COD Reduction

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Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2017) 10, S2307S2318

King Saud University

Arabian Journal of Chemistry


The removal of COD, TSS and colour of black

liquor by coagulationocculation process
at optimized pH, settling and dosing rate
Muhammad Irfan a,*, Tahir Butt a, Naz Imtiaz a, Naeem Abbas a,
Ruaf Ahmad Khan a, Aamir Shaque b

Center for Environmental Protection Studies, Pakistan Council of Scientic and Industrial Research (PCSIR)
Laboratories Complex, PCSIR Labs Complex Ferozpur Road, Lahore 54600, Pakistan
Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

Received 12 July 2013; accepted 13 August 2013

Available online 23 August 2013

KEYWORDS Abstract Pulp and Paper mills are generating millions of tons of wastewater and are major source
Paper efuent; of water pollution. In this research work, pulping wastes have been characterized and found to con-
Coagulants; tain very high COD, TSS and colour. Coagulationocculation process was performed to nd out
Flocculants; the performance of different coagulants and occulants like alum, ferric chloride, aluminium chlo-
COD; ride, ferrous sulphate, poly aluminium chloride (PAC), cationic and anionic polyacrylamide poly-
TSS; mers in individual form as well as in different combinations. The effects of dosing rate, settling time
Colour reduction and pH were examined for reduction of COD, TSS and colour. Coagulants used in combinations
were found to be more effective in reducing COD, TSS and colour instead of using individual form.
The initial pH of the efuent for coagulation process was found to have remarkable effect on COD,
TSS and colour removal. The most effective results were found using cationic and anionic poly-
acrylamide combination with ferric chloride and aluminium chloride and reduction of 76%
COD, 95% TSS and 95% colour were observed at pH < 3.
2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction
* Corresponding author at: Center for Environmental Protection
Studies, Pakistan Council of Scientic and Industrial Research At present, in Pakistan there are about 100 units in the
(PCSIR) Laboratories Complex, PCSIR Labs Complex Ferozpur organized and unorganized sectors. Collectively, all of these
Road, Lahore 54600, Pakistan. Tel.: +92 321 8512451.
units have a set up capacity of 650 thousand tons per annum
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Irfan).
(Hassan et al., 2012). These units are producing writing and
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
printing papers, wrapping and packing paper, white duplex
coated, un-coated boards and chip boards. There have been
number of techniques involved in making pulp and paper.
Production and hosting by Elsevier Main types involve mechanical, thermal and chemical
1878-5352 2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S2308 M. Irfan et al.

