Most Used French Words 1

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Most Used French words 1-50

Rank Audio__ French word English translation Part of speech

1. tre to be; being verb, auxiliary verb, noun
2. avoir to have verb, auxiliary verb
3. je I personal pronoun
4. de of, from, by, than, in, with (see #28) preposition
5. ne not adverb
6. pas not; step, pace adverb, noun
the; him, it (refering to a masculine singular noun)
7. le definite article, personal pronoun
(see #8, 15, 18)
the; her, it (refering to a feminine singular noun)
8. la definite article, personal pronoun
(see #7, 15, 18)
9. tu you personal pronoun
10. vous you, yourself personal pronoun
11. il he, it personal pronoun
12. et and conjunction
13. in, to, with preposition
a, an; one (used before a masculine singular noun)
14. un indefinite article
(see #26, 31)
the (used instead of ''le'' or ''la'' before nouns that
15. --- l' definite article, personal pronoun
begin with a vowel) (see #7, 8, 18)
relative pronoun, interrogative
16. qui who, whom; that, which
17. aller to go verb
18. les the; them (referring to a plural noun) (see #7, 8, 15) definite article, personal pronoun
preposition, personal pronoun,
19. en in, into, to, as
20. a this, that (see #203) demonstrative pronoun
21. faire to do, make verb
adjective, indefinite adjective,
22. tout all, everything, any; very, quite
indefinite pronoun, adverb, noun
23. on we, you personal pronoun
relative pronoun, interrogative
24. que that; what; which
demonstrative pronoun,
25. ce this, that (see #73, 99, 201)
demonstrative adjective
a, an; one (used before a feminine singular noun);
26. une indefinite article (see #14, 31)
27. mes my (used before plural nouns) (see #50, 108) possessive adjective
of, from, by, than, in, with (used before a vowel or
28. --- d' preposition
mute h) (see #4)
29. pour for preposition
30. se himself, herself, themselves (see #60) personal pronoun
31. des some (used before a plural noun) (see #14, 26) indefinite article
32. dire to say, tell verb, noun
33. pouvoir can, to be able to verb, noun
34. vouloir to want verb
35. mais but conjunction
36. me me, myself personal pronoun
37. nous we, us personal pronoun
38. dans in, into preposition
39. elle she, it (refers to a feminine singular noun) personal pronoun
40. savoir to know; languagedaily dot com verb
41. du (de + le/les) = of the, from the definite article
relative pronoun, interrogative
42. o where, that
43. --- y it, there personal pronoun
44. --- t' you, yourself (shortened form used before a vowel) personal pronoun
45. bien well, very; good adverb, noun
46. voir to see verb
47. plus more adverb
48. non no adverb
49. te you, yourself personal pronoun
my (used before a masculine singular noun) (see
50. mon possessive adjective
#27, 108)

Most Used French words 51-100

Rank French word English translation Part of speech
at the, to the, in the (contraction of + le; used with a singular
51. au definite article
masculine noun)
52. avec with preposition
53. moi I, me personal pronoun
54. si yes; if; so, such adverb, conjunction
adjective, relative pronoun,
55. quoi what (exclamatory, interrogative, after preposition)
interrogative pronoun
56. devoir to have to, must; duty, test verb, noun
57. oui yes adverb
they (refers to a group of masculine or mixed
58. ils personal pronoun
masculine/feminine nouns)
59. comme as, like; how, same conjunction, adverb
himself, herself, themselves (variation of "se" used before a
60. s' personal pronoun, conjunction
word starting with a vowel or mute h)
61. venir to come, occur verb
62. sur on, upon; over (preposition); sour (adjective) preposition, adjective
63. toi you personal pronoun
64. ici here adverb
65. rien nothing indefinite pronoun
66. lui he, him, it, her personal pronoun
good, right, kind; good!; voucher; then; adjective, onomatopoeia, noun,
67. bon adverb
68. l there, here, then adverb
69. suivre to follow verb
70. pourquoi why adverb, conjunction
71. parler to speak, talk verb
72. prendre to take, get verb
73. cette this, that (feminine singular) demonstrative adjective
74. quand when, whenever conjunction
75. alors then; so; hence adverb
76. une chose thing, matter noun
77. par per, by, through, out of preposition
78. son his, her, its (possessive adjective); sound (noun - le son) possessive adjective
79. croire to believe, think verb
80. aimer to love, like, be fond of verb
81. falloir it is necessary, must, have to verb
adverb, conjunction,
82. comment how; what
83. trs very adverb
84. ou or; either or conjunction
85. passer to pass, go by, cross verb
86. penser to think verb
87. aussi also, too adverb
88. jamais never adverb
89. attendre to wait for, expect verb
90. trouver to find verb
91. laisser to leave verb
small, little, young (adjective); languagedaily dot com; kid, child
92. petit adjective, noun
(masculine noun)
93. merci thanks, thank you onomatopoeia, noun
94. mme same; even, so much as, as adverb, adjective
95. sa his, her, its (feminine) possessive adjective
96. ta your (reminine) possessive adjective
97. autre other, another, different (singular) adjective, indefinite pronoun
98. arriver to arrive verb
these, those (plural form of masculine "ce" and feminine
99. ces demonstrative adjective
100. donner to give, give away verb

