Manpower Planning (MP) Meaning, Steps and Techniques Manpower Planning
Manpower Planning (MP) Meaning, Steps and Techniques Manpower Planning
Manpower Planning (MP) Meaning, Steps and Techniques Manpower Planning
Manpower Planning /personnel-management/manpower-planning-mp-meaning-steps-and-techniques-
By 4/11/2015
Read this article to learn about Manpower Planning (MP): 1. Meaning of Manpower Planning 2. Steps in
Manpower Planning Process 3. Techniques.
Analysing, reviewing and attempting to predict the numbers, by kind, of the manpower needed by the organisation to
achieve its objectives;
Attempting to predict what action is and will be necessary to ensure that the manpower needed is available when
required; and finally
So that worker skills are utilised to the best possible advantage of the organisation and genuine needs and desires
of the individual employees are taken into account.
The manpower plan represents a response of the personnel function to ensure that the necessary supply of people
is forthcoming to allow the targets to be met.
The first step in the manpower planning process involves forecasting staffing needs and determining the actions
needed to fulfill those needs. The most important step in forecasting staffing needs is a review of the organisations
objectives and strategies.
This includes reviews at both the corporate enterprise level and the business unit level. If the organisation is
pursuing growth objectives then there may be a need to expand the size of the firms human resources.
Once staffing needs have been forecast, managers are in a position to forecast the internal supply of human
resources. A forecast of internal supply is derived from examining the kinds of human resources internal to the
organisation, the demographics of those resources (especially years until retirement), and the stability of the people
presently employed.
This process may include a job analysis, which is a systematic study of what is done, when, where, how, why, and
by whom in current and predicted jobs. The job analysis can be used to write job descriptions and job specifications.
A job description is a written statement of job duties and responsibilities. A job description frequently includes working
conditions, and the tools, materials, and equipment used to perform the job. A job specification is a list of the skills,
abilities, education, experience, and other qualifications needed for the job.
The job analysis may include a human resource audit. A human resource audit is a listing of the strengths and
weaknesses of current personnel. For example, such an audit may uncover weakness in the information technology
skills of current employees at a time when the organisation is entering a computer system intense business.
Once managers have forecast internal supply, they are in a position to forecast external supply. As with forecasting
internal supply, this includes a review of skills, abilities, education, experience, and other qualifications needed for
the job. Especially if the organisation has always hired locally, this forecast may have implications for training to fill
From the forecasts and the comparisons of supplies and needs, the organisation is in a position to correct the
imbalances. If there is a surplus in the organisation, management needs to decide the value of the human resources
to the enterprise and if it will carry a surplus until normal turnover and retirements correct the situation.
If there is a huge imbalance and if management cannot tolerate the costs of carrying the surplus personnel then it
might resort to involuntary pay cuts, part-time work, early retirements, and terminations. Alternatively, if there is a
shortage of human resources in certain areas, cross training and hiring seem to be the only alternatives.
2. An estimation of the proportion of currently employed manpower resources which are likely to be within the firm by
the forecast date.
3. An assessment or forecast of labour requirements if the organisations overall objectives are to be achieved by
the forecast date.
4. Adoption of required measures to ensure that the necessary resources are available as and when required, that
is, the manpower plan.
While stages 1 and 2 are linked with the supply aspect of manpower, stage 3 represents the demand aspect of
Analysing training and development needs is the final part of a manpower planning effort.
These are the problems which a personnel manager has to face and solve. saroj
Manpower planning consists of forecasting the organisations future needs for employees, and then planning
programmes to meet unfilled needs so that the organisation will have the right number and kind of employees when
they are needed. Fig.4.2 shows the process.
Effective manpower planning starts with a forecast. The human resource forecast estimates the number and types
of employees the organisation will need over the next one to two years. The forecast also predicts the supply of
employees to fill these needs. In predicting supply, the human resource manager considers internal sources, or
employees who could be promoted or shifted into the vacant positions, as well as external sources: people currently
in school, working for another company, or actively seeking employment.
