Sponsoring Agencies For Research Projects

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Prospective Sponsoring agencies for R&D Projects

Following is a tentative list of prospective sponsoring agencies for sanction of R&D projects. There
can be more number of sponsoring agencies and more number of schemes for R&D projects, which
the faculty members are requested to individually make efforts and apply. The information given
below is not complete and may change. Hence the faculty members are also requested to visit the
respective notices/web sites for detailed and updated information.

Naval Research Board (DRDO)

The Board supports basic research that will generate new knowledge potentially useful to the
Navy and to train young minds to generate and apply that knowledge for naval purposes.

Submission of project proposal: http://nrbdrdo.res.in/submission_proposal.html

For more details: http://nrbdrdo.res.in/

Aeronautics Research and Development Board (AR&DB) (DRDO)

The Aeronautics R&D Board has instituted a Grants-in-Aid Scheme to nurture the available
research talent and to develop facilities higher technological institutes, colleges and other
research centres including industry in the country for promoting research, design and
development programmes in Aeronautics and Allied Sciences, keeping in view the future
needs of the country with respect to aircraft, helicopters, missiles and all other air borne
vehicles & their operation. Under this scheme, grants are offered to approve research
institutions, universities or colleges, departments or laboratories or individuals attached to
reputed industrial firms with R&D facilities both in the Government and non-Government
sector. The scheme will be coordinated through a number of specialist panels duly constituted
by the Chairman AR&DB to cover the different disciplines viz.

Aerodynamics Structures
Aerospace Resources Systems & Systems Engineering
Materials & Manufacturing Special Interest Group for Micro
Propulsion Aircraft (SIGMA)
For rules & grants: http://drdo.gov.in/drdo/boards/ardb/rules&grants_intro.htm

Topics of interest: http://drdo.gov.in/drdo/boards/ardb/notice_board.htm

Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
1 most current program information.
Armaments Research Board (DRDO)

DRDO is promoting innovative/basic research among Academic and Research Institutions

across the country through Grant-in-Aid schemes of Research Boards and Dte of ER & IPR.
Under these schemes, grants are offered to research organizations / universities / departments/
laboratories to carry out research in basic sciences and engineering, setting up of basic
facilities/infrastructures and conduct of conference/seminars/ symposia/ workshops etc.

For Area of interest and formats: http://drdo.gov.in/drdo/English/index.jsp?pg=armreb.jsp

Life Sciences Research Board (DRDO)

The Board is striving to enhance health and efficiency of the soldiers operating under
different harsh environmental conditions including high altitude, extreme cold, desert and
micro environment of different operating systems. The major thrust areas of LSRB are life
support system and biomedical technologies for air, land and sea operations, military
psychology, cognitive engineering, personnel selection, human adaptation to extreme
environments, ergonomics and human factors/engineering for equipment development and
man machine interface, nutrition, radioprotection, stress management, combat fatigue, bio-
defence against human, animal and plant pathogens, specialized food technologies, vector
and malaria control, biotechnology and high altitude agro animal technologies, nuclear,
biological and chemical detection, protection and decontamination.

For guidelines and rules: http://drdo.gov.in/drdo/boards/lsrb/fplsrb.htm

Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) (DAE)

BRNS, Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) supports extramural research and development
activities in nuclear and allied sciences, engineering and technology through its nodal funding
agency - the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS). BRNS continuously thrives to
encourage, enthuse and support scientists and engineers in pursuing excellence in R & D
programmes of interest and relevance to DAE.

Format and other details: http://barc.gov.in/brns/brns_research.html

National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) (DAE)

The NBHM has various schemes to provide financial support to institutions and individuals
to strengthen the mathematical base/potential through study, exchange or other such
programs. NBHM provides assistance for selected research projects on the recommendations
of the Research Programmes Committee of NBHM. Applications in prescribed forms
obtainable from the office of NBHM have to be submitted well in advance.

Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
2 most current program information.
Application forms: http://www.nbhm.dae.gov.in/forms/research.doc

Brochure: http://www.nbhm.dae.gov.in/forms/brochure.doc

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)

ISRO has evolved a programme through which financial support is provided for conducting
research and development activities related to Space Science, Space Technology and Space
Application to academia in India. This programme of Research Sponsored by ISRO is called
RESPOND. In special cases research and development projects proposed by non-academic R
& D laboratories can also be supported through this programme. The aim of RESPOND is to
encourage quality research in areas of relevance to the Indian space programme.

Forms & Formats: http://www.isro.org/scripts/srgeneralrules.aspx

Area of Research: http://www.isro.org/scripts/srareasofresearch.aspx#

For More Details: http://www.isro.org/scripts/srrespond.aspx

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)

ICMR invites proposals for enhancing research and development activities.

ONLINE SUBMISSION of Extramural Research Projects: http://icmr.cdacnoida.in/ICMR/

Thrust Areas of Research: http://icmr.nic.in/thrust/thrust.htm

For more details: http://www.icmr.nic.in/Grants/Grants.html

Department of Electronics and Information Technology

DEIT encourages collaborative R&D between industry and academics/ R&D institutions for
development of products and packages and bridge the gap between R&D and
commercialization. DIT has already circulated the details of Multiplier Grants Scheme to
Industry associations for circulation amongst its members and to leading academic

Project Proposal: http://deity.gov.in/sites/upload_files/dit/files/mgsiopproposals(1).pdf

Terms & Conditions: http://deity.gov.in/sites/upload_files/dit/files/Terms&conditions.pdf

Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
3 most current program information.
Ministry of Earth Sciences

All projects in the subject area mentioned below can be submitted for funding from Ministry
of Earth Sciences. The various subject areas for funding are:

Atmospheric Science Hydrology & Cryosphere

Earth System Science Technology Ocean Science & Resources
For formats: http://dod.nic.in/RND/FORMATS.doc

Guidelines: http://dod.nic.in/RND/new_2_Guidelines.pdf

Terms and Conditions: http://dod.nic.in/RND/Terms&Condition.pdf

For More Details: http://dod.nic.in/RND/rnd.html

Ministry of Environment & Forests

The Ministry invites research proposals in prescribed format on various topics.

Application Forms & Guidelines:


For More Details: http://envfor.nic.in/division/call-research-proposals

The Ministry of Environment & Forests also invites research proposals for financial support
in prescribed format under its NNRMS Programme. The NNRMS Programme supports
research projects aimed at optimal utilization of remote sensing techniques along with
conventional methods for addressing key environmental and ecological issues such as
management of forests, grasslands, faunal resources, wetlands, coastal areas management
including conservation of mangroves and coral resources, land degradation, impact of
developmental activities on environment.

For More Details: http://envfor.nic.in/division/call-proposals-under-nnrms-programme

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)

The Ministry has identified thrust areas in which R&D efforts are required. Ministry
considers R&D proposals which are directly related to the activities/ programmes of the
Ministry and hold promise for commercialization in near future. The thrust areas mainly
covers programmes, such as, Rural Energy; Solar Energy; Energy from Urban & Industrial
Wastes; Power Generation- Wind, Biomass, Small Hydro; New Technologies- Chemical
Sources (fuel cells), Hydrogen, Ocean & Geothermal Energy; etc.

R & D Formats: http://www.mnre.gov.in/schemes/r-d/rd-formats/

Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
4 most current program information.
New Schemes: http://www.mnre.gov.in/schemes/r-d/scheme-10/

For More Details: http://www.mnre.gov.in/schemes/r-d/solar-pv-3

Department of Chemicals & Petro-Chemicals

Department of Chemicals & Petro-Chemicals a part of the Ministry of Chemicals and

Fertilizers invites proposals for research projects and establishing Center of Excellence in
educational institutions.

