CD-2-mini Project

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A Mini-Project Report on



Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of B.Tech

In civil engineering.


A.SANDEEP 09241A0199
A.KAUSHIK 09241A01B4
B.GOPINATH 09241A0166

Under the guidance of



This is to certify that mini project entitled 339 MLD CAPACITY

out by students mentioned below in partial fulfillment of the degree of
OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY during the academic year


A.SANDEEP 09241A0199
A.KAUSHIK 09241A01B4
B.GOPINATH 09241A0166

Project guide Examiner Head of the department


We wish to express our sincere thanks to Chief general manager

S.BABUfor giving us permission for carrying out the project at NCC
Limited, Hyderabad.

We gratefully acknowledge the inspiring guidance, encouragement and

continuous support of Md.SADIQ site engineer at 339 MLD
AMBERPET,Hyderabad. His helpful Suggestion and constant
encouragement have gone a long way in the completion of this dissertation.
It was a pleasure working under his alert, human and technical supervision.

We are grateful to the Head of Department of CIVIL ENGINEERING,

Dr.G.Venkata Ramana, for his valuable suggestions and encouragement
during course of the work.

We are greatly indebted to our college, GOKARAJU RANGARAJU

INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING, which has provided us the healthy
environment to drive us to achieve our ambitions and goals.

We owe our hearty regards to all other Professors and staff on their
encouragement at each step and their assistance in completion of the project
work. Last but not the least; we would like to thanks our friends for their co-
operation and consistent support.

Asias biggest STP with UASB (Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket)
Technology in terms of Capacity (339 MLD). 226 MLD Sewage is tapped
from outfall sewer chamber. Pretreatment unit consists of 4 mechanical
screens, 2 manual screens to prevent floating materials and conveyor belt
for disposing screened materials and 4 degritting units of 56.5 MLD
capacity for removal of grit.

Grit is disposed through rake classifier mechanism.

226 MLD Sewage from these new units and 113 MLD sewage from the
existing plant will collect in wet well of pump house and pumped to reactors
by 12 pumps (12 Working + 6 Standby) of 210 HP capacity to a head of
+17.0 Mts over a length of 1.5 Km through 2 lines of M.S. 1800 mm Dia
Pipe Lines.

UASB Reactor (24 nos 32 Mtr x 28 Mtr x 6.3 Mtr) is the place, where the
separation of Gas, Liquid and solids takes place. BOD Load is reduced by
75% in reactors. Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) is 8.88 Hours. Suspended
solids settle down to form a blanket at the bottom, excess sludge will be
taken to sludge pump house and pumped to Belt Press where moisture is
removed and it is formed into sludge cakes, which could be used as manure
(165 Cum/Day). Gases (6423 Cum/Day) formed like Methane and
Hydrogen sulphide are collected in gas holders (3 Nos), methane is fed to
pure gas engines to generate electricity (0.6 to 0.9 MW/Day), while
Hydrogen Sulphide is removed by Gas Scrubbing unit. Sewage rising in the
reactors are taken to Facultative Aerated Lagoon (FAL) for aeration. 24
Aerators of 50 HP capacity will be operated out of 30 Aerators and resulting
induction of oxygen (1.8 Kg/Kw/Hr) will reduce the BOD Load by further
75% HRT in FAL is 24 Hours. Area of FAL 13.50 Hectares. Sewage is
then led to Polishing Pond (Area = 9.0 Hectares) with 3 baffle walls to
increase the length of flow with a HRT of 12 Hours, where any remaining
suspended solids are removed. Disinfection using chlorine is done before
discharging the treated effluent to river Musi.

ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 09
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................ 09

1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 14

1.1 MUSI RIVER SYSTEM .................................................................................................................. 14

1.2 MUSI RIVER CLEANING PROJECT ................................................................................................ 14
1.3 IMPLICATIONS OF INACTION ........................................................................................................ 15

2 BACKGROUND OF HYDERABAD CITY .............................................................................. 116

2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 16

2.2 LOCATION ................................................................................................................................ 116
2.3 TOPOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................................... 116
2.4 CLIMATE.................................................................................................................................. 116
2.5 COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES........................................................................................................... 16
2.6 EDUCATIONAL ......................................................................................................................... 117
2.7 HISTORICAL AND RECREATIONAL ............................................................................................. 117
2.8 PROJECT AREA ......................................................................................................................... 117
2.8.1 Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad (MCH) .................................................................. 117
2.8.2 Surrounding Municipalities ............................................................................................. 117
2.8.3 Hyderabad Urban Development Authority (HUDA) ......................................................... 118
2.9 SEWERAGE PROJECT AREA ....................................................................................................... 118
2.10 WATER SUPPLY...................................................................................................................... 18
2.10.1 Brief History of Water Supply to Hyderabad and Secunderabad ..................................... 18
2.10.2 Osmansagar and Himayatsagar Systems........................................................................ 18
2.11 HMWSSB SERVICE AREA ...................................................................................................... 19
2.11.1 Existing Water Supply Situation..................................................................................... 20
2.12 PRESENT AND FUTURE WATER DEMANDS ............................................................................... 20
2.13 FUTURE PROJECTS FOR AUGMENTING THE WATER SUPPLY ...................................................... 21
2.14 WATER SUPPLY TO SEWERAGE PROJECT AREA........................................................................ 21
2.15 EXISTING SEWERAGE SYSTEM ................................................................................................ 22
2.16 PROTECTION OF HUSSAIN SAGAR LAKE .................................................................................. 24

3 SELECTION OF TREATMENT PROCESS.............................................................................. 25

3.1 TREATMENT OPTIONS .......................................................................................................... 25

3.1.1 Option 1 : Primary treatment Followed by Facultative Aerated lagoon .............................. 25
3.1.2 Option 2 : Activated Sludge Process .................................................................................. 26
3.1.3 Option 3 : UASB Followed by Facultative type of Aerated Lagoon .................................... 27
3.1.4 Option 4 : Facultative Type of Aerated Lagoon .................................................................. 28

CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT ON SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS ......................................................... 28

4 TREATMET PROCESS FOR AMBERPET STP ...................................................................... 30

4.1 PROCESS DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................ 30

4.2 PROCESS UNIT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................. 32
4.2.1 Inlet Chamber ................................................................................................................... 33
4.2.2 Screen Channel ................................................................................................................. 33
4.2.3 Detritor ............................................................................................................................. 34
4.2.4 Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Reactor ............................................................ 35
4.2.5 Sludge Dewatering System................................................................................................. 37
4.2.6 Gasholder ......................................................................................................................... 38
4.2.7 Gas Flaring System ........................................................................................................... 38
4.2.8 Gas Utilisation System....................................................................................................... 38
4.3 POST-TREATMENT ................................................................................................................ 38
4.3.1 Facultative Type of Aerated Lagoon .................................................................................. 39
4.3.2 Chlorination System .......................................................................................................... 39
4.4.1 SLUDGE UTILIZATION ................................................................................................... 40
4.4.2 BIO GAS UTILIZATION.................................................................................................... 41
4.5 DESIGN CRITERIA ................................................................................................................. 41

5 ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL DESIGN ........................................................................ 44

5.1 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................... 44

5.1.1 ALUMINIUM GATES ........................................................................................................ 44
5.1.2 SCREENS ......................................................................................................................... 44
5.1.3 DETRITOR TANK ............................................................................................................. 47
5.1.4 MAIN SEWAGE PUMPS ................................................................................................... 47
5.1.5 SLUDGE PUMPS ............................................................................................................. 49
5.1.6 FILTRATE PUMPS ........................................................................................................... 51
5.1.7 FLOATING TYPE AERATORS .......................................................................................... 52
5.1.8 MONORAIL TROLLEY AND CHAIN PULLEY BLOCK ..................................................... 52
5.1.9 BIOGAS HOLDER ............................................................................................................ 53
5.1.10 Chlorine Mixer.............................................................................................................. 53
5.1.11 Gas Scrubber Unit And Gas Blowers ............................................................................. 54
5.1.12 BIOGAS FLARING SYSTEM ......................................................................................... 54
5.1.13 Pure Gas Engine ........................................................................................................... 55
5.2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................................ 59
5.2.1 Power Supply .................................................................................................................... 60
5.2.2 Electrical Drives of MEP1 ................................................................................................. 62

5.3 OPERATION PHILOSOPY ...................................................................................................... 64
5.3.1 Sludge Pumps .................................................................................................................... 64
5.3.2 Mechanical Screens ........................................................................................................... 64
5.3.3 Detritors ........................................................................................................................... 64
5.3.4 Aerators ............................................................................................................................ 64
5.3.5 General Construction Of Electrical Panels ........................................................................ 66
5.3.6 BIOGAS COLLECTION AND UTILIZATION SYSTEM...................................................... 66
5.4 CABLING ................................................................................................................................. 67
5.5 LIGHTING SYSTEM ................................................................................................................ 67
5.6 EARTHING SYSTEM .............................................................................................................. 68

6 FRP AND PVC ITEMS ............................................................................................................... 69

6.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 69

6.2 DESIGN................................................................................................................................ 69
6.2.1 Design Conditions ......................................................................................................... 70
6.2.2 Site Conditions .............................................................................................................. 70
6.3 THERMOSETTING RESIN SYSTEMS ................................................................................ 70
6.4 LAY- UP ............................................................................................................................... 72
6.5 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF PVC ITEMS .......................................................................... 73
6.6 PROPERTIES OF PVC SHEET ............................................................................................. 73
6.7 MACHINE PROCESSING OF RIGID PVC SHEET .............................................................. 74
6.7.1 Lathe Milling Processing............................................................................................... 74
6.7.2 Cutting .......................................................................................................................... 74
6.8 WELDING OF RIGID PVC SHEETS .................................................................................... 74
6.8.1 Welding Apparatus........................................................................................................ 74

7 UTILITIES AND SERVICES ..................................................................................................... 76

7.1 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING.......................................................................................... 76

7.2 LABORATORY.................................................................................................................... 76
7.3 WATER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................. 77
7.4 WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL ............................................................................ 78
7.4.1 Liquid Wastes................................................................................................................ 78
7.4.2 Solid Wastes .................................................................................................................. 78
7.5 SECURITY ROOM ............................................................................................................... 78
7.6 STAFF QUARTERS ............................................................................................................. 78
7.7 INTERNAL ROADS ............................................................................................................. 79
7.8 PLANT LIGHTING .............................................................................................................. 79
7.9 GREEN BELT....................................................................................................................... 79

8 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE ASPECTS OF THE STP.................................................... 80

8.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................ 80

8.2 INTAKE OF WASTEWATER .............................................................................................. 80
8.2.1 SCREENS ..................................................................................................................... 80
8.2.2 Detritor Tanks............................................................................................................... 82
8.2.3 UASB Reactor ............................................................................................................... 83
8.2.4 Feed Inlet Boxes............................................................................................................ 84
8.2.5 Effluent Gutters ............................................................................................................. 84
8.2.6 Sludge Drying Beds ....................................................................................................... 84
8.2.7 Biogas Collection & Flaring System .............................................................................. 85
8.2.8 Chlorination System ...................................................................................................... 85
8.2.9 Sludge Pumps................................................................................................................ 85
8.2.10 Dual Fuel Engine .......................................................................................................... 86
8.3 MAN POWER REQUIREMENT FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT ...................................... 86

Mm Millimetre MLD Million Litre per day
cm Centimetre G.I. Galvanised Iron
m Metre GSW Glazed Stoneware
km Kilometre R.C.C. Reinforced Cement
sq.m. Square Metre P.C.C. Plain Cement Concrete
Cum Cubic Metre wt Weight
M.T. Metric Ton kg Kilogram
OD Outer diameter I.D Internal Diameter
R.M. Running Metre C.M. Cement Mortar
Nos. Numbers IS Indian Standards
SWD Side Water Depth Square Centimetre
PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride hr Hour
HDPE High density polyethylene FRP Fiber Reinforced Plastic
CI Cast Iron S&S Socket & spigot
MPS Main pumping station STP Sewage treatment plant
HMWSSB Hyerabad Metro Water UASB Upflow anaerobic sludge
Supply & Sewerage Board blanket
DPR Detailed project report SBC Soil bearing capacity
GWT Ground water table BOD Biochemical oxygen
COD Chemical oxygen demand TSS Total suspended solid
KWH Kilowatt hour KVA Kilo-volt ampere
HUDCO Housing urban development NRCP National river conservation
corporation plan
MAP Musi River action plan O&M Operation & maintenance
ASP Activated sludge process WSP Waste stabilization pond
FAL Facultative Type of Aerated MPN Most probable number
DWG Drawing HRT Hydraulic retention time
SRT Solid retention time WW Waste water
SDB Sludge drying bed FGL Finished ground level


Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board (HMWSSB), Government of Andhra
Pradesh has taken up Musi Action Plan (MAP) under the aegis of National River Conservation
Directorate (NRCD), Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India. Various
components of the project considered are

Stoppage of discharge of untreated wastewater into river Musi by tapping existing

open drains _ Interception and Diversion Works
Laying of Conveying Mains and Sewer Lines,
Construction and commissioning of sewage treatment plants,
Acquisition of Land,
Provision of Inspection Vehicles and
Provision for computer hardware and software.

The total estimated cost of the project is Rs.295 Crores. The project area is divided in to five
sewerage zones wherein works of interception and diversion will be taken up. These five
sewerage zones are: Ziaguda, Nandimusalaiguda, Amberpet, Nallacheruvu and Nagole. All these
five zones will have an independent Sewage treatment plant.

HMWSSB appointed Montgomery Watson Consultants India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai for Detailed
Design Engineering and Preparation of the Detailed Project Reports for various components
proposed under the Musi Action plan. A separate DPR for Interception and Diversion Works
including Laying of Conveying Mains & Sewer Lines and for Sewage Treatment plants will be
prepared for individual sewerage zones and presented to the NRCD for their Technical and
Financial Sanctions by HMWSSB.

Present Detailed Project Report is prepared and submitted to NRCD in the fulfillment of the
requirements of Technical and Financial Approval for proposed Sewage Treatment Plant of 339
MLD capacity at Amberpet.

HMWSSB officials provided all the requisite information related to preparation of designs which
greatly helped in meeting the target schedule. In general we highly appreciate the co-operation
and efforts rendered by HMWSSB officials which helped in preparing the report in time.

Approach and Design Philosophy
The design philosophy adopted for preparing the process design has considered unit
dimensions and reactor sizes in consideration with the physical limitations of the site as well as
to satisfy the technical requirements. The primary objective of the design philosophy was to
prepare a sewage treatment plant, which is simple to operate, maintain and more importantly
which is sustainable in the long run. The treated sewage will be utilised for fields for irrigation
purpose. When the water demand is less on the irrigation fields, a facility has been provided to
divert and safely discharge the treated water in the nearby drain / nallah. The treated
wastewater will meet the discharge standards and guidelines stipulated by NRCD and HMWSSB.

The hydraulic design of the STP has been prepared keeping in perspective the site topography.
After primary treatment of the additional flow of 226 MLD, it is mixed with the effluent of
existing 113 MLD capacity primary treatment plant. This combined flow is pumped to the
available site, which is 1.5 kms. from the Main Pumping Station and then after is further treated
in UASB, FAL and after chlorination is proposed to be used agricultural purpose or disposed in
river Musi.

