R & D Borg and Gall
R & D Borg and Gall
R & D Borg and Gall
This chapter describes a strategy for developing educational products of proven
effectiveness. This strategy is called research and development (R & D). It consists of a
cycle in which a version of the productis developed, field-tested, and revised on the basis
of field-test data. Although product development sometimes occurs in basic applied
research studies, their primary goal is to discover new knowledge. In contrast, the goal
of R & D is to take this research knowledge and incorporate it into a product that can be
used in the schools. In a sense, the purpose of R & D is to bridge the gap that frequently
exists betwen educational research and educational practice. The various steps of the R
& D cycle are described in this chapter as well as some of the problems and issues that
confront developers as they design a new product.
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1. State two deficiencies of basic and applied research as strategies for developing
ducational products.
2. Describe the ten steps of the R & D cycle.
3. State four criteria that can be used to select an educational product to be developed.
4. Defend the importance of stating behavioral objectives in educational R & D.
5. Describe why it is important to field-test a product in a setting similar to that in which
it will be used when fully developed.
6. Explain the function of the main field-test in the R & D cycle.
7. Give arguments for and against refinement of educationaI material during the initial
stages of deveIopment.
8. Describe two opportunities for a graduate student to do an R & D project.
1 Based on material from The Minicourse: A Microteaching Approach to Teacher Education by Walter R.
Borg, Marjorie L. Kelley, Philip Langer, and Meredith Gall ( New York: Macmillan, 1970)
Educational research and development (R &: D) is a process used to develop
and validate educational products.2 The steps of this process are usually referred to as
the R & D cycle, which consists of studying research findings pertinent to the product to
be developed, developing the product based on these findings, field testing it in the setting
where it will be used eventually, and revising it to correct the deficiencies found in the
field-testing stage. In more rigorous programs of R & D, this cycle is repeated until the
field-test data indicate that the product meets its behaviorally defined objectives.
In contrast, the goal of educational research is not to develop products, but rather
to discover new knowledge (through basic research) or to answer specific questions
about practical problems (through applied research). Of course, many applied research
projects involve development of educational products. For example, in a project
concerned with comparing the effectiveness of two methods for teaching reading, the
researcher may develop materials that incorporate each method because suitable
materials are not available. Typically, however, these materials are developed and refined
only to the point where they can be used to test the investigator's hypotheses. For this
reason it is very rare for applied educational research to yield products that are ready
for operational use in the school.
Although they have many important contributions to make to education, basic
and applied research are generally poor methodologies for developing new products
that can be used in the schools. In applied research particularl y, the researcher often
finds himself comparing poorly designed, unproven, or incomplete products to determine
which is less inadequate. This methodoogy generally produces negative or inconclusive
results, and at best brings about improvement in education at a slow rate. Even when
they are obtained, positive findings are usually significant only in a statistical sense and
have no practical significance for the regular classroom. Another deficiency of many
basic and applied research studies is that the situations they study are too removed from
the typical classroom to have much direct effect upon educational practice. It is true, of
course, that basic and applied research produce the findings that are eventually. used
to improve educational practice. However, the gap between these findings and
educational practice is often so great that many scholars have devoted a lifetime to
worthwhile basic and applied research problems without improving the schools one whit.
Educators and researchers have been seeking a way to bridge the gap between
research and practice for many years. This is precisely the contribution of educational R
& D. It takes the findings generated by basic and applied research and uses them to build
tested products that are ready for operational use in the schools. We should emphasize
here, though, that educational R & D is not a substitute for basic or applied research. All
three research strategies-basic, applied, and R & D-are required to bring about
educational change. In fact, R & D increases the potential impact of basic and applied
research findings upon school practice by translating them into usable educational
2 Our use of the term product includes not only material objects, such as textbooks, instructional films, and
so forts, but in also intended to refer to estabilished procedures and processes, such as a method of
teaching or a method for arganizing instruction.
The field of educational evaluation is closely related to educational research and
development. Evaluation techniques play a major role in R & D, although evaluation is
also used for other purposes in education. The student is advised to reread chapter 17
after completing this chapter.