(Burger, 2007; Pokhrel and Viraraghavan, 2004). Chemical but reduction in BOD and COD has been found to be much
pulping may be involved in sulphate or Sulphite process satisfactory. However, this treatment involves high energy con-
whereas mechanical pulping involves grinding of desecrated sumption, the production of large amounts of sludge (Sreek-
wooden chips. Kraft process involves boiling of wood chips anth et al., 2009) and operational problems including colour,
in the solution of sodium hydroxide and sodium sulphate while foaming and bulking in secondary clariers that are associated
in the sulphite process sodium sulphite is used. In thermal pul- with activated sludge plants (Oz et al., 2004). The effect of
ping, steam is provided to wooden chips for softening (Holm- membrane technologies was also studied by using inorganic
berg and Gustavsson, 2007). The entire process of paper and MF and organic UF membranes to reduce the COD of black
pulp industry consumes lot of energy and water (Pokhrel liquor (Liu et al., 2004). Membrane based technologies, includ-
and Viraraghavan, 2004). During pulping process water con- ing ultra ltration (Jonsson and Wallberg, 2009) electrochem-
sumption may get as high as 60 m3/ton paper produced ical membrane reactor (Chanworrawoot and Hunsom, 2012)
(Thompson et al., 2001). This wastewater is treated and recy- have also been tried with limited success for the separation
cled to conserve energy and raw materials. Industrial efuent of valuable constitutes from black liquor. Electro-coagulation
is treated by various wastewater treatment technologies includ- (EC) technique for treatment of pulping wastewater has been
ing lagoons systems (Bajpai, 2001), activated sludge process used with different combinations of aluminium (Al) and iron
(Chandra, 2001), anaerobic treatment process (Bajpai, 2001) (Fe) electrodes (Katal and Pahlavanzadeh, 2011).
and fungal treatment process (Sakurai et al., 2001) to remove Coagulation and occulation process is one of the best op-
most of the suspended solids and soluble organic materials. tions to treat pulping wastewater using alum, ferric chloride,
Paper mill efuent contains dissolved inorganic and organic lime, ferrous sulphate and poly aluminium chloride (PAC)
chemicals like dyes, heavy metals, detergents, starch etc. which and can be considered as an efcient treatment method to re-
results in high COD, turbidity, temperature, toxic substances/ duce COD, TSS and colour of pulping efuent (Rahbar et al.,
elements, organic compound, inconsistent pH and intense col- 2006; Deegan et al., 2011; Wong et al., 2006; Garg et al., 2005).
our (Monte et al., 2009). The colour of the wastewater gener- The major advantage of chemical treatment is that most of the
ating from pulp and paper mill is mainly due to organic COD and TSS are being reduced during this process therefore
compounds and is comprised of extractives, tannin resins, syn- it can lead to make it more cost effective before secondary
thetic dyes, lignin and their degradation products formed by treatment as well as removal of colour for efuent.
the action of chlorine on lignin during the bleaching process
(Sakam, 1987; Bajpai, 2001. Lignin is a complex heterogeneous 2. Experimental
phenyl propanoid biopolymer containing a diverse array of
stable carboncarbon bonds with aryl/alkyl ether linkages 2.1. Materials
and may be cross-linked to hemicelluloses (Sjostrom, 1993).
The dark brown colour of black liquor is formed during the
A sample of wastewater/black liquor was obtained from M/s
degradation processing of lignocelluloses and is an indirect
packages paper mills (A paper mill situated in Lahore, Paki-
measurement of the amount of lignin compounds present in
stan). The major chemicals used in this work for the removal
the efuent stream. The greater the amount of lignin com-
of TSS, COD and colour are Alum, Ferric chloride, Ferrous
pounds, the darker the efuents and greater the tendency to
sulphate, Aluminium chloride, Poly aluminium chloride
produce foam. The poisonous properties of these by-products
(PAC) and various polyelectrolytes have been studied exten-
in the efuents on environment have been studied and reported
sively. Analytical reagent (AR) grade chemicals have been used
that pulp and paper industries wastewater have fatal effects on
for the analysis of the studied parameters during coagulation/
the daphnia, sh, planktons and other bioata in the receiving
occulation studies. Concentration of each coagulant was ta-
water bodies (Kovacs et al., 2002). If this wastewater is dis-
ken as 2% while polyeltrolytes used in this study is 0.1%. Dur-
charged into water bodies without any particular treatment
ing this present investigation, 200 ml of efuent sample was
system it can cause adverse effects on aquatic life even at very
taken in a glass beaker. Initially pH and temperature of the
low concentrations (Miege et al., 2008).
efuent were measured using digital pH meter (JENCO
Wastewater is treated and recycled in pulp and paper mills
6173). pH was adjusted in different trials by using conc. Sul-
to conserve energy and raw materials. Excess efuent is treated
phuric acid and Sodium hydroxide. A known quantity of each
by wastewater treatment plant which often consists of recep-
coagulant was added to the efuent to check its performance.
tion tank, clarier (primary), biological (secondary) treatment
It was strongly mixed for one minute by a stirrer at 150 rpm
and secondary clarier to remove most of the suspended solids
and thereafter slowly mixed for two minute at 50 rpm. The
and soluble organic materials. Several physical and chemical
efuent sample was left steady for 30 min for sedimentation.
processes including combination of ultra ltration and reverse
osmosis techniques, ion-exchange, chromatography, lime pre-
cipitation and modied bleaching sequences, activated carbon Table 1 Characteristics of black liquor received from M/s
and allophonic compounds have been used for papers efuent packages paper mill Lahore.
treatment. (Koyuncu et al., 1999; Thompson et al., 2001; Cha- Sr. # Parameters Results
kradhar and Shrivastava, 2004; Herath et al., 2011; Freire
1 pH 6.73
et al., 2000; Shawwa et al., 2001). Biological treatment is also 2 Chemical oxygen 28270 mg/l
widely used for the treatment of industrial efuents (Schnell demand (COD)
et al., 2000) and for the degradation of lignin to reduce the 3 Total suspended 11455 mg/l
load of pulping wastewater (Bajpai, 2001; Oeller et al., 1997; solids (TSS)
Franta and Wilderer, 1997). Biological treatment method is 4 Color Dark brown/1640 pt-co/hazen
not much impressive in reducing colour (Cecen et al., 1992)
The removal of COD, TSS and colour of black liquor S2309

