Syllabus (Is 385)

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Department of Information Systems

o Course: IS 385 Systems Analysis and Design -01 Course # 1958
o Term: Fall 2016
o Location: CBA 112
o Class Time: Monday/Wednesday 2:00 PM3:15 PM
o Units: 3 units

o Instructor: Asela M. Thomason, MBA
Office Hours: Monday / Wednesday 12:15 PM 2:00 PM
Wednesday 3:15 PM -4:45 PM
o Email: [email protected] (best way to contact)
o Office Phone: (562) 985-2399 Only answered during office hours.

The overall objective is to provide you with the concepts and skills you need to analyze and design an
Information system. The course concentrates on the front-end of the systems development process. You
will upon completion of this course have learned the following:

o Describe the major alternatives methodologies used in development information systems and
the considerations involved in choosing which methodology to use.

o Produce the necessary systems documentation at each point in the analysis and design of an
information system.

o Analyze a business need for information and to develop an appropriate strategy to solve the
problem and provide the required information service.

o Prepare and use various information gathering techniques for eliciting user information
requirements and systems expectation.

o Construct and interpret a variety of system description documents and techniques such as
Domain of change, Physical and logical Data flow diagrams, Entity Relationship diagrams,
Structure charts, screen form and report layouts, etc.

o Communicate requirements effectively both in written and oral formats and

Manage an Information Systems Project.

Module Title Module Learning Outcomes

Analysis Phase Describe the major alternatives methodologies used in

development information systems and the considerations
involved in choosing which methodology to use.
Identify and Describe the different software alternatives
Identify and select the systems development project using
corporate strategic planning.
Create a vision, Mission and objectives statements for the
Project Management Describe how to Manage an Information Systems Project
List the activities of a project manager during project
initiation, project planning, project execution, and project
closedown, describe project Manager Skills.
Initiate the project Create and document the required documentation to
initiate the project
Produce the necessary systems documentation for the
startup of project. Construct a Project Definition, Ghantt
chart and feasibility document
Describe the scope of the project using diagrams.
Communicate requirements effectively both in written and
oral formats
Determine systems Prepare and use various information gathering techniques
Requirements for eliciting user information requirements and systems
Contrast and list the various methods of gather
Determine List all components of a data model
Design: Data Create Business rules that govern data
Requirements Construct a logical entity relation diagram
Produce and implement a physical entity relationship
Design: Process Explain and illustrate process modeling
Construct a decomposition Diagram to represent high level
of process
List and identify all components of a data flow diagram
Draw data flow diagrams following specific rules and
Draw a Decompose data flow diagrams into lower-level
Communicate the results of a process design to the client
as well as technically.

Designing Database List the processes of normalization
Apply the rules of normalization and develop a fully
normalized database
Describe referential integrity
Implement a normalized database into a DBMS
Design: Output Construct and interpret a variety of system description
documents and techniques to design forms and report
Design Interface Dialogues
Write description of screen and report design to support
Implementation Select and Write an implementation strategy
Identify the different types of implementation

Maintenance Phase Explain and contrast four types of maintenance.

Describe factors that influence the cost of maintaining
List the maintenance management issues
Illustrate the role of CASE when maintaining information


The format for this course is flipped. A flipped classroom is one in which you are introduced to content
at home (through independent activities) then come to class for hands-on activities, practice and scenario-
based experiences that reinforce this content. Flipped learning is a blended learning approach where
face-to-face instruction is hands-on and can give you feedback on the applications of concepts that you
will have been exposed to at home through video lectures, readings, supplementary materials prior to our
face-to-face meeting each week.

Organization (To-Do Lists)

Each week, there will be a to-do list published for the specific week/module that we are working on in
class. This to-do list will be available by the prior Thursday at 6:00pm each week. The to-do list will
describe the before class activities that should be completed prior to entering class.

Lecture Videos/ Reading/ Materials (Before Class)

Nearly every week, you will be required to access lecture videos. These videos may be embedded directly
in the Before Class instructions, accessible via an embedded link in the Before Class instructions
embedded links and videos will not require any additional software downloads, but will require an active
internet connection. You will watch 1-3 videos each week prior to class. Most videos are under 15
minutes or less. Video materials are in addition to required course readings, but are balanced out to

account for reading that also needs to be completed on a weekly basis. It is ESSENTIAL that you watch
the lecture videos before coming to class because the in-class activities will be tied to those lectures.