Educational R & D is sometimes equated with curriculum development. This is a
mistaken notion. Curriculum development does not necessarily involve the use of R & D
methodology. For example, curriculum development is often guided by a curriculum
philosophy or academic discipline rather than by the findings of empirical research. Also,
the development of curriculum guides and materials does not usually involve a field-
test-revise cycle. Studies by the Educational Products Information Exchange revealed
that less than 1 percent of the half million or so curriculum materials sold by the
publishing industry have ever been field-tested with students and revised prior to
publication.3 Icreasingly, though, curriculum developers use elements of educational R &
D methodology in their work. As more of these elements are used, curriculum
development approximates educational R & D.
R & D methodology does bear a close relationship to the field of instructional
technology. Instructional technology can be defined as the use of research-validated
techniques to bring about prespecified learning outcomes. The field of instructional
technology used to be concerned primarily with audiovisual hardware and materials, but
in recent years it has been heavily influenced by educational R & D and by advances in
instructional psychology. The R & D worker of the 1960s and 70s is todays instructional
If you plan to do an R & D tesis or dissertation, we advise you to study instructional
technology to determine whether some of its methods are appropriate to your project. The
design of an R & D product does not need to be based on trial and error; there are many
validated methods of instructional technology. These methods cover various aspects of R
& D design: front-end analysis (needs assessment, systems analysis, task analysis,
analysis of skill hierarchies, etc.); typologies of learning outcomes; match of instructional
techniques to learning outcomes; match of learner characteristics to instructional
methods; meta-cognitive processes in learning; individualized instruction (Keller Plan,
auto-tutorial instruction, mastery learning, etc.); and domain-referenced assessment.
These methods and others are descibed in several textbooks mentioned in the Annotated
References at the end of this chapter. Also, it is useful to become acquainted with
professional organizations of instructional technologists and their publications: National
Society for Performance and Instruction (NSPI Journal, Human Performance Quarterly),
Association for Educational Communications and Technology (Instructional Innovator,
Educational Communications and Technology journal), and American Society for Training
and Development (Training).
3 How to Tell Whether Your Schools Are Being Gypped,"American School Board [ournal 162 (1975):
In the remainder of this chapter we shall discuss each of the major steps in the R
& D cycle. The specific R & D cycle that will be presented was developed by the staff of
the Teacher Education Program at the Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and
Development, with which the authors were formerly affiliated. The Far West Laboratory
is one of 10 regional laboratories funded by the U.S. Office of Education to bring about
educational improvement through R & D.4 The Teacher Education Program develops
products called minicourses, which are designed to improve teachers' use of specific
classroom skills.
Since we will be using the development of our first minicourse to illustrate the R &
D cycle, we will briefly describe here the characteristics of this product. Each minicourse
involves about 15 hours of teacher training in either: the preservice or inservice setting.
During this time, the teacher being trained is introduced to a number of specific clasroom
skills. These skills are first described and illustrated in an instructional film. The trainee
then sees the skills demonstrated in a "model film," that is, a film of a brief classroom
situation conducted by a model teacher. Then the trainee plans a short lesson in which
he attempts to apply the skills that have been presented, teaches the lesson to a small
group of pupils, and records the lesson on videotape. Immediately after the lesson, the
trainee views the videotape, focusing his attention on the specific skills he is attempting
to learn.
This lesson is called a microteach lesson because the regular classroom situation
is scaled down in time and number of pupils. Having seen and evaluated the videotape
recording of his lesson, the teacher then replans the same lesson and reteaches it the
following day to another small group of pupils. This lesson is also recorded on videotape,
and he again views and evaluates his performance immediately after the lesson is
completed. The teacher then proceeds to the next sequence of instructional lesson,
model lesson, microteach, and reteach. The major steps in the R & D cycle used to
develop minicourses are as follows:
1. Research and information collecting-Includes review of literature, classroom
observations, and preparation of report of state of the art.
2. Planning-Includes defining skills, stating objectives determining course sequence,
and small scale feasibility testing.
3. Develop preliminary form of product-Includes preparation of instructional materials,
handbook, and evaluation devices.
4. Preliminary field testing-Conducted in from 1 to 3 school, using 6 to 12 subject.
Interview, observational and questionnaire data collected and analyzed.
5. Mam product revisron- revision of product as suggested by the preliminary
field-test results.