methods for examination of water and wastewater 21st edition

Table 2 Coagulants and occulants used.
2005). TSS values were measured by using 45 micron lter pa-
Coagulants/occulants used per as per standard method 2540-D. The colour of the initial
Individuals form treatment 1 and nal efuent after the treatment was measured by Tinto
Alum meter (ASTM Method D-1209). Initial colour of the efuent
Ferric chloride is highly dark brown that is why it is measured by making
Aluminum chloride its dilution by three times.
Ferrous sulfates
Poly aluminum chloride (PAC) 2.4. Process lay-out of chemical treatment study
Poly acrylamide (PAM Cationic)
Poly acrylamide (PAM Anionic) 2.5. Objectives
Coagulants combination used treatment 2 Coagulationocculation process was carried out with the fol-
Alum + ferric chloride lowing objectives:
Alum + aluminum chloride
Alum + PAC (i) To nd out the optimize pH for maximum reduction of
Alum + ferrous sulphate COD, TSS and colour.
Ferric chloride + aluminum chloride (ii) To nd out the optimum dosing rate for each coagulant
Ferric chloride + PAC
at selective pH for maximum COD, TSS and colour
Ferric chloride + ferrous sulphate
Aluminum chloride + PAC
Aluminum chloride + ferrous sulphate (iii) Working conditions of each coagulants/occulants in
PAC + ferrous sulphate different combinations.
(iv) Effect of addition of polyelectrolytes.
Coagulants + occulants combination used treatment 3 (v) Selectivity of most effective coagulants/occulants.
(Ferric chloride + PAC) + cationic PAM
(Aluminum chloride) + PAC + cationic PAM
(Ferric chloride + PAC) + anionic PAM 3. Results and discussion
(Aluminum chloride + PAC) + anionic PAM
The sample collected from packages paper mills was character-
ized and following results were observed.
Table 1 shows very high values of COD, TSS and colour.
Coagulation occulation process was used to treat this col-
lected sample which involves destabilization of colloidal parti-
cles by neutralizing the forces that remain away from each
other. Cationic coagulants impart positive electric charges to
reduce the negative charge of the colloids. Consequently parti-
cles collide to form macro particles called as ocs. Usually
coagulants form hydroxide when dissolved in water. These me-
tal hydroxide polymers have amorphous structure as well as
large surface area and possess positive charge. These hydrox-
ides are hydrophobic, causing them to adsorb into the organic
anionic particle surface and become insoluble (Licsko, 1997).
Generally precipitation is enhanced as the pH is lowered in
the presence of multivalent cations (See Fig. 1).
Effect of pH on the COD, TSS and colour reduction from
wastewater was found to be remarkable. The dosing rate of all
Figure 1 Steps involved during Chemical treatment by coagu- coagulants was kept uniform as 0.8 g/L (40 ml stock solution/
lation/occulation process. litre of sample). All trials were taken at different initial pH val-
ues, i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11. Coagulants were added and rap-
idly mixed for one minute by a stirrer at 150 rpm and
thereafter slowly mixed for two minutes at 50 rpm and sample
The supernatant liquor was taken and analyzed for its COD,
was left over for 30mintutes. The supernatant was decanted off
TSS and colour values.
and its value for COD, TSS and colour was measured. For
Alum and ferrous sulphate, COD reduction was reduced up
2.2. Coagulationocculation methods
to 11% and 12%, respectively at pH 5. Aluminium chloride
and ferric chloride showed more COD reduction of 13% and
In this research work, coagulants and occulants are used in 16%, respectively at pH 6 3. Treatment by PAC provides
individual form as well as in various combinations. The follow- COD reduction of 14% at pH 4 as shown by Fig. 2.
ing Table 2 shows details of all combinations which are used. The variation in TSS was also studied and it was found to
be 46%, 50%, 48%, 47% and 42% for Alum, Ferric Chloride,
2.3. Analytical methods used during treatment process Aluminium Chloride, PAC and Ferrous sulphate, respectively
at optimum pH 4 for Alum and Ferrous Sulpahte, pH 3 for
The COD of the efuent was determined by dichromate open Aluminium Chloride and PAC and pH 2 for Ferric Chloride
reux method as per standard method 5220-B (Standard as shown in Fig. 3. In case of TSS the optimum value of pH
S2310 M. Irfan et al.

