and methylamphetamine), i.e. 4/5
plus 3/5 plus 4/5. The total of these fractions is 11/5 or
22 which is a number greater than 1. This is a
quantity which is not less than an aggregated large
commercial quantity of 2 or more drugs of
Example 2
Drug of dependence not contained in or mixed
with other substance
Fredrica is in possession of 150 grams of heroin,
300 grams of amphetamine, and 450 grams of
cocaine. The individual large commercial quantities
for each of those drugs (as set out in Column 1A of
Part 3 of Schedule Eleven), comprise 750 grams for

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

heroin, 750 grams for amphetamine and 750 grams

for cocaine so each of these quantities is not
individually a large commercial quantity for
To aggregate the individual quantities, determine
the quantities involved as fractions of the specified
large commercial quantities 150/750 (heroin), 300/750
(amphetamine), 450/750 (cocaine), i.e. 1/5 plus 2/5 plus
/5. The total of these fractions is 6/5 or 12 which is a
number greater than 1. This is a quantity which is not
less than an aggregated large commercial quantity of
2 or more drugs of dependence.
For narcotic plants, quantities are to be calculated on
the quantity specified for a drug of dependence in
column 1A of Part 2 of Schedule Eleven.
Quantities of drugs of dependence contained in or
mixed with another substance are to be calculated on
the quantities specified in column 1B of Part 3 of
Schedule Eleven.
In the case of a drug of dependence specified in
column 1 of Part 3 of Schedule Eleven, quantities
are to be calculated either on the quantity specified for
the drug of dependence in column 1A of Part 3 of
Schedule Eleven (if that drug is not contained in or
mixed with another substance) or on the quantity
specified for the drug of dependence in column 1B of
Part 3 of Schedule Eleven (if that drug is contained in
or mixed with another substance). If a quantity is
calculated on a quantity specified in column 1A of
Part 3 of Schedule Eleven in respect of a drug of
dependence, any other substance contained in or
mixed with that drug of dependence is not to be
included in the calculation.
automatic forfeiture quantity, in relation to a S. 70(1) def. of
drug of dependence the name of which is forfeiture
specified in column 1 of Part 3 of Schedule quantity
inserted by
Eleven, means the quantity of that drug, No. 63/2003
including any other substance in which it is s. 45.

contained or with which it is mixed, that is

specified in column 2B of that Part of that

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

Schedule opposite to the name of that drug

of dependence;
see the Confiscation Act 1997;
S. 70(1) def. of cannabis means any fresh or dried parts of a plant
amended by of the genus Cannabis L;
No. 101/1986
s. 58(1)(b)(i),
substituted by
No. 48/1997
s. 37(a).

S. 70(1) child means a person under 18 years of age;

def. of child
inserted by
No. 48/1997
s. 37(a).

S. 70(1) def. of commercial quantity

substituted by
(a) in relation to a drug of dependence the
Nos 48/1997 name of which is specified in column 1
s. 37(b),
of Part 1 of Schedule Eleven, means the
s. 4(2). quantity that is specified in column 2 of
that Part of that Schedule opposite to
the name of that drug of dependence;
(b) in relation to a drug of dependence the
name of which is specified in column 1
of Part 2 of Schedule Eleven, means the
quantity, or the number of plants, that is
specified in column 2 of that Part of
that Schedule opposite to the name of
that drug of dependence;
(c) in relation to a drug of dependence the
name of which is specified in column 1
of Part 3 of Schedule Eleven
(i) if that drug of dependence is
contained in or mixed with
another substance and the quantity
of that mixture of drug of

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

dependence and other substance is

not less than the quantity specified
in column 2A of that Part of that
Schedule opposite to the name of
that drug of dependence, means
any amount of that drug of
dependence; or
(ii) in any other case, means the
quantity that is specified in
column 2 of that Part of that
Schedule opposite to the name
of that drug of dependence;
(d) in relation to 2 or more drugs of
dependence, means an aggregated
commercial quantity of those drugs;
cultivate, in relation to a narcotic plant includes S. 70(1) def. of
inserted by
(a) sow a seed of a narcotic plant; or No. 61/2001
s. 4(1),
(b) plant, grow, tend, nurture or harvest a amended by
narcotic plant; or No. 52/2006
s. 8(8).
(c) graft, divide or transplant a narcotic
large commercial quantity S. 70(1) def. of
(a) in relation to a drug of dependence the quantity
name of which is specified in column 1 inserted by
No. 61/2001
of Part 2 of Schedule Eleven, means the s. 4(1).
quantity, or the number of plants, that is
specified in column 1A of that Part of
that Schedule opposite to the name of
that drug of dependence;
(b) in relation to a drug of dependence the
name of which is specified in column 1
of Part 3 of Schedule Eleven

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

(i) if that drug of dependence is

contained in or mixed with
another substance and the
quantity of that mixture of drug of
dependence and other substance is
not less than the quantity specified
in column 1B of that Part of that
Schedule opposite to the name of
that drug of dependence, means
any amount of that drug of
dependence; or
(ii) in any other case, means the
quantity that is specified in
column 1A of that Part of that
Schedule opposite to the name of
that drug of dependence;
(c) in relation to 2 or more drugs of
dependence, means an aggregated large
commercial quantity of those drugs;
S. 70(1) def. of narcotic plant means any plant the name of
narcotic plant
amended by which is specified in column 1 of Part 2 of
Nos 101/1986 Schedule Eleven and includes a cutting of
s. 58(1)(b)(ii),
52/2006 such a plant, whether or not the cutting has
s. 8(9). roots;
S. 70(1) def. of public place has the same meaning as it has
public place
inserted by in section 3 of the Summary Offences
No. 2/2016 Act 1966;
s. 4.

S. 70(1) def. of school has the same meaning as it has in

inserted by section 1.1.3 of the Education and
No. 2/2016 Training Reform Act 2006;
s. 4.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

small quantity S. 70(1) def. of

small quantity
(a) in relation to any fresh or dried parts amended by
of a plant of the genus Cannabis L, Nos 101/1986
s. 58(1)(b)(iii),
means the quantity that is specified in 48/1997
column 4 of Part 2 of Schedule Eleven s. 37(c).

opposite to the name Cannabis L

specified in column 1 of that part of
that Schedule; and
(b) in relation to any drug of dependence
the name of which is specified in
column 1 of Part 3 of Schedule Eleven,
means the quantity of that drug,
including any other substance in which
it is contained or with which it is
mixed, that is specified in column 4 of
that Part of that Schedule opposite to
the name of that drug of dependence;
traffick in relation to a drug of dependence
(a) prepare a drug of dependence for
(b) manufacture a drug of dependence; or
(c) sell, exchange, agree to sell, offer for
sale or have in possession for sale, a
drug of dependence;
traffickable quantity, in relation to a drug of S. 70(1) def. of
dependence quantity
substituted by
(a) the name of which is specified in No. 48/1997
s. 37(d),
column 1 of Part 1 of Schedule Eleven, amended by
means the quantity that is specified in No. 52/2006
s. 8(10).
column 3 of that Part of that Schedule
opposite to the name of that drug of

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

(b) the name of which is specified in

column 1 of Part 2 of Schedule Eleven,
means the quantity, or the number of
plants, that is specified in column 3 of
that Part of that Schedule opposite to
the name of that drug of dependence;
(c) the name of which is specified in
column 1 of Part 3 of Schedule
(i) if that drug of dependence is
contained in or mixed with
another substance and the quantity
of that mixture of drug of
dependence and other substance is
not less than the quantity specified
in column 3 of that Part of that
Schedule opposite to the name of
that drug of dependence, means
any amount of that drug of
dependence; or
(ii) in any other case, means the
quantity that is specified in
column 3A of that Part of that
Schedule opposite to the name of
that drug of dependence;
use in relation to a drug of dependence means
(a) smoke a drug of dependence;
(b) inhale the fumes caused by heating or
burning a drug of dependence; or
(c) introduce a drug of dependence into the
body of a person.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

(2) The provisions of section 4(2) and (3) and the S. 70(2)
interpretations of manufacture, sell and supply in amended by
No. 18/2000
section 4(1) do not apply to this Part. s.105(c).

71 Trafficking in a drug or drugs of dependencelarge S. 71

substituted by
commercial quantity No. 10002
s. 7(1),
amended by
Nos 56/1989
s. 286(Sch. 2
item 9),
ss 38(1)
substituted by
No. 61/2001
s. 5,
amended by
No. 52/2014
s. 18 (ILA
s. 39B(1)).

(1) A person who, without being authorized by or S. 71(1)

amended by
licensed under this Act or the regulations or the No. 20/2016
Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the s. 119.

regulations under that Act to do so, trafficks or

attempts to traffick in a quantity of a drug of
dependence or of 2 or more drugs of dependence
that is not less than the large commercial quantity
applicable to that drug of dependence or those
drugs of dependence is guilty of an indictable
offence and liable
(a) to level 1 imprisonment (life); and
(b) in addition to imprisonment, to a penalty of
not more than 5000 penalty units.
Note Note to
s. 71(1)
An offence against this section is a serious drug offence inserted by
for the purposes of the Confiscation Act 1997. On the No. 55/2014
s. 50.
conviction of a person for a serious drug offence, the court
must make an order under section 89DI of the Sentencing
Act 1991 declaring the person to be a serious drug offender.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

S. 71(2) (2) The baseline sentence for an offence under

inserted by subsection (1) is 14 years.
No. 52/2014
s. 18. Note
See section 5A of the Sentencing Act 1991 as to baseline
S. 71AA 71AA Trafficking in a drug or drugs of dependence
inserted by
No. 61/2001 commercial quantity
s. 5,
amended by A person who, without being authorized by or
No. 20/2016
s. 120.
licensed under this Act or the regulations or the
Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the
regulations under that Act to do so, trafficks or
attempts to traffick in a quantity of a drug of
dependence or of 2 or more drugs of dependence
that is not less than the commercial quantity
applicable to that drug of dependence or those
drugs of dependence is guilty of an indictable
offence and liable to level 2 imprisonment
(25 years maximum).
S. 71AB 71AB Trafficking in a drug of dependence to a child
inserted by
No. 61/2001
s. 5,
amended by
No. 2/2016
s. 5(1)(2) (ILA
s. 39B(1)).
S. 71AB(1) (1) Subject to subsection (2), a person who, without
amended by
No. 20/2016 being authorized by or licensed under this Act or
s. 121. the regulations or the Access to Medicinal
Cannabis Act 2016 or the regulations under that
Act to do so, trafficks or attempts to traffick in a
drug of dependence to a child is guilty of an
indictable offence and liable to level 3
imprisonment (20 years maximum).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

(2) A person who, without being authorised by or S. 71AB(2)

licensed under this Act or the regulations or the inserted by
No. 2/2016
Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the s. 5(2),
regulations under that Act to do so, trafficks or amended by
No. 20/2016
attempts to traffick in a drug of dependence to a s. 121.
child at a school or in a public place within
500 metres of a school is guilty of an indictable
offence and liable to level 2 imprisonment
(25 years maximum).
71AC Trafficking in a drug of dependence S. 71AC
inserted by
No. 61/2001
s. 5,
amended by
No. 2/2016
s. 6(1)(2) (ILA
s. 39B(1)).

(1) Subject to subsection (2), a person who, S. 71AC(1)

amended by
without being authorized by or licensed under No. 20/2016
this Act or the regulations or the Access to s. 122.

Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the regulations

under that Act to do so, trafficks or attempts to
traffick in a drug of dependence is guilty of an
indictable offence and liable to level 4
imprisonment (15 years maximum).
(2) A person who, without being authorised by or S. 71AC(2)
inserted by
licensed under this Act or the regulations or the No. 2/2016
Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the s. 6(2),
amended by
regulations under that Act to do so, trafficks or No. 20/2016
attempts to traffick in a drug of dependence at a s. 122.

school or in a public place within 500 metres of a

school is guilty of an indictable offence and liable
to level 3 imprisonment (20 years maximum).
71AD Use of violence or threats to cause trafficking in S. 71AD
inserted by
drug of dependence No. 2/2016
s. 7.
(1) A person must not intentionally cause another
person to traffick in a drug of dependence by
(a) threatening to harm that person or another
person; or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

(b) using violence against that person or another

Penalty: Level 6 imprisonment (5 years
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) prevents a person
who trafficks a drug of dependence in the
circumstances specified in that subsection from
being liable for any offence of trafficking under
this Part.
(3) Nothing in this section limits or affects the
operation of
(a) section 79 or 80; or
(b) section 322O, 322P, 323 or 324 of the
Crimes Act 1958.
S. 71A 71A Possession of substance, material, documents or
inserted by
No. 48/1997 equipment for trafficking in a drug of dependence
s. 39,
amended by
No. 52/2006
s. 9(1) (ILA
s. 39B(1)).

S. 71A(1) (1) A person who, without being authorised by or

amended by
Nos 20/2016 licensed under this Act or the regulations or the
s. 123, 2/2016 Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or
s. 8(1).
the regulations under that Act to do so, possesses
a substance, material, document containing
instructions relating to the preparation,
cultivation or trafficking of a drug of dependence
or equipment with the intention of using the
substance, material, document or equipment for
the purpose of trafficking in a drug of dependence
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to
level 5 imprisonment (10 years maximum).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

(2) Nothing in this section is limited by section 71C. S. 71A(2)

inserted by
No. 52/2006
s. 9(1).

(3) Nothing in this section is limited by section 71D. S. 71A(3)

inserted by
No. 52/2006
s. 9(2).

(4) Nothing in this section is limited by section 71E. S. 71A(4)

inserted by
No. 2/2016
s. 8(2).

71B Supply of drug of dependence to a child S. 71B

inserted by
No. 48/1997
s. 39.

(1) Subject to subsection (1A), a person who, without S. 71B(1)

amended by
being authorised by or licensed under this Act or Nos 2/2016
the regulations or the Access to Medicinal s. 9(1),
Cannabis Act 2016 or the regulations under that s. 124(1).
Act to do so
(a) supplies a drug of dependence to a child for S. 71B(1)(a)
amended by
the purposes of the supply of that drug of No. 52/2006
dependence by that child to another person, s. 10.

whether a child or adult; or

(b) supplies a drug of dependence to a child for
the use of that drug of dependence by that
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a
penalty of not more than 1000 penalty units or
level 4 imprisonment (15 years maximum) or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

S. 71B(1A) (1A) A person who, without being authorised by or

inserted by licensed under this Act or the regulations or the
No. 2/2016
s. 9(2), Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the
amended by regulations under that Act to do so
No. 20/2016
s. 124(2). (a) supplies a drug of dependence to a child
at a school or in a public place within
500 metres of a school for the purposes of
the supply of that drug of dependence by
that child to another person, whether a child
or adult; or
(b) supplies a drug of dependence to a child
at a school or in a public place within
500 metres of a school for the use of that
drug of dependence by that child
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a
penalty of not more than 1600 penalty units or
level 3 imprisonment (20 years maximum) or
(2) Despite section 70(2), in this section supply has
the same meaning as in section 4(1) of this Act.
(3) This section does not apply to a person who
supplies a drug of dependence to a child if, at the
time of supplying that drug, that person was also a
(4) It is a defence to a charge under this section for a
person charged to prove that he or she believed on
reasonable grounds that the person to whom the
drug of dependence was supplied was 18 years of
age or older.
S. 71C 71C Possession of tablet press
inserted by
No. 52/2006
s. 11,
A person who, without being authorized by or
amended by licensed under this Act or the regulations (if any)
No. 20/2016
s. 125.
or the Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016
or the regulations under that Act (if any) to do so
or otherwise without a lawful excuse, possesses a
tablet press is guilty of an indictable offence and
Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

liable to a penalty of not more than 600 penalty

units or level 6 imprisonment (5 years maximum)
or both.
71D Possession of precursor chemicals S. 71D
inserted by
No. 52/2006
A person who, without being authorized by or s. 12 (as
licensed under this Act or the regulations (if any) amended by
No. 10/2007
or the Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 s. 6),
or the regulations under that Act (if any) to do so amended by
No. 20/2016
or otherwise without a lawful excuse, possesses a s. 126.
prescribed precursor chemical in a quantity that is
not less than the prescribed quantity applicable to
that precursor chemical is guilty of an indictable
offence and liable to a penalty of not more than
600 penalty units or level 6 imprisonment (5 years
maximum) or both.
71E Possession of document containing information S. 71E
inserted by
about trafficking or cultivating a drug of No. 2/2016
dependence s. 10,
amended by
No. 20/2016
(1) A person who, without being authorised by or s. 127.
licensed under this Act or the regulations or the
Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the
regulations under that Act to do so or otherwise
without a reasonable excuse, possesses a
document containing instructions for the
trafficking or cultivation of a drug of dependence
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a
penalty of not more than 600 penalty units or level
6 imprisonment
(5 years maximum) or both.
See the definition of document in section 38 of the
Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984. See the
definition of traffick in this Part which includes
manufacturing a drug of dependence and also
section 71(2).
(2) Section 104 does not apply to an offence against
this section.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

S. 71F 71F Publication of document containing instructions

inserted by
No. 2/2016 (1) A person who, without being authorised by or
s. 10, licensed under this Act or the regulations or the
amended by
No. 20/2016 Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the
s. 128. regulations under that Act to do so or otherwise
without a reasonable excuse, publishes a
document containing instructions for the
trafficking or cultivation of a drug of
(a) with the intention that the instructions will
be used by another person for the purposes
of the trafficking or cultivation of a drug of
dependence; or
(b) knowing or being reckless as to whether
the instructions will be used by another
person for the purpose of the trafficking
or cultivation of a drug of dependence
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a
penalty of not more than 1200 penalty units or
level 5 imprisonment (10 years maximum) or
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), it is irrelevant
whether the document or the instructions
contained in the document actually work to
traffick or cultivate a drug of dependence.
(3) For the purposes of this section, publish includes
sell, offer for sale, let on hire, exhibit, display,
distribute and demonstrate.
(4) Section 104 does not apply to an offence against
this section.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

72 Cultivation of narcotic plantslarge commercial S. 72

quantity substituted by
No. 10002
A person who, without being authorized by or s. 7(1),
amended by
licensed under this Act or the regulations or the No. 48/1997
Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the ss 40(1)(2),
regulations under that Act to do so, cultivates or substituted by
attempts to cultivate a narcotic plant in a quantity No. 61/2001
s. 6,
of a drug of dependence, being a narcotic plant, amended by
that is not less than the large commercial quantity No. 20/2016
s. 129.
applicable to that narcotic plant is guilty of an
indictable offence and liable
(a) to level 1 imprisonment (life); and
(b) in addition to imprisonment, to a penalty of
not more than 5000 penalty units.
Note Note to s. 72
inserted by
An offence against this section is a serious drug offence for the No. 55/2014
purposes of the Confiscation Act 1997. On the conviction of a s. 51.
person for a serious drug offence, the court must make an order
under section 89DI of the Sentencing Act 1991 declaring the
person to be a serious drug offender.
72A Cultivation of narcotic plantscommercial quantity S. 72A
inserted by
No. 61/2001
A person who, without being authorized by or s. 6,
licensed under this Act or the regulations or the amended by
No. 20/2016
Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the s. 130.
regulations under that Act to do so, cultivates or
attempts to cultivate a narcotic plant in a quantity
of a drug of dependence, being a narcotic plant,
that is not less than the commercial quantity
applicable to that narcotic plant is guilty of an
indictable offence and liable to level 2
imprisonment (25 years maximum).
72B Cultivation of narcotic plants S. 72B
inserted by
No. 61/2001
A person who, without being authorized by or s. 6,
licensed under this Act or the regulations or the amended by
No. 20/2016
Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the s. 131.
regulations under that Act to do so, cultivates or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

attempts to cultivate a narcotic plant is guilty of an

indictable offence and liable
(a) if the trial judge (or magistrate on a
summary hearing) is satisfied on the balance
of probabilities that the offence was not
committed by the person for any purpose
related to trafficking in that plant, to level 8
imprisonment (1 year maximum) or a
penalty of not more than 20 penalty units or
both; or
(b) in any other case, to level 4 imprisonment
(15 years maximum).
S. 72C 72C Defence to prosecution for offences involving
inserted by
No. 61/2001 cultivation
s. 6,
amended by It is a good defence to a prosecution for an
No. 2/2016
s. 11.
offence against section 72, 72A, 72B or 72D(2)
involving the cultivation of a narcotic plant if
the person charged with the offence adduces
evidence which satisfies the court on the balance
of probabilities that, having regard to all the
circumstances (including his or her conduct) in
which the matter alleged to constitute the offence
arose or preparatory to the alleged commission of
the offence, he or she did not know or suspect and
could not reasonably have been expected to have
known or suspected that the narcotic plant was a
narcotic plant.
S. 72D 72D Permitting use of premises for trafficking or
inserted by
No. 2/2016 cultivation of drug of dependence
s. 12.

S. 72D(1) (1) An owner or occupier of land or premises who,

amended by
No. 20/2016 without being authorised by or licensed under
s. 132. this Act or the regulations or the Access to
Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the regulations
under that Act to do so, intentionally permits
another person to use that land or those premises

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

for trafficking in a drug of dependence is guilty of

an indictable offence and liable to a penalty level
6 imprisonment (5 years maximum).
(2) An owner or occupier of land or premises who, S. 72D(2)
amended by
without being authorised by or licensed under No. 20/2016
this Act or the regulations or the Access to s. 132.

Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the regulations

under that Act to do so, intentionally permits
another person to use that land or those premises
for cultivating a drug of dependence is guilty of an
indictable offence and liable to a penalty level 6
imprisonment (5 years maximum).
(3) For the purposes of this section, premises includes
the following
(a) residential dwellings, including temporary
(b) commercial or industrial land and buildings;
(c) other structures on land;
Caravans, cabins, sheds, outhouses, shipping
(d) vehicles, including motor vehicles, aircraft,
boats and vessels.
73 Possession of a drug of dependence S. 73
substituted by
No. 10002
s. 7(1).

(1) A person who without being authorized by or S. 73(1)

amended by
licensed under this Act or the regulations or the No. 20/2016
Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the s. 133(1).

regulations under that Act to do so has or attempts

to have in his possession a drug of dependence is
guilty of an indictable offence and liable

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

(a) where the court is satisfied on the balance of

probabilities that
S. 73(1)(a)(i) (i) the offence was committed in
amended by
No. 48/1997 relation to a quantity of cannabis or
s. 42(1)(a). tetrahydrocannabinol that is not more
than the small quantity applicable to
cannabis or tetrahydrocannabinol;
S. 73(1)(a)(ii) (ii) the offence was not committed for any
amended by
No. 48/1997 purpose related to trafficking in
s. 42(1)(b). cannabis or tetrahydrocannabinol
to a penalty of not more than 5 penalty units;
S. 73(1)(b) (b) subject to paragraph (a), where the court is
amended by
No. 48/1997 satisfied on the balance of probabilities that
s. 41(4). the offence was not committed by the person
for any purpose relating to trafficking in that
drug of dependenceto a penalty of not
more than 30 penalty units or to level 8
imprisonment (1 year maximum) or to both
that penalty and imprisonment; or
S. 73(1)(c) (c) in any other caseto a penalty of not
amended by
No. 48/1997 more than 400 penalty units or to level 6
s. 41(5). imprisonment (5 years maximum) or to both
that penalty and imprisonment.
S. 73(2) (2) Where a person has in his possession, without
amended by
No. 20/2016 being authorized by or licensed under this Act or
s. 133(2). the regulations or the Access to Medicinal
Cannabis Act 2016 or the regulations under that
Act to do so, a drug of dependence in a quantity
that is not less than the traffickable quantity
applicable to that drug of dependence, the
possession of that drug of dependence in that
quantity is prima facie evidence of trafficking by
that person in that drug of dependence.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

74 Introduction of a drug of dependence into the body S. 74

of another person substituted by
No. 10002
A person who, without being authorized by or s. 7(1),
amended by
licensed under this Act or the regulations or the Nos 48/1997
Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the s. 41(6),
20/2016 s. 134.
regulations under that Act to do so, introduces or
attempts to introduce a drug of dependence into
the body of another person is guilty of an offence
against this Act and liable to a penalty of not more
than 30 penalty units or to level 8 imprisonment
(1 year maximum) or to both that penalty and
75 Use of drug of dependence S. 75
substituted by
No. 10002
A person who, without being authorized by or s. 7(1),
licensed under this Act or the regulations or the amended by
No. 20/2016
Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the s. 135.
regulations under that Act to do so uses or
attempts to use a drug of dependence is guilty of
an offence against this Act and liable
(a) where the court is satisfied on the balance S. 75(a)
amended by
of probabilities that the offence was No. 48/1997
committed in relation to cannabis or s. 42(2).

tetrahydrocannabinolto a penalty of not

more than 5 penalty units; and
(b) in any other caseto a penalty of not S. 75(b)
amended by
more than 30 penalty units or to level 8 No. 48/1997
imprisonment (1 year maximum) or to both s. 41(7).

that penalty and imprisonment.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

S. 76 76 Adjourned bonds to be given in certain cases

substituted by
No. 10002
s. 7(1),
amended by
No. 57/1989
s. 3(Sch.
item 59.7

S. 76(1) (1) Where before the Magistrates' Court

amended by
No. 49/1991
s. 119(7)
(Sch. 4
item 6).