6. Main field testing- Conducted in 5 to 15 school with 30 to 100 subject. Quantitative
data on subjects precouerse and postcourse performance are collected. Result
are evaluated with respect to course objectives and are compared with control
group data when appropriate.
7. Operational product revision- Revtsion of product as suggested by main field-test
8. Operational field testing-Conducted in 10 to 30 school involving 40 to 200 subjects.
Interview, observation and questionnaire data collected and analized.
9. Final product revision- Revision of product as suggested by operational field-test
10. Dissemination and implernentation- Report on product at professional meetings
and in journals. Work With publisher who assumes commercial distribution. Monitor
distribution to provide quality control.
This sequence of ten steps, if followed properly, yieldsan educational product
based on research, which is fully ready for operatioal use in the schools. Although each
of the ten steps will be discussed in detail, we should point out here that most of these
steps are also included in many educational research projects. This is particuIarIy true
of step 6, main field testing, in which quantitative data are collected to determine whether
the product meets its performance objectives. This part of the R & D cycle is essentially
the same as an evaluation research project (see chapter 17).
Before the educational R & D process can be applied, it is necessary to describe
as specifically as possible the educational product that is to be developed. This description
should include: (1) an overall narrative description of the proposed product, (2) a tentative
outline of what the product will include and how it will be used, and most important, (3) a
specific statement of the objectives of the product. In the case of a course of study such
as the minicourse, the objectives should state the specific performance levels to be
achieved by teachers completing the course, that is, the number of times they will
demonstrate each skill within a given time period.
In most cases the nature of the product will change substantially during the
development process. This does not mean that the initial planning should be taken lightly.
This planning provides the foundation upon which later revisions are built. Without careful
planning at the start, the likelihood of building a good product is much reduced.
Since very few well-developed products are available in education, the developer
has an almost unlimited range of possible products that he can develop. However, there
are a number of criteria that he can apply in selecting an area to work in. The criteria
for product selection used at the Far West Laboratory include the following:
1. Does the proposed product meet an important educational need?
2. Is the state of the art sufficiently advanced so that there is a reasonable probability
that a successful product can be built?
3. Are personnel available who have the skills, knowledge, and experiece necessary
to build this product?
4. Can the product be developed within a reaeonable time?
It was apparent to the staff of the Teacher Education Program that there was a
pressing need to develop effective products for inservice teacher education. School
districts generally provide very little inservice education, and what is available is generally
poor. Conventional teacher education programs have four serious weaknesses: (1) the
teacher is told what to do most of the time, rather than being given the opportunity to
practice good teaching techniques; (2) most training programs provide teachers with
vague generalities, such as "individualize your instruction," but fail to train them in
specific, behaviorally defined classroom skills; (3) student teachers lack effective models
to emulate: and (4) conventional training programs provide little or no feedback to the
teacher on his classroom performance. The minicourse was designed to over-come
these weaknesses of existing teacher training programs.
Once the nature of the educational product has been tentatively identified, a
literature review is undertaken to collect research findings and other information pertinent
to the planned development. As in basic or applied research, one purpose of the
literature review is to detemune the state of knowledge in the area o concern. In R & D
projects, the researcher must also be concerned with how this knowledge can be applied
to the product he wishes to develop.
A reliminary review of the literature on teaching methods suggested that
questioning techniques in classroom discussions would be a good choice for our ferst
minicourse. The title eventually given to Minicourse 1 was Effective Questioning
Elementary Level. " Since Minicourse 1 was the first product developed by the Teacher
Education Program, it was necessary to conduct two literature reviews. The purpose of
the first review was to locate research that could be used to develop a basic instructional
model for training teacher. Research in four areas was studied: microteaching hrough,
learning from films, feedback in learning, and modeling in learning. Through this review
we were able to identify several instructional techniques that improve learning. For
example, it was found that providing the teacher with videotape feedback on her teaching
performance is an effective technique for developing new classroom skills. Another
effective technique is to provide a model of the skills to be learned. Interestingly, research
findings indicate that the presence of a supervisor is not necessary to bring about teacher
improvement when modeling and videotape feedback are provided.5 In fact, Bruce
Tuckman and W. F. Oliver6 found that supervisor feedback led to a change in teachers'
rated behavior over a three-month interval in the direction opposite that recommended
by the supervisor. Yet many educators believe that the supervisor is a necessary element
5 M. E. Orme, The Effect of Modeling and Feedback Variables on the Acquisition of a Complax Teaching
Strategy (Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1966),
6 Bruce W. Tuckman and W. F. Oliver, Effectiveness of feedback to Teachers as a Function of Source.
Jaurnal of educational Psychology, August 1968, 297-301.
in training teachers. This example demonstrates that opinion and prevailing practice are
often poor guides for developing educational products that work as they are intended to.
