Dragon Magazine Guide

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-- Ardent:
DM-395 - Powers, Paragon Path

-- Artificer:
DM-374 - Power
DM-377 - Feats, Paragon Path
DM-381 - Feats, Powers, Paragon Path
DM-387 - Feats
DM-390 - Power
DM-403 - Feats, Powers

-- Assassin:
DM-379 - Rules, Powers, Paragon Paths, Feats
DM-382 - Feats
DM-385 - Feats
DM-386 - Feats, Powers, Paragon Path
DM-388 - Feats, Powers, Paragon Path
DM-400 - Class Features, Feats
DM-401 - Class Features, Feats
DM-404 - Class Features, Powers
DM-423 - Poison Recipes

-- Avenger:
DM-372 - Powers
DM-377 - Feats, Paragon Path
DM-378 - Feats
DM-380 - Feats, Powers
DM-382 - Feats, Powers
DM-383 - Powers
DM-384 - Feats, Powers
DM-385 - Powers
DM-386 - Powers
DM-387 - Paragon Path

-- Bard:
DM-372 - Powers
DM-374 - Power
DM-375 - Powers
DM-376 - Paragon Paths
DM-377 - Feat
DM-383 - Powers, Feats
DM-386 - Feats
DM-387 - Feats, Powers
DM-390 - Power
DM-396 - Feats, Powers

-- Barbarian:
DM-377 - Feat
DM-379 - Paragon Path
DM-380 - Feats, Powers
DM-384 - Feats, Powers
DM-386 - Feats, Powers
DM-394 - Paragon Path
DM-395 - Power

-- Battlemind:
DM-391 - Powers
-- Cleric:
DM-365 - Paragon Path
DM-369 - Paragon Path
DM-372 - Powers
DM-377 - Paragon Path
DM-378 - Feats
DM-379 - Feats, Powers
DM-380 - Feats, Powers
DM-381 - Feats, Powers
DM-383 - Powers
DM-384 - Feats, Powers
DM-385 - Feats, Powers
DM-386 - Powers
DM-392 - Powers, Warpreist Domain
DM-400 - Battle Cleric ???
DM-409 - Powers, Warpreist Domain

-- Druid:
DM-373 - Paragon Path
DM-382 - Feat, Powers
DM-383 - Feats, Powers
DM-386 - Powers
DM-389 - Powers
DM-394 - Paragon Path
DM-396 - Heirophant Options
DM-400 - Class Features, Feats
DM-412 - Feats

-- Fighter:
DM-365 - Paragon Path
DM-366 - Powers
DM-369 - Paragon Path
DM-375 - Powers
DM-377 - Feat
DM-378 - Feats, Powers, Paragon Paths
DM-379 - Feats, Powers, Paragon Paths
DM-381 - Powers
DM-382 - Feat, Powers
DM-385 - Feats, Powers, Paragon Path
DM-387 - Feats
DM-395 - Knight Option

-- Invoker:
DM-377 - Paragon Path
DM-378 - Feats
DM-380 - Feats, Powers
DM-381 - Powers, Paragon Path
DM-383 - Powers
DM-383 - Powers
DM-384 - Feats, Powers
DM-386 - Powers
DM-387 - Feats

-- Monk:
DM-389 - Powers, Paragon Path
DM-394 - Paragon Path
DM-404 - Feats, Powers
-- Paladin:
DM-369 - Paragon Path
DM-375 - Powers
DM-377 - Feats, Paragon Path
DM-378 - Feats
DM-380 - Feats, Powers
DM-381 - Feats, Powers
DM-383 - Powers
DM-384 - Feats, Powers
DM-386 - Powers
DM-388 - Feats
DM-390 - Power
DM-393 - Cavalier Mounts
DM-400 - Class Features, Feats

-- Psion:
DM-390 - Power

-- Ranger:
DM-368 - Paragon Path
DM-370 - Paragon Path
DM-375 - Powers
DM-377 - Feat, Powers
DM-381 - Powers
DM-383 - Powers
DM-384 - Feats, Powers
DM-387 - Feats, Powers
DM-392 - Companions, Powers
DM-394 - Paragon Paths
DM-400 - Feats

-- Rogue:
DM-366 - Paragon Path
DM-369 - Paragon Path
DM-375 - Powers
DM-381 - Powers, Feats
DM-386 - Feat
DM-389 - Powers

-- Runepriest:
DM-404 - Feats, Powers

-- Seeker:
DM-389 - Powers
DM-413 - Powers, Paragon Path

-- Shaman:
DM-379 - Paragon Path
DM-383 - Powers
DM-385 - Paragon Paths
DM-387 - Feats, Powers
DM-394 - Paragon Path
DM-395 - Power

-- Sorcerer:
DM-374 - Power
DM-379 - Paragon Path
DM-381 - Powers
DM-382 - Power
DM-385 - Feats, Powers, Paragon Path
DM-386 - Powers
DM-389 - Feats, Powers
DM-390 - Feats, Power

