Bus Org 1 1767-1775 (Paras)

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TITLE IX: PARTNERSHIP The object must be for profit and not merely for common enjoyment, otherwise,

for profit and not merely for common enjoyment, otherwise, only a co-ownership
has been formed.
CHAPTER 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS However, pecuniary profit need not be the only aim; it is enough that it is the principal purpose. Thus,
other ends like social, moral, or spiritual objectives may also properly exist.
By the contract of partnership two or more persons bind themselves to contribute money, property, or It is a contract whereby two or more persons bind themselves to contribute money, property, or
industry to a common fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves. industry to a common fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves, or in order
to exercise a profession.
Two or more persons may also form a partnership for the exercise of a profession. (1665a) It is also a status and a fiduciary relation subsisting between persons carrying on a business in
common with a view on profit.
two or more persons bind themselves While strictly speaking the exercise of a profession is not a business undertaking nor an enterprise for
The must be the affection societis, the desire to formulate an ACTIVE union with people among profit, the law considers the joint pursuit thereof, for mutual help, as a partnership.
whom there exist mutual confidence and trust (delectus personarum)
Just because the terms partnership and partners appear in a contract between certain persons ELEMENTS
does not necessarily mean that a partnership has been entered into. (Paterson v. Eppler, 67 N.Y.S. 1. There is a meeting of the minds;
{2nd} 498) 2. To form a common fund;
3. With the intention that profits and losses will be divided among the contracting parties
In general, a person capacitated to enter into contractual relations may become a partner ESSENTIAL FEATURES
An unemancipated minor cannot become a partner unless his parent or guardian consents. Without 1. There must be a valid contract.
such consent, the partnership contract is voidable, unless other partners are in the same situation, in 2. The parties must have legal capacity.
which case the contract is unenforceable 3. There must be a mutual contribution of money, property or industry to a common fund.
A married woman, even if already of age, cannnot contribute conjugal funds as her contribution to 4. The object must be lawful.
the partnership, unless she is permitted to do so by her husband (See Art. 125, Family Code), or 5. The primary purpose must be to obtain profits and to divide the same among the parties.
unless she is the administrator of the conjugal partnership, in which latter case, the court must give 6. The partnership has a juridical personality separate from individual partners [Article 1768].
its consent/authority. (See Art. 124, Family Code). 7. As such, "Any immovable property or an interest therein may be acquired in the partnership name.
A partnership, may form another partnership wither with private individuals or with other Title so acquired can be conveyed only in the partnership name." [Article 1774]
partnerships, there being no prohibition on the matter
The majority view is that a corporation cannot become a partner on grounds of public policy; CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONTRACT
otherwise, people other than its offi cers may be able to bind it. However, it may enter into a joint A) Consensual because it is perfected by mere consent
venture with another where the nature of the venture is in line with the business authorized in its B) Bilateral or Multi-lateral entered into between two or more persons
charter. C) Nominate designated by a specific name
D) Principal its existence does not depend on the life of another contract
E) Onerous certain contributions have to be made
to contribute money, property & industry to a common fund F) Preparatory in the sense that after it has been entered into, other contracts essential in the carrying
credit, such as that evidenced by a promissory note, or even mere goodwill economic goodwill or out of its purposes can be entered into.
commercial credit, which is the sheer ability to obtain funds on credit may be contributed for both G) Commutative the undertaking of each is considered as equivalent of that of the others
credit and goodwill are considered properties but not mere political credit or personal influence,
since this may be contrary to good customs HISTORICAL NOTES
A license to construct and operate a cockpit can be given as contribution to a partnership.) (Baron v. a) Under Roman Law, partnerships existed, their features:
Pajarillo, et al., C.A., 146-R, Nov. 29, 1956). 1. There was no limit as to the number of partners.
The industry contributed may be intellectual or physical. (11 Manresa 273) 2. In the Roman partnership (societas) one partner was not considered the implied agent of the
A Limited partner cannot contribute mere industry (Art. 1845, Civil Code) others. Thus, to bind others, a partner had to obtain an express mandate (mandatum or
authorization) from each of the others.
intention of dividing profits among themselves 3. The partners were liable jointly, not solidarily
There must be an intention of dividing the profit among the partners since the firm is for the common 4. The partners had the right to the beneficium competentiae, that is, they were held financially
benefit or interest of the partners liable only insofar as they would not be reduced to destitution.