Our second literature review was concerned with questioning and discussion skills.
We found that research in this area extended back to Stevens's 1912 study of high school
classrooms.7 Stevens tound that two-thirds of teachers' questions required students to
recall facts rather than to think about facts. Furthermore, teachers talked two-thirds of the
discussion time, thus allowing students to participate only one-third of the time. Similar
findings have been obtained in more recent studies.8 It appears that even though they
have known about the prevalence of such undesirable teaching practices for a long time,
educators have not succeeded in bringing about needed improvements in teachers'
classroom skills. We decided that major goals of Minicourse 1 would be to reduce teacher
talk and correspondingly to increase student talk, and to increase the percentage of
teachers' thought questions.
In the next phase of the literature review, it was necessary to identify specific
techniques that teachers could use to accomplish these goals. Although a few research
studies were pertinent, it was also necessary for us to give considerable attention to the
opinions and experience of practitioners. For example, Groisser advocates several
teaching strategies which were included in Minicourse 1, but he presents no evidence on
their effectiveness.9 Since our later field experience with Minicourse 1 indicated that most
of the strategies bring about improved class discussion, they were included in the final
form of the course.
Interviews and direct field observations have also been useful supplements to the
research literature in providing us with a foundation of knowledge upon which to develop
a given educational product. For example, in Minicourse 5, which is concerned with
mathematics tutoring skills, we could find no research findings regarding what occurs
between pupil and teacher in the typical tutoring sequence. In order to partially fill this
gap, the laboratory sent observers into a number of classrooms to study tutoring
interactions between teachers and pupils. We learned from these observations that the
usual tutoring contact between the teacher and the individual pupil was brief, averaging
only 15 seconds. The content of these tutoring contacts suggested that the teacher
typically gave the pupil an answer or pointed out his error and then moved on. Efforts to
guide the pupil toward the identification of his errors or to develop understanding of
mathematical concepts and problem-solving procedures were rare. Although they were
not collected in a tightly controlled research setting, these data did provide us with basic
information about the nature of mathematics tutoring in the intermediate grades and
suggested to us that teachers could profit from learning a tutoring sequence in which the
Classroom (New York: Teachen College Press, 1966); Ned Flanders, Teacher Influence in the
Classroom," in lnteraction Anarlysis: Theory, Research, Application, ed. Edmund Amidon and John B.
Hough (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1967), pp. 103-18; W. D. Floyd. "An Analysis of the Oral
Questioning Activity in Slected Colorado Prymary Classrooms" (Ph.D. dissertation Colorado State
College, 1960).
9 P. Grmsser, How to Use the Fine Art of Questioning (New York: Teachers Practical Press, 1964).
pupil is guided toward discovery of his errors and understanding of mathematical
concepts and problem-solving procedures.
In developing an educational product using the R & D approach, the researcher will
often have certain questions that cannot be answered by referring to pertinent research.
Thus the researcher will find it helpful to carry out one or more small-scale studies prior
to developing the product. Also, as we point out in the next sections, the R & D cycle
permits several opportunities to collect research data and to revise the product. These
phases of the R & D cycle can be used to answer pressing research questions involved
in the construction and use of the product.
Once she has completed her review of the literature and collected other perti nent
information, the developer proceeds to the planning step of the R & D cycle.
