5GNOW D3.3 Final
5GNOW D3.3 Final
5GNOW D3.3 Final
Version: 1.0
Last Update: 4/5/2015
Distribution Level: CO
Distribution level
PU = Public,
RE = Restricted to a group of the specified Consortium,
PP = Restricted to other program participants (including Commission Services),
CO= Confidential, only for members of the 5GNOW Consortium (including the Commission Services)
Built upon D3.2, a final 5NOW transceiver and frame structure concept is described. Final
performance results, e.g. based on simulations, are presented. Optimal and/or reasonable
parameters are presented for the waveform types selected in D3.1 under the scenario conditions
given by WP2.
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The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n 318555
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Document Identity
Revision History
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Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 SPORADIC TRAFFIC..................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 SPECTRAL AND TEMPORAL FRAGMENTATION................................................................................................... 9
1.3 REAL-TIME CONSTRAINTS ............................................................................................................................ 9
1.4 NEW WAVEFORMS AND MULTIPLE ACCESS THE GOLDEN AIR INTERFACE ....................................................... 10
2 5GNOW WAVEFORMS........................................................................................................................... 12
2.1 WAVEFORM CANDIDATES ......................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 GFDM ................................................................................................................................................. 12
2.2.1 System Description and Properties ................................................................................................ 12
2.2.2 Fast computation of the receive filter ........................................................................................... 15
2.2.3 Multi-User Time-Reversal Space-Time Coding for GFDM .............................................................. 16
2.3 UFMC ................................................................................................................................................. 18
2.3.1 UFMC Frequency- and Time Domain Properties ........................................................................... 20
2.3.2 Channel estimation and equalization ............................................................................................ 21
2.3.3 Native MIMO/CoMP support ........................................................................................................ 21
2.3.4 Support for multi-user sounding and multiplex of small control resource element groups .......... 22
2.3.5 Adaptivity Potential ....................................................................................................................... 22
2.4 FBMC .................................................................................................................................................. 23
2.4.1 FBMC principles ............................................................................................................................. 23
2.4.2 FBMC receiver ............................................................................................................................... 26
2.5 BFDM.................................................................................................................................................. 27
2.5.1 Transmitter and receiver Structure ............................................................................................... 27
2.5.2 Pulse design ................................................................................................................................... 29
2.5.3 Synchronization and Equalization ................................................................................................. 33
3 5GNOW FRAME STRUCTURE AND MULTIPLE ACCESS ............................................................................ 35
3.1 UNIFIED FRAME STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................................... 35
3.2 LAYERING .............................................................................................................................................. 36
3.2.1 A Brief Review of IDMA ................................................................................................................. 36
3.2.2 Involving IDMA in UFMC ............................................................................................................... 38
3.3 RELAXED SYNCHRONIZATION APPROACHES AND AUTONOMOUS TIMING ADVANCE .............................................. 39
3.3.1 Relaxed Synchronization with UFMC ............................................................................................. 39
3.3.2 Relaxed Synchronization with FBMC ............................................................................................. 40
3.4 D-PRACH............................................................................................................................................. 41
3.4.1 5GNOW one shot transmission concept .................................................................................... 41
4 PERFORMANCE RESULTS ....................................................................................................................... 44
4.1 WAVEFORM PERFORMANCE AND PARAMETER OPTIMIZATION ......................................................................... 44
4.1.1 Generalized frequency division multiplexing ................................................................................. 44
4.1.2 UFMC ............................................................................................................................................. 52
4.1.3 FBMC ............................................................................................................................................. 57
4.2 FRAME STRUCTURE AND MULTIPLE ACCESS PERFORMANCE ............................................................................ 67
4.2.1 IDMA and Superimposed Pilots ..................................................................................................... 67 Signal Model ............................................................................................................................. 68 Detection and Estimation ......................................................................................................... 70 Iterative Processing .................................................................................................................. 71 Simulation and Numerical Results ............................................................................................ 72 Summary................................................................................................................................... 75
4.2.2 D-PRACH Performance .................................................................................................................. 76
5 COMPARISON AND DISCUSSION OF SELECTED WAVEFORMS ................................................................ 84
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6 CONCLUSION......................................................................................................................................... 89
7 ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 90
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Executive Summary
Starting from the main drivers of 5G, sporadic traffic, spectral and temporal fragmentation and
real-time constraints with the vision of supporting a single unified air interface, D3.3 presents the
building blocks of the final 5GNOW transceiver and frame structure concept. General waveform
considerations are discussed in the light of the Gabor theory. Then the four 5GNOW waveform
candidate technologies GFDM, UFMC, FBMC and BFDM are described in detail, summarizing the
available results.These waveforms are supporting and enabling the Unified Frame Sturcture. The
Unified Frame Structure concept is the heart of the 5GNOW frame design, designed for supporting
various heterogeneous traffic and device types in parallel.Multiple superimposed signal layers are
supported by advanced multiple access techniques like IDMA, which can be combined with 5GNOW
waveforms in order to support efficient multiuser detection mechanisms.Techniques and performance
results are presented for relaxed synchronization support. Directly connect to the Unified Frame
structure is the introduction of one-shot-transmission using a new proposed physical random access
channel for data transmission (D-PRACH). Performance results for the candidate transceiver
approaches are provided, including optimized and/or reasonable waveform parameters.The
waveforms are discussed and compared with each other.The conclusion is that 5GNOW has provided
a powerful waveform and frame structure toolbox for the 5GPPP research work towards the
Horizon 2020, coming along with optimized/reasonable parameter settings and performance results.
The further system design steps taken in future 5GPP projects can built upon this vast number of
available 5GNOW technologies and results for waveforms and frame structure of a new 5G air
interface, paving the way for 5G standardization.
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1 Introduction
The main hypothesis of 5GNOW is that the underlying design principles synchronism and
orthogonality of the PHY layer of todays LTE-A radio access network constitute a major obstacle for
the envisioned service architecture.
Synchronism means that the senders operate with a common clock for their processing.
Orthogonality means that no crosstalk occurs in the receivers waveform detection process. Often,
both are related such that some rough synchronization is required. LTE-A OFDM modulation keeps
the subcarrier waveforms orthogonal even after the channel, provided the DFT window can be
properly adjusted by suitable synchronization mechanism, which is then near optimal processing in a
single cell provided that a capacity achieving scheme such as superposition coding is used per
subcarrier. However, as soon as the orthogonality is destroyed, e.g., due to random channel access
or multi-cell operation, the distortion accumulates without bounds in OFDM. This is due to the so-
called reproducing Dirichlet kernel sin(Nx)/sin(x) of OFDM which quickly approaches the sin(x)/x
kernel for large N where N is the number of subcarriers. For such kernel, it is well-known, that the
amplification of small errors e.g., due to sampling or frequency offsets, is not independent of N and
can grow with order log(N). Hence, we believe it is better to abandon strict orthogonality partially or
altogether and control the impairments instead. Let us discuss several examples in the following
Sporadic traffic generating devices such as machine-type communications (MTC) in the Internet of
things (IoT) should not be forced to be integrated into the bulky synchronization procedure of LTE-A
PHY layer random access. Instead, ideally, they awake occasionally, and then they should transmit
their messages right away and only coarsely synchronized. By doing so MTC traffic would be removed
from standard uplink data pipes allowing for drastically reduced signalling overhead. Therefore,
alleviating the synchronism requirements can significantly improve operational capabilities and
network performance as well as user experience and lifetime of autonomous MTC nodes.
Interestingly, sporadic access poses another significant challenge to mobile access networks due to
an operation known as fast dormancy. Fast dormancy is used by smartphone manufacturers to save
battery power by using the feature that a mobile can break ties to the network individually and as
soon as a data piece is delivered the smartphone changes from active into idle state. Consequently,
when the mobile has to deliver more pieces of data it will always go through the complete
synchronization procedure again. Actually, this can happen several hundred times a day resulting in
significant control signalling growth and network congestion threat. A rough estimation yields that 2k
control resource elements (i.e. a subcarrier) are necessary to deliver one data resource element. We
conclude that sporadic traffic needs to be carried by new, possibly non-orthogonal waveforms for
asynchronous signalling in the uplink and specifically in an uplink random access channel (RACH).
In this deliverable we propose so-called one shot transmission together with Bi-orthogonal
Frequency Division Multiplexing to meet 5G scalability requirements.
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Due to its fragmentation, spectrum is scarce and expensive but also underutilized: this is commonly
referred to as the spectrum paradox. Therefore, carrier aggregation will be implemented to achieve
much higher rates by variably aggregating non-contiguous frequency bands [NGV11]. Carrier
aggregation implies the use of separate RF front ends accessing different channels thereby
reinforcing the attraction of isolated frequency bands such as the L-Band. Actually, the search for
new spectrum is very active in Europe and in the USA in order to provide mobile broadband
expansion. It includes the opportunistic use of spectrum, which has been an interesting research area
in wireless communications in the past decade. Moreover, techniques to detect and assess channel
vacancy using cognitive radio could well make new business models possible in the future. The first
real implementation will start with the exploration of TV white spaces in the USA. Combined with the
preparation of the on-going regulatory framework in Europe, opportunistic use of spectrum and
spectrum agility can address a 5G market if it efficiently implements the requirements for protection
of legacy systems such as low out-of-band radiation [NGV11].
LTE-A imposes generous guard bands to other legacy networks to satisfy spectral mask requirements
which either severely deteriorate spectral efficiency or even prevent band usage at all, which is again
an artefact of the strict orthogonality and synchronism constraints of OFDM. Moreover, in a scenario
with uncoordinated interference from Pico- or Femto-cells and highly overlapping coverage, it seems
illusive to provide the degree of coordination to maintain synchronism and orthogonality in the
network calling for new waveforms as well. In addition to spectral fragmentation, temporal
fragmentation is another key issue, e.g., due to one shot sporadic access in the asynchronous
uplink RACH. Notably, asynchronous signaling matters also in the downlink in the context of
cooperative multipoint (CoMP).
In conclusion, such 5G scenarios where multiple users are allocated a pool of frequencies with
relaxed (or even no) synchronization in time must be addressed by new waveforms. Such waveforms
must implement sharp frequency notches and tight spectral masks in order not to interfere with
other legacy systems, must be robust to asynchronous signalling and handle un-coordinated
interference. Traditional OFDM schemes are not suited due to the inflexible handling of guard
intervals (GIs) cyclic prefixes (CPs) or cyclic suffixes (CS) as well as poor spectral localization.
In this deliverable we discuss waveforms achieving 100x better localization (e.g., 35 dB side lobe with
LTE-A OFDM compared to 55dB side lobe with Filter Bank Multi-Carrier (FBMC) [FB11]) which makes
then a real difference in fragmented spectrum and CoMP scenarios.
4G systems offer latencies of multiple 10ms between terminal and base station which originate from
resource scheduling, frame processing, re-transmission procedures, etc. However, future application
scenarios such as the Tactile Internet scenario require ultra-low latency matched with the human
tactile sense. In such an environment, a massive number of distributed sensors and actuators will be
connected to enable real-time tactile interaction in an augmented way. Sharing the medium
becomes an additional challenge and imposes short wake up cycles on the nodes and the use of
burst transmission. Instead of consuming spectrum and power resources by introducing
sophisticated algorithms to reach synchronism, an asynchronous approach appears promising.
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In order to achieve ultra-low latency, each and every element of the communication and control
chain must be optimized. Focusing on the PHY layer, LTE-A system supports different granularity of
scheduling resources in a fixed transmission time interval (TTI) of 1ms. TTI represents an inherent
lower bound of the LTE-A systems PHY latency. Clearly, as the time budget on PHY layer in the
Tactile Internet scenario is 100s maximum, frame duration must be reduced and LTE-A with its
OFDM symbol duration of 67s is not an option. In order to discuss possible alternatives assume
20s symbol duration. Considering e.g., a 1km cell range, the expected delay spread is around 3s,
and, thus, 4s CP is required to ensure an inter-symbol interference (ISI) free scenario. Hence, use of
conventional OFDM entails 20% loss in spectral efficiency. On the other hand, a non-orthogonal
waveform which allows for transmitting multiples symbols with a single CP relaxes such strict time
domain requirements.
Another major drawback caused by short frames is the fixed bandwidth increment required to keep a
given throughput. A flexible non-orthogonal multicarrier waveform allowing also for inter-carrier
interference (ICI) can use flexible subcarrier spacing to accommodate the necessary bandwidth.
Alternatively, non-contiguous spectrum can be aggregated again enabled by the low out-of-band
emissions of the non-orthogonal waveform.
Short frames have also positive impact on mobility support or operational frequencies. LTE-A has
been designed to support Doppler spread of 100Hz caused by 50km/h mobility for the respective
LTE-A carrier frequency. By reducing the frame duration it is possible to support either higher
mobility or to operate in a higher frequencies range. Finally, a short frame brings benefits to upper
protocol layers: Although the low latency requirements of real-time applications demands for a
robust PHY layer to avoid retransmissions of the frame, applications may desire acknowledged
signaling. A short frame will enable the implementation of less time-consuming retransmissions
In this deliverable we discuss Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing (GFDM) to achieve such
flexibility in the frame design.
1.4 New waveforms and multiple access the Golden Air Interface
We have discussed that the 5G services will be very much different with different requirements. One
alternative for fulfilling 5G targets is to introduce separate specialized air interfaces on dedicated
bands. The potential drawbacks are that the spectrum will be inefficiently used (e.g. due to lack of
multiplexing gain) and multiple parallel implementations need to be supported and maintained at
network elements and devices (increasing cost).
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A second option is to aim for a Golden Air Interface [SSS14]. This means a single air interface with
modular design, which is adaptable and reconfigurable and can be used efficiently for the different
The role of the waveform in this Golden Air Interface is to support the flexibility and modular design.