S. 76(1)(a) (a) in relation to cannabis

amended by
No. 48/1997
s. 43(1)(a).

S. 76(1)(a)(i) (i) a person is charged with an offence

amended by
No. 61/2001 under section 72B and at the hearing
s. 7(a). the court is satisfied on the balance of
probabilities that the offence was not
committed by the person for any
purpose relating to trafficking in
(ii) a person is charged with an offence
under section 73 and at the hearing the
court is satisfied on the balance of
probabilities that the offence was not
committed by the person for any
purpose relating to trafficking in
(iii) a person is charged with an offence
under section 75; or
(iv) a person is charged with an offence
under section 79 or section 80, being
an offence that relates to an offence
mentioned in subparagraphs (i), (ii)

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

or (iii) of this paragraph and, where

that last-mentioned offence relates to
the possession or cultivation of
cannabis, the court is satisfied on
the balance of probabilities that the
last-mentioned offence would not have
been committed by the person for any
purpose relating to trafficking in
cannabis or the court is satisfied on
the balance of probabilities that the
last-mentioned offence would, if
committed, have related to a quantity
of cannabis which was not more than
the small quantity applicable to
cannabis; and
(ab) in relation to any drug of dependence S. 76(1)(ab)
inserted by
specified in column 1 of Part 3 of No. 48/1997
Schedule Eleven s. 43(1)(a).

(i) a person is charged with an offence

under section 73 and at the hearing the
court is satisfied on the balance of
probabilities that the offence
(A) was committed in relation to a
quantity of that drug which was
not more than the small quantity
applicable to that drug; and
(B) was not committed for any
purpose relating to trafficking in
that drug; or
(ii) a person is charged with an offence
under section 75 and at the hearing the
court is satisfied on the balance of
probabilities that the offence was
committed in relation to a quantity of
that drug which was not more than the
small quantity applicable to that drug;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

(iii) a person is charged with an offence

under section 79 or section 80, being
an offence that relates to an offence
mentioned in subparagraphs (i) or (ii),
and the court is satisfied on the balance
of probabilities that the last-mentioned
(A) would, if committed, have been
committed in relation to a quantity
of that drug which was not more
than the small quantity applicable
to that drug; and
(B) would not have been committed
for any purpose relating to
trafficking in that drug; and
S. 76(1)(ac) (ac) a person is charged with an offence under
inserted by
No. 2/2016 section 71E and at the hearing the court is
s. 13(1). satisfied on the balance of probabilities that
the offence was not committed by the person
for any purpose relating to cultivating or
trafficking in a drug of dependence; and
S. 76(1)(b) (b) a person mentioned in paragraph (a), (ab)
amended by
Nos 48/1997 or (ac) has not previously been convicted of
s. 43(1)(b), an offence under
s. 13(2).
(i) section 36B(2), Part III of this Act or
this Part;
(ii) Part II or Part III of the Poisons
Act 1962;
S. 76(1)(b)(iii) * * * * *
repealed by
No. 46/2008
s. 275(3)(a).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

(iv) a provision of the law of another State S. 76(1)(b)(iv)

or Territory of the Commonwealth amended by
No. 46/2008
corresponding to any provision s. 275(3)(b).
mentioned in subparagraphs (i) or (ii);
(v) Division 2 of Part XIII of the Act of the S. 76(1)(b)(v)
amended by
Commonwealth known as the Customs No. 93/2005
Act 1901 as amended and in force for s. 14(1).

the time being; or

(vi) section 307.1, 307.2, 307.3, 307.4, S. 76(1)(b)(vi)
inserted by
307.5, 307.6, 307.7, 307.8, 307.9 No. 93/2005
or 307.10 of the Criminal Code of s. 14(2).

the Commonwealth as amended and

in force for the time being
and has not previously been dealt with under
this section; and
(c) in relation to a person mentioned in S. 76(1)(c)
amended by
paragraph (a), (ab) or (ac) the court is Nos 48/1997
satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the s. 43(1)(b),
person is guilty of the offence with which s. 13(3).
he is charged
the court, without proceeding to conviction, shall
having regard to the character and antecedents of
the person and to all the circumstances and the
public interest, adjourn the further hearing to a
time and place to be fixed (such time being not
more than twelve months thereafter) and allow the
person charged to go at large upon his giving an
undertaking under section 75(1) of the Sentencing
Act 1991, unless the court considers it appropriate
to proceed to a conviction.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

S. 76(1A) (1A) If a person to whom subsection (1) applies is,

inserted by on a charge for an offence in relation to a
No. 48/1997
s. 43(2). drug of dependence other than cannabis or
tetrahydrocannabinol, released on giving an
undertaking under section 75(1) of the Sentencing
Act 1991, the court must attach to the undertaking
a condition that the person completes an approved
drug education and information program.
(2) Where subsection (1) applies to a person and the
magistrates' court proceeds to a conviction, the
court shall state its reasons for doing so.
S. 76(3) (3) In determining whether a person has been
amended by
No. 48/2006 previously convicted of an offence for the
s. 42(Sch. purposes of paragraph (b) of subsection (1),
item 11).
proceedings under the Children, Youth and
Families Act 2005 or under any Act of the
Commonwealth or of a State or Territory of the
Commonwealth which corresponds to that Act
shall be disregarded.
S. 76(4) (4) A person or body may apply to the Secretary for
inserted by
No. 48/1997 approval for a program for the purposes of this
s. 43(3), section.
amended by
No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).

S. 76(5) (5) An application under subsection (4) must be

inserted by
No. 48/1997 accompanied by the prescribed application fee.
s. 43(3).

S. 76(6) (6) The Secretary

inserted by
No. 48/1997
s. 43(3),
(a) may grant an approval subject to any
amended by conditions, limitations or restrictions
No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).
specified in the approval; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

(b) must specify the period during which an

approval continues in force.
77 Forging prescriptions and orders for drugs of S. 77
substituted by
dependence No. 10002
s. 7(1),
(1) A person shall not forge or attempt to forge or amended by
Nos 48/1997
fraudulently alter or attempt to fraudulently alter s. 41(8),
or utter or attempt to utter knowing it to be forged 20/2016 s. 136
(ILA s. 39B(1)).
or fraudulently altered a prescription or order for a
drug of dependence.
Penalty: 20 penalty units or level 8
imprisonment (1 year maximum) or
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a patient S. 77(2)
inserted by
medicinal cannabis access authorisation is an No. 20/2016
order for a drug of dependence. s. 136.

78 Obtaining drugs of dependence etc. by false S. 78

representation substituted by
No. 10002
A person shall not knowingly by false s. 7(1),
amended by
representation, whether oral or in writing or by No. 48/1997
conduct s. 41(9).

(a) obtain or attempt to obtain a drug of S. 78(a)

amended by
dependence from a person authorized No. 20/2016
by or licensed under this Act or the s. 137.

regulations or the Access to Medicinal

Cannabis Act 2016 or the regulations
under that Act to possess, manufacture,
sell or supply the drug of dependence;
(b) obtain or attempt to obtain a prescription S. 78(b)
amended by
or order for a drug of dependence from a Nos 23/1994
registered medical practitioner, dentist, s. 118(Sch. 1
item 17.13),
pharmacist or veterinary practitioner or a 74/2000
person authorized by this Act or the s. 3(Sch. 1
item 38.2),
regulations or the Access to Medicinal 20/2016 s. 137.
Cannabis Act 2016 or the regulations
under that Act to issue or possess the
prescription or order;
Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

S. 78(c) (c) cause or induce or attempt to cause or

amended by induce a registered medical practitioner to
No. 23/1994
s. 118(Sch. 1 administer by injection or otherwise, a drug
item 17.13). of dependence to him; or
S. 78(d) (d) cause or induce or attempt to cause or
amended by
No. 20/2016 induce a pharmacist or a person authorized
s. 137. by this Act or the regulations or the Access
to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the
regulations under that Act to supply a drug
of dependence, to dispense a prescription
or order for a drug of dependence, if the
first-mentioned person knew the prescription
or the order to have been obtained in
contravention of this Act or the regulations
or the Access to Medicinal Cannabis
Act 2016 or the regulations under that Act.
Penalty: 20 penalty units or level 8
imprisonment (1 year maximum)
or both.
S. 79 79 Conspiring
substituted by
No. 10002
s. 7(1).

S. 79(1) (1) A person who conspires with another person

amended by
Nos 48/1997 or other persons to commit an offence against
s. 47(a), any provision of sections 71, 71AA, 71AB,
s. 7(b), 2/2016 71AC, 71AD, 71A, 71B, 71E, 71F, 72, 72A,
s. 14. 72B, 72D or 73 is guilty of an indictable offence
and liable to the same punishment pecuniary
penalties and forfeiture as if he has committed
the first-mentioned offence.
Note to Note
s. 79(1)
inserted by An offence against this section is a serious drug offence
No. 55/2014 for the purposes of the Confiscation Act 1997 where the
s. 52.
conspiracy is to commit an offence against section 71 or 72.
On the conviction of a person for a serious drug offence,
the court must make an order under section 89DI of the

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

Sentencing Act 1991 declaring the person to be a serious

drug offender.
(2) A person who conspires with another person or
persons to commit an offence against any of the
provisions of sections 74, 75, 77 or 78 is guilty of
an offence against this Act and liable to the same
punishment pecuniary penalties and forfeiture as
if he has committed the first-mentioned offence.
80 Inciting etc. S. 80
inserted by
No. 63/2014
s. 7(8).
S. 80
substituted by
No. 10002
s. 7(1).

(1) A person who incites the commission of an S. 80(1)

amended by
offence against any of the provisions of Nos 48/1997
sections 71, 71AA, 71AB, 71AC, 71AD, 71A, s. 47(b),
71B, 71E, 71F, 72, 72A, 72B, 72D or 73 is guilty s. 7(c)(i)(ii),
of an indictable offence and liable to the same 63/2014
s. 7(9), 2/2016
punishment pecuniary penalties and forfeiture as s. 15(1).
if he has committed the relevant offence against
any of the provisions of sections 71, 71AA, 71AB,
71AC, 71AD, 71A, 71B, 71E, 71F, 72, 72A, 72B,
72D or 73.
Note Note to
s. 80(1)
An offence against this section is a serious drug offence inserted by
for the purposes of the Confiscation Act 1997 where the No. 55/2014
s. 53(1),
offence that is incited is an offence against section 71 or 72. amended by
On the conviction of a person for a serious drug offence, No. 79/2014
the court must make an order under section 89DI of the s. 62(1).
Sentencing Act 1991 declaring the person to be a serious
drug offender.
(2) A person who incites the commission of an S. 80(2)
amended by
offence against any of the provisions of No. 63/2014
sections 74, 75, 77 or 78 is guilty of an offence s. 7(9).

against this Act and liable to the same punishment

pecuniary penalties and forfeiture as if he has

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

committed the relevant offence against any of the

provisions of sections 74, 75, 77 or 78.
Note to Note
s. 80(2)
inserted by Subdivision (1) of Division 1 of Part II of the Crimes
No. 63/2014 Act 1958 deals with complicity in commission of offences.
s. 7(10).

(3) A person who in Victoria

(a) conspires with another person or persons to
commit; or
(b) aids, abets, counsels or procures the
commission of
an offence in any place outside Victoria being an
offence punishable under the provisions of a
corresponding law in force in that place shall be
guilty of the same offence and liable to the same
punishment pecuniary penalty and forfeiture as if
the offence committed outside Victoria had been
committed inside Victoria.
Note to Note
s. 80(3)
inserted by An offence against this section is a serious drug offence for
No. 55/2014 the purposes of the Confiscation Act 1997 where the
s. 53(2),
amended by conspiracy is to commit an offence that, if committed in
No. 79/2014 Victoria, would be an offence against section 71 or 72 or the
s. 62(2). offence that is aided, abetted, counselled or procured is an
offence that, if committed in Victoria, would be an offence
against section 71 or 72. On the conviction of a person for a
serious drug offence, the court must make an order under
section 89DI of the Sentencing Act 1991 declaring the
person to be a serious drug offender.
S. 80(4) (4) A person who in Victoria does an act preparatory
amended by
Nos 61/2001 to the commission of an offence in a place outside
s. 7(d), 2/2016 Victoria being an offence under a law which is in
s. 15(2).
relation to the provisions of sections 71, 71AA,
71AB, 71AC, 71AD, 71A, 71B, 71E, 71F, 72,
72A, 72B, 72D, 73, 74, 75, 77 or 78 a
corresponding law shall be guilty of the same
offence and liable to the same punishment

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VDrugs of dependence and related matters

pecuniary penalty and forfeiture as if the first-

mentioned offence were committed in Victoria.
(5) A person who sells or supplies a hypodermic S. 80(5)
inserted by
needle or a syringe is not guilty of an offence No. 20/1987
under this section or of being involved in the s. 3,
amended by
commission of an offence against any provision No. 63/2014
referred to in this section by reason only of that s. 7(11).

sale or supply
(a) if the person is, or is engaged or employed
by, a pharmacist and the sale or supply is
made in the course of the lawful practice of a
pharmacist; or
(b) if the sale or supply is by a specified person S. 80(5)(b)
substituted by
or organisation or specified class of persons No. 12/1994
or organisations in specified circumstances s. 6(1).

as authorised by Order in Council published

in the Government Gazette.
(6) The Secretary must keep a list of all persons and S. 80(6)
inserted by
organisations authorised under subsection (5)(b). No. 12/1994
s. 6(2),
amended by
No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).

(7) The Secretary must ensure that S. 80(7)

inserted by
No. 12/1994
s. 6(2),
amended by
No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).

(a) a copy of the list is kept available for S. 80(7)(a)

amended by
inspection by members of the public during No. 12/1999
normal office hours without charge at the s. 4(Sch. 2
item 4.1).
Secretary's principal office; and
(b) a copy of the list is made available, without
charge, to any member of the public on

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VACocaine kits

Pt 5A
(Heading and
Part VACocaine kits
ss 80A80H)
inserted by
No. 18/2006
Division 1Cocaine kits
s. 3.

S. 80A 80A What is a cocaine kit?

inserted by
No. 18/2006
s. 3.
A cocaine kit is constituted by two or more of the
following items packaged for use as a unit for the
purposes of preparing for introduction, or for
introducing, cocaine into the body of a person
(a) a razor blade;
(b) a tube;
(c) a mirror;
(d) a scoop;
(e) a glass bottle;
(f) any other item for use together with any item
referred to in paragraphs (a) to (e) to prepare
for introduction, or to introduce, cocaine into
the body of a person.
S. 80B 80B Offence to display a cocaine kit in a retail outlet
inserted by
No. 18/2006
s. 3.
(1) A person must not display a cocaine kit in a retail
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
60 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
300 penalty units.
(2) In this section, retail outlet includes
(a) a shop;
(b) a market.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VACocaine kits

80C Offence to sell a cocaine kit S. 80C

inserted by
A person must not sell a cocaine kit if the person No. 18/2006
selling the cocaine kit knows or is reckless as to s. 3.

whether the cocaine kit is sold for the purpose of

preparing for introduction, or introducing, cocaine
into the body of any person.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
60 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
300 penalty units.
See definition of sell in section 4(1).

Division 2Enforcement
80D Seizure of cocaine kits S. 80D
inserted by
A police officer may seize a cocaine kit if he or No. 18/2006
she has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the s. 3,
amended by
cocaine kit is displayed or is for sale in No. 37/2014
contravention of this Part. s. 10(Sch.
item 47.25).

80E Retention and return of seized cocaine kits S. 80E

inserted by
No. 18/2006
s. 3.

(1) If a police officer seizes a cocaine kit under this S. 80E(1)

amended by
Part, the police officer must take reasonable steps No. 37/2014
to return the cocaine kit to the person from whom s. 10(Sch.
item 47.25).
it was seized or its lawful owner if the reason for
its seizure no longer exists.
(2) If a cocaine kit seized under this Part has not been S. 80E(2)
amended by
returned to the person from whom it was seized or No. 37/2014
its lawful owner within 3 months after it was s. 10(Sch.
item 47.25).
seized, a police officer must take reasonable steps
to return it to that person or owner unless

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VACocaine kits

(a) proceedings for the purpose for which the

cocaine kit was retained have commenced
within that 3 month period and those
proceedings (including any appeal) have not
been completed; or
(b) the Magistrates' Court makes an order under
section 80F extending the period during
which the cocaine kit may be retained.
S. 80F 80F Magistrates' Court may extend 3 month period
inserted by
No. 18/2006
s. 3.

S. 80F(1) (1) A police officer may apply to the Magistrates'

amended by
No. 37/2014 Court
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.25). (a) within 3 months after a cocaine kit is seized
under this Part; or
(b) if an extension has been granted under this
section, before the end of the period of the
for an extension (not exceeding 3 months) of the
period during which the cocaine kit may be
(2) The Magistrates' Court may make an order under
this section if the Court is satisfied that
(a) the making of the order is in the interests of
justice; and
(b) the total period of retention does not exceed
12 months; and
(c) retention of the cocaine kit is necessary for
the purposes of an investigation into whether
a contravention of this Part has occurred.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VACocaine kits

(3) At least 7 days prior to the hearing of an

application under this section, the applicant must
give notice of the application to the person from
whom the cocaine kit was seized or its lawful
owner described in the application.
80G Forfeiture and destruction of seized cocaine kits S. 80G
inserted by
No. 18/2006
s. 3.

(1) Subject to section 80E, any cocaine kit that a S. 80G(1)

amended by
police officer has seized and retained under this No. 37/2014
Part is forfeited to the Crown if the police s. 10(Sch.
item 47.26).
(a) cannot find the person from whom it was
seized or its lawful owner, despite making
reasonable enquiries; or
(b) cannot return it to the person from whom it
was seized or its lawful owner, despite
making reasonable efforts.
(2) Any cocaine kit forfeited to the Crown under
subsection (1) may be destroyed in any manner
the Minister thinks fit.
80H Court may order forfeiture to the Crown S. 80H
inserted by
No. 18/2006
A court which finds a person guilty of an offence s. 3.
against section 80B or 80C may order that the
cocaine kit to which the offence relates
(a) be forfeited to the Crown; and
(b) be destroyed in accordance with the order.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VABIce pipes

(Heading and
Part VABIce pipes
ss 80HA
inserted by
No. 64/2010
s. 11.

S. 80HA 80HA Definition

inserted by
No. 64/2010
s. 11.
In this Part
ice pipe means a device
(a) capable of being used or intended for
use or designed for the introduction, or
for introducing, into the body of a
person the drug of dependence
methylamphetamine, by means of
smoking or inhaling of smoke or fumes
resulting from the heating or burning of
methylamphetamine in a crystalline
form; or
(b) that is intended to be used as a device
referred to in paragraph (a) but that is
not capable of being so used because it
needs adjustment, modification or
S. 80HB 80HB Offence to display an ice pipe in a retail outlet
inserted by
No. 64/2010
s. 11.
(1) A person must not display an ice pipe in a retail
Penalty: In the case of a natural person
240 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate
600 penalty units.
(2) In this section, retail outlet includes
(a) a shop;
(b) a market.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VABIce pipes

80HC Offence to sell or supply an ice pipe S. 80HC

inserted by
A person must not sell or supply an ice pipe. No. 64/2010
s. 11.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person
240 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate
600 penalty units.
80HD Seizure of ice pipes S. 80HD
inserted by
No. 64/2010
A police officer may seize an ice pipe if he or she s. 11,
has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the ice amended by
No. 37/2014
pipe is displayed or is for sale or supply in s. 10(Sch.
contravention of this Part. item 47.27).

80HE Retention and return of seized ice pipes S. 80HE

inserted by
No. 64/2010
s. 11.

(1) If a police officer seizes an ice pipe under this S. 80HE(1)

amended by
Part, the police officer must take reasonable steps No. 37/2014
to return the ice pipe to the person from whom it s. 10(Sch.
item 47.27).
was seized or its lawful owner if the reason for its
seizure no longer exists.
(2) If the ice pipe seized under this Part has not been S. 80HE(2)
amended by
returned to the person from whom it was seized No. 37/2014
or its lawful owner within 3 months after it was s. 10(Sch.
item 47.27).
seized, a police officer must take reasonable steps
to return it to that person or owner unless
(a) proceedings for the purpose for which the ice
pipe was retained have commenced within
that 3 month period and those proceedings
(including any appeal) have not been
completed; or
(b) the Magistrates' Court makes an order under
section 80HF extending the period during
which the ice pipe may be retained.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VABIce pipes

S. 80HF 80HF Magistrates' Court may extend 3 month period

inserted by
No. 64/2010
s. 11.

S. 80HF(1) (1) A police officer may apply to the Magistrates'

amended by
No. 37/2014 Court
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.27). (a) within 3 months after an ice pipe is seized
under this Part; or
(b) if an extension has been granted under this
section, before the end of the period of the
for an extension (not exceeding 3 months) of the
period during which the ice pipe may be retained.
(2) The Magistrates' Court may make an order under
this section if the Court is satisfied that
(a) the making of the order is in the interests of
justice; and
(b) the total period of retention does not exceed
12 months; and
(c) retention of the ice pipe is necessary for the
purposes of an investigation into whether a
contravention of this Part has occurred.
(3) At least 7 days prior to the hearing of an
application under this section, the applicant must
give notice of the application to the person from
whom the ice pipe was seized or its lawful owner
described in the application.
S. 80HG 80HG Forfeiture and destruction of seized ice pipe
inserted by
No. 64/2010
s. 11.

S. 80HG(1) (1) Subject to section 80HF, any ice pipe that a police
amended by
No. 37/2014 officer has seized and retained under this Part is
s. 10(Sch. forfeited to the Crown if the police officer
item 47.28).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VABIce pipes

(a) cannot find the person from whom it was

seized or its lawful owner, despite making
reasonable enquiries; or
(b) cannot return it to the person from whom it
was seized or its lawful owner, despite
making reasonable efforts.
(2) Any ice pipe forfeited to the Crown under
subsection (1) may be destroyed in any manner
the Minister thinks fit.
80HH Court may order forfeiture to the Crown S. 80HH
inserted by
No. 64/2010
A court which finds a person guilty of an offence s. 11.
against section 80HB or 80HC may order that the
ice pipe to which the offence relates
(a) be forfeited to the Crown; and
(b) be destroyed in accordance with the order.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VBPrecursor chemicals and apparatus

Part VBPrecursor chemicals and
and ss 80I
inserted by
No. 55/2009
s. 8.
Division 1Preliminary
S. 80I 80I Application of Part
inserted by
No. 55/2009 This Part does not apply to
s. 8.
(a) the supply by retail of a retail product
containing a precursor chemical;
S. 80I(b) (b) therapeutic goods within the meaning of the
amended by
No. 75/2014 Therapeutic Goods (Victoria) Act 2010
s. 21. which are prescribed to be exempt (in whole
or in part) from this Part;
(c) the supply of a precursor chemical, or class
of precursor chemical, which is prescribed to
be exempt (in whole or in part) from this

Division 2Category 1 precursor chemicals

S. 80J 80J Supply of category 1 precursor chemicals
inserted by
No. 55/2009 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a person (the supplier)
s. 8. must not supply a category 1 precursor chemical
to another person (the receiver) unless the
(a) provides sufficient proof of identity of
receiver to the supplier; and
See definition of sufficient proof of identity of
receiver in section 4(1).
(b) has an account with the supplier through
which the receiver pays for the supply of
category 1 precursor chemicals; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VBPrecursor chemicals and apparatus

(c) gives the supplier an end user declaration

containing the prescribed particulars.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
30 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
150 penalty units.
(2) A person must not supply a category 1 precursor
chemical under subsection (1) unless at least
24 hours have passed since the receiver complied
with the requirements set out in subsection (1).
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
30 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
150 penalty units.
80K Storage of category 1 precursor chemicals S. 80K
inserted by
No. 55/2009
(1) A person who supplies category 1 precursor s. 8.
chemicals must ensure that any category 1
precursor chemicals in that person's control,
custody or possession are stored in a manner that
prevents any access to it by a person other than
(a) the person who supplies the category 1
precursor chemicals; and
(b) any person authorised in writing to have
access to the category 1 precursor chemicals
by the person referred to in paragraph (a).
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
20 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
100 penalty units.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VBPrecursor chemicals and apparatus

(2) A person who supplies any category 1 precursor

chemical must keep each authorisation referred to
in subsection (1)(b) for at least 2 years after the
expiry of the authorisation.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
20 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
100 penalty units.

