Governor Powell's Housing Speech
Governor Powell's Housing Speech
Governor Powell's Housing Speech
Remarks by
Jerome H. Powell
July 6, 2017
Good morning. Thank you to the American Enterprise Institute and Steve Oliner for
inviting me here to speak. My topic today is the urgent need for fundamental reform of our
The Federal Reserve is not charged with designing or evaluating proposals for housing
finance reform. But we are responsible for regulating and supervising banking institutions to
ensure their safety and soundness, and more broadly for the stability of the financial system. A
robust, well-capitalized, well-regulated housing finance system is vital to achieving those goals,
and to the long-run health of our economy. We need a system that provides mortgage credit in
While reforms have addressed some of the problems of the pre-crisis system, there is
broad agreement that the job is far from done. The status quo may feel comfortable today, but it
Isn't this really the result of
is also unsustainable. Today, the federal governments role in housing finance is even greater Fed disincentives for banks to
hold mortgages and the fact
that Project Restart was
abandoned, the SEC didn't go
than it was before the crisis. The overwhelming majority of new mortgages are issued with far enough with Reg ABS, the
FED and UST left the PLS
repair to the sell-side and the
government backing in a highly concentrated securitization market. That leaves us with both those firms didn't to anything
because they don't want to
lose the economic arbitrages
potential taxpayer liability and systemic risk. It is important to learn the right lessons from the they get with 300 different PLS
PSPA and Rep & Warrant
failure of the old system. We can also apply lessons from post-crisis banking reform. Above all,
we need to move to a system that attracts ample amounts of private capital to stand between
housing sector credit risk and taxpayers. We should also use market forces to increase
The views I express here are my own and not necessarily those of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
The global financial crisis ended in 2009, and the economy has just completed its eighth
consecutive year of expansion. We are near full employment. The housing market is generally
strong, although it is still recovering in some regions. To preserve these gains, we must ensure
the stability of our financial system. With that goal in mind, we are near completion of a
comprehensive program to raise prudential standards for our most systemically important banks.
Please detail, specifically, the list
But fundamental housing finance reform--including reform to address the ultimate status of of items not addressed by HERA
that need to be addressed? I am
not asking about the failure of
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two systemically important government sponsored enterprises DeMarco to fully implement the
statute (including risk based
capital requirements), rather
what authorities FHFA is missing.
(GSEs)--remains on the to do list. As memories of the crisis fade, the next few years may
present our last best chance to finish these critical reforms. Failure to do so would risk repeating
Congress created Fannie Mae in 1938 and Freddie Mac in 1970. For many years, these
institutions prudently pursued their core mission of enhancing the availability of credit for
housing. Beginning in the early 1980s, Fannie and Freddie helped to facilitate the development
of the securitization market for home mortgages. They purchased and bundled mortgage loans,
and sold the resulting mortgage-backed securities (MBS) to investors. Fannie and Freddie also
guaranteed payment of principal and interest on the MBS. With this guarantee in place, MBS
investors took the risk of changing interest rates, and the GSEs took the risk of default on the
This is historically
underlying mortgages. Thanks to the growth in securitization, these two GSEs have dominated inaccurate, in the peak of
the early 2000's the
GSEs market share fell to
U.S. housing finance since the late 1980s. 34%
MBS, Fannie and Freddie brought greater liquidity to mortgage markets and made mortgages
more affordable. But the system ultimately failed due to fundamental flaws in its structure. In
the early days of securitization, the chance that either GSE would ever fail to honor its guarantee
seemed remote. But the question always loomed in the background: Who would bear the credit
risk if a GSE became insolvent and could not perform? Would Congress really allow the GSE to
fail to honor its obligations, given the devastating impact that would have on mortgage funding
and the housing market? The law stated explicitly that the government did not stand behind the
GSEs or their MBS, as Fannie and Freddie frequently pointed out in order to avoid tougher
regulation. Nonetheless, investors understandably came to believe that the two GSEs were too-
big-to-fail, and priced in an implicit federal government guarantee behind GSE obligations. In
the end the investors were right, of course. The implicit government guarantee also meant that
investors--including banks, the GSEs themselves, and investors around the world--did not do
careful due diligence on the underlying mortgage pools. Thus, securitization also enabled
declining lending standards. This was not only a problem of the GSEs--private label
Over time, the systems bad incentives caused the two GSEs to change their behavior and
take on ever greater risks. The GSEs became powerful advocates for their own bottom lines,
providing substantial financial support for political candidates who supported the GSE agenda.
