Agrarian Reform Case Digests

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GONZALES v CA constitutional prohibition against transferring private

agricultural land to individuals, corporations, or associations
Gonzales vs Court of Appeals not qualified to acquire or hold lands of the public domain,
G..R. No. 36213 save in the case of hereditary succession (Art. XIII Sec. 5, 1935
June 29, 1989 Constitution; later Art. XIV, Sec. 14, 1973 Constitution; Art.
XII, Sec. 7, 1987 Constitution) has nothing to do with
Facts: agricultural tenancy. An agricultural leasehold cannot be
established on land which has ceased to be devoted to
The petitioners leased a lot in the subdivision on which they cultivation or farming because of its conversion into a
built their house, and, by tolerance of the subdivision owner, residential subdivision.
they cultivated some vacant adjoining lots. The Court of
Agrarian Relations, as well as the Court of Appeals, ruled that Petitioners may not invoke Section 36(l) of Republic Act No.
"the plaintiffs are not de jure agricultural tenants." 3844 which provides that "when the lessor-owner fails to
substantially carry out the conversion of his agricultural land
On October 26, 1988, Lucia A. Sison filed a motion to be into a subdivision within one year after the dispossession of the
substituted in lieu of the private respondents Andres Agcaoile lessee, the lessee shall be entitled to reinstatement and
(who died on May 20, 1976) and Leonora Agcaoile (who died damages," for the petitioners were not agricultural lessees or
on March 22, 1979) as she inherited, and is now the registered tenants of the land before its conversion into a residential
owner of, nine (9) unsold lots in the subdivision covered. subdivision in 1955. Not having been dispossessed by the
conversion of the land into a residential subdivision, they may
On February 22, 1989, this Court granted her motion. The facts not claim a right to reinstatement.
of this case are not disputed and are recited in the appealed
decision dated December 6, 1972 of the Court of Appeals. On the other hand, the petitioners' tactic of entering the
subdivision as lessee of a homelot and thereafter cultivating
Issue: some unsold lots ostensibly for temporary use as a home
garden, but covertly for the purpose of later claiming the land
W/N an agricultural tenancy relationship can be created over as "tenanted" farm lots, recalls the fable of the camel that
land embraced in an approved residential subdivision. sought shelter inside its master's tent during a storm, and once
inside, kicked its master out of the tent. Here, the private
Held: respondents' tolerance of the petitioners' supposedly temporary
use of some vacant lots in the subdivision was seized by the
There is no merit in the petitioners' argument that inasmuch as latter as a weapon to deprive the respondents of their land.
residential and commercial lots may be considered
"agricultural" (Krivenko vs. Register of Deeds, 79 Phil. 461) an WHEREFORE, finding no reversible error in the decision of
agricultural tenancy can be established on land in a residential the Court of Appeals, We deny the petition for review for lack
subdivision. The Krivenko decision interpreting the of merit.
2. LUZ FARMS V SEC OF DAR Looking into the transcript of the Constitutional Commission
on the meaning of the word agriculture, it showed that the
Luz Farms v. Secretary of DAR framers never intended to include livestock and poultry
G.R. No. 86889 December 4, 1990 industry in the coverage of the constitutionally mandated
agrarian reform program of the government.
Further, Commissioner Tadeo pointed out that the reasin why
On 10 June 1988, RA 6657 was approved by the President of they used the term farmworkers rather than agricultural
the Philippines, which includes, among others, the raising of workers in the said law is because agricultural workers
livestock, poultry and swine in its coverage. includes the livestock and poultry industry, hence, since they
do not intend to include the latter, they used farmworkers to
Petitioner Luz Farms, a corporation engaged in the livestock have distinction.
and poultry business, avers that it would be adversely affected
by the enforcement of sections 3(b), 11, 13, 16 (d), 17 and 32 Hence, there is merit on the petitioners argument that the
of the said law. Hence, it prayed that the said law be declared product-sharing plan applied to corporate farms in the
unconstitutional. The mentioned sections of the law provies, contested provisions is unreasonable for being consficatory and
among others, the product-sharing plan, including those violative of the due process of law.
engaged in livestock and poultry business.