Division 3Category 2 precursor chemicals

and category 3 precursor apparatus
S. 80L 80L Supply of category 2 precursor chemicals
inserted by
No. 55/2009 A person (the supplier) must not supply a
s. 8. category 2 precursor chemical to another person
(the receiver) unless the receiver
(a) provides sufficient proof of identity of
receiver to the supplier; and
See definition of sufficient proof of identity of
receiver in section 4(1).
(b) either
(i) has an account with the supplier
through which the receiver pays for
the supply of category 2 precursor
chemicals; or
(ii) if cash is used, gives the supplier an
end user declaration containing the
prescribed particulars.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
30 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
150 penalty units.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VBPrecursor chemicals and apparatus

80M Supply of category 3 precursor apparatus S. 80M

inserted by
A person (the supplier) must not supply a No. 55/2009
category 3 precursor apparatus to another person s. 8.

(the receiver) unless the receiver

(a) provides sufficient proof of identity of
receiver to the supplier; and
See definition of sufficient proof of identity of
receiver in section 4(1).
(b) either
(i) has an account with the supplier
through which the receiver pays for
the supply of category 3 precursor
apparatus; or
(ii) if cash is used, gives the supplier an
end user declaration containing the
prescribed particulars.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
30 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
150 penalty units.

Division 4Transaction records

80N End user declarations to be kept S. 80N
inserted by
(1) A person who supplies any category 1 precursor No. 55/2009
chemical must keep each end user declaration s. 8.

given to the person under section 80J for at least

5 years after the relevant date of supply to which
the end user declaration relates.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
20 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
100 penalty units.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VBPrecursor chemicals and apparatus

(2) A person who supplies any category 2 precursor

chemical must keep each end user declaration
given to the person under section 80L(b)(ii) for at
least 2 years after the relevant date of supply to
which the end user declaration relates.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
20 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
100 penalty units.
(3) A person who supplies any category 3 precursor
apparatus must keep each end user declaration
given to the person under section 80M(b)(ii) for at
least 2 years after the relevant date of supply to
which the end user declaration relates.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
20 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
100 penalty units.
S. 80O 80O Record of supplycategory 1 precursor chemical
inserted by
No. 55/2009
s. 8.
(1) A person who supplies any category 1 precursor
chemical must make an accurate record of the
supply setting out the following details
(a) the date of supply; and
(b) the name and quantity of the category 1
precursor chemical supplied; and
(c) any other prescribed details (if any).
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
20 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
100 penalty units.
(2) A person who supplies any category 1 precursor
chemical must keep each record made under
subsection (1) for a period of at least 5 years from

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VBPrecursor chemicals and apparatus

date of supply of the relevant category 1 precursor

chemical to which the record relates.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
20 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
100 penalty units.
80P Record of supplycategory 2 precursor chemical S. 80P
inserted by
No. 55/2009
(1) A person who supplies any category 2 precursor s. 8.
chemical must make an accurate record of the
supply setting out the following details
(a) unless the receiver gives an end user
declaration, the name and address of the
person to whom the category 2 precursor
chemical was supplied; and
(b) the date of supply; and
(c) the name and quantity of the category 2
precursor chemical supplied; and
(d) any other prescribed details (if any).
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
20 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
100 penalty units.
(2) A person who supplies any category 2 precursor
chemical must keep each record made under
subsection (1) for at least 2 years after the date of
supply of the relevant category 2 precursor
chemical to which the record relates.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
20 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
100 penalty units.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VBPrecursor chemicals and apparatus

S. 80Q 80Q Record of supply of category 3 precursor apparatus

inserted by
No. 55/2009 (1) A person who supplies any category 3 precursor
s. 8. apparatus must make an accurate record of the
supply setting out the following details
(a) unless the receiver gives an end user
declaration, the name and address of the
person to whom the category 3 precursor
apparatus was supplied; and
(b) the date of supply; and
(c) the name and quantity of the category 3
precursor apparatus supplied; and
(d) any other prescribed details (if any).
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
20 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
100 penalty units.
(2) A person who supplies any category 3 precursor
apparatus must keep each record made under
subsection (1) for at least 2 years after the date of
supply of the relevant category 3 precursor
apparatus to which the record relates.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
20 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
100 penalty units.
S. 80R 80R Police may inspect records
inserted by
No. 55/2009
s. 8.

S. 80R(1) (1) Subject to subsection (4), a police officer, without

amended by
No. 37/2014 warrant, at any time when the premises are open
s. 10(Sch. for business
item 47.29(a)).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VBPrecursor chemicals and apparatus

(a) may enter premises where category 1

precursor chemicals, category 2 precursor
chemicals or category 3 precursor apparatus
are supplied; and
(b) may inspect any records required to be kept
under this Part which are at those premises.
(2) A police officer exercising a power under S. 80R(2)
amended by
subsection (1) may require a person who supplies No. 37/2014
category 1 precursor chemicals, category 2 s. 10(Sch.
item 47.29(a)).
precursor chemicals or category 3 precursor
apparatus to produce for inspection any records
required to be kept under this Part.
(3) Without limiting subsection (2), if a document S. 80R(3)
amended by
required to be produced under subsection (2) is No. 37/2014
or is part of a record kept in an electronically s. 10(Sch.
item 47.29(a)).
readable form, a police officer may require the
document to be provided in a readily accessible
(a) electronically; or
(b) in a paper form produced from a computer.
(4) A police officer must show his or her S. 80R(4)
amended by
identification before exercising a power under this No. 37/2014
section, unless that police officer is in police s. 10(Sch.
item 47.29(b)).
(5) This section does not limit or prevent the exercise
of any other inspection power or enforcement
power under this Act or the regulations or any
other law.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VBPrecursor chemicals and apparatus

S. 80S 80S Offence not to produce records

inserted by
No. 55/2009 A person must comply with a requirement under
s. 8. section 80R to produce a record required to be
kept under this Part.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
20 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
100 penalty units.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VCCannabis water pipes and hookahs

Part VCCannabis water pipes and hookahs Pt 5C

and ss 80T
Division 1Display, sale and supply 80ZE)
inserted by
No. 51/2011
s. 4.

80T Definitions S. 80T

inserted by
No. 51/2011
In this Part s. 4.
bong component means an item for use or that is
intended for use as part of a cannabis water
bong kit means a kit containing more than one
item, one or more of which is a bong
component, from which a cannabis water
pipe may be constructed;
cannabis water pipe means a device
(a) capable of being used or intended to be
used for the purposes of introducing
into the body of a person cannabis or
other drugs of dependence by the
drawing of smoke or fumes resulting
from heating or burning the cannabis or
other drug through water or another
liquid in the device, commonly known
as a "bong"; or
(b) that is intended to be used as a device
referred to in paragraph (a) but is not
capable of being so used because it
needs adjustment, modification or
but does not include a hookah;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VCCannabis water pipes and hookahs

hookah means a fully assembled device

(a) used for smoking a substance
consisting of tobacco, molasses, fruit,
herbs or flavouring, whether the
substance contains all or any
combination of them, by the drawing of
smoke or fumes resulting from heating
or burning the substance in the device
through water or another liquid in the
device; and
(b) that has one or more openings and one
or more flexible hoses, each with a
mouthpiece through which the smoke
or fumes are drawn;
S. 80T def. of medicinal cannabis vaporiser means a device
cannabis capable of being used or intended to be used
vaporiser for the purposes of introducing into the body
inserted by
No. 20/2016 of a person a medicinal cannabis product
s. 138. by the drawing of vapour resulting from
heating the product, whether through water
or another liquid in the device or otherwise;
retail outlet includes
(a) a shop;
(b) a market.
S. 80TA 80TA Part not to apply in relation to pharmacist dealing
inserted by
No. 20/2016 with medicinal cannabis vaporiser
s. 139.
Nothing in this Part applies in relation to a
pharmacist displaying, selling or supplying a
medicinal cannabis vaporiser to a person
authorised to possess, use or administer a
medicinal cannabis product by the Access
to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016 or the
regulations under that Act.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VCCannabis water pipes and hookahs

80U Offence to display cannabis water pipe, bong S. 80U

component or bong kit in retail outlet inserted by
No. 51/2011
(1) A person must not display a cannabis water pipe s. 4.

in a retail outlet.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
60 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
300 penalty units.
(2) A person must not display a bong component in a
retail outlet.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
60 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
300 penalty units.
(3) A person must not display a bong kit in a retail
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
60 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
300 penalty units.
80V Offence to sell cannabis water pipe, bong component S. 80V
inserted by
or bong kit No. 51/2011
s. 4.
(1) A person must not sell a cannabis water pipe.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
60 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
300 penalty units.
(2) A person must not sell a bong component.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
60 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
300 penalty units.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VCCannabis water pipes and hookahs

(3) A person must not sell a bong kit.

Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
60 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
300 penalty units.
S. 80W 80W Offence to supply cannabis water pipe, bong
inserted by
No. 51/2011 component or bong kit in course of carrying out
s. 4. commercial activity
(1) A person must not supply a cannabis water pipe in
the course of carrying out a commercial activity.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
60 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
300 penalty units.
(2) A person must not supply a bong component in
the course of carrying out a commercial activity.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
60 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
300 penalty units.
(3) A person must not supply a bong kit in the course
of carrying out a commercial activity.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
60 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
300 penalty units.
S. 80X 80X Display for sale of hookahs in retail outlet
inserted by
No. 51/2011
s. 4.
A person must not display for the purposes of sale
in a retail outlet
(a) more than 3 hookahs; or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VCCannabis water pipes and hookahs

(b) if another number of hookahs is prescribed

for the purposes of this section, more than
the prescribed number of hookahs.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
10 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
50 penalty units.

Division 2Enforcement
80Y Power to issue infringement notices S. 80Y
inserted by
No. 51/2011
s. 4.

(1) A police officer may serve an infringement notice S. 80Y(1)

amended by
on a person who the police officer has reason to No. 37/2014
believe has committed an offence against s. 10(Sch.
item 47.30).
section 80U(1), (2) or (3), 80V(1), (2) or (3),
80W(1), (2) or (3) or 80X.
(2) An offence referred to in subsection (1) for which
an infringement notice may be served is an
infringement offence within the meaning of the
Infringements Act 2006.
80Z Infringement penalty S. 80Z
inserted by
No. 51/2011
(1) The infringement penalty for an offence against s. 4.
section 80U(1), (2) or (3), 80V(1), (2) or (3)
or 80W(1), (2) or (3) is
(a) in the case of a natural person, 12 penalty
(b) in the case of a body corporate, 60 penalty
(2) The infringement penalty for an offence against
section 80X is
(a) in the case of a natural person, 2 penalty

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VCCannabis water pipes and hookahs

(b) in the case of a body corporate, 10 penalty

S. 80ZA 80ZA Seizure of cannabis water pipes, bong components
inserted by
No. 51/2011 or bong kits
s. 4,
amended by
No. 9/2014 s. 9
(ILA s. 39B(1)).

S. 80ZA(1) (1) A police officer may seize a cannabis water pipe,

amended by
No. 37/2014 bong component or bong kit if he or she has
s. 10(Sch. reasonable grounds for suspecting that the
item 47.31).
cannabis water pipe, bong component or bong kit
is displayed or is for sale or is supplied in
contravention of this Part.
S. 80ZA(2) (2) If a police officer serves an infringement notice on
inserted by
No. 9/2014 a person for an offence against section 80U(1), (2)
s. 9, or (3), 80V(1), (2) or (3) or 80W(1), (2) or (3), the
amended by
No. 37/2014 police officer may seize from the person any
s. 10(Sch. cannabis water pipe, bong component or bong kit
item 47.32).
to which the offence relates.
S. 80ZB 80ZB Retention and return of seized items
inserted by
No. 51/2011
s. 4.

S. 80ZB(1) (1) If a police officer seizes a cannabis water pipe,

amended by
Nos 9/2014 bong component or bong kit under
s. 10(1), section 80ZA(1), the police officer must take
s. 10(Sch. reasonable steps to return the seized item to the
item 47.33). person from whom it was seized or its lawful
owner if the reason for its seizure no longer exists.
S. 80ZB(2) (2) If a cannabis water pipe, bong component or bong
amended by
Nos 9/2014 kit seized under section 80ZA(1) has not been
s. 10(1), returned to the person from whom it was seized or
s. 10(Sch. its lawful owner within 3 months after it was
item 47.33). seized, a police officer must take reasonable steps
to return it to that person or owner unless

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VCCannabis water pipes and hookahs

(a) proceedings for the purpose for which the

cannabis water pipe, bong component or
bong kit was retained have commenced
within that 3 month period and those
proceedings (including any appeal) have not
been completed; or
(b) the Magistrates' Court makes an order under
section 80ZC extending the period during
which the cannabis water pipe, bong
component or bong kit may be retained.
(3) If a police officer seizes a cannabis water pipe, S. 80ZB(3)
inserted by
bong component or bong kit under No. 9/2014
section 80ZA(2), a police officer must take s. 10(2),
amended by
reasonable steps to return the seized item to the No. 37/2014
person on whom the infringement notice is served s. 10(Sch.
item 47.34).
(a) a police officer withdraws the infringement S. 80ZB(3)(a)
amended by
notice without No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
(i) referring the matter for which the item 47.34).
infringement notice has been served
to the Magistrates' Court under
section 17(1) of the Infringements
Act 2006; or
(ii) filing a charge-sheet and summons in
the Children's Court for the matter of
the infringement offence to be dealt
with; or
(iii) serving, on that person, an official
warning (within the meaning of the
Infringements Act 2006) in place of
the infringement notice; or
(b) the Magistrates' Court cancels the
infringement notice under section 38 of the
Infringements Act 2006; or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VCCannabis water pipes and hookahs

(c) the Children's Court cancels the infringement

notice under clause 16 of Schedule 3 to the
Children, Youth and Families Act 2005; or
(d) the matter of the infringement notice is heard
and determined in the Magistrates' Court or
the Children's Court without an order under
section 80ZE being made.
S. 80ZC 80ZC Magistrates' Court may extend 3 month period
inserted by
No. 51/2011
s. 4.

S. 80ZC(1) (1) A police officer may apply to the Magistrates'

amended by
Nos 9/2014 Court for an extension (not exceeding 3 months)
s. 11, 37/2014 of the period during which a cannabis water pipe,
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.35). bong component or bong kit seized under
section 80ZA(1) may be retained.
(2) An application under subsection (1) must be
(a) within 3 months after a cannabis water pipe,
bong component or bong kit is seized under
this Part; or
(b) if an extension has been granted under this
section, before the end of the period of the
(3) The Magistrates' Court may make an order under
this section if the Court is satisfied that
(a) the making of the order is in the interests of
justice; and
(b) the total period of retention does not exceed
12 months; and
(c) retention of the cannabis water pipe, bong
component or bong kit is necessary for the
purposes of an investigation into whether a
contravention of this Part has occurred.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VCCannabis water pipes and hookahs

(4) At least 7 days prior to the hearing of an

application under this section, the applicant must
give notice of the application to the person from
whom the cannabis water pipe, bong component
or bong kit was seized or its lawful owner
described in the application.
80ZD Forfeiture and destruction of seized items S. 80ZD
inserted by
No. 51/2011
s. 4.

(1) Subject to section 80ZB, any cannabis water pipe, S. 80ZD(1)

amended by
bong component or bong kit that a police officer Nos 9/2014
has seized and retained under that section is s. 12(1),
forfeited to the Crown if the police officer s. 10(Sch.
item 47.36).
(a) cannot find the person from whom it was
seized or its lawful owner, despite making
reasonable enquiries; or
(b) cannot return it to the person from whom it
was seized or its lawful owner, despite
making reasonable efforts.
(1A) Despite anything to the contrary in Division 5 of S. 80ZD(1A)
inserted by
Part 2 of the Infringements Act 2006, any No. 9/2014
cannabis water pipe, bong component or bong s. 12(2),
amended by
kit that a police officer has seized under No. 37/2014
section 80ZA(2) is forfeited to the Crown if the s. 10(Sch.
item 47.37).
person on whom the infringement notice has been
served expiates that offence by payment of the
infringement penalty in accordance with that Act.
(2) Any cannabis water pipe, bong component or S. 80ZD(2)
amended by
bong kit forfeited to the Crown under No. 9/2014
subsection (1) or (1A) may be destroyed in any s. 12(3).

manner the Minister thinks fit.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VCCannabis water pipes and hookahs

S. 80ZE 80ZE Court may order forfeiture to the Crown

inserted by
No. 51/2011 A court which finds a person guilty of an offence
s. 4. against section 80U(1), (2) or (3), 80V(1), (2)
or (3) or 80W(1), (2) or (3) may order that the
cannabis water pipe, bong component or bong kit
to which the offence relates
(a) be forfeited to the Crown; and
(b) be destroyed in accordance with the order.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture Pt 6

(Heading and
ss 70101)
substituted as
Pt 6 (Heading
and ss 8190)
by No. 10002
s. 7(1).

81 Warrant to search premises S. 81

substituted by
No. 10002
s. 7(1).

(1) Any magistrate who is satisfied by evidence on S. 81(1)

amended by
oath or by affidavit of any police officer of or Nos 16/1986
above the rank of sergeant or for the time being in s. 30, 101/1986
s. 58(1)(c),
charge of a police station that there is reasonable 57/1989
ground for believing that there is, or will be within s. 3(Sch. item
the next 72 hours, on or in any land or premises 48/1997
(including any vehicle on or in that land or those s. 44(1)(a),
premises), or on or in a particular vehicle located s. 6(1),
in a public place 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.38(a)).

(a) any thing in respect of which an offence S. 81(1)(a)

amended by
under this Act or the regulations has been No. 48/1997
or is reasonably suspected to have been s. 44(1)(b).

committed or is being or is likely to be

committed within the next 72 hours;
(b) any thing which there is reasonable ground
to believe will afford evidence of the
commission of an offence under this Act or
the regulations; or
(c) any document directly or indirectly relating
to or concerning a transaction or dealing
which is or would be, if carried out, an
offence under this Act or the regulations or
under a provision of a law in force in a place

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

outside Victoria corresponding to Part V of

this Act
may at any time issue a warrant under his hand
authorizing a police officer named in the warrant
to enter and search the land, premises or vehicle
for any such thing or document and to seize and
carry it before the Court so that the matter may be
dealt with according to law.
S. 81(1AA) (1AA) A search warrant directed to a named police
inserted by
No. 25/2009 officer under subsection (1) may be executed by
s. 6(2), any police officer.
amended by
No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.38(a)).

S. 81(1AB) (1AB) For the purposes of subsection (1), a seized thing

inserted by
No. 48/2012 may be brought before the Court by giving
s. 41. evidence on oath to the Court as to the present
whereabouts of the thing and by producing a
photograph of it.
S. 81(1A) (1A) A magistrate who issues a warrant under
inserted by
No. 63/2003 subsection (1), if satisfied on reasonable grounds
s. 46(1), by the evidence given under that subsection that
amended by
Nos 25/2009 the thing or document to which the warrant relates
s. 6(3), is also tainted property within the meaning of the
s. 10(Sch. Confiscation Act 1997, may, in that warrant,
item 47.38(a)). direct that the police officer executing the warrant
hold or retain that thing or document as if it were
tainted property seized under a warrant under
section 79 of that Act as and from the date when
that thing or document is no longer required for
evidentiary purposes under this Act.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

(1B) A direction under subsection (1A) S. 81(1B)

inserted by
No. 63/2003
s. 46(1).

(a) may only be made in relation to an offence S. 81(1B)(a)

amended by
under this Act which is a Schedule 1 offence No. 87/2004
within the meaning of the Confiscation s. 25.

Act 1997; and

(b) does not apply to a thing which may be
destroyed or disposed of under
subsection (3)(e).
(2) Every warrant under subsection (1) shall be in or
to the effect of the form of Schedule Ten.
(3) A police officer executing a warrant issued under S. 81(3)
amended by
subsection (1) may at any time or times by day or Nos 25/2009
night but within one month from the date of the s. 6(4)(a),
warrant and with such assistance as may be s. 10(Sch.
necessary item 47.38(a)).

(a) enter, if need be by force S. 81(3)(a)

substituted by
No. 25/2009
(i) the land or premises named in the s. 6(4)(b).
warrant, including any vehicle located
on or in that land or those premises;
(ii) the particular vehicle named or
described in the warrant located in a
public place;
(b) arrest all persons on or in that land, those S. 81(3)(b)
amended by
premises or that vehicle who are found No. 25/2009
offending against a provision of this Act or s. 6(4)(c).

the regulations;
(c) search S. 81(3)(c)
substituted by
No. 25/2009
(i) the land or premises or any vehicle or s. 6(4)(d).
any person found on or in that land or
those premises or on or in any vehicle
on or in that land or those premises;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

(ii) a particular vehicle located in a public

place or any person found on or in that
vehicle; and
S. 81(3)(d) (d) seize and carry away or, unless a direction
amended by
Nos 48/1997 under subsection (1A) applies, deal with as
s. 44(2)(a)(b), mentioned in paragraph (e)
s. 46(2).
(i) any thing in respect of which an
offence under this Act or the
regulations has been or is reasonably
suspected to have been committed;
(ii) any thing which there is reasonable
ground to believe will afford evidence
of the commission of an offence under
this Act or the regulations; and
(iii) any document directly or indirectly
relating to or concerning a transaction
or dealing which is or would be, if
carried out, an offence against this Act
or the regulations or under a provision
of a law in force in a place outside
Victoria corresponding to a provision
of Part V of this Act; and
S. 81(3)(e) (e) if
inserted by
No. 48/1997
s. 44(2)(b).
(i) the thing is
(A) a drug of dependence or a
substance that contains a drug of
dependence; or
(B) a poison or controlled substance;
(C) an instrument, device or substance
that is or has been used or is
capable of being used for or in the
cultivation, manufacture, sale or
use or in the preparation for

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

cultivation, manufacture, sale or

use of a drug of dependence; and
(ii) an analyst or botanist within the S. 81(3)(e)(ii)
amended by
meaning of section 120 certifies in No. 37/2014
writing to the police officer executing s. 10(Sch.
item 47.38(a)).
the warrant that destruction or disposal
of the thing is required in the interests
of health or safety
destroy or dispose of the thing after taking,
where practicable, any samples of it as are
required for the purposes of this Act.
(4) A police officer who executes a warrant under this S. 81(4)
amended by
section must, as soon as practicable after the Nos 57/1989
warrant is executed s. 3(Sch.
item 59.9),
(a) endorse the warrant to that effect; and s. 44(3),
substituted by
No. 25/2009
s. 6(5),
amended by
No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.

(b) cause to be lodged with the registrar of the S. 81(4)(b)

amended by
Magistrates' Court at the venue nearest to the No. 37/2014
land, premises or public place where the s. 10(Sch.
warrant was executed a report signed by the 47.38(b)(ii)).
police officer and containing particulars of
(i) all searches undertaken; and
(ii) all persons arrested; and
(iii) all things and documents seized and
carried away; and
(iv) all samples taken; and
(v) all things destroyed or disposed of
in execution of the warrant.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

S. 81(4A) (4A) If a direction under subsection (1A) was made, a

inserted by report referred to in subsection (4)(b) must also
No. 63/2003
s. 46(3). include particulars of whether a seized thing or
document is being held or retained as if it were
tainted property within the meaning of the
Confiscation Act 1997 seized under a warrant
under section 79 of that Act.
S. 81(5) (5) On application in that behalf by a person made to
amended by
No. 57/1989 the Magistrates' Court at the venue at which a
s. 3(Sch. item report has been lodged pursuant to subsection (4),
the Court may make an order authorizing the
person to inspect the report if the person satisfies
the Court that he is
(a) a person who was arrested in the course of
the execution of the warrant;
(b) the owner or occupier of premises upon
which the warrant was executed; or
S. 81(5)(ba) (ba) the owner of the vehicle located in a public
inserted by
No. 25/2009 place on which the warrant was executed; or
s. 6(6).