For New Schemes: http://chemicals.nic.in/govtschemes.htm

For More Details: http://chemicals.nic.in/

Ministry of Food Processing Industries

Ministry supports research proposals of applied nature having commercial importance

resulting in development of innovation products, processes, improvement in manufacturing
practices, which leads to enhancement of quality and shelf life of food products thereby
development of food processing industries in the country.

Guidelines & Formats:


Central/State Government and its organizations/Universities(including deemed universities)

are eligible for grant-in-aid of entire cost of laboratory equipments required for labs and
25%of the cost of technical civil works to house the equipments and furniture and the fixtures
associated with the equipments

For More Details:


Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
5 most current program information.
Establishment of Centers of Excellence in Frontier Areas of Science and Technology

The Centre of Excellence (CoE) is expected to be a collaborative activity between a team of

high quality researchers in the institution and researchers or research-users in several
companies or organizations on new and emerging technologies, multi-disciplinary and
translational research relevant to national development goals.

Forms & Formats: http://mhrd.gov.in/sites/upload_files/mhrd/files/FAST.pdf

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

CSIR provides financial assistance to promote research work in the fields of Science &
Technology, including Agriculture, Engineering and Medicine. The assistance is provided by
way of grants to Professors/Experts in regular employment, in the universities, IITs, post-
graduate institutions, recognised R&D laboratories both in public and private sectors.
Research proposals of applied nature as well as those falling under basic sciences which
attempt to solve specific problems being pursued by CSIR laboratories, or in newer and
complementary fields, are considered for CSIR support. Priority is given to multi-disciplinary
projects which involve inter-organisational co-operation (including that of CSIR
laboratories). However, preference is given to schemes which have relevance to research
programmes of CSIR laboratories

Forms & Formats: http://csirhrdg.nic.in/res_forms.htm

Guidelines and other details: http://csirhrdg.nic.in/res_grants.htm

Ministry of Mines

Science and Technology Project Proposals are invited from academic institutions for the
thrust areas in mining.

Guidelines and formats:


Ministry of Water Resources

Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) provides financial assistance to promote research

work in the field of Water Resources Engineering. The assistance is provided by way of
grants to academicians / experts in the Universities, IITs, recognised R&D laboratories,
Water Resources / Irrigation departments of the Central and State Governments and NGOs.
Research proposals of applied nature as well as basic research are considered for MoWR
Forms & Guidelines: http://wrmin.nic.in/writereaddata/linkimages/intro932183917.pdf
Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
6 most current program information.
Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited (CMPDI)

CMPDI invites research proposals in prescribed format on various topics.

For more details: http://www.cmpdi.co.in/research.php

INSPIRE Fellowship (DST)

INSPIRE fellowship aims at enhancing research fellowships for doctoral studies and opening
up partnerships with private sector for topping the Government's efforts in nurturing talents
for scientific research. This scheme is applicable to Basic and Applied sciences as well as
Medicine, Agriculture etc. with provision of multiple entries. The fellowship will be offered
to (1) University 1st Ranker in a particular subject at PG level examination in Basic and
Applied Science courses as well as (2) INSPIRE scholar, who have secured aggregate marks
of 65 % are above at the 2 year MSc or 5 year Integrated MSc/MS

For More details: http://www.inspire-dst.gov.in/fellowship.html

INSPIRE Faculty Scheme (DST)

INSPIRE Faculty Scheme opens up an 'Assured Opportunity for Research Career (AORC)'
for young researchers in the age group of 27-32 years. It is expected to augment high quality
scientific manpower in scientific and educational institutions. It provides attractive
opportunities to young achievers for developing independent scientific profiles and intends
helping them emerge as S&T leaders in the long term. The Scheme offers contractual
research positions. It provides career opportunities, but it is not a guarantee for tenure
positions after 5 years.

Eligibility: Indian citizens and people of Indian origin including NRI/PIO status with PhD (in
science, mathematics, engineering, pharmacy, medicine, and agriculture related subjects)
from any recognized university in the world.

Those who have submitted their PhD Theses and are awaiting award of the degree are also

The upper age limit at the time of awarding the offer should be 32 years for considering
support for a period of 5 years.

