Last Lesson: How Did Franz Feelings About M Hamel and School Change ?
Last Lesson: How Did Franz Feelings About M Hamel and School Change ?
The message conveyed by Muhammad about the order from Berlin was a thunderclap
for little France she immediately felt sorry for not being sincere in the school and for not
learning the French language and other lessons properly. His books, which seemed
nuisance and a burden earlier but now friends old friends.
2. What reasons did M hamel give for their lack of interest in learning French ?
A ) due to parents wanted their children to work in farm on mill to earn
B) due to students who were reluctant to learn and often put off the lesson for the next
C) and you to himself as he asked them to work the flower and gave them off when he
had to go for fishing.
3. What doesn't M hamel want people to forget French?/ What did M hamel say about
the French language ?
M hamel wanted them not to forget French as it is the most beautiful clear and logical
language in the world and as long as they hold fast to their language it would be as if
they had the key to the prison.
Language is important aspect of culture of any Nation, native language Unites the
people of a particular area, when the people are enslaved but they are attached to the
native language their identity would be kept in tact their language is a key to their prison
as their language keeps them United against the Invaders and urges them to fight
against the enslavement.
4. Friends thinks, " will they make them sing in German even the pigeons what could
this mean ?"
Alphonse daudet it's the last lesson very prominent leaders is the question of linguistic
and culture chauvinism of the colonial and imperial parts and their lust for controlling the
world and influencing the culture and identities. Russians acquired districts of alice's
and Lauren in franco-prussian war, but they were not satisfied with the Umair political
domination the desired to INR force their own language on the people of the defeated
Nation. the release the order that from now German would be taught in theb schools
rather than French France wondered whether they would make even pigeon Singh in
German it means that they had grown up using French as a language and not matching
away the language from them would be unfair and unkind. Language was known as
Natural as to them as going is to pigeon comparison to speak another language like
dominating the force of nature & enslaving it. As it is next to impossible to alter the way
pigeons things in the same way it is difficult for the people to accept language which is
possible imposed on them adopting a new language cause pain and discomfort
The frenchman were highly patriotic and took a pride in their language a strong feeling
of Revolt was in the air against the Germans. it shows that France did not accept the
role and thought that they can't tame pigeons.
1. How did M hamel react when France Payal to reside rule for the participle ?
2. What does M hamel tell about the significance and safeguarding of French language
how does he conclude his last lesson ?
3. What impression do you form of m hamel on the basis of your study of the story The
Last lesson ?
Ans. Experienced teacher who has been teaching in school for 40 years.
Impart education in all subjects.
Hardtask master and students like Franz who were not good learners, are in great
dread of being scolded by him.
The latest order of prussian rulers upsets him. He has to leave the place forever.
feels heart broken/ sad but he has self control. He has courage to hear every to the
His performance during the last lesson is exemplary. He is kind even with studebts who
are too late like Franz. He uses gentle tone by addressing the students.
He has a logical mind because he can analyse the problem and gives the reasons
responsible for it. He says the problem of Alsace is that it puts off learning to tomorrow.
He knows the emotional hold of a language over it uses. He is a good communicator
and explains everything patiently. Things are painful and being human, m hamel is no
exception. HE feels to say goodbye as his throat is choked. on the whole, he is a
patriotic gentleman.
Sincere French teacher ,
knowsthe subject ,
well passionate about French language ,
considers French clearest, most beautiful logical ,
feels language is Important sense of freedom
Advises to hold on to French. proud of being French,
upset by occupation of Alsace by Prussia,
attached to own school and people,
hardtask master,
particular about discipline and learning students were scared of him,
sensitive , honest, blames himself for selfishness, emotional by sound.
Lost spring
1. What makes the author embarrassed at having made a promise that was not
meant what makes the author embarrassed at having made a promise that was
not meant ?
Ans. On encountering with Sahib, the writer ask him to go to school, immediately at the
second thought, she realises that the advice much sound very hollow. on the other
hand, Sahib replies that there is no school in his neighborhood. And he will go if the
author makes one the writer ask half jokingly if she start a school, ''will he go?'' She
goes on asking her "is your school ready?" She feels embarrassed at having made a
promise that was not meant.
3. What could be some reasons for the migration of people from villages to cities?
Ans. 1. Promise of better life. 2. Some of them were not able to earn their life from
farming because of the unbeatable weather that destroyed their homes and livelihood
they had no jobs and no way of earning a livelihood. 3. Cities provide a Ray of hope as
there means of escaping from abject poverty and offer hope of some employment.
People feel that do they may have to live in the most abysmal conditions in the city we
will get at least some food to eat.
5. How is Mukesh's attitude to his situation different from that of his family?
Ans. 1. Mukesh want to be a Motor Mechanic and drive a car.
2. Wants to break away from the generations old family tradition of bangle making.
3. Family is not as optimistic it is but he is determined and exhibits a spark of courage
and hope and dares to dream even though it means walking miles to get to the garage.
7. What forces conspire to keep the workers in the bangle industry of Firozabad in
poverty ?
Ans. 1. Believe that having born in the caste and community of bangle makers they
cannot escape The Fate and must remain where they are. Think that it is god given
lineage and cannot be broken.
2. The belief it is the only skill they possess and that they must pass on the Legacy to
their children
3. It is not a greatest source of income but they have no alternative.
4. Into the vicious circle of middlemen who are trap their fathers and there fore fathers.
5. Afraid to form cooperative to safeguard themselves because they feel...
8. Mention the hazards of working in a glass bangle industry / describe the difficulties
the bangle makers of Firozabad have to face in their life.
Ans .1. Employees local families and their families of spend generations walking around
furnaces welding glass and making bangles of different colours
2. Work around the higher temperature furnaces which is injurious to children's growing
3. Dark dingy cells without light and a version the working conditions of the children
4. Slog their daylight hours and often lose the brightness of their eyes
5. Live their life in utter miseries and poverty
6. Hardly get a Belly full of meal in their lifetime
7 underfed and also prone to ailments
Dingy cells and stinking smell of garbage to their bodies.