S. 81(5)(c) (c) the owner of the property seized and carried

amended by
No. 48/1997 away in the execution of the warrant; or
s. 44(4).

S. 81(5)(d) (d) the owner of property destroyed or disposed

inserted by
No. 48/1997 of in execution of the warrant.
s. 44(4).

S. 81(6) (6) If a sample of a thing referred to in

inserted by
No. 48/1997 subsection (3)(e) taken in execution of a warrant
s. 44(5). is sufficient to enable an analysis or examination
to be made both in the investigation of an offence
and on behalf of a person arrested in the course of
the execution of the warrant, a part of the sample
taken sufficient for analysis or examination must,
on request by the person arrested, be delivered to

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

an analyst or botanist within the meaning of

section 120 nominated by that person.
(7) Nothing in this section affects the power of a S. 81(7)
inserted by
police officer under section 82. No. 25/2009
s. 6(7),
amended by
No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.38(c)).

(8) In this section S. 81(8)

inserted by
No. 25/2009
public place has the same meaning as it has in s. 6(7).
section 3 of the Summary Offences Act
vehicle includes motor vehicle, aircraft, boat and
81A Notice that seized thing or document is being held S. 81A
inserted by
for purposes of Confiscation Act 1997 No. 63/2003
s. 47.

(1) If a thing or document seized under a warrant S. 81A(1)

amended by
issued under section 81 to which a direction under Nos 25/2009
section 81(1A) applies is no longer required for s. 6(8),
evidentiary purposes under this Act, the police s. 10(Sch.
officer who executed the warrant must give notice item 47.39).

to all persons known to have an interest in that

thing or document that the thing or document is
being held or retained as if it were tainted property
seized under a warrant under section 79 of the
Confiscation Act 1997.
(2) A notice under subsection (1) must be
(a) given within 7 days after the thing or
document is no longer required for
evidentiary purposes under this Act; and
(b) in the prescribed form.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

S. 81B 81B Application for tainted property to be held or

inserted by retainedreturn of warrant to court
No. 63/2003
s. 47.

S. 81B(1) (1) When a thing or document is brought before the

amended by
Nos 25/2009 Magistrates' Court to be dealt with according to
s. 6(9), law in accordance with the warrant issued under
s. 10(Sch. section 81 under which that thing or document
item 47.39). was seized, the police officer who executed the
warrant or another police officer may apply to the
Court for a direction that the thing or document so
seized be held or retained as if it were tainted
property seized under a warrant under section 79
of the Confiscation Act 1997.
(2) An application may only be made under
subsection (1) if a direction under section 81(1A)
was not made in relation to the warrant when it
was issued.
S. 81C 81C Court may make direction
inserted by
No. 63/2003
s. 47.

S. 81C(1) (1) On an application under section 81B, if the Court

amended by
No. 37/2014 is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the thing or
s. 10(Sch. document seized under the warrant issued under
item 47.39).
section 81 is tainted property within the meaning
of the Confiscation Act 1997, the Court may
direct that the thing or document be held or
retained by the police officer as if it were tainted
property seized under a warrant under section 79
of that Act.
(2) A direction under this section takes effect on and
from the date that the thing or document is no
longer required for evidentiary purposes under
this Act.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

(3) In determining whether the thing or document

which is the subject of the application is in fact
tainted property within the meaning of the
Confiscation Act 1997, the Court may require
the applicant to provide any information that the
Court considers necessary.
81D Notice of direction under section 81C S. 81D
inserted by
No. 63/2003
(1) If the Magistrates' Court makes a direction under s. 47.
section 81C, the applicant for the direction must
give notice to all persons known to have an
interest in the thing or document to which the
direction applies that the thing or document is
being held or retained as if it were tainted property
seized under a warrant under section 79 of the
Confiscation Act 1997 by virtue of a direction
made under section 81C.
(2) A notice under subsection (1) must be
(a) given within 7 days after the thing or
document is no longer required for
evidentiary purposes under this Act; and
(b) in the prescribed form.
81E Effect of directions under sections 81(1A) and 81C S. 81E
inserted by
No. 63/2003
If a direction has been made under section 81(1A) s. 47.
or 81C, the thing or document to which the
direction applies
(a) is deemed, on and from the date on which
the thing or document is no longer required
for evidentiary purposes under this Act, to
have been seized as tainted property under a
warrant under section 79 of the Confiscation
Act 1997; and
(b) is to be dealt with under that Act

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

S. 82 82 Search without warrant

substituted by
No. 10002 Where a police officer has reasonable grounds for
s. 7(1), suspecting that
amended by
No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
(a) on or in a vehicle in or upon a public place;
item 47.40).
(b) on an animal in a public place;
(c) in the possession of a person in a public
(d) on or in a boat or vessel, underway or not; or
(e) on or in an aircraft
there is a drug of dependence in respect of which
an offence has been committed or is reasonably
suspected to have been committed under a
provision of Part V, the police officer may with
such assistance as he thinks necessary
(f) search the vehicle, animal, person, boat
vessel or aircraft;
(g) seize and carry away any instrument device
or substance which he reasonably believes to
be used or capable of being used for or in the
manufacture, sale, preparation for
manufacture, preparation for sale, or use of
any drug of dependence;
(h) seize and carry away the drug of
and deal with it according to law.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

83 Forfeiture of drug of dependence or substance S. 83

before conviction substituted by
No. 10002
s. 7(1).

(1) Upon application in that behalf by a police officer S. 83(1)

amended by
the Magistrates' Court may upon proof that Nos 16/1986
s. 30, 101/1986
(a) a substance is or contains a drug of s. 58(1)(d)(iii),
dependence or a poison or controlled s. 3(Sch.
substance; or item 59.11),
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.41).

(b) an instrument, device or substance is an S. 83(1)(b)

substituted by
instrument, device or substance that is or has No. 101/1986
been used or is capable of being used for or s. 58(1)(d)(i).

in the cultivation, manufacture, sale or use or

in the preparation for cultivation,
manufacture, sale or use of a drug of
and upon such notice being given to such persons
as the court directs, order that the instrument or
device or the whole or any part or parts of the
substance, drug of dependence or poison or
controlled substance be forfeited to Her Majesty
and either destroyed or disposed of in such
manner as is provided in the order, and may also
make a finding of fact as to
(c) the quantity of the drug of dependence, S. 83(1)(c)
amended by
substance or poison or controlled substance No. 101/1986
produced to, or inspected by, the court, the s. 58(1)(d)(ii).

quantity ordered to be destroyed or disposed

of, the quantity remaining, and the fact that
what remains is part of what was produced
to, or inspected by, the court; or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

S. 83(1)(d) (d) the nature of any instrument or device

amended by produced to, or inspected by, the court
No. 101/1986
s. 58(1)(d)(ii).

and may also order that the quantity remaining of

the substance, drug of dependence or poison or
controlled substance be forfeited to Her Majesty
and either destroyed or disposed of in such
manner as is provided in the order when no longer
required for the purpose of any subsequent
S. 83(1A) (1A) The Magistrates' Court has power
inserted by
No. 101/1986
s. 58(1)(d)(iv),
(a) to give any directions; or
amended by
No. 57/1989 (b) to authorise the Minister to give any
s. 3(Sch. appropriate directions
item 59.12).
necessary to give effect to any order made by it
under subsection (1).
S. 83(2) (2) Where a finding of fact is made under
amended by
No. 101/1986 subsection (1), production in any subsequent
s. 58(1)(d)(v). proceedings of an order containing the finding of
fact shall be conclusive evidence of the matters to
which the finding relates.
S. 83(3) (3) In subsection (1) cultivation, in relation to a drug
inserted by
No. 101/1986 of dependence that is a narcotic plant, includes
s. 58(1)(d)(vi).
(a) the sowing of a seed of a narcotic plant; and
S. 83(3)(b) (b) the planting, growing, tending, nurturing or
amended by
No. 52/2006 harvesting of a narcotic plant; and
s. 13(a).

S. 83(3)(c) (c) the grafting, dividing or transplanting of a

inserted by
No. 52/2006 narcotic plant.
s. 13(b).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

(4) Without limiting the manner in which evidence S. 83(4)

may be given on an application under inserted by
No. 101/1986
subsection (1), the Court may inspect any place, s. 58(1)(d)(vi),
process or thing. amended by
No. 57/1989
s. 3(Sch.
item 59.13).

(5) If an order is made under subsection (1) requiring S. 83(5)

inserted by
the destruction or disposal of an instrument or No. 48/1997
device or the whole or any part of any substance, s. 44(6).

drug of dependence or poison or controlled

substance, the order may be executed before
the end of any appeal period applicable under
section 90 if a sample of the thing to be destroyed
or disposed of is taken in accordance with this Act
and kept until the end of that appeal period and
the determination of any appeal made within that
* * * * * S. 84
substituted by
No. 10002
s. 7(1),
repealed by
No. 101/1986
s. 58(1)(e).

* * * * * Ss 8589
substituted by
No. 10002
s. 7(1),
repealed by
No. 101/1986
s. 55(1)(d ).

90 Appeals S. 90
substituted by
No. 10002
s. 7(1).

(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any S. 90(1)

amended by
other Act a person (including the Crown) affected Nos 101/1986
by an order made under section 83 may appeal s. 55(1)(e),
against the decision as if the order were or were s. 4(1)(a).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

part of a sentence imposed on conviction for the

drug related offence to which the order relates,
being a sentence which is not fixed by law and
against which an appeal may be brought.
S. 90(2) (2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any
amended by
Nos 101/1986 other Act, a person (including the Crown) affected
s. 55(1)(e), by the refusal or failure of the Magistrates' Court
s. 3(Sch. to make an order under section 83 may appeal in
item 59.14), accordance with Rules of court against that failure
s. 4(1)(b). or refusal.
(3) On an appeal under subsection (1) the court to
which the appeal is made may confirm vary or
revoke the order to which the appeal relates.
(4) An appeal under subsection (2) shall be by way
of a re-hearing, and the court may in relation to
the hearing and determination of the appeal
exercise any powers which by or under this Act
are conferred on a court in relation to the hearing
and determination of an application for an order of
the kind to which the appeal relates.
(5) Where an appeal under subsection (1) is made by
the Crown, proceedings on the appeal shall be
instituted and conducted in the name of the Crown
by the Director of Public Prosecutions.
(6) An appeal under this section may be heard with
any other appeal against the conviction or
sentence for the drug related offence which is the
subject-matter of the first-mentioned appeal.
(7) A person's right of appeal under this section is in
addition to any other right of appeal which the
person may have.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

91 Destruction of drugs of dependencehealth and S. 91

safety interests repealed by
No. 10002
s. 7(1),
new s. 91
inserted by
No. 52/2006
s. 14.

(1) Without limiting this Part, if a police officer S. 91(1)

amended by
carrying out a function under this Act or any other No. 37/2014
Act or law s. 10(Sch.
item 47.41).
(a) enters
(i) any public land for the purposes of
searching that land or premises on that
land or any vehicle, boat, vessel or
aircraft on that land or on those
premises; or
(ii) any land or premises other than public
land or premises on public land with
the written or oral permission of either
the owner or occupier of that land or
those premises for the purposes of
searching that land or premises or any
vehicle, boat, vessel or aircraft on that
land or on those premises; and
(b) finds on that land or those premises
(i) a drug of dependence or a substance
that contains a drug of dependence; or
(ii) a poison or controlled substance; or
(iii) an instrument, device or substance that
is or has been used or is capable of
being used for or in the cultivation,
manufacture, sale or use or in the
preparation for cultivation,
manufacture, sale or use of a drug of
dependence; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

S. 91(1)(c) (c) an analyst or botanist within the meaning of

amended by section 120 certifies in writing to the police
No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch. officer that destruction or disposal of the
item 47.41). thing is required in the interests of health or
the drug of dependence, poison, controlled
substance, instrument, device or substance, as the
case requires, may be destroyed or disposed of in
accordance with this section.
(2) For the purposes of this section, the Chief
Commissioner of Police or a delegated police
officer may authorise the destruction or disposal
of, or cause to be destroyed or disposed of, a thing
referred to in subsection (1)(b) after causing to be
taken, where practicable, any samples of it as are
required for the purposes of this Act.
(3) A thing referred to in subsection (1)(b)
(a) may be disposed of or destroyed on the land
or premises on which the thing was found, if
practicable; or
(b) if it is not practicable to comply with
paragraph (a), may be seized and carried
away for disposal or destruction at another
(4) If a sample of a thing referred to in
subsection (1)(b) taken in accordance with
subsection (2) is sufficient to enable an analysis or
examination to be made both in the investigation
of an offence against a provision of Part V and on
behalf of a person charged with that offence, on
request by that person or that person's legal
representative, a part of the sample taken
sufficient for analysis or examination must be
delivered to an analyst or botanist within the
meaning of section 120 nominated by that person
or that person's legal representative.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

(5) Without limiting any other power under this Act,

the Chief Commissioner of Police or a delegated
police officer may authorise the disposal or
destruction of, or cause to be destroyed or
disposed of, any sample of a thing referred to in
subsection (1)(b) taken in accordance with this
section where that sample of that thing is no
longer required for the purpose of any subsequent
92 Delegated police officers S. 92
repealed by
No. 10002
(1) The Chief Commissioner of Police may s. 7(1),
delegate, either generally or in a particular case, new s. 92
inserted by
the function under section 91 of disposing of or No. 52/2006
destroying a thing referred to in section 91(1)(b) s. 14.
(a) a police officer of or above the rank of S. 92(1)(a)
amended by
superintendent; or No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.41).

(b) a class of police officer of or above the rank S. 92(1)(b)

amended by
of superintendent. No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.41).

(2) A delegation under subsection (1) must be in

93 Certificate and report to be provided to Chief S. 93
repealed by
Commissioner of Police No. 10002
s. 7(1),
(1) If a delegated police officer destroys or disposes new s. 93
inserted by
of a thing referred to in section 91(1)(b) in No. 52/2006
accordance with section 91(2), the officer must, s. 14.
as soon as practicable after doing so, provide the
Chief Commissioner of Police with
(a) a copy of the certificate of health and safety
destruction or disposal; and
(b) a written report containing the details
required by subsection (3).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

(2) If the Chief Commissioner of Police destroys or

disposes of a thing referred to in section 91(1)(b)
in accordance with section 91(2), the Chief
Commissioner of Police must, as soon as
practicable after doing so, ensure that a copy of
the certificate of health and safety destruction or
disposal and a written report containing the details
required by subsection (3) are made and retained.
(3) A written report under subsection (1) or (2) must
contain the following
(a) details of the samples that were taken; and
(b) details of the things that were seized,
destroyed or disposed of; and
(c) details of the circumstances surrounding the
seizure, destruction and disposal.
(4) The Chief Commissioner of Police must keep a
copy, or cause a copy to be kept, of each
certificate of health and safety destruction or
disposal and each report provided to the Chief
Commissioner of Police in accordance with
subsection (1) or made and retained under
subsection (2).
S. 94 94 Request for copies
repealed by
No. 10002
s. 7(1),
(1) The following persons may request in writing a
new s. 94 copy of a report or a certificate of health and
inserted by
No. 52/2006
safety destruction or disposal kept by the Chief
s. 14. Commissioner of Police under section 93
(a) the owner or occupier of land or premises
referred to in section 91(1)(a)(ii) at the time
when anything referred to in section 91(1)(b)
was seized, disposed of or destroyed in
accordance with section 91 or that person's
legal representative;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

(b) the owner of any vehicle, boat, vessel or

aircraft on land or premises referred to in
paragraph (a) at the time when any thing
referred to in section 91(1)(b) was seized,
disposed of or destroyed in accordance with
section 91 or that person's legal
(c) a person charged with an offence against a
provision of Part V in respect of anything
referred to in section 91(1)(b) which was
seized, disposed of or destroyed in
accordance with section 91 or that person's
legal representative.
(2) The Chief Commissioner of Police must, as soon
as practicable after a request under subsection (1),
cause that person to be provided with a copy of
the report or the certificate of health and safety
destruction or disposal requested.
95 IBAC Commissioner to inspect and report S. 95
amended by
No. 82/2012
s. 161(1).
S. 95
repealed by
No. 10002
s. 7(1),
new s. 95
inserted by
No. 52/2006
s. 14.

(1) The Commissioner within the meaning of the S. 95(1)

amended by
Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Nos 34/2008
Commission Act 2011 must, at least once each s. 143(Sch. 2
item 6),
financial year, inspect the certificates of health 82/2012
and safety destruction or disposal and reports held s. 161(2).

by the Chief Commissioner of Police under

section 93 for the purpose of reporting on the
operation of that section.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

S. 95(2) (2) The Commissioner within the meaning of the

amended by Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption
Nos 34/2008
s. 143(Sch. 2 Commission Act 2011 must report the results of
item 6), an inspection under subsection (1) to the Minister
s. 161(2). for Police and Emergency Services.
S. 95(3) (3) Any inspection done by the Director, Police
inserted by Integrity within the meaning of the Police
No. 82/2012
s. 161(3). Integrity Act 2008 (as in force immediately
before its repeal) under subsection (1) during the
financial year in which this section is amended by
the Integrity and Accountability Legislation
Amendment Act 2012 is taken to be an
inspection by the IBAC Commissioner required to
be done by the IBAC Commissioner under
subsection (1) during that financial year.
S. 96 96 Annual reports
repealed by
No. 10002
s. 7(1),
(1) As soon as practicable after the end of each
new s. 96 calendar year, the Chief Commissioner of Police
inserted by
No. 52/2006
must submit a report to the Minister for Police and
s. 14. Emergency Services that includes the following
(a) the number of certificates of health and
safety destruction or disposal which are
provided to the Chief Commissioner of
Police under section 93; and
(b) any other information relating to the seizure,
disposal and destruction of things referred to
in section 91(1)(b) that the Minister
considers appropriate.
(2) The Minister for Police and Emergency Services
must cause a report under subsection (1) to be laid
before each House of the Parliament within
12 sitting days of that House after it is received by
the Minister.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VISearch seizure and forfeiture

* * * * * Ss 97101
repealed by
No. 10002
s. 7(1).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VIADeclared testing facilities

Pt 6A
(Heading and
Part VIADeclared testing facilities
ss 97, 98)
inserted by
No. 9/2014
s. 8.

New s. 97 97 Declared testing facilities

inserted by
No. 9/2014
s. 8.
(1) The Chief Commissioner of Police, by notice
published in the Government Gazette, may declare
a facility to be a declared testing facility.
(2) A copy of a notice under subsection (1) must be
posted on the website of the Victoria Police.
(3) A declaration under subsection (1) may be made
in respect of a facility located within Victoria or in
another State or a Territory.
(4) A declaration under subsection (1) is subject to
any conditions specified in the notice regarding
the possession, handling, storage and security of
substances and items supplied to the facility under
section 98.
New s. 98 98 Supply of things to declared testing facility
inserted by
No. 9/2014
s. 8.
(1) Subject to subsection (3), for the purposes
specified in subsection (2), the Chief
Commissioner of Police may authorise the
supply to a declared testing facility of a thing
that is, or is suspected of being
(a) a drug of dependence or a substance that
contains a drug of dependence; or
(b) a poison or controlled substance; or
(c) an instrument, device or substance that is or
has been used or is capable of being used
for or in the cultivation, manufacture, sale or
use or in the preparation for cultivation,
manufacture, sale or use of a drug of

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VIADeclared testing facilities

(2) The purposes for which the Chief Commissioner

of Police may authorise the supply of a thing to a
declared testing facility are
(a) substance profiling; and
(b) analytical testing; and
(c) research.
(3) The Chief Commissioner of Police must not
authorise the supply to a declared testing facility
outside Victoria of a thing referred to in
subsection (1) unless satisfied that the possession
of the thing by a person employed or engaged by
the declared testing facility is permitted under the
laws of the jurisdiction in which the facility is
(4) If a thing has been supplied to a declared testing
facility under this section, the person in charge of
the facility must arrange for the thing to be
returned to, or collected by, the Victoria Police as
soon as practicable after the purpose for which it
was supplied has been carried out.
(5) Subsection (4) does not apply to a thing, or part of
a thing, that has been destroyed in the process of
carrying out the purpose for which it has been

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VIIProceedings

Part VIIProceedings
S. 102 102 Identity of seller of substances
amended by
No. 10002 For the purposes of this Act other than Part V any
s. 9(a)(b). person on whose behalf a sale or supply is made
shall be deemed to be the person who sells or
supplies, and where a sale or supply is made by an
employee assistant or apprentice of a person, that
employee assistant or apprentice shall be liable to
the like penalties as the person on whose behalf he
makes any sale.
S. 103 103 Offences by corporations
substituted by
No. 18/2006
s. 4.
(1) In this section, officer
(a) in relation to a corporation within the
meaning of the Corporations Act, has the
same meaning as in section 9 of that Act; and
(b) in relation to a corporation that is not a
corporation within the meaning of that Act,
means any person (by whatever name called)
who is concerned or takes part in the
management of the corporation
but does not include an employee of the
(2) If a corporation is guilty of an offence against
this Act, any officer of the corporation who was
in any way, by act or omission, directly or
indirectly, knowingly concerned in or party to the
commission of the offence is also guilty of that
offence and liable to the penalty for that offence.
(3) If in a proceeding for an offence against this Act
it is necessary to establish the intention of a
corporation, it is sufficient to show that a servant
or agent of the corporation had that intention.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part VIIProceedings

(4) A statement made by an officer of a corporation is

admissible as evidence against the corporation in
any proceeding against the corporation for an
offence against this Act.
104 Burden of proof
In any proceedings against any person for an
offence against this Act the burden of proving any
matter of exception qualification or defence shall
lie upon the person seeking to avail himself
* * * * * S. 105
amended by
Nos 10002
s. 10(1)
16/1986 s. 30,
repealed by
No. 51/1989
s. 149(1).

* * * * * Ss 106109
repealed by
No. 10002
s. 11(1).

* * * * * Pt 8
(Heading and
ss 110117)
amended by
Nos 10002
s. 12(1)(19)
(as amended
by No. 10087
s. 3(1)(Sch. 1
item 41)),
16/1986 s. 30,
s. 140(2),
repealed by
No. 101/1986
s. 55(1)(d).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IXEvidentiary

Part IXEvidentiary
S. 118 118 List of licences and permits
amended by
No. 10262 s. 4,
substituted by
No. 42/1993
s. 51.

S. 118(1) (1) The Secretary must keep a list of the persons

amended by
Nos 12/1994 holding current licences, permits or warrants
s. 17(2)(a), under this Act except licences, permits or warrants
s. 7(Sch. 1), under section 34, 56 or Part IVB or authorities
54/1997 under Part IVA.
s. 6(b),
13/2014 s. 5.

(2) The list must contain

S. 118(2)(a) (a) the full name and the residential or business
amended by
No. 12/1994 address of each holder of a licence, permit or
s. 17(2)(b). warrant; and
(b) any other prescribed particulars.
S. 118(3) (3) The Secretary must ensure that a copy of the list is
amended by
No. 46/1998 kept available for inspection by members of the
s. 7(Sch. 1), public during normal office hours without charge,
s. 4(Sch. 2 at the Secretary's principal office.
item 4.1).

S. 118(4) (4) The Secretary may take any steps that he or she
amended by
No. 46/1998 considers appropriate to bring the existence of the
s. 7(Sch. 1) list to the notice of members of the public.
S. 118(5) (5) In any proceedings the production of a document
amended by
Nos 12/1994 certified in writing purporting to be signed by the
s. 17(2)(c)(i), Secretary and purporting to be a copy of or an
s. 7(Sch. 1). extract from the list as at a particular date is
evidence and, in the absence of evidence to the
contrary is proof
(a) of the matters stated; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IXEvidentiary

(b) that at that date the persons whose names S. 118(5)(b)

appear in the document held current licences, amended by
No. 12/1994
permits or warrants under this Act. s. 17(2)(c)(ii).

