3 15 Windows Servers v2.1
3 15 Windows Servers v2.1
3 15 Windows Servers v2.1
Windows Servers
Deutsche Telekom Group
Version 2.1
Date Oct 30, 2016
Status Released
Published by
Deutsche Telekom AG
Data Privacy, Legal Affairs and Compliance Board department
Group Security Policy
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn
Windows Servers
2. System hardening 5
2.1. Installation 5
2.2. Configuration 6
2.3. Network 7
3. System update 11
8. Logging 26
The security requirement is used as a basis for an approval in the PSA process, among other things. It also serves as
an implementation standard for provisions of the Group Policy on IT/NT Security in units which do not participate in
the PSA process. These requirements shall be taken into account from the very beginning, including during the plan-
ning and decision-making processes. When implementing these security requirements, the precedence of national, in-
ternational and supranational law shall be observed.
Motivation: Vulnerabilities in software of a system offer an attack window for attackers to infiltrate the system. Unin-
stalling components that are not required can therefore reduce the amount of possible attacks.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Disruption of availability
ID: 3.01-3/2.2
Note: The Windows Server Core mode is to be selected prior to the installation of Windows Server 2008 or Windows
Server 2008 R2. A subsequent change is not possible after installation. With the release of Windows Server 2012 or
higher, a change between core and full installation after installation is possible.
Alternatively, the installation of Windows Server 2012 or higher in the mode "Minimal Server Interface" is to be per-
formed. After completing the configuration, you should change to the core mode.
Motivation: Windows Server Core is an installation option in Windows Server, which significantly reduces attack sur-
face, since it installs no graphic user interface and only the most urgently required system files and services.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized modification of data
Unauthorized use of services or resources
Attacks motivated and facilitated by information disclosure or visible security weaknesses
ID: 3.15-1/2.1
Req 3 The Windows Server operating system must be installed with the minimum of components, server
roles and features required for operation.
With regard to Windows Server 2008 or higher, this refers to the functions and roles which can be managed through
the server manager. Server roles provide basic services, and features expand the server installation to include addi-
tional functions. In many cases, server roles depend on features or optionally supplement them with additional attrib-
Motivation: Every Windows Server component offers an attack surface components that are not used and therefore
not installed minimize this attack surface. This increases security because only the applications that are actually
ID: 3.15-2/2.1
2.2. Configuration
Req 4 Unused services and protocols must be deactivated.
After installation of systems and software products local or remote reachable services and protocols are may be active,
which are not necessarily needed for operation and functionality of the system. These include also services and proto-
cols which may not be used in Deutsche Telekom Group networks on account of known security vulnerabilities. Such
services and protocols must be completely disabled on the system. Additionally it is important that protocols and ser-
vice are still deactivated after system reboot.
This kind of system hardening must be done before the system is reachable from the network. Otherwise an attacker
has the possibility to attack and maybe compromise the unsecured system.
Motivation: Services and protocols that are not required for system operation increase the potential attack surface and
thus the risk of the system being compromised. This risk is further increased by the fact that a security inspection and
an appropriate optimization of the configuration for unused services and protocols will not be done.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized access or tapping of data
Unauthorized use of services or resources
Disruption of availability
Attacks motivated and facilitated by information disclosure or visible security weaknesses
ID: 3.01-1/2.2
Req 5 Unused functions of the operated software and hardware must be deactivated.
During installation of software and hardware often functions will be activated that are not necessarily needed for oper-
ation or function of the system. Functions of software are currently inherent part which could not be deleted or dein-
stalled individually. Such functions must be deactivated in the configuration of the system permanently.
Beside the functions of the software also hardware functions are active which are not necessary for a system. Func-
tions like unused interfaces must permanently deactivated. Permanent means that they must not be reactivated again
after system reboot.
Motivation: The hardware or software of a system often contains functions which are not used and so will be a risk for
system security. Such functions give an attacker the possibility to manipulate the system. It is also possible to get un-
authorized access to other areas or data of the system. An example is a debugging function in software which can be
used for troubleshooting but must not be activated during normal operation. Or a unused hardware interface that is
not secured an allows possibly unauthorized access to the system.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized access or tapping of data
Unauthorized modification of data
Disruption of availability
ID: 3.01-4/2.2
Req 6 The privileges for processes, services and applications must be reduced to the minimum required
Also the execution of applications and parts of them must also take place with privileges that are as low as possible.