In the case of Evangelista, et al. v. Coll. of Int. Rev., L-9996, Oct. 15, 1957, it was held by the Supreme 5. The heirs (heres) of a deceased partner could not succeed to the rights of the deceased, even by
Court that where two people jointly borrowed from their father a sum of money which, together with express stipulation.
their own personal funds, was used by them in buying real properties for lease to third parties, such 6. A Roman partner could not retire in order to enjoy alone a gain which he knew was awaiting
investment consisting of a series of transactions and the management thereof being under one him
person for more than 10 years, the legal entity created by them is a partnership. b) Before the new Civil Code became effective on Aug. 30, 1950 there were two kinds of partnerships in
the Philippines:
1. Civil Partnership engaged in civil purposes
2. Commercial or Mercantile Partnership object was to deal in mercantile transactions Delectus Personae (LATIN, Choice of Person)
- Whether it was registered or not was not important for the difference lay in the ends desired, - The rule that when personal relations are important, a person cannot be compelled to associate with
not the manner of organization although, in the absence of a clear showing as to whether the another person. Based on this principle, a partner has the right to accept or reject a candidate proposed as
object was civil or commercial, the form of organization, that is, registration in the mercantile a new partner.
registry, was held indicative of its nature as a commercial partnership.
- While the civil partnership was governed by the old Civil Code, the Code of Commerce ORDINARY PARTNERSHIP CONJUGAL PARTNERSHIP
controlled the mercantile variety How Created
- With the advent of the new Civil Code, the provisions of the Code of Commerce relating to by will or consent of the parties created by operation of law upon the celebration
mercantile partnerships, and the provisions of the old Civil Code concerning civil partnerships of the marriage (b) in general,
have been repealed Law that governs
in general, it is the will of the partners that in general, it is the law that governs
PARTNERSHIP CORPORATIONS governs matters like object, length of existence,
How Created etc.; the law is only subsidiary
VOLUNTARY agreement of parties Created by the state in the form of a special Legal Personality
charter or by a general enabling law (The possesses a legal personality (Art. 1768, Civil Code) does not possess any legal personality distinct
Corporation Code) from that of the husband or wife; hence, it cannot
How Long it Exists sue or be sued as such
no time limit except agreement of parties not more than 50 years; (Sec. 11, Corp. Code), may Commencement of the Partnership
be reduced, but never extended begins from the moment of the execution of the commences precisely on the date of the
Liability to Strangers contract but a contrary stipulation is allowed (Art. celebration of the marriage no contrary
may be liable with their private property beyond liable only for payment of their subscribed capital 1784, Civil Code) stipulation is allowed
their contribution to the firm stock Purpose
Transferability pf Interest formed for profit not formed particularly for profit
even if a partner transfers his interest to another, a transfer of interest makes the transferee a Division of Profit
the transferee does not become a partner unless stockholder, even without the consent of the as a rule, profits are divided according to previous as a rule, profits are divided equally (but
all other partners consent (This is due to the others agreement; and if there is no agreement, in settlement can provide otherwise) (Art. 106,
principle of mutual trust proportion to the amount contributed (Art. 1797, Family Code)
and confidence the delectus personarum.) Civil Code)
Ability to Bind the Firm Management
generally, partners acting on behalf of the generally, the stockholders cannot bind as a rule, management is conferred upon the as a rule, the administration and enjoyment of the
partnership are agents thereof; consequently they corporation since they are not agents thereof partners so appointed by the others; otherwise, all conjugal partnershiip property belong to both
can bind both the firm and the partners are equally considered agents of the firm (Art. spouses jointly (Art. 124, Family Code)
Mismanagement 1803, Civil Code)
a partner can sue a partner who mismanages a stockholder cannot sue a member of the board Dissolution
of directors who mismanages: the action must be there are many grounds for dissolution there are few grounds for dissolution
in the name of the corporation Liquidation of Profits
Nationality there may be division of profits even without there will be no liquidation or giving of profi ts till
a partnership is a national of the country it was a corporation is a national of the country under dissolution after dissolution
created whose laws it was incorporated, except for
wartime purposes or for the acquisition of land,
natural resources and the operation of public PARTNERSHIP JOINT-STOCK COMPANY
utilities in the Philippines, in which case the veil of Company
corporate identity is pierced and we go to the Essentially, an association of persons Essentially, an association of capital (See Figueras
nationality of the controlling stockholders v. Rocha and Co., 13 Phil. 504)