Most Used French words 101-150

Rank French word English translation Part of speech
101. regarder to look at, watch verb
102. encore again, over again, even, still adverb
103. appeler to call, ring verb
104. est-ce que is it adverb
105. peu not much, not very, few; bit noun, adverb
106. homme man noun
107. partir to go, leave, go away verb
108. ma my (used before a feminine singular noun) (see #27, 50) possessive adjective
109. toujours always, still adverb
110. jour day, daytime noun
111. femme woman, wife noun
112. temps weather; time; times noun
113. maintenant now, nowadays adverb
114. notre our (singular) (see #192) possessive adjective
115. vie life, lifetime, existence noun
116. deux two numerical adjective
117. mettre to put, put on, wear; languagedaily dot com verb
118. rester to stay, remain verb
119. sans without preposition
120. seul alone adjective, noun
121. arrter to stop verb
122. vraiment really, truly adverb
123. connatre to know, experience verb
124. quelque some, a few, any indefinite adjective, adverb
125. sr on, over adjective
126. tuer to kill verb
127. mourir to die, pass away verb
128. demander to ask, ask for, be looking for verb
129. juste just, fair; just, right, accurate; adjective, adverb
130. peut-tre perhaps, maybe adverb
131. dieu god noun
132. fois time noun
133. oh oh! onomatopoeia
134. pre father noun
135. comprendre to understand verb
136. sortir to go out; take out verb
137. personne anyone, anybody; person, individual indefinite pronoun, noun
138. an year noun
139. trop too much, too (excessively) adverb
140. chez at, to, in preposition
141. fille daughter, girl, gal noun
142. aux ( + les) = of the definite article
143. monde world, people noun
144. ami friend; friendly noun, adjective
145. vrai true, real, genuine adjective
146. aprs after, afterwards, later preposition, adverb
147. mal trouble, difficulty; badly, wrongly adverb, noun
148. besoin need, demand, necessity noun
149. accord agreement, accord, harmony noun
150. ses his, her, its (plural) possessive adjective

Most Used French words 151-200

Rank French word English translation Part of speech
151. avant before preposition, adverb
152. monsieur gentleman, Mr noun
153. enfant child, infant noun
154. grand big, large, tall, great; big boy, big girl adjective, noun
155. entendre to hear, listen to, understand verb
156. voil there is, there are preposition
157. chercher to look for, seek verb
158. heure hour; time; age noun
159. mieux better, utmost, best; improvement adverb, noun
160. tes your (plural) possessive adjective
161. aider to help, aid verb
162. mre mother noun
163. dj already, before adverb
164. beau beautiful, lovely, pretty; fine, nice (weather) adjective
165. essayer to try, try out, test verb
166. quel what, which (interrogative) interrogative adjective
167. vos your (plural, from ''votre'') possessive adjective
168. depuis since, from, for; preposition, adverb
169. quelqu'un someone, somebody indefinite pronoun
170. beaucoup much, many, a lot adverb
171. revenir to come back, return verb
172. donc so, therefore conjunction
173. plaire to be successful verb
174. maison house, home noun
175. gens people (plural) noun
176. nuit night noun
177. ah ah! onomatopoeia
178. soir evening, night noun
179. nom name; noun noun
180. bonjour hello (see #207) noun
181. jouer to play verb
182. leur their, to them (mas or fem), theirs (masc, fem, plural) personal pronoun, possessive pronoun
183. finir to finish, end verb
184. peur fear, fright noun
185. mort death; dead noun, adjective
186. parce que because, for conjunction
187. perdre to lose, miss verb
188. maman mummy, mama, mom noun
189. sentir to smell, sniff, feel verb
190. ouais yeah, yep adverb
191. rentrer to bring in, take in; to get in, go in, come home verb
192. nos our (plural) (see #114); languagedaily dot com possessive adjective
193. premier first, basic; first floor adjective, noun
194. problme problem noun
195. argent silver, money noun
196. quelle who, what, which interrogative adjective
197. vivre to live, be alive, go through verb
198. rendre to return, give back, repay verb
199. dernier last, latest adjective, noun
200. tenir to hold, run, keep, last verb

Most Used French words 201-300

Rank French word English translation Part of speech
201. cet this, that (before vowel and mute h) (see #25, 73, 99) demonstrative adjective
202. main hand noun
this, that (used in formal contexts and expressions) (see
203. cela demonstrative pronoun
204. vite quickly, fast, soon adverb
205. oublier to forget, miss verb
206. air air; look, appearance, manner noun
207. salut greeting; Hi!, Hello!, Bye! (see #180) noun, onomatopoeia
208. fils son noun
209. travailler to work, work on, practise verb
210. moins less adverb
211. tte head, face noun
212. coup blow, shot, kick, punch noun
213. couter to listen to verb
214. raison reason noun
215. manger to eat verb
216. amour love, love affair, cupid noun
217. entrer to go in, enter, come in verb
relative pronoun, interrogative
218. dont whose, of which
219. nouveau new, fresh noun, adjective
220. devenir to become verb
221. hein what?, eh?, Huh? (familiar) onomatopoeia
222. commencer to start, begin verb
223. merde shit (vulgar), bull, crap, damn onomatopoeia, noun
224. moment moment, while, point noun
225. voiture car, coach, carriage noun
226. vieux old; old man, old woman adjective, noun
227. demain tomorrow adverb
228. revoir to see again, review; goodbye; noun, verb
229. elles they (refers to a group of feminine nouns or females) personal pronoun
230. payer to pay verb
231. fou mad, crazy; madman, fool adjective, noun
232. tirer to pull, draw verb
233. ouvrir to open verb
234. oeil eye, view (= il) (plural is yeux) noun
235. fait event, fact noun
236. changer to change, exchange verb
237. question question, matter noun
238. tomber to fall verb
239. assez enough, quite, fairly adverb
(slang) to do, give, put on; (vulgar) to have sex, to
240. foutre verb
241. excuser to forgive, pardon, excuse verb
242. affaire affiar, business noun
243. dormir to sleep; to lie idle verb
244. combien how much, how many adverb
245. frre brother noun
246. travail wor, labor, employment noun
247. ide idea, opinion noun
248. eh hey! onomatopoeia
249. puis next, then, besides, plus (in addition) conjunction, adverb
250. famille family; languagedaily dot com noun
251. truc trick, knack, thing noun
252. trois three numerical adjective
253. tant much, so much adverb
254. souvenir memory, souvenir; to remember verb, noun
255. ni nor, or (negative) conjunction
256. tous everything, all (plural) indefinite pronoun
257. occuper to occupy, live in, take up verb
258. entre between, among preposition
259. ok OK; okay (satisfactory) adjective, adverb
260. marcher to walk, march, go verb
261. chance luck, fortune, chance noun
262. aujourd'hui today, nowadays adverb
263. envoyer to send, throw, dispatch, refer verb
264. histoire history, story noun
265. jeune young, youthful; young person adjective, noun
266. tard late adverb
267. apprendre to learn, to hear (about) verb
268. minute minute noun
269. boire to drink (consume alcohol), to soak up verb
270. garder to keep, to look after, to guard verb
271. quelques some (quantity), small number, a few indefinite adjective
272. type type, kind; guy (colloquial) noun
273. porte gate, door noun
274. montrer to show, point out verb
275. mec guy, bloke noun
276. asseoir to sit down, sit up verb
277. porter to carry, wear verb
278. attention attention onomatopoeia, noun
279. anne year noun
280. sous under preposition
281. prt ready adjective
282. contre against preposition
283. prier to pray verb
284. pendant for, during preposition
285. mois month noun
286. meilleur better; the best one adjective, noun
287. servir to serve verb
288. madame madam, Mrs noun
289. putain whore, hooker noun
290. crire to write verb
291. part part, share noun
292. eau water noun
293. sang blood noun
294. place room, square, seat noun
295. esprer to hope for verb
296. plein full, solid adjective, preposition
297. dsoler to distress, upset verb
298. eux them, they personal pronoun
299. retrouver to find; to meet verb
300. ville town, city noun