Applications should not be executed with administrator or system rights. In particular, mechanisms have to be avoided
that allow processes to gain increased privileges during run-time.
Motivation: If the privileges granted to a process on a system are too broad, it could be possible to access data and
parts of other services/applications for which viewing or the use is not permitted. This would give the opportunity to
disclose or modify confidential data and to manipulate system files. Applications with rights that are too broad can be
used by a user to extend the own authorizations and thus to gain access to files and system components to which the
user would not have had access with the authorizations under normal circumstances.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access or tapping of data
Unauthorized modification of data
ID: 3.37-2/2.1
ID: 3.37-4/2.1
Req 8 The Windows server system must be configured in accordance with the Baseline Server Hardening
by Microsoft or "Security Best Practices".
The "Windows Server-based hardening policy" as "Security Best Practices" by T-Systems SISM2 is a collection of spe-
cific Windows server configuration settings that allow a simple cure of the system operated in a T-Systems data center.
These can be viewed at https://auditserver.telekom.de:8485/main.html#WINDOWS.
Motivation: The application of Baseline Server Hardening by the manufacturer as well as of "security best practices" to
reduce vulnerabilities by restrictive configuration settings.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized access or tapping of data
Unauthorized modification of data
Unauthorized use of services or resources
Disruption of availability
Unnoticeable feasible attacks
ID: 3.15-3/2.1
2.3. Network
Req 9 The administration of the operating system must be done via a network interface which is inde-
pendent from the production network.
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Administrative access to a server must not be done via an interface which provides productive services. Access must
be limited to legitimate systems. The administration of applications can also be done using this network interface.
The restriction can be done with, e.g., filter mechanisms, local access lists or a packet filter. This limitation has to be
done as restrictive as possible, i.e., limit to single IP addresses or at least small IP ranges.
Motivation: In the event of a successful attack, an attacker may gain access to confidential information or even to the
entire system. By restricting the accessibility to legitimate systems, the group of potential attackers can be reduced,
and thus also the likeliness of a successful attack. Furthermore, systems must be manageable even in the case the
customer network is down.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unnoticeable feasible attacks
Attacks motivated and facilitated by information disclosure or visible security weaknesses
ID: 3.37-5/2.1
Req 10 Administrative services and access must be bind to only those interfaces that have been set up to
The administrative services (interactive by persons or machine-to-machine, e.g., SSH, HTTPS, RDP) must be bind to
the appropriate interface(s). Hence the separation of management traffic from user traffic, this is the IP address in the
management network. If the system - or parts of it - is managed by more than one interface, the management services
have to be bind to the lowest possible number.
Depending on the respective service, the access to these services must be restricted to a few, trustworthy, necessary
target or source addresses.
Motivation: This ensures that it can be clearly foreseen under which address these management services are reach-
able. In addition, a unique address is important for implementing filters and firewall rules that restrict access to these
management services to legitimate addresses.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unnoticeable feasible attacks
Attacks motivated and facilitated by information disclosure or visible security weaknesses
ID: 3.37-6/2.1
Req 11 Network based access used for operating system administration must have integrity protection, be
encrypted and securely authenticated.
Access is only permitted by using secure protocols (e.g., SSHv2, HTTPS, SNMPv3). The administrator must ensure
that any network connection between his workstation or a management system and the operating system to be admin-
istrated is securely authenticated, encrypted and protected against tampering.
Motivation: If the administrator transmits changes to the configuration settings via unencrypted or unsecure connec-
tions, there is a risk that unauthorized parties gather system information (configuration settings, access IDs, etc.) to ex-
ploit security vulnerabilities.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Denial of executed activities
ID: 3.37-7/2.1
Motivation: Disabling services on interfaces which do not require system accessibility or by limiting the reachability
can reduce the potential attack possibilities offered to an attacker. For example, access to a system via SSH from the
Internet is not necessary. Is this service still accessible from Internet, this would increase the risk of attacks on the ser-
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized use of services or resources
Disruption of availability
Attacks motivated and facilitated by information disclosure or visible security weaknesses
ID: 3.01-2/2.2
Req 13 If services cannot be bind to the minimal required interfaces by configuration, a local (packet) filter
must regulate the accessibility of the service.