Legislative reforms in the 1990s and the public/private structure led managements to expand the
GSEs balance sheets to enormous size, underpinned by wafer-thin slivers of capital, driving
high shareholder returns and very high compensation for management. These factors and others
eventually led to extremely lax lending conditions. The early 2000s became the era of Alt-A,
low doc, and no doc loans. 2 These practices contributed to the catastrophic failure of the housing
finance system. Almost nine years ago, in September 2008, Fannie and Freddie were put into
temporary conservatorship and received injections of taxpayer funds totaling $187.5 billion. And what was the
government's return on those
investments versus the
investments in the banks?
In the end, the system privatized the gains and socialized the losses.
The buildup of risks is clear in hindsight. But many officials and commentators raised
concerns long before the collapse. 3 The long-standing internal structural weaknesses of the old
system ultimately led to disastrous consequences for homeowners, taxpayers, the financial
Reforms to Date
Before considering the path forward, it is important to acknowledge that todays housing
sector is healthier and in some respects safer than it was in 2005. Although there are significant
regional differences, national data show that housing prices have fully recovered from their gut-
wrenching 35 percent drop during the crisis. Mortgage default rates have returned to pre-crisis
See, for example, Markus K. Brunnermeier, Deciphering the Liquidity and Credit Crunch 2007-2008, The
Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 23, No. 1 (Winter 2009), pp. 77-100; Major Coleman IV, Michael LaCour-
Little, and Kerry D. Vandell, Subprime Lending and the Housing Bubble: Tail Wags Dog? Journal of Housing
Economics, Vol.17, Issue 4 (December 2008) pp. 272-290; Shiller, Robert J. (2012) The Subprime Solution: How
Todays Global Financial Crisis Happened, and What to Do about It, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University
Press; E. Pinto (2015), Three Studies of Subprime and Alt-A loans in the U.S. Mortgage Market, American
Enterprise Institute (January 2015),
See, for example, Alan Greenspan, "Government-Sponsored Enterprises," remarks delivered at the Conference on
Housing, Mortgage Finance, and the Macroeconomy, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, May 19 2005,; and Randal Quarles Remarks Before the Women in
Housing and Finance, June 13, 2006.
There has also been meaningful progress in reforming the old system. In 2008, Congress
enacted the Housing and Economic Recovery Act, which, among other things, created the
Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), modeled on and with similar powers to the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation. Under the FHFAs oversight, the two GSEs retained portfolios
have declined to about half of their pre-crisis size, and are expected to continue on a downward
path. The FHFA and the GSEs have also been working to develop a market for the GSEs to lay
off their credit risk. These innovative transactions have raised about $50 billion in private capital
that now stands between taxpayers and mortgage credit risk in the GSEs portfolios. In addition,
the creation of a Common Securitization Platform should strengthen the GSEs securitization
infrastructure and facilitate further reforms with an eye toward enhancing competition.
New regulations have also been put in place since the crisis with the goal of encouraging
sound underwriting of mortgage loans. Today, lenders must make a good faith effort to
determine that the borrower has the ability to repay the mortgage. Moreover, if the lender
provides a qualified mortgage contract to the borrower, then the lender needs to meet certain
other requirements. 4 For example, some contract features such as an interest-only period or
negative amortization, where the loan balance increases even though the borrower is making
payments, are taboo. Upfront points and fees are limited too.
More specifics on the features required for qualified mortgage contracts are available at
Todays Challenges
These reforms represent movement in the right direction, but leave us well short of where
we need to be. Despite the GSEs significant role in this key market, there is no clarity about
their future. When they were put into conservatorship, Treasury Secretary Paulson noted that
policymakers must view this next period as a time out where we have stabilized the GSEs
while we decide their future role and structure. 5 Almost nine years into this time out, the federal
governments domination of the housing sector has grown and is actually greater than it was
before the crisis. Fannie, Freddie, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs have a combined market share of about 80 percent of the
purchase mortgage market, with the remaining 20 percent held by private financial institutions.
