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G 32 - 16
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Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
G32 16
by motion of the liquid (see flow cavitation) or of a solid 3.1.11 flow cavitation, ncavitation caused by a decrease in
boundary (see vibratory cavitation). It is distinguished in this local pressure induced by changes in velocity of a flowing
way from boiling, which originates from an increase in liquid liquid, such as in flow around an obstacle or through a
temperature. constriction. DiscussionThe term cavitation, by itself, should 3.1.12 incubation period, nthe initial stage of the erosion
not be used to denote the damage or erosion of a solid surface rate-time pattern during which the erosion rate is zero or
that can be caused by it; this effect of cavitation is termed negligible compared to later stages.
cavitation damage or cavitation erosion. To erode a solid DiscussionThe incubation period is usually
surface, bubbles or cavities must collapse on or near that
thought to represent the accumulation of plastic deformation
and internal stresses under the surface, that precedes significant
3.1.4 cavitation erosion, nprogressive loss of original material loss. There is no exact measure of the duration of the
material from a solid surface due to continued exposure to incubation period. See related terms, erosion threshold time
cavitation. and nominal incubation period.
3.1.5 cumulative erosion, nthe total amount of material 3.1.13 maximum erosion rate, nthe maximum instanta-
lost from a solid surface during all exposure periods since it neous erosion rate in a test that exhibits such a maximum
was first exposed to cavitation or impingement as a newly followed by decreasing erosion rates. (See also erosion rate-
finished surface. (More specific terms that may be used are time pattern.)
cumulative mass loss, cumulative volume loss, or cumulative DiscussionOccurrence of such a maximum is
mean depth of erosion. See also cumulative erosion-time typical of many cavitation and liquid impingement tests. In
curve.) some instances it occurs as an instantaneous maximum, in DiscussionUnless otherwise indicated by the others as a steady-state maximum which persists for some
context, it is implied that the conditions of cavitation or time.
impingement have remained the same throughout all exposure
periods, with no intermediate refinishing of the surface. 3.1.14 mean depth of erosion (MDE), nthe average thick-
ness of material eroded from a specified surface area, usually
3.1.6 cumulative erosion rate, nthe cumulative erosion at
calculated by dividing the measured mass loss by the density of
a specified point in an erosion test divided by the correspond-
the material to obtain the volume loss and dividing that by the
ing cumulative exposure duration; that is, the slope of a line
area of the specified surface. (Also known as mean depth of
from the origin to the specified point on the cumulative
penetration or MDP. Since that might be taken to denote the
erosion-time curve. (Synonym: average erosion rate)
average value of the depths of individual pits, it is a less
3.1.7 cumulative erosion-time curvea plot of cumulative preferred term.)
erosion versus cumulative exposure duration, usually deter-
mined by periodic interruption of the test and weighing of the 3.1.15 nominal incubation time, nthe intercept on the time
specimen. This is the primary record of an erosion test. Most or exposure axis of the straight-line extension of the maximum-
other characteristics, such as the incubation period, maximum slope portion of the cumulative erosion-time curve; while this
erosion rate, terminal erosion rate, and erosion rate-time curve, is not a true measure of the incubation stage, it serves to locate
are derived from it. the maximum erosion rate line on the cumulative erosion
versus time coordinates.
3.1.8 erosion rate-time curve, na plot of instantaneous
erosion rate versus exposure duration, usually obtained by 3.1.16 normalized erosion resistance, Ne, na measure of
numerical or graphical differentiation of the cumulative the erosion resistance of a test material relative to that of a
erosion-time curve. (See also erosion rate-time pattern.) specified reference material, calculated by dividing the volume
loss rate of the reference material by that of the test material,
3.1.9 erosion rate-time pattern, nany qualitative descrip-
when both are similarly tested and similarly analyzed. By
tion of the shape of the erosion rate-time curve in terms of the
similarly analyzed is meant that the two erosion rates must
several stages of which it may be composed.
be determined for corresponding portions of the erosion rate DiscussionIn cavitation and liquid impingement
time pattern; for instance, the maximum erosion rate or the
erosion, a typical pattern may be composed of all or some of
terminal erosion rate.
the following periods or stages: incubation period, accel- DiscussionA recommended complete wording
eration period, maximum-rate period, deceleration period,
has the form, The normalized erosion resistance of (test
terminal period, and occasionally catastrophic period. The
material) relative to (reference material) based on (criterion of
generic term period is recommended when associated with
data analysis) is (numerical value).
quantitative measures of its duration, etc.; for purely qualitative
descriptions the term stage is preferred. 3.1.17 normalized incubation resistance No, nthe nominal
3.1.10 erosion threshold time, nthe exposure time re- incubation time of a test material, divided by the nominal
quired to reach a mean depth of erosion of 1.0 m. incubation time of a specified reference material similarly DiscussionA mean depth of erosion of 1.0 m is tested and similarly analyzed. (See also normalized erosion
the least accurately measurable value considering the precision resistance.)
of the scale, specimen diameter, and density of the standard 3.1.18 tangent erosion rate, nthe slope of a straight line
reference material. drawn through the origin and tangent to the knee of the
G32 16
cumulative erosion-time curve, when that curve has the char- result would not be representative of a field application, where
acteristic S-shaped pattern that permits this. In such cases, the the hydrodynamic generation of cavitation is independent of
tangent erosion rate also represents the maximum cumulative the coating.
erosion rate exhibited during the test. NOTE 1An alternative approach that uses the same basic apparatus,
3.1.19 terminal erosion rate, nthe final steady-state ero- and is deemed suitable for compliant coatings, is the stationary speci-
sion rate that is reached (or appears to be approached asymp- men method. In that method, the specimen is fixed within the liquid
totically) after the erosion rate has declined from its maximum container, and the vibrating tip of the horn is placed in close proximity to
it. The cavitation bubbles induced by the horn (usually fitted with a
value. (See also terminal period and erosion rate-time pattern.) highly resistant replaceable tip) act on the specimen. While several
3.1.20 vibratory cavitation, ncavitation caused by the investigators have used this approach (see X4.2.3), they have differed with
pressure fluctuations within a liquid, induced by the vibration regard to standoff distances and other arrangements. The stationary
specimen approach can also be used for brittle materials which can not be
of a solid surface immersed in the liquid. formed into a threaded specimen nor into a disc that can be cemented to
a threaded specimen, as required for this test method (see 7.6).