Sometimes, software cannot be bind to dedicated interfaces. A local packet filter or TCP-wrapper can ensure this.
Motivation: Packet filters offer effective protection in order to prevent misuse services from other networks.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized use of services or resources
Attacks motivated and facilitated by information disclosure or visible security weaknesses
ID: 3.37-1/2.1
Req 14 The Windows Server Firewall must be configured to filter out ports that are not required provided
there is no alternative firewall for the system.
The Windows Firewall filters TCP/IP data traffic on the basis of various TCP/IP attributes (e.g., TCP port, source and
destination address), thus preventing unwanted data traffic. The Windows Server Firewall does not need to be used if
the Windows Server is operated in an Internet Protocol (IP) subnet that is protected by a firewall anyway or if a third-
party manufacturers software firewall is used which applies the same filter rules.
Motivation: A component that is jointly used by the subnet servers can filter TCP/IP data traffic. This is possible, for ex-
ample, if multiple file and print servers of an Internet Protocol (IP) subnet are united in a network which is available for
the same workstation system services. It is also permissible for the Windows Firewall to filter TCP/UDP ports and an
additional component to filter subnets that are permitted to set up connections.
The use of filter rules effectively prevents unwanted data traffic and thus makes it more difficult for any malicious soft-
ware to spread in an uncontrolled manner.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized access or tapping of data
Unauthorized modification of data
Unauthorized use of services or resources
Disruption of availability
ID: 3.15-4/2.1
Req 15 The IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of all interfaces of a server must be configured statically.
IP addresses providing services must not be changed on external influence, even in the case of an enforced reboot.
An automatic assignment of IP addresses, e.g., using DHCPv4/v6 or IPv6 auto-configuration is permitted only in the
case when deactivated after initial allocation or secured otherwise. IPv6 router advertisements must be ignored.
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It is recommended to form the host part of the IPv6 addresses randomly. Due to the very large address space of IPv6,
this way it is very time-consuming for an attacker to use scans to discover systems.
Motivation: An attacker on the same network segment can send DHCP / RA packets to redirect network traffic to its
own server (Man-In-The-Middle) and so listen to all communications.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access or tapping of data
Disruption of availability
ID: 3.37-14/2.1
Req 16 Kernel based network functions not needed for the operation as a server must be deactivated.
If IPv6 is not required, it must be deactivated. Routing functions are not needed on a server; consequently the routing
function must be disabled. Additionally the answering routine for broadcast ICMP packages must be disabled. Usually
this and other network features should be configured correctly out-of-the-box.
Motivation: The routing functions enable misuse scenarios, meaning that an attack can route malicious packets
through the server to connected networks.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Disruption of availability
Unnoticeable feasible attacks
ID: 3.37-3/2.1
Req 17 The TCP/IP protocol must be installed and used to the exclusion of all others.
Administrators should uninstall or deactivate alternative network protocols.
Motivation: Alternative network protocols are less common and are usually not developed further. Some of them also
represent a risk, e.g., NetBIOS facilitates the search for potential vulnerabilities and can be used for attacks. Also, a
NetBIOS that is activated over TCP/IP, in particular in distributed environments, can lead to a marked reduction in re-
sponse times. TCP/IP is the standard network protocol of the Windows Server operating system. Web applications do
not require the NetBIOS enhancement of TCP/IP.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access or tapping of data
Unauthorized modification of data
Unauthorized use of services or resources
Disruption of availability
Unnoticeable feasible attacks
Attacks motivated and facilitated by information disclosure or visible security weaknesses
ID: 3.15-5/2.1
Motivation: Hardware and software components that have reached end of life or end of support represent a risk for a
system. This means that a vendor does not supply remedial updates or patches for a component should errors or vul-
nerabilities occur. This means that vulnerabilities cannot be fixed when they occur and could be exploited to com-
promise the system or to impair its availability.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized access or tapping of data
Unauthorized modification of data
Disruption of availability
ID: 3.01-5/2.2
Req 19 Emerged vulnerabilities in software and hardware of a system must be fixed or protected against
Prior to installation of a software or hardware component, users must check whether any vulnerability has been dis-
covered and published for the version they are installing. Any component that proves to have a vulnerability must not
be installed or used. Excepted from this rule are components for which the vendor has already provided a measure to
remedy the vulnerability, e.g. a patch, update or workaround. In this case, the additional measure must be implemen-
ted on the system.