Figure 2 Variation in COD at various pH values.

Figure 3 Variation in TSS at various pH values.

Figure 4 Variation in TSS at various pH values.

is slightly lower than optimum value of pH for COD which chloride was whitish and brownish with PAC. These obser-
might be due to strong precipitation at acidic pH. As the vations showed that treatment of paper efuents is highly
precipitation increased, solution will more clear give very low dependent on initial pH value of the efuent sample. Vari-
value of TSS. ous groups present in wastewater interact with metal cations
In case of colour reduction, the pH behaviour was very at alternated pH. Carboxylic and phenolic groups bring to-
similar as in TSS reduction for all of these coagulants. gether metal cations at low pH while hydroxyl and aliphatic
The optimum colour reduction is found to be 38%, 46%, hydroxyl groups interact at elevated value of pH. The re-
52%, 52% and 37% for Alum, Ferric Chloride, Aluminium moval of dissolved organics during coagulation process at
Chloride, PAC and Ferrous Sulphate, respectively as shown different pH values follows two distinct mechanisms. At
in Fig. 4. Ferric chloride was found to be much better in low pH, anionic organic molecules interacted with metal cat-
COD as well as TSS reduction but good in colour reduction ions and form insoluble metal complexes while high pH and
at very low concentration. At higher concentration it imparts elevated coagulant doses lead the organics adsorb onto pre-
its own brownish colour. Aluminium chloride and PAC were formed ocs of metal hydroxides and get precipitated (Ku-
excellent in colour reduction. Sludge formed by Aluminium mar et al., 2011).
The removal of COD, TSS and colour of black liquor S2311

Figure 5 COD, TSS and Colour Reduction by different combinations of coagulants.

Each coagulant showed a different behaviour from other these occulants stock solution was kept as 0.004 g/L (4 ml
coagulants; ferric chloride and PAC were good in COD reduc- of stock solution/litre of sample). These occulants were found
tion while aluminium chloride and PAC were excellent in col- to be outstanding in reduction of COD, TSS and colour. The
our reduction. Therefore combinations of different coagulants effect of pH on working of these occulants was very notice-
were tried for selectivity of one of the best pairs which can be able. The workings of these occulants were found to be very
used for efuent treatment of paper industries. All trials were limited in alkaline conditions as well as in neutral pH. When
taken at an initial pH value of 3. Total dosing rate remained the value of pH was moved below to 7, reduction of the
constant as 0.8 g/L (40 ml/litre) but it includes 50% conc. of COD, TSS and colour was remarkable and it was found to
each coagulant. The results shown by each of the pair are be the best below pH < 3 and was maximum around pH 2.
shown in Fig. 5. A combination of Ferric chloride and PAC The reduction in COD, TSS and Colour by PAM cationic
was found to be the best for COD and TSS reduction and it and PAM anionic was measured in order of 74%, 93%,
reduced 19% COD and 49% TSS followed by the combination 77% and 72%, 93%, 78%, respectively as shown by Figs. 6
of ferric chloride and aluminium chloride which reduced 18% 8. It was very interesting that pH adjustment by sulphuric acid
COD along with attractive 49% reduction in TSS and 52% was excellent and it provides more clear solution and compact
reduction in colour in comparison to prior combination which sludge as compared to hydrochloric acid. It might be due to
reduced 48% colour. It is interesting that although the combi- strong oxidizing behaviour of sulphuric acid.
nation of Alum and Ferric chloride reduced COD up to 16% Flocculants were also used after coagulant addition and re-
and TSS 48% it can be a good option for efuent treatment sults are observed to be more effective. In this case an excellent
due to low price of Alum in Pakistan. reduction was observed in all of the parameters i.e., COD, TSS
In addition to these coagulants, workings of occulants and colour. Naturally, suspended particles are not easily sedi-
such as cationic as well as anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) were mented by conventional settling therefore addition of coagu-
also investigated. In occulation process, usually destabilized lants combine these particles into colossal particles while
particles produced by various coagulants actually stiff into occulants further enhance the destabilization of dispersed
heavy particles which can be easily separated from the waste- particles making more health ocs improving the settling capa-
water. Therefore these occulants can be used individually as bility. As in this study, combinations of Ferric chloride and
well as used after dosing of any coagulant. Dosing rate for PAC and Aluminium chloride and PAC were found to be

Figure 6 Variation in COD at various pH values.