The design concept of the STP is environment friendly, which consumes low energy for sewage
treatment and the valuable by-product such as biogas, which is utilised for generating energy
and the excess sludge produced in the plant is utilised as manure in the irrigation fields. The
treatment process being anaerobic in nature may at times generate foul odor in the eventuality
of the plant not being operated in efficient and correct manner. The green belt proposed along
the perimeter of the treatment plant site acts as an ecological barrier and environmental sink to
absorb methane gas and foul smelling H2S gas that may be emanated from the treatment units.
It is very essential to have good housekeeping facilities for proper upkeep of the plant and for
this purpose surface drainage facility is provided along the internal roads for the treatment
plant. Solid waste collection and disposal system is a mandatory item. The office and laboratory
buildings have been oriented in a manner that there is optimum utilization of natural light.

Proposed Treatment Process

Montgomery Watson then known as Associated Industrial Consultants prepared a Conceptual
Design Report in November 1993 under Rehabilitation and strengthening Program of the
Sewerage System in Hyderabad. Techno-economical evaluation of various options was carried
out and presented in the report. It was concluded that the sewage treatment scheme consisting
of primary units, UASB reactors followed by facultative type of Aerated Lagoon (FAL) was most
suitable for sewage treatment in the context of Hyderabad.

In the year 2000, NRCD included a new guideline for the discharge of treated sewage into river
or for its use on agricultural fields. The parameter included is concentration Fecal Coliform in
the wastewater. According to this guideline fecal coliform present in the treated wastewater

shall be less that 10,000 MPN/100ml of sample. To achieve these new standards chlorination is
suggested for the effluent of FAL before its discharge. Chlorinating is found economically better
solution when compared to the other mode of disinfecting i.e. UV Radiation.

UASB Process
Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) treatment technology was successfully implemented
for the first time in India at Kanpur and Mirzapur under Indo-Dutch project for Ganga Action
Plan for sewage treatment. MWI known earlier as M/s. AIC Watson Consultants Limited were a
part of the consortium formed for providing consultancy services in the project. MWI is also
presently providing consultancy services on Sutlej Action Plan, Sabarmati Action plan and Khan
Action plan covered under NRCD. Advant6ages of UASB processes are,

No energy requirements for anaerobic process,

Low production of stabilized excess sludge with very good Dewatering
Low nutrient requirements,
Production of biogas containing methane in high percentage, which can be,
converted into a useful energy resource namely heat, electricity etc.,
It is a high rate process i.e. It can operate at high volumetric loading,
Valuable compounds of NPK which are useful as fertilisers are conserved,
Anaerobic sludge can be preserved, unfed for many months without any serious
quality deterioration,
Low land requirement,

Environmental Impact Assessment studies

Any development project has a potential to cause environmental and social impacts. These
impacts are in the form of displacement of people from the project area or causing impairment
of the ambient environment of the people living in or near the project area. By taking into
account the location aspects of the project and through proper rehabilitation and resettlement
plans and Environmental Management Plan, these impacts can be mitigated.

Wastewater projects are executed in order to prevent or alleviate the effects of the pollutants
described above on the human environments. When properly carried out, their overall
environmental impact is positive. Direct impacts include abatement of nuisances and public
health hazards in the serviced area, improvement in receiving water quality, and increases in
the beneficial uses of receiving waters. In addition, installation of a wastewater collection and
treatment system provides an opportunity for more effective control of industrial wastewater
through pre-treatment and connection to public sewers and offers the potential for beneficial

reuse of treated effluent and sludge. Indirect impacts include the provision of serviced sites for
development, increased fishery productivity and revenues, increased tourist and recreational
activity and revenues, increased agricultural and silvicultural productivity and/or reduced
chemical fertilizer requirements if treated effluent and sludge are reused, and reduced
demands on other water sources as a result of effluent reuse.

A number of these potential positive impacts lend themselves to measurement and thus can be
incorporated quantitatively into analyses of the costs and benefits of various alternatives when
planning wastewater projects. Human health benefits can be measured, for example, by
estimating avoided costs in the form of health care expenditure and lost workday, which would
result from poor sanitation. Reduced drinking and industrial water treatment costs and
increased fishery, tourism and recreation revenues can serve as partial measures of the benefits
of improved receiving water quality. In a region where demand for housing is high, the benefits
of providing serviced plots may be reflected in part by the cost differential between installing
the infrastructure in advance or retrofitting unplanned communities.

In general underground drainage system followed by sewage treatment facility will go long way
in improving environmental status of the area which will improve health of the residents and it
will also increase, though slightly, the irrigation potential of the farming land.

Sewerage and drainage projects have a major environmental focus as basically they are meant
for improving the environment. Most of the negative impacts relate to the construction phase
of the facilities associated with the system. During operational phase, the adverse impacts on
environment are negligible as compared to the positive impacts attached to the project.
Further, the negative impacts associated with sewerage projects can easily be mitigated
through proper designing and identifying the right option of disposal of the treated wastewater.



The river Musi is a tributary of river Krishna emerges from Ananthagiri Hills near Vikharabad
town about 90 kms. to the west of Hyderabad city. The river flows through part of Pargi,
Chevella, Kalwalcol, Palmakol and Golkonda Mandals before it reaches Hyderabad.
Osmanasagar reservoir was constructed across the river Musi in 1920 at Gandipet village on the
upstream of Hyderabad City.

Musi River enters Hyderabad near Rajendranagar flowing west to east and bifurcating the old
and new city viz. South of Musi and North of Musi respectively. It runs about 20 km within the
city limits and passes through the downstream, through a length of about 150-km before
joining river Krishna at Wazeerabad, Nalgonda. On the downstream Musi River water is being
utilized for various purposes such as irrigation, drinking water etc. The major consumer of Musi
river water is Suryapet municipality.


Musi River, which once acted as the spine or central vista for Hyderabad City, is now nearly
acting as a little extra rib in the lung. This deterioration in the river quality came gradually with
the development projects, urbanization and industrialisation. With the Rapid Urbanisation and
industrialisation the resulting influx of population and the lack of proper infrastructure to meet
the demands of such an influx lead to a breakdown in the infrastructure facilities. The worst
affected amongst the lot are the sewerage facilities. Thus the pollution of River Musi is mainly
occurring due to Lack of sufficient sewers of adequate size leading to sewer overflows in peak
hours which in turn joins river Musi through storm water drains or nalas.
Unsewered area discharge the sewage into storm water drains or nalas which ultimately
Joins river Musi
Industrial discharges added
Approximately 350 MLD of wastewater flows into the river without treatment, along with
113 MLD primarily treated sewage from the existing sewage treatment plant. The river
water quality shows the concentration of BOD in the range of 35-130 mg/liter
Proper treatment of wastewater before letting out into River Musi is essential to prevent
the pollution into river Musi.


Non-treatment of wastewater has lead to following consequences:

Degradation of water quality and its consequent effect on human and cattle population and
agriculture, especially vegetable crops,
Spread of water borne diseases like cholera, Typhoid, Diarrhea, Jaundice, Hepatitis, etc,
Presence of elements like hexavalent chromium, nickels, zinc, cyanide, etc. cause toxicity
and lead to kidney failure, renal tubular necrosis, chronic ulceration, respiratory tract
cancer, lung cancer, dermatitis, lack of muscular co-ordination etc.,
Excessive load on natural bio-purification processes in water bodies,
Increase in organic load and hence eutrophication, and
Adverse Effect on natural Eco-system like wetlands and genetic diversity of the area.



The historic city of Hyderabad (Deccan) was founded in the year 1591 A.D. by Mohd. Quli Qutub
Shah, the fifth king of Golconda, with its city center at Charminar. It was the capital of Nizams
dominion in the erstwhile state of Hyderabad. It continued to remain the capital of erstwhile
Hyderabad State till states re-organization, which took place in the year 1956. From 1st
November 1956, the Hyderabad City became the capital of enlarged State of Andhra Pradesh.


The town is situated centrally (Geographically) in the country and is the fifth largest city in India.
Two National Highways i.e. NH7 and NH9 pass through the city.


The whole city is surrounded by hillocks on all sides and is built on undulated ground. The city is
situated in the Krishna Basin and the River Musi, which is a tributary of river Krishna, is passing
through the City of Hyderabad bifurcating the old and new city. The dividing ridge between
Krishna and Godavari rivers runs close by a distance of about 30 Km., from City. The ground
levels vary from 487 meters to 610 meters above mean sea level. The terrain of twin cities
generally slopes towards the Musi River. The ground water potential is generally very low. The
soil consists of gravel and mixed chalk resting on granite rock.


The temperature of twin cities ranges from 220C, 430C, 330C, 27.50C in January, May, August and
November respectively. The average maximum temperature varies between 400C and 440C and
the average minimum temperature varies between 70C and 100C. The wind direction is mostly
from SouthWest with a wind speed of 5.15, 10.3, 13.84 and 6.92 Kms., per hour in January,
May, August and November respectively. Sky clearance factor is 50 to 70 except in rainy
season, which is about 20. Evaporation rate is about 250 CMS., per year. Average rainfall is 75
CMS., per year


Several Large scale, Nuclear Fuel Complex, Indian drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Ordinance
Factory, Icrisat, Public Sector industries like, the Bharat Heavy Electricals, Hindustan
Aeronautical, Hindustan Machine Tools, Bharat Dynamics Imarath and several others major and
minor industries are existing in and around the twin cities. Hyderabad Information Technology
and Engineering Consultancy (HITEC) city has been set up at Madhapur very recently. Many of
the multinational companies involved in the information technology field such as Micro Soft,
Oracle, etc. are in the process of developing their software centers in the HITEC building. Apart

from software companies, other activities such as Shilparamam, National Institute of Fashion
Technology etc. is also fast coming up in Madhapur area.


The city is a center of Education with educational institutions like prestigious Osmania
University, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Agricultural University, Ambedkar Open
University, Hyderabad Central University, Institute of Foreign Languages, National Police
Academy, Indian School of Business.


Hyderabad is also a place of Public Interest having World famous Museum called Salarjung
Museum, Birla Planetarium, Charminar, Golconda Fort, and famous Qutub Shahi Tombs. The
Hussainsagar lake which is a main attraction for water sports is being developed into tourist spot
and a 58 feet tall statue of Buddha is installed on a rock in the center of the Hussainsagar lake.
An Ocean Park near Osmansagar has been established. . The Govt. of AP is planning for
establishment of an International Golf Course through Private Sector participation.


2.8.1 Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad (MCH)

Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad(MCH) spreads over 169.31, of which 45.1 is
to the south and 124.2 is to the north of Musi river.

2.8.2 Surrounding Municipalities

Ten municipalities surround the city of Hyderabad. These are

1. Kukatpally Municipality
2. Qutubullapur Municipality
3. Alwal Municipality
4. Kapra Municipality
5. Malkajgiri Municipality
6. Uppal Municipality
7. L.B.Nagar Municipality
8. Rajendra Nagar Municipality
9. Seri Lingampally Municipality
10. Gaddiannaram Municipality
Surrounding these municipalities, there are several Urban panchayats and rural areas.

2.8.3 Hyderabad Urban Development Authority (HUDA)
Hyderabad Urban Development Authority (HUDA) spreads over an area of 1547 which
includes areas of MCH, surrounding ten municipalities, surrounding urban and rural panchayats,
Osmania University and Cantonment areas.


The natural basin of river Musi on either side of Hyderabad and Secunderabad cities forms the
sewerage project area. The project area covers entire MCH area of 169.31 and Uppal and
Malkajigiri Municipalities, Osmania University and Cantonment areas in full and also a part of
five (5) surrounding Municipalities namely; L.B.Nagar, Rajendranagar, Kukatpally, Qutubullapur
and Kapra Municipalities. The other two surrounding Municipalities Serilingampally and Alwal
Municipalities are outside the Sewerage Project area. The extent of sewerage project area is


2.10.1 Brief History of Water Supply to Hyderabad and Secunderabad

In 1891, the Hyderabad city was supplied with drinking water from Hussain Sagar as source
catering to the limited low lying area of Chaderghat In 1898, Miralam tank was brought under
use and supplied drinking water to the low lying areas of South of Musi River with treatment of
water through slow sand filters at Miralam.

After the 1908, heavy floods of Musi River Osmansagar Reservoir on the Musi River and
Himayatsagar Reservoir on the Easi River were construction in 1920 and 1927 respectively.
After the completion of Osmansagar, the water supply to Hyderabad and Secunderabad was
commissioned in 1923 under the name of New Hyderabad Water Supply Scheme A scheme
known as REMODELLING HYDERABAD WATER WORKS was taken up in 1932 to provide water
supply of 122.74 mld (27 mgd) drawing at the rate of 63.64 mld (14 mgd) from Osmansagar and
59.10 mld (13 Mgd) from Himayatsagar. In addition to 59.10 mld (13 mgd), a withdrawal of
9.10 mld (2 mgd) was proposed from Himayatsagar to Government Agricultural Farm.

2.10.2 Osmansagar and Himayatsagar Systems

By 1959, it was possible to get maximum total quantity of 206 mld (45 mgd) from both these
sources put together. Further investigations on these sources showed that these two sources
with all the remodeling cannot give more than 206 mld (45 mgd). Hence, another source was to
be investigated for augmenting the water supply. Therefore, Manjira Water Supply Scheme
was formulated.

Manjira Water Supply System

a) Manjira Water Supply Scheme Phase I

A scheme was formulated for construction of a barrage across Manjira River near
Sangareddy (about 60 kms. from Hyderabad) to impound the raw water and to supply
68 mld of treated water to Hyderabad city. The scheme was commissioned in
December, 1965. This is called as Manjira Water Supply Scheme Phase I.

b) Manjira Water Supply Scheme Phase II

Phase II was formulated to supply additional 136 mld treated water to city of
Hyderabad This scheme was commissioned in 1981.

c) Manjira Water Supply Scheme Phase III

Phase III has been formulated to supply 136 mld of treated water to city of Hyderabad
by impounding water in Manjira River by constructing a dam at Singur village about 130
kms upstream of Nizamsagar Project (26 kms upstream of Manjira barrage). The
scheme was commissioned in 1991.

d) Manjira Water Supply Scheme Phase IV

This scheme was taken up to bring additional 136 mld of treated water from Singur dam
to Hyderabad city under the Hyderabad Water Supply and Sanitation Project with
World Bank Aid and commissioned in 1993.


The Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board (HMWSSB) is a statutory
authority in charge of providing and maintaining water supply and sewerage facilities within
MCH limits covering Hyderabad and Secunderabad cities. The HMWSSB also supplies bulk
quantities of water in the nine (9) adjoining Municipalities. Osmania University Campus and
Secunderabad Cantonment and ten (10) enroute villages along National Highway No.9 up to
Sangareddy. The HMWSSBs activity in maintenance of water supply and sewerage system
since its constitution in 1989 was confined to the Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad area of

In its 9th meeting held on December 8, 1995 the Board of HMWSSB resolved to take over the
maintenance of water supply system of 9 municipalities adjoining Hyderabad keeping in view
that 45% population of Hyderabad Metropolitan area are expected to be residing in those areas
by the year 2001, and the prevailing unsatisfactory condition of water supply and sewerage
services. Accordingly, the Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) directed the municipalities in
March 1996 to hand-over the water supply and sewerage operations to HMWSSB. So far water
supply of only 3 municipalities L.B.Nagar, Kukatpally and Qutbullapur have been taken-over by
HMWSSB and the water supply system in the balance municipalities would be taken over in due
course by HMWSSB for maintenance.

