Iperf Jperf Document PDF

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Iperf is a tool to measure network

performance for measuring
bandwidth provided by the network.
Iperf is a tool to measure maximum
TCP bandwidth, allowing the tuning
of various parameters and UDP

IPERF/JPERF characteristics. Iperf reports

bandwidth, delay jitter, datagram
Network Bandwidth performance testing tool

IST 648 - Enterprise Wireless Network
Center for Convergence and Emerging Networking Technologies (CCENT)

The purpose of this document is to help students understand the fundamentals of using Iperf for
analyzing network performance by calculating the bandwidth performance. This tool measures
bandwidth by allowing tuning of various TCP parameters and UDP characteristics. This tool reports
bandwidth, delay jitter and datagram loss while performing the tests.

In order to simplify the execution of Iperf on clients we can use many types of Graphical User Interface
(GUI). JPerf is one such utility used widely which we will be using in this document to test Iperf.

The following equipment are required to perform the tests:

2 or more machines provided with ethernet or Wi-Fi network interface with the following
supported Operating Systems(OS):
o Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1
o MacOS X
o Linux 32 bits (i386)/64 bits (AMD64)
o Oracle Solaris
o Android
Wired/Wireless Network to which the devices are connected
o A simple wireless router would be enough as we will see in this test

Instructor Notes
JPerf utility is a java based GUI based on Iperf network bandwidth measurement tool. JPerf 2.0.2
version can be downloaded from the following links for windows and MAC:

Windows: https://code.google.com/p/xjperf/downloads/list

MacOS X: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html

Also, in order to run this utility you might be required to download Java SE Runtime Environment
which can be downloaded from the following links by accepting the license agreement and selecting
the appropriate Operating system running on the device


Iperf can also run on Android devices by installing the iPerf for Android app, which can be found at the
following link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.magicandroidapps.iperf

Bhavik N. Patel 1
Center for Convergence and Emerging Networking Technologies (CCENT)

iPerf/JPerf Overview
Performance of a network can be tested by using iPerf for both wired and wireless interfaces. This can
be done in various ways which include both devices on wired interface, both devices on wireless
interface and either device on wired and wireless interface. While performing these tests we need to
define one of the devices as server which transmits TCP and UDP data packets to the clients.

While there can be various combination of server and clients located on wireless or wired interface,
one of the most preferred way to test wireless network is to connect server running iPerf using a wired
link to the wireless router and then connecting a wireless client to this server using iPerf to test
downstream traffic. However, depending on the type of network analysis to be done any type of setup
can be created. In this document we have connected both the server and clients on the same wireless
network such that all of them belong to the same subnet and can see each other. An initial ping from
any device to all devices under test with their address is a good idea to verify this.

iPerf provides with a high set of operational functionality including connecting various clients to a
single server. This is particularly important when multiple client testing is required to be performed.

JPerf Screen
Once the Jperf utility is being downloaded from the above provided link along with java runtime if
required, the user might be able to run the utility by executing the jperf.bat (batch) le from the
downloaded location in windows.

Similarly MAC users might just open the JPerf-2.0.2.dmg (disk image) and then opening the created
drive from desktop and then running jperf.app. This will start the JPerf utility program and looks like
this when running:

Bhavik N. Patel 2
Center for Convergence and Emerging Networking Technologies (CCENT)

According to the desired role of the machine the user might select server or client from the upper part
of the screen, notice the generated commands while making the selection:



Bhavik N. Patel 3
Center for Convergence and Emerging Networking Technologies (CCENT)

Notice the command generated for server: bin/iperf.exe -s -P 0 -i 1 -p 5001 -f k

This command is actually the iPerf command line to be executed by the JPerf utility which can be
broken down into following simple parameters:

bin/iperf.exe -s -P 0 -i 1 -p 5001 -f k

line option

-s Run Iperf in server mode

The number of connections to handle by the server before closing. Default is 0

-P 0
(which means to accept connections forever)

Sets the interval time in seconds between periodic bandwidth, jitter, and loss
-i 1 reports. If non-zero, a report is made every interval seconds of the bandwidth since
the last report. If zero, no periodic reports are printed. Default is zero.