Check-Up Activities (Before Class)

In order to support, assess and promote your understanding of the before class materials, there will be a
check-up activity required before each class session or a quiz at the beginning of class. These check-up
activities will be clearly embedded in each weeks to-do list. The check-up activities will vary from week-
to-week and may include: online quizzes based on lecture/ video material/ reading (these MUST be
completed prior to coming to class or you will not receive credit); or a draft of a larger assignment that
will be discussed, reviewed and elaborated in-class. The check-up activities should either be completed
prior to class on BeachBoard (as specified by each weeks to-do list) or should be brought to class, as
appropriate for work during class.

In-Class/After Class Activities: So why am I still coming to a face-to-face section?

After class, based on the work that was done in class, you may want to revise your work. As many of the
course assignments are multi-module, multi-week assignments, you will use after class time to reflect and
revise major course assignments prior to their submission. For some modules, there may be additional
after-class activities the complete the work for the week. This will vary and will be address in each
individual module.


Use of cell phones and other communication (texting) devices is prohibited in the class room. Each
instance of the use of these devices or disruption caused by buzzing or ringing of these devices will
result in an automatic one point reduction in your class participation grade.


The following technology skills and requirements are expected as part of this course. If you are concerned
about any of these skills, please contact me as soon as possible to discuss whether the flipped format is a
good fit for you and/ or where you can get support for skills/ technology requirements.

Technology Skills Technology Requirements

Word Processing PC or Mac (less than 3 years old)
File Management Windows 7 or Mac OS X (minimum) or higher
Internet Search Cable or DSL Internet
Internet Browsing Latest Firefox Browser (Chrome & Safari can
Uploading, Downloading, Installing Files have some issue with BeachBoard)
Facility with BeachBoard, particularly PDF Reader
discussion and lecture video features Word Processing Software (i.e., MS Word)

o Modern Systems Analysis and Design Loose-leaf) 7th Edition
ISBN: 9781256574941

Authors: Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Joey f. George and Joseph S. Valacich

Published by: Prentice Hall



Class Absences
Although this course is flipped and requires before class online participation, this does not mean that
there is less time face-to-face in class. I realize there are always emergencies, and you may not be able
to attend class. Attendance at certain school-mandated events; religious holidays, bereavement related
absences and documented illnesses that can be substantiated by a medical professional will be considered
excused absences. All other absences (including work-related absences) will be considered unexcused.
After THREE unexcused absences, your final grade will be reduced by one full grade. If you cannot attend
class, please notify me as soon as you possibly can.
Attendance will be taken using your mobile device, the first 20 minutes of class it will be available, and
its your responsibility to always check in. Credit cannot be given to you if you forget and contact me
weeks later.
Always check that your attendance has been inputted. See the last page of syllabus for Course Key

Class Tardiness
If you are tardy more than 4 times (excluding excused tardy) your grade will drop one letter grade (i.e.,
from A to B or from B to C). If you leave class early, 15 minutes prior to end (Excluding Excused) it counts
the same as being late. Make-up of work will be at my discretion and it is your responsibility to get notes
from your peers and the lecture notes from Beachboard. If you come in late, it is your responsibility to
inform the instructor that you are present (or it will be assumed that you are absent). You are responsible
for checking your attendance on Beachboard.


1) be turned in on time in-class and on Beach Board
2) state your name, class time, date, assignment
3) be typed
4) be free of spelling errors [use Spell Check]
5) use proper grammar and be free of run-on sentences [proofread your paper before submission]

For help with BeachBoard, call (562) 985-4959.

E-mail is considered the official way of communication with students from the university. It is your
responsibility to make sure your primary e-mail address is the one on file at your site
so that your BeachBoard e-mail is correct. This is the e-mail we will use to communicate with you.

Capstone Team Project

Starting on Week #9, your team will begin working on the capstone project. The class will work on a
software development project in small teams. All class members will be assigned to a team. Working as
part of a development team is part of the learning experience. The Capstone project incorporates all
Modules in the Class and additional material presented.

Each team will complete the Design/Analysis & Prototype of a single-user application using Access for
windows as your development tool and/or web design. The Application will require all steps of the
systems development life cycle to be incorporated into the final project for this course.

