Thirukkural 108 English Translation Only

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Thirukkural 108 This text provides details

in Simple English Chapter number,

Thirukkural in Simple English 108 Subject heading,

Structure Division name, and Its sub division.

Thirukkural have 133 chapters in total. Each chapter contains 10 couplets.

This is divided into three broad divisions.


[ Aratthu ball in Tamil ]

Sub divisions:

Prologue - C1 to 4 > 4 chapters

Domestic virtue - C 5 to 24 > 20 chapters

ASCETIC VIRTUE- C 25 to 37> 13


Fate - C 38> chapter1


[ Porut ball in Tamil]

Sub Divisions-

Career skills -royalty C 39 to 63> 25


Management skills- C64 to 73 > 10


Organisation C74 to 78> 5 chapters

Friendship - C79 to 95 >17 chapters

Citizenship- C96 to 108 >13 chapters

Third Part is Sexual life

[ Kaamatthu ball in Tamil]

This book provides details for 108

chapters only.

Balance 25 chapters left out as it deals

about Ethical sexual life.




PROLOGUE 26. Vegetarianism

1. The Praise of God 27. Penance

2. The Blessing of Rain 28. Imposture

3. The Greatness of Ascetics 29. Absence of fraud

4. Assertion of the Strength of Virtue 30. Veracity

DOMESTIC VIRTUE 31. Restrain anger

5. Domestic Life 32. Not doing evil

6. Wife 33. Not killing

7. Children 34. Instability

8. Kindness 35. Renunciation

9. Hospitality 36. Truth- consciousness

10. Pleasant words 37. Curbing desire

11. Gratitude 38. Destiny Fate


13. Self restraint Career life for economical

14. Self discipline
15. Not coveting other wife
39. Greatness of governance
16. Patience
40. Learning
17. Not envying
41. Ignorance
18. Not coveting
42. Listening
19. Not backbiting
43. Competency
20. Avoid useless talks
44. Corrective action
21. Dread of evil deeds
45. Consulting experts
22. Social commitment
46. Avoiding mean association
23. Charity
47. Competent action

48. Understanding power 75. Fortification

49. Time management Way of Making Wealth

50. Location 76. Way of Accumulating Wealth


52. Expertise action 77. The Excellence of an Army

53. Caring neighborhood 78. Military spirit

54. Unforgetfulness FRIENDSHIP

55. Good government 79. Friendship

56. Autocratic rule 80 analyze friendship

57. Anti-terrorism 81. Familiarity Familiarity

58. Mercies 82. Bad friendship

59. Spying 83. Unwanted friendship

60. Motivation 84. Folly

61. Laziness 85. Ignorance

62. Human resources 86. Insult

63. Persistence 87. Strength of enemy

MINISTERS OF STATE 88. Knowing the Quality of Hate

64. The Office of Minister of state 89. Enmity within

65. Power of Speech 90. Not Offending the Great

66. Purity in Action 91. Being led by Women

67. Power in Action 92. Wanton Women

68. Modes of Action 93. Not drinking

69. The envoy 94. Gambling

70. Get along with govt. 95. Medicine

71. The Knowledge of Indications CITZENSHIP

72. Knowledge of the Council Chamber 96. Nobility

73. Facing courageously
97. Honor
98. Greatness
74. Country

99. Perfectness

100. Courtesy

101. Grateful wealth

102. Shame

103. Managing

104. Farming

105. Poverty

106. Mendicancy

107. Dread of mendicancy

108. Baseness

The Pre-marital love

The Post-marital love

108 to 133. Not covered

Sub Division of GLORY OF RAIN
Division 1: VIRTUES
011 Rain protects the world. Hence it is
C001 called Nectar-Ambrosia
PRAYER - TRUST 012 Rain helps to produce good food,
and also helps as food.
001. As all languages have originated with
013 Though the world is surrounded
first letter-A. like this, the world has
with sea water, if the rain fails, the famine
originated with an ancestor, is god.
will affect all living things.
002. Respect Scholars and seniors. If not,
014 If the resource of rain fails, farming
what is the use of all learning?
will reduce to suffer living things in all
003 Follow good leadership to grow respects.
with honor and longevity
015 By its absence ruins everything; by
004 Dedicate your services without any raining it creates fortune for all.
greed. Dedication will be painless.
016 If there no drop of rain falls from
005 Good and bad things are part of the clouds, we cannot see any the green
any service. Acceptance will not be blade of grass.
017 Even the sea will dry, if the clouds
006 Control desires of five senses with do not pour rain.
virtues in life to live long with pride.
018 If the rain does not pour, people
007 Dedicate your services to high will stop all their religious and economical
level leadership to get peace of mind. activities.

008 Trust virtuous scholars in the 019 If the rain fails, people cannot help
crisis. There is no way to escape. others and cannot survive themselves and
religious activities will disappear.
009 Respect your leadership with five
senses. Otherwise what is use of them 020 The rainless drought would create
virtueless social disorder in the society.
010 Follow the leadership or Wiseman Hence Water must be saved properly.
to swim against odds of life. Otherwise,
you will be trapped.

C003 C004.
021 Scholars recall and glorify 031 Virtue yields distinctions and
disciplined people who had served in the prosperity. Nothing equals to it.
past for society by deserting their personal
comforts and prejudices. 032 None gives positive energy as
Virtue. It is positive one for development.
022 The greatness of them cannot be None is painful as Negative virtue. It is
measured. It is limitless. painful in life.

023 Undertake services by considering 033 All actions must be virtuous,

pros and cons to deserve for greatness in whatever, wherever, whenever and
the world.It longs last forever. continually to their capabilities.

024 To serve for humanity, one has to 034 Pure spotless Virtuous must be in
control their five senses with their mind positively. All other forms are
willpower as seed of the plant. exhibitionism only for publicity.

025 Five senses mislead our life with 035 Omission of envy, greed, anger,
greed generally. Controlling them to get evil speech is virtue.
036 Virtuous actions must be practiced
026 Great men undertake great things without delay from young age as habit.
like discovery for mankind; others can not The habit only will protect entire life.
undertake such tough activities.
037 Virtuous one treats pleasure and
027 One must learn to control five pain equally. They wont feel distress in
senses of the body to achieve great tough times and feel pleasures on
things. World will recognize. comforts

028 Great men competency proclaim 038 Everydays virtuous life is stepping
with their long standing works for the stone for growth and longevity.
039 Virtuous life only provides delight
029 Great mens anguish does not in life. All others cannot be pleasurable
carry forward for even a second. It affects and for glory.
040 Virtue must be way of life.
030 Any one who loves and cares all Negative virtues yields pains and insults
creatures is an ascetic monk. It is from society.
applicable to all irrespective of their birth,
religion, caste division, profession, status.

Sub Division of Division1: Virtue LIFE WELFARE
RESPONSIBILITY& 051 A wife must have homely virtues
and manage family expenses within the
GREATNESS LIFE husbands income.

041 A house holder of family duty is to 052 A family cannot be recognized as

lead virtuous life in accordance with good , without virtuous wife. Wealth do
elders, protecting parents, wife and not make good family.
children with good faith.
053 Virtuous wife is greater asset than
042 A house holder must help family- any for the family. If she is not virtuous ,
less, poor, safe-less people as social no asset is worthier to the family.
054 If woman retain virtue of chastity,
043 Virtues of family have five what will be greater treasure than this for
functions: grateful to ancestors, respecting her?
elders, hospitality with guests, maintaining
055 If wife is sincere with husband and
good relationship and have capability to
dedicate to him more, she will get all
manage them.
power, even to order for raining.
044 Virtues of family life are sharing
056 Wife is one who protect herself by
with ethical earning to poor which will help
virtues, protect her family and to maintain
for their future generations.
her family repute.
045 Family life must possess love and
057 No system can protect the wife.
virtue; this is the perfect grace and gain of
She has to protect herself by virtues.
058 Virtuous dedicated wife gets all
046 Gain in virtuous family life is
pleasurable life in the family.
greater than any other form like ascetics in
the universe. 059 People cannot face public insults
and counter them when they did not get
047 Understanding spirit of virtues and
good wife.
executing family life is great thing.
060 Feature of married life is family
048 Living and guiding others for
with virtuous wife. Above all, the wife must
virtues of family is greater service in the
bear, brought up and train her children for
049 The marriage state is truly called
virtue and greater. It will be recognized
more, if others do not reproach it.

050 Living with virtuous family is the

greatest service in the universe.

C007 C008
061 Nothing greater than bringing up 071 Kindness burst out with tears
children with virtue and wise in the world. trickling, oozing out on seeing others
distress and seeing after long time.
062 If virtuous children were got, no Kindness cannot be contained and bolted.
evils touch them for their life and future It is natural instinct for human beings.
072 Selfish wants all, whereas kind
063 Children are called wealth. It is a people prepare to sacrifice all, even their
result of their action. bone to others
064 Kids feeding food to parents is 073 Kindness and action are like soul
more than nectar sweet while eating. and body.
065 Childrens physical tender touch is 074 Kindness yields aspiration and
pleasure for the body and their voice is friendship, and springs up in excellence.
melodious to the ears.
075 Happiest people in the world have
066 Babys babbles are more special feature that they are kind in
melodious than flute or lute. domestic life with love.
067 Fathers duty is to train/educate 076 Kindness helps not only for
their children intelligent to get pride in the ethics but also provides courage to
society. counter them when in critical context.
068 If the children are more intelligent 077 Kindness burn unkind peoples
than the parents, then it is great service to consciousness, like sun affects boneless
humanity. worm.
069 The mother delights more when 078 Unkind domestic life is like
hear her kids are wise than when he got blooming of a cactus plant in desert.
delight on giving birth.
079 What is use of external parts of
070 Childrens duty is that society to body in absence of internal organs of
appreciate his parents for their intelligence kindness?
and wisdom.
080 For kind people, Soul is made of
kindness. For unkind, the Skelton is
covered with skin only.

C009 C010
081 Duty of a household is to maintain
and earn for his family and to invite guests
091 Pleasant communication is one
for hospitality and help them. {It is social
has with affection, faith, truth. It should
not be sugar coated words with
082 It is unethical to eat alone; even it wickedness.
is special nectar without feeding guests.
092 Pleasant words are greater than
Host must share his food with guests
giving heart full, joyful gifts.
093 Pleasant communication is inviting
083 Host wont affect of poverty on
with smiled face and speak pleasantly.
feeding guests.
094 Pleasant speakers will not dry up
084 Wealth will accumulate where
good friendship forever and will not face
guests are welcomed and treated them
pains of life.
with pleasure.
095 Pleasant communication and
085 If the host feed the guests first and
humbleness are the best ornaments for
eat remaining later, will he not use seeds
the person.
to feed guests at critical situations.{ Even
at critical juncture of scarcity, Guests must 096 pleasant speech on developing
be honored on top priority} virtue and erasing sins of life will yield,
pleasant life. Pleasant communication
086 Host is respected much when he
speech must be habituated.
treated their guests with pleasure and wait
for rest. 097 The fruitful courteous kindly words
lead to goodness and graceful deeds.
087 Hospitality is a great sacrifice and
it is not measurable one. Its value can be 098 Harmless and meaningful words
assessed on the quality of guests. will last long and forever.

088 It is meaningless to feel pain after 099 When pleasant communication

losing opportunities to honor guests and yields good results, what is need of using
wealth. harsh, vulgar language?

089 Richness is meaningless if the rich 100 Using harsh, foul language is like
cannot treat guests at home properly. eating bitter raw fruit when sweet tasty
fruits are available.
090 If guests are not welcomed and
treated properly, they will suffer like
flowers in the hotness.

C011 C012
111 Neutrality is a supreme virtue. Only
merit should be considered on the issues,
101 Help from unknown sources in not with prejudice against enemy, friend,
crisis, without any obligation is greater stranger.
than any in the dimension earth to sky.
112 Wealth of the man grows and last
102 A timely help got when in need of long for a generation when he maintains
the hour is greater than the world, even if Neutrality.
it is very small.
113 Though biased and opportunism
103 A help in crisis without any return provides unjust gains, dont do it.
or obligation is greater than the sea in
size. 114 Just and unjust shall be judged
later by glory or curse.
104 A grateful person considers a
millet size of assistance as a great one. 115 Gain and loss are caused in life.
Maintaining them in neutral with willpower
105 Benefit of the assistance is is wisdom
measured on gainers worth and pleasure,
not by its size. 116 On thinking of opportunism in
mind, one can predicate the destruction in
106 Dont forget pure friendship; dont advance.
forget friendship of one who supported in
distress. 117 Even if neutrality made poverty to
one, people will not curse rather glorify
107 There is no time limit to remember their honest.
assisted ones greatness in crisis. They
are beyond the time limit like seven births 118 Neutrality is balancing act like the
or seven generations of genetic transfer if needle of weighing balance machine
they are. without any prejudice.

