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amplify knowledge stay up-to-date with

the latest technology


The future of optical networking

and communications

19 23 March 2017

21 23 March 2017

Los Angeles, California, USA


location Los Angeles Convention Center
1201 S Figueroa St.
Los Angeles, California 90015 USA

2017 dates 10 January

Conference Program Online

20 February
Advance Registration Deadline
(11:59 EST)

26 February
Hotel Reservation Deadline

7 March
Postdeadline Paper Submission Deadline

19 23 March
Technical Conference

21 23 March
Exhibit and Show Floor Activities

support general information

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hotel reservations
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technical publications
and submissions
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OFC is the largest optical communications

conference in the world. Its a conference
Andrew Lord
you cannot afford to miss! Think OFC is just
BT Labs, UK
fiber optics? Youre wrong! OFC has in-depth
coverage of photonic integrated circuits, optical
networking, digital-signal processing, ASICs,
free-space optical communications, quantum
optics, and more. Whether you are in the
technical or the commercial community, at OFC
Shu Namiki
you will have the opportunity to listen, learn,
AIST, Japan
collaborate, take a course, see new products,
meet with colleagues and vendors, conduct
business, see the state-of-the-art and glimpse
into the future.

OFC is the only global conference that truly

Peter Winzer
represents the entire ecosystem, from research
Nokia Bell
to the marketplace and paints a picture of the Labs, USA
entire industry where it is today and where
it is going tomorrow in terms of research,
technologies and product solutions. Get the
most up-to-the-minute in-depth research PROGRAM CHAIRS
results in your topic area in technical sessions,
or explore other areas of interest in tutorials or
short courses all presented by internationally Gabriella Bosco
recognized experts. You can see how current Politecnico di
research may impact the future of your work and Torino, Italy
generate new ideas and solutions to your current
and future problems. In addition you can get a
view of the competitive landscape to see what
others are doing, what drives their solutions, and Jerg-Peter
how they may be different from your own. Elbers
ADVA Optical
Perhaps the biggest value of OFC is the face-to- Networking SE,
face interactions and the connections you make. Germany
Whether you talk to the experts, catch up with
former colleagues, establish new relationships or
find new vendors or customers, these personal
interactions are invaluable and you can make Laurent Schares
them all at one place in just 5 days. IBM TJ Watson
Join us in Los Angeles for OFC 2017 to gain the Center, USA
knowledge you need to stay competitive.

See you there!

its here
OFC 2017 is the years premier event in telecom and
data centers.

The program is comprehensive from research to

marketplace, from components to systems and networks,
from technical sessions to the exhibition.

OFC draws nearly 13,000 business and technology leaders

from 65 countries from around the world, who come
seeking the future direction of the industry, from the latest
research and developments to the newest technologies.

amplify expertise get the
latest advancements at OFC

OFC is the worlds largest conference and exhibition for

optical communication and networking professionals.

The peer-reviewed technical Attend OFC and be part of the event

conference features more than 120 that brings together the people,
invited speakers, the thought leaders products and information that drive
in the industry who present the optical networking and communications.
highlights of emerging technologies.
The technical program also includes
special symposia, one-hour in-depth
tutorials, interactive workshops and
panels. You can also take a short
course and learn from the experts We are very excited about
about important topics in the industry this years interactive
there are 50 to choose from at a
variety of educational levels.
workshops (including two
forward-looking team
The show floor is buzzing with new
product announcements and whats challenges), a new open
trending in the market. Over 600 platform summit, ground
exhibitors keep you current on all
breaking symposia and a
the latest products and innovative
solutions. Three theaters feature stimulating rump session,
Market Watch, The Network Operator which all feature hot topics
Summit (formerly The Service
Provider Summit) and over 15
that are highly important
programs covering the state-of-the- to our field.
industry, hot topics and solutions to
business challenges. 2017 PROGRAM CHAIRS

520+ Peer-reviewed Technical Presentations
Get all your education needs met under one roof
120+ Invited Experts in the Field
Hear the leaders in the industry
600+ Exhibits
Attend the worlds largest optical networking and communications show
13,000 Attendees
Gain unparalleled networking opportunities
Postdeadline Sessions
Keep current with up-to-the-minute research
Show-Floor Activities
Presentations by Industry for Industry on market trends and business issues

Advanced devices and fibers for high-speed data center links
Enabling 5G and IoT through next-generation optical access
Manufacturing and packaging of photonic and electronic subsystems
Multiplexing, transmission and switching techniques for Tb/s networks
New network architectures and applications enabled by SDN and NFV
Open hardware and software platforms for cloud scale networks
Optical wireless and visible light communications
Silicon and integrated photonics for datacom and telecom

All times reflect Pacific Time Zone.



Short Courses 09:00 08:30
20:00 20:00

Workshops 15:30 09:00

18:30 12:00

Technical 13:30 14:00 08:00 08:00

Sessions 18:00 18:30 17:30 17:30

Plenary and 08:00

Awards 10:00

Open Forum 19:30

(Rump Session) 21:30

Poster Session 10:00 10:00

12:00 12:00

Postdeadline 18:00
Papers 20:00


Exhibition and 10:00 10:00 10:00
Show Floor 17:00 17:00 16:00

Unopposed 10:00 12:00 12:00

Exhibit-Only Time 12:00 13:00 13:00

Market Watch 12:00 13:00 10:15

Expo Theater I 17:00 15:00 15:00

Network Operator 08:00

Summit 12:30
Expo Theater I

Expo Theater II & III 10:15 10:15 10:15

Programs 17:00 14:30 12:30

OFC Career Zone 10:00 10:00 10:00

17:00 17:00 16:00

Conference 18:30
Reception 20:00

short course schedule
9:00 12:00 SC176 Metro Network: The Transition to Ethernet

SC177 High-speed Semiconductor Lasers and Modulators

SC443 Optical Amplifiers: From Fundamental Principles to

Technology Trends [NEW]

SC444 Optical Communication Technologies for 5G Wireless [NEW]

SC447 The Life Cycle of an Optical Network: From Planning

to Decommissioning [NEW]

9:00 13:00 SC105 Modulation Formats and Receiver Concepts for Optical
Transmission Systems

SC114 Passive Optical Networks (PONs) Technologies

SC359 Datacenter Networking 101

SC384 Background Concepts of Optical Communication Systems

13:00 17:00 SC267 Silicon Microphotonics: Technology Elements and the

Roadmap to Implementation

SC325 Highly Integrated Monolithic Photonic Integrated Circuits

SC395 Modeling and System Impact of Optical Transmitter

and Receiver Components

13:30 16:30 SC216 An Introduction to Optical Network Design and Planning

SC430 SDN Standards and Applications

SC433 Photodetectors for Optical Communications

13:30 17:30 SC203 100 Gb/s and Beyond Transmission Systems, Design
and Design Trade-offs

SC369 Test and Measurement for Metro and Long-haul Communications

SC393 Digital Signal Processing for Coherent Optical Systems

17:00 20:00 SC205 Integrated Electronic Circuits for Fiber Optics

SC217 Optical Fiber Based Solutions for Next Generation

Mobile Networks

SC328 Standards for High-speed Optical Networking

SC372 Building Green Networks: New Concepts for Energy Reduction

SC386 The SDN Evolution of Wireline Transport due to Cloud

Services and DCI Innovations

SC428 Link Design for Short Reach Optical Interconnects

SC429 Flexible Networks

SC451 Fiber-based Devices and Sensors [NEW]

8:30 12:30 SC102 WDM in Long-haul Transmission Systems

SC178 Test and Measurement for Data Center/Short

Reach Communications

SC327 Modeling and Design of Fiber-optic Communication Systems

SC341 Multi-carrier Modulation: DMT, OFDM and Superchannels

SC390 Introduction to Forward Error Correction

SC432 [Hands-on] Silicon Photonics Component Design

& Fabrication

SC446 [Hands-on] Characterization of Coherent Opto-electronic

Subsystems [NEW]

SC453A [Hands-on] Fiber Optic Handling, Measurements and

Component Testing [NEW]

9:00 12:00 SC208 Optical Fiber Design for Telecommunications and

Specialty Applications

SC385 Optical Interconnects for Extreme-scale Computing

SC411 Multi-layer Interaction in the Age of Agile Optical Networking

SC442 Free Space Switching Systems: PXC and WSS [NEW]

SC450 Design, Manufacturing and Packaging of Opto-electronic

Modules [NEW]

13:30 16:30 SC261 ROADM Technologies and Network Applications

SC431 Photonic Technologies in the Data Center

SC445 Visible Light Communications the High Bandwidth

Alternative to WiFi [NEW]

SC448 An Introduction to the Control and Management

of Optical Networks [NEW]

13:30 17:30 SC160 Microwave Photonics

SC347 Reliability and Qualification of Fiber-optic Components

SC408 Space-division Multiplexing in Optical Fibers

SC449 [Hands-on] An Introduction to Writing Transport SDN

Applications [NEW]

SC452 FPGA Programming for Optical Subsystem Prototyping [NEW]

SC453B [Hands-on] Fiber Optic Handling, Measurements and

Component Testing [NEW]

SC454 [Hands-on] Silicon Photonic Circuits and System Design [NEW]

plenary speakers
The plenary speakers at
OFC typically include an
industrial leader and a
research leader, both covering
topics related to the technical
core of the conference, and
a visionary speaker linking
topics outside OFCs focus
to the conference.

This year we chose Googles URS HLZLE

Employee #8 and current VP of Senior Vice President for Technical
Engineering Urs Hlzle to speak Infrastructure, Google, Inc., USA
about Googles groundbreaking
cloud network in terms of reach, A Ubiquitous Cloud Requires
scale, and capability. On the a Transparent Network
research front, Prof. Meint Smit, Google has been building a network
considered by many as the father unparalleled in reach, scale and
of the integrated photonics foundry capability. While we built the network
as the backbone of a global super
model, will talk about affordable
computer, we also turned the network
photonic integration and the
control and management planes into
wide range of applications that distributed services running on the
the photonic foundry model is same Cloud. In the process, we made
enabling. Our visionary speaker, every network layer, including optical
Prof. Mischa Dohler, will share transport, intelligent, fault-tolerant,
his joint loves of communications highly reliable and programmatically
research and music by firstly manageable to allow for rapid
discussing how the Internet of evolution and innovation. We have also
Skills will allow the transmission applied the lessons of disaggregation,
of labor, enabled by next-generation learned from Cloud, widely to our
wireless 5G and optical networks, network infrastructure.
and then playing us out with BIOGRAPHY
some tunes from his latest album! Urs Hlzle is Senior Vice President for
Technical Infrastructure at Google. In
OFC 2017 PROGRAM CHAIRS this capacity he oversees the design,
installation, and operation of the
servers, networks, and datacenters
that power Googles services. Through
efficiency innovations, Hlzle and his
team have reduced the energy used by
Google data centers to less than 50%
of the industry average.