Luz Farms further argued that livestock or poultry raising is not PHILS V. SEC. OF AGRARIAN REFORM
similar with crop or tree farming. That the land is not the
primary resource in this undertaking and represents no more These are four consolidated cases questioning the
than 5% of the total investments of commercial livestock and constitutionality of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
poultry raisers. That the land is incidental but not the principal Act (R.A. No. 6657 and related laws i.e., Agrarian Land
factor or consideration in their industry. Hence, it argued that it Reform Code or R.A. No. 3844).
should not be included in the coverage of RA 6657 which Brief background: Article XIII of the Constitution on Social
covers agricultural lands. Justice and Human Rights includes a call for the adoption by
the State of an agrarian reform program. The State shall, by
Issue: Whether or not certain provisions of RA 6657 is law, undertake an agrarian reform program founded on the
unconstitutional for including in its definition of Agriculture right of farmers and regular farmworkers, who are landless, to
the livestock and poultyr industry? own directly or collectively the lands they till or, in the case of
other farmworkers, to receive a just share of the fruits thereof.
Ruling: RA 3844 was enacted in 1963. P.D. No. 27 was promulgated
in 1972 to provide for the compulsory acquisition of private
The Court held YES. lands for distribution among tenant-farmers and to specify
maximum retention limits for landowners. In 1987, President this violated the principle in eminent domain which provides
Corazon Aquino issued E.O. No. 228, declaring full land that only courts can determine just compensation. This, for
ownership in favor of the beneficiaries of PD 27 and providing Manaay, also violated due process for under the constitution,
for the valuation of still unvalued lands covered by the decree no property shall be taken for public use without just
as well as the manner of their payment. In 1987, P.P. No. 131, compensation.
instituting a comprehensive agrarian reform program (CARP) Manaay also questioned the provision which states that
was enacted; later, E.O. No. 229, providing the mechanics for landowners may be paid for their land in bonds and not
its (PP131s) implementation, was also enacted. Afterwhich is necessarily in cash. Manaay averred that just compensation has
the enactment of R.A. No. 6657, Comprehensive Agrarian always been in the form of money and not in bonds.
Reform Law in 1988. This law, while considerably changing
the earlier mentioned enactments, nevertheless gives them ISSUE:
suppletory effect insofar as they are not inconsistent with its 1. Whether or not there was a violation of the equal protection
provisions. clause.
[Two of the consolidated cases are discussed below] 2. Whether or not there is a violation of due process.
G.R. No. 78742: (Association of Small Landowners vs 3. Whether or not just compensation, under the agrarian reform
Secretary) program, must be in terms of cash.
The Association of Small Landowners in the Philippines, HELD:
Inc. sought exception from the land distribution scheme
provided for in R.A. 6657. The Association is comprised of 1. No. The Association had not shown any proof that they
landowners of ricelands and cornlands whose landholdings do belong to a different class exempt from the agrarian reform
not exceed 7 hectares. They invoke that since their program. Under the law, classification has been defined as the
landholdings are less than 7 hectares, they should not be forced grouping of persons or things similar to each other in certain
to distribute their land to their tenants under R.A. 6657 for they particulars and different from each other in these same
themselves have shown willingness to till their own land. In particulars. To be valid, it must conform to the following
short, they want to be exempted from agrarian reform program requirements:
because they claim to belong to a different class. (1) it must be based on substantial distinctions;
(2) it must be germane to the purposes of the law;
G.R. No. 79777: (Manaay vs Juico) (3) it must not be limited to existing conditions only; and
Nicolas Manaay questioned the validity of the agrarian reform (4) it must apply equally to all the members of the class.
laws (PD 27, EO 228, and 229) on the ground that these laws
already valuated their lands for the agrarian reform program Equal protection simply means that all persons or things
and that the specific amount must be determined by the similarly situated must be treated alike both as to the rights
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR). Manaay averred that conferred and the liabilities imposed. The Association have not
shown that they belong to a different class and entitled to a
different treatment. The argument that not only landowners but sufficient money hence, bonds, and other securities, i.e., shares
also owners of other properties must be made to share the of stocks, may be used for just compensation.
burden of implementing land reform must be rejected. There is
a substantial distinction between these two classes of owners
that is clearly visible except to those who will not see. There is
no need to elaborate on this matter. In any event, the Congress
is allowed a wide leeway in providing for a valid classification.
Its decision is accorded recognition and respect by the courts of
justice except only where its discretion is abused to the
detriment of the Bill of Rights. In the contrary, it appears that
Congress is right in classifying small landowners as part of the
agrarian reform program.
2. No. It is true that the determination of just compensation is a
power lodged in the courts. However, there is no law which
prohibits administrative bodies like the DAR from determining
just compensation. In fact, just compensation can be that
amount agreed upon by the landowner and the government
even without judicial intervention so long as both parties agree.