2.11.1 Existing Water Supply Situation
As already indicated, the HMWSSBs water system obtains water mainly from four surface
water impoundment. These sources in total provide 682 mld treated water to Hyderabad in
normal season as follows:

Table 2.1 Existing Water Supply

Sl. Normal Present

No. Sources Supply Yield
(mld/mgd) mld/mgd)

1 Osmansagar on Musi River 1920 115/25 115/25

2 Himayatsagar on Esi River 1927 91/20 68/15

3 Manjira Phase I (Manjira Barrage) 1965 68/15 68/15

4 Manjira Phase II (Manjira Barrage) 1981 136/30 136/30

5 Manjira Phase III (Singur Dam) 1991 136/30 136/30

6 Manjira Phase IV (Singur Dam) 1993 136/30 137/30

Total from present sources 682/150 660/145

Apart from these surface sources, ground water to the extent of 200 mld is also abstracted
through bore wells with power pumps and bore wells with hand pumps.


The future projected water demand in the water supply service area of HMWSSB is as below
calculated at an average rate of 144 liters per capital per day:

Table 2.2: Present and Future Water Demands

Water Demand
YEAR Projected Population (in Millions)

2001 6.220 880 194

2006 7.193 1012 223

2011 8.166 1171 258

2016 9.083 1312 290

2021 10.00 1470 324


To bridge the gap between demand and availability of water it has been proposed to transmit
16.5 TMC from Nagarjunsagar River Krishna in different phases. In the 1st phase as 1st stage it
has been proposed to transmit 45 mgd (205 mld) of treated water from Nagarjunsagar with the
transmission system capable of transmitting 90 mgd (410 mld) of treated water by tapping SLBC
Canal near Kodandapur, estimated to cost between Rs.680 to Rs.700 Crores. The project is in
advanced stage for posing to the funding agencies. This project is expected to be completed by
the year 2004.In the second stage it has been proposed to draw additional 45 mgd(205 mld) of
treated water from Nagarjuna Sagar with the available transmitting system of 90 mgd (410 mld)


Distribution of water supply to HMWSSB Service area and Sewerage project area along with
expected sewage generation are given in the Table 2.3

Table 2.3: Water Supply Distribution in HMWSSB Service Area and Sewerage Project Area

Sewerage Expected to be
Water Supply (MGD) Generated at 80% of Water
Sr Supply Supply
Area Within Outside
No. within outside
Total Sewerage Sewerag
Sewerage Sewerage Total
Supply Project e Project
Project Project
Area Area
Area Area

1 MCH area 101.4 104.00 0.00 81.12 81.12 0.00

2 Industries & bulk 24 4.8 19.2 19.2 3.84 15.36


3 Enroute Villages 2.40 0.00 2.40 1.92 0.00 1.92

4 10 Municipalities, 17.2 10.62 6.58 13.76 8.496 2.124

Osmania University and

Total (in mgd) 145 mgd 116.8mgd 28.18 mgd 116 mgd 93.45mgd 19.4 mgd

Total (in mld) 660 mld 531 mld 128.1 mld 528 mld 425 mld 88.2 mld

5 Ground Water Supply 200.00 110.00 90.00 160.00 88.00 72.00

(in mld)

Sewerage Expected to be
Area Water Supply (MGD) Generated at 80% of Water

Total (in mld) 860.00 641.00 218.10 688.00 513 mld 160.20
mld mld mld mld mld

6 After 45 mgd (205 mld) 205.00 164.00 41.00 164.00 131.20 32.80
additional water from
river Krishna is added
in to the Water Supply
System of HMWSSB

Grand Total (in mld) 1065 805 259.10 852 644.2 193


Hyderabads existing sewage collection and conveyance system was first laid in 1931 and
subsequently expanded and strengthened with increase in population of the city. The system is
designed for gravity flow of sewage to Amberpet located on eastern site of the city for
treatment and disposal. In design the existing system full advantage of topography of
Hyderabad has been taken. Hyderabad is divided in two parts, North and South by river Musi
flowing across the city from West to East. Land on north of Musi river is generally sloping
towards southe-east while land on south of Musi river is generally sloping towards north-east.
This makes Amberpet an ideal choice for construction of sewage treatment plant as practically
all sewage flows to Amberpet by gravity.

The system comprises mainly the following:

North Interceptor Sewer (NIS)

South Interceptor Sewer (SIS)
Chaderghat Syphon
Lingampally Syphon
Outfall Sewer
15 No. mains (major) connecting local networks to NIS, SIS and Outfall Sewer
Local Connection Networks

The North Interceptor Sewer is running on north side of river Musi and collecting flow from
MCH area on north of Musi river, mainly through A, X, Y, NIS-65, B and R mains totaling 72 mld
(based on the population served multiplied by 130 lpcd sewage flow). Its carrying capacity

however is 39 mld only when calculated on the basis of pipe diameter and slope assuming it is
flowing full.

The South Interceptor Sewer is running on south side of river Musi and collecting sewage from
MCH area on South side of Musi river mainly through T, E, G, D and A mains. Again its discharge
capacity is only 42 mld which is less than required. SIS is discharging sewage into Chaderghat

The Chaderghat syphon is spanning across Musi river to take flow from south to north side for
further conveyance to Amberpet. Discharge capacity of Chaderghat syphon is also 42 mld only.

The outfall sewer is running from the north end of Chaderghat Syphon up to Amberpet STP via
Lingampally Syphon. The Lingampally Syphon is spanning across surplus nalla. Carrying
capacity of outfall sewer is 104 mld. The outfall sewer receives sewage mainly from B main, B7
main, OF/5A, OF/2A and S main besides receiving sewage from NIS and SIS.

Outfall sewer is connected at upstream and downstream of Lingampally Syphon. Carrying

capacity of Lingampally Syphon is approximately same as that of outfall sewer, i.e. 104 mld. S-
main brings sewage from north and northwestern part of MCH area and also industrial waste
from Kukatpally area. It discharges into outfall sewer. Carrying capacity of this sewer is 31 mld.

Besides 15 major mains mentioned above, there are several mains which are collecting sewage
from local networks and discharging into SIS, NIS and outfall sewer.

In 1985, remodeling of the sewerage system was taken up by MCH and five major sewers
namely duplicate K&S main, dup. outfall sewer, dup. main, extension of H&L main, duplicate
Khalasiguda sewer to a length of about 32 km were latter added to the system.

Table 2.4: Proposed STP Capacities as per Master Plan

Ultimate capacity of STP required by

S.No. Location of STP

1. Attapur 121 MLD

2. Nagole 366 MLD

3. Amberpet 815 MLD

4. Nallacheruvu 134 MLD

5. Madarsa Maktha 20 MLD

Total 1456 MLD


Hussainsagar lake polluted due to discharge of untreated domestic wastewater through Picket
nala, Yousufuguda, Bullakapur and Banjara nalas and Industrial effluents from Jeedimetla,
Balanagar and Sanathnagar areas through Kukatpally nala. Abatement of Pollution of
Hussainsagar Lake Project implemented at a cost of Rs.40.00 Crores and commissioned in May

By diverting Dry Weather Flows from the 5 nalas at six places away from the lake.
By laying 15 Km., length of trunk sewers for receiving the Dry Weather Flows and for
carrying away from the lake.
By constructing a 20 Mld Sewage Treatment Plant of extended aeration process for treating
domestic sewage and letting out 20 Mld of treated effluent back in to the lake for
maintaining the hydrology of the lake.


The selection of a particular type of treatment depends upon the techno-economic feasibility of
the process selected for the treatment. The techno-economic feasibility can be attributed to
the following parameters:

1. Degree of treatment required

2. Capital and Operation & Maintenance cost
3. Mechanical equipment requirement.
4. Power requirement
5. Land requirement.


Various treatment options were considered for the treatment for proposed STP at Amberpet to
find out the techno-economically most suitable treatment scheme to suit wastewater
characteristics, climate and land available for the STP. This study was carried out for 100 MLD
capacity STP and was presented under Conceptual Design Report on Sewage Treatment
plants in 1992 prepare by AIC and was submitted to HMWSSB;

Various treatment options then considered for techno-economic evaluation are as under

1. Option 1 : Primary treatment Followed by Facultative Aerated lagoon

2. Option 2 : Activated Sludge Process
3. Option 3 : UASB followed by Short detention Aerated Lagoon
4. Option 4 : Facultative Aerated Lagoon

3.1.1 Option 1 : Primary treatment Followed by Facultative Aerated

This alternative was selected basically to explore a process which is compatible with existing
113 MLD primary treatment plant at Amberpet. The scheme included following units
Sludge digestion
Biological Oxidation using Aerated lagoons
Sludge Drying

3.1.2 Option 2 : Activated Sludge Process
An Activated Sludge Process (ASP) is a type of Aerobic Suspended Growth system. The ASP plant
essentially consist of the following:

Aeration Tank containing microorganisms in suspension in which the reaction takes

Activated Sludge Recirculation System to maintain the sufficient microorganisms in
Aeration Tank,
Excess Sludge wasting and disposal facilities,
Aeration system to transfer oxygen, and
Secondary Settling tank to separate and thicken activated sludge,
Gas Digester for gas production and Gasholder for gas storage

This option consists of the following treatment units-

Inlet Chamber,
Fine Screen Channel,
Detritor Tank / Grit Channel,
Primary Clarifier,
Aeration Tank,
Secondary Clarifier,
Sludge Pumping Station,
Filtrate Pumping Station,
Digester, and
Sludge Drying Beds.

Raw sewage will be received in the inlet chamber and then passed to the screen channel and
subsequently to the detritor tank. In screen channel floating matters are trapped and removed
whereas in detritor tank, grit is removed. After screening and grit removal the wastewater is
taken into a primary clarifier. This is provided for the removal of suspended solids before taking
wastewater for further biological treatment. The sludge generated as a result of primary
settling is taken for digestion. A sludge digester and pumps are provided for this purpose.

After primary settlement of the suspended solids, the wastewater is taken to aeration tank
containing microorganisms in suspension in which the biological degradation takes place.

Further, a secondary clarifier is provided to separate the activated sludge. 60% of the incoming
flow is recirculated upstream of the aeration tank. A tapping is provided on this line to lead the
excess sludge to the primary sludge sump. Form here the sludge is pumped up to the digester.

A digester is provided for degradation of biodegradable material. The detention time in the
digester is minimum 32 days. Mixers are provided to operate a completely mixed regime in the
digester. It is proposed to use sludge drying beds for sludge dewatering prior to sludge disposal.

3.1.3 Option 3 : UASB Followed by Facultative type of Aerated Lagoon

The development of the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor dates back from early
1970's. Pre-sedimentation, anaerobic wastewater treatment and final sedimentation including
sludge stabilisation are essentially combined in one reactor making it most attractive high-rate
wastewater treatment option. It produces high value by-products viz.

Treated wastewater usable for gardening purpose or for pisci-culture after a simple
post treatment,
Methane enriched biogas having high calorific value is converted into a usable
energy resource like heat energy, electricity etc., and
Mineralized excess sludge produced in UASB reactor for its usage as manure for
agricultural purpose.

UASB initially was developed for the anaerobic treatment of Industrial wastewater with a
moderate to high COD and BOD concentrations. The basic idea is flocculent or granular sludge
developed in the reactor depending on the wastewater characteristics and operational
parameters will tend to settle under gravity when applying moderate upward velocities in the
reactor. In this way no separate sedimentation basin is necessary. Anaerobic bacteria are
developed in the reactor and are kept in the biological reaction compartment for sufficient
time. Organic compounds present in the wastewater are absorbed or adsorbed on the sludge
particles in the reaction zone during its passage through the sludge bed. Organic compounds
there after get anaerobically biodegraded converting it into methane-enriched biogas and a
small part into the new bacterial mass. Biogas consists of Methane CH4, Carbon dioxide CO2,
Hydrogen H2, Hydrogen Sulfide H2S and traces of Ammonia NH3 and Nitrogen N2. This biogas
can be used as energy source and for this reason is collected in gas collectors.

A Gas, Liquid and Solids Separator (GLSS) is provided below the gas collectors in order to
provide an opportunity to the sludge particles to which Biogas bubbles are attached to lose
biogas and settle back into the reaction compartment. In between two gas collectors a settling

zone is provided where virtually no gas bubbles are present in the liquid. The sludge particles
carried along with the wastewater flow are settled in the settling zone and slide down into the
biological reaction zone. Wastewater enters the UASB reactor from the bottom and travels
through the reactor in the upward direction. In order to ensure sufficient contact between the
incoming wastewater and the anaerobic bacterial mass present in the reactor, the wastewater
is fed uniformly all over the bottom of the reactor. Further mixing in the reaction zone is
achieved by the production of the biogas travelling in the upward direction, settling velocity of
the sludge particles and the density currents in the sludge mass.

With proper seed material available at the time of Start-Up of the UASB reactor, the microbial
population is developed within three months period. Proper care is taken while designing the
UASB reactor to absorb estimated shock loads in terms of hydraulic and organic contents in the
wastewater. The reactor is having the following zones:

Gas collection zone

Clarification zone
Sludge blanket zone
UASB alone can not achieve desired results in terms of effluent discharge standards prescribed
for BOD and TSS hence a simple post treatment in the form of Facultative type of Aerated
Lagoon is considered after UASB reactors.

3.1.4 Option 4 : Facultative Type of Aerated Lagoon

This is the simplest of all four alternatives chosen for comparison. In this process primary
treatment consists of only screening and degritting. All BOD and Suspended Solids removal is
carried out in facultative aerated lagoon. Land requirement is higher in this method when
compared to other options. The process consists of following steps

Biological Oxidation in multi celled aerated lagoon



Associated Industrial Consultants prepared a Conceptual Design Report in November 1993

under Rehabilitation and strengthening Program of the Sewerage System in Hyderabad. Block
cost comparison of the four treatment options considered then is reproduced here in the

following Table which shows that UASB followed by short detention aerated lagoon is most
economical among other technologies.

Table 3.1: Cost Comparison of Treatment Process for 100mld STP1

Sr. Description Process

1 Capital Cost (Rs. In Million)
Civil and Piping 158.12 226.47 90.64 96.22
Mechanical and Electrical 36.04 50.96 45.60 29.89
Total 194.16 277.43 136.24 126.02
2 O&M Cost ( million/yr) 51.58 71.36 32.76 44.89
3 Total Capitalised Cost 709.96 991.03 463.84 574.92

Looking at the cost comparison and other factors influencing selection of treatment process it
has been decided to adopt the sewage treatment scheme consisting of Primary units, UASB
process followed by facultative type Aerated lagoon and Chlorination.



Total of 339 MLD sewage flow will be treated in the STP proposed at Amberpet. Primary
treatment units for 113 MLD flow consisting of inlet chamber, screen channels, grit channels
and primary settling tanks are existing at the proposed STP site. Primary treatment units
consisting of screen channels and degritter tanks will be provided for the balance flow of 226
MLD. Both thes flows will be combined together and pumped for further treatment in UASB
reactors, FAL and chlorination.