4. Summary of Test Method 5.4 This test method should not be directly used to rank
4.1 This test method generally utilizes a commercially materials for applications where electrochemical corrosion or
obtained 20-kHz ultrasonic transducer to which is attached a solid particle impingement plays a major role. However,
suitably designed horn or velocity transformer. A specimen adaptations of the basic method and apparatus have been used
button of proper mass is attached by threading into the tip of for such purposes (see 9.2.5, 9.2.6, and X4.2). Guide G119
the horn. may be followed in order to determine the synergism between
4.2 The specimen is immersed into a container of the test the mechanical and electrochemical effects.
liquid (generally distilled water) that must be maintained at a 5.5 Those who are engaged in basic research, or concerned
specified temperature during test operation, while the specimen with very specialized applications, may need to vary some of
is vibrated at a specified amplitude. The amplitude and the test parameters to suit their purposes. However, adherence
frequency of vibration of the test specimen must be accurately to this test method in all other respects will permit a better
controlled and monitored. understanding and correlation between the results of different
4.3 The test specimen is weighed accurately before testing investigators.
begins and again during periodic interruptions of the test, in 5.6 Because of the nonlinear nature of the erosion-versus-
order to obtain a history of mass loss versus time (which is not time curve in cavitation and liquid impingement erosion, the
linear). Appropriate interpretation of this cumulative erosion- shape of that curve must be considered in making comparisons
versus-time curve permits comparison of results between and drawing conclusions. See Section 11.
different materials or between different test fluids or other 5.7 The results of this test may be significantly affected by
conditions. the specimens surface preparation. This must be considered in
planning, conducting and reporting a test program. See also 7.4
5. Significance and Use and 12.2.
5.1 This test method may be used to estimate the relative 5.8 The mechanisms of cavitation erosion and liquid im-
resistance of materials to cavitation erosion as may be pingement erosion are not fully understood and may differ,
encountered, for instance, in pumps, hydraulic turbines, hy- depending on the detailed nature, scale, and intensity of the
draulic dynamometers, valves, bearings, diesel engine cylinder liquid/solid interactions. Erosion resistance may, therefore,
liners, ship propellers, hydrofoils, and in internal flow passages represent a mix of properties rather than a single property, and
with obstructions. An alternative method for similar purposes has not yet been successfully correlated with other indepen-
is Test Method G134, which employs a cavitating liquid jet to dently measurable material properties. For this reason, the
produce erosion on a stationary specimen. The latter may be consistency of results between different test methods or under
more suitable for materials not readily formed into a precisely different field conditions is not very good. Small differences
shaped specimen. The results of either, or any, cavitation between two materials are probably not significant, and their
erosion test should be used with caution; see 5.8. relative ranking could well be reversed in another test.
5.2 Some investigators have also used this test method as a 5.9 If a test program must deviate from the standard
screening test for materials subjected to liquid impingement specifications for apparatus, test specimens, or test conditions,
erosion as encountered, for instance, in low-pressure steam the reasons shall be explained, and the results characterized as
turbines and in aircraft, missiles or spacecraft flying through obtained by ASTM Test Method G32 modified. See also 5.4,
rainstorms. Test Method G73 describes another testing ap- 5.5, and 12.1.
proach specifically intended for that type of environment.
5.3 This test method is not recommended for evaluating 6. Apparatus
elastomeric or compliant coatings, some of which have been 6.1 The vibratory apparatus used for this test method
successfully used for protection against cavitation or liquid produces axial oscillations of a test specimen inserted to a
impingement of moderate intensity. This is because the com- specified depth in the test liquid. The vibrations are generated
pliance of the coating on the specimen may reduce the severity by a magnetostrictive or piezoelectric transducer, driven by a
of the liquid cavitation induced by its vibratory motion. The suitable electronic oscillator and power amplifier. The power of
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6.7.2 The vessel shall be cylindrical in cross-section, and
the depth of liquid in it shall be 100 6 10 mm, unless otherwise
6.7.3 The vessels inside diameter will depend on whether
the cooling method (see 6.8) is an external cooling bath into
which the vessel is immersed, or a cooling coil immersed
within the vessel. In either case, it is recommended that the
unobstructed diameter (that is, the internal diameter of the
vessel or of the cooling coil within it if used) be 100 6 15 mm.
6.7.4 A standard commercially available low-form glass
beaker (for example, Type I or II of Specification E960) may be
suitable. A 600-mL beaker may be suitable when a cooling bath
is used, and a 1000-mL to 1500-mL beaker when a cooling coil
is used.
6.8 Means shall be provided to maintain the temperature of
the test liquid near the specimen at a specified temperature (see
TABLE OF VALUES This is commonly achieved by means of a cooling
mm inch bath around the liquid-containing vessel or a cooling coil
D* 15.9 0.05 0.624 0.002 immersed within it, with suitable thermostatic control. The
E* 0.15 0.006
F (W + 2.2) 0.25 (W + 0.09) 0.01 temperature sensor should be located as close as practicable to
H See 7.2 the specimen, but at a point where it does not interfere with the
L 10.0 0.5 0.394 0.02 cavitation process and is not damaged by it. A suggested
R 0.8 0.15 0.031 0.006
T Thread, see X2.1 location is approximately 3 mm radially from the specimen
U 2.0 0.5 0.08 0.02 periphery, and at a depth of immersion approximately 3 mm
W Thread minor dia, see Table X2.2 below that of the specimen face.
Z 0.8 0.15 0.031 0.006
r* 0.050 0.002 6.9 Optionally, a heating system may be provided, for two
s* 0.025 0.001
purposes: (1) to achieve degassing of the liquid, and (2) to
NOTE 1Asterisk (*) indicates mandatory; others recommended. bring the liquid temperature to the desired value before the test
FIG. 4 Dimensions and Tolerances of the Test Specimen begins. Such a system may consist of a separate heating coil, or
combined with the cooling system, with suitable thermostatic
control. A comprehensive thermal control system that includes
of different length may be needed in order to permit use of similarly sized cooling, heating, and magnetic stirring provisions has been
specimens. One horn might be used for specimens having densities
5 g cm3 or more and tuned for a button mass of about 10 g (0.022 lb), and
used by at least one investigator.
the other for densities less than 5 g/cm3, tuned for a button mass of about 6.10 A timer should be provided to measure the test duration
5 g (0.011 lb). See also 7.2 and Table X2.2. or to switch off the test automatically after a preset time.
6.5.3 A means for monitoring or checking frequency shall
be provided; this could be a signal from the power supply or a 7. Test Specimens
transducer, feeding into a frequency counter.
7.1 The specimen button diameter (see also 6.3) shall be
6.6 Amplitude Control: 15.9 6 0.05 mm (0.626 6 0.002 in.). The test surface shall be
6.6.1 Means shall be provided to measure and control plane and square to the transducer axis within an indicator
vibration amplitude of the horn tip within the tolerances reading of 0.025 mm (0.001 in.). No rim on or around the
specified in or 9.1.2. specimen test surface shall be used. The circular edges of the
6.6.2 If the ultrasonic system has automatic control to specimen button shall be smooth, but any chamfer or radius
maintain resonance and constant amplitude, amplitude calibra- shall not exceed 0.15 mm (0.006 in.).
tion may be done with the specimen in the air and will still
7.2 The button thickness of the specimen (Dimension H in
apply when the specimen is submerged. This may be done with
Figs. 1 and 4) shall be not less than 4 mm (0.157 in.) and not
a filar microscope, dial indicator, eddy-current displacement
more than 10 mm (0.394 in.). See Table X2.2 for relationships
sensor, or other suitable means (see also Appendix X1).
between button thickness and mass.
6.6.3 If the apparatus does not have automatic amplitude
control, it may be necessary to provide a strain gage or 7.3 Specimens of different materials to be tested with the
accelerometer on some part of the vibrating assembly for same horn should have approximately the same button mass,
continuous monitoring. within the dimensional limits of 7.2. See also 6.5.2.