Most Used French words 301-400

Rank French word English translation Part of speech
301. terre earth, ground noun
302. gagner to win, earn verb
303. semaine week noun
304. acheter to buy verb
305. longtemps long, for a long time adverb
306. gars boy, chap, guy (see #342) noun
307. chambre bedroom, chamber noun
308. h Hey! (to attract attention) onomatopoeia
309. ct coast, slope, side noun
310. droit law, right; straight noun, adjective
311. rappeler to remind, remember, call back, be reminiscent of verb
312. lire to read verb
313. cas case, instance noun
314. mot word noun
315. seulement only, solely adverb
316. voici here is, here are preposition
317. monter to go up, rise, come up verb
318. dsol contrite, desolate, afraid, sorry adjective
319. quitter to leave, depart verb
320. police police noun
321. suite rest, result, continuation noun
322. matin morning noun
323. emmener to take (somebody), take along verb
324. toucher to touch verb
325. continuer to continue, go on verb
326. devant in front, ahead; in front of, ahead of, past, before preposition, adverb
327. fort strong, solid; loud, much, most adverb, adjective
328. gros big, large, thick, heavy adjective
329. enfin finally, at last adverb
330. pardon I'm sorry!, Excuse me!, Pardon?; forgiveness onomatopoeia, noun
331. mari husband noun
332. l-bas there, over there adverb
333. importer to import; to matter verb
334. papa daddy, dad noun
335. train train, pace noun
336. manquer to miss, to miss somebody verb
337. raconter to tell verb
338. ensemble together, at once adverb
339. mauvais bad, poor, wrong adjective
340. film film, movie noun
341. rpondre to answer, reply verb
342. garon boy, chap, guy (see #306) noun
343. chri darling, loved; boyfriend, girlfriend, beloved noun, adjective
344. corps body noun
345. celui the one, that one (singular masculine) (see #408, 543) demonstrative pronoun
346. autres other indefinite pronoun
347. heureux happy, felicitous adjective
348. loin far, a long way off, a long time ago adverb
349. aucun no, not any; none (see #399) indefinite adjective, indefinite pronoun
350. pauvre poor; poor person, beggar adjective, noun
351. sauver to save; languagedaily dot com verb
352. chaque each, every indefinite adjective
353. retourner to turn, turn over, return (see #404) verb
354. leurs theirs (3rd person masculine or feminine plural) possessive adjective
355. rencontrer to meet, encounter verb
356. coeur core, heart noun
357. voler to flly; to steal, swipe verb
358. fermer to close, shut verb
359. car because, for (see #186) conjunction
360. valoir to hold, apply; to be worth verb
361. descendre to take down, go down, come down verb
362. feu fire noun
363. docteur doctor, physician (see #548) noun
364. suffire to be enough, suffice verb
365. faon way, manner, behaviour noun
366. important important, considerable, sizeable adjective
367. sembler to seem, appear, look verb
368. super great, fantastic; high-octane gasoline adjective, noun
369. compter to count verb
370. vers towards, near, around, about (time, age) preposition
371. joli nice, tidy, pretty (attractive), lovely (beautiful) adjective
372. point dot, full stop, period noun
373. noir black; black man/woman adjective, noun
374. hier yesterday adverb
375. chien dog noun
376. guerre war noun
377. genre kind, type, sort noun
378. marier to marry, get married verb
379. arme weapon noun
380. cause cause, reason noun
381. endroit place noun
382. ordre order, command noun
383. poser to put down, lay, pose, sit verb
384. reste the remainder, rest noun
385. pied foot; stem, leg, base noun
386. envie desire, urge, craving noun
387. prs near preposition, adverb
388. fin end, ending noun
389. tiens Why!, Hello! (surprise) onomatopoeia
390. inquiter to worry, bother, trouble verb
391. d'autres others; more indefinite adjective, indefinite pronoun
392. bouger to move verb
393. plutt rather, quite adverb
394. apporter to bring, supply verb
395. photo photo, photography noun
396. dcider to decide verb
397. ainsi like this, in this way adverb
398. certain certain, sure adjective, indefinite adjective
399. aucune no, not any, in no way (see #349) indefinite adjective
400. vendre to sell verb