Candidates who are employed (in any form i.e. permanent, contractual) with any organization
within India will be eligible to apply. However, they will be considered only for the Research

Grant component of the INSPIRE Faculty Award scheme.

For more details: http://www.inspire-dst.gov.in/faculty_scheme.html

Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
7 most current program information.
Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure (FIST) (DST)

Considering the present status of the S&T sector in the universities and related academic
institutions who are in dire need for strengthening the existing S&T infrastructure support
with adequate funding and associated flexibility, Government of India in the year 2000
announced a major new initiative titled "Fund for Improvement of S&T infrastructure in
universities & higher educational institutions (FIST)" to rebuild the Science & Technology
infrastructure in the country.

Eligibility: For University / Academic Institutions, the support will be considered for the
'Department / School / Center' as a unit. All Science (including Medical & Agriculture) and
Engineering Departments/ Centres having strong postgraduate teaching and research
programs which have existed for at least 3 years or more in universities and other higher
educational institutions are eligible. The Department/ Centre/ School already supported under
FIST Program may submit fresh proposal after completion of the ongoing project provided
such projects completed in all respects and obtained `Completion Certificate whose copy
may be attached in the current proposal. Progress of ongoing project of the Department/
Centre/ School will be monitored as per monitoring schedule of the Program and any
additional requirements will be considered as a part of that exercise.

For More Details: http://www.fist-dst.org/index.asp

Forms and Formats available at: http://www.fist-dst.org/html-flies/formats.htm

Advertisement & guidelines for new proposals: http://www.fist-dst.org/html-


Nano Mission (DST)

The Nano Mission is an umbrella programme for capacity building which envisages the
overall development of this field of research in the country and to tap some of its applied
potential for nations development. In brief, the objectives of the Nano-Mission are:

Basic Research Promotion

Infrastructure Development for Nano Science & Technology Research
Nano Applications and Technology Development Programmes
Human Resource Development
International Collaborations

How to apply: The Nano Mission receives proposals for financial support throughout the
year. In other words, there is no last date for applying for financial support. Decisions on
various funding applications are taken periodically. Currently, financial support for the
following R&D activities is available

Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
8 most current program information.
R&D projects from individual scientists or a group of scientists. Normal duration of
such projects will be 3 years.
Establishment of centres of excellence and sophisticated research facilities. Normal
duration for such projects will be 5 years.
Joint Institution-Industry Linked projects for development of products and devices
utilizing nanotechnology. In such projects, partial financial contribution by the
participating industry is desirable. For the participating industry, DSIRs SIRO
recognition is desirable. Normal duration for such projects will be 3-5 years.
Launching M.Sc./M.Tech. programmes in Nano Science and Technology in
government institutions.

Formats & Guidelines:

Guidelines for implementing projects: http://nanomission.gov.in/formats/guide1.htm
Online Project Submission portal: http://nanomission.gov.in/online.htm
Joint Institute Industry linked projects: http://nanomission.gov.in/Formats_new/NEW/New-

Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-A): (DST)

The 'Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-A)' of the Department of Science and Technology is
aimed to provide opportunities to women scientists and technologists for pursuing research in
basic or applied sciences in frontier areas of science and engineering (like (1) Physical
Science; (2) Chemical Science; (3) Mathematical Science; (4) Life sciences; (5) Earth
Sciences; (6) Atmospheric Sciences; (7) Engineering Sciences). A special provision has been
made under this Scheme to encourage those women scientists who have had breaks in their
careers. Persons already in employment need not apply.

For Details & Formats: http://online-wosa.gov.in:8080/wosa/public/doWelcome.action

Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-B): (DST)

This scholarship is specially intended to encourage women scientists involved in research and
application of innovative solutions for various societal issues. This scholarship would be
made available to the aspiring women scientists willing to work for the search, design,
adaptation and demonstration of Science and Technological skills and techniques for
improving the income generating activity and reducing drudgery of weaker sections of our
society in different occupations, capacity building on the societal programs at the grassroot
level etc.