6.7 Liquid Vessel: 7.4 Specimens should be prepared in a manner consistent
6.7.1 The size of the vessel containing the test liquid is a with the purposes of the test. Three options are given in 7.4.1
compromise. It must be small enough to permit satisfactory 7.4.3.
temperature control, and large enough to avoid possible effects 7.4.1 Unless otherwise required, the test surface shall be
of wave reflections from its boundaries, and of erosion debris. lightly machined, then ground and polished to a maximum
G32 16
surface roughness of 0.8 m (32 in.), in such a way as to TABLE 1 Material Used in Interlaboratory Study
minimize surface damage or alteration. While an extremely Designation: Nickel 200, UNS N02200, ASTM B160
fine finish is not required, there shall be no visible pits or Composition (limit values): Ni 99 min; max others: 0.25 Cu, 0.40 Fe, 0.35 Mn,
0.15 C, 0.35 Si, 0.01 S
scratch marks that would serve as sites for accelerated cavita- Specific gravity (nominal): 8.89
tion damage. Final finishing with 600 grit emery cloth has been Form: 0.75-in. (19 mm) rod, cold drawn and annealed
found satisfactory. Properties:
Yield strength (nominal)A : 103 to 207 MPa (15 to 30 ksi)
7.4.2 For screening of materials for their erosion resistance (measured)B : 284 MPa (41.2 ksi)
in a particular application, the surface preparation method Tensile strength (nominal): 379 to 517 MPa (55 to 75 ksi)
(measured): 586 MPa (85 ksi)
should be as close as possible to that used in the end Elongation (nominal): 40 to 55 %
application. For example, rolled sheet material would be tested (measured): 58 %
in the as-rolled condition and weld-deposited hard facings Reduction of area (nominal): N/A
(measured): 76 %
would be tested in the as-deposited and final machined or Hardness (nominal): 45 to 70 HRB, 90 to 120 HB
polished condition, or both. (measured): 49 HRB
7.4.3 In tests where any possible effects of surface prepara- A
Nominal properties are from Huntington Alloys data sheets. (Strength prop-
tion (for example, subsurface alterations, or work hardening) erties were listed in ksi; SI values in this table are conversions.)
Measured properties reported from tests on sample from same rod as used for
on the results are to be minimized, the following procedure is erosion test specimens. (Strength properties were reported in ksi; SI values in this
recommended: Prepare machined surfaces for testing by suc- table are conversions.)
cessively finer polishing down to 600 grit, with at least 50
strokes of each grade of paper. This method provides a surface
finish on the order of 0.1 to 0.2 m (4 to 8 in.) rms, with a 8. Calibration
depth to the plastic/elastic boundary on the order of 20 m. 8.1 Calibration and Qualification of Apparatus:
Should the experiment require the complete removal of any 8.1.1 Perform a frequency and amplitude calibration of the
altered layer, an additional 25 m of material should be assembled system at least with the first sample of each group
removed via electropolishing. of specimens of same button mass and length. Also calibrate
NOTE 3Information on subsurface alterations due to machining and the temperature measurement system by an appropriate
grinding can be found in Refs (1 and 2).3 method.
7.5 The threaded connection between specimen and horn 8.1.2 To qualify the apparatus initially, and to verify its
must be carefully designed, and sufficiently prestressed on performance from time to time, perform tests with the pre-
assembly, to avoid the possibility of excessive vibratory ferred reference material specified in 8.1.3 (annealed Nickel
stresses, fatigue failures, and leakage of fluid into the threads. 200) or, if a laboratory cannot obtain Ni 200, one of the
There must be no sharp corners in the thread roots or at the supplementary reference materials specified in 8.1.4. Do this at
junction between threaded shank and button. A smooth radius standard test conditions (see 9.1) even if the apparatus is
or undercut shall be provided at that junction. Other recom- normally operated at optional conditions. Detailed guidelines
mendations are given in Fig. 4 and Appendix X2. and criteria for qualification are given in Appendix X3.
8.1.3 The preferred reference material is annealed wrought
7.6 For test materials that are very light, or weak, or brittle, Nickel 200 (UNS N02200), conforming to Specification B160.
or that cannot be readily machined into a homogeneous This is a commercially pure (99.5 %) nickel product; see Table
specimen, it may be desirable to use a threaded stud made of 1 for its properties. Test curves from a provisional interlabo-
the same material as the horn (or some other suitable material) ratory study are shown in Fig. 5, and statistical results from that
and to attach a flat disk of the test material by means of study are shown in Table 2. The appearance of a test specimen
brazing, adhesives, or other suitable process. Such a disk shall at various stages is shown in Fig. 6.
be at least 3 mm (0.12 in.) in thickness, unless it is the purpose 8.1.4 A supplementary reference material of greater erosion
of the specimen to test an overlay or surface layer system. In resistance is annealed austenitic stainless steel Type 316, of
that case, the test report shall describe the overlay material, its hardness 150 to 175 HV (UNS S31600, Specification A276). A
thickness, the substrate material, and the deposition or attach- supplementary reference material of lesser erosion resistance is
ment process. For such nonhomogeneous specimens, the but- Aluminum Alloy 6061-T6 (UNS A96061, Specification B211).
ton weight recommendation given in 7.3 still applies. Their properties are shown in Table 3. A comparative test study
7.7 No flats shall be machined into the cylindrical surface of with these materials was conducted for the original develop-
the specimen or horn tip. Tightening of the specimen should be ment of this Test Method; see Refs (3 and 4). Curves and
accomplished by a tool that depends on frictional clamping but limited statistical results from four laboratories are presented in
does not mar the cylindrical surface, such as a collet or X3.2.
specially designed clamp-on wrench, preferably one that can 8.2 Normalization of Test Results:
be used in conjunction with a torque wrench. (See 10.3 and 8.2.1 In each major program include among the materials
Appendix X2 for tightening requirements and guidelines.) tested one or more reference materials, tested at the same
condition to facilitate calculation of normalized erosion resis-
tance of the other materials.
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of 8.2.2 If possible include the preferred reference material,
this standard. annealed Ni 200, as specified in 8.1.3.
G32 16 The gas over the test liquid shall be air, at a pressure
differing less than 6 % from one standard atmosphere (101.3
kPa; 760 mm (29.92 in.) Hg). If the pressure is outside this
range, for example, because of altitude, this must be noted in
the report as a deviation from standard conditions. The peak-to-peak displacement amplitude of the test
surface of the specimen shall be 50 m (0.002 in.) 65 %
throughout the test.
9.1.2 An alternative peak-to-peak displacement amplitude
of 25 m (0.001 in.) may be used for weak, brittle, or
nonmetallic materials that would be damaged too rapidly or
could not withstand the inertial vibratory stresses with the
standard amplitude of See Appendix X2 for guidance.
This amplitude may also be appropriate for erosion-corrosion
studies. If this amplitude is used, this must be clearly stated in
conjunction with any statement that this test method (Test
Method G32) was followed.
9.2 Optional Test Conditions:
9.2.1 The standard test conditions of 9.1.1 satisfy a large
number of applications in which the relative resistance of
materials under ordinary environmental conditions is to be
determined. However, there can be applications for which
other temperatures, other pressures, and other liquids must be
used. When such is the case, any presentation of results shall
clearly refer to and specify all deviations from the test
conditions of 9.1.1. (See also 12.1.) Deviations from standard
test conditions should not be used unless essential for purposes
of the test.