Most Used French words 401-500

Rank French word English translation Part of speech
401. cole school noun
402. cher dear, beloved, darling, expensive adjective
403. chef leader, chief, head noun
404. tourner to turn, stir, toss, shoot (see #353) verb
405. cacher to hide, conceal verb
406. boulot work, job noun
407. pays country, nation, land (country) noun
408. ceux this one, that one (masculine plural) (see #345, 543) demonstrative pronoun
409. possible possbile adjective
410. expliquer to explain, account for verb
411. battre to beat verb
412. peine sorrow, grief, saddness, suffering noun
413. livre book; pound noun
414. agir to act, behave; work, take effect verb
415. imaginer to imagine, suppose verb
416. tour tower, castle, tour, ballot;languagedaily dot com noun
417. adorer to adore, love verb
418. vrit truth noun
419. recevoir to receive, to get verb
420. gentil kind, good, nice adjective
421. jeter to throw verb
422. pleurer verb
423. bb baby noun
424. partie part; game noun
425. nouvelle new, fresh; adjective
426. jeu play, game; hand, deck (cards) noun
427. amener to bring, take, bring about verb
428. instant instant, moment noun
429. parent relative, relation; parent noun
430. dur hard, tough, harsh adjective
431. service service, favor noun
432. plaisir pleasure noun
433. promettre to promise verb
434. mentir to lie verb
435. soeur (sur) sister noun
436. bientt soon, quickly, shortly adverb
437. lit bed noun
438. tellement so (to such an extent), so (very), so much adverb
439. utiliser to use verb
440. lieu place, site noun
441. coucher to put to bed, lay down, to sleep verb
442. presque almost, nearly adverb
443. dehors outside, outdoors adverb
444. pass past, last; the past, past tense adjective, noun
445. prfrer to prefer verb
446. content happy, pleased, glad adjective
447. derrire behind preposition, adverb
448. con stupid jerk, bloody idiot; damned, bloody, stupid noun, adjective
449. offrir to offer, give verb
450. roi king noun
451. verre glass, drink noun
452. rveiller to awake, wake (smb.) up verb
453. aide assistant; help, assistance noun
454. d'abord foremost (most important), first adverb
455. journe day noun
456. prparer to prepare, make, get ready verb
457. numro number noun
458. permettre to allow, permit verb
459. ramener to bring back , take back verb
460. enlever to take (smth.) away, remove, take off verb
461. calme peace, calmness; quiet, calm (see #529) noun, adjective
462. lcher to let go of, to release verb
463. choisir to choose verb
464. musique music noun
465. conduire to drive, lead verb
466. faute mistake, error; fault; lack of noun
467. calmer to calm down, appease, sooth verb
468. dner dinner; to have dinner noun, verb
469. mariage marriage, wedding noun
470. bureau writing desk, study (room), office noun
471. route road, journey, way noun
472. chanter to sing verb
473. secret secret; secretive noun, adjective
474. disparatre to disappear, vanish verb
475. lever to raise, lift verb
476. dessus on top; top adverb, noun
477. prsenter to introduce, present verb
478. accepter to accept verb
479. baiser kiss; to shag, screw, fuck verb, noun
480. sinon otherwise, or else, except conjunction
481. idiot idiot; stupid noun, adjective
482. long long, lengthy adjective
483. caf coffee, caf (bar) noun
484. propre clean, tidy adjective
485. confiance trust, confidence, belief noun
486. cinq five numerical adjective
487. bonsoir good evening, good night noun
488. compte count, number noun
489. tlphone telephone, phone noun
490. casser to break, shatter verb
491. prochain next adjective
492. frapper to hit, strike, blow verb
493. facile easy adjective
494. rve dream noun
495. copain friend, boyfriend noun
496. malade ill, sick adjective
497. rue street noun
498. bas low; bottom adjective, noun
499. lettre letter noun
500. ignorer not to know, to ignore verb

Most Used French words 501-600

Rank French word English translation Part of speech
501. fte party, celebration noun
502. couper to cut, cut off verb
503. esprit mind, brain, wit, spirit, esprit noun
504. taire to be silent, stop talking verb
505. seigneur lord (e Seigneur = the Lord) noun
506. flic cop, policeman noun
507. parfois sometimes adverb
508. capitaine captain noun
509. ge age noun
510. autant so much, so many adverb
511. force force, strength noun
512. pice room; play; coin; piece noun
513. quatre four numerical adjective
514. cul bum, ass noun
515. difficile difficult, strenuous, hard adjective
516. bras arm noun
517. tromper to deceive; to make a mistake verb
518. surtout above all adverb
519. ressembler to look like, to resemble verb
520. jurer to swear verb
521. plan map, plan, layout noun
522. prison prison, jail noun
523. sale dirty adjective
524. courir to run, rush verb
525. haut high, elevated; top noun, adjective
526. tat state noun
527. remettre to put back; hand over; postpone; put back on verb
528. carte map, card; noun
529. paix peace, calmness; quiet, calm (see #461) noun
530. exactement exactly, accurately, precisely adverb
531. drle funny, peculiar adjective
532. refuser to refuse, turn down verb
533. ds from preposition
534. prsident president, chairman noun
535. cours class, course noun
536. grave serious, grave, solemn adjective
537. terminer to end, finish verb
538. ciel sky noun
539. partout everywhere adverb
540. me soul noun
541. patron boss, manager, owner noun
542. amuser to amuse, entertain verb
543. celle the one, that one (feminine singular) (see #345, 408) demonstrative pronoun
544. visage face noun
545. intresser to interest verb
546. reconnatre to recognize, acknowledge verb
547. rire to laugh, have fun, joke verb
548. mdecin doctor, physician, medical practitioner, MD (see #363) noun
549. rapport report, connection, link, relationship noun
550. pardonner to forgive, pardon, excuse verb
551. avis opinion; notice noun
552. embrasser to kiss; to embrace, encompass verb
553. retour return; noun
relative pronoun,
554. laquelle which one = (le + quelle) (feminine singular) (see #578)
interrogative pronoun
555. simple simple adjective
556. danser to dance verb
557. exister to exist verb
558. diffrent different, various, other adjective
559. souvent often adverb
560. lumire light noun
561. gnial great, brilliant adjective
562. libre free, vacant adjective
563. dollar dollar noun
564. srement surely, certainly, most probably adverb
565. pareil the same adjective
566. hpital hospital noun
this (formal contexts; refers to nouns that have no specific gender)
567. ceci demonstrative pronoun
(see #20, 203)
568. russir to be successful, succeed verb
569. bizarre odd, starnge, bizarre adjective
570. voix voice noun
571. protger to protect verb
572. honneur honor (US), honour noun
573. tt early adverb
574. quipe team, crew, party noun
575. prvenir to tell, inform, prevent verb
576. cheval horse noun
577. ailleurs elsewhere, somewhere else adverb
relative pronoun,
578. lequel which one = (le + quel) (masculine singular) (see #554)
interrogative pronoun
579. matre master, ruler, mistress, school teacher noun
580. avion plane noun
581. bout bit, tip, end noun
582. habiter to live in verb
583. faim hunger noun
584. ensuite then, next, afterwards adverb
a, an, one (replaces 'un' when 'un' is a pronoun or at the beginning
585. l'un indefinite pronoun
of a sentence) (see #14)
586. froid cold adjective
587. normal normal, usual adjective
588. dranger to disturb, upset verb
589. reprendre to recapture, take back verb
590. oncle uncle noun
591. prix price; prize noun
592. retard delay, lateness noun
593. dtruire to destroy, ruin verb
594. cadeau present, gift noun
595. pousser to push, press verb
596. face face; heads noun
597. gueule mouth noun
598. chemin path, way noun
599. vivant vibrant, living, alive adjective
600. gnral general (military) noun

