LR LSA Pocket Checklist (Color)

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The document discusses common deficiencies found in life saving appliances inspections and provides a checklist to help ships comply with requirements. It emphasizes the importance of training, maintenance, and ensuring all equipment is ready for use.

Common deficiencies found include expired certification, missing or incomplete documentation, and broken or missing life saving equipment.

The master must notify port authorities before entry. If notified in advance of issues and temporary remedies, the ship should not be detained. However, if no advance notice is given, the port state has grounds for inspection and possible detention.

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Reducing the risk of Port State Control detentions

ln conjunction with:

wK p&tCL{JB !
Durrng the perod 2005 2007, approximately 2,500 crew and
passenqers were reported k lled or missing from lost ships
Additionally, there are rncreasing numbers of acc dents and
fatalities durrng routine lifeboat and inspectron drills lt is
therefore essential that shrp personnel are approprrately
trained in how to inspect, marntain and operate equrpment
and that the equ pment ls ready for use at all times
Being prepared can mean the drfference between lrves lost or
lives saved

In conlunction with an industry partner, the UK P&l Club, we

have analysed data relating to lile saving appliances, including
deficiencies found by Port State Control officers The result is
this re usable checklist, which hrqhlights the most common
deficiencres and lists them in convenient sections

As a minimum, the items on the chart on page 4 should

be included as part of your final checks prior to voyage
and port entry. lt is strongly advised that all items in this
aide memoire are checked on an ongoing basis to
supplement your own operational and maintenance
procedures and your flag State's requirements.
This is the third rn a series of pocket checklists to help you
comp y with nternational convention requirements For
information about our other check ists please vis t www r orq

Loyd'sRogstor, lsaffLlatesandsubsrd;rresafdtheirrespectrveo{frcers,employees
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Regrster Group' The Lloyd s Register G.oup assumes no responsrbr rty and 5hdl not
be |ablo to nny person for any loss, damaqe or expense caused by re ran(e on the
rnformat on or .ldvrce n this document or lrowsoever prov ded, un ess that porson
has srgned a conlract wrth the reievant L oyd ! Regrster Group ent ty for iho prov s on
oi th s rfforrnat on or ad! ce and rn thdt .asc any respons b I ty or ab ty s
excusvcy on the terms and condtron5 sel out n that contract

Marine Life-Saving Applian<es

o L oyd s Register / UK P&l CLUB. 2008 Page 2
Are you prepared for a Port State
Control lnspection?

PSC officers always commence their inspection in the Master's

office ltis essential that certification is up-to date and va id
All other necessary documents, records and manuals should,
where requrred, be approved and on board

lf equipment rs broken or missinq, or the ship has suffered

damage enroute, the Master must notify the port authorities
pror to port entry if the port authorrties are informed of the
problem and of any permanent or temporary remedies agreed
with the flag State, the vessel should not be detarned
However, if notice rs not given before entry, the Port State has
clear grounds for inspection, possibly leading to a detention

lf your ship is detained, or appears to be in the process

of being detained, you should contact the nearest Lloyd's
Register Group office immediately for assistance.
The malor PSC organisations publish their criteria for tarqetrng a
ship on their web sites Ship owners and operators should use
these criterra to calculate the tarqet rating of their ships

Paris MOU - www pansmou org

Tokyo MOU - www tokyo-mou org
USCG - http://homeport uscg mrl/mycg/portal/ep/home do
Other MOUs include Abula, Black Sea, Caribbean, Indian
Ocean, Mediterranean, Riyadh and Vina del Mar
A ship operator may disagree with the findings of the PSC
Authority and the malorrty of the regional PSC organrsations
have guidelines on how to appeal against a detention These
can also be found on the above web sites

IMO Procedures for Port State Control, Appendix 1 also

provides guidelines on detentions [l5BN: 92-801-5099-5].

