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POWERFUL AND VERSATILE 3D VISUALIZATION of the available hardware. The better your graphics card, the better
Intergraph SmartPlant Review is your problem-solving 3D your display performance will be. The latest versions performance
visualization tool. It is ideal for the visualization and engineering is as much as 100 percent faster than previous releases. This
animation specialist who uses the software daily or the occasional improvement is significant enough to be noticed by every user.
user who needs to review designs and use the 3D model as a Improved memory management also enables successful reviews
graphical interface to access project data linked to the model. of even larger models.

SmartPlant Review is at home in the design center, on the road, This combination of improved usability and display performance
in the plant office, and on the plant floor. SmartPlant Review provides enables SmartPlant Review to replace all other competitive viewers.
value throughout the entire plant life cycle, including HAZOP Take full advantage of these benefits by standardizing on Intergraph
(hazardous operations) reviews, accessibility studies, and down- 3D technology for your entire enterprise.
stream projects, including retrofits and upgrades. Load projects
of any size. Use SmartPlant Reviews unique object streaming NEW BENEFITS
technology to display any number of intelligent objects, with as Benefits offered by the latest version of SmartPlant Review include:
much or as little detail as you want.
New on-screen navigation controls with game-style fly mode.
Gaming style mouse and keyboard controls.
100 percent faster display performance.
The latest version of SmartPlant Review offers improved usability
and display performance. New controls for the casual user enhance Improved memory management for supporting larger models.
3D model navigation. Capabilities include on-screen view New easy-to-use model clipping capability.
navigation controls (that conveniently fade in and out), a game- New level of performance with quality control slider to easily
style dynamic fly mode, and gaming-style mouse and keyboard change display settings.
controls that are standard in the gaming industry.
Main view (graphics, properties, tags, and measurements) can
The new 3D navigation controls are simple, easy, and intuitive, be exported to Adobe 3D PDF format.
requiring no end-user training to perform 3D model navigation. New dynamic zoom to capability in commands such as Fit View,
These are the same controls found in all of Intergraphs 3D tools: Fit to Object, and Find Object helps you maintain context while
Intergraph Smart 3D, SmartPlant Foundation, and SmartPlant navigating large models.
Construction. These controls put new and experienced users alike
New on-screen 3D view orientation axis shows view direction
in the drivers seat. User surveys have shown even the most
during navigation.
casual users with no previous 3D experience are able to navigate
Enhanced snapshot and print functions create high-resolution
the 3D model without training.
images of any size.
Usability and performance go hand-in-hand. Along with improved
New color palettes provide industry-standard color codes (RAL).
navigation, Intergraph has significantly improved display perfor-
mance. The latest version of SmartPlant Review makes full use
EXTEND YOUR FUNCTIONALITY Point Cloud Integrator Module
For additional functionality, seven optional modules are available. Display laser scanning point cloud data with the plant model and
use the data for design reviews. The interface enables products
Collaboration Module offered by Leica Geosystems HDS, Quantapoint, Trimble, and
Enable multiple users in different locations to view and interrogate Z+F to display the existing condition of the plant or construction
the model at the same time. The Collaboration module also allows site. This helps lower the time, effort, and cost of process plant
enterprisewide coordination of design reviews for more effective retrofit engineering and construction projects. It extends the use of
communication and improved efficiency, while reducing travel time 3D CAD to more projects.
and expenses. This module is built on top of Microsoft NetMeeting,
ensuring security and enhancing connectivity for your team. Construction Module
Take advantage of integrated project scheduling and collision detec-
Simulation and Visual Effects Module tion functionality. As a construction sequencing tool, SmartPlant
Bring life to your 3D model. This module simulates the placement Review includes ScheduleReview, which turns data from your
or removal of equipment to review physical clearances, as well as project planning software, such as Primavera Project Planner and
performs motion studies and develops complex motion scenarios. Microsoft Project, into a visual display of the construction or demo-
Used in conjunction with the Construction module, you can visually lition progress.
simulate the construction process, review the simulation on-screen,
or create animations for output to video. API Module
The API module includes programming libraries that enable
Photo-realism Module developers to create programs that run on SmartPlant Review.
Take your still images to a new level of quality. Raytracing a 3D model The API module is not required to run the custom applications,
creates depth and realism. You control lighting and display attributes merely to create them. The API module also provides the ability
for a realistic image with textures, patterns, shadows, and reflec- to create a VUE file interactively while inside SmartPlant Review.
tions, improving communication to clients and managers.
Visualize designs during each stage of the development process SMARTPLANT FREEVIEW
and create powerful presentations that communicate and sell SmartPlant FreeView is a free viewer to open Intergraphs 3D
your ideas. models (VUE files) for display and navigation of process, power,
and marine projects. Users can walk through the plant and select
On-site Drawing Generation Module any object in the view to see its associated plant properties (MDB2
Bring design and drawing capabilities from the office to your project file). Easy-to-use, on-screen motion controls allow even the most
site. This module features fast, intelligent hidden line display casual user to walk through complex 3D plants with no training.
capability your drawing maintains intelligence even when displayed Industry-standard, gaming-style keyboard navigation is also simple
in hidden line mode. The module also improves communication to use and learn.
because you control the way the drawing will appear to others.
Reduce the time required to process and display hidden line removal
from hours to a fraction of a second.

Intergraph helps the world work smarter. The companys software and Intergraph is part of Hexagon (Nordic exchange: HEXA B;
solutions improve the lives of millions of people through better facilities,, a leading global provider of design, measurement,
safer communities, and more reliable operations. and visualization technologies that enable customers to design,
measure, and position objects, and process and present data.
Intergraph Process, Power & Marine (PP&M) is the worlds leading
provider of enterprise engineering software enabling smarter design and
operation of plants, ships, and offshore facilities. Intergraph Security,
Government & Infrastructure (SG&I) is the leader in smart solutions for
emergency response, utilities, transportation, and other global chal-
lenges. For more information, visit

Intergraph Corp. All rights reserved. Intergraph is part of Hexagon. Intergraph, the Intergraph logo, SmartPlant, SIGRAPH.CAE, and SmartSketch are registered trademarks of Intergraph Corp. or its subsidiaries
in the United States and in other countries. Microsoft and Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk Inc. Other brands and product names are
trademarks of their respective owners. 07/14 PPM-US-0060F-ENG

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