After reaching nearly 30 percent of the market before the crisis, private-label securitization has
liabilities to US taxpayers. 6 Fannie and Freddie have remitted just over $270 billion of profits to
the Treasury, more than paying back the governments initial investment. However, under
current terms of the contracts that govern their access to Treasury funds, their capital will decline
to $0 by January 1, 2018. Today, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have more than $5 trillion of
MBS and corporate debt outstanding, which is widely held and receives various forms of special
Statement by Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. on Treasury and Federal Housing Finance Agency Action to Protect
Financial Markets and Taxpayers, September 7, 2008,
The size of these contingent liabilities is potentially quite large. FHFAs stress test results published in August
2016 found that under its severely adverse scenario the two GSEs could need to draw up to $125.8 billion from the
U.S. Treasury. See
regulatory treatment. And because of their scale, these enterprises continue to serve as important
While mortgage credit is widely available to most traditional mortgage borrowers, those
with lower credit scores face significantly higher standards and lower credit availability than
before the crisis. We can all agree that we do not want to go back to the poor underwriting
standards used by originators prior to the crisis. But it may also be that the current system is too
rigid, and that a lack of innovation and product choice has limited mortgage credit availability to
some creditworthy households. According to a survey by the American Banker, in 2016 only
nine percent of mortgage originations failed to meet the qualified mortgage contract criteria,
down from 16 percent in 2013. 7 The same survey reported that almost one-third of U.S. banks
make only qualified mortgage loans, despite the fact that FHA- and GSE-eligible mortgages are
exempt from the qualified mortgage requirements until January 2021 or until housing finance
The post-crisis reform program for our largest banks presents an appropriate standard Really? The Federal
Reserve has completely
avoided implementation of
Title I of Dodd Frank, the
against which the housing finance giants should be judged. After eight years of reform, our key preemptive safety
feature to end the
largest banking institutions are now far stronger and safer. Common equity capital held by the concentration and
complexity of the SIFI
banks and, instead, relies
on the flawed cleanup
eight U.S. global systemically important banks has more than doubled to $825 billion from about mechanism of Orderly
Liquidation Authority of the
$300 billion before the crisis. After the crisis revealed significant underlying liquidity
vulnerabilities, these institutions now hold $2.3 trillion in high-quality liquid assets, or 25
American Bankers Association, 24th Annual ABA Residential Real Estate Survey Report, (March 2017),
percent of their total assets. Under rigorous annual stress tests, they must demonstrate a high
level of understanding of their risks and the ability to manage them, and must survive severely
adverse economic scenarios with high levels of post-stress capital. And they must file regular
resolution plans that have made them significantly more resolvable should they fail. These
measures were implemented to reduce the risk that a future crisis will result in taxpayer support,
and to help ensure that the financial system could continue to function even in the event that one
It is ironic that the housing finance system should escape fundamental reform efforts.
The housing bubble of the early 2000s was, after all, an essential proximate cause of the crisis.
Housing is the single largest asset class in our financial system, with total outstanding residential
real estate owned by households of $24 trillion and roughly $10 trillion in single-family
mortgage debt. 8 While post-crisis regulation has addressed mortgage lending from a consumer
protection standpoint, the important risks to taxpayers and the broader economy and financial
The most obvious and direct step forward would be to require ample amounts of private
capital to support housing finance activities, as we do in the banking system. We should also
strive for a system that can continue to function even in the event of a default of any firm. No
Based on information contained in the Financial Accounts of the United States available at
private capital must surely be part of the reform effort, there may be limits to the amount of risk
that we can credibly expect the private sector to insure. It is extremely difficult to appropriately
price the insurance of catastrophic risk--the risk of a severe, widespread housing crisis. Both the
private-sector insurance industry and government have struggled with this, particularly with how
to smooth the consistent collection of premiums with the irregular payout of potentially
enormous losses that may be needed only once or twice in a century. Furthermore, losses can be
correlated across asset classes and geographies in these catastrophic events, rendering risk-
diversification strategies ineffective. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have successfully transferred
some credit risk to the private sector, but have thus far avoided selling off much of this
After promising legislative initiatives have moved forward but fallen short of enactment,
the air is again thick with housing finance reform proposals. As I mentioned at the outset,
housing finance reform has important implications for the Federal Reserves oversight of
financial institutions, and for the U.S. economy and its financial stability. While I would not
presume to judge these reform proposals, I will offer some principles for reform. These
See Overview of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Credit Risk Transfer Transactions, FHFA (August 2015). The
overview differentiates between expected loss (credit losses that would be projected to occur even under a stable
baseline), unexpected loss (losses that might occur under a stressful but plausible event such as recession) and
catastrophic loss (losses beyond those of an unexpected loss and that are deemed highly unlikely to occur). The
overview notes that catastrophic risk events are deemed so unlikely, meaning they present so little risk, that the
Enterprises have found it to be too costly (not economical) to transfer much of this risk to the private sector,
- 10 -
principles are based on the lessons learned from the old systems collapse, and from the
First, we ought to do whatever we can to make the possibility of future housing bailouts
as remote as possible. Housing can be a volatile sector, and housing is often found at the heart of
financial crises. 10 Our housing finance institutions were not--and are not--structured with that in
mind. Extreme fluctuations in credit availability for housing hurt vulnerable households, reduce
affordability and availability, and, as we have seen, can threaten financial stability. As with
banks, the goal should be to ensure that our housing finance system can continue to function
The GSEs do not
even in the face of significant house price declines and severe economic conditions. Changing originate or allocate
capital for borrowers.