Most Used French words 601-700

Rank French word English translation Part of speech
601. bateau boat, ship noun
602. million million noun
603. sac bag, sack noun
604. impossible impossible adjective
605. seconde second, moment noun
606. bte stupid, silly noun, adjective
607. dcouvrir to discover, find verb
608. erreur error, mistake noun
609. soleil sun, sunlight noun
610. voyage trip, journey noun
611. sauter to jump verb
612. rver to dream verb
613. dtester to hate, detest verb
614. clair clear, apparent adjective
615. faux wrong, false, fallacious adjective
616. paratre to come out, be published verb
617. balle ball (sports equipment) noun
618. empcher to prevent verb
619. maintenir to keep, maintain verb
620. cheveu a hair noun
621. papier paper noun
622. prsent a present; present, current noun, adjective
623. sujet subject, topic, theme noun
624. supposer to suppose, assume verb
625. tranquille quiet, calm adjective
626. neuf nine; new, unused numerical adjective, adjective
627. pouser to marry, to espouse verb
628. blanc white; blank adjective
629. table table; noun
630. toute everything, all (see #22, 256) indefinite adjective
631. dix ten, tenth numerical adjective
632. cl key; solutioin noun
633. agent officer, oficial, agent noun
634. approcher to approach verb
635. sens direction, way; meaning; sense; senses noun
636. craindre to fear, to be afraid of verb
637. six six numerical adjective
638. message message noun
639. crier to shout verb
640. salle room, hall, audience noun
641. inviter to invite verb
642. effet effect, impression noun
643. rflchir to reflect, think verb
644. espce species, kind noun
645. arranger to arrange, to organize verb
646. natre to be born verb
647. all Hello! (telephone) onomatopoeia
648. bois wood; antlers noun
649. propos subject, topic, remark, point noun
650. camp camp noun
651. sorte sort, kind noun
652. htel hotel; noun
653. dbut beginning noun
654. souffrir to be in pain, suffer verb
655. jambe leg noun
656. remercier to thank verb
657. choix choice, selection noun
658. scurit safety, security noun
659. avocat lawyer noun
660. attraper to catch verb
661. client customer, client, guest noun
662. courant current, trend noun
663. dpcher to dispatch verb
664. peuple people noun
665. dame lady, queen noun
666. vrifier to check, verify verb
667. abandonner to abandon, leave, desert verb
668. journal newspaper, diary, journal noun
669. srieux genuine, serious adjective
670. brler to burn verb
671. or gold noun
672. loi law, rule noun
673. fond bottom, back noun
674. gosse kid (colloquial, child, youngster) (see #745) noun
675. fric doug, money, cash noun
676. situation situation; job; location noun
677. euh Er onomatopoeia
678. sauf except preposition
679. accident accident noun
680. doute doubt noun
681. scne scene noun
682. soldat soldier noun
683. amoureux loving adjective
684. assurer to assure, insure verb
685. preuve proof, evidence noun
686. humain human adjective
687. mer sea, seaside noun
688. silence silence noun
689. tl TV, telly noun
er">690. victime victim, casualty noun
691. compltement completely, fully, in depth adverb
692. pute whore noun
693. garde guard; carer, nurse noun
694. meurtre murder noun
695. groupe group noun
696. crime crime noun
697. traiter to treat; to deal verb
698. doucement gently, softly adverb
699. blesser to injure, wound, hurt verb
700. colonel colonel noun

Most Used French words 701-800

Rank French word English translation Part of speech
701. parole speech, word noun
702. triste sad adjective
703. honte shame noun
704. rouge red adjective
705. dgager to free; to clear; to radiate verb
706. soire evening, party noun
707. dangereux dangerous adjective
708. arme army noun
709. filer to spin; to take off; to go off, to leave verb
710. risquer to risk verb
711. dos back, spine noun
712. appel call, appeal noun
713. visite visit noun
714. mener to take; to lead, guide, manage verb
715. fleur flower, blossom noun
716. attaquer to attack verb
717. coin corner, spot noun
718. prince prince noun
719. pire worse adjective
720. bordel brothel; bloody/gooddamn mess noun
721. professeur teacher, professor noun
722. fumer to smoke verb
723. rpter to repeat; to go over, rehearse verb
724. habitude habit, practice; noun
725. signer to sign verb
726. ficher to file, put on file verb
727. mriter to deserve, be worth; verb
728. rponse response, answer, reply noun
729. rejoindre to meet up; to join, rejoin; to go back to verb
730. discuter to question, dispute verb
731. village village noun
732. pourtant yet adverb
733. avancer to move forward, advance verb
734. connerie stupidity noun
735. reposer to rest, to have a rest verb
736. chapper to escape, get away, slip, run away verb
737. forme form, shape noun
738. bruit noise, sound; rumour noun
739. chacun each, everyone indefinite pronoun
740. diable devil noun
741. exemple example noun
742. charger to charge, load verb
743. chat cat noun
744. ennemi enemy noun
745. gamin kid, child (see #674) noun
746. rendez-vous appointment noun
747. debout standing, standing up adverb
748. obliger to oblige verb
749. trou hole, gap, deficit noun
750. accompagner to go with, accompany verb
751. fentre window; languagedaily dot com noun
752. oser to dare verb
753. impression impression noun
754. intrieur inside (inner surface), interrior noun
755. bouche mouth noun
756. ligne line, course, service noun
757. absolument absolutely adverb
758. doux soft, mild, gentle adjective
759. regretter verb
760. mur noun
761. enfer noun
762. prouver verb
763. bote noun
764. sant noun
765. t personal pronoun
766. couvrir verb
767. magnifique adjective
768. obtenir verb
769. cuisine noun
770. vue noun
771. terrible adjective
772. viter verb
773. peau noun
774. salaud noun
775. conseil noun
776. plaisanter verb
777. autour adverb
778. vin noun
779. exact adjective
780. virer verb
781. supporter verb
782. rgler verb
783. doigt noun
784. trange adjective
785. grce preposition
786. souhaiter verb
787. mission noun
788. crer verb
789. chanson noun
790. pote noun
791. surveiller verb
792. simplement adverb
793. recommencer verb
794. robe noun
795. chaud adjective
796. billet noun
797. spcial adjective
798. moyen noun
799. sympa adjective
800. vaisseau noun
Useful French Phrases and Expressions
Whether you are an aspiring Francophile (lover of French) or need to learn a few French phrases for a vacation in a
French-speaking country, this page will teach you some of the most useful French words and phrases. You may want
to memorize them all or pick just a few that seem to be most interesting and practical. Whatever your decision, taking
some time to learn these common phrases will give you more choice and confidence when communicating with
native French speakers, as well as classmates in your French class. The phrases in the table are accompanied with
pronunciation guides and English translations. While studying the phrases below, it may be a good idea to
occasionally consult your French-English dictionary and look up the definitions of individual words. You will discover
that literal English translations are quiet different from the original French phrases. Dedicating a little extra time to
word-by-word translations will help you to better memorize the phrases, achieve deeper understanding, and get some
insight into how sentences are structured in French.