Professor, Eindhoven University of Professor, Kings College, London, UK
Technology, Netherlands

Photonic Integrated Circuits Internet of Skills Where

for All: How Foundries Are Communications, Robotics and
Transforming the Prototyping Artificial Intelligence Meet
of Exciting New Devices This presentation looks at the disruptive
This presentation describes the technology approaches in wireless 5G
photonics foundry model and its and next-generation optical networks
development in Europe, explains the which will allow us to break through
significant reductions in prototyping the next technology frontier.
costs, and highlights foundry-model-
developed-photonic-ICs across a BIOGRAPHY
broad range of applications. Mischa Dohler is full Professor in
Wireless Communications at Kings
BIOGRAPHY College London, driving cross-
In 2000 Meint Smit became the leader disciplinary research and innovation
of the Photonic Integration group in technology, sciences and arts.
at the COBRA Research Institute of He is the Director of the Centre for
TU Eindhoven. His current research Telecommunications Research and
interests are in InP-based Photonic co-founder of the pioneering smart
Integration and integration of InP city company Worldsensing.
circuitry on Silicon. He is the founder
of the JePPIX platform, the Joint
European Platform for Photonic
Integration of Components and
Circuits and strongly involved in
the development of the InP-based
photonic foundry system in Europe.

special sessions
What is Driving 5G, and How Can Overcoming the Challenges in
Optics Help? Large-Scale Integrated Photonics
Bjrn Skubic, Ericsson Research, Po Dong, Nokia, USA
Broadband Technol., Sweden Benjamin Lee, IBM, USA
Gee-Kung Chang, Georgia Institute Erik Pennings, 7 Pennies, USA
of Technology, USA Takuo Tanemura, University of
Anna Tzanakaki, University of Tokyo, Japan
Athens, Greece
Jun Terada, NTT, Japan Integrated photonics provides
significant opportunities to develop
Session I: What is driving 5G? highly compact and extremely
Speakers from the 5G community as functional components and subsystems
well as vertical industries speak to for a wide range of communication
the benefits of adopting the 5G vision. and sensor applications. However,
This session gives an overview of the photonic integration brings with it
services, applications and ecosystems unique manufacturing and packaging
that are driving 5G and provide some challenges, which can limit the
insight on how these can create a new commercial exploitation of novel
and substantial business opportunity integration concepts and slow the
for optical networking and its most time-to-market. These challenges can
advanced technologies. be economic or technical in nature,
and are often most apparent during the
Session II: The role of optics transition from prototype development
Speakers from the optical networking/ to manufacturing.
communications community give
an overview of how optics can play This symposium provides a balanced
a key role for realizing 5G networks view of the promises and challenges of
and covers topics such as evolved integrated photonics, and focuses on
x-haul, radio over fiber, distributed what is being done to get beyond the
cloud connect (including edge/fog many roadblocks in order to enable a
computing) and support for tactile much larger market adoption. During
(low latency) Internet applications. the symposium leaders in the field
address applications in traditional and
non-traditional markets for integrated
photonics, finding the right fabrication
model using MPW or custom
processing services, choosing Si versus
InP platforms, optical and electrical
packaging approaches, and other
fundamental component challenges.

Data Center Summit: The rump session encourages
Open Hardware and Software audience debate presenting opposing
Platforms [NEW] points of view. Session organizers open
ORGANIZERS with short introductory presentations,
Ramon Casellas, CTTC, Spain followed by one-slide presentations from
Daniel King, University of Lancaster, UK opposing points of view, followed by
Noboru Yoshikane, KDDI R&D audience participation with organizers
Laboratories, Japan facilitating open discussion.
Ilya Baldin, RENCI/UNC Chapel Hill, USA Sub $0.25/Gbps Optics; How and When
The Open Platform Summit will will Fiber Finally Kill Copper Cable
discuss recent trends on open Interconnects in the Data Center (DC)?
platforms and its applications to the ORGANIZERS
optical networking space. Chris Cole, Finisar Corporation, USA
Dan Kuchta, IBM TJ Watson Research
Session I: Open Platforms for Center, USA
Optical Innovation
Invited speakers provide an overview Questions for Discussion:
of key frameworks, architectures and What technologies are required to get
projects using open hardware and to sub $0.25/Gbps optical transceivers?
software platforms for designing, What happened to the $1/Gbps optics
deploying and operating large-scale cost target for switch interconnects?
networks and complex commercial
environments, showcasing the Are technologies for $0.25/Gbps
benefits of SDN and NFV. The optics and $1/Gbps optics synergistic
session presentations will be or unrelated?
technology oriented, and will include Whats the trend in switch-to-server
benefits from the point of view of architectures; move them apart or
the operator/user of the platform closer together?
and that of the system vendor/ Are optical transceivers inside active
integrator. The session covers CORD cables lower cost compared to
(Central Office Re-architected as a inside modules?
Datacenter), OpenROADM and ACTN
(Abstraction and Control of Traffic Does matching todays copper cable
Engineered Networks) and its ongoing cost even matter for connecting
implementation on top of the ONOS servers in a few lane rate generations?
network operating system. Are high volume optics even
possible with fragmentation of
Session II: SDN & NFV Demo Zone
requirements and applications?
This interactive table-top session
provides the opportunity to see live In the future, will Cloud DC Operators
demonstrations and prototypes of stay at lower cost for lower rate or pay
collaborative research projects, higher cost to move to higher rate?
pre-commercial products and proof- Are low-power technical solutions
of-concept implementations in the like VCSELs being arbitrarily
SDN and NFV space. excluded by Cloud DC Operators?
Is Silicon Photonics the answer to
sub $0.25/Gbps or $1/Gbps optics?
technical program
Presenting the latest research.

The technical conference features invited talks by

experts in industry and academia as well as peer-
reviewed presentations.

110+ invited speakers 6 panels

500+ contributed papers 2 special symposia
100+ technical sessions 1 rump session
50 Short Courses 1 Data Center/
15 tutorials Open Platform Summit
10 workshops 1 SDN/NVF demo zone

The comprehensive program covers the technological

breakthroughs and all the important topics in the
field today.

tracks and topic categories
OFC features an exciting roster of invited speakers and tutorial speakers to
anchor the technical sessions. These experts have been carefully chosen by
subcommittees of over 150 volunteers representing the 16 topic categories.
They have also put together a thought-provoking program of 10 interactive
workshops designed to stimulate debate and discussion on time-critical topics
highly important in the field today. Short Courses provide training from a
distinguished faculty to expand your knowledge and advance your career.

The technical program and Short Courses are organized by topic category.

TRACK D: Devices, Optical Components, and Fiber

D1 Advances in deployable optical components, fibers and field PAGE 14

installation equipment

D2 Passive optical devices and circuits for switching and filtering PAGE 15

D3 Active optical devices and photonic integrated circuits PAGE 16

D4 Fiber and propagation physics PAGE 17

D5 Fiber-optic and waveguide devices and sensors PAGE 18

TRACK S: Systems and Subsystems

S1 Advances in deployable subsystems and systems PAGE 19

S2 Optical, photonic and microwave photonic subsystems PAGE 20

S3 Radio-over-fiber, free-space and non-telecom systems PAGE 21

S4 Digital and electronic subsystems PAGE 22

S5 Digital transmission systems PAGE 23

TRACK N: Networks, Applications and Access

N1 Advances in deployable networks and their applications PAGE 25

N2 Control and management of optical and multilayer networks PAGE 26

N3 Network architectures and techno-economics PAGE 27

N4 Optical access networks for fixed and mobile services PAGE 28

N5 Network Operators Summit and Market Watch (invited program only)

DSN6 Optical devices, subsystems and networks for Datacom PAGE 29

and Computercom

TRACK D: Devices, Optical PANELS
Components, and Fiber Are Electronic & Optical
Components Ready to Support
D1: ADVANCES IN DEPLOYABLE Higher Symbol Rates & Denser
EQUIPMENT Rich Baca, Microsoft, USA
Gary Nicholl, Cisco, Canada
Future of Short-Reach Optical Direct vs. Coherent Detection
Interconnects based on MMF for Metro-DCI
Jonathan Ingham, Foxconn Robert Griffin, Oclaro, UK
Interconnect Technology, USA Tom Issenhuth, Microsoft, USA

2.4 Tb/s Full C+Band Tunable Optical

Engines Utilizing InP Coherent SHORT COURSES
Photonic Integrated Circuits SC178 Test and Measurement
Operating At 200 Gb/s Per Lane for Data Center/Short Reach
Vikrant Lal, Infinera Corporation, USA Communications
Greg D. Le Cheminant, Keysight
>1 Tb/s On-Board Optical Engine for Technologies, USA
High-Density Optical Interconnects
Hideyuki Nasu, Furukawa Electric, Japan SC208 Optical Fiber Design for
Telecommunications and Specialty
Cost-Effective TOSA/ROSA for Applications
100G (2*28G PAM4) 10km QSFP28 David J. DiGiovanni, OFS Labs, USA
Dong Pan, SiFotonics Technologies Co., SC347 Reliability and Qualification
Ltd, USA of Fiber-Optic Components
David Maack, Corning, USA
Emerging Integrated Devices for
Coherent Transmission Digitally SC450 Design, Manufacturing
Assisted Analog Optics and Packaging of Opto-electronic
Takashi Saida, NTT Device Innovation Modules [NEW]
Center, NTT, Japan Twan Korthorst, Phoenix Software,
G.654E Fibre Deployments in Arne Leinse, LioniX BV, Netherlands
Terrestrial Transport System Kevin Williams, Eindhoven University
Shikui Shen, China Unicom, China of Technology, Netherlands