The minimum essential qualifications are PG degree equivalent to M.Sc in basic or Applied
Science, B Tech in Engineering Science and MBBS or other equivalent professional
Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
9 most current program information.
qualifications. The desirable qualifications are PhD in Basic or Applied Science, M.Tech in
Engineering Science and MD/MS, DM/MCH in Medical Science from recognized
Universities. Cut off age for the candidate is 50 years. The candidates should also have
working experience and linkages with the relevant organization to carry out research on R&D
projects of societal relevance.

Guidelines for WOS-B:


Department of Science and Technology Fellowship for Women Scientists (DISHA) program:

Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-C): (DST)

This category is mainly focused to provide an opportunity to women scientists for self-
employment by utilizing their specialized domain knowledge in areas such as patenting,
proof reading, science journalism, technical translation, clinical pathology labs, medical
transcription etc. The objective of this scholarship is to create a large pool of trained women
workforce with experience in the diverse areas mentioned above and building up a
professional network.

For More Details: http://www.dst.gov.in/scientific-programme/wos-ppts/WOS-C.pdf

National Science & Technology Management Information System (NSTMIS) (DST)

The National Science & Technology Management Information System (NSTMIS) division of
the Department of Science & Technology (DST) is the nodal agency for collection, analysis
and dissemination of vital S&T information at the national level.

The Scheme: The division sponsors research projects/studies to interested investigators /

organizations under the NSTMIS Scheme. The broader areas where studies could be taken up
in the sponsored mode are S&T investment, S&T infrastructure, S&T output, S&T databases,
S&T manpower, R&D productivity/efficiency etc.

Some of the areas in which the research proposal/ studies could be submitted are given as

Human Resources in S&T Mobility of S&T Professionals

R&D Infrastructure/ Resources R&D and Innovation
S&T Studies in Higher Education IPR Management
Sector Scientometric Studies in S&T
The pertinent themes / sub-areas to be addressed under these areas for submission of research
proposals under the NSTMIS Scheme are listed at the NSTMIS website.

Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
10 most current program information.
Who can apply: Scientists, Technologists, Statisticians, Economists, Sociologists,
Development/ Planning/ Policy Experts, Management Specialists etc. from academic/
research institutions, registered societies, and consultants may submit their proposals in a
prescribed format.

Call for research proposals: http://www.nstmis-dst.org/PDF/CallforResearchProposals.pdf

For Guidelines: http://www.nstmis-dst.org/Guideline.aspx

Formats are available: http://www.nstmis-dst.org/Format.aspx

Drugs & Pharmaceutical Research (Collaborative R&D Projects) (DST)

Recognising the profound influence of R&D on the prospects and opportunities for the
growth of the Indian Drug Industry, Department of Science and Technology (DST),
Government of India mounted the programme on drug development during 1994-95 for
promoting collaborative R&D in drugs and pharmaceuticals sector with the following
specific objectives:

To synergise the strengths of To stimulate skill development of

publicly funded R&D institutions human resources in R&D for drugs
and Indian Pharmaceutical and pharmaceuticals; and
Industry. To enhance the nation's self-
To create an enabling reliance in drugs and
infrastructure, mechanisms and pharmaceuticals especially in areas
linkages to facilitate new drug critical to national health
development. requirements.
Any Indian company/firm engaged in drug development manufacturing jointly with:

National laboratory under CSIR, ICMR, etc.

University department/other academic institution such as IIT, IISc., etc.
Any other publicly funded R&D Institution

For More Details: http://www.dst.gov.in/scientific-programme/td-drugs.htm

Instrumentation Development Programme (DST)

Instrumentation is one of the major areas of Science & Technology which makes a great
impact on vital sectors of national activities such as education, scientific research, industry,
agriculture, medicine and health etc. The Department of Science & Technology (DST) has
been promoting the area of Instrumentation through its Instrumentation Development
Programme (IDP).

Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
11 most current program information.
The programme focuses on strengthening indigenous capability for research, design,
development and production of instruments in the country leading to fulfillment of the
following objectives: -:

Indigenous development and production of instruments,

Continuous updating of the technology of instruments to keep pace with technology
improvements taking place globally, and
Innovations in the area of instrumentation.

Activities supported under IDP: Programmes to support and sustain development and
production of indigenous and affordable instruments are evolved and supported under the
IDP. The following types of activities are evolved and supported under IDP:

a) Project support to scientists and technologists

a. The Instrument/technology development programmes are supported with
mandatory industry participation so as to facilitate easy absorption of
technology and commercial production of the developed
b) Project Formulation
a. The following activities are supported under IDP for evolving well defined co-
coordinated Research & Development projects involving
Scientists/Technologists; Industries and Experts:
i. Cluster of Projects Meetings on identified Themes in Thrust Areas
b. Brainstorming Sessions/Discussion Meetings in Specialized Areas of national
c) Creation of National Facilities

For submission of project proposals and financial assistance: http://www.dst.gov.in/scientific-


For More Details: http://www.dst.gov.in/scientific-programme/t-d-idp.htm

Natural Resources Data Management System (NRDMS) (DST)

This programme is a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional R&D programme of the

Department of Science and Technology, aimed at developing methodologies for building and
promoting the use of spatial data management and analysis technologies in local area
planning. In the context of NRDMS, any natural resource, which is important for local area
development, is relevant for study. For developing necessary inputs for local planning
strategies, NRDMS is supporting several academic and R & D Institutions with projects
specially focusing towards the need of local level planning. Emphasis is being given on
spatial data management and analysis technology for natural resources management to carry
out R & D related to informatics especially the geo-informatics for finding solutions to local

Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
12 most current program information.
specific problems related to natural resources and provide necessary information to the
planners to make objective decisions.

R&D areas of NRDMS:

Land & Water Management Microwave Remote Sensing

Watershed Management GIS in Local Level development
Natural Disaster Mitigation Ground Water Studies
Panchayat Level Resource Software Development by R & D
Energy Planning Groups
For more on R& D Programs: http://nrdms.gov.in/programme.asp

For Project Guidelines/Formats: http://nrdms.gov.in/downloadable_form.asp

Technology Systems Development Programme (DST)

The Programme has two major objectives:

Development and integration of technologies in identified areas.

Promote application of advanced technology for improving the performance,value
addition and exportability of various products.

Areas Promoted:

Glass Technology Upgradation Information and Communication

Development of Technology for Technology Systems For
Bio-fuels Application in Rural Areas
Structure Technology for Distress Water Purification
Diagnostics etc Bio-molecular Electronics and
Conducting Polymers

For more details on proposals: http://www.dst.gov.in/scientific-programme/t-d-joint-


Science for Equity Empowerment and Development (SEED) (DST)

Science for Equity, Empowerment and Development (SEED) Division has been set up under
the Department of Science and Technology, established with the broad objectives of
providing opportunities to motivated scientists and field level workers to take up action
oriented and location specific projects aiming towards socio-economic upliftment of poor and
disadvantaged sections of the society through appropriate technological interventions
especially in the rural areas. Under this program efforts have been made to associate
concerned National Labs or other specialist S&T institutions with each major program so as

Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
13 most current program information.
to build-in expert input, utilize national S&T infrastructure and link it up with grassroots
S&T interventions/initiatives.

For Ongoing & Future Programmes: http://www.scienceandsociety-dst.org/Programmes.htm

Guidelines, Terms and Conditions: http://www.scienceandsociety-dst.org/downloads.htm

State Science & Technology Programme (DST)

While continuing the catalytic role in encouraging the State Government's initiatives, the
department would launch certain programmes of importance identified through various
consultations pro-actively. The department would strive to evolve and support certain joint
programmes focusing on multi-sectoral area based approach to rural / regional development
in co-operation with multiple State & Central Institutions, NGO's and State S&T Councils.
These areas would be so identified where S&T intervention could significantly improve the
existing socio-economic conditions. Demonstration and Field trials of socially relevant
technologies would specially be encouraged. Interaction between State S&T Councils in
similar ecological zone has been initiated and would be promoted further in future to
facilitate joint S&T Programme formulation.