108 Forgetting the assistance received 119 If there are honesty and courage in
is not good; be grateful to the giver for mind, there shall be just and neutrality
ever. Forget the bad things about the giver without word-twisting.
immediately if any.
120 Traders must have empathy to sell
109 Think of good things to erase out his products as he buys from others.
givers harmful acts on your mind.

110 No salvation for ungratefulness.

Though there is salvation for the failure of
other virtues.

C013 C014
Emotional Intelligence Good Behaviour-
121 Self-control glorifies life; 131 Good behavior provides dignity
aggressive emotions darken the life. and excellence in life. So it must be
maintained more than soul with care .
122 Emotions must be controlled
intelligently, strongly in crisis. Nothing is 132 Whatever way it is analyzed, only
more productive than this. discipline will help in life. Hence it has to
be maintained with all odds.
123 Conflict resolutions with emotional
intelligence in crisis are glorified. 133 Discipline provides nobility of
higher status in life; if not, whoever be,
124 Virtue of Strong will power and they are considered in lower status.
calm emotional intelligence are greater
than a mountain. 134 If learned things forgotten, it can
be learned again. If discipline is lost, it can
125 Virtue of Humility is good for not be regained from lower status.
everyone. It is an additional wealth for rich
if they possess. 135 Envious and indisciplines wealth
cannot be considered higher status.
126 Controlling five senses within a
shell-like Tortoise will fortify entire life from 136 As people with strong will power
any risks. understand ill-effects of indiscipline, they
never misbehave in life.
127 Whoever be, one must control
tongue in crisis at least even if, other 137 Good conduct ennobles; bad
emotions could not be controlled; conduct disgraces.
otherwise, the speech itself affect him
more in trouble. 138 Good conduct sows seeds of
blessings in life and bad conducts seeds
128 As a drop of poison can poison trouble in life.
the pot of milk, even a single evil speech
can turn as poison in any other good 139 Righteous never use acidic foul
efforts. words even by mistake from their mouth.

129 Fire- burnt wounds can be cured; 140 Scholars shall be considered as
abusive acidic tongue-burnt wounds will illiterates if they do not follow the learned
not cure which is registered in the brain virtues in life.
permantently as uneraseable strain.

130 Virtues enter with who is

intelligent, controlling anger and emotions.

C015 C016
against coveting anothers
wife. 151 Land supports the man who digs
the land. Like this, it is great virtue to
bear the insulters without any reaction.
141 Wise do not covet another mans
wife. 152 It is better to forget the others
insults immediately rather than excusing
142 Act of coveting another mans wife them. Dont excuse but forget it.
is worse than criminal acts.
153 The worst poverty is not hosting
143 One who try to coveting friends the guests at home. Powerful strength is
wife is considered as dead body. bearing fools harms.

144 Adultery blunder will degrade all 154 To maintain virtuous, one has to
his gained glory in the past . maintain quality of patience always.

145 Desire to misbehave easily with 155 Vengeance is not considered for
another mans wife will be black mark in esteem; patience is praised.
his life.
156 Revenge gives pleasure for a day.
146 Hatred, sin, fear, and humiliation Patience carries praise for life term.
will stain the adulterers forever.
157 It is better not to revenge for your
147 Good family man is one who never sufferings as they are virtuous.
thinks of coveting another mans wife.
158 Win the man by patience who
148 Not thinking of adultery is not only committed crimes to harm with his power
virtue, but also it is the greatest. and pride.

149 Non adulterer only eligible to get 159 Virtue of bearing patiently the bitter
glory of life. aggressive slander is great one.

150 Adulterer desire and acts are more 160 Even living saints are next in
dangerous than immoral acts of criminals. greatness to one who bear bitter
aggressive slander patiently.

C017 C018
161 One should have virtue of not 171 Covet is desire to capture others
keeping envy in his mind always in life. wealth illegally. The coveter will spoil his
life by sins and crimes.
162 No asset is equals to not- to-be-
envious with anyone. Envy-less is the 172 People who shy of bad things will
greatest asset. not think of coveting.

163 Envies do not recognize others 173 Even in poverty, virtuous do not
virtues, skills, and think of others assets. think of coveting others property.
They cannot get virtue and cannot
develop for prosperity. 174 If Good people think of coveting,
then what is the use of their wisdom of
164 Wise knew that envy is not virtue intelligence?
and painful, so they do not follow envious
path. 175 What is use of education and
knowledge if they apply them for
165 No enemy require to defeat envies coveting?
as envy itself will destroy them.
176 Good people if they adopt
166 If envies envy on others of their unethical ways of coveting, they will suffer
charity, that will affect him without food more at level of thinking.
and cloth along with his family also in
future. 177 By coveting, if one thinks of
development, that coveter will not get
167 Good luck desert envies and bad success.
luck occupy him.
178 To maintain present wealth, one
168 Envy destroys wealth and drags to should not think of coveting others.
criminal activities,
179 Wealth will grow depending on
169 It is paradox that envies are rich their ability if they do not covet others.
and envy-less is poor.
180 Without thinking of cause and
170 None prospered on envy as well affects of covetousness, if one does it, he
as none had gone poverty on envy-less. will destroy his life. Not coveting is
recognized with honor.

C019 C020
181 It is good, when one do not slander
about others, even if he does not follow
191 One who speaking hatred and
other virtues.
useless words will be insulted.
182 Smile on the face and slander on
192 Speaking useless words in front of
the back, it is worse than traitors evil;
many people is worse than doing crime
183 It is better to die rather than living against friends.
with lies and slander.
193 The babblers useless proclaim is
184 It is better to use hard words on his quality of poor character.
the face. It is worse to slander someone in
194 Foul language will not yield desired
his absence.
results and spoil pleasantness .He cant
185 Ones quality of virtue is exposed get benefit.
from the slanderous words about others.
195 If a scholar talks vain words, he
186 One can understand slanderers will lose his eminence and excellence.
criminal character from the false and
196 The vain speakers are not human
malicious report about someone.
beings; they are weeds of the society.
187 Slanderer could not manage his
197 Scholars may speak about ethic-
friends and spoil friendship .
less things, but should not speak useless
188 When he slander friends, will he things.
left out stranger?
198 Constructive Wiseman will not
189 Earth carries slanderers body as speak futile things.
its duty even after hearing his false
199 As freed from the ignorance,
charges of someones absence.
scholars will not speak useless things
190 If everyone scans their own even by slip of tongue.
omission and commission, there wont be
200 Speak effectively on useful things;
any slandering about others. Everyone will
dont speak futile useless things.
be happy.

C021 C022
201 Criminals do not fear of committing
evil acts. Wiseman fears it as fire even if
211 Rain does not shower under any
yield benefits at once.
obligation for the earth. What earth gives
202 As criminal acts give more pains to rain? Good people serve for society as
and sorrows in life, it should be feared their duty and accountable for it.
more than fire.
212 Hard earned wealth must support
203 Excusing enemies criminal acts needy people voluntarily in the society as
and not taking revenge are greater charity.
213 Nothing greater than selfless
204 Even by error, dont think of any charity and kindness to support society in
harm to your enemies. Otherwise ,it may the world.
reflect on you sooner or later.
214 One who understands social
205 Poor should not think of criminal accountability and assisting society is
acts to overcome poverty. If he does, it man; if not, they are like dead bodies.
will be worse.
215 Social Accountable mans wealth
206 Dont act evils on others when you is like common water pond to serve for the
dont want pains of evils. society of the locality and creatures, all
living things. Wealth acts as catchment to
207 One can live with criminal acts at help others.
present context .Threat will revenge
forever. 216 Wealth of kind man is like a fruit
yielding tree at the centre of the locality to
208 Criminal acts are like shadow of serve all people, cattle, and birds,
your body. It wont leave you alone. It is creatures as food, shade and pleasant
attached. environment.

209 If one loves oneself, he should not 217 As all portions of a medicinal tree
think of criminal acts. help to cure diseases of the people, kind
mans wealth would help the society.
210 There is no threat in life on free
from criminal acts. 218 A kind man would continue his
social commitment in his misfortune days

219 Kind mans poverty will be known

only when he cannot help others.

220 It is worth; one should dedicate

totally to get glory of kindness to help
others at any cost even if it is bad also.

C023 C024
221 Charity is given to the poor only; 231 Donate to poor and needy. That
the rest is given for business motive. gives respect in the society. Such
recognition is real honor to soul.
222 Begging is not ethically good thing;
it is bad. Charity is good for mankind, not 232 Charity to poor alone gives
for heaven.. recognition and makes popular.

223 Good people continue charity 233 Recognition alone will long last
despite of their poverty pains without and unparalleled.
exposing them.
234 World respects achievers, not
224 Seeing beggars smiling face is wise men.
painful for compassionate good donor.
235 Retaining the respect in bad times
225 Feeding hunger is greater than and in death is the character of moral
ceremonial fasting for salvation or excellence and competency.
236 Enter into any profession to
226 Feeding needys hunger at right achieve and fame; otherwise, it is better to
time is a treasure for future. avoid.

227 Disease of hunger does not attack 237 If not able to achieve success, they
the people if they have habit of sharing must blame themselves. What is the use
food with others. of blaming others for criticizing?

228 How the unkind rich will have 238 Achievements must be honored
pleasure of charity if they lose all hoarded even after death. If not, it will be insult to
wealth? life.

229 consuming all under the perception 239 Life must achieve recognition. If
of sharing will reduce hoarding, is worse not, it is considered as deserted land
than begging. which do not yield anything..

230 Insult of misery on not yielding 240 Live without allegations and
poor is greater than death. criminal acts in life. Life without
recognition is void.

C025 C26
Please note this chapter for Ascetics who
0241 Criminals may have plenty of hunt , kill various animals for religious
wealth, but that are not equal to wealth of ritual sacrifices in those days. Still , this
compassion. {Compassion is greater practices exist at many places.
wealth than materialistic wealth}.
251 How flesh eaters can be merciful
0242 Several analyses prove that when they eat flesh of other body to
Compassionate grace is the best way and develop their body?
it supports entire life.
252. We cant call one as rich who cant
0243 Merciful shall not face dark protect and save assets. Like this, we
gruesome world of ignorant painful life of cant call one as mercy who they cant
sorrows. {They understand real life, protect and save other spices.
contended and satisfied with existing life}
253. Weaponry users and flesh eaters do
0244 Committed for Compassionate not recognize mercy as virtue.
life with mankind shall not fear of his soul.
254 Not-Killing is merciful act; killing
0245 Mercy can execute commitments merciless acts. Hence, flesh eating is not
without pains in life as earth is survived on act of mercy.
air flow. People swim in air of
ocean.{mercy is like air in the earth. All 255. As hell of mouth does not open to eat
depends on air in the earth}. dirty things, many creatures exist and
survive on avoidance of flesh eating.
0246 Merciless living with sins will have
irreparable losses. {Without social 256. There wont be butchering trade and
accountability, making profits shall affect killing of animals, if none eating flesh.
257. If flesh is considered wound of other
0247 Domestic life will not be peaceful body before eating flesh, that wont be
for poor. Like this, retired life will not be eaten.
peaceful for merciless.
258. Wise people will not kill the soul and
0248 Poor can gain assets in future; but, eat flesh of other body.
merciless cannot regain compassion,
259. Not-killing and not eating flesh are
once it lost.
greater than praying thousand times and
0249 How can one idiot analyze the sacrificing lot materials to god.
book? Actions of merciless are like this.
260. All creatures will pray the people who
0250 One should think before torturing do not kill and eat their flesh.
any weak men. The same may happen to
one with stronger foe .