French phrase Pronunciation English translation

Bonjour bohn-zhoor Hello. (literally: good day)
My name is... (literally: I call
Je m'appelle... zhuh mah-pehl
Comment vous
kohn-mahn voo zah-play voo What is your name?
Parlez lentement. par-lay lehn-ta-mohn Please speak slowly.
Je ne comprends pas. zhuh nuh kohn-prahn pah I don't understand.
Merci mehr-see Thank you.
De rien. dah ree-ehn You' re welcome
Excusez-moi. ehk-kew-zay mwah Excuse me.
Je t'aime. zhuh-tehm I love you. (informal)
Je veux tre avec toi. I want to be with you.
Comment allez-vous? kom-mohn tah-lay voo How are you? (formal or plural)
Je suis de... zhuh swee duh I am from...
Je voudrais... zhuh voo-dreh I would like...
Salut! sah-loo Hi! / Bye! (informal)
a va? sah vah How are you? (informal)
O est-ce que se trouve...? oo escuh suh troov Where is...?
Combien cote-t-il? bee en coo teel How much does it cost?
S'il vous plat. see voo play Please.
Ne t'en fais pas. nuh tawn feh pah Don't worry. (informal)
Ne vous en faites pas. nuh voo zawn fett pah Dont worry. (formal)
Non. nohn No.
D'accord dah-core OK
Je ne comprends pas. jhuhn kom-prohn pah I don't understand.
Avez-vous... ah-way voo Do you have...
Parlez-vous anglais? pahr-lay voo ahn-leh Do you speak English?
Qu'est-ce que vous avez
kehs-kuh voo ah-vay dee What did you say?
Qu sont les toilettes? oo sahn lay twah-leht Where are the bathrooms?
Ce n'est pas grave. suh neh pah grahv No problem.
Je vais bien. zhuh vay bee-ahn Im fine.
Allons-y! ah-lohn-zee Lets go!
Tu parles anglais? tew parl on-glay Do you speak English? (informal)
Je ne sais pas. zheh-nuh say pah I don't know.
Au revoir. oh-reh-vwar Goodbye.

Famous French quotations

In addition to basic words and phrases, you might want to have a couple quotes and sayings under your belt. We are
working on separate lessons with French quotations, sayings and slang expressions. In the meantime, here are some
inspirational quotes for you to enjoy.

Le genie est une longue patience.

Genius is patience.
- Buffon

C'est une grande habilet que de savoir cacher son habilit.

It takes great skill to hide the fact that you have great skill.
- Rochefoucauld

Le travail loigne de nous trois grands maux: l'ennui, le vice et le besoin.

Work delivers us from three great evils: boredom, vice and want.
- Voltaire

Les homes ne croient jamais les autres capables de ce qu'ils ne le sont pas eux-mmes.

People never believe others capable of doing that which they themselves are not capable of doing.
- De Gondi

Les grandes penses viennent du coeur.

The greatest thoughts come from the heart.

- Marquis de Vauvenargues

L'homme n'est point fait pour mditer, mais pour agir.

Man was not made to meditate, he was made to act.

- Jean-Jacques Rousseau

attendez-nous l wait for us there

avez-vous faim? are you hungry (formal)?

c'est pour vous it is for you (formal)

c'est quoi? what is it?

c'est tout? is that all?

c'est trs gentil it is very nice

cest combien? how much is it?

cest grave? is it serious?

a n'est pas grave no problem

ce nest pas comme a It is not like that

combien cela cote? how much is this?

comment as-tu pass... ? how have you spent...? (informal)

comment t'appelles-tu? what's your name (informal)?

comment vas-tu? how are you (informal)?

depuis quand? since when?

il est prt he is ready

il veut y aller he wants to go there

j'ai dj dit que I have already said that

jattends mes amis I am waiting for my friends

je ne comprends pas I don't understand

je ne sais pas I don't know

je serai I will be at

je suis arriv I have arrived (m)

je suis dsol I am sorry (m)

je suis perdu I'm lost (m)

je suis prs de I am close to

je te tiens au courant I'll let you know (informal)

je vais tre en retard I'll be late

ne t'inquite pas! don't worry (informal)!

nous parlerons plus tard we will speak later

o on se retrouve? where do we meet?

o pouvons-nous manger? where can we eat?

o sont les toilettes? where is the bathroom?

o veux-tu dner? where do you want to have dinner? (informal)

parlez-vous anglais? do you speak English? (formal)

pas du tout not at all

pas pour moi not for me

peux-tu m'aider? can you help me (informal)?

pourquoi pas? why not?

pourriez-vous rpter? can you say it again? (formal)

puis-je faire a? can I do that?

qu'est-ce qui se passe? what is happening?

