Modal Verbs Practice

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MODALS of Obligation, Necessity, Prohibition, Permission,

Possibility, Assumption, Ability and Advice Worksheet

Name: _______________________________________________ Class: ________Date:___________

I. Complete the sentences using must or mustn't.

1) You ________ light fires in the forests. 6) You _________ eat in class.
2) You _________ do your homework 7) You __________ be late for class.
3) You ___________ have a shower every morning. 8) You ____________ listen to your teacher.
4) You __________ drink cold water. 9) You _____________ give place to old people.
5) You _____________ watch TV a lot. 10)You __________ be polite.

II. Complete the sentences using have to, has to, dont have to, or doesnt have to.

1. When you make pizza, you ______________ have some pizza sauce.
2. You also ______________ have some cheese on top of the pizza.
3. You ______________ have peppers on your pizza, but you can if you want to.
4. A good pizza ______________ taste good.
5. So, you ______________ choose the pizza toppings that you like best.
6. Personally, I love tomatoes, so I always ______________ have tomatoes on my pizza!
7. You ______________ make your own pizza, you can buy a pizza from a pizza shop if you want to.
8. Pizza tastes best when it's hot, but you ______________ eat hot pizza. You can eat it cold too.
9. The secretary ______________ know how to type.
10. A secretary ______________ be a woman. The secretary can be a man.
11. ______________ the secretary ______________ work Saturdays?
12. No, he/she ______________ go to work on Saturdays.
13. The secretary also ______________ answer the company's phones.
14. The secretary ______________ file reports every week.
15. ______________ the secretary ______________ use a computer?
16. Yes, he or she ______________ use a computer.

I. Complete the sentences using mustn't or don't have to.

1)It is forbidden. You ______________ do that.

2) You ______________ ask my permission. You can do what you want.
3) You ______________ speak to the driver when the bus is moving. It's dangerous.
4) Help yourself to anything you want. You ______________ ask.
5) You ______________ park here. There is a double yellow line.
6) Pay me back when you can. You ______________ do it immediately.
7) It's optional. We ______________ to go if you don't want to.
8) I'll tell you a secret. You ______________ tell anybody else. Promise?
9)Be on time. You ______________ be late or we will leave without you.
10) He's a millionaire. He ______________ work but he does because he enjoys it.
11) I like Saturdays because I ______________ go to work.
12) This is very important. You ______________ forget what I said.
13) It's very informal here. You ______________ wear a tie unless you want to.
14) The train is direct. You ______________ change trains.
15) In boxing, you ______________ hit your opponent below the belt.
IV. Complete the sentences using can, can't , be able to.

1) Last week we ______________ swimming, this week we can't. (to go)

2) Maybe the Smiths ______________ a new house next year. (to build)
3) If you try hard, you ______________ your examinations. (to pass)
4) Dennis ______________ the trumpet after four months. (to play)
5) Luke has passed his driving test, now he ______________ a car. (to drive)
6) I ______________ to him on the phone for three weeks last month. (not /to speak)
7) Alex ______________ his homework when his desk is in such a mess. (not /to do)
8) They were so busy, they ______________ me a text message. (not to write)

V. Complete the sentences using can, can't , could, couldn't or be able to.

1) _____________ you swim when you were 10?

2) We _______________ get to the meeting on time yesterday, because the train was delayed by one hour.
3) He ______________ arrive at the party on time, even after missing the train, so he was very pleased.
4) He's amazing, he _______________ speak five languages, including Chinese.
5) I _________________ drive a car until I was 34. Then I moved to the countryside, so I had to learn.
6) I looked everywhere for my glasses but I _______________ find them anywhere.
7) Gill _____________ play the piano. She has never studied it.

VI. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by using appropriate modals.

a) __________ you please tell me the direction to the hotel?

b) You __________ pay in cash. They do not accept credit cards.
c) I __________ come home from the office today.
d) __________ I help you?
e) You __________ clean your room.
f) We ________ keep the lights and fans switched off when they are not in use.
g) We __________ improve the existing education system.
h) __________ you have a wonderful day!
i) I __________ go to see the movie. The reviews are good.
j) I __________ definitely be at the airport to receive you.
k) She __________ take her meals regularly.
l) You __________ reach home before eleven, she said.
m) __________ we go for a walk?
n) The soldiers in the Army __________ wear a uniform.
o) There is one more point I __________ refer to.
p) You have worked hard. You __________ pass.
q) It is very cloudy. It __________ rain.
r) You __________ be properly dressed when you come to office.
s) __________ you like to come to the party tomorrow?
t) People __________ not tell lies.