Hint: For the vulnerability management, a continual process during the complete life cycle of the system is needed to
fix upcoming vulnerabilities promptly.
Motivation: Publication of vulnerabilities increases the risk of successful exploitation by an attacker. The likelihood
raises because of publication of detailed information and tools that help to exploit the vulnerability.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized access or tapping of data
Disruption of availability
Attacks motivated and facilitated by information disclosure or visible security weaknesses
ID: 3.37-8/2.1
Req 20 A Windows server operating system must be migrated before the end of the Extended Support on
an operating system in Mainstream Support.
Motivation: Windows Server operating systems contain design errors, critical errors and security gaps. Such gaps in
older Windows Server operating systems are known and can be used with the intention of planting viruses or similar
malicious software into the server or to misuse the server.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized access or tapping of data
Unauthorized modification of data
Unauthorized use of services or resources
Disruption of availability
ID: 3.15-6/2.1
Files of a system that are needed for the functionality must also be protected against manipulation. This is necessary
because systems integrity can be damaged when unauthorized changes to this kind of files is possible. An example is
the use of cryptographic methods (signatures, hashes) to validate if, e.g., firmware images, patches, drivers or kernel
modules are free of manipulations.
Write access to executable files that are executed with system priviliges must be restricted to users with system privil-
iges. Other user groups must not be able to modify these files. This is highlighted for start/stop/log rotation scripts.
For transmission of data with a need of protection network protocols that are insecure due to sufficient security meas-
ures shall not be used. Examples are: SSLv3, SSHv1, FTP, Telnet, SNMPv1 and 2c. In case of these protocols a newer
version or a more secure alternative must be used.
Motivation: If data with a need of protection is not be secured, an attacker could record or manipulate the data during
transmission over a network. An example is the recording of user names and passwords during system administration
with the telnet clear-text protocol. Storing data on a system without adequate protection may mean that unauthorized
users can copy or modify it. One example is passwords stored without proper encryption on a system.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access or tapping of data
Unauthorized modification of data
ID: 3.37-9/2.1
Req 22 If the system is not located in a room with at least protection class "high" (PC3), the BIOS must be
secured against unauthorized changes.
The Protection Classes (PC) are defined in the Annex 1, "Physical Security of Buildings", of the Group Policy on
"Physical Security". Typically, Datacenters are compliant to the requirements of PC3.
Servers operated in public or customer areas must be especially protected against unauthorized access and
changes: The BIOS settings must be protected against export and tampering. In case passwords are used, these must
be exclusive to the individual server and must not allow conclusions to be drawn about a distinguishing feature of the
The BIOS must be configured in such a way that only the designated operating system can be started with it from the
designated partition.
Motivation: Motivation: Changing BIOS settings can facilitate attacks. Since, for example, local rooms with technical in-
stallations seldom offer access protection to the servers, attackers could change the startup sequence of data storage
media when the server is started in the BIOS without the password protection described. This would make it possible
to start an alternative operating system which circumvents the security mechanisms of the implemented operating sys-
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized access or tapping of data
Unauthorized modification of data
ID: 3.37-10/2.1
Data storages are all disks and flash memory in the systems.
Motivation: Access to devices which are operated outside of data centers with protected access is relatively easy.
Physical data storage media can be easily stolen as a result.
Implementation example: On Windows Server 2008, the administrator can activate drive encryption using BitLocker
and key storage on a TPM.
ID: 3.37-11/2.1
Req 24 Sensitive information must not be contained in files, outputs or messages that are by unauthorized
users accessible.