quest-ce que vous recommandez? what do you recommend (formal)?

que voulez-vous faire? what do you want to do (formal)?

qui est-ce? who is it?

quoi de neuf? what's new?

tu vas y aller you are going to go there (informal)

va-t'en! go away!

viens avec moi! come with me! (informal)

1,000 terms

1000 Most Common Spanish Nouns

The 1000 most common nouns in Spanish, in order of frequency, according to Mark
Davies' 'Frequency Dictionary of Spanish'.
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time (specific occurrence)
time (general), weather
part, portion
form, shape, way
woman, wife
case, occasion
place, position
hour, time (specific)
work, job, effort
point, dot, period
way, manner
type, kind
son, [pl] children
bill, account
means, middle; pormedio: through
child, little boy
sin embargo
history, story
night, evening
way, manner
name, noun
reality, actuality
work, book, deed
reason; tener razn: to be right
relationship, relation
fact, happening
beginning, principle
sir, Mr, lord
people, village
afternoon, evening
strength, force, power
saint (m)
al frente facing; frente a: across from
sense, feeling
step, pace
(pl) thank you; grace, favor
century, age
God, divinity
earth, land, ground
paper, role, part
theme, subject, topic
kind, class, order
field, country
head (part of body)
order; sequence (m), religious (f)
courtesy title (m), Mr., gift
al final: finally, in the end
view, sight
accord; de acuerdo: in agreement
bottom, end
road, route, path
study, learning
value, worth
measure; a medida que: to the extent
center, middle, downtown
necessity, need
lack, shortage
state, condition, status
face, expression
time, age, period
sorrow; a pesar de: in spite of
game, play, sport
air, wind, appearance
war, warfare
result, outcome
law, bill, rule
aspect, appearance
foot, base
kind, sort, species
service, helpfulness
activity, action
question, matter
morning, tomorrow
quantity, amount
action, act, deed
peso (money), weight, load
object, thing
party, group, (sports) match
right, justice, law
travel, trip
ground, floor
respect, con respecto a: with regards to
freedom, liberty
effort, endeavor
rest, remainder, leftover
area, zone
process, procedure
table, board
opportunity, occasion
program, plan
Claro que s
Of course
claro que no
of course not
no hay de que
don't mention it
Con permiso
With your permission
tengo hambre
I'm hungry
tengo sed
I'm thirsty
que bien
how nice
A mi tambin
Me too
A mi tampoco
Me neither
estoy de acuerdo
I agree
No cabe duda
No doubt about it
No tengo idea
I have no idea
Puede ser
It could be
por otro lado
on the other hand
Espero que no
I hope not
tengo prisa
i'm in a hurry
No se
I don't know
no entiendo
I don't understand
Ya entiendo
I understand
Estoy bromeando
I'm just kidding
Hasta la vista
See you later
Hasta luego
See you later (alt)
Buenos das
good morning
Buenas tardes
good afternoon
Buenas noches
Good night
Mucho gusto
It's a pleasure
por favor
thank you
No gracias
No thank you
Muchas gracias
Thank you very much
Me llamo...
My name is...
de nada
you're welcome
Excuse me (while getting someone's attention)
Excuse me (beg your pardon)
Lo siento
I'm sorry
Creo que s
i think so
Creo que no
I don't think so
espero que s
I hope so


56 Useful Spanish Travel Phrases Every Traveler

Should Learn
Youve booked your ticket.

Your bags are packed.

You cant wait to begin your journey to a Spanish-speaking country.

Now theres a simple thing you can do that can have a BIG impact on your trip.

Learn some Spanish!

Your trip will be so much more fun and meaningful if you can communicate with locals.

Now, here are the bare essentials, the most common survival Spanish travel phrases that
will set you up to get your point across.
Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can
take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

56 Useful Spanish Travel Phrases Every Traveler

Should Learn

Spanish-speaking countries are very polite societies and you must always be courteous and
say hello and how are you?. And dont worry about making mistakes. They will try their
utmost to understand you and to make sure you understand them. Just try your best and they will
be so happy with your effort.

Good morning Buenos das (bway nos dee ahs)

Good afternoon Buenas tardes (bway nahs tar days)
Good evening Buenas noches (bway nahs noh chayss)
Hola (oh lah) is hi and you can say that with people you know.
Cmo est? (coh moh es tah) is how are you? if you dont know someone and Cmo
ests? (coh moh es tahs) if you do know them.
If they ask you how you are, you can say good, thank you bien, gracias (bee ayn, grah
cee ahs) because you, too, are a polite person.
Dont ever forget: Please Por favor (por fah vohr) and Thank you Gracias (grah cee
ahs). These are VERY IMPORTANT words in Spanish.
When you are introduced to someone, you say Mucho gusto (moo choh goos toh) and they
will say the same thing back to you. It means, nice to meet you.
Habla ingls? (ahblah een glays)? Do you speak English? While it is never correct
to assume that someone speaks English, you can ask if they do and they will like you so much
better for asking in Spanish.
Be sure to check out this post if you want to learn more useful Spanish greetings.
Basic vocabulary for many uses

You can go far with some very easy-to-remember words and phrases. You can always use I
want, I like, Do you have? and if you dont know the noun, you can simply point at the

I want, I dont want Yo quiero, yo no quiero (yoh kee ayr oh, yoh noh kee ayr oh)
I would like (more polite) Me gustara (may goo stah ree ah)
Where is Dnde est? (dohn des tah)
How much does it cost Cunto cuesta? (cwahn toh cways tah)?
What time is it? Qu hora es? (kay orah ess)?
Do you have? Tiene? (tee ayn ay)?
I have, I dont have Yo tengo, yo no tengo (yoh tayn goh, yoh noh tayn goh)
I understand, I dont understand Yo entiendo, yo no entiendo (yoh ayn tee ayn doh, yoh noh
ayn tee ayn doh)
Do you understand? Entiende? (ayn tee ayn day)?
Simple Verbs: Where is, I want and I need!