Perhaps the most important aspect of planning a research-based educational
product is the statement of the specific objectives to be achieved by the product. A
frequent criticism of existing educational practices is that no objectives or criteria are
available to judge their effectiveness. New curriculum programs are often recommended
for their content, format, educational philosophy, and acceptance by teachers and
students. Yet what is missing is a statement of the program's objectives in terms of
student outcomes. For example, an objective of a social studies program might be stated
as, "At least 75 percent of the students who complete the program will earn a score of 90
or better on a test measuring various map skills." Such student-based objectives enable
educators to determine in quantitative terms whether the program "works." Objectives
also provide the best basis for developing an instructional program, since the program
can be field tested and revised until it meets its objectives. Precise specification of
educational outcomes-or behavioral objectives, as they are also called-requires
considerable skill on the part of the developer. In some ways developing a behavioral
objective for an educational product is similar to developing a good criterion in a research
During the planning phase, behavioral objectives are usually stated some-what
loosely. For example, in the initial planning of Minicourse 1, one of our objectives stated
that after the course most teachers would increase their use of thought questions in a
discussion situation. We did not have sufficient knowledge in the planning phase, though,
to specify the percentage of thought questions that we would expect teachers to ask in
order for the course to be considered effective. As we proceeded through the R & D cycle
and accumulated research data, we were able to refine the statement of the behavioral
objective so that it took the following form: "Given a 20-minute discussion lesson, at least
half of all questions asked by teachers will be classified as thought questions. This
criterion will be met by at least 75 percent of teachers who complete Minicourse 1."
Another important element of the planning phase is estimation of the money,
manpower, and time required to develop the product. Generaly sample resources are
A Good source of information about behavioral objectives is Norman E. Gronlund; Suiting Objectrves for
Classroom lnstrudion, 2nd ed. (New York: Macmillan, 19:78).
needed to carry out a single R & D project.Our experience has been that the cost of
developing a single minicourse, which provides about 15 hours of instruction, is in excess
of $100,000. A major curriculum project will cost several million dollars. Manpower needs
are considerable, too. The development of a minicourse requires an average of 104 man-
weeks of professional work, 50 man-weeks of clerical work, and 50 man-weeks of
production work. In contrast, most research projects involve small sums of money, often
less than a thousand dollars, and the efforts of a single investigator with perhaps a few
part-time graduate assistants.
In R & D work, unless careful planning is done, the investigators may find that their
resources have run out before the product has been fully developed. Planning is
necessary in order to anticipate needed materials, professional help, and field-test sites.
Consideration of field-test sites is particularly important when testing is done in the
schools, which generally are preceptive to testing only at certain times of the year. For
example, if the product is ready for testing in June, one may have to wait until September
or October unless the product can be tested during a summer school session. Also,
school administrators generally require a few months' prior notice before agreeing to
have their schools serve as a test site.
Although the R & D specialist must devote a considerable amount of time to initial
planning, the planning function is never really ended. As work progresses he is likely to
discover several areas in which initial planning was insufficient or in error. Replanning
must then be done. Nonetheless, it is wise to devote major effort to building a sound initial
plan. A good pIan can help the developer avoid much wasted work during later phases
of the R & D cycle.
product.11 Thus, the developer must strive toward a delicate balance in which feedback is
obtained without giving the participating teachers an undue amount of attention.
Observing the participating teachers near the end of the preliininary field test of
Minicourse I revealed that the teachers were generally unable to use the course skills
effectivelv either in their regular classrooms or in their microteach lessons. Thus, from the
standpoint of bringing about specific changes in the classroom behavior of these teachers,
the preliminary form of the course was a fatlure. End-of~ourse interviews and
questionnaires obtained from these teachers, however, indicated that they perceived the
course as being very effective and as providing them with a great deal of help in improving
their teaching. These responses suggest that teachers as a group are not highly critical
and are likely to be charitable in their evaluation of new educational practices.
More generally, we have found that global ratings are of little value in evaluating
specific educational objectives. Furthermore, they can be detrimental to educational
development since they might mislead the investigator into believing that an educational
product meets its objectives and is ready for use when actually it is not. In the case of the
minicourse, favorable testimonials are perhaps in part a result of the extremely poor
quality of most previous inservice teacher education programs which teachers use as a
standard of comparison. Nevertheless, our experience has made clear the danger of
making user judgment the basis for measuring the success of an educational product.
