Oil and Feathers
Oil and Feathers
Oil and Feathers
Next ask students to pour the vegetable oil in the pan U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Effects of Oil Spills on
of water. Have students observe how the oil and water Wildlife Fact Sheet
interact. Do they mix? Which one floats on top? Why do http://alaska.fws.gov/media/unalaska/Oil%20Spill%20
they stay separate? Fact%20Sheet.pdf
Then ask students to put the feather into the oil and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
water mixture. What happens to the feather? Have www.epa.gov
students describe what they see happening to the
Ask students to investigate historical oil spills. Write
reports covering the spill itself and the effects it had on
wildlife including birds.
Evaluate students participation in the feather/oil
investigation and classroom discussion.
When you placed the clean feather in the water, what did observations did you make?
When you added the feather to the oily water, what happened to the feather?
When you placed the oily feather in the fresh water, what happened? How does the oily feather compare with the clean
feather earlier in the experiment.
Were you successful in cleaning the feather with plain water? Why or why not?
What happened when you cleaned the feather with the mild detergent?