You can say a lot of things with very simple verbs. I want a hotel, I want a taxi, I need
pesos. Where is the train station? The bathroom? The airport? The fact of the matter is that you
can say a lot using I want, I need, I can, I may, or where is, and then you just need to
supply a noun. It may not be the sophisticated way you speak in English, but you will be

I want a ticket, a hotel, a taxi Yo quiero un boleto, un hotel, un taxi (yoh kee ayr oh oon boh
lay toh, oon oh tayl, oon tahk see)
Directions: How do I get there from here?
If you get a bit lost or unsure of how to get somewhere, you need some simple ways of finding
how to find your way. Where is is the simplest way of asking. The phrase is dnde
est? (dohn des tah) and here are some examples:
Where is the bus train station (or bus station) Dnde est la estacin de ferrocarril? (dohn
des tah la ays ta see ohn day fay roh cahr reel) or autobuses (ow toe boos ehs).
Where is a restaurant? Dnde hay un restaurante? (dohn day eye oon rays tore rahn tay)?
A train? Un tren? (oon trayn)?
The street ? La calle ? (lah cah yay)?
A bank? Un banco? (oon bahn coh)?
Where is the bathroom? Dnde est el bao? (dohn days tah el ban yoh)?
Im looking for a hotel Busco un hotel (yoh kee ayr oh oon oh tel)
I need Yo necesito (yoh nay say see toh). Very useful, and you can supply the noun.
Yo necesito un hotel / un cuarto / un cuarto con bao (yoh nay say see toh oon oh tayl, oon
cwar toh, oon cwar toh cohn ban yoh)
Where is the exchange? ; Where is a bank? Dnde hay una casa de cambio? (dohn
days tah oon ah cah sah day cahm bee oh) ;
Dnde est el banco? (dohn days tah ayl bahn coh)?
Money Dinero (dee nayr oh).
Understanding their directions

Once you have asked a question, someone will answer you in Spanish. Here are some simple
directions that someone may give you, to turn right, to turn left, or to go straight ahead. Listen
for these key words:

Right A la derecha ( a lah day ray chah)

Left A la izquierda (ah lah eez kee ayr dah)
Straight ahead Derecho (Day ray choh)
At the corner En la esquina (a lah ays kee nah)
In one, two, three, four blocks A una cuadra, a dos, tres, cuatro cuadras (a oona dohss,
trayss, cwah troh cwah drahs)
At a restaurant What do you want to eat or drink?
Probably the most useful phrases you will need are in a restaurant. Ask for anything by using
quiero (kee ayr oh) or quisiera (kee see ayr oh) I want or I would like. And remember
to say por favor and gracias!

A table Una mesa (oona may sah)

A table for two, three, four Una mesa para dos tres, cuatro (oona may sah pah rah dohss,
trays, kwah troh)
A menu Un men (oon may noo)
Soup Sopa (soh pah)
Salad Ensalada (ayn sah lah dah)
Hamburger (Another necessity!) Hamburguesa (ahm boor gay sah)
With ketchup, mustard, tomato, lettuce Con salsa de tomate, mostaza, tomate, lechuga
( cohn sahl sah day toh mah tay, mohs tah sah, toh mah tay, lay choo gah)
An appetizer Una entrada (oona ayn trah dah)
Dessert Un postre (oon pohs tray)
A drink Una bebida (oona bay bee dah)
Water Agua (ah gwah)
Red wine, white whine Vino tinto (vee noh teen toh), vino blanco (vee noh blahn coh)
Beer Cerveza (sayr vay sah)
Coffee Un caf (oon cah fay)
Calling a waiter or waitress Seor! or Seorita! (say nyor, say nyor eetah)
The check La cuenta (lah cwayn tah)
Miscellaneous Information
Credit cards. Many places in smaller towns still do not take credit cards so make sure you have
enough cash with you. You can ask if you can use a credit card una tarjeta de
credito (oonah tar hey tah day cray dee toh).
If you have questions, you can always use a noun with a question. For example, you can pull out
your credit card and say: Tarjeta de credito?They will understand.
An all-purpose word: No funciona (noh foonk see oh nah) It doesnt work! You can use this
for a million circumstances! Just point at the shower or whatever and say No funciona!
Por supuesto!
Of course!
To good health!
Tenga Cuidado!
Be careful!
Llame al mdico!
Call a doctor!
Shut up!
Feliz cumpleaos!
Happy birthday!
Buen viaje!
Travel well!
Venga para ac!
Come over here!
qu lstima!
what a shame!
Buena suerte!
Good luck!
Stop!/That's enough!
puedes ayudarme?
can you help me? (informal)
Puedes repetrmelo?
Can you repeat that? (informal)
Puedes hablar ms despacio?
Can you speak more slowly? (informal)
Qu hora es?
What time is it?
Qu tiempo hace?
How's the weather?
qu es esto?
what's this?
Como se dice...?
How do you say...?
De donde eres?
Where are you from? (informal)
Dnde vives?
Where do you live? (informal)
Are you ready?
Cul es tu nmero de telfono?
What is your phone number? (informal)
Bien y t?
Good, and you? (informal)
Qu pas?
What's up? (p) or whats been happening?
Qu tal?
How's it going? (t)
qu pasa?
what's happening? (p)
Qu te pasa?
What's happening? (informal) (p) or whats been happening with you?
Cmo ests?
How are you? (informal)
Cmo se va?
How's it going? (alt) (formal)
Cmo te llamas?
What's your name? (informal)
Cuanto cuesta?
How much does it cost?
Dnde est...?
Where is...
Do you understand?
Hablas ingls?
Do you speak English? (informal)
Hablas Espaol?
Do you speak Spanish? (informal)
Puedo usar el bao?
May I use the bathroom?
Dnde est el bao?
Where is the bathroom?
No se preocupe
Don't worry
te amo
I love you
Me olvid
I forgot
Est bien
It's okay
No importa
It's not important
Tengo sueo
I'm tired
Estoy cansado
I'm exhausted
Estoy aburrido
I'm bored
Con gusto
With pleasure
Que tenga un buen da
Have a nice day
Quiero ms
I want more
No lo quiero
I don't want it
Let's go
Escucha me
Listen to me
I am...years old
No hay problema
It's not a problem
Un momento, por favor
One moment, please
Solo un poquito
Just a little
Trabajo como...
I work as a...
Aqu Tiene
Here you go

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