5GNOW waveforms, due to better spectral properties than OFDM, thus have the potential to enable
the support of very heterogeneous requirements on parallel subbands, as they provide a better
spectral separation of heterogeneous multi-carrier parameter sets and different accuracy levels of
time-frequency synchronization, which would cause inter-carrier interference in OFDM.
In this deliverable we discuss Universal Filtered Multicarrier (UFMC) which is a promising technique
for such requirements.
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2 5GNOW Waveforms
2.2 GFDM
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Consider the block diagram depicted in Figure 2.2.1. A data source provides the binary data vector b ,
which is encoded to obtain b c . A mapper, e.g. quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), maps
sequences of encoded bits to symbols d of a 2-valued complex constellation. The resulting
vector d denotes a GFDM data block that contains N elements, which can be decomposed
into K groups of M symbols according
to d d 0 T , , d K 1 T
and d k d k , 0 , , d k , M 1 with N = KM.
Therein, the individual
elements d k , m correspond to the data transmitted on the kth subcarrier and in the mth subsymbol of
the block. In the GFDM modulator, each d k , m is transmitted with the corresponding pulse shape
j 2 k
g k , m [ n ] g n m K m o d N e K (
with n denoting the sampling index. Each g k , m [ n ] is a time and frequency shifted version of a
prototype filter g[n] , where the modulo operation makes g k , m [ n ] a circularly shifted version
of g k , 0 [ n ] and the complex exponential performs the shifting operation in frequency. The transmit
samples x x [ n ] are obtained by superposition of all transmit symbols
K 1 M 1
x[ n ] g k ,m [ n ]d k ,m , n 0, , N 1.
k 0 m0
x Ad , (
Figure 2.2.2 shows three columns of an example transmitter matrix. As one can see,
g 1 , 0 [ A ] n , 2 and g 0 ,1 [ A ] n , K 1 are circularly frequency and time shifted versions of g 0 , 0 [ A ] n ,1 .
At this point, x contains the transmit samples that correspond to the GFDM data block d . Lastly, on
the transmitter side a cyclic prefix of N CP samples is added to produce x .
synchronization is performed, yielding y s . Then the cyclic prefix is removed. Under the assumption
of perfect synchronization, i.e. y s y , the cyclic prefix can be utilized to simplify the model of the
wireless channel to
y Hx w (
by replacing the matrix H with the corresponding circular convolution matrix H . This allows
employing zero-forcing channel equalization as efficiently used in OFDM [Bin90]. The overall
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Several standard receiver options for the GFDM demodulator are readily available in literature:
The matched filter (MF) receiver B M F A maximizes the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) per subcarrier,
but with the effect of introducing self-interference when a non-orthogonal transmit pulse is applied,
i.e. the scalar product g 0 , 0 , g k , m N
0 ,k 0 ,m with Kronecker delta i,j.
The zero-forcing (ZF) receiver B Z F A on the contrary completely removes any self-interference
at the cost of enhancing the noise. Also, there are cases in which A is ill-conditioned and thus the
inverse does not exist. The linear minimum mean square error (MMSE) receiver
B M M S E ( w I A A ) A
2 H H
makes a trade-off between self-interference and noise enhancement.
Figure 2.2.2: Illustration of the GFDM transmitter matrix for N = 28, K = 4, M = 7, using a raised cosine (RC) filter
with a=0.4.
Finally, the received symbols d are demapped to produce a sequence of bits bc at the receiver,
From the description of the transmitter and receiver, it is clear that GFDM falls into the category of
filtered multicarrier systems. The name derives from the fact that the scheme offers more degrees of
freedom than traditional OFDM or single carrier with frequency domain equalization (SC-FDE). GFDM
turns into OFDM when M 1 , A F N and B F N , where F N is a N N Fourier matrix. SC-FDE
is obtained when K 1 and SC-FDM - a frequency division multiplexing of several SC-FDE signals - is
obtained when g is a Dirichlet pulse [MF13]. However, the important property that distinguishes the
proposed scheme from OFDM and SC-FDE is that, like SC-FDM, it allows dividing a given time-
frequency resource into K subcarriers and M subsymbols as depicted in Figure 2.2.3. Therefore, it is
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possible to engineer the spectrum according to given requirements and enables pulse shaping on a
per subcarrier basis.
As a consequence, without changing the sampling rate, GFDM can be configured to cover a portion
of bandwidth either with a large number of narrow band subcarriers like in OFDM or with a small
number of subcarriers of large individual bandwidth like in SC-FDM. Further it is important to note
that although filters are introduced, GFDM is still a block based approach. These aspects are relevant
for the scheduling of users in a multiple access scenario [WJK+14] and also when targeting low
latency transmissions [Fet14]. Within each block, the signal is designed such that it exhibits a circular
structure in time and frequency domain. In combination with a cyclic prefix at the beginning of each
GFDM block, this property helps to keep transmitter and receiver complexity low [GMC+13] and
eases synchronization and equalization.
Figure 2.2.3: Partitioning of time and frequency, where data occupies different resources depending on the
chosen scheme. (a) with K = N subcarriers and M = 1 subsymbols, (b) with K = 1 subcarriers
and M = N subsymbols and (c) with K = 4, M = 3 and N = 12
is the Discrete Zak Transform (DZT) of a periodic sequence g[n] and ( 1 )(,) is the inverse DZT.
From ( and (, it is clear that the evaluation of the receiver filters does not require a
large computation based on all possible waveforms, but the computationally efficient DZT transform
pair can provide the prototype receiver filter only based on the transmit prototype filter.
The consequence of pulse shaping the GFDM subcarriers without offset QAM modulation or
orthogonal pulses is that the data symbols within a GFDM block interfere with each other. While the
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zero-forcing receiver is an efficient tool to avoid this self-interference, it bears the drawback of noise
enhancement. Due to the discrete Gabor setting this noise enhancement heavily depends on the
system parameters: while the Balian-Low theorem prohibits efficient operation it can be shown that
for the discrete setting here in certain cases the Balian-Low theorem can be circumvented at least to
avoid sampling the DZT at zeros [MMF14]. Moreover, to avoid amplifying the noise in the reception
process, a Matched Filter (MF) receiver can be used to maximize the SNR for the individual
subcarriers, in combination with a subsequent Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) stage to
remove the non-orthogonal parts in the signal, before detection. In GFDM, SIC is particularly
effective, because each subcarrier is well localized in frequency domain and only immediate
neighbors interfere with each other. Results have shown that MF-SIC can effectively remove self-
interference at the cost of a reasonable computational complexity [GAS13].
A n te n n a 1 A n te n n a 2
H H *
B lo c k i F X i
X i 1
B lo c k i 1
H H *
F X i 1
F X i
where i is an even number and () * is the conjugate complex operation. Note that the property
i n
xi n
of the discrete Fourier transform reasons the name time-reversal space-time coding.
At the receiver, after removing the CP, the transmit signals appear circularly convolved with the CIR
h j , l , where h j , l contains the channel taps between the j th transmit and l th receive antenna, zero-
padded to the block length. Both received blocks are transformed to the frequency domain.
Accordingly, assuming the channel remains constant during the transmission of two subsequent
blocks, the received blocks in the frequency domain are given by
Y i ,l H 1,l X i H W 1,l
2 ,l
X i 1
Y i 1,l H 1,l X H W 2 ,l ,
i 1 2 ,l
X i
where H j ,l
d ia g ( H j ,i
) with H j ,i
F h j ,l . The received signals can be combined in the frequency
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Xi H H 1,l Y i ,l H
* *
eq 2 ,l
Y i 1,l
l 1
X i 1 H H 1,l Y i 1,l H
* *
eq 2 ,l
Yi ,l
l 1
2 L
where H e q
H j ,l
H j ,l
and L is the number of receiving antennas. Finally, the estimates of
j 1 l 1
TR-STC can be directly applied to GFDM. Consider two data vectors d i that generate two
consecutive GFDM frames
xi A d i
The GFDM signals x i and x i 1 can be space-time encoded as described in Sec. and (
can be used to recover the signals on the receiver side. Then, conventional GFDM ZF demodulation is
carried out by
d i B x i
In this section, we combine TR-STC GFDM with a FDMA technique to serve multiple users in one
GFDM system. The K subcarriers are equally divided between U users, i.e. each user allocates
K u K / U adjacent subcarriers. Clearly, bit loading and power allocation algorithms [PK11] can be
used to better distribute the resources between the users, however, this is out of scope of this
analysis. Fig. 2.2.4 depicts the block diagram of the proposed TR-STC-GFDMA system.
(u )
Each user u generates a GFDM signal based on two successive data vectors d i , where elements
corresponding to non-allocated subcarriers are set to zero. The data is modulated by A for each
user and the blocks are space-time encoded as described in Section In order to combat time
misalignment between users, in addition to the CP, a cyclic suffix (CS) is added to the blocks before
they are transmitted through independent frequency-selective fading channels. When using a non-
orthogonal transmit filter, adjacent subcarriers of two different users interfere with each other. Since
the channels for the users are independent, these boundary subcarriers cannot be equalized and
high ICI occurs. Therefore, one guard subcarrier is used between users to avoid mutual interference.
The guard subcarriers are unnecessary when an orthogonal pulse is used because, in this case, there
is no ICI.
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When all users are synchronized with the BS clock rate and all signals arrive within the CP and CS
duration at the BS, space-time combining according to ( can be carried out per user, where
only the users' allocated frequency samples are considered. However, CSI including misalignment
information needs to be available at the BS. Note that timing misalignment within the CP/CS length
only results in a phase rotation of the circulant channel and hence channel equalization can
compensate the misalignment. The CSI can be estimated at the BS by sending a separate pilot
sequence per user that is transmitted twice in the TR-STC-GFDMA codeword. The sequences are
modulated using an orthogonal pulse to avoid self-interference, with K u subcarriers per user and
M 1 subsymbols. The signals are time-reversal space-time encoded and CP and CS are appended
before transmission.
Pi 1 , l P H 1 , l P H W i 1,l
2 ,l
where P d ia g ( P ( u ) ) with P
(u )
containing the DFT of the pilot sequence of the u th user which
u 1
(1 ) (U ) T
is non-zero only at the allocated subcarriers and H j ,l j ,l
H j ,l
] denotes the frequency
response of the users' channels including time misalignment seen at the BS. Then, the CIR is
estimated by
H 1,l 1
P ( Pi , l Pi 1 , l ) ,
( Pi 1 , l Pi , l ) .
1 *
H 2 ,l 2
(P )
Note that the proposed scheme does not require all users to have two transmit antennas. Instead,
using only the first transmit antenna is equivalent to h 2 , l 0 . In this case, the transmitted signal can
still be recovered, however, according to ( no transmit diversity gain is achieved. For
example, users with cheap devices or very good channel conditions wouldn't carry out the space-
time encoding but can still be correctly received by the BS.
2.3 UFMC
The time-domain transmit vector x k for a particular multi-carrier symbol of user k is the
superposition of the sub-band-wise filtered components, with filter length L and FFT length N, and
can be represented by
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xk F ik V ik s ik (2.3.1)
( N L 1) 1 i 1 ( N L 1 ) N N n n
i i
For the i-th subband (1 i B), the ni complex QAM symbols are transformed to time domain by the
tall IDFT-matrix V ik . Its m-th row, for subcarrier index n consists of the elements Vik(m, n) = exp
(j2(m 1)n/N). F ik is a Toeplitz matrix, composed of the FIR filter impulse response f ik , performing
the linear convolution. f ik can be designed according to propagation conditions and time-frequency
offset requirements (see section 4.1.2 and [WWS+14]). For L = 1, UF-OFDM converges to (non-CP-)
There are several receiver implementations possible for UFMC. A very efficient approach [CWS14] is
to zero-pad the N + L 1 receive samples of a multi-carrier symbol to the next larger power of two
(or efficient FFT implementation length). Each second value in frequency represents a subcarrier
output, which can be treated by a 1-tap scalar equalizer in order to account for the transmit filter
frequency response. This makes reception of UFMC signals almost as low complex as CP-OFDM.
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Rel. power [dB]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Frequency spacing in subcarrier steps
Figure 2.3.2 UFMC spectrum (green) compared to OFDM spectrum (black) for one subband of 12 subcarriers
with QPSK modulation
As long as the same length subband-filter is used, the subcarriers in UFMC are fully orthogonal in the
complex domain. This means, in contrast to FBMC-SMT (described in the subsequent section), which
uses offset-QAM, UFMC can use QAM modulation symbols. This complex orthogonality eases the
usage of MIMO and CoMP, supports complex-valued pilot sequences and allows re-using all the
knowledge gained from CP-OFDM.
OFDM, LCP = 79
Re(x k)
0 500 1000 1500 2000
time index m
Re(x k)
0 500 1000 1500 2000
time index m
Figure 2.3.3 Time domain characteristic of UFMC (bottom) compared to CP-OFDM (top), depicting amplitude
real part of a single subcarrier. The soft symbol transition in UFMC (with light blue background) provides a soft
protection against inter-symbol interference
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In time domain, UFMC in its default form is characterized by soft transitions between different multi-
carrier symbols. Subsequent multi-carrier symbols, characterized by (2.3.1), are non-overlapping.
This means the enveloping amplitude of the subcarriers, ramps up, stays constant for the symbol
body and ramps down again, as shown in figure 2.3.3. This provides a soft inter-symbol-interference
protection (ISI). E.g. the MSE caused by the delay spread of a Vehicular A channel, when UFMC
operates with LTE-like parameters is far below -40dB (when the filter length L = LCP + 1 accounts for
the CP length LCP in LTE). This allows for the scalar symbol-wise equalization and omitting the cyclic
prefix. See section 4.1.2 for results on time-frequency efficiency in short burst settings, comparing
UFMC channel estimation can be executed in the frequency domain. After the FFT, scalar per-
subcarrier processing in the frequency domain can be done, which is low complex and can build upon
OFDM knowledge. First a raw channel estimate for a single resource element can be computed based
on the known pilot symbol SPilot(n), known filter frequency response FFD(n) and observed subcarrier
received value Ysingle(n) as :
( n ) Y single (n) F FD ( n ) S Pilot ( n ) (2.3.2)
Compared to OFDM, the impact of the filtering is additionally taken into account.
