Oil and Feathers

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Adaptations: Feathers

Oil and Feathers

Grade Level: 5-8 OBJECTIVES
Students will investigate the structure and functions of feathers and determine the
Subject Areas: science effect of oil on the ability of feathers to float and regulate a birds temperature.
Students will discuss the effects of human actions on wildlife and propose strategies to
Duration: prevent negative effects on wildlife.
Preparation - 20
Activity - 50 minutes Nebraska State Science Standards
8.2.1, 8.3.1, 8.4.5
Group Size:
20-50 students On the night of March 24, 1989, the Exxon Oil coated feathers also make it harder for
Valdeze oil tanker traveling through the birds to fly. This in turn makes it hard to
Materials: Prince William Sound in Alaska went a forage for food and escape predators.
feathers, at least one ground on a reef. Crude oil began leaking
per group from the damaged ship. Oil continued to Most birds effected by an oil spill do not
NOTE: It is illegal to leak for two days totaling 11 million gallons survive without human intervention.
collect or posses feathers of oil. This was the largest oil spill in United
from many bird species. States history. Oil is a hydrophobic liquid. This means
Feathers for this activity that the molecules within the oil do not
can be purchased at craft
The oil, traveling through the water mix with water. Rather, oil will float on the
eventually covered approximately 1,100 surface of water. Because oil floats on top
vegetable oil
shallow containers or miles of Alaskan shoreline. of the water, it is considered less dense
pans (baking dishes work than water.
well) Several thousand sea mammals, including
mild dish soap (I.e. otters and sea lions, were killed due to the
Dawn) oil spill. Additionally, hundreds of thousands ACTIVITY
paper towels or towels of shore-nesting birds were killed. The oil Give each student or group of students a
water spilled caused the birds feathers to loose feather to investigate. Provide students
copies of the Oil and their buoyancy which makes it much harder with magnifying lenses to look closely at
Feathers worksheet for these shore birds to float in water. the feathers. NOTE: It is illegal to collect or
- one per student or
posses feathers from many bird species.
Feathers also help the bird maintain a Feathers for this activity can be purchased
Skills Used: constant body temperature. When the at craft stores. Alternatively, you can use
investigating, feathers are penetrated with oil, the chicken feathers.
interpreting, analyzing. bird becomes vulnerable to hot and cold
temperature fluctuations and extremes. Give each group of students a shallow
Vocabulary: container filled with water. Ask students to
density, pollution, Additionally, when birds which have been put the feather in the water and observe
contamination coated in oil try to preen themselves, how the feather interacts with the water.
they ingest the oil causing liver and kidney Students should notice that water is
Project BEAK Links: problems. Much of the birds food is also repelled from the feather and the water
Adaptations - Feathers
coated in oil furthering the ingestion of oil. does not penetrate the feather. Students
Because of this and the limited foraging should also notice that the feather floats on
abilities, most birds suffer from dehydration the water.
and starvation.
Oil and Feathers, continued

Next ask students to pour the vegetable oil in the pan U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Effects of Oil Spills on
of water. Have students observe how the oil and water Wildlife Fact Sheet
interact. Do they mix? Which one floats on top? Why do http://alaska.fws.gov/media/unalaska/Oil%20Spill%20
they stay separate? Fact%20Sheet.pdf

Then ask students to put the feather into the oil and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
water mixture. What happens to the feather? Have www.epa.gov
students describe what they see happening to the

Next provide students with a fresh pan of water. Have

students put the oily feather in the fresh water. What
happens to the feather? How does the oily feather
compare with the clean feather earlier in the experiment.
Does the oily feather float?

Next ask the students to clean the feather with only

the clean water. Are they successful? Now provide the
students with mild dish washing detergent (such as
Dawn). Ask the students to clean the feather without
hurting or damaging the feather. Explain to students that
in the event of an actual oil spill, wildlife rescue personnel
use mild cleansers like this to clean the birds and wildlife.
Mild detergents are used rather than harsh chemicals to
prevent further harm to the animals.

Finish the activity by having a classroom discussion about

the effects of oil spills on wildlife.

Ask students to investigate historical oil spills. Write
reports covering the spill itself and the effects it had on
wildlife including birds.

Evaluate students participation in the feather/oil
investigation and classroom discussion.

Read and evaluate student responses on the Oil and

Feathers worksheet.


ka sh
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Environmental Project BEAK, its content, Teacher


Contaminants Program Resources and Activities are produced

http://www.fws.gov/contaminants/Issues/OilSpill.cfm by the Nebraska Partnership for All-
Bird Conservation; 2009.
All-Bird Conservation
Oil and Feathers, continued

Oil and Feathers: Better Left Apart

When you placed the clean feather in the water, what did observations did you make?

When you added the oil to the water, what happened?

When you added the feather to the oily water, what happened to the feather?

When you placed the oily feather in the fresh water, what happened? How does the oily feather compare with the clean
feather earlier in the experiment.

Were you successful in cleaning the feather with plain water? Why or why not?

What happened when you cleaned the feather with the mild detergent?

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