Information with need of protection must not be accessible in files, outputs or messages of the system by unauthorized
users. This includes information relating to the operating system, used middleware or applications such as vendor,
product name, product identifier, installed software versions, installed service packs, patches, hot fixes and serial num-
bers. Examples for system messages which must be free of sensitive data are:
Comments in downloadable files
Error and system messages
Stack traces
Network protocols
Login windows and dialogs
Details of implementation and information relating, e.g., to backend software/systems, function calls, SQL instructions
or structure of database, must not be contained in error messages. Excluded from this are displays and outputs that
can be viewed and retrieved by authorized users who are logged in. In addition, an internal transfer of system internal
information for error analysis is allowed in an adequate dimension. In this case the continuative regulations or
guidelines (e.g. of data privacy) must be noticed.
Motivation: The information named above can be used by an attacker to prepare specific attacks on a system. In this
way an attacker could, for example, use the precise software version to identify vulnerabilities in the product and, in a
second step, exploit them.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access or tapping of data
Attacks motivated and facilitated by information disclosure or visible security weaknesses
ID: 3.01-8/2.2
Req 25 All partitions must be operated with the New Technology File System (NTFS).
For compatibility reasons, Windows Server offers the option to use alternative file systems. Administrators shall only
use the NTFS. Even a data partition assigned to a Windows Failover Cluster in the SAN shall only be operated with NT-
FS by the administrators. It can ReFS (Resilient File System) can be used if this reflects the semantics of NTFS.
Motivation: NTFS is the only system to offer security settings such as authorizations and monitoring settings.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
ID: 3.15-7/2.1
If an overload situation cannot be prevented, the system must act in a predictable way. In such case it must be en-
sured that the system cannot reach an undefined and thus potentially insecure state. In an extreme case this means
that a controlled system shutdown is preferable to uncontrolled failure of the security functions and thus loss of system
Note: A system cannot defend itself against attacks with high data volume also named distributed denial of service at-
tacks. To defend this kind of attacks an (external) network based solution is necessary.
Motivation: Attackers try to force an overload situation on a system with denial of service attacks. If such an attack is
successful, the availability can be compromised and integrity of system can be influenced.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Disruption of availability
ID: 3.37-12/2.1
Req 27 The TCP/IP stack must be implemented and configured in accordance with current knowledge to
prevent attacks against the system and its network connections.
Typical attacks against the TCP / IP stack must not jeopardize the stability and integrity of the system. This includes at-
tacks such as SYN attacks, hijacking of TCP connections, Ping of Death. Corresponding kernel features and paramet-
ers have to be set appropriately for the intended system use, as certainly respected for the operating system paramet-
ers. This also includes dropping of IP packets with unnecessary options or extension headers, e.g., source routing.
Normally, no IP options or extension headers are needed.
In general, the system must be robust against incorrect and unexpected data packets on the network interface. The
following typical implementation mistakes must not be done:
No validation on the lengths of transferred data
Incorrect assumptions about data formats
No validation that received data complies with the specification
Insufficient handling of protocol errors in received data
Insufficient restriction on recursion when parsing complex data formats
Motivation: Avoid potential denial of service attacks against the TCP / IP stack by exploiting vulnerabilities or forcing a
resource-intensive processing of IP packets.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Disruption of availability
ID: 3.37-15/2.1
ID: 3.37-13/2.1
Req 29 Systems must not process IP packets whose source address is not reachable via the incoming in-
The TCP / IP stack default behaviour is that IP packets can be accepted on an interface that is not the destination of
the IP packet. For that it is only necessary that a route to the sender's source address exists. In certain cases (cluster,
load balancers) which is an intentional effect, but not the default.
It is necessary to ensure there are no unneeded default routes which is typically the case for internal systems.
Motivation: In such a case the IP packet comes from an untrusted source (spoofed address) or a routing error exists in
the network. In both cases the packet has to be dropped.
Implementation example: Use of "Reverse Path Filter" (RPF) which provides this feature.
ID: 3.37-16/2.1
Req 30 The processing of ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 packets which are not required for operation must be dis-
There are different types of ICMP4 and ICMPv6 that are not used in most networks, but represent a risk. These types
must be disabled or filtered and not be answered, send or processed.