(6) In any proceedings, the absence of a person's S. 118(6)

amended by
name from a document that complies with No. 12/1994
subsection (5) is evidence and in the absence of s. 17(2)(d).

evidence to the contrary is proof that on the

relevant date the person was not the holder of a
licence, permit or warrant under this Act and that
is required to be listed under this section.
(7) This section does not apply to medicinal cannabis S. 118(7)
inserted by
manufacturing licences, practitioner medicinal No. 20/2016
cannabis authorisations, patient medicinal s. 140.

cannabis access authorisations or any other

authorisation under the Access to Medicinal
Cannabis Act 2016.
119 Evidentiary
In any legal proceedings under this Act
(a) the production of a copy of the Government S. 119(a)
amended by
Gazette containing the register as last Nos 42/1993
published in relation to the time in question s. 52(a)(c),
of veterinary practitioners is, if the name of s. 118(Sch. 1
the accused does not appear in the register, item 17.14),
prima facie evidence that the person is not a s. 3(Sch. 1
veterinary practitioner; item 38.3
(a)(b)), 68/2009
s. 97(Sch.
item 47.3),
substituted by
No. 75/2014
s. 22(a).

(b) a certificate referred to in section 244 of the S. 119(b)

amended by
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law No. 23/1994
is, if it states any person is or is not or was or s. 118(Sch. 1
item 17.15
was not on a certain date or for a certain (a)(b)),
period a registered medical practitioner, substituted by
No. 75/2014
registered Chinese medicine practitioner, s. 22(b).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IXEvidentiary

registered Chinese herbal dispenser, dentist,

pharmacist, registered podiatrist, registered
optometrist, nurse practitioner, registered
nurse or registered midwife, prima facie
evidence of the facts stated in the certificate;
S. 119(c)(d) * * * * *
repealed by
No. 75/2014
s. 22(c).

S. 119(e) (e) a certificate that any person is or is not or

amended by
No. 74/2000 was or was not on a certain date or for a
s. 3(Sch. 1 certain period a veterinary practitioner shall
item 38.4
(a)(b)). if purporting to be signed by the registrar of
the Veterinary Practitioners Registration
Board of Victoria be prima facie evidence of
the facts therein stated;
S. 119(ea) (ea) a certificate that any person is or is not or
inserted by
No. 54/1997 was or was not on a certain date or for a
s. 6(c), certain period a holder of an authority under
amended by
Nos 56/2003 Part IVA or a holder of a licence under
s. 11(Sch. Part IVB, if purporting to be signed by the
item 7.2),
13/2014 s. 6. Secretary of the Department of Environment
and Primary Industries, shall be prima facie
evidence of the facts therein stated;
S. 119(f) (f) a certificate that any person is or is not or
amended by
Nos 10262 was or was not on a certain date or for a
s. 4, 46/1998 certain period a person who holds a licence
s. 7(Sch. 1).
permit warrant or authority under this Act
shall if purporting to be signed by the
Secretary be prima facie evidence of the
facts therein stated.
120 Analyst's etc. certificates
(1) In any legal proceedings for an offence against
this Act the production of a certificate purporting
to be signed by an analyst or by a botanist with
respect to any analysis or examination made by
him shall, without proof of the signature of the
Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IXEvidentiary

person appearing to have signed the certificate or

that he is an analyst or botanist (as the case
requires) be sufficient evidence
(a) in the case of a certificate purporting to be S. 120(1)(a)
amended by
signed by an analyst, of the identity or No. 101/1986
quantity or both the identity and quantity of s. 58(1)(f).

the thing analysed, of the result of the

analysis and of the matters relevant to such
proceedings stated in the certificate; and
(b) in the case of the certificate purporting to be S. 120(1)(b)
amended by
signed by a botanist, of the identity or No. 101/1986
quantity or both the identity and quantity of s. 58(1)(f).

the thing examined.

(2) The provisions of subsection (1) do not apply
(a) if a copy of the certificate was not served on S. 120(2)(a)
amended by
the accused at least seven days before the No. 68/2009
hearing; or s. 97(Sch.
item 47.4).

(b) if the accused, at least three days before the S. 120(2)(b)

amended by
hearing, gave notice in writing personally No. 68/2009
or by post to the informant and to the analyst s. 97(Sch.
item 47.4).
or botanist (as the case requires) that he
requires the analyst or botanist to attend as a
(3) For the purpose of subsection (2) a copy of the S. 120(3)
amended by
certificate shall be deemed to be served on the Nos 68/2009
accused under subsection (2)(a) if s. 97(Sch.
item 47.4),
s. 48(a).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IXEvidentiary

S. 120(3)(i) (a) not less than ten days before the hearing a
amended by copy of the certificate is lodged with the
No. 68/2009
s. 97(Sch. court of hearing which is hereby authorized
item 47.4), to make such copy available to the accused;
as s. 120(3)(a) and
by No.
s. 48(b)(ii).

S. 120(3)(ii) (b) notice in writing has been given to the

amended by
No. 68/2009 accused that a copy of such certificate will
s. 97(Sch. be so lodged with the court.
item 47.4),
as s. 120(3)(b)
No. 13/2010
s. 48(b)(iii).

(4) Service of a copy of a certificate for the purposes

of this section may be effected and proved
(a) in any manner in which service of a
summons may be effected and proved; or
(b) where the certificate was served with the
summons and proof of service of the
summons is by affidavit, by stating in the
affidavit that a copy of the certificate was
served with the summons.
(5) Where an analysis or examination has been
carried out for the purpose of any legal
proceedings for an offence against this Act the
court may, in addition to any other order as to
costs, make such order as it thinks proper
(a) as to the expenses of and remuneration to be
paid for the analysis or examination; and
S. 120(5)(b) (b) where the analyst or botanist has been
amended by
No. 68/2009 required by the accused to attend as a
s. 97(Sch. witness, as to the conduct money of the
item 47.5).
analyst or botanist.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IXEvidentiary

(6) In this section

analyst means a person employed by the S. 120(6)
def. of
Government of Victoria as an analyst or a analyst
person of a prescribed class employed or amended by
Nos 66/1995
approved under a prescribed law of another s. 3(a),
State or Territory; 33/2001 s. 21.

botanist means the chief botanist or his or her S. 120(6)

def. of
delegate under the Royal Botanic Gardens botanist
Act 1991 or a person of a prescribed class substituted by
No. 87/1991
employed or approved under a prescribed s. 52,
law of another State or Territory. amended by
No. 66/1995
s. 3(b).

121 Evidentiary effect of certain statements

For the purposes of this Act a statement of the
quantity of the poison or controlled substance or
the proportion which the poison or controlled
substance bears to the total ingredients of a
preparation shall be expressed in accordance with
one of the forms specified in Schedule Twelve.
122 Proof that a substance is poison etc.
In any prosecution for a contravention of or
failure to comply with any provision of this Act or
any regulations thereunder, whenever it is
necessary or proper to provide in respect of any
particular article or substance that it is a poison or
controlled substance then in every such case
(a) evidence that any substance commonly sold
under the same name or description as the
said particular article or substance is a poison
or controlled substance shall be prima facie
evidence that the said particular article or
substance also conforms to the same
description accordingly; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IXEvidentiary

S. 122(b) (b) evidence that any particular article or

amended by substance or the container thereof is
Nos 42/1993
s. 53(a)(b), labelled "Poison" or "Poisonous, not to
20/2016 s. 141. be taken" or "Schedule 1" or "Schedule 2"
or "Schedule 3" or "Schedule 4" or
"Schedule 5" or "Schedule 6" or
"Schedule 7" "Schedule 8" or "Schedule 9"
or "medicinal cannabis product" or
(whether alone or in combination with
any other words or symbols) "S. 1", "S. 2",
"S. 3", "S. 4", "S. 5", "S. 6", "S. 7", "S. 8"
or "S. 9" shall be prima facie evidence that
the particular article or substance is a poison
or controlled substance.
S. 122A 122A Evidence of market value of drugs of dependence
inserted by
No. 101/1986
s. 55(1)(f).

S. 122A(1) (1) In any proceedings under this Act or the

amended by
No. 108/1997 regulations or under the Confiscation Act 1997
s. 152(1)(a).

S. 122A(1)(a) (a) a police officer; or

amended by
No. 37/2014
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.41).

(b) any other person

whom the court is satisfied is experienced
S. 122A(1)(c) (c) in the investigation of offences under
amended by
Nos 48/1997 section 71, 71AA, 71AB, 71AC, 71A, 71B,
s. 47(c), 72, 72A, 72B, 73, 79(1) or 80(1) of this Act;
s. 7(e). or
(d) in the assessment of the market value of
drugs of dependence
may give evidence in accordance with
subsection (2).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part IXEvidentiary

(2) A person mentioned in subsection (1) may give

evidence to the best of that person's information,
knowledge and belief, of the market value of a
drug of dependence at a particular time or during a
particular period, despite any rule of law or
practice relating to hearsay evidence.
(3) Any evidence given under this section is, in the
absence of evidence to the contrary, conclusive
evidence of the matters testified to.
123 General offence S. 123
amended by
Nos 10002
Every person who contravenes or fails to comply s. 14(f)(i)(ii),
with any provision of this Act or any regulation 12/1994 s. 18.
made under this Act shall be guilty of an offence
against this Act and if no penalty is expressly
provided with respect to such offence shall be
liable to a penalty of not more than 100 penalty
* * * * * Pt 10
(Heading and
ss 124128)
amended by
Nos 10002
s. 14(g),
s. 55(1)(g)(h),
s. 36(a)(b),
s. 3(Sch. 1
item 18),
s. 47(d)(e),
s. 152(1)
repealed by
No. 10/2007
s. 3.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

Part XIRegulations
S. 129 129 Regulations
amended by
No. 10002
s. 13(1)(a)(f).

S. 129(1) (1) For the purpose of preventing the improper use of

amended by
Nos 42/1993 drugs of dependence and Schedule 1 poisons,
s. 54(1), Schedule 4 poisons, Schedule 8 poisons and
s. 106(1)(a). Schedule 9 poisons or any preparation of them or
any of them the Governor in Council may make
regulations for or with respect to regulating or
controlling the manufacture sale possession
administration use supply distribution and storage
of those substances and preparations and in
particular, without affecting the generality of the
foregoing provisions of this section or of any
other provisions of this Act, for or with respect
S. 129(1)(a) (a) regulating the issue by registered medical
amended by
Nos 23/1994 practitioners, registered Chinese medicine
s. 118(Sch. 1 practitioners, registered optometrists,
item 17.16),
58/1997 registered podiatrists, nurse practitioners,
s. 96(Sch. registered nurses, registered midwives,
item 3.4),
56/1996 dentists or veterinary practitioners of
s. 100(6)(a), prescriptions for any such substance or
s. 52(1)(a), preparation and the dispensing of any such
18/2000 prescriptions;
s. 106(1)(b),
s. 33(1),
s. 45(1),
s. 8(1).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

(aa) prohibiting either absolutely or subject to S. 129(1)(aa)

conditions the issue by registered medical inserted by
No. 10002
practitioners, registered Chinese medicine s. 13(1)(b),
practitioners, registered optometrists, nurse amended by
Nos 23/1994
practitioners, registered nurses, registered s. 118(Sch. 1
midwives, veterinary practitioners and item 17.16),
dentists of prescriptions or orders or classes s. 96(Sch.
of prescriptions or orders for any such item 3.4),
substance or preparation; s. 100(6)(b),
s. 52(1)(b),
s. 106(1)(c),
s. 3(Sch. 1
item 16.2
(a)(b)), 13/2010
s. 45(1),
s. 8(1).

(ab) prohibiting either absolutely or subject to S. 129(1)(ab)

inserted by
conditions the dispensing by pharmacists or No. 10002
registered Chinese herbal dispensers of s. 13(1)(b),
amended by
prescriptions or orders or classes of No. 18/2000
prescriptions or orders for any such s. 106(1)(d).

substance or preparation;
(b) requiring persons engaged in the S. 129(1)(b)
amended by
manufacture sale supply dispensing, No. 10002
administration, prescription and distribution s. 13(1)(c).

of any such substance or preparation to keep

books and records and furnish information in
writing or otherwise;
(ba) regulating, for the purposes of Division 10A S. 129(1)(ba)
inserted by
of Part II, the administration of drugs of No. 17/2006
dependence, Schedule 9 poisons, Schedule 8 s. 5.

poisons and Schedule 4 poisons to residents

of aged care services;
(c) the custody accumulation administration use
supply and storage of any such substance or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

S. 129(1)(ca) (ca) prohibiting either absolutely or subject to

inserted by conditions or in any specified circumstances
No. 10002
s. 13(1)(d). or classes of circumstances the prescription,
sale, supply, dispensing or administration of
any such substance or preparation;
(d) regulating the transfer or conveyance of any
such substance or preparation;
(e) regulating the supply of any such substance
or preparation to drug-dependent persons;
(f) regulating and controlling advertising by any
person in relation to any such substances or
preparations or any of them and prescribing
the form and contents of such
(g) generally prescribing all such matters and
things as are necessary or convenient to be
prescribed for carrying this Act into effect;
S. 129(1)(h) (h) prescribing a penalty of not more than
amended by
No. 10002 100 penalty units for any contravention of or
s. 13(1)(e). failure to comply with the regulations made
under this section.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

(2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in S. 129(2)

paragraph (h) of subsection (1) or in any inserted by
No. 10002
regulations made under that subsection, a person s. 13(1)(g),
who being a registered medical practitioner, amended by
Nos 23/1994
registered Chinese medicine practitioner or s. 118(Sch. 1
registered Chinese herbal dispenser, registered item 17.17),
optometrist, registered podiatrist, nurse s. 96(Sch.
practitioner, registered nurse, registered midwife, item 3.5),
veterinary practitioner, dentist or pharmacist, s. 100(6)(c),
contravenes or fails to comply with a regulation 94/2000
s. 52(1)(c),
made under that subsection is guilty of an 18/2000
indictable offence and liable to a penalty of not s. 106(1)(e),
more than 200 penalty units or to imprisonment s. 33(2),
for a term of not more than five years or to both 13/2010
s. 45(2),
such penalty and imprisonment. 14/2012
s. 8(2).

129A Regulationsmedicinal cannabis S. 129A

inserted by
No. 20/2016
(1) Without limiting section 129 or 132 and in s. 142.
addition to the powers provided in those
sections, the Governor in Council may make
regulations for or with respect to
(a) prohibiting, regulating or controlling
the manufacture, sale, possession,
administration, use, supply, distribution,
safe custody and storage of intermediate
cannabis products and medicinal cannabis
(b) preventing the improper use of intermediate
cannabis products and medicinal cannabis
(c) prohibiting or regulating the issue by
registered medical practitioners of patient
medicinal cannabis access authorisations for
any approved medicinal cannabis products
and other medicinal cannabis products and
the dispensing of those authorisations;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

(d) prohibiting or regulating the dispensing

by pharmacists of patient medicinal
cannabis access authorisations or classes
of authorisations for approved medicinal
cannabis products and other medicinal
cannabis products;
(e) requiring persons engaged in the
manufacture, sale, supply, dispensing,
administration, authorisation and distribution
of intermediate cannabis products and
medicinal cannabis products to keep records
and provide information in writing or
(f) regulating, for the purposes of Division 10A
of Part II, the administration of medicinal
cannabis products to residents of aged care
(g) the custody, accumulation, destruction,
administration, use, supply and storage of
any intermediate cannabis products and
medicinal cannabis products, including, but
not limited to
(i) the specifications of cupboards and
other receptacles; and
(ii) the manner of storage of any
intermediate cannabis products and
medicinal cannabis products;
(h) prohibiting or regulating the sale, supply,
dispensing or administration of any approved
medicinal cannabis products and other
medicinal cannabis products;
(i) regulating the transfer, conveyance or
transportation of intermediate cannabis
products and medicinal cannabis products;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

(j) regulating the supply of any medicinal

cannabis products to drug-dependent
(k) regulating and controlling advertising by
any person in relation to any intermediate
cannabis products and medicinal cannabis
products, including the form and content of
(l) prescribing a penalty of not more than
20 penalty units for any contravention of
the regulations made under this section.
(2) Regulations made under this section may provide
that any specified contravention of the regulations
is to be regarded
(a) as infamous conduct in a professional respect
within the meaning and for the purposes of
any Act; or
(b) as unprofessional conduct within the
meaning and for the purposes of the Health
Practitioner Regulation National Law.
(3) Nothing in this section limits any power to make
regulations under the Access to Medicinal
Cannabis Act 2016.
130 Construction of section 129
The provisions of section 129 with respect to the
making of regulations shall (without prejudice
to the generality of the powers conferred by the
said section) extend and apply to the making of
regulations for or with respect to providing that
any specified breach of the regulations made
under the said section shall be regarded
(a) as infamous conduct in a professional respect
within the meaning and for the purposes of
any Act; or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

S. 130(b) * * * * *
substituted by
No. 80/2004
s. 150(Sch. 2
item 2.5),
amended by
Nos 97/2005
s. 182(Sch. 4
item 16.5),
s. 46(a),
repealed by
No. 27/2012
s. 16.

S. 130(c) (c) as unprofessional conduct within the

substituted by
No. 94/2000 meaning and for the purposes of the Health
s. 52(2), Practitioner Regulation National Law.
repealed by
No. 97/2005
s. 182(Sch. 4
item 16.6),
new s 130(c)
inserted by
No. 13/2010
s. 46(b).

S. 131 131 Regulations as to regulated poisons

amended by
Nos 10002
s. 14(h),
For the purpose of protecting persons engaged in
42/1993 the manufacture sale use or distribution of
s. 54(2)(a)(b).
regulated poisons or for the protection of the
public from regulated poisons the Governor in
Council may make regulations for or with respect
S. 131(a) (a) prohibiting the possession manufacture sale
amended by
No. 42/1993 supply distribution or use of any regulated
s. 54(2)(a)(b). poisons either absolutely or except under
such circumstances or conditions as may be
prescribed (including, without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, prohibiting a
person from having in his possession,
manufacturing, selling, distributing or using
any regulated poison or class of regulated
poisons unless he is authorized by or

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

licensed or permitted under this Act or the

regulations so to do);
(b) prescribing any regulated poison to be an S. 131(b)
amended by
hallucinogenic drug for the purposes of No. 42/1993
Part VI; s. 54(2)(b).

* * * * * S. 131(c)(d)
repealed by
No. 12/1994
s. 10(1).

* * * * * S. 131(e)
amended by
No. 10002
s. 13(2),
repealed by
No. 12/1994
s. 10(1).

(f) prescribing precautions to be taken in and S. 131(f)

amended by
regulating or controlling the manufacture No. 42/1993
storage use or handling of any such regulated s. 54(2)(a).

poisons; and
(g) prescribing penalties not exceeding S. 131(g)
amended by
100 penalty units for breaches of the No. 10002
regulations. s. 13(2).

132 General regulations

The Governor in Council may make regulations
for or with respect to
(a) prescribing forms to be used for the purposes
of this Act;
(b) the colouring of any poison or controlled
(c) the sale supply and safe custody of poisons
or controlled substances including the
specifications of cupboards and other
receptacles and the manner of storage of any
poison or controlled substance;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

(d) prohibiting the sale or supply of any product

(whether by wholesale or by retail) or any
class of products containing any poison or
controlled substances unless the product or
class of products is packaged in accordance
with regulations made under this section and
contains no more than a specified
concentration of any specified poison or
controlled substance;
(e) the minimum size of packages or containers
in which poisons or controlled substances or
any class of poisons or controlled substances
may be sold or supplied or offered for sale or
(f) specifying the containers in which any
poison or controlled substance may be sold
or supplied and prohibiting the use of such
containers for other substances;
S. 132(g) (g) prescribing the Schedule 2, 3, 4 or 8 poisons
repealed by
No. 10002 that a nurse practitioner or category of nurse
s. 13(3)(a), practitioner is authorised to obtain and have
new s. 132(g)
inserted by in his or her possession and to use, sell or
No. 94/2000 supply;
s. 52(3).

S. 132(h) (h) prescribing the Schedule 2, 3, 4 or 8 poisons

repealed by
No. 10002 that a registered nurse or class of registered
s. 13(3)(a), nurse is authorised to obtain and have in his
new s. 132(h)
inserted by or her possession and to use, sell or supply;
No. 13/2010
s. 47(a).

S. 132(i) (i) prescribing the Schedule 2, 3, 4 or 8 poisons

repealed by
No. 10002 that a registered midwife or class of
s. 13(3)(a), registered midwife is authorised to obtain
new s. 132(i)
inserted by and have in his or her possession and to use,
No. 14/2012 sell or supply;
s. 9(1).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

(j) prohibiting and controlling advertising by S. 132(j)

any person in relation to Schedule 3 poisons amended by
No. 42/1993
or any class of Schedule 3 poisons and s. 55(a).
prescribing the form and contents of such
(k) providing for the dispensing of prescriptions S. 132(k)
amended by
for poisons or controlled substances issued Nos 23/1994
by registered medical practitioners, nurse s. 118(Sch. 1
item 17.18(b)),
practitioners, registered nurses, registered 74/2000
midwives, registered optometrists, registered s. 3(Sch. 1
item 38.5),
podiatrists, dentists or veterinary 94/2000
practitioners in other States; s. 52(4)(a),
s. 47(b),
s. 9(2)(a).

(l) labelling and specifying the particulars

(including antidotes) to be included in labels
attached to containers of poisons and
controlled substances;
(m) applications for licences, permits, warrants S. 132(m)
substituted by
and authorities issued under this Act, and the No. 12/1994
issue, renewal, amendment, suspension or s. 10(2)(a).

cancellation of them;
(n) prescribing terms and conditions limitations S. 132(n)
amended by
and restrictions to which licences warrants Nos 10002
and permits issued under this Act shall be s. 13(3)(b),
subject; s. 10(2)(b).

(o) prescribing fees for applications for the S. 132(o)

substituted by
issue, renewal and amendment of licences, No. 12/1994
permits, warrants, authorisations and s. 10(2)(c).

approvals under the Act and pro rata fees for

periods of less than 12 months;
(oa) prescribing penalties not exceeding S. 132(oa)
inserted by
100 penalty units for the breach of terms, No. 12/1994
conditions, limitations and restrictions of s. 10(2)(c).

authorisations and approvals;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

S. 132(p) (p) the inspection of premises mobile facilities

amended by stocks books and any other documents
No. 75/2014
s. 9. relating to poisons or controlled substances;
S. 132(q) (q) exempting from all or any of the provisions
amended by
Nos 23/1994 of this Act and the regulations substances or
s. 118(Sch. 1 preparations containing any poison or
item 17.18(a)),
58/1997 controlled substance which by their nature
s. 96(Sch. are not capable of being used in evasion of
item 3.5),
56/1996 this Act and the regulations or which are sold
s. 100(7), or supplied by a pharmacist or registered
s. 52(4)(b), Chinese herbal dispenser or according to the
18/2000 prescription of a registered medical
s. 106(2)(a)(b),
13/2010 practitioner, registered Chinese medicine
s. 47(c), practitioner, registered optometrist, nurse
s. 9(2)(b). practitioner, registered nurse, registered
midwife, registered podiatrist, veterinary
practitioner or dentist for an individual and
specific case;
S. 132(r) (r) the procedure to be followed in relation to
amended by
No. 12/1994 the sale or supply and recording of poisons
s. 16(3)(a). or controlled substances;
S. 132(s) * * * * *
repealed by
No. 12/1994
s. 16(3)(b).

(t) specifying the persons or classes of persons

authorized or entitled to purchase obtain use
or be in possession of any poison or
controlled substance;
(u) providing that all persons are authorized or
entitled to purchase or obtain or have in their
possession or use specified poisons or
controlled substances or specified classes of
poisons or controlled substances;
(v) providing for the disposal of automatic
machines forfeited pursuant to the provisions
of this Act;
Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

(w) prohibiting the sale or supply of any poison

or controlled substance by self-service
methods other than any methods prescribed;
(x) prescribing a penalty of not more than S. 132(x)
amended by
100 penalty units for any contravention of or No. 10002
failure to comply with the regulations; s. 13(3)(c).

(y) the administration and use of Schedule 3 S. 132(y)

amended by
poisons or any class of Schedule 3 poison; No. 42/1993
s. 55(b)(i)(ii).