The DAR can determine just compensation through appraisers
and if the landowner agrees, then judicial intervention is not
needed. What is contemplated by law however is that, the just 5. MORTA V OCCIDENTAL
compensation determined by an administrative body is merely
preliminary. If the landowner does not agree with the finding of
just compensation by an administrative body, then it can go to
court and the determination of the latter shall be the final
determination. This is even so provided by RA 6657:
Section 16 (f): Any party who disagrees with the decision may
bring the matter to the court of proper jurisdiction for final
determination of just compensation.
3. No. Money as [sole] payment for just compensation is
merely a concept in traditional exercise of eminent domain.
The agrarian reform program is a revolutionary exercise of
eminent domain. The program will require billions of pesos in 6. HACIENDA LUISITA V PARC (PRESIDENTIAL
funds if all compensation have to be made in cash if AGRARIAN REFORM COUNCIL)
everything is in cash, then the government will not have
Hacienda Luisita vs PARC (PARC), led by then DAR Secretary Miriam Santiago,
Case Digest GR 171101 July 5 2011 Nov 22 2011 approved the SDP of TADECO/HLI through Resolution 89-12-
2 dated Nov 21, 1989.
From 1989 to 2005, the HLI claimed to have extended those
In 1988, RA 6657 or the CARP law was passed. It is a program benefits to the farmworkers. Such claim was subsequently
aimed at redistributing public and private agricultural lands to contested by two groups representing the interests of the
farmers and farmworkers who are landless. One of the lands farmers the HLI Supervisory Group and the AMBALA. In
covered by this law is the Hacienda Luisita, a 6,443-hectare 2003, each of them wrote letter petitions before the DAR
mixed agricultural-industrial-residential expanse straddling asking for the renegotiation of terms and/or revocation of the
several municipalities of Tarlac. Hacienda Luisita was bought SDOA. They claimed that they havent actually received those
in 1958 from the Spanish owners by the Tarlac Development benefits in full, that HLI violated the terms, and that their lives
Corporation (TADECO), which is owned and/or controlled by havent really improved contrary to the promise and rationale
Jose Cojuanco Sr., Group. Back in 1980, the Martial Law of the SDOA.
administration filed an expropriation suit against TADECO to
surrender the Hacienda to the then Ministry of Agrarian The DAR created a Special Task Force to attend to the issues
Reform (now DAR) so that the land can be distributed to the and to review the terms of the SDOA and the Resolution 89-
farmers at cost. The RTC rendered judgment ordering 12-2. Adopting the report and the recommendations of the Task
TADECO to surrender Hacienda Luisita to the MAR. Force, the DAR Sec recommended to the PARC (1) the
revocation of Resolution 89-12-2 and (2) the acquisition of
In 1988, the OSG moved to dismiss the governments case Hacienda Luisita through compulsory acquisition scheme.
against TADECO. The CA dismissed it, but the dismissal was Consequently, the PARC revoked the SDP of TADECO/HLI
subject to the condition that TADECO shall obtain the approval and subjected those lands covered by the SDP to the mandated
of FWB (farm worker beneficiaries) to the SDP (Stock land acquisition scheme under the CARP law. These acts of the
Distribution Plan) and to ensure its implementation. PARC was assailed by HLI via Rule 65.

Sec 31 of the CARP Law allows either land transfer or stock On the other hand, FARM, an intervenor, asks for the
transfer as two alternative modes in distributing land ownership invalidation of Sec. 31 of RA 6657, insofar as it affords the
to the FWBs. Since the stock distribution scheme is the corporation, as a mode of CARP compliance, to resort to stock
preferred option of TADECO, it organized a spin-off transfer in lieu of outright agricultural land transfer. For
corporation, the Hacienda Luisita Inc. (HLI), as vehicle to FARM, this modality of distribution is an anomaly to be
facilitate stock acquisition by the farmers. annulled for being inconsistent with the basic concept of
agrarian reform ingrained in Sec. 4, Art. XIII of the
After conducting a follow-up referendum and revision of terms Constitution.
of the Stock Distribution Option Agreement (SDOA) proposed
by TADECO, the Presidential Agrarian Reform Council
Issue 1: W/N PARC has the authority to revoke the Stock Hence, the essential requirements in passing upon the
Distribution Plan or SDP constitutionality of acts of the executive or legislative
departments have not been met in this case.