By contrast, the following ICMP types are permitted and may be used:
Echo Request [Type 8 (v4), Type 128 (v6)]
Echo Reply [Type 0 (v4), Type 129 (v6) ]
Destination Unreachable [Type 3 (v4), Type 1 (v6)]
Time Exceeded [Type 11 (v4), Type 3 (v6)]
Parameter Problem [Type 12 (v4), Type 4 (v6)]
Packet Too Big [Type 2 (only v6)]
Neighbor Solicitation [Type 135 (only v6)]
Neighbor Advertisement [Type 136 (only v6)]
It is possible that other types will be necessary. This should be checked in each individual case. The ICMPv4 types
"Timestamp Reply (14)," "Netmask Reply (18)," "Information Reply (16)" and "Redirect (5)" and ICMPv6 types "Router
Solicitation" (133), "Router Advertisement" (134) und "Redirect" (137) must not be responded to or processed under
any circumstances.
Motivation: ICMPv4 and v6 packets can be used by an attacker to request specific information which can be helpful
for planning further attacks. In addition, it may be possible to influence the availability of systems.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Disruption of availability
Attacks motivated and facilitated by information disclosure or visible security weaknesses
ID: 3.37-17/2.1
Role-based accounts (functional account) can be used, in which individual authentication features (e.g. certificates,
cryptographic keys) are neccessary.
Intended use of this is, for example, the administration account for a database or a web server, where usually several
administrators need access to this account.
So-called group accounts where authentication is done by a secret known by all involved users, e.g., a password, may
not be used.
So-named machine accounts will be used for identification and authorization from systems to each other or for applic-
ations on a system and cant be assigned to a single person. Such accounts must be assigned on a per system or per
application basis. It has to be guaranteed that this accounts cant be misused. Possibilities to protect them are:
Configuration of a password - fulfilling well-known security requirements - that is known by only
the administrators with a need-to-know.
Configuring the account that only a local use is possible and an interactive login isnt possible.
Use of a technique for authentication of the specific user account with public and private key or certificates.
Limiting the access for legitimized systems.
Motivation: Unambiguous user identification is mandatory to assign a user rights that are necessary to perform the re-
quired tasks on the system. This is the only way to adequately control access to data and services and to prevent mis-
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized use of services or resources
Denial of executed activities
ID: 3.37-18/2.1
Req 32 Accounts must be protected against unauthorized use by at least one authentication attribute.
The various user, role and machine accounts on a system must be protected from misuse. To this end, an authentica-
tion attribute is typically used, which, when combined with the user name, enables unambiguous authentication and
identification of the authorized user.
This means that authentication based on a parameter that can be spoofed is not permitted. Exceptions are attributes
that cannot be faked or spoofed by an attacker. Two of the above options can be combined (2-factor authentication) to
achieve a higher level of security.
In companies of Deutsche Telekom group where the MyCard or a comparable smartcard is available this solution
should be preferred.
Motivation: Accounts that are not protected can be used by an attacker to gain unauthorized access to a system, the
data and applications stored on it.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized access or tapping of data
Unauthorized use of services or resources
Denial of executed activities
Req 33 User accounts with extensive rights must be protected with two authentication attributes.
User accounts, for example used for administration, maintenance and troubleshooting, have extensive rights. Extens-
ive rights means that with an appropriate user account changes like writing, reading etc. to system parameter and con-
figurations are possible. Therefore a single protection (e.g. a password), as for normal user accounts with less rights, is
not suitable. To get a higher protection level it is necessary to use two independent authentication attributes. For this a
combination of an attribute that the user knows and an attribute that the user owns will be used often. This kind of au-
thentication will be named as 2-factor authentication. Examples for 2-factor authentication are:
Smartcard (e.g. MyCard) with PIN
Private key with passphrase
Token for one-time passwords
In companies of Deutsche Telekom group where the MyCard or a comparable smartcard is available this solution
should be preferred.
Motivation: User accounts with extensive rights as used for system administration have a higher risk for systems secur-
ity. An attacker can get extensive rights by compromising such an user account to get access to wide parts of the sys-
tem and stored data.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized use of services or resources
Denial of executed activities
ID: 3.01-15/2.2
Req 34 There must be no privilege escalation method which allow gaining administrator/root privileges
from an user account without a sufficiently strong, renewed authentication.
Privilege escalation methodes like su, sudo or runas include always the risk that more permissions are gained than
needed. The number of exploits in such mechanisms shows the complexity and vulnerability of this solutions which
therefore cannot be trusted.