(z) regulating and controlling the issue by S. 132(z)

amended by
registered medical practitioners, nurse Nos 42/1993
practitioners, registered nurses, registered s. 55(c),
midwives, registered optometrists, registered s. 118(Sch. 1
podiatrists, dentists or veterinary item 17.18(b)),
practitioners of prescriptions for any s. 3(Sch. 1
Schedule 3 poison and the dispensing of any item 38.5),
such prescriptions; s. 52(4)(c),
s. 47(d),
s. 9(2)(c).
S. 132(za)
(za) regulating and controlling the sale or supply amended by
by pharmacists of Schedule 3 poisons to Nos 42/1993
s. 55(d),
persons without direction from a registered 23/1994
medical practitioner, nurse practitioner, s. 118(Sch. 1
item 17.18(a)),
registered nurse, registered midwife, 74/2000
registered optometrist, registered podiatrist, s. 3(Sch. 1
item 38.6),
veterinary practitioner or dentist; 94/2000
s. 52(4)(d),
s. 47(e),
s. 9(2)(d).

(zb) prescribing the manner in which Schedule 3 S. 132(zb)

amended by
poisons may be dispensed by pharmacists No. 42/1993
and the keeping of records of each s. 55(d).

transaction effected by a pharmacist;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

S. 132(zc) (zc) regulating and controlling the dispensing and

amended by sale or supply of Schedule 4 poisons by
Nos 42/1993
s. 55(e)(i)(ii), pharmacists without a prescription from a
23/1994 registered medical practitioner, nurse
s. 118(Sch. 1
item 17.18(a)), practitioner, registered nurse, registered
74/2000 midwife, registered optometrist, registered
s. 3(Sch. 1
item 38.6), podiatrist, dentist or veterinary practitioner
94/2000 in emergency circumstances to the extent
s. 52(4)(e),
13/2010 that the quantity of any Schedule 4 poison so
s. 47(f), dispensed sold or supplied does not exceed
s. 9(2)(e). three days medication or, where a Schedule 4
poison is or is contained in a pre-packed
pharmaceutical preparation, the minimum
standard package containing the preparation;
S. 132(zca) (zca) amending the Poisons Standard in so far as it
inserted by
No. 42/1993 is incorporated in the Poisons Code;
s. 54(3),
amended by
No. 75/2014
s. 23.

S. 132(zcb) (zcb) for the purposes of Part V, prescribing

inserted by
No. 42/1993 precursor chemicals and the prescribed
s. 54(3), quantity of any precursor chemical,
repealed by
No. 74/2004 including different quantities for different
s. 17, new chemicals;
s. 132(zcb)
inserted by
No. 52/2006
s. 15.

S. 132(zcc) (zcc) without limiting this section, for the

inserted by
No. 55/2009 purposes of Part VB, prescribing
s. 9(1).
(i) category 1 precursor chemicals;
(ii) category 2 precursor chemicals;
(iii) category 3 precursor apparatus;
(iv) any other matter or thing required to be
prescribed for the purposes of that Part;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

(zcd) for the purposes of Part VC, prescribing a S. 132(zcd)

number or numbers of hookahs that may be inserted by
No. 51/2011
displayed; s. 5.

(zce) any matter or thing required to be prescribed S. 132(zce)

for the purposes of Part IVB; inserted by
No. 13/2014
s. 7.

(zd) generally prescribing all such matters and

things as are authorized or required to be
prescribed or are necessary or convenient to
be prescribed for carrying into effect the
objects of this Act.
132AA Regulations prescribing drugs of dependence S. 132AA
inserted by
No. 41/2011
(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Governor in Council s. 5.
may make regulations for or with respect to
(a) prescribing a substance as a drug of
(b) specifying whether that prescribed drug of
dependence is included in Part 1, Part 2 or
Part 3 of Schedule Eleven;
(c) specifying quantities in relation to that
prescribed drug of dependence for the
purposes of Schedule Eleven.
(2) The Minister must not recommend the making of
regulations under subsection (1) unless he or she
is satisfied that the substance represents
(a) a significant risk to the health of consumers;
(b) a significant risk to public safety.
(3) Despite anything to the contrary in section 5 of the
Subordinate Legislation Act 1994, a regulation
made under this section expires 12 months after
the day on which the regulation is made.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

S. 132A 132A Regulations may incorporate other documents

inserted by
No. 42/1993 (1) Regulations under any provision of this Act may
s. 56. apply, adopt or incorporate by reference any
document formulated or published by a person or
body, either
(a) without modification or as modified by the
regulations; or
(b) as formulated or published on or before the
date when the regulations are made; or
(c) as formulated or published from time to
(2) Regulations under any provision of this Act may
apply, adopt or incorporate by reference the
Poisons Code or any part of that Code.
(3) Section 32 of the Interpretation of Legislation
Act 1984 applies to regulations under any
provision of this Act that incorporate by reference
any part of the Poisons Code as if that part were a
statutory rule.
S. 132B 132B Scope of regulations
inserted by
No. 12/1994
s. 7.
The regulations may
(a) be of general or limited application; and
(b) apply to different classes of persons,
licences, permits, warrants, authorisations
and approvals; and
(c) provide for different fees for different
activities or classes of activity or different
cases or classes of cases; and
(d) in the case of applications for the issue,
renewal or amendment of licences, permits
or warrants, specify fees that reflect the cost
of administration of, and the provision of
inspection services in connection with, the
licence, permit and warrant system; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

(e) in the case of fees for applications for the

issue, renewal or amendment of licences,
permits or warrants, may vary according to
the kinds of poisons or controlled substances
to which the licence, permit or warrant
relates; and
(f) confer powers or discretions or impose S. 132B(f)
amended by
duties on any person; and No. 55/2009
s. 9(2)(a).

(g) may exempt specified persons or things or S. 132B(g)

inserted by
classes of person or classes of thing from No. 55/2009
complying with all or any of the regulations, s. 9(2)(b).

whether unconditionally or on specified

conditions and either wholly or to such an
extent as is specified.
133 Strict compliance with prescribed forms not
Forms set out in any regulations made under this
Act or forms to the like effect may be used for the
purposes thereof and shall be sufficient in law.
133A Exemption from regulatory impact statement S. 133A
inserted by
procedure No. 25/1990
s. 3.

(1) The provisions of the Subordinate Legislation S. 133A(1)

substituted by
Act 1994 with respect to the preparation of No. 42/1993
regulatory impact statements do not apply to a s. 57(1),
amended by
regulation which is consistent with, and gives Nos 68/1996
effect in Victoria to, the Poisons Standard. s. 15(a),
75/2014 s. 24.

(2) Any regulation to which subsection (1) applies S. 133A(2)

amended by
may be disallowed, in whole or in part, by Nos 42/1993
resolution of either House of Parliament in s. 57(2),
accordance with the requirements of section 23 of s. 15(b).
the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIRegulations

S. 133A(3) (3) Disallowance of a regulation under subsection (2)

amended by must be taken to be disallowance by Parliament
Nos 42/1993
s. 57(2), for the purposes of the Subordinate Legislation
68/1996 Act 1994.
s. 15(c).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIITransitional provisions

Part XIITransitional provisions Pt 12

(Heading and
ss 134, 135)
substituted as
Pt 12
(Heading and
ss 134136)
by No.
42/1993 s. 58.
Pt 12
amended by
No. 61/2001
s. 9.

134 References S. 134

substituted by
No. 42/1993
(1) In this section subordinate instrument has the s. 58.
same meaning as in the Interpretation of
Legislation Act 1984.
(2) In
(a) an Act other than this Act; or
(b) a subordinate instrument made under this
Act or any other Act; or
(c) any licence, warrant, permit or other
instrument under this Act; or
(d) any other document whatever
a reference of a kind listed in Column 1 of the
Table must in relation to any period occurring on
or after the commencement of this section and
unless inconsistent with the context or subject
matter be taken to be a reference of the kind listed
opposite in Column 2.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIITransitional provisions

Column 1 Column 2
Old Reference New Reference
Domestic poison Schedule 5 poison
Special poison (if the reference relates Schedule 1 poison
to a Schedule 1 poison)
Narcotic drug Schedule 8 poison or
Schedule 9 poison
Hallucinogenic drug Schedule 8 poison or
Schedule 9 poison
Dangerous poison (if the reference Schedule 1 poison
relates to a Schedule 1 poison)
Medicinal poison Schedule 2 poison
Potent substance Schedule 3 poison
Restricted substance Schedule 4 poison
Hazardous substance Schedule 5 poison
Industrial and Agricultural poison Schedule 6 poison
Dangerous poison (if the reference Schedule 7 poison
relates to a Schedule 7 poison)
Special poison (if the reference relates Schedule 7 poison
to a Schedule 7 poison)
Special poison (if the reference relates Regulated poison
to a regulated poison)
Drug of addiction Schedule 8 poison or
Schedule 9 poison
Substance specified in Schedule One of Schedule 1 poison
the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Substance specified in Schedule Two Schedule 2 poison
of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Substance specified in Schedule Three Schedule 3 poison
of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Substance specified in Schedule Four Schedule 4 poison
of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Substance specified in Schedule Five of Schedule 5 poison
the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Substance specified in Schedule Six of Schedule 6 poison
the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Substance specified in Part 1 of Schedule 7 poison
Schedule Seven of the Drugs, Poisons
and Controlled Substances Act 1981

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIITransitional provisions

Column 1 Column 2
Old Reference New Reference
Substance specified in Part 2 of Regulated poison
Schedule Seven of the Drugs, Poisons
and Controlled Substances Act 1981
Substance specified in Schedule Eight Schedule 8 poison or
of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Schedule 9 poison
Substances Act 1981

(3) Despite subsection (2), on or after the S. 134(3)

inserted by
commencement of section 97 of the Chinese No. 18/2000
Medicine Registration Act 2000, a reference in s. 107.

Column 2 in the Table to a Schedule 1 poison is

not to be taken to be a reference to a Schedule 1
poison within the meaning of this Act as amended
by the Chinese Medicine Registration Act 2000.
135 Instruments to continue S. 135
substituted by
No. 42/1993
(1) The amendments made to this Act by the s. 58.
Health and Community Services (General
Amendment) Act 1993 do not affect the
continuity of status, operation or effect of any
licence, permit, warrant or authority in force under
this Act immediately before the commencement
of this section.
(2) Subsection (1) does not affect the operation of
section 134.
135A Transitional provisionsDrugs, Poisons and S. 135A
inserted by
Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1994 No. 74/2004
s. 18.
Despite the repeal of the Drugs, Poisons and
Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1994
by the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances and Therapeutic Goods (Victoria)
Acts (Amendment) Act 2004, a warrant to which
section 19(2) of the Drugs, Poisons and
Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1994
(including a suspended warrant) applied
immediately before that repeal must be taken to

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIITransitional provisions

have been issued under this Act and may be

amended, suspended or cancelled accordingly.
S. 136 136 Continuity of Poisons Advisory Committee
inserted by
No. 42/1993
s. 58.
The Poisons Advisory Committee is the same
body after as before the commencement of the
Health and Community Services (General
Amendment) Act 1993.
S. 137 137 Transitional provisionsDrugs, Poisons and
inserted by
No. 61/2001 Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001
s. 10.
(1) The amendments to this Act made by the Drugs,
Poisons and Controlled Substances
(Amendment) Act 2001 apply only to offences
alleged to have been committed after the
commencement of that Act.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), if an offence is
alleged to have been committed between two
dates, one before and one on or after the
commencement of the Drugs, Poisons and
Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001,
the offence is alleged to have been committed
before the commencement of that Act.
S. 138 138 Refund of licence fee in relation to Schedule 5
inserted by
No. 74/2004 poisons and Schedule 6 poisons
s. 5.
(1) The Secretary may refund to a licence holder an
amount equal to the proportion of the fee paid for
a licence in relation to the period that starts on the
date of the commencement of the Drugs, Poisons
and Controlled Substances and Therapeutic
Goods (Victoria) Acts (Amendment) Act 2004
and ends on the expiry of the licence if

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIITransitional provisions

(a) the licence is issued under Division 4 of

Part II for
(i) the sale or supply by wholesale of a
Schedule 5 poison or a Schedule 6
poison; or
(ii) the manufacture and sale or supply by
retail of a Schedule 5 poison or a
Schedule 6 poison; or
(iii) the manufacture and sale or supply by
wholesale of a Schedule 5 poison or a
Schedule 6 poison; and
(b) at that commencement, the licence has a
period of at least 6 months to run before its
(2) A refund paid to a licence holder under
subsection (1) is to be paid from the Consolidated
Fund which is, to the necessary extent,
appropriated accordingly.
139 Transitional provisions relating to licencesDrugs, S. 139
inserted by
Poisons and Controlled Substances and Therapeutic No. 74/2004
Goods (Victoria) Acts (Amendment) Act 2004 s. 5.

(1) An application for a new licence of a kind

referred to in section 20(1)(b) or (e) of this Act as
in force immediately before the commencement of
the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances
and Therapeutic Goods (Victoria) Acts
(Amendment) Act 2004 or for the renewal of
such a licence must be taken to be an application
for a licence or for its renewal (as the case
requires) of a kind of licence referred to in the
relevant section as amended by the Drugs,
Poisons and Controlled Substances and
Therapeutic Goods (Victoria) Acts
(Amendment) Act 2004.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIITransitional provisions

(2) A licence
(a) of a kind referred to in section 20(1)(b) or (e)
of this Act as in force immediately before the
commencement of the Drugs, Poisons and
Controlled Substances and Therapeutic
Goods (Victoria) Acts (Amendment) Act
2004 (including a suspended licence); and
(b) in existence at the date of that
must be taken to have been issued under this Act
as amended by the Drugs, Poisons and
Controlled Substances and Therapeutic Goods
(Victoria) Acts (Amendment) Act 2004 and may
be renewed, amended, suspended or cancelled
(3) The amendments to section 20(1)(b) and (e) made
by the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances and Therapeutic Goods (Victoria)
Acts (Amendment) Act 2004 do not affect the
continuity or suspension of a licence of a kind
referred to in section 20(1)(b) or (e) of this Act as
in force immediately before the commencement of
that Act.
S. 140 140 Transitional provisionsDrugs, Poisons and
inserted by
No. 52/2006 Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2006
s. 16.
(1) The amendments made to the definitions of
aggregated commercial quantity, aggregated
large commercial quantity, cultivate, narcotic
plant and traffickable quantity by section 8 of the
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances
(Amendment) Act 2006 apply only to offences
alleged to have been committed after the
commencement of that section.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIITransitional provisions

(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), if an offence is

alleged to have been committed between two
dates, one before and one on or after the
commencement of section 8 of the Drugs,
Poisons and Controlled Substances
(Amendment) Act 2006, the offence is alleged to
have been committed before that commencement.
(3) The amendments made to section 71B of this Act
by section 10 of the Drugs, Poisons and
Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2006
apply only to offences alleged to have been
committed after the commencement of section 10
of that Act.
(4) For the purpose of subsection (3), if an offence is
alleged to have been committed between two
dates, one before and one on or after the
commencement of section 10 of the Drugs,
Poisons and Controlled Substances
(Amendment) Act 2006, the offence is alleged to
have been committed before that commencement.
(5) The amendments made to section 83(3) by
section 13 of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances (Amendment) Act 2006 apply only
to offences alleged to have been committed after
the commencement of section 13 of that Act.
(6) For the purpose of subsection (5), if an offence is
alleged to have been committed between two
dates, one before and one on or after the
commencement of section 13 of the Drugs,
Poisons and Controlled Substances
(Amendment) Act 2006, the offence is alleged to
have been committed before that commencement.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIITransitional provisions

(7) The amendments made to Part 1 of Schedule

Eleven by section 18 of the Drugs, Poisons and
Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2006
apply only to offences alleged to have been
committed after the commencement of that
(8) For the purpose of subsection (7), if an offence is
alleged to have been committed between two
dates, one before and one on or after the
commencement of section 18 of the Drugs,
Poisons and Controlled Substances
(Amendment) Act 2006, the offence is alleged to
have been committed before that commencement.
(9) The amendments made to Part 2 of Schedule
Eleven by section 19 of the Drugs, Poisons and
Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2006
apply only to offences alleged to have been
committed after the commencement of that
(10) For the purpose of subsection (9), if an offence is
alleged to have been committed between two
dates, one before and one on or after the
commencement of section 19 of the Drugs,
Poisons and Controlled Substances
(Amendment) Act 2006, the offence is alleged to
have been committed before that commencement.
(11) The amendments made to Part 3 of Schedule
Eleven by section 20 of the Drugs, Poisons and
Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2006
apply only to offences alleged to have been
committed after the commencement of that

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIITransitional provisions

(12) For the purpose of subsection (11), if an offence is

alleged to have been committed between two
dates, one before and one on or after the
commencement of section 20 of the Drugs,
Poisons and Controlled Substances
(Amendment) Act 2006, the offence is alleged to
have been committed before that commencement.
(13) A search warrant issued in or to the effect of the
form in Schedule Ten, as in force immediately
before the commencement of section 17 of the
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances
(Amendment) Act 2006 and not executed
(whether wholly or in part) before the
commencement of that section, on and from that
commencement may be executed according to its
terms despite not being in the form of Schedule
Ten as amended by section 17 of the Drugs,
Poisons and Controlled Substances
(Amendment) Act 2006.
141 Drug Rehabilitation and Research Fund S. 141
inserted by
No. 10/2007
(1) On 1 July 2007 s. 4.
(a) the Drug Rehabilitation and Research Fund
is closed; and
(b) all money standing to the credit of the Drug
Rehabilitation and Research Fund must be
paid into the Consolidated Fund.
(2) In this section, Drug Rehabilitation and Research
Fund means the trust fund established by
section 124 of the Drugs, Poisons and
Controlled Substances Act 1981 as in force
immediately before 1 July 2007.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIITransitional provisions

S. 142 142 Transitional provisionsDrugs, Poisons and

inserted by Controlled Substances Amendment Act 2008
No. 17/2008
s. 13. (1) A notice given under section 33 as in force
immediately before the commencement of Part 3
of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Amendment Act 2008 is to be taken,
on and from that commencement, to be a
notification of drug-dependent person for the
purposes of section 33 as substituted by that Act.
(2) A permit issued by the Secretary under section 34
as in force immediately before the commencement
of Part 3 of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Amendment Act 2008 is to be
taken, on and from that commencement, to be a
Schedule 8 permit issued under section 34A or a
Schedule 9 permit issued under section 33B, as
the case requires, and
(a) may be amended, suspended or revoked as if
it had been issued under section 34A or
section 33B, as the case requires; and
(b) authorises the medical practitioner or nurse
practitioner to whom it was issued before
that commencement to continue the
administration, supply or prescription of the
Schedule 8 poison or Schedule 9 poison to
which the permit relates in accordance with
that permit after that commencement as if the
permit had been issued under this Act as
amended by Part 3 of the Drugs, Poisons
and Controlled Substances Amendment
Act 2008.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIITransitional provisions

(3) A notice published by the Secretary under

section 35A for the purposes of section 35(2A) as
in force immediately before the commencement of
Part 3 of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Amendment Act 2008 is to be taken,
on and from that commencement, to be a notice
published for the purposes of section 34D.
143 Transitional provisionCriminal Procedure S. 143
inserted by
Amendment Act 2012 No. 48/2012
s. 42.
Section 81 as amended by section 41 of the
Criminal Procedure Amendment Act 2012
applies to a search warrant issued on or after the
commencement of section 41 of that Act.
144 Transitional provisionsDrugs, Poisons and S. 144
inserted by
Controlled Substances Amendment Act 2016 No. 2/2016
s. 16.
(1) The amendments made to section 71AB
by section 5 of the Drugs, Poisons and
Controlled Substances Amendment Act 2016
apply only to offences alleged to have been
committed after the commencement of section 5
of that Act.
(2) The amendments made to section 71AC
by section 6 of the Drugs, Poisons and
Controlled Substances Amendment Act 2016
apply only to offences alleged to have been
committed after the commencement of section 6
of that Act.
(3) The amendments made to section 71B by
section 9 of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Amendment Act 2016 apply only
to offences alleged to have been committed after
the commencement of section 9 of that Act.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Part XIITransitional provisions

(4) For the purpose of subsections (1), (2) and (3), if

an offence is alleged to have been committed
between 2 dates, one before and one on or after
the commencement of section 5, 6, or 9 of the
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances
Amendment Act 2016 (as the case requires), the
offence is alleged to have been committed before
the applicable commencement.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

* * * * * Schs 19

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule TenSearch warrant

Sch. 10
substituted by
Schedule TenSearch warrant
No. 10002 (Section 81)
s. 8(1),
amended by
Nos 16/1986 Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
s. 30, 101/1986
s. 58(1)(g), To a police officer
s. 3(Sch. item
WHEREAS I, the undersigned, a *Magistrate in the
59.15(a)(c)), State of Victoria, am satisfied by the *evidence on oath or *by affidavit
48/1997 of:
s. 44(7)(a)(c),
63/2003 a police officer of or
s. 48(1)(2), above the rank of Sergeant or for the time being in charge of a police
52/2006 s. 17,
station, that there is reasonable ground for believing
25/2009 s. 7,
37/2014 that there *is on or in a certain
s. 10(Sch.
item 47.42). *are
*will be within the next 72 hours
*land or
*premises situate at or
*vehicle identified by

located in a public place *certain things

*certain documents
to wit:
*(1) upon or in respect of which an offence under the Drugs Poisons
and Controlled Substances Act 1981 or the Regulations under
that Act, has been or is reasonably suspected to have been
committed or is being or is likely to be committed within the
next 72 hours;
*(2) which there is reasonable ground to believe will afford evidence
of the commission of an offence under the Drugs Poisons and
Controlled Substances Act 1981 or the Regulations under that
*(3) which is a document directly or indirectly relating to or
concerning a transaction or dealing which is or would be, if
carried out, an offence under the Drugs Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981 or the Regulations under that Act or under

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule TenSearch warrant

a provision of a law in force in a place outside Victoria and

which corresponds to a provision of Part V of that Act.
These are therefore in Her Majesty's name
*(1) to authorize you or any other police officer to enter and search
the said *land or *premises or *specified vehicle located in a
public place for the *things or *documents specified in this
warrant and, if any of those *things or *documents be found, to
seize and carry them before the Magistrates' Court so that the
matter may be dealt with according to law or to destroy or
dispose of them in accordance with section 81 of the Drugs,
Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981.
*(2) in relation to a specified thing or a specified document to which
this warrant relates which is also tainted property within the
meaning of the Confiscation Act 1997, to direct you or any
other police officer to hold or retain that thing or document as if
it were tainted property seized under a warrant under section 79
of that Act as and from the date when that thing or document is
no longer required for evidentiary purposes under the Drugs,
Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981.
Given under my hand this day of

*Strike out whichever is not applicable.
Note: Under section 81(3) of the Drugs, Poisons and
Controlled Substances Act 1981, a police officer to
whom a warrant under section 81(1) of that Act is
addressed or any other police officer may, at any time or
times by day or night but within one month from the date
of the warrant and with such assistance as may be
(a) enter, if need be by force, the land or premises or
specified vehicle located in a public place named in
the warrant; and
(b) arrest all persons on or in that land or those premises
or on or in that vehicle who are found offending
against a provision of that Act or the regulations made
under that Act; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule TenSearch warrant

(c) search
(i) the land or premises or any vehicle or any
person found on or in that land or those
premises or any person found on or in any
vehicle on or in that land or those premises;
(ii) the specified vehicle located in a public
place or any person found on or in that vehicle;
(d) seize and carry away or, unless a direction under
section 81(1A) of that Act applies, deal with as
mentioned in paragraph (e)
(i) any thing in respect of which an offence under
that Act or the regulations made under that Act
has been or is reasonably suspected to have
been committed; and
(ii) any thing which there is reasonable ground to
believe will afford evidence of the commission
of an offence under that Act or the regulations
made under that Act; and
(iii) any document directly or indirectly relating to
or concerning a transaction or dealing which is
or would be, if carried out, an offence against
that Act or the regulations made under that Act
or under a provision of a law in force in a place
outside Victoria corresponding to a provision of
Part V of that Act; and
(e) if
(i) the thing is
(A) a drug of dependence or a substance that
contains a drug of dependence; or
(B) a poison or controlled substance; or
(C) an instrument, device or substance that is
or has been used or is capable of being
used for or in the cultivation,
manufacture, sale or use or in the
preparation for cultivation, manufacture,
sale or use of a drug of dependence; and

