Wholeness Process 3 Types Integration

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Coming to Wholeness Workshop Notes

Enlightenment is intimacy with the 10,000 things.

This process invites a direct experiencing of that.

The Merging/Integrating:
There are three primary ways that the integrating in this process can be experienced. You
can feel into it for the easiest way for you in any given moment. It is useful to be aware
of the options so that you can invite integration in the way that feels most natural.

1) I merges with Awareness/Consciousness: can be experienced as:

*The I opens/relaxes into Awareness/Consciousness
*Awareness flows into the I (consciousness loses itself as anything other than the I and
its as if it flows into that area, and is fully all of consciousness in/as that area (the I).
*Awareness attends to the I (senses it, etc.) There is a sensing of the I, and as the sensing
becomes absorbed, it is the same as what is being sensed. There is a collapsing of the
distinction between what is being sensed and the sensing. One could call this surrender.
Rumi writes poetry describing this.
*There is a noticing of how Awareness is already present in/through the I. And it is the
same awareness that is everywhere.

I Awareness/Consciousness
Awareness I
Awareness = I

2) Awareness/Consciousness Merges with the Feeling or Thought Sensation:

*Awareness can relax in/as the Sensation also.
*Awareness flows into the area of the sensation (Notice what happens when you allow
(your) entire consciousness to flow into this area of the sensation, fully filling it. So it is
like fully associating in/as THIS.)
*The sensation can open and relax as Awareness. It can melt/dissolve into Awareness.
*It may feel more like the Awareness already in the area of the sensation wakes up to
*Awareness attends to the sensation. This attending is not from any particular location, it
is just an attending. So similar to Awareness in area of sensation Waking Up.

Awareness/Consciousness Sensation
Sensation Awareness/Consciousness
Awareness = Sensation

Other Directions: The integration can feel like it is happening in unique ways. Ex:
Awareness might swirl around and flow into a sensation from the top. Or it might flow
into the middle like a vacuum is sucking it in. Other times it feels like falling in from all
sides. The more you do this, the more subtle any sense of movement becomes, and the
more all of the above become the same thing. It is increasingly stillness happening
instead of movement. There is less and less sense of subject/object. Increasingly just a
sense of Presence happening.

2013 Connirae Andreas handout for the Coming to Wholeness 2-day video training

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