The login into a privileged account must always be done with two authentication attributes.
Motivation: If an attacker compromises an account which has permission to a privilege escalation, it may be possible
that the attacker get access to wide parts of the system and stored data.
Implementation example: Disable insecure privilege escalation methods so that users are required to (re-)login directly
into the account with the needed permissions.
ID: 3.37-20/2.1
ID: 3.01-17/2.2
Req 36 The system must be connected to a central system for user administration.
Systems must be connected to a central system for user administration. A solution for identity management should be
Accounts and their rights will be administrated on central identity management systems (e.g. cIAM, WiW, ZAM) in
Deutsche Telekom Group. The system must provide a central interface (e.g. LDAPs for authorization, Kerberos for au-
thentication, locking information for certificates) or decentralized mechanisms (e.g. public-key authentication) for the
provisioning ot authorization data. In areas where a central identity management system is not available a central sys-
tem such as LDAP, TACACS+ or Radius server for the administration of accounts and their authentication and author-
ization must be used.
Exceptions to this requirement are accounts that are used only internal on the system involved and that are required
for one or more applications on the system to function. Also for this accounts remote access or local login must be for-
bidden to prevent a abusive use by users of the system.
Motivation: Central administration of identity of accounts and their rights means that they only have to be maintained
once instead of separately on each system. From the aspect of security, the advantage is that an user account and its
rights only known on a single central side. This information can be transmitted from a central side to systems
(provisioning), central administrated (reconciliation) and central deleted (deprovisioning). This reduces the risk of ac-
counts being forgotten during changing or deletion since they are configured on multiple systems. This could give a
user wrong system rights or continued access to a system.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized access or tapping of data
Unauthorized modification of data
Unauthorized use of services or resources
ID: 3.01-19/2.2
Req 37 Active Directory accounts must be used for technical administration of domain members.
Windows Server operating systems are usually members of an Active Directory domain that enables central adminis-
tration of user accounts. The administrator can grant a user account in the Active Directory, for example, the authority
to manage the server completely through membership in the local administrator group on the server that is to be man-
Motivation: The use of accounts of the central directory services makes it possible to map an account to an individual
and to implement security policies (e.g., smartcard login required) for these centrally managed accounts.
Implementation example: An employee who wants to manage file releases in a network of several file and print servers
on a regular basis is assigned an account in the Active Directory, which is a member of the local group of printer ad-
ministrators on all servers in the network.
ID: 3.15-8/2.1
For non-preventable (system) accounts where a login in certain cases must also be possible with a password (root, loc-
al administrator), these passwords must be selected for each machine and each account individually and with no ap-
parent formation rule.
Motivation: Local accounts are additional points of attack which can be used by attackers or unauthorized individuals.
This requires that only absolutely necessary local accounts required for operation exist in the operating system.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
ID: 3.37-22/2.1
Req 39 In operating system installations that are members of an Active Directory domain, the first local ad-
ministrator account of the operating system must be blocked.
All Windows Server operating systems come with an initial local administrator account, whose technical security ID
(SID) is identical for all Windows Server operating systems. The owner shall deactivate this in order to effectively pre-
vent any use of the account.
Note: If the operation system can no longer be deactivated by means of a domain account, the administrator would
have to interrupt server operation and start the operating system in safe mode. This local account is automatically re-
activated in this process.
Motivation: The initial local administrator account of a Windows Server represents a vulnerability since it has the same
technical security ID (SID) in all systems. It is not automatically blocked if an attacker attempts to guess the password
through recurrent login attempts.
Implementation example: The administrator can deactivate the local administrator account by means of a group
policy, for example.
ID: 3.15-9/2.1
Motivation: The predefined local guest account represents a vulnerability, since this identity can be used to obtain in-
formation from the operating system that would make it easier to launch attacks.
Implementation example: The administrator can deactivate the predefined guest account by means of a group policy,
for example.
ID: 3.15-10/2.1
Req 41 If passwords are used for authentication, precautions must be taken to minimize known risks of un-
authorized system access.
If passwords are used, the following criteria must be met:
(1) A system may only accept passwords that comply with the following complexity:
Minimum length of 8 characters.