SC453A and B [Hands-on] Fiber

Optic Handling, Measurements and
The State of the Art of Modern Non- Component Testing [NEW]
SDM Amplification Technology in
Steve Baldo, Seikoh Gikken, USA
Agile Optical Networks: EDFA and
Loic Cherel, Data-Pixel, France
Raman Amplifiers and Circuit Packs
Keith Foord, Greenlee Communications,
Gregory Cowle, Lumentum, USA USA
Chris Heisler, OptoTest Corporation, USA

AND CIRCUITS FOR SWITCHING Making the Case for SDM in 2027
INVITED SPEAKERS Cristian Antonelli, Universita degli
Studi dellAquilla, Italy
Fiber Coupling and Packaging of
Yoshinari Awaji, National Inst of
Si Photonic Integrated Circuits
Information & Communications
Tymon Barwicz, IBM Research, USA Technology, Japan
Nicolas Fontaine, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Subwavelength Index Engineered Sheryl Woodward, AT&T, USA
Waveguides and Devices
Pavel Cheben, National Research Scaling Datacenter Bandwidth:
Council, Canada Novel Optics, Advanced Electronics
or New Architectures?
Laser Written Glass Waveguide ORGANIZERS
Devices for Optical Interconnects Piero Gambini, STMicroelectronics,
Kevin Chen, University of Pittsburgh, Switzerland
USA Ming-Jun Li, Corning, USA
Ilya Lyubomirsky, Facebook, USA
Capacity Limits for Spatially
Multiplexed Free-Space
SC261 ROADM Technologies and
Joseph Kahn, Stanford, USA
Network Applications
Silicon Photonic Bragg Grating Thomas Strasser, Nistica Inc., USA
SC267 Silicon Microphotonics:
Sophie LaRochelle, Laval University,
Technology Elements and the
Roadmap to Implementation
Lionel Kimerling, MIT, USA
Switching Devices and Systems
Enabled by Advanced Planar
Lightwave Circuits SC325 Highly Integrated Monolithic
Photonic Integrated Circuits
Masanori Takahashi, Furukawa Electric
Co., Ltd., Japan Chris Doerr, Acacia Communications,
Large-Scale Silicon Photonic
Switches Using Electro-Optic MZIs SC384 Background Concepts of
Optical Communication Systems
Linjie Zhou, Shanghai Jiao Tong
Alan Willner, Univ. of Southern
University, China
California, USA

TUTORIALS SC432 [Hands-on] Silicon

Passive Waveguide Device Photonics Component Design
Technologies - Building Block of & Fabrication
Functionality and Integration Loukas Chrostowski, University
Yasuo Kokubun, Yokohama National of British Columbia, Canada
University, Japan
SC442 Free Space Switching
Switching and Multiplexing Systems: PXC and WSS [NEW]
Technologies for Mode-Division David Neilson, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Multiplexed Networks
Roland Ryf, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Hybrid III-V/Silicon Integration:
Enabling the Next Generation of High-Capacity VCSEL Links
Advanced Photonic Transmitters Daniel Kuchta, IBM, USA
Guilhem De Valicourt, Nokia Bell Labs,
III-V + Silicon: To Integrate or
Silicon Photonic Wavelength to Co-package?
Tunable Lasers for High-Capacity ORGANIZERS
Optical Communication System Mike Larson, Lumentum, USA
Tomohiro Kita, Tohoku University, Japan Anders Larsson, Chalmers University of
Technology, Sweden
High-Bandwidth and Low- Bert Offrein, IBM, Switzerland
Dimensional VCSELs for Optical
Interconnects Frequency Combs for
James Lott, TU Berlin, Germany Communications Real Potential
or Hype?
850nm Hybrid Vertical Cavity Laser ORGANIZERS
Integration for On-Chip Silicon Toshihiko Hirooka, Tohoku University,
Photonic Light Generation Sendai, Japan
Gnther Roelkens, Ghent University/ Christian Koos, Karlsruhe Institute of
IMEC, Belgium Technology, Germany
Michael Vasilyev, University of Texas at
DAC-Free High-Speed InP Arlington, USA
Martin Schell, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany Processors and Switches with
Integrated Optical Engines
Low Power Consumption and Researchers Dream or a
High-Speed Ge Receivers Commercial Reality Soon?
Laurent Vivien, CNRS and University ORGANIZERS
of Paris Sud, France Dominic Goodwill, Huawei Technologies
Canada Co Ltd, Canada
High Speed Silicon Photonic Ken Morito, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.,
Modulators Japan
Xi Xiao, Wuhan Research Institute of Sam Palermo, Texas A&M University, USA
Posts & Telecommunications, China Thomas Schrans, Rockley Photonics, USA


Transmitters SC177 High-speed Semiconductor
Hiroshi Yamazaki, NTT, Japan Lasers and Modulators
John Bowers, University of California
at Santa Barbara, USA

SC205 Integrated Electronic

Circuits for Fiber Optics
Y. K. Chen, Nokia Bell Labs, USA

SC267 Silicon Microphotonics: D4: FIBER AND PROPAGATION
Technology Elements and the PHYSICS
Roadmap to Implementation
Lionel Kimmerling, MIT, USA
Propagation of Vector Modes in Optics
SC325 Highly Integrated Monolithic Andrew Forbes, WITS University, South
Photonic Integrated Circuits Africa
Chris Doerr, Acacia Communications,
USA Advances in Optical Fibers
Fabricated with Granulated Silica
SC384 Background Concepts of Alexander Heidt, University of Bern,
Optical Communication Systems Switzerland
Alan Willner, University of Southern
California, USA Phospate Optical Fibers
Daniel Milanese, Politecnico di Torino,
SC428 Link Design for Short Italy
Reach Optical Interconnects
Petar Pepeljugoski, IBM Research, USA Elliptical Core Few Mode Fiber for
MIMO-Less SDM Transmission
SC431 Photonic Technologies in Giovanni Milione, NEC Laboratories
the Data Center America, Inc., USA
Clint Schow, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Recent Progress of Coupled Core
SC433 Photodetectors for Optical Multi Core Fiber
Communications Taiji Sakamoto, NTT, Japan
Joe Campbell, University of Virginia, USA
SDM Fibers for Power Efficient
SC442 Free Space Switching Transmission
Systems: PXC and WSS [NEW] Yu Sun, TE SubCom, USA
David Neilson, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
SC443 Optical Amplifiers: Hollow Core Fibers: Current and
From Fundamental Principles to Future Applications
Technology Trends David Richardson, University of
Shu Namiki, National Institute of Southampton, UK
Advanced Industrial Science and
Technology (AIST), Japan
Michael Vasilyev, University of Texas
Making the Case for SDM in 2027
at Arlington, USA
SC454 [Hands on] Silicon Photonic Cristian Antonelli, Universita degli
Circuits and Systems Design [NEW] Studi dellAquilla, Italy
Yoshinari Awaji, National Inst of
Loukas Chrostowski, University of
Information & Communications
British Columbia, Canada
Technology, Japan
Chris Doerr, Acacia Communications,
Nicolas Fontaine, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Sheryl Woodward, AT&T, USA

Scaling Datacenter Bandwidth: Nitride-Based Devices at Telecom
Novel Optics, Advanced Electronics Wavelengths
or New Architectures? Eva Monroy, CEA-Grenoble, France
Piero Gambini, STMicroelectronics, Multicore Fiber Sensors
Switzerland Joel Villatoro, Universidad del Pais
Ming-Jun Li, Corning, USA Vasco, Spain
Ilya Lyubomirsky, Facebook, USA
Fiber Optics for Short Pulse
SHORT COURSES Biomedical Imaging
SC205 Integrated Electronic Chris Xu, Cornell University, USA
Circuits for Fiber Optics
Y. K. Chen, Nokia Bell Labs, USA TUTORIAL
High Power Fiber Lasers
SC208 Optical Fiber Design for Jens Limpert, Institute of Applied
Telecommunications and Specialty
Physics Abbe Center of Photonics
Friedrich Schiller, University Jena,
David J. DiGiovanni, OFS Labs, USA Germany

SC347 Reliability and Qualification

of Fiber-Optic Components WORKSHOPS
Making the Case for SDM in 2027
David Maack, Corning, USA
SC408 Space Division Multiplexing Cristian Antonelli, Universita degli
Studi dellAquilla, Italy
Roland Ryf, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Yoshinari Awaji, National Inst of
Information & Communications
DEVICES AND SENSORS Nicolas Fontaine, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Sheryl Woodward, AT&T, USA
Tailoring the Response of Stimulated
Brillouin Scattering in Fibers SHORT COURSES
John Ballato, Clemson Univ, USA SC451 Fiber-based Devices and
Sensors [NEW]
Adiabatically-Tapered Fiber Mode Zuyuan He, Shanghai Jiao Tong
Multiplexers University, China
Tim Birks, University of Bath, UK William Shroyer, SageRider, Inc., USA

Application of Multicore Optical SC453A and B [Hands-on] Fiber

Fibers in Astronomy Optic Handling, Measurements and
Component Testing [NEW]
Nemanja Jovanovic, Subaru Telescope
National Astronomical Observatory of Steve Baldo, Seikoh Gikken, USA
Japan, Japan Loic Cherel, Data-Pixel, France
Keith Foord, Greenlee Communications,
The Photonic Lantern USA
Chris Heisler, OptoTest Corporation, USA
Sergio Leon Saval, University of Sydney,