C027 C028
AUSTERITY, PENANCE Imposture of Priest
crafts Evil discipline
261 Will power is to bear all pains and
endurance in life is austerity. {In complex,
271 Even five elements air, water,
chaotic life, everyone have bad times to
earth molecules, firing energy, space of
disturb and shatter willpower. In such
his body would laugh at him when any
context, neither family, money,
one pretend and fool others as wise and
knowledge, power help to solve the chaos.
holy. { deceitful minded mans insincere
Only will power protects from sorrows.}
conduct is exposed by himself }
262 Austerity is achievable to who
272 What is use of holy posture when
have control on emotions and willpower.
knowingly do criminal acts ?
It is futile waste for indiscipline persons.
273 holy posture to deceive the
263 In supporting of austerity, others
society When emotions cannot be
should not neglect and forget their
controlled and commits sins under
coverage of an ascetic, it will be exposed.
264 Willpower and discipline are base It is like cow covered with tiger skin and
for an austerity to get desired results and grazing grass of others field. {Tiger is
to help others. referred as strong will power of ascetic}

265 Austerity is done at once as it 274 Cheating people in the costume of

gives desired solutions. Solutions are ascetic, experts is like hunter in the bush
possible for domestic life crisis also. and netting birds to kill.

266 Austerity is possible to who follow 275 Many claim as they left all desires,
virtues of love, self control, and willpower not in reality and fool others. Such will
to resolve the subjects, crisis, and chaos. repent later for omissions and
Others will be distracted on various commissions when in distress.
ambitions.{ They cannot get any solution}
276 None is worst than cheating the
267 Quality of gold is ensured on people in the name of ascetic costume in
continual melting in furnace by oxidizing life.
the impurities, like endurances purifies the
277 Though Berry-Red seed looks like
solution to achieve goal.
red in color, it had black nose. Similarly,
268 Selfless and desire less, ego-less people look ascetic but they wicked in
services are glorified. character.

269 Austerity of knowledge provides 278 Many great people have filthy in
will power to face any eventuality to win. mind and hide their character as people
hide in swimming water.
270 Few are competent in world. Many
are incompetent as many dont have 279 Though arrow is straight, it can kill
willpower to deliberate crisis, challenges in others. Though Veena bent lute is
life and find solutions. curved, it gives sweet music. Hence, know
men by their acts, not by forms or shape.

280 If you follow good discipline and 289 Fraudster knew nothing other than
abstain the condemned acts, there is no fraud; they perish faithlessly in life.
necessarily of balding and tangling of hair
to show the ascetic life. 290 Virtuous live long peacefully and
robbers shortening and loosening their

C029 C030
Kallaamai Part 1 Arrathu Ball
Ascetic Virtue Vaaymai Part 1 Arrathu Ball
Ascetic Virtue
281 There should not be any
temptation in mind to steal things by 291 What is truth?
seeing it. This character alone protect
from any insults in life. Communication or speech which do not
affect others and should be evil free.
282 It is crime even to think of stealing
others property by evil designs. 292 Even falsehood is considered truth
when it is helping others and not harming
283 Fraud can gain more wealth which anyone.
can ruin all in future
293 Let us not speak lies consciously;
284 Desire and greed to steal shall end if not, our conscious itself affect our mind
with endless sorrow and pain. and body.

285 Robber shall not have love, grace, 294 All great people trust one who
and carrying robbery while others were preserves truthfulness in mind.{ free from
careless. deceit }

286 They desire to steal others to meet 295 Maintaining veracity in mind is
the expenses, when one cannot manage greater than combination of charity and
expenses within the income {stealers austerities in life.
never control their expenses within the
income} 296 Not-to-lie only brings glory and no
other reason for it. It brings all virtues in
287 People shall not have crooked character building.
mind when they have to manage the life
within the income. 297 No other virtues needed when one
have character of not- lying.
288 Virtue stabilized in righteous hearts
of well managed in expenses; habitual 298 Water cleans external body;
fraudsters always have crooked mind in truthfulness cleans mind.
stealing others property.
299 Wiseman considers veracity only
the lamp which clears darkness of mind.

They do not consider other lamps are not 309 . If man refrain anger in his mind in
lamps. any issue, he can achieve everything what
he wishes.
300 From my experience, no virtue is
greater than speaking truth in life. 310 Excessive anger makes man like
dead one; anger less man became like

C031 C033
managing anger Against killing
Vegulaamai Part 1 Arrathu Ball kollaamai Part 1 Arrathu Ball
Ascetic Virtue Ascetic Virtue
301 Controlling anger over powerful 321 Virtue is not killing any souls in the
man is not great thing since it is on fear. earth.
Controlling anger with powerless people is
great virtue. All ill-affects originate from the killings.

302 It is very dangerous to get anger 322 Nothing is equal to great concept
where it cannot works. It is more of virtues in the universe that share and
dangerous even where it can commands. serve the food to all lives for their survival.

303 Forget anger with everyone. 323 Among great virtues, Kill-Not is the
Fountains of evils spring from it. first one and Lie-Not is the second.

304 Is there any greater enemy than 324 The great mission of virtue is not
anger which kills smile in face and killing anything in the universe. {Every
pleasure in mind? creature have right to live in the universe
for ecological stabilization}
305 To save you, you have to control
your anger. Otherwise, it can kill you. 325 Practitioners of not killing are
providing greater service than the Saints
306 Anger is like fire to destroy friends who renounced worldly life and wealth.
also that can save like boat in distress
troubled waters. 326 Even death of Non-killers would be
delayed by considering their greater
307 If anger is considered, then it will service.
be like slapping earth with hands.
327 Dont kill others even if you have to
308 Even if you are tortured like lose your soul in a critical condition
burning you with fire, you can avoid anger
if it is possible.

328 Virtuous do not accept killings that 337 None can imagine of certainty of
may help to get greater things life, but they can imagine lot about future.

329 Virtuous consider slayings are {People make long term planning without
meanness only. considering of their life for next moment}

330 There is opinion that Poverty and 338 Relation between body and soul is
sickness are affect of the past sins of like egg-shell and chick. {Soul is like bird
killings. flies away , leaving the shell}

339 Death is like sleep and birth is like

awaking from the sleep.

340 Soul dont have any place after

leaving from the occupied body.{ It must
be noted, soul do not enter into any body
C034 or ghost as some believed}
Nilaiyaamai Part 1 Arrathu Ball DESIRES ,
Ascetic Virtue
331 It is worse ignorance to trust
unreliable things as stable one and act Thuravu Part 1
slowly. {Dont miss opportunity and regret Arrathu Ball Ascetic Virtue
341 One will not get pain for not getting
332 Loosing hard earned assets and a thing, if he discards it already.
wealth is like disbursing crowd after dance
entertainment. 342 By renouncing the items and gains
of certain things, he will gain more and
333 It must be understood that wealth endless joys.
is perishable and utilize them effectively
for retaining good things in time. 343 Controlling all five senses and
renounce their desires are basics of
334 Wiseman knew very well that a detachment.
day is time cutting machine to reduce your
life every day. 344 Relieving desire on the things is
Detachment. If things are desired, they will
335 Understanding uncertainty of life, be limitless to defeat detachment benefits.
one must act to do good services
immediately. 345 When body itself burden to relieve
the pains of life, why they require more
336 This world has unique feature what attachments?
was yesterday that may not exist today.
{Death is certain at any moment}. 346 Detachment of ego of I and my will
glorify him.

347 Desire attachments clings grief 356 On understanding life of truth, they
strongly forever. wont return to ignorant life.

348 Renounce all desires totally to 357 By understanding delusion, they

reach the level. Selective detachment wont consider rebirth.
makes them to trap into ignorance net for
pains. 358 Knowledge is removing delusion of
rebirth concept in the mind and
349 If renounced totally, there are no establishing real and existing life
pleasures and sorrows. If not, pains and
sorrows, and pleasures will be cyclic in 359 To avoid affect of sorrows,
life. understand causes of things and detach
desire from the mind.
350 Attach with detached people who
can lead and guide. 360 If lust, ignorance and delusion are
not in mind, troubles will disappear

Free from Delusion- GREEDINESS
AvaaAruththal Part 1 Arrathu Ball
Mey_yunarthal Part 1 Ascetic Virtue
Arrathu Ball Ascetic Virtue
361 Desire is natural instinct to all
351 Deluded mind trusts unreal things creatures like seed. This is base for
as real to confuse their life miserable. evolution .

352 Bright effects pleasure, when 362 If greedy is not curbed, troubles
darkness of delusion is understood. will make one to feel that he should not
have born at all.
353 On clearing doubts and delusion,
motivated people feel as goal is nearer to 363 Contented mind is the greatest
them. asset in life. Nothing equals to it.

354 Despite of controlling and make 364 Quality of mind is not having
use of five senses, if mind is deluded, then greediness. Only truthfulness will make
there is no use of life. that quality of mind.

355 Knowledge is to understand the 365 Quality is not having greediness.

subjects of any matter oneself totally Only truthful will get that quality.
rather than listening from others having
perceptive or deluded mind.

366 Greedy can trap anyone for 375 Invisible fate convert good actions
destruction. Fear on greed is virtue. to bad and bad to good in life.

367 One must be free from greediness 376 Well protected and managed
to achieve goal of life without spoiling wealth is lost in bad times; even uncared
himself. {Greediness slaves and locked to wealth is safe in fortunate days.
move further for any development}
377 One cannot enjoy pleasures of
368 When there is no desire, no wealth in billions on unfortunate fateful
sorrows in life. On forming greedy, days.
sorrows follow them continuously.
378 Invisible forces are so strong to
369 Greediness which bring all woes. If affect all. Even poor cannot escape from
it is destroyed, there shall be pleasure in it.
life continuously.
379 No meaning in getting sorrows in
370 On removing natural instinct of bad times when they enjoy in lucky time.
greediness, there shall be pleasurable
natural instinct in life. 380 Efforts to change fates invisible
forces are not effective. None is powerful
to divert them. Face and bear them

UUL Part 1 Arrathu Ball
Ascetic Virtue

371 Fortunate fate motivates one

without laziness for growth; unfortunate
fate motivates laziness for suffering in life.
372 Destructive fate forces create
ignorance in wisdom ; fortunate fate WEALTH
create forces to develop knowledge for

373 Despite of wisdom, fate over-rule

their knowledge for destruction at critical
374 Nature makes two different worlds.
One is for rich and another is for wisdom.

Iraimaatchi Part 2 Porut Ball- 385 Kingdoms execution process:
Economy Royalty Virtue Kingdom/ Management:

381 Kingdom/Management must have Planning Revenue,

six feature excellences.
Generating revenue, and
1. People/Workers, Consumers
Preserve revenue.
2.Troops/ Marketing.
Business Management: Manufacturing,
3. Wealth Assets/ Resources, Technology Selling, Profit for development

4.Forts /Protected Brands, business area 386 Kings Attitude must be:
King/Chairman, MD, and CEO:
Simple in accessibility,
6.Friends/Collaborators, Suppliers,
vendors, agents. Politeness in communication,

382 Kingdom/ Management must have Pleasant behaviors, and

four virtues:
Good disciplined habits.
387 Kings communication skills must
2. Courage/ motivation, Investment, be of: King/business Leader:
Process, planning.
Pleasant, Effective, Sharing
3. Knowledge/Technology, R&D. communication,

4. Zeal/ Vision, Mission. Protecting, welfare them, Correcting them

to achieve desired results.
383 Kingdom/ Management business
must have three abilities: 388 Duty of leadership: King/CEO, MD-

1.Alertness to immediate action, Follow Justice by law, rules, Safety,

Protection, and Welfare of stakeholders.
2.Learning from the issues, situation, open
mindedness Such leadership is pray able and
3. Courage to face challenges, to take
corrective action. 389 Kings / Management must bear
bitter criticism to get repute from the
384 Good governance must follow in citizens.
Kingdom /business:
MD must bear all communications of
Justice, good and bad to take corrective actions.
Ethics and moral, 390 Elements of good governance are:
Confident, King/CEO/MD-

Justice, Welfare, Care, Grace


400 Learning is non-destroyable asset.
Nothing equals to it.
Kalvi Part 2 Porut Ball-
Economy Royalty Virtue
391 Learn flawlessly anything for
requirement. Then follow them
accordingly. Kallaamai Part 2 Porut Ball-
Economy Royalty Virtue
392 Language skills and mathematical
skills are eyes of knowledge life. 401 Without basic knowledge,
speaking at public is like playing chess
393 Learned ones eyes give vision of without borders.
knowledge. Illiterates eyes are like
wounds in face which cannot provide any 402. Illiterates delivery of immature
knowledge by seeing the things. speech is like breast- less girls lust.