After having achieved the raw channel estimate (2.3.2), every subsequent processing, as known from
OFDM can be applied. E.g. two-dimensional Wiener filtering in time- and frequency dimension will be
identical to OFDM.
Using the estimated channel, a per-subcarrier scalar equalizer can be applied, performing an
element-wise multiplication of equalizing vector q and frequency response vector Ysingle
s q Y single (2.3.3)
where the circular symbol represents the Hadamard-product, carrying out the element-wise
The equalizing vector takes care for all phase rotations caused by the frequency responses of the
respective per-subband filters, including the filter delay phase shifts, as well as the frequency
response of the channel HCTF, the so-called channel transfer function. Note that this equalization is
similar to OFDM (with additional compensation of the filter).
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2.3.4 Support for multi-user sounding and multiplex of small control resource element groups
In order to efficiently support control signaling, small groups of resource elements have to be used
per user to carry information like channel state information and ACK/NACK. In LTE e.g. the PUCCH is
responsible for such tasks.
In uplink sounding, the base station gathers channel state information over a certain frequency range
for multiple users. This requires either a comb-like structure for different users or a superposition of
different sequences. LTE(-A) based on CP-OFDM supports both, using complex-valued Zadoff-Chu
For non-orthogonal waveforms the multiplexing of multiple users for sounding and control may
impose difficulties. Different uplink users are received via different propagation channels. In order to
avoid inter-user interference either overhead by guard subcarriers/time will be introduced or
receiver complexity will strongly increase.
For UFMC this is not the case: As the filtered UFMC multi-carrier symbols are non-overlapping in time
and well localized in frequency, this waveform very efficiently supports small groups of resource
elements carrying control information. While offset-QAM based waveforms only use real-valued
sequences for sounding etc., complex-valued sequences are fully supported in UFMC, so the
sequence-space dimensionality for multi-cell and multi-user support is much larger compared to
Here, D ik is a diagonal matrix which e.g. compensates the pass-band frequency domain complex
filter response to generate a frequency flat subband with no phase rotations. The advantage is that
the receiver does not need to know the actual used UFMC filter coefficients which allows for further
adaptation potential without signalling overhead. Additionally, it guarantees equal transmitted
power per subcarrier.
P ik is a precoding matrix. When this precoding is the DFT matrix, we generate a single carrier FDMA
signal (similar to LTE uplink), based on the UFMC waveform instead the CP-OFDM waveform. This
allows for a peak to average power ration (PAPR) reduction with similar impact as in the LTE uplink
with DFT-precoded OFDM, but preserving the better spectral properties of UFMC. (In this notation
P ik covers a single subband, but this can be easily changed to e.g. the entire contiguous allocation
range of a user for further PAPR reduction.)
When the UFMC subband filter f ik contains zeros at the beginning or end, we have generated a zero
prefix or postfix signal, providing additional protection against delay spreads and/or timing offsets.
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Note that all this adaptations in conjunction with FDMA allow for user-individual adaptation of UFMC
parameters. The conditions of each user can be individually taken into account: Delay spread, timing
and frequency offsets, and PAPR requirements. For those conditions, the parameter set for subband
i, assigned to a particular user, can be designed appropriately.
The SC-FDMA incarnation of UFMC, generated by the DFT-precoding matrix P ik , can additionally be
adjusted to delay spreads in a user-specific way with near zero tails. In this case we apply a technique
known in the OFDM community as zero tail DFT-spread OFDM [BTS+13] to UFMC: Users with high
delay spreads are configured to set a few DFT-precoder inputs (first and last elements of s ik ) to zero
at the allocation edges, which leads to strong signal level reduction at beginning an end of the
symbol and thus increases protection against delay spreads.
2.4 FBMC
In this section, bold letters denote vectors and matrices. Upper-case and lower-case letters denote
frequency domain and time domain variables respectively
F stands for the N N -DFT (Discrete Fourier transform) matrix defined as:
1 1 1 1
2 N 1
1 wN wN wN
F =
N N 1 2( N 1) ( N 1)( N 1)
1 wN wN wN
where w N = e N
. Matlab notation was used to index the matrix. Therefore A = B (:,1 : U ) means
that A is built with the first U columns and all the rows of B .
sk t sk n t nT (2.4.1)
with [] the data symbols for subcarrier , the symbol period, the symbol number and Nc the
number of subchannels.
The most widely used multicarrier technique is CP-OFDM, based on the use of inverse and forward
DFT for the analysis and the synthesis filter banks. The prototype filter is a rectangular window
whose size is equal to the Fourier Transform. At the receiver, perfect signal recovery is possible
under ideal channel conditions thanks to the orthogonality of the subchannel filters. Nevertheless
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under real multipath channels a data rate loss is induced by the mandatory use of a Cyclic Prefix (CP),
longer than the impulse response of the channel. With FBMC, the CP can be removed and subcarriers
can be better localized, thanks to more advanced prototype filter design.
transmitter receiver
The FBMC prototype filter can be designed in many ways, trying to satisfy different constraints. In
general, it is chosen to be:
- complex modulated for good spectral efficiency
- uniform to equally divide the available channel bandwidth
- with finite Impulse Response for ease of design and implementation
- orthogonal, to have a single prototype filter
- with Nearly Perfect Reconstruction (NPR) : certain amount of filter bank distortions can be
tolerated as long as they are negligible compared to those caused by the transmission
In this document the prototype filter is designed using the frequency sampling technique. This
technique provides the advantage of reducing the number of filter coefficients. In other words, the
prototype filter coefficients should be given using a closed-form representation that includes only a
few adjustable design parameters. The coefficients of the prototype filter for an overlapping factor K
equal to 4 are [Bel10]:
P0 :3 1, 0 .9 7 1 9 5 9 8 3 ,1 2 , 1 P1
The KNc-1 length time response of this filter is computed thanks to:
K 1
2 k
p m P0 2 1 m 1 , m 0 : K N c 2
Pk c o s (2.4.3)
k 1 KNc
The stopband attenuation exceeds 60 dB for the frequency range above 10 subcarrier spacings
(Figure 2.4.2).
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As shown in Figure 2.4.2, adjacent carriers significantly overlap. In order to keep adjacent carriers
and symbols orthogonal, real and pure imaginary values alternate on carriers and on symbols at the
transmitter side. This so-called OQAM (Offset QAM) modulation implies a rate loss of a factor of 2.
This efficiency loss of OQAM modulation is compensated by doubling the symbol period . is
frequently called the overlapping factor: indeed the symbol period is /2 and the symbol length is
1 samples; each FBMC symbol at the channel input is then overlapped with 2(2 1) other
FBMC symbols.
The transmitter of FBMC can be represented by Figure 2.4.3, with the filtering operation (block
frequency spreading) done in the frequency domain. In this figure:
1 is the vector containing the data to transmit for the th FBMC symbol.
= , 1 is the vector of data for the th FBMC symbol filtered in the
frequency domain.
is the matrix of filtering vectors given by Eq. (2.4.4), with 121 , the
filtering vector, i.e. the frequency response of the filter given by Eq. (2.4.2):
The frequency spreading operation is further described by Figure 2.4.4 where each carrier of is
spread on 2 1 carriers on . Here = 4. As can be seen from Figure 2.4.3, FBMC symbols
overlap in the time domain and as Figure 2.4.4 shows, adjacent carriers in the vector significantly
overlap in the vector .
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The FBMC waveform with its spectrally well shaped prototype filters and overlapped time symbols
has some inherent features which makes it a natural choice for some of the anticipated 5G
application scenarios. First of all it does not require a cyclic prefix; intrinsic Inter Symbol Interference
(ISI) and ISI generated by multipath channel are handled by O-QAM modulation that ensures
orthogonality between adjacent symbols. The FBMC waveform furthermore has an almost perfect
separation of frequency subbands without the need for strict synchronization. Consequently its
properties make it especially suited for fragmented spectrum and Coordinated Multi Point (CoMP)
The reader may refer to [D3.2] for further details on time synchronization, carrier frequency offset
compensation, channel estimation and equalizer algorithm.
2.5 BFDM
A major new approach in 5GNOW for efficiently supporting sporadic traffic in 5G is to use an
extended physical layer random access channel (PRACH) which achieves device acquisition and
(typically small) payload transmission "in one shot" [WJK+14, KWJ+14, WKJ15, WGA15, WKJ+15], for
the details please see section 3.4.1. For this concept we adopt a waveform design approach based on
bi-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (BFDM) for the PRACH signal (pulse shaped PRACH).
Similar to orthogonal OFDM, the underlying principle is to transmit the symbols according to a set
of shifted pulses on time-frequency lattice points (, ), where is the time shift period and is
the frequency shift period and , . However, as stated in [KM98], the only requirement of
perfect symbol reconstruction is that the set of transmit pulses , and the set of receive pulses ,
form bi-orthogonal (Riesz-) bases which is a weaker form of orthogonality and which is possible only
if the time-frequency product is greater than one. Hence, in the BFDM approach, we replace the
orthogonality of the set of transmit and receive pulses with bi-orthogonality. In particular, time--
frequency representations of transmit and receive pulses are pairwise (not individually) orthogonal.
Thus, there is more flexibility in designing a transmit prototype, e.g., in terms of side-lobe
For the pulse shaped PRACH, additional processing is needed, compared to standard OFDM. In
contrast to standard processing, we process more than one symbol interval, even if we use only one
symbol to carry the preamble. We refer to [SMH02] for implementation details. A pulse is used to
shape the spectrum of the preamble signal, e.g., to allow the use of PRACH guard bands with
acceptable interference. Let be the length of the pulse . We extend the output signal [] after
the IFFT stage by repeating it and taking modulo to get the same length as the pulse . Given
symbols, we stack each symbol [] as rows in a matrix
0 []
= 1 []
( 1 [])
Each of these vectors is point-wise multiplied by the shifted pulse and superimposed by overlap
and add, such that we get the base band pulse shaped PRACH transmit signal
[] = [][ ].
In greater detail, this can be also written as
[] = , [ ] ,
where , is the Fourier transformed ZC-sequence of length at the th symbol and th
subcarrier, is the guard band subcarriers occupied by messages, and is an amplitude scaling
factor for customizing the transmit power.
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The only difference to the standard PRACH receiver is the processing before the FFT. In standard
PRACH processing, the cyclic prefix is first removed from the received signal [] and then the FFT
is performed. In the pulse shaped PRACH, an operation to invert the (transmitter side) pulse shaping
has to be carried out first. To be more precise, first the symbols of the received signal [] are
arranged as row vectors in matrix
0 []
= 1 []
(1 [])
Second, each row is point-wise multiplied by the shifted bi-orthogonal pulse , such that we have
[] = [][ ].
Subsequently, we perform a kind of pre-aliasing operation to each windowed []
/ 1
[] = [ ],
such that we obtain the Fourier transformed preamble sequence at the th symbol and th
subcarrier after the FFT operation
1 2
, = [] .
Although we do not employ a cyclic prefix as in standard PRACH, the time--frequency product of
= 1.25 allows the signal to have temporal and frequency guard regions as well. This time-
frequency guard regions and the overlapping of the pulses evoke the received signal to be cyclo-
stationary [Bol01], which gives the same benefit as the cyclo-stationarity made by cyclic prefix.
Furthermore it is also shown in [Bol01] that the bi-orthogonality condition of the pulses is sufficient
for the cyclo-stationarity and makes it possible to estimate the symbol timing offset from its
correlation function.
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which should also be in the order of the channel's dispersion ratio [JW07]. However, here we
consider only the first part (2.4.2) of this rule since we focus on a design being close to the
conventional LTE PUSCH and PRACH. We propose to construct the pulse based on the -splines in
the frequency domain. -splines have been investigated in the Gabor (Weyl--Heisenberg) setting for
example in [Pre99]. The main reason for using the -spline pulses is that convolution of such pulses
have excellent tail properties with respect to the 1 -norm, which is beneficial with respect to the
overlap of PRACH to the PUSCH symbols. We also believe that they trade off well the time offset for
the frequency offset performance degradation but this is part of further on-going investigations and
beyond the conceptional approach here.
Because of its fast decay in time, we choose in [KWJ+14] a second order -spline (the ''tent''--
function) in frequency domain given by
2 () = 1 () 1 (), where
1 () 1 1 ()
[ , ]
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It has been shown in [Pre99] that 2 () generates a Gabor frame for the (, )-grid (translating 2
on and its Fourier transform on ) if (due to its compact support) < 2 and 2 and fails to be
frame in the region:
{ 2, > 0} { > 0,1 < }.
Recall, that by Ron--Shen duality [RS97] it follows that the same pulse prototype 2 () generates a
1 1
Riesz basis on the adjoint ( , ) -grid. In our setting we will effectively translate the frequency
1 3 1 1 5
domain pulse 2 () by half of its support which corresponds to
= 2 and we will use
1.25 (see here also Table 2.4.1) such that = 5. It follows therefore that our operation point
6 2
(, ) = ( , )is not in any of two explicit (, )-regions given above. But for 1.1 1.95 a
5 3
further estimate has been computed explicitly for 2 () [Table 2.3 on p.560, Pre99] ensuring the
1 1
Gabor frame property up to . Finally, we like to mention that for the dual prototypes
can be expressed again as finite linear combinations of -splines, i.e. explicit formulas exists in
However, in practice has to be of finite duration, i.e. the transmit pulse in time domain will be
smoothly truncated
sin() 2
() = ( ) (), (2.4.3)
where is chosen equal to . Theoretically, a (smooth) truncation in (2.4.3) would imply again a
limitation on the maximal frequency spacing [CKK12]. Although the finite setting is used in our
application, the frame condition (and therefore the Riesz-basis condition) is a desired feature since it
will asymptotically ensure the stability of the computation of the dual pulse and its smoothness
properties. To observe the pulse's properties regarding time-frequency distortions we depict in
Figure 2.4.3 the discrete cross-ambiguity function between pulse and which is given as:
(, ) = [] [ ] 2 .