Attainment of Legal Personality Division of Capital
the firm becomes a juridical person from the time the firm becomes a juridical person from the time capital is NOT divided into shares although a special form of partnership, its capital
the contracts begins it is registered in the Securities and Exchange is divided into shares, like in a corporation
Commission, and all requisites have been
complied with
generally, in all the partners generally, in a board of directors
death, retirement, insolvency, civil interdiction, or such causes do not dissolve a corporation
partners may be liable with their individual liability of the members is only up to the extent of
insanity of a partner dissolves the firm
properties after exhaustion of the partnership their shares if such is what the statute provides
assets (See Hibbs vs. Brown, 190 N.Y. 167) ART. 1768. JURIDICAL PERSONALITY OF PARTNERSHIP
Effect of Transfer of Interest
transferee of partners share does not become a transferee of members shares himself becomes a The partnership has a judicial personality separate and distinct from that of each of the partners, even in case
partner unless all the other partners consent member without any necessity of consent from of failure to comply with the requirements of Article 1772, first paragraph. (n)
the other members
Effect on Non-Compliance With Art. 1772, 1st Paragraph
(Registration With the Securities and Exchange Commission)
PARTNERSHIP SOCIAL ORGANIZATION The partnership is still a juridical person, assuming all other requisites are present
Contribution According to Dean Capistrano, member of the Code Commission, par. 1 of Art. 1772 is not intended
capital is given in money, property, or services no capital is given although, of course, fees are as a prerequisite for the acquisition of juridical personality by the partnership, but merely as a
usually collected condition for the issuance of license to engage in business or trade.
So that the tax liabilities of big partnerships cannot be evaded, and the public can also determine
Liability for Debts
more accurately their membership and capital before dealing with them.
partners are liable only after the partnership members are the ones individually liable for the
assets are exhausted debts of the organization, debts authorized or
Lilibeth Sunga-Chan & Cecilia Sunga
ratified by said members
v. Lamberto T. Chua
Purpose or Objective
GR 143340, Aug. 15, 2001
organized for gain, principally financial organized usually only for social or civic objectives
Personality Art. 1768 explicitly provides that the partnership retains its juridical personality even if it fails to register. Failure
a legal person Npt a legal person to register the contract of partnership does not invalidate the same as among partners, so long as the contract
has the essential requisites, because the main purpose of registration, it to give notice to third persons; and it
PARTNERSHIP v. BUSINESS TRUSTS can be assumed that the members themselves knew of the content of their contract.
When certain persons entrust their property or money to others who will manage the same for the former,
a business trust is created. In the case at bar, non-compliance with this directory provision of the law will not invalidate the partnership
The investors are called cestui que trust; the managers are the trustees. considering that the total of the evidence proves that respondent and Jacinto indeed forged the partnership in
In a true business trust, the cestui que trust (beneficiaries) do not at all participate in the management; question.
hence, they are exempted from personal liability, in that they can be bound only to the extent of their
Limitations on Alien Partnerships
PARTNERSHIP v. TENANCY (a) If at least 60% of the capital of a partnership is not owned by Filipinos (or by Americans, for the duration of
A partner acts as agent for the partnership whom he represents; the tenant does not represent the the Parity Act), the firm cannot acquire by purchase or otherwise agricultural Philippine lands. (Sec. 5, Art.
landlord. (This is true even if the rent is measured by the amount of the tenants profi ts while conducting a XIII, 1935 Const.)
business on the premises, particularly if there is no agreement as to the sharing in losses.) - If the land was purchased during the Japanese occupation, at a time when the Constitution,
A partnership is a legal person; no such person is created in the relationship between landlord and tenant being political in nature, was suspended, the prohibition would not apply.
- Neither would the prohibition apply with reference to lands purchased before the effectivity
PARTNERSHIP v. AGENCY date of the Constitution, or to those acquired by the exercise of the right of conventional
Agency may in one sense be considered the broader term because partnership is only a form of redemption even if the redemption took place after the Constitution took effect as long as
agency. the sale a retro had been made before said Constitution. To hold otherwise would be to impair
An agent never acts for himself but only for his principal; a partner is both a principal (for his own a vested right. (See Secs. 2, 7, 10 & 11, Art. XII, The 1987 Phil. Const.).
interests) and an agent (for the firm and the others). (b) Foreign partnerships may lease lands provided the period does not exceed 99 years, there being no
prohibition regarding lease.