394 There is joy when wise men 403. Illiterates will be considered good if
assembled to learn and feel sorrow in they avoid discussion with scholars.
disburse. 404. Even if illiterates opinions are
395 Learn more from wise men with excellent, scholars do not value them.
submission and without confrontation, 405. Illiterates idiocracy shall be
countering as if you dont know anything. exposed when they discussed the subject
If it is not done like this, then he is idiot matter.
406. Illiterates are like uncultivable
396 Knowledge springs up by reading barren land and exist physically. They are
deeper and deeper like water spring when useless to cultivate.
dug deeper and deeper in the river sand
bed. 407. Illiterates are like decorated
beautiful doll with costume of power,
397 When everyone recognize, own
and honor the learned men, why some do
not learn and waste time till death? 408. Rich Fools pains are more than
poverty of scholars.
398 One generation educational
knowledge carries forward for seven 409. Education removes levels of
generation genetically to help future inequality of man due to birth or family or
generations in developing knowledge. status.

399 Enjoyed Learned men continually 410. As there is difference between

learn and more for enjoyment after seeing man and animal, there is difference in
others enjoyment in learning. educated scholars and uneducated.

419. Those who dont have learning and
listening skills; they interrupt impatiently
and learn nothing.

C42 420. What is use of living without

realizing taste of hearing, and only tasting
LISTENING SKILLS - food for stomach?

KELVI Part 2 Porut Ball-

Economy Royalty Virtue

411 Getting knowledge by hearing

leads over other forms of knowledge C43
source and they are richer than others.{ WISDOM
other forms of knowledge source, reading
by eyes, sensing by body, experience by
whole body}. Arivu udaimai. Part 2Porut
Ball-Economy Royalty Virtue
412. Be active listener always except
during time of feeding your stomach.{ 421 Wisdom only protects as weapon
there is scope always to get knowledge all and as fort from enemies
the time from others} 422 Wisdom controls straying senses,
413. Feeding knowledge by ear and rejecting evil paths and guides right path
developing wisdom is equal to scholarship to life
as other scholars. 423 Dont trust the things as it is
414. Though not learned through books, sensed whoever tells it. Analyze critically
one has to learn from scholars to get and find truth. Wisdom is finding truth
professional skills. It will be like old age without prejudice of source
walking stick to walk and to reach the 424 Wisdom is Communicate your
thoughts simply, to understand it easily
415. Scholars advise need of the hour and listen theirs, and analyze it for
like walking stick to walk slippery land. knowledge

416. One has to have confidence in 425 Wisdom is maintaining good stable
mind by listening good things; there shall relations with scholars without prejudice
be growth and fame. and anger

417. Those who have analytical mind 426 Wisdom is following scholars and
and listening capability, never utter out get along with them.
foolishly when they have doubts and 427 Wisdom is forecasting things in
wrong perception. advance as scholars. Other doesnt have
418. Though the ears can hear, they will ability of it
be considered deaf if they are not listening 428 Wisdom is afraid of danger things.
well advises and good things. It is foolishness for not afraid of dangers

42 There is no danger for scholars 439 With power and wealth, one
who have intuition and forecasting it should not boast himself and should not
involve anti-people activities
42 Scholars have all in life even if
dont have wealth. Others cannot have all 440 Enemies will fail if one guards
even if they have wealth. himself about his desires and planning,
especially in lust

Kudram kadithal Part 2 Porut
Periyaarai thunai kodal Part
Ball- Economy Royalty Virtue
2 Porut Ball-Economy Royalty
431 Rulers must be free from pride on Virtue
wealth, anger and lust.
441 Virtuous, well experienced scholar
432 Avarice-miser, undignified mean must be selected after analyzing their
pride, and mean pleasure are faults of ability for the need of hour in crisis and
rulers. maintain good relationship with him.

433 Exaggeration of minor to major on 442 Maintain friendship with a scholar

fear of guilt must be avoided. who is capable of correcting existing faults
and to take preventive action well in
434 Faults are great enemy of the advance.
state. That should be monitored
continually to avoid them. 443 Honoring and keeping close
relation with scholars is a greater asset
435 Rulers must have preventive than any for rulers
action plan, otherwise faults can destroy
like fire in paddy straw. 444 It is greater strength to follow
principles of scholars who have
436 Rulers will be effective if they knowledge and ability in administration
correct their fault lines before accusing
others. 445 As ministers are acting as eyes of
the state, rulers must select them after
437 If the rulers hoard revenue without due verification
utilizing it for development, that will be lost
without any use 446 Enemies can not disturb when the
rulers are surrounded with experienced
438 Crime of crime is earning all with scholars
all resources and living without sharing to

447 Who has power to spoil ruler when 456 Good quality of mind glorifies;
scholar control errs strictly and good association makes success
administrate it?
457 Good quality of mind provides
448 When there is no one to reprove healthy life; Good association glorifies
and control faults of ruler, ruler would
destroy himself. There is no need of 458 Though scholars have willpower
external forces to collapse him. that must be strengthened by good
449 There is no business without any
investment. Like this there is no stability 459 Strong good association boosts
without advisors for rulers. additionally the will power of experienced
450 Loosing good scholars is ten times
worse than being hated by countless 460 There is no greater strength than
enemies. good association; there is no greater pain
than bad associations.

chidrinamcheraamai Part 2Porut ACTIONS, ANALYZE
Ball Economy Royalty Virtue
451 Noble afraid of mean minded
persons and avoid them. Whereas mean TherinthuCheyalvakai Part
minded persons cover the nobles for 2Porut Ball- Economy Royalty
friendship Virtue

452 Water gets quality of soil where it 461 Analyze activity based on the
is stored. Like this, peoples character and Account of profit and loss before
knowledge quality changes, adopts, commencement and act upon.
modifies with their friendship, associates,
groups 462 Nothing wrong to analyze the
project with experienced good friends and
453 Quality of a person is percept by deliberate actions himself.
his association of friends, groups, not by
his characters 463 Wise do not take risk of losing
capital for making huge profit.
454 Good Behaviors are modified with
association of mean quality of characters. 464 Those that have fear of insults,
deliberate cause and affects and will not
455 Good Quality of mind and action is start the unclear projects.
depending on good friends, association

465 Thinking to attack competition, favorable, then only action must be
without preplanning, preparation, executed.
marching is only to strengthen competitor
472 Nothing is impossible if a project is
466 Omission of right actions is analyzed with all relevant data and efforts
creating failures; as well as commissions are undertaken
of wrong actions also creating failure.
Commit right actions without omitting. 473 There are lot of people start
Dont commit wrong actions. Do right job projects emotionally without
at first understanding their resources and
dropped them before completion with
467 Think before you Act; do it failures.
courageously. It is wrong to think after
starting and reproach it. 474 Those that are some ignorantly do
not consider others, do not understand
468 Any effort will fail if it is not planned their ability and boost themselves will
and processed properly, even with lot of perish
resources support.
475 Weightless peacock feathers get
469 Good assistance or out sourcing power of breaking steel axle of cart if
also fails; hence understand the needs of loaded full.
receivers before giving it. Otherwise, it will
rebound dangerously 476 Thinking beyond the limit of
capability and acting is like climbing on
470 Scholars will not approve unethical tree and moving beyond the tip of the
process activities and will be degraded. branch.{ to fall from height}
Actions must be in accordance with ethical
standards 477 Understand the resources and
plan for sharing and maintain the
resources. This is way life.

478 If expenses are controlled, then

there wont be any affects on revenue

C48 479 If activities are not planned based

on revenues of assets, existing income
JUDGING POWER OF and forecasting income , that will
RESOURCES- disappear soon.

480 Lavish spending without analyzing

Vali Arithal Part 2 Porut Ball- revenue is dangerous to resources.
Economy Royalty Virtue

471 Before action, one must assess

resources requirements of activities
involved, resources available, market
resources- buying capacity{ enemys UNDERSTANDING
power}, competition resources or power{ TIME
alliance power}.If the assessment is

Kaalam Arithal Part 2 Porut Ball- IDAM ARITHAL Part 2 Porut
Economy Royalty Virtue Ball- Economy Royalty Virtue

481 Choose right time for any action. 491 Choose right space to start in all
Crow can win strong bulky Owl during day actions of small or great
time onyx.{ Owl cannot see in day time. It
is natural weakness} 492 Maintain protection barricade
always, even if you have multiple
482 Timely action is cord to bind the strengths when you confront /compete
unstable assets in life others

483 Nothing is difficult task if actions 493 If you choose right space to
are undertaken with proper resources at protect yourself and take efforts, even
suitable time weakness will get power to win the
action.{ psychological effect of confidence}
484 One can win world if Time and
Space are analyzed and act upon. 494 If you choose right space to attack,
enemies cannot think of winning.
485 Who want win world, they wait
patiently for the time. 495 As long as crocodile is in water, it
is powerful creature. If it is come out of
486 Courageous wise men patiently water, a small creature can chase him.
and peacefully wait for opportunity without
reacting on critical issues. It is like rams 496 People must understand that
{goat} retreating their feet and to butt. wheeled vehicles cannot run over the sea;
boats cannot move on the roads.
487 It is wisdom to control anger and
wait for time and space 497 Nothing is required, other than
courage, if actions are analyzed, planned
488 Bear hostile and wait patiently till properly
the time strong opponents lose their
strength to honor you 498 A small team can win big team if
rightly spaced and challenged
489 When you get right time to win,
utilize it properly 499 Winning at others space is not
easy task even if they are weak
490 Wait patiently for the right time to
strike for winning like stork stands on the 500 A fox can kill a war tusker if it is
running water to catch swimming fish trapped in slush of mud.

Therinthu thelithal Part 2 Porut
Ball- Economy Royalty Virtue

501 Employee must be selected on

four criteria: ASSIGN THE WORK TO
1.virtueous by character
2. Honest on financial matters Therinthu Vinai Aadal Part 2 Porut
Ball- Economy Royalty Virtue
3. Lust free
511 Competent officer must have
4. Courageous with willpower.
capability to analyze good and bad things
Apart from essential Qualification of project and executing good things.
,knowledge and skills.
512 Competent officer must have
502 Employee must be free from capability to increase revenue, developing
criminal acts and shy away to do insult resources and removing all disturbances,
acts. chaos, odds

503 Even good scholars have 513 Competent officer must have to
ignorance on some areas. Perfection is love people, knowledge, capability, and
not possible. contended ambition.

504 Weigh good and non conformity 514 Even after introducing lot of
elements of the candidate for selection process for selecting the best candidate,
and select the suitable one. many found unfit to implement the works

505 Employees acts and behaviors are 515 Assign the works to the capable
only touch stone to assess the quality. one who can complete the task, not to
beloved one with love and for favor.
506 Not to select ethicless persons
who will not consider society and do not 516 Assign suitable works to suitable
shy to undertake crimes man at suitable time after analyzing works
nature, employees capability and time of
507 Ignorantly favoring fools in execution
employment has cascade effects to
disturb others. 517 Before handing over project, ones
capability must be analyzed and be
508 If any wrong man is selected handed over to him
without analyze, it will affect generation
wise {in government service}. 518 Tasks requirements must be
analyzed for selecting candidate and he
509 One must be trusted after due must be developed for it.
verification. Dont trust any without
verification 519 To discharge the tasks, employee
must be allowed freely to discuss without
510 Dont select without verification. prejudice. If not, there shall loss of wealth
Once selected, dont suspect the and delay
employee. This will have dangers in

520 Employees welfare must be 530 Detailed deliberation is necessary
monitored and taken care of for pleasing to accept the people who desert on
and peaceful living. ulterior motive once and return back.

Managing Relatives C54
Sutram Thaalal Part 2 Porut
Ball- Economy Royalty Virtue
Pochchaamai Part 2 Porut Ball-
521 Relatives are who maintain Economy Royalty Virtue
relationships with others , despite their
poverty 531 Forgetting of delusion over great
joy is more dangerous than his anger
522 In spite of poverty, if one is loved
by relatives, it will be morale booster for 532 Deluded Forgetters reduces their
him for growth and development. fame as constant poverty destroys
wisdom of scholar
523 Richness without relatives
attachment is like bank less pond to waste 533 Accepted truth is , deluded
the water by draining out forgetters will not get fame and growth.