Marine Life-Saving Appliances

o Lloyds Register / UK P&l CLUB, 2008 Page 3
3 llr UJ Yt lll tll lf lt tlt lt tl U
Life-Saving Appliance deficiencies

The following are the most common Life-Saving

appliance deficiencies (by number) found by Port State
Control officers on ships classed by Lloyd's Register
between 2O05-2OO7

a 0610 lifeboab [309]

r 0630 launch ng arrangements for survival craft l1 051
r 0650 ifebuoys [94]
o 061 1 ifeboat inventory [76]
r 0620 nf atable liferafts 163l
o 0660 ifelackets [52]
r 0692 operationa readiness maintenance and nspections l52l
o 0695 on board training and instructons [49]
r 0680 embarkation arrangements survival craft l38l
c 06T 5 rescue boats [34]
o 0628 stowage of iferafts [29]

Marine Life-Saving Appliances

o L oyd's Register / UK P&l CLUB, 2008 Paqe 4
1. Certificates

The following certificates must be carried on board

1. D Cargo Ship Safety Equipment or Passenger Ship

- including the Record of Safety Equipment (Form E
or Form P)
2.D Cargo Ship Safety Radio
- including the Record of Equipment (Form R)

3.D Lifeboat
- certificate of approval and for self-contained air
support system, fire protection and on-load release
gear, if provided

4.D Rescue boats (together with release

- certificate of approval
5.D Liferaft
- certificate of approval
- hydrostatic release unit other than disposable
6.D Launching Appliances
- certificate of approval for davits including liferaft
davits if fitted
7.D Air supply bottles hydrostatic test, if fitted
8.D Search and Rescue Transponder (SART)
9.D Emergency Position lndicating Radio Beacon

Ma.ine Life-Saving Appliances

/ UK P8l cLUB, 2008
@ Lloydb Register Page 5
2. Documents and records

The following documents and records must be carried on

board and be current, original and approved, where required.

1. tr Instructions for on-board maintenance or a

ship-board planned maintenance programme
2. ! SOLAS training manuals and on-board training
3. D Muster list and emergency instructions
4. tr Radio station licence
5. tr Records of inspection, maintenance, testing and
6. tr of crew familiarisation with fire and
abandon ship drills
lnspection and testing
7. D lnspection and testing of life-saving and
launching appliances
- includes on-load release gear, where fitted
8. tr Communications equipment
9. tr Lifeboat / rescue boat engine
- weekly test conducted and recorded
10. tr Emergency lighting
11. D Weekly and on-load engine tests conducted and
12. J EPIRB shore-based maintenance
13. n Liferaft servicing at an approved service station

Marine Life-Saving Appliancs

@ LloydS Register / UK P&l CLUB, 2008
Documents and records, continued

14. ! Servicing of fire-extinguishers in lifeboats

15. D Hydrostatic test of air supply bottles, where

Correctly mounted
Hydrostatic Reiease
Unit (HRU) on an
inflatable liferaft

lncorrectly mounted HRU on

an inflatable liferaft The
painter should be attached to
the HRU

Photograph.records, with dates, provide good evidence of drills being
regularly held.

Marine Life-Saving Appliance5

O Lloyd s Register,/ UK P&l CLUB, 2008
3. Launching and stowage
arrangements for lifeboats

At all times, all equipment should be ready for operation, well

maintained and inspected regularly

1. D Davits and falls

- all moving parts well greased and free
- no corrosion, knife edges, cracks or holes
- correctly marked
- winches and brakes in good order and maintained
- cut-out switches properly maintained
- fall wires to be maintained as per SOLAS
- securing devices and terminations properly
- tricing pendant and man ropes correctly
maintained and rigged (as applicable)
2. D Bowsing tackles (if applicable) properly attached
and ready for use
3. ! Embarkation arrangements
- Adequate lighting, emergency lighting, signs, etc
- Embarkation ladder and securing arrangements in
good condition and of adequate length
- Applicable launching instructions displayed

1 lt is recommended that the decks at the embarkation areas have a
non-skid coating
2 Launching arrangements are to be checked annually by the
manufacturer or person certified by the manufacturer

Marine Life-saving Appliances

@ Lloydb Register / UK P&l CLUB, 2008 Page 8
Lifeboats all types

At all times, all equipment should be ready for operation, well

maintained and rnspected regularly.
1. ! Hull in good condition
- No deterioration in way of bearing surfaces
- No cracks in hull and buoyancy tanks or corners of
thwarts and, if required, all cracks repaired by
approved means
Bilge keels not corroded and effectively attached
- Grab lines effectively attached
2. D Connections to boat / rafts in good condition
Hanging hooks not corroded
- Keel plate connections and pins in good condition