The majority of the quizzes will be taken during the Before class activities in our class using Beachboard.
There are 13 Before Class Assessments. The Deadline for these are 1 hour before class starts. They will
not be unlock if you missed the deadline, you will lose the points.


There will be 10 in Class assignments, many build on the previous one done during the class session.

There will be 2 exams and one final exam.

After Class Assignments

We have 2 Individual Assessments that we will do during class, on these you will be allowed additional
time if you require it to perfect the assignment prior to turning them in.

Grades will be calculated using a total point scale as follows:

Assignments Points Percentage

Before Class Assessments, Quizzes/Activities: 13 @ 10 pts 130 13.0%
Class Attendance (2 pts @ 28 days M/W) we will use Course Key 56 5.6%
During class -In Class portfolio assignments 10 @ 12 pts 120 12%
Final Capstone Project and Presentation 163 16.3%
Individual Assessment 1 65 6.5%
Individual Assessment 2 65 6.5%
Midterm 1 118 11.8%
Midterm 2 118 11.8%
Final Exam-Cumulative 165 16.5%
Total Points 1000 100%

Total points earned for engagement, class activities, and assignments will be calculated, with the course
grade based on the following scale:

o A = 900 - 1000 points

o B = 899 800 points
o C = 799 - 700 points
o D = 699 - 600 points
o F = 599 points and below


Academic Integrity
Students are responsible for knowing the universitys regulations regarding cheating, plagiarism,
and academic misconduct (see course catalog). Students are hereby cautioned that cheating in any
form will result in a failing grade and the submission of the report to the Dean, which may result in
probation, suspension, or expulsion. Students are also alerted that no commercial distribution of class
notes from this course is authorized and any student who transcribes, posts, and/or sells lecture notes
or images (in any form) may be held personally legally liable.

Students with Disabilities

Students who believe they may need reasonable modifications, special assistance, or accommodations
due to a disability should promptly direct their request to the universitys Office of Disabled Student
Services (DSS). DSS will work with the student and the course instructor to develop assistance that
addresses the students needs. DSS is located in Brotman Hall, Room 270.

Withdrawal Policy
It is the responsibility of students to withdraw from classes. Instructors have no obligation to withdraw
students who do not attend classes. See the relevant CSULB web sites for more detailed information.


Important Information
Know the emergency exits and Emergency Assembly Area for your building (see attached map)
Review the Emergency Procedures Poster posted in every building

BeachALERT Emergency Notification System

Emergency notification is done via a voice message, text and email. Go to MyCSULB to review your
contact information. For instructions on updating your information with the Emergency Notification
System, please select the appropriate link.

Faculty and Staff:

Please note that in emergencies phone lines will be jammed and email may not be operational. For this
reason, including a cell phone number that can receive text messages is highly recommended.

You may not know if it is a drill or not, so take every call to evacuate seriously
Take your personal belongings and immediately leave the building
Know where the exits and Evacuation Assembly Points are for every building in which you have
classes or other activities
Leave the campus only if instructed

DROP, COVER and HOLD ON: Immediately seek shelter (under a desk or table, if possible) cover
your head and hold on
Remain calm and prepare to evacuate the building if necessary and assemble at your designated
Emergency Assembly Area and wait for an All Clear message
Anticipate aftershocks

When you see smoke or fire, immediately evacuate the building
If not already activated, pull a fire alarm switch to alert others of the situation
Use a fire extinguisher only if you know how to use it and the fire is small

Shelter in Place
There may be situations where it is imperative that you seek safe shelter inside a building.
If directed, or you feel it is best to do so, seek safe shelter
Turn off the lights and silence all cell phones
Hide as best as possible until the all clear signal has been given by authorities
If you cannot safely hide or escape, be prepared to take action to protect yourself
o For information on Active Shooter situations see the video at :

Sexual Assault
If you have been a victim of any kind of sexual assault please contact one of the following resources for
help and information:

University Police
562-985-4101 (24/7)

Student Health Center


Counseling & Psych Services


Womens Resource Center


Title IX Equity & Diversity


Sources of Additional Information:

University Police
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 562-985-4101

Twitter and Facebook


Emergency Information

Information provided by the Office of Emergency Management, University Police. July 2014

Evacuation Assembly Points on Next Page.


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