524 Use of richness is to happy the 534 As no amount of protection

kinsmen with love around him. saves cowards, no status will provide
growth for this forgetters
525 Loving words and liberal help with
relatives make them to surround him. 535 Forgetting to take preventive
actions before calamities is dangerous
526 There wont be none like him with position for him forever in critical
large surrounded relatives if he is helping condition.
others and anger less.
536 Memory power to recognize all
527 The crows do not conceal prey and persons, time, and location is great asset.
call out all to eat. Such characterized { forgetters can not recognize any in
people have development. intoxication }

528 Though all are equal, merits must 537 Nothing is impossible if they have
be used and honored . It is essential for memory power and initiative to complete
developing rapport from all. the task.

529 Relatives will return back ,once 538 One has to complete his duties
they left with misunderstanding and and responsibilities to get fame. If
realizing err. neglected, there is no growth in life.

539 People neglect their duties and
responsibilities over delusion on joy.
They must think how other people lost
their life . From that ,they must learn
lesson and take corrective action.

540 It is very easy once they take

initiative to achieve the goal with mind.

C 56
C55 Righteous Governance Perfect TYRANNY
Sengkonmai Part 2 Porut Ball-
Economy Royalty Virtue Kodung Konmai. Part 2 Porut
Ball- Economy Royalty Virtue
541 Analyze the issues without
partiality, prejudice, consults and act as 551 The unjust tyrant oppressor is
framed rules of law is righteous worse than cruel murderer.

542 In earth, all living things want for

rain for their survival.. Like this, people 552 High taxations, looting public
wants good governance to their survival. money is like daylight robbery.

543 All rules are formed in accordance

with the government.
553 If state is not monitoring daily,
544 will appreciate the government state will collapse.
which supports the citizen with love.

545 On righteous rule, there shall be

554 All abuses will make him to lose
546 Citizens faith and joy protect the
555 Tears of people are weapons
547 Justice protects the state.
against tyrant.
548 Injustice and inaccessibility destroy
the state.
556 Justice glorifies; injustice destroys.
549 To save subjects, punishing
criminals are duties of the state.

550 State must weed out criminals like 557 People suffer more under tyranny.
in crop fields.

558 Tyranny life is more dangerous

than poverty.

559 Even rain afraid of raining.

560 All constructive activities are

stopped. Existing things are destroyed
KanOttam Part 2 Porut Ball-
Economy Royalty Virtue

571 Humanity is glorified as people

have beauty of love and compassion in
their minds.
C57 572 World exists with peoples gracious
ANTI TERRORISM behaviors. Ungracious are burden to the
Veru vantha seyyaamai Part 573 Who will enjoy tuneless song?
2 Porut Ball- Economy Royalty What is use of eyes if dont have
Virtue gracious?
561 State must take preventive 574 Eyes must have gracious. If not,
measures to stop crimes and punish the are they just fitment in the face?
guilty without prejudice
575 Graciousness is jewel of eyes. If
562 State must avoid cruelty in not, they will be considered wounds of
punishing. face.
563 Rule by fear will not last long. 576 If graciousness is not there, such
564 Peoples curse will destroy him people may be called as trees as tree also
eyes without gracious?
565 Terroristic leader is a ghost for
people 577 Eyes must have gracious;
ungracious men lack of real eyes.
566 Terrorists wealth will be lost
578 World belongs to men of gracious
567 Cruelty will grind his life. and dutiful.

568 Terrorists eccentric behavior will 579 Patience with gracious to enemies
collapse his power are the great virtue.

569 Terrorist leader lives with fear and 580 Gracious tolerate cruel acts of
will die on fear. others.

570 Terrorists trust illiterates only.

C59 Spying Ukkam udaimai Part 2 Porut
Ball- Economy Royalty Virtue
otru Aadal Part 2 Porut Ball-
Economy Royalty Virtue 591 Human is a potential energy; if
motivation is not there, that energy is
581 Honest information and rule book waste.
are eyes of management system.
592 Only motivation is real power for
582 Managements duty is to collect human beings; all others are temporary
information openly and secretly of its
stake holders 593 Motivated one never worry about
losses of wealth
583 For development, day to day basis
corrective action must be taken after 594 Fortune search for motivated ones
collecting secret information and analyzing and reach their homes.
595 The length of a water flowers stalk
584 Spies have no prejudice in (stem) is proportional to the depth of the
collecting information and data and water. Like this, mans growth is
detached from personal feelings proportional to mental strength of
585 Spies are unidentifiable,
courageous, contented, dutiful . 596 People must have great positive
attitude for development in mind always.
586 Spies disguise in different forms to Even if efforts failed, the positive attitude
suit the context to collect data and bear all maintain the motivation.
pains and never expose identity
597 Warring elephant bears all arrows
587 Spies are witnessing real and fight with great strength and vigor in a
incidents, listening emotions and war. Like this motivated one can bear all
understanding truth of problems failures and face challenges with great
588 Any data must be verified with energy.
alternative data before planning any 598 Demotivate cannot proud of
action. yielding any as they have vacuum in their
589 Fool proof system is three spying mind.
data must be identical 599 Motivation is greater than status.
590 Spies can not be appreciated Elephant afraid of tiger. Anyone can get it.
openly. If happened, purpose will be ( it is natural survival instinct for all living
defeated. things in the earth).

600 Motivation is a mental courage of

human beings to face any challenges in
life. If it does not exist, they will be like
Motivation- Energy

Aal Vinai Udaimai Part 2 Porut
LAZINESS Ball- Economy Royalty Virtue

611 Confidently undertake efforts to

Madi Inmai Part 2Porut Ball-
win the task, rather than thinking that it is
Economy Royalty Virtue
not possible.
601 Laziness is like dust covered over
612 Complete the task confidently with
bright lamp to darken the area. It blocks
total involvement, without interval and
developmental growth of future vision
abandoning it. Otherwise, you will not be
602 02. For development, destroy the recognized.{ this is like crossing a well or
laziness from mind and take efforts to act ditch by jumping . If you are not jumping
properly, falling down in to the well will be
603 Laziness of the ignorant assets will certain. Consequences are more in
destroy before his death. injuries, pains, cost, time, etc.}
604 Laziness destroys greatness of the 613 Task involves two virtues of
family. It creates many faults in life. helping others and persistence to
complete. These are excellence of virtues.
605 Delaying, forgetting, idling and
sleeping are the four sailing pleasure 614 Working under incompetent master
boats to lead death is like giving sword to coward for war.
606 It is very difficult to get benefits 615 Those who selflessly working by
from the gainful resources if they have sacrificing pleasure and completes task
laziness attitude. will wipe their sorrows of relatives, friends
and will be considered as pillar of family.
607 Those who love idleness and do
not take any efforts will not listen any one. 616 Persistence of continual efforts to
They will be insulted. complete task will fetch wealth. Otherwise
it will lead to poverty.
608 Laziness makes to surrender all
wealth to destruction. 617 Lazy mind goes to devilish things
and activeness brings luck in your mind.
609 If he destroys his laziness, he can
be active and regain what is lost. 618 It is not insult if you dont have
luck. It is great insult if you are not
610 Active man with motivation can
understanding the requirements and not
fulfill his objectives.
taking efforts lazily to complete tasks.

619 You will be rewarded for your

efforts and hard work, even if your bad
luck stopped the desired results in time.

620 Fate is stronger to defeat. Even 628 Those who do not search for
the fate can be defeated with tireless pleasures will not consider sorrows as
continuous efforts. painful. They consider them as natural

629 Those who do not exaggerate their

C63 pleasures on easy things, they will not
sorrow for difficulties. They consider both
PERSEVERANCE IN as one and same as part of life.
630 It is appreciable great willpower of
POSITIVE ATTITUDE treating troubles as pleasurable one.

Idukkan Aliyaamai. Part 2 Porut

Ball- Economy Royalty Virtue

621 Face the troubles happily in mind,

instead of sorrowing. Plan to overcome
622 Wise man thinks how to overcome MINISTRY
the flooding of troubles, rather than
AMAICHCHU. Part 2 Porut Ball-
623 Wise men do not lose their temper Economy Management
when troubles surrounded them and
defeat the troubles with their positive 631 Manager must have competency
attitude. Convert weakness as strength. to execute the task: he has to identify the
resources, appropriate time, process of
624 The bulls negotiate rough country - execution, required tasks and competent
roads of ups and downs with heavy load enough to plan and implement.
very patiently. Like this, if efforts are taken
to overcome the troubles continuously, 632 Manager must have willpower,
there wont be any troubles at all. {Mind knowledge, ethics, caring employees and
should not register odds and pains as persistence to complete the task.
Trouble} 633 Manager must possess knowledge
625 Troubles will vanish if you are not of understanding competitors stake
considering them. holders, availing their services, and
recollecting departed human resources.
626 Those who do not get pleasure
when they got wealth, such people will not 634 Manger must have knowledge of
worry when they lose them out also. Dont process systems, choosing right one, and
please with wealth and worry with loss in implementing confidently without any
life. ambiguity and wavering mind to complete
the task.
627 Troubles and pain are natural for
body and mind. Hence wise men will not 635 Manager must be ethical, scholar,
consider them painful. good communicator, consultant and
executor to complete tasks.

636 Manager must have academicals 646 Wise men communicate
knowledge as well as natural acuteness to knowledgably, listen them and accept their
meet any crisis. views after analyzing them.

637 Manager must have academicals 647 No can defeat who have good
knowledge as well as natural acuteness to communication skills, courage and hard
meet any crisis. working attitude.

638 Manager must capability to 648 Good communicators plans will be

communicate the leadership who knew implemented immediately as they are
nothing and do not accept others. detailed clearly, simply, effectively and
639 A criminal manager is worse than
seventy crore enemies for the 649 Poor communicators cannot
management.[ seventy crore was world convey their messages clearly in proper
population then] (A criminal manager can form and repeat the words to confuse
spoil entire management and create others.
enemies all over the world. A drop of
poison in milk). 650 Poor communicators are like
bunch of flowers without fragrance.
640 An incompetent minister can spoil
well planned projects.( Punctured pot
cannot hold water)

CHOL VANMAI Part 2 Porut
Ball- Economy Management VINAITHUYMAI Part 2 Porut
Ball- Economy Management
641 Communication skill is an
incomparable great asset. 651 Additional manpower can bring
wealth only, but quality of action can give
642 Good and bad results from everything.
communication. One must guard against
the slip of tongue for faultless. 652 Poor quality works which cannot
give any benefits and fame must be
643 Communication must attract the avoided totally.
stack holders and others to maintain good
relations 653 Those who want development and
growth must be careful that quality of
644 Communication must be ethical, services should not spoil their repute.
powerful and knowledgeable.
654 Righteous one will not do shameful
645 Communicate perfectly without any things to get relief from the crisis.
interpretation and ambiguity.

655 Dont do poor quality services and 664 Planning is easy; it is very difficult
grieve latter. If that happened, take all to complete as planned.
preventive measures not to repeat once
again. 665 Excellence of execution shall be
656 Dont commit any unethical acts
against law or society. 666 If there is willpower in their mind to
complete the task, there shall be success.
657 Poverty on honest is greater than
wealth by dishonest, criminal services. 667 Dont insult or neglect anybody by
its size, status. Everyone have some
658 Dont do prohibited and criminal, skills. A linchpin in the axle is main
unethical acts for wealth which will trap in spare item in running equipments like cart,
danger. automobiles.

659 Wealth earned by tears will vanish 668 Well planned task must be
sooner or later. Wealth by honesty will be completed without wavering mind and
gained even if is lost. interruption

660 Criminal wealth shall not stay long. 669 Complete task courageously even
if there is troubles, pains and get pleasure
of it.

670 World will not appreciate if there is

no excellence to complete task.

VINAI THITPAM Part 2 Porut Vinai cheyal vakai Part 2 Porut
Ball- Economy Management Ball- Economy Management

661 There should be excellence in 671 To execute a project or production,

mind to execute any task. conduct SWOT analysis, cause and effect
analysis, deliberate it for execution and
662 Wise man plan to eliminate execute it without any delay. Delay may
obstacles before starting tasks and have bad affects. Consider all in planning.
overcome the hurdles if any in executing
to complete the task efficiently. 672 Long term projects can be
executed slowly. But short term projects
663 There should be willpower on must be completed fast without delay.
Secret tasks which should not be
disclosed to any till completion. Otherwise 673 Wherever possible, adopt standard
there shall be disturbances to block it. practices to win issues. When it is not
possible, understand local issues and plan
a suitable wining strategy.