Educational products should have objectives that are couched in terms of terminal
behaviors and should be evaluated on the basis of their success in bringing about these
termial behaviors. Although we put little trust in global teacher evaluations, we rely heavily
in the preliminary field test upon specific teacher feedback in helping to develop and
improve our educational products. We obtained many specific criticisms and suggestions
during the preliminary field test of Minicourse 1 that led directly to changes and
improvements in the course structure. In fact throughout the development cycle our main
source of information for revising a minicourse is the classroom teacher who participate
in the field tests.
After the preliminary field test of Minicourse 1, all data were compiled and analyzed.
The development team used these results to replan the course and then went on to make
the revisions called for.
TABLE 18.1
Main Field-Test Results from Minicourse 1
Increase considered desirable
1. Number of times teacher used redirection.
2. Number of times teacher used prompting.
3. Number of times teacher used further clarification.
4. Number of times teacher used refocusing.
5. Length of pupil responses in words (based on 5-minute samples of pre- and
6. Length of teacher's pause after question (based on 5- minute sample of pre-
and post-tapes).
7. Proportion of total questions that call for higher cognitive pupil responses.
11. Number of one-word pupil responses (based on 5-minute samples of pre- and
post- tapes).
12. Frequency of punitive teacher reactions to incorrect pupil answers.
13. Proportion of discussion time taken by teacher talk.
13The address of the National Diffusion Network is U.S. Department of Education, 1832 M Street NW, Suite
802, Washington, DC 20036.
14 The catalogs (called Educational Programs That Work) and newsletters (ED Newsletter and NDN
Reporter) are available from Order Department. Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and
Development, 1855 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA 94103. Current R Br D projects being carried out
by regional educational laboratories and centers are described in the periodical Educational R & D Report
published by the Council for Educational Development and Research, 1518 K Street NW, Washington,
DC 20005.
technical assistance to school systems that are interested in adopting and implementing
an approved project. NDN facilitators assigned to each state are available for this purpose.
Another national dissemination and implementation capability is the Research and
Development Exchange (RDx). The RDx disseminates information about innovative R &
D product to local educator. It also collects and forwards information about local needs to
researchers and policy makers. There are 8 regional exchanges, which work with the 50
state departments of education. The names, addresses, and states served by the
exchanges are:
AEL Regional Exchange. Appalachia Educational Laboratory, P.O. Box 1348,
Charleston, WV 23525. Serves: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina,
Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Mutroest Regional Exchange. CEMREL, 3120 59th Street, St. Louis, MO 63139.
Serves: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
McREL Regional Exchange. McREL, 4709 Belleview Avenue, Kansas City, MO
64112. Serves: Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.
Northeast Regional Exchange. 101 Mill Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824. Serves:
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and
Northwest Regional Exchange. NWREL, 300 S.W. Sixth Avenue, Portland, OR
97204. Serves: Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.
RBS Regional Exchange. Research for Better Schools, 444 N. Third Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19123. Serves: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
SEDL Regional Exhange. Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 211 E.
Seventh Street, Austin, TX 78701. Serves: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico,
Oklahoma, and Texas.
Western Regional Exchange. SWERL, 4665 Lampson Avenue, Los Alamitos CA
90720. Serves: Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah.
The student planning an R & D dissertation might choose to focus on the
dissemination and implementation phases of the R & D process. For example, the student
might develop and test methods for improving the dissemination and implementation of a
particular R & D product. Another possibility is to do research on the dissemination and
implementation process. This type of research focuses on such questions as: How do
educators come to learn about new R & D products? Why are some R & D products better
implemented than others? Why do some teachers implement a curriculum or instructional
strategies to a greater extent than other teachers?15
15Research relating to these questions is reviewed in Michael Fullan and Allan pomfret, "Research on
Curriculum and Instruction Implementation," Review of Educational Research 47 (1977): 355-97. A recent
example of implementation research is: Georgea G. MoMman, Theodore Coladarci, and N. L. Gage,
"Comprehension and Attitude as Predictors of Implementation of Teacher Training," Journal of Teacher
Education 33 (1982): 31-36.
We have already discussed the considerable resources required to carry out even
a single educational R & D project. It is highly unlikely that a graduate student will be able
to find the financial and manpower support to complete a major R & D project. In fact,
educational R & D is beyond the abilities of most school districts. It is being realized
increasingly that most educational R & D efforts are economical only when a new product
is developed at one place and then distributed nationally.