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It can be observed, that the value at the neighbour symbol is already far below 103. Obviously, the
bi-orthogonality condition states (, ) = ,0 ,0 and ensures perfect symbol recovery in the
absence of channel and noise. However, the sensibility with respect time-frequency distortions is
related to the slope shape of around the grid points. Depending on the loading strategies for
these grid points it is possible to obtain numerically performance estimates using, for example, the
integration methods presented in [JW07].
of which the Fourier transform is depicted in Fig. 2.5.5. This family is controlled by the parameter L
(and bandwidth B) which contains the special cases: L = 0 (triangle) L = 1 (sinc) L > 1 (trapezoidal).
Our specific choice is guided by the following intuition: From the results in [KWJ+14] we conclude
that the triangle pulse belongs to the non-orthogonal pulse family with excellent localization
properties. This is obvious in the frequency domain; but to see this in the time domain we consider
the 1 -norm. Surprisingly, for the triangle kernel, this norm is actually independent and unity for all B
1 = 2 ( ) = 1.
2 2 2
Here, we introduced the sinc pulse sinc(At) := sin(At)/At, A > 0. It is easy to prove that no pulse with
f(0) = 1 can fall below this value. Hence, we can argue that for any pulse 1 > 1 (after proper
normalization) and the 1 -norm measures the (inverse) distance to the sinc pulse for which clearly
1 = holds. We also argue that our goal is to shift the triangle closer to transmit
orthogonality (i.e. sinc) but at the same time not lose the favorable properties of the ambiguity
function of the triangle pulse. This is achieved by the trapezoidal family which has close to optimal
1 -norm behavior: in [WG15] we show that indeed
1 2 (),
where > 2 () > 1 and for which some exemplary values are listed in Table .
Table 2.5.1
Exemplary values of (): The values quickly converge to 1
(triangle pulse)
2 ()
1.5 1.68
2 2
2.5 1.25
. .
. .
. .
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whose frequency domain shape is sketched in Fig. 2.5.4. In order to be compliant to 4G, we chose
= 1.25 and we set = in the pulse definitions. We consider two types of trapezoidal pulses.
Type I refers to transmit pulses with constant bandwidth 2, i.e. = 1, and the inner flat part over
the frequency interval [, ]. Type II pulses have an inner flat part over the fixed interval
[ , ], i.e. = 0.5, and variable bandwidth [, ]. The time and frequency domain shape of
2 2
these pulses for both the transmit and dual receive pulses are depicted in Fig. 2.5.5 for the
parameters of interest in the simulations. In particular, the bold curve refers to a type II pulse with
= 0.55 which demonstrates the best performance among the considered pulses.
Figure 2.5.4. Pulse shapes considered in the simulations: Time domain for transmit (a) and receive (c) pulse
shapes as well as frequency domain for transmit (b) and receive (d) pulse shapes. Type I with = , = .
(black) and Type II with = . , = . (green) and 0.75 (red). Triange pulse (blue)
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The question remains how to obtain some estimation for the channel. Assume the received preamble
signal can be written as
= .
Thereby, is a diagonal matrix constructed from the coefficients of the Fourier transformed
preamble and = ( , ). The matrix is a FFT-matrix, the set {1, , } contains
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the indices of the first columns, and = {1, , } contains the indices of the central rows
of . Furthermore, is the length of the subframe without CP and guard interval, and we assume a
maximum length of the channel .
For simplicity, we consider simple least-squares channel estimation, i.e., we have to solve the
estimation (normal) equation = . To handle cases where is ill-conditioned, we use
Tikhonov regularization. This popular method replaces the general problem of minx 2 by
min 2 + 2 , with the regularization matrix . In particular, in place of the pseudo-
inverse, we use
= ( + )1 ,
where is a multiple of the identity matrix. The idea is, that the estimated channel is also valid for
subcarriers that are adjacent to the region for which we actually estimate the channel. Numerical
experiments indicate that the estimator is an unbiased estimator (with MSE smaller then 104) for
up to 200 subcarriers outside the region .
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In order to suit the future needs of very heterogeneous service and device classes, a 5G approach
must be able to efficiently support different traffic types, which all have to be part of future wireless
cellular systems. Our vision of a unified frame structure concept, depicted by Fig. 3.1.1, aims to
handle the large set of requirements in a single 5G system.
Type III and Type IV
Type II
Type I
Here, different colors represent time-frequency resource elements of different traffic types and
different classes of synchronicity. A filtered multicarrier approach will enable the mix of synchronous
and asynchronous traffic. Radio resource control can adjust the assigned bandwidth semi-statically
based on the respective service loads. The third dimension in this Unified Frame Structure is the
usage of multiple superimposed signal layers. The principle of interleave-division multiple access
(IDMA) [PLK06] is a very appealing approach to generating these signal layers, and an elegant
receiver and coding concept for it. High-volume broadband traffic (Type I), typically human-initiated,
will operate as in LTE-A with synchronicity, whenever possible, using scheduled access. At cell edges,
with coordinated multi-point (CoMP) transmission and reception, it is not always possible to
establish synchronicity to all cells, so the system has to operate with relaxed synchronicity
requirements (Type II traffic). For high volume data applications in those cell areas (type II), a multi-
cell multi-user transceiver concept is required.
For sporadic small packet services, as occurring in e.g., MTC, the general relaxation of time-frequency
alignment reduces signaling overhead and battery consumption (Type III traffic). Multiple signal
layers may superimpose, which is handled by advanced multi-user / multi-cell receivers. A
contention-based access technique is attractive, saving overhead by dropping the strict synchronism
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requirement. For low-end sensor devices, it may be helpful to spread the transmission over a longer
time and to allow completely asynchronous transmission (Type IV) traffic. For such sensor-type traffic
it can be shown that, from an energy-efficiency perspective, it is beneficial to stretch the
transmissions in time by spreading. This additional signal layer, again, can be handled by an IDMA-
like approach. The unified frame concept shall be main part of the standardization processes to be
initiated in the future.
Notably, traffic types II and III rely on open-loop synchronization. The device listens to the downlink
and synchronizes itself coarsely, based on synchronization channel and/or reference symbols, similar
to 4G systems. Furthermore, the devices may apply some autonomously derived timing advance
which we call autonomous timing advance (see section 3.3), relevant particularly for MTC.
3.2 Layering
In the pioneer work [PLK06], the Interleaved-Division Multiple Access (IDMA) was originally proposed
by Li Ping et al., which was regarded as a novel multiple access approach. The authors claim that
IDMA can simultaneously accommodate, e.g. 40 ~ 100 users, by exploiting user-specific interleaver as
user signature and simply concatenating a repetition code with the Forward Error Correction (FEC)
code, to yield multiple low-rate data flows.
The IDMA receiver, denoted as Elementary Signal Estimator (ESE), turns out to be simple and
effective, as well, by collecting the statistics of received data streams, and involving Parallel
Interference Cancellation (PIC) to achieve the convergence with only a couple of iterations.
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y h n rn h l rl z (3.2.1)
where rn denotes the QAM symbol of user n after user-specific interleaving, hn denotes the channel
transfer function, and z models Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) with power spectral density
N0. At the receiver side, the ESE generates the Log-Likelihood-Ratio (LLR) for the m-th bit of the
transmit symbol rn with
y hn a
a A
exp( )
N N0
( rn ) ln
( out ) (m )
y hn a
exp( )
a A m
0 1
where A m and A m denote the subsets of the QAM constellation candidates, whose m-th bit is 0 and
1, respectively. Notation N I
denotes the variance of the interference from other IDMA users.
Further, it holds,
y y h l E rl y h l Q ( L DEC,
( out ) ( out )
l ,1
, , L DEC, l ,M
) (3.2.3)
ln ln
where operator Q ( ) represents a soft QAM-mapper for symbol rn based on the LLRs from the
decoder. For the output of ESE, the user-specific de-interleaver n and FEC decoder basically
collect the diversity and coding gain, which can significantly improve the reliability of cancellation in
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equation (3.2.3). Furthermore, the ESE performance (3.2.2) can be as well improved, by introducing
several IDMA iterations. The user signal layers 1 to n can be successfully separated even with, e.g. 5
IDMA iterations.
provide better waveform spectral efficiency, lower spectral side lobe level, higher robustness for
tolerating time and frequency offsets and Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI), and reduced signaling
overhead [WSC14].
In [D3.2] and [CWS14], we introduce the IDMA concept to an UFMC system, as illustrated in Fig.
3.2.2. Further, a very simplified but fair dual-user scenario is established, in order to compare the
UFMC-IDMA scheme to the OFDM-IDMA scheme, in presence of relative delays. The numerical
results illustrate that UFMC-IDMA turns out to be the best solution at low rate, and can effectively
combat against misalignments, thus better to support the Relaxed Synchronicity (RS).
The Unified Frame Structure concept supports various types of traffic and devices. For sporadic small
packet transmission, our vision is to use open-loop synchronization for battery and signaling
overhead saving reasons. Available downlink synchronization sequences and/or pilots are used to
establish a coarse downlink-based synchronization. Remaining timing offsets are resulting from the
unknown propagation round-trip times. The idea of Autonomous Timing Advance (ATA) [SW14] is
that the device uses estimates of its propagation delay (e.g. based on receive power levels of pilot
signals and/or some additional broadcast information by the base station for transmit power levels
or cell sizes) and coarsely pre-compensates its round trip delay by adapting its transmission timing
autonomously. This allows skipping closed-loop timing adjustments, which eases direct (e.g.
contention-based) data transmission via random access.
Type 2: Another simpler variant is for all type II/III/IV devices to apply the same timing
advance, e.g. to half of the highest round trip time (or alternatively the 95%-tile of all existing
round trip times) appearing within the cell. When using this technique, inter-traffic
interference at the borders is reduced (in Fig. 3.3.1 results for the second variant are
presented). Various means are available for the devices in order to get knowledge on highest
round trip time. The most simple one is for the basestation to broadcast the value based on
measurements (e.g. during closed-loop synchronization of type I devices).
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OFDM vs. UFMC, no CFO, w/ type 2 ATA applying N =0.5N OFDM vs. UFMC, 10% CFO, w/ type 2 ATA applying N =0.5N
TA OL,max TA OL,max
-20 -20 OFDM, LCP=79
OFDM, L =79
CP L = 80, no Guards
L = 80, no Guards L = 80, 1 Subc. Guard
L = 80, 1 Subc. Guard L = 80, 2 Subc. Guards
L = 80, 2 Subc. Guards L = 80, 5 Subc. Guards
L = 80, 5 Subc. Guards
-25 -25 dark gray:
] [dB]
dark gray:
] [dB]
UFMC w/ RC shaped
UFMC w/ RC shaped
light gray:
light gray:
UFMC w/o windowing
-30 -30
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 -35
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
N /N
OL,max N /N
Figure 3.3.1 CP-OFDM vs UFMC using ATA type 2: Average distortion from FDMA multiuser interference as a
function of cell radius normalized to multi-carrier symbol duration. Left: no CFO, Right: CFO 10% of subcarrier
spacing. The dotted line represents a targeted maximum distortion of -30dB, determining the highest
supported normalized delay.
The detection of a start of burst is then achieved on the frequency domain (i.e. at the output of the
FFT) using a priori information from the preamble. CFO is first estimated using the pilot subcarrier
information of the preamble by computing the phase of the product between two consecutive FBMC
symbols at the location of the pilot subcarriers. The propagation channel is assumed static for the
duration of the burst. When large CFO correction is required, a first step in the estimation process
consists of scanning the subcarriers around the pilot subcarrier locations to determine the subcarrier
with the highest energy. A tracking algorithm of the CFO may complete the synchronization process
when the duration of the burst is large and the accuracy of the preamble based detection algorithm
does not meet the required level. CFO compensation is then performed in the frequency domain
using a feed-forward approach.
The channel coefficients are then estimated on the pilot subcarriers before being interpolated on
every active subcarrier. The use of a KN-point FFT makes the interpolation particularly specific to this
receiver. The estimation of the channel coefficients is performed before applying the FBMC
prototype filtering. The least square estimates of the channel coefficients are computed by applying
a CFO phase correction on the received signal according to the location of the pilot symbol on the
prototype filter. Performance may be further improved by considering all the positions of the
prototype filter and by applying a maximum ratio combining algorithm after interpolation.
Once the channel is estimated on all the active subcarriers, a one-tap per subcarrier equalizer is
applied before filtering by the FBMC prototype filter (section 3.4). Demapping and Log-Likelihood
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Ratio (LLR) computation complete the inner receiver architecture. A soft-input Forward Error
Correction (FEC) decoder recovers finally the original message.
The asynchronous frequency domain processing of the receiver combined with the high stop-band
attenuation of the FBMC prototype filter provides a receiver architecture that allows for multiuser
asynchronous reception. FFT and Memory Unit are common modules, while the remaining of the
receiver should be duplicated as many times as the number of parallel asynchronous users the
system may tolerate.
Figure 3.3.2: Block diagram of the proposed multiuser asynchronous receiver architecture
and network performance as well as user experience and life time of autonomous MTC nodes. The
new approach in 5GNOW is to use an extended PRACH which achieves device acquisition and
(possibly small) payload transmission "in one shot". Similar to the implementation in UMTS, the goal
is to transmit small user data packets using the PRACH, without maintaining a continuous
connection. So far, this is not possible in LTE, where data is only carried using the physical uplink
shared channel (PUSCH) so that the resulting control signalling effort renders scalable sporadic traffic
(e.g., several hundred nodes in the cell) infeasible. By contrast, in our design a data section is
introduced between synchronous PUSCH and standard PRACH, called D-PRACH (Data PRACH)
supporting asynchronous data transmission. Clearly, by doing so, sporadic traffic is removed from
standard uplink data pipes resulting in drastically reduced signaling overhead as well as reduced
complexity and power consumption of devices. The following approach is described in detail in
[WJK+14, KWJ+14, WKJ15, WGA15, WKJ+15].
