Procedure For Alkali Boilout
Procedure For Alkali Boilout
Procedure For Alkali Boilout
The purpose of alkali boil out is to remove from boiler internals the
deposits like oil, grease, mill scales etc. Resulting out of manufacturing,
fabrication and erection procedures. Such deposits in the boiler tube walls
severely restrict heat flow across the tube walls resulting failure due to
In order to commence alkali boil out of the boiler, following
prerequisites / inputs have to be made available :
Following minimum controls and requirements are necessary for boiler operation.
2.17 Good working drum level gauge glass with illuminator assembly.
2.18 Boiler drum pressure gauge.
2.19 Safety / relief valves with gags or hydrostatic plugs removed.
2.20 CBD and all drain valve is good working condition.
2.19 Water level control and associated alarms.
2.20 Cooling water / air piping.
2.21 Furnace pressure gauge.
2.22 Temp. indications for bed, flue gas, feed water and steam line.
2.23 Safety interlocks.
During alkali boil out, transmitters connected to steam piping and steam
drum will be kept isolated to avoid any damages to transmitters due to
3.1 Ensure that blow down and drain connections are terminated to safe
3.2 Ensure that all dampers are in good working condition and OPEN
:CLOSE positions are marked correctly.
3.3 Ensure that the feed pumps operate satisfactorily.
3.4 Fill specified quality feed water to NWL by keeping all vents open. Drain
the water completely through bottom drain, keeping the header outlet valve
fully open. With this the boiler gets rinsed.
3.5 Fill the unit such that the water is visible in second port from bottom of
direct gauge glass. ( Fill the drum through normal feed water connections )
Water should be used for boil out operation. Add some hydrazine in
deaerator storage tank to have ppm of hydrazine traces in boiler water.
3.6 Exact quantity of chemicals is to be carried in dry form up to the drum level
platform. The chemicals are to be dissolved in DM water externally in a
container near the drum manhole in batches. The concentrated solution so
prepared are to be poured in to the drum through the manholes. When the
entire quantity of chemical has been so dissolved and poured into the
drum, close the manhole.
With due care considering the firing conditions in side the combustor Each
bottom header drains to be operated once in every hour for 30 sec to remove the
sediments from the bottom headers. It is advised to stop the firing to very
minimum to avoid any hot spots in the pressure parts which may done in
consultation with TBW commissioning engineer.
At the end of 12 hours of boil out operation, a sample of boiler water is tested for
oil traces, to determine the end point of the process.
If the level are not coming down even after adequate draining, if required
chemicals may be added to drum through HP dosing system.
After stopping the firing, operate all the bottom header drains for 30-45 second
to remove the sediments from the headers.
4.1 Boiler water sample is analyzed for presence of oil. When analysis confirms
that oil present in the sample, is within limits (=< 5 ppm ) the boil out
operations treated as complete.
5.1 Box up the boiler and allow the unit to cool by natural cooling. When
the drum pressure drops to 2 kg/cm2 open the drum air vent & start
up vent.
5.2 When the drum pressure drops to atmospheric, drain the boiler by
opening all valves on drain headers.
5.3 After draining the boiler, cut the inspection caps in all bottom
headers to inspect for any sediment and for cleaning and flushing.
In case of in bed evaporator coils both in bed coils bottom
and top header end caps and inspection caps to be cut and inspected. It is to be
ensured that all the drain holes in the baffle plates to be clean and free from any
blockage / foreign materials like weld slag / welding consumables.
5.4 Open the steam and water drum manholes and remove the
sediments (if any).
5.5 Back flushing of super heaters and flushing of the drum down
comer, supply pipes convection tubes thoroughly.
5.6 Re weld the end caps on headers as per the recommended
5.7 After welding radiography (if req.) post weld heat treatment (if req.)
hydro test of boiler to be completed to the maximum working
Steam blowing is carried out for removing foreign particles like
rust, dirt scale and welding burr from the boiler system to prevent
any impact damage to steam drive equipment at consumer end.