The treatment process at the Amberpet STP will consist of the following treatment units:

A. For 226 Mld Flow

1. Split Chamber,
2. Inlet Chamber,
3. Screen Channel,
4. Detritor Tank and
5. Parshall Flume

B. For 339 Mld Flow

1. Main Pumping Station,

2. Rising Main,
3. UASB Reactor,
4. Facultative Aerated Lagoon,
5. Chlorine House,
6. Chlorine Mixing Tank,
7. Chlorine Contact Tank,
8. Sludge Pumping Station,
9. Filtrate Pumping Station,
10. Sludge Drying Beds, and
11. Gas Holder.

The Inlet Chamber will receive the raw sewage to pass it further to screen channel and
subsequently to the Detritor tanks. In screen channel floating matters are trapped and
removed whereas in Detritor tank, grit is removed. The sewage having been treated for
screening and grit removal is then treated biologically in UASB Reactor. The discharge from the
UASB reactor is anaerobic in nature and is saturated with dissolved gases like methane &
hydrogen sulphide, hence is, subjected to Pre-Aeration. This wastewater from the pre-aeration
tank is discharged into the Final Polishing Unit and the treated effluent overflows from the unit
to effluent distribution system for irrigation of the fields. In case the effluent does not meet the

standards of fecal coliform, it overflows into chlorine mixing and contact tank to meet the fecal
coliform limit of less than 10,000 MPN/100 ml. Treated water from Chlorine contact tank
overflows for irrigation purpose or for final discharge. The effluent from Chlorination Unit will
have the characteristics within the discharge limits. The discharge limits for BOD5, Suspended
Solids and Fecal Coliform are 30 mg/l, 50 mg/l and less than 10,000 MPN/100 ml respectively.
In case of flexibility in fecal coliform count, effluent from FPU can directly be discharged
bypassing chlorine mixing and contact tank.

The sludge form UASB reactor is dewatered using Sludge Drying Beds before disposal. The
biogas generated in the UASB reactor is stored in the Gasholder. This biogas is utilised for
generation of electricity using a Dual-Fuel engine.


4.2.1 Inlet Chamber
An inlet Chamber is provided ahead of screen channel to receive the sewage from the main
pumping station via rising main.

4.2.2 Screen Channel

Screening is an essential step in sewage treatment to remove large size floating materials like
rags, wooden pieces, plastics, tobacco pouches, etc. which otherwise would damage pumps and
interfere with the satisfactory operation of various treatment units. Screen channel consists of
bars placed across the channel to trap the floating materials. The spacing of bars is kept
depending on the degree of treatment required. The bars arrest the floating materials,
which,have to be removed periodically .

Mechanical screens are provided with three units working and two manual screen unit as
standby unit. The screening process is undertaken by screen consisting of 50 mm x 10 mm thick
flats with 12 mm clear openings to trap the floating materials.

The mechanically operated screens will be equipped with a mechanism which will automatically
rake at a pre-set timer control. The screenings will be collected in a hopper located above the
water level such that the screenings can be easily collected in a collection cart.

Each of the standby screen channels will have manually cleaned bars screens with bar clearance
of 12 mm. Removable square mesh of 25 mm x 25 mm is provided after 12 mm opening screen
to trap the escaped floating matters. Aluminium gates are provided with RCC platforms and
access staircase. Hand railing is provided on all platforms.

4.2.3 Detritor
The screened sewage flows through a grit removal system consisting of mechanical grit removal
mechanism in two detritor tanks. Grit in sewage consists of coarse particles of sand, ash and
clinkers, egg shells and many inert materials inorganic in nature. Grit is a non-putrescible and

possesses a higher hydraulic subsidence value than organic solids. Hence, it is possible to
separate the gritty material from organic solids by differential sedimentation in a grit channel.

Grit removal is necessary to protect the moving mechanical equipment and pumps from
abrasion and accompanying abnormal wear and tear. It is separated in a detritor tank with
designed detention period. The grit washing and removal mechanism is fully automatic. Also,
two number grit channels having 50 percent capacity have been considered keeping in view the
maintenance of mechanical detritor.

4.2.4 Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Reactor

The development of the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor dates back from early

Pre sedimentation, anaerobic wastewater treatment and final sedimentation including sludge
stabilization are essentially combined in one reactor making it most attractive high-rate
wastewater treatment option. It produces high value by-products viz.:

Treated wastewater usable for agricultural and gardening purpose or for pisci-
culture after a simple post treatment,
Methane enriched biogas having high calorific value is converted into a usable
energy resource like heat energy, electricity etc., and
Mineralized excess sludge produced in UASB reactor for its usage as manure for
agricultural purpose.

The UASB process initially was developed for the anaerobic treatment of industrial wastewater
with a moderate to high COD and BOD concentrations. The basic idea is that flocculent or
granular sludge developed in the reactor depending on the wastewater characteristics and

operational parameters will tend to settle under gravity when applying moderate upward
velocities in the reactor. In this way no separate sedimentation basis is necessary. Anaerobic
bacteria are developed in the reactor and are kept in the biological reaction compartment for
sufficient time. Organic compounds present in the wastewater are absorbed or adsorbed on
the sludge particles in the reaction zone during its passage through the sludge bed. Organic
compounds there after get anaerobically biodegraded converting it into methane-enriched
biogas and a small part into the new bacterial mass. Biogas consists of methane CH4, carbon
dioxide CO2, hydrogen gas H2, hydrogen sulphide H2S and traces of ammonia NH3 and nitrogen
N2. This biogas can be used as energy source, and is collected in gas collectors for this purpose.

A Gas, Liquid and Solids Separator (GLSS) is provided below the gas collectors in order to
provide an opportunity to the sludge particles to which biogas bubbles are attached to lose
biogas and settle back into the reaction compartment. In between two gas collectors a settling
zone is provided where virtually, no gas bubbles are present in the liquid. The sludge particles
carried along with the wastewater flow are settled in the settling zone and slide down into the
biological reactor in the upward direction. In order to ensure sufficient contact between the
incoming wastewater and the anaerobic bacterial mass present in the reactor, the wastewater
is fed uniformly all over the bottom of the reactor. Further mixing in the reaction zone is
achieved by the production of the biogas travelling in the upward direction, settling velocity of
the sludge particles and the density currents in the sludge mass.

Proper care is taken while designing the UASB reactor to absorb estimated shock loads in terms
of hydraulic and organic contents in the wastewater. The reactor is rectangular in size and
modular approach is used for design.

4.2.5 Sludge Dewatering System

Sludge Dewatering System will consist of the following:

Sludge Pumping Station

Sludge Drying Beds

A sludge pumping station is provided for the transfer of sludge. Sludge sump is a concrete tank
adequate to hold sludge wasted from two reactors in a day. Sludge pumps are provided to
pump the sludge from sludge sump to sludge drying beds. The sludge pumping station is
provided with 100 percent standby capacity in case of failure or maintenance of operating

A 250 micron size LDPE sheet is spread over the floor of the sludge drying beds to prevent the
seepage of the filterate in to the ground as ground water table is found at higher level in this
area. A 150 mm thick layer of gravel having a size of 30 - 50 mm is spread over the brick lining,
which is followed by a 150 mm thick layer of gravel having a size of 12 - 30 mm. On top of this
layer of gravel, a 225 mm thick layer of sand having 0.30 - 0.75 mm size is laid. When wet
sludge is spread on the top of bed major portion of liquid drains off in few hours after which
drying of sludge commences by evaporation. The dried sludge is then carried away in trucks for
disposal to sanitary landfills for use as manure on agricultural land.

This filtrate is collected in an open jointed GSW pipe having 200 mm diameter. The filtrate that
is drained off is disposed off to the sump well of filtrate pumping station via 300 mm diameter
CI gravity pipeline.

The filtrate collected in the filtrate sump is pumped and sent to the inlet of facultative type of
Aerated Lagoon.

4.2.6 Gasholder
Three floating type gasholders will be provided floating in a concrete tank with a holding
capacity of six hours of biogas production. It will be provided with inlet, gas outlet, water drain,
pressure and vacuum relief valves arrangements.

4.2.7 Gas Flaring System

A gas flaring system will be provided consisting of the following:

Pressure Regulator and water seal,

Flame Check,
Pilot gas flame and valve along with the electronic lighter,
Gas flare at 6m height from ground level, and
Moisture trap.

4.2.8 Gas Utilisation System

Biogas generated in the UASB reactor is stored in the Gasholder. This biogas is utilised for
generation of electricity using a Dual-Fuel engine. Biogas blowers are also provided to boost the
pressure of biogas to 0.4 to 0.6 Kg/cm2 before it is feed to the engines. Provisions for pressure
measurement, gas flow measurements, hydrogen sulphide scrubbers and bio gas blowers are
provided on the biogas utilisation system before it is feed to biogas engines.


Design of a proper post-treatment system is important for the success of any project involving
an anaerobic step. Post-treatment required is given in various forms to meet effluent discharge
standards. In order to meet the inland water discharge standards of BOD and suspended solids,
polishing of the UASB effluent to further remove the residual BOD & TSS will be required. The
post treatment units will consist of the following units.

4.3.1 Facultative Type of Aerated Lagoon

The flow from UASB reactors will be treated in a Facultative type of Aerated Lagoon of 1.5 days
hydraulic retention time to provide aeration and settlement of suspended solids for further
treatment of the effluent from UASB reactors.

4.3.2 Chlorination System

Chlorination system has been given in the design to meet the fecal coliform standards incase
the treated water from the FAL does not meet the fecal discharge standards. Chlorination
system includes mainly of three units namely chlorine house, chlorine mixing tank and chlorine
contact tank. House

Chlorine house will incorporate vacuum type gaseous chlorinator along with all accessories and
required number of chlorine tonner. Mix Tank

Chlorine mix tank is provided with slow speed mechanical mixer to mix the chlorine solution
with treated effluent of FAL. From chlorine mix tank water will flow to chlorine contact tank.

39 Contact Tank

In chlorine contact tank actual disinfection of treated wastewater will take place by keeping
water in contact with chlorine.



Techno- economic evaluation of various feasible options of utilization of sludge and bio- gas has
been done to select the best suitable alternative.


The various alternative available for the disposal of sludge are: Filling

Sludge can be finally disposed off for the purpose of landfill, which is the most common method
of solid waste disposal in India. Sludge disposal in this manner requires additional yearly
operation & maintenance cost in terms of staff & vehicle for loading, unloading, transportation
& disposal of sludge. as a Manure

Sludge produced from the UASB reactor will be digested sludge and rich in nutrients (N, P, K)
which are beneficial for plant growth. Digested sludge of sewage treatment plants is now
acceptable to local farmers to be used as a manure in the field. By selling sludge at a nominal
rate, department can generate yearly revenue which will help in the operation & maintenance
of the plant.

Keeping in view the above two available options, use of sludge as manure is found most techno-
economical alternative.

The various alternative available for the disposal of Bio-gas generated in the plant are:

Bio- gas generated from the UASB reactor can be directly flared to the sky in a controlled
manner. a Cooking Gas

Bio- gas can be utilized as a cooking gas in the individual households. Due to psychological
reasons, bio-gas generated from sewage is not acceptable to consumer in India and also to
consume huge quantity of biogas a complete infrastructure is required for distribution and
supply. for Power Generation

Bio-gas can be used as a fuel for electricity generation which can be utilised in the plant itself.
Use of bio gas for power generation fulfills the power requirement of plant partially/ fully
depending upon the quantity of bio gas generated which reduces the external power
requirement and makes the system self sustainable.

Keeping in view the various options available, utilization of bio-gas for power generation seems
most suitable alternative and hence adopted in the present scheme.


The parameters adopted for design of STP is as under:

Design Parameters for STP at Amberpet

Sr. Parameter Value Unit
Average Flow 3.92 Cum/sec
Peak Factor 2.0
Peak flow 7.85 Cum/sec
1. Inlet Chamber
Hydraulic retention time 45 Sec
2. Screen Channel
Clear opening through screen 12 Mm
Minimum approach velocity at average flow 0.3 m/sec
Minimum velocity through screen at peak 0.6 m/sec
Maximum velocity through screen at peak 1.2 m/sec
3. Detritor Tank
Particle size 0.15 Mm
Specific gravity of grit at 20o C 2.65
Settling velocity 0.0168 m/sec
Efficiency 75 %
4. UASB Reactor
Solids retention time 33 Days
Sludge bed concentration 60.0 kg TSS/cum
Maximum sludge bed height 80.0 % of H to gas
Average Upflow velocity 0.65 m/hr
Maximum Upflow velocity 1.3 m/hr
Average aperture velocity 2.5 m/hr
Maximum aperture velocity 5.0 m/hr
Angle of gas collector 50.0 Degree
Hood width 0.44 M
Settling zone surface percentage > 75.0 % of total
surface area
Settling zone detention time (minimum) 1.2 Hr
Feed inlet point distance (maximum) 2.0 M
Overlap 0.15 M

Sr. Parameter Value Unit
5. Facultative Type of Aerated lagoon

Detention time 1.5 Day

Depth 3.5 M
6. Chlorine Mix Tank
Detention time 2 Min
7. Chlorine Contact Tank
Detention time 30 Min
8. Gasholder
Detention time 6.0 Hr
Pressure 0.03 kg/



The mechanical equipment consists of screens, aerators, pumps, etc. The equipment is selected
to suit the performance requirements and the prevailing site conditions. The requirements of
various mechanical equipment are described here under.


For the control of the flow and for maintenance of the mechanically raked screens, rising
spindle aluminum gates are provided. The gates shall be single faced, rising spindle, flush
bottom closing, wall mounted flange back frame. Aluminum sluice gates suitable for seating
water head of 1.5m and mounting on the flat face of a wall, water sealing at two vertical sides,
top an bottom side of gate frame by means of neoprene rubber seal fitted in gate aperture and
having forced contact with gate slide, to be provided with aluminum frame and shutter, SS 304
spindle to suit distances as specified in the bill of quantities. All fasteners shall be in SS 304 and
anchor bolts, EPDM rubber seals, SS 304 rubber seal retainer bars, CI stem guide bracket, SS 304
coupling, CI manually operated heeadstock .

The size of gates will be as per requirements mentioned in the bill of quantities.

There will be six screen channels, each of 2500 mm width and 3200 mm depth (800 mm LD +
300 mm head loss + 2100 mm freeboard). Four channels are working and two channels are
standby. All the working screen channels will have one mechanically cleaned fine bars screen
with bar clear opening of 12 mm. Both the standby screen channel will have one manually
cleaned bars screen with bar clearance of 15 mm. Fine Screens

Each equipment shall mainly consist of the Screen Surface (bar screens), Rotor Arm (raking
arrangement), Chute and Drive System.

The frame is rigidly framed on all ends and anchored to the RCC channel top surface and to the
bottom of the channel. The frame is curved in shape the curvature radius will match the rotor
arm tip radius. The entire channel width and depth will be covered by the screen surface.

The rotor arm assembly will be placed on the inlet side of the screen. The rotor consists of two
main Bearing Blocks having an axle running in their journals across the channel. Two rake arms
at 180 degrees to each other, fixed to the axle, shall carry the retriever combs made of cast
steel. The outer radius of the combs shall match the radius of the screen surface and the combs
will engage into the bars to carry the trapped screenings to the top end of the screen. The
bearing blocks are anchored to the RCC channel, parallel to the screen surface.