9.2.2 Investigations of the effect of liquid temperature on
cavitation erosion (see X4.2.2) have shown that the erosion rate
NOTE 1The curves for Laboratories 1 through 3 represent averages peaks strongly at a temperature about halfway between freez-
from three replicate tests; that for Laboratory 5 is based on two replicate ing and boiling point, for example, for water under atmospheric
tests. pressure at about 50C (122F). Near the standard temperature
FIG. 5 Cumulative Erosion-Time Curves for Nickel 200 from Four
Laboratories (see 13.1.2)
of 25C, each increase of 1C probably increases the erosion
rate by 1 to 2 %. Thus, there may be economic incentive to
8.2.3 Alternatively, or in addition, include one of the supple- conduct water tests with especially resistant materials (for
mentary reference materials (see 8.1.4). The choice may be example, tool steels, stellites) at a temperature higher than that
based on the range of expected erosion resistance of the group specified in This can generally be done simply by
of materials being tested. adjusting the temperature control, since without any cooling
the liquid temperature may rise even beyond the optimum.
9. Test Conditions 9.2.3 To conduct specialized tests at elevated temperature or
9.1 Standard Test Conditions: pressure, or with difficult or hazardous liquids, the liquid-
9.1.1 If this test method is cited without additional test containing vessel must be appropriately designed. Usually, a
parameters, it shall be understood that the following test seal must be provided between the vessel and the horn
conditions apply: assembly. While bellows seals can be used, it is preferable to The test liquid shall be distilled or deionized water, design the supporting features (see 6.4) to incorporate the
meeting specifications for Type III reagent water given by sealing function.
Specification D1193. 9.2.4 The procedures specified in Section 10 still apply. The depth of the liquid in its container shall be 100 Opening and disassembling the test vessel should be
6 10 mm (3.94 6 0.39 in.), with cooling coils (if any) in place. minimized, as this may distort the erosion results by causing The immersion depth of the specimen test surface extraneous oxidation, etc., through additional exposure to air.
shall be 12 6 4 mm (0.47 6 0.16 in.). 9.2.5 When testing with liquids that may be corrosive (for The specimen (horn tip) shall be concentric with the example, seawater) Guide G119 may be followed in order to
cylindrical axis of the container, within 65 % of the container determine the synergism between the mechanical and electro-
diameter. chemical effects. See, for example, Ref (5). Maintain the temperature of the test liquid at 25 6 9.2.6 For tests intended to simulate cavitation erosion-
2C (77 6 3.6F). CautionFailure to maintain specified corrosion conditions, it may be appropriate to operate the
temperature can significantly affect the results; see 9.2.2. equipment in a pulsed or cyclic manner. A 60-s-on/60-s-off
G32 16
TABLE 2 Statistical ResultsA of Provisional Interlaboratory Study using Ni 200
Maximum erosion rate Nominal Incubation Time to 50 m Time to 100 m
Test Result:
(m/h) time (min) MDE (min) MDE (min)
Individual Laboratory ResultsB
Laboratory 1 average: 29.6 29.7 131 234
standard deviation: 0.88 6.8 4.7 4.6
coefficient of variation %: 3.0 22.9 3.6 2.0
cycle is recommended as a basic duty cycle for such tests. If layer of liquid or solid boundary lubricant may be used to
the nature of the interactions between erosion and corrosion is ensure effective preloading and to prevent galling between
to be studied, then varying duty cycles may be required. specimen and horn. However, excessive amounts of liquid or
grease lubricants can result in damage to mating surfaces in the
10. Procedure
joint, due to cavitation of the lubricant. See also Appendix X2.)
10.1 For each new test specimen, clean the liquid vessel and (WarningHeating of the horn and unusual noise are indica-
fill it with fresh liquid. tions of either fatigue failure or improper tightening of the
NOTE 4Early versions of this test method called for stabilizing the gas specimen, or presence of dirt or excessive amount of lubricant.)
content of the liquid before beginning a test on a new specimen, by first
running a dummy specimen of high erosion resistance for 30 min. 10.4 Insert the specimen into the liquid to a depth as
However, there is no convincing evidence that this makes any significant
difference to the results, and it may be supposed that operating with the
specified in, and concentric with the container as
test specimen for the first 30 min produces the same effect. However, this specified in
procedure may be suitable when very early stages of the test are to be
investigated. 10.5 Start the apparatus and the timer, and bring the
amplitude as quickly as possible to the specified value. On
10.2 Clean the test specimen carefully and weigh it on an
apparatus with automatic amplitude control this is usually
accurate and sensitive balance (0.1-mg accuracy and sensitiv-
accomplished simply by repeating the control settings or dial
ity) before the test.
readings determined in a previous calibration (see 6.6 and
10.3 After making sure that the threads and contact surfaces 8.1.1). Also make sure that the temperature is stabilized at the
of the horn and the specimen are perfectly free of debris, thread desired value as soon as possible. Monitor these conditions
the specimen into the horn until finger tight, then tighten to a from time to time.
suitable torque. The resulting prestressing of the threaded
shank must be sufficient to ensure that contact is not lost 10.6 At the end of the test interval, stop the apparatus,
between horn and specimen shoulder as a result of vibratory remove the specimen, and carefully clean, dry and weigh it to
inertial loads. See guidelines given in Appendix X2. determine its new mass and hence the mass loss. See 10.6.1 for
(WarningFatigue failure of the threaded portion of the cleaning and drying recommendations. Repeat the cleaning,
specimens may become a problem under some circumstances. drying, and weighing operations until two successive weigh-
The specimen must be tightly secured to the horn to ensure ings yield identical (or acceptably similar) readings, unless
good energy transmission and avoid any separation between prior qualification of the cleaning procedure has proved such
specimen button and horn tip. A very thin (virtually invisible) repetition unnecessary.
G32 16
such that a curve of cumulative mass loss versus cumulative
exposure time can be established with reasonable accuracy.
The duration of these intervals, therefore, depends upon the test
material and its erosion resistance and cannot be rigorously
specified in advance. Suitable intervals may be approximately
15 min for aluminum alloys, 30 min for pure nickel, 1 to 2 h
for stainless steel, and 4 to 8 h for stellite. Intervals near the
beginning of a test may need to be shorter if the shape of the
erosion-time curve during the incubation and acceleration
periods, and the erosion threshold time, are to be accurately
10.10 It is recommended that the testing of each specimen
be continued at least until the average rate of erosion (also
termed cumulative erosion rate) has reached a maximum and
begins to diminish, that is, until the tangent erosion rate line
(see 3.1) can be drawn.
NOTE 5This recommendation assumes that either the maximum
erosion rate or the tangent erosion rate is considered a significant
measure of the resistance of the material, and ensures that both can be
determined. However, there is another school of thought that holds the
maximum rate is a transient phenomenon, and a truer measure is the
eventual terminal erosion rate if that can be established. Thus, the
desirable total duration of the test may depend on the test objectives, the
school of thought to which the investigator adheres, and the practical
limitations. For stainless steel, it can take 40 h to get beyond the maximum
rate stage, see Ref (6); for stellite probably more than 100.
