What Is Reliability and Asset Management

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CHRISTER IDHAMMAR, IDCON, INC. tact us at [email protected] attn. Christer
Reliability has become a buzzword commonly
used to describe maintenance improvement WHAT IS ASSET MANAGEMENT?
initiatives. Several books have been written Asset management is another word hijacked
with titles such as Reliability Centered Main- by providers of maintenance services and
tenance, Reliability Based Maintenance, etc. products, especially by computer system sup-
In these books I have not yet found a defini- pliers. To me, asset management includes
tion of reliability. Many suppliers of predic- much more than maintenance management
tive maintenance tools also use the term reli- software. I wonder how many maintenance
ability to describe their products and ser- managers would respond to an ad in the Wall
example 8760 hours in a year less market
vices. Street Journal for a position as asset man-
related down time and time for capital
rebuilds. ager. A companys assets include much more
than maintenance managementyou must
Dictionaries describe reliability as: depend-
RELIABILITY INDEX also consider brand name, patents, capital,
ability, trustworthiness, consistency. To me,
Another way to measure Overall Production etc. Even the term Equipment Asset Manage-
reliability is best described as, being able to
Reliability is the reliability index. You must ment is not appropriate because the right
be trusted to do what is expected or has been
know three things to use this index: produc- people, their skills and commitment are more
promised. Here, we talk about reliable pro-
tion calendar time, number of production important assets.
duction in pulp and paper mills, so it is obvi-
losses, and total production losses including New terms for the same things can only
ous that the term reliability can not only focus
losses in quality, time and speed. In summary, lead to confusion and lack of followers for
on maintenance improvement initiatives or
the reliability index says that you want to improvement efforts. Whatever you chose to
only predictive maintenance. We use the
operate as long as possible without losses call your concept, explain it well and stick to
term Production Reliability to lay the foun-
and when you have losses you want to fix it long term. An idea would be to use the term
dation for the vital partnership between oper-
them as quickly as possible. maintenance to describe maintenance activi-
ations and maintenance. In this concept,
operations and maintenance both deliver reli- IDCON has a database covering OPE ties and production reliability to describe and
ability as a result of their work. Operations (Overall Production Reliability) data for many measure the results of your operations and
focuses on reliable process and maintenance process lines. If you like a copy, please con- maintenance organizations work. S!
focuses on reliable equipment.
To become true partners, the operations
and maintenance departments must have one
common performance measurement as ABOUT THE AUTHOR:
described in Figure 1. Christer Idhammar is president and founder of IDCON INC., Raleigh,
The most common way to measure Over- North Carolina, USA. IDCON is a consulting company providing
worldwide education, training and implementation of better oper-
all Production Reliability is to measure qual-
ations and maintenance practices. For more information, go to:
ity, time, and speed performance. Time per- www.idcon.com
formance must include all available hours, for

The 19th Annual Pulp &Paper Reliability and Maintenance Conference for Operations and Maintenance will be held in
Atlanta October 10 - 13, 2005. The program is designed for operations and maintenance professionals. It is highly recom-
mended that you attend as a team. Visit www.pprm.net

8 SOLUTIONS! for People, Processes and Paper

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