We assume that each D-PRACH's data resource contains only a very few number of subcarriers like 5-
20 subcarriers. In addition, in a 5G system, we can expect that there is a massive number of MTC
devices which will concurrently employ these data resources in an uncoordinated fashion. In the
simplest approach the D-PRACH uses the guard bands between PRACH and PUSCH which is the focus
here. In an extended setting this region can be enlarged (by higher layer parameters) but, clearly, at
some point new efficient channel estimation must be devised different to the proposal in this paper.
Notably, in parallel work, we have set up a sparse signal processing approach to cope with this
situation [WJW14]. We show that waveform design in such a setting is necessary since the OFDM
waveform used in LTE cannot handle the highly asynchronous access of different devices with
possible negative delays or delays beyond the cyclic prefix (CP). Clearly, guards could be introduced
between the individual (small) data sections and to the PUSCH which, though, makes the approach
again very inefficient. Our results indeed show that up to six subcarriers can be obtained compared
to standard 4G OFDM setting.
To illustrate the approach, we consider a simple uplink model of a single cell network, where each
mobile station and the base station are equipped with a single antenna. We assume that there exist
the two channels PUSCH and the PRACH. On the PUSCH, the data bearing signals are transmitted
from synchronized users to the base station using Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access
(SC-FDMA). A small part of the resources is reserved for PRACH, in which, at the first step of the
RACH procedure, users send preambles that contain unique signatures. The percentage of resources
for PRACH depends on the overall bandwidth, i.e., since PRACH always uses six physical resource
blocks (PRBs), e.g., for 1.4 MHz it occupies 100% of the particular sub-frame carrying PRACH, and for
20MHz it occupies 6% of the resources of the particular sub-frame. Our goal is not only to design
suitable waveforms for asynchronous PRACH operations, but also to leave PUSCH operations as
unaffected as possible. The general frame structure that we consider, more precisely, the time-
frequency resource grid for the described channels is illustrated schematically in Figure 3.4.1. To
minimize the interference between the channels, several subcarriers on both sides of the PRACH are
usually left zeros as a guard band. Moreover, we will exploit the PRACH to carry some data on the
guard bands. These users, however, may be completely asynchronous which can be a serious
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Figure 3.4.1: PRACH (blue) and PUSCH (red) regions. A guard interval (GI) separates PUSCH from PRACH in LTE
(gray). A part of this area is used to support data transmission of asynchronous users (green) in a novel D-
PRACH. The D-PRACH size can be variably determined by MAC
While we assume that the PUSCH signals are standard OFDM, we adopt for the PRACH signal the
BFDM approach which is well suited to sporadic traffic, since the PRACH symbols are relatively long
so that i.) the transmission is very robust to (even negative) time offsets and, b.) the side effects such
as spectral regrowth due to periodic setting when calculating the bi-orthogonal pulses are negligible.
In addition, BFDM is also more robust to frequency offsets in the transmission which, as well-known,
typically sets a limit to the symbol duration in OFDM transmission. Finally, the concatenation of
BFDM and several LTE PUSCH OFDM symbols together requires a good tail behaviour of the transmit
pulse in order to keep the distortion to the payload carrying subcarriers in PUSCH small. Conversely,
the dual pulse which accounts for the distortion of PUSCH onto PRACH can be controlled by iterative
interference cancellation (if necessary). This alleviates the typical problem of controlling
time/spectral localization of pulse and dual pulse. The excellent and controllable trade-off between
performance degradation due to time and frequency offsets is the main advantage of BFDM.
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4 Performance Results
Moreover, low latency is an important feature for future wireless communication systems and GFDM
can be designed to reduce the impact of the PHY layer in the overall system latency. The main
approach is to reduce the GFDM symbol duration and add only a single CP for M subsymbols. The
latter property is particularly important, because prefixing each subsymbol would actually increase
the latency and reduce the spectral efficiency. The short subsymbol duration will lead to wider
subcarriers that might suffer from frequency selective effects of the mobile multipath channel. But,
because GFDM subcarriers have M times more samples in the frequency domain than LTE
subcarriers, it is still possible to achieve acceptable symbol error rate performance. In this section we
present two possible settings for GFDM to address two different scenarios. In the first one, there is
only a GFDM signal which is configured to address low latency, using the master clock of LTE and in
alignment with the LTE grid. The second approach allows the co-existence of a GFDM signal with
current LTE systems.
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Although several improvements must be done also in the upper layers to achieve low latency,
reducing the transmission time interval is a good step towards lower system latency and GFDM is a
waveform flexible enough to address this aspect, as shown in the next subsections.
The parametrization presented here considers a 20 MHz LTE system operating on frequency division
duplex (FDD) mode as a reference. Table 4.1.1 shows the main parameters of the LTE system
[RSH11]. Other LTE signal bandwidths can be obtained by adjusting the number of active subcarriers.
The LTE time-frequency grid is organized in resource blocks (RBs), each one having a bandwidth of
180 kHz (12 subcarriers) and a duration of 0.5 ms (7 or 6 OFDM symbols for the normal and extended
modes, respectively). A resource block is the basic quantity for resource allocation in LTE, which
should be respected by a future 5G system. Figure 4.1.1 depicts the LTE resource block structure
assuming normal operation mode.
Figure 4.1.1: Time-frequency structure of the LTE resource block on normal operation mode
Now, the main objective is to integrate the GFDM signal in the time-frequency grid of the LTE system
while enabling low latency applications. The duration of the GFDM symbol must be reduced to an
integer fraction of the 1 ms subframe duration and a set of GFDM subcarriers must fit in an integer
multiple of 180 kHz. Table 4.1.2 presents one possible set of GFDM parameters for this scenario.
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From Tables 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, it can be seen that the proposed GFDM approach has the same
subframe duration as the LTE grid. Nevertheless, the GFDM symbol duration is 7.5 times smaller than
the equivalent slot duration of the LTE system. Assuming that the GFDM system is designed for
independent demodulation of each symbol, it is possible to reduce the contribution of the PHY layer
modulation to the latency by a factor of 15, compared with current LTE frame structure (LTE requires
at least two slots of 0.5 ms to demodulate the user data). Of course, the total latency of the system
also depends on a number of factors that cannot be addressed in this section. However, Table 4.1.2
clearly shows that the GFDM PHY can contribute to the latency reduction while keeping the same
time-frequency grid as the 4G system. Notice that three GFDM subcarriers occupy the bandwidth of
four LTE resource blocks. This means that each GFDM subcarrier is 16 times wider than the LTE
subcarriers. Because each GFDM subcarrier has M=15 times more samples than an LTE subcarrier,
the spectrum resolution of both systems is approximately the same. GFDM employs a slightly smaller
CP length than LTE and it does not require a larger CP for the first GFDM symbol. The Dirichlet pulse
makes the system orthogonal and, because the roll-off factor in the frequency domain is zero, the
GFDM subcarriers do not overlap with the surrounding subcarriers outside of the used resource
blocks. Therefore, the LTE time-frequency grid can be used to accommodate GFDM signaling as
shown in Figure 4.1.2. Note that the conventional GFDM subcarrier spacing N=K has been used here
to match the LTE frame structure.
Figure 4.1.2: GFDM frequency grid to match the LTE frame structure
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GFDM can also be configured as a secondary system in the LTE grid, i.e. to use two empty resource
blocks, leaving a guard band to avoid interference in the surrounding resource blocks that are used
to transmit the conventional LTE signal. In this case, the GFDM signal can be seen as a secondary
signal that is used to explore vacant resource blocks for low latency applications. Table 4.1.3 shows
the GFDM parameters for this approach.
A new approach to generate the GFDM signal must be introduced here in order to keep the
subcarrier spacing compatible with the LTE time-frequency grid. The subcarrier bandwidth is 320 kHz,
while the subcarrier spacing must be a multiple of 180 kHz (bandwidth of one RB). In order to
achieve this frequency spacing, N must assume a value that differs from subsymbol spacing K.
Nevertheless, N must be carefully chosen in order to guarantee that an integer number of subcarrier
cycles is present within the duration of one GFDM frame, otherwise there will be phase jumps
between the CP and the GFDM signal, leading to a strong out-of-band emission. The parametrization
presented in Table 4.1.3 achieves this goal.
From Tables 4.1.1 and 4.1.3 it can be seen that the GFDM subcarriers are 21.33 times larger than LTE
subcarriers in terms of bandwidth, while the GFDM symbol duration is 10 times smaller than the
corresponding slot duration of the LTE system. Moreover, GFDM subcarrier resolution in the
frequency domain is M=15 times the resolution of the LTE subcarriers. The CP length has been
shortened to 2/3 of the LTE CP length, which means that this approach is appropriate for small cell
size (typically for diameter smaller than 4 km).
LTE equipment transmits system information periodically and even on empty resource blocks, which
makes it difficult to use the approach proposed in Table 4.1.3. One solution is to consider a LTE
system operating in a spectrum hole that is larger than the system bandwidth, e.g., a 5 MHz signal
being transmitted in the center of a 10 MHz band. Since the LTE grid is the same for any bandwidth
configuration, with the only difference being the number of active subcarriers, the GFDM signal
presented in Table 4.1.3 can be appended on the edges of the LTE signal, as depicted in Figure 4.1.3.
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Notice that the low out-of-band (OOB) emission of GFDM causes small interference in the LTE signal.
However, the high OOB emissions of the LTE OFDM signal might be harmful for the GFDM signal
[MLR+11]. The interaction of the LTE OOB with GFDM signals must be considered in order to specify
the forward error control codes and other protective measures for the GFDM PHY layer.
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An upper bound of the TR-STC-GFDM SER performance under a frequency-selective fading channel is
given by [MLG+15]
JL 1
JL 1 i 1
pe 4 , (
i0 i 2
J 11 J 1 0N 0
, ,
J 2 2 e
J 1 0N 0
J is the modulation cardinality, E S is the average symbol energy, N 0 is the noise spectrum density,
0 is noise enhancement factor (NEF) , J is the number of transmit, L is the number of receive
antennas, and
2 2
E [| h n | ].
When the different amount of CP in GFDM and OFDM is considered in the calculation of 0 , we
0 ,O F D M K
0 ,G F D M KM
which shows that, for certain configurations of K and M and depending on the additional factor
1 1
tr that is a specific parameter of the GFDM subcarrier filter, GFDM can reach
a better spectral efficiency compared to OFDM. Eq. ( has been adapted from STC-OFDM SER
performance [MB10] by adding the NEF and it becomes a tighter upper bound if J L 2 and the
channel frequency response is flat per subcarrier. For the SISO case ( J L 1 ) the gap between the
SER and the upper bound increases with the modulation order.
Fig. 4.1.4 compares the SER performance of conventional STC-OFDM [LW00] and TR-STC-GFDMA
with perfect CSI at the BS. It shows that TR-STC-GFDMA users with two transmit antennas
(users 4 to 8) achieve the same diversity gain as STC-OFDM, however, due to the more efficient use
of the CP, the SER curve of GFDM is shifted 0.25 dB to the left. As expected, users with one transmit
antenna (users 1 to 3) do not benefit from transmit diversity gain.
Fig. 4.1.5 shows the SER performance with the proposed channel estimation algorithm presented in
equation ( of Section When a 3 dB pilot boost is used, the performance is
approximately 1.8 dB worse compared to perfect CSI but no further performance degradation in
diversity is apparent.
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Figure 4.1.4: SER performance of STC-OFDM and TR-STC-GFDMA. No error correction coding was applied
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M 1 K 1 M 1 K 1
( k m od 2 ) ( k m od 2 )
x[ n ] j ik , m g k , m [ n ] j j q k ,m g
k ,m
[ n ], (
m 0 k 0 m 0 k 0 2
g k ,m [ n ] g ( n m K ) m o d N w
is the pulse shape of the kth subcarrier and mth subsymbol with w e x p ( j ) . The parameter
{ 0 , 1} assumes 1 for symmetric real-valued pulse shape, or 0 for non-symmetric conjugate root
pulse shape [Dem98,TB04].
( k m od 2 )
ik , m
( x[ n ] j # g [ N n ] ) |n m K
( k m od 2 ) kt
( x[ n ] j # g [ N n ]) |
q k , m w 1
n m K
X [m , k ] g[n] j k
* g [ N n ] |n m K
X [ m , k ] j X [ m , k ] [ k , m ]
1 1
jX m , k X m , k 0
2 2
at all k,m for half-Nyquist filters [FAB95], which shows that it is possible to transmit an interference-
free signal with a time-shift of half subsymbol.
The time-shift OQAM-GFDM can also be represented by matrix operations. In this case, the transmit
vector equivalent to equation ( is given by
x A J { d } jB J { d } , (
where d contains the complex-valued data symbols to be transmitted. The auxiliary matrix
J IM d ia g ( j ) denotes the equivalent phase shift among subcarriers, where d i a g ( a ) returns a
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matrix with a on its main diagonal and zeros otherwise, is the Kronecker product and I M is an M
size identity matrix. The columns of the matrix A carry all possible pulse-shapes g k , m [ n ] .
Equivalently, the columns of B are composed by g k , m 1 / 2 [ n ] . Notice that the first term of (
corresponds to the first double sum in (, while the second term in ( corresponds to
the second double sum in (
Assuming a perfect channel, the received data symbols at the output of the matched filter receiver
are given by
d {(A J ) y } j { ( B J )
y} .