10.11 It is recommended that when several materials are to
be compared, all materials be tested until they reach compa-
rable mean depths of erosion.
FIG. 6 Photographs of a Nickel 200 Specimen Taken at Several
Cumulative Exposure Times 11. Calculation or Interpretation of Results
11.1 Interpretation and reporting of cavitation erosion test
TABLE 3 Properties of Supplementary Reference Materials
(from tables in Ref (4)) data is made difficult by the fact that the rate of erosion
Aluminum Alloy Stainless Steel
(material loss) is not constant with time, but goes through
Property several stages (see Fig. 7). This makes it impossible to
6061-T6 AISI 316
Hardness, HRB 60.1 74.8 represent the test result fully by a single number, or to predict
Tensile strength, MPA (ksi) 328 (40.7) 560 (81.3) long-term behavior from a short-term test. The following
Elongation, % 21.5 69.0
Reduction of area, % 44 76.9
paragraphs describe required as well as optional data interpre-
Density, g/cm3 2.71 7.91 tation steps.
11.2 The primary result of an erosion test is the cumulative
erosion-time curve. Although the raw data will be in terms of
10.6.1 Very carefully clean and dry the specimen before mass loss versus time, for analysis and reporting purposes this
each weighing. Rinsing with ethyl alcohol or other suitable should be converted to a mean depth of erosion (MDE)
solvent may be sufficient. An ultrasonic cleaning bath (such as versus time curve, since a volumetric loss is more significant
for cleaning dentures), has also been found satisfactory. than a mass loss when materials of different densities are
(WarningThis should NOT be used with solvents.) Dry with compared. Calculate the mean depth of erosion, for the purpose
a stream of hot, dry air, as from a hair dryer. For porous (for of this test method, on the basis of the full area of the test
example, cast) materials a vacuum desiccator may be used. Do surface of the specimen, even though generally a narrow
not dry with cloth or paper products that may leave lint on the annular region at the periphery of the test surface remains
specimen.) virtually undamaged. For the button diameter specified in 7.1,
this area is 1.986 cm2 (0.308 in.2).
10.7 Repeat 10.3 10.6 for the next test interval, and so on
until the criteria of 10.10 or 10.11 have been met. It is 11.3 Because of the shape of the cumulative erosion-time
recommended that a running plot of cumulative mass loss curve, it is not meaningful to compare the mass loss or MDE
versus cumulative exposure time be maintained. for different materials after the same cumulative exposure time.
(The reason is that a selected time may still be within the
10.8 After 8 to 12 h of testing with the same liquid, strain incubation or acceleration stage for a very resistant material,
out the debris, or discard and refill with fresh liquid. whereas for a weak material the same time may be within the
10.9 As shown in Fig. 7, the rate of mass loss varies with maximum rate or deceleration stage.) However, one may
exposure time. The intervals between measurements must be compare the cumulative exposure times to reach the same
G32 16
NOTE 1A = nominal incubation time; tan B = maximum erosion rate; tan C = terminal erosion rate; and D = terminal line intercept.
FIG. 7 Characteristic Stages of the Erosion Rate-Time Pattern, and Parameters for Representation of the Cumulative Erosion-Time
cumulative MDE. For that purpose, the following values shall 11.5 The use of other carefully defined test result
be reported: (1) Time to 50 m, designated t50; (2) time to 100 representations, in addition to those required above, is optional.
m, designated t100; and (3) optionally, if practicable, time to Some that have been used include the tangent erosion rate
200 m, designated t200. (the slope of a straight line drawn through the origin and
11.4 For a more complete description of the test result, use tangent to the knee of the cumulative erosion-time curve), the
the following parameters (refer to Fig. 7): MDE of that tangency point, and curves of instantaneous
11.4.1 The maximum rate of erosion, that is, slope of the erosion rate versus time or of average erosion rate versus
straight line that best approximates the linear (or nearly linear) time. A recent proposal is to plot the results on Weibull
steepest portion of the cumulative erosion-time curve, ex- Cumulative Distribution Function coordinates, and determine
pressed in micrometres per hour. This is the most commonly several parameters from the resulting straight line(s); see Ref
used single-number result found in the literature, and its use is (7) and others by the same author.
required in this test method. 11.6 This test method is sufficiently well specified that
11.4.2 The nominal incubation time, that is, intercept of direct comparisons between results obtained in different labo-
the maximum erosion rate line on the time axis. This also is ratories are meaningful, provided that the standard test
required. However, this is not a measure of the incubation configuration, conditions, and procedures are rigorously ad-
period, whose duration remains undefined. See also 11.4.3 hered to; see 13.1.4 and Table 2. However, to facilitate
below. comparisons between results from different types of cavitation
11.4.3 The erosion threshold time (ETT) or time required erosion tests, it is also recommended to present results in
to reach a mean depth of erosion (MDE) of 1.0 m. This is an normalized form relative to one or more standard reference
indication of when measurable mass loss begins. Reporting of materials included in the test program (see 8.2). Specific
this is optional. parameters used include normalized erosion resistance and
11.4.4 The terminal erosion rate if exhibited in a test that normalized incubation resistance (see definitions in Section 3).
is continued for a sufficiently long time. This is optional.
11.4.5 If the terminal erosion rate is reported, then the MDE 12. Report
corresponding to the intersection of the terminal-rate line with 12.1 Report clearly any deviations from the standard speci-
the maximum-rate line, or alternatively its intercept on the fications for the apparatus (Section 6), test specimen (Section
MDE axis, must also be reported. 7), and test conditions (9.1) as well as the reasons for these
G32 16
deviations. This includes specification of the test liquid, tem- bar. The material properties are given in Table 1. A research
perature and pressure of the liquid, vibration amplitude and report has been filed with ASTM.4
frequency, etc. When results from such tests are reported in 13.1.2 A summary of the test result statistics is given in
abbreviated form, state that ASTM Test Method G32 modi- Table 2, and averaged erosion-time curves for each lab are
fied was used and specify deviations from 9.1. shown in Fig. 5.
12.2 Erosion test results, especially during the incubation NOTE 6Although five laboratories participated, the results of Labo-
period, can be significantly affected by the preparation of the ratory No. 4 have been excluded here for the reason that this laboratory
specimen and the resulting alteration of its surface layers (see reported overheating problems that led to unscheduled interruptions of the
test and resulted in anomalous test curves with greater variability than
7.4.3). The test report should state whether either of these those from the other laboratories. The full results may be found in the
special cases for specimen preparation apply: Screening mate- research report.4
rials for a specific field application (see 7.4.2), or studying
13.1.3 Within-Laboratory Variability:
material response with minimal effect of surface preparation For maximum erosion rates, the pooled coefficient
(see 7.4.3).
of variation (COV) for repeatability was 4.2 %, but Laboratory
12.3 Report the following information, if applicable, for 1, 2, and 3 each achieved individual within-lab coefficients of
each material tested: variation of 3 % or less.