Yes. Under Sec. 31 of RA 6657, as implemented by DAO 10,
the authority to approve the plan for stock distribution of the Issue 3: W/N Sec 31 of RA 6657 is consistent with the
corporate landowner belongs to PARC. It may be that RA 6657 Constitutions concept of agrarian reform
or other executive issuances on agrarian reform do not
explicitly vest the PARC with the power to revoke/recall an Yes. The wording of the Art XIII, Sec 4 of the Constitution is
approved SDP, but such power or authority is deemed unequivocal: the farmers and regular farmworkers have a right
possessed by PARC under the principle of necessary to own directly or collectively the lands they till.The basic law
implication, a basic postulate that what is implied in a statute is allows two (2) modes of land distribution: direct and indirect
as much a part of it as that which is expressed.Following this ownership. Direct transfer to individual farmers is the most
doctrine, the conferment of express power to approve a plan for commonly used method by DAR and widely accepted. Indirect
stock distribution of the agricultural land of corporate owners transfer through collective ownership of the agricultural land is
necessarily includes the power to revoke or recall the approval the alternative to direct ownership of agricultural land by
of the plan. individual farmers. Sec. 4 EXPRESSLY authorizes collective
ownership by farmers. No language can be found in the 1987
Constitution that disqualifies or prohibits corporations or
Issue 2: W/N the Court may exercise its power of judicial cooperatives of farmers from being the legal entity through
review over the constitutionality of Sec 31 of RA 6657 which collective ownership can be exercised.The word
collective is defined as indicating a number of persons or
No. First, the intervenor FARM failed to challenged the things considered as constituting one group or aggregate, while
constitutionality of RA 6657, Sec 31 at the earliest possible collectively is defined as in a collective sense or manner; in a
opportunity. It should have been raised as early as Nov 21, mass or body. By using the word collectively, the Constitution
1989, when PARC approved the SDP of HLI or at least within allows for indirect ownership of land and not just outright
a reasonable time thereafter. Second, the constitutionality of agricultural land transfer. This is in recognition of the fact that
RA 6657 is not the very lis mota of this case. Before the SC, land reform may become successful even if it is done through
the lis mota of the petitions filed by the HLI is whether or not the medium of juridical entities composed of farmers.The stock
the PARC acted with grave abuse of discretion in revoking the distribution option devised under Sec. 31 of RA 6657 hews
SDP of HLI. With regards to the original positions of the with the agrarian reform policy, as instrument of social justice
groups representing the interests of the farmers, their very lis under Sec. 4 of Article XIII of the Constitution. Albeit land
mota is the non-compliance of the HLI with the SDP so that the ownership for the landless appears to be the dominant theme of
the SDP may be revoked. Such issues can be resolved without that policy, the Court emphasized that Sec. 4, Article XIII of
delving into the constitutionality of RA 6657. the Constitution, as couched, does not constrict Congress to
passing an agrarian reform law planted on direct land transfer
to and ownership by farmers and no other, or else the
enactment suffers from the vice of unconstitutionality. If the is valid and must be complied with. Evidently, the operative
intention were otherwise, the framers of the Constitution would fact doctrine is not confined to statutes and rules and
have worded said section in a manner mandatory in character. regulations issued by the executive department that are
accorded the same status as that of a statute or those which are
ISSUES: quasi-legislative in nature.

I. Whether or not the operative fact doctrine is applicable to (2) As We have succinctly discussed in Our July 5, 2011
the present case Decision, it took the Farmworkers Agrarian
Reform Movement (FARM) some eighteen (18) years from
II. Whether or not Sec. 31 of RA 6657 or the Comprehensive November 21, 1989 before it challenged the
Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 is constitutional constitutionality of Sec. 31 of RA 6657. The question of
constitutionality will not be passed upon by the Court unless it
III. Whether or not the Court properly determined the coverage is properly raised and presented in an appropriate case at the
of compulsory acquisition first opportunity. FARM is, therefore, remiss in belatedly
questioning the constitutionality of Sec. 31 of RA 6657. The
IV. Whether or not the matter on just compensation has been second requirement that the constitutional question should be
correctly passed upon by the Court raised at the earliest possible opportunity is clearly wanting.
The last but the most important requisite that the constitutional
V. Whether or not the subject agricultural lands may be sold to issue must be the very lis mota of the case does not likewise
third parties though they have not been fully paid obtain. The lis mota aspect is not present, the constitutional
issue tendered not being critical to the resolution of the case.
VI. Whether HLI violated any of the provisions under the SDP The unyielding rule has been to avoid, whenever plausible, an
issue assailing the constitutionality of a statute or governmental
VII. Whether or not the ruling that the qualified FWBs should act. If some other grounds exist by which judgment can be
be given an option to remain as stockholders of HLI is valid made without touching the constitutionality of a law, such
recourse is favored. Based on the foregoing disquisitions, We
HELD: maintain that this Court is NOT compelled to rule on the
constitutionality of Sec. 31 of RA 6657.