If you plan to do an R & D project for a thesis or dissertation, you should keep these
cautions in mind. It is best to undertake a small-scale project that involves a limited amount
of original instructional design. Also, unless you have substantial financial resources, you
will need to avoid expensive instructronal media such as 16-mm film and synchronized
slidetape. Another way to scale down the project is to limit development to just a few steps
of the R & D cycle.
An example of an R & D dissertation is the project undertaken by Dan Isaacson.16
The purpose of the prolect was to develop a self-instructional course of the use of the
microcomputer as a classroom tool. The course was intended for K-12 preservice
teachers and inservice teachers.
Each chapter in the dissertation described a step of the R & D process used to
develoP the course, which was titled Discover the Microcomputer. Chapter 2 reported on
a review of the literature. This review focused on such topics as the current status of
microcomputer technology and availability, major projects on educational uses of the
microcomputer, and the current status of training teachers to use microcomputers in the
classroom. One of Isaacson's conclusions pertinent to his R 8z D project was that
"although training in the use of instructional media has been a recognized need by most
teacher education institutions for a long time... the literature seems strangely silent
regarding recognition by schools of education of the need to expose every pre-service
teacher and every in-service teacher to the computer, not as a specialty skill ro prepare
to teach about computers, but as an instructional media tool to prepare to teach using
computers" (p. 25).
The next chapter described the process of choosing objectives and instructional
design parameters for the product. Eight product objectives were finally selected based
on a literature review and analysis of the context in which the product would be used.
Sample objectives were:
1. The learner shall correctly operate a microcomputer, using courseware from the
courseware library supplied with the course materials. (The library included computer
materials for drill-and-practice, games, simulations, computer-managed instruction,
2. The learner shall be able to alter data lines in a courseware program so as to make
the program better suit a current lesson or other specific instructional situation.
16Dan Isaacson, "Discovering the Microcomputer as an Instructional Media Tool in Teactung: A Laboratory
for Elementary and Secondary Educators" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Oregon, 1980).
3. The learner shall be able to evaluate courseware using the Courseware Review and
Rating form developed for use with this product.
An example of an instructional design parameter was the choice of available
computer courseware to which teachers would be exposed. Isaacson decided to have
teachers experience high-quality and low-quality courseware so that they would develop
evaluation skills.
Chapter 4 of the dissertation described the development of the preliminary version
of the product. The major development effort was the self-instructional text that guides the
teacher through a variety of microcomputer experiences. The design-of the text and
related materials was guided by the product objecfives.
The next chapter described the product's preliminary field test, in which 33
preservlce and inservice teachers participated. Isaacson used the following device as one
way to obtain user feedback for revising course materials:
In the text for the course, the written material was printed only on two-thirds of the page
width.... The remaining third was left for notes and comments on the material. Students
handed in these notes and comments which pointed out spelling and grammar errors,
and unclear sentences and paragraphs. Corrections and clarifications to the text were
based primarily on this feedback. (p. 63)
Feedback from participants was also obtained by meeting with participants as a group
and by questionnaires.
Chapter 6 presented revisions of the product based on the preliminary field test. A
major revision was to reduce the number of computer programs in the product's
courseware library. Some programs were eliminated because the would not run on the
computer or because they were of too poor quality. Changes were also made in the text,
for example:
Additions were necessary in Chapter 1 to remind learners of the difference between
the letter 'o' and the number '0' (zero), of the time it takes to load a cassette (2 to 3
minutes when beginners expect an immediate load), and how to stop a program if one
tires of it before it ends normally. (p 72)
The revised product was tested again with a small sample of preservice teachers, and
then was incorporated into the regular program of the institution at which it was developed.
A commercial publisher for the product was being sought at the time the dissertation was
The student planning to do an R k D project should give careful consideration to
the time required. The dissertation described above took well over a year for completion
of product development through the preliminary field-test phase. A research project for
the master's thesis or doctoral dissertation can usually be completed in much less time.
The additional time required for an R & D project is worthwhile, though, if the student is
interested in making a contribution that will lead to an immediate tangible improvement in
educational practice.