TRACK S Coherent Interoperability Beyond
Systems and Subsystems QPSK Is it Needed and What Will
it Take?
SUBSYSTEMS AND SYSTEMS Marc Bohn, Coriant GmbH & Co. KG,
Sebastian Randel, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Lessons Learned from CFP2-ACO
System Integrations, Interoperability
Direct vs. Coherent Detection for
Testing and Deployments
Hacene Chaouch, Arista, USA
Robert Griffin, Oclaro, UK
Lessons Learned from Open Line
Tom Issenhuth, Microsoft, USA
System Deployments
Valey Kamalov, Google, USA
Design Considerations for a Digital SC114 Passive Optical Networks
Subcarrier Coherent Optical Modem (PONs) Technologies
David Krause, Infinera, Canada Frank J. Effenberger, Futurewei
Technologies, USA
Power Consumption in a Metro
Optimized DSP SC178 Test and Measurement
for Data Center/Short Reach
Theodor Kupfer, Cisco, Germany
Power and Reach Trade-offs Greg D. Le Cheminant, Keysight
Increasing the Optical Channel Rate Technologies, USA
Through Higher Baud Rate and
Modulation Order SC203 100 Gb/s and Beyond
Transmission Systems, Design and
Christian Rasmussen, Acacia, USA
Design Trade-offs
Embedded Optics to Decrease Martin Birk, AT&T Labs, USA
Power Consumption Benny Mikkelsen, Acacia
Communications, USA
Rob Stone, Broadcom, USA

SC328 Standards for High-speed

Specifying an Open Cable
Optical Networking
Tim Stuch, Microsoft, USA
Stephen Trowbridge, Nokia Bell Labs, USA

TUTORIAL SC369 Test and Measurement

PAM4 Signaling for Intra-data for Metro and Long-haul
Center and Data Center to Data Communications
Center Connectivity (DCI) Michael Koenigsmann and Bernd
Sudeep Bhoja, Inphi, USA Nebendahl, Keysight, Germany

PANELS SC384 Background Concepts of

Are Electronic & Optical Components Optical Communication Systems
Ready to Support Higher Symbol Alan Willner, Univ. of Southern
Rates & Denser Constellations? California, USA
Rich Baca, Microsoft, USA
Gary Nicholl, Cisco, Canada
SC428 Link Design for Short Semiconductor-Based Terahertz
Reach Optical Interconnects Photonics for Industrial Applications
Petar Pepeljugoski, IBM Research, USA Kyung Hyun Park, Terahertz Basic
Research Section, ETRI, Korea
SC429 Flexible Networks
David Boertjes, Ciena, Canada Record-Capacity Transmission
Experiments Enabled by Using
SC442 Free Space Switching Optical Frequency Combs
Systems: PXC and WSS [NEW] Benjamin Puttnam, NICT Japan, Japan
David Neilson, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Optical Injection Locking for Carrier
Phase Recovery and Regeneration
Radan Slavik, University of
Southampton, UK
INVITED SPEAKERS Signal Processing Subsystems
Ultra-Broadband Optical Signal for RF Photonics and Beyond
Processing Using AlGaAs-OI Devices Keith Williams, Naval Research
Michael Galili, DTU Fotonik, Denmark Laboratories, USA

Speeding up FFTs by Coherent TUTORIAL

Optical Processing Photonic Integrated Circuit for
Bill Kuo, UCSD, USA Optical Signal Processing
Michael Watts, MIT, USA
Solitons and Nonlinear Fourier
Akihiro Maruta, Osaka University, Japan
Frequency Combs for
Communications Real Potential
Reconfigurable Photonic Signal or Hype?
Processing Circuits
Andrea Melloni, Politecnico di Milano, Toshihiko Hirooka, Tohoku University,
Italy Sendai, Japan
Christian Koos, Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology, Germany
Michael Vasilyev, University of Texas
at Arlington, USA
SHORT COURSES Techniques for Highly Linear
SC114 Passive Optical Networks RoF Links
(PONs) Technologies Tom Clark, JHU Applied Physics
Frank J. Effenberger, Futurewei Laboratory, USA
Technologies, USA
LIGO Experiments
SC261 ROADM Technologies and Eric Gustafsson, LIGO Caltech, USA
Network Applications
Thomas Strasser, Nistica Inc., USA UAV Aerial Network and Free
Space Communication
SC372 Building Green Networks: Hamid Hemmati, Facebook, USA
New Concepts for Energy Reduction
Rod Tucker, University of Melbourne, Trends and Progress in Optical
Australia Wireless Communications
Steve Hranilovic, McMaster University,
SC442 Free Space Switching Canada
Systems: PXC and WSS [NEW]
David Neilson, Nokia Bell Labs, USA Advanced Mobile Fronthaul
Interfaces and Architectures for Next
SC443 Optical Amplifiers: Generation Mobile Data Networks
From Fundamental Principles to Chih-Lin I, China Mobile, China
Technology Trends [NEW]
Shu Namiki, National Institute of High Bitrate mmw Links Using
Advanced Industrial Science and RoF Technologies
Technology (AIST), Japan Atsushi Kanno, NICT Japan, Japan
Michael Vasilyev, University of Texas at
Arlington, USA Applications for Optical
Components in THz Systems
SC446 [Hands-on] Characterization Andreas Stoehr, Universitt Duisburg-
of Coherent Opto-electronic Essen, Germany
Subsystems [NEW]
Robert Palmer and Harald Rohde, Mm-Wave Based Bio-Sensing and
Coriant, Germany Data Communications Using Low-
Cost CMOS Circuits
S3: RADIO-OVER-FIBER, Hua Wang, Georgia Tech, USA
THz Communication Systems
Tadao Nagatsuma, Osaka University,
Towards Programmable Microwave
Photonics Processors
Jose Capmany, Universitat Politcnica
de Valncia, Spain

Lifi Based on LED

Nan Chi, Fudan University, China

WORKSHOP Optical Transmission Techniques
Optical Wireless Can it Become for Emerging 5G Fronthaul, DCI and
a Gigabit Wireless Alternative? Metro Applications
Capabilities, Opportunities, Gordon Ning Liu, Huawei, China
Challenges and Threats
ORGANIZERS: Linear vs. Nonlinear Frequency-
Volker Jungnickel, Fraunhofer Division Multiplexing
Heinrich-Hertz Institute, Germany Mansoor Yousefi, Tlcom Paris-Tech,
Ton Koonen, Eindhoven University of France
Technology, The Netherlands
Thas Nirmalathas, University of Advanced Algorithm for High-baud
Melbourne, Australia Rate Signal Generation and Detection
Junwen Zhang, ZTE (TX) Inc., USA
SC160 Microwave Photonics Recent Advances in Short Reach
Vince Urick, DARPA, USA
Kangping Zhong, Hong Kong
SC217 Optical Fiber Based Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Solutions for Next Generation
Mobile Networks TUTORIALS
Dalma Novak, Pharad, LLC., USA Digital Coherent Transceivers: From
Algorithm Design to Economics
SC445 Visible Light Maxim Kuschnerov, Coriant, Germany
Communications the High
Bandwidth Alternative to WiFi High-Order Modulation Formats
Harald Haas, LiFi Research and and DSP for Direct Detection Optical
Development Centre, The University of Communications Systems
Edinburgh, UK David Plant, Mc Gill University, Canada


SUBSYSTEMS Coherent Interoperability Beyond
QPSK Is it Needed and What Will
it Take?
Signal Processing for Spectrally
Efficient Systems
Marc Bohn, Coriant GmbH & Co. KG,
Gabriel Charlet, Nokia Bell Labs, France
Sebastian Randel, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Extreme Speed Power-DAC :
Leveraging InP DHBT for Ultimate
Capacity Single-Carrier Optical WORKSHOPS
Transmissions Capacity Crunch: When, Where and
Agnieszka Konczykowska, III-V Lab, What Can Be Done?
Dmitri Foursa, TE Subcom, USA
Advances in Coded Modulation for David Millar, Mitsubishi Electric
Optical Communications Research Labs, USA
Gerhard Kramer, Tech. Univ. Of Munich, Qunbi Zhuge, Ciena Corporation, Canada

Will Machine Learning and Big- SC452 FPGA Programming for
data Analytics Relieve Us from the Optical Subsystem Prototyping [NEW]
Complexity of System and Network Noriaki Kaneda and Laurent
Engineering? Schmalen, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Sethumadhavan Chandrasekhar,
Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Neil Guerrero Gonzalez, Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, Colombia INVITED SPEAKERS
Massimo Tornatore, Politecnico di Information Rates and Post-FEC
Milano, Italy BER Prediction in Optical Fiber
SHORT COURSES Alex Alvarado, Eindhoven University of
SC105 Modulation Formats and Technology, The Netherlands
Receiver Concepts for Optical
Transmission Systems Probabalistic Shaping for Reach
Peter Winzer and Chandrasekhar and Rate Adaptation
Sethumadhavan, Nokia Bell Labs, USA Fred Buchali, Nokia Bell Labs, Germany

SC205 Integrated Electronic Advanced Technologies for High

Circuits and Signal Processing for Capacity (>50T) Transoceanic
Fiber Optics Distance Transmission Systems
Y. K. Chen, Nokia Bell Labs, USA Jin-Xing Cai, TE SubCom, USA

SC261 ROADM Technologies and Fast DAC Solutions for Future High
Network Applications Symbol Rate Systems
Thomas Strasser, Nistica Inc., USA Xi Chen, Nokia Bell Labs, USA

SC341 Multi-carrier Modulation: Direct-Detection Solutions for

DMT, OFDM and Superchannels 100G and Beyond
Sander L. Jansen, ADVA Optical Michael Eiselt, ADVA Optical
Networking, Germany Networking, Germany
Dirk van den Borne, Juniper Networks,
Germany Advances in Quantum Cryptography
and Further Applications in
SC390 Introduction to Forward Quantum Communication
Error Correction Nicolas Gisin, Geneva University, GAP
Frank Kschischang, University of Optique, Switzerland
Toronto, Canada
Digital Nonlinear Compensation
SC393 Digital Signal Processing Technologies in Coherent Optical
for Coherent Optical Systems Communication Systems
Chris Fludger, Cisco Optical GmbH, Hisao Nakashima, Fujitsu Limited, Japan
Signal Processing Techniques for
SC446 [Hands-on] Characterization DMD and MDL Mitigation in Mode-
of Coherent Opto-electronic Division Multiplexed Transmission
Subsystems [NEW] Kohki Shibahara, NTT Network
Robert Palmer and Harald Rohde, Innovation Laboratories, Japan
Coriant, Germany