S2312 M. Irfan et al.

Figure 7 Variation in TSS at various pH values.

PAC and cationic polymer was excellent in COD reduction

and reduced more than 81% of COD as well as 95% TSS. This
combination was not found to be good in case of colour reduc-
tion which might be due to the presence of ferric chloride that
induces its own colour at little higher dosing rate. For signi-
cant colour reduction, combination of Aluminium chloride,
PAC and Anionic PAM was good and it reduced more than
88% colour as well as 96% TSS and 78% COD.
Effect of dosing rates for all these coagulants and occu-
lants were also studied for maximum reduction of COD,
TSS and colour for cost feasibility of the treatment process.
Dosing of various coagulants in the efuent along with rapid
Figure 8 Variation in colour at various pH values. mixing initiates appropriate coagulation conditions. Moderate
mixing thereafter starts oc development and adsorption of
the organic particles ensured the precipitation results by set-
excellent for reduction of COD, TSS and colour therefore only tling of the insoluble solids.
these combinations were used along with these polyelectro- The effect of dosing rate on the COD reduction was exam-
lytes. The dosing rate of each coagulant was 0.2 g/L and ined at their optimum pH as shown by Fig. 12. The dosing
0.004 g/L for occulants. The results were excellent and a tre- rates of all coagulants were varied from 0.21.2 g/L. In case
mendous reduction was observed in all aforementioned param- of Alum and ferrous sulpahte it was observed that as dosing
eters as shown in Figs. 911. Combination of Ferric chloride, quantity is increased up to 0.8 g/L, reduction in COD is very

Figure 9 Variation in COD at various pH values.

The removal of COD, TSS and colour of black liquor S2313

Figure 10 Variation in TSS at various pH values.

Figure 11 Variation in Colour at various pH values.

Figure 12 Effect of dosing rate for various coagulants on COD reduction.

quantiable and then slope of graph is very minute. Therefore Aluminium chloride and ferric chloride, a rapid reduction in
the optimum dose for both Alum and Ferrous sulphate is COD was observed till 0.6 g/L providing 13% and 16%
taken as 0.8 g/L resulting in 11% reduction in COD. For COD reduction, respectively and hereafter, increase in dosing
S2314 M. Irfan et al.

Figure 13 Effect of dosing rate for various coagulants on TSS reduction.

Figure 14 Effect of dosing rate for various coagulants on colour reduction.

Figure 15 Effect of dosing rate for Flocculants on COD reduction.

quantity does not reduced COD marginably. For PAC, COD Ferric Chloride showed maximum TSS reduction of 57% at
reduction is increased if dosing rate is increased up to 1 g/L dosing rate of 1.2 g/L. Aluminium chloride and PAC showed
coagulant dose, and then reduction was almost unchanged. reduction of 52% and 50%, respectively at a dosing rate of
Therefore dosing rate of 1 g/L is considered as optimum dose 1 g/L. Hereafter increase in dosing rate was not much effec-
of PAC and providing 17% COD reduction. Ferric chloride tive. Hence 1 g/L was the optimum dosing rate for both of
was found to be excellent at very low dosing rate with remark- these coagulants. Ferrous sulphate remarkably reduced TSS
able reduction in COD therefore it could be benecial with up to 0.8 g/L but was no more effective at a higher dosing
minimum chemical cost at industrial scale. rate.
The effect of dosing rate on TSS removal was also ob- Effect of dosing rate for colour reduction was observed at
served at their optimum pH (pH = 3 for aluminium and same pH level as was in TSS measurement. Aluminium chlo-
PAC, pH = 4 for ferrous sulphate and alum, pH = 2 for fer- ride and PAC were both excellent in colour reduction and
ric chloride). Reduction in TSS at their corresponding opti- these showed up to 60% colour reduction with dosing rate
mum pH for various coagulants is illustrated in Fig. 13. of 1.2 g/L. Ferric chloride provides 44% colour reduction at
The removal of COD, TSS and colour of black liquor S2315

Figure 16 Effect of dosing rate for Flocculants on TSS reduction.