Techniques of Manpower Planning:
We have already noted that manpower planning involves forecasting manpower needs, assessing manpower supply
and reconciling supply and demand through various personnel-related programmes. The manpower planning
process is affected by the organisations strategic management decisions and environmental uncertainties.
These two factors, in turn, determine the length of the planning horizons, the type and quality of information
available to manpower planners and the nature of jobs to be filled. Manpower demand forecasts and assessments of
supply must be continuously monitored so that adjustments can be made in the programmes designed to reconcile
the supply and demand of manpower resources. See Fig.4.2.
Manpower demand refers the total human resource needs of an organisation for a given time period. The precise
nature of an organisations demand for manpower depends on various factors. Once the factors affecting the
demand for manpower are identified, methods for forecasting can be designed and implemented.
External factors include competition (foreign and domestic), the economic climate (such as the stock market crash of
1992), laws and regulations and changes in technology. Internal factors include budget constraints, production
levels, new products and services and organisational structure.
2. Short-term Forecasting:
Short-range forecasts usually grow out of normal budgetary processes. Manpower budgets and projections are
generally based on estimates of work-loads (production schedules, passenger loads, expansions or contractions in
Conversion ratios that translate workload data into manpower demand estimates may be used for a short-range
demand forecast. For example, as sales increase by a certain percentage, a manufacturing concern may determine
by how much the number of employees in certain departments or divisions must also increase.
The use of conversion ratios provides only a rough approximation of the number of employees required and may
indicate very little about the types of manpower needed. It is important for an organisation to carefully define not only
the number of workers needed by the entire organisation, but also the type required at various levels, departments
and locations. Job analysis information is hopeful in this respect, because it defines the educational, experience and
skill requirements of future employees.
3. Long-term Forecasting:
This is done with mathematical and statistical models. Unlike forecasting short-term needs, which generally involves
necessary adjustments, to assure that specific vacancies are filled, long-term forecasts are more general in nature.
Mathematical models used in manpower forecasting are based on selected key variables that affect the
organisations overall manpower needs. Some models contain both internal and external variables. For example, a
model incorporating the following factors might be used to forecast overall employment in an organisation:
where En is the estimated level of manpower demand in n planning periods (e.g., years);
Lagg is the overall aggregate level of current business activity in rupees and, G is the total
growth in business activity anticipated through period n in todays rupees.
X is the average productivity improvement anticipated from today through planning period n (e.g., if X = 1.80 it
means an average productivity improvement of 8%).-
Y is an conversion figure relating todays overall activity to manpower required (total level of todays business
activity) divided by the current number of personnel). It reflects the level of business activity per person.
The major purpose of this model is to predict E n, the level of manpower necessary in n periods. Before putting the
number into the model, estimates of G, X and Y must be made. Such estimates may be based on the previous
experiences of management, as well as on future strategic choices to which the organisations decision-makers are
The application of a personnel (employment) forecasting model depends heavily on obtaining accurate estimates of
total growth (G), average productivity improvement (X) and conversion ratios (Y) (e.g., one employee per Rs 50,000
in sales).
Suppose we wish to estimate the number of salespersons necessary in 2000. We may use the relationship between
sales and the number of salespersons we have today as a starting point. Lets assume that we currently have Rs
1,000,000 in sales today (Lagg).
We also assume that by 2000 our sales will increase by Rs 500,000 in todays rupees (G, rupees adjusted for
inflation), that there will be no increase in productivity (X = 1.0), and each of todays employees can support Rs
50,000 worth of sales (X). If we substitute these values into the formula we obtain
4. Linear Regression:
Another quantitative approach, viz., linear regression analysis, may also be used to estimate
the manpower necessary at a future point in time, based upon such factors as sales, output
or services rendered. For example, if a college is expanding, it
is likely that more teachers will be needed.
Y = + X
If we wish to estimate the number of faculty needed in 2000, we may substitute the expected 1998 enrollment into
the equation.
Another approach to determining the number of faculty members required in 2000 involves using a graph to locate
the estimated number of students in 2000 on the X-axis, plot a vertical line up to the regression line and then plot a
horizontal line over to the Y-axis, reading the necessary number of faculty from the Y-axis (see dotted line in Fig.