VI. Fill in the blanks with should, might, can, could, have to or must.

1. Tom's flight from Morocco took more than 11 hours. She ___________ be exhausted after such a long flight.
She ___________ prefer to stay in tonight and get some rest.
2. If you want to get a better feeling for how Santo Domingo is laid out, you ___________ walk down town and
explore the riverside.
3. You ___________ research the route a little more before you set sail. d) When you have a small child in the
house, you ___________ leave small objects lying around.
4. A: ___________ you hold your breath for more than a minute? B: No, I cant.
5. ) Tinas engagement ring is enormous! It ___________ have cost a fortune.
6. Please make sure to feed the fish while I am gone. If they dont get enough food, they ___________ die.
7. I ___________ speak French fluently when I was a child.
8. The teacher said we ___________ read the book if we needed extra credit.
VII. Complete with the correct form of must.
1. Jack is wearing a gold wedding band on his ring finger.
He (be) _____________________________________ married.
2. You have been calling Alicia since 8:00 p.m., but no one answers the phone.
She (be) _______________________________________ at home.
3. Jackie got 98 percent on her math test.
Her parents (feel) ____________________________________ proud of her.
4. Carlos works from 9:00 to 5:00 and then attends night school.
He (have) _____________________________________ a lot of free time.
5. Martin works as a mechanic in Al's Automobile Shop.
He (know) ___________________________________ a lot about cars.
6. Monica owns two houses an four cars.
She ( have) _________________________________ a lot of money.
7. Mr. Cantor always asks me to repeat what I say.
He (hear) _____________________________________ well.
8. Chen only got four hours of sleep last night.
He (feel) _________________________________very tired today.
9. Carmen was born in Mexico and moved to the United States when she was ten.
She (speak) ___________________________________ Spanish.
10. Mindy never gets good grades.
She (study)____________________________________ enough.
11. Dan just bought a bottle of aspirin and four boxes of tissues.
He (have) ____________________________________________ a cold.
12. Ana and Giorgio didn't have any of the steak.
They (eat) _______________________________________ meat.

VII. Circle the correct words to complete these conversations.

A: Someone broke into the Petersons' house.

B: That's terrible! What did they take?
A: All of Mrs. Peterson's jewelry.
B: Oh, no! She could/must feel awful.

A: Is she home now?

B: I don't know. She might/must be home. She sometimes gets home by 6:00.

A: Do the Petersons have insurance?

B: Oh, they could/must. Mr. Peterson works at an insurance company.

A: Have you checked our burglar alarm lately?

B: Yes. And I just put in a new battery.
A: Good. So it must/might be OK.

A: Do you remember that guy we saw outside the Petersons' home last week?
B: Yes. Why? Do you think he might/must be the burglar?
A: I don't know. I guess he must/could be the burglar. He looked a little suspicious.
B: Maybe we should tell the police about him.

A: Detective Kramer wanted to ask us some questions about the burglary.

B: On. It must/could be him. We're not expecting anybody else.
A: How old do you think Detective Kramer is?
B: Well, he's been a detective for ten years. So he must/might be a least thirty-five.
A: You're right. He couldn't/might not be much younger than thirty-five. He probably started out as a lice
officer and became a detective in his early twenties.
B: He looks a lot younger, though.
VIII. Answer the questions with short answers using Must or May/Might/Could . Include be when necessary.
A: Is Ron a detective?
B: He _______________________. He always carries a notepad.
A: Does Marta speak Spanish?
B: ________________________. She lived in Spain for four years.
A: Do the Taylors have a lot of money?
B: _______________________________. They have two homes, and they're always taking expensive vacations.
A: Is Ricardo married?
B: _______________________________. He wears a wedding ring.
A: Does Anna know Meng?
B: _______________________________. They both work for the same company, but there are more than 100
A: Is your phone out of order?
B: __________________________________________. It hasn't rung once today, and John always calls me by
this time.
A: Are Marcia and Scott married?
B: ________________________________________. They both have the same last name, but it's possible that
they're brother and sister.
A: Does Glenda drive?
B: _______________________________________. She owns a car.
A: Is Oscar an only child?
B: _______________________________________. He's never mentioned a brother or sister. I really don't
A: Are the Hendersons away?
B: _______________________________________. I haven't seen them for a week, and there are no lights on
in their apartment.

IX. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same.

1. If I were you I would tell him the truth.

2. It isn't necessary for her to phone me back.

3. Mary is not allowed to arrive home late

4. It's absolutely necessary that we finish the article today

5. You cannot smoke in the underground; it's forbidden

6. It isn't necessary for us to book a table; I know one of the waiters

7. You dont need to help me. I can do it myself

8. It's forbidden to drive without fastening your seatbelt.

9. If I were you I'd do some more exercises

10. It's compulsory for all students to attend lessons

11. You are not allowed to use the phone without permission

12. Its not necessary for you to help me. I can do it myself.

13. Its a good idea to go to bed early if youre tired.

14. Its a good idea for you to work harder

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