PARTNERSHIP v. JOINT ADVENTURE (JOINT ACCOUNTS) (c) Foreign partnerships may be the mortgagees of the land, the mortgage to last for 5 years renewable for
A joint adventure (an American concept similar to our joint accounts) is a sort of informal partnership, another 5 years. However, they cannot purchase the same at the foreclosure sale. (RA 133)
with no firm name and no legal personality. In a joint account, the participating merchants can
transact business under their own name, and can be individually liable therefor. Rules in Case of Associations Not Lawfully Organized as Partnerships
Usually, but not necessarily, a joint adventure is limited to a SINGLE TRANSACTION, although the If an association is not lawfully organized as partnership, though it apparently carries on the business as a
business of pursuing it to a successful termination may continue for a number of years; a partnership partnership, it possesses no legal personality.
generally relates to a continuing business of various transactions of a certain kind. (See 33 C.J., pp. Thus, it cannot sue as such, but the partners in their individual capacity, can.
341-342). One who enters into contract with a partnership as such (as when he borrows money therefrom) cannot,
when sued later on for recovery of the debt, allege the lack of legal personality on the part of the firm,
PARTNERSHIP v. SYNDICATE even if indeed it had no personality. The reason is that the borrower is in estoppel
A syndicate (of American origin) is usually a particular partnership, that is, it may have been
organized to carry out a particular undertaking or for some temporary objective
Distinction Between Partnerships in the Philippines and Those in America Bar
While Philippine partnerships have a juridical personality, those formed in America generally do not have Valderrama and Co., a general merchandise partnership, has become insolvent for maladministration of the
(except for the purpose of insolvency proceedings). business and entered into an agreement with its creditors to the effect that the business should be continued
Presently, two divergent legal theories as to the nature of a partnership have been developed by United for the time being under the direction and management of an experienced businessman appointed by the
States Courts, one adhering to the old common law conception that a partnership is simply an aggregate of creditors, an arrangement to be carried out until the claims of the creditors are fully satisfied. Can you consider
individuals, and the other building up the newer conception that a partnership exists as an entity distinct the creditors who are parties to the agreement partners? Reasons.
from the partners.
ANS.: The creditors are not partners, for their only interest in the sharing of profits is the receipt or payment of
Partnership From the Viewpoint of Private International Law their credits. (Art. 1769). Moreover, in a partnership, the partners are supposed to trust and have confidence in
whether a partnership has juridical personality or not depends on its personal law all the partners this element is not present in the instant case.
The personal law of a partnership is the law of the place where the partnership was organized
Proof Needed to Establish the Existence of a Partnership
ART, 1769. RULES FOR DETERMINING EXISTENCE OF PARTNERSHIP No definite criterion can be set up except that all the characteristics of the contract must be proved
as being present
In determining whether a partnership exists, these rules shall apply: there was no firm name, no firm accounts, no firm letterheads, no certificate of partnership, no
(1) Except as provided by Article 1825, persons who are not partners as to each other are not partners as to agreement as to profits and losses, no time fixed for the expiration of the alleged partnership. The
third persons; Court correctly ruled that a partnership did not exist. (Morrison v. Meister, 180 N.W. 395)
(2) Co-ownership or co-possession does not of itself establish a partnership, whether such-co-owners or co- the testimony of the witnesses regarding the existence of the partnership as well as documentary
possessors do or do not share any profits made by the use of the property; evidence (letters) thereon resulted in the courts finding that indeed a partnership existed. (Kiel v.
