Faith in Naknek: What Are You Doing This Summer?

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Faith in Naknek Would you like to join the

Naknek missions team?

What are you doing this Summer? Here are two ways you
I am so glad you asked me what I am doing this summer can join me:

I will be going on a mission trip with my church youth group to 1) Join my prayer team.
Naknek, Alaska. Naknek is a small village on the southern coast of 2) Join in helping me get
Alaska, home to about 600 local residents. This is the third year in there
a row that our church has ministered to them. I am so excited to
I need about 650$ to get
join in this year!
there. This will help pay
Why is this missions trip so important to me? for airfare and also pay for
I have been on two previous mission trips to Mexico, and I have the material and prizes we
learned so much about serving God through serving others. I love give to the kids during
working with kids and we will be doing a really fun Vacation Bible VBS
School for about 40 kids. Gifts (tax-deductible) can
What do I expect to learn and do there? be given to me online at:
In addition to the VBS, we will also do several different service
projects, such as chopping wood, a youth group Click on E-give and put
fun event night, cleaning up the beach, and much the amount under
more. Our team will be studying the book of John Missions Ministry
during our devotions, and I know that God will be
teaching me more about following Him. Put my name in the
comments section and
youre done!
Please pray for me
Thank you so much

Here are a few of my most pressing prayer needs

Please pray for our safe travel.

Please pray for lots of kids participating at VBS.
Please pray God will use us to share His love with the kids
and their families.
Please pray the whole community will be blessed

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