3.1 Cut the main steam line at a suitable location (if required) to
facilitate welding of a temporary division piece. Attach a temporary
rigid pipe with suitable bend to exhaust the blow off steam in a safe
direction from the main steam line. The location of this temporary
exhaust pipe shall be such that it is after the manual isolation valve
on line and adequate structural components like beams etc. are
available for locking against reaction forces.
3.2 To check the extent of removal of foreign particles, targets are
installed near the exit of temporary exhaust pipe. Target plates are
rectangular plates of soft material like aluminum of brass etc. which
would get impingement by articles blowing off steam. The target
plates are mirror finish on one face and fitted on a rigid M.S.
mounting with the machined face, facing the blowing steam.
3.3 When the impingement noticed on the target plates are within the
limits, steam blowing is declared as complete.
4.1 Fill boiler with specified quality feed water to NWL.
4.2 Light up the boiler as per, cold start up procedure, ensuring that the
boiler stop valve is fully closed. Also ensure drain valve before stop
valve is kept open to remove condensate from main steam line.
4.3 Raise the boiler pressure gradually to slightly lower than the
working pressure(50% of working pressure) or 40 Kg/cm2
whichever is lower by controlling fuel firing / modulating the start up
vent as required.
4.4 Crack open boiler stop valve bypass valve on main steam line so
that a little steam begins to flow out of the exhaust pipe.
4.5 Maintain pressure as specified in 4.3
4.6 After ensuring that entire main steam piping is hot and no
condensate is left over the pipe, prepare for blowing steam.
4.7 Prior to blow off, clean the blowing area off working personnel.
4.8 Just before starting the steam blow, reduce drum level to 120 mm
from NWL and stop firing burner.
4.9 Throttle the start up vent and quickly open boiler stop valve on line
to release steam from main line in to atmosphere.
4.10 When boiler pressure drops to about 20 Kg/cm2, close boiler stop
valve. So that by the time the valve is fully closed, the boiler
pressure settles down.
4.11 Follow step 4.1 through 4.9 until clear target plates are obtained as
per turbine manufacturer requirement.
1. Target plates are fitting towards the end of steam blowing cycle.
Plates are fitting before starting each blow with blow sequence
number clearly punched on them for comparison and record.
2. Steam blowing pressure to be decided at site considering the
parameter if for a retrofit job.
3. It is suggested to do steam blowing (Around 8-10 blows, pressure
rise to be done as per pressure rising curve) in the day time and
night time to be left for cooling the steam line to dislodge the scale /
deposits from the piping. Steam piping needs to be isolated for
3.1 Refractory backing / dry out cycle requires very slow and
controlled heating of refractory as recommended by the
refractory manufactures.
3.2 Ensure the readiness of boiler for firing as per the procedures
of cold start up and fill the bed material covering all bed coils.
3.3 Raise temperature of flue gas boiler outlet at approximately 25
deg C /hr. reaching 100 deg C and hold temperature for 4- 6 hr.
at 100 deg C for soaking refractory cast able. If the temperature
falls, increase the firing rate and maintain the required
3.4 Raise temperature of flue gas boiler outlet again @ of 25
deg/hr. to 125 deg C and hold temperature for 4 to 6 hr. for
soaking of refractory castables.
3.5 Once the above heating schedule is over, the boiler may be
taken to MCR/service condition or refractory may be cooled
down with natural cooling with FD, & ID fans off. Fan auxiliary
dampers should be in fully closed position.
1) Keep open all the vent lines on the boiler drum, top super
heater headers 100% through out the refractory dry out period.
2) Maintain normal water level through out the period.
3) Temperature mentioned are indicative as the rate of raise is
depends upon the firing rate, and maintained close to these
values with less variation and may be around 5 deg C.
3.6 After dry out, before draining the bed material, FD fan to be
started to kill the fire in the furnace.