3.! Starts readily
4.! Battery charger(s) connected and maintained
5.D Batteries tested to ensure charged, alternative
starting arrangement present (hand crank)
6.! Exhaust protected (insulated)
7.! Sufficient fuel and no leaks of fuel or luboil
8.! Rudder and stock in good working order
9.! Hook release mechanism well maintained
10. ! Brake release arrangement functions correctly

Marine Life-Saving Appliances

@ Lloyd's Register / UK P&l CLUB, 2008 Page 9
4. Lifeboats all types, continued

11. D Bilge pump in good condition

- evidence of suction
12. D Plugs operable and free but permanently
13. D Lifeboat painter in good condition and correctly
14. D All markings clear and visible, including seat
-white painted or retro-reflective tape for night
15. D Grab rails and lanyards in good condition
16. D On-board air system, where provided. in good
17. ! Overall water-spray systems, where provided,
tested and operational
18. D Operational instructions correctly displayed
inside and outside boat(s)
19. D VHF radio-telephone, where provided, in good

'l Engine must be able to start without 'magic spray' (engine spray)
2 for deterioration of gel coat and fibre layers and check for
glazing of the gel coat
3 The lifeboat capacity which is marked on the outside of the boat
should be the same as the number on the certificate of approval

Marine Life-Savlng Appliances

@ !oyd3 Register / UK P&l CLUB, 2008 Page '10
5. Free-fall lifeboats

At all times, all equipment should be ready for operation, well

maintained and inspected regularly.

1, D Correctly secured and stowed

2. D Well maintained with seat belts and head
restraints in good order
3. tr Hook release well maintained and charged with
hydrostatic oil as necessary

Marine Life-saving Appliancs

@ Lloyd3 Register / uK P&l cLUB, 2008
6. Lifeboat inventory

At all times, all equipment should be available, ready for

operation, well maintained and inspected regularly.
1. D Distress flares in date
2. ! Stores correctly maintained and well stowed
including water and rations
3. D Buoyant oars and rowlocks, where required
4. D Protecting cover provided
5. tr Sails provided, where required
6. D Sea anchor with shock resistant hawser and a
tripping line

Corroded stores

The above items are those which are most commonly found deficient by
Port State Control Officers A full list of lifeboat stores / inventory can be
found in the LSA Code - International Life-Saving Appliance Code

Marine Life-Saving Appliances

O Lloyds Register / UK P&l CLUB, 2008 Paqe 12
7. lnflatable Liferafts

At all times, all equipment should be ready for operation, well

maintained and inspected regularly.

1.D Weak link correctly positioned and hydrostatic

release in date
2.D Number and capacity as per Form E or Form P

3.D Fall wires to be maintained as per SOLAS

4.D Launching arrangements approved by
manufacture and instructions clearly visible Correctly stowed, secured and clear of
obstructions and free from damage to
packaging and sealing
6.! Correctly positioned on board
7.! Correctly marked with ships' name, servicing
details, validity period and capacity
8.! Painter of adequate length according to the
stowed height to the water

lf a forward liferaft is required, it should be provided with an
embarkation ladder, emergency lighting and the required number of
life.lackets This is also applicable to the aft liferaft of many ro-ro ships
and some other ships with forward accommodation

Marine Life-Saving Appliance5

O Lloyds Register / UK P&l CLUB, 2008 Page 1 3
8. Rescue boats (if fitted)

At all times, all equipment required in accordance with the LSA

Code should be ready for operation, well maintained and
inspected regularly

A/so see deficiencies relating to lifeboats

1. ! Stowed and positioned correctly
2. D lnventory correct and up-to-date
3. D Launching and recovery arrangements
4. D Lighting, emergency lighting and signs
5. D lnflatable compartments appropriately
6. ! Propeller guard in place
7. ! Rescue boat personnel documented and fully
familiar with all details of launching and
8. ! Engine should be serviced in accordance with
the engine manual

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/ UK P&l CLUB, 2008
@ Llovd's Reqister Page 1 4
9. Miscellaneous

At all times, all equipment should be ready for operation, well

maintained and inspected regularly.