On the Use of GMI to Compare SHORT COURSES
Advanced Modulation Formats SC102 WDM in Long-Haul
Shaoliang Zhang, NEC, USA Transmission Systems
Neal S. Bergano, TE Subcom, USA
High-Capacity Transmission Using SC203 100 Gb/s and Beyond
High-Density Multicore Fiber Transmission Systems, Design and
Design Trade-offs
Toshio Morioka, Technical University of
Denmark, Denmark Martin Birk, AT&T Labs, Res., USA
Benny Mikkelsen, Acacia
Communications, USA
Capacity Crunch: When, Where and SC261 ROADM Technologies and
What Can Be Done? Network Applications
ORGANIZERS Thomas Strasser, Nistica Inc., USA
Dmitri Foursa, TE Subcom, USA
David Millar, Mitsubishi Electric SC327 Modeling and Design of
Research Labs, USA Fiber-optic Communication Systems
Qunbi Zhuge, Ciena Corporation, Canada
Rene-Jean Essiambre, Nokia Bell Labs,
Making the Case for SDM in 2027
ORGANIZERS SC341 Multi-carrier Modulation:
Cristian Antonelli, Universita degli DMT, OFDM and Superchannels
Studi dellAquilla, Italy Sander L. Jansen, ADVA Optical
Yoshinari Awaji, National Inst of Networking, Germany
Information & Communications Dirk van den Borne, Juniper Networks,
Technology, Japan Germany
Nicolas Fontaine, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Sheryl Woodward, AT&T, USA SC384 Background Concepts of
Optical Communication Systems
Will Machine Learning and Big-
Alan Willner, Univ. of Southern
data Analytics Relieve Us from the
California, USA
Complexity of System and Network
SC393 Digital Signal Processing
for Coherent Optical Systems
Sethumadhavan Chandrasekhar,
Chris Fludger, Cisco Optical GmbH,
Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Neil Guerrero Gonzalez, Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
SC395 Modeling and System
Massimo Tornatore, Politecnico di
Impact of Optical Transmitter and
Milano, Italy
Receiver Components
Robert Palmer and Harald Rohde,
PANEL Coriant, Germany
Quantum Communication Programs
Around the World SC408 Space Division Multiplexing
ORGANIZERS in Optical Fibers
Andrew Lord, BT Labs, UK Roland Ryf, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Masahide Sasaki, National Inst of
Information & Comm Tech, Japan SC429 Flexible Networks
David Boertjes, Ciena, Canada

Networks, Applications YANG, Netconf, Restconf What is
This All About and How is it Used
and Access for Multi-layer Networks
INVITED SPEAKERS Lessons Learned From Global
PON Deployment
Two Decades of Progress in Optical
Frank Effenberger, FutureWei
Rod Alferness, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Technologies, Inc. USA
Thomas Pfeiffer, Nokia Bell Labs,
The Evolution of Outside Plant
Architectures with Network Germany
Convergence and New PON
Technologies Quantum Communication Programs
Around the World
Kevin Bourg, Corning, USA
Progress in Enabling E-Science Andrew Lord, BT Labs, UK
Applications with Dynamic Optical Masahide Sasaki, National Inst of
Networks Information & Comm Tech, Japan
Cees De Laat, University of Amsterdam,
Transport SDN What is Ready,
The Netherlands
What is Missing?
Multinational Submarine Networks ORGANIZERS
Doug Freimuth, IBM, USA
Lara Garrett, TyComm, USA
Karthik Sethuraman, NEC, USA
Experiences and Future Perspective
of China Telecom on Optical Access WORKSHOPS
Technologies and Networks Making the Case for SDM in 2027
Chengbin Shen, Shanghai Institute of ORGANIZERS
China Telecom, China Cristian Antonelli, Universita degli
Studi dellAquilla, Italy
The DARPA 100G RF Link Program: Yoshinari Awaji, National Inst of
What to do When There is No Fiber Information & Communications
Ted Woodward, DARPA, USA Technology, Japan
Nicolas Fontaine, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Managing Service Quality in a Sheryl Woodward, AT&T, USA
Software Defined Network
Jennifer Yates, AT&T, USA White Box Optics: Will it Kill or
Encourage Innovations?
Chongjin Xie, Alibaba Group, USA
Filippo Cugini, CNIT, Italy
David Boertjes, Ciena, Canada

SHORT COURSES Packet-Optical Integration and
SC176 Metro Network: Trend Towards White Boxes
The Transition to Ethernet Hans-Jrgen Schmidtke, Facebook,
Loudon Blair, Ciena Corp., USA USA

SC216 An Introduction to Optical Segment Routing

Network Design and Planning Walid Wakim, Cisco Systems, USA
Jane M. Simmons, Monarch Network
Architects, USA TUTORIAL
ONF SDN Architecture for
SC359 Datacenter Networking 101 Transport Networks
Cedric Lam and Hong Liu, Google, USA Lyndon Ong, Ciena, USA

SC447 The Life Cycle of an

Optical Network: From Planning to
Decommissioning [NEW] Transport SDN What is Ready,
What is Missing?
Andrew Lord, BT Labs, BT, UK
Doug Freimuth, IBM, USA
Efficient and Verifiable Service Wireline Transport due to Cloud
Function Chaining in NFV: Current Services and DCI Innovations
Solutions and Emerging Challenges Loukas Paraschis, Cisco Systems, Inc.,
Sujata Banerjee, HP, USA USA

Control Plane Architectures for SC411 Multi-layer Interaction in

Flexi-Grid Networks the Age of Agile Optical Networking
Oscar Gonzlez de Dios, Telefnica, Spain Ori A. Gerstel, Sedona Systems, Israel

Optical Physical Layer SDN, Enabling SC429 Flexible Networks

Physical Layer Programmability David Boertjes, Ciena, Canada
through Open Control Systems
Dan Kilper, University of Arizona, USA SC430 SDN Standards and
High Performance SDN Hardware Lyndon Y. Ong, Ciena, USA
Architectures and Their Uses in the
Evolving Transport Network SC448 An Introduction to the
Yatish Kumar, CTO, Corsa Technologies, Control and Management of Optical
Canada Networks [NEW]
Ramon Casellas, CTTC, Spain
SDN/NFV Futures at Verizon
Bryan Larish, Verizon, USA SC449 [Hands-on] Introduction to
Writing Transport SDN Applications
Ricard Vilalta, CTTC, Spain
Karthik Sethuraman, NEC Corporation
of America, USA

N3: NETWORK ARCHITECTURES Leveraging FlexGrid and Advanced
AND TECHNO-ECONOMICS Modulations in a Multi-Layer Inter-
Datacenter Network
Alexander Nikolaidis, Facebook, Inc.,
Routing and Regenerator Planning USA
in a Carriers Core ROADM Network
Angela Chiu, AT&T Labs, USA Network Fault Protection
Performance Enhancement by
Bandwidth Variable Transmitter Using Elastic Optical Path
for Software Defined Networks Hitoshi Takeshita, Green Platform
Arnaud Dupas, Nokia Bell-Labs, France Research Labs., NEC Corporation, Japan

How Much Transport Grooming is Open Hardware Infrastructure

Needed in the Age of Flexible Clients? for Optical Network Function
Antonio Eira, Instituto de Virtualisation: A Disaggregated
Telecomunicaes (IT), Coriant Portugal, Approach
Portugal Georgios Zervas, University of Bristol, UK

Techniques for Agile Network TUTORIAL

Re-Optimization Following Traffic
Fluctuations Beyond 100G OTN Interface
Tomohiro Hashiguchi, Fujitsu Limited,
Steve Gorshe, Microsemi Corporation, USA

Abstraction and Programmability WORKSHOPS

in Optical 5G Transport White Box Optics: Will it Kill or
Paolo Monti, KTH Royal Institute of Encourage Innovations?
Technology, Sweden ORGANIZERS
David Boertjes, Ciena, Canada
Filippo Cugini, CNIT, Italy
Chongjin Xie, Alibaba Group, USA

Will Machine Learning and Big- N4: OPTICAL ACCESS NETWORKS
data Analytics Relieve Us from the FOR FIXED AND MOBILE SERVICES
Complexity of System and Network
ORGANIZERS Technologies for Convergence
Sethumadhavan Chandrasekhar, Nokia of Fixed and Mobile Access:
An Operators Perspective
Bell Labs, USA
Neil Gonzales, Tyndall National Carsten Behrens, T-Labs, Germany
Institute, Ireland
Massimo Tornatore, Politecnico di Frequency Division Multiplexing for
Milano, Italy Very High Capacity Transmission in
Bandwidth-Limited Systems
Pierpaolo Boffi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
SC176 Metro Network:
Mobile Fronthaul Architecture and
The Transition to Ethernet
Technologies: a RAN Equipment
Loudon Blair, Ciena Corp., USA Assessment
Philippe Chanclou, Orange Lab, France
SC216 An Introduction to Optical
Network Design and Planning
100G OFDM-PON for Converged
Jane M. Simmons, Monarch Network 5G Networks: From Concept to
Architects, USA Realtime Prototype
Kai Habel, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany
SC328 Standards for High-speed
Optical Networking
FTTH Deployment Google Fibers
Stephen Trowbridge, Nokia Bell Labs, Perspective
USA Cedric Lam, Google, USA

SC372 Building Green Networks: Fast-Tunable TWDM-PON

New Concepts for Energy Reduction
Yumiko Senoo, NTT, Japan
Rod S. Tucker, University of Melbourne,
Challenges and Technology
Innovations for Interconnections in
SC384 Background Concepts of Smart Cities
Optical Communication Systems
Rodney Tucker, University of Melbourne,
Alan Willner, Univ. of Southern Australia
California, USA
DSP-Based Multi-Band Schemes
SC429 Flexible Networks for High Speed Next Generation
David Boertjes, Ciena, Canada Optical Access Networks
Jinlong Wei, Huawei Technologies
SC447 The Life Cycle of an Duesseldorf GmbH, European Research
Optical Network: From Planning to Center, Germany
Decommissioning [NEW]
Andrew Lord, BT Labs, BT, UK
Architecture and Technologies
for the Current and Future Radio
Access Network
Erik Dahlman, Ericsson, Sweden