(1) The Operative Fact Doctrine is not limited to invalid or
unconstitutional laws. Contrary to the stance of respondents, (3) FARM argues that this Court ignored certain material
the operative fact doctrine does not only apply to laws facts when it limited the maximum area to be covered to
subsequently declared unconstitutional or unlawful, as it also 4,915.75 hectares, whereas the area that should, at the least,
applies to executive acts subsequently declared as invalid. The be covered is 6,443 hectares, which is the agricultural land
"operative fact" doctrine is embodied in De Agbayani v. Court allegedly covered by RA 6657 and previously held by
of Appeals, wherein it is stated that a legislative or executive Tarlac Development Corporation (Tadeco). We cannot
act, prior to its being declared as unconstitutional by the courts, subscribe to this view. Since what is put in issue before the
Court is the propriety of the revocation of the SDP, which only yet been issued to the qualified FWBs in the instant case, the
involves 4,915.75 has. of agricultural land and not 6,443 has., 10-year prohibitive period has not even started. Significantly,
then We are constrained to rule only as regards the 4,915.75 the reckoning point is the issuance of the EP or CLOA, and not
has. of agricultural land. the placing of the agricultural lands under CARP coverage.

(4) In Our July 5, 2011 Decision, We stated that "HLI shall (6) AMBALA and FARM reiterate that improving the
be paid just compensation for the remaining agricultural economic status of the FWBs is among the legal obligations
land that will be transferred to DAR for land distribution of HLI under the SDP and is an imperative imposition by
to the FWBs." We also ruled that the date of the "taking" is RA 6657 and DAO 10. FARM further asserts that "[i]f that
November 21, 1989, when PARC approved HLIs SDP per minimum threshold is not met, why allow [stock distribution
PARC Resolution No. 89-12-2. option] at all, unless the purpose is not social justice but a
political accommodation to the powerful."
We maintain that the date of "taking" is November 21, 1989,
the date when PARC approved HLIs SDP per PARC Contrary to the assertions of AMBALA and FARM, nowhere
Resolution No. 89-12-2, in view of the fact that this is the time in the SDP, RA 6657 and DAO 10 can it be inferred that
that the FWBs were considered to own and possess the improving the economic status of the FWBs is among the legal
agricultural lands in Hacienda Luisita. To be precise, these obligations of HLI under the SDP or is an imperative
lands became subject of the agrarian reform coverage through imposition by RA 6657 and DAO 10, a violation of which
the stock distribution scheme only upon the approval of the would justify discarding the stock distribution option.
SDP, that is, November 21, 1989. Thus, such approval is akin
to a notice of coverage ordinarily issued under compulsory (7) Upon a review of the facts and circumstances, We
acquisition. realize that the FWBs will never have control over these
agricultural lands for as long as they remain as
(5) There is a view that since the agricultural lands in stockholders of HLI. In line with Our finding that control over
Hacienda Luisita were placed under CARP coverage agricultural lands must always be in the hands of the farmers,
through the SDOA scheme on May 11, 1989, then the 10- We reconsider our ruling that the qualified FWBs should be
year period prohibition on the transfer of awarded lands given an option to remain as stockholders of HLI, inasmuch as
under RA 6657 lapsed on May 10, 1999, and, consequently, these qualified FWBs will never gain control given the present
the qualified FWBs should already be allowed to sell these proportion of shareholdings in HLI.
lands with respect to their land interests to third parties,
including HLI, regardless of whether they have fully paid Moreover, bearing in mind that with the revocation of the
for the lands or not. The proposition is erroneous. Under RA approval of the SDP, HLI will no longer be operating under
6657 and DAO 1, the awarded lands may only be transferred or SDP and will only be treated as an ordinary private
conveyed after ten (10) years from the issuance and registration corporation; the FWBs who remain as stockholders of HLI will
of the emancipation patent (EP) or certificate of land ownership be treated as ordinary stockholders and will no longer be under
award (CLOA). Considering that the EPs or CLOAs have not the protective mantle of RA 6657.
In addition to the foregoing, in view of the operative fact
doctrine, all the benefits and homelots received by all the
FWBs shall be respected with no obligation to refund or return
them, since, as We have mentioned in our July 5, 2011
Decision, "the benefits x x x were received by the FWBs as
farmhands in the agricultural enterprise of HLI and other fringe
benefits were granted to them pursuant to the existing
collective bargaining agreement with Tadeco."

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