The cleaning rake will be revolving rake type with four steel combs. The rake will be suitably
sized for heavy duty and shaped to effectively clean the bar screen. The sprocket chain will be
split type. The screenings is to be dropped on conveyor about 600 mm above the top of the
screen channel.

Alternatively, other type of raking arrangement will also be considered.

The chute shall be placed on the outlet side of the screen surface, near the top end and shall
receive the screenings through an interceptor plate from the rotor arms combs. The client shall
have to either place a conveyor belt to receive the screenings or have a mobile trolley under the

The drive system operates the axle and correspondingly the rotor arms. The system consists of
a motor of required HP driving a reduction gearbox, which in turn drives another gearbox
through chain and sprocket transmission to obtain the desired RPM on the rotor. The system is
assembled over a base frame that is anchored to the RCC channel top near the rotor.

The drive machinery includes TEFC motor, speed reducer, head shaft, etc. All fasteners will be
of SS 316. All the steel structures shall be sand/ball blasted to near white and painted with two
coats of zinc rich primer followed with two coats of epoxy paint.

The bar screens are fabricated from 50 mm x 10 mm mild steel flats spaced at 12 mm centre to
centre and fixed at an inclination of 75 to the structural steel frame work such that all bars
project on upstream side and teeth of the rake engages within the clearances of the bars
without hindrance. The bar screen size will be 2500 mm x 3200 mm.

A dead plate of not less than 6 mm thick is provided from top of the bar screen to prevent
falling of screenings in the channel. It shall have pivot plate at the bottom for preventing

jamming of bottom shaft. The complete unit above the floor will be totally enclosed with
hinged clean out and inspection doors. Cleaned Bar Screen

The manually cleaned bar screen will be fabricated from 50 mm x 10 mm flats with clear spacing
of 15 mm and will be fixed at 70o inclination in the channel. The screen will be removable type.
The screen size will be about 2500 mm x 3200 mm. A manual rake of about 500 mm width with
2 m long handle for removal of screenings will be provided for each screen channel. The screen
will be sand blasted and epoxy painted. The screenings to be put manually on conveyor
provided for fine screen.

A common conveyor is provided for collecting screenings from Four mechanised fine screens
and will drop the screening in a trolley type container kept at one end of the conveyor for
taking out the screening for disposal. The conveyor will also cover manually cleaned screen
channel. The screening from manual screens will be put on conveyor manually. The length of
the conveyor for screen will be about 12 m of 0.75m width.

Each assembly of conveyor will consists of two pulleys with their shaft and bearings for driving
the belt and idler pulleys for supporting the belt. The upper level idler pulleys will have three
roll twenty degree roughing idlers. The bottom level idlers for belt return will be flat roll-type.

At the end of the belt drive, an adjustable scrapper is provided on the screening hopper for
diverting the screening through hopper to the container

The belt material will be two - ply nylon or equivalent with 3 mm neoprene covering on carrying
side and 0.75 mm neoprene covering on pulley side. The speed of the belt will be between 25m
to 30 m per minutes. The width of the belt will be 750 mm

The power transmission will be by means of TEFC motor coupled to the reduction gears. The
gears will have service factor of 2.

The whole conveyor will be supported on steel structure over the screen channel.


Four detritors tanks are provided for grit removal. It has a rotating grit scraping mechanism,
adjustable influent deflector, reciprocating rake mechanism to remove the grit and organic
return pump. The Detritor tank size is 12.25 m diameter with 0.7 m SWD.

The grit scraping mechanism shall have fixed bridge with rotating scrapper arms. The scrapper
arms will have adjustable squeezes, which will scrap the grit to the grit sump. An overload alarm
is provided. This arrangement will trip the machine in case of overload.

Suitable classifier mechanism along with the organic return pump will be provided. The
reciprocating rake mechanism will lift the grit up. The reciprocating rake mechanism will be
installed at about 35 inclination. Chute is located at the top, through chute grit will fall to the
ground/container, for further disposal. A grit cleaning arrangement is provided to remove
organic particles from the grit and is pumped back to the inlet by an organic pump.


There will be a Main pumping station to pump the 339 MLD of average flow to new sewage
treatment plant via 2nos. 1800mm diameter, rising main as per hydraulic requirement. Main
pumping station will have Eighteen pumps, Twelve working and six standbys during peak flows.
The capacity of the pumps has been fixed keeping in view the average & peak flows of the

The pumps will be of centrifugal, non-clog submersible cavity type. The specifications are
mentioned in the following table.

1 Liquid Raw Sewage

2 Capacity 2360 Cum/hour

3 Head 14.0 m

4 Solids size 40mm hard incompressible

80mm soft compressible

5 Temperature Min 20 deg cel

6 Specific gravity 1.05


8 Efficiency

9 Installation type Fixed

10 Casing material 2.0 - 2.5% Ni CI

11 Impeller material CF 8M

12 Motor body CI IS 210 Gr FG 260

13 Seal cover CI IS 210 Gr FG 260

14 Shaft AISI 410

15 Guide pipe and chain SS 304

16 Top cover CI IS 210 Gr FG 260

17 Motor rating 270 KW

18 Motor RPM Less than 980

19 Rated voltage 415 V

20 Frequency 50 Hz

The pump will have automatic coupling arrangement at discharge end for removal and refixing
of the pump from top. A guide pipe/and chain in SS304 will be provided for smooth removal
and lowering of pumps.


There will be three sludge pumping stations to pump out the sludge to sludge drying beds. Each
Sludge pumping station will have two pumps, one working and one standby. The capacity of the
pumps has been fixed at 160 cum/hr so that sludge withdrawal from all reactors is completed
during general shift of eight hours, with sufficient safety in operating time. The operating head
of the pump will be 18.0 m. The sludge volume to be withdrawn from UASB reactors will be
about 1380.0 cum/day. The sludge withdrawal operation is described under electrical system.

The sludge pumps will be of centrifugal, non-clog submersible cavity type. The specifications are
mentioned in the following table.

1 Liquid Sludge

2 Capacity 160 cum/hour

3 Head 18.0 m

4 Solids size 40mm hard, incompressible

80mm soft and compressible

5 Temperature Ambient

6 Specific gravity 1.1


8 efficiency

9 Installation type Fixed

10 Casing material 2.0 - 2.5% Ni CI

11 Impeller material CF 8M

12 Motor body CI IS 210 Gr FG 260

13 Seal cover CI IS 210 Gr FG 260

14 Shaft AISI 410

15 Guide pipe and chain SS 304

16 Top cover CI IS 210 Gr FG 260

17 Motor rating 30 KW

18 Motor RPM Less than 980

19 Rated voltage 415 V

20 Frequency 50 Hz

The pump will have automatic coupling arrangement at discharge end for removal and refixing
of the pump from top. A guide pipe/wire rope will be provided for smooth removal and
lowering of pumps.
There will be a filtrate pumping station to pump out the filtrate to the inlet of Facultative type
of aerated lagoon. Filtrate pumping station will have two pumps, one working and one standby.
The capacity of the pumps has been fixed at 250 cum/hr. The operating head of the pump will
be 16m.

The Filtrate pumps will be of centrifugal, non-clog submersible cavity type. The specifications
are mentioned in the following table.

1 Liquid Filtrate

2 Capacity 160 cum/hour

3 Head 18.0 m

4 Solids size 40mm hard, incompressible

80mm soft and compressible

5 Temperature Ambient

6 Specific gravity 1.05


8 efficiency

9 Installation type Fixed

10 Casing material 2.0 - 2.5% Ni CI

11 Impeller material CF 8M

12 Motor body CI IS 210 Gr FG 260

13 Seal cover CI IS 210 Gr FG 260

14 Shaft AISI 410

15 Guide pipe and chain SS 304

16 Top cover CI IS 210 Gr FG 260

17 Motor rating 40 KW

18 Motor RPM Less than 980

19 Rated voltage 415 V

20 Frequency 50 Hz

The pump will have automatic coupling arrangement at discharge end for removal and refixing
of the pump from top. A guide pipe/wire rope will be provided for smooth removal and
lowering of pumps.


24 nos. of 50 HP aerators are provided in the facultative type of aerated lagoon. The purpose of
aeration is for removal of anerobicity of the effluent and also for removal od residual BOD and
sulphides present in the UASB effluent. Aerator will be of slow speed.

The aerators will have minimum capacity of 1.5 kg oxygen/kWh oxygen transfer under field
condition. The aerator will be fabricated from mild steel sheets of not less than 3 mm. The
aerators will be dynamically balanced. The gears will be helical-type with service factor not less
than 2.

The motors will be with TEFC enclosure. The aerators will be sand/ball blasted and will be epoxy
painted after applying zinc rich primer.

Aerator duty helical gear box with a service factor of 2 with casing in horizontal split condition
with integrally cast mounting blocks with casing to facilitate 150mm adjustment of aerator
cone in water. Dry well arrangement on output shaft to make the output end of gear box leak

Rectangular/Circular floats shall be in MS duly FRP coated with 4mm FRP lining thickness,
hydraulically tested with mounting platform and handrails. The floats will be filled with
polyurethane foam and will have ballast compartment at both ends to fill the ballast made up
of RCC cubes to stabilise the floating aerator operation in water.

Mooring arrangement of nylon rope of sufficient length to secure floating aerator with RCC
column shall be provided. Each float will be provided with lifting hooks and hooks for
connecting mooring arrangement.


Monorail trolley and the chain pulley block will be provided for lifting of sludge pump. The
trolley and the chain pulley block will be hand driven. The capacity of trolley and chain pulley
block is 1 tonne, which is sufficient to remove complete pump set.

The trolley will be gear-less and will have four wheels to run on the lower flange of the rolled
steel joist. The wheels will be of carbon steel casting. The trolley will have arrangement to fix
the chain pulley block.

The chain pulley block will have spur type gears, load sheave, brake unit, hand chain wheel, loan
chain wheel and hooks for suspension on monorail trolley and load.

The biogas produced is to be utilised for power generation using fuel engine generator. The
expected maximum gas generation will be about 6400 m3/day. The capacity of biogas holder is
provided for its storage for 6 hrs of retention time. The generation will depend on ambient
temperature. To have uniform supply of required gas for power generation a Gasholder has
been included. Provision has been made for flaring of gas if there is excess.The gas produced in
the UASB reactors is to be led to the Gasholder through a moisture trap and gas flow meter.
The tap-offs are provided after the gas pipe enters the Gasholder, one going to the generator
room for supply to dual fuel engines and the other to the gas flaring equipment.

The biogas holder will be of the wet type with a sealing of water. The biogas holder would be a
RCC circular structure. The gas dome would be fabricated from mild steel plate having
minimum 6 mm thickness. Guide rails embedded in RCC structure facilitate the vertical
movement of the gas dome. The gas dome surface shall be coated with 350-micron thickness.
One pressure release valve will be provided at the top of the dome, which will open out when
the level reaches 100% value. One High-Level limit switch will be provided at 95% to give an
audible alarm signal in the control room.At low-level, say 20%, the running engines will be shut
off and the biogas holder will be allowed to rise again. However, in case of heavy leakage, or
otherwise, if the level goes to a very low level of say 5%, the Vacuum Breaking Glass will break
and will prevent the biogas holder from any damages due to vacuum condition.

5.1.10 Chlorine Mixer

4 nos mechanical chlorine mixers suitable for a tank of size 12.5m x 12.5 m x 3m SWD shall be
required. It should comprise of asuitable reduction gear box of worm and worm wheel type
driven by 5HP motor, It shall have turbine type impeller in SS 304 with ouput speed of 36 RPM.

5.1.11 Gas Scrubber Unit And Gas Blowers

The biogas produced from the reactors contains corrosive gas H2S at about 1% concentration
and is at a very low pressuring (100 to 250 mm water column).

The dual fuel engine need biogas at around 0.4 kg/ with H2S less than 0.1%. Thus the
biogas needs to be pressurised and H2S is to be reduced to less than 0.1%. The biogas
consumption is about 300 cum/hr at full load. The gas scrubber and blower system is designed
for 300 cum/hr.

First, H2S is removed in scrubber. In the scrubber, the H2S containing gas is contacted in counter
current mode with a scrubbing liquid. Absorption of H2S occurs in the scrubber under certain
specific conditions and a chemical reaction with metal ions takes place.

H2S when dissolved in aqueous medium is ionized to H+ and S2-. The sulfur ions can be oxidized
by polyvalent metal ions, such as those irons, which can exist in ferric (Fe3+) or Ferrous (Fe2+)
form. When sulphide ion comes in contact with ferric ion, it is oxidized to elemental sulfur and
gets precipitated. The ferric ion is in turn reduced to ferrous form. This reaction can be written

2Fe3 + S2- = 2 Fe2+ + S

The ferrous ions can later be oxidized to ferric ions by reaction with oxygen in the atmosphere
air. The oxidation of ferrous ion can be written as

4 Fe2+ + O2 + 4 H+ = 4 Fe3+ + 2 H2O

A root type blower has been considered to increase the pressure and since the engine may run
at different times the biogas pressure is raised upto 1 kg/ and stored in a pressure vessel.
The blower will operate on pressure switches and will be generally operated when biogas
pressure in the pressure vessel drops below 0.6 kg/ and will stop as soon as the pressure
develops to 1 kg/ Since raising of gas pressure increases the temperature of the gas, an
after cooler is provided. The cooling of the blower and after cooler will have cooling tower and
cooling water pump.


Gas flaring system will be installed to burn excess biogas generated at the STP. The burning
capacity of the flare will be 500 cum/hr. The biogas flaring system will consist of the following:

Moisture Separator
Flame Arresters on Pilot and Main Gas Burner
Non-Return Valve
Pressure Relief Valve
Flare Gas Burner (6m height from ground level)
Pilot Gas Burner with push button ignition complete with ignition electrode
Fusion Plug

5.1.13 Pure Gas Engine Principal

A pure gas engine is has a conversion kit to run the engine with biogas. Gaseous fuel is added to
the air, which is included at air intake manifold or before Turbocharger. This mixture of air and
gas is compressed in the cylinder just as air compressed in normal IC engine. for Pure Gas Engines

Gas Engine
Direct coupling between alternator and the engine
Air Filtration
All mountings shall be anti vibration type
Gas train consisting og solenoid valve, regulator,low/high pressure switch, and filter
All necessary safety measures
Necessary accessaries
Alternator of required rating
Fabrication of gas piping between regulator and gas control valve and air intake

The following aspects on auxiliary and utility system shall be taken into consideration for gas
utilisation systems:

Inlet Air System,

Filter or Duplex filter to be located at an elevated position to prevent ingress of
Air inlet silencer, and
All piping, ducting, supports, instrumentation and control.

55 Gas System

Ducting with thickness 6mm, expansion joints upstream and down stream of turbocharger (if
provided), silencer insulation etc. stack leading outside the building at safe height from ground
level. Requirement

1. Anti vibration mounting for engine and alternators.

2. Enclosure ventilation/ cooling fans with drives.
3. Enclosure lighting
4. Inspection opening in the frame to permit easy inspection of the driving gear, lube
oil pump, bearing etc.
5. Gas and fire detection system.
6. Explosion valve in D.G. maintenance doors.
7. Crank case explosion relief valve.
8. Compression relief valve. Water System

The cooling water system shall consist of the following:

1. Primary and secondary cooling water system (closed cycle) for engine cooling, lube oil cooling
(if applicable) start up air compressor cooling (if applicable) etc.