Programmable Access and Edge DSN6: OPTICAL DEVICES,
PANEL Scalable and Low Cost Data Center
Lessons Learned From Global Architecture for Cloud Services
PON Deployment
Edward Crabbe, Oracle, USA
Frank Effenberger, FutureWei Energy Efficiency Measures for
Technologies, Inc. USA Future Core Networks
Thomas Pfeiffer, Nokia Bell Labs,
Jaafar Elmirghani, Leeds University, UK
Optical Interconnects: Design and
Connected OFCity Challenge: Azita Emami, Caltech, USA
Optical Innovations for Future
Services in a Smart City Applications of Silicon Photonics
ORGANIZERS in Datacenters
Denis Khotimsky, Verizon, USA Michael Hochberg, Coriant Advanced
Domani Lavery, University College Technology Group, USA
London, UK
Jun Shan Wey, LightNotes Consulting, USA Microprocessor Chip with Photonics I/O
Chen Sun, Ayar Labs, Inc., UC Berkeley,
Optical Wireless Can it Become USA
a Gigabit Wireless Alternative?
Capabilities, Opportunities, Optical Interconnects for
Challenges and Threats Computercomm
Michael Tan, HP, USA
Volker Jungnickel, Fraunhofer
Heinrich-Hertz Institute, Germany
Datacenter Interconnects and
Ton Koonen, Eindhoven University of Networking
Technology, The Netherlands
Ryohei Urata, Google, USA
Thas Nirmalathas, University of
Melbourne, Australia
SHORT COURSES Optical Technologies in Support of
Computing Systems
SC114 Passive Optical Networks
(PONs) Technologies George Papen, University of California
at San Diego, USA
Frank J. Effenberger, Futurewei
Technologies, USA

SC444 Optical Communication

Technologies for 5G Wireless [NEW]
Xiang Liu, Futurewei Technologies, USA

III-V + Silicon: To Integrate or SC178 Test and Measurement
to Co-package? for Data Center/Short Reach
ORGANIZERS Communications
Mike Larson, Lumentum, USA Greg D. Le Cheminant, Keysight
Anders Larsson, Chalmers University Technologies, USA
of Technology, Sweden
Bert Offrein, IBM, Switzerland SC359 Datacenter Networking 101
Cedric Lam and Hong Liu, Google, USA
Processors and Switches with
Integrated Optical Engines SC385 Optical Interconnects
Researchers Dream or a for Extreme-scale Computing
Commercial Reality Soon? Keren Bergman, Columbia University, USA
ORGANIZERS John Shalf, Lawrence Berkeley National
Dominic Goodwill, Huawei Technologies Laboratory, USA
Canada Co Ltd, Canada
Ken Morito, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., SC386 The SDN Evolution of
Japan Wireline Transport due to Cloud
Sam Palermo, Texas A&M University, USA Services and DCI Innovations
Thomas Schrans, Rockley Photonics, USA Loukas Paraschis, Cisco Systems, Inc.,
White Box Optics: Will it Kill or
Encourage Innovations? SC428 Link Design for Short
ORGANIZERS Reach Optical Interconnects
David Boertjes, Ciena, Canada Petar Pepeljugoski, IBM Research, USA
Filippo Cugini, CNIT, Italy
Chongjin Xie, Alibaba Group, USA SC431 Photonic Technologies in
the Data Center
Scaling Datacenter Bandwidth:
Clint Schow, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Novel Optics, Advanced Electronics
or New Architectures?
Piero Gambini, STMicroelectronics,
Ming-Jun Li, Corning, USA
Ilya Lyubomirsky, Facebook, USA

new short courses for 2017
SC442 Free Space Switching communication, this course discusses
Systems: PXC and WSS the relationship between VLC and LiFi
Monday, 20 March, 9:00 - 12:00 (light fidelity), introducing the major
INSTRUCTOR advantages, existing challenges and
David Neilson, Nokia Bell Labs, USA recent advancements of each.
This course provides an overview of
SC446 [Hands-on] Characterization
photonic cross connects (PXC) and
of Coherent Opto-electronic
wavelength selective switches (WSS),
how they work and what the design
Monday, 20 March, 8:30 - 12:30
trade-offs are.
SC443 Optical Amplifiers: Robert Palmer and Harald Rohde,
From Fundamental Principles to Coriant, Germany
Technology Trends This course discusses the main
Sunday, 19 March, 9:00 - 12:00 characteristics of lasers, IQ
INSTRUCTORS modulators and coherent receivers,
Shu Namiki, National Institute of and the advantages and disadvantages
Advanced Industrial Science and of different measurement techniques.
Technology (AIST), Japan
Michael Vasilyev, University of Texas SC447 The Life Cycle of an
at Arlington, USA Optical Network: From Planning
to Decommissioning
This course provides a comprehensive
Sunday, 19 March, 9:00 - 12:00
overview of optical amplification
technologies and platforms used for INSTRUCTOR
optical communication systems and Andrew Lord, BT Labs, BT, UK
networks. This course demonstrates the entire
optical network life cycle from an
SC444 Optical Communication operators point of view from the initial
Technologies for 5G Wireless requirements, vendor selection, network
Sunday, 19 March, 9:00 - 12:00 design and planning, installation and
INSTRUCTOR provisioning, operation and management
Xiang Liu, Futurewei Technologies, and final use as a legacy technology
Huawei R&D, USA before retiring the network.
This course provides an up-to-date
SC448 An Introduction to the
overview of the emerging optical
Control and Management of
communication technologies for next-
Optical Networks
generation wireless networks such as 5G.
Monday, 20 March, 13:30 - 16:30
SC445 Visible Light INSTRUCTOR
Communications the High Ramon Casellas, CTTC, Spain
Bandwidth Alternative to WiFi This is an introductory course covering
Monday, 20 March, 13:30 - 16:30 the use of control plane (CP) technology
INSTRUCTOR to control optical networks. The main
Harald Haas, LiFi Research and drivers, uses, key benefits and current
Development Centre, The University trends around the concept of a control
of Edinburgh, UK plane, are presented, focusing on transport
networks and covering the access,
After an introduction to optical wireless
aggregation and core network segments.
communications and visible light
Detailed descriptions at ofcconference.org/shortcourse 31
SC449 [Hands-on] Introduction This course covers the key applications,
to Writing Transport SDN approaches, functionalities and
Applications [NEW] capabilities of FPGA prototyping in
Monday, 20 March, 13:30 - 17:30 optical subsystems.
Ricard Vilalta, CTTC, Spain SC453A and SC453B [Hands-on]
Karthik Sethuraman, NEC Corporation Fiber Optic Handling, Measurements
of America, USA and Component Testing
453A: Monday, 20 March, 8:30 - 12:30
This course takes participants through
all the key steps in writing a simple but 453B: Monday, 20 March, 13:30 - 17:30
complete SDN application which could INSTRUCTORS
be used to control an optical transport Steve Baldo, Seikoh Gikken, USA
network through the ONF Transport API. Loic Cherel, Data-Pixel, France
Keith Foord, Greenlee Communications,
SC450 Design, Manufacturing and USA
Packaging of Opto-electronic Modules Chris Heisler, OptoTest Corporation, USA
Monday, 20 March, 9:00 - 12:00 This Short Course focuses on the
INSTRUCTORS practical aspects of working with fiber
Twan Korthorst, Phoenix Software, optic components and instrumentation
Netherlands used to make optical performance
Arne Leinse, LioniX International, characterization measurements.
Netherlands Through four fully-equipped stations
Kevin Williams, Eindhoven University you will get the basic concepts and
of Technology, Netherlands hands-on use of basic component
testing, launch condition effects on
This course identifies the distinctive
multimode fibers, fiber optic test
features of packaging and testing for
overview, end face polishing and
optical integrated modules when
interferometry measurements on
compared with discrete optical products
single and multi-fiber connectors.
and integrated electrical systems.

SC454 [Hands on] Silicon Photonic

SC451 Fiber-based Devices
Circuits and Systems Design
and Sensors
Monday, 20 March, 13:30 - 17:30
Sunday, 19 March, 17:00 - 20:00
Lukas Chrostowski, University of
Zuyuan He, Shanghai Jiao Tong
British Columbia, Canada
University, China
Chris Doerr, Acacia Communications, USA
William Shroyer, SageRider, Inc., USA
This course describes state-of-the-
The first half of the course reviews
art silicon photonic systems including
basic fiber-based devices and typical
commercialized and research results.
point sensors followed by a focus on
The course provides tutorials on the
the principles, limiting factors and
design of such systems including
performance trade-offs of distributed
identifying target specifications,
fiber optic sensing.
compact models for silicon photonic
components, photonic circuit modeling,
SC452 FPGA Programming for
manufacturing variability analysis and
Optical Subsystem Prototyping
layout for fabrication and packaging.
Monday, 20 March, 13:30 - 17:30
Temporary licenses to Lumerical
INSTRUCTORS Solutions and open-source tools are
Noriaki Kaneda, Nokia Bell Labs, USA provided during and after the workshop
Laurent Schmalen, Nokia Bell Labs, for participants to complete a design.
The worlds largest exhibit hall in the industry.

Over 600 participating companies will showcase solutions

to build your competitive edge. See whats new and
identify technology must-haves for your business.

Only OFC offers the size and scope to compare and

contrast vendors, giving you the information you need
to make all your technology decisions in one place.

In addition to the exhibits, OFC offers educational

programs on the show floor covering market trends,
new technologies and insight into the future. Hear
from industry groups such as COBO, Ethernet Alliance,
IEEE, MEF, OCP, OIF, ONF and more.

Market Watch
This three-day series of panel PANEL I
discussions addresses the latest State of the Industry Analyst Panel
application topics and business issues
in the field of optical communications. PANEL II
Presentations and panel sessions Market Outlook for High Bandwidth
feature esteemed guest speakers Optical Technologies
from industry, research and the
investment community. PANEL III
Global Market for Subsea Fiber
Optic Networking Applications
Lisa Huff, Discerning Analytics, USA
Pluggable Optics How is the
Ecosystem and Value Chain Changing?
Photonic Integration Business
Case Reality Check
SDN and Optics What is the
Business Case?