12.3.1 Identification, specification, composition, heat For the other measures, Laboratories 1 through 3
treatment, and mechanical properties including hardness, as again generally had the lowest coefficients of variation: For the
measured on the specimen or the stock from which it came, time to 100 m MDE, while the pooled value was 5.2 %,
12.3.2 Method of preparing test specimens and test surface Laboratories 1 through 3 each achieved 2 % or lower. For the
(preferably including initial surface roughness measurement), time to 50 m MDE, the pooled value was 6 %, but Labora-
12.3.3 Number of specimens tested, tories 1 through 3 each achieved lower than 4 %. The greatest
12.3.4 A tabulation giving the following information on within-lab variability is found for the nominal incubation time;
each specimen tested: the pooled value was about 20 % and the lowest individual lab Total cumulative length of exposure, hours (h), result was about 14 %. Total cumulative mass loss, milligrams (mg), These results suggest that a laboratory that obtains Total cumulative mean depth of erosion, microme- a repeatability coefficient of variation of 5 % or more, for any
tres (m), calculated from mass loss, specimen area (see 11.2), parameter other than nominal incubation time, should carefully
and specimen density, review its specimen preparation and testing procedures. The Maximum rate of erosion (see 11.4.1), results also underscore the importance of consistent surface Nominal incubation time (see 11.4.2), and preparation of the specimens, since surface preparation can The cumulative exposure times to reach a mean strongly affect the whole erosion-time curve, especially during
depths of 50, 100, and possibly 200 m; designated t50, t100 and the early stages.
t200 respectively (see 11.3). 13.1.4 Between-Laboratory VariabilityThe reproducibil-
12.3.5 A tabulation giving the normalized erosion resistance ity coefficients of variation for all variables except the nominal
and normalized incubation resistance for each material tested, incubation time ranged from 8 to 10 %; for the nominal
relative to one of the reference materials (see 8.2) included in incubation time it was about 30 %.
the test. Calculate these values from averaged data of replicate
13.2 BiasNo statement can be made regarding the bias of
tests of the same material.
this test method, because there are no accepted reference
12.3.6 A full report should also include the following on
values (as defined in Practice E177, Section 16) for the
each specimen tested:
properties measure in this (or any other) erosion test, nor is Tabulation of cumulative mass losses and corre-
there an accepted reference method. Erosion test results from
sponding cumulative exposure time for each specimen, and
different methods are not directly comparable, and even Plot of cumulative mean depth of erosion versus
relative (for example, normalized) results for the same group
cumulative exposure time for each specimen.
of materials may differ according to the test method or test
12.4 Report any special or unusual occurrences or observa- conditions employed. However, a laboratory may determine its
tions. own provisional laboratory bias by comparing its results for
Nickel 200 with the provisional average results obtained in the
13. Precision and Bias limited interlaboratory study shown in Table 2. See also 8.1.
13.1 Precision:
13.1.1 The limited interlaboratory study on which the fol- 14. Keywords
lowing information is based did not meet all the requirements 14.1 cavitation; cavitation erosion; erosion by liquids;
of Practice E691; however, it does meet the requirements of a erosion-corrosion; erosion of solids; erosion resistance; erosion
provisional study as defined in Guide G117. The variabilities test; vibratory cavitation
are calculated as prescribed by Practice E691 and Guide G117.
The statistics are based on the tests of one material, Nickel 200,
by four laboratories, using this test method with only minor 4
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
deviations. All laboratories used specimens cut from the same be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:G02-1007.
G32 16
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Commercially-obtained ultrasonic equipment is gen- ary and with it turned on. Since the indicator cannot follow the
erally provided with a meter or power adjustment that can be horn tip vibrations, it then takes on a position corresponding to
used to set and monitor vibration amplitude once it has been the peak displacement. Thus the difference in the readings is
calibrated against a direct measurement of tip amplitude. The the rest-to-peak amplitude.
following subsections briefly describe some calibration tech-
niques that have been found satisfactory, as well as alternative X1.4 Noncontacting ProbesVarious noncontacting prox-
monitoring methods. imity probes and vibration probes are commercially available.
Any such vibration probe may be suitable. The suitability of a
X1.2 Filar MicroscopeThis technique requires a micro- proximity probe would depend on whether it would respond to
scope having a filar scale with divisions of 5 m (0.0002 in.) or the closest position of a vibrating surface.
smaller, and a very bright light source. A light scratch mark, X1.5 Strain GagesTheoretically, if the exact shape of the
perpendicular to the horn axis, may be scribed on the side of horn is known and its vibratory strain measured by a strain
the horn tip or specimen, if necessary. The width of an gage at one location, the corresponding tip amplitude can be
appropriate mark or edge perpendicular to the horn axis is calculated. It can also be calibrated with one of the other
observed with the apparatus turned off, and its apparent methods listed above. This technique would permit constant
width observed with the apparatus turned on. The difference is monitoring of the amplitude during a test with the tip im-
the peak-to-peak amplitude of vibration. mersed.
X1.3 Dial IndicatorThis technique requires a precision X1.6 AccelerometersAn accelerometer sensing axial mo-
dial indicator with scale divisions of 2.5 m (0.0001 in.) or tion can be attached at some suitable location that is not a node
smaller. The indicator is mounted on the platform or base of the (for instance on top of the transducer stack), and its signal
apparatus, with the indicator tip contacting the face of the horn calibrated by one of the other methods or by theoretical
tip or specimen. Readings are taken with the apparatus station- calculation.
X2.1 Basic Considerations X2.1.3 A final requirement, usually met without difficulty, is
X2.1.1 The prestressing force in the threaded shank, pro- that the horn annulus cross-section area, just below the top of
duced by adequate torquing on assembly, must exceed the peak its threaded hole, must resist the full inertial alternating force
vibratory inertial force on the specimen button, so that a due to the whole specimen and horn tip region below that
positive contact pressure is always maintained between the section.
specimen shoulder and the horn tip during each cycle of
X2.2 Thread Selection
vibration. This is essential for two reasons: firstly, to reduce the
alternating force imposed on the threaded shank, by spreading X2.2.1 While this test method does not mandate the use of
it over the horn tip area as well, and secondly, to prevent any a particular thread for the specimen shank, the following thread
leakage of the test liquid into the threads, where it could cause and shank dimensions are recommended:
damage and heating. X2.2.2 The preferred recommended threads, to be desig-
X2.1.2 The prestress in the threaded shank, on the other nated Group A, are either 38 UNF-24, M10-1.0, or M10-
hand, must not be so great that it, in combination with the 1.25. Alternative recommended threads, to be designated
reduced but still existing alternating stress, could cause failure Group B, are either 516-UNF-24 or M8-1.0. Some investi-
in the threads or in the junction between threads and button. It gators have used 716-UNF-20. The inch-based unified threads
should be noted that while in some bolting applications a should be Class 2 or, if desired, Class 3. The metric threads
proper preload can virtually eliminate all alternating stresses should be of the medium class of fit (6g and 6H) or, if
from the threaded member, that cannot be assumed true in this desired, of the close class of fit (4h and 5H). The thread roots
case. The reason is that the horn tip area and rigidity is not of the external thread must be rounded; the specification of the
vastly greater than that of the shank, so that in essence the British standards, calling for a root radius of 0.1443 times
alternating load will be shared by the horn and the shank in pitch, may be followed. Some properties of these threads are
proportion to their areas and their moduli of elasticity. given in Table X2.1.