The server port for the server to listen on and the client to connect to. This should
-p 5001
be the same in both client and server. Default is 5001, the same as ttcp.

A letter specifying the format to print bandwidth numbers in. here

'k' = Kbits/sec. Other formats might be specified as appropriate like: 'm' =
-f k Mbits/sec, 'b' = bits/sec or 'K' = KBytes/sec, 'M' = MBytes/sec, 'B'
= Bytes/sec

iperf -c -P 1 -i 1 -p 5001 -f k -t 10 -T 1

Command line

Run Iperf in client mode, connecting to an Iperf server running on host.

The number of simultaneous connections to make to the server. Default is 1.

-P 1
Requires thread support on both the client and server.

Bhavik N. Patel 4
Center for Convergence and Emerging Networking Technologies (CCENT)

Sets the interval time in seconds between periodic bandwidth, jitter, and loss
-i 1 reports. If non-zero, a report is made every interval seconds of the bandwidth
since the last report. If zero, no periodic reports are printed. Default is zero.

The server port for the server to listen on and the client to connect to. This should
-p 5001
be the same in both client and server. Default is 5001, the same as ttcp.

A letter specifying the format to print bandwidth numbers in. here

'k' = Kbits/sec. Other formats might be specified as appropriate like: 'm' =
-f k Mbits/sec, 'b' = bits/sec or 'K' = KBytes/sec, 'M' = MBytes/sec,
'B' = Bytes/sec

The time in seconds to transmit for. Iperf normally works by repeatedly sending
-t 10 an array of len bytes for time seconds. Default is 10 seconds. See also the -l and -n

The time-to-live for outgoing multicast packets. This is essentially the number of
-T 1
router hops to go through, and is also used for scoping. Default is 1, link-local.

Additional parameters can be set from the left part of the screen.

Bhavik N. Patel 5
Center for Convergence and Emerging Networking Technologies (CCENT)

Notice the change in parameter f k to -f m when the option from left pane is selected for Output
frame format to be in Mbits. This clearly shows that there is no need for user to remember any
parameter and can just select from user interface and continue with execution of the test.

One additional benefit of JPerf over simple iPerf command line execution is that it provides us with a
Bandwidth & Jitter Graph using the results generated by running iPerf which are shown at the bottom
right part of the JPerf screen. The Bandwidth & Jitter Graph shows a real-time information of the
sent/received bytes of any number of devices connected to the device at that very time.

iPerf Screen for Android

iPerf is also adapted to run on portable devices like android phones and tablets with an app known as
iPerf for Android and looks similar to the following screenshot:

Bhavik N. Patel 6
Center for Convergence and Emerging Networking Technologies (CCENT)

This app is simple command line interface which requires us to input iPerf commands in order to
execute the test. As can be seen from the screenshot, unlike JPerf this doesnt automatically generate
commands and they need to be manually fed on the device by typing it in the command line text input
provided at the center of the screen. However, since it utilizes the same set of commands and hence
we can key in the same command which we utilized for JPerf.

Once the commands have been generated or keyed in the device, the user can press Run Iperf
button located on the top right corner on the screen on the JPerf interface or the ON/OFF button
located at the left top in the android Iperf App on the server. We then need to perform the same
action on the client device. The generated statistics will be displayed on the lower part of the screen
on the JPerf/Iperf utility on the devices as shown below:

Bhavik N. Patel 7
Center for Convergence and Emerging Networking Technologies (CCENT)


Bhavik N. Patel 8
Center for Convergence and Emerging Networking Technologies (CCENT)


Bhavik N. Patel 9
Center for Convergence and Emerging Networking Technologies (CCENT)

JPerf also allows exporting the generated log file of detailed report to be exported in text format and
graph to be exported as image. This can be done by right clicking and using the save as option

This was a basic guide for using iPerf/JPerf. For further or detailed information you can refer to:


Another great guide is http://www.wlanpros.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/How-to-Guide-on-JPerf-


Bhavik N. Patel 10

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