If the graph is precise, one will read the same value for the necessary faculty as one would get using the above
equation. The entire process depends upon the accuracy of ones estimation of student enrollment in 2000. If the
estimate of likely student enrollment in 2000 is inaccurate, then the prediction based upon it is less likely to be
The quantitative approaches presented here (conversion ratios, aggregate planning model and linear regression)
represent only-three methods from among many that are available. When using linear regression it is very important
that the equation accurately summarises the past relationship between the two variables.
Some organisations use group estimation to obtain long-term forecasts. The complexity of organisations and the
environments in which they must exist makes forecasting input from numerous individuals each of whom is an
expert in his or her specialisation especially useful.
Although the group estimation models used may vary somewhat, most of them involve the following steps:
1. Selecting a variety of specialists or experts throughout the organisation who possess knowledge or expertise
relevant to the manpower forecast.
2. Identifying key forecasting concerns, variables, problems and developments through scrutiny of the organisations
strategic position.
3. Developing a list of specific manpower forecasting questions or issues that must be addressed by the group.
4. Designing a system such as a questionnaire that will enable each specialist or expert to have input into the
forecasting process.
5. Once input is received and placed in an organised form, the group leader attempts to gain a general agreement
on the manpower.
5. Forecasting Manpower Supply:
Manpower planners must consider both the external supply (employees available for hire in the organisations
geographic workforce) and the internal supply (the organisations current employees) of human resources.
It is important for personnel planners to anticipate and pinpoint changes in personnel supply. Various methods are
available for doing this. A relatively straightforward method is presented in Fig. 4.3.
Although manpower planning is concerned with having an adequate number of employees to fill positions within the
organisation, it is equally concerned with providing the right type of person for the job. A major function of manpower
planning is to examine the skills and capabilities of current employees in light of the organisations short- and long-
term needs.
Inventories form the basis of promotion, transfer, layoff and training and development decisions. In essence, skills
inventories provide an information base for monitoring an employees potential contribution to the organisation,
making informed personnel-related decisions, and, in general, assessing the organisations manpower supply.
Manpower information systems provide a means of collecting, summarising and analysing data to find out the
manpower requirement. Information requirements associated with the personnel function are numerous. For
example, assessing personnel supply involves keeping track of employees throughout the organisation.
Once an organisations manpower needs (demand) are determined and the current supply of employees is
assessed, then manpower supply and demand must be balanced in order that vacancies can be filled by the right
employee at the proper time. Balancing supply and demand is largely a matter of planning, timing and use of various
personnel-related programmes to achieve the desired results.
The many activities included in the personnel management function start with manpower planning which refers to
the process of forecasting personnel needs and developing the necessary strategies for meeting those needs.
1. Managers can anticipate personnel shortages or vacancies and act to create or fill jobs before problems arise.
2. Managers can anticipate the types of training and development the personnel will need.
3. Managers can identify the particular skills and abilities of the present employees to help develop effective career
paths for them.
4. Managers can evaluate the effect of human resource decisions and make any necessary changes.
5. Inventories of employee skills are often maintained in computerised files. They include information about each
employees educational and training background, experience, and special skills (e.g., foreign language proficiency).
With the use of skill inventories, personnel managers can readily identify what skills are available in the internal
labour market and what skills must be imported from the external labour market.
6. Staffing changes -due to retirements, sick leaves and occasional personal emergencies must also be anticipated.
This involves little more than keeping track of the ages of employees and being careful to take account of absent
employees and positions vacated by promotions and transfers.
However, when staffing changes are due to changes in programmes or departments, manpower planning becomes
more complicated. Budgetary considerations come into play. Employees associated with obsolete programmes
generally will not be kept on unless they can be retrained or their skills utilised elsewhere.
More and more organisations are instituting manpower planning systems. Short- term planning (one to two years) to
guide immediate recruiting needs is most common, but mid- and long-range planning (up to ten years) can also be
helpful, especially for managerial jobs. When we foresee a need for many more middle managers in seven years
time, we had better begin right away to locate and develop individuals with management potential.