G32 16
TABLE X2.1 Properties of Specimen Threads
NOTE 1Dimensions are given in mm or mm . (Dimensions in parentheses are given in in. or in.2.)
X2.2.3 The length of the threaded shank should be 10 6 0.5 X2.4.2 Calculate the peak inertial force (Fb) on the speci-
mm (0.394 6 0.02 in.). men button as follows. Determine the button mass, M, in
X2.2.4 At the junction between the threaded shank and the grams. (See Table X2.2 for guidance.) Then for the standard
shoulder of the specimen, there should be a smooth radius of at peak-to-peak displacement amplitude of 50 m at 20 kHz:
least 0.65 mm (0.025 in.), and preferably a smooth undercut of F b , N 5 400 M (X2.3)
length 2 mm (0.08 in.), as shown in Fig. 4. The horn should
have a corresponding countersink chamfer as also shown in or:
this figure. The countersink should be no greater than
F b , lbf 5 90 M
necessary, and not unduly reduce the contact surface between
horn tip and specimen shoulder. For the alternative displacement amplitude of 25 m, the
values are half of the above. The minimum prestress force to be
X2.3 Relation Between Tightening Torque and Preload
considered should be at least 1.5 Fb. The maximum safe
X2.3.1 For the recommended threads, the following equa- prestress force is determined by the following steps.
tions may be used to determine the required torque, T, to obtain
a desired prestress force, Fs. Guidelines for selecting Fs are X2.4.3 Calculate the alternating force amplitude on the
given in X2.4. specimen threads, Fa, that applies when the preload exceeds
F b:
X2.3.2 For thread group A:
T/F s 5 @ 0.47210.0076# ~ lb 2 in./lb! (X2.1) Fa 5 (X2.4)
11 ~ A H /A R !~ E H /E S !
5 @ 0.01210.00019# ~ N 2 m/N ! where:
X2.3.3 For thread group B: AH = stress area of horn outside of threads,
T/F s 5 @ 0.41510.0062# ~ lb 2 in./lb! (X2.2) AR = stress area of specimen shank,
EH = modulus of elasticity of horn material, and
5 @ 0.010511.57 3 1024 # ~ N 2 m/N ! ES = modulus of elasticity of specimen material.
X2.3.4 In the above equations, is the coefficient of Values of (AH/AR) for the recommended threads are given in
friction, which may be assumed as 0.2 for dry engagement and Table X2.1.
0.1 for lubricated engagement.
X2.4.4 Calculate a conservative upper limit to the prestress
X2.4 Prestressing Guidelines force FS using the following approximation:
X2.4.1 Experience has shown that prestressing the speci- F s max 5 S y A s 2 8 F a (X2.5)
men shank to about one half of its yield strength is satisfactory
in many cases. However, to evaluate the prestressing limits
more closely and identify potential problems, the following Sy = yield strength of specimen material, and
calculation steps may be performed. As = tensile stress area of the thread, given in Table X2.1.
G32 16
TABLE X2.2 Button Mass and Length Relationships
Material Specific Gravity Aluminum 2.7 Titanium 4.5 Steel 7.9 Nickel, Brass, Stellite 8.8
Button Length mm (in.) Corresponding Mass, g/(weight, lb)
2.14 3.57 6.27 6.99
4.0 (0.157) (0.00472) (0.00787) (0.0138) (0.0154)
3.22 5.36 9.41 10.48
6.0 (0.236) (0.00709) (0.0118) (0.0207) (0.0231)
4.29 7.15 12.55 13.98
8.0 (0.315) (0.00945) (0.0157) (0.0276) (0.0308)
5.36 8.94 15.69 17.47
10.0 (0.394) (0.0118) (0.0197) (0.0346) (0.0385)
Button Mass, g (weight, lb) Corresponding Length,mm/(in.)
7.46 4.47 2.55 2.29
4 (0.0088) (0.294) (0.176) (0.100) (0.090)
9.33 5.59 3.19 2.86
5 (0.0110) (0.367) (0.220) (0.125) (0.113)
14.93 8.95 5.10 4.58
8 (0.0176) (0.588) (0.352) (0.201) (0.180)
18.66 11.19 6.37 5.72
10 (0.0220) (0.735) (0.440) (0.251) (0.225)
Inertial Accelerations of Button
At 20 kHz, 50 m peak-to-peak: 3.95 105 m/s2 (40.3 103 G)
At 20 kHz, 25 m peak-to-peak: 1.97 105 m/s2 (20.1 103 G)
X2.4.5 If Fsmax from (Eq X2.5) exceeds 2 Fb from (Eq X2.4.7 If Fsmax from (Eq X2.6) exceeds SyAs, use:
X2.3), select an intermediate value of Fs, preferably at least 2 F s max 5 S y A s (X2.7)
Fb and calculate the required set-up torque as described in
X2.3. X2.4.8 If Fsmax from (Eq X2.6) or (Eq X2.7), whichever is
X2.4.6 If Fsmax from (Eq X2.5) is less than 2 Fb, recalculate the lower value, exceeds 1.5 Fb from (Eq X2.3), select an
Fs max using the following slightly more detailed intermediate value of Fs, preferably at least 2 Fb, and calculate
approximation, adapted from (Eq 33) of Ref (8): the required set-up torque as described in X2.3.
F s 5 S u A s /N s 2 K f F a ~ S u /S e !
(X2.6) X2.4.9 If Fsmax from (Eq X2.6) or (Eq X2.7), whichever
is the lower value, is less than 1.5 Fb from (Eq X2.3), then the
possibility of fatigue failure might be expected. Remedies to be
Ns = factor of safety, preferably at least 1.5, considered are to use a specimen button with minimum
Su = ultimate strength of specimen material,
thickness (4 mm), to use the alternative displacement ampli-
Se = unnotched endurance limit of specimen material for
fully reversed alternating loading, tude of 25 m peak-to-peak, or to try one specimen to see
Kf = fatigue notch factor whether it works. In any case, a preload force Fs of less than
= q (Kt 1) + 1, 1.5 Fb should never be used.
Kt = stress concentration factor, about 6.7 for threads, and
q = notch sensitivity factor, dependent on notch radius. For
threads root radius of about 0.15 mm (0.006 in.), q ;
0.5 for annealed or normalized steel; more for hardened
steel, and less for aluminum.
G32 16
frequency 20 kHz, amplitude 51 m, temperature 24C, and samples of the selected reference material, with the statistical
had specimen diameters ranging from 12.7 to 15.9 mm. range of results for that material derived from Table 2, Table
Because of this, only mean depth of erosion, but not mass loss, X3.1, or Table X3.2, respectively.
can be compared. Furthermore, while three labs used flat-ended
specimens, one used rimmed specimens for the 316 stainless X3.3.2 First conduct tests on at least two, or preferably
steel tests; however, their results seemed to fit in well with more, specimens of the selected reference material, following
those from flat specimens. Refs (3 and 4) did not present the standard test conditions specified in this test method, and
individual test curves, only average curves from the several determine mean values of the parameters listed above. Also
labs. This test program was not a rigorous ILS as now verify that the properties of the stock used for the specimens
understood, and the data below must be taken with caution, and are within the ranges specified in Table 1 or Table 3. If not, so
as approximate. state in the qualification report.