Comprising at least three of these four categories: upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, special
When a password is assigned, the system must ensure that it meets these minimal requirements.
(2) Passwords may not be shown in clear-text and may only be stored in such a way that
only administrators can access files containing passwords and
according to the state-of-technology, it would not be possible without disproportionate expense to convert it
back from the stored value (usage of as safe recognized hash algorithms, multiple hashing, e.g. bcrypt,
"salting" of hashes to protect against rainbow table attacks).
This also reduces the risk of dictionary and brute force attacks against the content of a password file.
(3) To prevent password guessing at login, various measures, or a combination thereof can be implemented, e.g.:
Rising delay (e.g., doubling the waiting time) before next login is possible after a failed attempt ("tar pit").
Locking the account after a predetermined number of failed attempts (typically 5). For an attacker not to select-
ively terminate accounts to make them unusable, this blocking should be limited by time (typically 1h). In addi-
tion, a process for unlocking is required.
If a central system is being used for authentication, this function can be forwarded or delegated to this system.
Motivation: Passwords with the required complexity provide a high robustness against attacks while at the same time
acceptable usability. Trivial, too short or poorly stored passwords are vulnerable to brute force and dictionary attacks,
and could be determined by an attacker. Once a password has been ascertained, it can be used by an attacker for un-
authorized access to the system and the data on it.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
ID: 3.37-23/2.1
Motivation: The fact that a user can change his authentication attribute himself at any time enables him to change it
promptly if he suspects that it could have been accessed by a third party.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized use of services or resources
Denial of executed activities
ID: 3.01-24/2.2
Req 43 If a password is used as an authentication attribute, a protection against brute force and dictionary
attacks that hinder password guessing must be implemented.
Brute force and dictionary attacks aim to use automated guessing to ascertain passwords for user and machine ac-
counts. Various measures or a combination of this measures can be taken to prevent this.
In order to achieve higher security, it is often meaningful to combine two or more of the measures named here. This
must be evaluated in individual cases and implemented accordingly.
Motivation: Without any protection mechanism an attacker can possibly determine a password by executing dictionary
lists or automated creation of character combinations. With the guessed password than the misuse of the according
user account is possible.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unauthorized access to the system
Unauthorized use of services or resources
Denial of executed activities
ID: 3.01-25/2.2
Req 44 If a password is used as an authentication attribute, they must be hidden when displayed on
When a user enters a password or the password is otherwise displayed on screen, it must be made unreadable. Typic-
ally, the individual characters of the password are replaced by a character such as *. Under certain circumstances it
may be permissible for an individual character to be displayed briefly during input. Such a function is used, for ex-
ample, on Smartphones to make input easier. However, the entire password is never output to the display in plaintext.
Motivation: To prevent another person reading a password by chance or intentionally on screen during input, the pass-
word must be rendered unreadable during input or display.
ID: 3.01-26/2.2
Logging must be done considering the currently valid legal, wage and company regulations. This regulations state
among others that logging of events can be done only earmarked. Logging of events for doing a work control of em-
ployees is not allowed.
Motivation: Logging security-relevant events is a basic requirement for detecting ongoing attacks as well as attacks
that have already occurred. This is the only way in which suitable measures can be taken to maintain or restore system
security. Furthermore, the logging data is used as evidence so that legal steps can be taken against attackers.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Denial of executed activities
Unnoticeable feasible attacks
ID: 3.37-24/2.1
Req 46 Security relevant logging data must be send to an remote system directly after their creation.
Security relevant logging data must be forwarded to an external system in appropriate logging files as well as being
stored locally. Standard protocols like Syslog, SNMPv3 must be preferred. The transfer should be secured, i.e. encryp-
ted and authenticated, when data with need of protection is transmitted. To enable testing for consistency and com-
pleteness, sequence numbers are to be used and, if feasible, TCP instead of UDP.
Hint: The receiver of the data must be informed, how the data provided should be assessed.
Motivation: If logging data is only stored locally, it can be manipulated by an attacker who succeeds in compromising
the system in order to conceal his attack and any manipulation he has performed on the system. This is the reason
why the forwarding must be done immediately after the event occurred.
For this requirement the following threats are relevant:
Unnoticeable feasible attacks