(3) The sharing of gross returns does not of itself establish a partnership, whether or not the persons Estate of P.S. Sobert, 46 Phil. 193)
sharing them have a joint or common right or interest in any property from which the returns are An attempt to prove the existence of a partnership concerning the operation of a cinema house upon
derived; a 60-40 basis proved fruitless because of insuffi cient and contradictory evidences. There was no
(4) The receipt by a person of a share of the profits of a business is prima facie evidence that he is a partner written agreement. Of course, this was not essential. But its absence, together with other
in the business, but no such inference shall be drawn if such profits were received in payment: circumstances and the fact that there was not even an attempt to submit an accounting for the whole
a. As a debt by installments or otherwise; period, negates the assumption that a partnership existed. (Salada v. Salazar, et al., C.A., L-5258, Jun.
b. As wages of an employee or rent to a landlord; 28, 1956).
c. As an annuity to a widow or representative of a deceased partner; The court held that it is hard to believe that a partnership has been formed without any book, any
d. As interest on a loan, though the amount of payment vary with the profits of the business; single written account, or any memorandum concerning it. Moreover, if the business licenses have
e. As the consideration for the sale of a goodwill of a business or other property by installments or been issued separately in favor of private individuals, how can we say that a partnership exists?
otherwise. (n) (Padilla v. Tomas Lim Hon, et al., C.A., L-163-R, Feb. 14, 1947).

Requisites for Existence of Partnership Partnership by Estoppel

1. there was an intention to create a partnership If two persons not partners represent themselves as partners to strangers, a partnership by estoppel
2. there was a common fund obtained from contributions results.
3. there was a joint interest in the profits. (See Fernandez v. De la Rosa, 1 Phil. 669) when 2 persons, who are partners, in connivance with a friend (who is not a partner), inform a stranger
THEREFORE: that said friend is their partner, a partnership by estoppel may also result to the end that the stranger
(a) mere co-ownership or co-possession (even with profi tsharing) should not be prejudiced. (See Art. 1769 [No. 1] and Art. 1825, Civil Code).
(b) mere sharing of GROSS returns (even with joint ownership of the properties involved) do not establish a
partnership. ART. 1770. LAWFUL OBJECT

Sharing of Net Profits A partnership must have a lawful object or purpose, and must be established for the common benefit or
Sharing of NET profits is prima facie evidence that one is a partner except in the five instances enumerated interest of the partners.
under Art. 1769 (No. 4).
When an unlawful partnership is dissolved by a judicial decree, the profits shall be confiscated in favor of the
People v. Juan A. Alegre, Jr., (CA) L-7244-R, Sept. 16, 1952, State, without prejudice to the provisions of the Penal Code governing the confiscation of the instruments and
the Court of Appeals observed that the payment of a commission on sales made by a partner does not effects of a crime. (1666a)
preclude (exclude) the existence of a partnership. In fact, such a practice is oftentimes adopted in business
circles as an added impetus among partners in the sale and disposition of goods that make up their Lawful Object or Purpose
common assets and property it must be within the commerce of man, possible, and not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
order or public policy (See also Arts. 1347 and 1348, Civil Code).
Dinkelspeed v. Lewis, 50 Wyo. 380 Otherwise, the partnership contract is VOID AB INITIO. (Art. 1409, Civil Code).
A difference must be made between LENDING money to a business proprietor, and contributing money If a partnership has several purposes, one of which is unlawful, the partnership can still validly exist so long
and INVESTING it as CAPITAL in the business. as the illegal purpose can be separated from the legal purposes. (See 40 Am. Jur., pp. 144-145).
Judicial Decree is NOT Needed to Dissolve an Unlawful Partnership Problems
Since the contract is void from the very beginning, and therefore never existed from the viewpoint of the I.
law. A partnership was formed orally though more than P500 was contributed in cash. Now then, under the last
However, there would be nothing wrong in having the court dissolve the partnership. This will be good and paragraph of Art. 1358, contracts where the amount involved exceeds P500 [such contract] must appear in
convenient for everybody; moreover, there may be a question as to whether or not the partnership is writing, even a private one. Should the oral partnership formed be considered valid?
indeed unlawful. This is particularly true when the object was lawful at the beginning but has later on
become unlawful. ANS.: Yes, because Art. 1358 applies only for the purpose of convenience and not for validity or enforceability.
Under Art. 1830 of the Civil Code, one of the causes for the dissolution of a partnership is any event which Being valid, the contract can be put in writing upon the demand of any of the parties. (Art. 1357, Civil Code; see
makes it unlawful for the business of the partnership to be carried on, or for the members to carry it on in also Thunga Chui v. Que Bentec, 2 Phil. 661; see also Magalona v. Pesayco, 59 Phil. 453).
partnership. NOTE: Had real property been contributed, the oral partnership would be void; and therefore not one of the
partners can compel the others to execute the public instrument. (See Art. 1773, Civil Code).]