674 Uncompleted, pending tasks and Vinai cheyal vakai Part 2 Porut
unsettled issues may turn against you as Ball- Economy Management
danger. Like unextinguished fire.
671 To execute a project or production,
675 Before starting a task, all conduct SWOT analysis, cause and effect
necessary resources must be available analysis, deliberate it for execution and
without shortage like money, machines, execute it without any delay. Delay may
time, place and production/ process have bad affects. Consider all in planning.
672 Long term projects can be
676 During planning stage, potential executed slowly. But short term projects
threats, hurdles, dangers in the process must be completed fast without delay.
systems and as well as socio-economical-
political issues must be deliberated and 673 Wherever possible, adopt standard
their overcoming process must be planned practices to win issues. When it is not
well in advance. possible, understand local issues and plan
a suitable wining strategy.
677 The executor must be trained for
the entire process and methods by the 674 Uncompleted, pending tasks and
experienced scholar or designer before unsettled issues may turn against you as
implementation. danger. Like unextinguished fire.

678 While executing one project, they 675 Before starting a task, all
can undertake another one with same necessary resources must be available
resources by using Critical Path Method- without shortage like money, machines,
CPM process provides planning of time, place and production/ process
simultaneous activities to complete project methodology.
quickly. It is like capturing jungle elephant 676 During planning stage, potential
by using domestic elephant. threats, hurdles, dangers in the process
679 Strategy of alliance with systems and as well as socio-economical-
competitors opponents would help more, political issues must be deliberated and
rather than collaborating with friends on their overcoming process must be planned
many issues. well in advance.

680 If we afraid of our competitor, we 677 The executor must be trained for
will lose our human resources as they the entire process and methods by the
may shift or surrender to them. Strategy experienced scholar or designer before
for retaining human resources is an implementation.
essential one for execution. 678 While executing one project, they
can undertake another one with same
resources by using Critical Path Method-
CPM process provides planning of
simultaneous activities to complete project
quickly. It is like capturing jungle elephant
by using domestic elephant.
679 Strategy of alliance with
PROCESS OF ACTION competitors opponents would help more,

rather than collaborating with friends on capability to persuade others, presence of
many issues. mind and alertness.

680 If we afraid of our competitor, we 687 A good one must know his duties
will lose our human resources as they and commitments, capability to
may shift or surrender to them. Strategy communicate the matters simply, clearly
for retaining human resources is an for persuasion by selecting proper venue
essential one for execution. and time.

688 A good must have courage,

personality skills and discipline

689 There should not be any

C69 inadvertent errors in firmness in uttering
words while communicating and
EMBASSY, EXTERNAL persuading issues on mutual cooperation.
690 One should have mental courage
MANAGEMENT, to face challenges and insults to carry out
LAISONING duties and responsibilities faithfully in the
event of danger or crisis.
THUUTHU. Part 2 Porut Ball-
Economy Management

681 A representative , Ambassador, C70

Negotiator must have pleasing character, GET ALONG WITH TOP
good family background, scholarship,
honesty, loyalty and faithfulness.
682 A representative must have three Mannarai chernthu olukal Part
essential qualities: love, knowledge, good 2 Porut Ball- Economy
communication skills Management

683 A negotiator who represents a 691 Top management is like fire. Get
company must be best scholar to warmness of it. Dont touch it.
persuade others.
692 Dont desire personally what top
684 A representative must have management wants in competition.
knowledge, good personality,
academically analytical skills 693 To survive, dont involve in any
fault lines or scandals or suspicion. It is
685 A representative should have very difficult to erase stains of suspicion
capability to present views to please, to for long time.
avoid harshness, confrontation, to avoid
unwanted, unwarranted information, and 694 Dont whisper on ears of others,
to persuade the mission. dont make insultive laugh, discipline the
686 A representative must be good
scholar, fearless to face challenges,

695 Dont overhear secret talks of 706 Mirror exposes what it has. Like
others, dont ask about them. Wait till they this, face exposes what is in the mind.
expose it.
707 None can expose prejudices of
696 Understand mood to provide mind like face.
information, to demand, to discuss, time,
and space. Provide message as they like. 708 Standing in front of mind reader is
Avoid unpleasant things and disagreeable. sufficient to understand ones mind.

697 Tell pleasing things and avoid 709 From the eyes of the person,
useless things even if asked for. experts can find what is motive in mind of
friendship or enmity.
698 Respect and maintain protocol of
system irrespective of age, gender, 710 Eyes are like measuring scale of
personal relations. the mind.

699 Dont undertake unapproved

decisions, without permission. Dont take
liberty on personal relations and honors.

700 It will be dangerous to take liberty

of long associations and service in
committing undesirable things.

C71 Mind Reading
Kurippu arithal Part 2 Porut
Ball- Economy Management
701 Mangers must have art of mind Avai Arithal Part 2 Porut Ball-
reading of chairman, President, CEO, MD Economy Management
for career lead. By seeing face of them,
one must read what is in the mind and act. 711 Scholars who understand ability of
people in the conference, will analyze
702 Mind Reading is great art . That every word before speak out.
must be respected and practiced.
712 They assess mood , time, context.
703 Mind reading manager can Accordingly they choose right pattern with
perform better service. Hence selective words.
management need such people
713 If they do not follow art of
704 Mind reader is exceptionally speaking, it will not be recognized and will
different from others. be waste.

705 It is said, eyes reveal mind of the 714 There should be scholastic
man and from that one can read others speaking in front of scholars like milk;
mind. What is use of eyes if they cannot Dissimilar approach is necessary in front
read it? of ordinary audience like milky lime.

715 Modest restraint is the best way in 723 Many can fight easily and
front of great scholars and seniors. Dont courageously at the war. Only a few can
be cashewnut in front of cashew fruit. face courageously and speak in front of
scholars, wise men at the assembly.
716 Tongue-Slip in front of scholars is
considered as immoral act. 724 During the discussion, teach your
knowledge and experience to juniors and
717 Scholars speech exhibits their learn more from seniors.
field of knowledge and experience to help
others. 725 One must be mastered in grammar
and logic to reply courageously in
718 Speaking is like watering to explaining, detailing, counter arguments
growing up crops of interested audience and in interruptions apart from subject
which will yield good harvest. wise skills.
719 Good scholar should avoid to 726 Sword is useless at the hands of
speak in front of ignorant. cowards. All learning is useless when
720 Speaking in front of ignorant is like there is fear of facing educated assembly
spilling nectar. 727 All learning and experience must
be exposed for career developments.
Cowardly if it is not disclosed , not
exhibited, not utilized. What is use of it?

728 There is no use of learning many

books, subjects, if one can not face
courageously learned people.

729 Cowardice scholars also

considered worse than illiterates only .

730 Cowardly if the speech could not

be made interestingly for listeners, then
C73 they will be considered as dead only.
Avai anjaamai Part 2 Porut Ball- C74 Country company
Economy Management
Naadu Part 2 Porut Ball-
721 Scholars analyze language Economy Governance
clearly without any errors with perfection
731 A honest chairman, good
to express their thoughts.
employees and good production to create
722 Scholars are recognized who are wealth are essential factors for a good
able to register their thoughts in the company.
minds of listeners very clearly and
732 Good resources, good production,
free from competition, good relation with
stake holder are making good company

733 Consumers must have bearing 743 Market protection should be in
capability in the event of increasing rates volume of business, coverage of wide
on product. area network, strong brand position and
geographical protection
734 Company should not have
Financial crunch, {hunger}, market 744 Geographical protection in Market
deficiency {sickness} market rivalry {war is more advantageous than any other.
745 In crisis of time and to withstand
735 Company should not have inter- competition, inventory must be maintained
department rivalry, power struggle at top at the networks.
which are internal threats to destruction.
746 Production strategy must
736 Company must have resource challenge war of competition with skilled
capability to restructure and to develop human resources, technology and market
further in the event of collapse due to any force.
747 Market should not collapse by any
737 Company must be fortified with means of corrupt systems and must be
proven products, quality, market locations, strong to challenge.
748 Market must have strong local
738 Consumers should get benefits of consumption
value, pleasure, trouble free service,
warranty, long life, from products. 749 Market must challenge threats with
local consumption and retain external
739 Market should increase naturally consumption in crisis of competition
for products
750 If market administration is
740 No use of resources if the incompetent at head quarter, then there is
managements are not effective. no chance of winning competition.

Aran Part 2 Porut Ball-
Economy Governance MERITS OF WEALTH
741 Brand can be used to war against GENERATION
competitors; as well as brand can be used
defence when competitors attack. Porul cheyal vakai Part2Porut
Ball- Economy Governance
742 Power of brands are depend in
size and volume where they are spread at 751 Even criminals are respected due
many locations and countries. to their wealth, nothing else.

752 Rich are glorified; poor are 761 Market force must be great asset
insulted. of the company. That must be equipped
with all best systems, strPategies to the
753 Wealth of light can remove poverty context to overcome and lead all odds
of darkness. courageously.
754 Wealth of virtuous earning only 762 There should be willpower to face
can bring peace and pleasure in life. disturbances, failures, loss of strength,
755 It is better to reject illegal wealth wound of insults.
generation. 763 Marketing force must have vigor
756 Profit on sales and appreciation of like king cobra to face battle of rats.
assets value and depreciation value are 764 Market force must be firm,
the real wealth. fearless, honest, corrupt free.
757 Love is mother. Grace is child of 765 Market force must have ability to
her. Wealth is step mother who nurses the face any dangers, insults.
child of Grace
766 Market force must have merits of
758 Doing Business with own capital is good leadership, valor, honor, faith.
very safe.
767 Market force must know correct
759 Wealth only modifies and controls strategies for that context to win.
competitors behaviors
768 Market forces appearance,
760 Wealth fulfills virtue and pleasures posture, process must be greater than
valor and power.

769 Market force should not be weak in

size, faithless in mind, energy less in

770 Market force cannot survive even if

it has large resources without good

C77 C78 Salesmans Pride- Military Pride-

ARMYPOWER Padai Cherukku Part 2 Porut

MARKETING POWER Ball- Economy Governance

771 Salesman must have spirit of

Padai Maatchi Part 2 Porut Ball- confidence to warn competitors that we
Economy Governance will win here and not to compete with

772 Attack great market locations even Natpu Part 2 Porut Ball-
if you lose rather than winning tiny. It is Economy Managing Friendship
like failure of attacking wild elephant is
greater than winning of rabbit to catch. 781 Frienship is great action in life.
Nothing protects as it is in life.
773 Humanity is great. Courageous
fighting is valor; Helping enemy in danger 782 Good friendship shines like
is mercy. Duty is to fight; mercy is growing new moon; bas friendship shines
mankind. There should not be any lesser and lesser to darkness like waning
personal enmity in service. full moon.

774 Marketer can rebound the 783 Friendship is pleasurable one by

weapon/strategies which wounded him. continuing relationship like gaining of
pleasurable knowledge on continual
775 Marketers wink on fear itself learning of good books.
cowardliness. Dont fear of anything, face
it courageously. 784 Friendship is not only making of
fun and laugh, but also to correct the fault
776 Failures at market place are lines of each other.
common. Great salesman must think as
failure less days are wasteful days. Failure 785 For friendship there need not be
makes to think for growth, innovation physical presence or contacts, mutual
rather than defeat. understanding and acceptance is more
than sufficient. Like Face Book, Linked in.
777 Honors and appreciations are
greater than monetary gains. 786 Showing smiling face is not
friendship. There should be heart full
778 Good Salesman does work affection
sincerely, faithfully, honestly, dutifully even
if their management finds fault and curse. 787 Friendship has to correct and lead
to virtuous path, share his emotions freely
779 When committed to achieve the and openly and protect him in danger,
target and ready to face challenges, there crisis.
wont any insults.
788 Friendship is to rescue him
780 Marketer must work for immediately without waiting for call as
managements honor and appreciation by hand moves to slipping dress to hold and
their great service. correct.

789 Friendship have feature of

avoiding misunderstanding and helping,

FRIENDSHIP supporting him wherever and whatever

possible ways.

