This document defines 50 important legal terms related to the criminal justice system, including: abuse of power, allegation, arson, assault, bailiff, blackmail, burglary, careless driving, charge, contempt of court, convicted, and court of appeals. It provides definitions for terms related to various stages of the legal process from arrest, trial, sentencing, and appeals.
This document defines 50 important legal terms related to the criminal justice system, including: abuse of power, allegation, arson, assault, bailiff, blackmail, burglary, careless driving, charge, contempt of court, convicted, and court of appeals. It provides definitions for terms related to various stages of the legal process from arrest, trial, sentencing, and appeals.
Original Description:
A glossary of 50 terms from the field of economics
This document defines 50 important legal terms related to the criminal justice system, including: abuse of power, allegation, arson, assault, bailiff, blackmail, burglary, careless driving, charge, contempt of court, convicted, and court of appeals. It provides definitions for terms related to various stages of the legal process from arrest, trial, sentencing, and appeals.
This document defines 50 important legal terms related to the criminal justice system, including: abuse of power, allegation, arson, assault, bailiff, blackmail, burglary, careless driving, charge, contempt of court, convicted, and court of appeals. It provides definitions for terms related to various stages of the legal process from arrest, trial, sentencing, and appeals.
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1. abuse of power abuz de putere
improper use of authority by someone who holds a public office 2. allegation acuzaie a statement, made without giving proof, that someone has done something wrong or illegal 3. arson incendiere premeditat the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property 4. assault agresiune a physical attack 5. bailiff executor judectoresc officer of a court who is concerned with the service of documents and the enforcement of court orders and has a legal power to collect certain debts 6. blackmail antaj the act of getting money from people or forcing them to do something by threatening to tell a secret of theirs or to harm them 7. burglary furt cu spargere the crime of breaking and entering into a structure for the purpose of committing a crime 8. careless driving conducere neglijent driving without due care and attention or consideration for other drivers using the roadway 9. charge a acuza to make a formal statement saying that someone is accused of a crime 10. contempt of court sfidarea Curii the offense of being disobedient or disrespectful towards the court, its officers, or the proceedings of a court of law 11. convicted condamnat a person proved or declared guilty of an offense 12. court of appeals Curtea de Apel a court to which appeals are taken in a federal circuit or a state 13. custody arest the state of being kept in prison, especially while waiting to go to court for trial 14. damage despgubire money that is paid to someone by a person or organization who has been responsible for causing them some injury or loss 15. death row culoarul morii the portion of a prison in which prisoners are housed who are under death sentences and are awaiting appeals and/or potential execution 16. drink driving conducere n stare de ebrietate driving a car after drinking alcohol 17. embezzlement delapidare theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one's trust or belonging to one's employer 18. extradite a extrda to make someone return for trial to another country or state where they have been accused of doing something illegal 19. fair hearing proces echitabil a judicial proceeding that is conducted in such a manner as to conform to fundamental concepts of justice and equality 20. felony crim cu premeditare a serious crime that can be punished by more than one year in prison or by death 21. final judgement hotrre definitiv the written determination of a lawsuit by the judge who presided at trial which makes rulings on all issues and completes the case unless it is appealed to a higher court 22. forgery falsificare the action of producing a copy of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art. 23. framed-up case dosar fabricat a situation in which someone is made to seem guilty of a crime although they have not committed it 24. infringement nclcare an action that breaks a rule, law, etc. 25. larceny jaf the crime of taking the goods of another person without permission (usually secretly), with the intent of keeping them 26. lawsuit proces a case in a court of law involving a claim, complaint, etc., by one party against another 27. legal capacity capacitate juridic the legal right of a person or company to make particular decisions, have particular responsibilities, etc. 28. legal disability capacitate juridic limitat limited civil and social rights under the law 29. lodge a case a depune o plngere to bring a complaint to the court 30. manslaughter omor prin impruden the crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or otherwise in circumstances not amounting to murder 31. misdemeanor delict a crime that can be punished by up to one year in jail 32. national cetean someone who officially belongs to a particular country 33. natural person persoan fizic a human being as distinguished from a person (as a corporation) created by operation of law 34. perjury mrturie fals the offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation 35. persecute a persecuta to oppress or harass with ill-treatment 36. petty offence infraciune minor a minor crime, the maximum punishment for which is generally a fine or a short term in a prison or a house of correction 37. plaintiff reclamant someone who makes a legal complaint against someone else in court 38. police station secie de poliie the office or headquarters of a local police force 39. prisoner deinut a person who is kept in prison as a punishment 40. probation officer consilier de probaiune a person appointed to supervise offenders who are released from detention, subject to a period of good behavior under supervision 41. prosecute a cerceta penal to initiate or conduct a case against someone 42. prosecutor procuror a legal official who brings charges against someone or tries to prove in a trial that they are guilty 43. shoplifting furt din magazin to take goods illegally from a store without paying for them 44. speeding depirea limitei de vitez the act or practice of exceeding the speed limit 45. strip search percheziie corporal an act of removing someone's clothing to see if that person is hiding illegal things 46. Supreme Court Curtea Suprem the highest judicial court in a country or state 47. trial court prima instan a court of law where cases are tried in the first place, as opposed to an appeals court 48. try a case a judeca o cauz to examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process 49. unbiased imparial able to judge fairly because you are not influenced by your own opinions 50. young offender infractor minor someone who has committed a crime but is not old enough to be treated as an adult by the law courts