Clearly, this approach leads to an implementation where the time-shift OQAM-GFDM can be seen as
two independent classic GFDM transceivers, as depicted in Fig. 4.1.6.
4.1.2 UFMC
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UFMC Filter Optimization for certain expected ranges of carrier frequency offsets (e.g. resulting from
oscillator requirements) is described in section 4.1.2.
UFMC, L = 40
UFMC, L = 60
0.65 UFMC, L = 80
FBMC, K = 4
0.6 FBMC truncated by 0.5N
FBMC truncated by 1.5N
0.55 FBMC truncated by 2.5N
CP-OFDM, LTE settings
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 4.1.6- Time-frequency efficiency of FBMC, CP-OFDM and UFMC as a function of burst length
M (in number of multi-carrier symbols): Number of usable resource elements per unit time-frequency bin
We now compare the efficiency of UFMC and OFDM in a fragmented spectrum scenario under
different levels of fragmentation. The obtained efficiency is based on the fraction of usable
subcarriers w.r.t. the base band signal same radiated power at the band edge. The number of
required guard carriers are obtained using Table I in [SWC14] with L=80, SLA = 40 dB from a 10 MHz
setting. This assumes that any subsequent RF-(pre)processing, including clipping, filtering plus any PA
non-linearities have the same impact for all waveforms when it comes to fulfilling spectral mask
requirements for identical radiated band edge power.
Note that the criterion identical radiated band edge power does not take into account the impact
for the RF pre-processing filter slope, so we consider this result, depicted by Fig. 4.1.7 as a rough
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0.7 OFDM
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Fragment size (in MHz)
Figure 4.1.7 Frequency-efficiency (fraction of usable subcarriers) of CP-OFDM and UFMC as a function of
spectrum fragment size
10 UFMC perf. CFO comp
UFMC CFO comp w/ err
OFDM perf. CFO comp.
-4 OFDM CFO comp. w/ err
12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Figure 4.1.8: SER vs Eb/N0 for a 2 user / 2 cell CoMP scenario: Comparison between UFMC and OFDM for
absence of carrier frequency offset (no CFO), perfectly known and compensated carrier frequency (per. CFO
comp) and a CFO compensation with a residual mismatch of 10% of the total CFO.
Figure 4.1.8 shows the performance w.r.t. QPSK symbol error rate over Eb/N0 for a 2 user / 2 cell
uplink joint reception scenario using a linear zero forcing receiver across all antennas and subcarriers.
For details of the simulation setting please refer to [D3.1].
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In D3.3 we now aim at optimizing the filter coefficients for UFMC for certain design targets, not
restricting ourselves to Dolph-Chebychev. The main target in our solution [WWS+14] is to increase
the robustness against inter-carrier interference from carrier frequency offsets (CFO). This is helpful
in the 5GNOW framework of relaxed synchronicity, provides better support for low end devices (e.g.
MTC, allowing for cheaper oscillators) and supporting shorter wake-up times in sporadic
transmission, as oscillators tend to be less accurate after wake-up.
The considered inter-carrier interference (ICI) is in a multi-user uplink FDMA scenario, using the
UFMC waveforms. Each device has individual CFOs, destroying the subcarrier orthogonality between
different user allocations. The filter optimization aims at mitigating ICI impairments.
The usage of this filter optimization in a practical 5G system is intended to be computed offline. A
limited set of UFMC waveforms should be used, addressed e.g. by a codebook of 2-3 bits, thus
providing 4-8 different parameter sets. Those parameter sets now should be optimized for a certain
scenario and set of requirements.
In Figure 4.1.9 we depict the SLR optimization outcome for a deterministic relative carrier frequency
offset (rCFO). We observe that the optimal filter shape is similar for a broad range of rCFOs. The
optimization outcome is similar to a particular choice of a Dolph-Chebychev filter here with 13.4 dB
of side-lobe level attenuation.
rCFO-0.1 0
rCFO0.3 -20
0.4 rCFO-0.3
rCFO-0.4 -40
0.3 rCFO-0.5
0.2 optimized
0.1 -100
Figure 4.1.9 SLR optimized filter for deterministic rCFO normalized to subcarrier spacing
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In Figure 4.1.10 we have carried out the SLR optimization for an entire range of rCFOs from
[-0.5,,+0.5]. This approach thus can e.g. suit a certain oscillator requirement range coming from a
future 5G system. Certainly, the filters are not optimized for a certain deterministic rCFO, but should
cope with a whole range of rCFOs occurring in the system.
0.1 -60
Figure 4.1.10 SLR optimized filter for uniformly distributed rCFO between 0.5 subcarrier
Again, a similarity to Dolph-Chebychev filters (here with side-lobe attenuation of 12.1dB) can be
Let us now look at the resulting performance gain of the filter optimization for two different
Scenario 1: The receiver does not account for CFO - not recommended and just provided as
Scenario 2: The receiver estimates the CFO and runs an appropriate phase de-rotation to
compensate for it. This should not pose a problem to a 5G base station.
Note that in Scenario 2 is still residual inter-carrier interference in a multi-user FDMA scenario, as the
subcarriers of different user allocations with different rCFOs are not orthogonal anymore. For this
purpose the filter optimization aims at mitigating the resulting ICI by maximizing SLR. The resulting
relative performance gains of UFMC over CP-OFDM are shown in Figure 4.1.11. When using the SLR
criterion, around 10 dB of SIR improvement can be achieved over CP-OFDM with typical rCFOs of up
to 0.1. The optimized SLR solution still is more than 5dB better in terms of SIR, compared to a Dolph-
Chebychev filter with 40dB side lobe attenuation.
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Scenario 1 Scenario 2
1 12
SIR Gain/dB
SIR Gain/dB
To sum up, filter optimization can help to tailor UFMC to the respective requirements and further
improve its performance advantages over CP-OFDM.
4.1.3 FBMC
The FBMC PHY parameters are derived from the LTE format 10MHz bandwidth with sampling rate
15.36MHz. Details on the selected parameters are given on the table below.
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Particular attention was paid to CFO compensation in order to relax synchronism requirements
beyond one carrier spacing. It was shown that frequency synchronization (estimation and
compensation of the CFO) with FBMC can be entirely realized at the UE in the frequency domain. The
most part of the CFO can be easily and accurately estimated thanks to a simple energy detection
algorithm on the preamble carriers and thus mitigation of Inter Carrier Interference (ICI) is achieved
at low cost. The residual part of the CFO after this first coarse estimation is lower than 100/(2K)%
(12.5 % with the overlapping factor K equal to 4) of carrier spacing. The same method applied to
OFDM would lead to a much higher residual CFO of 50 % at maximum and thus worst performance in
terms of BER would be obtained. Furthermore, the algorithm proposed to estimate the residual part
exhibits reduced complexity while achieving good performance. Depending on the receiver target
SNR, complexity may be traded-off to keep Relative Mean Square Error (RMSE) introduced by CFO
below thermal noise.
The performance of the proposed algorithm is analysed in this section using the following FBMC
parameters: N=1024 and K=4. Figure gives the architecture of the proposed implementation.
The first step, performed by the Shift module, consists in correcting the integer part q . The result is
then filtered by the 2 Q 1 -tap filter W . A phase correction performed on each FBMC symbol
completes the CFO correction process.
The RMSE for values (normalized CFO) from 1% to 12% and for different values of Q is given in
Figure W is derived using the truncated ZF method.
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When Q = 0 , the algorithm only performs phase correction. The benefit of ICI mitigation is clearly
demonstrated. Parameter Q could be chosen as a function of the system Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)
so as to limit the system by thermal noise but not by interference. In practice, the estimation of the
CFO is never perfect. As illustrated in Figure 4.1.13, a residual CFO of 1% generated by the correction
mismatch exhibits a RMSE power level below -30 dB and does not degrade performance significantly.
Channel interpolation was also carefully considered. As multiuser asynchronous FDMA generates
heavily fragmented spectrum blocks, channel estimation should be optimized for the edges of the
receiver active carrier bands. A performance improvement of up to 7dB on the RMSE of the
estimated channel may result on some simulated scenarios, as can be seen in Figure 4.1.14.
Figure 4.1.14: RMSE as a function of the channel delay spread for a SNR of 15 dB and for different
interpolation filter blocks
Finally, a new equalizer scheme was thoroughly presented. Its complexity is contained while good
performance for channel exhibiting large delay spread is achieved, as can be seen in Figure 4.1.15. As
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a comparison, using the 10 MHz LTE parameters, the receiver performs well for channels with
maximum delay spread of up to 8.3 s (time arrival of taps is uniformly distributed and their complex
coefficients follow a Rayleigh distribution). This compares with standard LTE that been design for
channels with delay spread of up to 4.7 s. Moreover, we have demonstrated that the proposed
equalizer does not required FFT synchronization and is therefore adapted to asynchronous multiuser
Figure 4.1.15: Performance of the proposed receiver for various interpolation filters as a function of
channel delay spread
In the second part of this section, we remind the main FBMC performance results that were
described in [D3.1]. These results apply for downlink CoMP.
Joint transmission among multiple cells can provide significantly large throughput gains at the users.
Nevertheless [MP11] points out the price to pay to achieve an efficient CoMP transmission with
OFDM waveform. One of these identified drawbacks is the precise synchronization of the oscillators,
for e.g. related to the synchronous data exchange and clock synchronization between eNBs for
proper timing of coordinated transmission. On the other hand, the FBMC (Filter Bank Multi Carrier)
waveform with its spectrally well shaped prototype filters and overlapped time symbols has some
inherent features which make it a natural choice for some of the anticipated 5G application
scenarios. First of all it does not require a cyclic prefix and has an almost perfect separation of
frequency subbands without the need for strict synchronization. Consequently its properties make it
especially suited for fragmented spectrum and Coordinated Multi Point (CoMP)
Transmission/Reception. In [CDK13][D3.1] it is shown that both the Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO)
estimation and compensation can be realized at the UE side, in the frequency domain. These
operations require no feedback from the UE to the BSs. [CDK13][D3.1] also demonstrated that FBMC
allows an easier and more accurate estimation and compensation of the CFO than OFDM. One other
issue is the necessary feedback for time synchronization at the UEs. To do so and when dealing with
large cooperating areas, the size of the cyclic prefix can reach high values, leading to high spectral
efficiency loss for OFDM. In [CDK13][D3.1], FBMC modulation was demonstrated to be very resistant
to time propagation differences between signals from two Base Stations, due to its overlapping
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structure. As can be seen in Figure 4.1.16, delays up to 120 samples, i.e. 7.8 s (2340 meters) can be
tolerated at the UE without any estimation nor correction.
Figure 4.1.16: BER of CoMP FBMC with MRC at the receiver for different delays between BSs
e 2
2 t mi mi
log log e
M m =1 i = 1
where d mi is the distance between each real (resp imaginary) point:
Re ( X ) Re ( X i )
d mi ( ) =
and where 2 is the noise variance and X i the QAM symbols.Assuming that interference generated
when timing misalignment occurs at the receiver side and thermal noise are independent, the
equivalent noise variance my be written as:
( , p ) = n i ( , p )
2 2 2
where n is the standard deviation of the thermal noise and i ( , p ) is the standard deviation of
the interference at carrier index p due to the misalignment of . It should be mentioned that the
thermal noise is independent of p or as AWGN is considered.
Under the assumption of synchronous transmission over N a active carriers, the capacity of a
multicarrier waveform is given by:
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p=N 1
C MC ( n , ) = CM QAM
( ( , p )) (
N a p=0
Note that the above formula for the capacity also holds for multicarrier O-QAM systems: with such
systems, real and imaginary parts of the N a M-QAM symbols are transmitted on two adjacent
carriers, each one with half capacity.
The effect of asynchronous transmission is modeled on capacity computation by averaging the
capacity over all the possible timing misalignment. In cellular network, the time misalignment is the
consequence of the propagation delay between user equipments and the base station. If the users
are equidistributed in the cell a uniform distribution of can be considered. Therefore the capacity
is given by:
p= N 1
1 1
C async ( n ) =
( ( , p )) d (
a p=0
It should be mentioned that Eq. ( is valid, if and only if interference terms are uncorrelated
with a probability density function following a Gaussian distribution. In practice interference terms
are correlated as interference is generated by a misalignment of the FFT window. However by
simulations we have checked that the assumption of uncorrelated noise is valid.
Scenario description
We have considered a scenario representing fragmented spectrum access in the context of
asynchronous uplink. A set of three users is simulated as illustrated in 4.1.17. We assumed perfect
synchronization and perfect channel estimation of the user of interest (User Equipment 0 UE0).
N a = 24 carriers (or 2 resource blocks) are allocated to UE0, and 120 carriers for UE1 and UE2. UEs are
considered unsynchronized. The intercarrier spacing is set to 15 kHz, N=1024 and for OFDM
waveform a guard interval (GI) of 72 samples (approximately 1/14 x N) is assumed. These parameters
have been inspired by possible extensions of LTE parameters. No guard carriers are considered for
scenario (a) while one guard carrier is inserted at the edges of each user spectrum bands for scenario
(b). In the following section, we compared the capacity in case of OFDM and FBMC waveform for the
two scenarios. The cell coverage is fixed and assumed to be of 5 km. In that case maximum timing
offset is equal to max = 16.67 us or 256 T s , where T s is the multicarrier sampling period
( s ).
1024 15 10
Figure 4.1.17: Proposed asynchronous scenario with three users (a) without guard band, (b) with
guard bands
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Interference evaluation
In order to determine the capacity of the proposed configurations, we have first determined the level
of interference generated by neighboring UEs as a function of the timing offset. For the FBMC
waveform a phase factor had to be added to the interfering UE in order to break orthogonality at the
edges of the band. In that case, the interference term is computed by averaging a uniformly
distributed phase in the range [0,2 [ . The Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is set to 28 dB. We depicted in
Figure 4.1.18 the Signal to Noise plus Interference ratio (SINR) measured at the output of the
equalizer for OFDM and FBMC waveforms in the case of scenario (a), i.e. without guard carriers. The
SINR has been computed for each carrier location and for each timing offset from 0 to 256 T s , by
steps of T s under the assumption of a perfect power control (i.e, each user is received with the same
Figure 4.1.18: SINR in dB as a function of carrier index and timing offset for OFDM and FBMC
waveforms assuming scenario (a).