X3.2.3 Fig. X3.1, for stainless steel 316, shows the average X3.3.3 The apparatus is qualified if these values lie within
curves of MDE versus time from each lab, copied from Fig. 2 two standard deviations from the corresponding mean values
of Ref (3) or Fig 10 of Ref (4). from the tables listed above. These limit values are listed in
X3.2.4 Fig. X3.2, for aluminum 6061-T6, shows average Table X3.3. (So that all three materials are treated equally, the
curves of MDE versus time from each lab, recalculated from standard deviation for Ni 200 is based on lab averages in Table
Fig 9 (weight and volume loss) of Ref (4). The reason is that 2, not the formal reproducibility standard deviation in that
in Fig. 4 in Ref (3) and the corresponding Fig. 12 of Ref (4), table.)
the individual curves cannot reliably be distinguished.
X3.3.4 If all three parameters are within these limits, the
X3.2.5 Tables X3.1 and X3.2 present the following data, apparatus is qualified.
measured from Fig. X3.1 and Fig. X3.2, respectively, and their
mean and standard deviation with (n-1) weighting. The column X3.3.5 If that is not the case, then do either or both of the
headings are consistent with those of Table 2 in Section 13, but following:
no formal repeatability or reproducibility statistics can be (1) Carefully check the apparatus and operation for com-
inferred. pliance with specified operating conditions and test procedures,
(1) maximum erosion rate (MER), m/h. (It must be and make any adjustments necessary.
pointed out that these values differ from those tabulated in Refs (2) If only two specimens were tested, test a third and
(3 and 4).) recompute the results.
(2) nominal incubation time (t0), min.
(3) time to mean depth of erosion of 50 m (t50), min. X3.3.6 If neither of these steps results in satisfactory
(4) time to mean depth of erosion of 100 m (t100), min. qualification, the discrepancy should be reported in reports or
papers based on any test results.
X3.3 Guidelines for Determining Qualification of Appa-
X3.3.1 In brief, these guidelines are based on comparing
mean results for MER, t50, and if possible t100, from several
G32 16
FIG. X3.1 Cumulative Erosion-Time Curves for Stainless Steel 316 from Data in Ref (4)
G32 16
FIG. X3.2 Cumulative Erosion-Time Curves for Aluminum Alloy 6061-T6 from Data in Ref (4)
G32 16
TABLE X3.2 Results for Aluminum 6061T6
Laboratory No. of Specimens MER m/h t0 min t50 min t100 min
A 2 188. 10. 24. 42.
B* 3 166. 13. 30. 48.
C* 2 204. 16. 30. 45.
D 1 209. 19. 31. 47.
Mean 192. 14.5 29. 45.5
Standard deviation, s 19. 3.9 3.2 2.8
Coefficient of Variation 0.10 0.27 0.11 0.06
X4.1 Background and History example, Refs (6), (16), and (17), the dynamics of the
X4.1.1 Ever since Gaines (9) discovered that cavitation cavitation cloud of bubbles and cavities (for example, Ref
erosion occurred at the face of a vibrating piston, this phenom- (18), cavitation in slurries (for example, Refs (19 and 20), and
enon has been used for basic research as well as for screening cavitation erosion-corrosion (for example, Refs (5), (21), (22)).
materials. In 1955 the American Society of Mechanical Engi- X4.2.2 Numerous tests have been made with fluids other
neers Committee on Cavitation recommended a standard test than water (such as glycerin, petroleum derivatives, sodium,
procedure based on the state-of-the-art then existent (10). etc.), and with water at various temperatures (for example,
Subsequently much advancement in test apparatus and tech- Refs (16), (17), (23), (24), (25), (26)).
niques took place. Realizing this, ASTM Committee G02
X4.2.3 Tests using a stationary specimen in close proximity
initiated a round-robin test (3 and 4) in 1966, which was
to the horn tip have been described by several authors (for
completed in 1969. The test specifications and recommenda-
example, Refs (19), (27), (28), (29), (30)), but inconsistent
tions contained in the first publication of this test method were
findings concerning optimum separation distance have discour-
the direct outcome of that ASTM round-robin test, although
aged standardization to date.
many of the participants in that test used existing apparatus
with specimen diameters, amplitudes and frequencies that X4.3 Revisions to This Test MethodSubsequent to the first
differed from the eventual standard. Similar test specifications issue of this test method, revisions were minor or editorial in
had been proposed earlier by an independent group in the nature until after a Workshop on Cavitation Erosion Testing
United Kingdom (6). was held in 1987. This resulted in the establishment of a task
X4.1.2 The reasons for selecting the vibratory method for group to review all facets of this test method, and to revise it
standardization were that it was widely used, relatively simple thoroughly based on the latest experience with its use. In a
and inexpensive to set up, and readily controllable as to its 1992 revision, the text was almost completely revised and
important parameters. Other methods used for cavitation test- reorganized; however, except for the addition of an optional
ing include the cavitation tunnel wherein cavitation is lower vibratory amplitude of 25 m (0.001 in.), and a slight
produced by flow through a venturi or past an obstruction, the increase in standard temperature from 22 to 25C they will not
cavitating disc method wherein a submerged rotating disc change the results to be expected in a well-conducted test. The
with holes or protrusions produces the cavitation, and, more major change to the apparatus was that a larger liquid container
recently, cavitating jet methods. Comprehensive references was specified, and the immersion depth was increased. The
covering cavitation, cavitation damage and cavitation testing other revisions were intended to reduce variability by tighten-
include Refs (11-15). ing the specifications of the test apparatus, setup, and proce-
dures; to provide added guidance in use of this test method; and
X4.2 Applications of Vibratory Apparatus to further standardize the presentation of results. Also, the
X4.2.1 The vibratory method has been used, among other standard reference material was changed from Nickel 270 to
purposes, for studying the development of material damage Nickel 200, because the former is no longer commercially
(for example, Ref (14), the influence of test parameters (for available. A new interlaboratory study, using Nickel 200 and
G32 16
following the revised standard, was conducted in 19901991 It also again revised specifications for the liquid container,
and its results were the basis for a revised precision and bias tightened some procedures and operation, added more
statement. In 2004, another task group was convened to guidance, and added some parameters to be reported. The last
consider extensive revision proposals submitted by a commit- revision by this task group, in 2010, relaxed some
tee member. The resulting revision of 2006 deleted one requirements, added an appendix with test data for the supple-
laboratorys results from the precision statistics, because its mentary reference materials from Refs (3 and 4), and specified
anomalous results were deemed due to apparatus malfunctions. an apparatus qualification procedure.
(1) Samuels, L. E., Metallographic Polishing by Mechanical Methods, tion Erosion Tests, Erosion: Prevention and Useful Applications,
American Society for Metals, 3rd edition, Metals Park, OH, 1982. ASTM STP 664, ASTM, 1979, pp. 434458.
(2) Field, M., Kahles, J. F., and Koster, W. P., Surface Finish and Surface (18) Hansson, I., and Morch, K. A., Guide Vanes in the Vibratory
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G32 16
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