2. For primary circuit, one CW pump shall be engine driven. During standby conditions, the
engine jacket water shall be kept warm by means of thermostatically controlled electric
heaters. Air System

All pipes fitting, accessories, instrument and control, start/ stop solenoid valve etc. are
considered to make the system complete. Fighting

Suitable number of portable extinguishers CO2 and dry powder type shall be provided for all
pump house, gas engine room, electrical and control room at strategic locations as per Indian
Tariff, Advisor committee Rules/ NFPA Standards. of Crane/ Hoists

Composite hoist double girder lectically operated overhead crane shall be provided for gas
engine room. Ventilation Fans

Suitable number of ventilation fans shall be provided in gas engine room.

56 Lube Oil System

Motor driven pre-lube pump

Duplex lube oil filter.
Oil mist pipe leading to atmosphere at safe height.
Lube oil centrifuges if necessary. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS

1. All equipment and plant shall conform to the provision of statutory and other
regulations in force in India and/ or in the state of Andhra pradesh and local
municipal authority such as Indian Electricity Act., Indian Explosives Act., Indian
Electricity Rules, Environmental rules, obtaining of all permissions and approvals
from the statutory authorities shall be the responsibility of the contractor.
2. All electrical and instruments in fuel gas and fuel oil system shall be flame proof/
intrinsically safe type/ increased safety type as per statutory rule prevailing in India.
3. All gas vent/ relief valve discharge shall be led to atmosphere at safe height.
4. Suitable drain and vents with valve shall be provided at lowest and highest points as
per site layout.
5. All high temperature piping, ducting, shall be insulated to keep outside surface
temperature at 60oC (worst ambient temp).
6. Level switches shall be provided in Gasholder for automatic operation of gas
7. All gas vent line shall be provided with flame arrestor.
8. Cooling tower shall be provided for cooling and shall be designed for total load
arising from charge air cooling, lube oil cooling and engine cooling, booster
compressor and re-circulation gas compressor cooling (if applicable).
9. The power generation plant shall be designed so that quality of liquid effluent if any
shall meet the requirement of IS:2490.
10. All controls (electrical/ pneumatic devices) have fail safe features with redundancy
as per good engineering practice.
11. All atmospheric tanks shall be designed to IS:803 or equivalent.
12. All pressure vessels shall be designed as per ASME SEC-VIII or IS-2825 or equivalent.
13. Pure gas engine alternator shall be packaged skid mounted type.

14. Generator plant shall be continuously rated and shall be suitable for black start. In
particular the engine set shall be capable of Start-Up and running without water
supply system for a minimum period of three (3) minutes for achieving black start.
15. All pumps in power generation package shall have 50% or minimum one stand by.
16. Generator shall be able to start when room temperature is 4 Degree Celsius.
17. All valves in fuel oil shall be of welded construction. All drain and vent valves in lube
oil line shall be lockable type. Lube oil lines after filters upto bearings shall be of
stainless steel. Oil cooler tubes shall be of stainless steel. Instrumentation and control

Each generator unit shall be provided with complete instrumentation and control system for
safe and reliable operation. The standard instrumentation and control system shall include the
following relay based control:

1. Pressure and temperature gauge for lube oil, primary and secondary CW, fuel oil,
fuel gas, inlet and out let of engine, heat exchangers/ coolers, exhaust gas temp.
outlet from cylinder and turbo charger (if applicable), pressure gauge for each
pump discharge.
2. Gas flow meter inlet to engine.
3. Fault detectors with pressure and temperature switches for status indication, alarm
and trip for high CW temperature, low lube oil pressure, high lube oil temp., high
charge air temp. (if applicable) high and low fuel oil level in service tank, gas
pressure low, low fuel oil pressure, makeup/ expansion water level low, pre lube oil
pressure, high charge air temp., fire alarm, gas detection, air starting OK, vibration
detection, over speed , over voltage , control air, pressure low, crankcase pressure
abnormal starting fault, engine exhaust temperature - high and low etc.
4. Engine speed, running hour meter, watt meter etc,
5. Emergency stop-push button, auto manual selector switch.
6. Differential pressure gauge across lube oil and fuel oil strainer.
7. All tanks shall be provided with level gauge. Level switches shall be provided for fuel
oil tanks.
8. Emergency shutdown provision acting on signal from gas detection equipment.
9. Thermostatic control in lube oil and CW system, charge air circuit by-pass shall be
provided to control lube oil and jacket water temp.

58 Layout

Layout of the powerhouse shall be developed to ensure operability maintainability and

conformity to good engineering practice and suitable for future expansion. Suitable lay down
area shall be provided for maintenance in powerhouse at one end. Necessary statutory
clearance shall be observed while locating HT equipment and fuel oil installation.

Suitable platforms, walkways, stairs and handrails shall be provided for access and walk space
for operation. Separate electrical room annex in engine room shall be provided for housing
electrical equipment and panels. Space for office shall be provided adjacent to electrical room.

Necessary access to all on base equipment i.e. lubes oil console, fuel oil tanks, CW console etc.
shall be provided. Space will be required for all heat exchangers.

Space provision in electrical equipment placement shall envisage safety clearances as per factory
rules and IS rules as well as adequacy of same for maintenance, testing and data logging for
panel boards, generators transformers and cabling.


The electrical system design for UASB STP is based on electrical load requirements, i.e.
connected load and peak load for functional and lighting requirements in various areas of the
plant. The basic equipments are mechanical screens, detritors, sewage pumps, aerators,
chlorine mixer, sludge pumps, filtrate pumps, gas blowers and air compressors etc. The utilities
are administrative building with laboratory, panel room, plant area lighting, staff quarters etc.
Provision of power supply to Admin. Block & Laboratory is proposed to be tapped from the
existing source available nearby.

The power distribution system to the plant has been considered based on the peak load
requirements and captive power available from pure gas engine.

The Plant Power Distribution system follows the single line diagram enclosed with the DPR. One
Main Load Centre is proposed at MEP room where all the HT & LT panels shall be installed.
Further different sub panels are proposed for power provision of the equipments in the
respective area. This is felt optimum from installation & operation point of view of the plant.

The Main Electrical Panel (MEP1) for Pumping Station shall have only one power source from
local electric supply company - Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board (APSEB).

The Main Electrical Panel (MEP2) for treatment plant shall have two supplies, one from pure gas
engine and other from local electric supply company - Andhra pradesh State Electricity Board
(APSEB), which can be switched on in case of failure of the pure gas engine or insufficient
availability of biogas. Power produced from pure gas engine will be supplied only to the aerator
panel in the MEP2 as the generated power is sufficient only to run 24 nos of aerators of 50 HP
each. Since synchronising of captive generator and APSEB's supply is not considered, as it is
normally not permitted, interlocking provision is made between two supplies, so that only one
supply can be put ON at a time. The electrical load of the aerators will be generally on pure gas
generator supply. In case pure gas supply is not available, the aerator panel load will be
switched over to APSEB. The biogas produced from the reactors will be utilised for the pure gas

The electrical system incorporates all safety requirements as per I.E. Rules and all the
components considered be as per relevant I.S. standards. The single line diagram, as enclosed,
provides general requirements of various units of electrical distribution system.

5.2.1 Power Supply

The electrical supply system for the STP will be as given hereunder:- Normal Power Supply

It is presumed that the 11KV outdoor switchyard having DP structure, 11kV isolator etc. shall
be provided by the APSEB at a suitable point of supply in the plant premises.

One no. 11KV SF6/VCB breaker panel having 2 incomers and 2 outgoing transformer feeders, is
proposed which shall be installed in the MEP room. The HT panel installed in MEP room shall
receive power from outdoor switchyard DP structure by laying 11KV grade AL (XLPE) cable.

Two transformers of adequate capacity to take 100 % plant load are proposed. Only one
transformer will suffice the plant peak load requirements. In case of failure of any of the two
transformers the other transformer shall take over load of the entire plant.

The entire plant will be operated on 415 V, 3-Phase, 50 c/s 3 wire/4 wire system for which, one
Main Electrical Panel each for (MEP1) and (MEP2) will be provided. The variation in the voltage
is considered as +6% and frequency as +3%.

The power stepped down to 415V by the transformers shall be fed to the Main Electrical Panel
installed in the MEP room by installing 415 V TPN bus duct. Power for entire plant equipments
and utilities shall be distributed from this panel. Generator Supply

The proposed STP will have its own generation system utilising the produced biogas. In the
initial period, the STP will run on APSEB's supply. Subsequently, when the biogas is produced in
sufficient quantity, the gas gensets will be run on biogas and will feed power to the MEP. Two
500 KVA engines are proposed in STP area, which will be able to run 24 nos of aerators in FAL.

Both the supplies will operate independently and no paralleling will be done at any time.

5.2.2 Electrical Drives of MEP1


Sr. Description Rating Qty Working Total Total Power

No. (KW) Hours/ Connected Working Consumption
Day Load (KW) Load per Day
(KW) (KWh)



1. Mechanical Screen 1.5 4 6 6 6 36

2. Conveyor Belt 2.2 1 6 2.2 2.2 13.2

3. Mechanical Detritor 4.5 4 24 18 18 432

4. Sewage Pumps 201.42 12 6 24 3625.56 2417.04 29004.48

5. Laboratory 15 1 12 15 15 180

TOTAL EQUIPMENT LOAD 3666.76 2458.24 29665.68


Outdoor Lighting

5. Plant Lighting 5 1 12 5 5 60

In Lighting Door

6. Staff Quarters 5 1 12 5 5 60

7. Admin. Block 7 1 12 7 7 84



B} TOTAL PEAK 2475.24 29869.68



Sr. Description Rating Qty Working Total Total Power

No. (KW) Hours/ Connected Working Consumption
Day Load (KW) Load per Day
(KW) (KWh)



1. Aerators 37.3 24 24 895.2 895.2 21484.8

2. Air Compressor 14.92 1 1 6 29.84 14.92 89.52

3. Cooling Tower Fans 18.65 1 21 18.65 18.65 391.65

3.1. Feed Pump 11.2 1 2 11.2 11.2 22.4

4. Sludge Pumps 30 3 3 8 180 90 720

5. Scrubbing Unit

5.1 Scrubber Pump 11.2 3 3 21 67.2 33.6 705.6

5.2 Recire. Pump 11.2 3 3 21 67.2 33.6 705.6

5.3 Dosing Pump 11.2 3 3 2 67.2 33.6 67.2

6. Gas Compressor 22 3 3 21 132 66 1386

7. Filterate Pump 22 1 1 6 44 22 132

8. Chlorine Mixer 7.5 1 1 24 15 7.5 180

9. Booster Pump 14.92 1 1 24 29.84 14.92 358.08

10. Exhaust Fans 3.7 2 24 7.4 7.4 177.6

Total Equipment

B) Lighting Load

Outdoor Lighting

11. Plant Lighting 45 1 12 45 45 540

In Door Lighting

12. Sludge Pump House 0.4 1 12 0.4 0.4 4.8

13. Filterate Pump 0.8 1 12 0.8 0.8 9.6


14. Admin. Block 8.5 1 12 8.5 8.5 102

15. Chlorine House 2.5 1 12 2.5 2.5 30

16. MEP Room 3.5 1 12 3.5 3.5 42

Total Lighting Load 60.7 60.7 728.4

B) Total Load 1309.29 27148.85

Power consumption for Pumping Station : 29869.68

Power consumption for Treatment Plant : 27148.85 KWh

Total Power Consumption per day (KWh) : 57018.53 KWh


Starting and stopping of the plant equipment shall be designed on manual philosophy.

5.3.1 Sludge Pumps

There will be three sludge pumping stations having 2 sludge pump sets in each pumping station.
Out of the two pumps, one pump will be running while the other will act as standby in rotation.
This shall be achieved by using a duty selector switch of manual type.

5.3.2 Mechanical Screens

One bar screens will be provided in each of the three screen channels. The screen will be a
mechanically rake type. The bar screen mechanism will be generally operated in manual mode.

5.3.3 Detritors
All the Detritor equipments will run continuously, through the screen & detritor panel itself for
which independent DOL starters will be provided in separate compartments in the panel.

5.3.4 Aeration

In its broadest sense, aeration is the process by which the area of contact between water and air is
increased, either by natural methods or by mechanical devices. Ordinary usage in water works
practice has however, been given the term in the more limited sense referring specifically to use
of mechanical devices or procedures. In this limited sense aeration clearly defines itself as a
method of treatment rather than merely a modification of natural conditions at the source of
supply. The terms 'natural aeration` or 'reaeration` are used to represent nonmechanical
procedures or slower aeration of large bodies of water under natural conditions. In the progress
of water from source to consumer, aeration is one of the most elemental techniques frequently
employed in the improvement of the physical and chemical characterisitcs of water.


Aerator provided in the pre-aeration tank is considered to be running continuously. Motor

starter for this equipment will be provided on the Main Electrical Panel (MEP2) in the electrical
room and will be controlled, i.e. put ON and OFF from the MEP itself. However, for safety
purposes and as stipulated in the IE Rules, local START/STOP push button station in a
weatherproof box will be provided near mechanical screens, detritor and aerator for
maintenance or emergency isolation of power supply.

Purpose of aeration

As suggested, the basic purpose of aeration is the improvement of the physical and chemical
characteristics of waters for public supply. Primarily, this improvement involves the reduction of
objectional tastes and odors, but some additional benefits of aeration, as a preliminary step to
other purification processes have also been noted.

In the cool stagnant bottoms of lakes and reservoirs during late summer and late winter, in deep
wells and in the dry-weather flow of some sluggish rivers are found natural waters which are so
deficient in oxygen that they are objectional in both taste and odor. Aeration of such waters
inproves their taste by supplying the deficient oxygen, rescuing the free carbon dioxide and
eliminating much of the hydrogen sulfide and other odorous constitutents present. Removal of
iron and manganese from such oxygen deficient waters also usually requires aeration as an intiial
step. This initial step allows for the lower oxides of these minerals that are dissolved in the water
and combined with carbon dioxide to be converted to higher insoluble oxides and in turn
removed by subsequent sedimentation, contact or filtration. Instrumentation-cum-Alarm Panel

Separate Instrumentation-cum-Alarm Panel (IAP) is considered in the electrical room for

installing Instrumentation and for alarm fascias. The IAP will get 230V AC supply from the MEP.
The IAP will be of floor mounting, indoor type, fabricated from 14 SWG sheet steel. It will have
front rear access door and all the instruments & alarm fascia windows will be mounted flush on
the front side. Alarm Annunciation

The alarm windows will be of solid state fascia type having small rated flashing lamps. In
addition to the windows, the IAP will have alarm Acknowledge PB, Alarm Reset PB & Alarm Test
PB and an electronic hooter.

In case of faults the fascia window will start flashing and alarm will sound till it is acknowledged
by pressing the ACK PB. After pressing the ACK PB the window will stop flashing and will glow
steadily untill the fault is cleared and Reset PB is pressed.