For OFDM, thermal noise dominates the SINR when the timing offset is lower than the duration of
the guard interval. In that case, the received signal is not affected by interference. However, as soon
as the timing offset is larger than the guard interval, SINR is dominated by the interference. It clearly
illustrates that the interference level is more important on the edges of the spectrum when the
OFDM signal is not synchronized within the guard interval of its adjacent signal. This is due to the sinc
frequency shape of the OFDM waveform.
For FBMC, results are different. The center of the spectrum is always dominated by thermal noise,
while interference at the edges of the carrier is preponderant, whatever the timing offset. This is a
direct consequence of the properties of the prototype filter which has been designed to minimize
out-of-band interference. Interference affects the edges of the spectrum because the orthogonality
of OQAM modulation is not preserved between asynchronous adjacent users.
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SINR (without thermal noise) on one RB was also evaluated when adding carrier frequency offset of
respectively 0, 5, 10 and 30%, i.e. respectively 0, 750, 1500 and 4500 Hz. The curves are plotted on
the figure below (see Figure 4.1.19), where the blue curve is for FBMC and the red curves are for
OFDM. The x axis is the normalized timing offset. What can be seen is that CFO does not have impact
on FBMC thanks to the applied guard carrier on the edge of the RB whereas for OFDM, the
performance are severly impaired within the guard interval when CFO is applied.
Figure 4.1.19: average SINR in dB versus timing offset and CFO, for OFDM and FBMC.
Capacity computation
Once the level of interference is evaluated, the capacity of the transmission may be derived. We
depicted in Figure 4.1.20 the capacity of OFDM and FBMC in the case of scenario (a) and (b), using
Eq. ( for various SNR values and modulation orders. Perfect power control is here assumed. It
should be noted that we do not take into account in the capacity calculation the loss due to the
guard interval (OFDM) and the filter rising and falling time (FBMC). Capacity is equivalent when the
number N s of symbol is equal to:
( K 1) N
N s
= (
where GI , is the duration of the guard interval expressed in number of samples. For the rest of the
analysis, we assumed that the loss due to the cyclic prefix is equivalent to the loss due to filter rising
and falling time.
In the case of QPSK modulation (asymptotic capacity of 2), without guard carrier, the capacity is close
to the one of synchronous transmission. In that case the level of interference is much lower than the
required SNR to allow the decoding of QPSK. For 16-QAM modulation (asymptotic capacity of 4),
FBMC gives a significantly better capacity, particularly for SNR values above 10 dB. Due to the better
frequency localization, only the carriers located at the border of the user spectrum are affected by
interference. These results also demonstrate that performance is limited by interference as the
capacity of synchronous transmission is never reached. However, in the proposed scenario, capacity
loss due to signaling has not been taken into consideration. The impact of this hypothesis should also
be taken into account in the capacity computation for a fairer comparison.
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Figure 4.1.20: Capacity in bit/s/carrier for OFDM and FBMC waveforms assuming scenario (a) and (b).
Blue, red and green curves stand for respectively QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM modulations.
For 64-QAM modulation (asymptotic capacity of 6), the FBMC waveform clearly outperforms the
OFDM waveform. Interference dominates the SINR for the OFDM waveform and consequently for a
given capacity of 5 bits/s/carrier, the SNR loss is of around 5 dB.
We also illustrated in Figure 4.1.20 the capacity comparison for scenario (b), i.e. with guard carriers.
The achievable capacity is evaluated assuming a constant power on the bandwidth. In other words,
the power of each carrier is boosted in the case of guard carriers. Moreover, the loss in capacity as a
consequence of the use of guard carrier is taken into account into the calculation. For the OFDM
case, as the power on each carrier is increased, the level of interference follows. Results depicted in
Figure 4.1.20 show the loss in capacity due to the guard band. For all the values of SNR, and all the
modulation orders, FBMC outperforms OFDM. Not only FBMC without guard carriers provides better
capacity than FBMC with guard carriers, FBMC with guard carriers gives a better capacity than OFDM
without guard carriers.
This difference in capacity is even further emphasized when the effect of a limited power control
feedback is measured on capacity. The effect of a power control mismatch has been simulated by
increasing the power of the asynchronous adjacent user. We depicted in Figure 4.1.21 the impact of
the power control on capacity.
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Figure 4.1.21: Capacity in bit/s/carrier for OFDM and FBMC waveforms when power control feedback is limited
(assuming scenario (a)). Blue, red and green curves stand for respectively QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM
As previously mentioned, when QPSK modulation is considered the capacity is limited by thermal
noise level. Therefore even if the power of the adjacent user is increased by 3dB, the capacity
achieved with QPSK modulation is equal to the capacity in presence of perfect power control. The
impact of power control on capacity is more important for 16-QAM and 64-QAM modulation. For
FBMC, the impact of the adjacent user power is almost negligible. This is because only the carriers
located at the edges of the spectrum are affected by the interference. However for the case of
OFDM, the capacity is significantly reduced when the power of the adjacent user is increased. As the
interference level varies linearly with the power of the adjacent user, capacity decreases.
These results underline the benefit of the FBMC waveform in case of limited feedback for both time
misalignment and power control. We demonstrated the benefits of the FBMC waveform compared
to the OFDM waveform, particularly for high order modulations. Due to the fair frequency
localization, only the carriers located at the edges of the active spectrum are affected by
interference, while for OFDM interference is spread over all the active carriers. In case of fragmented
spectrum the impact of interference is further amplified for the case of OFDM. Moreover FBMC
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waveforms permit a simple way of sharing resources between cell-edge users without strict
synchronization between users, especially in near unity frequency reuse. It is a direct consequence of
the low level of uplink interference generated by the built-in waveform filter.
The comparison was made in a setting with relaxed synchronicity requirements. According to Fig.
4.2.1, with low-rate forward error correction (FEC) codes, IDMA is strongly outperforming FDMA. In
order to compare the schemes under the same maximum throughput conditions, two 16-QAM FDMA
users occupy each half the allocation size as the two superimposed IDMA layers using QPSK. For
higher values of Eb/N0 the benefits of UFMC get more visible (e.g. comparing the green curves with
squares), especially in an asynchronous setting. The combination of UFMC with both multiple access
schemes is always better than pure CP-OFDM.
Here we see that the strengths of UFMC and IDMA are complementing each other well over different
ranges of SINR.
Fig. 4.2.1 Uplink OFDM vs UFMC using either FDMA or IDMA multiple access.
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In this section, thus, we are motivated to focus on channel estimation issue for IDMA system within
an asynchronous environment. We exploit superimposed pilots as additional layers to the signal
layers, by allocating a marginal fraction of total transmission power. Basically, the superimposed
pilots are cyclically repeated user-specific spreading sequences, a priori known by corresponding
receiver. The superimposed pilots can provide an initial channel estimate by realizing the estimation
on the single-user basis with respect to the code-division orthogonality. Further, being similar to
[HT99] and [Ct13], the trellis-based channel estimator is embedded in the IDMA iterations, by dual-
purposely utilizing the superimposed pilots. Nevertheless, being unlike in [Ct13], we improve not
only the survival data sequence, but also the tracked channel iteratively. The so-called turbo-effect
can be obviously observed between two consecutive IDMA iterations, where the precision of data
detection and channel estimation are both enhanced.
In Fig. 4.2.2, we demonstrate how to achieve the code-division orthogonality by superimposed pilots
under asynchronous environment. Let us assume that each user adopts a pilot pattern as one
uniquely available Walsh Hadamard code p n , and cyclically repeats it. Hence, during the detection
window, an arbitrary pilot pattern is orthogonal to anyone of other pilot patterns, and the
corresponding orthogonality is independent to their timing advance or delay. Further, if the symbol
impulse function S(t) can be generated within interval [0, Ts], it holds,
4T s
0 p 2 k S ( t kT s ) p 4 k S ( t kT s lT s ) dt 0 (
k k
with k, l = 0, 1, 2, 3, and the variable ||<Ts indicates that the orthogonality can still be satisfied, if
the timing advance of delay is not an integer of multiple symbols.
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Figure 4.2.2: Channel estimation for asynchronous IDMA with superimposed pilots
Figure 4.2.3: Satisfying the code-division orthogonality of superimposed pilots in an asynchronous environment
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At the receiver, the despread-based linear channel estimator is deployed, which is able to remove
the superimposed pilot sequences of other users in the equation due to the provided orthogonality.
The initial channel estimates can be computed by
h n h n hi E d ri z .
(0) n
G E p i 1
The superscript of h n( 0 ) refers to the 0-th iteration as an initial channel estimation for IDMA detector.
The corresponding channel estimation Mean Square Error (MSE) can be represented by
G Ep
Notice that the MSE term in ( is interference-limited, namely N0 does not play a dominant
role there. For example, the MSE is approximately -4.94dB, with N = 12 users, spread factor G = 64, Ed
= 0.6, Ep = 0.4, even at a Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) value 1 0 log 10 ( E s N 0 ) 0 dB.
Without the loss of generality, we consider a trellis with memory length = 2 with BPSK modulation,
throughout this section. As depicted in Fig. 4.2.4, at an arbitrary time instant k, anyone of the four
possible states comprises two previously transmitted bits bk-1 and bk. The state tuple (bk-1, bk)
corresponds to a state ID Sk. For the convenience, the user index n is omitted here. At time instant k,
the corresponding system equation with the memory is
y k i hk i ( E d s k i E p p k i ) n k i . (
with i = 1, , = 2. The channel can be straightforwardly reconstructed as
E d s k i E p p k i
* *
hk i y k i hk i n k i .
E d s k i E p p k i
with E [ n~ k i ]
E s N 0 (2 E s )
. Thus, the channel for time instant k can be predicted by
hk w k i hk i
p r r
hk i (
i 1 i 1
where the prediction coefficients are denoted as wk-i. Although the optimal prediction corresponds to
Wiener extrapolation, we simply average the reconstructed channels by adopting wk-i = 1/, because
it achieves identical performance as Wiener approach with typically small memory . Let us compute
the Euclidean distance of the transition, namely the branch metric, as
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1 hk i
yk ( E d sk E p
p k ) . (
N 0 i 1
With the trellis structure, the Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv (BCJR) algorithm [BCJ74] can be deployed to
recursively detect the signal in a Maximum a posteriori (MAP) manner, by introducing the forward
recursion coefficients , the backward recursion coefficient , and the branch metric k described
above jointly. We notice that the most likely channel prediction will be stored for each Current-State,
referred to as local survivor. This makes it possible to pick out the most likely channel estimation
sequentially, after the forward and backward recursions within BCJR algorithm, referred to as global
survivor. For IDMA detector/decoder, we will exploit this global survivor as the channel estimates
and improve itself throughout the IDMA iterations.
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Figure 4.2.5: Iteratively estimate the channel and decode the data for n-th user
In previous section, equation ( demonstrates how to produce the initial channel estimate
h n for user n with superimposed pilots, even suffering from possible asynchronicity. It enables to
( out )
generate the soft-out L ESE ,n
with respect to the operation in Elementary Signal Estimator (ESE).
( in )
From the first iteration on, the trellis detector starts to play a role. The re-interleaved soft bits L ESE ,n
serve as the a priori information for the trellis detector. After cancelling out the Multiple Access
Interference (MAI), consisting of remaining data signal and superimposed pilots, the observation yn is
given by
h l
( m 1 )
yn y ( E d rl E p
pl ) . (
The tracked channel h n( m ) of m-th iteration will then serve as the channel estimate for ESE. On the
( out )
other side, the trellis detector delivers in parallel the soft-out L TD , n for the data sequence. The
( out ) ( out )
likelihood can be improved by combining L TD , n and L ESE ,n
. As the iterative processing cannot be
avoided in IDMA system, the trellis detector is the only factor to increase the complexity.
Nevertheless, by selecting low order modulation scheme, e.g. BPSK, the additional computational
requirement is absolutely affordable.
In Fig. 4.2.6 and Fig. 4.2.7, a snapshot for the channel estimation is provided with respect to its
magnitude and phase. We compare basically the initial channel estimation h n ( t ) to the channel
estimation after 2nd IDMA iteration h n ( t ) . The SNR Es/N0 is -2dB with further parameters Ed = 0.9, Ep
= 0.1.
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Figure 4.2.6: Magnitude: compare h n ( t ) with h n ( t ) for n-th user, Ed = 0.9, Ep = 0.1, Es/N0 = -2dB, Ts fD = 10
(0) (2) -
, 4 users, BPSK
According to the example, the Eb/N0 is about 9.6dB. If the perfect channel information is available,
the IDMA receiver is able to detect/decode the user data successfully. On the other side, the trellis
detector works on the Es/N0 basis, which is extremely low in this case. For this reason, we are going
to check, whether the channel can be precisely estimated. In both Fig. 4.2.6 and Fig. 4.2.7, notice that
the initial channel estimation can roughly, but not precisely track the channel. The LDPC channel
decoder can anyway improve the bit error and deliver the soft-out values to the trellis detector as a
priori information. It is illustrated in both Fig. 4.2.6 and Fig. 4.2.7, that the multiple channels of 4
users can be precisely tracked only after two iterations, at very low SNR Es/N0 = -2dB.