Instances When a Partnership Is Unlawful
(a) A partnership formed to furnish apartment houses which would be used for prostitution. (Chateau v. II.
Singla, 114 Cal. 1015). If two persons agree to form a partnership in the future, does the partnership immediately arise from the
(b) A partnership formed to create illegal monopolies or combinations in restraint of trade. (See Art. 186, moment of said agreement?
Rev. Penal Code).
(c) A partnership for gambling purposes. (See Arbes, et al. v. Polistico, et al., 53 Phil. 489). ANS.: No. An agreement to form a partnership does not of itself create a partnership. When there are conditions
(d) A partnership formed for the purpose of acquiring parcels of land much in excess of the maximum to be fulfilled or when a certain period is to elapse, first, the partnership is not created till after the fulfillment of
allowed by the Friar Lands Act. (Torres v. Puzon, et al., C.A., L-4474, Sept. 28, 1950). the conditions or the arrival of the term, and this is true even if one of the parties has already advanced his
agreed share of the capital.
Consequences of Unlawful Partnership Moreover, there is a marked distinction between a partnership actually consummated and an
If the firm is also guilty of a crime, the Revised Penal Code governs both the criminal liability and the agreement to enter into a partnership at a future time. So long as an agreement remains executory, the
forfeiture of the proceeds of the crime and the instruments or tools with which it was committed partnership is inchoate, not having been called into being by the concerted action necessary under the
o Such proceeds and instruments or tools shall be confi scated and forfeited in favor of the partnership agreement. (Limuco v.Calinao, L-10099-R, prom. Sept. 30, 1953, citing 40 Am. Jur. 142, Sec. 27).
Government, unless they be the property of a third person not liable for the offense, but those
articles which are not subject of lawful commerce shall be destroyed. (Art. 45, Rev. Penal Code). III.
The partners forfeit the proceeds or profits, but NOT their contributions, provided no criminal prosecution A and B today orally agreed to form a partnership one and a half years from today, each one to contribute
has been instituted P1,000. If at the arrival of the period, one refuses to go ahead with the agreement, can the other enforce the
o If the contributions have already been made, they can be RETURNED; if the contributions have not agreement?
yet been made, the partners cannot be made to make the contributions (See 1 Manresa 279).
An unlawful partnership has no legal personality. ANS.: No, because the agreement was merely oral and executory. It is true that a partnership contract is not
governed by the Statute of Frauds but here, there is merely an agreement to form a partnership in the future.
ART. 1771. FORM OF PARTNERSHIP CONTRACT Since therefore the agreement is to be enforced after one year from the making thereof, the same should be in
writing to be enforceable under the Statute of Frauds. (Art. 1403, No. [2][a]).
A partnership may be constituted in any form, except where immovable property or real rights are
contributed thereto, in which case a public instrument shall be necessary. (1667a) [NOTE: In one case our Supreme Court ruled that even if there was a prior agreement to form in the future a
partnership, still if one of those who had so agreed refuses to carry the agreement and to execute the necessary
Formalities Needed partnership papers, he cannot be obliged to do so. For here, his obligation is one to DO, not to GIVE. This is,
GENERAL RULE: No form is required regardless of the value of the contributions. The contract may even be therefore, a very personal act (acto personalisimo) of courts may not compel compliance, as it is an act of
ORAL (NB: Partnership contract is not one of those covered by the Statute of Frauds) violence to do so. (Woodhouse v. Halili, L-4811, Jul. 31, 1953).]
EXCEPTION: Whenever real properties or real rights in real properties are contributed- regardless of the value- a
The contract itself must be in the public instrument; moreover, there must be an INVENTORY of the
immovables. This INVENTORY must be signed by the parties and attached to the public instrument.)
Without the public instrument, the partnership is VOID
The inventory is important to show how much is due from each partner to complete his share in the
common fund and how much is due to each of them in the event of liquidation. Without such
inventory, the contract is VOID.
NB: The rules for limited partnerships are different

For EFFECTIVITY of the partnership contract insofar as innocent third persons are concerned, the same must be
ART. 1772. SEC REQUIREMENT Alien Partners
If the partnership has aliens, it cannot own lands, whether public or private, or whether agricultural or
Every contract of partnership having a capital of three thousand pesos or more, in money or property, shall commercial, except:
appear in a public instrument, which must be recorded in the Office of the Securities and Exchange thru hereditary succession (by the partners who in turn convey the same to the partnership) or
Commission. when 60% of the capital is owned by Filipinos (or Americans during the duration of the Parity Amendment).