790 Friendship quality is lost its value

SUB DIVISION IN DIVISION 2 when they praise each other.

of moral less, ethic less persons at any
C80 cost.
Natpu Aaraaythal Part2 Porut
Ball- Economy Managing Friendship C81
791 Nothing is more harmful than bad
friendship once formed without analyzing CLOSE FRIENDSHIP
it. It creates as much as troubles to
relieve. Palamai Part 2 Porut Ball-
792 Friendship which is not analyzed Economy Managing Friendship
at frequent intervals can lead misery of 801 Intimacy is accepting old
death. friendship and maintaining it and without
793 Before the friendship one should compromising their rights.
have analyzed with character, family back
802 Wise men take liberty to help
ground, weakness and strengths of a others as their duty in friendship.
803 Recognize friends action, even
794 It is good thing to buy friendship of
though it may not acceptable totally and
a person from good family ground and not approved.
afraid of doing ethic less faulty things.
804 Good friend accepts of actions of
795 It is worth to get a friend who can
intimate good friend blindly on behalf of
discipline others strictly to shed tears for him.
their crime.
805 If there is error in the friends
796 Even misfortune helps to measure action on behalf of him, it must be treated
friendship quality. Good friends help as the error happened ignorantly,
others even during hard times; negligently or he has taken liberty.
opportunistic friends desert others when
their misfortune days. 806 A good friend does not desert
friendship of other even though he got
797 Deserting friendship with fools is a trouble because of him. He thinks of
greatest gain in life. intimacy how he had associated and
798 Dont think of friendship with one helped during his crisis period.
who promotes unproductive activities and 807 A intimated friend do not restrain
deserts in crisis time. friendship with one who caused troubles
799 People think of betrayal friends for him.
even during death bed. Friends betrayal 808 All the friendship days are waste;
always burning in the minds of people and the day one understands that a fully
curse them.
trusted friend betrayed him.
800 Get friendship of ethical,
characteristic persons. Remove friendship

809 World respect the people who create trouble even in dream state of
have long friendship with others as it is mind.
good virtue.
820 Avoid friendship of one who talks
810 Even enemies appreciate one sweetly in front of face and curse in public
who had tolerated mistakes of his friends place.
for sake of friendship.

Kuutaa Natpu Part 2 Porut Ball-
Thee natpu Part 2 Porut Ball- Economy Managing Friendship
Economy Managing Friendship
821 Some in disguise as a friend to
811 Virtue-less people shower more attack other. They use friendship as
affection for friendship. It is dangerous. weapon to kill others.
Reduce them and ignore them.
822 Some friends are like prostitutes
812 What is use of friendship it is who serve for money only.
aimed for money only?
823 Even scholars cannot change their
813 Friends, who are calculating vengeance after reviving their friendship.
benefits, are thieves and prostitutes. Dont revive friendship with vengeance
814 Better be alone than trusting
friends like horse which throws out a 824 With smile face and cunningness
soldier and escape from the battle field. in mind, some act as friend and destroying
others. Avoid them
815 Friendship with characterless
people is dangerous one. Avoid it. 825 Dont trust the peoples friendship
who speaks cunningly
816 Enmity with wise is million times
better than friendship with idiot. 826 Sweet talks and smiling face of
enemy can expose of his mind if he act as
817 Troubles from cunning, folly friends
millions of times worse than enemies.
827 Enemys salute is like weapon to
818 Reject friendship of one who
hit. Not to be trusted.
spoils, distract constructive activities,
duties, responsibilities, commitments in 828 Salute and tears are dangerous as
your life. weapon to kill.
819 Friendship of one who talks
something and act opposite of it, can

829 Pretend as cunning as other to 838 If Fools get assets, it will be like
defeat them with smiling face, sweet drunkard fools and wealth.
words and avoid them rather than
confrontation. 839 Friendship with fools is pleasant as
there is ill-feeling while departing.
830 If there is compulsion to have
friendship with bad one, maintain facial 840 A fools entry into the assembly of
friendship for time being and restrain later. scholars is like entering with dirty feet on
the bed.

Pul arivu aanmai Part 2 Porut
Pethamai Part 2 Porut Ball- Ball- Economy Managing Friendship
Economy Managing Friendship
841 Knowledge- Drought is worse
831 What is folly? It is defect of among all. No other deficiency affects
catching evil things and discarding good man as it is.
things in life.
842 A fools donation is nothing but the
832 Worse among follies is to desire to receiver have fortune
do what is forbidden
843 Even enemies cannot do that
833 Qualities of folly are: 1. Shameless much torture as fools creates themselves.
2.Goalless 3 cruelty, Hatredness 4.
Negligence 844 Stupidity is vanity. Self pride as we
are wise.
834 The man who educated well,
acquired much knowledge, experience, 845 Fools pretend as if they are
and preaches to others, but not governs scholars and make others as fools.
himself. He is worse than idiots. 846 Fools must cover up with
835 A selfish fool will produce knowledge, not by dressing body.
defective genes for next generations. 847 The fools neglect advises and act
836 A virtue-less fool corrupt whole as they like to cause more damages to
systems and spoil himself when he them.
undertakes any activity. 848 Fools dont know anything; they do
837 Fools fortune and wealth will be not listen others. It is disease till their
swindled by unknowns. It will not reach death.

849 One who wanted to train Fools will 859 Differences disappear for gain;
get mad. Differences exaggerates for loss.

850 One who wanted to train Fools will 860 Gains are more for getting along
get mad. with others and with cooperation. Losses
are more for refusing to cooperate and to
create enmity.

Ekalchchi Part 2 Porut Ball-
Economy Managing Friendship Weakness in facing competition-

851 Hatredness is a disease of not Pakai Matchi Part 2 Porut Ball-

get along with others for any reason and Economy Managing Friendship
evil character
861 Noble Hostility is not to confront
852 If get along with one is not with weaker people rather to confront with
possible on hostile environment, it is powerful to show ability.
better not to do any harm. Avoid
Weak should not face strong; Weak
relationship with him.
should not avoid to face weaker.
853 On curing disease of hatred,
862 How can any win without support
others will recognize for their services.
of relatives, power full resources and with
854 Hatred is the most dangerous weakness?
character and cause dangerous crisis.
When the product is not trusted by local
Mind gets pleasure on removing the
consumers and could not penetrate in the
market, how they can face strong
855 If mind is free from enmity, who competition?
can win against you?
863 Enemies can win one who had
856 Strategy of Winning by hatred will character of timid cowardliness, ignorant
mislead to destruction. foolishness, stingy miser, unsociable
857 Hatred people do not recognize
true paths of winning strategy. Hatred Competitor can win easily when other is
Mind blocks the ability of thinking. afraid of entering in the market in
spending, ignorant of market environment
858 Freeing enmity from mind lead to and network.
good things; developing enmity in mind
lead to destruction.

864 One can be defeated by anyone,
anywhere and anytime who cant control
anger and cant maintain secrets.

Anyone can win the market anywhere, C88

when the other dont have customer
relation and do not maintain secrets of
their marketing activities. ENEMIES, ENMITY
865 Enemies can win easily one who
has characteristics of crooked, aimless, Pakai thiram therithal Part 2 Porut
cruel and ethic less. Ball- Economy Managing Friendship

Competitor will be happy when the other 871 Dont have enmity in the mind. It is
commits omission and commission in not mankind. Even for fun, dont think of it.
marketing and loosing all opportunities 872 You may have enmity with any
and not able to understand potential loses. one; Dont with wise men any cost.
866 One can face enmity of others who 873 Desperately getting enmity without
has mindless anger and lust to win easily. any support is madness.
One invite failure when do not understand 874 Developing friendship with
facts , losing tempers and figures, enemies by removing enmity from mind is
competitors strengths, and more helpful one.
interested in lusts and entertainments.
875 One who alone without any
867 It is better to convert one to support and if enemies are divided into
enemy by any means if he does wrong two, make use of one team for friendship.
things and spoil efforts. Instead of having two enemies, it reduces
One buys failures, loses and invites to one as it was and it gives additional
competition if he commits omission and support.
commission idiotically. 876 In crisis time, dont trust anyone
868 It is favorable for enemies if the and keep aloof. Dont mix with enemies.
crooked and criminal loses his friends. 877 Dont expose crisis to friends if
The competitor get advantage when the they are unaware of it. Enemies should
other is not having ethic, character and not aware of it.
network. 878 One must analyze the
869 It is easy to win the enemies of environment, strengthened resources, and
cowardly and ignorant. protects safely, then enemies pride will
The victory is easy when other is afraid of
facing market ignorantly. 879 It is better to destroy enmity at the
early stage of it as when it is small plant,
870 Cowards and ignorant cannot win rather than tree stage.
any in their life.
880 If one cannot control enemies,
Market will collapse if not learned their life is uncertain. Like rat in front of
sustainable knowledge properly. cobra breathe.

890 Living together with enmity mind is
like living with snake in a small room.
Every minute is threat and dangerous.

Ud pakai Part 2 Porut Ball- RESPECT ELDERS ,
Economy Managing Friendship
881 Sometimes pleasant shade and
water can cause dangers like disease. Periyarai pilaiyaamai Part 2 Porut
Similarly, anything not agreeable can Ball- Economy Managing Friendship
cause pains. Relatives can cause dangers
also. 891 Dont insult the competent elders
who undertake responsibilities. This is the
882 Known external threats can be greatest thing.
faced easily. One has to be cautious on
invisible internal threats from relatives. It is 892 Undertaking any critical task
more dangerous. without consultation of experienced
elders, will lead to troubles.
883 One should guard from internal
threats. Otherwise, in crisis time, that will 893 One wants to spoil oneself can
cut off your shape like potters knife. insult experienced elders who are capable
of undertaking winning ways.
884 If enmity fills mind beyond limit,
that will affect and attack relatives also. 894 It is nothing but inviting death,
weak one who cannot bear little
885 Enmity among close relatives is sufferings, wants to face strong
more dangerous for all. experienced scholars to insult.
886 Enmity between associates, 895 Those who insulted the cruel and
partners cause destruction. powerful man cannot survive anywhere.
887 Enmity between relatives is like 896 One can escape from the fire
cap and cup. Both are separable but looks accident, but not from the curses of elders
like one. due to disrespect.
888 Internal enmity threats grind off 897 Even rulers will ruin their assets if
relationships between them to destroy they disrespect them.
family pride.
898 If elders curse, rulers will ruin with
889 Even minor crack of enmity can their family.
cause great dangers
899 Rulers will ruin their power if they
are cursed.

890 None can escape from the cursing
of elders.
Varaivu ill Makalir Part 2 Porut
Ball- Economy Managing Friendship
C91 911 Call girls mindless sweet words
LUST SURRENDER, aimed for money fool them for little
pleasure and put them in sorrows in latter.
912 Call girl makes love for selfish
Pen vali Cheral Part 2 Porut gain. Trusting their words is idiotic. Avoid
Ball- Economy Managing Friendship them.

901 Those who has lust after their 913 Call girl embraces dead body of
wives will not attain the excellence of you in the darkroom for money.
914 Call girls pleasure is insult.
902 Without performing duties,
915 Good people never get cheated
wandering behind woman with lust is
shameful act of manliness.
916 Virtous people never think of
903 A man will be ashamed of his
touching shoulder of the call girl.
inability to control indiscipline wife.
917 Confidentless only trust call girls.
904 A man afraid of managing family
cannot be successful in a real life. 918 Pleasure with call girls is delusion,
not real.
905 Wife controlled husband cannot do
good things to society. 919 Visiting them is like visiting to hell.
906 Surrendering to beautiful wife who 920 Fortune run away on woman, wine
dont have character is not manliness and and gambling.
is insult.

907 A modest woman is more dignified

than a man who surrendered his wife.

908 A man glorifies his wifes beauty

will neglect his relatives and virtues of life.
909 A man who obeys commands of
his wife cannot perform virtues, duties and
cannot attain pleasures and wealth of life.
Kal unnaamai Part 2 Porut Ball-
910 Competent will not bind always Economy Managing Friendship
with wife for lust.
921 Alcohol addicts not only lose their
repute, but also none will care them.