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Figure 4.2.7: Phase: compare h n ( t ) with h n ( t ) for n-th user, Ed = 0.9, Ep = 0.1, Es/N0 = -2dB, Ts fD = 10 , 4
(0) (2) -3
users, BPSK
Figure 4.2.8: Channel estimation MSE vs. Es/N0: compare h n with h n for n-th user, Ts fD = 10 , 4 users,
(0) (2) -3
In Fig. 4.2.8, the channel estimation MSE versus SNR Es/N0 is presented, with respect to h n( 0 ) , h n
and diverse setting for Ed, Ep. Surprisingly, we notice that the parameters setting Ed = 0.9, Ep = 0.1
turns out to be the most effective approach to optimize the MSE, even if the quality of initial channel
estimation h n( 0 ) is still poor. On the other side, this indicates that trellis-based channel estimator is
very robust and powerful to track the channel, even if the energy of superimposed pilots is marginal.
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In Fig. 4.2.9, the similar results are presented for channel estimation MSE versus SNR Es/N0. Fig. 4.2.9
tries to demonstrate the convergence of the MSE of channel estimation, after the first and second
iteration. It can be clearly observed, that the rate of convergence is very satisfactory, even if the
energy of the superimposed pilots is low, e.g. with Ep = 0.1. Summary
Potentially being one important component of future wireless standard, the superimposed pilots
based techniques are convincing the people, and attracting more and more attentions, for its
capability of delivering robust performance without having to sacrificing users information rate. In
this section, we firstly exhibit that the superimposed pilots can be integrated to an IDMA system to
provide an initial channel estimation, even with a marginal energy per superimposed pilot symbol.
Further, the initial channel estimation can be obtained under the asynchronous environment,
because the code-division orthogonality can be protected by the designed superimposed pilots.
Secondly, we demonstrate that the roughly obtained initial channel estimation can be further
improved, by introducing a trellis detector. By iteratively exchanging the soft-out values between the
channel decoder and trellis detector, the multiple IDMA sub-channels can be precisely tracked, even
with only two iterations.
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, (
where we defined , i.e. the mean value conditioned on a fixed channel 1. Thus
the transmitted symbol will be multiplied by a constant and disturbed by two zero mean random
variables (RV), and ICI. The first RV represents a distortion which comes from the
randomness of , the second term ICI represents both. The mean power of both contributions,
conditioned on a fixed channel , are where
and Each element of the distortion sum is given by:
The objective here is to analyse the distortion terms and over all subcarriers.
Theorem 1 Suppose (without loss of generality) such that
(perfect reconstruction in noiseless case). The average distortion power per subcarrier is
upperbounded by
As a special case, assume now a deterministic time-frequency shift . This distortion
is non-random and energy preserving, i.e. . Evaluating the function gives:
Hence, in the case of AWGN case we have:
As a matter of fact, the expectations depends only on the marginal distribution of .
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Let us now investigate the influence of time and frequency offsets on the spline-based waveform.
In order to obtain a bound on the influence of time or frequency offsets we need to evaluate the
cross-ambiguity function . For this the dual pulse has to be taken into account. However, since
this is not desirable, simple estimates of this function are needed. The following theorem provides a
bound on [WKJ15].
Theorem 2 Suppose (without loss of generality) such that
(perfect reconstruction in noiseless case). then
where denotes the Fourier transform of .
For the computations involved, we make use the LTFAT toolbox, which provides an efficient
implementation. Due to the properties of the pulses and to fit the strict LTE frequency specification,
we allow a small spillover effect from PRACH to PUSCH in time. Moreover, due to the PRACH pulse
length of 4 ms, we simulate the PUSCH over this time interval. Furthermore we use the maximal
available LTE bandwidth of 20 MHz. In the LTE standard, the power of PRACH is variable and is
incrementally increased according to a complicated procedure. To allow a meaningful comparison
(without having to implement the complete PRACH power ramp-up procedure) we choose the power
of the PRACH such that approximately the same power spectral density as in PUSCH is achieved. This
is depicted in Figure 4.2.10.
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Figure 4.2.10: Power spectral density. The power of the PRACH is chosen to achieve a PSD
similar to PUSCH
We simulate ideal channels in which the only distortion comes from frequency offsets and time
delays, which are the main challenges for the system. Moreover, we assume a maximum length of
the channel impulse response of 300 samples, which corresponds to a delay spread of roughly 5 s,
and which implies a maximum cell radius of 1.5 km. The following results are obtained using BPSK
In Figure 4.2.11, we show the effect of time delays on the normalized interference considering a data
transmission on a variable number of D-PRACH subcarriers (20 and 2000) for a single user. Both the
standard LTE PRACH and the new spline-based PRACH approach are compared. The results reveal
that the interference of the spline-based approach remains significantly lower than the OFDM-based
method for negative offsets, while it gets slightly higher for small positive shifts inside the cyclic
prefix. In addition to this, we observe that the theoretical interference bounds are met quite well
hence proving the applicability of our theoretical analysis.
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Figure 4.2.11: Simulated interference and interference bound vs. negative and positive time
offsets for OFDM and spline waveform for different numbers of subcarriers.
Figure 4.2.12: Comparison of OFDM and spline waveforms in terms of interference as well as their
respective interference bounds. Numerical results of different numbers of subcarriers are shown.
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In Figure 4.2.12, we show the effect of frequency offsets on the normalized interference for a data
transmission on different numbers of D-PRACH subcarriers for a single user. Again, the standard LTE
PRACH OFDM-based method and the proposed spline-based PRACH approach are compared. We
observe, that the interference remains significantly lower for the spline-based approach (comparing
equal numbers of data-subcarriers). Moreover, the theoretical interference bounds are, as in the
previous case, never exceeded.
Clearly, the performance of PRACH does not deteriorate due to the proposed spline-based PRACH. By
contrast, irrespective of the actual number of subcarriers used for data transmission, the spline-
based approach leads to an overall slightly reduced interference level for the PRACH data-
Figure 4.2.13: Simulated interference for OFDM and spline waveforms in presence of an
asynchronous interfering user with varying time delay.
The results are depicted in Figure 4.2.13. It can be observed that for time delays larger than the cyclic
prefix length, the interference of the OFDM-based system grows vastly while the interference of the
spline-based system increases in a slower fashion. Furthermore, the interference for negative delay
values also increases far slower in the spline-based modulation in comparison to the OFDM-based
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system (for which the interference is significantly higher in this range). In order to illustrate the
connection to the previous results and the theoretical bounds, we show that the simulated
interference for the two-user case approaches the interference for a single user, when the difference
in the offsets becomes smaller.
Figure 4.2.14: Simulated interference vs. Time offset for the spline waveform. Numerical results for the case of
20 subcarriers are shown. In addition, the behavior of the two-user case is illustrated, where each user has a
different delay. The (aggregate) interference converges to the interference value for a single user at a certain
delay value when the delays of both users tend towards this very same delay value.
Figures 4.2.14 and 4.2.15 show that for a two-user scenario with relatively close time delay- or
frequency offset values, the resulting interference remains close to that of a single-user experiencing
the mean of these values. Hence, it is interesting to observe that the interference value of a single-
user at the mean of two time delays or frequency offsets affected to two users can be considered as
the minimal interference that can be obtained in the two-user case.
Figure 4.2.16 extends the results shown in Figure 4.2.13 to symbol error rates. Similar to the
interference, the SERs remain significantly lower for negative time delays (as well as for delays higher
than the cyclic prefix) in the spline case.
Figure 4.2.17 shows the same performance where one user has an additional frequency offset. The
performance of BFDM is now significantly better than OFDM particularly when we consider smaller
symbols and symmetric distortion where the receive window is symmetric with respect to zero delay.
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Figure 4.2.15: Simulated interference vs. Frequency offset compared to the theoretical bound for the OFDM
waveform. Numerical results for the case of 20 subcarriers are shown. In addition, the behavior of the two-
user case is illustrated, where each user has a different frequency offset for a number of 2000 subcarriers. The
(aggregate) interference converges towards the value of the 2000 interference single-user curve (which
happens to lie very close to the bound) when the difference between the two offsets, which are centered
around 0.2 1250 Hz, becomes smaller.
Figure 4.2.16: Simulated symbol error rate vs. varying time delay of an asynchronous interfering user for the
OFDM and spline. The simulation scenario includes a channel estimation and both PRACH and PUSCH-signals
are sent. Numerical results for the case of 20 subcarriers are shown.
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Figure 4.2.17: Symbol error rate in PRACH (using 4QAM) with perfect channel knowledge, averaged over 10 out
of 20 data subcarriers vs. a varying time offset of a second user with a frequency offset of 62,5 Hz. The SNR is
set to 25 dB. The black line shows the CP length in LTE PRACH.
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The 5GNOW requirements defined in [D2.1] target for reduced control overhead and increased
throughput compared to an LTE(-A) system. The 5GNOW waveforms selected by WP3 enable an
operation with relaxed synchronicity (see section 3.3 for results for UFMC and FBMC). This relaxed
synchronicity allows shortening the LTE access procedure and/or using contention-based access
without requiring closed-loop timing control. The overall system level gains in terms of overhead
reduction are addressed in [D4.2].
Compared to OFDM, all waveform candidate technologies clearly improve the out-of-band radiation
and fulfill the 5GNOW WP2 target of a factor 100 improvement in this KPI. The 5GNOW scenario
fragmented spectrum will thus be better supported. The target of supporting real-time constraints,
thus lower latency, can be solved by respective waveform numerologies, as given in the candidate
parameter sets in section 4.1. The evaluation of the waveforms in the context of the 5GNOW
scenarios with respect to 5GNOW KPIs is done in [D2.2, D2.3].
Altogether 5GNOW proposes a multicarrier Gabor-like structure for 5G coming in different variants
to be operated possibly in parallel in the unified frame structure and optimized parameter settings.
We have the following findings:
1) GFDM allows a flexible parametrization. In its default parameter set it is non-orthogonal and
aims at very short frame durations for low latency support. 5GNOW has extended the
theoretical basis for such systems allowing for transmission at critical density even if the
(continuous-time) Balian-Low theorem is violated. The reason is the block cyclic structure
(similar to the BFDM concept) which makes it possible to exploit discrete artefacts in the
concept. Notably, the non-orthogonality requires possibly advanced receivers for removing
self interference.
2) UFMC is very close to OFDM in its design with (quasi-)orthogonal reception, which allows to
directly apply all OFDM know-how from MIMO, channel estimation etc. Its key difference to
the other waveform candidates is, instead of applying a per-subcarrier filtering, entire groups
of subcarriers are filtered. The motivation is that ICI occurs between groups of subcarriers.
This allows to shorten the filter for efficiency and latency reasons.
3) FBMC in its default parameter setting has the strongest spectral localization of the waveform
candidates. This comes along with long filter durations and usage of offset-QAM for
efficiency reasons. FBMC makes use of a very advanced theory of Wilson bases allowing
orthogonal transmission even for systems operating at the critical density.
4) BFDM has a pulse design which is optimized for sparsity-aware detection techniques, making
it appealing for advanced receivers for D-PRACH. BFDM allows for quasi-OFDM like
operation with bi-orthogonal pulses (thereby giving up transmit orthogonality) so that many
OFDM concepts can be transferred but sensitivity to temporal and spectral asynchronisms is
dramatically improved particularly in the context of ATA.
Table 5.1 provides a comparative overview on waveform properties, including references to the
different assessed properties. As expected, there cannot be made a simple statement which is the
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better waveform as this depends on the overall system context where the waveform is embedded
in and the respective system targets. This holistic 5G system design is a task which will be addressed
in future projects, e.g. 5GPPP. Those projects can built upon the 5GNOW frame structure and
waveform approaches in conjunction with optimized/reasonable parameters provided in chapter 4.
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6 Conclusion
LTE and its evolution LTE-A are standardized via the 3rd generation partnership project (3GPP) [23].
The foreseen diversification of the service and device-class mix of future telecommunications and the
related expansion of the requirement space [WJK+14] require a revolutionary step. This step from 4G
to 5G, anticipated in the 5GNOW project goals, implies a backward compatibility drop. 5GNOW new
waveforms and the usage of the 5GNOW unified frame structure with a mixture of synchronous and
asynchronous traffic are a major building block for supporting those goals. Starting from the main
drivers of 5G, sporadic traffic, spectral and temporal fragmentation and real-time constraints
together with the vision of supporting a single unified air interface, D3.3 presents such building
blocks. General waveform considerations are discussed in the light of the Gabor theory. Then the
four 5GNOW waveform candidate technologies GFDM, UFMC, FBMC and BFDM are described in
detail, summarizing the available results. These waveforms are supporting and enabling the unified
frame sturcture. The unified frame structure concept is the heart of the 5GNOW frame design,
designed for supporting various heterogeneous traffic and device types in parallel. We argue that
each multicarrier waveform has properties which makes it advantageous in specific scenarios and
shall be operated in parallel with others by proper re-parameterization. Performance results for the
candidate transceiver approaches are provided, including optimized and/or reasonable waveform
Those new signal formats require standardization, as they need to be known on both ends of the link.
The 5GNOW project assesses the advantages gained when using the new 5GNOW technologies and
thus will generate technical findings which guide the decisions on this generation change. 5GNOW
has provided a powerful waveform and frame structure toolbox for the standardization process,
coming along with optimized/reasonable parameter settings and performance results. The further
system design steps taken in future 5GPP projects can built upon this vast number of available
5GNOW technologies and results for waveforms and frame structure of a new 5G air interface,
paving the way for 5G standardization.
The wireless industry as a whole has to build up consensus on the technology candidates for 5G
standardization. For this purpose, 5GNOW is in close contact to the European METIS research project
[24], in order to spread 5GNOW outcomes on a broad basis into the industry and research
community. The encouraging results, 5GNOW and METIS have achieved so far, lay the ground for the
arising 5G infrastructure PPP projects [25]. Those projects, based on generated 5GNOW know-how,
guided by METIS system concepts, will then be able to directly work towards pre-standardization.
3GPP release 14, starting in 2016 could be a first platform for creating a study item focused on a new
air interface.
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