5.3.5 General Construction Of Electrical Panels
All the panels will be conforming to the applicable IS and fabricated from 14/16 SWG CRCA
sheets and will be of cubicle type, floor mounting, free standing, suitable for indoor mounting.
The panels will be made dust and vermin proof by providing proper neoprene gaskets. Each
panel will have compartmental design, wherein the incoming and outgoing feeders, busbars,
etc. will be mounted in separated compartments having their own front door. The main switch
of each feeder will be interlocked with its front door so that the door cannot be opened in the
CLOSED position of the switch. However, small panels can be cabinet type and can be wall
mounted, these panels are sludge pumps, filtrate pump, etc. Indoor panels will have IP 52

Outdoor panels will be of weatherproof type with double door construction. Control Panels for
Filtrate pumps, Mechanical screen & Detritors, Aerator and Tube well starter will be under this
category. These panels will have IP 54 enclosure.

The two incomers and one tie feeder of the STP - MEP Panel, as described above will have
mechanical Castell Key interlocking facility having three locks and two keys, so that only two of
the three feeders can be closed at a time with the help of the keys. After closing the selected
feeders the key inserted in the Castell locks get trapped and remain there so long as the two
feeders are ON. The other feeder cannot be closed due to non-availability of the trapped key.
This would serve a foolproof interlocking for avoiding paralleling of the grid supply and
generator supply.

All panels will be completely wired internally with terminals brought out to terminal blocks for
external wiring. Due to the heavy corrosive atmosphere in the STP, the sheet work of the
panels, will be painted with 3 coats of epoxy based primes after giving thorough 7 tank
treatment and then will be finished with 3 coats of epoxy paint of approved shade.

Internal wiring shall be carried out with 2.5 flexible copper wires, which shall be properly
bunched and tied together. Different colours shall be used for different voltages, power circuits
and controls circuits. Wiring for external connection shall be brought out to separate terminal
blocks at bottom.

Each feeder shall have clear engraved plastic nameplates with black letters on white
background, inscribing feeder details.

Each panel shall be provided with external GI earth bus or GI earthing terminals (2 numbers)

Incoming of each area wise Lighting Panel shall have ELMCB of adequate rating.


The UASB treatment plant will provide methane rich biogas. The expected gas composition
would be 70% - 85% methane and balance 15% - 30% consisting of N2 and CO2, with traces of
H2S and NH3. The biogas produced would be around 6500 cum/day and will be used for
electrical power generation by using dual fuel engines.

To have uniform supply of required biogas to the dual fuel engines for power generation a
Gasholder will be installed.

The biogas produced in the UASB reactors, while going to the Gasholder will be measured by
means of Gas Flow Meters connected through moisture trap. The outlet of the biogas pipe
before going to the Gasholder will be branched off in two directions, one to the flare and one to
the dual fuel engines. The biogas going to the gas engines will also be measured with gas flow
meter provided in the pipeline branch going to the engines.

Valves in the gas lines and in its branches will be manually operated types. These will be
operated on the basis of the level of the gas dome. Different levels of the gas domes will be
marked at convenient positions, so that by looking at the markings the gas branching can be
selected for generation of electricity or for flaring.

When the gas level in the dome reaches about 80%, the valve in the gas line to engines will be
opened to start the engine(s). If the level further rises and goes to 90% or so, the flare line
valve will also be opened to prevent the biogas holder from rising to its highest level. As the
consumption of MPS is higher than the STP, it is proposed to provide a common dual feed
generator set which can produce the electricity from the biogas. Based on the MPS capacity
two nos. of 275 KVA output capacity dual feed engines are proposed to be installed in MPS
area. Electricity generated from the biogas can be utilised in STP or MPS area.

The main fuel for the dual fuel engines will be the biogas (methane) obtained as a by-product
from the UASB reactor of the STP, along with 30% of diesel oil.


Low-tension power cables used in the STP will be of 1.1 kV grade PVC insulated with overall PVC
sheathing, armoured, conforming to IS:7098. Aluminum cables with minimum size of 4
whereas 2.5 copper PVC insulated, armoured confirming to IS:1554 cables will be used
for controls. The power cables sizes will be as indicated in the Single Line Diagram

Cables inside the electrical panel room shall be taken through lined trenches along GI trays.


One common Lighting Distribution Board (LDB) will be provided for feeding the entire lighting
load of the plant as well as for the individual rooms for office, laboratory and generator. This
LDB will get 415V AC 3Ph 4 W supply from the MEP. Separate Lighting Panels (LP) will be
provided for the individual lighting loads, which will be installed at the respective areas. For the
plant outdoor lights, the LP will be in the STP main electrical room.


In the outdoor areas, 150/250W HPSV fittings will be mounted on tubular poles at about 9 m
height. In the indoor areas like electrical room, office and lab building, 4ft 40W fluorescent
tube industrial type lighting fittings will be employed.

Outdoor lighting fittings on poles will be wired with 4core aluminum cables, looped from the
junction boxes mounted on poles itself. Indoor lighting will be wired through heavy duty PVC
conduits laid on ceiling/wall/column.


Earthing system for the plant shall be in accordance with IS:3043, so as to achieve total earth
resistance to less than 1ohm.
GI pipes, 38 mm diameter x 3.0 m long shall be utilised for earth pits.

Main earth grid/loop of 75 x 6 mm GI strip shall be run all along the STP and shall interconnect
the earth pits. Earthing of individual equipment shall be tapped from the main earth loop. GI
conductors of adequate sizes shall be used for equipment earthing.

The earth conductors shall be buried directly under ground at about 750 mm depth.



The fabrication of Feed Inlet Boxes, Effluent Gutters, Gas Domes, Weir Plates and pipes in FRP is
a wide field, involving a large number of materials, both plastics and reinforcing systems, and
widely different methods of manufacture.

It is implicit that the above items covered by this specification are made only by manufacturers
who are competent and suitably equipped to comply with all the requirements of this
specification. Compliance with these requirements may be proven by documentation of past
experience, or prototype testing to the satisfaction of the purchaser or Inspecting Authority, as


In designing FRP items two basic factors must be considered:

Design Condition such as operating conditions, pressure, temperature, and nature

of chemicals, concentration, duration of contact possibility of abrasion, and
Site conditions such as handling, and abuse in shipping, installation and operation.

6.1.1 Design Conditions

Materials to be handled (names, concentrations and relative densities) including
likely impurities or contaminants
Design pressure (or vacuum) including test requirements and design temperature
Operating pressure (or vacuum) and temperature
Mode of operation, e.g. process cycling conditions
Any abrasion or erosion problems which may be encountered

6.1.2 Site Conditions

Nature of ambient atmosphere including any extremes of temperature,
Superimposed loads, e.g. wind, snow and associated pipe work,
Loads imposed by personnel during erection and operation, and
Seismic loading.


Resins to be used shall be unsaturated polyester type based on Iso-pthalic acid. Catalyst and
accelerator as specified by the resin manufacturer and agreed by purchaser shall be used in the
resin at the time of manufacture.

The resin selected shall be of a suitable commercial grade, which complies with the technical
requirements of the application. The polyester resin shall comply with the minimum
requirements of BS:3532.

The reinforcement shall be E-glass compatible with Iso-pthalic resin.

6.2.1 Laminate
The laminate shall consist of an inner surface, an interior layer, and an exterior layer or laminate
body. The composition specified for the inner surface and interior layer are intended to achieve
optimum chemical resistance.

6.2.2 Inner Surface

The inner surface shall be free of cracks and crazing with a smooth finish and with an average of
not over 2 pits and not over 1/32 inch deep and are covered with sufficient resin to avoid
exposure of inner surface fabric. This surface may be reinforced with glass surfacing mat or
synthetic fibres.

In order to achieve the optimum properties, where a thermost lining is used, the construction
of the laminate in contact with the corrodent shall consist of the following: Surface Layer

A resin - rich surface layer reinforced with C class surfacing mat, synthetic fibres or other
suitable material with a thickness between 0.26 mm and 0.50 mm Backing Layer

A backing layer normally containing a minimum of 1 kg/m2 chopped glass strand of CSM with a
soluble binder between 25% and 33% glass content, by mass.

Since moulding of Reinforced Plastic structures is not an assembly of parts but monolithic
construction, assembly of FRP products from FRP sheets should be totally avoided. The
manufacturer shall submit all the drawings showing details of design and construction for
approval of purchaser, before starting fabrication. No modification shall be made to the
approved design except with prior agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

6.3 LAY- UP

Proper lay-up shall ensure that the pipe construction consists of the inner liner backed by 1.2
kg/m2 Chopped Strand Mat (CSM) glass fibre impregnated therein followed by the required
layers of resin impregnated CSM or other reinforcement and finished with a resin-rich tissue
reinforced outer surface layer.

The inner surface (sometimes referred to as the `gel coat') and outer surface for FRP pipe shall
be resin rich and reinforced with one layer of C-glass or synthetic fibre tissue. The thickness of
these surfaces should be 0.25 mm to 0.5 mm

Inspection of the FRP items shall be carried out based on approved Drawings. The FRP items,
Pipe work & fittings shall be manufactured using raw materials conforming to the following

BS No Title
BS 3532 Unsaturated polyester resin system for low-pressure fibre reinforced
BS 3496 E glass fibre chopped strand mat for the reinforcement of polyester
resin systems
BS 3749 Woven glass fibre-removing fabrics of E glass fibre for the
reinforcement of polyester resin systems
BS 3691 Glass fibre roving for the reinforcement of polyester and of epoxide
resin systems

(1) and (2) below cover the fabrication of Feed Inlet Boxes, Effluent Gutters, Gas Domes, Weir
Plates and FRP Pipes and Fittings respectively

IS-12709 : Specification for FRP pipes & fittings

IS 14402 : Specifications for FRP pipes & fittings

BS-4994-1987 : Design and Construction of vessels and tanks reinforced plastics

BS-7159-1989 : Design and Construction of glass reinforced plastics (GRP) piping

systems for individual plants or sites.

The Contact Moulding Process shall make the Feed Inlet Boxes, Effluent Gutters, Gas Domes
and Weir Plates. The FRP piping system of the plant shall be in Filament Winding Technique.

The thickness of all the items has been 8 mm. In case of the piping that is suitable for 6
kgs/ working pressure the inside layer of approximately 2.5 mm is Contact Moulded and
the balance 5.5 mm has been Filament Wound.


These specifications cover the guidelines for general-purpose rigid PVC sheets produced by
extrusion or calendering. The angles of 6 mm thickness, 60 mm x 40 mm shall be made of rigid
PVC extruded angles.

6.4.1 Material
Rigid PVC sheets, conforming to IS: 6307 and IS: 4985, shall be used for the purpose of covering
the frames in UASB reactor. It shall essentially consist of polyvinyl chloride and a copolymer of
which major constituent is vinyl chloride compounded with other ingredients. The PVC sheet
shall be opaque and colourless or coloured as directed.

The sheet shall be uniform in colour (if coloured) and finish (opaque) and shall be free from
scratches, creases, streaks, dents, holes etc. The thickness of sheet shall be as specified as on
the drawings. The thickness shall be measured with a micrometer. The tolerance in thickness
of plate shall be nil for calendered sheet and plus or minus 10% of thickness for extruded sheet.

Other requirements for PVC sheets

Vicat softening temperature 75 Degree Celsius minimum

Tensile stress at yield 450 kg/ minimum
Dimensional change at 120 Degree Celsius maximum 20%

6.4.2 Stacking
The rigid PVC sheets shall be stacked horizontally on clean, firm and level ground and in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. On uneven grounds timber sleepers shall be
used. The sheets shall not be stacked above 15 cm in height. The sampling of sheets shall be
done as per IS:6307 - 1985.

6.4.3 Cutting and Fabrication

For the purpose of fabrication, approved fixtures and fastenings as specified on drawings shall
be used. The sheets shall be cut true to sizes as shown in drawings with a tolerance of 5 mm in
length or width.

6.4.4 Protection from Sunlight

All the PVC items to be used in UASB reactors shall be protected from sunlight. Also, the
fabrication area shall be protected from sunlight. PVC items at no stage i.e. fabrication,
transprotation and erection shall be exposed to the sunlight.

Any PVC item found deformed, once the UASB reactor is filled with water, shall be rejected and


Parameter Limits
Specific Gravity at 20 Degree Celsius 1.35 - 1.50
Shore hardness "D" 99
Colour Bleeding None
Colour Possibilities Unlimited
Thermal expansion, linear 8.0 x 10- /deg.C/m
Specific Heat 0.2 - 0.3 Cal/ Degree Celsius /gm
Thermal conductivity 3.5-4.0 x 10- Cal/sec/cm/Degree Celsius
Flammability Not flammable
Power Factor 0.01 - 0.03 x 108 cycle
Dielectric Constant 3.0 - 3.5 x 106 cycle/sec.
Electric Strength 50 C/s stepwise test 8-10 kV/mm
Volume Resistivity at 25 degree Celsius 10 ohms/cm
Effect of light Very low
Effect of Aging Negligible
Effect of Water None with cold. Softens with hot
Water absorption at 50 C-48 hours Less than 1.5%

Rigid PVC Sheet, being a thermoplastic material can be softened and formed at temperatures
above its softening point. At higher temperature the material becomes soft and pliable as its
tensile strength diminishes gradually with the rise of temperature.

Heat forming of Rigid PVC Sheet shall be performed within a temperature range where both
tensile strength and elongation are reasonable. The most favourable conditions are between
125oC - 140oC. Working at lower temperatures allows for higher degree of deformations and
the articles produced are not dimensionally stable and shrink afterwards.

Rigid PVC Sheets has a tendency to regain its original shape while it is still soft and plastic. It is
therefore necessary to chill freshly moulded articles. When the article is formed at a
temperature of 140oC , it is to be cooled to below 40oC for permanent setting at room


Conventional wood or metal processing machines and tools are used in processing Rigid PVC
Sheets. Mechanical processing is applied on rigid PVC Sheets. It must be noted that the
material differs from wood or metal, being a thermoplastic material and since its thermal
conductivity is very low, it will soften when abrasion occurs between the tool and the material.
The condition differs according to the kind of the material, thickness and the required finishing

6.6.1 Lathe Milling Processing

Metal - use lathe is used for lathe processing of Rigid PVC Sheet for cutting, high speed and
deep cutting is most effective. When the condition of cutting tools is in good state, the waste
will come out in clean streamline forms.

6.6.2 Cutting
Rigid PVC Sheet can be cut on standard circular or band saws. The saws should have a slight set,
3-4 teeth per cm and run at about 2000 rpm. Circular saws are suitable for cutting Rigid PVC
Sheets upto 20 mm thickness. Band saws should be used for cutting heavier sheets.

6.6.3 Drilling
For drilling, normal wood-use or machining -use table drills or potable drill is used. Best drilling
results are obtained with a drill, which has an angle of 120oC - 140oC. In case small diameter
hole is to be drilled the speed is kept at 4000 - 6000 rpm.

6.6.4 Punching
Certain precautions have to be taken to overcome the inherent brittleness of the materials for
punching of Rigid PVC sheets. The sheets shall be preheated.


6.7.1 Welding Apparatus

There are various hot jet guns in the market. There is an electrically heated coil set inside the
gun and the compressed air is sent through the coil from the compressor, which is ejected from
the nozzle as a hot gas jet on the welding material.