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule TenSearch warrant

(ii) an analyst or botanist within the meaning of

section 120 of that Act certifies in writing to the
police officer executing the warrant that
destruction or disposal of the thing is required
in the interests of health or safety
destroy or dispose of the thing after taking, where
practicable, any samples of it as are required for the
purposes of that Act.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule Eleven

Sch. 11
substituted by
Schedule Eleven
No. 10002
s. 8(1),
amended by
Part 1
S.R. No.
1/1985 (paras Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
substituted by Quantity Quantity
S.R. No. of pure of pure
268/1985, Drug drug drug
amended by
No. 101/1986 Kilograms Grams
s. 58(1)(h)(i)
(iii), S.R. Nos ACETORPHINE 20
(para. (3)(a) N-ACETYLAMPHETAMINE 20 20
(b)), 314/1990 ACETYLDIHYDROCODEINE 100 1000
(para. (3)(a)
(g)), 69/1993 ACETYLMETHADOL 20
para. (3)(a)(b),
ss 45(1) ALPRAZOLAM 05
(a)(h)(2), 46,
regs 3(1) BARBITURATES 20 500
(a)(e)(2), 4, 1, 4-BENZODIAZEPINES not included
85/2000 reg. 3, elsewhere in this Part
Nos 61/2001
s. 8, 63/2003 BENZOXAZOCINES 20 500
s. 49, 74/2004
s. 19(a)(b),
ss 1820 (as
amended by BEZITRAMIDE 50
No. 79/2006
s. 87), 57/2012 BROMAZEPAM 30
ss 57, 9/2014 4-BROMO-2,5-
ss 1317.
* * *

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule Eleven

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Quantity Quantity
of pure of pure
Drug drug drug
Kilograms Grams
CODEINE (when in excess of 100 grams) 20 1000
DIHYDROCODEINE (when in excess of
50 grams) 20 1000

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule Eleven

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Quantity Quantity
of pure of pure
Drug drug drug
Kilograms Grams
FENTANYL 005 0005

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule Eleven

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Quantity Quantity
of pure of pure
Drug drug drug
Kilograms Grams
NICOCODINE (when in excess of 01 grams) 20 20
NICODICODINE (when in excess of
01 grams) 20 20
included elsewhere in this Part 25

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule Eleven

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Quantity Quantity
of pure of pure
Drug drug drug
Kilograms Grams
NORCODEINE (when in excess of
100 grams) 20 1000
excess of 200 grams) 20 1000

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule Eleven

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Quantity Quantity
of pure of pure
Drug drug drug
Kilograms Grams

Part 2
Column 1 Column 1A Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
(Large Commercial (Commercial (Traffickable (Small
Quantity) Quantity) Quantity) Quantity)
Plant Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity
Cannabis L. 250 kg or 250 kg or 2500 g or 500 g
1000 plants 100 plants 10 plants
Erythroxylum coca Lam 800 kg 8000 g
Erythroxylum 800 kg 8000 g
(Morris) Hier
Papaver bracteatum 1000 plants 100 kg or 1000 g or 50 5 plants
Lindley 250 plants plants
Papaver somniferum L., 1000 plants 100 kg or 1000 g or 50 5 plants
other than its seed 250 plants plants

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule Eleven

Part 3
Column 1 Column 1A Column 1B Column 2 Column 2A Column 2B Column 3 Column 3A Column 4
(Large (Large (Commercial (Commercial (Automatic (Traffickable (Traffickable (Small
Commercial Commercial Quantity) Quantity) Forfeiture Quantity) Quantity) Quantity)
Quantity) Quantity) Quantity)
Drug Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity
mixture of mixture of mixture of
substance substance substance
and drug of and drug of and drug of
dependence dependence dependence

AMPHETAMINE 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g 075 g

1-BENZYLPIPERAZINE 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
(also known as BZP)
1,4-BUTANEDIOL (also known - - - 20 kg - 500 g - 100 g
as 1,4-BD) (except for a lawful
industrial purpose and not for
human consumption)
COCAINE 7500 g 10 kg 2500 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g 10 g
DIACETYLMORPHINE 7500 g 10 kg 2500 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g 10 g
EPHEDRINE (when in excess of 7500 g 1000 g 200 g
100 g)
GAMMA BUTYROLACTONE - - - 20 kg - 500 g - 100 g
(also known as GBL) (except for a
lawful industrial purpose and not
for human consumption)
HARMALINE 125 kg 200 g
HARMINE 125 kg 200 g
HARMINES (not included 125 kg 200 g
elsewhere in this Part)
4-HYDROXYBUTANOIC ACID - - - 20 kg - 500 g - 100 g
(also known as GHB)
KETAMINE 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
LYSERGIC ACID 1500 mg 500 mg 15 g 150 mg 20 mg
METHYLAMPHETAMINE 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g 075 g
METHYLENEDIOXY- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g 075 g
3,4-METHYLENEDIOXY- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g 075 g
3,4-METHYLENEDIOXY-N- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g 075 g
3,4- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
ERONE (also known as MDPV)
4-METHYLMETHCATHINONE 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
(also known as 4-MMC)
PHENYL-2-PROPANONE 10 kg 5000 g 30 g
PSEUDOEPHEDRINE (when in 7500 g 1000 g 200 g
excess of 100g)
TETRAHYDROCANNABINOL 30 kg 250 kg 10 kg 100 kg 6000 g 250 g 10 g

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule Eleven

Column 1 Column 1A Column 1B Column 2 Column 2A Column 2B Column 3 Column 3A Column 4

(Large (Large (Commercial (Commercial (Automatic (Traffickable (Traffickable (Small
Commercial Commercial Quantity) Quantity) Forfeiture Quantity) Quantity) Quantity)
Quantity) Quantity) Quantity)
Drug Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity
mixture of mixture of mixture of
substance substance substance
and drug of and drug of and drug of
dependence dependence dependence

ANABOLIC AND 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g

AGENTS, other than in implant
preparations for use in animals
ATAMESTANE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
BOLANDIOL 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
BOLASTERONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
BOLAZINE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
BOLDENONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
BOLENOL 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
CALUSTERONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
CHLORANDROSTENOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
CLOSTEBOL 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
DANAZOL 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
DIHYDROLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
DIMETHANDROSTANOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
DROSTANOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
ENESTEBOL 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
EPITIOSTANOL 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
ETHYLDIENOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
ETHYLOESTRENOL 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
FLUOXYMESTERONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
FORMEBOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
FURAZABOL 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
HYDROXYSTENOZOL 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
MEBOLAZINE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
MEPITIOSTANE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
MESABOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
MESTANOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
MESTEROLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
METHANDIENONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
METHANDRIOL 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
METHENOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
METHYLCLOSTEBOL 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
METHYLTESTOSTERONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
METHYLTRIENOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
METRIBOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
MIBOLERONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
NANDROLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
NORANDROSTENOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
NORBOLETHONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule Eleven

Column 1 Column 1A Column 1B Column 2 Column 2A Column 2B Column 3 Column 3A Column 4

(Large (Large (Commercial (Commercial (Automatic (Traffickable (Traffickable (Small
Commercial Commercial Quantity) Quantity) Forfeiture Quantity) Quantity) Quantity)
Quantity) Quantity) Quantity)
Drug Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity
mixture of mixture of mixture of
substance substance substance
and drug of and drug of and drug of
dependence dependence dependence

NORCLOSTEBOL 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g

NORETHANDROLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
NORMETHANDRONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
OVANDROTONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
OXABOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
OXANDROLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
OXYMESTERONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
OXYMETHOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
PRASTERONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
PROPETANDROL 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
QUINBOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
ROXIBOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
SILANDRONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
STANOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
STANOZOLOL 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
STENBOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
TESTOLACTONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
TESTOSTERONE, other than in 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
implant preparations for use in
THIOMESTERONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
TRENBOLONE, other than in 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
implant preparations for use in
TRESTOLONE 50 kg 50 kg 3000 g 5000 g 500 g
The following SYNTHETIC - - - - - - - -
(1-(5-FLUOROPENTYL)-3- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
(common name AM-694)
2-[(1R,3S)-3- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
YL)PHENOL (common names
cannibicyclohexanol and
CP 47,497 C8 homologue)
2-[(1R,3S)-3- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
YL)PHENOL (common name CP
2-(2-METHOXYPHENYL)-1- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
YL)ETHANONE (common name

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule Eleven

Column 1 Column 1A Column 1B Column 2 Column 2A Column 2B Column 3 Column 3A Column 4

(Large (Large (Commercial (Commercial (Automatic (Traffickable (Traffickable (Small
Commercial Commercial Quantity) Quantity) Forfeiture Quantity) Quantity) Quantity)
Quantity) Quantity) Quantity)
Drug Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity
mixture of mixture of mixture of
substance substance substance
and drug of and drug of and drug of
dependence dependence dependence

(1-(2-MORPHOLIN-4- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
(common name JWH-200)
NAPHTHALEN-1-YL- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
(common name JWH-073)
1-PENTYL-3-(4-METHYL- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
(common name JWH-122)
1-PENTYL-3- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
(common name JWH-018)
(1-PENTYLINDOL-3-YL)- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
(1-(5- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
N-(1-ADAMANTYL)-1- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
N-(1-FENCHYL)-1-(2- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
1-(5-FLUOROPENTYL)- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
The following classes of - - - - - - - -
3-BENZOYLINDOLES with any - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
modification on the indole
nitrogen, whether or not further
modified on the indole or phenyl
rings (other than a substance
included elsewhere in this Part)
3-PHENYLACETYLINDOLES - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
with any modification on the
indole nitrogen, whether or not
further modified on the indole or
phenyl rings (other than a
substance included elsewhere in
this Part)

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule Eleven

Column 1 Column 1A Column 1B Column 2 Column 2A Column 2B Column 3 Column 3A Column 4

(Large (Large (Commercial (Commercial (Automatic (Traffickable (Traffickable (Small
Commercial Commercial Quantity) Quantity) Forfeiture Quantity) Quantity) Quantity)
Quantity) Quantity) Quantity)
Drug Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity
mixture of mixture of mixture of
substance substance substance
and drug of and drug of and drug of
dependence dependence dependence

6,6-DIMETHYL-6H- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
with any modification at the
3-position by alkyl or alkenyl,
whether or not further modified
on the cyclic rings, and whether
or not the cyclic rings are
partially or fully hydrogenated
2- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
PHENOLS with any modification
at the 5-position of the phenolic
ring, whether or not further
modified on the cyclohexyl ring
(other than a substance included
elsewhere in this Part)
3-(1-NAPHTHOYL)INDOLES - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
with any modification on the
indole nitrogen, whether or not
further modified on the indole,
naphthoyl or naphthyl rings
(other than a substance included
elsewhere in this Part)
3- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
OLES with any modification on
the indole nitrogen, whether or
not further modified on the
indole, naphthoyl or naphthyl
3-(1-NAPHTHOYL)PYRROLES - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
with any modification on the
pyrrole nitrogen, whether or not
further modified on the pyrrole or
naphthoyl rings
1- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
NDENES with any modification
at the 3-position of the indene
ring, whether or not further
modified on the indene or
naphthyl rings
(INDOL-3-YL)-(2,2,3,3-TETRA- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
modification on the indole
nitrogen, whether or not further
modified on the indole ring
3-(1-ADAMANTOYL)- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
INDOLES with any modification
on the indole nitrogen, whether
or not further modified on the
indole or adamantane ring

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule Eleven

Column 1 Column 1A Column 1B Column 2 Column 2A Column 2B Column 3 Column 3A Column 4

(Large (Large (Commercial (Commercial (Automatic (Traffickable (Traffickable (Small
Commercial Commercial Quantity) Quantity) Forfeiture Quantity) Quantity) Quantity)
Quantity) Quantity) Quantity)
Drug Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity
mixture of mixture of mixture of
substance substance substance
and drug of and drug of and drug of
dependence dependence dependence

N-(1-ADAMANTYL)- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 1.0 g

modification on the indazole
nitrogen, whether or not further
modified on the indazole or
adamantane ring
N-(1-FENCHYL)-INDOLE-3- - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
modification on the indole
nitrogen, whether or not further
modified on the indole or
fenchane ring
INDOLE-3-CARBOXYLIC - 100 kg - 10 kg - 30 g - 10 g
with any modification on the
indole nitrogen, whether or not
further modified on the indole or
quinolinyl ring
The following SYNTHETIC
4-BROMO-2,5- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
4-CHLORO-2,5- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
NE (2C-C)
2,5-DIMETHOXY-4- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
2,5-DIMETHOXY-4- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
2,5- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
NE (2C-H)
METHOXETAMINE 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
alpha- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
5- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
6- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
METHYLHEXANAMINE 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
METHYLONE 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
PENTYLONE 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
ETHYLONE 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule Eleven

Column 1 Column 1A Column 1B Column 2 Column 2A Column 2B Column 3 Column 3A Column 4

(Large (Large (Commercial (Commercial (Automatic (Traffickable (Traffickable (Small
Commercial Commercial Quantity) Quantity) Forfeiture Quantity) Quantity) Quantity)
Quantity) Quantity) Quantity)
Drug Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity of Quantity Quantity
mixture of mixture of mixture of
substance substance substance
and drug of and drug of and drug of
dependence dependence dependence

BUTYLONE 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g

PENTADRONE 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
DIMETHOCAINE 7500 g 10 kg 250.0 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 10 g
N-(2-METHOXYBENZYL)-2,5- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
N-(2-METHOXYBENZYL)-4- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
NE (25B-NBOMe)
N-(2-METHOXYBENZYL)-4- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
NE (25C-NBOMe)
N-(2-METHOXYBENZYL)-2,5- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
N-(2-METHOXYBENZYL)-2,5- 7500 g 10 kg 1000 g 5000 g 300 g 30 g - 075 g
NE (25H-NBOMe)

Note: kg = kilogram
g = gram
mg = milligram

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule TwelveStatements of strength of preparations

Schedule TwelveStatements of strength

of preparations
Section 121
(a) In respect of a tablet, capsule, pastille, packaged single
dose of powder, or similar discreet product unit, the
quantity of each poison or controlled substance in the
product unit.
(b) In respect of a solid preparation intended for
extemporaneous preparation of either a single dose or a
single stated amount of a liquid for therapeutic use, the
quantity of each poison or controlled substance in the
immediate container.
(c) In respect of a liquid for internal therapeutic use, the
volume of the normal dose and the quantity of each poison
or controlled substance in that volume.
(d) In respect of any other preparation, the portion of each
poison or controlled substance shall be expressed as
(i) In respect of a liquid poison or controlled substance
in a liquid preparation, the weight or volume of the
poison or controlled substance per stated volume of
the preparation;
(ii) In respect of a liquid poison or controlled substance
in a solid or semi-solid preparation, the weight or
volume of the poison or controlled substance per
stated weight of the preparation;
(iii) In respect of a solid or semi-solid poison or
controlled substance in a liquid preparation, the
weight of the poison or controlled substance per
stated volume of the preparation;
(iv) In respect of a solid or semi-solid poison or
controlled substance in a solid or semi-solid
preparation, the weight of the poison or controlled
substance per stated weight of the preparation;

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981
Schedule TwelveStatements of strength of preparations

(v) In respect of a gaseous poison or controlled

substance in a liquid preparation, the weight of the
poison or controlled substance per stated volume of
the preparation;
(vi) In respect of a gaseous poison or controlled
substance in a solid or semi-solid preparation, the
weight of the poison or controlled substance per
stated weight of the preparation;
(vii) In respect of a gaseous poison or controlled
substance in a gaseous preparation, the weight of the
poison or controlled substance per stated weight of
the preparation.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

1 General information
See www.legislation.vic.gov.au for Victorian Bills, Acts and current
authorised versions of legislation and up-to-date legislative information.
The Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 was assented to
on 12 January 1982 and came into operation on 18 December 1983:
Government Gazette 14 December 1983 page 3955.


Style changes
Section 54A of the ILA authorises the making of the style changes set out in
Schedule 1 to that Act.
References to ILA s. 39B
Sidenotes which cite ILA s. 39B refer to section 39B of the ILA which
provides that where an undivided section or clause of a Schedule is amended
by the insertion of one or more subsections or subclauses, the original section
or clause becomes subsection or subclause (1) and is amended by the
insertion of the expression "(1)" at the beginning of the original section or
As from 1 January 2001, amendments to section 36 of the ILA have the
following effects:
All headings included in an Act which is passed on or after 1 January 2001
form part of that Act. Any heading inserted in an Act which was passed
before 1 January 2001, by an Act passed on or after 1 January 2001, forms
part of that Act. This includes headings to Parts, Divisions or Subdivisions in
a Schedule; sections; clauses; items; tables; columns; examples; diagrams;
notes or forms. See section 36(1A)(2A).
Examples, diagrams or notes
All examples, diagrams or notes included in an Act which is passed on or
after 1 January 2001 form part of that Act. Any examples, diagrams or notes
inserted in an Act which was passed before 1 January 2001, by an Act passed
on or after 1 January 2001, form part of that Act. See section 36(3A).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

All punctuation included in an Act which is passed on or after 1 January 2001
forms part of that Act. Any punctuation inserted in an Act which was passed
before 1 January 2001, by an Act passed on or after 1 January 2001, forms
part of that Act. See section 36(3B).
Provision numbers
All provision numbers included in an Act form part of that Act, whether
inserted in the Act before, on or after 1 January 2001. Provision numbers
include section numbers, subsection numbers, paragraphs and subparagraphs.
See section 36(3C).
Location of "legislative items"
A "legislative item" is a penalty, an example or a note. As from 13 October
2004, a legislative item relating to a provision of an Act is taken to be at the
foot of that provision even if it is preceded or followed by another legislative
item that relates to that provision. For example, if a penalty at the foot of a
provision is followed by a note, both of these legislative items will be
regarded as being at the foot of that provision. See section 36B.
Other material
Any explanatory memorandum, table of provisions, endnotes, index and
other material printed after the Endnotes does not form part of an Act.
See section 36(3)(3D)(3E).

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

2 Table of Amendments
This publication incorporates amendments made to the Drugs, Poisons and
Controlled Substances Act 1981 by Acts and subordinate instruments.

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1983,
No. 10002/1983 (as amended by Act Nos 10087, 25/1990)
Assent Date: 13.12.83
Commencement Date: 18.12.83: Government Gazette 14.12.83 p. 3954
Current State: All of Act in operation
Statute Law Revision Act 1984, No. 10087/1984
Assent Date: 22.5.84
Commencement Date: 22.5.84: s. 3(2)
Current State: All of Act in operation
Health (Amendment) Act 1985, No. 10262/1985
Assent Date: 10.12.85
Commencement Date: S. 4(Sch.) on 1.3.86: Government Gazette 26.2.86
p. 451
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Courts Amendment Act 1986, No. 16/1986
Assent Date: 22.4.86
Commencement Date: S. 30(Sch.) on 1.7.86: Government Gazette 25.6.86
p. 2180
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Public Contracts (Repeal) Act 1986, No. 21/1986
Assent Date: 22.4.86
Commencement Date: 22.4.86
Current State: All of Act in operation
Crimes (Confiscation of Profits) Act 1986, No. 101/1986
Assent Date: 16.12.86
Commencement Date: 1.8.87: Government Gazette 22.7.87 p. 1924
Current State: All of Act in operation
Supreme Court Act 1986, No. 110/1986
Assent Date: 16.12.86
Commencement Date: 1.1.87: s. 2
Current State: All of Act in operation
Animal Preparations Act 1987, No. 12/1987
Assent Date: 5.5.87
Commencement Date: S. 37 on 5.5.87: s. 2(1); rest of Act on 29.6.88:
Government Gazette 29.6.88 p. 1893
Current State: All of Act in operation

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1987, No. 20/1987
Assent Date: 12.5.87
Commencement Date: 12.5.87
Current State: All of Act in operation
Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987, No. 41/1987
Assent Date: 19.5.87
Commencement Date: S. 103(Sch. 4 item 12.1) on 1.7.87: Government
Gazette 24.6.87 p. 1694
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Liquor Control Act 1987, No. 97/1987
Assent Date: 1.12.87
Commencement Date: S. 181(2) on 3.5.88: Government Gazette 27.4.88
p. 1044
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Magistrates' Court Act 1989, No. 51/1989
Assent Date: 14.6.89
Commencement Date: S. 149(1) on 1.9.90: Government Gazette 25.7.90
p. 2216
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Children and Young Persons Act 1989, No. 56/1989
Assent Date: 14.6.89
Commencement Date: S. 286(Sch. 2 item 9) on 23.9.91: Government Gazette
28.8.91 p. 2368
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Magistrates' Court (Consequential Amendments) Act 1989, No. 57/1989
Assent Date: 14.6.89
Commencement Date: S. 4(1)(a)(e)(2) on 1.9.89: Government Gazette
30.8.89 p. 2210; rest of Act on 1.9.90: Government
Gazette 25.7.90 p. 2217
Current State: All of Act in operation
Water (Consequential Amendments) Act 1989, No. 81/1989
Assent Date: 5.12.89
Commencement Date: 1.11.90: Government Gazette 15.8.90 p. 2473
Current State: All of Act in operation
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1990, No. 25/1990
Assent Date: 5.6.90
Commencement Date: S. 4(2) on 13.12.83: s. 2(1); rest of Act on 5.6.90:
s. 2(2)
Current State: All of Act in operation

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Sentencing Act 1991, No. 49/1991

Assent Date: 25.6.91
Commencement Date: 22.4.92: Government Gazette 15.4.92 p. 898
Current State: All of Act in operation
Royal Botanic Gardens Act 1991, No. 87/1991
Assent Date: 10.12.91
Commencement Date: 1.7.92: Government Gazette 1.7.92 p. 1629
Current State: All of Act in operation
Crimes (Confiscation of Profits) (Amendment) Act 1991, No. 90/1991
Assent Date: 10.12.91
Commencement Date: S. 36 on 1.9.92: Government Gazette 12.8.92 p. 2179
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Vermin and Noxious Weeds (Poison Baits) Act 1992, No. 4/1992
Assent Date: 5.5.92
Commencement Date: S. 6 never came into operation and was repealed by
s. 97 of Act No. 52/1994 on 16.12.94
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Act 1992,
No. 46/1992 (as amended by No. 73/1994)
Assent Date: 23.6.92
Commencement Date: S. 78(2)(a) on 15.3.95: Government Gazette 9.3.95
p. 502; s. 78(1)(2)(b) on 1.8.96: Special Gazette
(No. 89) 1.8.96 p. 2
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Health and Community Services (General Amendment) Act 1993, No. 42/1993
Assent Date: 1.6.93
Commencement Date: Ss 33, 34, 36, 38, 50, 56, 60 on 21.8.94; ss 35, 37,
3949, 5155, 5759, 61 on 10.9.94: Government
Gazette 18.8.94 p. 2240
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1994, No. 12/1994
Assent Date: 3.5.94
Commencement Date: Pts 1, 2(ss 17) on 3.5.94: s. 2(1); ss 8, 11, 18 on
10.9.94; rest of Act on 11.9.94: Government Gazette
18.8.94 p. 2240
Current State: All of Act in operation

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Medical Practice Act 1994, No. 23/1994

