244 Diaz v. CA
244 Diaz v. CA
244 Diaz v. CA
December 5, 1994
On 23 January 1991, Davao Light and Power Company, Inc. (DLPC) filed with
the Energy Regulatory Board (ERB) an application for the approval of the sound value
appraisal of its property in service. The Asian Appraisal Company valued the property
and equipment of DLPC as of 12 March 1990 at One Billion One Hundred Forty One
Million Seven Hundred Seventy Four Thousand Pesos (P1,141,774,000.00). On 6
December 1992, ERB approved the application of DLPC after deducting Fourteen
Million Eight Hundred Thousand Pesos (P14,800,000.00) worth of property and
equipment which were not used by DLPC in its operation. On 6 July 1992, petitioners
filed a petition for review on certiorari before this Court assailing the decision of ERB on
the ground of lack of jurisdiction and/or grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of
In a resolution of 8 September 1992, referred the case for proper disposition to the
Court of Appeals, which subsequently dismissed the petition on the ground that the filing
of the petition for review with the Supreme Court was a wrong mode of appeal. The
Petitioners moved for reconsideration but CA denied the same.
Whether or not the referral of the case from SC to CA is proper considering the
fact that EO 172 provides that Decisions of ERB are appealable to the Office of the
President then to the SC in case of denial.
The predecessor of the Energy Regulatory Board was the Board of Energy created
under P.D. No. 1206. Thereunder, appeals from the decisions of the Board of Energy
were appealable to the Office of the President. However, under the Interim Rules
Implementing the Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980, final decisions, orders, awards
or resolutions of the Board of Energy were made appealable to the Intermediate
Appellate Court (Sec. 9).
On 2 February 1987, the New Constitution took effect. Sec. 30, Art. VI, thereof
provides: "No law shall be passed increasing the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme
Court as provided in this Constitution without its advice and concurrence."
On 8 May 1987, the President promulgated E.O. No. 172 creating the Energy
Regulatory Board to replace the Board of Energy. Under Sec. 10 thereof, "[a] party
adversely affected by a decision, order or ruling of the Board . . . may file a petition to be
known as petition for review with the Supreme Court."
It is very patent that since Sec. 10 of E.O. No. 172 was enacted without the advice
and concurrence of this Court, this provision never became effective, with the result that
it cannot be deemed to have amended the Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980.
Consequently, the authority of the Court of Appeals to decide cases from the Board of
Energy, now ERB, remains.
Prior to Circular No. 1-91, the Supreme Court promulgated Circular No. 2-90
dated 9 March 1990, Item No. 4 of which states that "[a]n appeal taken to either the
Supreme Court or the Court of Appeals by the wrong or inappropriate mode shall be
Paragraph (d) of said Circular No. 2-90 also provides that "[n]o transfer of
appeals erroneously taken to the Supreme Court or to the Court of Appeals to whichever
of these Tribunals has appropriate appellate jurisdiction will be allowed; continued
ignorance or willful disregard of the law on appeals will not be tolerated."