6.7.2 Welding Rods

Welding rods are available in 3 mm and 5 mm diameters. These welding rods have the same
compositions as Rigid PVC Sheet and therefore the welding is strong.


6.8.1 Butt Welds

Butt welds can be specified as

Square Butt Weld

Single 'V' Butt Weld
Double 'V' Butt Weld
Corner Weld


Square Butt Welds are only used for thin sheets (1.5mm). SINGLE 'V' BUTT WELD

Single V Butt Welds are employed for thicker sheets i.e. 3 mm and above. The edge of the
sheet should be shaved at an angle at 60o - 75o. The edge shall be kept rough as rough surface
increase the strength of the welds. DOUBLE 'V' BUTT WELD

o o
The edges of the sheets to be joined shall be veed out an angle of 60 to 75 on each side of the
sheet for Double V Butt welds. This type of weld is in general 10 to 20 percent stronger than
any other type of welds in Rigid PVC Sheets. CORNER WELD

Corner Welds are used when two sheets are welded together at an angle of 90o. This weld is
not very strong, therefore, a fillet weld should be deposited on the side of the corner weld to
prevent cracking and failure under expansion.



Administrative block cum laboratory building of built-up area of 160 sq.m is proposed at the
sewage treatment plant at Amberpet. The proposed administrative block is a double storey
structure. The laboratory is also provided in the same administrative building.

The laboratory along with rooms for Plant Manager and the supporting staff are provided in the
administrative block. A storeroom for storing the chemicals and other materials is also
provided. The office block is also equipped with a kitchen and sanitation facility.


Laboratory for analysing the wastewater and sludge samples is proposed at the STP. It is
located in the ground floor. The laboratory will be equipped with the required equipment so as
to analyse the following parameters:

Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD),
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD),
Total Suspended Solids (TSS),
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS),
Total Solids (TS),
Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS),
Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA),
Sludge Stability,
Gases (CH4, H2S etc.)
Fecal Coliform count.
The working platforms in the laboratory are provided with glazed white tiles. Mosaic flooring is
proposed in the laboratory. Sinks with water taps are proposed for cleaning of the glassware
and other equipment.

Table 7.1 : List of Laboratory Apparatus and Equipment

Sr Particular Nos.
A Instrument
1 Oil free diaphragm type vacuum cum pressure pump 1
2 Laboratory hot air oven 1
3 Muffle furnace 1
4 Digital fully automatic electronically controlled BOD incubator 1
5 Electronically controlled incubator, 37 Degree Celsius 1
6 Specific Ion Electrodes of Orion USA make, Model-901. 1. Cyanide, 2. 1 each
Chromium, 3. Copper, 4. Arsenic, 5. Mercury, 6. Boron, 7. Manganese,
8. Nickel, 9. Lead, 10. Cadmium, 11. Sulphide, 12. Silver, 13. Selenium.
7 Autoclave (vertical) working pressure 5.2 lb.psi 750 x 500 mm with SS 1
basket, inner chamber SS, 6 kW with pedal lifting, pressure and
temperature gauges and water level indicator with insulated radial
locking arrangement
8 COD apparatus with 6 hot plates 1
9 Colony counter 1
10 Gas Analyzer for CH4, H2S 1
11 UV-VS Spectrophotometer with Personal Computer 1
12 Gas Chromatograph with thermal detector 1
13 Electron detector with printer, gas column 1
14 Refrigerator 1
15 Electronic sinle pan balance 1
B Air Conditioning for Laboratory and Office Building
1 1.5 Tonne capacity room air conditioner 1
2 Air cooler for office 3
3 Personal Computer (Pentium III) and Printer for data analysis and Plant 2


The STP at Amberpet will be provided with water from the proposed tube well station. This
tube well will also take care of the water requirement for the gardening, fire hydrant and other
miscellaneous uses as well.

The water distribution will be done by means of 100 mm AC pipes for the Administrative and
Staff quarters. Hydrants with valves are provided for cleaning and flushing of the units.
Sufficient residual pressure will be available for cleaning purposes.


7.4.1 Liquid Wastes

Liquid waste, generated at within the STP premises, is storm water as well as the sewage from
the utility of the STP. Open drains of 230 mm x 300 mm depth are provided to take care of the
water logging at STP. Sanitation facilities are provided for the proposed administrative building
and the staff quarters. The sewage from the administrative block and staff quarters will be
discharged into the sump well of main pumping station within the STP premises.

7.4.2 Solid Wastes

The solid waste generated within the treatment plant will be from the following units: Screen Chamber

Large amount of floating materials and other inert material like cloth, plastic, wood etc will be
there in the raw sewage. Screens are used to stop these materials into the treatment plant
units. Two screens, one of 12 mm clear opening alongwith 25 x 25 mm aluminum wire mesh is
provided. The screenings collected will be transferred to the conveyor belt and thus into a
chute. The screenings will be transported to the disposal site by means of trucks/trailers. Detritor Tanks

Grit will be removed from the detritor tank by mechanical means. The grit removed from the
tank will be taken to the near by landfill sites by means of wheelbarrows. Staff Quarters And Office Building

The domestic solid waste from the administrative building and the staff quarters will be
collected in the dust bins. Staff quarters will be provided with masonry dust bins of 1.5 x 1.5 x
1.25m depth, at the place of transporting points. The waste, which arises by street sweepings,
will be transferred to the transporting points. The solid waste from the transporting points will
be transferred to the disposal site by means of trucks or trailers.


Security will be provided to guard against vandalism of the STP property. The security staff is
provided with a room at the gate for giving shelter against the vagrancy of the nature. The
shelter will be made of brick masonry with RCC roof. The shelter will have the necessary
electrical and mechanical furnishings as deemed necessary.


Staff quarter will be provided at the treatment plant site for the operating and maintenance
staff. The costs for providing the same have been included in the cost estimates of the

treatment plants. Based on the NRCD guidelines, staff quarters are provided only for the staff
at the operating level.

Table 7.2 : Type and Size of Proposed Staff Quarters

Sr Designation Type of Plinth Area Number of

Quarters (sq.m) Quarters
1 Watchmen, Gardeners and A 34.2 4 (double storey)
2 Chemist & Operator B 45.6 7 (single storey)
3 Junior Engineer C 62.7 1 (single storey)
4 Sub-Divisional Engineer D 86 1 (single storey)

The cost estimates given are based on cost per sq.m of the covered area. The staff quarters will
be provided electricity, water supply and other services from the STP utilities.


The various units as well as facilities of the treatment plant are provided with a 4.0 metre wide
asphalt road for comfortable movement of men and material within the plant premises. At
places where vehicular traffic is not expected, particularly above underground/surface pipes or
insufficient space for laying of roads, brick pavement having a width of 1.0 metre has been
proposed so that there is access from the 4.0 metre road to the destination.


Sodium vapour lamps are provided at every 30.0 m interval on the road for sufficient
illumination and provide the treatment plant personnel with a smooth and accident free
environment due to bad illumination.


There will be a green belt zone all around the treatment plant. The green belt will have Neem
trees at every 20.0 metre interval, as they act as air purifiers. This will help in circumventing to
some extent the odour problem in the eventuality of an improper operation of the treatment
plant. Besides, a green belt will act as natural screen against the outside populace.



The detailed operation and maintenance manual of the STP will be submitted at the time of Start-Up and
monitoring phase of the plant. Operation and Maintenance of the treatment plant is very much required
for sustainability of the treatment plant and to achieve discharge standards. The operational aspects
include regular checking of the units (which include the electrical and mechanical equipment), to identify
any non functionality of the units and to evolve the strategic measures to be taken, so as to run the plant.

All the activities of the treatment plant are scheduled and co-ordinated by the Plant Manager. The Plant
Manager will also be responsible for taking steps like shutting down the plant or to bypass the
wastewater in case of emergencies, after having proper deliberations with the management and the
operational staff.


The intake of the wastewater is directly from various gravity mains enering in the Sewage Treatment
Plant (STP) area into the inlet chamber.

Screens are provided to remove the large floating material in the raw wastewater. Each of the working
screen channels will have one mechanically cleaned fine bars screen with bar clearance of 12 mm and
one manually cleaned mesh screen with opening of 25 mm x 25 mm, located on the downstream of fine

The standby screen channel will have one manually cleaned bars screen with bar clearance of 12 mm
and one manually cleaned mesh screen with opening of 25 mm x 25 mm, located downstream of the
manually cleaned bars screen.

Sr. Equipment Operational Maintenance

Sr. Equipment Operational Maintenance
1 Mechanical Hourly Incoming amount Regular checks should
Screens of the screenings should be done for proper
be clearly recorded in the working of the rake
data sheet. The type of mechanism
the screenings should also The screens should be
be recorded in the data painted for every 3 to 4
sheet months
A timer should control the
mechanism for removal
of the screenings
Frequent checks of the
mechanical raking
mechanism are required
for every 2 to 3 hours
2 Manual Screens Hourly incoming amount The screens should be
of the screenings are to be cleaned every hour.
clearly recorded in the The screens should be
data sheet, which should painted for every 3
also give details of the months
type of the screenings
The screens should be
cleaned after every one
hours, so that there will
not be any clog at the
screens, and thus leading
to the over flow of the
The labourer cleaning the
screens should wear
safety equipment such as
gloves and shoes

A coarse mesh screen is placed after the fine screen. The main function of the mesh screen is to remove
the plastic materials and other small items, which pass through the bar screens. The operational staff
should clean the wire mesh for every hour in order to avoid choking of the mesh. The staff should wear
gloves and boots when they are in operation of cleaning the screens.

8.2.2 Detritor Tanks

The Detritor consists of circular tank, which consists of moving scrapper mechanism. An airlift pipe is
provided in the tank along with a bypass line. The following are the operational and maintenance
aspects of the Detritor tank.

Operational Maintenance
The time & amount of grit cleaned All the Gates/Valves should be cleaned
from each channel should be recorded in periodically
a daily record sheet. The grit channel should be cleaned

8.2.3 UASB Reactor
During the operation of the treatment plant, samples from the reactor should be taken periodically for

The operational parameters such as hydraulic retention time can be adjusted depending upon the
sample results. The following illustrates the maintenance aspects of the UASB reactor:

All the FRP piping and PVC piping should be checked for gas leakage and should be repaired
The levels of the inlet gutters of every reactor should be frequently checked
The floating layer, whenever it forms, should be removed from the gas collectors
The railing and other metallic works such as valves should be painted
For every 4 to 5 years, the grit accumulated inside the reactor should be removed and the
inside concrete surface should be given a new coat of epoxy paint.
The sludge pits should be properly maintained

8.2.4 Feed Inlet Boxes
The main problem with the feed inlet box is that the inlet pipes get frequently choked up. In case of
choking, water hosepipe should be introduced so as to build up the pressure. If it so happens, that the
choking of pipe cannot be removed by means of water hosepipe, a flexible rod should be used to clean
up the feed inlet pipe.

8.2.5 Effluent Gutters

The following are the operational and maintenance aspects of the Effluent gutters

Operational Maintenance
Care should be taken when fixing up Leveling and alignment of the weirs
the weir plates to the effluent gutters. and the gutters should be checked
The weirs should be horizontal and all properly twice in a year.
gutters of a reactor should be at one The notches should be cleaned
level frequently
Minimal slope should be provided to
the effluent gutters towards the
effluent channel
Frequent sludge removal should be
done from the effluent gutters
The sludge should be transported to
the dumping site by means of

8.2.6 Sludge Drying Beds

Sludge characteristics should be known at the time of the start up of the plant, as it determines the
average sludge drying time. The sludge applied in shallow depths dewaters at a much rapid rate, but
more frequent discharge from the beds is required. So the optimum sludge height should be evaluated
depending upon the sludge characteristics. The following table shows the operational and maintenance
aspect of the sludge drying beds.

Operational Maintenance
The sludge should be applied after the Drainpipes should be checked
dewatered sludge cakes are removed frequently so that no clogging takes
The sludge drying beds should be free place
from vegetation before the application The sludge piping should be washed,
of the sludge after application of the sludge
The sludge cakes should be removed All the metallic elements such as
at regular interval of time, which chequered plates etc. should be
depends upon the sludge painted once in a year
The position of the splash gates and
trays should be checked before
applying the sludge on the bed

8.2.7 Biogas Collection & Flaring System

System includes FRP piping for the conveyance of gas, Gasholder system for the storage of gas and gas
flaring unit for controlled flaring of gas into atmosphere as and when required. All the piping and valves
should be periodically checked against leakage. If any leakage is found, should be repaired by isolating
the line with the help of valves. Gas dome of Gasholder should be epoxy painted, break glass seal &
emergency alarm for vacuum/ excess gas condition should be checked for functioning. Gas flaring
system should be operated & maintained as per manufacturer guideline.

8.2.8 Chlorination System

Chlorination equipment should be properly housed and reserve supply of cylinders, valves, gaskets etc.
should always be available. Valves and piping should be regularly checked for leaks. Leaks should be
attended to as per the instruction in the manufacturer's catalogues. Chlorine cylinders should be kept on
scales and the weight read each day as a check for the amount of chlorine used. Gas mask must be used
while attending to chlorine leaks. Operation record should show the volume of sewage chlorinated, rate
of application of chlorine, residual chlorine in the plant effluent and the amount of chlorine consumed
per day.

8.2.9 Sludge Pumps

Water level in the sludge sump should not be lower than the minimum designed level. Also the water
level in the sump should not reach beyond maximum designed level. Floats and sequence switches
controlling the pumping cycle should be examined at the beginning of each shift. All bearings, water
seal, motors, guide rail and electrical wire & control equipment should be inspected periodically. The
manufacturer's directions for operation & lubrication should strictly be followed. The time interval

between start & stop of any pump should not be less than 5 minutes. All pumps including standby
pumps should be operated in rotation so that the wear and tear is distributed evenly.

8.2.10 Dual Fuel Engine

Adequate storage of diesel fuel shall be maintained for smooth functioning of engine. The
manufacturers directions for operation & lubrication should strictly be followed.


The manpower requirement for operation and maintenance of the 339 MLD sewage treatment plant at
Amberpet is shown in the Table. The Plant Manager, a person at a level of Sub Divisional Engineer, will
head the team. He will be assisted by two Junior Engineers and other supporting staff.

The organisational set up can be divided into three categories, mainly:

The Management Level

The Operational Level
Supporting Staff of the Treatment Plant
The Plant Manager, Plant Engineer and Process Engineer come under the Management level, who
manages the treatment plant. The plant manager is responsible for smooth functioning of the plant. He
is the bridge in between the administration and the treatment plant staff. He co-ordinates all the
activities of the treatment plant. He is also responsible for training of the new personnel. The Plant
Engineer and Process Engineer will support the Plant Manager in all the activities and instructs the
operational staff in operation and maintenance of the plant. They act as a link in between the plant
manager and the operational staff.

The Process Engineer will look after the sample collection, analysis - reporting part where as the Plant
engineer will instruct the operators in maintenance of the electrical and mechanical equipment. The
group of chemist, Plant Supervisors, electrician and a fitter will support the Process and Plant engineers.
Supporting staff comprising of sweepers, casual labourers, watchmen and gardener are proposed to
work under the operational staff, to do the labour intensive works.


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