1. tr Lifebuoys
- correct numbers and location with appropriate
- Lights and lines of correct type and fitted and
rigged as per SOLAS
- bridge wing man overboard light and smoke floats
in date, correctly rigged, not damaged and fitted
to correct weight lifebuoys
2. tr lifejackets and inflatable lifejackets
- correct numbers and location with appropriate
- infant lifejackets to be provided, if appropriate and
marked, as necessary
- in good condition, securing tapes not knotted and
not rotten
- lights not cracked and in date
- servicing, where applicable
- equipped with operational whistle
- reflective tapes in good order
3. tr lmmersion suits, if required
- correct numbers, correctly positioned and in good
4. D Radio life-saving appliances
- float-free EPIRB checked for date verification of
hydrostatic release unit (HRU) and batteries
- at least one SART provided on each side of the
idge and battery dates verified

Marlm Ltfe5avldg ApplL.ncet

O Lloyd's Register/ UK P&l CLUB, 2OOg Page 1 5
9- nffurud

5.D 2-way radiotelephone apparatus for survival

- 2 or 3 sets as applicable to ship type and size
- spare sealed lithium batteries available for all sets
and in date
- do not use sets for general communication on
6.D General emergency alarm is functional
7.0 Line throwing appliances
- appropriate numbers
- lines in good condition and inspected
- instructions in use provided

1 ln the case of large ships with high accommodation blocks, which
have lifeboats stowed considerably lower, SARTS may be stowed each
side in the vicinity of the lifeboats
2 In the case of a stern-launched freefall lifeboat, one SART is kept on
the bridge and one SART is kept in the vicinity of the lifeboat

Maiine Life-Saving Appliancer

O Lloyd3 Register / UK P&l CLUB, 2008 Page 16
10. Drills

At all times, all equipment should be ready for operation, well

maintained and inspected regularly.

1. D Drills are to be carried out in accordance with

- check that the sheaves are running free
- check winch operation, brakes and clutch
- check man ropes
- check condition and attachments of the bowsing
- check davrt limit switches
- check crew familiarisation with fire and abandon
ship drills

2. I On-board training and instructions

- manuals available including maintenance
- ongoing training and familiarisation with all
3. D Abandon ship drill
- lifeboats and rescue boats to be launched,
lowered and manoeuvred in water in accordance
with SOLAS and flag Administration requirements
4. D Man Overboard drills carried out
- crew musters
- rescue boat launched
- Williamson Turn (Man overboard turn) completed

IMO MSC llcic 1206 provides guidance on 'Measures To Prevent
Accidens With Lifeboats'

Marine Lifesaving ApPliances

@ Lloyds Register / UK P&l cLUB, 2008 Page 17
The Loyds Regrster Group Ls an ndependenl rrsk managemenl
organisatron that works to mprove ts clrents' qua ity, safety, envrronmel:a
and business performance throughout the world Our expertrse ano
activities cover shipping, raiJways, other and-based industres and or and
gas Workinq from around 175 offrces we employ some 5,000 personne
We operate independently of any government or other body

Services are provided by members of the Loyd's Reg ster Group

Lloyd s Register, Lloyd's Register EMEA and Lloyd's Register As a are
exempt charities under the UK Charitres Act 1993

To order additronal copres of the pocket Checkl st and others in this

series, please vsit the Loyds Register Group web site www lrorq

Lloyd's Register EMEA Lloyd's Register Asia

I +44 20 7709 9166 T +852 2287 9333
E emea@lrorg E asia@lrorq

Lloyd's Register Americas, lnc.

T +1 281 675 3100
E amencas@lr org

The UK P&l Club is the world's largest mutual P&l club currently insurng over
150 millron gross tons of owned and chadered shipping in sixty countries

The C ub publrshes loss prevention materal through a wide range of

media on toprcs such as hazardous cargo in containers, human error,
personal inlury and marit me security

The ful range of Club activities can be viewed at www ukpandi com

London Piraeus Hong Kong

r +44 20 7283 4646 T +30 2'l 0 429 1200 T +852 2832 9301

Tokyo New Jersey

T +8'1 3 5442 61'10 T +1 201 557 7304

E karl lumbers@thomasmi ler com UK P&I CLUB

Marine LifeSaving Appliances t\

O Lloyd's Reqister / UK P&l CLUB, 2008 L1)

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