(Art. XIII, Secs. 1 and 5, 1935 Constitution; Krivenko v. Reg. of Deeds, 79 Phil. 461 and Art. XII, Sec. 7, 1987
Failure to comply with the requirements of the preceding paragraph shall not affect the liability of the Constitution).
partnership and the members thereof to third persons. (n)
The same rule applies to the development, exploitation, or utilization of public agricultural, timber or mineral
Purpose of the Registration lands (See 1935 and 1987 Constitutions).
The registration is to set a condition for the issuance of licences to engage in business or trade
In this way, the tax liabilities of big partnerships cannot be evaded, and the public can also determine more Limitations on Acquisition
accurately their membership and capital before dealing with them. (Dean Capistrano, IV Civil Code of the A partnership, even if entirely of Filipino capital may not:
Philippines, p. 260). (a) acquire, lease, or hold public agricultural lands in excess of 1,024 hectares.
(b) lease public lands adapted to grazing in excess of 2,000 hectares.
Effect of Non-Registration
Even if not registered, the partnership having a capital of P3,000 or more is still a valid one, and therefore
has legal personality. (Art. 1768, Civil Code). ART. 1775. IF ARTICLES ARE KEPT SECRET
Of course if real properties had been contributed, regardless of value, a public instrument is needed for the
attainment of legal personality Associations and societies, whose articles are kept secret among the members, and wherein any one of the
If registration is needed or desired, any of the partners of a valid partnership can compel the others to members may contract in his own name with third persons, shall have no juridical personality, and shall be
execute the needed public instrument, and to subsequently cause its registration. (Art. 1357, Civil Code). governed by the provisions relating to co-ownership. (1669)
(This right cannot be availed of if the partnership is VOID)
If Articles Are Kept Secret
ART. 1773. WHEN VOID, IF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY IS CONTRIBUTED The association here is certainly not a partnership and therefore not a legal person, because anyone of
the members may contract in his own name with third persons and not in the name of the firm.
A contract of partnership is void, whenever immovable property is contributed thereto, if an inventory of said Although not a juridical entity, it may be sued by third persons under the common name it uses;
property is not made, signed by the parties, and attached to the public instrument. (1668a) otherwise, said innocent third parties may be prejudiced. (Rule 3, Sec. 15, Rules of Court).
However, it cannot sue as such, because it has no legal personality and, therefore, cannot ordinarily be a
Requirements Where Immovable Property is Contributed party to a civil action. (Rule 3, Sec. 1, Rules of Court).
a) There must be a public instrument regarding the partnership. (See Art. 1773). o The fact that it has no legal personality as a partnership cannot be invoked by the partners for the
b) The inventory of the realty must be made, signed by the parties, and attached to the public instrument. purpose of evading compliance with obligations contracted by them
(Art. 1773). o They who caused the nullity of a contract are prohibited from availing of its benefits
Therefore, insofar as innocent third parties are concerned, the partners can be considered as members of a
Applicability of the Article partnership; but as between themselves, or insofar as third persons are prejudiced, only the rules on co-
applies regardless of the value of the real property. ownership must apply. (See Art. 1775). The same rule applies in the case of a partnership by estoppel. (See
applies even if only real rights over real properties are contributed. Art. 1825, Civil Code).
applies also if, aside from real property, cash or personal property is contributed. (But here, the inventory
need not include the personality.) Effect of Certain Transactions
contracts entered into by a partner in his own name may be sued upon still by him in his individual
Registration in the Register of Property capacity, notwithstanding the absence of a partnership
The transfer of the land to the partnership must be duly recorded in the Register of Property to make the when two or more individuals having a common interest in a business bring a court action, it should be
transfer effective insofar as third persons are concerned. presumed that they prosecute the same in their individual capacity as co-owners, and not in behalf of a
partnership which does not exist in legal contemplation.

Any immovable property or an interest therein may be acquired in the partnership name. Title so acquired
can be conveyed only in the partnership name. (n)

Acquisition of Property Under the Partnership Name

Though the Article speaks only of immovable, same can apply also to personalty because the partnership is a
juridical entity, capable of owning and possessing property. (Art. 46).

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