Figure 17 Effect of dosing rate for Flocculants on Colour reduction.

Figure 18 Effect of dosing rate by keeping constant occulants conc. and variable coagulant conc. on COD reduction.

0.8 g/L and after an increase in dosing quantity colour reduc- mers which increase COD level at higher quantity. In case of
tion was not more and decrease up to 28% at a dosing rate of TSS, reduction was instantly reduced up to 0.003 g/L and
1.2 g/L as shown by Fig. 14. curve becomes less sloppy and almost straight at a dosing rate
The addition of occulants was used and an excellent of 0.005 g/L or above. Anionic PAM was more effective in col-
reduction of 93% reduction was measured at a dosing rate our reduction as compared to cationic PAM but was less effec-
of 0.004 g/L at pH 2. Both of anionic and cationic polymer re- tive in case of COD reduction. In case of colour, both of these
duced COD up to a dosing rate of 0.004 g/L and then COD occulants reduced colour with increasing a dosing rate of
increased. This might be due to organic nature of these poly- polymers but reduction was very remarkable up to 0.005 g/L
S2316 M. Irfan et al.

Figure 19 Effect of dosing rate by keeping constant occulants conc. and variable coagulant conc. on TSS reduction.

Figure 20 Effect of dosing rate by keeping constant occulants conc. and variable coagulant conc. on colour reduction.

Figure 21 Effect of dosing rate by keeping constant coagulants conc. and variable occulants conc. on COD reduction.

and after then this change was insignicant and curve becomes The effect of change in concentration of both occulent and
almost horizontal to x-axis. Results are shown in Figs. 1517. coagulant is studied. If concentration of occulent is kept con-
The removal of COD, TSS and colour of black liquor S2317

Figure 22 Effect of dosing rate by keeping constant coagulants conc. and variable occulants conc. on TSS reduction.

Figure 23 Effect of dosing rate by keeping constant coagulants conc. and variable occulants conc. on colour reduction.

stant and rate of coagulant is increased consistently than it was pH was necessary as it plays a major role in the reduction of
observed not a huge reduction in COD, TSS and colour was all parameters i.e., COD, TSS and colour while dosing of these
found. For keeping dosing rate of occulent as 0.004 g/L but coagulants. The optimum pH 3, 4, and 5 were optimum values
changing the coagulant concentration from 0.2 g/L up to 1 g/ for Aluminium chloride and Ferric chloride, PAC and Alum
L the increase in COD, TSS and colour reduction was only and ferrous sulphate, respectively. Maximum COD, TSS and
2%, 3% and 6%, respectively. On contrary, if concentration colour reduction of 16%, 50%, 46% and 13%, 48%, 52%
of occulent was changed from 0.001 g/L up to 0.005 g/L with was achieved by using Ferric chloride and Aluminium chloride
constant concentration of coagulant as 0.4 g/L, the change in at their optimum pH. The addition of cationic PAM and anio-
reduction in COD, TSS and colour was increased from 57%, nic PAM was found to be excellent for reduction of COD, TSS
67% and 49% as shown in Figs. 1823. It means that change and colour at optimum pH value of 2. The reduction in COD,
in concentration of occulants has played more vital role as TSS and Colour by PAM cationic and PAM anionic was mea-
compared to coagulant. sured in order of 74%, 93%, 77% and 72%, 93%, 78%,
respectively. The combination of anion and cationic occu-
lants with ferric chloride, aluminium chloride and PAC was
4. Conclusion found to be even better in COD, TSS and colour reduction.
Combination of Ferric chloride, PAC and cationic polymer
Present experimental studies of black liquor treatment by var- was excellent for reduction of 81% COD and 95% TSS while
ious coagulant and occulants indicate that ferric chloride and combination of Aluminium chloride, PAC and Anionic PAM
aluminium chloride showed good reduction in COD as com- was good in 88% colour reduction. On using a combination of
pared to Alum, PAC and ferrous sulphate. Aluminium chlo- occulants and coagulants, concentration of anionic and
ride was exceptionally good in reducing colour of pulping cationic PAM plays a more dominant role as compared to
wastewater. It was also noted that selection of appropriate concentration of all coagulants.
S2318 M. Irfan et al.

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