Network Operator Summit

(formerly Service Provider Summit)
This dynamic program presents KEYNOTE
the inside perspective from service All Optical Network of China Telecom
providers and network operators
Zhang Chengliang, Vice President,
their issues, drivers and how their
China Telecom, China
requirements may impact the future
of the industry. Everyone in the supply
chain, from equipment manufacturers PANEL I
to components, will want to hear Next-Generation Access and
whats next in meeting the needs of Metro Where Is the Money?
all network operators.
ORGANIZER: Optical Mobile Network Access
Lisa Huff, Discerning Analytics, USA


View the floor plan, review company descriptions and find products and vendors
of interest. ofcconference.org/exhibithall

Exhibitors as of 22 November 2016

3M Electronics Materials Broadcom Limited Dongguan Mentech Optical &

Solutions Division BROLINK Technologies (Dong Magnetic Co., Ltd.
7 Pennies Consulting Guan) Co. LTD. Dowslake Microsystems
AC Photonics, Inc. Browave Corporation Dreamtel Technologies Co., LTD
Acacia Communications, Inc. Cadence Design Systems, Inc. D-Tech Optoelectronics, Inc.
Accelink Technologies Co., Ltd. CAILabs SAS East Photonics, Inc.
& WTD CALIENT Technologies East Point Communication
Adamant Co., Ltd. Cambridge Industries USA, Inc. Technology Co., Ltd.
ADVA Optical Networking Canadian Photonics Fabrication East Tender Optoelectronics Corp.
Advanced Connectek, Inc. Centre ECOC 2017
Advanced Fiber Resources, Ltd. CEA-LETI EFFECT Photonics
Advanced Microoptic Systems GmbH Centera Photonics, Inc. EGIDE
Agilecom Fiber Solutions, Inc. Chaozhou Three-Circle (Group) Elaser Technologies Co., Ltd.
Agiltron, Inc. Co., Ltd. Elite Communications, Inc.
AIM Photonics ChemOptics Emcore Corporation
Aitelong Technology Co., Ltd. Chemtronics Enplas Corporation
AKSH Optifibre Limited Cheng Yueg Enterprises Co., Ltd. Eoptolink Technology Inc., Ltd.
Albis Optoelectronics Chengdu Huajing Keli Industry EOSPACE, Inc.
Co., Ltd.
Alight Technologies APS EpiPhotonics Corp.
Chengdu Qianhong
Alliance Fiber Optic Products, Inc. Communication Co., Ltd. Epoxy Technology, Inc.
Alnair Labs Corporation Chengdu Tsuhan Science ES-TECH INTERNATIONAL, INC.
Altera Corporation & Technology Co., Ltd. Ethernet Alliance
America Ilsintech LLC Chengdu Xinruixin Optical EXFO
American Technical Ceramics Technology Co., Ltd. Experior Laboratories, Inc.
AMETEK Electronic Components Chiral Photonics Fabrinet
& Packaging Chroma ATE Inc. Femto Technology (Xian) Co., Ltd.
AMICRA Microtechnologies GmbH Chuxing Optical Fiber Application Fermionics Opto-Technology
Amonics Ltd. Technologies, Lt Ferrotec USA
Amphenol FCi CIENA Corporation Fiber Instrument Sales, Inc.
Anaren Ceramics Cisco Systems, Inc. Fiber Optic Center, Inc.
Anritsu Company CN-J Technology Co., LTD. Fiber Plus International
AnShan Gworld Opto Technologies CoAdna Photonics, Inc. Fibercore
Co., Ltd. CODIXX AG FiberLabs, Inc.
A-One Technology Ltd. Coherent Solutions Fiberon Technologies, Inc
APAC Opto Electronics, Inc. ColorChip Fiberpon Technology Co., Ltd.
APEX Technologies Compex Corporation Fiberpro, Inc.
Apogee Optocom Co., Ltd. COMWAY Technology, LLC FIBERQA LLC
Applied Optoelectronics, Inc. Connected Fibers ficonTEC (USA) Corporation
Applied Thin-Film Products Connor Manufacturing Services, Inc. FINETECH
Aragon Photonics Labs ConnPro Industries, Inc. Finisar
Arden Photonics, Ltd. CorActive High-Tech, Inc. Fi-ra Photonics Co., Ltd.
Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation Coriant FISBA AG
ARtech Corning Incorporated Fischer Connectors, Inc.
ARTEK, Inc. COSEMI Technologies, Inc. Flyin Optronics Co., Ltd.
ASI/Silica Machinery, LLC COSET, Inc. FOCI Fiber Optic Communications,
Asia Optical Co., Inc. CreaLights Technology Co., Ltd. Inc.
ATOP Corporation Crestec Corporation Formerica Optoelectronics Inc.
Auxora, Inc. Crowntech Photonics Co., Ltd. Foxconn Interconnect Technology
AVIC JONHON OPTRONIC CST of America, Inc. Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute
TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. DATA-PIXEL Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic
Avo Photonics, Inc. Deviser Instrument, Inc. Microsystems
Axetris AG Diamond USA, Inc. Fujian Hitronics Technologies, Inc.
AXSUN Technologies DiCon Fiberoptics, Inc. Fujikura, Ltd.
Beijing Grish Hitech Co., Ltd. Dimension Technology Co., Ltd. Fujitsu Network Communications,
BKTEL Photonics Dini Group Inc.
Bola Technologies Direct Optical Research Company Fujitsu Optical Components
Brimrose Corporation of America Discovery Semiconductors, Inc. Fujitsu Optical Components
Bristol Instruments, Inc. DITF (Diablo Industries Thin Film) Gannon & Scott
Domaille Engineering, LLC
General Photonics Corp. Korea Optron Corp. Ningbo Yuda Communication
GigPeak Krell Technologies, Inc. Technology, Co. Ltd.
Glenair KS Photonics, Inc. Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd.
Glimmerglass Kyocera America Nissin Kasei USA Corp
Global Communication Kyosemi Opto America Corp. Nokia
Semiconductors, Inc. LEW Techniques Ltd. Norland Products, Inc.
Global Optical Communication LiComm Co., Ltd. Notice Co., Ltd.
Co., Ltd. nPoint, Inc.
Ligent Photonics, Inc.
Global Optical Technology NTT Advanced Technology
Light Brigade, Inc., The
GLsun Science and Tech Co., Ltd. Corporation
Go!Foton NTT Electronics Corporation
Lightel Technologies, Inc.
Goldtel Co., Ltd. Nufern
Lightip Technologies
Gould Technology, LLC Nuphoton Technologies, Inc.
Lightron Fiber-Optic Devices, Inc.
Gowanda Electronics Corp. O/E Land, Inc.
LightSmyth Technologies
GPD Optoelectronics Corp. Oclaro, Inc.
Linktel Technologies Co., Ltd.
Hengtong Optic-Electric Co., Ltd. OE Solutions, Co., Ltd.
Linstar Telecom-Optic Equipment
Hitachi Cable America Co., Ltd. OFS
Hitachi High Technologies LioniX BV OgMentum, Inc.
America O-Net Communications
Liverage Technology, Inc.
HJ3-W, Inc. (Shenzhen) Ltd.
Lorom America
Hongchuangxin Technology (HK) Opt Gate Co., Ltd.
Co., Limited LUCEDA Photonics
Optec Technology, Ltd.
HTD Fibercom Co., Limited Lumentum
Optella Inc.
Huangshi Sunshine Luna Innovations
Optellent, Inc.
Optoelectronic, LLC LuxarTECH
Optelligent, LLC
Huawei Technologies USA LuXpert Technologies Co., Ltd.
Optic River Communication, Ltd.
Hunan Guanglian Photoelectricity Luxtera, Inc.
Technologies Co., Ltd. Optical Internetworking Forum
Mackin Technologies
HYC System Optoelectronics Optics Fans, Ltd.
Technology Co., Ltd. Optilab, LLC
Maxim Integrated Products
IBM Canada Optiwave Systems, Inc.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library OptiWorks, Inc.
Mellanox Technologies
II-VI EpiWorks, Inc. OptoMarine, Ltd.
Menara Networks
II-VI Marlow OptoMedia
MetalLife, Inc.
II-VI Photonics, Inc. OptoScribe
Micram Microelectronic GmbH
imaging solutions group OptoTest Corporation
Microlap Technologies, Inc.
Infinera Optoway Technology, Inc.
Microsemi Corporation
Infinera Optowell Co., Ltd.
Mindrum Precision, Inc.
INNO Instrument Optowide Technologies Co., Ltd.
Mitsubishi Electric US, Inc.
Innolight Technology, Inc. Optronics Co., Ltd., The
ModuleTek Limited
Innovative Micro Technology Opwill Technologies Co., LTD.
INO OrangeTek Corporation
MoSys, Inc.
InPhenix OSA
MPB Communications, Inc.
Inphi Corporation OSI Laser Diode Incorporated
MPI Corporation
Inphotech OSP.com
INTEC E&C Co. Ltd. Oxford Fiber, Ltd.
MRSI Systems
Intel Corporation OZ Optics
MultiLane SAL
inTEST Thermal Solutions Pacific Microchip Corp.
Murata Electronics
Intlvac PacketLight Networks Ltd.
Nanjing Jilong
IOSolution Co., Ltd. Palomar Technologies, Inc.
Nanometer Technologies, Inc.
IP Light Passive Plus, Inc.
nanoPrecision Products, Inc.
IQE PE Fiberoptics Limited
National Inst. of Advanced
Ironwood Electronics Industrial Sci. & Tech. PETRA
IXBLUE National Research Council of Canada PFC Flexible Circuits Ltd.
Jabil NEC Corporation Philips GmbH U-L-M Photonics
Jabil AOC Technologies Necsel IP, Inc. Phoenix Photonics, LTD.
JBTX NEL America, Inc. PhoeniX Software
JENOPTIK Optical Systems NEON Photonics Co. Ltd. Photon Design
JGR Optics NeoPhotonics Photon Kinetics, Inc.
Johanson Technology, Inc. Netcope Techologies Photonic Lattice, Inc.
Juniper Networks New Ridge Technologies PI (Physik Instrumente) LP
Kaiam Corporation Newport Corporation Picometrix, LLC
Keopsys Ningbo Feitian Electron Plastic Optical Fiber Trade
Keysight Technologies Technology Co., Ltd. Organization
Knowles Capacitors Ningbo GEYIDA Cable Technology PLC Connections
Kohoku America, Inc. Co. Ltd. POINTek, Inc.
Ningbo Jinze Telecommunication Polaris Electronics Corporation
Equipment Co., Ltd. Polatis, Inc.
PPI, Inc. Shenzhen Solar Valley Scitech Tocom Technology Co., Inc.
Precision Optical Transceivers, Inc. Dev. Co., Ltd. Tomoegawa Co., Ltd.
Presidio Components, Inc. Shenzhen TIBTRONIX Technology Topstone Communication, Inc.
Presto Engineering Shenzhen TORCH Telecom Toto USA, Inc.
Technology Co. Ltd.
PriTel, Inc. TowerJazz
Shenzhen Wahleen Technology
ProLabs Co., Ltd. TransPacket AS
Promet Optics SHENZHEN XIANGTONG CO.,LTD Triformix Solutions (Su Zhou) Pte.
Proximion AB Ltd.
Shenzhen YiGuDian Technology
Prysmian Group Co., Ltd. Triple Play Communications
PSC-SC Shenzhen Youngsun Com Optical TRS-RenTelco
QianXin High Technoogy Co., Ltd. Fiber Cable Co., Ltd. U-Flex Co., Limited
Qorvo SHF Communication Technologies ULTRA TEC Mfg., Inc.
R&D Interconnect Solutions AG Unioriental Optics Co., Ltd.
RAM Photonics, LLC Shibuya Corporation Unisky Creacom Technology Co., Ltd.
RANOVUS Shineway Technologies (China), Inc. US Conec, Ltd.
Raysung Photonics, Inc. Sichuan Huiyuan Plastic Optical VeEX, Inc.
Fiber Co., Ltd VI Systems
Reflex Photonics
Sichuan Jiuzhou Optio- ViaSat, Inc.
Rockley Photonics Electronics, Ltd.
Rosenberger North America Viavi Solutions
Sichuan Tianyi Comheart Telecom
Rosendahl Nextrom Co. Ltd. Vishay Intertechnology
Samtec, Inc. Sichuan Trixon Communication VLC Photonics S.L.
Santec USA Corporation Technology Co., Ltd. Vlink Optics Corporation
Sanwa Electronics USA Corporation SiFotonics Technologies Co., Ltd. VPIphotonics
SCHOTT Electronic Packaging Silex Microsystems Wanjun Engineering SDN BHD
Sedona Systems Skorpios Technologies Wooriro Co., Ltd.
Seikoh Giken Co., Ltd. SMART Photonics B.V. Wuhan Aroptics-Tech Co., Ltd.
Semtech Corporation SOC America, Inc. Wuhan HuaGong Genuine Optics
Socionext Tech Co., Ltd
SENKO Advanced Components, Inc.
Somacis Wuhan RayOptek Co., Ltd.
Shandong Pacific Optics Fiber and
Cable Co., Ltd. Sony Semiconductor Solutions Wuhan Yilut Technology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Changyue Corporation Wuhan Yusheng Optical Devices
Communications Co., Ltd. Source Photonics Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Lonboom Limited SPIE: The Intl Society for Optics Wuxi Taclink Optoelectroincs
and Photonics Technology Co., Ltd.
Sharetop Technology Co., Ltd.
Stars Microelectronics (Thailand) W-W Optronics, Inc.
Shenzhen ADTEK Technology Co.,
Ltd. PCL XDK Communication Equipment
State of the Art, Inc. (Huizhou) Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Allopto Limited
Sticklers Fiber Optic Cleaners Xelic
Shenzhen C-Light Network
Communication Co., Ltd STRONG Technologies Co., Ltd. XFS Communications, Inc.
Shenzhen DYS Fiber Optic Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. Xgiga Communication Technology
Technology Co.,Ltd. Co., Ltd.
Sumitomo Electric Device
Shenzhen Ensure Precision Innovations U.S.A., Inc Xiamen Freeform Optical
Machine Co., Ltd. Techonlogy Co., Ltd.
Sumitomo Electric Industries,
Shenzhen Fibercan Optical Co., Ltd LTD. XiaMen Guangte Communication
Technology Co. Ltd.
Shenzhen Fiberroad Technology Suncall America
Co., Ltd. Xilinx, Inc.
Sunstar Communication
Shenzhen Gigalight Technology Technology Co., Ltd. XTXH Precision Tooling (Shenzhen)
Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd
Suruga Seiki Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Hi-Optel Technology XYZTEC
SUSS MicroOptics SA
Co., Ltd. Yangtze Optical Fibre & Cable
Suzhou TFC Optical Joint Stock, Ltd.,Co.
Shenzhen HKT Electronic Sci & Communication Co., Ltd.
Tech Co Yelo Limited
Synopsys, Inc.
Shenzhen Huayu Optical Yenista Optics
Communication Tech. Co., Ltd. SZOPT Communication Co., Ltd.
Yixing City Jitai Electronics Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Hytera Communications T Plus, Co., Ltd.
Yokogawa Corporation of America
Co., Ltd T&S Communications Co. Ltd.
Yuetsu Seiki Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen KamaxOptic Taconic
Communication Co., Ltd.. Yuyao Huijia Communication
Taihan Fiberoptics Equipments Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Lasun Network Cabling Takfly Communications Co., Ltd.
Co., Ltd. YuYao Liangpin Telecom
Tecdia, Inc. Equipment Co. Ltd.
Shenzhen OlinkPhotonics Inc.,Ltd Tecnisco, Ltd. Zeus, Inc.
Shenzhen Optical Network Tektronix, Inc.
Telecom Co., Ltd. ZG Technology(ShenZhen) LIMITED
Teledyne LeCroy ZGT Optical Comm Limited
Shenzhen Opway Communication
Telescent, Inc. ZheJiang Tribrer Communication
Shenzhen Oscom technology Co.,
Ltd. TeraXion, Inc. Technology Limited
Shenzhen Puhuixin Technology Thorlabs Zhengzhou Shijia Technology Co.,
Co., Ltd. Tianjin Eloik Communication Ltd.
Shenzhen SDG Information Co., Ltd Equipment Technology Zhongshan Meisu Technology
Timbercon, Inc. Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Sinovo Telecom, Ltd.
registration and travel
Make plans now.