Assent Date: 17.5.94
Commencement Date: Ss 1, 2 on 17.5.94: s. 2(1); rest of Act on 1.7.94:
Government Gazette 23.6.94 p. 1672
Current State: All of Act in operation
Financial Management (Consequential Amendments) Act 1994, No. 31/1994
Assent Date: 31.5.94
Commencement Date: S. 3(Sch. 1 item 18) on 7.7.94: Government Gazette
7.7.94 p. 1878see Interpretation of Legislation
Act 1984
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994, No. 52/1994
Assent Date: 15.6.94
Commencement Date: S. 97(Sch. 3 item 7) on 16.12.94: s. 2(3)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1995, No. 66/1995
Assent Date: 17.10.95
Commencement Date: 17.10.95: s. 2(1)
Current State: All of Act in operation
Optometrists Registration Act 1996, No. 56/1996
Assent Date: 10.12.96
Commencement Date: S. 100 on 1.7.98: s. 2(4)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Health Acts (Further Amendment) Act 1996, No. 68/1996
Assent Date: 17.12.96
Commencement Date: Pt 3(ss 815) on 17.12.96: s. 2(1)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Sentencing and Other Acts (Amendment) Act 1997, No. 48/1997
Assent Date: 11.6.97
Commencement Date: Ss 3542, 4447 on 1.9.97: s. 2(2); s. 43 on 11.6.98:
Government Gazette 11.6.98 p. 1314
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997, No. 54/1997
(as amended by No. 52/1998)
Assent Date: 21.10.97
Commencement Date: Ss 14 on 21.10.97: s. 2(1); ss 5, 6 on 1.10.98:
Government Gazette 13.8.98 p. 2182
Current State: All of Act in operation
Veterinary Practice Act 1997, No. 58/1997
Assent Date: 28.10.97
Commencement Date: S. 96(Sch. item 3) on 17.3.98: Government Gazette
12.3.98 p. 520
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Confiscation Act 1997, No. 108/1997
Assent Date: 23.12.97
Commencement Date: S. 152 on 1.7.98: Government Gazette 25.6.98 p. 1561
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1998, No. 9/1998
Assent Date: 28.4.98
Commencement Date: Ss 1, 2 on 28.4.98: s. 2(1); rest of Act on 31.12.98:
Government Gazette 10.12.98 p. 2998
Current State: All of Act in operation
Public Sector Reform (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1998, No. 46/1998
Assent Date: 26.5.98
Commencement Date: S. 7(Sch. 1) on 1.7.98: s. 2(2)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Conservation, Forests and Lands (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1998,
No. 76/1998
Assent Date: 10.11.98
Commencement Date: S. 7 on 15.12.98: s. 2(5)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Public Sector Reform (Further Amendments) Act 1999, No. 12/1999
Assent Date: 11.5.99
Commencement Date: S. 4(Sch. 2 item 4) on 11.5.99: s. 2(1)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Dental Practice Act 1999, No. 26/1999

Assent Date: 1.6.99
Commencement Date: S. 107(Sch. item 2) on 1.7.00: s. 2(3)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Chinese Medicine Registration Act 2000, No. 18/2000
Assent Date: 16.5.00
Commencement Date: Ss 96107 on 1.1.02: Government Gazette 4.10.01
p. 2511
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Statute Law Revision Act 2000, No. 74/2000
Assent Date: 21.11.00
Commencement Date: S. 3(Sch. 1 item 38) on 22.11.00: s. 2(1)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Nurses (Amendment) Act 2000, No. 94/2000
Assent Date: 5.12.00
Commencement Date: Ss 4852 on 1.11.01: s. 2(3)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Health (Amendment) Act 2001, No. 33/2001
Assent Date: 19.6.01
Commencement Date: S. 21 on 20.6.01: s. 2(1)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2001, No. 61/2001
Assent Date: 23.10.01
Commencement Date: 1.1.02: s. 2(2)
Current State: All of Act in operation
Statute Law (Further Revision) Act 2002, No. 11/2002
Assent Date: 23.4.02
Commencement Date: S. 3(Sch. 1 item 16.1) on 1.1.02: s. 2(2)(b); s. 3(Sch. 1
item 16.2) on 24.4.02: s. 2(1)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Volatile Substances) Act 2003,

No. 55/2003
Assent Date: 16.6.03
Commencement Date: Ss 3, 4 on 1.7.04: s. 2(2)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Fisheries (Amendment) Act 2003, No. 56/2003
Assent Date: 16.6.03
Commencement Date: S. 11(Sch. item 7) on 17.6.03: s. 2
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Confiscation (Amendment) Act 2003, No. 63/2003
Assent Date: 30.9.03
Commencement Date: Ss 4549 on 1.12.03: s. 2(2)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Health Legislation (Amendment) Act 2003, No. 67/2003
Assent Date: 14.10.03
Commencement Date: Ss 3, 13(1) on 15.10.03: s. 2(1)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Crimes (Controlled Operations) Act 2004, No. 16/2004
Assent Date: 18.5.04
Commencement Date: S. 53 on 2.11.08: Government Gazette 30.10.08
p. 2530
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances and Therapeutic Goods (Victoria)
Acts (Amendment) Act 2004, No. 74/2004
Assent Date: 9.11.04
Commencement Date: Ss 319 on 10.11.04: s. 2
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Pharmacy Practice Act 2004, No. 80/2004
Assent Date: 16.11.04
Commencement Date: S. 150(Sch. 2 item 2) on 1.7.05: s. 2(3)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Major Crime Legislation (Seizure of Assets) Act 2004, No. 87/2004

Assent Date: 23.11.04
Commencement Date: S. 25 on 1.1.05: s. 2(2)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Public Administration Act 2004, No. 108/2004
Assent Date: 21.12.04
Commencement Date: S. 117(1)(Sch. 3 item 60) on 5.4.05: Government
Gazette 31.3.05 p. 602
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Road Safety and Other Acts (Vehicle Impoundment and Other Amendments)
Act 2005, No. 93/2005
Assent Date: 29.11.05
Commencement Date: S. 14 on 30.11.05: s. 2(1)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Health Professions Registration Act 2005, No. 97/2005 (as amended by
Nos 29/2006, 25/2007)
Assent Date: 7.12.05
Commencement Date: Ss 178180, 182(Sch. 4 item 16) on 1.7.07: s. 2(3)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Aged Care Services) Act 2006,
No. 17/2006
Assent Date: 9.5.06
Commencement Date: 30.5.06: s. 2
Current State: All of Act in operation
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Prohibition of Display and Sale of
Cocaine Kits) Act 2006, No. 18/2006
Assent Date: 9.5.06
Commencement Date: 10.5.06: s. 2
Current State: All of Act in operation
Children, Youth and Families (Consequential and Other Amendments) Act 2006,
No. 48/2006
Assent Date: 15.8.06
Commencement Date: S. 42(Sch. item 11) on 23.4.07: s. 2(3)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 2006, No. 52/2006
(as amended by Nos 79/2006, 10/2007)
Assent Date: 15.8.06
Commencement Date: Ss 7, 9(1), 11 on 19.2.07: Government Gazette 15.2.07
p. 261; ss 46, 8, 10, 13, 14, 1620 on 1.5.07: s. 2(3);
ss 9(2), 12, 15 on 1.8.07: Government Gazette 26.7.07
p. 1705
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Public Sector Acts (Further Workplace Protection and Other Matters) Act 2006,
No. 80/2006
Assent Date: 10.10.06
Commencement Date: S. 26(Sch. item 29) on 11.10.06: s. 2(1)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Repeal of Part X) Act
2007, No. 10/2007
Assent Date: 8.5.07
Commencement Date: Ss 3, 4 on 1.7.07: s. 2(2)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Health Professions Registration Amendment Act 2007, No. 25/2007
Assent Date: 26.6.07
Commencement Date: S. 33 on 1.7.07: s. 2(2)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment Act 2008, No. 17/2008
Assent Date: 13.5.08
Commencement Date: Ss 4, 5 on 14.5.08: s. 2(1); ss 613 on 1.3.09: s. 2(3)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Police Integrity Act 2008, No. 34/2008
Assent Date: 1.7.08
Commencement Date: S. 143(Sch. 2 item 6) on 5.12.08: Special Gazette
(No. 340) 4.12.08 p. 1
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, No. 46/2008
Assent Date: 2.9.08
Commencement Date: S. 275 on 1.1.10: s. 2(2)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Justice Legislation Amendment Act 2009, No. 25/2009

Assent Date: 17.6.09
Commencement Date: Ss 6, 7 on 3.9.09: Government Gazette 3.9.09 p. 2331
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Justice Legislation Further Amendment Act 2009, No. 55/2009
Assent Date: 22.9.09
Commencement Date: Ss 79 on 31.5.10: s. 2(4)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Criminal Procedure Amendment (Consequential and Transitional Provisions)
Act 2009, No. 68/2009
Assent Date: 24.11.09
Commencement Date: S. 97(Sch. item 47) on 1.1.10: Government Gazette
10.12.09 p. 3215
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Statute Law Amendment (National Health Practitioner Regulation) Act 2010,
No. 13/2010
Assent Date: 30.3.10
Commencement Date: Ss 3548 on 1.7.10: s. 2(2)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Pharmacy Regulation Act 2010, No. 39/2010
Assent Date: 30.6.10
Commencement Date: Ss 119, 120 on 24.8.10: Government Gazette 12.8.10
p. 1759
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Severe Substance Dependence Treatment Act 2010, No. 43/2010
Assent Date: 10.8.10
Commencement Date: S. 45 on 1.3.11: s. 2(2)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Justice Legislation Further Amendment Act 2010, No. 64/2010
Assent Date: 28.9.10
Commencement Date: S. 11 on 1.1.11: Government Gazette 28.10.10 p. 2584
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Statute Law Revision Act 2011, No. 29/2011

Assent Date: 21.6.11
Commencement Date: S. 3(Sch. 1 item 30) on 22.6.11: s. 2(1)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Drugs of Dependence)
Act 2011, No. 41/2011
Assent Date: 6.9.11
Commencement Date: Ss 4, 5 on 7.9.11: s. 2
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Justice Legislation Amendment (Protective Services Officers) Act 2011,
No. 43/2011
Assent Date: 6.9.11
Commencement Date: Ss 1820 on 28.11.11: Special Gazette (No. 379)
22.11.11 p. 1
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Prohibition of Display
and Sale of Cannabis Water Pipes) Act 2011, No. 51/2011
Assent Date: 18.10.11
Commencement Date: 1.1.12: s. 2
Current State: All of Act in operation
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Supply by Midwives)
Act 2012, No. 14/2012
Assent Date: 3.4.12
Commencement Date: Ss 49 on 30.11.12: s. 2(2)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Health Professions Registration (Repeal) Act 2012, No. 27/2012
Assent Date: 29.5.12
Commencement Date: Ss 916 on 1.7.12: s. 2
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Criminal Procedure Amendment Act 2012, No. 48/2012
Assent Date: 4.9.12
Commencement Date: Ss 41, 42 on 5.9.12: s. 2(1)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment Act 2012, No. 57/2012
Assent Date: 16.10.12
Commencement Date: S. 7 on 8.11.12: s. 2(1); ss 46 on 13.12.12: Special
Gazette (No. 429) 11.12.12 p. 1
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Integrity and Accountability Legislation Amendment Act 2012, No. 82/2012
Assent Date: 18.12.12
Commencement Date: S. 161 on 10.2.13: Special Gazette (No. 32) 6.2.13 p. 2
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Statute Law Revision Act 2013, No. 70/2013
Assent Date: 19.11.13
Commencement Date: S. 4(Sch. 2 item 12) on 1.12.13: s. 2(1)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment Act 2014, No. 9/2014
Assent Date: 25.2.14
Commencement Date: Ss 317 on 21.5.14: Special Gazette (No. 155) 20.5.14
p. 1
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation and Processing)
Amendment Act 2014, No. 13/2014
Assent Date: 18.3.14
Commencement Date: Ss 47 on 16.4.14: Special Gazette (No. 122) 15.4.14
p. 1
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Victoria Police Amendment (Consequential and Other Matters) Act 2014,
No. 37/2014
Assent Date: 3.6.14
Commencement Date: S. 10(Sch. item 47) on 1.7.14: Special Gazette
(No. 200) 24.6.14 p. 2
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Sentencing Amendment (Baseline Sentences) Act 2014, No. 52/2014

Assent Date: 12.8.14
Commencement Date: Ss 17, 18 on 2.11.14: Special Gazette (No. 350)
7.10.14 p. 1
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Criminal Organisations Control and Other Acts Amendment Act 2014,
No. 55/2014
Assent Date: 26.8.14
Commencement Date: Ss 5053 on 1.10.14: Special Gazette (No. 330)
23.9.14 p. 1
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Crimes Amendment (Abolition of Defensive Homicide) Act 2014, No. 63/2014
Assent Date: 9.9.14
Commencement Date: S. 7(8)(11) on 1.11.14: Special Gazette (No. 350)
7.10.14 p. 1
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Further Amendment Act 2014,
No. 75/2014
Assent Date: 21.10.14
Commencement Date: Ss 424 on 30.10.14: Special Gazette (No. 400)
29.10.14 p. 1
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Justice Legislation Amendment (Confiscation and Other Matters) Act 2014,
No. 79/2014
Assent Date: 21.10.14
Commencement Date: S. 62 on 1.11.14: s. 2(4)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment Act 2016, No. 2/2016
Assent Date: 16.2.16
Commencement Date: Ss 416 on 20.10.16: s. 2(2)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Access to Medicinal Cannabis Act 2016, No. 20/2016

Assent Date: 19.4.16
Commencement Date: Ss 123, 126, 129131, 133, 135 on 8.6.16: Special
Gazette (No. 177) 7.6.16 p. 1; ss 101120, 125, 134,
136142 on 14.9.16: Special Gazette (No. 284)
13.9.16 p. 1; ss 121, 122, 124, 127, 128, 132 on
21.10.16: Special Gazette (No. 284) 13.9.16 p. 1
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981

Proclamation, S.R. No. 43/1984

Date of Making: 14.2.84
Date of Commencement: 14.2.84
Proclamation, S.R. No. 277/1984
Date of Making: 17.7.84
Date of Commencement: 17.7.84
Proclamation, S.R. No. 1/1985
Date of Making: 18.12.84
Date of Commencement: 18.12.84
Proclamation, S.R. No. 2/1985
Date of Making: 12.12.84
Date of Commencement: 12.12.84
Proclamation, S.R. No. 77/1985
Date of Making: 26.2.85
Date of Commencement: 26.2.85
Proclamation, S.R. No. 90/1985
Date of Making: 5.12.84
Date of Commencement: 5.12.84
Proclamation, S.R. No. 91/1985
Date of Making: 20.12.83
Date of Commencement: 20.12.83
Proclamation, S.R. No. 92/1985
Date of Making: 14.2.84
Date of Commencement: 14.2.84
Proclamation, S.R. No. 93/1985
Date of Making: 15.5.84
Date of Commencement: 15.5.84
Proclamation, S.R. No. 94/1985
Date of Making: 13.6.84
Date of Commencement: 13.6.84
Proclamation, S.R. No. 165/1985
Date of Making: 16.10.84
Date of Commencement: 16.10.84

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Proclamation, S. R. No. 187/1985

Date of Making: 28.5.85
Date of Commencement: 28.5.85
Proclamation, S. R. No. 208/1985
Date of Making: 4.6.85
Date of Commencement: 4.6.85
Proclamation, S.R. No. 268/1985
Date of Making: 25.6.85
Date of Commencement: 25.6.85
Proclamation, S.R. No. 92/1986
Date of Making: 16.4.86
Date of Commencement: 16.4.86
Proclamation, S.R. No. 179/1986
Date of Making: 8.7.86
Date of Commencement: 8.7.86
Proclamation, S.R. No. 82/1987
Date of Making: 14.4.87
Date of Commencement: 14.4.87
Proclamation, S.R. No. 254/1987
Date of Making: 29.9.87
Date of Commencement: 29.9.87
Proclamation, S.R. No. 366/1987
Date of Making: 8.12.87
Date of Commencement: 8.12.87
Proclamation, S.R. No. 138/1989
Date of Making: 14.6.89
Date of Commencement: 14.6.89
Proclamation, S.R. No. 23/1990
Date of Making: 13.2.90
Date of Commencement: 13.2.90
Proclamation, S.R. No. 250/1990
Date of Making: 18.9.90
Date of Commencement: 18.9.90
Proclamation, S.R. No. 314/1990
Date of Making: 7.11.90
Date of Commencement: 7.11.90
Proclamation, S.R. No. 194/1991
Date of Making: 8.10.91
Date of Commencement: 8.10.91
Proclamation, S.R. No. 230/1992
Date of Making: 4.8.92
Date of Commencement: 4.8.92

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Proclamation, S.R. No. 263/1992

Date of Making: 8.9.92
Date of Commencement: 8.9.92
Proclamation, S.R. No. 289/1992
Date of Making: 27.10.92
Date of Commencement: 27.10.92
Proclamation, S.R. No. 305/1992
Date of Making: 17.11.92
Date of Commencement: 17.11.92
Proclamation, S.R. No. 350/1992
Date of Making: 22.12.92
Date of Commencement: 27.1.93: para. (1)
Proclamation, S.R. No. 67/1993
Date of Making: 4.5.93
Date of Commencement: 4.5.93
Proclamation, S.R. No. 69/1993
Date of Making: 11.5.93
Date of Commencement: 11.5.93
Proclamation, S.R. No. 86/1993
Date of Making: 8.6.93
Date of Commencement: 8.6.93
Proclamation, S.R. No. 136/1993
Date of Making: 20.7.93
Date of Commencement: 20.7.93
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Drugs of Dependence) Regulations 1999,
S.R. No. 107/1999
Date of Making: 17.8.99
Date of Commencement: 17.8.99
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Drugs of Dependence) Regulations 2000,
S.R. No. 85/2000
Date of Making: 29.8.00
Date of Commencement: 29.8.00

Government Gazettes 29 December 1983, page 4187

22 February 1984, page 575

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

3 Amendments Not in Operation

This publication does not include amendments made to the Drugs, Poisons
and Controlled Substances Act 1981 by the following Act/s.

Fines Reform Act 2014, No. 47/2014
Assent Date: 1.7.14
Commencement Date: S. 260 not yet proclaimed
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled
Substances Act 1981

At the date of this publication, the following provisions amending the Drugs,
Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 were Not in Operation:
Amending Act/s:
Fines Reform Act 2014, No. 47/2014
260 Retention and return of seized items
For section 80ZB(3)(b) of the Drugs, Poisons
and Controlled Substances Act 1981
"(b) the enforcement agency under the
Infringements Act 2006 grants an
application under section 25(2A)(a) of
that Act; or".

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

4 Explanatory details
Schs 19 (Repealed):
Sch. 1 substituted by S.R. Nos 268/1985, 250/1990 para. (3), amended by
S.R. No. 230/1992 para. (3), substituted by S.R. No. 67/1993 para. (3),
amended by S.R. No. 86/1993 para. (3), repealed by No. 42/1993 s. 59.
Sch. 2 amended by No. 10002 s. 15(a)(i)(ii), S.R. Nos 77/1985, para. (1),
93/1985 regs 1, 2, 94/1985 para. (a)(i)(xiv), 165/1985 para. (a), 208/1985
regs 1(a)(b), 2(a)(b), substituted by S.R. No. 268/1985, amended by
S.R. Nos 92/1986 reg. 1, 82/1987 reg. 3(a), 254/1987 reg. 3(a), substituted
by S.R. No. 250/1990 para. (4), amended by S.R. Nos 194/1991 para. (3),
230/1992 paras (4)(5), 263/1992 para. (3), 289/1992 para. (3), 305/1992
para. (3), 350/1992 para. (4), substituted by S.R. No. 67/1993 para. (4),
amended by S.R. Nos 86/1993 para. (4)(a)(b), 136/1993 para. (3), repealed
by No. 42/1993 s. 59.
Sch. 3 amended by No. 10002 s. 15(b)(i)(iv), S.R. Nos 94/1985
para. (b)(i)(ix), 165/1985 para. (b), 187/1985, 208/1985 reg. 3(a)(b),
substituted by S.R. No. 268/1985, amended by S.R. Nos 254/1987
reg. 3(b)(i)(iii), 23/1990 para. (3)(a), substituted by S.R. No. 250/1990
para. (5), amended by S.R. Nos 194/1991 para. (4), 230/1992 paras (4)(6),
263/1992 para. (4), 289/1992 para. (4), substituted by S.R. No. 67/1993
para. (5), amended by S.R. Nos 86/1993 para. (5)(a)(c), 136/1993
para. (4), repealed by No. 42/1993 s. 59.
Sch. 4 amended by No. 10002 s. 15(c)(i)(xxix) (as amended by
No. 25/1990 s. 4(2)(a)(i)), GG 29.12.83 p. 4187, S.R. Nos 43/1984
regs 1, 2, 277/1984 para. (a)(i)(vi), 2/1985 para. (a)(i)(iv), 77/1985
para. (2), 90/1985 para. (a), 94/1985 para. (c)(i)(xxi), 165/1985
para. (c)(i)(iv), 208/1985 regs 4(a)(i), 5(a)(l), substituted by
S.R. No. 268/1985, amended by S.R. Nos 92/1986 reg. 2, 82/1987 reg. 3(b),
254/1987 reg. 3(c)(i)(ii), 23/1990 para. (3)(b), substituted by
S.R. No. 250/1990 para. (6), amended by S.R. Nos 194/1991 para. (5),
230/1992 paras (4)(7), 263/1992 para. (5), 289/1992 para. (5), 305/1992
para. (4), 350/1992 para. (5), substituted by S.R. No. 67/1993 para. (6),
amended by S.R. Nos 86/1993 para. (6)(a)(zm), 136/1993 para. (5)(a)(p),
repealed by No. 42/1993 s. 59.
Sch. 5 amended by No. 10002 s. 15(d)(i)(ix) (as amended by No. 25/1990
s. 4(2)(a)(ii)), S.R. Nos 94/1985 para. (d)(i)(iv), 165/1985 para. (d),
208/1985 reg. 6, substituted by S.R. Nos 268/1985, 250/1990 para. (7),
amended by S.R. Nos 194/1991 para. (6), 230/1992 paras (4)(8), 263/1992
para. (6), 289/1992 para. (6), 305/1992 para. (5), 350/1992 para. (6),
substituted by S.R. No. 67/1993 para. (7), amended by S.R. Nos 86/1993
para. (7)(a)(d), 136/1993 para. (6)(a)(h), repealed by No. 42/1993 s. 59.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
No. 9719 of 1981

Sch. 6 amended by No. 10002 s. 15(e)(i)(xiii), GGs 29.12.83 pp 4187,

4188, 22.2.84 p. 575, S.R. Nos 43/1984 reg. 3, 2/1985 para. (b)(i)(ii),
90/1985 para. (b), 94/1985 para. (e)(i)(vi), 165/1985 para. (e)(i)(iv),
208/1985 regs 7(a)(h), 8(a)(h), substituted by S.R. No. 268/1985,
amended by No. 12/1987 s. 36(5)(b)(i)(ii)(A)(B), S.R. Nos 254/1987
reg. 3(d)(i)(iii), 366/1987 reg. 3, substituted by S.R. No. 250/1990
para. (8), amended by S.R. Nos 194/1991 para. (7), 230/1992 paras (4)(9),
263/1992 para. (7), 289/1992 para. (7), 305/1992 para. (6), substituted by
S.R. No. 67/1993 para. (8), amended by S.R. Nos 86/1993 para. (8)(a)(k),
136/1993 para. (7)(a)(g), repealed by No. 42/1993 s. 59.
Sch. 7 amended by No. 10002 s. 15(f)(i)(xii), GG 22.2.84 p. 575,
S.R. Nos 277/1984 para. (b)(i)(vi), 2/1985 para. (c)(i), 77/1985 para. (3),
94/1985 paras (f)(i)(g)(i)(vii), 165/1985 para. (f), 208/1985 regs 9(a)(c),
10(a)(e), substituted by S.R. No. 268/1985, amended by S.R. Nos 92/1986
reg. 3, 82/1987 reg. 3(c), 23/1990 para. (3)(c), substituted by
S.R. No. 250/1990 para. (9), amended by S.R. Nos 194/1991 paras (8)(9),
230/1992 paras (4)(10)(11), 263/1992 paras (8)(9), 289/1992 paras (8)(9),
305/1992 paras (7)(8), 350/1992 para. (7), substituted by S.R. No. 67/1993
para. (9), amended by S.R. Nos 86/1993 para. (9)(a)(c), 136/1993
paras (8)(a)(m), (9)(a)(v), repealed by No. 42/1993 s. 59.
Sch. 8 amended by S.R. No. 208/1985 reg. 11, substituted by
S.R. No. 268/1985, amended by S.R. No. 179/1986 reg. 2, substituted by
S.R. No. 250/1990 para. (10), amended by S.R. Nos 194/1991 para. (10),
230/1992 para. (10), 305/1992 para. (9), substituted by S.R. No. 67/1993
para. (10), amended by S.R. Nos 86/1993 para. (10), 136/1993
para. (10)(a)(b), repealed by No. 42/1993 s. 59.
Sch. 9 repealed by No. 42/1993 s. 59.

Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel


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