922 Those who do not want to get 942 There is no need of any medicine if
recognition from society can drink. you eat food after proper digestion and
correct interval of time.
923 When mother cannot approve
drunken son, how others will approve? 943 For longevity of life, understand
digestive power and eat the quantity
924 Shyness is one of good virtue accordingly.
cannot function in drunken mood.
944 Assure first yourself, food
925 It is idiotic to pay money for loosing digestion, eat after hunger, understand
senses. quality and suitability of food, dont avoid
926 Alcohol and poison drinkers are food continuously after hunger.
alike in lying posture. There is no 945 If you control eating of tasty, good
difference in sleeping body and dead foods, nothing will affect in day to day
body. activities. Moderate eating is always good.
927 People laugh at drunken No full stomach should be at any point of
behaviors. What is use of hiding and time.
drinking? 946 Moderate eaters live long; heavy
928 Drunken cannot lie. Truth will fall eaters face sickness frequently.
in that state of mind. 947 Ignorance of hunger requirement
929 Advising addicts is impossible as and heavy eating develops more
searching lost one with fire torch at under diseases.
water pond. 948 Proper diagnostic system must be
930 An addict not in drink look at followed to cure diseases as What is the
others in drunken mood and their funny nature of disease?. What is the cause of
behaviors. Even then, they do not give up. it? What are the possible ways to treat it?

949 To treat a disease, age of person,

nature of disease, correct time to give
treatment is to be analyzed.

950 Patient, doctor, medicine and

C95 nursing care are essentials for treatment
MEDICINE effectively.
Marunthu Part 2 Porut Ball-
Economy Managing Friendship
941 Body have three elements to
control diseases viz. Vatham, Pitham,
Dignity, nobility
Kabam in siddha medical practice.{
flatulence, biliousness, and phlegm}. Kudimai Part 2 Porut Ball-
Imbalance of three causes sickness. Economy Citizenship

951 Noble people must have neutrality 962 To get honor, self respected
in mind and action, and shyness to person will not do any wrong things.
commit errs.
963 Humility must be in prosperity. Self
952 Good discipline, truth and self respect should not be compromised even
respect are requirements of nobility. at the loss of prosperity.

953 Noble people have four features 964 People insult when any one lost
smiling face, compassion, pleasant their self respect and dignity as fallen hair
communication, and courtesy. from the head.

954 Even for millions they do not bend 965 A small error can make to fall from
their virtues. crest to danger. Any small wrong things
can damage repute of the glorified man
955 Even in suffering of poverty, noble within a minute.
do maintain gifting things to the needy.
966 What can one achieve by
956 Virtuous people do not commit surrendering all respect and bearing all
cunning activities. abuses from others?
957 Nobles faults are visible openly, 967 Compromising self respect for
nothing is hidden. survival is acceptance of death of your
958 Crudeness is made to suspect of soul.
genetic defect of the person.

959 By seeing crops, quality of the land 968 There is no certainty for life for any
assessed. From the spoken words, one. For that why one should surrender
character of the person can be assessed. and get insults from another?
960 Ones virtue is recognized on 969 Deserting pride is like deserting
fearing of committing unethical things and soul.

970 Intolerance and maintaining in self

respect is glorious one.

Maanam Part 2 Porut Ball-
Economy Citizenship
961 Dont undertake any activities to
affect self respect for survival, money,
power, success.
Perumai Part 2 Porut Ball-
Economy Citizenship

971 Greatness is an aspiration
motivation-aim-target- goal- dream for
noble achievement in life time. It is insult GOODNESS
to think of living for survival. SUBLIMITY ETHICAL
972 All are equal by birth. Quality of WAY OF LIFE.
actions, skills, knowledge is differentiating
the human beings.
Saan_raa_n_mai. Part 2 Porut
973 All glorified are not great if they Ball- Economy Citizenship
dont have virtues of life; all unknown are
981 Goodness is performing duties and
also great if they are virtuous and good in responsibilities to morally and ethically to
their services. meet the needs of family, society.
974 It is greatness for men to live with 982 Virtues in mind only beautify
one woman like womans chastity.
Goodness people. No other cosmetics
975 Great people can perform rare require beautifying them.
things naturally with their skills without any
983 Goodness constructed on five
difficulties. pillars: Kindness, shyness to faults,
976 Silly people do not respect the following ethics, modesty, truth.
great people and acquire their knowledge 984 Goodness is not harassing any in
for development. completing the task. Goodness is not
977 Silly people misuse the greatness accusing and slandering any their
if they got by any way. Greatness must be omissions and commissions.
virtuous also. 985 Goodness people use humility as
978 Great people behave politely with powerful weapon to complete the task and
all; silly people boost their silly things with to change enmity of enemies to complete
vanity. the task as supportive weapon.

979 Greatness is free from rudeness. 986 Goodness people accept defeat
Silliness is boosting rudeness. with unqualified people also without any
reservation. This is the quality of them.
980 Greatness forgets others
weakness and errors. Silliness boosts 987 Goodness is not to punish others
other weakness. to repeat their evil acts against them.

988 Poverty is not disgrace to one who

has rich in good virtues.

989 Even Tsunami cannot change path

of goodness peoples virtues.

990 The world cannot bear diminishing

of qualities of goodness people. {This
means, they can destroy others with their
skills wisely}


Banbu_udaimai Part 2 Porut Nanriyil selvam Part 2 Porut

Ball- Economy Citizenship Ball- Economy Citizenship

991 Courtesy is simple virtue to allow 1001 What is use of accumulated

anyone to access for making request. wealth which is earned with greediness
and died without enjoying?
992 Humanity and family back ground
helps to develop the courtesy. 1002 Niggard miser thinks wealth is all.
He hoard them without helping any. He is
993 People must be identified by a creature, not human.
virtues, not by parts of human body.
1003 Niggard Wealth accumulators are
994 Impartial verdicts, behavior are burden to earth.
appreciated by all.
1004 Unwanted miser what would think
995 Insults for kidding, fun also affects of his wealth status after death?
others. Avoid it. Matured people maintain
good manners with enemies also. 1005 Hoarded money will not help
hoarder at any time.
996 All should follow good manners
like great people. Otherwise, bad manners 1006 Wealth is disease for miser. Miser
will corrupt the society. is infected by wealth.

997 If wise men dont have manner 1007 Wealth of miser is like beautiful
less, they will be trees. old lady in virginity.

998 Show courtesy to unfriendly friends 1008 Misers idle wealth is like
also. Otherwise, it is insult. poisonous tree with fruits at the centre of
999 Those who cannot maintain
friendship with friends, day is dark only. 1009 Mostly misers wealth are looted by
criminals everywhere.
1000 Great wealth will destroy like milk
in polluted pot ,if he is not with good 1010 Generous mans poverty is drought
manners. to season to with hold rain.

Naanudaimai Part 2 Porut Ball-
Economy Citizenship C103
1011 There is wide difference between SOCIAL COMMITMENT
shyness and ashamedness.
Ashamedness is ashamed of unworthy
actions. Shyness is an pleasant emotion GROWTH
on face on seeing wishful persons.
KudiSeyal Vakai Part 2 Porut
1012 Food, dress are needs to all. But,
Ball- Economy Citizenship
modesty has special character to shame
of doing unworthy things which protect 1021 Nothing is greater than taking all
them to avoid them. efforts to do duties and responsibilities
without slackness and tiredness and for
1013 Soul dwells in the body; perfect
growth of family.
virtue dwells with shame.
1022 If one worked with knowledge,
1014 Ashamedness is a strength for
skills, continuous efforts, there will be
wise which protects from evil;
growth in family and relatives.
Shamelessness is a disease.
1023 Mission of developing society will
1015 Modesty fears of own and others
be supported with good fortunes.
1024 Good services rendered to society
1016 Ashamedness is better self
without delay will yield success on their
defense mechanism to prevent worthless
actions than any other.
1025 People treat the man as relatives
1017 Men will sacrifice their life for
when he provides services honestly and
shame, but they do not sacrifice shame to
protect life.
1026 Managing good services to
1018 Loosing shame is like losing all
society provide honor to his family.
1027 Like soldiers protect people from
1019 There will be loss if the work is not
enemies, good people have capabilities to
executed properly; if executed
develop the family and society.
shamelessly, then there will be total
collapse. 1028 There is no time limit to serve
family. If lazy and selfish, their wont be
1020 Shameless people are like
growth and it will be spoiled.
Puppets in which strings are soul. They
are senseless objects. 1029 Those who bear pains and
suffering in serving society will be

1030 When there is no one have Above all, protecting from pests, damages
capabilities to face the troubles of life and is necessary.
protect, that dangers will swallow the
family. 1039 If the lands are not taken care of
daily, it will yield less.

1040 Mother of Earth will laugh at the

people who say that there is no living
Ulavu Part 2 Porut Ball-
Economy Citizenship Nalkuravu Part 2 Porut Ball-
Economy Citizenship
1031 Though there are many industries,
world is depend on agriculture. Though 1041 What is so powerful than painful?
there are many troubles in agriculture, still Poverty alone.
it is great.
1042 When cruel poverty comes on,
1032 Agriculture feed all the workers of peace of mind is lost in all times.
other industries. Hence it is an axle of the
world. 1043 If poverty creates greediness, it
spoils fame and virtues.
1033 Agriculturists are great. Because
all others are depend on them in many 1044 Poverty makes even virtuous will
ways.{ not only for foods, but industries speak the fault of uttering mean words.
depend their market}
1045 Misery of poverty produces many
1034 Farmers are so powerful to bring dangers in life.
the government under their control.
1046 Poor mans good knowledge will
1035 Farmers do not beg from others not be considered and accepted.
as they work hard to produce products to
eat. They can offer others. 1047 Even mother will not consider
virtue less poor man.
1036 Those who lost desires in life
saints also depend on them. 1048 Poverty threats to kill daily.

1037 Plough many times as mud 1049 One can sleep in furnace but in
reduces its weight in one fourth. If it is poverty.
done , no manure is not necessary.{ mud 1050 On poverty, one has to desert all
can hold 25%of water, one fourth is total desires. Otherwise, it will spoil and fool
dryness, mud particles loose its binding donors grace.

1038 More than ploughing, manuring,

weeding out, watering are essential.

1061 Not begging from those who can
C106 offer mercifully is greater virtue by million
BEGGING times.

1062 If there is an environment that

Iravu Part 2 Porut Ball-
survival is possible by begging only, let
Economy Citizenship
the environment be destroyed.
1051 Beg from worthy. If denied, it is {environment may be due to
insult to the denier. unemployment, misrule, famine, etc}

1052 Begged thing is pleasurable, when 1063 Nothing painful as poverty to beg
beggar gets without demanding and donor others for survival.
is also happy in the action.
1064 Character of not thinking to beg
1053 Begging from kind and dutiful man others when there is no opportunity for
is reasonable. survival is a great virtue and nothing
equals to this in this world.
1054 Beg from who do not hide anything
and denying even in dream. 1065 Thinking of work, earn and eat in
the situation of worse, critical situation is
1055 The world has great people to great pleasurable thing.
donate poor. So poor survive with them.
1066 Nothing is greater insult to
1056 Beggars pain shall vanish when begging tongue even for asking water to
they see good hearted people who do not thirsty cow .
1067 Dont beg with anyone who hide
1057 Beggars please on seeing the and deny.
people who do not insult and give.
1068 Some are very hard to crack of
1058 Merciless people are puppets getting.
made of wood who dont want to see
beggars. 1069 It is painful to see beggars. Heart
is lost to see the people who hoard and
1059 If there are no beggars, there deny
wont be glory for donors.
1070 Beggars lose their soul to hear no.
1060 Beggars should not curse when Denied also say no. Where this people
any as the denied person may be in had gone?

Iravachcham Part 2 Porut Ball- Fraud Meanness
Economy Citizenship

Kayamai Part 2 Porut Ball-
Economy Citizenship

1071 Fraudsters resembles as virtuous.

They show two faces.

1072 Fraudsters are lucky. They never

worry any of their criminal acts in life.

1073 Fraudsters have capacity to do any

criminal acts as they like as epic gods.
Are they equal one another?

1074 Fraudsters get proud of their lower


1075 Fraudsters pretend as honest after

getting benefits. Otherwise their little fear
is on laws.

1076 Fraudsters are rumormongers to

spread it as fast as drum sound.

1077 Fraudsters can raise their strong

hand to hit others; but they will not yield
anything to poor, even two food particle
from the damp hand..

1078 Anything can get from wise by

requesting. From Fraudsters, anything can
get from by crushing like juice from sugar

1079 Fraudsters get jealous over others

on eating and dressing. Fraudsters are
experts in accusing others.

1080 Fraudsters have survival

techniques of total surrendering of selling


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