OFC delivers what you need in-depth training courses,

an innovative technical program, unparalleled networking
opportunities, a world-class exhibition and show floor
business programming.

There are, however, a few things youll need to consider

first what kind of registration type you want and where
to stay. No matter what you decide, be sure to plan early
and get the best value.

Full Conference
Registration Categories Exhibit Pass Plus**

Advance Registration thru 20/02/17

Member * $665 $0
Nonmember $835 $0
Student Member * $195 $0
Student Nonmember $235 $0

Registration after 20/02/17

$790 $0
Member *
$970 $0
$275 $0
Student Member *
$355 $0
Student Nonmember

Plenary Session

Technical Sessions and Rump Session

Exhibition and Show Floor Programming

Market Watch

Network Operator Summit

(formerly the Service Provider Summit)

Job Fair


Poster Sessions

Conference Reception

Conference Program Book

Technical Digest (on USB Drive)

Postdeadline Papers Book

Exhibits 2017 Buyers Guide

* Member of IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Photonics Society or The Optical Society
** Not for use by technical program presiders, poster presenters or speakers

Each Short Course requires a separate registration fee. Advance registration is
suggested as each course has limited seating. There will not be a wait list for
sold out courses. Tickets are required for admission to Short Courses and for
Short Course Notes, which are distributed on-site. Short Course Notes are not
available for purchase separately.

Short Course registration also includes admission to the plenary session, exhibit
hall, Market Watch, Network Operators Summit, the Job Fair, workshops, poster
sessions and Exhibits 2017 Buyers Guide.

Registration Registration
thru 20/02/17** after 20/02/17**

Half Day Short Course Member* $275 $335

Half Day Short Course Nonmember $350 $410

[Hands-on] Short Course Member* $335 $385

[Hands-on] Short Course Nonmember $410 $480

SC432 or SC454
$435 $485
[Hands-on] Short Course Member*

SC432 or SC454
$510 $580
[Hands-on] Short Course Nonmember


Student members of IEEE COMSOC, IEEE Photonics Society and OSA may register
for free for select Short Courses not yet at capacity beginning on 22 February 2017.

Free student registration will not be available for Hands-on courses or courses
that are filled before the advance registration deadline. Student members
are encouraged to visit the registration site, ofcconference.org/registration,
beginning 22 February 2017 to sign up for a free Short Course and purchase the
corresponding course notes.

* Member of IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Photonics Society or The Optical Society
** All Short Course registration fees are listed in US dollars

onPeak is the official hotel vendor. onPeak brings you unbeatable rates at a
variety of popular hotels within walking distance to the Los Angeles Convention
Center. We have negotiated exclusive room discounts to help you save money
on your trip. When you reserve a room through onPeak, you help OFC keep
meeting costs as low as possible. To learn about new hotels being added,
the availability status of all hotels and to reserve your accommodations, visit

Los Angeles Convention Center

1201 S Figueroa St.
Los Angeles, California 90015

Convention Rates from

Center Distance (per night)*

Courtyard Los Angeles L.A. LIVE .2 miles $248

$239 SGL
DoubleTree Hotel (formerly Kyoto) 2.9 miles
$259 DBL

FreeHand Hotel .2 miles $229

Hilton Checkers 1 mile $265

Hotel Indigo .3 miles $265

JW Marriott Los Angeles at L.A. Live .2 miles $292

LA Hotel Downtown 1.6 miles $211

LUXE Hotel .2 miles $252

Millennium Biltmore Hotel 1.1 miles $228

O Hotel .8 miles $199

Omni Los Angeles 1.5 miles $259

Residence Inn Los Angeles LA Live .2 miles $258

Grand Sheraton LA Downtown .8 miles $254

The Line Hotel 2.2 miles $239

The Ritz Carlton .3 miles $411

The Standard .9 miles $209

Westin Bonaventure Hotel and Suites 1.7 miles $248

* Hotel rates are listed in US dollars and do not include taxes or any hotel fees.

Register now
and save.
The future of optical networking
The one conference and communications
you cant afford to miss
OFC Management
is more affordable c/o The Optical Society
2010 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
now for a limited time. Washington, DC 20036 USA

1 2 3 4
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19 20 21 22 23 24 25
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Advance Registration
Ends 20 February 2017


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