DST would welcome proposals having clearly established linkages of S&T to overall
development of the state. The area identified should have potential to contribute in socio-
economic upliftment of the people of state. DST encourages formulations of proposals
through consultative process and interested organisations are welcome to discuss ideas,
concepts, proposed activities etc. relevant to state needs.

Guidelines and Format for Submitting of Project Proposals: http://www.dst.gov.in/scientific-


For Current Proposal visit: http://www.dst.gov.in/scientific-programme/s-t_scst.htm

Department of Biotechnology (DBT)

DBT invites research proposals in prescribed format on various topics.

Call for Proposals: http://dbtindia.nic.in/uniquepage.asp?id_pk=60

Board of Research in Fusion Sciences & Technology (BRFST)

BRFST invites research proposals in prescribed format on various topics.

Forms & Formats: http://www.nfp.pssi.in/documents/Docs%20for%20new%20projects.rar

Research areas & More Details: http://www.nfp.pssi.in/documents/research_areas.html

Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
14 most current program information.
Indo-US Science & Technology Forum (International)

The Indo-US Science and Technology Forum solicits proposals twice per year for activities,
events, and initiatives that promote interactions between the scientific and research
communities in India and the US. Proposals are peer reviewed in both the US and India, and
awards are announced.

Call for proposals & formats:


Human Frontier Science Program (International)

HFSP is an international program of research support, funding frontier research on the

complex mechanisms of living organisms. Research is funded at all levels of biological
complexity from biomolecules to the interactions between organisms. Research grants are
provided for teams of scientists from different countries who wish to combine their expertise
in innovative approaches to questions that could not be answered by individual laboratories.

Information & Guidelines: http://www.hfsp.org/funding/research-grants/information-and-


For More Details: http://www.hfsp.org/funding/research-grants

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (International)

JSPS invites online research proposals in prescribed format on various topics.

For Guidelines & Forms: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-bilat/call.html

Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance (International)

This scheme supports outstanding researchers of any nationality, either medically qualified or
science graduates, who wish to pursue a research career in an academic institution in India.
Applicants must have demonstrated their ability to lead an independent research project and

For More Details: http://www.wellcomedbt.org/index.html

Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
15 most current program information.
The Leverhulme Trust (International)

The aim of these awards is to provide financial support for innovative and original research
projects of high quality and potential, the choice of theme and the design of the research lying
entirely with the applicant (the Principal Investigator). The grants provide support for the
salaries of research staff engaged on the project, plus associated costs directly related to the
research proposed, and the award is paid directly to the institution at which the applicant is

Application Details: http://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/funding/RPG/app_procedure.cfm

For More Details: http://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/funding/RPG/RPG.cfm

Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR) (International)

The primary objective of supporting collaborative research projects between Indian and
French scientists is to complement the expertise and strength of high quality research groups
in advanced areas of science and technology thereby promoting excellence in science.

For collaborative research projects the following are necessary

1. At least two scientists, one each from India and France as Principal Collaborators
2. Joint Collaborators (2-3) on both sides are welcome, but their contributions to the
project may be clearly defined
3. Research project must be on a current topic and can be chosen in any field of science
and engineering, including medicine
4. The research topic chosen must complement the strengths and expertise of the
research groups.
5. The collaborators must submit the project as per the prescribed format (available
under down-load forms)

Forms & formats: http://www.cefipra.org/section.aspx?catid=824&langid=1

For more details: http://www.cefipra.org/home.aspx?langid=1

UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) (International)

UKIERI is now accepting proposals for the following strand activities:

For details & forms: http://www.ukieri.org/third_call_for_bids_2013-14.html

Note: Deadlines & Links are subject to change. The prospective PIs should check the funding organizations website to verify the
16 most current program information.

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