-- Swordmage:
DM-367 - Powers
DM-372 - Powers
DM-374 - Power
DM-379 - Paragon Path
DM-382 - Feats, Powers
DM-385 - Powers
DM-386 - Feats
DM-387 - Feats
DM-390 - Power
DM-405 - Powers

-- Warden:
Dm-379 - Feats, Powers, Paragon Paths
Dm-383 - Feats, Powers, Paragon Paths
DM-386 - Paragon Path
Dm-392 - Feats, Powers

-- Warlock:
DM-366 - Feats, Powers, Paragon Path
DM-369 - Paragon Path
DM-370 - Paragon Path
DM-372 - Powers
DM-373 - Paragon Path
DM-374 - Powers, Feat, Paragon Paths
DM-375 - Powers
DM-381 - Feats
DM-382 - Feats, Powers
DM-383 - Powers, Paragon Paths
DM-384 - Feats
DM-386 - Powers
DM-390 - Feats
DM-393 - Hexblade Pacts
DM-400 - Class Features, Feats
DM-403 - Powers
DM-406 - Binder Pact

-- Warlord:
DM-364 - Paragon Path
DM-369 - Paragon Path, Feats, Powers
DM-375 - Powers
DM-381 - Feats, Powers
DM-381 - Powers
DM-384 - Powers
DM-390 - Paragon Paths

-- Wizard:
DM-364 - Powers
DM-366 - Powers
DM-369 - Paragon Path
DM-372 - Powers
DM-374 - Power
DM-375 - Powers
DM-380 - Feats, Powers
DM-381 - Powers
DM-382 - Powers
DM-383 - Powers
DM-385 - Powers
DM-388 - Feats, Powers
DM-391 - Mage School

-- Vampire:
DM-400 - Class Features, Feats

DM-397 - Racial Ability Bonuses

-- Changeling:
DM-386 - Feat

-- Bladeling:
DM-419 - Rules, Feats, Powers

-- Deva:
DM-374 - Feats
DM-385 - Epic Destinys
DM-393 - Paragon Paths

-- Dragonborn:
DM-365 - Feats
DM-378 - Feat
DM-385 - Paragon Paths
DM-388 - Racial Features, Feats, Paragon Path
DM-408 - Powers
DM-421 - Racial Features, Feats

-- Drow:
DM-367 - Feats, Paragon Path
DM-382 - Feats
DM-405 - Powers

-- Dwarf:
DM-383 - Feats, Paragon Path
DM-385 - Feat
DM-391 - Feats
DM-402 - Powers

-- Eladrin:
DM-366 - Feats, Paragon Path
DM-384 - Feats, Paragon Path
DM-390 - Feats
DM-394 - Paragon Path
DM-405 - Powers

-- Elf:
DM-382 - Feats, Paragon Path
DM-385 - Feats, Paragon Path
DM-394 - Paragon Path
DM-405 - Powers

-- Genasi:
DM-367 - Feats
DM-380 - Souls, Feats, Paragon Paths
DM-391 - Feats, Paragon Path
DM-396 - Souls, Feats, Paragon Path

-- Githerazi:
DM-378 - Feats, Paragon Path

-- Goliath:
DM-386 - Feats, Paragon Path

-- Gnoll:
DM-367 - Rules, Feats

-- Gnome:
DM-384 - Feats, Paragon Path

-- Hengeyokai:
DM-404 - Rules

-- Half-Elf:
DM-385 - Feats, Paragon Path
DM-401 - Feat
DM-402 - Powers

-- Halfling:
Dm-381 - Feats
Dm-384 - Feat
Dm-392 - Feats
DM-402 - Powers

-- Half-Orc:
DM-386 - Feats, Paragon Paths
DM-408 - Powers
DM-428 - Feats, Powers

-- Hobgoblin:
DM-419 - Rules, Feats, Powers

-- Human:
DM-377 - Feat
DM-383 - Feats
DM-386 - Feats
DM-393 - Feats
DM-402 - Powers
DM-411 - Epic Destiny

-- Kalashtar
DM-385 - Feats

-- Kenku:
DM-411 - Rules, Feats, Powers

-- Minotaur:
DM-369 - Feats, Paragon Paths
DM-385 - Feats, Paragon Path
DM-389 - Paragon Path

-- Mul:
DM-391 - Feats
- Revenant:
DM-376 - Rules, Feats, Paragon Paths, Epic Destiny
DM-387 - Feats

-- Shadar-Kai:
DM-372 - Rules, Feats, Paragon Paths, Epic Destiny
DM-391 - Feats

-- Shardmind:
DM-387 - Feats, Paragon Paths

-- Shifter:
DM-387 - Feats

-- Thri-Kreen:
DM-411 - Feats, Powers

-- Tiefling:
DM-381 - Feats
DM-383 - Feats, Paragon Path
DM-387 - Feats, Paragon Path
DM-408 - Powers