Banks can originate and
the system to attract large amounts of private capital would be a major step toward that goal. hold, or originate and
securitize, loans - not
the GSEs. Any
weaknesses in the
The question of the governments role in the new system is a challenging one for alocation of capital is the
result of the banks being
unwilling to, or
disincentivized, from
Congress. Many of the well-known reform proposals include some role for government. Some making, holding or
securitizing loans
argue that government cannot avoid bearing the deep-in-the-tail risk of a catastrophic housing
crisis. A number of proposals incorporate a government guarantee to cover this risk, to take
That brings me to my second principle: If Congress chooses to go in this direction, any This is a wrongheaded
approach that will
provide dramatic RWA
capital relief to banks,
such guarantee should be explicit and transparent, and should apply to securities, not to allow them to hold more
mortgage assets
determined to be HLQA
Level 1, and again add
unwise liquidity to the
housing market while
increasing the taxpayers
ultimate risk.
See for example Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff, The Aftermath of Financial Crises, American
Economic Review, vol. 99 (May 2009) pp. 466-72; scar Jord, Moritz Schularick, and Alan M. Taylor, The Great
Mortgaging: Housing Finance, Crises, and Business Cycles, NBER Working Paper No. 20501 (September 2014),; and the International Monetary Fund, Housing Finance and Financial Stability
Back to Basics? Global Financial Stability Report (April 2011),
- 11 -
competition also requires a level playing field, allowing secondary market access to a wide-range This is the failure of
the Federal Reserve.
Look at the
concentration of
of lenders and thereby giving homebuyers a choice among many potential mortgage lenders and lending by the top 5
originators. The top 20
control 80% of the
products. entire origination
market. That has zero
to do with the GSEs.
Fourth, it is worth considering simple approaches that restructure and repurpose parts of
the existing architecture of our housing finance system. We know that housing reform is
difficult; completely redrawing the system may not be necessary and could complicate the search
for a solution. Using the existing architecture would allow for a continued smooth, gradual
Fifth and last, we need to identify and build upon areas of bipartisan agreement. In my
view, at this late stage we should not be holding out for the perfect answer. We should be
looking for the best feasible plan to escape the unacceptable status quo.
I see two reasons why this is a good time to address the housing finance systems
shortcomings. First, the economy and the housing sector are healthy. It would be far more
Second, memories of the crisis are fading. If Congress does not enact reforms over the next few
years, we are at risk of settling for the status quo--a government-dominated mortgage market
with insufficient private capital to protect taxpayers, and insufficient competition to drive
innovation. There is a serious risk, if not a likelihood, that this state of affairs may persist
indefinitely, leaving our housing finance system in a semi-permanent limbo. Fortunately, we are
blessed with a growing menu of reform options available for public vetting. And there appear to
be areas of broad agreement among them. One of those plans, or a combination of different
features of various plans, might well suffice to move us to a better system. Housing finance
reform will protect taxpayers from another bailout, be good for households and the economy, and
go some distance toward mitigating the systemic risk that the GSEs still pose.