-- Tinker Gnome:
DM-422 - Rules, Feats, Powers

-- Warforged:
DM-385 - Feats

-- Wilden:
DM-388 - Feats, Paragon Path
DM-393 - Feats


-- Paragon Paths:
DM-368 - Martial Class
DM-370 - Defender Role
DM-371 - Defender Role, Any
DM-372 - Divine or Martial
DM-374 - Any Arcane, Any with Familiar
DM-378 - Any Divine
DM-380 - Any Divine, Varies
DM-382 - Any Primal, Any Multiclass
DM-384 - Any Good, Any Divine
DM-385 - Any Divine
DM-386 - Any Trained in Bluff, Any Divine
DM-387 - Any Good
DM-388 - Any Arcane
DM-390 - Escaped Slave, Any
DM-398 - Any Neutral or Good
DM-401 - Any Neutral or Good
DM-406 - Heavy Armour Prof, Endurance or Insight, Fey Origin or Fey Pact
DM-415 - Any Evil
DM-427 - Any Arcane or Divine or Shadow

DM-368 - Gladiator, Weapons MC
DM-370 - Regional
DM-371 - Undead, Necrotic, Vampiric Heritage
DM-373 - Misc, Guild, Weapons MC, Fighting Styles
DM-374 - White Lotus, Familiars, Deva Heritage
DM-375 - Spellscared Power
DM-377 - Familiars, Vengeance
DM-378 - Bahamut MC
DM-379 - Regional
DM-380 - Vistani Heritage
DM-381 - Power Feats
DM-382 - Familiars, Controllers
DM-384 - Nature
DM-385 - Spellscar, Knowledge
DM-386 - Bluff, Moon Bow
DM-387 - Learning, Shade MC, Defender
DM-388 - Psionic, Luck
DM-389 - Psionic, Corrupted Skills
DM-390 - Familiars, Lore
DM-391 - Staff Feats
DM-393 - Mounted Combat
DM-396 - Last Legion
DM-397 - Familiars
DM-398 - Feats
DM-402 - Implement Expertise
DM-405 - Rituals
DM-420 - Ghost
DM-425 - Alternate Attacks
DM-427 - Scythe and Sickle

-- Channel Divinity
DM-365 - Tymora
DM-372 - Bane
DM-374 - Erathis
DM-378 - Bahamut
DM-380 - Raven Queen
DM-381 - Raven Queen, Amoth, Melora, Torm
DM-382 - The Traveler
DM-383 - Bane, Erathis, Kord
DM-384 - Mielikki, Avandra
DM-385 - Moradin, Ioun
DM-386 - Corellon, Sehanine
DM-387 - Pelor, Erathis
DM-388 - Tymora
DM-390 - Dead Gods
DM-392 - Kord
DM-394 - Corellon
DM-395 - Vecna
DM-395 - Kord
DM-397 - Ioun
DM-398 - Ignorant Gods, Avandra
DM-401 - Melora
DM-412 - Chauntea and Silvanus
DM-415 - Zehir
DM-427 - Nerull
DM-428 - Amon the Wolf

Skill Powers:
DM-385 - Knowledge Skills
DM-388 - Corrupted Skills
DM-392 - Athletics, Endurance

--Epic Destinies:

-- Rituals etc:
DM-366 - Rituals
DM-367 - Poisons
DM-373 - Alchemy Recipes
DM-375 - Ritual
DM-376 - Alchemy Recipes
DM-379 - Martial Practices
DM-380 - Rituals, Martial Practices
DM-381 - Martial Practices
DM-382 - Ritual
DM-385 - Rituals
DM-395 - Strongholds
DM-397 - Racial Stats, Ritual
DM-397 - Henchmen
DM-398 - Ritual Index
DM-405 - Rituals
DM-412 - Ships
DM-417 - Ritual
DM-425 - Alternate Attacks
DM-430 - Rituals

-- Themes:
DM-399 - Nature and Lore, Tome and Temple, Virtue, Heroes for Hire
DM-400 - Born of Shadow, Iron Wolf
DM-401 - Fatedancer
DM-402 - Neverwinter Redeemers
DM-404 - Fringes of Kura-tur, Samurai, Yakuza
DM-405 - Born from Feywild, Heroes of Moonshaes
DM-406 - Black Hearted Knave, Infernal Prince
DM-407 - Heroes of Cormyr, Sentiel Marshal
DM-408 - Reborn of Chaos
DM-409 - Citizens of Splendor
DM-410 - Howl at the Moon
DM-412 - Mariner
DM-413 - Against the Matriarchs, Scourges of Lolth, Fringes of Drow Society
DM-414 - Sensates, Ciphers and Xaositects
DM-416 - Twisted by Darkness
DM-420 - Driven by Ambition
DM-426 - Inquisitive, Urban Intrigue
DM-430 - Ghost of the Past, River Rat

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